
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
optimization of immunohistochemical and fluorescent antibody techniques for localization of foot-and-mouth disease virus in animal tissues.immunohistochemical (ihc) and fluorescent antibody (fa) techniques were optimized for the detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) structural and nonstructural proteins in frozen and paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin-embedded (pfpe) tissues of bovine and porcine origin. immunohistochemical localization of fmdv was compared with 7 detection systems, 8 primary antibodies, and 11 epitope retrieval techniques. all serotypes tested (o, a, asia, c [cryosection]; o, a, asia [pfpe]) were localize ...200919901278
prevalence estimates of antibodies towards foot-and-mouth disease virus in small ruminants in uganda.foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) is endemic in uganda with control strategies focusing on vaccination of cattle, while small ruminants are largely ignored. in order for uganda to establish effective control strategies, it is crucial that the epidemiology of the disease is fully understood. this study summarizes results of serological investigations of sheep and goats for antibodies to fmdv from four districts in 2006 following an fmd outbreak in the region and from an attempted comprehensive random ...200919909475
potential benefits of sequential inhibitor-mutagen treatments of rna virus infections.lethal mutagenesis is an antiviral strategy consisting of virus extinction associated with enhanced mutagenesis. the use of non-mutagenic antiviral inhibitors has faced the problem of selection of inhibitor-resistant virus mutants. quasispecies dynamics predicts, and clinical results have confirmed, that combination therapy has an advantage over monotherapy to delay or prevent selection of inhibitor-escape mutants. using ribavirin-mediated mutagenesis of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv), here ...200919911056
structural insights into replication initiation and elongation processes by the fmdv rna-dependent rna polymerase.rna-dependent rna polymerases (rdrps) play central roles in both transcription and viral genome replication. in picornaviruses, these functions are catalyzed by the virally encoded rdrp, termed 3d. polymerase 3d also catalyzes the covalent linkage of ump to a tyrosine on the small protein vpg. uridylylated vpg then serves as a protein primer for the initiation of rna synthesis. seven different crystal structures of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) 3d catalytic complexes have enhanced our unde ...200919914060
structure-function analysis of mutant rna-dependent rna polymerase complexes with vpg.the replication of the foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) genome is critically dependent upon the activity of a virally encoded rna-dependent rna polymerase (rdrp). in this study, four mutant rdrps of fmdv were isolated from viral quasi-species treated with ribavirin, of which two were single mutants (l123f and t381a) and two were double mutants (t291i/t381i and l123f/f244l). the mutant proteins were expressed in escherichia coli and purified by his-bind resin chromatography. in combination wit ...200919916926
phylogenetic analysis of 3c protease (3c(pro)) coding region of foot-and-mouth disease virus type a.nucleotide sequence analysis of the 3c protease (3c(pro)) region of foot-and-mouth disease virus type a (fmdv-a) isolates from india has revealed incongruous phylogenetic grouping between 3c(pro) and vp1 region possibly due to the genetic recombination or independent evolution of non-structural and structural protein coding regions. similar to the vp1 region, the emerging vp3(59)-deletion group maintained its genetic distinctiveness at 3c(pro) region and was found to be diverging with time. two ...200919941399
recovery of infectious foot-and-mouth disease virus from full-length genomic cdna clones using an rna polymerase i system.the prototypic foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) was shown more than a century ago to be the first filterable agent capable of causing fmd, and it has served as an important model for studying basic principles of aphthovirus molecular biology. however, the complex structure and antigenic diversity of fmdv have posed a major obstacle to the attempts at manipulating the infectious virus by reverse genetic techniques. here, we report the recovery of infectious fmdv from cdnas based on an efficien ...200920011974
the effect of foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) vaccination on virus transmission and the significance for the field.vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) might be one of the control measures used during an fmd epidemic depending on the local epidemiological situation, the status of the country, and the opinion of policy makers. a sound decision on vaccination can be made only if there is sufficient scientific knowledge on the effectiveness of vaccination in eliminating the virus from the population. an important question is whether a single vaccination applied as an emergency vaccine can contribute ...200920046605
recombinant dna and protein vaccines for foot-and-mouth disease induce humoral and cellular immune responses in mice.foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) is a small single-stranded rna virus which belongs to the family picornaviridae, genus apthovirus. it is a principal cause of fmd which is highly contagious in livestock. in a wild type virus infection, infected animals usually elicit antibodies against structural and non-structural protein of fmdv. a structural protein, vp1, is involved in neutralization of virus particle, and has both b and t cell epitopes. a rna-dependent rna polymerase, 3d, is highly conse ...200920157614
molecular characterization of a foot-and-mouth disease virus containing a 57-nucleotide insertion in the 3'untranslated region.a foot-and-mouth disease virus containing a 57-nucleotide (nt) insertion in the 3'untranslated region (3'utr) was generated by transposon (tn)-mediated mutagenesis. characterization of the mutant virus (a24-3'utr8110) revealed no significant differences in virus growth, translation efficiency or virulence in cattle compared to the a24 wild-type virus. rna modeling showed that the structures predicted in the 3'utr were not affected by the tn insertion. these results revealed that the 3'utr can to ...200919288053
the effect of vaccination on undetected persistence of foot-and-mouth disease virus in cattle herds and sheep flocks.the importance of carrier animals (those in whom virus persists after recovery from disease or acute infection) and their potential role in the spread of disease remain open questions within foot-and-mouth disease epidemiology. using simple probabilistic models we attempt to quantify the effect of emergency vaccination--and especially the time of application--on the likely number of such animals, using data from challenge experiments on both cattle and sheep to determine the probability of persi ...200919288960
foot-and-mouth disease virus assembly: processing of recombinant capsid precursor by exogenous protease induces self-assembly of pentamers in vitro in a myristoylation-dependent manner.the assembly of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) particles is poorly understood. in addition, there are important differences in the antigenic and receptor binding properties of virus assembly and dissociation intermediates, and these also remain unexplained. we have established an experimental model in which the antigenicity, receptor binding characteristics, and in vitro assembly of capsid precursor can be studied entirely from purified components. recombinant capsid precursor protein (p1 r ...200919710148
