
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
glutamyl-trna synthetases of bacillus subtilis 168t and of bacillus stearothermophilus. cloning and sequencing of the gltx genes and comparison with other aminoacyl-trna synthetases.the glutamyl-trna synthetase (glurs) of bacillus subtilis 168t aminoacylates with glutamate its homologous trna(glu) and trna(gln) in vivo and escherichia coli trna(1gln) in vitro (lapointe, j., duplain, l., and proulx, m. (1986) j. bacteriol. 165, 88-93). the gltx gene encoding this enzyme was cloned and sequenced. it encodes a protein of 483 amino acids with a mr of 55,671. alignment of the amino acid sequences of four bacterial glurss (from b. subtilis, bacillus stearothermophilus, e. coli, a ...19902120226
octopine and nopaline strains of agrobacterium tumefaciens differ in virulence; molecular characterization of the virf locus.octopine and nopaline strains of agrobacterium tumefaciens were found to differ in virulence on nicotiana glauca. this difference is due to the absence of a functional virf locus, which is necessary for efficient tumorigenesis on n. glauca, from the nopaline ti plasmids. genetic studies and dna sequence analysis of the virf locus revealed that virf embraces one open reading frame coding for a hydrophilic protein with a molecular mass of 22,437 da. transcription of virf is directed from left to r ...19902101693
regulation of expression of a wound-inducible tomato inhibitor i gene in transgenic nightshade plants.a wound-inducible proteinase inhibitor i gene from tomato containing 725 bp of the 5' region and 2.5 kbp of the 3' region was stably incorporated into the genome of black nightshade plants (solanum nigrum) using an agrobacterium ti plasmid-derived vector. transgenic nightshade plants were selected that expressed the tomato inhibitor i protein in leaf tissue. the leaves of the plants contained constitutive levels of the inhibitor protein of up to 60 micrograms/g tissue. these levels increased by ...19902102819
characteristics of a strong promoter from figwort mosaic virus: comparison with the analogous 35s promoter from cauliflower mosaic virus and the regulated mannopine synthase promoter.a segment of dna from the genome of figwort mosaic virus (fmv) strain m3 possesses promoter activity when tested in electroporated protoplasts from, and transgenic plants of, nicotiana tabacum cv. xanthi nc. the 1.1 kb dna segment, designated the '34s' promoter, is derived from a position on the fmv genome comparable to the position on the cauliflower mosaic virus (camv) genome containing the 35s promoter. the 34s and 35s promoters show approximately 63% nucleotide homology in the tata, ccact, a ...19902102823
sugar-mediated induction of agrobacterium tumefaciens virulence genes: structural specificity and activities of monosaccharides.the virulence genes of agrobacterium tumefaciens are induced by specific plant phenolic metabolites and sugars (g. a. cangelosi, r. g. ankenbauer, and e. w. nester, proc. natl. acad. sci. usa, in press). in this report, monosaccharides, derivatives, and analogs which induce the vir regulon have been identified and the structural requirements for monosaccharide-mediated induction have been determined. pyranose sugars with equatorial hydroxyls at c-1, c-2, and c-3 displayed strong vir gene-inducin ...19902121715
identification and cdna cloning of a new nodule-specific gene, nms-25 (nodulin-25) of medicago sativa.a new nodule-specific gene, nms-25 (nodulin-25), was identified in cdna clones isolated from a nodule-specific cdna library of medicago sativa. the first transcript of this gene appeared 9 days after inoculation of the roots with rhizobium meliloti. the time of expression and the quantity of the transcripts of the nms-25 gene was similar to that of leghemoglobin genes suggesting a similar regulation. a protein of 246 amino acids could be deduced from a full-length cdna clone. the first 24 amino ...19902102828
identification of a putative rol b gene on the tr-dna of the agrobacterium rhizogenes a4 ri plasmid. 19902102840
mercury resistance determined by a self-transmissible plasmid in bacillus cereus 5.inducible mercuric reductase activity in bacillus cereus 5 was plasmid-encoded. plasmid analysis revealed three plasmids with molecular masses of 2.6, 5.2 and 130 mda. a mating system permitted transfer of the resistance determinant among strains of b. cereus and b. thuringiensis. transfer of mercury resistance from b. cereus 5 to b. cereus 569 and b. thuringiensis occurred during mixed culture incubation on agar surfaces. the 130-mda plasmid (pgb130) was responsible for transfer; frequencies ra ...19902127369
the ptic58 tzs gene promotes high-efficiency root induction by agropine strain 1855 of agrobacterium rhizogenes.root induction on flax (linum usitatissimum l.) cotyledon explants by agrobacterium rhizogenes strain 1855 is markedly increased by co-inoculation with disarmed a. tumefaciens strain lba 4404 containing a plasmid carrying the tzs gene of ptic58. most of the roots (estimated to be more than 90%) were transformed. this effect is most likely due to the secretion of trans-zeatin by a. tumefaciens stimulating the division of plant cells making them more receptive to transformation by a. rhizogenes, a ...19902102856
iaa synthesis and root induction with iaa genes under heat shock promoter control.we have devised a heat shock-inducible indole-3-acetic acid (iaa) synthesis system for plant cells, which is based on the iaa genes of the agrobacterium tumefaciens t-dna and the heat shock promoter hsp70 of drosophila melanogaster. two dna constructs were tested: one contains the iaam gene linked to the hsp70 promoter (hsp70-iaam) and encodes the production of indoleacetamide (iam), the other contains hsp70-iaam and the wild-type iaah gene which codes for the conversion of iam into iaa (hsp70-i ...19902129423
transformation and regeneration of the self-incompatible species nicotiana alata link & otto.a transformation and regeneration system has been developed for nicotiana alata, a plant which is being intensively studied as a model of gametophytic self-incompatibility. plantlets can be regenerated efficiently from seedling hypocotyls. kanamycin-resistant, transformed plants have been obtained by cocultivation of regenerating hypocotyls with agrobacterium tumefaciens strain lba4404 containing a binary vector. the transformation frequency was low with less than 1% of tissue explants regenerat ...19902102859
the non-conserved region of cucumopine-type agrobacterium rhizogenes t-dna is responsible for hairy root induction.the t-dna regions of three strains of ri plasmids 1855, 8196, 2659 (agropine, mannopine and cucumopine type respectively) share two highly conserved regions flanking a non-homologous central part. we have cloned segments of the cucumopine ri plasmid 2659 t-dna in the binary vector system bin 19 and infected carrot discs with recombinant agrobacterium strains. we show here that the central non-conserved region is crucial in hairy root induction as it is sufficient to induce rooting on the apical ...19902102883
