
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
listeriosis.four patients with listeria monocytogenes infection are presented; three of whom had associated lymphoproliferative disorders. two of the four patients had listeria meningitis. meningitis is the most common manifestation of listeriosis in humans. specific diagnosis depends on demonstrating listeria monocytogenes in the cerebral spinal fluid; differentiation from other forms of acute meningitis cannot be made clinically. although listeriosis is recognized as a major global problem in both human a ...1976817600
the teaching of medical ethics.the subject of medical ethics is intended to run like a thread throughout the whole undergraduate period at the nottingham medical school which was established in 1970, the first such foundation in britain this century. dr j s p jones, who is the clinical subdean, and dr d h h metcalfe,of the department of community health, describe the plan of the course leading to qualifying, and how the thread of medical ethics has been woven into that fabric. the final objective of the course is to train men ...1976940142
observations on the a2 england influenza epidemic: a clinicopathological study.a clinicopathological study of the 1972-1973 a2 england influenza epidemic is presented. in fatal cases early necrosis of myofibrils was present in those patients who died within 24 hours of the onset of the influenza symptoms. at 5 days gross changes were present. these were largely resolved by the eighteenth day of illness. in 42 patients treated at home, transient ecg changes were found in 18 cases. these included st-segment deviation, t-wave inversion, flattening of the t wave, sinus bradyca ...1976949023
breast-feeding protects against respiratory syncytial virus infections.eight out of 115 infants admitted to hospital with respiratory syncytial (rs) virus infection had been breast-fed compared with 46 out of 167 controls; this difference was statistically significant. twenty-one specimens of human colostrum were examined, and all contained rs virus neutralising activity. specific iga and igg were detected in 18 specimens, whereas igm was detected in none. the titre of iga antibody was usually higher and correlated more closely to the titre of neutralising activity ...1976953560
lack of breast feeding and early weaning in infants of asian immigrants to wolverhampton.fifty asian immigrant mothers who would have expected to breast feed their infants had they remained in rural asia were studied. there was a striking reduction in the incidence and duration of breast feeding on arrival in the united kingdom, and a fall in the age of weaning. the availability of an alternative to human milk is the most important factor reducing the incidence of breast feeding. only 2 (4%) of the 46 infants followed prospectively were breast fed. reasons for not breast feeding wer ...1976962370
severe echo 19 virus infection in a neonatal epidemic of echo 19 virus infection in a neonatal unit affecting 12 babies with one death is described. with one exception it was confined to the neonatal unit and medical and nursing staff were also affected. the unit was closed for 9 days, then was disinfected, and there was no recurrence.1976962375
study of disease associations from linked records.comparisons are made between the principal diagnosis on discharge from hospital in successive periods of inpatient care for persons in the oxford record linkage study area admitted over a period of years. the observed numbers of pairs of diagnoses are compared with expected numbers computed to take account of the discharge rates in the population by age and sex and the number of man years of exposure. three topics have been selected to display some of the types of analysis possible with the very ...1976974433
human values in medical education.attitudes and values in medicine vary with the nature of the individual, his education and training, and the circumstances of his professional life. comparisons are drawn between medical education in britain 40 years ago and today. though education has changed, british students are still mainly motivated by a desire to care for sick people. the impact of personal medicine on a country that has long accepted the need for some kind of national health service is described. it is postulated that as ...1976984621
causes of cervical carcinoma: new ideas.there are many features of cervical cancer that distinguish it from other common human cancers. it is extraordinarily sensitive to environmental variation, thus coming under early notice by the epidemiologists. its accessibility and the introduction of aids to visualization, such as the colposcope, have enabled us to combine the methods of epidemiology and molecular biology in studying disease. this combination may well untangle one of the more serious conceptual problems in contemporary biology ...1976989474
medical migration: go east, young man. 19761000258