identification of rna helicase a as a new host factor in the replication cycle of foot-and-mouth disease virus.foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv), as with other rna viruses, recruits various host cell factors to assist in the translation and replication of the virus genome. in this study, we investigated the role of rna helicase a (rha) in the life cycle of fmdv. immunofluorescent microscopy (ifm) showed a change in the subcellular distribution of rha from the nucleus to the cytoplasm in fmdv-infected cells as infection progressed. unlike nuclear rha, the rha detected in the cytoplasm reacted with an an ...200919710149
detection of asymptomatic antigenemia in pigs infected by porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv) by a novel capture immunoassay with monoclonal antibodies against the nucleocapsid protein of prrsv.routine surveillance for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv) infections is crucial for the epidemiological control of this disease. antibody tests are widely used but cannot differentiate between vaccination and reinfection. we developed a prrsv antigen capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) using well-characterized monoclonal antibodies (mabs) raised against the nucleocapsid (n) protein of north american and european prrsv. this antigen assay detected purified ...200919828768
natural killer cell dysfunction during acute infection with foot-and-mouth disease virus.natural killer (nk) cells provide one of the initial barriers of cellular host defense against pathogens, in particular intracellular pathogens. the role of these cells in foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) infection is unknown. previously, we characterized the phenotype and function of nk cells from swine (f. n. toka et al., j. interferon cytokine res. 29:179-192, 2009). in the present study, we report the analysis of nk cells isolated from animals infected with fmdv and tested ex vivo and sho ...200919828769
immune response and viral persistence in indian buffaloes (bubalus bubalis) infected with foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype asia 1.despite their potential role in the spread of foot-and-mouth disease (fmd), the immune response and viral persistence in fmd virus (fmdv)-infected indian buffaloes (bubalus bubalis) have been unexplored. we found similar kinetics of neutralizing antibody responses in the sera and secretory fluids of buffaloes following experimental fmdv asia 1 infection, but the lymphocyte-proliferative response in infected buffaloes was of low magnitude. despite inducing a significant systemic and secretory imm ...200919828770
bola-dr peptide binding pockets are fundamental for foot-and-mouth disease virus vaccine design in cattle.this large study investigates the associations between bovine major histocompatibility complex drb3 alleles and their binding pockets with the immune response to a 40-mer peptide derived from foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) vp1. a crossbred (charolais and holstein) cattle population (n=197) was immunised with the fmdv peptide and specific igg1 and igg2 responses were measured. eighteen different drb3 alleles were detected in this population, with several exhibiting highly significant associa ...200919833250
[construction of an infectious cdna clone derived from foot-and-mouth disease virus o/qyys/s/06].after sequencing, we amplified and cloned foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) o/qyys/s/06 whole genome by three fragments. these three fragments were cloned into vector p43 one by one to construct recombinant plasmid p43c, which carried the full-length cdna of fmdv o/qyys/s/06. then, plasmid p43c and plasmid t7 expressing t7 rna polymerase were co-transfected into bhk-21 cells. after 48 h, we harvested the culture broth from transfected bhk-21 cells and inoculated into 2-3 day-old sucking mice. ...200919835137
foot and mouth disease virus vaccines.foot and mouth disease (fmd) is a highly infectious and economically devastating disease of livestock. although vaccines, available since the early 1900s, have been instrumental in eradicating fmd from parts of the world, the disease still affects millions of animals around the globe and remains the main sanitary barrier to the commerce of animals and animal products. currently available inactivated antigen vaccines applied intramuscularly to individual animals, confer serotype and subtype speci ...200919837296
[rescue and identification foot-and-mouth disease virus asia1/js/china/2005 strain with arg-gly-asp rgd receptor recognition site].to construct an infectious full-length cdna clone of asial/js/china/2005 strain with arg-gly-asp (rgd) receptor recognition site.200919873760
sensing picornaviruses using molecular imprinting techniques on a quartz crystal microbalance.molecular imprinting techniques were adapted to design a sensor for the human rhinovirus (hrv) and the foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv), which are two representatives of picornaviruses. stamp imprinting procedures lead to patterned polyurethane layers that depict the geometrical features of the template virus, as confirmed by afm for hrv. quartz crystal microbalance (qcm) measurements show that the resulting layers incorporate the template viruses reversibly and lead to mass effects that are ...200919469532
immunosuppression during acute infection with foot-and-mouth disease virus in swine is mediated by il-10.foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) is one of the most contagious animal viruses, causing a devastating disease in cloven-hoofed animals with enormous economic consequences. identification of the different parameters involved in the immune response elicited against fmdv remains unclear, and it is fundamental the understanding of such parameters before effective control measures can be put in place. in the present study, we show that interleukin-10 (il-10) production by dendritic cells (dcs) is d ...200919478852
foot-and-mouth disease virus neutralizing antibodies production induced by pcdna3 and sindbis virus based plasmid encoding fmdv p1-2a3c3d in swine.dna vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) is an attractive and alternative strategy to the use of classical inactivated viral vaccines. the injection of a pcdna3.1-based dna vaccine encoding for fmdv p1-2a3c3d and gm-csf proteins had previously been shown to induce the production of neutralizing antibodies against fmdv and partially protect swine against an experimental challenge. based on the induction of fmdv humoral immune responses, the aim of the present study was to see i ...200919501256
a web-based system for near real-time surveillance and space-time cluster analysis of foot-and-mouth disease and other animal diseases.considerable attention has been given lately to the need for global systems for animal disease surveillance that support real-time assessment of changing temporal-spatial risks. until recently, however, prospects for development of such systems have been limited by the lack of informatics tools and an overarching collaboration framework to enable real-time data capturing, sharing, analysis, and related decision-making. in this paper, we present some of the tools of the fmd bioportal system (www. ...200919505735
calcium phosphate nanoparticle prepared with foot and mouth disease virus p1-3cd gene construct protects mice and guinea pigs against the challenge virus.calcium phosphate nanoparticles provide safe and easily manufactured vaccine adjuvant and delivery system for dna vaccines. in the present study fmdv "o" p1-3cd dna vaccine was encapsulated in calcium phosphate nanoparticles of size 50-100 nm diameters. the maximum loading and entrapment efficiency of nanoparticles were studied by spectrophotometer, as well as agarose gel electrophoresis. in vitro transfection efficiency of these calcium phosphate nanoparticles was found to be as good as commerc ...200919505774
