
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
[epidemiologic study of lyme disease in asturias].the aim of this study was to confirm the sierra del sueve (asturias) as an endemic area for lyme's disease and determine the seroprevalence of this disease in inhabitants of this and other zones of asturias.19938260513
srui restriction endonuclease from selenomonas ruminantium.srui, specific restriction endonuclease, has been characterized from selenomonas ruminantium isolated from the rumen of fallow deer. results from the study demonstrate that s. ruminantium 18d possesses a type ii restriction endonuclease, which recognizes the sequence 5'-ttt decreases aaa-3'. the recognition sequence of srui was identified using digestions on pbr322, pbr328, puc18, m13mp18rf, pacyc184 and lambda dna. the cleavage patterns obtained were compared with computer-derived data. srui re ...19938262361
enterococci and staphylococci isolates from rumen of fallow deers and their antimicrobial activity.this work presents enterococci and staphylococci isolated from the rumen content of fallow deers, their characteristics and antimicrobial activity. on the basis of biochemical tests, strains isolated were allotted to the species enterococcus solitarius, e. malodoratus, staphylococcus warneri, s. aureus, s. sciuri subsp. sciuri and s. xylosus. all strains produce lactic acid in the range from 0.303 to 0.500 mol.l-1. isolated strains were found to be resistant or sensitive to the antimicrobial add ...19938264425
[the lymph vessel system of fallow deer (dama dama l. 1758)].in the present study the main lymph vessels of important lymph centres of fallow deer are described in detail and represented radiologically. the lymph flow from the periphery (ear conch, distal extremity) to the entry into the venous angle is proved by means of simultaneous indirect lymphography (sil). the vasa afferentia do not lead from the lateral ear conch to the ni. parotideus, as usually described with domestic animals, but run dorsally along the cervical vertebra to the ni. cervicalis su ...19938319546
pharyngeal bot flies (oestridae) from sympatric wild cervids in southern spain.the prevalence of 2 species of pharyngeal bot flies parasitizing sympatric wild ungulates from southern spain is given. pharyngomyia picta was found in all red deer and fallow deer whereas cephenemyia auribarbis was found in 59% of fallow deer and 81% of red deer examined. the mean number of p. picta larvae was 3-6 times more than that of c. auribarbis larvae. these data suggest that red deer are more heavily parasitized than fallow deer and that they are predominantly infested with p. picta lar ...19938331487
spiculopteragia spiculoptera and s. asymmetrica (nematoda: trichostrongyloidea) from red deer (cervus elaphus) in texas.specimens of spiculopteragia spiculoptera and s. asymmetrica were recovered from the abomasa of five of ten naturally infected red deer (cervus elaphus) in texas (usa). female specimens of spiculopteragia were present in all five animals. male specimens of s. spiculoptera and s. asymmetrica were present in one of five and three of five red deer, respectively. spiculopteragia spiculoptera has not previously been recognized in the united states and the present report constitutes the first records ...19938355362
characterization of megatrypanum trypanosomes from european cervidae.megatrypanum trypanosomes have been isolated from a number of different european cervidae, but on the basis of morphology it has not been possible to define the species to which these isolates belong. we isolated trypanosoma (megatrypanum) theileri from 10 cattle, and megatrypanum trypanosomes from 11 fallow deer (cervus dama), 9 red deer (cervus elaphus), and 4 roe deer (capreolus capreolus) by blood culture on a biphasic medium (nnn agar slopes). trypanosomes were propagated in schneider's dro ...19938355998
endocrine responses and conception rates in fallow deer (dama dama) following oestrous synchronization and cervical insemination with fresh or frozen-thawed expt 1, 59 mature fallow deer does were allocated to six treatments (n = 9-10 per treatment). does assigned to treatments 1, 2 and 3 each received an i.m. injection of 500 micrograms cloprostenol on day 13 of a luteal cycle. does in treatments 2 and 3 received 50 or 100 iu pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin (pmsg), respectively, at the time of prostaglandin administration. does assigned to treatments 4, 5 and 6 each received single intravaginal controlled internal drug release (cidr) devices ...19938410816
[thiocyanate blood levels in roe deer, red deer, fallow deer and wild boar].the following serum levels of thiocyanate (scn-) were found in game: roe 6.6 +/- 4 mg/l, red deer 5.5 +/- 3.2 mg/l, fallow-deer 5.1 +/- 2.8 mg/l, and wild boar 4.8 +/- 4.5 mg/l (variation 0.6-32.6 mg scn-/l). these levels are distinctly higher than in domestic animals under stall-feeding with exception of mast calves which were fed milk-substitutes. the scn- serum level of calves, sheep and horses reach at pasturing nearly the level of game. the higher scn- serum level of cloven-hoof game resp. ...19938431200
streptococcus suis infection in fallow deer. 19938465510
[the content of hemoglobin in the blood and the abundant and trace elements in blood plasma and erythrocytes of sheep, fallow deer, dwarf goats and reindeer].of the 4 species, the blood of fallow deer had the highest concentration of hb (10.9 +/- 0.7) and that of pygmy goats (6.5 +/- 1.4 mmol/l) the lowest. the highest concentration of protein in the plasma was found in the reindeer (81.2 +/- 2.1) and the lowest in the pygmy goats (59.1 +/- 4.3 g/l). high values of ascorbic acid were recorded in the reindeer (16.4 +/- 2.4) and in the finnish sheep (16.3 +/- 2.5 micrograms/ml). there existed some differences in the concentrations of na, k, ca, mg, pa, ...19938488500
pattern of abomasal helminths in fallow deer farming in umbria (central italy).five helminth species were seen in the abomasa of 29 farmed fallow deer. spiculopteragia asymmetrica was most common in both prevalence (96.6%) and abundance (166.2). ostertagia drozdzi, ostertagia arctica and spiculopteragia quadrispiculata were also recovered with high prevalence (79.3-93.1%); trichostrongylus axei was sporadic (3.4%). yearlings had worm counts of 496-1480, adult males of 168-1720 and females of 18-2008. for nine of 13 deer, the faecal egg counts were negative and post-mortem ...19938493770
effects of an antiandrogen treatment on the antler cycle of male fallow deer (dama dama l.).weekly application of the antiandrogen cyproteron acetate (ca) to 3 adult (group 1, treatment starting 3 weeks prior to the rut) and 4 subadult (group 2, treatment starting after the rut) fallow bucks led to premature antler casting after about 9 weeks (group 1) or 16 to 17 days (group 2). variation in time span between onset of ca administration and induced casting (in late november/early december) is attributed to age- and season-dependent differences in androgen levels before and during the t ...19938515202