characterization of two azospirillum brasilense sp7 plasmid genes homologous to rhizobium meliloti nodpq.bacteria belonging to the azospirillum genus are nitrogen fixers that colonize the roots of grasses, but do not cause the formation of differentiated structures. sequences from total dna of several azospirillum strains are homologous to restriction fragments containing rhizobium meliloti nodulation genes. a 10-kilobase (kb) ecori fragment from a. brasilense sp7, sharing homology with a 6.8-kb ecori fragment carrying nodgefh and part of nodp of r. meliloti 41, was cloned in puc18 to yield pab502. ...19902131098
analysis of the c4-dicarboxylate transport genes of rhizobium meliloti: nucleotide sequence and deduced products of dcta, dctb, and dctd.rhizobium meliloti transports succinate, fumarate, malate, and aspartate by means of the dicarboxylate transport system, which is encoded by dct genes located on the exo megaplasmid. analysis of these genes using tn5 insertion mutagenesis revealed three complementation groups within a 5.9-kb hindiii fragment. the sequence of this fragment and the sites of tn5 insertion were determined. three genes, dcta, dctb, and dctd, were identified as the only three open-reading frames in locations consisten ...19902134335
agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation by novel mini-t vectors in conjunction with a high-copy vir region helper plasmid.a new binary vector system for agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation was developed. a set of four mini-t vectors comprised of t-dna border sequences from nopaline-type ti-plasmid ptic58 flanking a chimaeric hygromycin-resistance gene for selection of transformants and up to eight unique restriction sites for cloning foreign dna was constructed on a broad-host replicon containing the oriv of plasmid psa. in two of the constructs these multiple cloning sites are flanked by a strong promoter ...19902103448
nucleotide sequence of the hydrogenase structural genes from rhizobium leguminosarum. 19902103457
restoration of shooty morphology of a nontumorous mutant of nicotiana glauca x n. langsdorffii by cytokinin and the isopentenyltransferase gene.the shooty morphology of a nontumorous amphidiploid mutant of nicotiana glauca grah. x n. langsdorffii weinm. was restored by cytokinins, whether exogenously applied or endogenously produced by transformation of the mutant with a transfer dna (t-dna) cytokinin-biosynthesis gene (isopentenyltransferase; ipt). auxins alone did not confer this effect. similar transformation was not achieved for the parental species. in the case of transformation with the ipt gene, selection of the transformed tissu ...19902103461
manipulation of beta-glucuronidase for use as a reporter in vacuolar targeting has been documented that when furnished with an endomembrane signal sequence for the endoplasmic reticulum, beta-glucuronidase (gus) is n-glycosylated, resulting in the nearly complete loss of enzymatic activity. to enable use of beta-glucuronidase as a reporter protein in secretory and vacuolar targeting studies, one of the two putative n-linked glycosylation sites within the gus gene was altered by site-directed mutagenesis. the second n-linked glycosylation site was not altered because seq ...19902103475
the effect of t-dna copy number, position and methylation on reporter gene expression in tobacco transformants.inter-transformant variability in the expression of introduced genes was studied in the r1 and r2 generations of 10 tobacco transformants, produced by agrobacterium-mediated transformation. in replicated and physiologically equivalent material, tranformants showed considerable variability in the expression of the reporter gene uida as shown by transcript levels and beta-glucuronidase (gus) activity. however, homozygous r2 material could be investigated for seven of the transformants and among th ...19902103477
a 268 bp upstream sequence mediates the circadian clock-regulated transcription of the wheat cab-1 gene in transgenic plants.we previously reported that the expression of the wheat cab-1 gene is regulated by an endogenous circadian rhythm and by the photoreceptor phytochrome both in wheat and in transgenic tobacco plants. to define regulatory elements necessary for the circadian rhythm-regulated cab-1 gene expression, we now analysed the fluctuation of steady-state mrna levels in a series of 5' deletion mutants in transgenic tobacco plants. we found that the expression of a deletion mutant containing 211 bp upstream s ...19902103481
plant regeneration from ri t-dna transformed roots of cabbage.ri t-dna transformed roots were induced out on hypocotyl segments of cabbage infected with agrobacterium rhizogenes. after cultured for four months on solid ms medium without hormones, some parts of a few of transformed roots were dedifferentiated into callus clumps, and then redifferentiated into shoot buds. on solid ms medium supplemented with kinetin, shoot buds were differentiated directly from transformed roots without callus formation. among several concentrations of kinetin, 14 microm gav ...19902104201
[demonstration of 3 functional domains responsible for a kinase activity in vira, a transmembrane sensory protein encoded by the ti plasmid of agrobacterium tumefaciens].high-level expression of chimeric vira genes were obtained by replacing the first codons of vira with the first codons of trpe. the fusion proteins encoded by these constructs were partially purified and one of them exhibited autokinase activity. therefore, protein phosphorylation may be an important feature of vira function. this allowed us to define the existence of three functional domains inside vira.19902105145
effectiveness of pseudomonas aeruginosa for detoxification of tetramethylthiuram disulfide (tmtd) from contaminated soil. 19902108742
identification of an agrobacterium tumefaciens virulence gene inducer from the pinaceous gymnosperm pseudotsuga menziesii.inducible t-strand mobilization from the ti plasmid of agrobacterium tumefaciens to the genome of a plant host is mediated by the activation of a cascade of bacterial virulence genes. it is initiated when the bacterium senses the presence of a low molecular weight inducer secreted by the plant. although many hydroxyphenylpropanoid and phenolic compounds can activate the virulence cascade, the only native inducers that have been identified to date are acetosyringone and hydroxyacetosyringone. a n ...19902110367
rhizobium meliloti suhr suppresses the phenotype of an escherichia coli rna polymerase sigma 32 mutant.sigma 32, the product of the escherichia coli rpoh locus, is an alternative rna polymerase sigma factor utilized to express heat shock genes upon a sudden rise in temperature. e. coli k165 [rpoh165(am) supc(ts)] is temperature sensitive for growth and does not induce heat shock protein synthesis. we have isolated a locus from rhizobium meliloti called suhr that allows e. coli k165 to grow at high temperature and induce heat shock protein synthesis. r. meliloti suhr mutants were viable and symbio ...19902113906
vir genes influence conjugal transfer of the ti plasmid of agrobacterium tumefaciens.mutation of the genes vira, virb, virc, and virg of the agrobacterium tumefaciens octopine-type ti plasmid ptir10 was found to cause a 100- to 10,000-fold decrease in the frequency of conjugal transfer of this plasmid between agrobacterium cells. this effect was not absolute, however, in that it occurred only during early times (18 to 24 h) of induction of the conjugal transfer apparatus by octopine. induction of these mutant agrobacterium strains by octopine for longer periods (48 to 72 h) resu ...19902155206