analysis of foot-and-mouth disease virus integrin receptor expression in tissues from naïve and infected cattle.foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) is a highly contagious viral disease of cloven-hoofed animals principally affecting cattle, pigs and sheep. fmd virus (fmdv) uses the alpha(v)beta(1), alpha(v)beta(3), alpha(v)beta(6), and alpha(v)beta(8) integrins as receptors in vitro via a highly conserved arginine-glycine-aspartic acid amino acid sequence motif located within the betag-betah loop of vp1. immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy were used to study the expression of two major fmdv receptors, alph ...200919515380
modelling spread of foot-and-mouth disease in wild white-tailed deer and feral pig populations using a geographic-automata model and animal distributions.we investigated how the size and distribution of wild deer and feral pigs - species that might act as potential foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) virus maintenance hosts - might affect the persistence and spread of fmd. we used a susceptible-latent-infected-recovered geographic-automata model and spatially referenced data from southern texas, usa. within this study area, 100 locations were randomly selected and fmd virus spread was simulated (50 simulations each) at each location. as expected, the pr ...200919515439
full sequencing of viral genomes: practical strategies used for the amplification and characterization of foot-and-mouth disease virus.nucleic acid sequencing is now commonplace in most research and diagnostic virology laboratories. the data generated can be used to compare novel strains with other viruses and allow the genetic basis of important phenotypic characteristics, such as antigenic determinants, to be elucidated. furthermore, virus sequence data can also be used to address more fundamental questions relating to the evolution of viruses. recent advances in laboratory methodologies allow rapid sequencing of virus genome ...200919521878
development and validation of a duplex quantitative real-time rt-pcr assay for simultaneous detection and quantitation of foot-and-mouth disease viral positive-stranded rnas and negative-stranded rnas.a simplified, cost-effective, two-step duplex quantitative real-time rt-pcr assay was shown to detect and quantify foot-and-mouth disease virus positive-stranded rnas and negative-stranded rnas simultaneously for improved investigation of the state of virus infection and replication. the primers and taqman probes were selected from the coding regions of 2b gene and 3d gene respectively, which have the least variations among serotypes. cells infected acutely, tissue samples and single cell sample ...200919539655
simple and rapid lateral-flow assay for the detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus.a simple lateral-flow assay (lfa) based on a monoclonal antibody (mab 70-17) was developed for the detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) under nonlaboratory conditions. the lfa was evaluated with epithelial suspensions (n = 704) prepared from current and historical field samples which had been submitted to the pirbright laboratory (united kingdom) and from negative samples (n = 100) collected from naïve animals in korea. four fmdv serotypes (type o, a, asia 1, and c) were detected in ...200919726619
structure and dynamics of the gh loop of the foot-and-mouth disease virus capsid.the gh loop of vp1 of the foot-and-mouth disease virus capsid is important because it is a major antigenic site and an integrin recognition site. the gh loop is disordered in all x-ray structures of the capsid except for serotype o under reduced conditions in which the loop lies on the capsid surface. although the structure of the capsid-integrin complex has not yet been determined, the gh loop is known to protrude from the capsid surface when the capsid is bound with an antigen-binding fragment ...200919734079
[construction of eukaryotic expression vector containing foot-and-mouth disease virus vp1 gene and its expression in dendritic cells].to construct the eukaryotic expression vectors for the fmdv vp1 gene and transfect dendritic cells(dc) for the expression of vp1.200919737465
investigations into the cause of foot-and-mouth disease virus seropositive small ruminants in cyprus during 2007, serological evidence for foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) infection was found as a result of differential diagnostic testing of cypriot sheep suspected to be infected with bluetongue or contagious ecthyma. seropositive sheep and goats were subsequently uncovered on ten geographically clustered flocks, while cattle and pigs in neighbouring herds were all seronegative. these antibodies were specific for serotype-o fmd virus, reacting with both structural and non-structural (ns) fmd viral prot ...200919744234
phenotypic and functional characterization of t-cells and in vitro replication of fmdv serotypes in bovine lymphocytes.peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmcs) from unvaccinated and vaccinated bovine calves were employed to study the alteration of different t-cell subpopulations, functional competence and detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) at different hours post in vitro infection (hpi) with fmdv serotype either o or a or asia1. the alteration in t-lymphocyte subpopulations was analyzed by flow cytometry analysis using t-cell subpopulation specific monoclonal antibodies at various hpi. all the t ...200919751690
multiplex primer prediction software for divergent targets.we describe a multiplex primer prediction (mpp) algorithm to build multiplex compatible primer sets to amplify all members of large, diverse and unalignable sets of target sequences. the mpp algorithm is scalable to larger target sets than other available software, and it does not require a multiple sequence alignment. we applied it to questions in viral detection, and demonstrated that there are no universally conserved priming sequences among viruses and that it could require an unfeasibly lar ...200919759213
foot-and-mouth disease virus antigen detection enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using multiserotype-reactive monoclonal antibodies.monoclonal antibody (mab)-based sandwich direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (msd-elisa) methods that can detect foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) antigens, both multiserotype (msd-elisa/ms) (for o, a, c, and asia 1) and single-serotype (msd-elisa/ss) (for o, a, and asia 1, specifically), were developed. mab 1h5 was used as an antigen-trapping antibody that reacted with all seven serotypes of fmdv. the mabs 71f2, 70c4, 16c6, and 7c2 were used as peroxidase-labeled detecting antibodies for ...200919759230
genetic characterization of foot-and-mouth disease viruses, ethiopia, 1981-2007.foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) is endemic to sub-saharan africa. to further understand its complex epidemiology, which involves multiple virus serotypes and host species, we characterized the viruses recovered from fmd outbreaks in ethiopia during 1981-2007. we detected 5 of the 7 fmdv serotypes (o, a, c, southern african territories [sat] 1, and sat 2). serotype o predominated, followed by serotype a; type c was not recognized after 1983. phylogenetic analysis of virus protein 1 sequences indicat ...200919788808
rna nuclear export is blocked by poliovirus 2a protease and is concomitant with nucleoporin cleavage.cytopathic viruses have developed successful strategies to block or, at least, to attenuate host interference with their replication. here, we have analyzed the effects of poliovirus 2a protease on rna nuclear export. 2a protease interferes with trafficking of mrnas, rrnas and u snrnas from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, without any apparent effect on trna transport. traffic of newly produced mrnas is more strongly affected than traffic of other mrnas over-represented in the cytoplasm, such as mr ...200919789179