president's address. the flux of infection. 19761005457
sex dependence of human intracranial gliomata.the age and sex distribution of 1223 cases of intracranial gliomata, diagnosed in the geographical area covered by the mersey regional cancer registry over the period 1961-70, are analysed. in children and adults, the intracranial gliomata predominates in males, the tumour incidence figures indicating a ratio of 3 : 2. for young adults, the tumour incidence increases with age and is approximately the same in males and females. it is not until the age group 45-49 years is reached that the tumour ...19761008994
the establishment of a programme of artificial insemination by donor semen within the national health service.a human semen bank has been established in nottingham for artificial insemination using donor semen (aid). frozen semen has been used for all inseminations. the introduction and organization of such a programme within the national health service is described. six pregnancies have so far been confirmed and two normal infants have been delivered.19761009030
a method of measuring the temporal/distance factors of gait.there exist many clinical situations where it is desirable to have some measure of a patient's ability to walk. the complex nature of human locomotion is reflected by the number of parameters that have been measured in previous studies of gait analysis. the temporal/distance factors of gait have been found to be extremely useful as a measure of a person's functional mobility. this paper describes a system which has been developed to measure these parameters of gait.19761016677
private care for the working man. 19761047379
clostridia isolated from faeces.clostridia were isolated from human faecal samples from england, scotland, wales, usa, hong kong, uganda and japan. strains were identified on the basis of various biochemical reactions and on the type of fatty acid produced from glucose. analysis of these acids was by gas-liquid chromatography. clostridium paraputrificum was common in stool samples from england, scotland, wales, and usa, but rare in samples from hong kong, uganda and japan.19761263249
the distribution of serotypes of escherichia coli in cow-pats and other animal material compared with serotypes of e. coli isolated from human sources.the serotypes of 13,139 strains of escherichia coli isolated from humans were compared with the serotypes of 1076 strains isolated from animals. 689 of these strains were isolated from fresh cow-pats on 22 sites in england and wales. 708 different o/h combinations were found. of these, 520 were found in human strains only, 130 from animal strains only and 58 o/h serotypes from humans and animals. approximately half of the animal strains could not be typed with the full set of sera used.1976778259
the distribution of o-antigen types of escherichia coli in normal calves, compared with man, and their r plasmid carriage. 1976780334
natural challenge of subjects vaccinated with wrl 105 strain live influenza vaccine in a residential the spring of 1975 an outbreak of influenza associated with influenza virus a/scotland/840/74 virus occurred in a residential college where the previous autumn some students had been immunised with a single intranasal dose of recombinant wrl 105 (h3n2) (a/okuda/57xa/finland/4/74) strain live attenuated infleunza virus vaccine. during the outbreak none of seven students who had been vaccinated suffered from influenza but an influenzal illness did occur in four of eleven who had received placeb ...1976782969
the great and glorious masterpiece of man. 1976785168
the intractability of one man: hunterian controversies. 1976785370
the man behind the name: james parkinson, 1755-1824. 1976785393
betty fothergill and her "uncle doctor". an intimate glimpse of dr. john fothergill.john fothergill, m.d., (1712-1780) was one of the best-known physicians in london in the 18th century. he was a botanical collector, a philanthropist, and an active member of the society of friends. he entertained and advised a series of young doctors from the american colonies and strove with his friend, benjamin franklin, to avert the revolutionary war, albeit unsuccessfully. a rare glimpse of dr. fothergill, the man, and his domestic life is given in the diary of his 17-year-old niece, betty ...1976791043
swine influenza: history and recommendations for vaccination. 1976792372
the man behind the name: richard bright: 1789-1858. 1976794840
physician contributions to nonmedical science: sir grafton elliot smith and piltdown man. 1976802076
william farr: founder of modern concepts of surveillance.considerable confusion surrounds the use of the term surveillance in the context of public health but the principles underlying all uses are as old as epidemiology itself. william farr has contributed more than anyone else to the development of these principles and to the demonstration of their value in practice on a large scale. this paper re-examines the basic tenets which guided him and the methods and techniques which he developed in the hope of reviving insights and resetting standards that ...1976770352
