
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
reduction of total coliform numbers during vermicomposting is caused by short-term direct effects of earthworms on microorganisms and depends on the dose of application of pig slurry.during vermicomposting of organic waste, the interactions between epigeic earthworms and the detrital microbial community lead to decreases in the abundance of some potentially pathogenic microorganisms. despite its importance, little is known about the mechanisms involved and the factors that affect the intensity of this effect. in the present study, we carried out three experiments to test the effect of the earthworm eisenia fetida on total coliform numbers in pig slurry. we firstly applied lo ...200919640567
comparative effects of cd and pb on biochemical response and dna damage in the earthworm eisenia fetida (annelida, oligochaeta).there are rising concerns about the hazardous effects of cadmium (cd) and lead (pb) on the environment in china. biochemical and comet assays were conducted on the earthworm eisenia fetida, a suitable bio-indicator organism for evaluating soil pollution after exposure to two heavy metals, cd and pb. protein content increased at low cd concentrations (p<0.05) and decreased at the highest concentration of 10 mg kg(-1), compared to control (p<0.05). pb showed an inhibitory effect on protein content ...200919059628
changes in bacterial numbers and microbial activity of pig slurry during gut transit of epigeic and anecic soils, organic matter decomposition and stabilization largely occur as a result of microbial activity, although when present, earthworms are important drivers of the processes through their interactions with microflora which begin during organic matter digestion by earthworms. here, we studied the effects of gut transit on the number of bacteria and the microbial activity in pig slurry, using three epigeic (eisenia fetida, eisenia andrei, eudrilus eugeniae) and one anecic (octodrilus complana ...200918639984
the secret life of the anthrax agent bacillus anthracis: bacteriophage-mediated ecological adaptations.ecological and genetic factors that govern the occurrence and persistence of anthrax reservoirs in the environment are obscure. a central tenet, based on limited and often conflicting studies, has long held that growing or vegetative forms of bacillus anthracis survive poorly outside the mammalian host and must sporulate to survive in the environment. here, we present evidence of a more dynamic lifecycle, whereby interactions with bacterial viruses, or bacteriophages, elicit phenotypic alteratio ...200919672290
novel gh10 xylanase, with a fibronectin type 3 domain, from cellulosimicrobium sp. strain hy-13, a bacterium in the gut of eisenia fetida.the gene encoding a novel modular xylanase from cellulosimicrobium sp. strain hy-13 was identified and expressed in escherichia coli, and its truncated gene product was characterized. the enzyme consisted of three distinct functional domains, an n-terminal catalytic gh10 domain, a fibronectin type 3 domain, and c-terminal carbohydrate-binding module 2.200919767466
bioconcentrations of metals (fe, cu, zn, pb) in earthworms (eisenia fetida), inoculated in municipal sewage sludge: do earthworms pose a possible risk of terrestrial food chain contamination?efforts have been made to evaluate the possible risks of metal bioaccumulation in composting earthworms during vermicomposting of hazardous wastes, e.g., sewage sludge. the sewage sludge was diluted by mixing cow dung in different proportions, and vermicomposted sludge as well as inoculated earthworms were analyzed for metal (fe, cu, zn, pb) contents. the sludge processed by worms showed a significant reduction in concentration of metals, cu (29.4-51.6%), fe (13.1-19.9%), zn (15.2-25.8%), and pb ...200918461553
microbial and nutrient stabilization of two animal manures after the transit through the gut of the earthworm eisenia fetida (savigny, 1826).here we studied how the transit through the gut of the earthworm eisenia fetida affects the microbial and nutrient stabilization of pig and cow manure, by analyzing fresh casts. earthworms reduced the pools of dissolved organic c and n in casts from both types of manure, as wells as mineral n. microbial biomass was enhanced only in casts from pig manure and did not change in casts from cow manure, and fungal populations only raised in casts from cow manure. earthworms reduced microbial activity ...200918511187
vermiremediation and nutrient recovery of non-recyclable paper waste employing eisenia fetida.with the industrial growth, changing life style and consumeristic attitude paper consumption has increased significantly in yesteryears. the authors have observed that waste paper obtained from consumable items and used paper products are disposed in open by the consumers as these are not accepted by the salvaging industry. in the present study, an attempt has been made to vermicompost non-recyclable post-consumer paper waste (pw) amended with cow dung (cd) employing eisenia fetida earthworm in ...200918573612
sewage sludge applied to agricultural soil: ecotoxicological effects on representative soil organisms.application of sewage sludge to agricultural lands is a current practice in eu. european legislation permits its use when concentrations of metals in soil do not increase above the maximum permissible limits. in order to assess the fate and the effects on representative soil organisms of sewage sludge amendments on agricultural lands, a soil microcosm (multi-species soil system-ms3) experiment was performed. the ms3 columns were filled with spiked soil at three different doses: 30, 60 and 120tha ...200919261330
degradation and ecotoxicity of the biomedical drug artemisinin in soil.the plant artemisia annua l. is cropped in many countries for production of the antimalarial drug artemisinin. artemisinin is phytotoxic and has insecticidal activity. large-scale cultivation of a. annua may cause transfer of artemisinin to soil and, hence, may affect both soil organisms and the aquatic environment if the compound is leachable. in the present study, a new method for extraction of artemisinin from soil was developed, and field concentrations and degradation kinetics of artemisini ...200919391681
lysosomal membrane response of earthworm, eisenia fetida, to arsenic contamination in soils.earthworm (eisenia fetida) were exposed to sandy soils contaminated with arsenate (0.01-0.3 micromol g(-1)) for 28 days. lysosomal membrane stability was used as a biomarker to determine the applicability of neutral-red retention times (nrrts) for arsenic (as) toxicity to earthworm in soils. total as and as speciation were analyzed to evaluate dose-response relationship between as accumulation and nrrts and to observe the role of as metabolism in earthworms on a subcellular level toxicity. signi ...200918825726
usefulness of dna barcoding in ecotoxicological investigations: resolving taxonomic uncertainties using eisenia malm 1877 as an example.standard test species may differ in their response to toxicants. accurate identification of test organisms is therefore of critical importance in correctly interpreting data generated from laboratory assays. this is not always possible when species are morphologically similar or where the taxonomy of the group has recently been revised. a case in hand concerns eisenia sp. based on recent genetic evidence two species, eisenia andrei and eisenia fetida, which were previously considered a single sp ...200918949437
