
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
[erythema migrans. the clinical spectrum of borrelia burgdorferi infection].17 patients with acute and chronic symptoms of borrelia burgdorferi infection are described. these cases, which were diagnosed within a short period of time at the männedorf-zürich hospital, suggest that erythema migrans disease is likely to be frequent in switzerland as well as elsewhere.19863726507
lyme disease associated with optic neuropathy.a 53-year-old man is described in whom ischemic optic neuropathy was part of the clinical picture of lyme disease. this finding has not previously been reported as a neurologic manifestation of the disease. such a complication could result from direct tissue invasion of the causative spirochete or may be due to immune-mediated inflammation.19863728541
septal panniculitis as a manifestation of lyme disease.a 22-year-old woman presented with fever, chills, photophobia, and headaches, followed by a centrally clearing erythematous skin eruption, migratory polyarthralgias, conjunctivitis, and subsequently, tender, nodular skin lesions. antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi were consistent with acute lyme disease. skin biopsy revealed acute septal panniculitis. this dermatologic manifestation has not been previously described in lyme disease.19863728543
neurologic abnormalities in lyme disease without erythema chronicum migrans.the clinical features in eight patients with neurologic abnormalities typical of lyme disease and elevated titers of antibody to the spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi, its causative agent, are described. none of the patients had the diagnostic skin lesion, erythema chronicum migrans. lyme arthritis, the other clinical marker for the disease, developed subsequently in only three. the neurologic abnormalities included aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, cranial neuritis, motor and sensory radiculitis ...19863728556
[borrelia-associated dermatoses].erythema chronicum migrans (e.c.m.), acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (a.c.a.) and lymphadenosis benigna cutis (l.b.c.) are infectious diseases according to koch's criteria, after the infectious agent-borrelia-burgdorferi-could could be isolated. clinic, pathology and therapy of these three diseases are presented in detail. the correlation to the lyme disease is being discussed. we believe that e.c.m., a.c.a. and l.b.c. are different entities determined by the virulence of the infectious agen ...19863744416
passive immunization of hamsters against experimental infection with the lyme disease spirochete.hamsters passively immunized with as little as 0.0125 ml of immune rabbit serum (indirect fluorescent-antibody titer, 1:8,192) were protected from challenge with 1,000 50% infective doses of borrelia burgdorferi. cross-protection studies with minnesota and connecticut isolates of b. burgdorferi indicated no major differences in their capacity to elicit mutually protective antibodies in rabbits.19863744563
specificity of csf antibodies against components of borrelia burgdorferi in patients with meningopolyneuritis garin-bujadoux-bannwarth.the specificity of immunoglobulin (ig) for components of borrelia burgdorferi was investigated in cerebrospinal fluid (csf), serum and in csf oligoclonal bands from nine patients with meningopolyneuritis garin-bujadoux-bannwarth (mpn-gbb). all patients showed specific igg and igm antibodies in serum and csf when incubated with a lysate of b. burgdorferi strain b 31. specific antibody was detected in csf but not in paired serum samples, indicating intrathecal synthesis. investigation of the speci ...19863746362
lyme disease. 19863747983
[lyme disease (erythema migrans disease)]. 19863750228
concurrent borrelia burgdorferi and babesia microti infection in nymphal ixodes dammini.ixodes dammini nymphs were examined for evidence of concurrent infection with borrelia burgdorferi and babesia microti. a total of 19 nymphs (18.6%) from nantucket island were simultaneously infected, as were 24 nymphs (8.2%) from naushon island. these observations are consistent with a common reservoir host for both i. dammini-transmitted pathogens.19863760136
newly recognized leptospira species ("leptospira inadai" serovar lyme) isolated from human skin.leptospira strain 10, which represents a new leptospira species, was isolated from a skin biopsy of a patient with lyme disease. although pathogenic for laboratory animals, the organism was not considered to have a significant role in the patient's illness.19863760144
optic disc edema and lyme disease.a seven-year-old child developed a febrile rash, migratory arthritis, and neurologic signs. three days earlier, the child had been bitten by a tick. an eye examination two months later revealed bilateral papilledema, although the cerebrospinal fluid pressure was 170 mm. the igm antibody titer for the ixodes dammini spirochete was 1:256. i dammini is the tick vector for the borrelia spirochete that causes lyme disease. the papilledema receded with treatment over a month's time, and bilateral pigm ...19863767210
borrelia isolated from cerebrospinal fluid in a french case of lyme disease. 19863767472
lyme disease: new insights. 19863770244