diversionary role of hoofed game in the transmission of lyme disease determine whether the presence of ungulates may inhibit transmission of the agent of lyme disease (borrelia burgdorferi) while promoting the abundance of its european vector tick (ixodes ricinus), we compared the feeding density of subadult ticks on roe deer (capreolus capreolus), red deer (cervus elaphus), fallow deer (dama dama), and wild sheep (ovis ammon) near berlin and in brandenburg state, germany. the prevalence of spirochetal infection in these ticks was compared with that in ticks s ...19938517488
proteinase inhibitors of the kunitz family in fallow deer organs: a comparative study.protein proteinase inhibitors belonging to the kunitz family have been isolated and characterized in several fallow deer organs. in all the organs studied we found the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (bpti) while its isoforms, previously isolated and characterized in organs of other ruminant species (bovids and ovids), were absent. in the kidney, in addition to bpti, active fragments of the inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor were also isolated. the distribution of kunitz-type inhibitors in differe ...19947515759
[possibilities of contagion of gastrointestinal and lung nematode infections of fallow deer for cattle, sheep and goats raised in the same fenced area as fallow deer].cattle as well as sheep and goats may be infected with parasitic nematodes of fallow deer under natural conditions, but heavy infections do not occur. most nematode species were recorded in goats, cattle harboured the fewest number of species. the specific abomasal parasites of fallow deer (spiculopteragia asymmetrica, apteragia quadrispiculata, skrjabinagia ryjikovi, ostertagia drozdzi) were only seen in goats in greater number while both cattle and sheep were only poor susceptible. capillaria ...19947720543
[comparative studies on looking into lacertus fibrosis and aponeurosis of the bicipitis brachii muscle as well as assessment of the biceps brachii and bracialis muscles in sheep, goats and wild deer].in 34 anatomical specimens of sheep, goat and fallow deer the development of the cranial brachial and antebrachial fascia as well as the occurrence of a lacertus fibrosus and of structures, that are homologous with the aponeurosis m. bicipitis brachii hominis, were studied. additionally, the attachments of the m. biceps brachii and the m. brachialis were dissected. in sheep, goat and fallow deer the superficial layer of the fascia brachii et antebrachii is weakly developed. its deeper stratum, o ...19947832287
successful embryo transfer following artificial insemination of superovulated fallow deer (dama dama).thirty-four european fallow deer (dama dama dama) were randomly allocated into embryo donor (n = 12) or embryo recipient (n = 22) groups. all does were treated with controlled internal drug release (cidr) devices for 14 days. animals in the embryo donor group were further treated with 200 i.u. pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (pmsg) and 0.5 units ovine follicle-stimulating hormone (fsh). pmsg was administered 72 h before withdrawal of cidr devices and fsh was given in eight 0.063 unit injection ...19947991786
electrophysiological measurements of spectral mechanisms in the retinas of two cervids: white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) and fallow deer (dama dama).electroretinogram (erg) flicker photometry was used to study the spectral mechanisms in the retinas of white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) and fallow deer (dama dama). in addition to having a rod pigment with maximum sensitivity (lambda max) of about 497 nm, both species appear to have two classes of photopic receptors. they share in common a short-wavelength-sensitive cone mechanism having lambda max in the region of 450-460 nm. each also has a cone having peak sensitivity in the middle ...19948006855
prevalence of antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi in danish estimate the prevalence of antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi in the most common species of danish deer, blood samples were collected from roe deer (capreolus capreolus), fallow deer (dama dama), and red deer (cervus elaphus). a total of 156 blood samples were collected primarily from hunts in three areas of denmark from november 1990 to december 1991. presence of deer igg antibodies to the borrelia burgdorferi strain dk ecm 1 were shown by an indirect immunofluorescence assay at serum titre ...19948011306
the rba-banded karyotype of the fallow deer (dama dama l.).high resolution rba-banding patterns of dama dama prometaphase chromosomes and their ideograms are presented as models for the definition of the standard rba-banded karyotype of the species. the haploid set of rba-banded prometaphase chromosomes, including the x and y gonosomes, has revealed 527 bands, of which 191 are r-positive, 254 are r-negative and 82 are intermediate.19948039426
restriction endonucleases from selenomonas ruminantium which recognize and cleave 5'-at/taat-3'.two natural isolates from fallow-deer rumen identified as selenomonas ruminantium were found to produce a restriction endonuclease which we called sru4di. this enzyme was isolated from cell extracts by phosphocellulose chromatography. analysis of the sru4di recognition site showed that sru4di recognizes the hexanucleotide sequence 5'-at/taat-3' generating 5'dinucleotide protruding ends upon cleavage and thus is a true isoschizomer of vspi, a restriction enzyme isolated from vibrio sp.19948042908
biochemical and histological study of the ossification in the early developing pedicle of the fallow deer (dama dama).to date, no histochemical data exist concerning the process of ossification of developing pedicles in deer. four different zones of the growing pedicle (subcutaneous tissue; fibrous layer of the periosteum; cambial layer of the periosteum; woven bone of the primary spongiosa) were analysed in direct correlation to their histological appearance. the level of extractable specific alkaline phosphatase in the preosseous zones of the pedicle was 4-fold higher than levels in the epiphyseal growth plat ...19948055532
light microscopic observations on the ossification process in the early developing pedicle of fallow deer (dama dama).the ossification process of the early developing pedicle was studied in five male fallow deer fawns, aged about seven months. the incipient pedicle was covered by a periosteum, the cambial layer of which was significantly thicker at the apex of the outgrowth than in the more peripheral areas of the pedicle. as was demonstrated histologically, in the central part of the pedicle elongation occurred by a process corresponding to endochondral ossification, whereas in the more peripheral areas the pe ...19948059968
is mate choice copying or aggregation responsible for skewed distributions of females on leks?in several lek-breeding populations of birds and mammals, females arriving on leks tend to join males that already have females in their territories. this might occur either because females have an evolved preference for mating with males that are attractive to other females, or because they join groups of other females to obtain greater safety from predation or dangerous harassment by males. we have previously used controlled experiments to show that oestrous fallow deer females join males with ...19948153135