interaction energy analysis of peptide can predict the possibilities of mimetics by its retroinverso has been previously reported that the retroinverso analog of s peptide cannot mimic the s peptide, whereas the retroinverso analog of foot-and-mouth disease virus antigen can mimic the foot-and-mouth disease virus antigen. the structures of s peptide, foot-and-mouth disease virus antigen, and their retroinverso analogs are known. here, we have attempted to explain the structural basis of mimetics at the level of atomic interactions by elaborating upon the guptasarma's hypothesis. using intera ...200919811507
targeted in vivo imaging of integrin alphavbeta6 with an improved radiotracer and its relevance in a pancreatic tumor model.the cell surface receptor alpha(v)beta(6) is epithelial specific, and its expression is tightly regulated; it is low or undetectable in adult tissues but has been shown to be increased in many different cancers, including pancreatic, cervical, lung, and colon cancers. studies have described alpha(v)beta(6) as a prognostic biomarker linked to poor survival. we have recently shown the feasibility of imaging alpha(v)beta(6) in vivo by positron emission tomography (pet) using the peptide [(18)f]fba- ...200919549907
discriminating foot-and-mouth disease virus-infected and vaccinated animals by use of beta-galactosidase allosteric biosensors.recombinant beta-galactosidases accommodating one or two different peptides from the foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) nonstructural protein 3b per enzyme monomer showed a drastic enzymatic activity reduction, which mainly affected proteins with double insertions. recombinant beta-galactosidases were enzymatically reactivated by 3b-specific murine monoclonal and rabbit polyclonal antibodies. interestingly, these recombinant beta-galactosidases, particularly those including one copy of each of ...200919553549
innate immune defenses induced by cpg do not promote vaccine-induced protection against foot-and-mouth disease virus in pigs.emergency vaccination as part of the control strategies against foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) has the potential to limit virus spread and reduce large-scale culling. to reduce the time between vaccination and the onset of immunity, immunostimulatory cpg was tested for its capacity to promote early protection against fmdv challenge in pigs. to this end, cpg 2142, an efficient inducer of alpha interferon, was injected intramuscularly. increased transcription of mx1, oas, and irf-7 was identi ...200919553550
sheep (ovis aries) integrins alphavbeta1 and alphavbeta6 related to foot-and-mouth disease virus infection: molecular cloning, sequence analysis and comparison with homologues.four members of the alphav integrin family of cellular receptors, alphavbeta1, alphavbeta3, alphavbeta6, and alphavbeta8, have been identified as receptors for foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) in vitro, and integrins are believed to be the receptors used to target epithelial cells in the infected animals. to analyse roles of the alphav integrins from a susceptible species as viral receptors, we have cloned sheep alphav, beta1, and beta6 integrin cdnas and compared them to those of other speci ...200919555755
cellular receptors for foot and mouth disease virus.foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv), the prototype member of the aphthovirus genus, is a single-stranded, positive-sense rna genome virus, which affects many domestic livestock cloven-hoofed animals, causing substantial lost of milk in dairy cattle, reduction in the growth rate of meat animals, among others. it has been shown that the virus can enter to the cells using different pathways; the main one binding integrins via the clathrin-mediated endocytosis pathway, trafficking throughout the aci ...200919556802
neutralizing monoclonal antibody sandwich liquid-phase blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus type o antibodies.liquid-phase blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (lpbe) using the neutralizing monoclonal antibody (mab) sandwich method (m-lpbe) for detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) type o antibodies was developed. two neutralizing mabs, 72c1 and 65h6, were raised against the fmdv o/jpn/2000 strain, and used as trapping and peroxidase-labeled detecting antibodies, respectively. sera from animals experimentally infected with fmdv showed specific positive results by m-lpbe, which were corr ...200919564498
use of infrared thermography to detect thermographic changes in mule deer (odocoileus hemionus) experimentally infected with foot-and-mouth disease.infrared thermography (irt) measures the heat emitted from a surface, displays that information as a pictorial representation called a thermogram, and is capable of being a remote, noninvasive technology that provides information on the health of an animal. foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) caused by fmd virus (fmdv) is a severe, highly communicable viral disease of cloven-hoofed animals, including both domestic and wild ruminants. early detection of the disease may reduce economic loss and loss of s ...200919569476
development of a chromatographic strip assay for detection of porcine antibodies to 3abc non-structural protein of foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype o.a chromatographic strip assay was developed for rapid detection of serum antibodies to non-structural protein of foot-and-mouth disease virus. the assay was based on escherichia coli-expressed 3abc non-structural protein and an immunochromatographic technique, which shortened the detection time to about one hour. the sensitivity of the assay was determined to be 96.8% for infected pigs; its specificity was 100% for naïve pigs and 98.8% for vaccinated pigs. in the experimentally infected pigs, an ...200919578276
hydrolytic properties and substrate specificity of the foot-and-mouth disease leader protease.foot-and-mouth disease virus, a global animal pathogen, possesses a single-stranded rna genome that, on release into the infected cell, is immediately translated into a single polyprotein. this polyprotein product is cleaved during synthesis by proteinases contained within it into the mature viral proteins. the first cleavage is performed by the leader protease (lb(pro)) between its own c-terminus and the n-terminus of vp4. lb(pro) also specifically cleaves the two homologues of cellular eukaryo ...200919580333
a long-range rna-rna interaction between the 5' and 3' ends of the hcv genome.the rna genome of the hepatitis c virus (hcv) contains multiple conserved structural cis domains that direct protein synthesis, replication, and infectivity. the untranslatable regions (utrs) play essential roles in the hcv cycle. uncapped viral rnas are translated via an internal ribosome entry site (ires) located at the 5' utr, which acts as a scaffold for recruiting multiple protein factors. replication of the viral genome is initiated at the 3' utr. bioinformatics methods have identified oth ...200919605533
expression of exogenous ifn-alpha by bypassing the translation block protects cells against fmdv infection.foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) is the most contagious pathogen of cloven-hoofed animals. previous studies have demonstrated that type i interferons [alpha/beta interferons (ifn-alpha/betas)] can suppress fmdv replication and spread. conversely, fmdv can also inhibit ifn-alpha expression in infected cells by blocking cap-dependent translation. to overcome the blockade on ifn-alpha mrna translation during fmdv infection, we generated an ires-ifn construct that carries fmdv's internal ribosome ...200919607862