genotoxic and reproductive effects of an industrially contaminated soil on the earthworm eisenia fetida.polluted soil sampled from a former coking plant in lorraine (france) was studied for its genotoxicity and reproductive effects on the eisenia fetida earthworm. genotoxicity was investigated by means of the single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assay on the coelomocytes of earthworms after 4 and 10 days of exposure to the soil. dna damage and a decline in the number of coelomocytes extruded from earthworms were observed at coking plant soil concentrations of 20 and 40% (w/w) in iso soil. these ...200919031410
effect of cation competition on cadmium uptake from solution by the earthworm eisenia fetida.metal speciation alone is insufficient to predict metal accumulation in aquatic and terrestrial organisms, because competition between cations can play an important role. in the present study, the effects of competing cations (ca2+, mg2+, and h+) on cd uptake by the earthworm eisenia fetida were quantified through short-term experiments over a large cd concentration range in aqueous exposure solutions. free cd2+ activity was a better predictor for cd accumulation in the earthworms than was total ...200919265459
effects of earthworms on metal uptake of heavy metals from polluted mine soils by different crop plants.a pot experiment was conducted in order to assess the effect of the earthworm eisenia fetida on the uptake of pb, zn, cd and cu from soils polluted by mining activities using maize (zea mays) and barley (hordeum vulgare). results from single and sequential extractions showed that the soil chemical partitioning of heavy metals was significantly changed by e. fetida, leading to a higher concentration of metals in the non-residual fractions of the soil. earthworm activities significantly increased ...200919232427
avoidance behaviour of two eco-physiologically different earthworms (eisenia fetida and aporrectodea caliginosa) in natural and artificial saline soils.we studied the avoidance behaviour of eisenia fetida and aporrectodea caliginosa in oecd artificial soil spiked with nacl and in natural saline soil (of varying ionic constitutions) collected from robertson experimental farm (robs) in western cape, south africa. for each organism, the ecotoxicological test was performed using a two-chamber test over a period of 48 h. the results showed that in the oecd soil, the avoidance ec50 (the concentration/electrical conductivity at which there is effect o ...200919211128
subcellular compartmentalization of lead in the earthworm, eisenia fetida: relationship to survival and reproduction.metals are detoxified and sequestered into subcellular compartments when accumulated by earthworms. differential centrifugation was used to quantify subcellular pb in three separate studies to measure 14-day acute toxicity (lethality), 28/56-day reproductive effects, and 90-day bioaccumulation in spiked-soil exposed earthworms, eisenia fetida. observed toxicity and total body pb was consistent with published work of others. pb showed concentration-dependent toxicity relationships (lethality and ...200919193437
bioconversion of filter mud using vermicomposting employing two exotic and one local earthworm species.three different earthworm species eisenia fetida, eudrilus eugeniae and perionyx excavatus in individual (monocultures) and combinations (polycultures) were utilized to compare the suitability of worm species for vermicomposting of filter mud as well as the quality of the end product. the filter mud blended with saw dust can be directly converted into good quality fertilizer (vermicompost). eight different reactors including three monocultures and four polycultures of e. fetida, e. eugeniae and ...200919608410
accumulation, subcellular distribution and toxicity of copper in earthworm (eisenia fetida) in the presence of application of wastes from concentrated animal feeding operations results in accumulation of copper (cu) and antimicrobials in terrestrial systems. interaction between cu and antimicrobials may change cu speciation in soil solution, and affect cu bioavailability and toxicity. in this study, earthworms were exposed to quartz sand percolated with different concentrations of cu and ciprofloxacin (cip). copper uptake by earthworms, its subcellular partition, and toxicity were studied. an increa ...200919544874
the hormetic effect of cadmium on the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the earthworm eisenia fetida.the hormetic dose-response relationships induced by environmental toxic agents are often characterized by low-dose stimulation and high-dose inhibition. confirmation of the general phenomenon of hormesis may have significant implications for ecological risk assessment, although the mechanisms that underlie hormesis remain an enigma. in this study, a model-based approach for describing a dose-response relationship incorporating the hormetic effect was applied to the detection and estimation of th ...200919501435
the hydroxyl radical generation and oxidative stress for the earthworm eisenia fetida exposed to tetrabromobisphenol a.biochemical effects of tetrabromobisphenol a (tbbpa) on the earthworm eisenia fetida, including superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione-s-transferase, reduced glutathione, oxidized glutathione, gsh/gssg ratio and malondialdehyde (mda) level, were measured to assess ecological toxicity of tbbpa. with oecd standard filter-paper contact test method, earthworms were exposed to tbbpa of a range of concentrations (0.00, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mg l(-1)). according to the electron paramagnetic ...200919499334
uptake kinetics of metals by the earthworm eisenia fetida exposed to field-contaminated is well known that earthworms can accumulate metals. however, most accumulation studies focus on cd-, cu-, pb- or zn-amended soils, additionally few studies consider accumulation kinetics. here we model the accumulation kinetics of 18 elements by eisenia fetida, exposed to 8 metal-contaminated and 2 uncontaminated soils. tissue metal concentration was determined after 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 42 days. metal elimination rate was important in determining time to reach steady-state tissue metal conc ...200919482399
identification of novel neuropeptides in the ventral nerve cord ganglia and their targets in an annelid worm, eisenia fetida.periviscerokinins (pvks) and pyrokinins (pks) are neuropeptides known in several arthropod species. sequence homology of these peptides with the molluscan small cardioactive peptides reveals that the occurrence of pvks and pks is not restricted to arthropods. our study focuses on the biochemical and immunocytochemical identification of neuropeptides with sequence homology to pvks and pks in the central and peripheral nervous system of the earthworm eisenia fetida. by means of affinity chromatogr ...200919350635
uptake, bioaccumulation, and biodegradation of hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (rdx) and its reduced metabolites (mnx and tnx) by the earthworm (eisenia fetida).uptake and accumulation kinetics of hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (rdx) and its two major n-nitroso metabolites, hexahydro-1-nitroso-3,5-dinitro-1,3,5-triazine (mnx) and hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitroso-1,3,5-triazine (tnx), in earthworms was investigated. results indicated that rdx and its n-nitroso metabolites were rapidly absorbed into earthworms (eisenia fetida), reaching the highest concentrations within a few days. accumulation of rdx was greater than its n-nitroso metabolites, as evid ...200919278715
neurochemical and electrophysiological diagnosis of reversible neurotoxicity in earthworms exposed to sublethal concentrations of cl-20.hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane (cl-20) is a relatively new energetic compound sharing some degree of structural similarity with hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (rdx), a known neurotoxic compound. previously, we demonstrated using a noninvasive electrophysiological technique that cl-20 was a more potent neurotoxicant than rdx to the earthworm eisenia fetida. in the present study, we investigated the effect of cl-20 exposure and subsequent recovery on muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mac ...201019274471