embryo transfer in fallow deer (dama dama): superovulation, embryo recovery and laparoscopic transfer of fresh and cryopreserved embryos.multiple ovulation-embryo transfer (moet) protocols for farmed fallow deer (dama dama) were investigated in a series of 3 experiments. a total of 37 donors, of either european (d.d. dama ; n = 30) or mesopotamian hybrid (d.d. mesopotamica x d.d. dama ; n =7) genotype, each received an intravaginal silastic device containing 0.3 g progesterone (cidr-type g device) for 14 d and injections of 0.5 units ovine fsh (8 x 0.06 unit injections from days 10 to 14 of device insertion) and 100 iu pmsg (eith ...199416727564
electrical head-only stunning of fallow deer (dama dama). 199416031743
minimum duration of effective head-only electrical stunning of fallow deer (dama dama) and time to loss of consciousness following a throat-cut. 199416031770
herbivorous mammals as seed dispersers in a mediterranean dehesa.endozoochrous seed dispersal by herbivorous mammals has been verified repeatedly and its possible influence on the structure and function of herbaceous communities has been suggested. quantitative studies, however, are lacking in the field of seed dispersal via the dung of herbivore guilds in little-altered environments. the present paper analyses seed dispersal via rabbit, fallow deer, red deer and cow dung in a mediterranean dehesa (open woodland used for hunting and ranching) during the seedi ...199528307361
sequence conservation of microsatellites between bos taurus (cattle), capra hircus (goat) and related species. examples of use in parentage testing and phylogeny analysis.a panel of 70 bovine microsatellites was tested for amplification from goat dna. forty-three could be successfully amplified by pcr, 20 of which were tested for polymorphism. three were applied for parentage testing in goat families and their exclusion probability evaluated. fourteen were cloned and sequenced from goat dna, and goat and bovine sequences were compared to evaluate interspecific conservation. correlation between the structure of the dinucleotide repeat and the number of alleles was ...19957852099
outbreaks of yersiniosis caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis in farmed cervids.yersiniosis, caused by yersinia pseudotuberculosis, was diagnosed in 25 deer submitted to the veterinary diagnostic laboratories of the ontario ministry of agriculture and food from 8 farms in ontario, canada, over the 4-year period of january 1990 to december 1993. the organism was cultured, usually in large numbers, from the intestines and, less frequently, mesenteric lymph nodes and/or the spleen of 13 red deer (cervus elaphus), 6 elk (c. e. canadiensis), 4 fallow deer (dama dama), and 2 red ...19957779969
effects of castration on antler growth in fallow deer (dama dama l.).morphology and histological structure of antlers grown after castration (performed on march 25) were studied in six young fallow bucks. in the year after castration, antlerogenesis occurred during the species-specific time span, and the shape of the antlers, which remained permanently in velvet, was normal. during a cold period in december/january, the distal parts of the antlers suffered from frostbite and were subsequently detached. the process of sequestration was similar to that leading to n ...19957561722
regulation of adrenocorticotropin secretion in vitro by anterior pituitary corticotrophs from fallow deer (dama dama).the actions of corticotropin-releasing hormone (crh), vasopressin (vp), the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone (dex), and mifepristone (ru 486), a glucocorticoid antagonist, on the secretion of adrenocorticotropin (acth) by cultured fallow deer corticotrophs were studied in vitro. on day 5 of primary culture, corticotrophs were challenged for up to 4 hr with medium alone (control), crh, vp, dex, forskolin (fsk), phorbol ester (tpa), cyclic amp (camp), and/or ru 486 at various concentrations ...19957587171
a comparative study of the histopathologic features of bovine tuberculosis in cattle, fallow deer (dama dama), sika deer (cervus nippon), and red deer and elk (cervus elaphus).sections of tuberculous lesions from 23 elk (cervus elaphus nelsoni) and red deer (cervus elaphus elaphus), 12 fallow deer (dama dama), 10 sika deer (cervus nippon), and 30 cattle were examined and compared. lesions were scored for caseous necrosis, mineralization, neutrophils, macrophages, giant cells, and acid-fast bacilli. some differences in lesion morphology between the species were noted. elk/red deer lesions had marked variation and often differed from bovine lesions in several characteri ...19957604487
bovine tuberculosis in swedish deer farms: epidemiological investigations and tracing using restriction fragment analysis.bovine tuberculosis was eradicated from sweden after a programme lasting many years. by 1991, no tuberculosis in wildlife had been discovered for 50 years and the last case in cattle had occurred 13 years before. in 1991, the disease was identified in a herd of farmed fallow deer (dama dama) and over the next three years nine other infected herds were identified. investigation revealed that all the infected deer were either deer that had been imported into sweden from the united kingdom in 1987 ...19957625058
[the content of pepsinogen in the blood plasma of growing fallow deer (dama dama l.) raised helminth free and under natural conditions in captivity].pepsinogen values were determined in helminth free (n = 12) and naturally raised farmed fallow deer (n = 10-12) from birth (june 1992) to 11 (may 1993) and 15 months (september 1993) of age respectively in 4 weekly intervals. at birth the plasma pepsinogen value was 0.708 +/- 0.197 u tyrosin/l and decreased thereafter until 14 weeks of age to 0.139 +/- 0.061 u tyrosin/l in both groups. from the 18th week of age the naturally raised fallow deer, infected with gastrointestinal nematodes, had signi ...19957495412
one known sarcocystis species and one found for the first time in fallow deer (dama dama).sarcocysts of free-ranging indigenous fallow deer (dama d. dama) from northeast germany and captive persian fallow deer (dama dama mesopotamica) from the zoo berlin-friedrichsfelde were described using the transmission electron microscope. two sarcocystis species (sporozoa, sarcocystidae) were found in d. d. dama, one of them already known, the other new for this host. the known species was also found in d. dama mesopotamica. comparing the literature, former own findings in roe deer, red deer or ...19958528305
dynamics of endoparasites in farmed fallow deer (dama dama) from birth to puberty.rectal faecal samples from farmed fallow deer were examined for eggs, larvae and oocysts of gastro-intestinal and pulmonary parasites from july 1992, then the fawns were 6 weeks old, to september 1993 in four weekly intervals. the investigations showed a succession of species: trichuris spp., nematodirus roscidus and capillaria bovis had their peaks in egg output in august 1992, september 1992 and february 1993, respectively. after reaching peaks the faecal output of trichuris spp. and nematodir ...19958541894
