
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
ecological aspects of nematode parasites of introduced salmonids from valdivia river basin, chile.between 1986 and 1987, 666 fishes distributed among the following species introduced in chile, and from different sectors of the valdivia river basin (39 degrees 30'-40 degrees 00's, 73 degrees 30'-71 degrees 45'w), were examined: 348 salmo trutta, 242 salmo gairdneri, 24 cyprinus carpio and 52 gambusia affinis holbrooki. the presence of camallanus corderoi and contracaecum sp. in s. gairdneri and of c. corderoi in s. trutta is recorded in chile for the first time. cyprinus carpio and g. a. holb ...20061842391
comparative acute and combinative toxicity of aflatoxin b1 and t-2 toxin in animals and immortalized human cell lines.aflatoxin b1 (afb1) and t-2 toxin (t-2) are important food-borne mycotoxins that have been implicated in human health and as potential biochemical weapons threats. in this study the acute and combinative toxicity of afb1 and t-2 were tested in f-344 rats, mosquitofish (gambusia affinis), immortalized human hepatoma cells (hepg2) and human bronchial epithelial cells (beas-2b). preliminary experiments were conducted in order to assess the acute toxicity and to obtain ld50, lc50 and ic50 values for ...200616229058
comparative acute and combinative toxicity of aflatoxin b1 and fumonisin b1 in animals and human cells.aflatoxin b(1) (afb(1)) and fumonisin b(1) (fb(1)) are important food-borne mycotoxins. the co-contamination of food stuffs with these two mycotoxins is well known and has been possibly implicated in the development of human hepatocellular carcinoma in high risk regions around the world. in this study the acute and combinative toxicity of afb(1) and fb(1) were tested in f-344 rats, mosquitofish (gambusia affinis), immortalized human hepatoma cells (hepg2) and human bronchial epithelial cells (be ...200616427177
contrasting uptake routes and tissue distributions of inorganic and methylmercury in mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) and redear sunfish (lepomis microlophus).high hg concentrations in freshwater fish are a concern for human health, yet we lack a clear understanding of the mechanisms that produce high hg concentrations in fish. controlled studies in natural surface waters that quantify the uptake and retention of hg in fish tissues following exposures from the aqueous phase and from invertebrate prey diets are rare. using 203hg, we contrasted the accumulation of inorganic hg (hgi) and methylmercury (mehg) from the dissolved phase and from invertebrate ...200616916033
the life cycle of haplorchis pumilio (trematoda: heterophyidae) from the indian region.the life cycle of the heterophyid fluke, haplorchis pumilio is elucidated for the first time from the indian region. various stages in the life cycle were established based on observations made on natural infections found in snails and fish in a freshwater stream at visakhapatnam, india and experimental infections carried out in the laboratory. the thiarid snail, thiara tuberculata served as the first intermediate host and a wide range of freshwater fish as second intermediate hosts. natural inf ...200617125540
in vivo assessment of the capacity of androstenedione to masculinize female mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) exposed through dietary and static renewal this study, we investigated the capacity of androstenedione to masculinize female mosquitofish. previous studies have identified androstenedione in the water and sediment of the fenholloway river, a florida, usa, coastal river that receives paper mill effluent and contains masculinized eastern mosquitofish (gambusia holbrooki). females of the closely related western mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, were exposed to androstenedione through both dietary and static renewal treatments. morphologica ...200717521138
a comparative study on characterization of textile wastewaters (untreated and treated) toxicity by chemical and biological tests.toxicity of textile wastewaters (untreated and treated) and their ingredient chemicals was quantified in terms of their chemical characteristics, fish (gambusia affinis) mortality and end point growth responses of duckweed (lemna aequinoctialis) in short-term bioassays. other parameters of fish bioassay were erythrocyte morphology and its counts. despite of a definite correlation between data of biological tests (lc/ec(50) values) with that of chemical tests, biological tests were found to be re ...200717583772
locomotor behavioral response of mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) to subacute mercury stress monitored by video tracking system.locomotor behavior is commonly affected by contaminants, and the pattern of fish swimming is a highly organized species-specific response. in the current study, we examined the locomotor behavioral response of the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, which was exposed to a sublethal concentration (lc(5), 20 microg/l) of mercuric chloride (hgcl2) for 28 days and monitored using a computer vision system. the ethovision video tracking system for automation of behavioral studies at regular intervals reve ...200717934926
in vitro assessment of transcriptional activation of the estrogen and androgen receptors of mosquitofish, gambusia affinis hormones are essential for normal reproductive activity in both sexes. estrogens are necessary for ovarian differentiation during a critical developmental stage in many vertebrates and promote the growth and differentiation of the female reproductive system. androgens play essential roles in the development and functioning of the vertebrate male reproductive system as well as actively supporting spermatogenesis. importantly, recent studies suggest that androgens and estrogens have im ...200717669586
environmental factors influencing survival of threespine stickleback (gasterosteus aculeatus) in a multipurpose constructed treatment wetland in southern california.survival of the threespine stickleback, gasterosteus aculeatus, differed among marshes in a demonstration 9.9-ha multipurpose constructed treatment wetland designed to improve the quality of secondary-treated municipal wastewater in southern california. at a mean loading rate of 3.3 kg nh4-n ha(-1) d(-1) (6 kg total n ha(-1) d(-1)), the suitability of the wetland to support a population of sticklebacks was estimated to be low. the development of potentially toxic levels of un-ionized ammonia, pa ...200717633430
simultaneous determination of n7-alkylguanines in dna by isotope-dilution lc-tandem ms coupled with automated solid-phase extraction and its application to a small fish the present study, we report the development of a sensitive and selective assay based on lc (liquid chromatography)-ms/ms (tandem ms) to simultaneously measure n7-meg (n7-methylguanine) and n7-etg (n7-ethylguanine) in dna hydrolysates. with the use of isotope internal standards (15n5-n7-meg and 15n5-n7-etg) and on-line spe (solid-phase extraction), the detection limit of this method was estimated as 0.42 fmol and 0.17 fmol for n7-meg and n7-etg respectively. the high sensitivity achieved here ...200717134374
comparison of mosquito control provided by the arroyo chub (gila orcutti) and the mosquitofish (gambusia affinis).two 6-wk trials were conducted in 28-m2 earthen ponds to compare the efficacy of the arroyo chub, gila orcutti, to the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, as a biological control agent for mosquitoes and a possible replacement for the mosquitofish in sensitive watersheds of southern california. the mosquitofish population growth rate was 1.73 times greater than the arroyo chub population growth rate; however, greater reproduction by the mosquitofish did not result in significantly better reduction o ...200718240519