use of earthworms (eisenia fetida) to reduce phytotoxicity and promote humification of pre-composted olive oil mill wastewater.olive mill wastewaters (omww) contain a high recalcitrant organic load and an associated toxicity that make their treatment necessary before environmental application. the aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of promoting the valorization and reducing the phytotoxicity of omww through a pre-composting process together with straw-chip bulking materials followed by the application of earthworms (eisenia fetida) in the presence of oat seedlings (avena sativa l.) seedlings.201020602513
toxicity assessment of oil field produced water treated by evaporative processes to produce water to irrigation.during the productive life of an oil well, a high quantity of produced water is extracted together with the oil, and it may achieve up to 99% in the end of the well's economical life. desalination is one of mankind's earliest forms of saline water treatment, and nowadays, it is still a common process used throughout the world. a single-effect mechanical vapor compression (mvc) process was tested. this paper aims to assess the potential toxicity of produced water to be re-used in irrigation. samp ...201020706017
protein extraction from the earthworm eisenia fetida for 2-de.we identified an efficient protocol for extracting proteins from whole earthworm, eisenia fetida, for 2-de. sample preparation is a critical step in a 2-de proteome approach and is absolutely essential for obtaining good results. six protein extraction protocols based on different protein precipitation agents were tested and evaluated using 2-de. the methods generated remarkably different 2-de protein spot patterns. we conclude that trichloroacetic acid (tca)-a eliminates interfering compounds, ...201020101612
vermicomposting of source-separated human faeces for nutrient recycling.the present study examined the suitability of vermicomposting technology for processing source-separated human faeces. since the earthworm species eisenia fetida could not survive in fresh faeces, modification in the physical characteristics of faeces was necessary before earthworms could be introduced to faeces. a preliminary study with six different combinations of faeces, soil and bulking material (vermicompost) in different layers was conducted to find out the best condition for biomass grow ...201019850460
vermicompost derived from different feedstocks as a plant growth medium.this study determined feedstock effects on earthworm populations and the quality of resulting vermicomposts produced from different types of feedstocks using different vermicomposting durations. feedstock combinations (kitchen paper waste (kpw), kitchen yard waste (kyw), cattle manure yard waste (cmy)), three durations of vermicomposting (45, 68 or 90 days), and two seed germination methods (with two concentrations of vermicompost) for radish, marigold and upland cress, served as the independent ...201020153632
bioavailability of residual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons following enhanced natural attenuation of creosote-contaminated soil.the impact of residual pahs (2250 +/- 71 microg total pahs g(-1)) following enhanced natural attenuation (ena) of creosote-contaminated soil (7767 +/- 1286 microg total pahs g(-1)) was assessed using a variety of ecological assays. microtox results for aqueous soil extracts indicated that there was no significant difference in ec(50) values for uncontaminated, pre- and post-remediated soil. however, in studies conducted with eisenia fetida, pah bioaccumulation was reduced by up to 6.5-fold as a ...201019775788
microbiomic comparison of the intestine of the earthworm eisenia fetida fed ergovaline.tall fescue toxicosis and ergot alkaloids cost u.s. livestock producers approximately one billion dollars in annual livestock production loss annually. ergovaline (ev) is the tall fescue alkaloid primarily responsible for clinical disease in livestock. since native ruminal microorganisms have not been attributed to the detoxification of ev, finding detoxifying microbes from other environments is desirable. one possible source for potential microorganisms that can degrade ev is the anaerobic gut ...201019924482
role of eisenia fetida in rapid recycling of nutrients from bio sludge of beverage industry.beverage industry bio sludge proved to be toxic when given alone to earthworms even after stabilization for 15 days, therefore, it was mixed in various proportions with cattle dung. best suitable mixture for highest survival, maximum growth and highest population buildup of eisenia fetida was determined by observing mortality, growth rate, rate of cocoon production, population buildup and time taken for decomposition of waste. minimum mortality and maximum population buildup were observed in 50: ...201019945748
bioaccumulation of heavy metals in the earthworm eisenia fetida in relation to bioavailable metal concentrations in pig manure.the study investigated the bioaccumulation of cu, zn, pb and cd in eisenia fetida fed on pig manure in greenhouse, and its relationship to bioavailability of these elements in pig manure. metals in exchangeable, carbonates-bound and fe-mn oxides-bound fractions obtained by sequential extraction were considered to be bioavailable. the bioaccumulation factors (bafs) of e. fetida to heavy metals were cd (2.749+/-0.441), zn (0.594+/-0.200), pb (0.274+/-0.101) and cu (0.076+/-0.030). variations in th ...201020080399
pathogen reduction in septic tank sludge through vermicomposting using eisenia fetida.this study evaluated the potential of earthworms (eisenia fetida) to remove pathogens from the sludge from septic tanks. three earthworm population densities, equivalent to 1, 2, and 2.5kgm(-2), were tested for pathogen removal from sludge. the experimental phase lasted 60days, starting from the initial earthworm inoculation. after 60days, it was found that earthworms reduced concentrations of fecal coliforms, salmonella spp., and helminth ova to permissible levels (<1000mpn/g, <3mpn/g, and <1vi ...201020093021
prevalence of bacillus anthracis-like organisms and bacteriophages in the intestinal tract of the earthworm eisenia fetida.stable infection of bacillus anthracis laboratory strains with environmental bacteriophages confers survival phenotypes in soil and earthworm intestinal niches (r. schuch and v. a. fischetti, plos one 4:e6532, 2009). here, the natural occurrence of two such b. anthracis-infective bacteriophages, wip1 and wip4, was examined in the intestines of eisenia fetida earthworms as part of a 6-year longitudinal study at a pennsylvania forest site. the wip1 tectivirus was initially dominant before being su ...201020118353
cocomposting with and without eisenia fetida for conversion of toxic paper mill sludge to a soil conditioner.present study was envisaged for fast bioremediation of toxic paper mill sludge into a soil ameliorating agent. although a rich source of organic carbon this sludge cannot be directly applied in fields and is recycled very slowly in landfills as it is deficient in other nutrients. therefore it was mixed with cattle dung in various proportions and subjected to aerobic cocomposting (without worms) and vermicocomposting (with eisenia fetida). it was observed that mixing cattle dung with the sludge i ...201020624603
