
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
effect of virus-induced destruction of villous epithelium on intestinal secretion induced by heat-stable escherichia coli enterotoxins and prostaglandin e1 in swine.villous atrophy and crypt hyperplasia were induced in the jejunal epithelium of thirteen 3-week-old pigs by inoculation with transmissible gastroenteritis virus. the responses (changes in net fluid movement) induced in ligated intestinal loops of these pigs by intraloop injections of prostaglandin e1 (pge1) or escherichia coli broth culture filtrates containing either or both e coli heat-stable enterotoxins (sta and stb) were compared with the responses induced by these preparations in littermat ...19852986497
[experiments to produce an attenuated strain of the transmissible gastroenteritis virus and its use as a live vaccine].serial passages have been performed of a field virus of the transmissive gastroenteritis to obtain an attenuated strain adapted to a permanent cell line of pig kidney, "spev". the strain is innocuous for test animals, for pigs of all ages, and for swine during the entire period of pregnancy. it has proved genetically stable. the strain is immunogenic for swine and pigs both under laboratory and under field conditions (in new foci and on stationary farms) and can be used as a live vaccine against ...19852990092
[isolation of the transmissible gastroenteritis virus in a continuous pig embryo kidney cell line].attempts were made to isolate the virus of transmissive gastroenteritis in a permanent cell line spev in view of the diagnostics of the disease. used were small intestines of pigs during the first 24 hours after the setting in of clinical symptoms. the successful isolation of the virus in a spev line depended on the methods employed to handle the material as well as on the ways of inoculating the cell cultures. in the conditions of the investigation most proper proved centrifugation of the organ ...19852990094
transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) of swine: survivor selection of tge virus mutants in stomach juice of adult pigs.two transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus mutants (188-sg and 152-sg) were obtained from a low-passage virus strain (d-52) by 188 and 152 cycles of stomach juice treatment and multiplication in cell culture. compared to the high-passage purdue-115 and the original d-52 strains, these mutants were more stable at ph 2.0, more resistant to pepsin and trypsin, and characterized by a small plaque phenotype. in vivo, the two mutants were not found to be virulent for 4-day-old piglets and sows afte ...19852993482
[trials of peroral vaccination of newborn pigs against transmissible gastroenteritis (tge)].experiments were carried out to apply oral vaccination to newborn pigs against transmissive gastroenteritis on a stationary swine breeding complex at the time when the disease assumed an acute course and on newly infected farms. used was an attenuated strain an hour prior to allowing the pig to suck. it was found that such vaccination approach was innocuous. it proved effective when applied at the moment of birth both on the infected (stationary) farms and in the new foci of infection--morbidity ...19852994284
[isolation and use of a farm-specific hyperimmune serum against transmissible gastroenteritis].a specific stationary hyperimmune serum was obtained in a pigbreeding complex with a transmissive gastroenteritis infection via trifold (at a fourteen-day interval) i/m injection of sows with 5 cm3 each of undiluted virus (10(6) tccpe50 per cm3). tested were hyperimmunization programmes with pigs in the final fattening period. it was found that the use of undiluted virus led to the equation of sows in terms of their immunologic state and to the essential rise of the titer of humoral antibodies. ...19852994285
a double-protease-resistant variant of transmissible gastroenteritis virus and its ability to induce lactogenic immunity.a virus resistant to 2 major intestinal proteases (trypsin and alpha-chymotrypsin) was derived from the attenuated purdue strain of transmissible gastroenteritis virus. its enzymatic stability was confirmed, in vitro, by exposure to proteolytic enzymes and to porcine intestinal fluids. vaccination of 5 seronegative pregnant sows with the variant virus by a series of 2 oral and 1 im inoculations resulted in high titers of neutralizing antibody in serum and colostrum. the mean antibody titer in mi ...19852994526
experimental inoculation of cats with human coronavirus 229e and subsequent challenge with feline infectious peritonitis virus.minimal-disease cats exposed to live human coronavirus 229e developed homologous antibody responses that suggested little or no replication of the virus in inoculated animals. oronasal and subcutaneous inoculation of coronavirus 229e did not elicit an antibody response by heterologous (transmissible gastroenteritis virus, canine coronavirus) neutralization or by heterologous (transmissible gastroenteritis virus) kinetics-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. no clinical signs attributable to ...19852994865
studies of tgev spike protein gp195 expressed in e. coli and by a tge-vaccinia virus recombinant.the gene coding for the surface spike protein gp195 of tgev has been cloned and expressed in e. coli in the form of fusion proteins. these proteins were isolated and used to immunize laboratory animals. all animals developed antibodies cross-reacting with the tgev virion but failed to neutralize the virus. the entire gp195 gene was also inserted into vaccinia to generate a tgev-vaccinia recombinant virus (vtge) that expressed tgev gp195. animals vaccinated with vtge produced neutralizing antibod ...19853000150
[demonstration of a transmissible gastroenteritis virus by contrast immunofluorescence].tested were a number of procedures to employ the immunofluorescence method for diagnosing transmissive gastroenteritis in pigs--impression preparations, frozen cross-sectioned material, and infected cell cultures of the established cell line spev. it was found that immunofluorescence microscopy was a dependable method for the express diagnosis of transmissive gastroenteritis. it could be employed in its three variants. the use of impression preparations, however, did not prove as dependable as t ...19853002004
[creation of an avirulent immunogenic mutant of the transmissible gastroenteritis virus and its use as a vaccine].the serial cultivation of a virulent strain of the virus of transmissive gastroenteritis in the presence of the antimetabolite 5-bromurazil has led after a definite number of passages to the production of a virus mutant of new biologic properties. it was established that the mutant is resistant to the antimetabolite, and it retains its infectious titer. it is avirulent to newborn and growing pigs, and confers solid immunity in the vaccinated animals which do not become virus carriers. it is stab ...19853002005
