
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
assessing temporal trends in contaminants from long-term avian monitoring programs: the influence of sampling frequency.the effect of sampling frequency on the detection of statistically significant temporal trends in egg contaminant levels was examined using data from the great lakes herring gull monitoring program. decreased identification of statistically significant trends was apparent in the sampling regimes where samples were collected less frequently. when statistically significant declines were observed, sampling at two and four year intervals resulted in the trend being identified later than with annual ...200312739863
hepatic erod activity is not a useful biomarker of polychlorinated biphenyl exposure in the adult herring gull (larus argentatus).liver concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) and chicken embryo hepatocyte (ceh) bioassay-derived 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents (tcdd-eqs) were measured in livers of adult herring gulls (larus argentatus) collected from several locations on the great lakes and two reference sites. total pcb concentrations (sum of 42 congeners) and tcdd-eq concentrations were compared with hepatic ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase (erod) activity, methoxyresorufin-o-deethylase (mrod) acti ...200312739864
biomagnification factors (fish to osprey eggs from willamette river, oregon, u.s.a.) for pcdds, pcdfs, pcbs and oc pesticides.a migratory population of 78 pairs of osprey (pandion haliaetus) nesting along the willamette river in western oregon was studied in 1993. the study was designed to determine contaminant concentrations in eggs, contaminant concentrations in fish species predominant in the ospreys diet, and biomagnification factors (bmfs) of contaminants from fish species eaten to osprey eggs. ten osprey eggs and 25 composite samples of fish (3 species) were used to evaluate organochlorine (oc) pesticides, polych ...200312807265
extinction risk to bird populations caused by ddt exposure.the impact of toxic chemicals on wild animals and plants can be quantified in terms of the enhanced risk of population extinction. to illustrate a method for doing this, we estimated such impact for two bird species: herring gull (larus argentatus) in long island, ny, and sparrowhawk (accipiter nisus) in eastern england, when they were exposed to ddt (p,p(')-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) and its metabolites (called ddts). the method we used is based on a formula of the mean time to population ...200312946395
polychlorinated biphenyl (pcb) congener concentrations in seabirds found dead in mortality incidents around the british coast.livers from 121 birds killed in mortality incidents in u.k. coastal waters between 1991 and 1996 were analyzed for 16 pcb congeners (iupac numbers 8, 18, 28, 31, 52, 77, 101, 118, 126, 128, 138, 149, 153, 169, 170, and 180). species analyzed were guillemot (uria aalge), shag (phalacrocorax arisotelis), kittiwake (rissa tridactyla), puffin (fratercula arctica), razorbill (alca torda), fulmar (fulmarus glacialis), gannet (sula bassana), and herring gull (larus argentatus). this is the first report ...200312948183
determination of the estrogenic and antiestrogenic effects of environmental contaminants in chicken embryo hepatocyte cultures by quantitative-polymerase chain reaction.a method was developed to measure the estrogenic and antiestrogenic effects of various chemicals and organochlorine extracts in chicken embryo primary hepatocyte cultures. messenger rnas (mrnas) for the estrogen-inducible egg yolk proteins, vitellogenin ii (vtgii), and very low-density lipoprotein apoprotein ii (apoii), were measured by multiplex quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (q-pcr). after 48 h of exposure, both vtgii and apoii mrna levels were induced by moxestro ...200314551996
[microphallidae travassos 1920 (trematoda). life-cycle of microphallus pachygrapsi deblock and prevot, 1969, a parasite of the herring gull (larus argentatus)]. 20035160144
mutagenicity studies on herring gulls from different locations on the great lakes. i. sister chromatid exchange rates in herring-gull embryos.unincubated herring-gull (larus argentatus) eggs were collected from five colonies on the great lakes basin and from one relatively pollutant-clean colony on the atlantic coast. eggs were incubated at 38 degrees c with 55% relative humidity, and sister chromatid exchange (sce) levels were measured in 7-d embryos. for all of the colonies, the average sce/chromosome frequency ranged from 0.069 to 0.101; however, no significant differences were found. organochlorine analysis was carried out on egg ...20046655738
organochlorine concentrations in diseased vs. healthy gull chicks from the northern baltic.the population decline of the nominate lesser black-backed gull larus fuscus fuscus in the gulf of finland (northern baltic) is caused by an exceedingly high chick mortality due to diseases. the chick diseases include degeneration in various internal organs (primarily liver), inflammations (mainly intestinal), and sepsis, the final cause of death. the hypothesis of starvation causing intestinal inflammations (leading to sepsis) was tested by attempting to reproduce lesions in apparently healthy ...200414638302
polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the environment and in people: a meta-analysis of concentrations.polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) are used as flame retardants in many types of consumer products. perhaps as a result of their widespread use and their lipophilicity, these compounds have become ubiquitous in the environment and in people. this review summarizes pbde concentrations measured in several environmental media and analyzes these data in terms of relative concentrations, concentration trends, and congener profiles. in human blood, milk, and tissues, total pbde levels have increas ...200414998004
the herring gull complex is not a ring species.under what circumstances speciation in sexually reproducing animals can occur without geographical disjunction is still controversial. according to the ring-species model, a reproductive barrier may arise through 'isolation by distance' when peripheral populations of a species meet after expanding around some uninhabitable barrier. the classical example of this kind of speciation is the herring gull (larus argentatus) complex, with a circumpolar distribution in the northern hemisphere. based on ...200415255043
particulate air pollution and inheritable mutations in mice: possible health effects?extract: in a recent study we showed that the particulate fraction of air pollution was capable of increasing the rate at which dna changes were passed to the next generation (germline mutations) in mice. here we briefly describe the research that brought us to this experiment, followed by a description of the recent study and its implications. herring gulls (larus argentatus) are fish-eating water birds that breed throughout the laurentian great lakes and in many other parts of the northern hem ...200420704975
effects of lead and exercise on endurance and learning in young herring this paper, we report the use of young herring gulls, larus argentatus, to examine the effect of lead and exercise on endurance, performance, and learning on a treadmill. eighty 1-day-old herring gull chicks were randomly assigned to either a control group or a lead treatment group that received a single dose of lead acetate solution (100mg/kg) at day 2. controls were injected with an equal volume of isotonic saline at the same age. half of the lead treatment group and half of the control gro ...200414759659
