
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
effect of estrogen on lipoprotein lipase activity and cytoplasmic progestin binding sites in lean and obese zucker rats.injections of 5 micrograms estradiol benzoate (eb) for 5 days resulted in decreases in the rate of body weight gain in both lean (fafa) and obese (fafa) zucker rats. eb administration also resulted in significant induction of cytoplasmic progestin binding sites in both hypothalamic-preoptic area (h-poa) and adipose tissues from rats of both genotypes. however, eb treatment significantly decreased lipoprotein lipase (lpl) activity in adipose tissue from lean, but not obese, zucker rats and the sa ...19846694985
differential sensitivity of estrogen target tissues: implications for estrogen regulation of serum luteinizing the rat, it is generally accepted that the primary site of estrogen's stimulatory (positive) effects on serum lh is the preoptic area-anterior hypothalamus (poa/ah). in contrast, the primary site of estrogen's inhibitory (negative) effects on serum lh levels has not been conclusively identified. there is evidence to suggest both a medial basal hypothalamic (mbh) and an anterior pituitary site of action. the present studies utilized a unique characteristic of these estrogen effects to investig ...19846708135
development of steroid-receptor systems in guinea pig brain. ii. cytoplasmic progestin receptors.the development of the cytoplasmic progestin receptor (cpr) system in male and female guinea pigs was examined to determine if insensitivity to the lordosis promoting activity of estrogen-progestin treatment in adult males and neonatal guinea pigs is correlated with alterations in this receptor system. gonadectomized neonatal (4-6 days old) and adult (50-65 days old) guinea pigs of both sexes were injected with estradiol benzoate (eb) and killed 40 h later. cprs were measured in the hypothalamus ...19846722575
development of steroid-receptor systems in guinea pig brain. i. cytoplasmic estrogen receptors.the development of the cytoplasmic estrogen receptor (cer) system in male and female guinea pigs was examined to determine whether attainment of sensitivity to estrogen action related to lordosis behavior is correlated with increases in brain cer concentrations. ovariectomized neonatal (7 days old) guinea pigs failed to display lordosis after priming with 10 micrograms estradiol benzoate (eb) and 0.5 mg progesterone (p). the percentage of ovariectomized steroid-treated females displaying lordosi ...19846722583
effects of season and sex on the distribution of cytosolic estrogen receptors within the brain and the anterior pituitary gland of sheep.this study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of season and sex on the distribution of cytosolic estradiol-17 beta receptors (e2-receptors) within multiple regions of the ovine brain and the anterior pituitary gland. our data confirm the existence of a saturable, high-affinity receptor specific for estradiol-17 beta (e2) in the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland. the concentrations of e2-receptors in tissues from castrated ewes and rams killed in december (breeding season) and may ( n ...19846733200
pre- and postnatal influence of testosterone propionate and diethylstilbestrol on differentiation of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area in male and female rats.the volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus in the preoptic area (sdn-poa) of the rat brain is several fold larger in males than in females. when female rats were treated pre- and postnatally with testosterone propionate (tp) or with diethylstilbestrol (des) they became anovulatory and their sdn-poa developed equivalent in size to that of normal males. identical treatment of male rats resulted in deficient testicular development, but had no influence on sdn-poa volume. the results indicate that ...19846733514
courtship stimulates aromatase activity in preoptic area of brain in male ring doves.aromatase activity was quantified in vitro in different regions of the basal forebrain of male ring doves at various times after the initiation of courtship. by 24 h after the introduction of a female dove into the cage of a male, there was a significant, nearly two-fold, increase in aromatase activity which was confined to the ventromedial preoptic area (vm-poa) where enzyme activity was concentrated. this increase in aromatase activity, which was sustained through day 5 of courtship, presumabl ...19846745192
a pancreatic oncofetal antigen (poa): its characterization and application for enzyme immunoassay.we investigated the usefulness of enzyme immunoassay (eia) for pancreatic oncofetal antigen (poa). the crude poa isolated from poa-positive ascitic fluid of patients with pancreatic cancer was injected into rabbits to raise anti-poa serum. the adsorbed antiserum was used for eia as anti-poa serum. for the establishment of eia system for poa, anti-poa-fab' fragment was conjugated to beta-d-galactosidase from escherichia coli. normal subjects (205 controls) and 132 patients (47 with pancreatic can ...19846367984