the endocrine cells in the gastro-enteric tract of adult fallow deer (dama dama l.).endocrine cells were detected in the gastro-enteric tract of the fallow deer by means of immunohistochemical procedures, using antibodies against serotonin, somatostatin, gastrin, glucagon and cholecystokinin. the number of cells positive for each antiserum in each region was evaluated. serotonin-containing enterochromaffin (ec) cells were present in every region investigated and were most numerous in the proximal duodenum. cells positive for somatostatin were present in all the regions studied, ...19958546324
comparative rapd-pcr analysis of lungworms (dictyocaulidae) from fallow deer, cattle, sheep, and horses.genomic dna isolated from the four dictyocaulus species d. viviparus, d. eckerti, d. filaria and d. arnfieldi was compared by random amplified polymorphic dna polymerase chain reaction (rapd)-pcr to get additional information whether lungworms from fallow deer belong to a separate species (d. eckerti) or have to be regarded as an isolate of d. viviparus in wild ruminants. the resulting banding patterns of the electrophoresed pcr products were compared to assess the degree of genetic differences ...19958553712
[evaluation of the meat quality of game].the carcasses of 140 roe deer, 129 wild boars, 81 red deer and 55 fallow deer were examined to determine meat quality with respect to the influence of typical hunting situations. after hunting, many carcasses had not been cooled, which significantly influenced meat-quality parameters. the ph-value, detected electrochemically, gave the most reliable results out of all the meat-quality parameters investigated. determination of the ph-value with regard to the ph indexes ascertained for different po ...19958578914
bovine virus diarrhea and mucosal disease in free-ranging and captive deer (cervidae) in germany.from 1990 until 1992, 355 blood samples of roe deer (capreolus capreolus) (n = 123), red deer (cervus elaphus) (n = 60), fallow deer (dama dama) (n = 87) and other cervid species (n = 85) from three different habitats (n = 180) and 11 wildlife parks or zoos (n = 175) in germany were tested for prevalence of pestivirus antibodies. seventeen samples were seropositive for bovine viral diarrhea virus (bvdv); only one animal had antibodies for border disease virus. microneutralization test titers ran ...19958583646
[seasonal effect on serum levels of thyroid hormones in german shepherds and dachshunds and their health status].a relatively frequent prevalence of dermatoses in summer has drawn our attention. dermatoses of endocrine origin occur very often. we have noticed the deterioration of skin changes in animals with hypothyroidism. bubeník et al. (1983), webster et al. (1991), reiter et al. (1988) reported that changes in concentrations of thyroid hormones were found in fallow-deer, sheep and hamsters due to the effect of temperature and season. based upon this knowledge we have decided to observe the health statu ...19958585138
[serologic investigations on the occurrence of maedi-visna antibodies in game ruminants].the lentiviruses of small domestic ruminants (maedi-visna and caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus) have been shown to be infective for each other. there are only few investigations of virus susceptibility of other species of animals. the aim of our study reported here was to evaluate sera of wild animal species for lentivirus antibodies. 344 sera of capreolus capreolus, cervus elaphus and dama dama from a territory with known sheep populations prevalence were tested in the agar gel immunodiffus ...19958593775
tissue differentiation and correlated changes in enzymatic activities during primary antler development in fallow deer (dama dama).deer antlers are useful models for studying bone growth and biomineralization in mammals. to achieve a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the formation of primary cranial appendages in deer, the present study relates the histogenesis of primary antlers to changes in enzymatic (phosphatase) activities in the different tissue zones of this organ.19958597287
species differentiation of lungworms (dictyocaulidae) by polymerase chain reaction/restriction-fragment-length polymorphism of second internal transcribed spacers of ribosomal dna.the bovine lungworm dictyocaulus viviparus is found in cattle and deer species (roe deer, fallow deer). although a separate lungworm species (d. eckerti) from roe deer has been described, this description, based on minor morphological differences, is not generally accepted. the aim of the present study was to examine genetic differences among four lungworm species isolated from cattle, sheep, horses, and fallow deer. ribosomal second internal transcribed spacers (its2) of individual worms of all ...19968738276
ciliary abnormalities in the tracheal epithelium of normal fallow deer (dama dama).specimens of tracheal mucosa were obtained from seven 2- to 5-year-old healthy fallow deer by an olympus gif p20 fibroscope. biopsies were performed in two selected areas in the upper and lower third, respectively. ultrastructurally, a total of 50,000 cilia were examined. pathological cilia were found in all examined subjects. the prevalence of compound cilia showed a range of 0.9 to 3.0%. the presence of both intracytoplasmatic and swollen cilia ranged from 0.1 to 0.2%. furthermore, the microtu ...19968765584
relationship between ixodes ricinus density and prevalence of infection with borrelia-like spirochetes and density of infected ticks.during 1994-1995 we examined the density of questing ixodes ricinus (l.) nymphs and their prevalence of infection with borrelia-like spirochetes at 43 localities in south-central sweden with median nymphal densities ranging from 0.1 to > 50/100 m2. the general pattern was that the infection prevalence in nymphs increased with nymphal density at < 10 nymphs per 100 m2, peaked (20-30%) at 10-20 nymphs per 100 m2, and decreased at higher nymphal densities. a low infection prevalence (7-10%) in nymp ...19968840687
innervation and anesthesia of the antler pedicle in wapiti and fallow deer.the heads from 6 mature male wapiti and 8 mature male fallow deer were dissected to provide a description of the nerves supplying the antler pedicles. innervation in both species was found to resemble that of the red deer, with major contributions coming from the infratrochlear and zygomaticotemporal nerves. all heads displayed a dorsal branch from the auriculopalpebral nerve, but in only 2 wapiti and 3 fallow deer heads was this branch observed travelling to the pedicle. the dorsal branches of ...19968853883
oxygen binding to fallow-deer (dama dama) hemoglobin: stepwise enthalpies at ph 7.4.high-precision thin-layer gas-solution microcalorimetry has been used to study the oxygen binding properties of fallow-deer (dama dama) hemoglobin under physiological conditions. this method measures directly the enthalpy of macromolecular ligand binding by changing the ligand activity in a manner analogous to that of the gill thin-layer optical apparatus ([1], d. dolman and s. j. gill, anal. biochem., 87 (1978) 127-134). by logarithmically lowering the partial pressure of oxygen we have generat ...19968867331