molecular characterization of contaminant-indicative rapd markers.this paper describes genetic markers which can be used to study selection and genetic adaptation of organisms to radionuclide and other types of contaminant stress. previous research using the randomly amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) technique has identified several markers which revealed genetic differences between contaminated and reference western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) populations. experimental evidence suggested that these markers may be associated with loci involved in determinin ...200415344511
dna strand length and erod activity in relation to two screening measures of genotoxic exposure in great lakes herring gulls.we collected tissues from herring gulls (larus argentatus) nesting within and outside of the great lakes basin. genotoxin exposure was assessed as fluorescent aromatic compounds (facs) in bile and sos chromotest-inducing activity in muscle extracts. we determined whether these exposures were associated with decreased erythrocyte dna strand length and/or induction of hepatic ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase (erod) activity. facs were detected in all bile samples. most muscle extracts produced a posit ...200516220360
effects of lead on learning in herring gulls: an avian wildlife model for neurobehavioral deficits.lead is one of the most common metals in contaminated ecosystems. although lead poisoning and mortality have long been known, little is known of the neurobehavioral effects produced by low levels of lead in wild animals. herein we describe the neurobehavioral effects of lead on learning using herring gulls (larus argentatus) as a model. doses used in these studies conducted in the laboratory and in nature were sufficient to produce lead concentrations in feathers that were equivalent to those fo ...200515941590
detour behaviour in three species of birds: quails (coturnix sp.), herring gulls (larus cachinnans) and canaries (serinus canaria).detour behaviour is the ability of an animal to reach a goal stimulus by moving round any interposed obstacle. it has been widely studied and has been proposed as a test of insight learning in several species of mammals, but few data are available in birds. a comparative study in three species of birds, belonging to different eco-ethological niches, allows a better understanding of the cognitive mechanism of such detour behaviour. young quails (coturnix sp.), herring gulls (larus cachinnans) and ...200515449104
isolation, cryopreservation, and mitogenesis of peripheral blood lymphocytes from chickens (gallus domesticus) and wild herring gulls (larus argentatus).monitoring the toxicity of environmental contaminants on the physiologic function of wild birds often includes measures of immune function. the purpose of this study was to apply methods of isolation, cryopreservation, and cell culture of chicken lymphocytes to blood samples from herring gulls, which are a sentinel species for biomonitoring studies in the great lakes and northern north america. slow-spin centrifugation and density gradient isolation of lymphocytes were compared using chicken blo ...200515719198
gull eggs--food of high organic pollutant content?a wide range and occasionally high levels of persistent organic pollutants (pops) are reported in arctic regions, especially among top predators. polar bears (ursus maritimus), arctic foxes (alopex lagopus) and some gull species (larus spp.) often have high levels of these fat-soluble pollutants. gulls deposit significant levels of these contaminants in their eggs. in northern regions, gull eggs are part of the traditional human diet. in the present study we have investigated the levels of pops ...200515931427
spatial patterns and rankings of contaminant concentrations in herring gull eggs from 15 sites in the great lakes and connecting channels, 1998-2002.mean values of eight contaminants in herring gull (larus argentatus) eggs were calculated for 15 great lakes sites for the 5 year period 1998-2002. the sites were ranked according to the concentrations of each of seven compounds relative to fish flesh criteria for the protection of piscivorous wildlife, and a single overall rank of contamination was calculated for each site. based on this weighted ranking scheme, we found that sum pcbs, dioxin and dde contributed the most (60.2, 30.5% and 8.5%, ...200616491432
changes in the growth, but not the survival, of american kestrels (falco sparverius) exposed to environmentally relevant polybrominated diphenyl ethers.polybrominated diphenyl ether (pbdes) concentrations are increasing exponentially in biota. we studied the growth of american kestrel (falco sparverius) nestlings exposed in ovo and during development to environmentally relevant pbde congeners and concentrations. eggs within each clutch, divided between groups by laying sequence, were injected into the air cell at 19 days of incubation with safflower oil or penta-bde congeners bde-47, -99, -100, and -153 dissolved in safflower oil (18.7 microg t ...200616854784
availability of in vitro vitellogenin assay for screening of estrogenic and anti-estrogenic activities of environmental chemicals.vitellogenin (vtg) protein, vtg mrna, other egg yolk proteins, vitelline envelope proteins and their mrnas are produced in the liver of oviparous species by stimulation of endogenous estrogen and exogenous estrogenic chemicals. the vtg assay based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) has been widely used for many fish species to screen estrogenic and anti-estrogenic activities of chemicals and sewage effluents using immature fish and/or male fish. in order to reduce the number of fish fo ...200616883298
ecological tracers can quantify food web structure and change.disruption of natural food webs is becoming a commonplace occurrence as a result of human activities. considering this, there is a need to improve our ability to define food web structure as well as to detect and understand the implications of trophodynamic change. this requires the development, validation, and application of ecologicaltracers that can provide insights into the movement of energy, nutrients, and contaminants through food webs. in this study, we examine the utility of two groups ...200617007117
retrospective monitoring of synthetic musk compounds in aquatic biota from german rivers and coastal areas.the polycyclic musk compounds hhcb (galaxolide) and ahtn (tonalide) are commonly used as synthetic fragrances in personal care products and household cleaners. these and other synthetic musk fragrances were quantified in different aquatic samples from the german environmental specimen bank (esb). while hhcb and ahtn were found in almost all samples, most of the other musk fragrances were detected only in a few samples and mostly at lower concentration levels. blue mussels from the north sea show ...200616896465
adjusting for temporal change in trophic position results in reduced rates of contaminant decline.the development of ecological tracers to track the flow of energy and nutrients through food webs has provided new insights into the factors that are important in regulating diet composition in wildlife. the great lakes herring gull monitoring program has provided information regarding temporal trends in levels of bioaccumulative contaminants since the early 1970s. in recent years, data from this program have also been generated to examine ecological changes in the great lakes. because the conta ...200617007118