characterization of genes expressed in response to cadmium exposure in the earthworm eisenia fetida using ddrt-pcr.the transition metal cadmium is a pervasive and persistent environmental contaminant that is both a human toxicant and a carcinogen. to inhibit cadmium-induced damage, cells increase the expression of genes encoding stress-response proteins. the transcription of many stress-responsive genes, including those that encode metallothioneins, glutathione-s-transferases (gsts) and heat shock proteins have been reported. the aim of this work was to investigate in eisenia fetida the genes whose expressio ...201020674023
potential biochemical and genetic toxicity of triclosan as an emerging pollutant on earthworms (eisenia fetida).triclosan as an important antimicrobial agent is increasingly detected in the terrestrial environment as sewage sludge and reclaimed water are applied on land, but little is known about its effect on non-target soil organisms. in this study, biochemical responses including changes in the activity of catalase (cat), superoxide dismutase (sod), glutathione-s-transferase (gst), and malondialdehyde (mda) of the earthworm eisenia fetida were examined in order to assess ecological toxicity of the chem ...201020825966
response of eisenia fetida to the application of different organic wastes in an aluminium-contaminated soil.the effects of amending al-contaminated soils with municipal solid waste compost (msw), poultry manure (pm) and cow manure (cm) on al toxicity and morphological alterations and biochemical enzymes of the earthworm eisenia fetida were investigated in an incubation spiking experiment. al(no(3))(3) was added to a soil at rates equivalent to 0, 50 and 100 mg al kg(-1). in order to apply the same amount of organic matter (om), soil samples were mixed with msw, pm and cm at a rate of 10%, 7.6% and 5.8 ...201020832115
oxidative stress and dna damage in the earthworm eisenia fetida induced by toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene.superoxide dismutase (sod), guaiacol peroxidase (pod), catalase (cat), and the comet assay (scge) were used as biomarkers to evaluate the oxidative stress and genotoxicity of toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene in earthworms (eisenia fetida). the results indicated that the exposure of the three pollutants caused a stress response of the three enzymes, an approximate bell-shaped change (a tendency of inducement firstly and then inhibition with increasing concentrations of the pollutants) was mostly ...201020838886
comparative proteomic analysis of differentially expressed proteins in the earthworm eisenia fetida during escherichia coli o157:h7 stress.escherichia coli o157:h7 is an intestine-inhabiting bacterium associated with many severe disease outbreaks worldwide. it may enter the soil environment with the excreta of infected animals (e.g., horses, cattle, chickens) and humans. earthworms can protect themselves against invading pathogens because of their efficient innate defense system. identification of differential proteomic responses to e. coli o157:h7 may provide a better understanding of the survival mechanisms of the earthworm eisen ...201020863058
optimization of cow dung spiked pre-consumer processing vegetable waste for vermicomposting using eisenia fetida.this paper reports the optimization of cow dung (cd) spiked pre-consumer processing vegetable waste (ppvw) for vermicomposting using eisenia fetida in a laboratory scale study. vermicomposting process decreased carbon and organic matter concentration and increased n, p and k content in the vermicompost. the c:n ratio was decreased by 45-69% in different vermireactors indicating stabilization of the waste. the heavy metal content was within permissible limits of their application in agricultural ...201020951432
toxicity and bioaccumulation of biosolids-borne triclocarban (tcc) in terrestrial organisms.triclocarban (tcc) toxicity and bioaccumulation data are primarily limited to direct human and animal dermal exposures, animal ingestion exposures to neat and feed-spiked tcc, and/or aquatic organism exposures. three non-human, terrestrial organism groups anticipated to be the most highly exposed to land-applied, biosolids-borne tcc are soil microbes, earthworms, and plants. the three ecological receptors are expected to be at particular risk due to unique modes of exposure (e.g. constant, direc ...201021035164
recycling of organic wastes by employing eisenia fetida.this paper reports the recycling of nutrients by vermicomposting of cow dung (cd), poultry droppings (pd) and food industry sludge (fis) employing earthworms (eisenia fetida). a total of six vermicomposting units were established and dynamics of chemical and biological parameters has been studied for 13 weeks. the waste mixture containing 50% cd+25% pd+25% fis had better fertilizer value among studied waste combinations. at the end of experiment, vermicomposts showed decrease in ph and organic c ...201021078553
differential expression of genes in the earthworm eisenia fetida following exposure to escherichia coli this study, suppression subtractive hybridization was used to construct forward and reverse cdna libraries to identify genes involved in the response of eisenia fetida after exposure to escherichia coli o157:h7. we cloned 1428 cdnas or expressed sequence tags (ests), of which 738 were confirmed to be differentially expressed on dot blotting analysis. a total of 394 good-quality ests (genbank dbest accession numbers ho001170-ho001563) were obtained from the raw clone sequences after cleaning. ...201021187111
changes in microbial community structure and function during vermicomposting of pig slurry.most studies investigating the effects of earthworms on microorganisms have focused on the changes before and after vermicomposting rather than those that occur throughout the process. in the present study, we designed continuous feeding reactors in which new layers of pig slurry (1.5 and 3 kg) were added sequentially to form an age gradient inside the reactors in order to evaluate the impact of the earthworm species eisenia fetida on microbial community structure and function. the activity of e ...201021220200
vermicomposting of sugar industry waste (press mud) mixed with cow dung employing an epigeic earthworm eisenia india, millions of tons of press mud (pm) are generated by sugar mills every year. this paper reports the potential of vermitechnology to convert sugar industry waste pm mixed with cow dung (cd) into vermicompost, employing an epigeic earthworm eisenia fetida. a total of six different reactors were established having different ratios of pm and cd including one control (cd only). the growth and fecundity of e. fetida was monitored for 13 weeks. maximum growth was recorded in 100% cd, but earth ...201019748951
design, validation and annotation of transcriptome-wide oligonucleotide probes for the oligochaete annelid eisenia fetida.high density oligonucleotide probe arrays have increasingly become an important tool in genomics studies. in organisms with incomplete genome sequence, one strategy for oligo probe design is to reduce the number of unique probes that target every non-redundant transcript through bioinformatic analysis and experimental testing. here we adopted this strategy in making oligo probes for the earthworm eisenia fetida, a species for which we have sequenced transcriptome-scale expressed sequence tags (e ...201021170345
transmission of a bacterial consortium in eisenia fetida egg capsules.the earthworm eisenia fetida harbours verminephrobacter eiseniae within their excretory nephridia. this symbiont is transferred from the parent into the egg capsules where the cells are acquired by the developing earthworm in a series of recruitment steps. previous studies defined v. eiseniae as the most abundant cell type in the egg capsules, leaving approximately 30% of the bacteria unidentified and of unknown origin. the study presented here used terminal restriction fragment length polymorph ...201021966919
