
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
potential public health significance of faecal contamination and multidrug-resistant escherichia coli and salmonella serotypes in a lake in india.objective: to assess the prevalence of faecal coliform bacteria and multiple drug resistance among escherichia coli and salmonella serotypes from vembanadu lake. study design: systematic microbiological testing. methods: monthly collection of water samples were made from ten stations on the southern and northern parts of a salt water regulator constructed in vembanadu lake in order to prevent incursion of seawater during certain periods of the year. density of faecal colifrom bacteria was estima ...201121620427
a tricistronic human adrenodoxin reductase-adrenodoxin-cytochrome p450 27a1 vector system for substrate hydroxylation in escherichia coli.cytochrome p450 (p450) 27a1 catalyzes 27-hydroxylation of cholesterol and 25-hydroxylation of vitamin d(3), serving as an important component for the maintenance of lipid homeostasis. in eukaryotic cells p450 27a1 is a membrane-bound protein located on the inner mitochondrial membrane and requires two auxiliary reduction partners, adrenodoxin (adx) and nadph-adrenodoxin reductase (adr), for catalysis in the bile acid biosynthesis pathway. a strategy was developed for the functional coexpression ...201121621619
comparison of virulence gene profiles of escherichia coli isolates from sows with coliform mastitis and healthy sows.coliform mastitis (cm) is not only a serious economical and animal welfare touching problem in dairy cattle, but also in sows after farrowing. due to this disease, the essential adequate supply with colostrum for the growth and the health of the piglets is not ensured. besides other influencing factors, escherichia (e.) coli is of great importance as a causative agent of this multifactorial disease. in this study, e. coli isolates from milk samples of healthy and cm-affected sows were examined f ...201121621931
study of polymorphisms in tir, eae and tccp2 genes in enterohaemorrhagic and enteropathogenic escherichia coli of serogroup o26.abstract: background: enteropathogenic (epec) and enterohaemorrhagic (ehec) escherichia coli are responsible for food poisoning (enteritis and enterotoxaemia) in humans in developed countries. cattle are considered to be an important reservoir of ehec and epec strains for humans. moreover, some of the strains, belonging to the o26, o111, o118 serogroups, for example, are also responsible for digestive disorders in calves. the translocated intimin receptor (tir), the intimin (eae) and the tir-cyt ...201121624114
mouldy feed, mycotoxins and shiga toxin - producing escherichia coli colonization associated with jejunal hemorrhage syndrome in beef cattle.abstract: background: both o157 and non-o157 shiga toxin - producing escherichia coli (stecs) cause serious human disease outbreaks through the consumption of contaminated foods. cattle are considered the main reservoir but it is unclear how stecs affect mature animals. neonatal calves are the susceptible age class for stec infections causing severe enteritis. in an earlier study, we determined that mycotoxins and stecs were part of the disease complex for dairy cattle with jejunal hemorrhage sy ...201121639911
etiology and antimicrobial susceptibility of udder pathogens from cases of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows in sweden.abstract: background: a nationwide survey on the microbial etiology of cases of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows was carried out on dairy farms in sweden. the aim was to investigate the microbial panorama and the occurrence of acquired antimicrobial resistance. moreover, differences between newly infected cows and chronically infected cows were investigated. methods: in total, 583 quarter milk samples were collected from 583 dairy cows at 226 dairy farms from february 2008 to february 2009. th ...201121649936
[expression and antiviral assay of bovine interferon-gamma].bovine interferon-gamma (boifn-gamma) gene was amplified by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) from total rna of bovine spleen lymphocytes stimulated with cona. the products of rt-pcr were cloned into pvax1 vector, positive recombinant clone was identified by restriction enzyme digestion and sequencing. the recombinant plasmid pvax1-bolfn-gamma was transfected into cos-7 cells mediated by lipofectine, indirect immunofluorescent assay analysis confirmed that rboifn-gamma was ...201121650053
effects of sodium bisulfate on the bacterial population structure of dairy cow determine the effects of sodium bisulfate (sbs) on the bacterial populations in cattle waste.201121651680
[prokaryotic expression of recombinant bovine il-4 and development of monoclonal antibodies against bovine il-4].to express recombinant bovine il-4 (rboil-4) in escherichia coli and prepare monoclonal antibody (mab) against rboil-4.201121651868
naturally colonized beef cattle populations fed combinations of yeast culture and an ionophore in finishing diets containing dried distiller's grains with solubles had similar fecal shedding of escherichia coli o157:h7.beef steers (n = 252) were used to evaluate the effects of dietary supplement on fecal shedding of escherichia coli o157:h7. seven pens of 9 steers (63 steers per treatment) were fed diets supplemented with or without yeast culture (yc) or monensin (mon) and their combination (yc × mon). yc and mon were offered at 2.8 g/kg and 33 mg/kg of dry matter intake, respectively. environmental sponge samples (from each pen floor, feed bunk, and water trough) were collected on day 0. rectal fecal grab sa ...201121669067
structures of glycosylated mammalian glutaminyl cyclases reveal conformational variability near the active center.formation of n-terminal pyroglutamate (pglu or pe) from glutaminyl or glutamyl precursors is catalyzed by glutaminyl cyclases (qc). as the formation of pglu-amyloid has been linked with alzheimer's disease, inhibitors of qcs are currently the subject of intense development. here, we report three crystal structures of n-glycosylated mammalian qc from humans (hqc) and mice (mqc). whereas the overall structures of the enzymes are similar to those reported previously, two surface loops in the neighb ...201121671571
endotoxin-free purification for the isolation of bovine viral diarrhoea virus e2 protein from insoluble inclusion body aggregates.abstract: background: protein expression in escherichia coli may result in the recombinant protein being expressed as insoluble inclusion bodies. in addition, proteins purified from e. coli contain endotoxins which need to be removed for in vivo applications. the structural protein, e2, from bovine viral diarrhoea virus (bvdv) is a major immunogenic determinant, and is an ideal candidate as a subunit vaccine. the e2 protein contains 17 cysteine residues creating difficulties in e. coli expressio ...201121787435
strategies for bacterial expression of protein-peptide complexes: application to solubilization of papillomavirus e6.e6 is a small oncoprotein involved in tumorigenesis induced by papillomaviruses (pvs). e6 often recognizes its cellular targets by binding to short motifs presenting the consensus lxxll. e6 proteins have long resisted structural analysis. we found that bovine papillomavirus type 1 (bpv1) e6 binds the n-terminal lxxll motif of the cellular protein paxillin with significantly higher affinity as compared to other e6/peptide interactions. although recombinant bpv1 e6 was poorly soluble in the free s ...201121777678