comprehensive re-analysis of archived herring gull eggs reconstructs historical temporal trends in chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination in lake ontario and green bay, lake michigan, 1971-1982.herring gull egg homogenates collected between 1971 and 1982 from a colony in central lake ontario (scotch bonnet island) and from a colony in central green bay, lake michigan (big sister island) were archived in the canadian wildlife service specimen bank. pooled samples (n = 10) were exhaustively analyzed in 1993 for a wide range of individual chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminant (chc) compounds: ddt, mirex and chlordane compounds and metabolites, chlorobenzenes (cbzs), dieldrin, chlorostyrenes ...200616896467
congener-specific tissue distribution and hepatic sequestration of pcdd/fs in wild herring gulls from bohai bay, north china: comparison to coplanar pcbs.tissue distribution is an important property of pharmacokinetic behaviors of dioxins to provide information for risk assessment to wild avian species. in this study, concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (pcdds), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (pcdfs), and coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (coplanar pcbs) were determined in muscle, liver, spleen, kidney, brain, and adipose of wild herring gulls collected from bohai bay, north china. tissue distribution results showed preferential a ...200616568757
pcb levels and trends within the detroit river-western lake erie basin: a historical perspective of ecosystem international workshop held in the spring of 2002 convened a group of technical experts to address monitoring, modeling, and management of pcbs within the detroit river-western lake erie basin. participants shared and discussed a diverse set of research data bases pertaining to pcb levels within the region, discussed observed changes within different components of the local ecosystem, and identified several primary issues impacting future pcb management strategies. results presented at the wo ...200616404532
intestinal distribution and fecundity of two species of diplostomum parasites in definitive hosts.this paper investigated the intestinal distribution and fecundity of 2 species of diplostomum parasites, d. spathaceum and d. pseudospathaceum, in 2 species of definitive hosts, herring gull (larus argentatus) and common gull (l. canus), using both empirical field data and experimental infections. at the level of individual hosts, the parasite species occupied different parts within the intestine, but the fecundity of the worms, measured as the number of eggs in the uterus, did not differ betwee ...200616318675
[life-cycle of renicola lari j. timon-david, 1933 (trematoda, renicolidae) (author's transl)].this paper deals with life-cycle of renicola lari j. timon-david, 1933. description and illustration are given. sporocyst development occurs inside the visceral mass of cerithium mediterraneum and c. rupestre (mollusca prosobranchia). cercariae are planktonic; they are swallowed up by the second intermediate host, atherina hepsetus and a. boyeri (teleostean fishes). cercariae perforate intestine wall. metacercariae are encysted in liver. adult flukes have been recovered in kidneys of uninfected ...2006754615
activity periods and questing behavior of the seabird tick ixodes uriae (acari: ixodidae) on gull island, newfoundland: the role of puffin chicks.questing behavior of ixodes uriae and their associated seasonal, host-feeding patterns are crucial to our understanding of tick life history strategies and the ecology of diseases that they transmit. consequently, we quantified questing behavior of nymphs and adult female i. uriae ticks at gull island, a seabird colony in newfoundland, canada, to examine seasonal variation of off-host and on-host tick activity. we sampled a total of 133 adult atlantic puffins (fratercula arctica), 152 puffin chi ...200717539407
[the systematic position of mites of the genus larinyssus strandtmann (gamasoidea, rhinonyssidae), parasitizing gulls].a study was carried out of the variability of mited colledted from 6 species of birds as follows: larus argentatus pontopp., l. minutus pall., gelochelidon nilotica gm., chlidonias leucoptera (temm.), ch. nigra (l.) and sterna hirundo l. structural peculiarities characteristic of the parasites of the above species have been revealed. the mites from st. hirundo were isolated into a distinct species, larinyssus substerna sp. n., which is most close to l. sterna fain, 1972. the new species differs ...20071143929
health of herring gulls (larus argentatus) in relation to breeding location in the early 1990s. ii. cellular and histopathological measures.organosomatic indices, hematological indicators of stress, and histopathological lesions were quantified for over 150 incubating herring gulls (larus argentatus) sampled in 11 colonies throughout the great lakes and reference colonies in lake winnipeg and the bay of fundy. of 21 parameters assessed, significantly more differed between great lakes colonies and reference colonies than between the two reference colonies. relative adrenal, kidney, and liver masses of gulls from some great lakes colo ...200717687731
health of herring gulls (larus argentatus) in relation to breeding location in the early 1990s. i. biochemical measures.tissues of 156 adult herring gulls (larus argentatus) were sampled in the early 1990s from 11 colonies throughout the laurentian great lakes and 2 reference colonies in lake winnipeg and the bay of fundy. gulls from 1 or more great lakes differed from lake winnipeg or the bay of fundy for 17 of 19 clinical biochemical measures, whereas the freshwater and marine reference sites differed in only 3. three differed with sex. there was little evidence to suggest that these differences reflect genotyp ...200717687730
molecular and morphological patterns of introgression between two large white-headed gull species in a zone of recent secondary contact.incomplete reproductive isolation promotes gene flow between diverging taxa. however, any gene encoding for traits involved in the reproductive barriers will be less prone to introgression than neutral markers. comparing introgression rates among loci is thus informative of the number and functions of loci involved in the reproductive barriers. this study aimed at identifying possible mechanisms of restriction to gene flow across a zone of recent secondary contact between larus argentatus and la ...200717651198
abam, a model for bioaccumulation of pops in birds: validation for adult herring gulls and their eggs in lake avian bioaccumulation model (abam) of persistent organic pollutant (pop) uptake and elimination in adult life-stage of birds was validated by simulation of concentrations of dde, dieldrin, mirex, and hcb in herring gull eggs in lake ontario for the years 1985, 1990, and 1992. these chemicals represented a range of whole-body half-lives of 82-265 days in the gull. dietary intake of pops by a female gull was simulated by a dynamic bioenergetics model which included dependence on temperature, ph ...200717626434
development of a murre (uria spp.) egg control material.the seabird tissue archival and monitoring project (stamp) is a collaborative alaska-wide effort by the us fish and wildlife service's alaska maritime national wildlife refuge (usfws/amnwr), the us geological survey's biological resources division (usgs/brd), the bureau of indian affairs alaska region subsistence branch (bia/arsb), and the national institute of standards and technology (nist) to monitor long-term (decadal) trends in environmental contaminants using seabird eggs. to support this ...200717103152
effects of lead on birds (laridae): a review of laboratory and field studies.lead is one of the most common metals in contaminated ecosystems. although lead poisoning and mortality have long been known, little is known of the behavioral effects produced by low levels of lead in wild animals. herein a 15-yr research program on the behavioral effects of lead using herring gulls (larus argentatus) and common terns (sterna hirundo), referred to as larids, as models is reviewed. the doses used in laboratory studies were sufficient to produce lead concentrations in feathers th ...200710834076