studies of experimental rhinovirus type 2 infections in polar isolation and in england.after five months of total isolation a wintering party of seventeen british antarctic survey (bas) personnel was inoculated under double blind concitions with placebo, or rhinovirus type 2 which had been propagated in tissue culture. the clinical and virological responses of these subjects were compared with those of volunteers in england who received a similar dose of the same strain. the virus used was apparently partly attenuated for man; at the dosage used its effects in england were similar ...1976180175
infection of man by swine vesicular disease virus. 1976181406
influenza at christ's hospital: march, 1974.boys in a boarding-school given inactivated influenza-a or influenza-b vaccine have been observed during a simultaneous outbreak of influenza due to a/port chalmers, b/hong kong, and b/intermediate strains. influenza-b vaccine conferred substantial protection, the attack-rates in boys given b vaccine being 24% compared with 45% in a control group. a/hong kong vaccine, by preventing infection during the previous influenza a/england outbreak, left the boys vulnerable to influenza a/port chalmers. ...197654631
childhood seizures: a 25-year follow up. social and medical prognosis.over 200 children from a group of 628 were followed up after 25 years. the children were identified as having had at least one seizure. particular attention was given to the long-term prognosis in relation to medical, social, and educational problems. although nearly two-thirds of the sample suffered minimal ill-effects, the problems of the remainder were considerable. 10-1% had died. of the survivors 11-2% were confined to institutions, and 6-6% were invalids at home. just under a quarter had c ...197657348
man in transit: biochemical and physiological changes during intercontinental flights.fifteen members of the passengers and crew of a plane flying from buenos aires to london have been studied, before, during, and after the 20-hour flight. even allowing for circadian variation, there were clear rises in the urinary excretion of noradrenaline in the first part of the flight, and of both noradrenaline and adrenaline in the 2 days afterwards.197657437
letter: flu in beckenham 1976. 197658181
adenovirus type 7; 1971-74.the spread of adenovirus type 7 in england and wales between 1971 and 1974 and the clinical features of infections with this virus were investigated in a retrospective study of virological reports and patients' clinical records. an epidemic in 1972-74 apparently stared in the north-east and spread to the south-west. between march 1973 and the end of october 1974 the virus was recovered in 59 of 74 specimens from 42 patients. the mean age of the patients was 9 years, which suggests that a large p ...197662264
the ebb and flow of infection. 19761104909
epidemic of echovirus 19 in the north-east of england.we report the first large-scale outbreak of echovirus 19 infection. it occurred in the north-east of england during the summer and autumn of 1974. the virus was isolated from 268 patients in the region. the infection spread from the urban to more rural areas, reaching a peak in mid-august. males were affected more often than females in the ratio 1-6:1. half of the patients were under eight years of age, relatively few were over 35 years. aseptic meningitis and upper respiratory infections were t ...19761063219
the relationship between strontium in water supplies and human tooth enamel. 19761069581
human and ape dental arches. 19761071423
use of early fetal tissues obtained from suction termination of pregnancy.organs were identified in the fetal products of pregnancies of short gestation terminated by the suction method. various tissues from such fetuses were grown in tissue-culture and some of these cultures were used for the isolation of viruses. this new approach would ensure the supply of human embryonic tissue, essential for certain virlogical procedures, as suitable fetuses from pregnancies terminated by hysterotomy become less common. tissues from these early fetuses could also be used fro tran ...197764711
the preregistration year: chaos by consensus.a questionnaire was sent to all preregistration housemen who had graduated from the university of birmingham in july, 1975. the results showed much dissatisfaction with the workings of the houseyear--specifically, with the long, sleepless hours of work, the almost negligible educational role of the year, the lack of time for human contact with patients, and the tendious, repetitive nature of the work. it is proposed that a shift system, which wound seem to be acceptable to most housemen, would s ...197765522