steroid-monoamine feedback interactions in discrete brain regions using as a model the monosodium glutamate (msg)-lesioned rat.the present studies examine the effects of neonatal treatment with monosodium glutamate (msg) on dopamine (da), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-ht) and norepinephrine (ne) metabolism in discrete brain regions and correlate them with steroid receptor kinetics in the anterior pituitary (pit), preoptic hypothalamus (poa) and caudal hypothalamus (hyp), and with steroid negative and positive feedback effects on luteinizing hormone (lh) secretion. substantial decreases in the neuronal activity of all three ami ...19846369057
preoptic area brain grafts in hypogonadal (hpg) female mice abolish effects of congenital hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) deficiency.normal fetal preoptic area (poa), a site of gnrh production, was implanted into the third ventricle of adult female hypogonadal (hpg) mice. when the grafts were successful, the mice (genetically deficient in hypothalamic gnrh) responded with vaginal opening, cornified vaginal cells, ovarian and uterine development, and increased pituitary fsh content and plasma lh concentrations. similar results were obtained with fetal poa tissue, whether derived from males or females. two of four hpg mice with ...19846370670
axonal projections and peptide content of steroid hormone concentrating neurons.the axonal projections of cell groups containing the most dense collections of steroid hormone concentrating cells have been demonstrated with retrograde neuroanatomical tracing methods. horseradish peroxidase revealed large numbers of neurons in ventrolateral ventromedial nucleus (vl-vm) which project to dorsal midbrain. wheat germ agglutinin (immunocytochemical recognition method) revealed large numbers of neurons in medial basal hypothalamus (mbh) and particular subdivisions of paraventricula ...19846384952
drinking behavior is modulated by cns administration of opioids in the rat.while opiate antagonists have been shown to reliably attenuate drinking following both central and peripheral administration, relatively few data exist on the effects of agonist agents on this behavior. to address this issue, two opiate agonists, morphine sulfate, a mu agonist, and [d-ala2, d-leu5]-enkephalin (dadle), a semi-synthetic delta analog of a delta agonist, were administered into several cns sites in rats. there was a dose-related, naloxone-reversible reduction of water intake followin ...19846385841
high-dose cyclophosphamide and 5-fluorouracil versus vincristine, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide in advanced carcinoma of the breast. a phase iii study of the piedmont oncology association (poa).forty-nine patients with advanced carcinoma of the breast who had received no prior chemotherapy were randomized to receive either high-dose cyclophosphamide (c) 1250 mg/m2 intravenously on day 1 and 5-fluorouracil (f) 600 mg/m2 intravenously on days 1 through 5 (cf), or vincristine (v) 1.5 mg/m2, doxorubicin (a) 50 mg/m2 and cyclophosphamide (c) 500 mg/m2 (vac), all intravenously on day 1. both regimens were repeated at 3-week intervals. nine of 25 patients (36%) treated with cf and ten of 21 p ...19846388802
telencephalic and preoptic areas integrate sexual behavior in hime salmon (landlocked red salmon, oncorhynchus nerka): results of electrical brain stimulation experiments.various patterns of sexual behavior were evoked in freely swimming hime salmon by electrical stimulation of specific loci in the telencephalon and the preoptic area (poa) using chronically implanted electrodes. furthermore, co-ordinated sexual behavior corresponding to stages of the natural spawning sequence was elicited from some of these brain regions. these results suggest that (1) sexual behavior is integrated in specific parts of the telencephalon and poa, and (2) within these regions there ...19846393162
[clinical evaluation of enzyme immunoassay for a pancreatic oncofetal antigen (poa)]. 19846398349
stimulation with estrogen and progesterone of luteinizing hormone (lh)-releasing hormone release from perifused adult female rat hypothalami: correlation with the lh surge.the effects of estradiol benzoate (eb) and progesterone (p) in vivo and p in vitro on lhrh release from perifused preoptic area-medial basal hypothalamus (poa-mbh) tissue fragments were assessed. in the first series of experiments, ovariectomized female rats were given either 10 or 30 micrograms eb on day 0, followed by either oil or 5 mg p at 1000 h on day 2. rats were killed at 2-h intervals after p or oil injection, and the poa-mbh from these rats were incubated in a perifusion system. lhrh r ...19846360665