serum testosterone, 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone and different sex characteristics in male fallow deer (cervus dama): a long-term experiment with accelerated investigate the photoperiodic influence on androgen, testis volume, neck girth, and antler-cycles, five fallow bucks were exposed consecutively to different accelerated photoperiodic cycles (three 6-month, three 4-month, and one 3-month cycle). all parameters immediately followed artificial light cycles. unlike in natural conditions, antler casting, regrowth, and velvet shedding occurred at decreasing day-lengths. the experiment provided further evidence that in fallow bucks the reproductive ...19968896342
nadh diaphorase polymorphism in european fallow deer.nadh diaphorase polymorphism is reported for european fallow deer (d. d. dama) from coto de doñana national park (spain). allele frequencies of p = 0.682 (anodic variant) and q = 0.318 (cathodic variant) in 110 specimens suggest population genetic usefulness of this biallelic system in an otherwise fairly monomorphic cervid species.19968935993
effect of testosterone on binding of insulin-like growth factor-i (igf-i) and igf-ii in growing antlers of fallow deer (dama dama).testosterone regulation of antler growth may be via the insulin-like growth factors (igfs). using histological autoradiography we have measured the specific binding of igf-i and igf-ii to antler sections during normal growth and during the maturation which follows testosterone treatment of adult fallow deer. in antlers from 20 to 100 days following casting, igf-i binding was constant within each histological region until 80 days. between this time and 100 days there was decreased binding to chon ...19968971550
comparison of seasonal changes in reproductive parameters of adult male european fallow deer (dama dama dama) and hybrid mesopotamian x european fallow deer (d. d. mesopotamica x d. d. dama).in a study, aimed at comparing seasonal reproductive development of european fallow deer (dama dama dama) with mesopotamian (d. d. mesopotamico) x european f1 hybrids, five adult males of each genotype, which had been raised together since birth, were maintained as a bachelor group. morphometric (body weight, neck circumference and testis diameter), endocrine (plasma testosterone concentrations) and seminal (ejaculate volume, spermatozoa per ejaculate and spermatozoa motility) parameters were re ...19969227923
cross-infections between fallow deer and domestic ruminants with large lungworms (dictyocaulus spp.).groups of four deer each were experimentally infected with larvae of dictyocaulus (d.) eckerti (from fallow deer) or d. viviparus (from cattle) or d. filaria (from sheep), groups of four cattle each with d. viviparus or d. eckerti and groups of 4 lambs each with d. filaria or d. eckerti. the animals were daily examined coprologically following the 16th day post infectionem. the animals were slaughtered at different times and the lungs were dissected. with the exception of the infection of the sh ...19969060169
species-specific polymerase chain reaction for the differentiation of larvae from dictyocaulus viviparus and dictyocaulus eckerti.using substantial interspecific differences between the second internal transcribed spacer (its2) region within the rdna gene of dictyocaulus eckerti and dictyocaulus viviparus a species-specific pcr was developed to distinguish between lungworm larvae of the two species from fallow deer and cattle. it was found that the method of dna extraction was crucial for the sensitivity of the pcr. with serial dilutions of dna extracted from 10,000 larvae the its2 fragment could be amplified from all dilu ...19979066058
histochemical study of lectin binding in the major salivary glands of adult fallow-deer (dama dama l.).the sugar residues in glycoconjugates present in the parotid and mandibular glands of the adult fallow-deer were detected and characterized by using a battery of eight different lectin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates. in some cases a treatment with sialidase preceded the lectin staining. parotid secretory cells produced glycoconjugates with n-acetylgalactosamine, n-acetylglucosamine and mannose residues. mucous acinar cells were the most reactive sites of the mandibular gland and contained con ...19979150800
differences in a ribosomal dna sequence of lungworm species (nematoda:dictyocaulidae) from fallow deer, cattle, sheep and donkeys.the second internal transcribed spacer (its2)* of the ribosomal dna of dictyocaulus viviparus from cattle, d eckerti from fallow deer. d filaria from sheep and d arnfieldi from donkeys has been sequenced to investigate the genetic relationships among lungworm species, especially between d viviparus and d eckerti, because the latter is not generally accepted as a separate species. the length of the its2 varied between 403 and 481 bases, and its gc content ranged from 25 to 33 per cent. intraspeci ...19979160418
pharmacokinetics of long-acting oxytetracycline in fallow deer (dama dama). 19979185093
[taxonomy of european and persian fallow deer on the basis of bone remains in turkey].the site of sirkeli höyük is located on the cukurova-plain in southern turkey upon the river ceyhan. during the excavation bones were recovered from strata that date from the chalkolithikum (4th millenium b.c.) to hellenistic-roman times (2nd/1st century b.c.). the analysis of these remains evaluates the nutritional habits of the höyük inhabitants and the reconstruction of the former landscape. apparently it consisted of a vast steppe with gallery forests along the rivers and fens. the identific ...19979198958
descriptive epidemiology of captive cervid herds in michigan, usa.a study was designed to determine the species composition, disease period prevalence, and utilization of preventive practices in captive cervid herds in michigan. this is the first description of cervid farming in the united states. data for the 12 months preceding the study were collected by means of a mail questionnaire conducted from march 3 through june 28, 1993. completed questionnaires were returned by 228 of 362 (63%) farms. study respondents reported ownership of a total of 4972 (80.9%) ...19979208449
ocular disease associated with silage feeding and listeria monocytogenes in fallow deer. 19979234555
some haematological and immunological parameters of farmed deer in hungary.a haematological survey of farmed fallow deer (dama dama) and red deer (cervus elaphus) was carried out. in the winter period the red blood cell (rbc) count was 9.0 x 10(12)/l in adult fallow-does, and 6.1 x 10(12)/l in fawns. the haemoglobin (hb) level and mean corpuscular volume (mcv) were also significantly (p < 0.05) lower in fawns than in adult fallow deer. in blood samples taken from red deer in different physiological and nutritional periods, the stags showed the lowest mean rbc count in ...19979270131
the mitochondrial control region of cervidae: evolutionary patterns and phylogenetic content.the mitochondrial control region (cr) sequence, also known as the d-loop, has been determined for six cervidae (artiodactyla, ruminantia): the red and fallow deers (subfamily cervinae), the brocket deer and two roe deers (subfamily odocoileinae), and the chinese water deer (hydropotinae). these new sequences have been aligned with available cervid and bovid orthologues. comparative analyses indicate that the 5'-peripheral domain exhibits a 75-bp length polymorphism near sequences associated with ...19979364773