research on infants. 197766493
research on infants. 197767351
vitamin d and human lactation.circulating serum-25-hydroxyvitamin-d concentration was measured in recently delivered mothers who were breast-feeding and in those who were not. 4-6 weeks' lactation produced no significant change. basal and 4-6-week values in the breast-feeding group were significantly higher than in those who were not breast-feeding. there was no evidence that lactation was an indication for supplementary vitamin d.197771543
english law relating to experimentation on children.children who are capable of understanding and coming to a decision on what is involved in a non-therapeutic experimental procedure are as able as adults to give a legally effective consent to such procedures. there is no "age of consent" in this context, for capacity to consent depends on the child's intellectual capability and the complexity of the procedure in question. where a child is incapable of consenting on his own behalf a parent may give a legally effective consent to non-therapeutic p ...197771553
experimentation on children. 197772206
epidemic keratoconjunctivitis and chronic papillary conjunctivitis in london due to adenovirus type 19.since july 1973 cases of keratoconjunctivitis resembling epidemic keratoconjunctivitis were observed in the external eye disease clinic at moorfields eye hospital; city road, london. adenovirus type 19 was isolated in human embryonic kidney cells from 21 patients. the majority were males between 20 and 40 years old. a small hospital outbreak involving six patients occurred. clinical features of the disease, consisting of moderate to severe follicular conjunctivitis, major subepithelial punctate ...1977191054
how etiologic, pathologic, and clinical diagnoses can be made in a correlated fashion. 1977191788
epidemiology and pathology of tumors of human testis. 1977194290
influenza a neuraminidase antibodies in children and young adults studied by serum absorption.a study is described of influenza a anti-neuraminidase antibodies in the sera of young people of three different groups. each serum was individually absorbed with viruses containing the n2 neuraminidases of 1957, 1968 and 1972. rabbit antisera prepared against the viruses were similarly absorbed. results obtained with the animal sera suggested that these neuraminidases were antigenically distinct, but the human sera had a broader range of anti-neuraminidase activity and gave indication of asymme ...1977265343
influenza surveillance 1972-75. by the public health laboratory service standing advisory committee on influenza.the surveillance programme described in an earlier report was used to monitor outbreaks of influenza in three successive winters. influenza virus a was active in all of them, but the only major outbreak of influenza b was in 1973--4. the highest incidence of influenza a was in the 0--4 age group in all three winters, but schoolchildren bore the brunt of infections by influenza virus b.1977265344
patients and staff. 1977584404
mothers' rights--any midwives' rights? 1977585867
lead in human blood and in the environment near a battery factory. 1977588854
lead levels in human placentae from normal and malformed births.placental lead levels were studied in a series of birmingham births classified by stillbirth, neonatal death, or survival beyond one week. there was an appreciable range of lead levels even in normal births (0.15-3.56 microgram/g) but nevertheless average results showed a pronounced excess of lead in those who failed to survive both birth and the neonatal period. there was no association of placental lead with impaired birthweight among survivors but, in common with other authors, we noted a sea ...1977592350
the 'flu-like illness. 1977594023
phenylthiocarbamide (ptc) taste sensitivity in selected populations of the isle of man and cumbria.ptc taste thresholds were determined using a modification of the harris and kalmus sorting technique for 854 cumbrian schoolchildren and 699 individuals from the isle of man. a non-taster frequency of 19.7 percent was observed in the cumbrian sample compared with a frequency of 27.8 per cent in that from the isle of man. analysis of taste threshold distributions revealed significant variability, both within and between these two samples. evidence of significant regional heterogeneity was detecte ...1977603225
development of sex-trait stereotypes among young children in the united staes, england, and ireland.the sex stereotype measure ii (ssm ii), a 32-item revision of the williams, bennett, and best sex stereotype measure, was developed to assess children's knowledge of conventional, sex-trait stereotypes defined by american university students. the procedure employed brief stories and human figure silhouettes which were individually administered to 5- and 8-year-old children in the united states, england, and ireland and group administered to 11-year-olds in the united states. in the united states ...1977608361