[demonstration of the existence of a marine cycle in the strigeides: cardiocephalus longicollis szidat, 1928 (trematoda: strigeidae)].during their investigations on parasitism of fishes and birds in the lagoon of brusc (var), the authors have discovered the life cycle of cardiocephalus longicollis. cercariae of pharyngeate furcocercous type develop in sporocysts in the digestive gland of the marine prosobranch nassa corniculum. the cercaria is identified as cercaria nassae (dolgikh, 1965) from nassa reticulata in black sea; it closely resembles cercaria nassa (martin, 1945) from ilyanassa obsolseta (syn. nassa obsoleta) at woo ...20077458167
the chicken host peptides, gallinacins 4, 7, and 9 have antimicrobial activity against salmonella serovars.the gallinacin genes clustered on chromosome 3 of the chicken (gallus gallus domesticus) genome encode a group of cationic antimicrobial peptides characteristic of the beta-defensins. in this study, gallinacins 4, 7, and 9, all predicted to contain the conserved pattern of cysteines typical of beta-defensins but differing in their charge and hydrophobicity, were characterised for their in vivo gene expression patterns and in vitro antimicrobial activities against salmonella serovars. reverse-tra ...200717346671
molecular characterization of novel circoviruses from finch and gull.the purpose of this study was to molecularly characterize circoviruses that infect finches and gulls. circovirus-specific dnas were isolated using polymerase chain reaction methods from bursa of fabricius tissues from a gouldian finch (chloebia gouldiae) and a herring gull (larus argentatus) that were known to be circovirus-infected. nucleotide sequence determination and analysis of cloned genomic dnas showed that these circoviruses represented novel members of the genus circovirus of the family ...200717364513
differential expression, induction, and stability of cyp1a4 and cyp1a5 mrna in chicken and herring gull embryo hepatocytes.2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (tcdd) induces cytochrome p4501a (cyp1a) catalyzed ethoxyresorufin-o-deethylase (erod) activity in chickens and other avian species. to investigate mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of erod activity as a biomarker for exposure to dioxin-like compounds in avian models, we characterized inter-species differences in isoform-specific cyp1a mrna expression, induction, and stability in chickens (gallus gallus domesticus) and herring gulls (larus argentatus). e ...200717400515
current-use flame retardants in the eggs of herring gulls (larus argentatus) from the laurentian great lakes.of the 13, current-use, non-polybrominated diphenyl ether (pbde) flame retardants (frs) monitored, hexabromobenzene (hbb), pentabromoethylbenzene (pbeb), pentabromotoluene (pbt), 1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)ethane (btbpe) and alpha- and gamma-isomers of hexabromocyclododecane (hbcd), and the syn- and anti-isomers of the chlorinated dechlorane plus (dp) were quantified in egg pools of herring gulls (larus argentatus) collected in 2004 from six sites in all five of the laurentian great lakes of ...200717695897
an outbreak of type c botulism in herring gulls (larus argentatus) in southeastern sweden.from 2000 to 2004, over 10,000 seabirds, primarily herring gulls (larus argentatus), died from an undetermined cause in the blekinge archipelago in southeastern sweden. in june 2004, 24 affected herring gulls were examined clinically, killed humanely, and 23 were examined by necropsy. seven and 10 unaffected herring gulls collected from a local landfill site and from iceland, respectively, served as controls. all affected birds showed similar neurologic signs, ranging from mild incoordination an ...200717699071
[hematological and immunological properties of herring gull (larus argentatus) nestlings experimentally infected with diphyllobothrium dendriticum (cestoda: pseudophyllidae)].the morphological structure of the blood in herring gull nestlings and their immune system response to experimental infection with tapeworm diphyllobothrium dendriticum have been studied. the leukocyte reaction pattern and the dynamics of immunoglobulin synthesis and populations of immunocompetent cells in the blood of nestlings during early invasion indicated a short duration of the cellular immune response and an insignificant humoral immune response. a pronounced trend to decrease in the hemo ...200717966904
trends of perfluorinated alkyl substances in herring gull eggs from two coastal colonies in northern norway: 1983-2003.the present study reports on concentrations, patterns, and temporal trends (1983, 1993, and 2003) of 16 perfluorinated alkyl substances (pfas) in whole eggs of herring gulls (larus argentatus) from two geographically isolated colonies in northern norway. perfluorooctane sulfonate (pfos) was the predominant pfas in all eggs with mean concentrations up to 42 ng/g wet weight (ww) in samples from 2003. perfluorohexane sulfonate (pfhxs) and perfluorodecane sulfonate (pfdcs) were found at concentratio ...200717969679
specific features of metabolism in male herring gulls (larus argentatus pontop.) on the murman coast. 200718047016
reproduction success of the herring gull larus argentatus in murmansk in 2006. 200718047027
levels and temporal trends (1983-2003) of persistent organic pollutants (pops) and mercury (hg) in seabird eggs from northern norway.the main objective of this study was to investigate possible temporal trends of persistent organic pollutants (pops) and mercury in eggs of herring gulls (larus argentatus), black-legged kittiwakes (rissa tridactyla), common guillemots (uria aalge) and atlantic puffins (fratercula arctica) in northern norway. eggs were collected in 1983, 1993 and 2003. egg concentrations of pops (pcb congeners iupac numbers: cb-28, 74, 66, 101, 99, 110, 149, 118, 153, 105, 141, 138, 187, 128, 156, 157, 180, 170, ...200818262696
influence of a contaminated fish diet on germline expanded-simple-tandem-repeat mutation frequency in mice.herring gulls (larus argentatus) in polluted areas on the north american great lakes were previously shown to have elevated germline mutation frequencies at minisatellite dna loci. airborne or dietary contaminants likely caused induced mutations, but the importance of each exposure type was unknown. follow-up experiments with lab mice determined that air pollution significantly induced germline mutations; however, an evaluation of mutations induced by the diet of herring gulls has not yet been c ...200818288721
vitellogenin, a biomarker for environmental estrogenic pollution, of reeves' pond turtles: analysis of similarity for its amino acid sequence and cognate mrna expression after exposure to estrogen.vitellogenin (vtg), a biomarker for environmental estrogenic pollution, can be detected in the bloodstream of oviparous animals before morphological and functional abnormalities appear due to exposure to environmental estrogens. reports observing vtg in turtles have been limited. we therefore cloned and sequenced a partial cdna of vtg in reeves' pond turtle, chinemys reevesii. the cloned cdna fragment possessed the start codon and 2,229 bp, encoding 743 amino acid residues. a sequence of deduced ...200818388421
automatic recognition of harmonic bird sounds using a frequency track extraction algorithm.this paper demonstrates automatic recognition of vocalizations of four common bird species (herring gull [larus argentatus], blue jay [cyanocitta cristata], canada goose [branta canadensis], and american crow [corvus brachyrhynchos]) using an algorithm that extracts frequency track sets using track properties of importance and harmonic correlation. the main result is that a complex harmonic vocalization is rendered into a set of related tracks that is easily applied to statistical models of the ...200819045673