cross-reactions among grass pollen allergens.we studied cross-reactions of pollen extracts from the grasses phleum pratense, lolium perenne, poa pratensis and festuca pratensis. we used immunoelectrophoretic techniques (tandem-cie, absorption in situ) and rast inhibition, which allowed us to detect the high antigenic and allergenic relationships of the single grass pollens. phleum pratense, however, revealed antigenic and allergenic differences as compared to the other 3 grasses.19846084953
enzymatic synthesis of phenoxymethylpenicillin using erwinia aroideae enzyme.enzymatic synthesis of phenoxymethylpenicillin from 6-aminopenicillanic acid and phenoxyacetic acid methyl ester was attempted by using partially purified alpha-acylamino-beta-lactam acylhydrolase i (alahase i) enzyme from erwinia aroideae nrrl b-138. the reaction rates were carefully followed by determination of 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-apa), phenoxymethylpenicillin (pnv), phenoxyacetic acid (poa), phenoxyacetic acid methyl ester (pom), and phenoxyacetylglycine (pog) using high performance l ...19846438038
chronic hyperprolactinemia causes progressive changes in hypothalamic dopaminergic and noradrenergic neurons.studies were undertaken to evaluate the effects of chronic hyperprolactinemia (hyp) on catecholamine concentrations and turnover rates in brain regions of the female rat. hyp was induced by inoculation of tissue derived from the prolactin secreting mttw15 tumor. when serum prolactin (prl) levels were moderately elevated, medial basal hypothalamus (mbh) dopamine (da) turnover was enhanced and da concentrations were moderately reduced. later, as serum prl levels increased to greater than 10 microg ...19846478222
influence of ascending reticular activating system on preoptic neuronal activity.there is evidence to suggest that the reticular activating system may have an influence on the neurons of the preoptic area (poa). we studied the responses of poa neurons and their relation to the cortical eeg, on stimulation of the midbrain reticular formation (mrf) at various frequencies, in unanesthetized, encéphale isolé cats. stimulation of the mrf at high frequency produced inhibition of the firing rate in a majority of the responsive neurons of the poa. stimulation of the mrf with lower f ...19846479280
changes in hypothalamic and pituitary content of immunoreactive alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone during the gestational and postpartum periods in the rat.alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-msh) was measured in the mediobasal hypothalamus (mh), median eminence (me), preoptic-suprachiasmatic area (poa-scn), anterior (al), and posterior lobes (pl) of the pituitary gland during the gestational and postpartum periods in the rat. the content of alpha-msh in the mh and poa-scn compared to estrous levels was lower during the later days of gestation and decreased further in the mh during lactation in association with the elevated plasma prolactin ...19846483865
antagonism of central estrogen action by intracerebral implants of order to determine the neural site(s) of estradiol (e2) priming of receptive behavior in female long-evans rats, we attempted to inhibit the behavioral effects of peripheral injections of e2 by administering the e2 antagonist tamoxifen (tx) to particular brain regions. crystalline tx was administered unilaterally or bilaterally via 28-gauge cannulae into the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (vmn), the preoptic area (poa), or the interpeduncular region (ip) 1 hr prior to the first of three da ...19846489941
pharmacological and anatomical aspects of cholinergic activation of female sexual behavior.forebrain infusion of cholinergic agonists activated the sexual response, lordosis, in ovariectomized female rats that had been primed with a low dose of estrogen. carbachol, an agonist with both muscarinic and nicotinic properties, and oxotremorine, an agonist with a primarily muscarinic action, produced dose-related increases in the frequency of lordosis elicited by stimulus male rats. this facilitation of lordosis was prevented when females were pretreated systemically with atropine or scopol ...19846494300
a field-potential study of centripetal and centrifugal connections of the olfactory bulb in the carp, cyprinus carpio (l).the projection areas of mitral cell axons in the lateral (lot) and medial (mot) olfactory tracts and the pathways of two groups of centrifugal fibers (with fast and slow conduction velocities) to the olfactory bulb were studied in the carp using the field potential method. mitral cell axons of the lot and those of the mot projected to the overlapping areas in the bilateral telencephalon and preoptic area (poa), the contralateral mot, and the nucleus posterior tuberis (npt) in the diencephalon. h ...19846498513