[diagnosis of transmissible gastroenteritis in swine by the agar gel immunodiffusion test].a transmissive gastroenteritis antigen was obtained from intestinal content of pigs with symptoms of the disease, the presence of which was demonstrated by the agar gel immunodiffusion test. it was shown that the antigen was rough and lacking in purity, but it proved to be sensitive and specific. in the conditions of agar gel immunodiffusion in the presence of a reconvalescent serum the antigen produced a clearly expressed precipitation line for 24 to 48 hours. a correlation was also found with ...19853002011
an outbreak of diarrhea in piglets caused by a coronavirus antigenically distinct from transmissible gastroenteritis virus.coronavirus-like particles were visualized by electron microscopy in the intestinal contents of piglets during a diarrheal outbreak on a quebec pig farm. the precipitating antigens of transmissible gastroenteritis virus were not detected in the intestinal contents of diarrheic animals by counter-immunoelectrophoresis. insignificant antibody titers against transmissible gastroenteritis virus were demonstrated in the sera of convalescent pigs by indirect immunofluorescence and these sera did not r ...198517422513
characterization and translation of transmissible gastroenteritis virus mrnas.three protein species were identified in purified transmissible gastroenteritis virus particles (strain purdue). they are thought to represent constituents of the peplomer (e2; molecular weights of 280,000 and 240,000), the envelope (e1; molecular weights of 28,000, 31,500, and 33,000), and the nucleocapsid (n; molecular weight of 48,000). in infected cells, proteins with molecular weights of 195,000 (e2), 48,000 (n), and 28,000 (e1) were detected. tunicamycin, an inhibitor of n glycosylation, p ...19863005607
sequence analysis of the porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus nucleocapsid protein gene.the 3' end of the 20-kb genome of the purdue strain of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (tgev) was copied into cdna after priming with oligo(dt) and the double-stranded product was cloned into the psti site of the puc9 vector. one clone of 2.0-kb contained part of the poly(a) tail and was sequenced in its entirety using the chemical method of maxam and gilbert. another clone of 0.7 kb also contained part of the poly(a) tail and was sequenced in part to confirm the primary struct ...19863008432
neutralizing secretory iga and igg do not inhibit attachment of transmissible gastroenteritis virus.secretory iga (siga) and igg from porcine milk and serum, respectively, [3h]uridine-labelled virus, swine testis and pig kidney cell lines were used to examine the neutralized virus-cell interaction. transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev), 99.99% neutralized by immunoglobulin, was able to attach to the cells. moreover, siga enhanced virus attachment. however, the neutralized virus was unable to enter cells, as demonstrated by the action of proteinase k which removed it from the cell surface. ...19863009692
identification of a 17000 molecular weight antigenic polypeptide in transmissible gastroenteritis virus-infected cells.pulse labelling of cells with [35s]methionine at different times after infection followed by sds-page was used to resolve and to identify polypeptides designated as specific to transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev)-infected swine testicular (st) cell cultures. the major tgev structural proteins, with apparent molecular weights of 200,000 (200k), 47k and 30k were detected in radiolabelled cell extracts by 6 h postinfection. additionally, a 17k major polypeptide was present in infected cells ...19863014051
immune response in sows given transmissible gastroenteritis virus or canine coronavirus.twelve pregnant sows were inoculated oral-nasally 8 weeks before farrowing with attenuated transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev), tissue culture-adapted canine coronavirus (ccv), or fluids from mock-infected culture (controls). a 2nd dose of the same inoculum, one-half oral-nasally and one-half intramammarily, was given 6 weeks later. neutralizing antibodies for tgev and ccv were demonstrated in sera, colostrum, and milk whey from the virus-vaccinated sows. homologous geometric mean neutral ...19863014928
isolation of a porcine respiratory, non-enteric coronavirus related to transmissible gastroenteritis.a porcine respiratory, non-enteric virus which is related to the coronavirus transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) has been isolated in pigs and in cell culture. the isolate was designated tlm 83. it has become very widespread and enzootic among the swine population in belgium and in other swine raising countries. it causes an infection of the lungs and appears to spread by aerogenic route. it does not replicate in the enteric tract. the experimental infection in conventional and gnotobioti ...19863018993
[use of a microvirus-neutralizing reaction in diagnosing transmissible gastroenteritis (tge)].a micro virus-neutralization reaction was designed and tested to detect antibodies to the virus of transmissive gastroenteritis. use was made of a stable cell line, spev, and a laboratory strain of the virus that had been adapted to it. the optimal concentration values of the cell suspension and the normal calf serum contained in it were determined. a total of 90 blood serum samples from pigs were comparatively investigated for the presence of virus-neutralising tge antibodies, the tube test bei ...19863020776
diarrhea: the nemesis of the artificially reared, early weaned piglet and a strategy for defense.rearing early weaned piglets artificially for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of the sow is an attractive management concept. however, high death losses resulting from diarrhea in artificially reared piglets have dampered enthusiasm for early weaning. enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, transmissible gastroenteritis virus and rotavirus are the three main enteropathogens responsible for causing the diarrhea. the enteropathogens infect the small intestine, which produces a secretory or mala ...19863021707
new porcine coronavirus? 19863022457
detection of transmissible gastroenteritis virus in feces from pigs by reversed passive hemagglutination.a reversed passive hemagglutination (rpha) method was developed for the detection of transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus in the fecal specimens from pigs. ovine erythrocytes fixed with glutaraldehyde and treated with tannic acid were coated with anti-tge virus swine antibodies, which were purified by affinity chromatographic technique linked with purified tge virus. the rpha test was done by the microtiter method. erythrocytes coated with purified specific antibodies were agglutinated by t ...19863022621
