
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
expression of sambucus nigra agglutinin (sna-i') from elderberry bark in transgenic tobacco plants results in enhanced resistance to different insect species.tobacco plants (nicotiana tabacum cv samsun nn) have been transformed with the gene encoding the type-2 ribosome-inactivating protein (rip) sna-i' from elderberry (sambucus nigra) under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35s promoter. previous research confirmed that these plants synthesize, correctly process and assemble a fully active rip. variability in protein expression was observed within the transgenic lines. the effects of the type-2 rip sna-i' delivered through a leaf feeding a ...200918720022
the role of integrin glycosylation in galectin-8-mediated trabecular meshwork cell adhesion and spreading.primary open angle glaucoma (poag) is a major blindness-causing disease, characterized by elevated intraocular pressure due to an insufficient outflow of aqueous humor. the trabecular meshwork (tm) lining the aqueous outflow pathway modulates the aqueous outflow facility. tm cell adhesion, cell-matrix interactions, and factors that influence rho signaling in tm cells are thought to play a pivotal role in the regulation of aqueous outflow. in a recent study, we demonstrated that galectin-8 (gal8) ...200918849583
molecular characterization of pig alpha2,3-gal-beta1,3-galnac-alpha2,6-sialyltransferase (pst6galnac iv) gene specific for neu5acalpha2-3galbeta1-3galnac trisaccharide structure.sialic acids of glycoconjugates play crucial roles in various biological processes, such as cell-cell communication and cell-substrate interaction. a sisalyltransferase, st6galnac iv (neu5ac-alpha2,3-gal-beta1,3-galnac-alpha2,6-sialyltransferase), catalyzes the formation of alpha2-6-linkages onto galnac residues of o-glycosidically linked ser/thr of proteins. in this study, we cloned the pig st6galnac iv (pst6galnac iv) and investigated its functional characterization. pst6galnac iv cdna has bee ...201020306343
lectin-binding sites on ejaculated stallion sperm during breeding and non-breeding periods.stallion sperm from semen collected in southern italy during the breeding (june-july) and non-breeding (december-january) periods were analyzed by means of twelve lectins to evaluate the glycoconjugate pattern and to verify whether there are any seasonal differences in the glycosylation pattern of the sperm glycocalyx. the acrosomal cap showed reactivity for maackia amurensis (mal ii), sambucus nigra (sna), arachis hypogaea (pna), glycine max (sba), helix pomatia (hpa), canavalia ensiformis (con ...201020172596
the glycosylation pattern of secretory granules in binucleate trophoblast cells is highly conserved in ruminants.the binucleate trophoblast cells (bncs) in the ruminant placenta are a unique feature of this taxon. these cells produce several secretory proteins and transfer these across the fetomaternal barrier into the dam. we used lectin histochemistry with a panel of 24 lectins to characterise the glycosylation pattern of bnc secretory granules in a variety of ruminants. seven species out of three ruminant families were thus investigated: greater malayan chevrotain (tragulidae); fallow deer, red deer, ch ...201019959226
survey of glycoantigens in cells from alpha1-3galactosyltransferase knockout pig using a lectin microarray.glycoantigens represent major obstacles to successful xenotransplantation. even after the alpha1-3galactosyltransferase (galt) gene knockout (galt-ko) pigs were produced, non-gal antigens continue to be present. this study reports on lectin blot analyses for endothelial cells (ec) and fibroblasts from galt-ko pigs.201020149189
characterisation of n-glycans bound to igfbp-3 in sera from healthy adults.human igfbp-3 contains three potential n-linked glycosylation sites. published data concerning the type and saccharide composition of the n-glycans is scarce. the aim of this study was to characterise n-glycans covalently attached to igfbp-3 from sera of healthy adults (men and women). in order to do that a panel of eight lectins covering broad saccharide specificity was used: agarose-immobilised sna (sambucus nigra agglutinin), con a (lectin from canavalia ensiformis), rca i (ricinus communis a ...201019800385
identification of bioactive compounds from flowers of black elder (sambucus nigra l.) that activate the human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (ppar) gamma.obesity is one of the predisposing factors for the development of overt type 2 diabetes (t2d). t2d is caused by a combination of insulin resistance and beta-cell failure and can be treated with insulin sensitizing drugs that target the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (ppar) gamma. extracts of elderflowers (sambucus nigra) have been found to activate ppargamma and to stimulate insulin-dependent glucose uptake suggesting that they have a potential use in the prevention ...201020222152
pharmaceutical ethnobotany in northern navarra (iberian peninsula).this paper provides significant ethnobotanical information on pharmaceutical plant uses in northern navarra from an area known both for its high biological diversity and its cultural significance, suggesting the survival of uses lost elsewhere. collect, analyze and evaluate the ethnobotanical knowledge about medicinal plants in northern navarra (iberian peninsula) with 4243 km(2) and 71,069 inhabitants.201020883764
altered sialylation on the cell-surface proteins of dexamethasone-treated human macrophages contributes to augmented uptake of apoptotic neutrophils.macrophages eliminate apoptotic granulocytes before their secondary necrosis during resolution of inflammation. a well-known glucocorticoid, the anti-inflammatory dexamethasone augments phagocytosis capacity of macrophages with a so far not fully clarified mechanism. we have found that sialylation of cell-surface proteins on human macrophages is markedly altered by dexamethasone. compared to non-treated cells, dexamethasone-treated macrophages can bind significantly less sambucus nigra lectin sp ...201020937308
recognition roles of the carbohydrate glycotopes of human and bovine lactoferrins in lectin-n-glycan interactions.lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein belonging to the transferrin family. in addition to iron homeostasis, lactoferrin is also thought to have anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer activities. previous studies showed that all lactoferrins are glycosylated in the human body, but the recognition roles of their carbohydrate glycotopes have not been well addressed.201021055448
replication of avian, human and swine influenza viruses in porcine respiratory explants and association with sialic acid distribution.throughout the history of human influenza pandemics, pigs have been considered the most likely "mixing vessel" for reassortment between human and avian influenza viruses (aivs). however, the replication efficiencies of influenza viruses from various hosts, as well as the expression of sialic acid (sia) receptor variants in the entire porcine respiratory tract have never been studied in detail. therefore, we established porcine nasal, tracheal, bronchial and lung explants, which cover the entire ...201020158900