selection and expression of recombinant single domain antibodies from a hyper-immunized library against the hapten azoxystrobin.three v(h)hs against the model hapten, azoxystrobin (mw 403) were isolated from a hyper-immunized phage-displayed v(h)h library. this library was constructed by isolating the v(h)h-coding genes from the lymphocytes collected from a llama glama that was immunized with azoxystrobin conjugated to bovine serum albumin (bsa). six rounds of panning were performed against azoxystrobin conjugated to either ovalbumin (ova) or rabbit serum albumin (rsa) to enrich clones containing v(h)hs specific to the h ...201121777591
colostrum and amniotic fluid from different species exhibit similar immunomodulating effects in bacterium-stimulated dendritic cells.the fetus and newborn are immunologically immature. bioactive compounds in amniotic fluid (af) and maternal milk therefore play a key role in the immunological development of the infant intestine. we hypothesized that colostrum and af exert similar immunomodulatory effects on the developing immune system. hence, bone marrow-derived murine dendritic cells (bmdcs) were co-incubated with clostridium perfringens a or escherichia coli nissle 1917 and porcine, bovine, or human af, colostrum/milk whey ...201121777143
both the c-terminal polylysine region and the farnesylation of k-rasb are important for its specific interaction with calmodulin.ras protein, as one of intracellular signal switches, plays various roles in several cell activities such as differentiation and proliferation. there is considerable evidence showing that calmodulin (cam) binds to k-rasb and dissociates k-rasb from membrane and that the inactivation of cam is able to induce k-rasb activation. however, the mechanism for the interaction of cam with k-rasb is not well understood.201121750741
epidemiology of extended spectrum beta-lactamase e. coli (ctx-m-15) on a commercial dairy farm.the epidemiology of an extended spectrum beta-lactamase escherichia coli (ctx-m-15) was observed and described on a commercial dairy farm located in the united kingdom. during 2008 longitudinal sampling of faecal pat samples from different cattle groups comprising milking and non-milking cows, calving cows, calves, and the environment was carried out. the proportion of ctx-m-15 e. coli positive samples was significantly (p<0.0.01) higher in milking cows (30.3%, ci(95%) 26.8; 33.8) than in the he ...201121840142
[microbiological quality of the water used in a random sample from dairy farms in c+¦rdoba, argentina].bacteriological contamination of well water and wash water in a random sample obtained from 50 farms from villa mar+¡a (c+¦rdoba) dairy area, argentina, was evaluated during a visit in 2007. forty six percent and 24 % of farms showed an aerobic mesophilic bacteria count higher than 500 cfu/ml in wash water and well water, respectively. escherichia coli was isolated in 20 % of samples from both sources. pseudomonas aeruginosa showed high frequency of isolation in well water (36 %) and wash water ...201121731973
internalization of escherichia coli o157:h7 by bovine rectal epithelial cells.escherichia coli o157:h7 (o157) causes human diarrheal disease and healthy cattle are its primary reservoir. o157 colonize the bovine epithelial mucosa at the recto-anal junction (raj). previous studies show that o157 at this site are not eliminated by aggressive interventions including applications of o157-specific lytic bacteriophages and other bactericidal agents. we hypothesize that some o157 at the raj mucosa are protected from these killing agents by host cell internalization. to test this ...201121687423
evaluation of escherichia coli o157:h7 translocation and decontamination for beef vacuum-packaged subprimals destined for nonintact use.the translocation of escherichia coli o157:h7 as well as the impact of water washing and partial or complete surface trimming as possible pathogen reduction strategies were evaluated for vacuum-packaged beef subprimals destined for nonintact use. cap-on and cap-off beef top sirloin butts were inoculated with two levels of e. coli o157:h7: a high-inoculum level of approximately 10(4) cfu/cm(2) and a low-inoculum level of approximately 10(2) cfu/cm(2). following inoculation, the subprimals were va ...201121740705
the use of a radiotelemetric ruminal bolus to detect body temperature changes in lactating dairy cattle.the objective of this study was to validate the efficacy of a radiotelemetric bolus (rtb) to detect changes in ruminal temperature resulting from (1) systemic illnesses that are associated with febrile responses and (2) subacute ruminal acidosis (sara). eight rumen-fistulated, lactating holstein cows (586±37 kg of body weight, 106±18 d in milk) were used in a replicated 4 × 4 latin square design with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. each period consisted of 21 d. the factors were 2 diets, a mo ...201121700044
vaccination with type iii secreted proteins leads to decreased shedding in calves after experimental infection with escherichia coli o157.escherichia coli o157:h7 remains a threat to humans via cattle-derived fecal contamination of food and water. preharvest intervention strategies represent a means of reducing the pathogen burden before harvest. in this study, the efficacy of a commercially produced type iii secreted protein (ttsp) vaccine was evaluated with the use of a commingled experimental calf infection model (30 placebo-treated animals and 30 vaccinates). the calves were vaccinated on days 0, 21, and 42 and infected with 1 ...201121731179
immediate and carryover effects of gram-negative and gram-positive toxin-induced mastitis on follicular function in dairy cows.this study compared immediate and carryover effects of mastitis induced by gram-negative endotoxin (e. coli lps) and gram-positive exosecretions (staph. aureus ex.) on preovulatory follicle function. synchronized, uninfected cyclic lactating holstein cows were treated with pgf(2+¦) on day 6 of the cycle and 36 h later, a dose of either e. coli lps (n = 8), s. aureus ex. (n = 10), or saline (n = 9) was administered into the mammary gland. follicular fluids and granulosa cells were aspirated 6 h l ...201121705051
a systematic review of vaccinations to reduce the shedding of escherichia coli o157 in the faeces of domestic ruminants.the objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of the published literature to evaluate the efficacy of vaccines in reducing faecal shedding of escherichia coli o157 in ruminants. a systematic search of eight databases and land-grant university research reports using an algorithm adapted from a previous systematic review of pre-harvest interventions against e. coli o157 was conducted to locate all reports of in vivo trials of e. coli o157 vaccines in ruminants pu ...201121824378
comparative expression profiling of e. coli and s. aureus inoculated primary mammary gland cells sampled from cows with different genetic predispositions for somatic cell score.during the past ten years many quantitative trait loci (qtl) affecting mastitis incidence and mastitis related traits like somatic cell score (scs) were identified in cattle. however, little is known about the molecular architecture of qtl affecting mastitis susceptibility and the underlying physiological mechanisms and genes causing mastitis susceptibility. here, a genome-wide expression analysis was conducted to analyze molecular mechanisms of mastitis susceptibility that are affected by a spe ...201121702919