prospects for the use of ornamental fishes for mosquito control: a laboratory investigation.use of larvivorous fishes gambusia and poecilia for mosquito control has been a well established option. the study evaluated the larvivorous potential of some ornamental fish vis-a-vis gambusia and poecilia in the laboratory settings using standard testing protocol. gold fish and blue gourami were found to be as effective larvivores as gambusia affinis, the mosquito fish. the study recommends introduction of goldfish and blue gourami in ornamental tanks for control of mosquito breeding as well a ...200818232145
adaptation as a potential response to sea-level rise: a genetic basis for salinity tolerance in populations of a coastal marsh fish.relative sea-level rise is resulting in the intrusion of saline waters into marshes historically dominated by fresh water. saltwater intrusions can potentially affect resident marsh species, especially when storm-related tidal surges cause rapid changes in salinity. we examined the role of historical salinity exposure on the survival of gambusia affinis from two locations in coastal louisiana. at each location, we sampled fish populations from fresh, intermediate and brackish marshes. individual ...200825567498
role of inbreeding depression and purging in captive breeding and restoration programmes.inbreeding depression is a major force affecting the evolution and viability of small populations in captive breeding and restoration programmes. populations that experience small sizes may be less susceptible to future inbreeding depression because they have been purged of deleterious recessive alleles. we review issues related to purging, as they apply to the management of small populations, and discuss an experiment we conducted examining purging in populations of mosquitofish (gambusia affin ...200818173505
toxic effects of chlorpyrifos on antioxidant enzymes and target enzyme acetylcholinesterase interaction in mosquito fish, gambusia affinis.the recovery effect of chlorpyrifos (cpf) on antioxidant enzymes, locomotor behaviour and the target enzyme acetylcholinesterase (ache) interaction were studied after exposure to 297μgl(-1) (lc(50) for 96h) in mosquito fish, gambusia affinis. activities of the antioxidant enzymes-superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione reductase in viscera, and ache in brain were inhibited at 96h of exposure. however, induction in lipid peroxidation was observed. the antioxidant levels were restored to near ...200821783910
the western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis affinis): a new laboratory animal resource for the study of sexual dimorphism in neural circuits.the western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis affinis) is a useful model for the study of sexual dimorphism and the neural circuits associated with sexual differentiation. this is largely because of its anal fin, which undergoes radical postnatal transformation in males. understanding the neural mechanisms involved in this process may also help elucidate basic principles of the nervous system. the authors describe the mosquitofish as a model for research and present guidelines for the care and use ...200818496545
western mosquitofish as a bioindicator of exposure to organochlorine compounds.the evaluation of the alochthonous and cosmopolitan mosquitofish species gambusia affinis suitability as a bioindicator species and the induction of its liver cytochrome p450-dependent mixed function oxygenase (mfo), measured as the 7-ethoxyresorfin-o-deethylase (erod) activity, as well as changes in dna integrity, measured by the fast micromethod, for the monitoring of organochlorine fresh water pesticide contamination, were the main aims of the study. the test mosquitofish were exposed under l ...200818262267
acute and chronic toxicity of fluoxetine (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) in western mosquitofish.fluoxetine is a biologically active pharmaceutical chemical that has been detected at parts-per-trillion levels in surface waters in north america and europe. this has generated concern because negative effects in aquatic organisms are possible. known as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, fluoxetine (e.g., prozac; elli lilly) is neurologically active and widely prescribed for clinical depression in humans. in the present investigation, acute and chronic toxicities of fluoxetine were evalu ...200817763886
evaluation of halofenozide against prey mosquito larvae culex pipiens and the predator fish gambusia affinis: impact on growth and enzymatic activities.culex pipiens (diptera: culicidae) is the most widely distributed mosquito species in algeria and many other countries in the world. mosquitoes are generally controlled by conventional insecticides but these may pose strong secondary effects on the environment. in this context, the insect growth regulators (igrs) have shown promise in controlling pest insects. halofenozide (23% ec) is a novel igrs belonging to the class of non-steroidal ecdysone agonists, and it was found toxic for larvae of c. ...200819226809
role of the yellow spot around the urogenital opening of female mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) as a cue for copulation.males of the viviparous teleost fish gambusia affinis copulate with females by using a specialized anal fin, or gonopodium. when female g. affinis were placed in a shallow transparent tank which was then floated on the surface of a larger aquarium housing male g. affinis , the males frequently attempted to copulate with females housed in the smaller quarantine tank. this copulatory behavior in male g. affinis was only observed to be elicited by visual stimuli; female g. affinis have a yellow spo ...200819267646
dna damage by benzo[a]pyrene in the liver of mosquito fish gambusia affinis.exposure of gambusia affinis to water containing different concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene (bap) causes an increase in benzo[a]pyrene monooxygenase (bpmo) activity which reaches a maximum on the second day. concomitantly, the dna is altered in such a way that nuclease s1-sensitive sites (sss) become measurable. the size distribution of liver dna treated with nuclease s1 in control fish shows two populations of dna by length, with means of 30 x 10(6) and 60 x 10(6) daltons, respectively. in fish ...20082994211
colonization of abandoned swimming pools by larval mosquitoes and their predators following hurricane katrina.thousands of flooded swimming pools were abandoned in new orleans following hurricane katrina and provided a natural experiment to examine colonization of a novel aquatic habitat by mosquito larvae and their aquatic predators. we conducted a randomized survey of flooded swimming pools in two neighborhoods in january 2006 and found that 64% contained mosquito larvae, 92% contained predatory invertebrates, and 47% contained fishes. we collected 12,379 immature mosquitoes representing five species, ...200818697320
the effect of predatory fish exudates on the ovipostional behaviour of three mosquito species: culex quinquefasciatus, aedes aegypti and culex tarsalis.three mosquito species, culex tarsalis coquillett, culex quinquefasciatus say and aedes aegypti l. (diptera: culicidae), were examined in laboratory binary choice experiments to investigate whether fish exudates from the mosquitofish, gambusia affinis (baird & girard) (cyprinodontiformes: poecilliidae), deter oviposition and whether the responses of these mosquito species to fish exudates in oviposition sites are consistent with the risk of predation from fish experienced by each species in thei ...200819120968