towards functional glycomics by lectin histochemistry: strategic probe selection to monitor core and branch-end substitutions and detection of cell-type and regional selectivity in adult mouse testis and epididymis.the emerging insights into glycan functionality direct increasing attention to monitor core modifications of n-glycans and branch-end structures. to address this issue in histochemistry, a panel of lectins with respective specificities was devised. the selection of probes with overlapping specificities facilitated to relate staining profiles to likely target structures. the experiments on fixed sections of adult murine testis and epididymis were carried out at non-saturating lectin concentration ...201020624157
redox regulation of morphology, cell stiffness, and lectin-induced aggregation of human platelets.redox regulation and carbohydrate recognition are potent molecular mechanisms which can contribute to platelet aggregation in response to various stimuli. the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between these mechanisms and to examine whether cell surface glycocalyx and cell stiffness of human platelets are sensitive to the redox potential formed by glutathione. to this end, human platelets were treated with different concentrations (0.05 μm to 6 mm) and ratios of reduced or ...201021079947
anti-t haemolysins: the effects of sialic acid removal and 2-aminoethylisothiouronium bromide treatment of erythrocytes on immune lysis.intravascular haemolytic reactions are reported in red-cell t-activated patients after blood transfusion. the relationship between t antigen antibodies present in normal plasma and these reactions remains unclear. in this study, we assessed the haemolytic activity of t antibodies in vitro in comparison with anti-a/b antibodies.201021118267
alterations of glycan branching and differential expression of sialic acid on alpha fetoprotein among hepatitis patients.the level of serum glycoproteins and their glycosylation pattern change in liver diseases including hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc). some of them, especially alpha fetoprotein (afp), serve as useful biomarkers for hcc. the present investigation showed high level of afp in hepatitis b cirrhosis (hbv-lc) and hepatitis c cirrhosis (hcv-lc) patients. however, increase of afp level was not significantly high in chronic hepatitis b (hbv-ch) as determined by elisa using monoclonal anti-human afp (mab-af ...201021161373
use of glycan microarrays to explore specificity of glycan-binding proteins.microarrays of defined glycans represent a high throughput approach to determining the specificity of lectins, or more generally glycan-binding proteins (gbps). the utility of a glycan microarray is directly related to the number and variety of the glycans available on the printed surface for interrogation by gbps. the consortium for functional glycomics (cfg), funded by the national institute of general medical sciences (nigms), has generated a glycan microarray available to the public as an in ...201020816220
the past, present and future tasks of hungarian dendrological research.hungarian dendrological research (research of living woody plants) has more than 200 years old history; the first general work by j+ínos kereszt+®ly grossinger was published in 1797. further basic works in our time yet are: forest botany by lajos fekete and s+índor m+íg+¦csy-dietz (1896); and the chorological work, distribution of trees and shrubs of sylvicultural importance in the region of hungarian state by lajos fekete and tibor blattny (1913). a few dendrologists and many botanists have hel ...201021565760
comparative distribution of human and avian type sialic acid influenza receptors in the pig.a major determinant of influenza infection is the presence of virus receptors on susceptible host cells to which the viral haemagglutinin is able to bind. avian viruses preferentially bind to sialic acid alpha2,3-galactose (saalpha2,3-gal) linked receptors, whereas human strains bind to sialic acid alpha2,6-galactose (saalpha2,6-gal) linked receptors. to date, there has been no detailed account published on the distribution of sa receptors in the pig, a model host that is susceptible to avian an ...201020105300
analysis of recombinant duffy protein-linked n-glycans using lectins and glycosidases.duffy antigen is a glycosylated blood group protein acting as a malarial and chemokine receptor. using glycosylation mutants we have previously demonstrated, that all three potential glycosylation sites of the duffy antigen are occupied by n-linked oligosaccharide chains. in this study, wild-type duffy glycoprotein and three mutants, each containing a single n-glycan, were used to characterize the oligosaccharide chains by lectin blotting and endoglycosidase digestion. the positive reaction of a ...201020234884
entomotoxic action of sambucus nigra agglutinin i in acyrthosiphon pisum aphids and spodoptera exigua caterpillars through caspase-3-like-dependent this project, the toxicity and mechanism of action of the ricin-b-related lectin sna-i from elderberry (sambucus nigra) in the pea aphid (acyrthosiphon pisum) and the beet armyworm (spodoptera exigua), two important pest insects in agriculture, were studied. sna-i is a chimeric lectin belonging to the class of ribosome-inactivating proteins and consists of an a-chain with n-glycosidase activity and a carbohydrate-binding b-chain. incorporation of 2 mg/ml of sna-i in the diet of neonates and a ...201020853435
link between defoliation and light treatments on root vitality of five understory shrubs with different resistance to insect herbivory.understory shrubs are frequently attacked by insect herbivores. however, very little is known regarding possible interactions between light condition, defoliation (d) and fine root vitality (% live roots) and metabolic activity, and whether different plant strategies (compensation, trade-off and equilibrium) to defoliation depend on individual species light requirements. to explore the response of roots to such conditions, an experiment was established in which we experimentally removed 50% of l ...201020624813
randomized clinical trial of a phytotherapic compound containing pimpinella anisum, foeniculum vulgare, sambucus nigra, and cassia augustifolia for chronic constipation.a phytotherapic compound containing pimpinella anisum l., foeniculum vulgare miller, sambucus nigra l., and cassia augustifolia is largely used in brazil for the treatment of constipation. however, the laxative efficacy of the compound has never been tested in a randomized clinical trial. the aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the product.201020433751
nutrient and energy content, in vitro ruminal fermentation characteristics and methanogenic potential of alpine forage plant species during early summer.plants growing on alpine meadows are reported to be rich in phenols. such compounds may affect ruminal fermentation and reduce the plants' methanogenic potential, making alpine grazing advantageous in this respect. the objective of this study was to quantify nutrients and phenols in alpine forage grasses, herbs and trees collected over 2 years and, in a 24 h in vitro incubation, their effects on ruminal fermentation parameters.201121480269
