
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
effect of bisulfite and nitrite on vitamin b12 microbiological assays. 195212997236
sparing effects of mono- and dicarboxylic acids on the p-aminobenzoic acid requirements of lactobacillus arabinosus 17-5. 195212997267
the relationship of pantethine to naturally occurring forms of the lactobacillus bulgaricus factor. 195212999752
the mechanism of action of lactobacillus pentosus nucleosidase. 195212999753
utilization of some purine riboside derivatives by lactobacillus casei. 195212999834
the determination of vitamin b12 activity in human serum. 195212999857
[biological testing of vitamins with different types of e. coli and bacillus aerogenes]. 195213001169
possible identity of lactobacillin with hydrogen peroxide produced by lactobacilli. 195213002389
symposium on the lactic acid bacteria. 195213008949
effects of sodium chloride on the dosage-response curve of lactobacillus leichmannii to vitamin b12. 195213011165
[the effect of live lactobacilli on conception]. 195213016358
[the effect of 4-aminopterin on lactobacillus arabinosus and streptococcus lactis: appearance of resistent variants and modification of their synthetic capacities]. 195213017911
the occurrence of growth factors for lactobacillus leichmannii; streptococcus faecalis and leuconostoc citrovorum in the tissues of pernicious anaemia patients and controls. 195213018163
[research on the mechanism of an enzyme mutation in streptobacterium plantarum]. 195213019463
effect on weight gain of the addition of lactobacillus acidophilus to the formula of newborn infants. 195212991171
[vaginal discharge; its therapy with preparations made of pure cultures of lactic acid bacillus]. 195212992386
[method of the study of bacteria on tubercles of bean plants]. 195212992616
single system for measuring growth responses of three organisms to folacin and related factors (bacterimetric studies. vii.). 195213021576
[a contribution to the serology of bacterium bifidum]. 195213023975
an interrelationship between calcium ion and serine in the nutrition of lactobacillus casei. 195213027370
[antibacterial effect of vitamin k on lactobacilli]. 195213027637
[racemiase. i. cell-free racemiase]. 195213033865
observations on the clinical use of a chlorophyll dentifrice. 195213034402
the synthesis of cozymase from nicotinic acid and its derivatives by lactobacillus arabinosus 17-5. 195212977732
[intervention of pyridine nucleotides in a mutation of streptobacterium plantarum]. 195212979298
acid and alcohol tolerance imparted by thiamin. 195212980379
the toxicity of o-phenanthroline for lactic acid bacteria. 195212981107
peptides and bacterial growth. i. purification of a peptide factor required for growth of lactobacillus casei. 195212981110
peptides and bacterial growth. ii. l-alanine peptides and growth of lactobacillus casei. 195212981111
[effect of sulfonamides and antibiotics on döderlein's bacilli]. 195212981808
uracil in growth and pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis of lactobacillus bulgaricus 09. 195213047337
effect of certain carbohydrates on nutritional requirements of lactobacillus pentosus. 195213047358
bioautographic analysis of blood for growth factors active for l. leichmannii 4797. 195213047363
the incorporation of exogenous purines into pentose nucleic acid by lactobacillus casei. 195212981013
utilization of d-glutamic acid by lactobacillus arabinosus: glutamic racemase. 195212981075
manganese antagonists in the nutrition of lactobacillus acidophilus. 195212990725
[purified acidophilus culture in treatment of infected superficial wounds]. 195213020545
toxicity of autoclaved cystine for lactobacillus bifidus. 195213037775
mono- and disaccharides in growth of lactobacillus bifidus and its mutants. 195213037776
further studies of a differential culture technique for estimations of acidogenic bacteria in saliva. ii. species of lactobacilli isolated from saliva and their distribution in a group of children. 195213022841
antagonisms in the utilization of d-amino acids by lactic acid bacteria. iv. d-aspartic acid. 195212981100
[sensitivity of lactobacillus to penicillin and streptomycin]. 195213136471
evidence for a glutamic acid racemase in lactobacillus arabinosus. 195214924668
the assay of vitamin b12; relationship between growth response of lactobacillus leichmannii 313 in tubes and diffusion of oxygen into the medium. 195214925117
[amantin and lactobacillus count]. 195214942409
the microbiological assay of 'streptogenin' with lactobacillus casei. 195214944540
purine and pyrimidine requirements of lactobacillus leichmannii in the presence of vitamin b12 or thymidine. 195214946113
the chemical nature of the fatty acids of lactobacillus arabinosus. 195214946156