vermicomposting of olive oil mill wastewaters.the disposal of olive oil mill wastewaters (omw) represents a substantial environmental problem in italy. a vermicompost process could be an alternative and valid method for the management of omw. in a laboratory experiment, the omw were absorbed onto a ligno-cellulosic solid matrix and 30 adult earthworms of eisenia fetida specie were added. the experiment was carried out for 13 weeks. the number of earthworms increased throughout the experimental period and after 2 weeks about 90% of the earth ...201020015937
analysis of earthworm eisenia fetida proteomes during cadmium exposure: an ecotoxicoproteomics approach.identification of differential proteomic responses to cadmium (cd) would provide a means for better understanding the survival mechanisms of the earthworm, eisenia fetida, living in a cd-polluted environment, and the stress responses can be assessed by ecotoxiptoromics approaches. extracts of whole earthworm collected at days 7, 14, 21, and 28 after cd exposure were analyzed by 2-de and quantitative image analysis. in total, 143 proteins demonstrated significant regulation in at least at one tim ...201021136600
evidence for bioavailability of au nanoparticles from soil and biodistribution within earthworms (eisenia fetida).because au nanoparticles (nps) are resistant to oxidative dissolution and are easily detected, they have been used as stable probes for the behavior of nanomaterials within biological systems. previous studies provide somewhat limited evidence for bioavailability of au nps in food webs, because the spatial distribution within tissues and the speciation of au was not determined. in this study, we provide multiple lines of evidence, including orthogonal microspectroscopic techniques, as well as ev ...201020879765
assessing the fate and effects of nano aluminum oxide in the terrestrial earthworm, eisenia fetida.nano-sized aluminum is currently being used by the military and commercial industries in many applications including coatings, thermites, and propellants. due to the potential for wide dispersal in soil systems, we chose to investigate the fate and effects of nano-sized aluminum oxide (al2o3), the oxidized form of nano aluminum, in a terrestrial organism. the toxicity and bioaccumulation potential of micron-sized (50-200 microm, nominal) and nano-sized (11 nm, nominal) al2o3 was comparatively as ...201020821608
metallic trace element body burdens and gene expression analysis of biomarker candidates in eisenia fetida, using an "exposure/depuration" experimental scheme with field soils.smelting plant activities lead to the accumulation of metal trace elements (mtes) in soils. the presence of high concentrations of mtes can generate an environmental stress likely to affect macroinvertebrates living in close soil contact such as the annelida oligochaeta. eisenia fetida, an ecotoxicologically important test species, was successively exposed to two field soils: (1) a highly contaminated agricultural topsoil collected near the former smelter metaleurop nord (noyelles-godault, franc ...201020149457
pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide type 1 (pac1) receptor is expressed during embryonic development of the earthworm.pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (pacap)-like molecules have been shown to be present in cocoon albumin and in eisenia fetida embryos at an early developmental stage (e1) by immunocytochemistry and radioimmunoassay. here, we focus on detecting the stage at which pac1 receptor (pac1r)-like immunoreactivity first appears in germinal layers and structures, e.g., various parts of the central nervous system (cns), in developing earthworm embryos. pac1r-like immunoreactivity was reve ...201020066549
ecotoxicity of wastes in avoidance tests with enchytraeus albidus, enchytraeus crypticus and eisenia fetida (oligochaeta).contact bioassays are important for testing the ecotoxicity of solid materials. however, survival and reproduction tests are often not practical due to their duration which may last for several weeks. avoidance tests with soil invertebrates may offer an alternative or extension to the classic test batteries due to their short duration (days rather than weeks) and due to a sensitive sub-acute endpoint (behavior).201020042324
in silico identification of conserved micrornas and their target transcripts from expressed sequence tags of three earthworm species.micrornas are a recently identified class of small regulatory rnas that target more than 30% protein-coding genes. elevating evidence shows that mirnas play a critical role in many biological processes, including developmental timing, tissue differentiation, and response to chemical exposure. in this study, we applied a computational approach to analyze expressed sequence tags, and identified 32 mirnas belonging to 22 mirna families, in three earthworm species eisenia fetida, eisenia andrei, and ...201021030313
accumulation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers, hexabromobenzene, and 1,2-dibromo-4-(1,2-dibromoethyl)cyclohexane in earthworm (eisenia fetida). effects of soil type and the present study the accumulation potentials in earthworms (eisenia fetida) of selected brominated flame retardants (bfrs) were investigated. the tested bfrs, including polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes), hexabromobenzene (hbb), and 1,2-dibromo-4-(1,2-dibromoethyl)cyclohexane (tbech), were found to be bioavailable to eisenia fetida, and they accumulated in the earthworms. to our knowledge, this is the first published study to address the bioaccumulation potential of tbech in terrestrial ...201021028802
sterilization affects soil organic matter chemistry and bioaccumulation of spiked p,p'-dde and anthracene by earthworms.laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the effects of soil sterilization on the bioavailability of spiked p,p'-dde and anthracene to the earthworms eisenia fetida and lumbricus terrestris. physical and chemical changes to soil organic matter (som) induced by sterilization were also studied. uptake of both compounds added after soil was autoclaved or gamma irradiated increased for e. fetida. sterilization had no effect on bioaccumulation of p,p'-dde by l. terrestris, and anthracene uptak ...201020227150
potential of domestic biogas digester slurry in vermitechnology.this work illustrates the potential of domestic biogas digester slurry in vermicompost production. to achieve the objectives biogas plant slurry (bgs) was mixed with crop residues (cr) in different ratios to produce seven different feed mixtures for earthworm eisenia fetida. after 15weeks vermicomposted material was analyzed for different chemical parameters. in all waste mixtures, a decrease in ph, organic c and c:n ratio, but increase total n, available p and exchangeable k was recorded. c:n r ...201020189381
comparison of earthworm bioaccumulation between readily desorbable and desorption-resistant naphthalene: implications for biouptake routes.the bioaccumulation of readily desorbable naphthalene and that of desorption-resistant naphthalene in earthworms were compared to examine the effect of desorption resistance on bioavailability of hydrophobic organic contaminants in soil. a series of naphthalene-contaminated soil samples representing different degrees of desorption resistance were prepared using a batch sorption-repetitive desorption approach, and bioaccumulation of these samples was evaluated using earthworms (eisenia fetida). s ...201020000398
