
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
a fatal case of listeria monocytogenes meningoencephlitis in a newborn infant. a case report with autopsy and brief review. 19655213241
[on some metabolic characteristics of listeria monocytogenes. iv. turbidity of solid media with egg yolk and human serum provoked by listeria monocytogenes]. 196514348527
[serological studies on the pathogenetic significance of listeria monocytogenes for infectious mononucleosis]. 196514303899
the production of immuno-conglutinin. ix. in acute bacterial infections. 196514323027
immunofluorescence techniques for demonstrating bacterial pathogens associated with cerebrospinal meningitis. i. clinical evaluation of conjugates on smears prepared directly from cerebrospinal fluid sediments. 196514331108
experimental production of cold agglutinins in rabbits. 196514332059
bacterial aortic aneurysm due to listeria monocytogenes: first report of an aneurysm caused by listeria. 196514287792
chemical and immunological composition of surface structures of listeria monocytogenes.osebold, john w. (university of california, davis), ole aalund, and clarence e. chrisp. chemical and immunological composition of surface structures of listeria monocytogenes. j. bacteriol. 89:84-88. 1965.-a proteinlike surface substance was demonstrated on listeria monocytogenes when an explanation was sought for the inagglutinability of some somatic antigens. the serological behavior of live bacteria and organisms subjected to heat, formalin, and trypsin was compared. the agglutination-inhibit ...196514255685
effects of cortisone on susceptibility of mice to listeria monocytogenes. 196514270967
effect of chronic gamma radiation on airborne infection of mice with listeria monocytogenes. 196514272818
volatile fatty acid requirement of a strain of listeria monocytogenes.larson, a. d. (louisiana state university, baton rouge), l. v. hattier, and c. s. mccleskey. volatile fatty acid requirement of a strain of listeria monocytogenes. j. bacteriol. 89:819-824. 1965.-listeria monocytogenes strain 2 requires either isobutyric or 2-methylbutyric acid for growth. elucidation of this requirement began with characterization of the growth-enhancing substance in culture filtrates of aerobacter aerogenes. a. aerogenes required tryptose, glucose, and aerobic conditions for e ...196514273667
listeria monocytogenes meningoencephalitis in an adult. 196514245183
[further increase of listeriosis in bremen]. 196514232241
susceptibility of the sage brush vole, lagurus curtatus, to listeria monocytogenes. 196516562034
[cellular resistance to bacterial infection. iv. active immunization and resistance of the macrophages of ncs mice to the intracellular multiplication of listeria monocytogenes, corynebacterium kutscheri and brucella melitensis]. 19665903387
[cellular resistance to bacterial infection. 3. modifications of the resistance of ncs mice to infection by listeria monocytogenes after endotoxin injection. comparative effects of an endotoxin injection and an active immunization on the morphological aspect and cellular resistance to infection of the macrophages of ncs mice]. 19665903404
[meningitis caused by listeria monocytogenes in an 8-day-old child born by cesarean section]. 19665919532
[histological investigation of pregnant mice following infection with listeria monocytogenes]. 19665932977
unsuccessful attempt to detect listeria monocytogenes in healthy pregnant women. 19664957031
[carbohydrate metabolism in "listeria monocytogenes"]. 19664957306
clinical investigation of listeria monocytogenes as a possible cause of human fetal wastage. 19664955545
the application of the phage-fluorescent antiphage staining system in the specific identification of listeria monocytogenes. ii. the use of the phage-fluorescent antiphage system in the specific identification of listeria monocytogenes in tissues from experimentally infected animals. 19664956205
electron microscopy of listeria monocytogenes-infected mouse spleen.armstrong, b. a. (the university of kansas, lawrence), and c. p. sword. electron microscopy of listeria monocytogenes-infected mouse spleen. j. bacteriol. 91:1346-1355. 1966.-mouse spleen infected with listeria monocytogenes was observed during the acute phase of infection; 72 hr after infection, organisms were usually found within phagocytic vacuoles in the cytoplasm of macrophages. these vacuoles, which resembled phagosomes, often contained several organisms as well as varying amounts of amorp ...19664956335
[listeria monocytogenes meningitis in an adult female]. 19664956515
mitosis in mouse peritoneal macrophages. 19664956876
listeria monocytogenes and listeric infections. 19664956900
beta-hemolytic gram-negative hemophilic bacillus isolated from the genitalia of rabbits.muraschi, thelma f. (division of laboratories and research, new york state department of health, albany), john k. miller, victor n. tompkins, and dorothy m. bolles. beta-hemolytic gram-negative hemophilic bacillus isolated from the genitalia of rabbits. j. bacteriol. 91:356-366. 1966.-an unidentified beta-hemolytic gram-negative hemophilic bacillus was encountered during experiments for recovery of listeria monocytogenes from rabbits after vaginal instillation. cultural, morphological, biochemic ...19664955251
[study of some factors which influence the isolation of listeria monocytogenes from vaginal exudate]. 19664958161
