
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
biosynthesis of intestinal mucins. 2. incorporation of [35s] sulphate by guinea-pig colon in vitro. 195813522644
the effect of diurnal variations in composition of the faeces of pigs on the determination of digestibility coefficients by the chromium-oxide method. 195813523100
observations on feeding pigs on a low-fat diet with and without supplementary tocopherol. 195813523107
an inhibitory effect of acetycholine on the response of the guineapig ileum to histamine.if small doses of histamine are alternated with small doses of acetylcholine on the isolated guinea-pig ileum in tyrode solution, the response to histamine tends to diminish and may disappear. when the response to the small doses of histamine has disappeared, a contraction may be elicited by larger doses. the diminution is reversible, the response returning if the preparation is left unstimulated by drugs for varying periods of time. this phenomenon also occurs when the loops are suspended in ty ...195813523128
the action of dopamine on the arterial blood pressure of the guinea-pig.the depressor action of dopamine (beta-3:4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine) upon the arterial blood pressure of the guinea-pig has been studied. this effect begins without a latent period. it is often enhanced after the intravenous injection of iproniazid (marsilid). the depressor response is sufficiently sensitive to serve as a method of bioassay of dopamine in microgram quantities. observations on the depressor action of l-dopa have also been made. this effect is also enhanced by iproniazid; it begi ...195813523142
treatment of procine leptospiruria. 195813513478
an anomaly of the reproductive system of the pig. 195813513486
a histochemical study of placental esterases in the guinea-pig and in the human. 195813513502
bone marrow volume in guinea-pigs. 195813513507
growth and titration of louping-ill virus in monolayer tissue culture of pig kidney. 195813517192
normal values of swine serum proteins. 195813518229
metabolic fate of s35-labeled sulfate in baby pigs. 195813518288
the deoxyribonucleic acid content of guinea-pig adrenal nuclei after administration of corticotropin. 195813512317
mortality of new-born pigs associated with a maternal deficiency of vitamin a. 195813502487
synthesis of succinate from acetate by an enzyme system of pig heart muscle. 195813504181
chronic gamma irradiation; effects on the peripheral blood and haemopoietic system of female guinea-pigs. 195813499951
effect of digitoxin and k-strophantin on the adrenals and testes of the guinea-pig. 195813497537
rachitomimetic effects of fluoride feeding on the skeletal tissues of growing pigs. 195813498129
the incidence of arthritis in swine following vaccination for swine erysipelas. 195813498229
the role of hormones in the relaxation of the uterine portion of the cervix in swine. 195813498230
the use of piperazines as anthelmintics for swine. 195813498231
electrophoretic patterns of blood serum from pig fetuses and young pigs. 195813498232
toxicity of heated swine serum. 195813498233
the pathogenicity for swine of a pleuropneumonialike organism from goats. 195813490035
the complement-fixation test in diagnosis of eperythrozoonosis in swine. 195813491519
some effects of hygromycin on early natural infections of ascaris lumbricoides in swine. 195813491527
a new type of artificial vagina and a new collection technique for boar semen. 195813491536
passive immunity to hog cholera in nursing pigs. 195813491538
effect of temperature on the multiplication of foot-and-mouth disease virus in suspensions of kidney cells of the pig. 195813622662
[a tissue culture vaccine against infectious teschen disease of swine, chloroform & formalin treated adsorbed vaccine. ii. examination of the efficacy & harmlessness of the vaccine]. 195813625992
[behavior of swine pancreatic lipase in various chromatographic systems]. 195813629242
[development of blood pressure in swine]. 195813629609
experimental infection of young pigs following intranasal inoculation with nasal, gastric, or cecal trichomonads from swine or with trichomonas foetus. 195813621317
[case of swine egagropilus]. 195813632143
a method for recording peristalsis in isolated intestine.a method is described for studying peristalsis in isolated pieces of guinea-pig ileum. records are obtained of longitudinal contractions, intraluminal pressure and volume of fluid expelled.195819108130
the effect of age and supplemental amino acids on the utilization of milk and soya protein by the young pig. 195914400369
[effects of the quantity of water ingested on aldosteronuria in the pig]. 195914401124