influenza. the birmingham research unit of the royal college of general practitioners.the ;weekly returns' system for the reporting of infectious and communicable diseases to the birmingham research unit of the royal college of general practitioners is described. a detailed analysis of the influenza returns for the winter epidemic of 1975/76 is presented and compared with similar data from the previous ten-year period.this analysis allows the following generalizations to be made which can, to a limited extent, be used as broad guidelines for any week in which a rat ...1977616843
wilder penfield (1891-1976): the man and his work. 1977355918
the prevalence of the lateral subcondylar tubercle of the mandible in fossil and recent man with particular reference to anglo-saxons. 1977343766
red-green colour blindness in the isle of man and cumbria.the frequencies of red-green colour-blind males in the indigenous population of two regions of britain, the isle of man (5.6 per cent) and cumbria (5.0 per cent), do not readily fit into the pattern of a sw-ne gradient in the frequency of the colour-blind gene in britain suggested by earlier studies. frequencies of red-green colour-blind females are also given for these two populations.1977304331
florence nightingale: reformer, reactionary, researcher.this article discusses the development and significant aspects of florence nightingale's beliefs and philosophy as they contributed to her character formation and the roles through which she has been historically recognized. her beliefs about god and man, explored against a backdrop of the victorian world, are shown as the essence of her philosophy out of which she initiated major changes in the social life of england. nightingale's substantive corrective reforms, reflected in attitudinal, educa ...1977320564
a psychoanalytic view of mental health. samuel pepys and his has been difficult to illustrate specific criteria for mental health, largely because of the lack of adequately documented examples. the diary of samuel pepys is a unique soure of data about a man who was not only exceptionally interesting, but was relatively healthy as well.1977320617
murder will out.a 1974 showing of more than 200 oils and water colors at the tate gallery, london, has led to a revival of interest in the 19th century english painter, richard dadd (1817 to 1886). in 1843, dadd killed his father, cutting his throat, because he believed him to be the devil in human form. on a trip to the near east, dadd became deluded that the egyptian god osiris was directing him to eliminate the devil's influence. four months after he returned to london he murdered his father, and was institu ...1977321726
samuel garth, physician and man of letters. 1977324553
the man behind the name. sir george still 1868-1941. 1977325531
[triumph of the dialectic-materialistic theory of anthropogenesis (on the centenary of f. engels' work "role of work in the process of evolution from ape to man")]. 1977326228
human dissection: epitome of its evolution. 1977329165
lung transplantation update.this review has indicated that there is decreased activity in research of experimental lung transplantation and a virtual cessation of lung transplants in man. several groups are continuing active research in various aspects of the lung transplantation problems, but it is suspected that a greater effort will be required before transplantation of the lung will become commonplace for human patients. in the appendix attached to the bibliography, we have attempted to identify groups of investigators ...1977331604
revolutions and the rights of man.the author describes the dialectical struggle in psychiatric treatment between those who advocate maximum liberty in the management of the mentally disordered and those who believe such patients will benefit more from firm guidance and discipline. he uses illustrations from british psychiatric history to illustrate this struggle. he also points out and discusses two current challenges to psychiatry worldwide: the unconstructive hostility of the various schools of antipsychiatry and the political ...1977331968
a milestone on the road to the discovery of the lifecycles on the human schistosomes. 1977333969
john stuart mill on the liberty of the mentally ill: a historical note.the author discusses the quote from mill's on liberty that is often cited by libertarians in opposition to involuntary commitment of the mentally ill. this quote has been taken out of context; other statements in the document indicate that mill excluded from his libertarian credo those "without the ordinary amount of understanding," i.e., those people who would now be considered mentally ill.1977335904