isolation of rhizobium phaseoli tn5-induced mutants with altered expression of cytochrome terminal oxidases o and aa3.two rhizobium phaseoli mutants affected in cytochrome expression were obtained by tn5-mob mutagenesis of the wild-type strain (ce3). mutant strain cfn031 expressed sevenfold less cytochrome o in culture, expressed cytochrome aa3 under microaerophilic culture conditions, in contrast to strain ce3, and was affected in its vegetative growth properties and proliferation inside plant host cells. mutant cfn037 expressed cytochrome aa3 under microaerophilic culture conditions, while bacteroid developme ...19902155209
a new family of rsf1010-derived expression and lac-fusion broad-host-range vectors for gram-negative bacteria.a series of broad-host-range expression and lac fusion vectors, based on rsf1010 derivatives, was constructed. the expression vectors contain various promoters (pnm, plac, ptac and ps1) for expression of foreign genes. the efficiency of the promoters was determined in escherichia coli, rhizobium meliloti, rhizobium leguminosarum and pseudomonas putida by beta-galactosidase activity measurements. of the promoters assayed in e. coli, the most effective is the tac promoter, whereas in soil bacteria ...19902115488
excessive excretion of cyclic beta-(1,2)-glucan by rhizobium trifolii 25 degrees c, the optimal temperature for growth of rhizobium trifolii ta-1, extracellular and capsular polysaccharide (eps and cps) were the main carbohydrate products synthesized in mannitol-rich medium (10 g of mannitol and 1 g of glutamic acid per liter). in the same medium at 33 degrees c, eps and cps production was inhibited, and up to 3.9 g of cyclic beta-(1,2)-glucan was produced during an incubation period of 20 days with a total biomass of 0.55 g of protein. in a medium containing 5 ...19902117876
thymidylate synthase gene from lactococcus lactis as a genetic marker: an alternative to antibiotic resistance genes.the potential of the thymidylate synthase thya gene cloned from lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis as a possible alternative selectable marker gene to antibiotic resistance markers has been examined. the thya mutation is a recessive lethal one; thya mutants cannot survive in environments containing low amounts of thymidine or thymine (such as luria-bertani medium) unless complemented by the thya gene. the cloned thya gene was strongly expressed in l. lactis subsp. lactis, escherichia coli, rhizobi ...19902117883
two genes that regulate exopolysaccharide production in rhizobium meliloti.we describe a new rhizobium meliloti gene, exox, that regulates the synthesis of the exopolysaccharide, succinoglycan, exox resembled the psi gene of r. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli and the exox gene of rhizobium sp. strain ngr234 in its ability to inhibit exopolysaccharide synthesis when present in multiple copies, exox did not appear to regulate the expression of exop. the effect of exox was counterbalanced by another r. meliloti gene, exof. exof is equivalent to rhizobium sp. strain ngr234 exoy ...19902118508
sugars induce the agrobacterium virulence genes through a periplasmic binding protein and a transmembrane signal protein.phenolic plant metabolites such as acetosyringone induce transcription of the virulence (vir) genes of agrobacterium tumefaciens through the transmembrane vira protein. we report here that certain sugars induce the vir genes synergistically with phenolic inducers by way of a distinct regulatory pathway that includes vira and a chromosomally encoded virulence protein, chve. sequence comparison showed that chve is a periplasmic galactose-binding protein corresponding to the gbp1 protein isolated f ...19902118656
regulatory functions of the three nodd genes of rhizobium leguminosarum biovar phaseoli.the three nodd genes of a strain of rhizobium leguminosarum biovar phaseoli were cloned to study their effects on transcription of themselves and of the nodc genes of biovars phaseoli and viciae. efficient transcription of nodd1 required nodd1 and was enhanced by exposure of the cells to bean exudate consistent with the presence of a nod-box preceding the noie-nodd1 operon. transcription of nodd2 and nodd3 was constitutive. nodc of r. leguminosarum biovar phaseoli was activated by each of the no ...19902120543
[structural-functional organization of the incompatibility group p plasmid pbs221].plasmid pbs221 was physically mapped for restriction endonucleases ecori, bamhi, bglii, hindiii. the regions essential for the plasmid existence and participating in replication (oriv trfa*) and mobilization (mob) were cloned. the tet determinant and oriv trfa* regions were localized on the physical map of the plasmid. a dna sequence homologous to genes of tn501 mer operon was detected in this plasmid. the studies on homology of plasmids rp4 (incp alpha), r751 (incp beta) and pbs221 plasmid sugg ...19902121599
genetic characterization of the stabilizing functions of a region of broad-host-range plasmid of the regions responsible for the stable inheritance of the broad-host-range plasmid rk2 is contained within the psti c fragment, located from coordinates 30.8 to 37.0 kb (p.n. saurugger, o. hrabak, h. schwab, and r.m. lafferty, j. biotechnol. 4:333-343, 1986). genetic analysis of this 6.2-kb region demonstrated that no function was present that stabilized by selectively killing plasmid-free segregants. the sequence from 36.0 to 37.0 kb mediated a twofold increase in plasmid copy number, bu ...19902121707
a naturally occurring horizontal gene transfer from a eukaryote to a prokaryote.naturally occurring horizontal gene transfers between nonviral organisms are difficult to prove. only with the availability of sequence data from a wide variety of organisms can a convincing case be made. in the case of putative gene transfers between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the minimum requirements for inferring such an event include (1) sequences of the transferred gene or its product from several appropriately divergent eukaryotes and several prokaryotes, and (2) a similar set of sequence ...19902124629
a bacterial peptide acting as a plant nuclear targeting signal: the amino-terminal portion of agrobacterium vird2 protein directs a beta-galactosidase fusion protein into tobacco nuclei.agrobacterium tumefaciens is a soil bacterium capable of transferring dna to the genome of higher plants. of the virulence region-encoded proteins of the tumor-inducing (ti) plasmid of a. tumefaciens, the vird1 and vird2 proteins are essential for t-dna transfer to plant cells. these two proteins have been shown to be directly responsible for the formation of t-strands. vird2 was also shown to be firmly attached to the 5' termini of t-strands; these facts have led to its postulation as a pilot p ...19902124696
role of the nodd and syrm genes in the activation of the regulatory gene nodd3, and of the common and host-specific nod genes of rhizobium analyse the regulation of the nodulation (nod) genes of rhizobium meliloti rcr2011 we have isolated lacz gene fusions to a number of common, host-range and regulatory nod genes, using the mini-mu-lac bacteriophage transposon mudii1734. common (noda, nodc, nod region iia) and host-range (node, nodg, nodh) genes were found to be regulated similarly. they were activated (i) by the regulatory nodd1 gene in the presence of flavones such as chrysoeriol, luteolin and 7,3',4'-trihydroxyflavone, (ii) ...19902127953