detection of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus antigens by a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique.a new sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, using monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, was developed to detect transmissible gastroenteritis virus antigens from cell culture and from intestinal wash or feces obtained from experimentally infected pigs. this technique was shown to be suitable for the detection of virulent field strain unadapted to cell culture. cross reactions had not been observed with other enteric pathogens, rotavirus, porcine epizootic diarrhea virus, and escherichia co ...19863024536
antigenic structure of transmissible gastroenteritis virus. i. properties of monoclonal antibodies directed against virion proteins.thirty-two hybridoma cell lines producing monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against the three major structural proteins of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) have been isolated. radioimmunoprecipitation of intracellular viral polypeptides showed that 17 hybridomas recognized both the peplomer protein [e2, 220 x 10(3) mol. wt. (220k)] and a lower mol. wt. species (e'2, 175k), which was characterized as a precursor of e2. six mabs selectively immunoprecipitated the e'2 protein. four hybridomas ...19862418148
the role of interferon in spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity in pigs.specific release of 51cr and the production of interferon (ifn) increased in parallel in a spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity (scmc) assay in which uninfected pk-15 cells or pk-15 cells persistently infected with transmissible gastroenteritis virus (pk-15-tge cells) were used as targets, and peripheral blood lymphocytes (pbl) from a young adult pig were used as effector cells. higher levels of both specific 51cr release and ifn were obtained in the assays containing pk-15-tge cells. co-culti ...19862422808
antigenic structure of transmissible gastroenteritis virus. ii. domains in the peplomer glycoprotein.the antigenic structure of the peplomer glycoprotein e2 of the porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (tgev) was explored using a panel of 23 hybridoma antibodies (mabs). the topography of the epitopes was established by means of a competition radioimmunoassay. four main antigenic sites, termed a, b, c and d, were thus clearly delineated. most of the neutralization-mediating determinants were found to cluster in the a-b area, which has been shown to be highly conserved among tgev stra ...19862425049
critical epitopes in transmissible gastroenteritis virus neutralization.purified transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus was found to be composed of three major structural proteins having relative molecular weights of 200,000, 48,000, and 28,000. the peplomer glycoprotein was purified by affinity chromatography with the monoclonal antibody (mab) 1d.g3. a collection of 48 mabs against tge virus was developed from which 26, 10, and 3 were specific for proteins e2, n, and e1, respectively. a total of 14 neutralizing mabs of known reactivity were e2 protein specific. ...19862427744
isolation of transmissible gastroenteritis virus from feces of diarrheic pigs in roller culture of cpk cells in the presence of trypsin. 19863029493
[the detection of antibodies to transmissive gastroenteritis of swine virus by a passive hemagglutination reaction]. 19862855991
characterisation of the effector cells in antibody-dependent and spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity in swine against target cells infected with transmissible gastroenteritis virus.when porcine peripheral blood leucocytes were fractionated, lymphocytes were the most active effectors in both antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (adcc) and spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity (scmc), although both polymorphs and macrophages showed some activity in adcc. adsorption of lymphocytes to antibody-sensitised or unsensitized pk-15-transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) cells caused similar reductions in adcc and scmc effector activities. over 60 per cent of the target-bindin ...19863489968
effect of recombinant dna-derived bovine alpha-1 interferon on transmissible gastroenteritis virus infection in swine.recombinant dna-derived bovine interferon alpha 1-1 (boifn) inhibited replication of both vesicular stomatitis virus and transmissible gastroenteritis virus in cultures of swine testicular cells. newborn pigs were orally inoculated with boifn and subsequently had interferon in their gastric contents and serum; however, interferon was found only occasionally in intestinal washings. incubation of boifn with gastric contents from a newborn suckling pig did not affect antiviral activity, whereas int ...19863717740
the tissue distribution of spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity effector lymphocytes in swine.peripheral blood lymphocytes, intraepithelial lymphocytes from the small intestine and lymphocytes from the thymus, spleen, mesenteric lymph nodes and peyer's patches from 5 young adult pigs were used as effector cells in a spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity chromium release assay against pk-15 cells persistently infected with transmissible gastroenteritis virus as targets. both peripheral blood and intraepithelial lymphocytes caused marked specific chromium release, while the lymphocytes fr ...19863722477
in vivo intestinal uptake of immunoreactive bovine albumin in piglet enteritis.we examined the uptake of bovine serum albumin (bsa) from the intestine into the circulation of 3-week-old piglets infected with transmissible gastroenteritis virus. transfer of immunoreactive bovine serum albumin (ibsa) from the intestinal lumen into the circulation was enhanced during both the early invasive phase of this viral enteritis (12-h postinoculation) and the diarrheal phase (84-h postinoculation). in some animals, enhanced uptake persisted into the recovery phase, 324 h after inocula ...19873794927
the participation of antibody in spontaneous and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity in the pig.treatment of porcine lymphocytes with trypsin reduced their spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity (scmc) activity against target cells persistently infected with transmissible gastroenteritis virus (pk15-tge cells), but had no effect on antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (adcc). scmc activity was partially restored to trypsin-treated lymphocytes by incubation in rpmi-1640 medium or in medium containing f(ab')2 fragments of rabbit anti-porcine immunoglobulin, but not by brief incubati ...19873443694