active immunization of hamsters against experimental infection with borrelia burgdorferi.the immunogenicity of a single dose of a whole-cell vaccine of inactivated borrelia burgdorferi hsf (human spinal fluid isolate) was evaluated. syrian hamsters were vaccinated subcutaneously and challenged by the intraperitoneal injection of 1,000 50% infectious doses of b. burgdorferi hsf 30 or 90 days postvaccination. animals were sacrificed 14 days after challenge, and the kidneys and spleens were examined for spirochetes by cultural procedures. at 30 days postvaccination, 86 to 100% protecti ...19863781630
[disease (lyme disease) in pediatric patients in switzerland caused by spirochetes (borrelia burgdorferi) of ixodes ricinus].lyme disease in children is studied in the light of questionnaires sent out twice to departments and divisions of pediatrics in switzerland. thirty-six serologically proven cases were collected. the 48 clinical signs attributed to lyme disease involved the skin in 40%, the nervous system in 40%, and the joints in 20%. they were erythema chronicum migrans (13), lymphocytoma (4), acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (2), peripheral facial palsy (14), sensomotor radiculoneuritis (2), meningoencephal ...19863787225
[the first serologic detection of lyme disease in children in czechoslovakia]. 19863791470
arthritis and panuveitis as manifestations of borrelia burgdorferi infection in a wisconsin pony.infection with borrelia burgdorferi caused panuveitis and arthritis in a pony. spirochetes were detected by direct immunofluorescence in the anterior chamber of the eye. the carpal joints had severe degenerative joint disease, with synovial proliferation. the synovium and serum had b burgdorferi antibody titers of 1:1024. the pony lived in an area of wisconsin where infection with b burgdorferi is endemic in human beings. previously, serum antibodies to b burgdorferi had been found in horses, bu ...19863793582
[enlarged spectrum of tick transmitted spirochaetoses].after the successful identification of borrelia burgdorferi as the cause of lyme disease, a new tick-borne infection occurring in the united states, almost identical spirochaetes have been isolated from the tick ixodes ricinus in europe. as a result, the spirochaetal aetiology of skin diseases, which had long been recognized as tick-borne infections, namely erythema chronicum migrans with its neurological complications of the tick-borne meningopolyneuritis of garin-bujadoux-bannwarth, acrodermat ...19863804731
isolation of the outer envelope from borrelia burgdorferi.borrelia burgdorferi consists of an inner protoplasmic cylinder, containing the genome and cytoplasmic elements, surrounded by a number of axial filaments, all completely encased within a multiple-layered outer envelope structure (oe). in this study, a sodium dodecyl sulfate-mediated technique was used to isolate the oe from borrelia burgdorferi in an attempt to better understand this structure in terms of its antigenic reactivity to lyme disease patient sera. electron microscopic evidence sugge ...19862437735
an ige response to spirochete antigen in patients with lyme disease.most but not all lyme disease patients produce specific ige antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi. development of ige antibodies paralleled that of other immunologic classes and appeared to be directed against a polypeptide with a molecular weight of 41,000. total serum ige levels in lyme disease patients were usually within the normal range in all stages of the disease. however, highly elevated total serum ige in certain patients were not correlated to any particular disease stage nor to specific ...19862437736
diagnosis of lyme disease by demonstration of spirochetes in tissue 14 patients with lyme disease skin biopsies, synovial specimens and a lymphnode showed lymphohistiocytic infiltrates, often perivascular. obliterative alterations of blood vessels and fibrinoid were characteristic for infection of synovium. spirochetes were demonstrated in all specimens by the bosma-steiner silver impregnation method. spirochetes were localized in dermal papilles and subepidermal zones of skin sections of ecma, in lymph vessels and collagen fibres. in synovia of patients with ...19862437737
polymorphisms of major surface proteins of borrelia burgdorferi.forty-five isolates of borrelia burgdorferi, the etiologic agent of lyme disease, were examined with monoclonal antibodies directed against the surface proteins, ospa and ospb. eighteen of 21 strains of european origin could be distinguished from 24 north american strains on the basis of their reactivities with two antibodies, one specific for an ospa protein and one specific for an ospb protein. differences in antibody reactivities were associated with differences in the electrophoretic migrati ...19862437738
immunochemical and immunological analysis of european borrelia burgdorferi strains.borrelia burgdorferi strains (n = 23), isolated from patients (n = 8) and ticks (n = 14), were analyzed by sds page and western blotting with monoclonal antibodies and polyclonal sera (rabbit immune serum and sera from patients). testing the 23 strains by sds page 9 different patterns of major protein bands were observed. in contrast to us strains some of our strains showed only weak or negative reactivity with the ospa specific monoclonal antibody h5332. analysis with polyclonal sera gave furth ...19862437739
[borrelia infections (lyme disease): what does a positive serology mean?]. 19863940840