the preference for water nipples vs. water bowls in dairy goats.previous studies have reported that the design of the water dispensers can influence the water intake in farm animals. horses and dairy cows seem to prefer to drink from an open surface whereas sheep and pigs apparently prefer water nipples, probably because of the worse water quality in water bowls. the aim of the present study was to examine the preference of dairy goats for water nipples or water bowls.201121939533
burger preparation: what consumers say and do in the home.ground beef has been linked to outbreaks of pathogenic bacteria like escherichia coli o157:h7 and salmonella. consumers may be exposed to foodborne illness through unsafe preparation of ground beef. video footage of 199 volunteers in northern california preparing hamburgers and salad was analyzed for compliance with u.s. department of agriculture recommendations and for violations of the u.s. food and drug administration's food code 2009. a questionnaire about consumer attitudes and knowledge a ...201122004819
bovine recto-anal junction squamous epithelial (rse) cell adhesion assay for studying escherichia coli o157 develop a new adherence assay, using cattle recto-anal junction squamous epithelial (rse) cells, for evaluating bacterial adherence to cells of bovine origin.201121883734
[Colonization of the teat skin and the teat canal by mastitis pathogens in dairy cattle].Objective: The teat canal of lactating dairy cattle is the first barrier against mastitis pathogens invading the teat cistern and the udder lumen. However, in several studies it could be shown that the teat skin and the teat canal epithelium are colonized by mainly staphylococci as well as by other pathogenic or facultative pathogenic micro-organisms. The aim of the study was to evaluate the pathogen pressure on the bovine mammary gland and to establish data on the prevalence of relevant micro- ...201122138767
multielement analysis of micro-volume biological samples by icp-ms with highly efficient sample introduction system.a method for multielement analysis of micro-volume biological sample by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (icp-ms) with a highly efficient sample introduction system was presented. the sample introduction system was the combination of (1) an inert loop injection unit and (2) a high performance concentric nebulizer (hpcn) coupled with a temperature controllable cyclone chamber. the loop injection unit could introduce 20 μl samples into the carrier liquid flow of 10 μl min(-1) producing ...201122099643
Association Between Antimicrobial Resistance in Escherichia coli Isolates from Food Animals and Blood Stream Isolates from Humans in Europe: An Ecological Study.Abstract Background: In addition to medical antimicrobial usage, the use of antimicrobials in food animals contributes to the occurrence of resistance among some bacterial species isolated from infections in humans. Recently, several studies have indicated that a large proportion of Escherichia coli causing infections in humans, especially those resistant to antimicrobials, have an animal origin. Methods: We analyzed the correlation between the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in E. co ...201121883007
Heparan sulfate proteoglycans mediate the angiogenic activity of the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 agonist gremlin.Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) modulate the interaction of proangiogenic heparin-binding vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) with signaling VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR2) and neuropilin coreceptors in endothelial cells (ECs). The bone morphogenic protein antagonist gremlin is a proangiogenic ligand of VEGFR2, distinct from canonical VEGFs. Here we investigated the role of HSPGs in VEGFR2 interaction, signaling, and proangiogenic capacity of gremlin in ECs.201121921258
serotypes and virulence profiles of non-o157 shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli isolates from bovine farms.non-o157 shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli (stec) strains are clinically significant food-borne pathogens. however, there is a dearth of information on serotype prevalence and virulence gene distribution, data essential for the development of public health protection monitoring and control activities for the meat and dairy industries. thus, the objective of this study was to examine the prevalence of non-o157 stec on beef and dairy farms and to characterize the isolates in terms of serotype ...201122003024
Selective reduction of the pathogenic load of cow manure in an industrial-scale continuous-feeding vermireactor.Vermicomposting is a suitable technology for processing different wastes, to produce a valuable end product (vermicompost). However, the pathogenic load of the waste must be greatly reduced in order to prevent risks to human health. Although Eisenia andrei may reduce the levels of several pathogens, the feasibility of vermicomposting, with regard to pathogen reduction, has not been tested on an industrial scale. This work studied whether vermicomposting in a continuous feeding vermireactor, is a ...201121875788
Effect of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide on u-PA activity and u-PA and u-PAR RNA expression in a bovine mammary epithelial cell line.It is well known that the plasminogen-activating (PA) system plays a key role in the bovine mammary gland during tissue remodelling. However, the modulation of the PA cascade after bacterial infections needs to be elucidated. This study examined the effects of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on cell viability, the modulation of cell-associated u-PA activity, and the regulation of u-PA and u-PA receptor (u-PAR) RNA expression using the BME-UV1 bovine mammary epithelial cell line. LPS di ...201122103977
Carbon nanoparticles as detection labels in antibody microarrays. Detection of genes encoding virulence factors in Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli.The present study demonstrates that carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) can be used as labels in microarrays. CNPs were used in nucleic acid microarray immunoassays (NAMIAs) for the detection of different Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) virulence factors: four genes specific for STEC (vt1, vt2, eae, and ehxA) and the gene for E. coli 16S (hui). Optimization was performed using a Box-Behnken design, and the limit of detection for each virulence factor was established. Finally, this NAMIA us ...201121936575
rapid identification of bovine mastitis pathogens by high-resolution melt analysis of 16s rdna sequences.accurate identification of mastitis pathogens is often compromised when using conventional culture-based methods. here, we report a novel, rapid assay tested for speciation of bacterial mastitis pathogens using high-resolution melt analysis (hrma) of 16s rdna sequences. real-time pcr amplification of 16s rrna gene fragment, spanning the variable region v5 and v6 was performed with a resulting amplicon of 290bp. first, a library was generated of melt curves of 9 common pathogens that are implicat ...201121944716
alkbh8-mediated formation of a novel diastereomeric pair of wobble nucleosides in mammalian trna.mammals have nine different homologues (alkbh1-9) of the escherichia coli dna repair demethylase alkb. alkbh2 is a genuine dna repair enzyme, but the in vivo function of the other alkbh proteins has remained elusive. it was recently shown that alkbh8 contains an additional transfer rna (trna) methyltransferase domain, which generates the wobble nucleoside 5-methoxycarbonylmethyluridine (mcm(5)u) from its precursor 5-carboxymethyluridine (cm(5)u). in this study, we report that (r)- and 5-methoxyc ...201121285950