recurrent viruses in a singapore intensive pig farming estate.the ponggol intensive pig farming estate was conceived approximately 10 years ago to accommodate pig farms resettled from water catchment areas. initially stocking density of the estate was 1300-1500 pigs per hectare (ha) and the total pig population in the estate was 200,000. over the past 10 years the numbers of pigs have increased to 400,000 and the stocking density of the big commercial units have increased to 1500-2500 per ha. with such intensive methods of husbandry environmental problems ...19873446006
micro-method for neutralization test of transmissible gastroenteritis virus using porcine kidney cell line, cpk cells. 19873033378
sequence and n-terminal processing of the transmembrane protein e1 of the coronavirus transmissible gastroenteritis virus.sequencing of part of a clone from a transmissible gastroenteritis virus genome cdna library led to the identification of the gene encoding the e1 matrix protein. the amino acid sequence of the primary translation product predicts a polypeptide of 262 residues which shares many features with the previously characterized murine hepatitis virus and infectious bronchitis virus e1 proteins. however, n-terminal amino acid sequencing revealed that a putative signal peptide of 17 residues was absent in ...19873035066
the predicted primary structure of the peplomer protein e2 of the porcine coronavirus transmissible gastroenteritis virus.the complete nucleotide sequence of cloned cdnas containing the e2 glycoprotein-encoding region of the genome of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) has been determined. a single large translatable frame of 4.3 kb starting at 8.2 kb from the 3' end of the genome was identified. its deduced amino acid sequence contains the characteristic features of a coronavirus peplomer protein: the precursor polypeptide of tgev e2 is 1447 residues long (i.e. 285 longer than the avian infectious bronchit ...19873037011
hemagglutination with transmissible gastroenteritis virus.transmissible gastroenteritis virus grown in primary swine kidney cell cultures agglutinated erythrocytes from chicken, guinea pig and cattle but not erythrocytes from mouse and goose. the optimal incubation temperature was at 4 degrees c. the hemagglutination (ha) reaction was inhibited by specific antiserum. some factors involved in the ha and ha-inhibition (hi) were investigated and standard ha and hi tests were established. hi antibody titers of individual pig sera showed a significant posit ...19873039944
antigenic variation of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus detected by monoclonal antibodies.mouse myeloma cells (sp2/o) were fused with spleen cells from balb/c mice immunized with detergent-solubilized antigen of purified virus, and 21 monoclonal (mc) antibodies reactive in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with the to-163 strain of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus were obtained. of these mc antibodies, 14, 6 and 1 were igg1, igg2a and igm, respectively. all of the mc antibodies contained light chains of the kappa type. of these mc antibodies, 8 were found to have neu ...19872444027
critical epitopes in transmissible gastroenteritis virus neutralization. 19872449043
identification of epitopes of immunological importance on the peplomer of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus. 19872449047
[use of gamma-globulins from the peritoneal fluid of cats with infectious peritonitis for the immunofluorescence demonstration of the tge antigen].peritoneal exudate of a cat affected with feline infectious peritonitis (fip) was used to isolate an igg-globulin, employing affinity chromatography, and conjugate it with fluorescein isothiocyanate. the conjugate was tested on cross sections of the small intestine of a pig infected with strain miller-3 of the transmissive gastroenteritis (tge) virus, simultaneously with an anti-tge conjugate of an spf pig. identical results were obtained with both conjugates, however, the anti-fip conjugate had ...19872449762
evaluation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of transmissible gastroenteritis virus enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) using a detergent-solubilized antigen of purified virus was developed for detection of antibody against porcine transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus in swine serum. the elisa demonstrated antibody responses in pigs immunized intramuscularly with the attenuated to-163 strain of tge virus and in pigs orally infected with the virulent shizuoka strain of the virus. the results of the elisa were well correlated with those of the neutralization test. t ...19873027955
diagnosis of porcine and bovine enteric coronavirus infections using cloned cdna probes.molecular clones representing the first 2,000 bases from the 3' end of the porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus genome and the first 2,160 bases from the 3' end of the bovine enteric coronavirus genome were used in dot blot hybridization assays to detect viral rna from cell culture and from fecal specimens. in each case, the cloned dna represents approximately 10% of the genome. the cloned sequence for each virus encompasses the 3' noncoding region, the nucleocapsid protein gene, an ...19872821059
[etiological study of viral gastroenteritis in swine].studied were the etiology and spread of nonbacterial gastroenteritis in pigs over a period of five years. ascertained were cases of diarrhea caused by the virus of transmissive gastroenteritis, epizootic diarrhea, and rotaviruses. the transmissive gastroenteritis virus was found in 14.1 per cent of the investigated material, mostly in the winter months (67.8 per cent), which was 65.6 per cent of the positive cases. the number of cases and that of the farms involved abruptly rose in the last two ...19872823451
transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) of swine: in vitro virus attachment and effects of polyanions and polycations.four transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) strains (purdue-115, d-52, 188-sg and gep-ii) and two cell lines (swine testis-st and pig kidney-rpd) were used to study virus attachment and cell susceptibility. virus attachment was partially thermodependent and the rate varied, depending on the strain. identical tgev inocula produced a higher plaque number by plaque assay in the swine testis cell line (st) than in the pig kidney cell line (rpd) but [3h]uridine-labelled virus was found associated ...19872825398