involvement of birds in the epidemiology of the lyme disease agent borrelia burgdorferi.borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of lyme disease, was isolated from the liver of a passerine bird, catharus fuscescens (veery), and from larval ixodes dammini (tick) feeding on pheucticus ludovicianus (rose-breasted grosbeak) and geothlypis trichas (common yellowthroat). in indirect immunofluorescence antibody tests, isolates reacted with polyclonal and monoclonal (h5332) antibodies. studies on the dna composition of the veery liver isolate and the strain cultured from an i. dammini lar ...19863943893
intrathecal production of specific antibodies against borrelia burgdorferi in patients with lymphocytic meningoradiculitis (bannwarth's syndrome).central nervous system infection with borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of lyme disease in the usa, manifests itself most frequently in europe as lymphocytic meningoradiculitis (bannwarth's syndrome). we examined 12 patients with lymphocytic meningoradiculitis with cerebrospinal fluid (csf) antibodies against b. burgdorferi to establish whether these antibodies were produced intrathecally or were serum derived. by comparison of titers of antibody to b. burgdorferi with total igg and anti ...19863944483
the histopathology of experimentally infected hamsters with the lyme disease spirochete, borrelia hamsters, experimentally infected with borrelia burgdorferi, were examined by both cultural and histological techniques at 1 to 9 months postinfection. spirochetes were detected in the spleen, kidney, or eye of all animals by culture and in the spleen, kidney, eye, liver, or heart blood of five of seven animals by histological examination. two animals showed nonspecific hepatic portal lymphocytic infiltration, while five of the hamsters displayed no significant histologic signs of inflamma ...19863945634
seasonal abundance and hosts of ixodes dammini (acari: ixodidae) and other ixodid ticks from an endemic lyme disease focus in new jersey, usa. 19863950921
lymphocytic meningoradiculitis (garin-bujadoux bannwarth): from syndrome to disease?in two children with lymphocytic meningoradiculitis (bannwarth's syndrome), igg and igm antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi were demonstrated. clinical and laboratory parameters of the syndrome are described and recent bacteriological and serological findings that link the syndrome to the american lyme disease are discussed, as well as the effects of antibiotic treatment.19863956539
reinfection in erythema migrans disease.two patients received oral penicillin for erythema migrans disease (emd) in 1973 and 1977. five and seven years later, respectively, they developed emd for a second time after being bitten by ticks. the first and second erythema migrans lesions appeared in different places. tests of sera evaluated for antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi before (in one case), during and after the second episode of emd remained negative (patient 1) or yielded an at least four-fold rise of igg antibody titers, but d ...19863957434
ixodid tick attacks on man in israel: medical implications.various species of ixodid ticks that have been recorded to attack man were surveyed, and boutonneuse fever caused by rickettsia conorii, which is transmitted in israel by rhipicephalus sanguineus s.l., is reviewed. only in one case were a complement fixation test and exact determination of the species of the tick performed. tick toxicosis and tick paralysis are discussed, and the possibility of human babesiosis and lyme disease or erythema chronicum migrans appearing in israel is considered.19863957641
[neurologic manifestations of borrelia burgdorferi infections].lyme disease, first recognized in 1975, typically begins in summer with erythema chronicum migrans (ecm) followed some months later by neurological symptoms (meningoencephalitis, cranial neuropathy), associated with carditis and arthritis. bannwarth's syndrome is characterized by an ecm followed by radicular pain and radicular sensory and motor disturbances, accompanied by aseptic meningitis. in both cases the cerebrospinal fluid typically shows marked lymphocytic pleocytosis accompanied by an o ...19863961463
clinical manifestations of lyme disease.lyme disease typically begins with a unique skin lesion, erythema chronicum migrans (ecm) (stage 1). patients with this lesion may also have headache, meningeal irritation, mild encephalopathy, multiple annular secondary lesions, malar or urticarial rash, generalized lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly, migratory musculoskeletal pain, hepatitis, sore throat, non-productive cough, conjunctivitis, periorbital edema, or testicular swelling. after a few weeks to months (stage 2), about 15% of patients ...19863554839
lyme arthritis in germany.lyme arthritis appears not to be a rare manifestation of borrelia burgdorferi infection in germany. we report 20 cases of the illness occurring in south germany. in eleven of our patients arthritis was the only clinical manifestation of the infection; the diagnosis in those cases has only been verified by the detection of specific antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi with indirect immunofluorescence and igg western blot technique. in comparison with previous reports of lyme arthritis the quota of ...19863554841
demonstration of borrelia burgdorferi in a patient with chronic lyme arthritis. 19863554842