differentiation of fecal escherichia coli from human, livestock, and poultry sources by rep-pcr dna fingerprinting on the shellfish culture area of east china sea.the rep-pcr dna fingerprinting performed with rep, box a1r, and (gtg)(5) primers was investigated as a way to differentiate between human, livestock, and poultry sources of fecal pollution on the area of xiangshan bay, east china sea. of the three methods, the box-pcr dna fingerprints analyzed by jack-knife algorithm were revealed high rate of correct classification (rcc) with 91.30, 80.39, 89.39, 86.14, 93.24, 87.72, and 89.28% of human, cattle, swine, chicken, duck, sheep, and goose e. coli is ...201121279641
a novel organic-inorganic hybrid monolith for trypsin proteomics, attention has focused on various immobilized enzyme reactors (imers) for the realization of high throughput digestion. in this report, a novel organic-inorganic hybrid monolith based imer was prepared in a 100 μm i.d. capillary with 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane (glymo) as the monomer and tetraethoxysilane (teos) as the crosslinker. trypsin immobilization was achieved via the reaction between vicinal diol groups, which were obtained from hydrolysis of epoxy groups, and the ami ...201121253871
lingual antimicrobial peptide and il-8 expression are oppositely regulated by the antagonistic effects of nf-κb p65 and c/ebpβ in mammary epithelial cells.pathogen contact induces quickly in mammary epithelial cells (mec) the expression of the proinflammatory cytokine il-8 and delayed that of the bactericidal β-defensin lap. both genes encoding these factors feature on their proximal promoter a composite nf-κb/cebp binding site. we compare here in mec the role of nf-κb and c/ebp factors in regulating basal and pathogen-induced expression of both genes from cattle. abrogating nf-κb binding to that site by introduction of a single point mutation blo ...201121255844
cdna, genomic sequence cloning and overexpression of the ribosomal protein s13 gene in the giant panda (ailuropoda melanoleuca).the cdna and the genomic sequence of ribosomal protein s13 (rps13) of the giant panda (ailuropoda melanoleuca) was cloned using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) and touchdown-pcr, respectively. these two sequences were sequenced and analyzed, and the cdna of the rps13 gene was overexpressed in escherichia coli bl21. we compared the nucleotide sequences of the coding region and the amino acid sequences with those of seven other mammalian species retrieved from genbank. the ...201121268784
long target droplet polymerase chain reaction with a microfluidic device for high-throughput detection of pathogenic bacteria at clinical this article we present a long target droplet polymerase chain reaction (pcr) microsystem for the amplification of the 16s ribosomal rna gene. it is used for detecting gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens at high-throughput and is optimised for downstream species identification. the miniaturised device consists of three heating plates for denaturation, annealing and extension arranged to form a triangular prism. around this prism a fluoropolymeric tubing is coiled, which represents the r ...201121271358
Reproductive tract defense and disease in postpartum dairy cows.This paper briefly reviews recent data and concepts on the development and mitigation of infection and inflammation in the reproductive tract of dairy cows during the first 2 mo after calving. The incidence of metritis is typically between 10 and 20%, of clinical endometritis or purulent vaginal discharge (PVD) approximately 15%, and of subclinical or cytological endometritis a further 15%. Worse postpartum negative energy balance is associated with more severe or prolonged uterine inflammation. ...201121890187
serum concentration and mrna expression in milk somatic cells of toll-like receptor 2, toll-like receptor 4, and cytokines in dairy cows following intramammary inoculation with escherichia coli.the objective of the current study was to investigate the toll-like receptors (tlr), including the soluble forms stlr2 and stlr4, involved in innate immune responses of dairy cows to experimentally induced escherichia coli mastitis. six clinically healthy holstein dairy cows received an intramammary inoculation of e. coli o111:k58 between 63 and 83 d postpartum. concentrations of stlr2 and stlr4, the proinflammatory cytokines il-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α (tnf-α), and acute phase proteins ser ...201122118081
escherichia coli o157:h7 populations in ruminants can be reduced by orange peel product feeding.foodborne pathogenic bacteria such as escherichia coli o157:h7 are threats to the safety of beef. citrus peel and dried orange pulp are by-products from citrus juice production that have natural antimicrobial effects and are often incorporated into least-cost ration formulations for beef and dairy cattle. this study was designed to determine if orange peel and pulp affected e. coli o157:h7 populations in vivo. sheep (n = 24) were fed a cracked corn grain-based diet that was supplemented with a ...201122054194
recent reports about enzymes related to the synthesis of prostaglandin (pg) f2 (pgf2α and 9α, 11β-pgf2).prostaglandin (pg) f(2α) is widely distributed in various organs and exhibits various biological functions, such as luteolysis, parturition, aqueous humor homeostasis, vasoconstriction, rennin secretion, pulmonary fibrosis and so on. the first enzyme reported to synthesize pgf(2) was referred to as pgf synthase belonging to the aldo-keto reductase (akr) 1c family, and later pgf(2α) synthases were isolated from protozoans and designated as members of the akr5a family. in 2003, akr1b5, which is hi ...201121926128
molecular epidemiology of mastitis pathogens of dairy cattle and comparative relevance to humans.mastitis, inflammation of the mammary gland, can be caused by a wide range of organisms, including gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, mycoplasmas and algae. many microbial species that are common causes of bovine mastitis, such as escherichia coli, klebsiella pneumoniae, streptococcus agalactiae and staphylococcus aureus also occur as commensals or pathogens of humans whereas other causative species, such as streptococcus uberis, streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae or staphyloc ...201121968538
optimization of in-house elisa based on recombinant major sperm protein (rmsp) of dictyocaulus viviparus for the detection of lungworm infection in cattle.the aim of this study was to optimize an in-house elisa based on a recombinant version of the major sperm protein (msp) of dictyocaulus viviparus for routine diagnosis of lungworm infection in cattle. a recombinant msp (rmsp) was cloned into pgex-6p-1 vector and expressed as a glutathione-s-transferase (gst) fusion protein in escherichia coli bl21 (de3) chemically competent cells. the product was then employed as capture antigen in an elisa, and validated against 304 samples of known status (216 ...201122019470
lipopolysaccharide challenge of the mammary gland in bovine induced a transient glandular shift to anaerobic of milk production in modern dairy cows demands a large proportion of its own metabolic resources, such as glucose, which might be required under stressful situations. the aim of the experiment was to test the hypothesis that acute immune stress shifts oxidative metabolism to glycolysis. two mammary quarters in 6 holstein cows were infused with lipopolysaccharide (lps), whereas the 2 counter quarters served as controls to the treatment. an additional 6 cows were infused with saline and s ...201121854919