influence of clay content on bioavailability of copper in the earthworm eisenia fetida.we investigated the effect of clay content on the bioavailability of copper to the earthworm eisenia fetida, in the laboratory for 28 days using oecd artificial soil adjusted to 5%, 20% and 40% clay. mortality, growth, cocoon production and internal copper concentrations were assessed in worms, and total, dtpa and cacl(2) extractable copper in the substrates were also determined. the results showed that with increased clay content, there was significant reduction in internal cu concentration of ...201019962760
effects of the veterinary pharmaceutical ivermectin on soil invertebrates in laboratory part of the risk assessment of veterinary pharmaceuticals, the potential impact of these chemicals on soil ecosystems has to be determined according to european law. however, almost no data from standardized laboratory tests are available. therefore, in the eu fp6 erapharm, the effects of the widely used veterinary pharmaceutical ivermectin, an anthelminthic, were studied in chronic laboratory tests performed according to oecd (organisation for economic co-operation and development) and iso ( ...201019882295
substrate-induced changes in protease active site conformation impact on subsequent reactions with substrates.enzymatic catalysis of biochemical reactions is essential to all living systems. the "lock and key" and "induced fit" models were early contributions to our understanding of the mechanisms involved in the reaction between an enzyme and its substrate. however, whether a given substrate-induced conformation is rigid or remains flexible has not yet been determined. by measuring the enzyme activity and intrinsic fluorescence of a nonspecific eisenia fetida protease-i with different chromogenic subst ...201020484054
calcium is required for coelomocyte activation in earthworms.the role of calcium signaling in activation of both innate and adaptive immunity is basically important, however, the evolutionary aspects are not clarified yet. currently limited data are available about calcium levels of coelomocytes, cellular mediators of earthworm immunity. we aimed to observe basal and induced ca(2+) levels of coelomocyte subgroups after various stimulations in eisenia fetida and allolobophora caliginosa using a ca(2+)-sensitive dye. e. fetida chloragocytes had the highest ...201020439116
bioaccumulation of 14c60 by the earthworm eisenia fetida.carbon fullerenes, including buckminsterfullerene (c(60)), are increasingly available for numerous applications, thus increasing the likelihood of environmental release. this calls for information about their bioavailability and bioaccumulation potential. in this study, (14)c-labeled c(60) and (14)c-phenanthrene (positive control) were added separately to soils of varying composition and organic carbon content (oc), and their bioaccumulation in the earthworm eisenia fetida was compared. biota-se ...201021049992
soil sterilization affects aging-related sequestration and bioavailability of p,p'-dde and anthracene to earthworms.laboratory experiments investigated the effects of soil sterilization and compound aging on the bioaccumulation of spiked p,p'-dde and anthracene by eisenia fetida and lumbricus terrestris. declines in bioavailability occurred as pollutant residence time in both sterile and non-sterile soils increased from 3 to 203 d. accumulation was generally higher in sterile soils during initial periods of aging (from 3-103 d). by 203 d, however, bioavailability of the compounds was unaffected by sterilizati ...201020708831
continuous-feeding vermicomposting as a recycling management method to revalue tomato-fruit wastes from greenhouse crops.huge quantities of discarded fruits generated from greenhouse crops represent a worldwide environmental problem. the aim of this work was to assess the efficiency of vermicomposting as a recycling management option for biotransforming tomato-fruit wastes from greenhouses into an organic nutrient-rich product available for agricultural purposes. a pilot vermireactor was constructed. it was provided with a manure layer, where an initial population of eisenia fetida was introduced and fed continuou ...201020675115
eisenia fetida avoidance behavior as a tool for assessing the efficiency of remediation of pb, zn and cd polluted soil.remediation by means of soil leaching with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (edta) is capable of extracting the most labile soil fractions, leaving the residual metals in biologically non-available forms. we evaluated the feasibility of the standardized earthworm (eisenia fetida) avoidance test for assessing the efficiency of soil remediation of pb, zn and cd polluted soil. chemical extraction tests (six-step sequential extraction, toxicity characteristic leaching procedure, physiologically based ...201020570420
genotoxic effects of nickel, trivalent and hexavalent chromium on the eisenia fetida earthworm.the aim of this study was to examine genotoxic effects of nickel (ni=105 mg kg(-1)), trivalent and hexavalent chromium (cr=491 mg kg(-1)) on the eisenia fetida earthworm after 2 and 4d of exposure to two different spiked soils (an artificial (oecd) and a natural one). dna damages were evaluated on the earthworm's coelomocytes using the comet assay. after an exposure into oecd spiked soils, ni did not induce genotoxic effect whereas cr(iii) and cr(vi) revealed to be genotoxic after 2d of exposure ...201020561668
redistribution of residual pb, zn, and cd in soil remediated with edta leaching and exposed to earthworms (eisenia fetida).after soil remediation with ethylenediamine tetraacetate (edta) leaching/washing, the residual pb, zn, and cd species are left in the soil in non-labile forms. the effect of earthworms as main soil biotic factors on the residual pb, zn, and cd fraction lability (mobility, bioavailability to plants, and oral-availability) was investigated. contaminated soil from a smelter site was treated with increasing edta concentrations (2.5 to 4-times 40 mmol kg(-1) to gradually reduce the heavy metal conten ...201020540427
increased cytotoxic and genotoxic tolerance of eisenia fetida (oligochaeta) to cadmium after long-term exposure.since life-cycle studies showed that the earthworm species eisenia fetida can develop increased tolerance after long-term exposure to a sub-lethal concentration of cd in the laboratory, we assessed both the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of cd in a long-term cd-exposed population. we exposed e. fetida specimens from this population, from a laboratory control population and from a field population to various concentrations of cdso(4) in artificial soil water. toxic effects were measured using the ...201019771509
relative proportions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons differ between accumulation bioassays and chemical methods to predict bioavailability.chemical methods to predict the bioavailable fraction of organic contaminants are usually validated in the literature by comparison with established bioassays. a soil spiked with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) was aged over six months and subjected to butanol, cyclodextrin and tenax extractions as well as an exhaustive extraction to determine total pah concentrations at several time points. earthworm (eisenia fetida) and rye grass root (lolium multiflorum) accumulation bioassays were co ...201019647356
bioaccumulation and biological effects in the earthworm eisenia fetida exposed to natural and depleted uranium.the accumulations of both natural (u) and depleted (du) uranium in the earthworms (eisenia fetida) were studied to evaluate corresponding biological effects. concentrations of metals in the experimental soil ranged from 1.86 to 600 mg kg(-1). five biological endpoints: mortality, animals' weight increasing, lysosomal membrane stability by measuring the neutral red retention time (the nrrt), histological changes and genetic effects (comet assay) were used to evaluate biological effects in the ear ...201020362371