experimental inoculation of dogs with borrelia determine if dogs could serve as a reservoir for borrelia burgdorferi, three beagles were inoculated subcutaneously (sq) with 200 laboratory cultured spirochetes which were originally isolated from blood of a peromyscus leucopus from ft. mccoy, wisc. one four month old beagle was inoculated sq with 5 ground ixodes dammini from shelter island, n.y. which came from an area with a 50% b. burgdorferi tick infection rate; and another uninfected four month old beagle was housed loose on the floor w ...19863554844
potential role of native and exotic deer and their associated ticks (acari: ixodidae) in the ecology of lyme disease in california, usa.the relationship of native columbian black-tailed deer, two species of exotic deer (axis and fallow), and their ticks to the lyme disease spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi, was studied in coastal and inland areas of northern california, usa. spirochetemias were detected in 27% of black-tailed deer, 50% of axis deer, and 56% of fallow deer collected in late fall and winter. antibody prevalence was 38% in black-tailed deer, 24% in fallow deer, and 6% in axis deer. one to 3 tick species were collect ...19863554845
discovery of the lyme disease spirochete: a historical review. 19863554846
meningopolyneuritis bannwarth with focal nodular myositis. a new aspect in lyme borreliosis.a patient with serologically confirmed infection by borrelia burgdorferi presenting with painful paresis and atrophy of the proximal muscles of both upper extremities and bilateral facial paresis is described. electromyography showed a neurogenic and myopathic pattern, and creatine kinase was raised. muscle biopsy revealed the typical signs of focal myositis. treatment with i.v. penicillin led to dramatic clinical and serological improvement. muscle biopsy was repeated 2 months later; neurogenic ...19863807266
[lyme disease--a "new" disease (or: diseases also have a history)]. 19863811406
a role for interleukin-1 in the pathogenesis of lyme disease.interleukin-1 (il-1) is the major immunoregulatory molecule produced by macrophages in response to a variety of environmental insults including chemicals, phagocytosis, bacteria, and bacterial products. macrophages stimulated by borrelia burgdorferi produced large quantities of il-1 when spirochetes were added to macrophages at a ratio of 10 spirochetes per macrophage. the release of il-1 was dose dependent: a single spirochete per macrophage was sufficient to produce significant quantities of i ...19863495083
adherence of lyme disease spirochetes to rat the present work, the capacity of lyme disease (ld) spirochetes to spontaneously adhere to rat lymphocytes has been evaluated. borrelia organisms adhere to thymus, spleen, payer's patches and peripheral blood lymphocytes in a higher frequency than that observed with salmonella minnesota r345 (rb) used as reference strain. employing enriched splenic t and b cell populations, spirochete binding to b lymphocytes is more elevated than that obtained with salmonella, while similar percentage of t c ...19863495084
lyme disease. 19873496660
the surgical pathology of human lyme disease. an enlarging picture.lyme disease is a multisystems infectious disorder caused by the spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi. infection occurs by ticks feeding on mammalian hosts, including humans. the distribution of the tick and spirochete is world-wide and is especially prevalent where there are large deer populations. the disease is seen in three stages. stage i is a cutaneous rash (erythema chronicum migrans) consisting of lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates around dermal vessels. stage ii is characterized by varying forms ...19873812878
reservoir competence of white-footed mice for lyme disease spirochetes.using the vector tick, ixodes dammini, we described the reservoir competence of the white-footed mouse, peromyscus leucopus, for the lyme disease spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi. nymphal i. dammini were used to infect mammals, and larval ticks were used to diagnose infection (a form of xenodiagnosis). one tick was nearly as efficient as more than 1 in transmitting the spirochete to mice. the duration of the prepatent period was about 1 week. prevalence of infection approached 100% in ticks that ...19873812887
isolation of antigenic components from the lyme disease spirochete: their role in early diagnosis.patients with early lyme disease produce igm antibodies to a 41,000-dalton polypeptide of borrelia burgdorferi. with advancing disease, igg antibodies recognize a larger number of spirochetal polypeptides. sodium dodecyl sulfate treatment of spirochetes at a concentration of 0.03% resulted in an outer envelope (oe) fraction in the supernatant and a protoplasmic cylinder (pc) flagellar fraction in the pellet. shearing of the pc pellet followed by ultrafiltration and dialysis resulted in a flagell ...19873819479
chronic progressive neurological involvement in borrelia burgdorferi infection.five patients with chronic meningitis were hospitalized several times for progressive neurological symptoms. the clinical manifestations included cranial neuritis, radiculoneuritis, myelitis and encephalitis. in two cases cerebral infarction occurred. the course was commonly characterized by a tendency to deteriorate. from the clinical point of view, it was repeatedly difficult to exclude multiple sclerosis or tuberculous meningitis. finally, specific antibodies against borrelia burgdorferi were ...19873819785
[tick-borne borreliosis. a case of chronic meningoencephalitis caused by borrelia burgdorferi]. 19873824285
[meningoradiculitis caused by borrelia burgdorferi]. 19873824286
