
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
characteristics of non-cholera vibrios isolated from cases of human diarrhoea.eighty-two organisms tentatively identified as non-cholera vibrios were isolated from cases of diarrhoea occurring in east pakistan. in 19 well-studied cases they were the predominant organism recovered, and a rise in agglutinating-antibody titre was found in six of these cases.because of this additional evidence that non-cholera vibrios cause diarrhoeal disease, it was necessary to evaluate simple screening tests as a means of recognizing them. it was found that all organisms that produced a ge ...19655294177
protective antigens from el tor vibrios. 1. the preparation and properties of a purified protective antigen from an el tor vibrio (ogawa subtype).a biochemically and immunologically homogeneous antigenic fraction having the properties of a lipopolysaccharide has been isolated from the culture supernatant of an el tor vibrio (ogawa subtype). this antigen was very specifically protective for mice challenged with ogawa strains of either el tor vibrios or vibrio cholerae. rabbit antisera prepared against the antigen were passively protective for mice and highly vibriocidal but had little agglutinating activity. however, the antigen was able s ...19655294306
the root of flagella of vibrio cholerae. 19655294325
clinical and physiological observations during an epidemic outbreak of non-vibrio cholera-like disease in calcutta.during march through june 1964, an epidemic of acute non-vibrio diarrhoeal disease, closely simulating cholera, occurred in calcutta. to clarify the etiology and pathophysiology and improve the therapy of this illness, bacteriological and metabolic studies were performed on 145 consecutive hypotensive adult male patients admitted with acute diarrhoeal disease to the calcutta infectious disease hospital. bacteriological and serological studies clearly demonstrated that the majority of patients wi ...19655295147
notes on food, beverages and fomites contaminated with vibrio cholerae. 19655295150
vibriocine production in the cholera and el tor vibrios.various tests have been developed to differentiate vibrio cholerae and v. el tor, since the latter was formerly considered to be of little clinical importance. more recently, however, it has become evident that these two organisms can produce an identical disease. consequently, it is of interest to detect similarities between them. in the present report, a method for the detection of bacteriocine ("vibriocine") activity of v. cholerae and v. el tor is described. the production of vibriocine appe ...19655322753
tetracycline sensitivity of vibrio cholerae in calcutta. 19655827191
some observations on vibrio cholerae strains isolated during the controlled field trial of cholera vaccines in calcutta in 1964. 19655827507
studies on the growth inhibitory effect of erythrose on vibrio cholerae. 19655840410
effect of tetracycline in hypotensive patients with non-vibrio cholera-like disease in calcutta. 19655882326
[a method for the determination and study of polysaccharides in vibrio cholerae]. 19655885701
[action of central nervous system inhibitory or stimulating drugs on the nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotides in the rat liver]. 19654379102
[interference of japanese encephalitis virus with certain cytopathogenic viruses in tissue cultures]. 19654289026
the response of the pituitary-adrenal system to a stressful stimulus: the effect of conditioning and pentobarbitone treatment. 19654284301
aldosterone secretion by dogs during the developmental phase of goldblatt hypertension. 19654284304
the relationship between ribosomes and the endoplasmic reticulum during protein synthesis. 19654284714
the ultrastructure, histopathology, and histochemistry of the parathyroid glands of pregnant and non-pregnant cows fed a high level of vitamin d. 19654284723
[on the effect of dithiocarbamic acid derivatives on the enzymatic activity of cytochrome oxidase, succinic dehydrogenase and catalase]. 19654285002
transmission of mycobacterium leprae to animals. nerve involvement in the ears of hamsters. 19654285970
transmission of mycobacterium leprae to animals. nerve involvement in the ears of hamsters. 19654285970
[angio-renographic studies of acth-treated rats after administration of posterior pituitary lobe hormone]. 19654285972
[angio-renographic studies of acth-treated rats after administration of posterior pituitary lobe hormone]. 19654285972
[on the ultrastructure of the salivary gland virus in generalized cytomegalic disease]. 19654285995
[on the ultrastructure of the salivary gland virus in generalized cytomegalic disease]. 19654285995
precipitating antibody response to herpes simplex virus in rabbits after herpetic keratoconjunctivitis. 19654286991
effect of cellular disruption on certain metabolic activities in vibrio cholerae. 19654287452
antimitotic action of cornin as a biologically active polypeptide. i. biochemical properties of cornin. 19654221699
semi-automatic recording and electronic processing of chronic rat toxicity data. 19654222100
the biochemistry of vibrio cholerae: iv--acid soluble nucleotide constituents. 19654222389
effect of ultraviolet radiation on the oxidation of certain krebs cycle substrates in vibrio cholerae. 19654222390
[iron resorption in isolated small intestinal preparations of normal and anemic rats]. 19654222735