sialylated and o-glycosidically linked glycans in prion protein deposits in a case of gerstmann-sträussler-scheinker disease.prion diseases are caused by an abnormal form of the prion protein (prp(sc)). we identified, with lectins, post-translational modifications of brain proteins due to glycosylation in a gerstmann-sträussler-scheinker (gss) patient. the lectin amaranthus leucocarpus (all), specific for mucin type o-glycosylated structures (galß1,3 galnacα1,0 ser/thr or galnacα1,0 ser/thr), and sambucus nigra agglutinin (sna), specific for neu5acα2,6 gal/galnac, showed positive labeling in all the prion deposits and ...201120667006
the quality of selected south african and international homoeopathic mother tinctures.the high potential variability of chemical composition of the plant material involved in the manufacture of homoeopathic mother tinctures (a common source of homoeopathic medicines), renders both their quality control and assurance a significant challenge (pande and pathak, 2006). the absence of significant regulations regarding the quality of complementary and alternative medicines (cam) in south africa contributes to this challenge (gqaleni et al, 2007). in order to assess any quality differen ...201122754057
enrichment of sialylated igg by lectin fractionation does not enhance the efficacy of immunoglobulin g in a murine model of immune thrombocytopenia.intravenous immunoglobulin g (ivig) is widely used against a range of clinical symptoms. for its use in immune modulating therapies such as treatment of immune thrombocytopenic purpura high doses of ivig are required. it has been suggested that only a fraction of ivig causes this anti immune modulating effect. recent studies indicated that this fraction is the fc-sialylated igg fraction. the aim of our study was to determine the efficacy of ivig enriched for sialylated igg (ivig-saôü¦) in a muri ...201121731683
distribution of sialic acid receptors and influenza a virus of avian and swine origin in experimentally infected pigs.pigs are considered susceptible to influenza a virus infections from different host origins because earlier studies have shown that they have receptors for both avian (sialic acid-alpha-2,3-terminal saccharides (sa-alpha-2,3)) and swine/human (sa-alpha-2,6) influenza viruses in the upper respiratory tract. furthermore, experimental and natural infections in pigs have been reported with influenza a virus from avian and human sources.201121902821
Lectin affinity chromatography of articular cartilage fibromodulin: Some molecules have keratan sulphate chains exclusively capped by a(2-3)-linked sialic acid.Fibromodulin from bovine articular cartilage has been subjected to lectin affinity chromatography by Sambucus nigra lectin which binds a(2-6)- linked N-acetylneuraminic acid, and the structure of the keratan sulphate in the binding and non-binding fractions examined by keratanase II digestion and subsequent high pH anion exchange chromatography. It has been confirmed that the keratan sulphate chains attached to fibromodulin isolated from bovine articular cartilage may have the chain terminating ...201121892771
extracts of canadian first nations medicinal plants, used as natural products, inhibit neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates with different antibiotic resistance profiles.: neisseria gonorrhoeae (ng) has developed resistance to most antimicrobial agents and the antibiotics recommended for therapy are restricted, for the most part, to third generation cephalosporins. in order to investigate new potential sources of antimicrobial agents, the antibacterial properties of 14 canadian plants used in traditional first nations' medicine were tested against ng isolates having differing antimicrobial susceptibility profiles.201121301385
inhibitory activity of a standardized elderberry liquid extract against clinically-relevant human respiratory bacterial pathogens and influenza a and b elderberries (sambucus nigra l.) are well known as supportive agents against common cold and influenza. it is further known that bacterial super-infection during an influenza virus (iv) infection can lead to severe pneumonia. we have analyzed a standardized elderberry extract (rubini, berrypharma ag) for its antimicrobial and antiviral activity using the microtitre broth micro-dilution assay against three gram-positive bacteria and one gram-negative bacteria responsible for infections of t ...201121352539
a sialylated glycan microarray reveals novel interactions of modified sialic acids with proteins and viruses.many glycan-binding proteins in animals and pathogens recognize sialic acid or its modified forms, but their molecular recognition is poorly understood. here we describe studies on sialic acid recognition using a novel sialylated glycan microarray containing modified sialic acids presented on different glycan backbones. glycans terminating in beta-linked galactose at the non-reducing end and with an alkylamine-containing fluorophore at the reducing end were sialylated by a one-pot-three-enzyme s ...201121757734
a lectin affinity workflow targeting glycosite-specific, cancer-related carbohydrate structures in trypsin-digested human plasma.glycans are cell-type-specific, posttranslational protein modifications that are modulated during developmental and disease processes. as such, glycoproteins are attractive biomarker candidates. here, we describe a mass spectrometry-based workflow that incorporates lectin affinity chromatography to enrich for proteins that carry specific glycan structures. as increases in sialylation and fucosylation are prominent among cancer-associated modifications, we focused on sambucus nigra agglutinin (sn ...201120705048
human red blood cell aging: correlative changes in surface charge and cell blood cells (rbcs) during microcirculation, aging and storage, lose n-acetylneuraminic acid(nana) and other biomaterials thereby altering cell structures, some properties and functions. such cell damage very likely underlies the serious adverse effects of blood transfusion. however, a controversy has remained since 1961-1977 as to whether with aging, the rbcs, suffering loss of nana, do have a decreased charge density. any correlation between the changes in the cell properties with cell agin ...201121435169
fucose and sialic acid expressions in human seminal fibronectin and α{1} -acid glycoprotein associated with leukocytospermia of infertile men.the aim of this study was to compare fucose and sialic acid residue expression on fibronectin and α{1}-acid glycoprotein in the seminal plasma of men suspected of infertility and suffering from leukocytospermia.201122048274
sialic acid and sialyl-lactose glyco-conjugates: design, synthesis and binding assays to lectins and swine influenza h1n1 virus.the terminal parts of the influenza hemagglutinin (ha) receptors α2,6- and α2,3-sialyllactoses were conjugated to an artificial carrier, named sequential oligopeptide carrier (soc(4) ), to formulate human and avian receptor mimics, respectively. soc(4) , formed by the tripeptide unit lys-aib-gly, adopts a rigid helicoids-type conformation, which enables the conjugation of biomolecules to the lys-n(ε) h(2) groups. by doing so, it preserves their initial conformations and functionalities of the e ...201122052803