[a focus of dermacentor reticulatus kept by red and fallow deer in animal husbandry (kosewo, poland)].focus of dermacentor reticulatus has been found on the area of fenced cervides farm. very frequent occurrence of d. reticulatus on plants of red and fallow deer pens indicates that these animals in farm conditions are good hosts of adult forms of this tick. on pens of red deer the number of ticks caught on plants was considerable greater than on pens of fallow deer. however, proportion of males in spring and autumn populations of ticks caught on fallow deer pens was considerable greater than on ...19979424941
[enzootic spinal ataxia in fallow and wild red deer in upper bavaria].since 1993 several cases of spinal ataxia occurred in adult red and/or fallow deer in four farms in southern bavaria. the disease based on a secondary copper deficiency due to a high level of molybden and a low level of copper content in the feed. some of the animals suffer from a severe disturbance of motion. in most cases the animals are shot at the beginning of illness. histologically the most important lesions are in the spinal cord consisting mainly in a bilateral symmetric degeneration of ...19979451765
feeding and social behavior of fallow deer (dama dama l.) under intensive pasture confinement.a population of 110 adult fallow deer kept in an enclosure under very intensive conditions (31.4 deer/ha) was observed for 12 h/d (from 0800 to 2000) for 17 d during the birth season in order to study social and feeding behavior under intensive management. observations were carried out by a scan sampling technique. the feeding activity of all the deer that were not hidden behind trees or other obstacles in the enclosure (60 to 90% of all deer) and the composition and position of all groups were ...19979051456
artificial neural networks as a classification method in the behavioural sciences.the classification and recognition of individual characteristics and behaviours constitute a preliminary step and is an important objective in the behavioural sciences. current statistical methods do not always give satisfactory results. to improve performance in this area, we present a methodology based on one of the principles of artificial neural networks: the backpropagation gradient. after summarizing the theoretical construction of the model, we describe how to parameterize a neural networ ...199724897611
hepatogenous photosensitisation in fallow deer (dama dama) in new outbreak of hepatogenous photosensitisation occurred in fallow deer and was diagnosed as facial eczema on the basis of liver lesions and plasma enzyme changes over 56 weeks. clinical signs of photosensitisation were not as obvious as they are in sheep and cattle. the condition occurred over autumn and in the following spring. six of 23 deer died or were destroyed. concentrations of plasma total bilirubin, total bile acids and cholesterol increased, as well as the activities of aspartate trans ...199716031961
variability of endonucleolytic activity indicates high genetic diversity within the natural population ofselenomonas ruminantium.the population of bacteria ofselenomonas ruminantium species in the rumen of fallow-deer was analyzed using endonucleolytic activity assay and plasmid profiles. this analysis indicated a high diversity within the population ofs. ruminantium. at least 12 different restriction profiles, indicating the presence of the different specificity nucleases, have been observed. site-specific endonucleases were detected in 17 out of 45 strains tested. in other strains a various level of nonspecific activity ...199718454331
flight responses of park fallow deer to the human observer.the flight response of fallow deer (dama dama) towards human observers was studied in an enclosed population using fixed transects. groups took flight less often when in open habitats, in large group sizes and at high distances from the transect. flight was also less common where human activity was higher. this effect was marked, probably because the study was carried out in an enclosure where disturbance was frequent, regular and predictable. we suggest that these results may indicate that the ...199824896728
[investigations on hematologic and clinical chemical parameters in blood serum of newborn fallow deer calves (dama dama l.). 1: birth weight and hematologic parameters].59 newborn fallow deer calves were caught, marked, clinically investigated and weighed within 24 hours after parturition. simultaneously a blood sample was taken from the jugular vein for hematological investigation. mean birth weight was 4.84 +/- 0.4 kg. mean number of erythrocytes was 8.91 +/- 0.77 t/l, the hemoglobin concentration was 8.28 +/- 0.77 mmol/l and the pcv was 40.9 +/- 3.0%. a temporary physiological erythropenia as described for neonates of different species during early postnatal ...19989587975
omasal anatomy in new zealand red and fallow deer: an exploratory multivariate analysis.we measured the weight and volume of omasae, and the number, weight and area of omasal laminae from wild fallow (cervus dama), and wild and farmed red deer (cervus elaphus) whose diet, as indicated by rumen content, was known. a multivariate analysis yielded two principal components, interpreted as indices of overall omasal size and laminar leafiness. the second component showed significantly greater variance in wild red deer than in farmed red or wild fallow deer. deer feeding on a mixed diet o ...19989591369
entropy-driven intermediate steps of oxygenation may regulate the allosteric behavior of hemoglobin.when the oxygen binding isotherms of human, bovine and fallow deer (dama-dama) hemoglobins are measured at different temperatures either by optical or calorimetric techniques, analyses according to the adair's formalism show that at least one of the intermediate steps of ligation has a positive enthalpy change, i.e., absorbs rather than emitting heat, indicating that it is entropy rather than enthalpy driven (bucci, e., et al. 1991. biochemistry. 30:3195-3199; bucci, e., et al. 1993. biochemistr ...19989591687
new phylogenetic perspectives on the cervidae (artiodactyla) are provided by the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene.the entire mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene was compared for 11 species of the artiodactyl family cervidae, representing all living subfamilies, i.e., the antlered cervinae (cervus elaphus, c. nippon, dama dama), muntiacinae (muntiacus reevesi), and odocoileinae (odocoileus hemionus, mazama sp., capreolus capreolus, c. pygargus, rangifer tarandus, alces alces); and the antlerless hydropotinae (hydropotes inermis). phylogenetic analyses using tragulidae, antilocapridae, giraffidae and bovi ...19989628037
[investigation of hematologic and clinical chemical parameters in serum of newborn fallow deer calves (dama dama l.). clinical chemical parameters].59 blood samples from newborn fallow deer calves were clinical-chemically investigated at day of birth. to estimate the metabolic situation post natum we measured the concentration of glucose (6.8 +/- 2.2 mmol/l), total protein (54.0 +/- 8.7 g/l), albumin (19.5 +/- 2.3 g/l), gammaglobulins (3.5 +/- 2.0 g/l), urea (5.2 +/- 1.8 mmol/l), creatinine (86.2 +/- 22.8 mumol/l) and bilirubin (4.4 +/- 4.4 mumol/l). furthermore the activity of the enzymes ap (3258 u/l), alat (10.8 u/)l, asat (67.2 u/l), gg ...19989646406