oral infection of peromyscus maniculatus with borrelia burgdorferi and subsequent transmission by ixodes dammini.we determined if deer mice (peromyscus maniculatus) could be infected by borrelia burgdorferi and develop sufficient spirochetemia to infect larval ixodes dammini. ten p. maniculatus were infected orally with 0.05 ml phosphate buffered saline containing approximately 400 b. burgdorferi. on days 21 or 28 after infection (ai) larval i. dammini were fed on the deer mice. each of the p. maniculatus developed antibodies (up to 7 log2) to b. burgdorferi and b. burgdorferi was isolated from the blood o ...19873826500
lyme disease and babesiosis: acaricide focused on potentially infected ticks.permethrin-treated cotton, intended as rodent nesting material, was distributed in wooded sites in which the agents of lyme disease and babesiosis were enzootic, in order to kill immature ixodes dammini, the ticks that transmit these human pathogens. such ticks feed most abundantly on white-footed mice (peromyscus leucopus), apparently the main reservoir hosts of these agents, and tend to concentrate in mouse burrows. mice captured after permethrin-treated cotton was distributed, were infested b ...19873555140
prevalence of borrelia burgdorferi and babesia microti in mice on islands inhabited by white-tailed deer.borrelia burgdorferi and babesia microti were isolated from 35 of 51 white-footed mice (peromyscus leucopus) and meadow voles (microtus pennsylvanicus) captured on two narragansett bay, r.i., islands inhabited by deer, the principal host for the adult stages of the vector tick, ixodes dammini. immature ticks parasitized mice from both islands. from 105 mice captured on four other islands not inhabited by deer neither pathogen was isolated, nor were i. dammini found.19873555339
[diagnosis and treatment of borrelia burgdorferi infections in france. apropos of 3 cases of lyme disease of neurological form]. 19873563368
[lyme arthritis].infection by spirochete borrelia burgdorferi is mainly observed in the united states where it has taken the name of lyme's disease, and in europe. its evolution may be very extended, in several phases. a few weeks after a tick-bite, the primary lesion appears, which is a chronic migrating erythema. in the following weeks or months, in the secondary phase, nerve lesions may appear, quite similar in europe and in the united states, and cardiac lesions, mostly seen in the united states. in the foll ...19873563386
in vitro and in vivo susceptibility of the lyme disease spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi, to four antimicrobial agents.the antimicrobial susceptibility of borrelia burgdorferi isolated from human spinal fluid was determined in vitro and in vivo. a broth dilution technique was used to determine the mbcs of four antimicrobial agents. the lyme disease spirochete was most susceptible to ceftriaxone (mbc, 0.04 microgram/ml) and erythromycin (mbc, 0.05 microgram/ml), then tetracycline (mbc, 0.8 microgram/ml), and finally penicillin g (mbc, 6.4 micrograms/ml). syrian hamsters were used to determine the 50% curative dos ...19873566246
duration of tick attachment and borrelia burgdorferi transmission.nymphal ixodes dammini transmitted borrelia burgdorferi to 1 of 14 rodents exposed for 24 h, 5 of 14 rodents exposed for 48 h, and 13 of 14 rodents exposed for greater than or equal to 72 h. prompt removal of attached ticks is a prudent public health measure, especially in regions where lyme disease is endemic.19873571459
lyme disease--another spirochaetal mimicker? 19873572023
adult ixodes dammini on rabbits: a hypothesis for the development and transmission of borrelia burgdorferi.a histological study of unfed ixodes dammini adults has shown that the lyme disease spirochete can be found in the midgut diverticula of these ticks and is presumably carried over from the nymphal stage. sequential histology of the early stages of ticks feeding on a rabbit showed that spirochetes began to divide and were located in close proximity or attached to the epithelial cells of the diverticulae. evidence for division was obtained by the higher number of spirochetes per tick after a three ...19873572040
demonstration of spirochaetes in patients with lyme disease with a modified silver stain.spirochaetes were demonstrated in material from patients with lyme disease by short-time high-concentrate silver impregnation after treatment with amylase. removal of mucoid material was essential to visualise borrelia burgdorferi. lyme spirochaetes were demonstrated in material from 23 patients with lyme disease--erythema chronicum migrans (ecm) 10, lymphadenosis benigna cutis (labc) 7, arthritis 4 and bannwarth's syndrome 2. spirochaetes were localised in the subepidermal zone, peri- and intra ...19872438410
evidence for spirochetal origin of circumscribed scleroderma (morphea).acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (aca) and morphea are clinically distinct skin diseases with some common features and possible coexistence. we found antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi in eight of fifteen patients with morphea. six of them had igg antibodies and two both igg and igm antibodies. four of the eight seropositive and five of the seven seronegative patients had been treated with high dose penicillin previously. spirochetal organisms could be cultured in barbour-stoenner-kelly's med ...19872442935