multiple origins of foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype asia 1 outbreaks, 2003-2007.we investigated the molecular epidemiology of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) serotype asia 1, which caused outbreaks of disease in asia during 2003-2007. since 2004, the region affected by outbreaks of this serotype has increased from disease-endemic countries in southern asia (afghanistan, india, iran, nepal, pakistan) northward to encompass kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, uzbekistan, several regions of the people's republic of china, mongolia, eastern russia, and north korea. phylogenetic analysi ...200919624919
bypass suppression of small-plaque phenotypes by a mutation in poliovirus 2a that enhances apoptosis.the rate of protein secretion in host cells is inhibited during infection with several different picornaviruses, with consequences likely to have significant effects on viral growth, spread, and pathogenesis. this sin(+) (secretion inhibition) phenotype has been documented for poliovirus, foot-and-mouth disease virus, and coxsackievirus b3 and can lead to reduced cell surface expression of major histocompatibility complex class i and tumor necrosis factor receptor as well as reduced extracellula ...200919625405
systematic study of the genetic response of a variable virus to the introduction of deleterious mutations in a functional capsid region.we have targeted the intersubunit interfaces in the capsid of foot-and-mouth disease virus to investigate the genetic response of a variable virus when individual deleterious mutations are systematically introduced along a functionally defined region of its genome. we had previously found that the individual truncation (by mutation to alanine) of 28 of the 42 amino acid side chains per protomer involved in interactions between capsid pentameric subunits severely impaired infectivity. we have now ...200919625409
[construction and identification of recombinant bhv-1 expressing foot and mouth disease virus vp1 gene].in order to construct the recombinant bovine hepervirus-1 (bhv-1) which expressed foot and mouth disease virus (fmdv) vp1 gene, we constructed a bhv-1 ge gene transfer vector by inserting the synthetic vp1 gene of fmdv (o/china/99) under the immediate-early promoter of cytomegalovirus.200919637579
[construction and immunogenicity of recombinant adenovirus co-expressing the gp5 and m protein of porcine reproduction and respriratory syndrome virus in mice].fmdv 2a peptide was introduced as a linker between gp5 and m protein of porcine reproduction and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv) to allow automatic self-cleavage the polyproteins. this strategy simultaneously displayed the neutralizing action of gp5 protein and cell-mediated immunity of m protein. we put them into the expression cassette of adenovirus vector. the results of rt-pcr, ifa and western blotting showed that gp5 and m protein were not only expressed correctly, but also self-cleavage ...200919637620
[molecular design and immunogenicity of a multiple-epitope foot-and-mouth disease virus antigen, adjuvants, and dna vaccination].we designed and constructed a fuse expression gene oaat and staphylococcal enterotoxin a (sea) on the basis of the oaat designed and constructed which consists of the structural protein vp1 genes from serotypes a and o fmdv, 5 major vp1 immunodominant epitopes from two genotypes of asia1 serotype, and 3 th2 epitopes originating from the non-structural protein, 3abc gene and structural protein vp4 gene. the recombinant plasmids pea was constructed using sea as a genetic adjuvant. expressions of t ...200919637624
[fusion expression of escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin b subunit gene and foot-and-mouth disease virus type o vp1 gene and immunogenicity analysis].ltb gene fragment was amplified by pcr from plasmid pmdtlt, and a recombinant plasmid petltbvp1 was constructed by inserting ltb gene fragment into vp1 gene expression plasmid petvp1 constructed previously. the recombinant plasmids were transformed into e. coli bl21(de3) and induced to express by iptg. the recombinant protein existed in the inclusion body and its molecular weight was about 39 kd proved by sds-page analysis. western blotting showed that the fusion protein could be reacted with bo ...200919637632
highly sensitive fetal goat tongue cell line for detection and isolation of foot-and-mouth disease virus.a fetal goat cell line (zz-r 127) supplied by the collection of cell lines in veterinary medicine of the friedrich loeffler institute was examined for susceptibility to infection by foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) virus (fmdv) and by two other viruses causing clinically indistinguishable vesicular conditions, namely, the viruses of swine vesicular disease and vesicular stomatitis. primary bovine thyroid (bty) cells are generally the most sensitive cell culture system for fmdv detection but are prob ...200919656987
a multicistronic dna vaccine induces significant protection against tuberculosis in mice and offers flexibility in the expressed antigen repertoire.concerns about the safety and efficacy of mycobacterium bovis bacillus calmette-guérin (bcg) emphasize the need for alternative tuberculosis (tb) vaccines. dna vaccines are interesting candidates but are limited by the restricted antigen repertoire that they express. traditional polycistronic vectors are large and have imbalanced expression. recent advances in molecular genetics and cellular immunology have paved the way toward the rational design of an efficacious vaccine. we exploited self-cle ...200919656992
[establishment of colloidal gold-immunochromatography assay strip for detection of type asia1 foot-and-mouth disease virus].to establish a sensitive, rapid and simple gold immunochromatography assay (gica) for detecting asia1 type of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) from the field samples. the purified anti-fmdv type asia1 monoclonal antibody labeled with colloidal gold and the goat anti-guinea pig igg were wrapped onto nitrocellulose membrane as the test line (t line) and the control line (c line), respectively. the strip was then further optimized. a total of 87 field samples were detected. the results indicated ...200919670648
production of fmdv virus-like particles by a sumo fusion protein approach in escherichia coli.virus-like particles (vlps) are formed by the self-assembly of envelope and/or capsid proteins from many viruses. some vlps have been proven successful as vaccines, and others have recently found applications as carriers for foreign antigens or as scaffolds in nanoparticle biotechnology. however, production of vlp was usually impeded due to low water-solubility of recombinant virus capsid proteins. previous studies revealed that virus capsid and envelope proteins were often posttranslationally m ...200919671144
[establishment of rt- lamp for rapid detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus].a rapid detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) was established by using reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (rt-lamp) method, meanwhile its specificity and sensitivity were assessed. the results showed that the fmdv rna could be amplified by incubation at 65degrees c for only 1h using six primers designed based on fmdv polyprotein gene and the amplification products could be detected easily by naked-eye. there is no cross reaction with other virus such as svdv, ...200919678569