characterization of antimicrobial resistance and class 1 integrons in enterobacteriaceae isolated from mediterranean herring gulls (larus cachinnans).mediterranean herring gulls (larus cachinnans) were investigated as a possible reservoir of antibiotic resistant bacteria and of cassette-borne resistance genes located in class 1 integrons. two hundred and fourteen isolates of the family enterobacteriaceae were collected from cloacal swabs of 92 chicks captured in a natural reserve in the north east of italy. they showed high percentages of resistance to ampicillin and streptomycin. high percentages of resistance to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazol ...200818476779
[the role of marine amphipods in the life cycles of the cestode genus microsomacanthus at bering sea coast of chukchi peninsula. first results of the investigation].investigation of the helminth fauna was carried out in different amphipode species at bering sea coast of chukchi peninsula in july-september 2004. more than 3700 amphipode specimens of the following three species were examined: lagunogammarus setosus dementieva, 1931 (n = 2772 specimens) (gammaridae), eogammarus barbatus tzvetkova, 1965 (n = 471), and spinulogammarus subcarinatus (bate, 1862) (n = 509) (anisogammaridae). numerous metacestodes of four hymenolepidid species from the genus microso ...200818543804
[isolation of influenza virus a (orthomyxoviridae, influenza a virus), dhori virus (orthomyxoviridae, thogotovirus), and newcastle's disease virus (paromyxoviridae, avulavirus) on the malyi zhemchuzhnyi island in the north-western area of the caspian sea].the paper presents the results of the 2003 and 2006 environmental virological monitoring surveys on the malyi zhemchuzhnyi island where a large breeding colony of sea gull (laridae) is located. in the past several years, expansion of cormorants (phalacrocorax carbo) has enhanced the intensity of populational interactions. the investigators isolated 13 strains of influenza a virus (orthomyxoviridae, influenza a virus) subtype h13n1 (from sea gulls (n = 4), cormorants (n = 9) 1 strain of dhori vir ...200818590134
experimental infections of herring gulls (larus argentatus) with h5n1 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses by intranasal inoculation of virus and ingestion of virus-infected chicken meat.the present study investigated the susceptibility of herring gulls (larus argentatus) exposed to two strains of asian lineage h5n1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (hpai) virus by evenly separating six gulls into two groups and inoculating them intranasally with 10(6) median embryo infectious doses of either a/whooper swan/mongolia/244/05 (h5n1) or a/duck meat/anyang/avl-1/01 (h5n1). two additional gulls were fed 5.0 g meat from a specific pathogen free chicken that died after experimental infe ...200818622855
[serological monitoring of arbovirus infections in the estuary of the kuban river (the 2006-2007 data)].solid-phase enzyme immunoassay, neutralization test, and the hemagglutination-inhibition test were used to study the sera from human beings (152 samples), agricultural animals (n = 77), hares (n = 3), and wild birds (n = 69), collected in 2006-2007 in the kuban river estuary (temryuk district, krasnodar territory). there were specific antibodies against viruses of west nile (wh), tick-borne encephalitis (tbe) (flaviviridae, flavivirus), sindbis (togaviridae, alphavirus), the antigenic complex of ...200818756814
health of herring gulls (larus argentatus) in relation to breeding location in the early 1990s. iii. effects on the bone effects associated with the great lakes environment were assessed in adult herring gulls (larus argentatus) in the early 1990s, including the size and quality of their bones. femurs were excised from 140 individuals from 10 colonies distributed throughout the great lakes and 2 reference colonies in lake winnipeg (freshwater) and the bay of fundy (marine). femurs of gulls from the great lakes differed from the freshwater or marine reference for 9 of 12 variables of size, composition, and s ...200818800294
victims or vectors: a survey of marine vertebrate zoonoses from coastal waters of the northwest atlantic.surveillance of zoonotic pathogens in marine birds and mammals in the northwest atlantic revealed a diversity of zoonotic agents. we found amplicons to sequences from brucella spp., leptospira spp., giardia spp. and cryptosporidium spp. in both marine mammals and birds. avian influenza was detected in a harp seal and a herring gull. routine aerobic and anaerobic culture showed a broad range of bacteria resistant to multiple antibiotics. of 1460 isolates, 797 were tested for resistance, and 468 w ...200818828560
molecular characterization of giardia intestinalis haplotypes in marine animals: variation and zoonotic potential.giardia intestinalis is a microbial eukaryotic parasite that causes diarrheal disease in humans and other vertebrates worldwide. the negative effect on quality of life and economics caused by g. intestinalis may be increased by its potential status as a zoonosis, or a disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans. the zoonotic potential of g. intestinalis has been implied for over 2 decades, with human-infecting genotypes (belonging to the 2 major subgroups, assemblages a and b) occurri ...200818828561
characterization of escherichia coli populations from gulls, landfill trash, and wastewater using ribotyping.due to their opportunistic and gregarious nature, gulls may be important reservoirs and vectors for anthropogenically derived fecal pathogens in coastal areas. we used ribotyping, a genotypic bacterial source tracking method, to compare populations of escherichia coli among herring gulls larus argentatus, great black-backed gulls l. marinus, wastewater, and landfill trash in new hampshire and maine, usa. concentrations of e. coli in gull feces varied widely among individuals, but were generally ...200818828562
key amino acids in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor predict dioxin sensitivity in avian species.dioxin-like compounds are toxic to most vertebrates, but significant differences in sensitivity exist among species. a recent study suggests that the amino acid residues corresponding to ile324 and ser380 in the chicken aryl hydrocarbon receptor 1 (ahr1) are important determinants of differential biochemical responses to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (tcdd) in chickens and common terns. here, we investigate whether the identity of these amino acid residues can predict embryonic sensitivity ...200818939598
identification of human enteric pathogens in gull feces at southwestern lake michigan bathing beaches.ring-billed (larus delawarensis ord, 1815) and herring (larus argentatus pontoppidan, 1763) gulls are predominant species of shorebirds in coastal areas. gulls contribute to the fecal indicator burden in beach sands, which, once transported to bathing waters, may result in water quality failures. the importance of these contamination sources must not be overlooked when considering the impact of poor bathing water quality on human health. this study examined the occurrence of human enteric pathog ...200819096455