enteric coronavirus tgev: partial sequence of the genomic rna, its organization and expression.the sequence of the 3'-most 8300 nucleotides of the genome rna of the purdue-115 strain of the transmissible gastroenteritis virus tgev, a porcine coronavirus, was determined from cdna clones. the available sequence corresponds to the part of the genome (total length greater than 20 kb) expressed through subgenomic mrnas. the 5 subgenomic and the genomic rna species detected in tgev-infected cells form a 3'-coterminal 'nested' structure, a unique feature of coronaviridae. the transcription initi ...19872825819
antibody isotypes against the surface glycoproteins of porcine coronavirus in the milk of orally infected sows. 19872827440
[influence of concanavalin a on the attachment of the coronavirus of transmissible gastroenteritis in cell cultures].effect of concanavalin (cona) on attachment of three strains of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (tge) of swine was investigated in cell culture. whatever the virus strain, reduction of virus plaques number is observed when viral suspension is incubated with cells together or after addition of cona. intensity of inhibition is related with cona concentration. cona treatment of preinfected cell cultures has no effect on plaque formation. addition of alpha-methyl-d-mannoside inhibits the c ...19872827559
[use of the reverse passive hemagglutination reaction for the laboratory diagnosis of transmissible gastroenteritis of swine]. 19872829444
the nucleotide sequence of the peplomer gene of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev): comparison with the sequence of the peplomer protein of feline infectious peritonitis virus (fipv).the amino acid sequence of the peplomer protein of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) has been derived from the cloned cdna sequence. the gene encodes a protein of 1447 amino acids with a molecular weight of 159 574. comparison with the primary structure of the peplomer protein of feline infectious peritonitis virus (fipv) (de groot et al., 1987b) revealed one domain, from amino acids 1 to 274, in which the nucleotide homology was 39%, whereas in the second domain (from residues 275 to 1 ...19872829461
surface glycoproteins of transmissible gastroenteritis virus: functions and gene sequence. 19872829519
nucleotide sequence of the porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus matrix protein gene.cdna clones mapping within the first 2601 bases of the 3' end of the tgev genome were sequenced completely or in part by the method of maxam and gilbert and open reading frames were examined. one reading frame yielding a protein having properties of the matrix (m) protein was identified. it is positioned at the immediate 5' side of the nucleocapsid (n) gene but is separated by an intergenic region of 12 bases. the deduced m protein is comprised of 262 amino acids, has a molecular weight of 29,54 ...19872829520
antibody response in swine to individual transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) proteins. 19872829564
complement-dependent neutralization of transmissible gastroenteritis virus by monoclonal antibodies.monoclonal antibodies (mab) to each of the 3 major structural proteins of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) of swine were compared as to their virus neutralizing activity in the presence or absence of guinea pig complement. mabs to the peplomer protein had neutralizing activity for tgev with or without complement and the titers were similar in either case. mabs to the matrix protein had neutralizing activity for tgev only in the presence of complement. antibodies to the nucleocapsid pro ...19872829565
expression of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus genes in e. coli as beta-galactosidase chimaeric proteins. 19872829568
strategies for a successful coronavirus (tge) vaccine for swine. 19872829569
[the pharmaceutical-technological production of oral vaccines on the model of the riems tge vaccine]. 19872829768
[experiences in practice evaluation of the direct immunofluorescence test in the detection of transmissible gastroenteritis and epizootic viral diarrhea and rotavirus antigens in conventional and industrial production of swine stocks]. 19872831835
[course of virus-induced diarrhea in a large swine husbandry and production facility]. 19872831836
[isolation of a concentrated purified preparation of the transmissible gastroenteritis virus of swine and a study of its antigenic properties].pretreatment of the transmissible gastroenteritis virus of swine (tge) (coronavirus) with trypsin increased the yield of the infectious virus approximately 100-fold when propagated in roller cultures of spev cells, the time required for the development of marked cpe being twice shorter than without treatment. the method of concentration and purification of tge virus is described which yields a preparative amount of highly purified virions retaining their structure. such preparations were used fo ...19872833035
neutralization of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus by complement-dependent monoclonal antibodies.monoclonal antibodies (mab) to each of the 3 major structural proteins of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) of swine were compared, using their virus-neutralizing (vn) activity in the presence or absence of guinea pig, rabbit, or swine complement. the mab against the peplomer protein had similar vn titers for tgev in the presence or absence of complement from any source. the mab against the matrix protein had vn activity for tgev only in the presence of complement, whereas mab specific ...19882833862
sequence of the nucleoprotein gene from a virulent british field isolate of transmissible gastroenteritis virus and its expression in saccharomyces cerevisiae.subgenomic mrna from a virulent isolate of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) was used to produce cdna which was sequenced. two non-overlapping open reading frames (orfs) were identified. the largest, encoding a polypeptide of 382 amino acids (relative molecular mass (mr) 43,483), was shown to be the viral nucleoprotein gene. the second orf, found 3' to the larger orf, encodes a polypeptide of 78 amino acids (mr 9068) which has yet to be assigned to a viral product. the nucleopro ...19882835592
physicochemical properties of transmissible gastroenteritis virus hemagglutinin.transmissible gastroenteritis virus was readily adsorbed onto chicken erythrocytes at 4 degrees c. the hemagglutinin thus adsorbed could be eluted from the erythrocytes by incubating in phosphate buffered saline at 37 degrees c. the receptor on chicken erythrocytes for the hemagglutinin was inactivated by neuraminidase and potassium periodate, but not by trypsin, 2-mercaptoethanol and formalin. the hemagglutinin was inactivated by trypsin, papain, pepsin, alpha-amylase, phospholipase c, neuramin ...19882835945