conversion of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate to androst-5-enediol-3-sulfate by soluble extracts of rat testis. 19654222780
[studies of the corneal metabolism by a radioactive isotope. 1. incorporation of 35s-sulfate into the mucopolysaccharide of rabbit cornea under various fundamental conditions]. 19654223358
effect of lysogenization on variability of phage type in rizobium meliloti. 19654159104
the quantitation of human serum albumin by immunoelectrophoresis. 19654160260
on the therapeutic effect of gamma-inhibitor in mice infected with an inhibitor-sensitive, unadapted a2 influenza virus. 19654379537
biosynthesis of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids in aseptically reared larvae of calliphora erythrocephala (meig.). 19654158417
the rheological properties of fluid denture-base resins.the rheological properties of six commercial fluid denture resins were determined by rotational viscometry. initial viscosity ranged from 67 to 575 centipoise at a rotational speed of 10 revolutions per minute. all resins showed initial non-newtonian flow behavior and increased viscosity with time.1965277518
[detection of new genes participating in the trans-regulation of locus yellow of mdg-4 in drosophila melanogaster].the aim of the present work was to obtain mutations in the genes involved in regulation of the yellow locus and mdg4. for this purpose, we searched for mutations changing phenotypic expression of the y(2) mutation induced by mdg4 insertion into the regulatory region of the yellow locus. mutations have been obtained in the earlier described system of prolonged genome instability, sometimes combined with p-m hybrid dysgenesis. the mutation mod(mdg4) in a novel gene, modifier of mdg4, was detected ...19652555256
ultrasonic doppler studies of hepatocellular carcinoma and comparison with other hepatic focal hundred fifty-four liver lesions, including 63 hepatocellular carcinomas, were studied to determine the value of duplex ultrasound in the diagnosis of small hepatocellular carcinomas. arterial doppler signals were obtained either within the body of the tumor, at its periphery, or in both locations, from 28 to 37 hepatocellular carcinomas less than or equal to 3 cm in diameter and from all 26 hepatocellular carcinomas with a diameter greater than 3 cm. arterial doppler signals were obtained a ...19652555245
[the clinical value of determining the general antitrypsin activity of the blood and exudate in tuberculous pleurisy].determination of antitryptic activity of blood serum and exudate in patients with tuberculous pleurisy revealed that concentrations of trypsin inhibitors were significantly increased while their activity was markedly decreased (2-3-fold) in the exudate. this indicated exhaustion of the adaptation mechanisms in the inflammatory areas, which required their local correction. intrapleural administration of contrical increased the body's protective and adaptation potentials and treatment efficiency s ...19652475869
toxicity of alloys of ferrochromium. ii. interations of chromium 3 with proteins of human serum. 19664159065
tachyphylaxis. iv. tyramine. 19664380924
effects of adrenaline and noradrenaline on coronary blood flow before and after beta-adrenergic blockade. 19664381204
the "nicotinic" and "muscarinic" receptors of the urinary bladder of the guinea-pig. 19664381813
[localization of choline-reactive systems in various segments of the brain and in the adrenal medulla and myocardium of rats]. 19664393530
characterization of two different agglutinators in the latex fixation test, occurring in normal human sera. 19664160336
immunoglobulin patterns of antibodies against brucella in man and animals. 19664160424
[on the problems of quantitative determination of tumor cells in blood]. 19664162903
[on the problems of quantitative determination of tumor cells in blood]. 19664162903
[effect of methandrostenolone on protein metabolism in the liver and protein fractions of the blood serum in experimental hepatitis]. 19664174974
purification of ferritin-labelled immunoglobulins. 19664164361
inhibition of gastric secretion by fractionated lymph. elaboration of gastrone-like substance during digestive phases in dogs. 19664223374
the breakdown of l-leucyl-p-nitroanilide by serum and tissue homogenates. 19664223483
regulation of arginine biosynthesis in vibrio cholerae. 19664223532
human effects of chronic, low dose radiation. implications for adjudication of compensation claims for radiation injury. 19664224214
growth, enzyme induction & 14c-arginine uptake studies on arginine auxotrophs of vibrio cholerae. 19664225707
the effect of hydroxylamine on a na+-and k+-requiring adenosine triphosphatase from beef brain. 19664226431
[acute cardiovascular effects of several monoamine oxidase inhibitors in dogs]. 19664222909
[on the purification of antibodies]. 19664231548
action of proflavine on the development of sendai virus in hep 2 cells. 19664287565
clinical notes on feline respiratory viral disease. 19664287571
release of adrenal catecholamines by angiotensin. ii. 19664288687
release of adrenal catecholamines by angiotensin. ii. 19664288687
the experimental production of ischemic facial paralysis. 19664288689
the experimental production of ischemic facial paralysis. 19664288689
potentiation of sv40 replication in human cells by adenovirus 4. 19664288693
potentiation of sv40 replication in human cells by adenovirus 4. 19664288693