[characteristics of listeria monocytogenes]. 19664958163
human vibrio fetus infection. report of two dissimilar cases. 19664958390
synthesis and characterization of 1- and 2-monoglyceryl ethers of anteiso fatty alcohols, and reinvestigation of benzylidene glycerol synthesis. 19664958470
antibody heterogeneity in experimental listeriosis. 19664958739
mechanisms of acquired resistance in mouse typhoid.experiments in vitro comparing normal mouse peritoneal macrophages with cells from salmonella typhimurium-infected mice have shown that the "immune" macrophages have conspicuously enhanced microbicidal properties. whereas normal macrophages could inactivate only 50 to 60% of intracellular s. typhimurium pretreated with immune serum, cells from infected animals killed virtually all ingested organisms and did so at an accelerated rate. macrophages from listeria monocytogenes-infected mice were sho ...19664958757
mechanisms of pathogenesis in listeria monocytogenes infection. i. influence of iron.sword, c. p. (the university of kansas, lawrence). mechanisms of pathogenesis in listeria monocytogenes infection. i. influence of iron. j. bacteriol. 92: 536-542. 1966.-the effects of ferric and ferrous iron as well as other cations on listeria infection in mice were studied. iron compounds caused a reduction in the ld(50) dose of listeria, and, when added to a synthetic medium, proved stimulatory for in vitro growth of the organism. bacterial counts on spleen and liver tissue from iron-treated ...19664958771
bacteriostatic action of progesterone on staphylococci and other microorganisms.yotis, william (loyola university, hines, ill.), and ronald stanke. bacteriostatic action of progesterone on staphylococci and other microorganisms. j. bacteriol. 92:1285-1289. 1966.-progesterone has been examined in vitro for antibacterial activity against 10 microorganisms. turbidimetric and manometric techniques were used to assay the antibacterial activity of progesterone. the organisms tested consisted of staphylococcus aureus, s. epidermidis, gaffkya tetragena, bacillus subtilis, listeria ...19664958877
case of stillbirth due to infection with listeria monocytogenes.a case of listeriosis in a stillborn baby is described. the causative organism was isolated from lung, placenta, and meconium. the only manifestation of infection of the baby's mother was a slight pyrexia three days before delivery which subsided quickly after treatment with ampicillin. examination of the mother 11 days after delivery failed to produce evidence of listerial infection.19664959178
[respective influences exercised by the ingestion of living listeria monocytogenes and s. typhimurium on the in vitro bactericidal power of mouse macrophages]. 19664959211
the interaction of guanofuracin and listeria monocytogenes. 19664959244
[case of congenital listeriosis]. 19664957670
visceral and cerebral listeriosis in a lamb. 19664958036
[on the nature of bacteriocins produced by listeria monocytogenes]. 19664957494
[determination of the virulence of listeriae through their reduction capacity with respect to the nitrogen group of prontosil]. 19664959538
[anti-listeria antibodies in subjects in contact with cattle for professional reasons]. 19664960053
[polysaccharides, serotypes and chemotypes in parvobacteriaceae, listeria, erysipelothrix and corynebacterium]. 19664231166
synthesis and characterization of 1- and 2-monoglycerides of anteiso fatty acids.the branched-chain fatty acids d-(+)-12-methyltetradecanoic acid (c(15) anteiso) and d-(+)-14-methylhexadecanoic acid (c(17) anteiso) were isolated from the lipids of listeria monocytogenes and their 1- and 2-monoglycerides were prepared. reaction intermediates and products were purified without isomerization by column chromatography. thin-layer chromatography on florisil impregnated with boric acid and nuclear magnetic resonance were used in characterizing the 1- and 2-monoglycerides. the value ...19664287769
[medium with nalidixic acid for isolation of streptococci, d. pneumoniae, listeria and erysipelothrix]. 19664379952
serum protein alterations induced by listeria monocytogenes infections. 19664161837
[a listeria monocytogenes infection]. 19665332301
[on the detection of nasal carriers of listeria monocytogenes]. 19664966005
[on the detection of listeria monocytogenes in meconium. preliminary note]. 19664966006
[a method for extraction of listeria from silage]. 19664966129
[on the occurrence of listeria monocytogenes in human abortion material (prnancy endometrium and placenta)]. 19664966182
[listeriosis of newborn infants]. 19664967215
[listeria agglutinins (0-1 and 0-4b) in some population groups in the banate region (southwestern rumania)]. 19664967690
[disinfection and preservation of sheepskin infected by listeria]. 19664967924
[listeria meningitis in the newborn infant and secondary hydrocephalus with fatal outcome]. 19664968928
[on the frequency of listeria monocytogenes agglutinating antibodies in the population of the town and province of sassari]. 19664969287
comparison of biotypes, serotypes, chemotypes and spectrophotometric infrared types of brucellae, klebsiellae, listeriae, erysipelothrix and leptospirae. 19664960177
[purulent meningitis. considerations on the modern therapy, clinical course and prognosis with various germs]. 19664961594
listeria monocytogenes in a piglet. 19664960251
studies on the epidemiology of listeriosis in missouri. 19664962620