activation of natural killer cells in newborn piglets by interferon induction.natural killer (nk) cell activity in the peripheral blood lymphocytes (pbl) of newborn piglets, normally negligible, was stimulated by in vitro treatment with porcine type i interferon (ifn), and the nk activity of pbl from weaned piglets was augmented by the same treatment. binding of the pbl to the pk-15 targets used in the single cell cytotoxicity assay for nk activity was not affected by age or by ifn treatment. when newborn piglets were treated with a single intravenous dose at 2 days of ag ...19882838948
antigenic differentiation between transmissible gastroenteritis virus of swine and a related porcine respiratory coronavirus.the antigenic relationship between a recently isolated porcine respiratory coronavirus (tlm 83) and transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus of swine was studied by neutralization, immunoblotting and radioimmunoassay (ria) using tge virus-specific monoclonal antibodies (mabs) and polyclonal antibodies specific for both viruses. a complete two-way neutralization activity between the two viruses was found. immunoblotting revealed cross-reactions between tlm 83 and tge virus antigens at the level ...19882839605
transmissible gastroenteritis.transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus, a coronavirus, causes an acute infection of the small intestine of the pig. the disease is rarely fatal in adult animals but can cause extensive mortality in the neonate. since its first description in britain in the 1950s, the disease has been epizootic but recently it has become established on some farms and an antigenically related respiratory virus has become endemic in the national herd over the past two years. piglet immunity to tge, which relies ...19882839932
[transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) in switzerland: antibody persistence after infection and seroepidemiologic studies of the significance of the tge virus as the cause of diarrhea]. 19882840736
solid phase immune electron microscopy for diagnosis of transmissible gastroenteritis in pigs.a serological trapping technique is described for detecting transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus in faeces. the technique involves the coating of electron microscope grids with protein a and specific tge virus antiserum. optimal conditions for performing this solid phase immune electron microscopy technique were a concentration 250 micrograms ml-1 of protein a; 1:100 diluted rabbit anti-tge virus hyperimmune serum for coating the grids and overnight incubation with virus samples. the possib ...19882841730
the amino-terminal signal peptide on the porcine transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus matrix protein is not an absolute requirement for membrane translocation and glycosylation.cdna clones mapping within the first 2601 bases of the 3' end of the porcine transmissible gastroenteritis corona-virus (tgev) genome were sequenced by the method of maxam and gilbert and an open reading frame yielding a protein having properties of the matrix (m or e1) protein was identified. it is positioned at the 5' side of the nucleocapsid (n) gene from which it is separated by an intergenic stretch of 12 bases. the deduced m protein comprises 262 amino acids, has a molecular weight of 29,5 ...19882841792
the integral membrane protein from a virulent isolate of transmissible gastroenteritis virus: molecular characterization, sequence and expression in escherichia coli.subgenomic mrna from a virulent isolate of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) was used to produce cdna clones. part of a new clone and a previously reported clone were sequenced and used to construct the viral gene for integral membrane protein. a single open reading frame (orf) encoding a polypeptide of 262 amino acids, relative molecular mass (mr) 29,459, was identified. the positive identification of the polypeptide as the integral membrane protein was demonstrated by the prod ...19882845226
[development of test systems for immunoenzyme analysis for the detection of the antigen of the transmissible gastroenteritis virus of swine].direct and indirect variants of enzyme immunoassay (eia) were developed for the detection of specific antigen of swine transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev). preparation of igg were obtained from highly specific hyperimmune sera of guinea pigs and gnotobiotic piglets and their optimal concentration for the tests were determined. for the direct eia, a peroxidase conjugate was prepared from guinea pig igg and its working dilution was determined. the developed eia systems proved to be highly s ...19882845669
cell-mediated immune responses of suckling pigs inoculated with attenuated or virulent transmissible gastroenteritis virus.two litters of suckling pigs seronegative for transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus were orally inoculated with live attenuated (p115) or virulent (m5c) strains of tge virus. a third seronegative litter (controls) was given cell culture fluids from uninfected cells. lymphocytes were collected from blood, spleen, mesenteric lymph nodes, and peyer patches of euthanatized pigs at 0 day and approximately weekly until 26 days after exposure and at approximately 45 days after exposure. sera were t ...19882845840
monoclonal antibodies to a virulent strain of transmissible gastroenteritis virus: comparison of reactivity with virulent and attenuated virus.twelve hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies (mabs) against miller virulent strain of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) were generated and characterized. in a cell culture immunofluorescence (ccif) assay, three mabs directed against peplomer protein (e2) had perinuclear fluorescence and four unclassified mabs showed cell membrane fluorescence. six of these seven mabs neutralized both attenuated and virulent tgev, and the seventh (an unclassified mab) neutralized only the latter vir ...19882845894
antiviral and antigenic properties of recombinant porcine interferon gamma.recombinant porcine interferon gamma (rpoifn gamma) induced a dose-dependent inhibition of the cytopathic effect produced by vesicular stomatitis virus (vsv) challenge of both homologous and heterologous (bovine) cell lines. in addition, an antiviral effect of rpoifn gamma was demonstrable against the coronavirus transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) infection of porcine epithelial cells and of pulmonary macrophages. a rabbit anti-poifn gamma antiserum was prepared and shown to specifically ...19882847405