lyme arthritis in children. an orthopaedic perspective.the cases of forty-three children with clinical and serological evidence of lyme arthritis that was diagnosed between august 1983 and july 1985 were evaluated. the mean length of follow-up was twenty months, with a range of five to thirty months. all of the children lived in or had visited an area where the disease was known to be endemic. arthritis was the presenting feature in more than half of the children, and half of the children had initially consulted an orthopaedic surgeon, none of whom ...19873805076
[is cardiac involvement found also in european erythema migrans borreliosis?].during an infection with borrelia burgdorferi two men (aged 59 and 61 years, respectively) developed long-lasting cardiac arrhythmias which proved difficult to treat (tachycardias; in one patient due to atrial fibrillation, and also nodal arrhythmias). the cardiac signs completely regressed after specific antibiotic treatment, supporting the view that the cardiac involvement was due to borrelia infection, as is known to have occurred with lyme disease reported from the usa.19873652950
antigenic changes of borrelia burgdorferi as a result of in vitro cultivation. 19873655406
lyme disease in japan and its possible incriminated tick vector, ixodes persulcatus. 19873655407
in vitro and in vivo susceptibility of borrelia burgdorferi.the antispirochetal activity in vitro and in vivo of several antibiotics against ten isolates of borrelia burgdorferi from human spinal fluids and skin biopsies was determined. borrelia burgdorferi was most susceptible in vitro to erythromycin, ceftriaxone and cefotaxime (mic90: 0.06, 0.06, 0.12 mcg/ml respectively). less activity was observed with tetracycline, amoxycillin and lincomycin (mic90: 0.50 mcg/ml), imipenem and augmentin (mic90: 0.25 mcg/ml), oxacillin (mic90: 1 mcg/ml), ciprofloxaci ...19873665899
simultaneous transmission of borrelia burgdorferi and babesia microti by individual nymphal ixodes dammini ticks.nymphal ixodes dammini ticks, selected from a group of ticks in which 22 of 31 (71%) contained dual borrelia burgdorferi and babesia microti infections, simultaneously transmitted b. burgdorferi and b. microti to 4 of 7 (57%) hamsters exposed to individual ticks.19873667924
igm rheumatoid factor in lyme disease: correlation with disease activity, total serum igm, and igm antibody to borrelia burgdorferi.we tested the sera of 50 patients with lyme disease for igm-rheumatoid factor (igm-rf) using a sensitive elisa. levels of igm-rf greater than 3 sd above the mean of normal subjects were found in 2 of 15 patients with erythema chronicum migrans, 7 of 10 with neurologic abnormalities, and 7 of 25 with lyme arthritis (p = 0.038). only 2 of these sera were positive by latex agglutination. in contrast, none of the 23 control patients with osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, or reiter's syndrome h ...19873668982
[chronic borrelia disease of the central nervous system].a few years ago meningoradiculitis garin-bujadoux-bannwarth (bannwarth's syndrome) was discovered to be a neurological manifestation of lyme disease transmitted by tick-bites and caused by ixodes-ricinus-spirochaete (borrelia burgdorferi). not enough attention is given to the fact that more serious and chronic disease of the central nervous system may be entailed. two cases are reported in which detection of the borrelian-antibodies corroborated the diagnosis. after parenteral treatment with pen ...19873670517
[lyme disease, an infectious cause of facial paralysis. apropos of a case].a case of facial palsy first unilateral then bilateral, due to lyme disease, is reported. this disease, transmitted by ticks, is caused by a spirochete (borrelia burgdorferi) known as the etiologic agent since 1982.19873674641
chronic muscle weakness caused by borrelia burgdorferi meningoradiculitis.a 19-year-old man developed chronic weakness of the lower limbs as the predominant manifestation of borrelia burgdorferi infection of the nervous system. spirochetes were demonstrated in the cerebrospinal fluid. the condition resolved following intravenous penicillin treatment.19873674804
[lyme borreliosis in south germany. epidemiologic data on the incidence of cases and on the epidemiology of ticks (ixodes ricinus) carrying borrelia burgdorferi].among 2403 ticks (ixodes ricinus) tested in 1985 for borrelia 328 (13.6%) were carriers (adults about 20%, nymphs about 10%, larvae about 1%). the highest prevalence of infected ticks was among adult ticks in the isar region north of munich (33.8%). among 9383 persons whose serum had been examined by fluorescence serology in 1985 and 1986, 1035 (11%) had raised borrelia-specific igg and/or igm antibodies greater than or equal to 1:64. in 18.7% only igm antibodies were demonstrated. among 375 pro ...19873678074
seasonal variation of transmission risk of lyme disease and human babesiosis.the seasonal host-seeking pattern of nymphal ixodes dammini infected with babesia microti or borrelia burgdorferi was determined on nantucket island, massachusetts, during 1985. the peak period of host-seeking by infected nymphal i. dammini occurred in may and june. on a per person-hour basis, the number of infected ticks collected reached a maximum in may (babesia = 17.3; borrelia = 16.2). the number of infected ticks remained high in june, but decreased notably in july, august, and september. ...19873687924