options for control of foot-and-mouth disease: knowledge, capability and policy.foot-and-mouth disease can be controlled by zoo-sanitary measures and vaccination but this is difficult owing to the existence of multiple serotypes of the causative virus, multiple host species including wildlife and extreme contagiousness. although intolerable to modern high-production livestock systems, the disease is not usually fatal and often not a priority for control in many developing countries, which remain reservoirs for viral dissemination. phylogenetic analysis of the viruses circul ...200919687036
extension of flavivirus protein c differentially affects early rna synthesis and growth in mammalian and arthropod host cells.the translation of flaviviral rna genomes yields a single polyprotein that is processed into the mature proteins by viral and host cell proteases. mature capsid protein c is freed from the polyprotein by the viral ns2b/3 protease, cleaving in the c-terminal region of protein c in front of the signal sequence for prm. protein c has been shown to be involved in viral assembly and rna packaging. to examine further the role of protein c and its production by proteolysis, we replaced the ns2b/3 capsi ...200919692461
molecular epidemiology of foot-and-mouth disease viruses from south east asia 1998-2006: the lao perspective.foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) causes sporadic disease outbreaks in the lao people's democratic republic (lao pdr) and appears to be endemic within a livestock population largely susceptible to infection. as lao pdr is a major thoroughfare for transboundary animal movement, regular fmd outbreaks occur causing economic hardship for farmers and their families. the dominant serotype causing outbreaks between 1998 and 2006 was type o. using phylogenetic analysis, type o isolated viruses were divided i ...200919181459
thermostable foot-and-mouth disease virus as a vaccine candidate for endemic countries: a perspective. 200919189856
activation of porcine natural killer cells and lysis of foot-and-mouth disease virus infected cells.natural killer (nk) cells play a vital role in innate response against viral infections and cellular transformation. in vivo modulation of their response may enhance their antiviral function. here we describe the phenotype of porcine nk cells, test potential proinflammatory cytokines for activation of these cells and assess the capability of porcine nk cells to kill virus-infected or tumor cells in vitro. the cd2+/cd8+/cd3(-) cell compartment contained porcine nk cells, which at the resting stag ...200919196070
longitudinal study to investigate the role of impala (aepyceros melampus) in foot-and-mouth disease maintenance in the kruger national park, south africa.a longitudinal study was performed in the kruger national park, south africa to investigate the role of impala (aepyceros melampus) in maintaining sat serotypes of foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) virus. three sampling sites with different histories of fmd outbreaks in impala and also of varying ecology were chosen. at three monthly intervals approximately 40 impala were bled and examined for clinical fmd at each of these sites for a period of 6 years, followed by 4 years of less frequent sampling. ...200919200295
immune response in goats to two commercial foot-and-mouth disease vaccines and the assessment of maternal immunity in their this investigation, the immune response of goats to two commercial foot-and-mouth disease vaccines (fmdv) was compared. highest mean antibody titre was observed on days 60 and 21 in goats vaccinated with two doses of algel (group 1) and oil adjuvant (group 2) quadrivalent vaccines, respectively. there was no significant (p > 0.05) difference in mean antibody titre between the two vaccine groups. however, the antibody titres for type o fell below the protective titres by day 180 and 270 for gr ...200919200298
identification of major histocompatibility complex restriction and anchor residues of foot-and-mouth disease virus-derived bovine t-cell epitopes.despite intensive research on the identification of t-cell epitopes in cattle after foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) infection during the last 20 years, knowledge of major histocompatibility complex (mhc) restriction and anchor residues of such epitopes is still sparse. therefore, as a first step, we tested lymphocytes from two experimentally fmdv serotype a24-vaccinated and -challenged cattle for recognition of fmdv-derived pentadecapeptides in proliferation assays. two epitopes were identif ...200919211750
attenuated foot-and-mouth disease virus rna carrying a deletion in the 3' noncoding region can elicit immunity in swine.we constructed foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) mutants bearing independent deletions of the two stem-loop structures predicted in the 3' noncoding region of viral rna, sl1 and sl2, respectively. deletion of sl2 was lethal for viral infectivity in cultured cells, while deletion of sl1 resulted in viruses with slower growth kinetics and downregulated replication associated with impaired negative-strand rna synthesis. with the aim of exploring the potential of an rna-based vaccine against foot- ...200919211755
influence of exposure intensity on the efficiency and speed of transmission of foot-and-mouth disease.foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) can be spread by direct animal-to-animal contact, indirect contact facilitated by contaminated materials or by airborne spread. the rate of spread and the incubation period, as well as the severity of disease, depends on many variables including the dose received, the route of introduction, the virus strain, the animal species and the conditions under which the animals are kept. quantitative data related to these variables are needed if model predictions are t ...200919215941
internalization of swine vesicular disease virus into cultured cells: a comparative study with foot-and-mouth disease virus.we performed a comparative analysis of the internalization mechanisms used by three viruses causing important vesicular diseases in animals. swine vesicular disease virus (svdv) internalization was inhibited by treatments that affected clathrin-mediated endocytosis and required traffic through an endosomal compartment. svdv particles were found in clathrin-coated pits by electron microscopy and colocalized with markers of early endosomes by confocal microscopy. svdv infectivity was significantly ...200919225001
endosperm-specific expression of tyramine n-hydroxycinnamoyltransferase and tyrosine decarboxylase from a single self-processing polypeptide produces high levels of tyramine derivatives in rice seeds.the plant-specific tyramine derivatives, feruloyltyramine (ft) and 4-coumaroyltyramine (ct), represent bioactive compounds found at low levels in many plant species. we generated transgenic rice seeds that produce high levels of ct (14 microg g(-1) seeds) and ft (2.7 microg g(-1) seeds) through the dual expression of tyramine n-hydroxycinnamoyltransferase and tyrosine decarboxylase, using the self-processing foot-and-mouth disease virus 2a sequence and the endosperm-specific prolamin promoter.200919229478
vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease virus: strategies and effectiveness.although present conventional foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) vaccines can prevent clinical disease, protection is short lived ( approximately 6 months), often requiring frequent revaccination for prophylactic control, and vaccination does not induce rapid protection against challenge or prevent the development of the carrier state. furthermore, it is clear that the clinical protection depends upon the length of immunization and the duration of exposure/challenge methods. this review summarizes the ...200919249976