balint reassessed: the doctor, his patient, and the illness: a reappraisal.psychoanalytical theories seek to explain human behaviour. i believe that they are not scientific, whereas it appears that balint thought they were. i suggest instead that they are better regarded as myths and part of an artistic discipline. whereas most of the problems brought by patients to general practitioners can be understood in scientific terms, others can be understood only in artistic terms.these two terms reflect fundamentally different kinds of problems, and different language must be ...1977359795
inhumanity to man. 1977410473
daily mortality and environment in english conurbations. air pollution, low temperature, and influenza in greater london.with the decline in concentrations of suspended particulate pollution in greater london the association seen in the 1950s and early 1960s between daily mortality and air pollution in the conurbation is no longer apparent. associations between unusually cold weather and short-term increases in mortality have been noted; there appears to be a tendency for influenza epidemics to follow cold spells.1977851696
disseminated histoplasmosis in an english patient with diabetes mellitus.histoplasma capsulatum is not endemic in britain. we report a case of disseminated histoplasmosis in an english man who had not ventured out of northern europe for 30 years. the disease presented as painful mouth ulcers and hepatosplenomegaly six months after he had developed maturity-onset diabetes. the origin of the infecting fungus may have been from within the united kingdom or alternatively it may have existed as an intraoral saprophyte for over 30 years.1977851818
is cowpox misnamed? a review of 10 human cases.twelve separate outbreaks of confirmed cowpox, 10 involving humans, were reviewed. six of the patients, including three children, had severe infections and five were admitted to hospital. in three outbreaks both people and cows were affected but it was not known how the infections entered the herds. in seven outbreaks no direct contact with cattle was established and clinical and serological examination failed to show evidence of cowpox in the bovine population. comparison of these data with inf ...1977861644
salmonellae in waterways in north yorkshire associated with human and animal effluent. 1977882632
excess mortality associated with influenza in england and wales. 1977892976
evidence for a secular increase in human brain weight during the past century.7397 post-mortem records have been studied. these comphrhend all 20- to 50-year old men and women who had been autopsied in the london hospital since 1907. fresh brain weight, body weight and height were abstracted and analysed statistically according to sex and to year of birth, any person with a cerebral or skeletal abnormality having been excluded. fresh brain weight in men increased gradually by an average of 0-66 g per year from a mean of 1372 g for those born in 1860 to 1424 g in 1940-a to ...1977900889
environmental effects on antipyrine half-life in man. 1977913037
efficacy of live attenuated influenza a/scotland/74 (h3n2) virus vaccine against challenge with influenza a/victoria/3/75 (h3n2) virus.for evaluation of heterologous protection by live attenuated influenza virus vaccine, 42 healthy volunteers with low titers of or no antibody to a/scotland/74 (h3n2) and a/victoria/3/75 (h3n2) influenza viruses were given live attenuated a/scotland/74 (h3n2) virus vaccine or placebo by the intranasal route with no resultant vaccine-related illness. seventeen of 21 vaccine recipients and none of 21 placebo recipients developed antibody conversion. thirty-seven days after administration of vaccin ...1977925382
the general medical council: frame of reference or arbiter of morals?many members of the public think of the general medical council (gmc) as the body which tries doctors: the doctors' law courts, as it were. and, except in the more sober of newspapers and news reports, the 'offences ' which receive the most publicity are those concerning alleged improper relations between doctors and patients. professor sir denis hill, in the following paper, which he read in the spring of this year to the annual conference of the london medical group devoted to a discussion of ...1977926129
"ring the bell and win a cigar". some early experiments on the measurement of human strength in port jackson and van diemen's land.the first medical research formally undertaken on australian soil was a series of experiments to test different factors which might modify muscular power. the experiments were conducted by françois péron, a parisian doctor and naturalist, who travelled with baudin's french scientific expedition to nouvelle hollande and terre de diemen. péron used a dynamometer, an instrument for measuring strength. he conducted his experiments at port jackson, and at maria island (in van diemen's land) in 1902. ...1978364264