synthesis and self-assembly of a functional monoclonal antibody in transgenic nicotiana tabacum.immunoglobulin light and heavy chains are synthesized in mammalian cells as precursors containing a signal peptide. processing and assembling result in formation of active antibodies. chimeric genes have been made containing the coding sequence of the barley alpha-amylase signal peptide which has been fused to cdnas coding for either the mature light or the mature heavy chain of a monoclonal antibody. a plasmid was constructed linking both chimeric genes under the control of plant active promote ...19902129424
rheological properties of the extracellular polysaccharide from agrobacterium sp.s-1231.a strain of agrobacterium sp. s-1231 was isolated from one of the soil samples taken from beijing area. in 4 days' cultivation it was found to produce extracellular polysaccharide and about 24 grams per liter of sugar-containing substrate. at the same concentrations, the polymer produced higher viscosity than that of xanthan gum (kelzan). the viscosities of 0.2%, 0.5% and 1.0% solutions of this polymer were found to be 840, 5200 and 15000 cp respectively, measured with a brookfield lvf viscosime ...19902129792
[migration of transposons in cells of saprophytic nitrogen-fixating bacteria agrobacterium sp. 5d-1]. 19902172807
an fnr-like protein encoded in rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae shows structural and functional homology to rhizobium meliloti fixk.a 1.9 kb dna region of rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae strain vf39 capable of promoting microaerobic and symbiotic induction of the rhizobium meliloti fixn gene was identified by heterologous complementation. sequence analysis of this dna region revealed the presence of two complete open reading frames, orf240 and orf114. the deduced amino acid sequence of orf240 showed significant homology to escherichia coli fnr and r. meliloti fixk. the major difference between orf240 and fixk is the pr ...19902175385
identification of nods and nodu, two inducible genes inserted between the bradyrhizobium japonicum nodyabc and nodij genes.the so-called common nodulation (nod) gene cluster of bradyrhizobium japonicum is characterized by a unique composition of genes that are arranged in the following order: nody, noda, nodb, nodc, nods, nodu, nodi, nodj. as reported here, the identification of the two new genes nods and nodu resulted from the dna sequencing of a 4.5-kilobase nodc-downstream region covering nods, nodu, nodi, and nodj. the predicted nods, nodu, nodi, and nodj proteins had the following respective amino acid (aa) len ...19902134855
expression of agrobacterium rhizogenes rolb gene fusions in escherichia coli: production of antibodies against the rolb protein.expression of the rolb gene of agrobacterium rhizogenes tl-dna is sufficient to trigger root differentiation in transformed plant cells. to investigate the role of rolb in differentiation, a large portion of rolb, comprising about 90% of its c-terminal coding sequence, was cloned into vectors pex34 and pea305 in frame with the truncated n termini of the pl-ms2 phage dna polymerase and, respectively, the ptac-c its phage lambda repressor gene. hybrid proteins were expressed from both fusions and ...19902185136
nodsu, two new nod genes of the broad host range rhizobium strain ngr234 encode host-specific nodulation of the tropical tree leucaena leucocephala.rhizobium species strain ngr234 nodulates at least 35 diverse genera of legumes as well as the nonlegume parasponia andersonii. most nodulation genes are located on the 500-kilobase pair symbiotic plasmid, pngr234a. previously, three plasmid-borne host range determinants (hsni, hsnii, and hsniii) were identified by their ability to extend the nodulation capacity of heterologous rhizobia to include vigna unguiculata. in this study, we show that hsnii contains two new nod-box linked hsn genes, nod ...19902134856
functional analysis of the sesbania rostrata leghemoglobin glb3 gene 5'-upstream region in transgenic lotus corniculatus and nicotiana tabacum plants.expression of the sesbania rostrata leghemoglobin glb3 gene was analyzed in transgenic lotus corniculatus and tobacco plants harboring chimeric glb3-uida (gus) gene fusions to identify cis-acting elements involved in nodule-specific gene expression and general transcriptional control. a 1.9-kilobase fragment of the glb3 5'-upstream region was found to direct a high level of nodule-specific beta-glucuronidase (gus) activity in l. corniculatus, restricted to the rhizobium-infected cells of the nod ...19902136628
nonlegume hemoglobin genes retain organ-specific expression in heterologous transgenic plants.hemoglobin genes from the nitrogen-fixing nonlegume parasponia andersonii and the related non-nitrogen-fixing nonlegume trema tomentosa have been isolated [landsmann et al. (1986). nature 324, 166-168; bogusz et al. (1988). nature 331, 178-180]. the promoters of these genes have been linked to a beta-glucuronidase reporter gene and introduced into both the nonlegume nicotiana tabacum and the legume lotus corniculatus. both promoters directed root-specific expression in transgenic tobacco. when t ...19902136637
structure and function of the promoter of the carrot v-type h(+)-atpase catalytic subunit gene.we investigated the 5'-upstream region of the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of the v-type h(+)-atpase in daucus carota. a genomic sublibrary was screened with a cdna probe, and a 4-kilobase genomic clone was obtained covering the first two exons and about 3 kilobases of the 5'-upstream sequence. the intron/exon boundaries matched established consensus sequences. within 240 base pairs (bp) upstream of the initiation codon three putative tata boxes were found. ribonuclease protection and pri ...19902139875
isolation and characterization of the constitutive acyl carrier protein from rhizobium meliloti.rhizobium species produce an inducible acyl carrier protein (acp), encoded by the nodf gene, that somehow functions in an exchange of cell signals between bacteria and specific plant hosts, leading to nodulation of plant roots and symbiotic nitrogen fixation, as well as a constitutive acp needed for the synthesis of essential cell lipids. the periplasmic cyclic glucans of rhizobium spp. are also involved in specific rhizobium-plant interaction. these glucans are strongly similar to the periplasm ...19902144277
nopaline synthase promoter is wound inducible and auxin inducible.the activity of the nopaline synthase (nos) promoter is differentially regulated in several plant organs. in this article we demonstrate that the nos promoter is wound inducible in both vegetative and reproductive organs. the induction of the nos promoter was observed in leaves, stems, cotyledons, and various reproductive organs, suggesting that the response is not organ specific. the wound response was further enhanced by addition of auxins. other growth substances had no effect on the wound-in ...19902152114