correlations of eisenia fetida metabolic responses to extractable phenanthrene concentrations through time.eisenia fetida earthworms were exposed to phenanthrene for thirty days to compare hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (hpcd) extraction of soil and 1h nmr earthworm metabolomics as indicators of bioavailability. the phenanthrene 28-d lc50 value was 750 mg/kg (632-891, 95% confidence intervals) for the peat soil tested. the initial phenanthrene concentration was 319 mg/kg, which biodegraded to 16 mg/kg within 15 days, at which time hpcd extraction suggested that phenanthrene was no longer bioavailabl ...201020338675
the influence of thermal desorption on genotoxicity of multipolluted soil.a multipolluted soil sampled from a former coking plant in lorraine (france) was evaluated for its genotoxic effects on coelomocytes of the eisenia fetida earthworm using the comet assay. the biological efficiency of thermal desorption of the contaminated soil was also investigated. the untreated polluted soil was shown to be genotoxic to earthworms. although thermal desorption reduced the concentration of pahs by 94% (sigma(16 pahs)=1846 and 101 mg/kg before and after thermal desorption, respec ...201020236704
ecotoxicity assessment of aged petroleum sludge using a suite of effects-based end points in earthworm eisenia fetida.laboratory investigations were conducted to test the toxicity of aged petroleum sludge collected from shengli oil field, the second largest oilfield in china, to earthworm eisenia fetida. various end points were measured in the earthworms, including mortality, growth, cocoon output, juvenile production, and avoidance behavioral response, to determine their comparative sensitivity for assessing harmful effects of petroleum-hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. the results showed that all these assays re ...201019844801
a comparative study of synchronous treatment of sewage and sludge by two vermifiltrations using an epigeic earthworm eisenia fetida.reduction and stabilization of sewage sludge during the clarification of municipal wastewater was synchronously shown to be improved significantly in a pilot-scale vermifiltration using an epigeic earthworm eisenia fetida. the present study aimed to select a better filter media suited to vermifiltration performance by the comparisons of sludge yields, the characteristics of the by-products of vermifiltration-vermicast and the abrasions of earthworms between ceramsite and quartz sand. it was obse ...201121041027
vermistabilization of primary sewage integrated composting-vermicomposting process has been developed for utilization of primary sewage sludge (pss). matured vermicompost was used as bulking material and a source of active microbial culture during aerobic activated composting (aac). aac resulted in sufficient enrichment of bulking material with organic matter after 20 cycles of recycling and mixing with pss and produced materials acceptable for vermicomposting. vermicomposting caused significant reduction in ph, volatile solids ...201121036608
effects of biochar and the earthworm eisenia fetida on the bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and potentially toxic elements.polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) and potentially toxic elements (ptes) were monitored over 56 days in calcareous contaminated-soil amended with either or both biochar and eisenia fetida. biochar reduced total (449 to 306 mg kg(-1)) and bioavailable (cyclodextrin extractable) (276 to 182 mg kg(-1)) pahs, pah concentrations in e. fetida (up to 45%) but also earthworm weight. earthworms increased pah bioavailability by >40%. combined treatment results were similar to the biochar-only treatme ...201121035930
assessment of pyrene bioavailability in soil by mild hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin extraction.bioavailability of organic pollutants in soil is currently a much-debated issue in risk assessment of contaminated sites. ecorisk of an organic pollutant in soil is strongly influenced by the properties of the soil and its contamination history. to evaluate the effect of aging on the availability of pyrene, earthworm (eisenia fetida) accumulation and chemical extraction by exhaustive and nonexhaustive techniques in soil spiked with a range of pyrene levels (1.07, 9.72, 88.4, 152, and 429 μg g⁻¹ ...201120437042
toxicity and transformation of insecticide fenamiphos to the earthworm eisenia fetida.this study was conducted to investigate the toxicity of the organophosphate insecticide fenamiphos to earthworms (eisenia fetida) under laboratory conditions. earthworms were exposed to soils differing in their physico-chemical properties spiked with fenamiphos at concentrations ranging from 10 to 200 mg kg(-1) for a period of 4 weeks. residues of fenamiphos and its metabolites were determined in both soils and earthworms after 4 weeks of pesticide exposure. fenamiphos was degraded faster in the ...201120882337
[mild solvent extraction technique for the evaluation of pahs bioavailability].n-butanol and hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (hpcd) were used to extract polyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from 9 aged agricultural fields and to assess the pahs bioavailability to earthworm (eisenia fetida). it was demonstrated that the high molecular weight (hmw) pahs (> or = 4 rings) contribute the largest proportions (4-ring pahs: 34.06%, 5-6 rings: 34.09%) to the contaminants in long-term aged field soils. moreover, the light molecular weight pahs were easily accumulated in the earthworm,whil ...201122619979
purification and characterization of novel fibrinolytic proteases as potential antithrombotic agents from earthworm perionyx excavatus.six protease fractions, namely fi, fii, fiii-1, fiii-2, fiii-3 and fiv, were isolated from perionyx excavatus earthworm biomass by acetone precipitation, followed by serial chromatography using anion exchange, hydrophobic interaction and size exclusion chromatography. all fractions exhibited strong hydrolytic activity towards casein. the activity of six fractions towards fibrin, determined by fibrin plate assay, ranged from 44 to 831 plasmin and ranked as fiii-3 > fiii-2 > fi > fiii-1 ...201121961566
gene expression analysis of 4 biomarker candidates in eisenia fetida exposed to an environmental metallic trace elements gradient: a microcosm study.past activities of 2 smelters (metaleurop nord and nyrstar) led to the accumulation of high amounts of metal trace elements (tes) in top soils of the noyelles-godault/auby area, northern france. earthworms were exposed to polluted soils collected in this area to study and better understand the physiological changes, the mechanisms of acclimation, and detoxification resulting from te exposure. previously we have cloned and transcriptionally characterized potential biomarkers from immune cells of ...201121937088
uptake and toxicity of spiked nickel to earthworm eisenia fetida in a range of chinese soils.bioavailability and toxicity of metals to soil organisms varies among different soils, and knowledge of this variance is useful for the development of soil environmental quality guidelines. in the present study, laboratory experiments were performed to investigate the effects of variations in nickel (ni) uptake and toxicity on growth, cocoon output, and juvenile production in the earthworm eisenia fetida in 13 chinese soils spiked with nickel chloride. body weight development of e. fetida was ra ...201121898557