[growth of lactobacillus bifidus on synthetic media]. 195214953924
[a simple culture media for lactobacillus bifidus and acidophilus]. 195214959291
the role of anthranilic acid in the nutrition of lactobacillus arabinosus. 195214927557
amino acid decarboxylases of lactic acid bacteria. 195214927571
fermentation of 1-c14-d-xylose by lactobacillus pentosus. 195214927647
the homofermentative lactobacilli of apple juice. 195214927886
the effects of glucose and potassium on the metabolism of pyruvate in lactobacillus arabinosus. 195214934662
[the splitting of citric acid by lactobacillus]. 195214934730
[studies on vaginal lactobacillus; preliminary communication]. 195214936086
[the state of the intestine in chloromycetin medication]. 195214936611
[the splitting power of certain caries microorganisms and of bacterium acidophilum in relation to various carbohydrates and their reaction on the saliva ph]. 195214936666
[live lactobacilli in leukorrhea therapy]. 195214937282
the function of niacin explained by the tolerance theory. 195214937381
selectivity of sorbic acid media for the catalase negative lactic acid bacteria and clostridia. 195214938321
the effect of tobacco smoke upon some bacteria. 195214938485
[alcohol resistance of lactobacillus]. 195214940695
inhibition of utilization of glutamic acid by lactobacillus arabinosus. 195214920466
study of ureidosuccinic acid and related compounds in pyrimidine synthesis by lactobacillus bulgaricus 09. 195214920504
growth-promoting activity of l-lyxoflavin for lactobacillus lactis. 195214920512
response of lactic acid bacteria to amino acid derivatives. iii. effect of lyophilization on utilization of phenylalanine, phenyllactic acid, and phenylpyruvic acid. 195214915549
a modified medium for lactobacillus casei for the assay of b vitamins. 195214915953
estimation of l-malate and fumarate by malic decarboxylase of lactobacillus arabinosus. 195214915956
utilization of glutamine and asparagine and their peptides by micro-organisms. 195214910679
[the sulfur-removing ability of some homolactic microorganisms when provided and when not provided with hematin ferments]. 195214904467
the lack of relationship between salivary lactobacillus counts and dental caries activity. 195214891215
some applications of the rapid uptake of vitamin b12 by resting lactobacillus leichmannii organisms. 195217748850
[cases of infection of table wines with lactobacillus]. 195313132542
[lactobacillus in epiphytic microflora in plants of central asia]. 195313132547
dihydroorotic acid in nutrition of lactic acid bacteria. 195313134267
formation of ribose phosphate from xylose by extracts of lactobacillus pentosus. 195313117876
conversion of d-xylose to d-xylulose in extracts of lactobacillus pentosus. 195313117877
the chemical nature of the fatty acids of lactobacillus casei. 195313117883
fermentation of ribose-c14 by lactobacillus pentosus. 195313117910
growth promotion in rats by crude concentrates of the bifidus factor. 195313121074
[study of a new strictly anaerobic species of the genus eubacterium: eubacterium crispatum n. sp..]. 195313124957
the effect of sodium copper chlorophyllin on growth and acid production of some oral bacteria. 195313022985
growth response of microorganisms to vitamins at different temperatures. 195313022991
activity of some vitamin derivatives and related compounds for oral lactobacilli. 195313109231
effectiveness of oral and peroral penicillin on oral lactobacilli in human beings. 195313111779
[possibility of physiological therapy of fluor vaginalis with lyophil-dried culture of lactic acid bacteria]. 195313116727
growth stimulation of lactobacillus gayoni by n-d-glucosylglycine. 195313037825
[parietal ectases of the heart]. 195313039859
the incidence of lactobacillus bifidus in vaginal secretions of pregnant and non-pregnant women. 195313040387
the occurrence and distribution of amino-acid decarboxylases within the genus lactobacillus. 195313044902
the histidine decarboxylase of a species of lactobacillus; apparent dispensability of pyridoxal phosphate as coenzyme. 195313044903
factors affecting the activation of the ornithine apodecarboxylase of a strain of lactobacillus. 195313044904
lactobacillus parvus n.sp isolated from beer. 195313044915
lactobacillus frigidus n.sp. isolated from brewery yeast. 195313044918
[a new lactobacillus bifidus culture medium with alete baby food]. 195313170363
[morphological modifications in strains of lactobacillus leishmanii 313 produced by certain growth factors]. 195313161082
[contribution to the study of dihydrostreptomycin on bacillus acidophilus]. 195313161309
inhibition of the utilization of glutamine by lactobacillus arabinosus. 195313142389
Displaying items 301 - 400 of 19881