sequential induction of nodulin gene expression in the developing pea nodule.a set of cdna clones have been characterized that represent early nodulin mrnas from pea root nodules. by rna transfer blot analyses, the different early nodulin mrnas were found to vary in time course of appearance during the development of the indeterminate pea root nodule. in situ hybridization studies demonstrated that the transcripts were located in different zones, representing subsequent steps in development of the central tissue of the root nodule. enod12 transcripts were present in ever ...19902152123
molecular characterization of the vir regulon of agrobacterium tumefaciens: complete nucleotide sequence and gene organization of the 28.63-kbp regulon cloned as a single unit.the entire vir regulon of agrobacterium tumefaciens was subcloned and the complete 28.6-kbp nucleotide sequence was determined. the regulon was cloned as a single unit into two replicons, one of which replicates at a high copy number in this bacterium, and a second which has broad-host-range features to replicate in other gram-negative bacteria. these vir region plasmids are able to confer in trans the processing and transfer activities on a second plasmid containing the t-dna. in the high copy ...19902194232
homologous recombination in plant cells after agrobacterium-mediated transformation.a single amino-acid change in the acetolactate synthase (als) protein of tobacco confers resistance to the herbicide chlorsulfuron. a deleted, nonfunctional fragment from the acetolactate synthase gene, carrying the mutant site specifying chlorsulfuron resistance plus a closely linked novel restriction site marker, was cloned into a binary vector. tobacco protoplasts transformed with agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying this vector yielded chlorsulfuron-resistant colonies. dna gel blot analysis of ...19902152167
two genes that regulate exopolysaccharide production in rhizobium sp. strain ngr234: dna sequences and resultant phenotypes.two closely linked genes involved in the regulation of exopolysaccharide (eps) production in rhizobium sp. strain ngr234, exox and exoy, were sequenced, and their corresponding phenotypes were investigated. inhibition of eps synthesis occurred in wild-type strains when extra copies of exox were introduced, but only when exoy had been deleted or mutated or was present at a lower copy number. normal eps synthesis occurred in rhizobium sp. when both exox and exoy were introduced on the same replico ...19902152899
complementation analysis of agrobacterium tumefaciens ti plasmid virb genes by use of a vir promoter expression vector: virb9, virb10, and virb11 are essential virulence genes.the virb gene products of the agrobacterium tumefaciens tumor-inducing (ti) plasmid have been proposed to mediate t-dna transport through the bacterial cell wall into plant cells. previous genetic analysis of the approximately 9.5-kilobase-pair virb operon has been limited to transposon insertion mutagenesis. due to the polarity of the transposon insertions, only the last gene in the operon, virb11, is known to provide an essential virulence function. we have now begun to assess the contribution ...19902203743
the ndvb locus of rhizobium meliloti encodes a 319-kda protein involved in the production of beta-(1----2)-glucan.the ndvb locus of rhizobium meliloti was sequenced and found to encode a 319-kda protein involved in the production of beta-(1----2)-glucan. transposon tn5 mutagenesis revealed that a large portion of the downstream half of this gene is not essential for symbiosis but is required for optimal production of beta-(1----2)-glucan. a high molecular weight inner membrane protein, believed to be the ndvb gene product, was absent from two different upstream ndvb::tn5 mutants. this protein could be label ...19902154461
subcellular localization of the rhizobium leguminosarum nodi gene the use of antibodies raised against a fusion protein of lacz'-nodi (produced in escherichia coli) which specifically react with nodi protein, it was shown that in wild-type rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae nodi protein (i) is recovered with the cytoplasmic membrane fraction and (ii) is translated as part of the nodabcij operon. in addition, it was found that the bacterial chromosomal background strongly influences the expression of several nod genes.19902203755
a chromosomal agrobacterium tumefaciens gene required for effective plant signal transduction.the vir gene products of agrobacterium tumefaciens carry out the transfer of t-dna to the plant genome. effective transcriptional induction of the vir genes by plant signal molecules is controlled by two vir gene products, vira and virg. in this study we have identified and cloned a chromosomal region which is also required for vir gene induction. transposon insertions within this region reduce induction significantly and strongly attenuate virulence, resulting in a restricted host range for inf ...19902156804
sequence and analysis of the rpon sigma factor gene of rhizobium sp. strain ngr234, a primary coregulator of symbiosis.we report the nucleotide sequence of the rpon gene from broad-host-range rhizobium sp. strain ngr234 and analyze the encoded rpon protein, a sigma factor. comparative analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of rpon from ngr234 with sequences from other gram-negative bacteria identified a perfectly conserved rpon box unique to rpon sigma factors. symbiotic regulatory phenotypes were defined for a site-directed internal deletion within the coding sequence of the rpon gene of rhizobium strain n ...19902211497
inhibition by agrobacterium tumefaciens and pseudomonas savastanoi of development of the hypersensitive response elicited by pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola.injection into tobacco leaves of biotype 1 agrobacterium tumefaciens or of pseudomonas savastanoi inhibited the development of a visible hypersensitive response to the subsequent injection at the same site of pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola. this interference with the hypersensitive response was not seen with injection of bacterial growth medium or escherichia coli cells. live a. tumefaciens cells were required for the inhibitory effect. various mutants and strains of a. tumefaciens were e ...19902211508
mutational analysis of the virg protein, a transcriptional activator of agrobacterium tumefaciens virulence genes.the virg protein of agrobacterium tumefaciens is required in conjunction with the vira protein for transcriptional activation of the virulence (vir) genes in response to plant phenolic compounds. these proteins are members of a family of two component regulatory systems. vir genes are activated via a cascade of phosphorylation reactions involving a specific aspartic acid residue of the virg protein. we have conducted a mutational analysis of the virg protein. by mutating conserved and nonconserv ...19902211523
identification of a caulobacter basal body structural gene and a cis-acting site required for activation of transcription.the genes that encode the components and regulatory proteins of the caulobacter crescentus flagellum are transcribed at specific times in the cell cycle. one of these genes, flbn, is required early in the flagellar assembly process. the flbn gene was cloned and sequenced, and the time of transcription activation was determined. the derived amino acid sequence indicates that fibn encodes a 25-kilodalton protein with a cleavable leader peptide. the flbn-encoded protein has 30.8% identity with the ...19902211524