suppression of sexual behavior and localization of [3h] puromycin after intracranial injection in the rat.bilateral intracranial injections of puromycin (10 micrograms/0.5 microliter vehicle) into the preoptic area (poa) of steroid-primed ovariectomized rats resulted in a significant decrease in the lordosis response when compared to saline treated controls. to determine the extent of puromycin diffusion after intracranial injection, [3h] puromycin was injected into the right poa of ovariectomized rats. neural regions anterior, posterior and superior to the poa, and the right and left poa were asses ...19846514830
changes in concentrations of estradiol nuclear receptors in the preoptic area, medial basal hypothalamus, amygdala, and pituitary gland of middle-aged and old cycling rats.this study determined whether the biochemical characteristics of the estradiol (e2) nuclear receptor located in three different brain areas and the pituitary gland (pit) change in aging rats undergoing declining reproductive function. to measure maximal e2 nuclear receptor concentrations, groups of young (3-4 months old), middle-aged (8-11 months old), and old (16-18 months old) cycling rats were injected iv with e2 to translocate maximally cytosolic receptors into the nucleus. one hour later th ...19846537808
progesterone in the ventromedial hypothalamus of ovariectomized, estrogen-primed rats inhibits subsequent facilitation of estrous behavior by systemic progesterone.the putative neural target sites of progesterone's (p) inhibitory influence on estrous behavior were re-examined utilizing intracranial hormone implants. subjects were estrogen-primed ovariectomized, long-evans rats, and all were outfitted with permanent indwelling guide cannulae aimed for the ventromedial hypothalamus (vmh), preoptic area (poa), or midbrain. in a series of 4 weekly testing paradigms, the ability of blank or p-filled implants to both facilitate estrous responsiveness and to inte ...19846538109
brain catecholamine content during the estrous cycle and in steroid-primed rats.norepinephrine (ne) and dopamine (da) levels were measured in several estrogen concentrating brain regions over the estrous cycle and in steroid-primed ovariectomized rats under experimental conditions used to study sexual receptivity. norepinephrine content in the ventromedial hypothalamus (vmh), lateral septum (ls) and medial preoptic area (poa) varied during the estrous cycle. the highest ne levels were found during metestrus in these brain regions. in the ovariectomized rat, ne levels were i ...19846539636
progesterone-like effects of estradiol on reproductive behavior and hypothalamic progestin receptors in the female rat.during the rat estrous cycle, estradiol (e2) and progesterone (p) synergize to activate reproductive behavior. however, receptivity and proceptivity can be elicited by e2 alone in ovariectomized (ovx) animals, particularly when e2 doses are high. the purpose of this study was to determine the neuroendocrine mechanism by which e2 elicits p-dependent reproductive behavior. adult ovx females received estrogen treatment for 72 h, which consisted of 5 mm silastic capsules containing 100% e2 or 10% e2 ...19846540375
disruption of ongoing maternal responsiveness in rats by central administration of morphine sulfate.the ability of central morphine administration to disrupt established maternal responsiveness in rats was examined. studies focused on the direct administration of morphine sulfate (m) to the preoptic area (poa), a region known to be involved in the expression of maternal behavior in this species. in the first experiment, crystalline m was administered via bilateral 28 g cannulae to the poa or ventromedial hypothalamus (vmh) of 31 ovariectomized, estrogen-primed, nulliparous, pup-induced, matern ...19846540617
effects of small medial preoptic lesions on estrous cycles and receptivity in female rats.the effects of small lesions in the preoptic area (poa) of female rats on estrous cycles, lh responsiveness, and receptivity were studied. regularly cycling rats received lesions confined to either the periventricular portion or the ventral portion of the rostral preoptic area, or a combination of these two sites. nine animals showed persistent vaginal cornification (pvc) following lesion placement. all of these had lesions in the periventricular preoptic area. in contrast, five of six animals w ...19846540883
anti-muricide mechanisms of chlorpromazine and imipramine in ob rats: adrenoceptors and hypothalamic functions.chlorpromazine (cpz) microinjected into the posterior part of the lateral hypothalamus (p-lh) and the lateral preoptic area (1-poa) of ob rats shows anti-muricide and cataleptogenic effects as well as a drowsy pattern in cortical eeg, while imipramine (imp) injected into p-lh shows anti-muricide and cataleptogenic effects without change of cortical eeg. the present study examined the effects of drugs injected into p-lh and 1-poa on muricide, catalepsy and cortical and limbic eeg. cpz (20, 50 mic ...19846541343