wildlife toxicology: biomarkers of genotoxic exposures at a hazardous waste site.a large number of hazardous waste sites in the united states have undergone the initial stages of remediation or containment. at many of the remaining sites, the potential for exposure to ecological receptors is a primary concern. this manuscript reports on studies to investigate the impact on ecological receptors exposed to complex mixtures at a former creosote facility. currently there are isolated areas on-site that were not addressed in the initial removal action that appear to be releasing ...200919533345
ovipositional responses of two culex (diptera: culicidae) species to larvivorous fish.species-specific differences in the responses of egg-laying mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) to the presence of fish exudates in oviposition sites in laboratory bioassays have been related to the likelihood of encountering mosquito-eating fish in natural oviposition sites. we examined the responses of egg-laying mosquitoes to the presence of larvivorous fish in oviposition sites to test this hypothesis in the field. the number of culex tarsalis coquillett egg rafts laid on mesocosms (15.5 m2; 8 m ...200919960678
investigation of the multixenobiotic resistance mechanism in the freshwater fishes western mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, and bluegill sunfish, lepomis macrochirus.the purpose of the study was to evaluate multixenobiotic resistance mechanism expression as a biomarker for contaminant exposure in freshwater fishes. exposure to a known mammalian inhibitor (verapamil, 10 1m) and inducer (rhodamine 123, 3 1m) on the transport protein p-glycoprotein (pgp) was investigated in the liver of the western mosquitofish and bluegill sunfish. no differences in the activity or expression of pgp were measured in either species using a fluorometric accumulation assay and we ...200919684997
effects of a parasitic nematode on male mate choice in a livebearing fish with a coercive mating system (western mosquitofish, gambusia affinis).i examined the effects of the parasitic larval nematode, eustrongylides ignotus, on male mate choice in the western mosquitofish, gambusia affinis. i hypothesized that parasite presence influences male mate choice either directly (via reduction in male mating behavior due to presence of parasite in females) or indirectly (via reduction in male mating behavior due to reduced condition of infected females). specifically, i tested the predictions that (1) males would mate preferentially with uninfe ...200918765273
comparative study of the sensitivity to cadmium of two populations of gambusia affinis from two different sites.this study aims to demonstrate the influence of animals' origin on their sensitivity toward heavy metals. for this purpose, we compared lc(50) of cadmium in two populations of gambusia affinis captured in two geographically isolated environments in the east of tunisia; oued el gsil in the city of monastir (s2) and oued chenini in the region of gabes (s1). although physicochemical parameters of the water (ph, dissolved oxygen and salinity) are similar in the two studied sites, cadmium concentrati ...200918604632
time course evaluation of n-nitrosodialkylamines-induced dna alkylation and oxidation in liver of mosquito we simultaneously measured n7-alkylguanines and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodg) in liver of small fish, respectively, to assess the time course of the formation and removal of alkylation and oxidative damage to dna caused by n-nitrosodialkylamines. mosquito fish (gambusia affinis) were killed at various times during (4 days) and post-exposure (16 days) to n-nitrosodimethylamine (ndma) and n-nitrosodiethylamine (ndea) alone or their combination with concentrations of 10 and 50m ...200919007796
the effects of heavy metal mine drainage on population size structure, reproduction, and condition of western mosquitofish, gambusia affinis.anthropogenic degradation of aquatic environments worldwide results in disturbed habitats, altered communities, and stressed populations. surface waters located in an abandoned lead-zinc mining district in northeastern oklahoma are no exception. this study examines the reproductive and somatic responses of a pollution-tolerant fish, the western mosquitofish, gambusia affinis (teleostei: poeciliidae), living in mine outflow waters contaminated by heavy metals. populations were sampled from four s ...200918846312
genotoxic effects of produced waters in mosquito fish (gambusia affinis).the aim of this study was to assess the potential genotoxic effects of produced water (pw) from an italian on-shore oil plant. produced water is a complex mixture containing residual hydrocarbons, trace elements, naturally occurring radioactive material and potentially toxic treatment chemicals such as biocides, dispersants, detergents and scale inhibitors used in oil production. the test organism, mosquito fish (gambusia affinis), was divided into male and female groups and exposed for 8 days i ...200918763036
trade-off between steady and unsteady swimming underlies predator-driven divergence in gambusia affinis.differences in predation intensity experienced by organisms can lead to divergent natural selection, driving evolutionary change. western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) exhibit larger caudal regions and higher burst-swimming capabilities when coexisting with higher densities of predatory fish. it is hypothesized that a trade-off between steady (constant-speed cruising; important for acquiring resources) and unsteady (rapid bursts and turns; important for escaping predators) locomotion, combined ...200921462405
exploring fish bioassay of textile dye wastewaters and their selected constituents in terms of mortality and erythrocyte disorders.acute (4 day) and short-term (7 day) toxicity studies (at 1/5th and 1/10th of lc(50)) of textile dye wastewaters and their selected ingredients (azo dye methyl red and heavy metals cd, cu, ni and zn) were made on a freshwater fish gambusia affinis under laboratory conditions. lc(50) value was found to be the lowest in four cases, and the ec(50) value for reduction in erythrocyte counts in the remaining four tests. thus, the reduction in erythrocyte counts to the 50% level was similar in sensitiv ...200919322506
influence of high temperature on cadmium-induced skeletal deformities in juvenile mosquitofish (gambusia affinis).the aim of this study was to assess the effect of high temperature on cadmium (cd)-induced skeletal deformities in juvenile mosquitofish, gambusia affinis. for this purpose, 188 juveniles (1 day old) were equally divided into the control group, which was maintained in cd-free water at 24 degrees c, and three treated groups exposed either to cd (0.4 mg/l as cd cl(2)) at 24 degrees c, to high temperature (32 degrees c), or to cd at 32 degrees c for 30 days. the results showed that cd exposure at 2 ...201019229646
a male poecillid's sexually dimorphic body plan, behavior, and nervous we review the literature of a male poecillid's sexually dimorphic body plan, behavior, and nervous system, including work dating from the mid 1800s to the mid 1990s as well as work in press or in preparation for publication. rosa-molinar described the remodeling of the sexually dimorphic anal fin appendicular support, confirmed earlier claims about the development of the male and female secondary sex characteristics in the western mosquitofish, gambusia affinis and provided for the first ti ...201021082070