the effect of recurrent episodes of clinical mastitis caused by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and other organisms on mortality and culling in holstein dairy cows.the objective of this study was to estimate the effects of recurrent episodes of different types of clinical mastitis (cm) caused by gram-positive (streptococcus spp., staphylococcus aureus, staphylococcus spp.) and gram-negative (escherichia coli, klebsiella, citrobacter, enterobacter, pseudomonas) bacteria, and other organisms (arcanobacterium pyogenes, mycoplasma, corynebacterium bovis, yeast, miscellaneous) on the probability of mortality and culling in holstein dairy cows. data from 30,233 ...201121943738
effect of a nutritional reconditioning program for thin dairy cattle on body weight, carcass quality, and fecal pathogen assess changes in body weight, carcass quality, and fecal pathogen shedding in cull dairy cows fed a high-energy ration for 28 or 56 days prior to slaughter.201122129125
lipopolysaccharide and lipoteichoic acid induce different immune responses in the bovine mammary gland.different pathogens, such as escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus, can be responsible for different outcomes of mastitis; that is, acute and severe or chronic and subclinical. these differences in the disease could be related to different mammary responses to the pathogens. the objective of this study was to determine if intramammary challenge with the endotoxins lipopolysaccharide (lps), from e. coli, and lipoteichoic acid (lta), from staph. aureus, induce different immune responses in vi ...201122032363
comparative genomics of multidrug resistance-encoding inca/c plasmids from commensal and pathogenic escherichia coli from multiple animal sources.incompatibility group a/c (inca/c) plasmids have received recent attention for their broad host range and ability to confer resistance to multiple antimicrobial agents. due to the potential spread of multidrug resistance (mdr) phenotypes from foodborne pathogens to human pathogens, the dissemination of these plasmids represents a public health risk. in this study, four animal-source inca/c plasmids isolated from escherichia coli were sequenced and analyzed, including isolates from commercial dai ...201121858108
Carriage of Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli by native marsupials in Australia.Shiga-toxigenic strains of Escherichia coli (STEC) are zoonotic pathogens with human health, meat processing and trade impacts. Cattle are the principal reservoirs of STEC, although other animals can be carriers. The STEC status of Australian native marsupials has not been formatively described to date. The aim of the current study was to investigate carriage of STEC by native Australian marsupials in Southeast Queensland. Faeces from a variety of marsupial species, stratified by gastrointestina ...201121917387
host-response patterns of intramammary infections in dairy cows.many different bacterial species have the ability to cause an infection of the bovine mammary gland and the host response to these infections is what we recognize as mastitis. in this review we evaluate the pathogen specific response to the three main bacterial species causing bovine mastitis: escherichia coli, streptococcus uberis and staphylococcus aureus. in this paper we will review the bacterial growth patterns, host immune response and clinical response that results from the intramammary i ...201121955443
Association between virulence factors of Escherichia coli, Fusobacterium necrophorum, and Arcanobacterium pyogenes and uterine diseases of dairy cows.The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between bacterial species-specific virulence factors (VFs) present in the uterus at 3 different stages of lactation (1-3, 8-10, and 34-36 days in milk (DIM)) and the incidence of metritis and clinical endometritis in dairy cows. The following VF genes were investigated: plo (pyolysin), cbpA (collagen-binding protein), and fimA (fimbriae expression) which are Arcanobacterium pyogenes specific; fimH (a type 1 pilus component), Escherichi ...201122186615
microbiological contamination of digested products from anaerobic co-digestion of bovine manure and agricultural by-products.this study was performed to investigate the microbiological contamination of digestate product (dp) obtained from the anaerobic co-digestion of bovine manure and agricultural by-products.201121899580
comparative analysis of espf variants in inhibition of escherichia coli phagocytosis by macrophages and inhibition of e. coli translocation through human- and bovine-derived m cells.the espf protein is secreted by the type iii secretion system of enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli (epec and ehec, respectively). espf sequences differ between ehec o157:h7, ehec o26:h11, and epec o127:h6 in terms of the number of sh3-binding polyproline-rich repeats and specific residues in these regions, as well as residues in the amino domain involved in cellular localization. espf(o127) is important for the inhibition of phagocytosis by epec and also limits epec translo ...201121875965
Mainstreams of horizontal gene exchange in enterobacteria: consideration of the outbreak of enterohemorrhagic E. coli O104:H4 in Germany in 2011.Escherichia coli O104:H4 caused a severe outbreak in Europe in 2011. The strain TY-2482 sequenced from this outbreak allowed the discovery of its closest relatives but failed to resolve ways in which it originated and evolved. On account of the previous statement, may we expect similar upcoming outbreaks to occur recurrently or spontaneously in the future? The inability to answer these questions shows limitations of the current comparative and evolutionary genomics methods.201122022434
European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) challenged with Escherichia coli O157 can carry and transmit the human pathogen to cattle.European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) are an invasive species in the United States and are considered a nuisance pest to agriculture. The goal of this study was to determine the potential for these birds to be reservoirs and/or vectors for the human pathogen Escherichia coli O157:H7.201121985308
a perspective on the prevalence of dna enteric virus genomes in anaerobic-digested biological wastes.the major goal of this study is to gain a perspective on the prevalence of dna enteric virus genomes in mesophilic anaerobic-digested (mad) sewage sludge and manure by comparing their quantitative pcr (qpcr) concentrations and removals with traditional fecal indicators (escherichia coli, enterococci, and bacteroidetes). in addition, relationships between qpcr and culture measurements of fecal indicators (fis) were determined. there was no significant difference between the qpcr concentrations of ...201121931949
intermittent parenteral administration of endotoxin triggers metabolic and immunological alterations typically associated with displaced abomasum and retained placenta in periparturient dairy cows.this study sought to investigate the effects of induced intermittent endotoxemia on plasma mediators of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, humoral immunity, and clinical health status in periparturient dairy cows. sixteen pregnant holstein cows were blocked by parity and day of calving, and were randomly allocated to 1 of 2 different treatment groups. eight cows were infused intravenously (i.v.) with 100ml of sterile saline and served as the control group (con). the other 8 cows were infused i.v ...201121943748