dissociation of prolactin and lh release responses after stimulation within the preoptic-suprachiasmatic region in male rats.the relative efficiency of unilateral electrical stimuli applied within the preoptic-suprachiasmatic region (poa-sch) to induce the release of prolactin and/or lh was studied in male rats under pentobarbital anesthesia. it was observed that unilateral stimulation with 10 hz, 1.0 msec width pulses applied in the ventral half of the poa-sch resulted primarily in the release of prolactin rather than lh. fifty hz stimuli applied at this same locus resulted also in lh release. it is concluded that th ...19846543186
studies on the control of prostaglandin production by the hypothalamus in relation to lh release in the rat.prostaglandin (pg) and thromboxane (tx) synthesis by homogenates of the hypothalamus of rats has been measured in relation to the preovulatory surge of lh. prostaglandin and tx production by the median eminence (me) was five to ten times higher than that by the anterior hypothalamus/preoptic area (ah-poa). prostaglandin e2 and pgf2 alpha were the major prostaglandins synthesized by the me and ah-poa respectively. during the 4-day oestrous cycle, the pg- and tx-synthesizing capacity of the me sho ...19846593408
differentiation of the sexually dimorphic nucleus in the preoptic area of the rat brain is inhibited by postnatal treatment with an estrogen antagonist.the volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus in the preoptic area (sdn-poa) of the rat brain is several fold larger in adult male rats that in adult females. this sex difference in brain structure was previously shown to develop under the influence of androgenic and estrogenic hormones during the perinatal period. we here report that treatment of newborn male and female rats with the estrogen antagonist tamoxifen significantly inhibited growth and differentiation of the sdn-poa in both sexes and ...19846610133
a new gall-forming species of anguina scopoli, 1777 (nemata: anguinidae) on bluegrass, poa annua l., from the coast of california.anguina pacificae n. sp. is described and illustrated from stem galls on bluegrass, poa annua l., from golf courses along coastal california. the females are characterized by constrictions in the anterior and posterior connections of the isthmus with the respective parts of the esophagus, the long multicellular columella, and the sharply pointed tail tip. males are dorsally curved after death; body width is increased markedly after 13 annuli in both sexes, and the tail is conical and with an acu ...198419294043
ethylene-induced chlorosis in the pathogenesis of bipolaris sorokiniana leaf spot of poa pratensis.endogenous ethylene of poa pratensis leaves infected by bipolaris sorokiniana was evaluated as a factor in leaf chlorosis during pathogenesis. detectable increases in endogenous ethylene of leaves of intact plants under normal ambient pressure occurred 12 hours after inoculation and was maximum at 48 hours; from 48 to 96 hours the ethylene progressively decreased. necrotic lesions surrounded by chlorotic halos occurred on infected leaves between 24 and 48 hours. midvein chlorosis interconnecting ...198416663644
type 1 fimbria-mediated adhesion of enteric bacteria to grass roots.type 1 fimbriae of klebsiella pneumoniae and enterobacter agglomerans mediated bacterial adhesion to the roots of bluegrass, poa pratensis. purified, radiolabeled fimbriae bound to grass roots in vitro; binding was inhibited by alpha-methyl-d-mannoside or fab fragments to the fimbriae. anti-type 1 fimbriae fab fragments and alpha-methyl-d-mannoside also inhibited adhesion of type 1-fimbriated bacteria to p. pratensis roots. it is proposed that associative nitrogen fixation by klebsiella and ente ...198516346792
studies on the host range, biology, and pathogenicity of punctodera punctata infecting turfgrasses.punctodera punctata completed its life cycle on poa annua (annual bluegrass), p. pratensis (merion kentucky bluegrass), lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass), and festuca rubra rubra (spreading fescue). minimum time for completion of a life cycle from second-stage juvenile to mature brown cyst was 40 days at 22-28 c. inoculation by single juveniles indicated that reproduction was most likely by amphimixis. infestation levels of 50 or 500 juveniles/250 cm(3) soil did not affect top dry weight, root ...198519294077
[tumor markers of pancreatic cancer].to determine the clinical usefulness for diagnosis and monitoring of pancreatic tumor markers, serum levels of ca 19-9 (ria; less than or equal to 37u/ml), poa (eia; less than 11 u/ml), cea (eia; less than or equal to 4.4 ng/ml) and tpa (ria; less than or equal to 110 u/ml) were measured in 57 patients with pancreatic cancer and 25 patients with benign diseases of the pancreas. frequencies of elevation for pancreatic cancers were 73.9% for ca 19-9, 69.2% for poa, 48.9% for cea and 73.2% for tpa. ...19853855615