adaptation to sea level rise: does local adaptation influence the demography of coastal fish populations?this study compared the growth of two western mosquitofish gambusia affinis populations that were previously demonstrated to have genetic adaptations that increased survival under lethal salinity exposures. the objective was to evaluate how genetic adaptations to lethal salinity stress affect population demography when exposed to sublethal salinity stress. results indicate that chronic salinity exposure had a generally negative impact on population size, but fish originating from one of the two ...201021039500
altered development and reproduction in western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) found in the hanxi river, southern china.the current study investigated the development and reproductive health of western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) in the hanxi river, which has been heavily contaminated by municipal wastewaters from towns in dongguan of southern china. western mosquitofish collected from four study sites, songmu (sm), yangwu (yw), hengli (hl), and zhangcun (zc) of the hanxi river, as well as a reference site (lx) of the liuxi river, were dissected and analyzed for development parameters (total length, wet body ...201020853458
triclosan has endocrine-disrupting effects in male western mosquitofish, gambusia affinis.triclosan (tcs) is an antibacterial agent used in a variety of personal care and industrial products. triclosan and its environmentally transformed derivative, methyl-tcs, have been detected in waters receiving effluent from public wastewater treatment plants. previous studies have demonstrated that tcs has the potential to act as an endocrine disruptor. the present study tested the hypothesis that tcs acts as an endocrine-disrupting agent in fish. mature male western mosquitofish, gambusia affi ...201020821571
personality traits and dispersal tendency in the invasive mosquitofish (gambusia affinis).ecological invasions, where non-native species spread to new areas, grow to high densities and have large, negative impacts on ecological communities, are a major worldwide problem. recent studies suggest that one of the key mechanisms influencing invasion dynamics is personality-dependent dispersal: the tendency for dispersers to have a different personality type than the average from a source population. we examined this possibility in the invasive mosquitofish (gambusia affinis). we measured ...201020071380
survival time analysis of least killifish (heterandria formosa) and mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) in acute exposures to endosulfan sulfate.single-species flow-through toxicity tests were conducted to determine the times-to-death of two indigenous fish to south florida--least killifish (heterandria formosa) and mosquitofish (gambusia affinis)--from acute exposure to endosulfan sulfate. mortalities were recorded within 8-h periods from test initiation to termination at 96 h. the 96-h lc(50)s for least killifish and mosquitofish estimated using the trimmed-spearman-karber method were 2.0 and 2.3 microg/l, respectively. an accelerated ...201019921326
agricultural wetlands as potential hotspots for mercury bioaccumulation: experimental evidence using caged fish.wetlands provide numerous ecosystem services, but also can be sources of methylmercury (mehg) production and export. rice agricultural wetlands in particular may be important sites for mehg bioaccumulation due to their worldwide ubiquity, periodic flooding schedules, and high use by wildlife. we assessed mehg bioaccumulation within agricultural and perennial wetlands common to california's central valley during summer, when the majority of wetland habitats are shallowly flooded rice fields. we i ...201020067279
acute toxicity and effects analysis of endosulfan sulfate to freshwater fish species.endosulfan sulfate is a persistent environmental metabolite of endosulfan, an organochlorine insecticide-acaricide presently registered by the united states environmental protection agency. there is, however, limited acute fish toxicity data for endosulfan sulfate. this study determines the acute toxicity (lc₅₀s and lc₁₀s) of endosulfan sulfate to three inland florida native fish species (mosquitofish [gambusia affinis]; least killifish [heterandria formosa]; and sailfin mollies [poecilia latipi ...201021127850
spatial and temporal distribution of the asian fish tapeworm bothriocephalus acheilognathi (cestoda: bothriocephalidea) in the rio grande (río bravo del norte).recent collections of the asian fish tapeworm bothriocephalus acheilognathi in the rio grande have raised concern about the potential impacts on rio grande endemic and imperiled fishes. the objectives of this study were to determine distribution and definitive hosts of the asian fish tapeworm within the rio grande drainage and to quantify occurrences and abundances. in total, 1,992 fish spanning 11 families were collected and examined for asian fish tapeworms in the rio grande and the pecos and ...201021192548
the food of the larvivorous fish gambusia affinis (baird and girard) and oreochromis (formerly tilapia) niloticus (linnaeus) in gezira irrigation canals.the food of both gambusia affinis and oreochromis niloticus was studied. organisms eaten by both species of fish are tabulated, together with the amounts eaten during the various months of the year. g. affinis larger than 25 mm are carnivorous and become more so with age. food selection by g. affinis depends on the availability of food items rather than choice. it showed a marked preference for mosquito larvae. o. niloticus smaller than 150 mm were markedly carnivorous, but this decreased with a ...20102863390
effects of acute changes in salinity and temperature on routine metabolism and nitrogen excretion in gambusia (gambusia affinis) and zebrafish (danio rerio).acute stress may affect metabolism and nitrogen excretion as part of the adaptive response that allows animals to face adverse environmental changes. in the present paper the acute effects of different salinities and temperatures on routine metabolism, spontaneous activity and excretion of ammonia and urea were studied in two freshwater fish: gambusia, gambusia affinis and zebrafish, danio rerio, acclimated to 27 degrees c. the effects on gill morphology were also evaluated. five salinities (0 p ...201020674761
fish out of water: terrestrial jumping by fully aquatic fishes.many teleosts that live at the water's edge will voluntarily strand themselves to evade predators or escape poor conditions-this behavior has been repeatedly observed in the field for killifishes (cyprinodontiformes). although most killifishes are considered fully aquatic and possess no obvious morphological specializations to facilitate terrestrial locomotion, individuals from several different species have been observed moving across land via a "tail flip" behavior that generates a terrestrial ...201121972177
comparative efficacy of two poeciliid fish in indoor cement tanks against chikungunya vector aedes aegypti in villages in karnataka, india.abstract: background: in 2006, severe outbreaks of aedes aegypti-transmitted chikungunya occurred in villages in karnataka, south india. we evaluated the effectiveness of combined information, education and communication (iec) campaigns using two potential poeciliid larvivorous fish guppy (poecilia reticulata) and mosquitofish (gambusia affinis), in indoor cement tanks for aedes larval control. methods: trials were conducted in two villages (domatmari and srinivaspura) in tumkur district from ma ...201121798018