isolation of a gene encoding a novel chloroplast protein by t-dna tagging in arabidopsis thaliana.a recessive pale mutation, designated as cs, was identified by transferred-dna (t-dna)-mediated insertional mutagenesis in arabidopsis thaliana. the pale mutation, cosegregating with the hygromycin resistance marker of the t-dna, was mapped to the position of the ch-42 (chlorata) locus on chromosome 4. lack of genetic complementation between cs and ch-42 mutants indicated allelism. plant boundaries of the t-dna insert rescued from the pale mutant were used as probes for the isolation of genomic ...19902158442
genetic map of rhizobium meliloti megaplasmid prmesu47b.a circular linkage map of the rhizobium meliloti megaplasmid prmesu47b was constructed. the map consists of transposon insertions carrying alternating antibiotic resistance markers linked by phi m12 transduction. data from conjugation experiments utilizing donor strains carrying tn5-orit insertions in the megaplasmid supported the proposed genetic map. in addition, the positions of previously identified fix, exopolysaccharide synthetic, thiamine synthetic, and c4-dicarboxylate transport loci on ...19902158971
physical map and properties of a 90-mda plasmid of azospirillum brasilense sp7.homology was previously detected between the dna restriction fragments containing rhizobium meliloti nodulation genes and the 90-mda plasmid, p90, of azospirillum brasilense sp7. two dna loci from sp7 genome that complement mutations in the exopolysaccharide synthesis genes, exob and exoc, of r. meliloti were also shown to be present on the plasmid. a more detailed characterization of the plasmid was undertaken to establish its physical map and to localize the nod homologies and other specific r ...19902217570
the symbiotic defect of rhizobium meliloti exopolysaccharide mutants is suppressed by lpsz+, a gene involved in lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis.exo mutants of rhizobium meliloti su47, which fail to secrete acidic extracellular polysaccharide (eps), induce fix- nodules on alfalfa. however, mutants of r. meliloti rm41 carrying the same exo lesions induce normal fix+ nodules. we show that such induction is due to a gene from strain rm41, which we call lpsz+, that is missing in strain su47. lpsz+ does not restore eps production but instead alters the composition and structure of lipopolysaccharide. in both su47 and rm41, either lpsz+ or exo ...19902158975
identification and characterization of a functional nodd gene in azorhizobium caulinodans ors571.azorhizobium caulinodans ors571, a bacterium capable of nodulating roots and stems of the tropical legume sesbania rostrata, has been shown to have no nodd-like gene located immediately upstream from its common nodabc locus. a clone carrying a functional nodd gene of strain ors571 has now been isolated from a plafr1 gene library by screening for naringenin-induced expression of the common nod genes in an agrobacterium background. tn5 mutagenesis of the cloned insert dna delimited the inducing ac ...19902158977
temporal and spatial regulation of the symbiotic genes of rhizobium meliloti in planta revealed by transposon tn5-gusa.tn5-gusa promoter/probe transposons have been constructed that fuse the escherichia coli gusa reporter gene transcriptionally or translationally with a target promoter. these have been used to monitor expression of rhizobium meliloti symbiotic genes within alfalfa nodules. fusions in all 11 nod genes studied show the same pattern of expression: first on the root surface, then throughout the developing nodule, then mainly in the nodule meristem, falling off progressively through the central regio ...19902159937
the primary structure of dna binding protein ii from the extreme thermophilic bacterium thermus thermophilus.the primary structure of dna binding protein ii (dna bp ii) from the extreme thermophilic bacterium thermus thermophilus has been established by combination of manual and automated techniques. the protein has 95 residues and a molecular mass of 11,843. comparison of the primary structure with the known sequence data of dna bp ii from clostridium pasteurineum, baccillus stearothermophilus, escherichia coli, rhizobium meliloti, anabena, thermoplasma acidophilum, pseudomonas aeruginosa and bacillus ...19902226865
[uvrd-like sequences in the genome of agrobacterium tumefaciens]. 19902227394
two plasmids other than the nodulation plasmid are necessary for formation of nitrogen-fixing nodules by rhizobium leguminosarum.a system which allows direct selection for curing of plasmids in gram-negative bacteria was used to generate derivatives of rhizobium leguminosarum vf39 cured of each of six plasmids present in this strain. phenotypes could be correlated with the absence of five of the six plasmids. the smallest plasmid, prlevf39a, carries genes for the production of a melanin-like pigment as has been previously reported. plasmid prlevf39d carries nodulation and nitrogen fixation genes. curing of the plasmids pr ...19902161988
overexpression of vird1 and vird2 genes in agrobacterium tumefaciens enhances t-complex formation and plant transformation.the vird1 and vird2 proteins encoded by an inducible locus of the virulence (vir) region of the agrobacterium tumefaciens ti plasmid are required for site-specific nicking at t-dna border sites. we have determined the nucleotide sequence of a 3.6-kilobase-pair fragment carrying the vird locus from nopaline ti plasmid ptic58. in contrast to the previous report (hagiya et al., proc. natl. acad. sci. usa 82:2669-2673, 1985), we found that the first three open reading frames were capable of encoding ...19902165478
rhizobium meliloti chromosomal loci required for suppression of exopolysaccharide mutations by lipopolysaccharide.mutants of alfalfa symbiont rhizobium meliloti su47 that fail to make extracellular polysaccharide (exo mutants) induce the formation of nodules that are devoid of bacteria and consequently do not fix nitrogen. this fix- phenotype can be suppressed by an r. meliloti rm41 gene that affects lipopolysaccharide structure. here we describe mutations preventing suppression that map at two new chromosomal loci, lpsy and lpsx, present in both strains. two other lps mutations isolated previously from su4 ...19902228976
efficient transformation of agrobacterium tumefaciens by electroporation.high-voltage electroporation was used to transform agrobacterium tumefaciens strains a136 and a348, reaching the efficiency of 1-3 x 10(8) transformants/micrograms dna. transformation frequency was dependent on the electrical field strength and the pulse length. no significant reduction in transformation efficiency was observed when the transforming dna contained sites sensitive to endonuclease atuci of a. tumefaciens.19902165971