the fault doctrine and injury analogy is drawn between the fourteenth-century conceptualization of infectious disease and the twentieth-century conceptualization of trauma. in both cases, causality is associated with faulty human behavior which acts as a handicap to progress. it is suggested that the practice of attributing accident causality to faulty behavior restricts the development of preventive activities in three ways: it implies that allocation of culpability is synonymous with identification of cause; it inhibits ...1978366162
fever theory in the seventeenth century: building toward a comprehensive physiology.physicians in the seventeenth century developed several theories to explain the causes and cures of fever. these theories relied heavily upon the most important physiological discovery of the period, the circulation of blood throughout the human body. in addition, physicians, increasingly emphasized careful observation of their patients' symptoms, in order to develop empirically effective methods of treatment.1978373270
stanley wilson: the man who made rehabilitation a reality. 1978341090
infanticide: the worth of an infant under law. 1978345021
pasteur's work on rabies: reexamining the ethical issues. 1978348641
the classic. deformities of the human frame: w.j. little, m.d. 1978350468
vicary lecture, 1977. sir thomas browne: the man and the physician. 1978352233
the medical philosophy of francis bacon (1561-1626).francis bacon's view of man is dualistic but, although he takes note of mental faculties, he makes the relation between mind and body, rather than the substance of mind, the basis for enquiry into mental processes and, more particularly, for the medically relevant study of mind. (he uses "mind" and "soul" as equivalent terms.) the healing of the body requires study of the body, and the ineffectiveness of physicians is due to their failure in this respect rather than to the body's complexity. to ...1978353452
the incidence of significant bacteriuria in the dog.counts of the number of bacteria in canine urine samples have a bimodal distribution similar to that found in man. therefore it is reasonable to accept the same criterion of significant bacteriuria in the dog as in man, namely a count of 10(5) or more organisms/ml. of urine. the incidence of significant bacteriuria in the total canine population was 1.4%. it was higher in bitches compared with male dogs, and higher in older animals. the larger proportion of boxers affected was attributed to thei ...1978354091
two early dynamometers. an historical account of the earliest measurements to study human muscular account of two of the earliest dynamometers is presented, together with results of the first experiments attained with them. the graham--desaguliers dynamometer was developed in london in 1763 to measure human muscular force, in such a way that synergistic muscles could not impart a false mechanical advantage to the test. the regnier dynamometer was invented in paris in 1798 to measure the traction properties of artillery-horses, but was desinged as an all-purpose instrument to measure specif ...1978357684
history of precordial leads in electrocardiography.precordial leads were first used by waller, whose capillary electroscope was too insensitive to detect the electric forces emanating from the human heart unless the electrode was placed over the precordium as near to the heart as possible. when einthoven developed the elegant, reliable and sensitive string galvanometer, he could record the electric forces of the heart from the hands and feet of the subject without even undressing him. when einthoven's great galvanometer became available, only th ...1978359333
epidemic influenza in schools. 1978620314
single radial haemolysis: a survey of antibody titres in the highland region of scotland to recent strains of influenza a.the single radial haemolysis test is conveniently practical and economical and promises to have wide applicability in the study of influenza antibodies in human populations. it can also be adapted for preliminary examination of new virus isolates during epidemics. using this test a rather higher proportion of the population in the highland region of scotland were found to possess antibody to a recent epidemic strain of influenza (a/scotland/74) than was the case in the south of england. antibody ...1978621377
changes in the seasonality of human mortality: a medico-geographical study. 1978644348
atmospheric pollution and lung cancer.lung cancer is consistently more common in urban areas than in rural. the excess cannot be accounted for by specific occupational hazards but some of it might be due to the presence of carcinogens in urban air. the excess cannot be wholly due to such agents, because the excess in nonsmokers is small and variable. cigarette consumption has also been greater in urban areas, but it is difficult to estimate how much of the excess it can account for. occupational studies confirm that pollutants prese ...1978648488
progress towards international reference standards for human serum proteins. 1978649622
Displaying items 301 - 400 of 3581