the feasibility of using mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) for detecting endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the freshwater environment.we evaluated the utility of gene-transcriptional responses in the liver of mosquitofish (gambusia affinis), a species introduced to many countries and therefore widely available, for detecting endocrine-disrupting activity in water. exposure to β-naphthoflavone, an aryl hydrocarbon receptor (ahr) agonist, significantly increased the transcript of the cytochrome p4501a gene (cyp1a), peaking at 24 h, in both sexes at concentrations of 10 µg/l or more. 17β-estradiol (e(2) ) at 500 ng/l increased th ...201121882230
a novel herbal formulation against dengue vector mosquitoes aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus.the objective of this study was to develop a herbal formulation to control dengue vector mosquitoes. ponneem, a novel herbal formulation prepared using the oils of neem (azadirachta indica), karanj (pongamia glabra) and their extracts, was tested for larvicidal, ovicidal and oviposition deterrent activities against aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus at 1, 0.5, 0.3 and 0.1 ppm concentrations. cent percent larvicidal and ovicidal activities were observed at 0.1 ppm in the two mosquito species unde ...201122042505
stress hormone masculinizes female morphology and steroids play major roles in vertebrate sexual differentiation. unexpectedly, we now find that exposure to elevated levels of the naturally occurring stress hormone cortisol can also masculinize sexually dimorphic morphological characters and behaviour in adult female mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) in a dose-dependent manner. females masculinized by cortisol developed elongated anal fins with distal tip features similar to those of mature males. most masculinized females also attempted to c ...201120659923
personality-dependent dispersal in the invasive mosquitofish: group composition matters.understanding/predicting ecological invasions is an important challenge in modern ecology because of their immense economical and ecological costs. recent studies have revealed that within-species variation in behaviour (i.e. animal personality) can shed light on the invasion process. the general hypothesis is that individuals' personality type may affect their colonization success, suggesting that some individuals might be better invaders than others. we have recently shown that, in the invasiv ...201121068033
induction of micronuclei and nuclear abnormalities in erythrocytes of mosquito fish (gambusia affinis) following exposure to the pyrethroid insecticide the present study the induction of micronuclei (mn) and nuclear abnormalities (na) in erythrocytes of mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) (baird & girard 1853) was studied. fish were exposed to three different concentrations of lambda-cyhalothrin (lct) (1×10(-4)μg/l, 2×10(-4)μg/l, 4×10(-4)μg/l) for periods of 6, 12, 24, and 48h. na (notched, lobed, blebbed nuclei), mn, bi-nucleated cells, and the ratio of polychromatic erythrocytes (pces) to normochromatic erythrocytes (nces) were evaluated to as ...201121620996
bioconcentration and depuration of endosulfan sulfate in mosquito fish (gambusia affinis).endosulfan is an insecticide which has been widely used in agriculture. the technical grade material consists of two isomers (alpha and beta). under natural environmental conditions, endosulfan is metabolized through oxidation and the main metabolite in the environment is endosulfan sulfate. most ecotoxicology research has been conducted with technical grade endosulfan to determine effects on non-target aquatic organisms. little data on the effects of endosulfan sulfate on aquatic organisms are ...201121550631
developmental and reproductive characteristics of western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) exposed to paper mill effluent in the dengcun river, sihui, south china.the study reported in this paper tested the hypothesis that the developmental and reproductive health of mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) exposed to pulp and paper effluent in the dengcun river would differ from that of mosquitofish living in a reference site. we also studied whether morphological characteristics such as the anal fin and hemal spines of mosquitofish could serve as indicators for evaluating the androgenic effect and mosquitofish population security in the dengcun river. male and f ...201121458407
endocrine-disrupting effects of spironolactone in female western mosquitofish, gambusia affinis.the discovery of pharmaceuticals in effluent from wastewater treatment plants and drug manufacturing facilities and in receiving waters has raised environmental concern. because these compounds are ending up in the environment, it is important to investigate the effects of these compounds on wildlife as well as humans. the present study used a fish model to investigate the endocrine-disrupting effects of spironolactone (spl), an aldosterone antagonist used as a diuretic, but which also exhibits ...201121351124
bioaccumulation and toxicity of copper in outdoor freshwater microcosms.this study characterizes the effects of copper (cu) on florida apple snails (pomacea paludosa) and mosquito fish (gambusia affinis) using a replicated outdoor microcosm design. soils used in this study were collected from two cu-enriched citrus agricultural sites in south florida (agler property (aglr) in st. lucie county and sunrise boys property (srb) in palm beach county) and a reference site (equus property) in st. lucie county. the study included a 5-week aging phase, an 11 month exposure p ...201121345490
the role of genetic structure in the adaptive divergence of populations experiencing saltwater intrusion due to relative sea-level rise.saltwater intrusion into estuaries creates stressful conditions for nektonic species. previous studies have shown that gambusia affinis populations with exposure to saline environments develop genetic adaptations for increased survival during salinity stress. here, we evaluate the genetic structure of g. affinis populations, previously shown to have adaptations for increased salinity tolerance, and determine the impact of selection and gene flow on structure of these populations. we found that g ...201223116362
gambusia quadruncus (cyprinodontiformes: poeciliidae): a new species of mosquitofish from east-central méxico.gambusia quadruncus n. sp., the llanos mosquitofish, is described from east-central méxico. the region inhabited by the species represents a hotspot of diversity of gambusia, and g. quadruncus sometimes coexists with at least three congeners. the species differs from its closest relative, gambusia affinis, in several characteristics with plausible effects on reproductive isolation, e.g. body size, body and fin morphology, male genital morphology (distal tip of gonopodium) and female anal spot mo ...201223020559
looking for sexual selection in the female brain.female mate choice behaviour has significant evolutionary consequences, yet its mechanistic origins are not fully understood. recent studies of female sensory systems have made great strides in identifying internal mechanisms governing female preferences. only recently, however, have we begun to identify the dynamic genomic response associated with mate choice behaviour. poeciliids provide a powerful comparative system to examine genomic responses governing mate choice and female preference beha ...201222777022