differential expression of hydrogen uptake (hup) genes in vegetative and symbiotic cells of rhizobium leguminosarum.the genetic determinants responsible for h2-uptake (hup genes) in rhizobium leguminosarum are organized in six transcriptional units, designated regions hupi to hupvi, with region hupi coding for the hydrogenase structural genes (leyva et al. 1990). regulation of the expression of hup genes from r. leguminosarum was examined by using hup-lacz fusions and mrna dot-blot analysis. none of the six hup regions is transcribed in vegetative cells grown under normal aerobic conditions, whereas all six r ...19902166228
cloning, characterization, and complementation of lesions causing acid sensitivity in tn5-induced mutants of rhizobium meliloti wsm419.four tn5-induced mutants of rhizobium meliloti wsm419 were unable to grow or maintain intracellular ph at an external ph of 5.6. restriction analysis of dna fragments carrying tn5 and flanking sequences cloned from these mutants indicated that all four cloned mutations are unique and that the two strains (tg1-6 and tg1-11) carry tn5 insertions which are within 4.4 kilobases of each other on a single ecori fragment. southern analysis of total mutant dna indicated a single copy of tn5 in each muta ...19902168374
[new shuttle-type vectors for cloning in escherichia coli and agrobacterium tumefaciens].the vectors capable of replication in escherichia coli and agrobacterium tumefaciens have been constructed on the basis of the plasmid pub5502. the constructed vectors pva12, pva12-2, pva12-4 contain the mini-replicon and trimethoprim resistance gene (tp) of a broad host-range plasmid r388 (incw). the pva12 vector (8.8 kb) has been constructed by insertion of a kanamycin resistance gene (km) from the plasmid puc-4k into a psti site. it possesses 7 unique restriction sites for xhoi, smai, pvui, p ...19902233784
3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier protein) reductase from avocado (persea americana) fruit mesocarp.the nadph-linked 3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier protein) (acp) reductase (ec, also known as 'beta-ketoacyl-acp reductase', has been purified from the mesocarp of mature avocado pears (persea americana). the enzyme is inactivated by low ionic strength and low temperature. on sds/page under reducing conditions, purified 3-oxoacyl-acp reductase migrated as a single polypeptide giving a molecular mass of 28 kda. gel-filtration chromatography gave an apparent native molecular mass of 130 kda, sug ...19902244875
rhizobium meliloti lipopolysaccharide and exopolysaccharide can have the same function in the plant-bacterium interaction.a fix region of rhizobium meliloti 41 involved both in symbiotic nodule development and in the adsorption of bacteriophage 16-3 was delimited by directed tn5 mutagenesis. mutations in this dna region were assigned to four complementation units and were mapped close to the pyr-2 and pyr-29 chromosomal markers. phage inactivation studies with bacterial cell envelope preparations and crude lipopolysaccharides (lps) as well as preliminary characterization of lps in the mutants indicated that these g ...19902168384
pica, a novel plant-inducible locus on the agrobacterium tumefaciens chromosome.we used the transposon mu di1681 to identify genes on the agrobacterium tumefaciens chromosome that are inducible by extracts from carrot roots. one such locus (pica, for plant inducible chromosomal), harbored by a. tumefaciens at156, was inducible 10- to 50-fold by these extracts. mutation of pica had no detectable effect upon bacterial growth or virulence under laboratory assay conditions. however, a. tumefaciens cells harboring a mutated pica locus aggregated into long "ropes" when incubated ...19902170328
plant chromosome/marker gene fusion assay for study of normal and truncated t-dna integration events.during agrobacterium tumefaciens infection, the t-dna flanked by 24 bp imperfect direct repeats is transferred and stably integrated into the plant chromosome at random positions. here we measured the frequency with which a promoterless reporter gene is activated after insertion into the nicotiana tabacum sr1 genome. when adjacent to the right or left t-dna border sequences, at least 35% of the transformants express the marker gene, suggesting preferential t-dna insertion (greater than 70%) in t ...19902177527
nucleotide sequence of rhizobium loti nodc. 19902251130
nucleotide sequence of rhizobium loti nodi. 19902251131
variable patterns of expression of luciferase in transgenic tobacco leaves.a carboxyl-terminally modified firefly luciferase, encoded as a gene fusion to the neomycin phosphotransferase gene (which confers kanamycin resistance), was found to be enzymatically active for both enzymes when expressed in bacteria and in transgenic plants. a military-type starlight vision system was used to conveniently analyze the pattern of gene expression in transgenic tobacco plant leaves. transgenic tobacco plants which expressed luciferase uniformly in all areas of the leaf, and assays ...19902251262
the nifh promoter region of rhizobium leguminosarum: nucleotide sequence and promoter elements controlling activation by nifa protein.the nucleotide (nt) sequence of the rhizobium leguminosarum nifh promoter region contains a consensus promoter, a consensus upstream activator sequence (uas), a pseudo (psi) promoter and a psi uas. we mapped the transcription start point for the consensus promoter sequence by primer extension. this promoter differs from the consensus in one of the four supposedly invariant nt and can be activated by the klebsiella pneumoniae nifa product in escherichia coli. under these conditions the psi promot ...19902185138
rhizobium meliloti glutamate synthase: cloning and initial characterization of the glt locus.the genetic locus glt, encoding glutamate synthase from rhizobium meliloti 1021, was selected from a plafr1 clone bank by complementation of the r. meliloti 41 glt- mutant ak330. a fragment of cloned dna complementing this mutant also served to complement the escherichia coli glt null mutant pa340. complementation studies using these mutants suggested that glutamate synthase expression requires two complementation groups present at this locus. genomic southern analysis using a probe of the r. me ...19902185218
transcriptional induction of an agrobacterium regulatory gene at tandem promoters by plant-released phenolic compounds, phosphate starvation, and acidic growth media.transcription of the virg gene of agrobacterium tumefaciens was previously shown to be expressed from two tandem promoters and to be responsive to three stimuli: plant-released phenolic compounds, phosphate starvation, and acidic media. in this report, i describe a set of deletions and other alterations of the 5' end of virg that show that the upstream promoter (p1) is necessary for induction by phenolic compounds and by phosphate starvation, whereas the downstream promoter (p2) is induced by ac ...19902185220
auxin regulates the promoter of the root-inducing rolb gene of agrobacterium rhizogenes in transgenic tobacco.the regulation in tobacco of the rolb and rolc promoters of agrobacterium rhizogenes pri 1855 tl-dna was studied by using the beta-glucuronidase (gus) reporter system in transgenic plants. a 20- to 100-fold increase of gus activity was selectively induced by auxin in rolb-gus transformed mesophyll protoplasts, whereas this auxin-dependent increase was only 5-fold in rolc-gus protoplasts. moreover, both gene fusions exhibited similar tissue-specific expression in aerial parts but different patter ...19902259343