use of fluorescent lectin binding to distinguish teladorsagia circumcincta and haemonchus contortus eggs, third-stage larvae and adult worms.lectin binding to carbohydrates on parasite surfaces has been investigated as a method of distinguishing adult worms, eggs and sheathed and exsheathed l3 of teladorsagia circumcincta and haemonchus contortus, economically important abomasal parasites in temperate climates. both species were maintained as pure laboratory cultures of field isolates from new zealand. each of the four life cycle stages could be distinguished by the binding of at least one lectin: adult worms by sambucus nigra agglut ...201121732182
alteration of the sialylation pattern and memory deficits by injection of aß(25?35) into the hippocampus of rats.sialic acid in glycoconjugates participates in important cellular functions associated with normal development, growth, and communication. therefore we evaluated the sialylation pattern and memory deficits caused by the injection of aß((25-35)) into the hippocampus (hp) of rats. the eight-arm maze spatial-learning and memory test indicated that the injection of aß((25-35)) into subfield ca1 of the hp impaired both learning and memory. the sialylation pattern was examined using sialic acid-specif ...201121419829
early murine t-lymphocyte activation is accompanied by a switch from n-glycolyl- to n-acetyl-neuraminic acid and generation of ligands for is well established that murine t-lymphocyte activation is accompanied by major changes in cell-surface sialylation, potentially influencing interactions with sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectins (siglecs). in the present study, we analysed early activation of murine cd4+ and cd8+ t-lymphocytes at 24 h. we observed a striking and selective up-regulation in the binding of a recombinant soluble form of siglec e, an inhibitory siglec which is expressed on several myeloid cell types in ...201121835922
comparison of methods for the purification of alpha-1 acid glycoprotein from human plasma.alpha-1 acid glycoprotein (agp) is a highly glycosylated, negatively charged plasma protein suggested to have anti-inflammatory and/or immunomodulatory activities. purification of agp could be simplified if methods that exploit its high solubility under chemically harsh conditions could be demonstrated to leave the protein in its native conformation. procedures involving exposure of agp to hot phenol or sulphosalicylic acid (ssa) were compared to solely chromatographic methods. hot phenol-purifi ...201121437215
cell surface sialylation affects binding of enterovirus 71 to rhabdomyosarcoma and neuroblastoma cells.enterovirus 71 (ev71) is a major causative agent of hand-foot-and-mouth disease (hfmd), and infection of ev71 to central nerve system (cns) may result in a high mortality in children less than 2 years old. although there are two highly glycosylated membrane proteins, scarb2 and psgl-1, which have been identified as the cellular and functional receptors of ev71, the role of glycosylation in ev71 infection is still unclear.201222853823
structure determination of streptococcus suis serotype 14 capsular polysaccharide.the capsular polysaccharide (cps) of streptococcus suis serotype 14 was purified, chemically modified, and characterized. sugar and absolute configuration analyses gave the following cps composition: d-gal, 3; d-glc, 1; d-glcnac, 1; d-neu5ac, 1. the sambucus nigra lectin, which recognizes the neu5ac(α2-6)gal/galnac sequence, showed binding to the native cps. sialic acid was found to be terminal, and the cps was quantitatively desialylated by mild acid hydrolysis. it was also submitted to perioda ...201223527632
distribution patterns of influenza virus receptors and viral attachment patterns in the respiratory and intestinal tracts of seven avian species.this study assessed the presence of sialic acid α-2,3 and α-2,6 linked glycan receptors in seven avian species. the respiratory and intestinal tracts of the chicken, common quail, red-legged partridge, turkey, golden pheasant, ostrich, and mallard were tested by means of lectin histochemistry, using the lectins maackia amurensis agglutinin ii and sambucus nigra agglutinin, which show affinity for α-2,3 and α-2,6 receptors, respectively. additionally, the pattern of virus attachment (pva) was eva ...201222489675
tissue distribution of sialic acid-linked influenza virus receptors in beagle dogs.reports of influenza a virus infections in dogs has received considerable attention from veterinarians, virologists, and epidemiologists. interaction between influenza viral hemagglutinin and cell oligosaccharides containing sialic acid residues results in infection. sialic acids have an α-2,3-linkage to the penultimate galactose in the avian influenza virus receptor and an α-2,6-linkage in the human receptor. to date, there are no detailed data on the tissue distribution or histological feature ...201223000577
anti-influenza virus effects of elderberry juice and its fractions.elderberry (sambucus nigra l.) has traditionally been used for treating influenza and colds. we evaluated the antiviral effect of concentrated juice of elderberry (cj-e) on the human influenza a virus (ifv). cj-e had a relatively strong effect on ifv-infected mice, although its anti-ifv activity was weak in a cell culture system. the in vivo anti-ifv activities of the fractions were determined after separating cj-e by ultrafiltration and anion-exchange chromatography. oral administration of the ...201222972323
effect of nutrition and enteromyxum leei infection on gilthead sea bream sparus aurata intestinal carbohydrate distribution.the effect of a practical plant protein-based diet containing vegetable oils (vo) as the major lipid source on the mucosal carbohydrate pattern of the intestine was studied in gilthead sea bream sparus aurata challenged with the myxosporean parasite enteromyxum leei. fish fed for 9 mo either a fish oil (fo) diet or a blend of vo at 66% of replacement (66vo diet) were exposed to parasite-contaminated water effluent. samples of the anterior, middle and posterior intestine (ai, mi and pi, respectiv ...201222885511
posttranslational modifications of the insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 3 in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus assessed by affinity chromatography.structural and ligand-binding properties of the insulin-like growth factor-binding protein (igfbp)-3 in patients with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus type 2 were investigated using boronic acid- and lectin-affinity chromatography. igfbp-3 species separated by chromatography were analyzed by immunoblotting and surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (seldi-tof ms). increased igfbp-3 binding to boronic acid in patients was shown to be accompanied by the in ...201222884472
characterization of phenolic compounds in flowers of wild medicinal plants from northeastern portugal.crataegus monogyna, cytisus multiflorus, malva sylvestris and sambucus nigra have been used as important medicinal plants in the iberian peninsula since a long time ago, and are claimed to have various health benefits. this study aimed to determine the phenolic profile and composition of wild medicinal flowers of those species. the analysis was performed by hplc-dad-esi/ms. flavonoids, and particularly flavonols and flavones, were the main groups in almost all the studied samples. c. multiflorus ...201222342808