influence of cadmium exposure on growth and fecundity of freshwater mosquitofish gambusia affinis: in situ and in vivo studies.this study aims to investigate the effect of cadmium (cd) exposure on growth and fecundity of mosquitofish gambusia affinis. for this purpose, two natural populations of pregnant females of g. affinis captured from two sites were differently contaminated with cd (s1 present cd levels 5-fold higher than s2) and a sublethal exposure to 0.4 mg cdcl(2)/l (10% of lc(50)) during 56 days was conducted in vivo. the length-weight regression revealed a significant difference in the growth between these tw ...201222391795
regulation of reproduction- and biomarker-related gene expression by sex steroids in the livers and ovaries of adult female western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis).to assess the adverse toxicological effects of steroid hormones on western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis), 180 adult females were exposed to individual or binary combinations of progesterone (1μg/l), testosterone (1μg/l) and 17β-estradiol (1μg/l) for eight days. the expression patterns of vitellogenin, estrogen receptor, androgen receptor, metallothionein, and cytochrome p450 1a genes in mosquitofish varied according to tissue as well as the specificity of steroids. treatment by progesterone or ...201222353216
selenium in aquatic biota inhabiting agricultural drains in the salton sea basin, california.resource managers are concerned that water conservation practices in irrigated farmlands along the southern border of the salton sea, imperial county, california, could increase selenium concentrations in agricultural drainwater and harm the desert pupfish (cyprinodon macularius), a federally protected endangered species. as part of a broader attempt to address this concern, we conducted a 3-year investigation to collect baseline information on selenium concentrations in seven agricultural drain ...201221915593
protective effect of spirulina and tamarind fruit pulp diet supplement in fish (gambusia affinis baird & girard) exposed to sublethal concentration of fluoride, aluminum and aluminum fluoride.protective role of diet supplements (spirulina, tamarind fruit pulp and their combination) on a freshwater fish g. affinis exposed at sublethal concentration of fluoride (f-) (10 ppm), al(+3) (3 ppm) and aluminum fluoride (alf3) (35.4 ppm) in the microcosms (15 l sized) for 30-60 days in winter (90 days in summer) has been reported. toxic effects of chemicals were manifested as higher fish mortality (4-50%) and acid (approximately -30%) and alkaline phosphatase (25-50%) contents, but reduction i ...201223986974
cellular proliferation, cell death, and liver histology in gambusia affinis after dietary exposure to benzidine and 2-aminofluorene.chronic exposure to arylamines through diet and/or smoking has been associated with genetic changes and tumorigenesis. cellular proliferation, apoptosis, and histological changes in liver tissue were investigated in gambusia affinis (g affinis) after chronic dietary exposure to 6.9 mm and 0.069 mm concentrations of benzidine (bz), 2-aminofluorene (2af), and their combination for 4, 8, and 12 weeks, respectively. the proliferation assay indicated non-dose-dependent increases in cellular prolifera ...201220448257
comparative larvivorous performances of mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, and juvenile sacramento blackfish, orthodon microlepidotus, in experimental paddies.mosquitofish, sacramento blackfish, or combinations of both species were stocked in experimental paddies. cultured culex tarsalis larvae, stocked weekly into each paddy, and wild anopheles freeborni larvae were counted by dipping. at the end of the 12 week experiment, paddies were drained and the remaining fish and visible invertebrates counted. data show the highest number of mosquito larvae in the blackfish-stocked paddies. this low larvivorous ability of blackfish may result from their rapid ...20123504893
laboratory evaluation of gambusia affinis fish as predators of the schistosome-bearing snails bulinus this laboratory-based study involving numerous experiments, it was demonstrated that the mosquito fish gambusia affinis preys effectively upon the schistosome-bearing snail bulinus truncatus, even in the presence of an alternative source of food. egg masses and juvenile snails less than or equal to 2 mm in size are preferred. individual eggs are nibbled, and the tiny snails with fragile shells are swallowed and digested. in the absence of other foods, the fish consume the flesh of snails 3 to ...20123755766
integrated mosquito larval source management reduces larval numbers in two highland villages in western western kenya, malaria remains one of the major health problems and its control remains an important public health measure. malaria control is by either use of drugs to treat patients infected with malaria parasites or by controlling the vectors. vector control may target the free living adult or aquatic (larval) stages of mosquito. the most commonly applied control strategies target indoor resting mosquitoes. however, because mosquitoes spend a considerable time in water, targeting the aquat ...201222607227
testing wetland features to increase amphibian reproductive success and species richness for mitigation and restoration.aquatic habitat features can directly influence the abundance, species richness, and quality of juvenile amphibians recruited into adult populations. we examined the influences of within-wetland slope, vegetation, and stocked mosquito fish (gambusia affinis) on amphibian metamorph production and species richness during the first two years post-construction at 18 experimental wetlands in northeast missouri (u.s.a.) grasslands. we used an information theoretic approach (aicc) to rank regression mo ...201222908722
hormonal effects of tetrabromobisphenol a using a combination of in vitro and in vivo assays.the aim of this study was to investigate the hormonal effects of tetrabromobisphenol a (tbbpa) in vitro on recombinant yeasts and in vivo on mosquitofish (gambusia affinis). the in vitro bioassays for (anti-)androgenic activities showed that tbbpa had a weak androgenic activity in vitro with recombinant yeast systems carrying human androgen receptor (har). in the in vivo bioassays, the gene expression patterns of vitellogenin (vtg), estrogen receptors (erα and erβ), and androgen receptors (arα a ...201323501287
zebrafish (danio rerio) behavioural response to bioinspired robotic fish and mosquitofish (gambusia affinis).the field of ethorobotics holds promise in aiding fundamental research in animal behaviour, whereby it affords fully controllable and easily reproducible experimental tools. most of the current ethorobotics studies are focused on the behavioural response of a selected target species as it interacts with a biologically-inspired robot in controlled laboratory conditions. in this work, we first explore the interactions between two social fish species and a robotic fish, whose design is inspired by ...201323999758
diet and growth in juveniles of the garter snakes thamnophis sirtalis infernalis and thamnophis radix radix.the effects of diets consisting of different food types on the growth of juvenile garter snakes was tested using a litter each of thamnophis sirtalis infernalis and t. radix radix. the snakes were fed diets consisting of earthworms, lumbricus terrestris, and mosquitofish, gambusia affinis. the results reveal differences in growth per unit of mass, calories, and protein consumed on the different diets with differences in length being more pronounced than differences in mass. the results indicate ...20133623195