[diagnostic usefulness of serum levels of pancreatic oncofetal antigen (poa) and ca 19-9 in pancreatic cancers: monitoring of postoperative recurrences].serum levels of poa (eia; less than 11.0 u/ml) and ca 19-9 (ria; less than or equal to 37 u/ml) were measured in 54 patients with pancreatic cancer and 19 patients with benign diseases of the pancreas. although serum ca 19-9 and poa were elevated in 72.7% and 69.4% of patients with pancreatic cancer, respectively, patients in relatively early stage showed low percent of elevation. therefore, these markers are unsuitable for early diagnosis of pancreatic cancers. however, these markers seem promi ...19853861883
ach and 5-ht stimulated thermogenesis at different core temperatures in the he-cold hypothermic hamster.hamsters in deep experimentally induced hypothermia, at body temperatures between 7 degrees c and 11.5 degrees c, were microinjected with 5-ht and ach at brain sites in the anterior-preoptic area of the hypothalamus (ah/poa). ach or 5-ht was injected into an ah/poa site at different starting core temperatures in different groups of hypothermic hamsters. colonic temperatures (tc) were maintained, following he-cold induction, in a temperature controlled environmental chamber and measured with a ys ...19853862462
in vitro gonadotropin-releasing hormone release from hypothalamic tissues of ovariectomized estrogen-treated cynomolgus macaques.the effects of in vivo 17 beta-estradiol (e2) treatment on in vitro gnrh release and serum lh levels were studied to determine the loci of e2 feedback actions and to examine the hypothalamic mechanisms by which this steroid may regulate lh secretion in monkeys. ovariectomized cynomolgus macaques received sc silastic capsule implants containing e2 and were killed 12, 36, 42, or 48 h later. at least one control (ctl) animal received a blank implant and was killed concurrently with each e2-treated ...19853880545
megestrol acetate v tamoxifen in advanced breast cancer: a phase iii trial of the piedmont oncology association (poa).one hundred twenty-four patients with recurrent or metastatic breast cancer were randomized to receive megestrol acetate 40 mg orally, four times daily, or tamoxifen 10 mg orally twice daily. if therapy failed patients were crossed over to the alternate treatment. eligibility required that either the estrogen or progesterone receptor be positive or that both values be unknown, and that patients be at least 2 years postspontaneous menopause or over 50 years of age. pretreatment characteristics we ...19853883503
effects of progesterone on hypothalamic and plasma lhrh.the hypothalamic action of progesterone on the regulation of lh secretion was investigated in a rat model ideally suited for the study of progesterone effects under conditions in which the animal is sensitive to progesterone but does not have an estrogen-induced gonadotropin surge. immature female rats were ovariectomized at 26 days of age and treated for 4 days with a subphysiological dose of 0.1 microgram/kg/day estradiol followed by the injection of either 0.8 or 3.2 mg/kg progesterone at 9.3 ...19853887198
seasonal changes in luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone concentrations in microdissected brain regions of male rough-skinned newts (taricha granulosa).luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (lhrh) concentrations were measured in specific brain areas of male rough-skinned newts collected from a single population throughout the reproductive cycle. plasma androgen and corticosterone (b) concentrations were also measured. androgen concentrations were highest during the breeding season (winter) and lowest during the summer. in contrast, plasma b was lowest during the breeding season and highest in the summer. concentrations of lhrh in the infundibul ...19853888777
enzyme immunoassay of pancreatic oncofetal antigen (poa) as a marker of pancreatic cancer.for the quantitative measurement of pancreatic oncofetal antigen (poa), an enzyme immunoassay for poa has been developed, and is based on the sandwich method using antibody-coupled glass beads and enzyme (peroxidase)-labelled antibody. serum poa concentrations were increased significantly in patients with pancreatic cancer, but not in those with chronic pancreatitis or other miscellaneous diseases, or in normal subjects. it is concluded that the enzyme immunoassay could be used for the assay of ...19853888788