susceptibility of the hispid cotton rat (sigmodon hispidus) to the lyme disease spirochete (borrelia burgdorferi).the susceptibility of the hispid cotton rat, sigmodon hispidus, to the lyme disease spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi, was investigated by inoculating rats with infected tick suspensions or by allowing infected ixodes scapularis nymphs to feed on them. culture of blood samples in bsk ii medium demonstrated that cotton rats developed spirochetemias that lasted for a minimum of 3 to 4 weeks and were of sufficient concentration to infect simultaneously feeding normal i. scapularis nymphs. the spiroc ...19873688316
encephalitis associated with borrelia burgdorferi infection in a horse.infection with borrelia burgdorferi was associated with encephalitis in a horse. the horse lived in an area of wisconsin endemic for b burgdorferi infection. borrelia burgdorferi was isolated from the brain, but rabies virus was not detected in the brain. serum obtained from the horse had a b burgdorferi antibody titer of 1:2,048, but was negative for antibodies to eastern and western encephalomyelitis.19873692996
arthritis and systemic disease caused by borrelia burgdorferi infection in a cow.infection with borrelia burgdorferi caused arthritis, myocarditis, glomerulonephritis, and pneumonitis in a cow. spirochetes were detected by use of immunofluorescent staining in liver and lung specimens and were isolated from the liver. the carpal, stifle, and tarsal joints had marked synovial proliferation, and synovial fluid obtained from these joints had high antibody titers against b burgdorferi. the cow was from an area of wisconsin that is not endemic for borreliosis.19873692999
colony formation and morphology in borrelia burgdorferi.two strains of borrelia burgdorferi, b31 and 297, formed colonies when plated onto barbour-stoenner-kelly medium solidified with agarose (1.3%) and incubated in a candle jar at 34 degrees c. colonies differing in morphology were observed in both strains after 2 to 3 weeks of incubation. strain b31 colonies were either compact, round (mean diameter, 0.43 mm), and restricted to the surface of the agarose medium or diffuse (mean diameter, 1.80 mm) and penetrating into the solid medium. strain 297 c ...19873693538
bannwarth's syndrome: serum and csf igg antibodies against borrelia burgdorferi examined by elisa.a newly identified spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi, has recently been established as the causal agent of chronic meningoradiculitis (bannwarth's syndrome, bs). an etiological diagnosis can be obtained by specific antibody determination. to detect intrathecally produced borrelia antibodies, we examined paired serum and csf samples from 10 bs patients and 41 controls. csf/serum igg specific antibody indices were calculated by relating the csf/serum ratio of specific antibody activity to the csf/s ...19873577666
jarisch-herxheimer reaction in lyme disease.the jarisch-herxheimer reaction includes the accentuation of symptoms during antibiotic therapy. more commonly associated with the treatment of syphilis, it can also occur in patients treated for lyme disease caused by the spirochete borrelia burgdorferi.19873581911
ixodes dammini and borrelia burgdorferi in northern new england and upstate new york. 19873585637
dissemination and salivary delivery of lyme disease spirochetes in vector ticks (acari: ixodidae). 19873585913
chronic forms of borrelia burgdorferi infection of the nervous system.three european patients had chronic active forms of borrelia burgdorferi infection of the nervous system, with high titers of antibodies to this spirochete in serum and csf. two patients had meningitis for 3 to 4 years, with remissions in one and slowly progressive symptoms in the other. both had ct lucencies in the basal ganglia. the third patient had lumbosacral plexus neuropathy for 1 year. all three patients responded to intravenous penicillin treatment.19873587624
[lyme disease--a tick-transmitted spirochete infection]. 19873590002
cns manifestations of third stage lyme disease. 19873591079
involvement of borrelia burgdorferi in cranial nerve affection.from january 1984 to august 1985 54 patients presented with cranial nerve lesions at the neurological department of the university hospital innsbruck. median age was 42 years, range 5-81 years. female male ratio was 49/15. in 17 patients cranial neuritis was consistent with meningopolyneuritis bannwarth (mpn) in 37 cases mere facial palsy was present. cranial neuritis in mpn-patients affected n. facilis in 10, n. opticus and n. oculo-motorius in one case each. five patients had polyneuritis cran ...19873591083
neurological manifestations of borrelia burgdorferi-infections: the enlarging clinical spectrum.we report on the clinical symptoms of 50 patients with serologically proven b. burgdorferi infection in stage 2 lyme disease. besides the typical pattern of the gbb-syndrom myelitis, encephalitis, cranial nerve neuritis others than bell's palsy, painful neuritis without csf-pleocytosis and meningitis without other neurological findings were observed.19873591084
bannwarth's syndrome and the enlarged neurological spectrum of arthropod-borne borreliosis.we evaluated the clinical data of 80 patients with neurological disorders due to european arthropod-borne borrelia burgdorferi infections proven by specific antibody titers. painful meningoradiculitis of bannwarth was the predominant neurological manifestation in adults, whereas meningitis with headache and slight stiff neck was the most frequent neurological syndrome in children. central nervous system involvement occurred only in 13% of the patients; one of these patients had chronic encephalo ...19873591086