intracellular reactive oxygen species production by polymorphonuclear leukocytes in bovine leukemia virus-infected dairy cows.the present study assesses the oxidative burst activity from polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmnl) from bovine leukemia virus (blv)-infected cows. fifteen clinically healthy cows were divided in serologically positive cows without any hematological alteration, serologically positive animals with persistent lymphocytosis (pl) and healthy serologically negative cows. the oxidative burst activity from pmnl was evaluated by flow cytometry using 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate as a probe. pmnl from ...201121937857
Profile of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli strains isolated from dogs and cats and genetic relationships with isolates from cattle, meat and humans.Pets can be reservoirs of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains. The aim of this study was to examine nine strains belonging to several serotypes (O91:H21, O91:H16, O178:H19, O8:H19, O22:H8, O22:HNT, ONT:H8), previously recovered from cats or dogs. To this end, we assessed a set of additional virulence genes (stx(2) subtype, subAB, ehxA, eae and saa), cytotoxic activity, and genetic relationships with strains isolated from cattle, meat and humans using pulsed-field gel electropho ...201122119188
Identification of source of faecal pollution of Tirumanimuttar River, Tamilnadu, India using microbial source tracking.Efficient management of deteriorating water bodies can be achieved by determining the sources of faecal pollution. Resourceful techniques for discrimination of the sources of Escherichia coli in surface water have recently been developed, including the use of river water to facilitate faecal indicator surveillance, identification of sources of faecal contamination and employing relevant management practices to maintain water quality. This study was conducted to employ microbial source tracking ( ...201122016043
a potential test system for detecting contaminations by bacterial lipoproteins.biological specimens are often contaminated with bacteria-derived products such as lps or lipoproteins (lp), which trigger unwanted inflammatory responses in hosts. whereas a contamination by lps can be determined by various test systems, a contamination by lp can as yet not be determined. tlr4 and tlr2 are key components of the lps and the lp receptor complex, respectively. it was tested in this study whether hek293 cell stably transfected with bovine tlr2 have the ability to react to low conce ...201122133281
insights into mucosal innate responses to escherichia coli o157 : h7 colonization of cattle by mathematical modelling of excretion dynamics.mathematical model-based statistical inference applied to within-host dynamics of infectious diseases can help dissect complex interactions between hosts and microbes. this work has applied advances in model-based inference to understand colonization of cattle by enterohaemorrhagic escherichia coli o157 : h7 at the terminal rectum. a mathematical model was developed based on niche replication and transition rates at this site. a nested-model comparison, applied to excretion curves from 25 calves ...201121849385
Arcanolysin is a cholesterol-dependent cytolysin of the human pathogen Arcanobacterium haemolyticum.Arcanobacterium haemolyticum is an emerging human pathogen that causes pharyngitis, wound infections, and a variety of occasional invasive diseases. Since its initial discovery in 1946, this Gram positive organism has been known to have hemolytic activity, yet no hemolysin has been previously reported. A. haemolyticum also displays variable hemolytic activity on laboratory blood agar that is dependent upon which species the blood is derived.201122029628
Characteristics of the Shiga-toxin-producing enteroaggregative Escherichia coli O104:H4 German outbreak strain and of STEC strains isolated in Spain.A Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strain belonging to serotype O104:H4, phylogenetic group B1 and sequence type ST678, with virulence features common to the enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) pathotype, was reported as the cause of the recent 2011 outbreak in Germany. The outbreak strain was determined to carry several virulence factors of extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) and to be resistant to a wide range of antibiotics. There are only a few reports of serotype O104:H4, w ...201122101411
molecular analysis and recombinant expression of bovine neutrophil β-defensin 12 and its antimicrobial analyze molecular characteristics and antimicrobial activity of bovine neutrophil β-defensin 12 (bnbd12), pro-bnbd12 gene was amplified from chinese holstein cow using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. based on the sequence of mature bnbd12 and codon preference in e. coli, a modified mature bnbd12 cdna was synthesized, cloned into pet32a (+) vector and expressed in e. coli bl21 as a 26 kd fusion protein after isopropyl β-d-1-thiogalactopyranoside induction. the expressed mature ...201120349279
enhanced sensitivity for selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry-based targeted proteomics using a dual stage electrodynamic ion funnel interface.selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (srm-ms) is playing an increasing role in quantitative proteomics and biomarker discovery studies as a method for high throughput candidate quantification and verification. although srm-ms offers advantages in sensitivity and quantification compared with other ms-based techniques, current srm technologies are still challenged by detection and quantification of low abundance proteins (e.g. present at ∼10 ng/ml or lower levels in blood plasma). here w ...201120410378
dairy cows with metritis: coxiella burnetii test results in uterine, blood and bulk milk cattle, coxiella burnetii infections are generally asymptomatic but can also be associated with reproductive disorders. metritis is considered as one of the symptoms of c. burnetii infections, but reliable information is lacking. therefore, information on the presence of c. burnetii in the uterine content of cows with metritis is important to increase our knowledge on this pathogen. in this study, the uterine content of 45 dairy cows with metritis belonging to 12 herds was tested for c. burne ...201120576366
identification of papain-like cysteine proteases from the bovine piroplasm babesia bigemina and evolutionary relationship of piroplasms c1 family of cysteine proteases.papain-like cysteine proteases have been shown to have essential roles in parasitic protozoa and are under study as promising drug targets. five genes were identified by sequence similarity search to be homologous to the cysteine protease family in the ongoing babesia bigemina genome sequencing project database and were compared with the annotated genes from the complete bovine piroplasm genomes of babesia bovis, theileria annulata, and theileria parva. multiple genome alignments and sequence an ...201120655912
phylogeny, virulence factors and antimicrobial susceptibility of escherichia coli isolated in clinical bovine mastitis.the aim of this study was to identify specific phylogeny groups, virulence genes or antimicrobial resistance traits of escherichia coli isolated in bovine mastitis associated to clinical signs, persistence of intramammary infection in the quarter and recovery from mastitis. a total of 154 e. coli isolates from bovine clinical mastitis, 144 from the acute stage and 10 from follow-up samples 3 weeks later, originating from 144 cows in 65 dairy herds in southern finland were investigated. phylogeny ...201120729012