variation in social information use: the influences of information reliability and mass on decision making in a group-living fish gambusia affinis.the effect of the reliability of available social information was assessed by examining whether the age of social information changes its effects on a foraging decision in a group-living fish gambusia affinis. individuals switched their patch preference when faced with social information that conflicted with personal information in general; the age of the social information, however, did not significantly influence preference for feeding patch. the mass of decision makers was positively correlat ...201323731154
mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) responds differentially to a robotic fish of varying swimming depth and aspect this study, we explore the feasibility of using bioinspired robotics to influence the behaviour of mosquitofish (gambusia affinis), a social freshwater fish species that is extensively studied for the ecological issues associated with its diffusion in non-native environments. specifically, in a dichotomous choice test, we investigate the behavioural response of small shoals of mosquitofish to a robotic fish inspired by mosquitofish in its colouration, shape, aspect ratio, and locomotion. our ...201323684918
effects of steroid hormones on reproduction- and detoxification-related gene expression in adult male mosquitofish, gambusia affinis.the molecular mechanisms that mediate fish reproduction and detoxification in response to steroid hormones were studied by using adult male western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) as sentinel species. the expression patterns of three vitellogenins (vtga, vtgb and vtgc), two estrogen receptors (erα and erβ), two androgen receptors (arα and arβ), metallothionein (mt) and cytochrome p450 1a (cyp1a) in the liver and testis of adult male mosquitofish were assessed through exposure treatments with pro ...201323665278
upstream effects of a reservoir on fish assemblages 45 years following assemblage structure, rarefied species richness, species diversity and evenness of assemblages upstream of a reservoir in oklahoma, u.s.a., were compared pre and post-impoundment as well as in contemporary collections from streams above and below the reservoir. there were significant shifts in assemblage structure between historical and contemporary collections above the reservoir but not between contemporary assemblages above and below the impoundment. indicator species analysis revealed t ...201323639160
estrogenic and androgenic effects in mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) from streams contaminated by municipal effluent in guangzhou, china.the study reported in this paper used mosquitofish to investigate the estrogenic and androgenic effects of municipal wastewater contamination on the stream system in guangzhou, china. western mosquitofish collected from a reference site and five study sites in streams forming part of the pearl river network were dissected and analyzed for their morphological characteristics (anal fin and hemal spine characteristics) and target mrna expression of genes (vtgα and erα mrna expression). increased vt ...201323518472
mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) preference and behavioral response to animated images of conspecifics altered in their color, aspect ratio, and swimming depth.mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) is an example of a freshwater fish species whose remarkable diffusion outside its native range has led to it being placed on the list of the world's hundred worst invasive alien species (international union for conservation of nature). here, we investigate mosquitofish shoaling tendency using a dichotomous choice test in which computer-animated images of their conspecifics are altered in color, aspect ratio, and swimming level in the water column. pairs of virtual ...201323342131
personality-dependent dispersal cancelled under predation risk.dispersal is a fundamental life-history trait for many ecological processes. recent studies suggest that dispersers, in comparison to residents, display various phenotypic specializations increasing their dispersal inclination or success. among them, dispersers are believed to be consistently more bold, exploratory, asocial or aggressive than residents. these links between behavioural types and dispersal should vary with the cause of dispersal. however, with the exception of one study, personali ...201324197414
study on the heavy metal bioconcentrations of the shadegan international wetland mosquitofish, gambusia affinis, by inductively coupled plasma technique.the purpose of this study was to evaluate the levels of heavy metal bioconcentration of the mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) in shadegan international wetland. sampling including the water, waterbed sediment and mosquitofish was carried out from the selected sampling sites during october and november 2011, and analyzed by the icp-oes. results show that the water has poor qualitative condition, according to epa and who water quality standards. the level of the water cr in the selected sites in bot ...201324499681
effects of 17alpha-ethynylestradiol on sexual development of male western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis).juvenile male western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) were exposed to different concentrations of 17alpha-ethynyl estradiol (ee2) in the diet during the period of sexual maturation. a clear inhibiting influence of ee2 on sexual development was apparent. the proportion of males in each treatment group that failed to complete gonopodial development during the 150-day observation period increased significantly with ee2 concentration. there were significant nonlinear trends toward shorter gonopodia ...201315922671
uptake and disposition of endrin in insecticide-susceptible and -resistant mosquitofish (gambusia affinis). 2013583155
endrin uptake in insecticide-resistant and susceptible mosquitofish (gambusia affinis). 20131242723
epoxidation and fate of ( 14 c)aldrin in insecticide-resistant and susceptible populations of mosquitofish (gambusia affinis). 20134708808
the effects of ddt, toxaphene, and dieldrin on succinic dehydrogenase activity in insecticide-resistant and susceptible gambusia affinis. 20135072306
correlations between respiration and direct uptake of ddt in the mosquito fish gambusia affinis. 20135153799
occurrence and bioaccumulation of pharmaceuticals in a fish species inhabiting the suquía river basin (córdoba, argentina).in south america, there is a lack of data concerning the occurrence and levels of pharmaceuticals in main rivers as well as their negative effects on the biota. here we report the occurrence as well as the spatial and temporal variations of some common prescribed pharmaceuticals in the suquía river basin (córdoba, argentina). we also report the bioconcentration of two of them in gambusia affinis, a widely distributed fish species inhabiting the river basin. the influence of the wastewater treatm ...201424295755
viability costs of reproduction and behavioral compensation in western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis).the cost of reproduction hypothesis suggests that current reproduction has inherent tradeoffs with future reproduction. these tradeoffs can be both in the form of energy allocated to current offspring as opposed to somatic maintenance and future reproduction (allocation costs), or as an increase in mortality as a result of morphological or physiological changes related to reproduction (viability costs). individuals may be able to decrease viability costs by altering behavior. female western mosq ...201425365426