[cellular resistance to bacterial infection. v. cytoplasm modifications in vitro in mouse macrophages after injection of bacteria capable or incapable of intracellular multiplication]. 19664963042
[the ultrafine structure of listeria]. 19664964383
[studies on serodiagnosis of human listeria infection. ii. production and use of a specific listeria antigen]. 19664964501
[contribution to the study of isolation and identification of listeria monocytogenes]. 19664964520
[on the mechanism of bacterial allergy. the "transport factor" in white blood celles in bacterial allergy and anaphylaxis]. 19664970441
[antibacterial activity of alpha-, beta-unsaturated ketones of the furanic sequence]. 19664970657
[morphological changes in listerias depending on incubation temperatures]. 19664974576
[the survival of listerias in the environment]. 19664974577
[on methods of producing active antiphage sera]. 19664978577
[infection of rodents by the agents of listeriosis and erysipeloid in the sverdlovsk region]. 19664978067
[search for listeria monocytogenes in women with spontaneous abortion]. 19674976462
[lister and diseases contacted in the hospital]. 19674970699
[further experimental studies on the pathogenesis of cerebral listeriosis in sheep. 3. the course of the experimental infection with l. monocytogenes in sheep with high protein and low protein nutrition]. 19674970714
[infrared spectrophotometry and immunochemical studies of brucella klebsiella, listeria, erysipelothrix and leptospira]. 19674970715
[further experimental studies on the pathogenesis of cerebral listeriosis of the sheep. ii. the course of the experimental infection with listeria monocytogenes under various stress conditions]. 19674970995
[further experimental studies on the pathogenesis of cerebral listeriosis in the sheep. iv. the course of experimental listeria monocytogenes infection in sheep following repeated listeria administration, change of culture temperature and duration, and additional hyaluronidase administration]. 19674971187
[listeriosis from theviewpoint of the pediatrician]. 19674970587
[on the microbial content of the first meconium in spontaneous births]. 19674970588
[studies on the occurrence of listeriae in raw milk]. 19674969781
[on the incidence of listeria monocytogenes agglutinating antibodies in population groups in campania]. 19674970274
[histopathological aspects of experimental listeriosis]. 19674970435
[on microbiology and mechanism of bacterial abortions. i. experimental abortions with listeria monocytogenes]. 19674971743
[a new method for the demonstration of h2s production by erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae]. 19674972058
[isolation of listeria monocytogenes related to abortion and prenatal death in puebla city]. 19674971557
[on the formation of hydrogen sulfide by various microbes from the group causing natural focal infections]. 19674972895
[further contribution to the knowledge of meningitis caused by listeria monocytogenese in the newborn]. 19674974288
intraocular listeriosis. 19674964814
role of lipids in the mechanism of sensitization of erythrocytes by bacterial antigens with polysaccharide determinants. 19674964833
studies on the cultivation of listeria monocytogenes in batch and continuous cultures. 19674965006
effects of listeria monocytogenes hemolysins on the isolated ileum of rabbit. 19674965566
[cellular resistance to bacterial infection. vi. in vitro influence of the ingestion of living or killed bacteria on the bactericidal potency of macrophages towards listeria monocytogenes]. 19674965610
[action of bile and gastric juice acidity on the viability of listeria monocytogenes]. 19674964410
in vivo and in vitro action of norethindrone on staphylococci.norethindrone has been examined in vitro for antibacterial activity against 10 microorganisms. turbidimetric techniques were used to assay the antibacterial activity of norethindrone. the organisms tested included staphylococcus aureus, s. epidermidis, micrococcus conglomeratus, listeria monocytogenes, streptococcus faecalis, salmonella typhosa, shigella flexnerii, klebsiella pneumoniae, escherichia coli, and proteus vulgaris. bacteriostatic action was shown only against the gram-positive microo ...19674964476
role of the phagocyte in host-parasite interactions. xii. hydrogen peroxide-myeloperoxidase bactericidal system in the antimicrobial system in polymorphonuclear neutrophils (pmn) consisting of myeloperoxidase and hydrogen peroxide has been proposed. this system appears to be activated during phagocytosis as a result of the stimulated metabolic activities. a lysed-granules (lg) fraction was prepared from guinea pig exudative pmn. lg alone possessed bactericidal activity which was related to the ph of the reaction; the lower the ph, the more marked the activity. when low concentrations of both h(2)o(2) and lg w ...19674964478
[2 cases of listeriasis during pregnancy]. 19674963187
cross-reactivity of listeria monocytogenes and streptococcus faecalis types as revealed by agglutination and precipitin tests and immunofluorescent staining. 19674963437
antibiotic susceptibility of listeria monocytogenes and treatment of neonatal listeriosis with ampicillin. 19674963520
[neuromeningeal listeriosis (apropos of 6 cases)]. 19674963531
infections due to listeria monocytogenes in infants and children. 19674964041
Displaying items 301 - 400 of 16792