detection of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in herring gull (larus argentatus) brains: effects on mrna expression in cultured neuronal recent years, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) have been detected at increasing levels in the environment due to their widespread use as flame retardants. pbdes can affect thyroid hormone homeostasis and the cholinergic neurotransmitter system. in this study, several pbde congeners were detected in whole brain samples and neuronal cells of herring gulls (larus argentatus). a herring gull neuronal cell culture method was used to determine the effects of pbdes on cytotoxicity and mrna exp ...200818983098
worm grunting, fiddling, and charming--humans unknowingly mimic a predator to harvest bait.for generations many families in and around florida's apalachicola national forest have supported themselves by collecting the large endemic earthworms (diplocardia mississippiensis). this is accomplished by vibrating a wooden stake driven into the soil, a practice called "worm grunting". in response to the vibrations, worms emerge to the surface where thousands can be gathered in a few hours. why do these earthworms suddenly exit their burrows in response to vibrations, exposing themselves to p ...200818852902
hybridization of glaucous gull (larus hyperboreus) and herring gull (larus argentatus) in iceland: mitochondrial and microsatellite data.large white-headed gulls provide an interesting group of birds for studies of hybridization. the group is composed of 20 species of recent origin, often with weak reproductive barriers. here we report the results from a study on the glaucous gull larus hyperboreus, an arctic species which has been breeding in iceland for centuries, and the herring gull larus argentatus which has a wide distribution in europe but colonized iceland in 1920s. previous studies, based on morphological variation indic ...200818508755
dramatic changes in the temporal trends of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) in herring gull eggs from the laurentian great lakes: 1982-2006.decabde is a current-use, commercial formulation of an additive, polybrominated diphenyl ether (pbde) flame retardant composed of > 97% 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6,6'-decabromode (bde-209). of the 43 pbde congeners monitored, we report on the temporal trends (1982-2006) of quantifiable pbdes, and specifically bde-209, in pooled samples of herring gull (larus argentatus) eggs from seven colonies spanning the laurentian great lakes. bde-209 concentrations in 2006 egg pools ranged from 4.5 to 20 ng/g wet ...200818441798
an evaluation of techniques to control problem bird species on landfill sites.birds feeding on landfill sites cause problems in terms of nuisance to neighbors, flight safety, a threat to public health, and affecting the day to day site operation. a number of control measures exist to deter problem species; however, research into their effectiveness across sites and for multiple species has been limited. we use a modeling approach in order to assess the effectiveness of nine techniques--pyrotechnics, hand-held distress calls, static distress calls, blank ammunition, a comb ...200818256779
speciation with gene flow in the large white-headed gulls: does selection counterbalance introgression?we investigated the role of selection in generating and maintaining species distinctness in spite of ongoing gene flow, using two zones of secondary contact between large gull species in europe (larus argentatus and larus cachinnans) and north america (larus glaucescens and larus occidentalis). we used the pattern of neutral genetic differentiation at nine microsatellite loci (f(st)) as an indicator of expected changes under neutral processes and compared it with phenotypic differentiation (p(st ...200918813326
filling the gap - coi barcode resolution in eastern palearctic birds.the palearctic region supports relatively few avian species, yet recent molecular studies have revealed that cryptic lineages likely still persist unrecognized. a broad survey of cytochrome c oxidase i (coi) sequences, or dna barcodes, can aid on this front by providing molecular diagnostics for species assignment. barcodes have already been extensively surveyed in the nearctic, which provides an interesting comparison to this region; faunal interchange between these regions has been very dynami ...200920003213
ultraviolet photopigment sensitivity and ocular media transmittance in gulls, with an evolutionary perspective.gulls (laridae excluding sternidae) appear to be the only shorebirds (charadriiformes) that have a short wavelength sensitive type 1 (sws1) cone pigment opsin tuned to ultraviolet (uv) instead of violet. however, the apparent uv-sensitivity has only been inferred indirectly, via the interpretation that the presence of cysteine at the key amino acid position 90 in the sws1 opsin confers uv sensitivity. unless the cornea and the lens efficiently transmit uv to the retina, gulls might in effect be ...200919308422
sources and prevalence of pentachlorobenzene in the environment.there are no longer any large scale uses of pentachlorobenzene (pecb). current emissions of pecb to the environment are estimated to be about 121000kgy(-1), based on published information. the largest sources appear to be combustion of solid wastes, 32000kgy(-1), biomass burning, 45000kgy(-1) with degradation of an agricultural fungicide, quintozene, contributing 26000kgy(-1) and industrial releases less important. pecb has been measured in many environmental media over the past 35 years. low bu ...200919298997
temporal trends and spatial distribution of non-polybrominated diphenyl ether flame retardants in the eggs of colonial populations of great lakes herring gulls.the production and use of nonpolybrominated diphenyl ether (non-pbde), brominated flame retardant (bfr) alternatives have been on the rise, although their assessment in environmental samples is largely understudied. in the present study, several non-pbde bfrs were found in the egg pools of herring gulls (larus argentatus) from seven colonies in the five laurentian great lakes (collected in 1982 to 2006). of the 19 bfrs monitored, hexabromobenzene (hbb), 1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophe-noxy)ethane (btb ...200919238957
a nondestructive method for obtaining maternal dna from avian eggshells and its application to embryonic viability determination in herring gulls (larus argentatus).many avian studies, aimed at collecting samples for genetic analysis, rely upon invasive procedures involving the capture and handling of parents and their offspring. our goal was to develop a nondestructive method for sampling maternal dna that would not require blood collection from the mother. herein, we describe a method for isolating genomic dna from eggshell powder, obtained by filing the outer shell of an avian egg. comparison of microsatellite profiles, obtained from genomic dna found wi ...200921564561
isomers of dechlorane plus flame retardant in the eggs of herring gulls (larus argentatus) from the laurentian great lakes of north america: temporal changes and spatial distribution.dechlorane plus (dp) is a chlorinated flame retardant (fr) comprised of two major structural isomers, syn and anti. for the laurentian great lakes of north america, reports on dp have been limited to sediment and fish, not known for birds, and regardless temporal trends in great lakes wildlife is unknown. in the present study, syn- and anti-dp isomers were detected in egg pools spanning 1982-2006 of a great lakes biomonitoring species, the herring gull (larus argentatus), from seven colonies in ...200919108864
recombinant transthyretin purification and competitive binding with organohalogen compounds in two gull species (larus argentatus and larus hyperboreus).glaucous gulls (larus hyperboreus) from svalbard, norway (marine), and herring gulls (larus argentatus) from the laurentian great lakes (freshwater) of north america are differentially exposed to persistent and bioaccumulative anthropogenic contaminants, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (pbde) flame retardants and metabolic products. such compounds can potentially perturb hormone transport via binding interactions with proteins such as transthyretin (ttr ...200919033396