glycan profiling of endometrial cancers using lectin microarray.cell surface glycans change during the process of malignant transformation. to characterize and distinguish endometrial cancer and endometrium, we performed glycan profiling using an emerging modern technology, lectin microarray analysis. the three cell lines, two from endometrial cancers [well-differentiated type (g1) and poorly differentiated type (g3)] and one from normal endometrium, were successfully categorized into three independent groups by 45 lectins. furthermore, in cancer cells, a cl ...201222957961
in vitro inhibition of cyp3a4 by the multiherbal commercial product sambucus force and its main constituents echinacea purpurea and sambucus nigra.the multiherbal product sambucus force contains echinacea purpurea and sambucus nigra as its main constituents. the aims of this study were to evaluate sambucus force's inhibition potential and inhibition mechanisms towards cyp3a4, and to evaluate the inhibitory co-contribution of e. purpurea and s. nigra. metabolic studies were performed with recombinant human cyp3a4, with testosterone as substrate. sambucus force inhibited cyp3a4 activity with a mean (95% confidence interval) half maximal inhi ...201222319006
traditional food and herbal uses of wild plants in the ancient south-slavic diaspora of mundimitar/montemitro (southern italy). 201222672636
role of glycosylation in the anticancer activity of antibacterial peptides against breast cancer cells.antibacterial peptides (abps) with cancer-selective toxicity have received much more attention as alternative chemotherapeutic agents in recent years. however, the basis of their anticancer activity remains unclear. the modification of cell surface glycosylation is a characteristic of cancer cells. the present study investigated the effect of glycosylation, in particular sialic acid, on the anticancer activity of abps. we showed that aurein 1.2, buforin iib and bmap-28m exhibited selective cytot ...201323962446
apoptotic cells selectively uptake minor glycoforms of vitronectin from serum.apoptosis profoundly alters the carbohydrate layer coating the membrane of eukaryotic cells. previously we showed that apoptotic cells became reactive with the α2,6-sialyl-specific lectin from sambucus nigra agglutinin (sna), regardless of their histological origin and the nature of the apoptotic stimulus. here we reveal the basis of the phenomenon by showing that in apoptotic cancer cell lines sna reactivity was mainly associated with a 67 kda glycoprotein which we identified by maldi-tof/tof a ...201323381642
a lectin microarray study of glycoantigens in neonatal porcine islet-like cell clusters.besides α-gal expression, the differences of glycosylation and antigenicity between adult pig islets (apis) and neonatal porcine islet-like cell clusters (npccs) are altogether unclear. in this study, lectin microarray analyses of npccs were performed and the results compared with the corresponding values for wild-type apis and npccs from α-gal transferase knockout (galt-ko) pig.201323769020
assessment of extracts of helichrysum arenarium, crataegus monogyna, sambucus nigra in photoprotective uva and uvb; photostability in cosmetic emulsions.the aim of our study was to investigate the photoprotective activity and photostability efficacy of sunscreen formulations containing helichrysum arenarium, sambucus nigra, crataegus monogyna extracts and their combination. uv transmission of the emulsion films was performed by using diffuse transmittance measurements coupling to an integrating sphere. in vitro photoprotection and photostability efficacy were evaluated according to the following parameters: sun protection factor (spf), uva prote ...201324007865
medicinal plants used for dermatological affections in navarra and their pharmacological validation.this paper provides significant ethnopharmacological information on plant used in dermatological affections in navarra.201323892205
elucidation of n-glycosites within human plasma glycoproteins for cancer biomarker discovery.glycans are an important class of post-translational modifications that decorate a wide array of protein substrates. these cell-type specific molecules, which are modulated during developmental and disease processes, are attractive biomarker candidates as biology regarding altered glycosylation can be used to guide the experimental design. the mass spectrometry (ms)-based workflow described here incorporates chromatography on affinity matrices formed from lectins, proteins that bind specific gly ...201323296540
particulate matter on foliage of 13 woody species: deposition on surfaces and phytostabilisation in waxes--a 3-year study.particulate matter (pm) as an air pollutant can be harmful for human health through allergic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects. although the main focus is on decreasing air pollution, after pm has been emitted to the atmosphere, one ofthe realistic options to decrease it's concentrations in urbanized area will be phytoremediation. this study compared the capacity to capture pm from air of seven tree species commonly cultivated in poland (catalpa bignonioides walter, corylus colurna l., fraxinu ...201323488010
identification of magnolia officinalis l. bark extract as the most potent anti-inflammatory of four plant extracts.this study was designed to compare the anti-inflammatory potential of a magnolia officinalis l. bark extract solely or in combination with extracts prepared from either polygonum aviculare l., sambucus nigra l., or isodon japonicus l. in bacterial lipopolysaccharide (lps) stimulated human gingival fibroblasts (hgf-1) and human u-937 monocytes, as cell models of periodontal disease. hgf-1 and u-937 cells were incubated with lps from either porphyromonas gingivalis or escherichia coli together wit ...201323711140
sambucus nigra extracts inhibit infectious bronchitis virus at an early point during replication.infectious bronchitis virus (ibv) is a pathogenic chicken coronavirus. currently, vaccination against ibv is only partially protective; therefore, better preventions and treatments are needed. plants produce antimicrobial secondary compounds, which may be a source for novel anti-viral drugs. non-cytotoxic, crude ethanol extracts of rhodiola rosea roots, nigella sativa seeds, and sambucus nigra fruit were tested for anti-ibv activity, since these safe, widely used plant tissues contain polyphenol ...201424433341
membrane-bound mucins and mucin terminal glycans expression in idiopathic or helicobacter pylori, nsaid associated peptic determine the expression of membrane-bound mucins and glycan side chain sialic acids in helicobacter pylori (h. pylori)-associated, non-steroidal inflammatory drug (nsaid)-associated and idiopathic-gastric ulcers.201425356051
complex thiolated mannose/quinone film modified on eqcm/au electrode for recognizing specific carbohydrate-proteins.a complex thiolated mannose (tm)/quinone functionalised polythiophene (qfpt) thin film was modified on eqcm/au electrode for recognition of specific carbohydrate-proteins. different lectins such as those from sambucus nigra (elder berry), arachis hypogaea (peanut), ulex europaeus (gorse, furze), triticum vulgaris and concanavalin a (cona) was used for probes to evaluate bio-sensing performance of the tm/qfpt film. a specific response was observed for cona from lectins when using the tm/qfpt film ...201424373955