studies on the heterologous immunogenicity of a methanol-insoluble fraction of attenuated tubercle bacilli (bcg). ii. protection against tumor isografts.a methanol-insoluble residue (mer) of phenol-killed attenuated tubercle bacilli (bcg), which has been reported previously to be capable of evoking heightened resistance to infection with antigenically unrelated microorganisms, was found to affect as well the resistance of highly inbred mice against tumor isografts. in most instances, the mer evoked heightened resistance against the tumor implants, but heightened susceptibility was the effect induced against two of the tumors tested, and no effec ...19664288701
studies on the heterologous immunogenicity of a methanol-insoluble fraction of attenuated tubercle bacilli (bcg). ii. protection against tumor isografts.a methanol-insoluble residue (mer) of phenol-killed attenuated tubercle bacilli (bcg), which has been reported previously to be capable of evoking heightened resistance to infection with antigenically unrelated microorganisms, was found to affect as well the resistance of highly inbred mice against tumor isografts. in most instances, the mer evoked heightened resistance against the tumor implants, but heightened susceptibility was the effect induced against two of the tumors tested, and no effec ...19664288701
biological studies on a leukemia virus extracted from c3h plasma cell tumor 70429. 19664288869
biological studies on a leukemia virus extracted from c3h plasma cell tumor 70429. 19664288869
[fumagillin in the treatment of infantile amebiasis]. 19664288905
[fumagillin in the treatment of infantile amebiasis]. 19664288905
[histochemical studies on the protein level in the diet on the activity of some phosphatase in the small intestine and liver of rats. preliminary report]. 19664288906
[histochemical studies on the protein level in the diet on the activity of some phosphatase in the small intestine and liver of rats. preliminary report]. 19664288906
inhibition of intestinal ion translocase enzymes by culture filtrates of vibrio cholerae. 19664286453
[action of different doses of vitamin d 3 on the metabolism of potassium. experimental research]. 19664286577
studies of adenovirus-sv40 hybrid viruses. v. evidence for linkage between adenovirus and sv40 genetic materials. 19664289253
acth induced changes in tryptophan turnover along induceable pathways in man. 19664290913
acth induced changes in tryptophan turnover along induceable pathways in man. 19664290913
[inhibition of in vitro cytoxic action of silica by synthetic polymers containing the n-o group]. 19664295418
[on the methods of implantation of atypical mycobacteria in the silicotic lung. (experimental investigations)]. 19664295560
infection of cattle with parainfluenza 3 virus with special reference to udder infection. i. virus isolation from milk. 19664290964
infection of cattle with parainfluenza 3 virus with special reference to udder infection. i. virus isolation from milk. 19664290964
stoichiometric utilization of adenosine 5'-triphosphate in nicotinate ribonucleotide synthesis from nicotinate and 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate. 19664291351
stoichiometric utilization of adenosine 5'-triphosphate in nicotinate ribonucleotide synthesis from nicotinate and 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate. 19664291351
the isolation of viruses from acute respiratory infections. v. the use of organ cultures of human embryonic nasal and tracheal ciliated epithelium. 19664292507
the isolation of viruses from acute respiratory infections. v. the use of organ cultures of human embryonic nasal and tracheal ciliated epithelium. 19664292507
[heteroantigens of tumor cells and the problem of cell differentiation]. 19664293811
magnesium pemoline: enhancement of brain rna polymerases.the stimulation by magnesium pemoline of systems that synthesize brain nucleic acid was studied in vivo and in vitro. there are differential effects between true rna polymerase and pseudo-rna polymerase. the selective stimulation of true rna polymerase by magnesium pemoline was not observed with stimulants of the central nervous system and psychotropic agents.19664379533
[synthesis of nitrofuran derivatives. v. synthesis of 1,3,4-oxadiazoles. (2)]. 19664862733
[experiences with the use of erythromycin and oleandomycin in the treatment of colienteritis in children]. 19664864610
[bacteriology of vibrio cholerae]. 19664870518
hemolysin-destructive factor of vibrio cholerae (vibrio comma). 19665903110
antibody formation against vibrio cholerae by mesenteric lymph node cell transfer. 19665917020
preparation of the vascular permeability factor of vibrio cholerae. 19665922548
cholera in the perspective of 1966.cholera is a disease state caused by the vibrio cholerae. the vibrios remain in the gut lumen, and the disease is atypically afebrile. the main symptom is a profuse isotonic diarrhea of rice-water character with an output rate of as much as 1 liter/hour. early signs in the untreated patient are skeletal muscle cramps (presumably due to electrolyte loss) and vomiting. mortality rate in untreated cases may be as high as 80%, and in treated cases, 20%. the u.s. navy method of treating chlera h ...19665923097
laboratory vibrio cholerae infection in the united states. 19665952839
incorporation of p-32 activity in different chemical fractions of vibrio cholerae. 19665959890
Displaying items 301 - 400 of 24874