analysis of parotid and mixed saliva in roe deer (capreolus capreolus l.).in ruminants, different functions have been ascribed to the different salivary glands according to the feeding type. in this context, possible adaptations of salivary functions were investigated regarding the secretion of various proteins by different types of salivary glands. to yield uncontaminated parotid saliva in large quantities, a non-surgical method has been developed. parotid gland secretions were collected via endoscopic placement of guide wires into each parotid duct, which were subse ...19989646502
studies on the parietal region of the cervid skull. iii. on the occurrence of an interparietal in cervus.the occurrence of an os interparietal was studied in two transparent preparations of fetal red deer (cervus elaphus) heads and in 14 dried skulls of fetal to early postnatal individuals from four cervus species (c. elaphus, c. nippon, c. duvauceli and c. eldi). in 14 of the 16 specimens, an interparietal was present as either a paired or single bone. in only a neonate red deer and a 5-week-old sika deer this skull element was missing. we therefore conclude that an os interparietal, developing fr ...19989652148
a reed-frost model of the spread of tuberculosis within seven swedish extensive farmed fallow deer herds.the within-herd transmission of tuberculosis, after introduction of infection, was evaluated in seven swedish herds of farmed fallow deer. the evaluation was based on a subset of data obtained from a previous epidemiological investigation, comprising 13 tuberculosis-infected deer herds, with the purpose of tracing the source of infection. a computer spreadsheet model based on the reed-frost method was developed to estimate the number of new infections. for each herd, a k-value (the number of eff ...19989658444
haemorrhagic septicaemia vaccines.haemorrhagic septicaemia (hs), an economically important disease of cattle and buffaloes, is caused by pasteurella multocida (6:b). vaccination against this disease is widely practised. plain broth bacterins, or alum precipitated and aluminium hydroxide gel vaccines are administered twice a year since these vaccines offer an immunity of 4-6 months. many countries use oil adjuvant vaccine (oav), which gives both a higher degree and a longer duration of immunity up to 1 year. a double emulsion and ...19989682378
effects of retinoic acid on pedicle and first antler growth in a fallow buck (dama dama l.).unilateral injection of 10 mg all-trans retinoic acid (in 1 ml of castor oil) into the early pedicle anlage of a male fallow deer resulted in accelerated growth of the cranial appendage, and altered pedicle and first antler shape on the treatment side, whereas pedicle and antler growth on the control side, injected with 1 ml of vehicle solution only, was normal. it is concluded that retinoic acid is able to alter pedicle and first antler morphogenesis, presumably by affecting the positional info ...19989728281
effects of social organization, age and aggressive behaviour on allosuckling in wild fallow deer.i investigated the occurrence, frequency and distribution of allosuckling in a wild population of fallow deer, dama dama, throughout the lactation period during 1992 in southern sweden. a total of 292 suckling bouts were observed in four groups; in 43% of these, fawns were seen sucking from a female that was not the mother. allosuckling occurred in a higher percentage of suckling bouts as the lactation period progressed and all 16 fawns participated to various degrees. of the 16 females, 13 suck ...19989784219
male-biased investment in fallow deer: an experimental find the causes of faster growth in males, we studied the growth and behaviour of six male and five female fallow deer, dama dama, fawns, hand-reared on the same amount and quality of milk, and compared them with naturally reared fawns. the bottle-reared fawns grew more slowly. in particular, the difference in weight gain between bottle- and mother-reared fawns was significantly larger for males during the time when they consumed only milk. male fawns also sucked harder and were more motivate ...19989787020
comparison of tympanic membrane and rectal temperatures of anesthetized fallow deer (dama dama)paired tympanic membrane and rectal temperatures were compared for 103 female fallow deer (dama dama) after short-term anesthesia to determine if tympanic temperature was a reliable indicator of hyperthermia associated with handling stress. each deer was restrained in a drop-floor chute, anesthetized by i.v. injection of xylazine hydrochloride and ketamine hydrochloride, and removed from the chute. after a short procedure was completed, i.m. antibiotics and i.v. yohimbine hydrochloride were give ...19989809610
serosurvey for antibodies to malignant catarrhal fever-associated viruses in free-living and captive cervids in germany.a total of 486 serum samples collected from several species of both free-living and captive cervids in germany was examined for antibodies against malignant catarrhal fever (mcf)-associated viruses (mcfv) by a competitive-inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ci-elisa). eleven (2%) of these samples were positive for antibodies against mcfv. among 157 serum samples collected from 16 different species of captive deer including four (7%) of 54 fallow deer and one (7%) of 14 sika deer (cervu ...19989813848
ultrastructural aspects of cartilage formation, mineralization, and degeneration during primary antler growth in fallow deer (dama dama).due to their rapid growth, regular replacement and easy accessibility, deer antlers are considered a useful model for the study of cartilage and bone differentiation and mineralization in mammals. the present study describes, for the first time, the cellular and extracellular matrix changes associated with cartilage formation, mineralization and degeneration in primary antlers on the ultrastructural level. growing primary antlers of 3 to 4 cm length were obtained from six fallow bucks, aged abou ...19989862029
early pregnancy detection and the hormonal characterization of embryonic-fetal mortality in fallow deer (dama dama).the objectives of this investigation were to 1) determine serum concentrations of progesterone (p4), estrone sulfate (e1s) and pregnancy-specific protein b (pspb) from estrus synchronization through mid-gestation in the fallow doe (dama dama) and 2) characterize the hormonal profiles of does whose embryos or fetuses died in utero. ten fallow does were synchronized for 14 d with an intravaginal p4-releasing device (cidr) and were naturally mated after cidr removal. blood samples were collected at ...199810732094
listeria monocytogenes subtypes associated with mortality among fallow deer (dama dama).different subtypes of listeria monocytogenes were isolated from various animal and environmental samples during an episode of increased mortality on a fallow deer (dama dama) farm. during a 4-wk period, six fallow deer died, including four does, one fawn, and one adult buck. prior to death, one of the does had exhibited central nervous system signs characteristic of listeriosis. postmortem examination of the six deer showed no histologic changes typical of listeriosis, although inflammatory chan ...199910749443