levels and temporal trends (1983-2003) of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and hexabromocyclododecanes in seabird eggs from north norway.the present study assessed temporal trends (1983-2003) of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) and hexabromocyclododecanes (hbcds) in eggs of herring gulls (larus argentatus), atlantic puffins (fratercula arctica), and black-legged kittiwakes (rissa tridactyla) in north norway. generally, pbde concentrations increased between 1983 and 1993 and then leveled out, although species-specific trends were reported. levels of alpha-hbcd increased in all species throughout the 20-year period. levels of ...200919102583
anatomopathological aspects of avian aspergillosis.aspergillosis is a fungal disease caused by fungi of the genus aspergillus, in particular a. fumigatus and a. flavus. this paper focuses on anatomopathological aspects resulting from a chronic infection from aspergillus spp in the chicken (gallus domesticus), in the herring gull (larus cachinnans micaelli) and in the red-legged partridge (alectoris rufa rufa). microscopically, we observed some histological lesions that are related to the two typical forms of aspergillosis: a deep nodular form, t ...200919189225
biochemical tracers reveal intra-specific differences in the food webs utilized by individual web structure regulates the pathways and flow rates of energy, nutrients, and contaminants to top predators. ecologically and physiologically meaningful biochemical tracers provide a means to characterize and quantify these transfers within food webs. in this study, changes in the ratios of stable n isotopes (e.g., delta(15)n), fatty acids (fa), and persistent contaminants were used to trace food web pathways utilized by herring gulls (larus argentatus) breeding along the shores of the st l ...200919219461
environmentally relevant concentrations of de-71 and hbcd alter eggshell thickness and reproductive success of american kestrels.polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes) and total alpha-hexabromocyclododecane (hbcd) are flame-retardant additives that are commonly used in household and commercial applications. pbde congeners, which are comprised of technical mixtures such as de-71, are globally persistent and their concentrations are increasing in many species. captive american kestrels (falco sparverius) were exposed by diet to vehicle (safflower oil), or one of two environmentally relevant concentrations of de-71 and unint ...200919368224
linear and branched perfluorooctane sulfonate isomers in technical product and environmental samples by in-port derivatization-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.perfluorooctane sulfonate (pfos) is found globally as an environmental contaminant and is highly bioaccumulative in exposed biota including humans. however, there is a dearth of environmental information on the isomeric profile of pfos, especially in biological samples, which requires suitable analysis methods for the identification and quantification of ultratrace amounts. in the present study, a novel method was developed that incorporates clean up by solid-phase extraction (spe) wax cartridge ...200919402680
the relationship between perfluorinated chemical levels in the feathers and livers of birds from different trophic levels.although feathers have been used successfully for monitoring heavy metals and organic pollutants, there are currently no data available on the use of feathers as indicators of perfluorinated chemical (pfc) exposure in birds. also, no study has evaluated pfc levels in birds with different diets from different habitats. in the current study we investigated the pfc exposure of five different bird species from the same geographic region in belgium, using both feathers and liver tissue. the highest m ...200919716165
perfluorinated carboxylates and sulfonates and precursor compounds in herring gull eggs from colonies spanning the laurentian great lakes of north america.environmentally important perfluorinated carboxylates and sulfonates, as well as per- and polyfluorinated precursor compounds including several sulfonamides, telomer acids, and alcohols were determined in individual herring gull (larus argentatus) eggs collected (in 2007) from 15 colonies located at canadian and some american sites across the laurentian great lakes of north america. the pattern of perfluorosulfonates (pfsas; c6, c8, c10 chain lengths) was dominated by pfos (> 90% of sigmapfsa co ...200919848159
mercury, lead and lead isotope ratios in the teeth of moose (alces alces) from isle royale, u.s. upper midwest, from 1952 to 2002.assessing the effect of recent reductions in atmospheric pollution on metal concentrations in wildlife in north america has been difficult because of the sparse availability of historical samples with which to establish a "pre-regulation" baseline, and because many ecosystems may be affected by local point sources which could obscure broader-scale trends. here we report a recent 50 yr annual record of hg, pb and pb isotope ratios in the teeth of a resident population of moose (alces alces) in is ...200920449224
species differences in the sensitivity of avian embryos to methylmercury.we injected doses of methylmercury into the air cells of eggs of 26 species of birds and examined the dose-response curves of embryo survival. for 23 species we had adequate data to calculate the median lethal concentration (lc(50)). based on the dose-response curves and lc(50)s, we ranked species according to their sensitivity to injected methylmercury. although the previously published embryotoxic threshold of mercury in game farm mallards (anas platyrhynchos) has been used as a default value ...200918421496
[isolation of influenza a virus from wild birds in western part of mongolia].to study circulation of influenza a viruses in western part of mongolia.201021381371
recombinant albumin and transthyretin transport proteins from two gull species and human: chlorinated and brominated contaminant binding and thyroid hormones.environmentally relevant concentrations of selected polychlorinated biphenyl (pcb) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (pbde) flame retardant congeners and their hydroxylated (oh) and methoxylated (meo) analogues that can perturb thyroid hormone-dependent processes were comparatively examined with respect to competitive binding with thyroxine (t(4)) and 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (t(3)) thyroid hormones (ths) on recombinant human and gull albumin and transthyretin transport proteins. the liver tissue ...201020039755
twenty years of elemental analysis of marine biota within the german environmental specimen bank--a thorough look at the one component of the german ecological environment observation, the environmental specimen bank program was initiated in the mid-1980s. under the program, representative specimens of marine, fresh water, and terrestrial ecosystems are sampled regularly and archived under chemically stable conditions. an initial characterization of the samples provides data regarding the status quo of the respective ecosystems. the aim of the present publication is to give insight into these real-time monitori ...201020058089