[development of test systems of immunoenzyme analysis for the detection of antibodies to the transmissible gastroenteritis virus of swine].two variants of enzyme immunoassay (eia) using purified swine transmissible gastroenteritis virus antigen for sensitization of the solid phase and using infected cells on the solid phase have been developed for quantitation of specific antibodies to swine transmissible gastroenteritis (stg) virus. both variants of the method were found to have approximately similar sensitivity and to be highly specific. the developed eia proved to be approximately 100 times as sensitive as neutralization test. t ...19882848366
comparison of serologic assays for measurement of antibody response to coronavirus in cats.serologic virus neutralization tests, indirect immunofluorescence tests, and elisa, using tissue culture-adapted feline infectious peritonitis virus (fipv) or feline enteric coronavirus (fecv) were compared for their ability to distinguish specific virus exposure in cats. sera of specific-pathogen-free cats inoculated with virulent or modified fipv or fecv were used to compare the sensitivity and specificity of the homologous assays to a heterologous assay that measures antibody reactivity with ...19882851952
lack of protection in vivo with neutralizing monoclonal antibodies to transmissible gastroenteritis virus.monoclonal antibodies (mabs) specific for the e1 and e2 surface glycoproteins of the transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) of swine were examined either alone or in combination to evaluate their potential value in protecting neonatal pigs against a lethal dose of tgev. cesarean-delivered colostrum-deprived (cdcd) piglets were given one pre-challenge dose of mab and an equal dose of the same mab at each successive feeding after challenge. in vivo challenge results demonstrated that neither m ...19882852869
propagation of the virus of porcine epidemic diarrhea in cell culture.porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (pedv) was adapted to serial propagation in vero cell cultures by adding trypsin to the medium. pedv-infected cells showed a distinct cytoplasmic fluorescence when examined by a fluorescent-antibody-staining technique. cytopathic effects, such as vacuolation, formation of syncytia, and fusion of cells, were detected even at passage 1 of the pedv in vero cells. once adapted, the virus induced numerous syncytia containing over 100 nuclei. from virus passage 5 on, al ...19882853174
comparison of two methods for detection of transmissible gastroenteritis virus in feces of pigs with experimentally induced indirect, double-antibody sandwich-type elisa for detection of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) was developed, using a solid phase of rabbit hyperimmune serum and a pool of 3 antipeplomer monoclonal antibodies to trap and to detect the virus, respectively. the technique was used to detect viral antigen in feces of pigs that had been infected with the virulent miller strain, the attenuated purdue strain, or the erica strain (a dutch field isolate) of tgev. the results were compared w ...19882854707
effect of glucocorticoid on piglet jejunal mucosa during acute viral enteritis.we measured the effect of pharmacological doses of glucocorticoid on piglet jejunal structure and function during acute viral diarrhea. weaned piglets, infected experimentally with transmissible gastroenteritis virus, a coronavirus that induces a diarrheal illness similar to human rotavirus infection, received methylprednisolone (30 mg/kg) or saline intramuscularly at 48 and 72 h after infection; noninfected littermate controls were similarly injected with methylprednisolone. animals were killed ...19882832816
induction of alpha interferon by transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus: role of transmembrane glycoprotein e1.epithelial cells infected with the coronavirus transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) and fixed by glutaraldehyde induced a high alpha interferon (ifn-alpha) production in nonimmune porcine as well as human or bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc). ifn-alpha was detected as early as 3 h after exposure of pbmc to infected cells and at producer/inducer cell ratios as low as 1/1. two of four monoclonal antibodies directed against the viral transmembrane glycoprotein e1 could block th ...19882824858
the effect of interferon induction in parturient sows and newborn piglets on resistance to transmissible gastroenteritis.high titers of interferon were found in the serum and milk of three sows treated two days after farrowing with polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid complexed with poly-l-lysine and carboxymethylcellulose, but circulating interferon was not found in the piglets suckled by these sows. when two treated sows and their suckling piglets were exposed to infection with transmissible gastroenteritis virus eight hours after treatment, the sows showed no signs of disease, although they developed circulating int ...19882450628
differentiation of porcine coronavirus from transmissible gastroenteritis virus. 19882451340
antigenic structure of the e2 glycoprotein from transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus.the antigenic structure of transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus e2 glycoprotein has been defined at three levels: antigenic sites, antigenic subsites and epitopes. four antigenic sites (a, b, c and d) were defined by competitive radioimmunoassay (ria) using monoclonal antibodies (mabs) selected from 9 fusions. about 20% (197) of the hybridomas specific for tge virus produced neutralizing mabs specific for site a, which was one of the antigenically dominant determinants. site a was different ...19882453977
electron microscopic study of an experimental combined infection of just-weaned piglets with transmissible gastroenteritis virus and k88ac positive enterotoxigenic escherichia coli. 19883051803
pathophysiology of diarrhoea induced by a combined infection with transmissible gastroenteritis virus and enterotoxigenic escherichia coli in newly-weaned piglets and the effect of flurbiprofen newly-weaned 3-4 week old piglets (n = 29) diarrhoea (100%) and vomiting (65%) were induced by inoculation with transmissible gastroenteritis virus and enterotoxigenic e. coli strains (0(149):k91:k88ac; lt, sta and stb enterotoxin positive). this combined infection resulted in pronounced mortality within 7 days. during this period the piglets had decreases in body weight, arterial pressure and leucocyte count and increases in heart rate and in total plasma protein concentration. the plasma ph ...19883057724