inhibition of influenza virus multiplication in swine kidney cells by lactalbumin hydrolysate. 195914402829
a comparison of the antigenicity characteristics of mixed antigens in the child and the guinea-pig.parallel dose-response experiments were carried out in infants and guinea-pigs employing mixed antigens, e.g., diphtheria formoltoxoid (plain) mixed with h. pertussis vaccine, and with h. pertussis vaccine and tetanus toxoid (plain).it is found that the slopes of the dose-response regression lines, particularly in respect of the diphtheria antitoxin responses, are so greatly different in the two species that the guinea-pig cannot be used as a test-animal for response in children and that the con ...195914402854
some notes on the wholesomeness of irradiated potatoes fed to pigs. 195914403141
biochemical studies on mechanism of the action of cardiac glycosides. report 3: influences of cardiac glycosides on oxidative-phosphorylation in pig heart mitochondria. 195914404956
quantitative determination of the dissemination of flury rabies virus in the central nervous system of the guinea-pig after intramuscular inoculation in the hind leg. 195914405670
electrocardiographical and microscopical heart studies in hypothermic rats, mice, rabbits, guinea-pigs, dogs and hedgehogs. 195914407384
the blood groups of the pig. vii. the distribution of twelve red cell antigens in seven breeds. 195914408037
treating salmonellosis in swine with neomycin. 195914408619
the availability to pigs of nicotinic acid in tortilla baked from maize treated with lime-water. 195914410370
[studies on the content of free amino acids and peptides in the vitreous humor of the pig and cow]. 195914412224
[studies on the content of free amino and peptides in the crystalline lens of the pig and cow]. 195914412225
listeriosis in baby pigs--a case report. 195914398970
swin kidney cell cultures-susceptibility to viruses and use in isolation of enteric viruses of swine. 195914399422
the correlation between bone marrow activity and blood neutrophil levels from quantitative studies in irradiated guinea-pigs. 195914399988
natural and experimental infections in swine with the virus of eastern equine encephalitis. 195914404592
acoustic-vestibular and histologic examinations in guinea-pigs after interruption of membranous labyrinth in semicircular canals or cochlea. 195914412044
actions of dimethylphenylpiperazinium.the actions of 1,1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium iodide (dmpp) have been studied to discover under what conditions a blocking action could be seen. dimethylphenylpiperazinium has a stimulant action on autonomic ganglia, stimulating the superior cervical ganglion and causing contraction of the nictitating membrane. it caused slowing followed by acceleration of the rate of beat of isolated rabbit atria. the denervated gastrocnemius muscle contracted if dimethylphenylpiperazinium was injected intra ...195914417244
spontaneous tumourigenesis in aged guinea-pigs. 195914417412
ultrasonic effects as demonstrated in live pigs with surgical metallic implants. 195914415375
[treatment of protopathic progressive muscular dystrophy with extracts of gastric mucosa of swine with group specific action]. 195914420798
the formation of a mucoprotein-sulphated mucopolysaccharide complex in the lymphoid tissue of the pregnant guinea-pig. 195914421517
[leptospiroses of domestic swine and their significance for the epidemiology of human leptospiroses]. 195914423129
effect of antigen and octylamine on mast cells and histamine content of sensitized guinea-pig tissues. 195914424651
the metabolic rate of the new-born pig in relation to environmental temperature and to age. 195914424736
does vaccination against swine erysipelas afford protection against arthritis? 195914426360
studies on rearing the ginea pig germfree. 195914432605
[electron microscopic study of the abdominal skin of the young pig infected with original swine pox]. 195914436785
studies on escherichia coli of animal origin. iii. e. coli serotypes from pigs. 195914436908
influence of high levels of dietary fats and cholesterol on atherosclerosis and lipid distribution in swine. 195914437214
effect of acid polysaccharides on the fibrinolytic system in guinea-pig serum. 195914428638
a pooled human serum as a standard and the effects of freezing and thawing on the electrophoretic pattern of baby pig serum. 195914431637
metastrongylus apri the pig lungworm. observations on the free-living embryonated egg and the larva in the intermediate host. 195914438840
the progesterone content of the guinea-pig corpus luteum during the reproductive cycle and after hysterectomy. 195914439716