genetic variations in shiga toxin-producing abilities of bovine and human escherichia coli o157:h7.cattle are a primary reservoir of escherichia coli o157:h7, a major foodborne pathogen. the organism causes haemorrhagic colitis which can lead to serious complications, including haemolytic-uraemic syndrome. although e. coli o157:h7 is widely prevalent in cattle and cattle environments, the number of human cases remain relatively low, suggesting possible strain diversity and differences in virulence between human and bovine strains. shiga toxins, stx1 and stx2, are the major virulence factors. ...201120819202
conjugation and fluorescence quenching between bovine serum albumin and l-cysteine capped cdse/cds quantum dots.water-soluble, biological-compatible, and excellent fluorescent cdse/cds quantum dots (qds) with l-cysteine as capping agent were synthesized in aqueous medium. fluorescence (fl) spectra, absorption spectra, and transmission electron microscopy (tem) were employed to investigate the quality of the products. the interactions between qds and bovine serum albumin (bsa) were studied by absorption and fl titration experiments. with addition of qds, the fl intensity of bsa was significantly quenched w ...201121121888
prevalence of shiga toxin-encoding genes and risk factors among dairy farmers in gyeonggi province, korea.dairy farmers perform various types of work and are in direct contact with dairy cattle nearly every day. the purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of shiga toxin-encoding genes (stx) among dairy farmers and to evaluate the relationship between stx and risk factors.201121231809
intracellular fate of strains of escherichia coli isolated from dairy cows with acute or chronic mastitis.research on mastitis in dairy cows caused by escherichia coli has reported the emergence of strains capable of inducing chronic mastitis and that these strains adhered to and internalized into bovine mammary epithelial cells better than strains of e. coli isolated from acute mastitis. to understand mechanisms and strategies used by chronic e. coli strains to survive intracellularly internalization studies using bovine mammary epithelial cells treated with inhibitors of caveolae-mediated endocyto ...201121207146
determination of ceftiofur derivatives in serum, endometrial tissue, and lochia in puerperal dairy cows after subcutaneous administration of ceftiofur crystalline free acid.puerperal uterine infections are often associated with decreased reproductive performance in dairy cows. routine treatment protocols include the systemic administration of antibiotics. antibiotic drugs, however, should be administered daily over at least 5 d. the objective of this study was to determine concentrations of ceftiofur derivatives in serum, endometrial tissue, and lochia after subcutaneous administration of ceftiofur crystalline free acid in 6 clinically healthy puerperal dairy cows ...201121183038
population structure of rumen escherichia coli associated with subacute ruminal acidosis (sara) in dairy cattle.previous studies indicated that only subacute ruminal acidosis (sara), induced by feeding a high-grain diet, is associated with an inflammatory response and increased abundance of escherichia coli in the rumen. we hypothesized that ruminal e. coli in grain pellet-induced sara carried virulence factors that potentially contribute to the immune activation during sara. one hundred twenty-nine e. coli isolates were cultured from the rumens of 8 cows (4 animals per treatment) in which sara had been n ...201121183045
use of model super-shedders to define the role of pen floor and hide contamination in the transmission of escherichia coli o157:h7.super-shedders, cattle shedding at least 10(4) cfu of escherichia coli o157:h7 per gram of feces, increase the risks of contaminating the food chain and disseminating the organism through cattle populations. because detecting super-shedders in cattle populations is laborious and time-consuming, a study was conducted to evaluate the role of hide and pen-floor contamination by model super shedders (mss) in transmission of e. coli o157:h7. steers (n = 48) negative for e. coli o157:h7 were allocated ...201120852081
repeated oral administration of lipopolysaccharide from escherichia coli 0111:b4 modulated humoral immune responses in periparturient dairy cows.the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of repeated oral exposure to lps on humoral immune responses of periparturient dairy cows. sixteen holstein cows were assigned to two treatment groups 2 wk before the expected day of parturition. cows were administered orally, twice weekly at wk -2, -1 and +1 around parturition, with the following treatments: 3 ml saline; or 3 ml of saline containing lps from escherichia coli 0111:b4. the amount of lps administered during wk -2, -1, and +1 ...201222266418
serotypes, virulence genes, and intimin types of shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli and enteropathogenic escherichia coli isolated from mastitic milk relevant to human health in egypt.abstract some foodborne pathogens can cause mastitis, in which the organism is directly excreted into milk. therefore, we undertook the steps to determine the prevalence and molecular characteristics of shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli (stec) isolates from bovine mastitic milk in egypt. forty milk samples from dairy cattle showing mastitis were collected and examined for the presence of e. coli. following enrichment and plating on selective agar, confirmation of the isolates was based on ...201222229945
emerging antimicrobial resistance in commensal escherichia coli with public health 2009, 1462 escherichia coli isolates were collected in a systematic resistance monitoring approach from primary production, slaughterhouses and at retail and evaluated on the basis of epidemiological cut-off values. besides resistance to antimicrobial classes that have been extensively used for a long time (e.g. sulphonamides and tetracyclines), resistance to (fluoro)quinolones and third-generation cephalosporins was observed. while in the poultry production chain the majority (60%) of isolat ...201222958260
High diversity and differential persistence of fecal Bacteroidales population spiked into freshwater microcosm.Bacteroidales markers are promising indicators of fecal pollution and are now widely used in microbial source tracking (MST) studies. However, a thorough understanding of the persistence of Bacteroidales population after being released into environmental waters is lacking. We investigated the persistence of two host specific markers (HF183 and CF193) and temporal change of Bacteroidales population over 14 days in freshwater microcosms seeded with human or bovine feces. The concentrations of HF18 ...201222100053
Control of tick infestations in cattle vaccinated with bacterial membranes containing surface-exposed tick protective antigens.Vaccines containing the Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus BM86 and BM95 antigens protect cattle against tick infestations. Tick subolesin (SUB), elongation factor 1a (EF1a) and ubiquitin (UBQ) are new candidate protective antigens for the control of cattle tick infestations. Previous studies showed that R. microplus BM95 immunogenic peptides fused to the Anaplasma marginale major surface protein (MSP) 1a N-terminal region (BM95-MSP1a) for presentation on the Escherichia coli membrane were prot ...201222085549