neu1 sialidase regulates the sialylation state of cd31 and disrupts cd31-driven capillary-like tube formation in human lung microvascular endothelia.the highly sialylated vascular endothelial surface undergoes changes in sialylation upon adopting the migratory/angiogenic phenotype. we recently established endothelial cell (ec) expression of neu1 sialidase (cross, a. s., hyun, s. w., miranda-ribera, a., feng, c., liu, a., nguyen, c., zhang, l., luzina, i. g., atamas, s. p., twaddell, w. s., guang, w., lillehoj, e. p., puché, a. c., huang, w., wang, l. x., passaniti, a., and goldblum, s. e. (2012) neu1 and neu3 sialidase activity expressed in ...201424550400
both α2,3- and α2,6-linked sialic acids on o-linked glycoproteins act as functional receptors for porcine sapovirus.sapovirus, a member of the caliciviridae family, is an important cause of acute gastroenteritis in humans and pigs. currently, the porcine sapovirus (psav) cowden strain remains the only cultivable member of the sapovirus genus. while some caliciviruses are known to utilize carbohydrate receptors for entry and infection, a functional receptor for sapovirus is unknown. to characterize the functional receptor of the cowden strain of psav, we undertook a comprehensive series of protein-ligand bioch ...201424901849
determination of elements by atomic absorption spectrometry in medicinal plants employed to alleviate common cold symptoms.eleven important medicinal plants generally used by the people of turkey for the treatment of common cold have been studied for their mineral contents. eleven minor and major elements (essential, non-essential and toxic) were identified in the asplenium adiantum-nigrum l. , althaea officinalis l. , verbascum phlomoides l., euphorbia chamaesyce l., zizyphus jujube miller, peganum harmala l., arum dioscoridis sm., sambucus nigra l., piperlongum l., tussilago farfara l. and elettaria cardamomum mat ...201425532362
screening for bioactive metabolites in plant extracts modulating glucose uptake and fat accumulation.dichloromethane and methanol extracts of seven different food and medicinal plants were tested in a screening platform for identification of extracts with potential bioactivity related to insulin-dependent glucose uptake and fat accumulation. the screening platform included a series of in vitro bioassays, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (ppar) γ-mediated transactivation, adipocyte differentiation of 3t3-l1 cell cultures, and glucose uptake in both 3t3-l1 adipocytes and primary porcine ...201425254050
construction and validation of a sambucus nigra biosensor for cancer-associated stn antigen.a label-free electrochemical impedance spectroscopy biosensor for selective detection and discrimination of the cancer-associated sialyl-tn (stn) antigen was developed by using sambucus nigra agglutinin type i (sna-i) as the recognition element. the sna-i biosensor was constructed by immobilizing the lectin on screen-printed gold electrodes. the formation of a complex between sna-i and stn-containing glycoproteins (transferrin and bovine submaxillary mucin) was monitored by measuring the impedan ...201424594592
electrochemical detection of glycan and protein epitopes of glycoproteins in serum.aberrant protein glycosylation is associated with a range of pathological conditions including cancer and possesses diagnostic importance. translation of glycoprotein biomarkers will be facilitated by the development of a rapid and sensitive analytical platform that simultaneously interrogates both the glycan and protein epitopes of glycoproteins in body fluids such as serum or saliva. to this end, we developed an electrochemical biosensor based on the immobilization of a lectin on the gold elec ...201425267970
fifteen-year phenological plant species and meteorological trends in central italy.the present study was carried out in a phenological garden in central italy that contains vegetative clones of shrubs and trees common to several international phenological gardens, such as cornus sanguinea l.; corylus avellana l.; ligustrum vulgare l.; robinia pseudoacacia l.; salix acutifolia willd. and sambucus nigra l. vegetative plant growth monitoring was carried out weekly using common international keys: bbch07, bud break and leaf unfolding; bbch19, young unfolded leaf; bbch91, adult lea ...201423435513
protein-inorganic hybrid nanoflowers as ultrasensitive electrochemical cytosensing interfaces for evaluation of cell surface sialic acid.the identification of biocompatible nanomaterials with high conductivities as sensing interfaces is important in developing novel electrochemical cytosensors. we prepared a novel protein-inorganic nanomaterial-bovine serum albumin (bsa) incorporated ag nanoflowers with three-dimensional porous architectures, using a simple biomimetic method. the bsa-incorporated ag nanoflowers were modified on a glassy carbon electrode (gce) surface and conjugated with a targeting lectin molecule, i.e., sambucus ...201525599845
production of α2,6-sialylated igg1 in cho cells.the presence of α2,6-sialic acids on the fc n-glycan provides anti-inflammatory properties to the iggs through a mechanism that remains unclear. fc-sialylated iggs are rare in humans as well as in industrial host cell lines such as chinese hamster ovary (cho) cells. facilitated access to well-characterized α2,6-sialylated iggs would help elucidate the mechanism of this intriguing igg's effector function. this study presents a method for the efficient fc glycan α2,6-sialylation of a wild-type and ...201525875452
a molecular docking study of phytochemical estrogen mimics from dietary herbal supplements.the purpose of this study is to use a molecular docking approach to identify potential estrogen mimics or anti-estrogens in phytochemicals found in popular dietary herbal supplements.201525878948
lectin histochemistry shows wga, pha-l and hpa binding increases during progression of human colorectal cancer.most colorectal carcinomas develop from an adenoma-carcinoma sequence to metastatic disease. the aim of the present study was to use lectins, carbohydrate-binding proteins, to detect changes in glycosylation during this malignant progression.201526408694
anti-toxoplasma activities of methanolic extract of sambucus nigra (caprifoliaceae) fruits and leaves.toxoplasma gondii is an obligatory intracellular parasite that infects a wide range of warm-blooded animals and humans. considering the severity of toxoplasmosis, side effects of current treatments, and the contribution of the ethnopharmacological knowledge for the treatment of parasitic infections, the aim of the present study was to investigate the efficacy of methanolic extracts from the fruits and leaves of sambucus nigra against tachyzoite of t gondii. for this, fruits and leaves of s. nigr ...201526299111
terminal glycotope expression on milk fibronectin differs from plasma fibronectin and changes over lactation.fibronectin (fn) is a multifunctional glycoprotein appearing in various glycovariants with potential biological activities. using lectins we analyzed the expression of terminal glycotopes on human milk fibronectin over lactation and compared it with that of the mother's plasma.201525464017