sequence analysis of the 3'-end of the feline coronavirus fipv 79-1146 genome: comparison with the genome of porcine coronavirus tgev reveals large insertions.the genetic information, carried on mrna 6 of feline infectious peritonitis virus (fipv) strain 79-1146, was determined by sequence analysis of cdna clones derived from the 3' end of the fipv genome. two orfs were found, encoding polypeptides of 11k (orf-1) and 22k (orf-2). the fipv sequence was compared to the 3' end sequence of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev). orf-1 has a homologous counterpart (orf-x3) in the tgev genome; both orfs are located at the same position relative to the n ...19883201747
intestinal permeability to macromolecules in piglets infected with transmissible gastroenteritis virus.the permeability of the intestine of specific pathogen free piglets was investigated by measuring the concentration of 125-i in the blood after oral administration of 125-i polyvinylpyrrolidone (125-i pvp, mw = 40,000 da) and the concentration of 131-i in the faeces after intravenous administration of 131-i porcine albumin (131-i pa, mw = 68,000 da). the tests were performed one day before and up to two days after the piglets were infected with the miller strain of transmissible gastroenteritis ...19882975891
sequence of the nucleoprotein gene from a virulent british field isolate of transmissible gastroenteritis virus and its expression in saccharomyces cerevisiae.subgenomic mrna from a virulent isolate of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) was used to produce cdna which was sequenced. two non-overlapping open reading frames (orfs) were identified. the largest, encoding a polypeptide of 382 amino acids (relative molecular mass (mr ) 43 483), was shown to be the viral nucleoprotein gene. the second orf, found 3'to the larger orf, encodes a polypeptide of 78 amino acids (mr 9068) which has yet to be assigned to a viral product. the nucleopro ...198828776791
cultivation techniques for animal coronaviruses: emphasis on feline infectious peritonitis virus, canine coronavirus, transmissible gastroenteritis virus, and porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus.techniques are described for the growth and characterization of some mammalian coronaviruses. because of the fastidious nature of their growth requirements, most will replicate only in cells derived from the natural host or a closely related species. fetal cat cells are used to grow fipv, and porcine cells are used to grow tgev and hev. however, ccv will replicate in both feline and canine cells. although all four of these viruses prefer to replicate in a cell in the stationary phase of growth, ...198832214595
enzootic pneumonia in feeder pigs: observations on causal factors.a number of factors were studied in eight feeder pig herds, affected with severe or mild enzootic pneumonia, in order to identify those associated with this disease. piggeries with poor facilities and management and where procurement of piglets was from sales barns were more severely affected with enzootic pneumonia than were those with good facilities and where pigs originated directly from breeding units. serological tests and virus isolation revealed that all herds had been exposed to mycopla ...198917423261
enzootic pneumonia in feeder pigs: association with transmissible gastroenteritis virus infection.infection with transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) was present in some pigs on arrival at a feeder pig farm and was well established three weeks later. tge infection preceded mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection, which was not detected until three weeks after arrival. severe lesions of enzootic pneumonia were observed at the end of the fattening period.a trial was subsequently done in six-week-old-pigs in order to evaluate the potentiating effect of tgev infection on experimental m. hyopneu ...198917423290
sequence analysis of the nucleocapsid protein gene of human coronavirus 229e.human coronaviruses are important human pathogens and have also been implicated in multiple sclerosis. to further understand the molecular biology of human coronavirus 229e (hcv-229e), molecular cloning and sequence analysis of the viral rna have been initiated. following established protocols, the 3'-terminal 1732 nucleotides of the genome were sequenced. a large open reading frame encodes a 389 amino acid protein of 43,366 da, which is presumably the nucleocapsid protein. the predicted protein ...19892922924
induction of transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus-neutralizing antibodies in vitro by virus-specific t helper cell hybridomas.three transmissible gastroenteritis (tge) virus-specific t helper (th) cell hybridomas have been generated from virus-primed balb/c mice, by fusion with the thymoma bw5147. the hybridomas responded to purified u.v.-inactivated tge virus with interleukin production and growth inhibition. tge virus recognition by the hybridomas was restricted by the major histocompatibility complex: only splenocytes from syngeneic or semi-syngeneic mice were able to recognize the antigen. the three hybridomas were ...19892471795
epitope mapping and the detection of transmissible gastroenteritis viral proteins in cell culture using biotinylated monoclonal antibodies in a fixed-cell elisa.a fixed-cell elisa was developed using swine testicle (st) cells infected with the virulent miller strain of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) and purified biotinylated monoclonal antibodies (b-mabs). five of the b-mabs were specific for the peplomer (e2), five reacted to the nucleocapsid (n), and one reacted to the e 1 protein of the miller strain of tgev. protein a-sepharose purification of mabs yielded protein concentrations ranging from 0.40 to 3 mg per ml of ascites. separate pools ...19892479362
induction of the 2-5a system by interferon and transmissible gastroenteritis virus.interferon (ifn) treatment increased the level of 2',5'-oligoadenylate (2-5a) synthetase and inhibited replication of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (tgev) in cultured swine testicular cells. despite a minimal increase in tgev titer in ifn-treated swine testicular cells, there was rapid cellular destruction. ifn-treated swine testicular cells had detectable levels of 2-5a (3.6 nm 6 h post-infection) after infection with 30 pfu tgev/cell. infection of neonatal pigs with a virulent strain of ...19892481702
the interferon sensitivity of selected porcine viruses.the objective of this study was to compare the sensitivity of 11 porcine viruses to the antiviral effects of porcine interferon-alpha in serum from piglets which had been infected 19 h previously with transmissible gastroenteritis virus, and of porcine interferon-beta prepared in pk-15 cells by induction with polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid, in yield reduction assays in pig kidney cells which were treated with interferon before virus challenge, and both before and after virus challenge. the most ...19892492445
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 1150