acute and chronic illness after tick-bite borrelia burgdorferi-infections: results of treatment.we report on clinical and laboratory findings of 28 patients with tick-bite borrelia burgdorferi-infection. in 5 cases chronic tertiary metaluetic manifestations were recognized. all were treated either with high-dose penicillin intravenously or tetracycline. results of treatment and recommendations are given.19873591090
generalized exanthema, acute hepatitis with porphyrinuria and eosinophilia. another clinical feature of lyme disease? 19873591092
demonstration of locally synthesized borrelia antibodies in cerebrospinal fluid.antibodies against borrelia burgdorferi develop slowly. low titers can be anamnestic. in order to prove the etiology of manifestations of erythema chronicum migrans disease of the nervous system like meningopolyneuritis garin-bujadoux-bannwarth or progressive borrelia encephalomyelitis we used the elisa to measure specific igg antibodies against ixodes ricinus borrelia per microgram igg in serum and cerebrospinal fluid. with the mentioned method we were able to demonstrate locally synthesized an ...19873591093
prevalence of canine lyme disease from an endemic area as determined by serosurvey.from august 1984 through february 1985, 423 dogs from 43 municipalities in 7 new jersey counties were evaluated for the presence of antibodies to the lyme disease spirochete (borrelia burgdorferi). of these dogs, 34.7% with no apparent clinical symptoms were serologically reactive (ifa greater than or equal to 1:64); titers in this study ranged from non-reactive to 1:2048. ninety percent of the dogs surveyed had a current vaccination status to leptospira interrogans serovars canicola and icteroh ...19873591094
erythema chronicum migrans disease in the federal republic of germany.epidemiology and clinical presentation of erythema chronicum migrans disease are not well known yet. during a period of only 19 months, serological and clinical investigation of 2955 patients rendered 1106 cases of infection whose widespread incidence was remarkable: of the 328 administration districts of the frg, 205 were affected. accordingly, positive antibodies against borrelia burgdorferi could be demonstrated in an average of 15.7% of the investigated rural population (2830 persons). typic ...19873591095
infectiousness for humans of ixodes ricinus containing borrelia burgdorferi.we studied the rate of transmission of borrelia burgdorferi from ticks (ixodes ricinus) to man under field conditions in a case control study. at a holiday camp in southern germany 384 ticks were removed from 272 persons. information on symptoms possibly related to borrelia infection were obtained by a questionnaire to be sent back six weeks after the tick bite. ticks were examined by immunofluorescence microscopy (ift) for borrelia and 49 (12.8%) were found positive. blood was obtained from 41 ...19873591103
clinical and geographic characteristics of lyme disease in new york.the clinical and geographic characteristics of 679 patients who met the clinical definition of lyme disease and who had antibody titers of greater than or equal to 1: 128 to borrelia burgdorferi for a two year period, 1983-1984, are described. males outnumbered females 60% to 40% for the two year period and nearly half of all cases were children and young adults nineteen years old or younger. forty percent of the patients reported single or multiple tick bites prior to the onset of illness and t ...19873591104
lyme disease in texas. 19873591105
lyme disease in canada with possible transmission by an insect.the first documented case of lyme disease to have originated in canada is presented. a 51-year old french female nurse visited quebec, canada from 20 july to 5 august, 1984 and contracted lyme disease. she reported an insect bite on 3 august 1984 on the back of her knee with erythema chronicum migrans appearing at the site of the bite on 5 august 1984. the patient presented with meningeal lymphocytic reaction near the end of september, 1984. total ig serum titers in indirect immunofluorescence t ...19873591106
borrelia burgdorferi infection in man. 19873597034
transovarial transmission of borrelia burgdorferi in ixodes dammini (acari:ixodidae). 19873598218
linear plasmids of the bacterium borrelia burgdorferi have covalently closed ends.the genetics of spirochetes, a division of eubacteria, has been little studied. double-stranded linear plasmids were found in borrelia burgdorferi, the agent of lyme disease. a 49-kilobase linear plasmid contained the ospa and ospb genes, which encode the major outer membrane proteins of strain b31. molecules of the 49-kilobase plasmid rapidly reannealed after alkaline denaturation; rapid renaturation was prevented if the 49-kilobase plasmids were first treated with s1 nuclease. when denatured p ...19873603026
choroid plexitis in white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) in southern new york state.brains, spinal cords, nerve roots, nerves and muscle tissues were removed from deer in southern new york state and examined for histologic evidence of infection by the causative agent of lyme disease, borrelia burgdorferi. there was no histologic evidence of this infection and only four of 26 deer had serologic evidence of past infection despite the fact that all were parasitized by the tick vector, ixodes dammini. of these ticks, 21% were carrying b. burgdorferi. in contrast, most of the deer h ...19873603961
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