a cross-cultural comparison of folk plant uses among albanians, bosniaks, gorani and turks living in south kosovo.kosovo represents a unique hotspot of biological and cultural diversity in europe, which allows for interesting cross-cultural ethnobotanical studies. the aims of this study were twofold: 1) to document the state of traditional knowledge related to local (esp. wild) plant uses for food, medicine, and handicrafts in south kosovo; and 2) to examine how communities of different ethnic groups in the region (albanians, bosniaks/gorani, and turks) relate to and value wild botanical taxa in their ecosy ...201525964167
distribution of sialic acid receptors and experimental infections with different subtypes of influenza a viruses in qinghai-tibet plateau wild pika.the plateau pika (ochotona curzoniae) is a small rabbit-like mammal that lives at high altitudes in the qinghai-tibet plateau and is in close contact with birds. following the outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (hpai) h5n1 during 2005 in the migratory birds of qinghai lake, two clades of h5n1 have been found in pikas. however, the influenza virus receptor distribution in different tissues of this animal and its susceptibility to influenza a viruses have remained unclear.201525880060
anthocyanin-rich black elderberry extract improves markers of hdl function and reduces aortic cholesterol in hyperlipidemic mice.serum high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (hdl-c) is a risk factor considered to be protective of atherosclerosis. however, atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease and contributes to impairment in high-density lipoprotein (hdl) function, including reductions in hdl-c, hdl antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. anthocyanins are polyphenols that have demonstrated antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. the objective of this study was to determine whether an anthocyanin-rich black ...201525758596
total phenolic contents, antioxidant activities, and lipid fractions from berry pomaces obtained by solid-state fermentation of two sambucus species with aspergillus niger.the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of solid-state fermentation (ssf) by aspergillus niger on phenolic contents and antioxidant activity in sambucus nigra l. and sambucus ebulus l. berry pomaces. the effect of fermentation time on the total fats and major lipid classes (neutral and polar) was also investigated. during the ssf, the extractable phenolics increased with 18.82% for s. ebulus l. and 11.11% for s. nigra l. the levels of antioxidant activity of methanolic extracts were ...201525787023
effect-directed analysis of fresh and dried elderberry (sambucus nigra l.) via hyphenated planar chromatography.a healthy diet is an important factor in a healthy lifestyle that is becoming increasingly important in today's society. the fruits of european elder (sambucus nigra l.) are a rich source of bioactive compounds like anthocyanins. in this study, dried and fresh fruits of four cultivated and six wild growing plants were investigated for their anthocyanin pattern and content as well as their bioactive compounds. after separation on hptlc plates silica gel 60 f254 with a mixture of ethyl acetate, 2- ...201526643726
density and egg parasitism of stink bugs (hemiptera: pentatomidae) in elderberry and dispersal into crops.chinavia hilaris (say), euschistus servus (say), euschistus tristigmus (say), and thyanta custator custator (f.) (hemiptera: pentatomidae) are serious pests of crops in the southeastern united states but little is known concerning their dispersal from noncrop hosts in woodlands into crops. this 2-yr study was conducted to investigate whether elderberry [sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis (l.) r. bolli] in woodlands serves as a source of stink bugs dispersing into adjacent crops and to examine para ...201627773875
effect of elderberry (sambucus nigra l.) extract supplementation in stz-induced diabetic rats fed with a high-fat diet.elderberry (sambucus nigra l.) lipophilic and polar extract dietary supplementation effects were evaluated according to diabetes management indices, using an in vivo model. a research pipeline was constructed, that ranged from extract preparation, partial chemical characterization and toxicity evaluation, to examining the elderberry extract dietary supplementation effects on biofluid and tissues. extracts toxicity was screened using an aliivibrio fischeri bioluminescence model. a concentration o ...201628025494
sialylated immunoglobulin g can neutralize influenza virus infection through receptor mimicry.influenza viruses possess a great threat to human health, but there is still no effective drug to deal with the outbreak of possible new influenza subtypes. in this study, we first fractionated sialylated immunoglobulin g (igg), mainly fab sialylated fraction, with sambucus nigra agglutinin affinity chromatography. we then demonstrated that sialylated igg possessed more effective neutralizing activity against 2009 a (h1n1) subtype than that of igg mixture, and sialosides on the fab is crucial in ...201626870994
elderberry supplementation reduces cold duration and symptoms in air-travellers: a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial.intercontinental air travel can be stressful, especially for respiratory health. elderberries have been used traditionally, and in some observational and clinical studies, as supportive agents against the common cold and influenza. this randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial of 312 economy class passengers travelling from australia to an overseas destination aimed to investigate if a standardised membrane filtered elderberry (sambucus nigra l.) extract has beneficial effects ...201627023596
shifts in plant foliar and floral metabolomes in response to the suppression of the associated microbiota.the phyllospheric microbiota is assumed to play a key role in the metabolism of host plants. its role in determining the epiphytic and internal plant metabolome, however, remains to be investigated. we analyzed the liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (lc-ms) profiles of the epiphytic and internal metabolomes of the leaves and flowers of sambucus nigra with and without external antibiotic treatment application.201627048394
differential expression of o-glycans in cd4(+) t lymphocytes from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.t cells from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (sle) show a decreased activation threshold and increased apoptosis. these processes seem to be regulated by glycosylated molecules on the t cell surface. here, we determined through flow cytometry the expression of mucin-type o-glycans on t helper cells in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) from 23 sle patients and its relation with disease activity. we used lectins specific for the disaccharide gal-galnac, such as amaranthus leucoc ...201627600584
medicinal plants used for ophthalmological problems in navarra (spain).several plants have been found to have effective against number of ophthalmological problems in navarra.201627269391