1h nmr metabolomics of earthworm responses to polychlorinated biphenyl (pcb) exposure in soil.(1)h nmr-based metabolomics was used to examine the metabolic profile of d(2)o-buffer extracted tissues of eisenia fetida earthworms exposed for 2 days to an artificial soil spiked with sub-lethal concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) (0, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, or 25 mg/kg aroclor 1254). univariate statistical analysis of the identified metabolites revealed a significant increase in atp concentration in earthworms exposed to the highest soil pcb concentration, but detected no significant ch ...201121424327
a comparison of multiple esterases as biomarkers of organophosphate exposure and effect in two earthworm species.two different earthworm species, eisenia fetida and lumbricus terrestris, were exposed to 5 μg/cm(2) of malathion to evaluate their usefulness as sentinels of organophosphate exposure and to assess three different esterases, as biomarkers of malathion exposure and effect. tissue xenobiotic burdens and esterase activity were determined for each species and each esterase in order to assess variability. e. fetida exhibited 4-fold less variability in tissue burdens than did l. terrestris and had les ...201121404045
an enzyme from the earthworm eisenia fetida is not only a protease but also a deoxyribonuclease.the earthworm enzyme eisenia fetida protease-iii-1 (efp-iii-1) is known as a trypsin-like protease which is localized in the alimentary canal of the earthworm. here, we show that efp-iii-1 also acts as a novel deoxyribonuclease. unlike most dnases, this earthworm enzyme recognizes 5'-phosphate dsdna (5'p dna) and degrades it without sequence specificity, but does not recognize 5'oh dna. as is the case for most dnases, mg(2+) was observed to markedly enhance the dnase activity of efp-iii-1. wheth ...201121362403
evaluation of the effectiveness of various amendments on trace metals stabilization by chemical and biological methods.we evaluated the effects of five different kinds of amendments on heavy metals stabilization. the five amendments were: zero valent iron, limestone, acid mine drainage treatment sludge, bone mill, and bottom ash. to determine bioavailability of the heavy metals, different chemical extraction procedures were used such as, extraction with (ca(no(3))(2), dtpa; toxic characteristic leaching procedure (tclp), physiologically based extraction test (pbet) that simulates gastric juice, and sequential ex ...201121333442
natural variability and correlations in the metabolic profile of healthy eisenia fetida earthworms observed using ¹h nmr metabolomics.¹h nmr metabolomics can be used to assess the sub-lethal toxicity of contaminants to earthworms by identifying alterations in the metabolic profiles of contaminant- exposed earthworms in contrast to those of healthy (control) individuals. in support of this method this study sought to better characterize the baseline metabolic profile of healthy, mature earthworms of the species, eisenia fetida, which is recommended for both acute and sub-lethal toxicity testing for soil contaminants. profiles o ...201121316730
suitability of lysosomal membrane stability in eisenia fetida as biomarker of soil copper contamination.accumulated metals in soils negatively affect dwelling organisms. earthworms, which are widespread and perform various essential functions, are able to accumulate metals that can damage the coelomic cells. the aim of this work was to evaluate the effect on eisenia fetida lysosomal membrane stability both during and after copper exposure, and finally to link this to internal concentrations. e. fetida specimens were exposed to a reference soil and two cu-spiked soils (35 and 350 mg kg(-1) d.w.) fo ...201121296422
accumulation of 14c-trinitrotoluene and related nonextractable (bound) residues in eisenia determine if trinitrotoluene (tnt) forms nonextractable residues in earthworms and to measure the relative degree of accumulation as compared to tnt and its deaminated metabolites, eisenia fetida was exposed to 14c-tnt using dermal contact to filter paper or exposure to soil. nonextractable residues made up 32-68% of total body burden depending on exposure media and depuration time. parent tnt accounted for less than 3% of radioactivity, while adnts accounted for 7-38%. elimination half-lives ...201121295392
aporrectodea caliginosa, a suitable earthworm species for field based genotoxicity assessment?there is a growing interest for the application of biomakers to field-collected earthworms. therefore we have evaluated the usability of native populations of endogeic, widely distributed earthworm aporrectodea caliginosa in the assessment of soil genotoxicity using the comet assay. validation of the comet assay on earthworm coelomocytes has been established using commercially available eisenia fetida exposed to copper, cadmium, and pentachlorophenol, along with a. caliginosa exposed to copper i ...201121292364
using deuterated pah amendments to validate chemical extraction methods to predict pah bioavailability in soils.validating chemical methods to predict bioavailable fractions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) by comparison with accumulation bioassays is problematic. concentrations accumulated in soil organisms not only depend on the bioavailable fraction but also on contaminant properties. a historically contaminated soil was freshly spiked with deuterated pahs (dpahs). dpahs have a similar fate to their respective undeuterated analogues, so chemical methods that give good indications of bioavaila ...201121236537
evidence for avoidance of ag nanoparticles by earthworms (eisenia fetida).silver nanoparticles have been incorporated into a wide variety of consumer products, ideally acting as antimicrobial agents. silver exposure has long been known to cause toxic effects to a wide variety of organisms, making large scale production of silver nanoparticles a potential hazard to environmental systems. here we describe the first evidence that an organism may be able to sense manufactured nanoparticles in a complex, environmentally relevant exposure and that the presence of nanopartic ...201121229389
analysis of genetic diversity in earthworms using dna markers.earthworms are one of the most important and beneficial macrofauna, and are used extensively in organic farming. earthworms mediate soil biological regulation systems, and produce biogenic structures. they help to maintain soil structure, water infiltration, and regulate the availability of nutrients assimilated by plants. the objectives of this study were to perform morphological and molecular characterizations of 24 earthworm individuals collected from geographically diverse locations to asses ...201121186943
surfactant-facilitated remediation of metal-contaminated soils: efficacy and toxicological consequences to earthworms.the effectiveness of surfactant formulations to remove aged metals from a field soil and their influence on soil toxicity was investigated. batch studies were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of cationic (1-dodecylpyridinium chloride; dpc), nonionic (oleyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride; trade name ammonyx kp), and anionic (rhamnolipid biosurfactant blend; trade name jbr-425) surfactants for extracting zn, cu, pb, and cd from a soil subjected to more than 80 years of metal deposition. all t ...201120853447
limit-test toxicity screening of selected inorganic nanoparticles to the earthworm eisenia fetida.the toxicity of a range of inorganic (ag, cu, ni, al(2)o(3), sio(2), tio(2) and zro(2)) nanoparticles (np) and their corresponding metal salt or bulk metal oxide were screened for toxicity toward the earthworm eisenia fetida using the limit-test design (1000 mg/kg). this study provides the first ecotoxicological life history trait data on earthworms for each these nps, as well as for agno(3), al(2)o(3), sio(2), tio(2) and zro(2). significant effects were observed on survival for agno(3) (2.5% of ...201121120603
Displaying items 301 - 400 of 866