engineering infectious foot-and-mouth disease virus in vivo from a full-length genomic cdna clone of the a/akt/58 strain.two full-length genomic cdna clones, pta/fmdv and pca/fmdv, were constructed that contained three point-mutants [a174g and a308g (not present in pta/fmdv); t1029g] in the genome compared with the wild type a/akt/58 strain of foot-and-mouth disease virus. these two viruses were rescued by co-transfection of pca/fmdv with pct7rnap, which can express t7 rna polymerase in bhk-21 cell-lines, or by transfection of the in vitro transcribed rna. their biological properties were analyzed for their antige ...200919277527
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using glycoprotein and monoclonal antibody for detecting antibodies to vesicular stomatitis virus serotype new this study, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) using glycoprotein and a monoclonal antibody (mab) was developed for the detection of antibodies to vesicular stomatitis virus (vsv) serotype new jersey (nj). the glycoprotein to be used as a diagnostic antigen was extracted from partially purified vsv-nj, and a neutralizing mab specific to vsv-nj was incorporated to compete with antibodies in a blocking elisa using glycoprotein (gp elisa). the cutoff of the gp elisa was set at 40% inhi ...200919279165
enhancement of toxin- and virus-neutralizing capacity of single-domain antibody fragments by n-glycosylation.single-domain antibody fragments (vhhs) have several beneficial properties as compared to conventional antibody fragments. however, their small size complicates their toxin- and virus-neutralizing capacity. we isolated 27 vhhs binding escherichia coli heat-labile toxin and expressed these in saccharomyces cerevisiae. the most potent neutralizing vhh (lt109) was n-glycosylated, resulting in a large increase in molecular mass. this suggests that n-glycosylation of lt109 improves its neutralizing c ...200919455325
genetic characterization of type a foot-and-mouth disease virus 3a region in context of the reemergence of vp359-deletion lineage in india.the 3a region of foot-and-mouth disease virus has been implicated in host range and virulence. here we analyzed the 3a region of serotype a virus in view of the emergence of a variant group in india with an amino acid deletion at an antigenically critical position of capsid protein, vp3. the 3a region exhibited extreme variability with 38% of the amino acid positions showing substitutions and the c-terminal third (127-151) region was most flexible. genotype inclusive grouping of type a foot-and- ...200919460313
5-fluorouracil in lethal mutagenesis of foot-and-mouth disease virus.5-fluorouracil (fu) is a pyrimidine analogue extensively used in cancer chemotherapy. fu can be metabolized into 5-fluorouridine-triphosphate, which can be used as substrate for viral rna-dependent rna polymerases. this results in the incorporation of mutations into viral rna. accumulation of mutations may lead to loss of virus infectivity, in a process known as lethal mutagenesis. rna virus pathogens are particularly difficult to control because they are highly mutable, and mutants resistant to ...200921426129
[morphological observation of bovine kidney (mdbk) cells effected by foot-and-mouth disease virus l(pro)].in order to explore the morphological changes of bovine kidney (mdbk) cells induced by foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) l protease, we induced the expression of fmdv l protease in bovine kidney cells (mdbk) artificially. all work is carried out on the basis of a stable mdbk cell line inducibly expresses the lab gene under the control of tetracycline. we use cell morphology, hoechst 33258 staining, ao-eb staining, and dna ladder abstraction to research the morphological changes of mdbk cells. ...200920222457
[rescue of bovine asia 1 serotype foot-and-mouth disease virus from a full-length cdna clone].after sequencing the asia 1 foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) (as01 strain), we amplified the two fragments covering the whole genome by overlapping pcr and long pcr. the 5' fragment was 1.8 kb in length including 15cs, and the 3' fragment was 6.7 kb in length. the two fragments were cloned into the pbluescript sk vector to construct recombinant plasmid pbsas carrying the full-length cdna of fmdv as01 strain. the rna transcript was synthesized in vitro using t7 polymerase and transfected into ...200920222458
sequence and phylogenetic analysis of the non-structural 3a and 3b protein-coding regions of foot-and-mouth disease virus subtype a iran 05.the a iran 05 foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) subtype was detected in iran during 2005 and has proven to be highly virulent. this study was undertaken to focus on molecular and phylogenetic analysis of 3a and 3b coding-regions in the a iran 05 field isolate. to assess the genetic relatedness of a iran 05 isolate the nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequences of the 3ab region of type a fmdv isolates were compared with twenty previously described type a fmdv isolates. the phylogenetic tree ...201020706032
coexpression of double or triple copies of the rabies virus glycoprotein gene using a 'self-cleaving' 2a peptide-based replication-defective human adenovirus serotype 5 vector.rabies virus glycoprotein (rvg) is a major structural protein and antigen of rabies virus that induces a highly immunogenic response. in the present study, we have used 2a self-cleaving sequence of the foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) to express double or triple copies of the rvg from a single open reading frame derived from human adenovirus 5 (adhu5). the recombinant adenoviruses produce similar virus titers, indicating that the insertion of double or triple copies of the rvg gene linked wit ...201020682459
development of an in process control filtration-assisted chemiluminometric immunoassay to quantify foot and mouth disease virus (fmdv) non-capsid proteins in vaccine-antigen many countries, foot and mouth disease (fmd) is controlled by vaccination and surveillance against non-capsid proteins (ncp); therefore vaccines are required not to induce antibodies against ncp. vaccine purity is evaluated by repeated inoculation of naïve cattle, an expensive and time consuming protocol that raises several animal welfare concerns. we have developed an in process control filtration-assisted chemiluminometric immunoassay (fal-elisa), to detect and quantify ncp in vaccine-antig ...201020685600
antibodies to pathogenic livestock viruses in a wild vicuña (vicugna vicugna) population in the argentinean andean altiplano.serum samples from 128 wild vicuñas (vicugna vicugna) were tested for antibodies (ab) to rotavirus (rv), bovine parainfluenza virus 3 (bpiv-3), bovine herpesvirus-1 (bhv-1), bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv-1), foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv), bluetongue virus (btv), equine herpesvirus-1 (ehv-1), and influenza a virus equine (eiv). samples were collected in cieneguillas province of jujuy, in northern argentina. feces from 44 vicuñas were also collected to investigate rv shedding. llamas (la ...201020688660
survey for foot-and-mouth disease in the endangered marsh deer (blastocerus dichotomus) from marshlands of the parana river basin, brazil.habitat fragmentation and diseases have resulted in a decline of the marsh deer (blastocerus dichotomus) throughout its south american range. our objectives were to determine whether marsh deer intended for translocation from a region of the rio paraná basin had been infected previously by foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) and whether they were carrying virus. we captured marsh deer from june to october 1998 and collected blood from 108 animals and esophageal-pharyngeal fluid from 53. serum wa ...201020688701