cross-species chromosome painting corroborates microchromosome fusion during karyotype evolution of birds.the stone curlew, also known as thick-knee (burhinus oedicnemus, boe), represents a phylogenetically young species of the shorebirds (charadriiformes) that exhibits one of the most atypical genome organizations known within the class of aves, due to an extremely low diploid number (2n = 42) and only 6 pairs of microchromosomes in its complement. this distinct deviation from the 'typical' avian karyotype is attributed to repeated fusions of ancestral microchromosomes. in order to compare differen ...201020068299
the identification of a new giardia duodenalis assemblage in marine vertebrates and a preliminary analysis of g. duodenalis population biology in marine systems.giardia duodenalis is an intestinal parasite of many vertebrates. the presence of g. duodenalis in the marine environment due to anthropogenic and wildlife activity is well documented, including the contributions from untreated sewage and storm water, agricultural run-off and droppings from terrestrial animals. recently, studies have detected this protistan parasite in the faeces of marine vertebrates such as whales, dolphins, seals and shore birds. to explore the population biology of g. duoden ...201020361967
prevalence and subtypes of influenza a viruses in wild waterfowl in norway 2006-2007.the prevalence of influenza a virus infection, and the distribution of different subtypes of the virus, were studied in 1529 ducks and 1213 gulls shot during ordinary hunting from august to december in two consecutive years, 2006 and 2007, in norway. the study was based on molecular screening of cloacal and tracheal swabs, using a pan-influenza a rt-pcr. samples found to be positive for influenza a virus were screened for the h5 subtype, using a h5 specific rt-pcr, and, if negative, further subt ...201020426812
2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran is a more potent cytochrome p4501a inducer than 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in herring gull hepatocyte cultures.concentration-dependent effects of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (tcdd), 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran (pecdf), and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuran (tcdf) on cytochrome p4501a (cyp1a) induction were determined in primary cultures of embryonic herring gull (larus argentatus) hepatocytes exposed for 24 h. based on the concentration that induced 50% of the maximal response (ec50), the relative potencies of tcdd and tcdf did not differ by more than 3.5-fold. however, also based on the ec50 ...201020821667
antibiotic-resistant escherichia coli bacteria, including strains with genes encoding the extended-spectrum beta-lactamase and qnrs, in waterbirds on the baltic sea coast of poland.individual cloacal swabs of mallards (anas platyrhynchos) and of herring gulls (larus argentatus), as well as samples of waterbird feces obtained in 2008 and 2009, were cultivated for escherichia coli. isolates of e. coli were tested for susceptibilities to 12 antimicrobial agents by the disk diffusion method. moreover, the samples were subcultivated on macconkey agar (mca) containing cefotaxime (2 mg liter(-1)) to detect e. coli with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (esbl) and subsequently on m ...201020952638
molecular characterization and comparison of clostridium botulinum type c avian strains.type c botulinum neurotoxin (bont/c)-producing clostridium botulinum causes animal botulism worldwide and has become a serious problem in poultry flocks and waterfowl in sweden. the objectives of the present study were to isolate, characterize and subtype c. botulinum type c avian isolates in order to increase the knowledge of the genetic diversity. isolates from 13 birds were identified by 16s rrna sequencing and bont/c gene detection by real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr). conventional p ...201021154062
[the reaction of the bursa and thymus eosinophils in the herring gull after the experimental infection with gull-tapeworm].using the methods of light microscopy, eosinophil topography, quantitative and qualitative changes (degranulation level of and a cationic protein content) were studied in the thymus and bursa of 36 herring gull nestlings larus argentatus mongolicus (suskin, 1925) 2 weeks after experimental infestation with gull-tapeworm diphyllobothrium dendriticum (nitsch, 1824). eosinophils in the thymus were located in trabecules, mainly close to the blood vessels, thymic (hassall's) corpuscles and also direc ...201021500430
introgressive hybridization and the evolutionary history of the herring gull complex revealed by mitochondrial and nuclear dna.based on extensive mitochondrial dna (mtdna) sequence data, we previously showed that the model of speciation among species of herring gull (larus argentatus) complex was not that of a ring species, but most likely due more complex speciation scenario's. we also found that two species, herring gull and glaucous gull (l. hyperboreus) displayed an unexpected biphyletic distribution of their mtdna haplotypes. it was evident that mtdna sequence data alone were far from sufficient to obtain a more ac ...201021067625
high-sensitivity method for determination of tetrabromobisphenol-s and tetrabromobisphenol-a derivative flame retardants in great lakes herring gull eggs by liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure photoionization-tandem mass spectrometry.tetrabromobisphenol-a-bis(2,3-dibromopylether) (tbbp-a-dbpe), tetrabromobisphenol-a-bis(allyl ether) (tbbp-a-ae), and tetrabromobisphenol-s-bis(2,3-dibromopropyl ether) (tbbp-s-dbpe) are derivatives of tetrabromobisphenol-a (tbbp-a), and are all used as brominated flame retardants (bfrs). using high-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time-of-flight-mass spectrometry with atmospheric pressure photoionization (appi) in the negative mode (lc-appi(-)-q-tof-ms) and the novel use of pure ace ...201020964361
impact of changes in analytical techniques for the measurement of polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides on temporal trends in herring gull eggs.changes in analytical approaches during the tenure of monitoring programs for organochlorine (oc) pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) may affect estimates of temporal trends. we used an in-house reference material to create multiplication factors to adjust the estimates of oc pesticides and pcbs (aroclor equivalents) in great lake herring gull eggs analyzed using electron capture detection (1987-1997) to be more equivalent to estimates using mass spectrometric detection (1998-2005) a ...201020821596
reconcilable differences: the use of reference material to reduce methodological artifacts in the reporting of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls.numerous long-term monitoring programs have assessed spatial and temporal trends of organochlorine (oc) pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs). changes in analytical approaches (e.g., gas chromatography coupled with electron capture detection [gc-ecd] versus mass spectrometric detection [gc-msd]) can reveal artifacts in the reported concentrations. in-house reference material (rm) was used to determine the analytical artifacts in the measurement of ocs and pcbs in great lake herring gul ...201020821415
genotoxicity in herring gulls (larus argentatus) in sweden and and young herring gulls (larus argentatus) in sweden and iceland were investigated with respect to dna adducts, analysed with the nuclease-p1 version of the (32)p-postlabelling method, and micronucleated erythrocytes. three important aims were: (1) to estimate the degree of exposure to genotoxic environmental pollutants in the baltic sea area and iceland, (2) to evaluate the utility of the investigated biomarkers in birds, and (3) to investigate if there was any relationship between genoto ...201020643223
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 446