a constitutive o6-methylguanine-dna methyltransferase of rhizobium meliloti.we have identified a dna methyltransferase activity of the nitrogen-fixing bacterium, rhizobium meliloti, that repairs o6-methylguanine lesions. repair of the o6-methylguanine residue results in transfer of the methyl group to a cysteine residue of a 28,000-dalton protein. the o6-methyltransferase activity is expressed constitutively and r. meliloti does not exhibit an adaptive response to alkylating agents.19902188120
[construction of the gene library of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing rhizobium lupini].the gene bank of the symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacterium rhizobium lupini (effective strain 359a) was constructed on plasmid payc31 that was used to transform escherichia coli c6000. the bank contains 6600 clones. restriction analysis showed that the size of the mean insertion fragment in the plasmid in 6.5 kb.19902190206
integration of agrobacterium t-dna into a tobacco chromosome: possible involvement of dna homology between t-dna and plant dna.we established tobacco tumour cell lines from crown galls induced by agrobacterium. restriction fragments containing t-dna/plant dna junctions were cloned from one of the cell lines, which has a single copy of the t-dna in a unique region of its genome. we also isolated a dna fragment that contained the integration target site from nontransformed tobacco cells. nucleotide sequence analyses showed that the right and left breakpoints of the t-dna mapped ca. 7.3 kb internal to the right 25 bp borde ...19902266938
rhizobium meliloti and rhizobium leguminosarum dctd gene products bind to tandem sites in an activation sequence located upstream of sigma 54-dependent dcta rhizobia transport external c4-dicarboxylates to use as sole carbon sources, and uptake of these compounds is essential for nitrogen fixation by rhizobial bacteroids. in both rhizobium leguminosarum and rhizobium meliloti, the genes dctb and dctd are believed to form an ntrb/ntrc-like two-component system which regulates the synthesis of a c4-dicarboxylate transport protein encoded by dcta. here we confirm the identity of sigma 54-dependent promoters previously hypothesized for the r ...19902193923
characteristics of the nopaline catabolic plasmid in agrobacterium strains k84 and k1026 used for biological control of crown gall disease.wild-type agrobacterium radiobacter strain 84 and its tra- derivative k1026, used for biological control of crown gall disease, each contain the plasmid patk84b. it confers incompatibility to tumor-inducing (ti) plasmids of pathogenic a. tumefaciens, thus preventing transfer of ti plasmids into k84 and k1026, and the consequent development of pathogens resistant to the specific antibiotic, agrocin 84 produced by k84 and k1026. patk84b also resembles one group of ti plasmids in its capacity for d ...19902194227
complementation of escherichia coli sigma 54 (ntra)-dependent formate hydrogenlyase activity by a cloned thiobacillus ferrooxidans ntra gene.the ntra gene of thiobacillus ferrooxidans was cloned by complementation of an escherichia coli ntra mutant that was unable to produce gas via the sigma 54 (ntra)-dependent formate hydrogenlyase pathway. analysis of the dna sequence showed that the t. ferrooxidans ntra gene coded for a protein of 475 amino acids (calculated mr, 52,972). the t. ferrooxidans ntra protein had 49, 44, 33, and 18% amino acid similarity with the ntra proteins of klebsiella pneumoniae, azotobacter vinelandii, rhizobium ...19902198257
study of vitreoscilla globin (vgb) gene expression and promoter activity in e. coli through transcriptional fusion.bacterial hemoglobin (vthb) is produced by the gram-negative bacterium, vitreoscilla, in large quantity in response to hypoxic environmental conditions. the vgb gene coding for vthb has been cloned in e. coli where it is expressed strongly by its natural promoter. the expression of the vgb gene in vitreoscilla is transcriptionally regulated by oxygen. when e. coli cells were shifted from 20% to 5% oxygen, vgb specific transcript increased. in e. coli cells with plasmids carrying transcriptional ...19902198533
identification of bacterial periplasmic glycine betaine-binding protein after electrophoresis and affinity labeling.antibodies were elicited in rabbits against periplasmic proteins obtained by cold osmotic shock from the gram-negative eubacterium rhizobium meliloti. when analyzed by crossed immunoelectrophoresis (cie), the periplasmic proteins gave rise to 20 distinct immunoprecipitates corresponding to the same number of bands in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (page) under non-denaturing conditions and in sds-page. the periplasmic glycine betaine-binding protein (gb-bp) was identified by autoradiography ...19902273200
functional and evolutionary relatedness of genes for exopolysaccharide synthesis in rhizobium meliloti and rhizobium sp. strain ngr234.rhizobium meliloti su47 and rhizobium sp. strain ngr234 produce distinct exopolysaccharides that have some similarities in structure. r. meliloti has a narrow host range, whereas rhizobium strain ngr234 has a very broad host range. in cross-species complementation and hybridization experiments, we found that several of the genes required for the production of the two polysaccharides were functionally interchangeable and similar in evolutionary origin. ngr234 exoc and exoy corresponded to r. meli ...19902203745
extrachromosomal homologous recombination and gene targeting in plant cells after agrobacterium mediated transformation.we determined whether t-dna molecules introduced into plant cells using agrobacterium are suitable substrates for homologous recombination. for the detection of such recombination events different mutant versions of a nptii construct were used. in a first set of experiments protoplasts of nicotiana tabacum sr1 were cocultivated with two agrobacterium tumefaciens strains. each strain contained a different t-dna, one carrying a 5' deleted nptii gene and the other a nptii gene with a 3' deletion. a ...19902209538
binary conjugational transfer system of vectors prk290 and plafri is proficient both ways between escherichia coli and rhizobium.wide host range vector plasmids prk290 and plafri carrying genomic fragments of rhizobium are transferable both ways between r. meliloti and r. leguminosarum cells on the one hand and to e. coli cells on the other, in triparental matings involving e. coli cells carrying prk2013, the helper for tra functions to the vector plasmids. the vector plasmids prk290 and plafri can be employed for recovering clones harbored by r. leguminosarum and r. meliloti by transfer to rhizobium cells by direct matin ...19902279773
involvement of azospirillum brasilense plasmid dna in the production of indole acetic acid.indole acetic acid (iaa) production in azospirillum brasilense strain sp245 is controlled by a 85 mda plasmid naturally present in this bacterium. in the presence of l-tryptophan, anthranilic acid production and almost no iaa production occurs in a derivative strain harbouring a tn5-mob insertion in the 85 mda plasmid. agrobacterium tumefaciens strain gm19023, upon transfer of tn5-mob labelled 85 mda plasmid of a. brasilense sp245, gains the ability to produce anthranilic acid.19902283026
Displaying items 3201 - 3300 of 10619