[character identification of 12 kinds of pilose antler medicinal materials].in this paper, commercial medicinal materials of 12 kinds of pilose antler, cervus nippon, c. elaphus, c. albirostris, c. unicolor, c. eldihainanus, c. timorensis c. porinus, dama dama, rangifer farandus, alces alces, elaphurus davidianus, capreolus capreolus were compared and identified. a key and simple character illustration were listed.199912571919
the melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor (mc1-r) gene as a tool in evolutionary studies of artiodactyles.the complete coding region of the melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor (mc1-r) gene was characterized in species belonging to the two families bovidae and cervidae; cattle (bos taurus), sheep (ovis aries), goat (capra hircus), muskox (ovibos moschatus), roe deer (capreolus capreolus), reindeer (rangifer tarandus), moose (alces alces), red deer (cervus elaphus) and fallow deer (dama dama). this well conserved gene is a central regulator of mammalian coat colour. examination of the interspecies ...199910628296
basic hematological values in some wild ruminants in captivity.analyses of hematological parameters were carried out on eight axis deer (cervus axis), 12 fallow deer (cervus dama), 16 red deer (cervus elaphus hippelaphus), three sambar (cervus unicolor), nine père david deer (elaphurus davidianus), 20 european bison (bison bonasus), seven nilgai (boselaphus tragocamelus), eight mouflon (ovis musimon), four white-bearded gnu (connochaetes taurinus) and six barbary sheep (ammotragus lervia). the following parameters were determined: packed cell volume, hemogl ...199910629960
presence and distribution of neuroendocrine cells in the gastroenteropancreatic endocrine system of fallow deer foetuses.the gastroenteropancreatic endocrine system was studied in 11- and 17-week-old fallow deer foetuses using an immunocytochemical technique. in the gastrointestinal tract, gastrin-, serotonin-, somatostatin- and cholecystokinin-containing cells were found: their frequency and distribution were also determined. anti-glucagon and anti-insulin antibodies did not stain any cells along the gut. in the pancreas, somatostatin-, pancreatic polypeptide-, insulin- and glucagon-immunoreactive cells were dete ...199910652829
pregnancy detection and the effects of age, body weight, and previous reproductive performance on pregnancy status and weaning rates of farmed fallow deer (dama dama).fallow does (n = 502) of different ages (mature, 2-yr-old, and yearling) were maintained with bucks for a 60-d breeding season to determine whether previous reproductive performance and changes in bw affect doe pregnancy rates and to compare the effectiveness of ultrasonography and serum pregnancy-specific protein b (pspb) for the detection of pregnancy in fallow does. ultrasonography was performed, blood samples collected, and bw recorded at buck removal (d 0) and at 30 and 90 d after buck remo ...199910064025
experimental narthecium ossifragum nephrotoxicity in cervids from moose (alces alces), two red deer (cervus elaphus), two reindeer (rangifer tarandus) and two fallow deer (dama dama) were dosed intraruminally with an aqueous extract made from 30 g of bog asphodel (narthecium ossifragum) (wet weight) per kg live weight. the moose and one of the two reindeer were mildly depressed and had reduced appetite 3 to 7 days and 1 to 4 days after dosing, respectively. the serum creatinine and urea concentrations increased markedly in the moose and red deer, and moder ...199910073342
monomorphism and polymorphism at mhc drb loci in domestic and wild ruminants.genetic polymorphism at mhc class ii drb loci was investigated in samples of musk-ox from canada and greenland; moose from sweden, norway, canada, and alaska; roe deer from norway and sweden; reindeer from svalbard and norway; fallow deer from norway and sweden; and red deer from norway. the results were compared with published data on cattle, bison, goat, sheep, and red deer. cattle-specific primers amplified a single drb locus in all species except fallow deer and red deer, in which two loci w ...199910319259
hard fallow deer antler: a living bone till antler casting?deer antlers are the only mammalian bone structures which regenerate completely every year. once developed, antlers are cleaned of the velvet-like skin. presently it is believed that due to velvet shedding the blood supply is interrupted in the solidifying antler bone. histological examinations were made on different parts of fallow deer antlers investigated from the time of velvet shedding till the antler casting. the present study on hard (polished) antlers revealed living bone with regions pr ...199910321994
cumulative long-term investment in vocalization and mating success of fallow bucks, dama dama.we carried out behavioural observations to investigate the function of long-term investment in vocal display by fallow bucks during the breeding season. the measures of long-term investment used were the date of initiation of vocal activity, the number of days vocal during the breeding season, and the proportion of time spent vocalizing. we analysed data from 3 years (1993-1995) to assess the relationship between the date of initiation of vocal activity, and the number of days vocal, and age, do ...199910328804
rumen ciliates of white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), axis deer (axis axis), sika deer (cervus nippon) and fallow deer (dama dama) from texas.samples of rumen contents from 33 white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), 31 axis deer (axis axis), 26 sika deer (cervus nippon), and 25 fallow deer (dama dama) were collected from four study areas in central texas. the geometric mean concentration of total protozoa was 50.2 x 10(4) per ml, with no differences between species (p > 0.36). white-tailed deer had a higher percentage of entodinium and lower percentage of diplodiniinae (p < 0.01) than the other deer species, which were not differe ...199910361734
low risk of lyme borreliosis in a protected area on the tyrrhenian coast, in central italy.a comprehensive lyme borreliosis risk assessment process was applied in s. rossore estate, on the tyrrhenian coast, near pisa, italy. host-seeking ixodes ricinus nymphs peaked in may in oak-dominated deciduous wood (median, q1-q3, number of nymphs/50 m dragging = 4.5, 2.5-8), whereas host-seeking larvae peaked in august in the same habitat type (6.0, 4-17/50 m dragging). prevalence of i. ricinus infestation was 88.9% in wild rodents (n = 11), 64.3% in fallow deer (n = 28) and 0.0% in wild boars ...199910414379
its2 sequences of dictyocaulus species from cattle, roe deer and moose in sweden: molecular evidence for a new dna was isolated from adult lungworms of the genus dictyocaulus, collected from cattle, moose (alces alces) and roe deer (capreolus capreolus) in sweden. the second ribosomal internal transcribed spacer was amplified with pcr, and dna sequences were determined from nine individual worms that all came from different hosts in order to avoid analysis of siblings. the sequence data obtained were aligned and compared with similar data derived from german lungworm isolates from cattle and fallow ...199910428637
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 724