serotype specificity of antibodies against foot-and-mouth disease virus in cattle in selected districts in uganda.uganda had an unusually large number of foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) outbreaks in 2006, and all clinical reports were in cattle. a serological investigation was carried out to confirm circulating antibodies against foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) by elisa for antibodies against non-structural proteins and structural proteins. three hundred and forty-nine cattle sera were collected from seven districts in uganda, and 65% of these were found positive for antibodies against the non-structural p ...201020696028
phylogenetic analyses of the polyprotein coding sequences of serotype o foot-and-mouth disease viruses in east africa: evidence for interserotypic recombination.foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) is endemic in east africa with the majority of the reported outbreaks attributed to serotype o virus. in this study, phylogenetic analyses of the polyprotein coding region of serotype o fmd viruses from kenya and uganda has been undertaken to infer evolutionary relationships and processes responsible for the generation and maintenance of diversity within this serotype. fmd virus rna was obtained from six samples following virus isolation in cell culture and in one ca ...201020731826
competition-colonization dynamics: an ecology approach to quasispecies dynamics and virulence evolution in rna viruses.a single and purified clone of foot-and-mouth disease virus diversified in cell culture into two subpopulations that were genetically distinct. the subpopulation with higher virulence was a minority and was suppressed by the dominant but less virulent one. these two populations follow the competitioncolonization dynamics described in ecology. virulent viruses can be regarded as colonizers because they killed the cells faster and they spread faster. the attenuated subpopulation resembles competit ...201020798818
genetic characterization of the cell-adapted panasia strain of foot-and-mouth disease virus o/fujian/cha/5/99 isolated from swine.according to office international des epizooties (oie) bulletin, the panasia strain of foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) was invaded into the people's republic of china in may 1999. it was confirmed that the outbreaks occurred in tibet, hainan and fujian provinces. in total, 1280 susceptible animals (68 cattle, 1212 swine) were destroyed for the epidemic investigate the distinct biological properties, we performed plaque assay, estimated the pathogenicity in suckling mice and determ ...201020807416
study of a chimeric foot-and-mouth disease virus dna vaccine containing structural genes of serotype o in a genome backbone of serotype asia 1 in guinea pigs.since foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) serotypes display a great genetic and antigenic diversity, there is a constant requirement to monitor the performance of fmdv vaccines in the field with respect to their antigenic coverage. to avoid possible antigenic changes in field fmdv isolates during their adaptation to bhk-21 cells, a standard step used in production of conventional fmdv vaccines, the custom-made chimeric conventional or dna vaccines, in which antigenic determinants are replaced wi ...201020822311
alternative way to test the efficacy of swine fmd vaccines: measurement of pigs median infected dose (pid50) and regulation of live virus challenge dose.foot-and -mouth disease to pigs is serious recently around the world. "vaccination prevention" is still an important policy. oie specifies 10,000 tcid50(0.2 ml) of virulent virus for challenge test in pigs to test the potency of fmd vaccine by intradermal route inoculating the virus in the heel bulbs of one foot or by intramuscular route administering into one site of the neck behind the ear. convenience and speediness are available in the process of potency test of commercial fmd vaccine. we se ...201020822547
two-dimensional heteronuclear saturation transfer difference nmr reveals detailed integrin αvβ6 protein-peptide interactions.we report the first example of peptide-protein heteronuclear two-dimensional (2d) saturation transfer difference nuclear magnetic resonance (std nmr). this method, resulting in dramatically reduced overlap, was applied to the interaction of the integrin αvβ6 with a known peptide ligand and highlights novel contact points between the substrate and target protein.201020838674
specific detection of rinderpest virus by real-time reverse transcription-pcr in preclinical and clinical samples from experimentally infected cattle.a highly sensitive detection test for rinderpest virus (rpv), based on a real-time reverse transcription-pcr (rrt-pcr)system, was developed. five different rpv genomic targets were examined, and one was selected and optimized to detect viral rna in infected tissue culture fluid with a level of detection ranging from 0.59 to 87.5 50% tissue culture infectious doses (tcid(50)) per reaction depending on the viral isolate. the strain sensitivity of the test was validated on 16 rpv strains belonging ...201020844216
a mutant of infectious asia 1 serotype foot-and-mouth disease virus with the deletion of 10-amino-acid in the 3a protein.foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) serotype asia 1 is one of the most predominant endemic serotypes in china. our previous study has generated a full-length cdna clone (pbsas) of an asia 1 serotype fmdv (as1/cha/05) isolated from bovine. to further study the properties of this virus, a mutant in the 3a region of the cdna clone (pbsas-3a10d), containing the deletion at position 93-102 of the 3a protein of as1/cha/05, was generated by pcr and cloning. after synthesis of rna in vitro and transfect ...201020844943
antibodies against foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) virus in african buffalos (syncerus caffer) in selected national parks in uganda (2001-2003).in east africa, the foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) virus (fmdv) isolates have over time included serotypes o, a, c, southern african territories (sat) 1 and sat 2, mainly from livestock. sat 3 has only been isolated in a few cases and only in african buffalos (syncerus caffer). to investigate the presence of antibodies against fmdv serotypes in wildlife in uganda, serological studies were performed on buffalo serum samples collected between 2001 and 2003. thirty-eight samples from african buffalos ...201020561289
multiple shrnas driven by u6 and cmv promoter enhances efficiency of antiviral effects against foot-and-mouth disease virus.foot-and-mouth disease (fmd) is an economically significant animal disease because of the speed of its transmission. the current vaccine for fmd provides no protection until 7 days post-vaccination, thus reducing its effectiveness in the case of an outbreak. small interfering rna (sirna) is a promising antiviral approach because it can induce a protective response much more rapidly. this study is the first report to apply multiple short hairpin rna (shrna) expression systems to inhibit foot-and- ...201020561543
letter to the editor. loss of plasmacytoid dendritic cell function coincides with lymphopenia and viremia during foot-and-mouth disease virus infection. 201020565298
qualitative assessment of the commodity risk for spread of foot-and-mouth disease associated with international trade in deboned beef.the risk of importing foot-and-mouth disease virus (fmdv) restricts trade in livestock and their products from parts of the world where the virus is present. this reduces trade opportunities and investment in the livestock sector of many developing countries and constrains global food supply. this review focuses on the risks associated with trade in deboned beef (db) from foot-and-mouth disease (fmd)-infected cattle, countries or zones. a definition of db is provided along with a description of ...201020569417
Displaying items 3101 - 3200 of 4462