the identification of quinoline derivatives obtained from the urine of normal rabbits and swine. 195914439738
ecologic studies of japanese encephalitis virus in japan. vi. swine infection. 195914442656
immunologic studies of japanese encephalitis virus in japan. v. maternal antibodies, antibody responses and viremia following infection of swine. 195914442657
the introduction and spread of atrophic rhinitis of swine in korea. 195914443407
experimental infection of pigs with ascaris suum. 195914443967
use of scintillation detector for determining i-131 accumulation in the thyroid glands of swine. 195914444632
a rheumatoidlike arthritis in swine. 195914446629
[contribution to the knowledge of the fauna of intestinal protozoa of yugoslavian pigs. t eir experimental identification]. 195914446846
swine erysipelas and arthritis. 195914446322
[modifications of the beta/alpha ratio of the serum lipoproteins in alimentary hyperlipidemia of the rat induced by acid aminopolysaccharide obtained from the gastric mucosa of the pig]. 195913690516
analytical studies of cellular and humoral factors of erythrocyte sedimentation reaction. ii. prompt sedimentation of human red cells suspended in citrated plasma from tuberculons guines pigs. 195913727409
[first discovery of hydatid cyst in a swine live in el salvador]. 195913768085
some aspects of anaphylaxis in guinea-pigs. 195913791622
the need for disease-free pigs. 195913792205
[first report in cuba on the recuperation from hog cholera (swine pest) by chemotherapeutic agents with free radicals]. 195913796140
effect of scurvy on blood pressure of guinea-pigs. 195913796393
some blood coagulation studies in normal and scorbutic guinea-pigs. 195913796820
the use of the guinea-pig ileum preparation for testing the activity of substances which imitate or antagonize the actions of 5-hydroxytryptamine and tryptamine.on the guinea-pig ileum, 5-hydroxytryptamine appeared to act in the same way as tryptamine on two types of receptor (morphine-sensitive and phenoxybenzamine(dibenzyline)-sensitive). the actions of analogues of 5-hydroxytryptamine on the phenoxybenzamine-sensitive receptors resembled their actions on the rat uterus, and the actions on the morphine-sensitive receptors slightly resembled those on the rat fundus strip. the guinea-pig ileum preparation, however, did not appear to be more suitable tha ...195913796840
dietary fat and protein and serum cholesterol. i. adult swine. 195913796894
dietary fat and protein and serum cholesterol. ii. young swine. 195913796895
[immunologic relations between influenza virus a2 and virus of the swine, a, a1 types]. 195913797275
periodic acid-schiff-positive material and alkaline phosphatase in the uterine wall of the pig during the sexual cycle. 195913795180
experimental infection of swine with brucella neotomae. 195913797868
the effect of testosterone on the melanocytes and melanin in the skin of the intact and orchidectomised male guinea-pig. 195913800957
observations on the substrate specificity of aminne oxidases.a number of compounds have been tested as substrates of, first, the amine oxidases of rabbit and guinea-pig liver and of goat, pig, horse, and dog plasma and, second, the "diamine oxidase" of pig kidney. of the three xylylenediamines [di(aminomethyl)benzenes]tested, m-xylylenediamine was found to be a substrate of the liver oxidase. all the plasma oxidases tested acted on both m- and o-xylylenediamine. both 3- and 4-picolylamine (3- and 4-aminomethylpyridine) were readily oxidized by the liver e ...195913801346
[observations, using the electron microscope, on renal cells of swine infected with aphthous fever virus. (preliminary note)]. 195913801858
the actions of bretylium: adrenergic neurone blocking and other effects.bretylium caused a specific and lasting depression of many excitatory and inhibitory responses evoked by electrical stimulation of the peripheral sympathetic nervous system, probably by impairing conduction of impulses in adrenergic neurones with consequent failure of noradrenaline and adrenaline release. this effect, which will be referred to as the adrenergic neurone blocking action, was preceded by weak sympathomimetic effects. in the presence of bretylium the effects of adrenaline and noradr ...195913803290
[vaccination against teschen's disease with culture virus. antibodies and immunity]. 195913803305
swine repopulation. ii. performance of "disease-free" boars on farms with diseased pigs. 195913806920
studies on pasteurella multocida. iv. serological types from species other than cattle and swine. 195913808027
Displaying items 2901 - 3000 of 264670