explaining the serological characteristics of streptococcus suis serotypes 1 and 1/2 from their capsular polysaccharide structure and biosynthesis.the capsular polysaccharide (cps) is a major virulence factor in many encapsulated pathogens, as it is the case for streptococcus suis, an important swine pathogen and emerging zoonotic agent. moreover, the cps is the antigen at the origin of s. suis classification into serotypes. hence, analyses of the cps structure are an essential step to dissect its role in virulence and the serological relations between important serotypes. here, the cpss of serotypes 1 and 1/2 were purified and characteriz ...201626912653
sialylation transmogrifies human breast and pancreatic cancer cells into 3d multicellular tumor spheroids using cyclic rgd-peptide induced self-assembly.multicellular tumor spheroids (mts) have been at the forefront of cancer research, designed to mimic tumor-like developmental patterns in vitro. tumor growth in vivo is highly influenced by aberrant cell surface-specific sialoglycan structures on glycoproteins. aberrant sialoglycan patterns that facilitate mts formation are not well defined. matrix-free spheroids from breast mcf-7 and pancreatic panc1 cancer cell lines and their respective tamoxifen (tmx) and gemcitabine (gem) resistant variants ...201627608845
glycomic profile of the human parotid gland between 18th and 26th week of fetal development.the formation of new and functional structural components of several organs, such as parotid glands, can be influenced by the glycocode. this study analyzed the glycobiology of parotid salivary gland tissue during fetal development using specific biochemical probes (lectins and antibodies). eleven parotid gland samples from human fetuses were obtained from spontaneous abortions at 14-28 weeks of gestation, and tissue sections were analyzed for lectin histochemistry and immunohistochemistry. from ...201627665974
anti-cytokine therapy for prevention of atherosclerosis.currently a chronic inflammation is considered to be the one of the most important reasons of the atherosclerosis progression. a huge amount of researches over the past few decades are devoted to study the various mechanisms of inflammation in the development of atherosclerotic lesions.201626781385
changes of glycosylation of igg in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with patients with active rheumatoid arthritis (ra) decrease of galactosylation is correlated with disease activity. the aim of our study was to evaluate an effect of methotrexate therapy on glycosylation disturbances of igg in ra patients.201626876088
authentication of punica granatum l.: development of scar markers for the detection of 10 fruits potentially used in economically motivated adulteration.the large commercial success of pomegranate increase the likelihood of economically motivated adulteration (ema), which has been gradually spotted with the undeclared addition of anthocyanin-rich plants or cheaper fruit juices used as bulking and diluting agents. a method based on sequence-characterized amplified regions (scars) was developed to detect the presence of aristotelia chilensis, aronia melanocarpa, dioscorea alata, euterpe oleracea, malus×domestica, morus nigra, sambucus nigra, vacci ...201626920316
altered glycosylation, expression of serum haptoglobin and alpha-1-antitrypsin in chronic hepatitis c, hepatitis c induced liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma patients.liver cirrhosis with hepatitis c viral infection (hcv-lc) causes high risk to develop hepatocellular carcinoma (hcc). besides diagnosis of liver cirrhosis by biochemical test, imaging techniques, assessment of structural liver damage by biopsy shows several disadvantages. our aim was to monitor the changes in the expression level of serum proteins and their glycosylation pattern among chronic hepatitis c (hcv-ch), hcv-lc and hcc patients with respect to controls. 2d gel electrophoresis of hcv-ch ...201627034286
model of human recurrent respiratory papilloma on chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane for tumor angiogenesis research.we aimed to develop a chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane (cam) model of recurrent respiratory papilloma (rpp) and to evaluate its morphological and morphometric characteristics, together with angiogenic features. fresh rrp tissue samples obtained from 13 patients were implanted in 174 chick embryo cams. morphological, morphometric, and angiogenic changes in the cam and chorionic epithelium were evaluated up until 7 days after the implantation. immunohistochemical analysis (34βe12, ki-67, mmp- ...201627723025
lectins selectively label cartilage condensations and the otic neuroepithelium within the embryonic chicken head.cartilage morphogenesis during endochondral ossification follows a progression of conserved developmental events. cells are specified towards a prechondrogenic fate and subsequently undergo condensation followed by overt differentiation. currently available molecular markers of prechondrogenic and condensing mesenchyme rely on common regulators of the chondrogenic program that are not specific to the tissue type or location. therefore tissue-specific condensations cannot be distinguished based o ...201727861854
chinese hamster ovary (cho) host cell engineering to increase sialylation of recombinant therapeutic proteins by modulating sialyltransferase expression.n-glycans of human proteins possess both α2,6- and α2,3-linked terminal sialic acid (sa). recombinant glycoproteins produced in chinese hamster overy (cho) only have α2,3-linkage due to the absence of α2,6-sialyltransferase (st6gal1) expression. the chinese hamster st6gal1 was successfully overexpressed using a plasmid expression vector in three recombinant immunoglobulin g (igg)-producing cho cell lines. the stably transfected cell lines were enriched for st6gal1 overexpression using fitc-sambu ...201725641927
transition rates of selected metals determined in various types of teas (camellia sinensis l. kuntze) and herbal/fruit infusions.teas and raw materials used as ingredients of herbal and fruit infusions (hfi) were analysed by means of icp-ms for their content of aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead and mercury in the dry product and in the infusion. samples of tea (camellia sinensis l. kuntze) were selected to include different origins, types (black, green), leaf grades (whole leaf, broken, fannings, dust) and manufacturing techniques (orthodox, "crush, tear, curl"). the selected hfi raw materials (chamomile, elderber ...201727542446
sialic acid residues in the labial salivary glands from sjögren's syndrome investigate the composition and expression of sialic acid in the labial salivary glands (lsg) in sjögren's syndrome (ss).201710609070
antibacterial activity of fractions from three chumash medicinal plant extracts and in vitro inhibition of the enzyme enoyl reductase by the flavonoid jaceosidin.we have investigated the in vitro antibacterial bioactivity of dichloromethane-soluble fractions of artemisia californica, trichostema lanatum, salvia apiana, sambucus nigra ssp. cerulea and quercus agrifolia née against a δtolc mutant strain of escherichia coli. these plants are traditional medicinal plants of the chumash american indians of southern california. bioassay-guided fractionation led to the isolation of three flavonoid compounds from a. californica: jaceosidin (1), jaceidin (2), and ...201727482826
Displaying items 301 - 400 of 402