evidence of maternal copper and cadmium transfer in two live-bearing fish species.we studied maternal transfer of an essential metal (copper) and a non-essential one (cadmium) in the live-bearing fishes heterandria formosa and gambusia affinis. the goals of this study were: (1) to determine whether metals are transferred from exposed females to their developing offspring; (2) to determine if this transfer differs between two fish species that differ in their degree of maternal provisioning during development; (3) to determine the duration of maternal metal transfer once femal ...201425194944
heads or tails: do stranded fish (mosquitofish, gambusia affinis) know where they are on a slope and how to return to the water?aquatic vertebrates that emerge onto land to spawn, feed, or evade aquatic predators must return to the water to avoid dehydration or asphyxiation. how do such aquatic organisms determine their location on land? do particular behaviors facilitate a safe return to the aquatic realm? in this study, we asked: will fully-aquatic mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) stranded on a slope modulate locomotor behavior according to body position to facilitate movement back into the water? to address this questi ...201425162613
abundance of gap junctions at glutamatergic mixed synapses in adult mosquitofish spinal cord neurons."dye-coupling", whole-mount immunohistochemistry for gap junction channel protein connexin 35 (cx35), and freeze-fracture replica immunogold labeling (fril) reveal an abundance of electrical synapses/gap junctions at glutamatergic mixed synapses in the 14th spinal segment that innervates the adult male gonopodium of western mosquitofish, gambusia affinis (mosquitofish). to study gap junctions' role in fast motor behavior, we used a minimally-invasive neural-tract-tracing technique to introduce g ...201425018700
effect of age-based and environment-based cues on reproductive investment in gambusia affinis.we examined the multivariate life-history trajectories of age 0 and age 1 female gambusia affinis to determine relative effects of age-based and environment-based cues on reproductive investment. age 0 females decreased reproductive investment prior to the onset of fall and winter months, while age 1 females increased reproductive investment as the summer progressed. the reproductive restraint and terminal investment patterns exhibited by age 0 and age 1 females, respectively, were consistent wi ...201424967079
effects of cutrine-plus® algaecide and predators on wood frog (lithobates sylvaticus) tadpole survival and growth.copper contamination is increasing in many aquatic ecosystems. one mode by which copper can be introduced into aquatic ecosystems is as an algaecide, such as cutrine-plus®. using a mesocosm experiment, we examined the effects of cutrine-plus® on wood frog (lithobates sylvaticus) tadpoles. in addition, we examined how the presence of a nonnative predator the western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) may interact with exposure to cutrine-plus®. exposure to our low and high cutrine-plus® treatments h ...201424943889
expression patterns of metallothionein, cytochrome p450 1a and vitellogenin genes in western mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) in response to heavy metals.the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of three metals (zn, cd and pb) on hepatic metallothionein (mt), cytochrome p450 1a (cyp1a) and vitellogenin (vtg) mrna expression in the liver of adult female mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) after 1, 3 or 8d. both concentration-response and time-course effects of hepatic mt, cyp1a and vtg at the transcription level were determined by quantitative real-time pcr. the results from this study showed that zn, cd and pb could significantly induced mt, ...201424793519
assessment of mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) health indicators in relation to domestic wastewater discharges in suburbs of houston, usa.personal care products, pharmaceuticals, and other contaminants of emerging concern (cecs) in domestic wastewater treatment plant (wwtp) effluents can impact aquatic organisms. health indicators were compared for mosquitofish (gambusia affinis) collected above and below wwtp discharges from five streams in suburban areas of the houston metropolitan area, texas, usa. specimens were evaluated for reproductive, morphological, and histological indicators. several indicators revealed significant spat ...201424615506
plasticity of the mate choice mind: courtship evokes choice-like brain responses in females from a coercive mating system.female mate choice is fundamental to sexual selection, and determining molecular underpinnings of female preference variation is important for understanding mating character evolution. previously it was shown that whole-brain expression of a synaptic plasticity marker, neuroserpin, positively correlates with mating bias in the female choice poeciliid, xiphophorus nigrensis, when exposed to conspecific courting males, whereas this relationship is reversed in gambusia affinis, a mate coercive poec ...201424548673
susceptibility of fish and turtles to three ranaviruses isolated from different ectothermic vertebrate classes.ranaviruses have been associated with mortality of lower vertebrates around the world. frog virus 3 (fv3)-like ranaviruses have been isolated from different ectothermic vertebrate classes; however, few studies have demonstrated whether this pathogen can be transmitted among classes. using fv3-like ranaviruses isolated from the american bullfrog lithobates catesbeianus, eastern box turtle terrapene carolina carolina, and pallid sturgeon scaphirhynchus albus, we tested for the occurrence of interc ...201424895866
transmission of ranavirus between ectothermic vertebrate hosts.transmission is an essential process that contributes to the survival of pathogens. ranaviruses are known to infect different classes of lower vertebrates including amphibians, fishes and reptiles. differences in the likelihood of infection among ectothermic vertebrate hosts could explain the successful yearlong persistence of ranaviruses in aquatic environments. the goal of this study was to determine if transmission of a frog virus 3 (fv3)-like ranavirus was possible among three species from d ...201424667325
eco-friendly control of malaria and arbovirus vectors using the mosquitofish gambusia affinis and ultra-low dosages of mimusops elengi-synthesized silver nanoparticles: towards an integrative approach?mosquito-borne diseases represent a deadly threat for millions of people worldwide. however, the use of synthetic insecticides to control culicidae may lead to high operational costs and adverse non-target effects. plant-borne compounds have been proposed for rapid extracellular synthesis of mosquitocidal nanoparticles. their impact against biological control agents of mosquito larval populations has been poorly studied. we synthesized silver nanoparticles (agnp) using the aqueous leaf extract o ...201526300364
a novel biopesticide ponneem to control human vector mosquitoes anopheles stephensi l. and culex quinquefasciatus say.organophosphate pesticides are widely used in vector mosquito management and agricultural pest management. these chemicals enter into natural water bodies and soil and cause hazards to the environment. the objective of this study was to prepare a natural pesticide which will not harm the environment and yet control vector mosquitoes. ponneem, a novel biopesticide, patented and prepared from the oils of azadirachta indica and pongamia glabra, was tested against anopheles stephensi and culex quinq ...201525929457
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 347