milk microbiome signatures of subclinical mastitis-affected cattle analysed by shotgun sequencing.metagenomic analysis of milk samples collected from kankrej, gir (bos indicus) and crossbred (bos taurus × b. indicus) cattle harbouring subclinical mastitis was carried out by next-generation sequencing 454 gs-flx technology to elucidate the microbial community structure of cattle milk.201222277077
[prokaryotic expression of hn gene of bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 and the establishment of indirect elisa method].the prokaryotic expression plasmid pqe30-hn of hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (hn) protein gene of bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 (bpiv3) strain hj-1 was expressed by iptg induction in e. coli xl1blue. the recombinant hn protein(rhn) was purified by electroeluting method, and used as coated antigen. an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was developed to detect the antibody valence of bpiv3. the best working conditions of elisa were as follows: the antigen concentration was 6 micr ...201222416346
Large-scale preparation and characterization of non-pegylated and pegylated superactive ovine leptin antagonist.Superactive ovine leptin antagonist (SOLA) was prepared by rational mutagenesis of the ovine leptin antagonist L39A/D40A/F41A mutant prepared previously in our lab by mutating wild type leptin to D23L/L39A/D40A/F41A. SOLA was expressed in Escherichia coli as insoluble inclusion bodies, refolded and purified to homogeneity (as evidenced by SDS-PAGE and analytical gel filtration) by ion-exchange chromatography. The purified protein was mono-pegylated at its N terminus by 20-kDa linear pegylation r ...201222040607
Prevalence and Isoforms of the Pathogenicity Island ETT2 Among Escherichia coli Isolates from Colibacillosis in Pigs and Mastitis in Cows.To study the prevalence and isoforms of the pathogenicity island ETT2 among pathogenic Escherichia coli, as well as to determine the relationship between the ETT2 locus and other virulence factors, PCR amplifications target to the 35 ETT2-associated genes were established and used to investigate the presence of the ETT2 locus in 168 E. coli isolates from weaned piglets with edema and/or diarrhea or dairy cows with mastitis. The results showed that the ETT2 locus could be identified in the pathog ...201222002588
molecular cloning, expression, and immunolocalization of protein disulfide isomerase in excretory-secretory products from clonorchis sinensis.protein disulfide isomerase (pdi) is an essential catalyst of the endoplasmic reticulum with folding and chaperone activities in different biological systems. here, pdi of clonorchis sinensis (cspdi) was isolated from the cdna library of adult c. sinensis. the open reading frame contains 1,317 bp encoding 438 amino acids and shares 53 %, 49 %, and 43 % identity with pdi from bos taurus, homo sapiens, and schistosoma mansoni, respectively. two catalytic thioredoxin motifs cxxc were found in this ...201222538482
microbiological quality indicators in waters of dairy farms: detection of pathogens by pcr in real time.when contaminated water is used to wash the udders of dairy cattle and milking utensils, raw milk may become contaminated with pathogens. washing with high quality water is essential to reduce the microbial contamination of milk. furthermore, the wastewater generated in dairy herds also contains high populations of pathogens, antibiotics and nutrients that more often are thrown into the water bodies without any treatment. in this work, both supply water and wastewater from 20 dairy farms from an ...201222542296
development of a diagnostic method for neosporosis in cattle using recombinant neospora caninum proteins.neosporosis is an infectious disease primarily of cattle and dogs, caused by intracellular parasite, neospora caninum. neosporosis appears to be a major cause of abortion in dairy cattle worldwide and causes to huge economic loss to dairy industry.201222558916
[verocytotoxigenic escherichia coli: several aspects... and also the dairy farms].verocytotoxigenic escherichia coli (vtec) is associated with outbreaks and sporadic cases of hemorrhagic colitis (hc) and hemolytic-uremic syndrome (hus), the most severe form of these human diseases. in argentina hus is endemic, with 500 new cases per year and an incidence of 17/100,000 in children under 5 years of age. vtec o157:h7 is the most frequently isolated serotype, although there are non-o157 serotypes that have been associated with human disease. vtec produces verocytotoxins and acces ...201223267631
a protease-insensitive feruloyl esterase from china holstein cow rumen metagenomic library: expression, characterization, and utilization in ferulic acid release from wheat straw.a metagenomic library of china holstein cow rumen microbes was constructed and screened for novel gene cluster. a novel feruloyl esterase (fae) gene was identified with a length of 789 bp and encoded a protein displaying 56% identity to known esterase sequences. the gene was functionally expressed in escherichia coli bl21 (de3), and the total molecular weight of the recombined protein was 32.4 kda. the purified enzyme showed a broad specificity against the four methyl esters of hydroxycinnamic a ...201222352374
repertoire of escherichia coli agonists sensed by innate immunity receptors of the bovine udder and mammary epithelial cells.escherichia coli is a frequent cause of clinical mastitis in dairy cows. it has been shown that a prompt response of the mammary gland after e. coli entry into the lumen of the gland is required to control the infection, which means that the early detection of bacteria is of prime importance. yet, apart from lipopolysaccharide (lps), little is known of the bacterial components which are detected by the mammary innate immune system. we investigated the repertoire of potential bacterial agonists s ...201222330199
effect of dietary copper source on response to coliform mastitis in dairy cows.the effect of organic or inorganic dietary cu on escherichia coli mastitis was investigated in first-lactation heifers. twenty-eight primigravid holstein heifers were assigned to 3 treatments in a completely randomized block design with 10 blocks of 3 animals grouped by expected calving date. treatments were as follows: basal diet [7.1 mg cu/kg of dry matter (dm); con] and diets supplemented with cu (10 mg/kg of dm) as cu sulfate (cus) or as cu proteinate (cup). treatments were fed individually ...201222281330
sickness behavior in dairy cows during escherichia coli mastitis.the consequences of mastitis in terms of dairy cow behavior are relatively unknown. future assessment of dairy cow welfare during mastitis will be facilitated by knowledge about the potential of mastitis to induce sickness behavior. our aim was to examine behavior of dairy cows in the period from 2 d before (d -2 and -1) to 3 d (d 0, 1, and 2) after experimental intramammary challenge with escherichia coli. effects of experimentally induced mastitis on behavior were examined in 20 primiparous da ...201222281328
a two reservoir model to predict escherichia coli losses to water from pastures grazed by dairy cows.animal agriculture has been identified as an important source of diffuse faecal microbial pollution of water. our current understanding of the losses of faecal microbes from grazed pasture systems is however poor. to help synthesise our current knowledge, a simple two reservoir model was constructed to represent the faecal and environmental sources of escherichia coli found in a grazed pastoral system. the size of the faecal reservoir was modelled on a daily basis with inputs from grazing animal ...201222280922
Displaying items 3101 - 3200 of 3459