effects of naloxone on catecholamine and lhrh release from the perifused hypothalamus of the steroid-primed rat.the purpose of the present investigation was to determine the effects of naloxone on lhrh and catecholamine release from preoptic area-medial basal hypothalamic (poa-mbh) fragments in vitro. ovariectomized rats were treated with estradiol benzoate, followed 2 days later by progesterone. the rats were killed 2 after progesterone administration and the poa-mbh dissected out and incubated in a perifusion system. after preincubation, medium with or without naloxone (1 mg/ml) was infused into the per ...19853892353
[is a timely diagnosis possible in pancreatic cancer?].the incidence of pancreatic cancer, the incidence rate of physicians in a given area, the sensitivity and specificity of morphological (ercp, ct, sonography), cytological and serological (cea, alpha-fetoprotein, poa, r-nase, lai, ca 19-9) examination methods were used (taking the cities of ulm and hannover as basis) for calculating that a general practitioner, or a practising internist, may be able to diagnose a case of pancreatic cancer about 3-4 times during his professional career, and at the ...19853895423
evidence that prostaglandins within preoptic area (poa) may mediate the antidipsogenic effect of escherichia coli endotoxin in the rat.intravenous injection of escherichia coli endotoxin (lps; 640 micrograms/kg) produced an antidipsogenic effect in 48-h water-deprived rats, which was antagonized by acetylsalicylic acid (asa; 0.45, 0.9 microm) injected directly into cerebral preoptic area (poa). asa (0.9 microm) when injected into poa did not elicit, by itself, any effect on drinking. endotoxin (0.5, 1, and 2 micrograms), when injected directly into poa, produced a dose-dependent inhibition of drinking stimulated by water depriv ...19853902276
immunoperoxidase detection of pancreatic oncofetal antigen in human tissues.normal human adult tissues (from the pancreas, stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum), human fetal pancreas and various human tumor tissues were investigated for the expression of pancreatic oncofetal antigen (poa) by the peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex method. the antibody used in this study was raised by immunization of rabbit with poa purified from ascites of a patient with pancreatic cancer; it was the same as in our previous report on enzyme immunoassay for serum poa. poa was localiz ...19853902552
cellular mechanisms of acute estrogen negative feedback on lh secretion: pituitary responsiveness to lhrh and estradiol receptor kinetics in the pituitary, preoptic hypothalamic area, and the caudal hypothalamic area of the rat order to examine the cellular mechanisms by which estradiol (e2) exerts its acute negative feedback upon luteinizing hormone (lh) secretion, a temporal correlation was made among serum lh concentrations, pituitary responsiveness to luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (lhrh), and the translocation of e2 to nuclear (ner) receptors of the pituitary (pit), preoptic hypothalamic area (poa), and the caudal hypothalamic area (hyp). rats on diestrous day 1 were ovariectomized (ovx) and killed 10 da ...19853904876
neuronal responsiveness to gonadotropin-releasing hormone and its correlation with sexual receptivity in the the present study, an attempt was made to correlate the neuronal responsiveness of individual preoptic-septal (poa/s) units to iontophoretically applied gnrh with the onset of sexual receptivity. in both behavioral and electrophysiological studies, ovariectomized, estrogen-primed rats were used. in behaviorally tested rats, lordosis quotients (lq) were determined at varying times following progesterone (p) injection. for electrophysiological studies, p was given 1 hr after the start of record ...19853906591
sexual dimorphisms of the brain.this discussion reviews, partially from the historical perspective of the author, the development and evolution of the concept of the sexual differentiation of the brain, a process that has profound implications for reproductive biology, animal behavior and developmental neurobiology. although there are numerous sex differences in brain function, the mammalian brain appears to be fundamentally female. characteristics of brain function typical of the male sex are imposed on the developing brain b ...19853908433
beaver, bluestem, and bluegrass: human health and the changing ecology of the des moines river watershed. 19853916916
in vitro luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone release from superfused rat hypothalami: site of action of progesterone and effect of estrogen priming.the study examined the effect of estrogen priming on progesterone (p4)-induced lhrh release, the tissue site of action of p4, and the effect of 5 alpha-dihydroxyprogesterone (5 alpha-dhp) on lhrh release from hypothalamic fragments superfused in vitro. immature female rats were ovariectomized (ovx) and, at 28 days of age, silastic capsules containing estradiol (e2) were implanted. two days later, animals were killed and hypothalamic fragments were removed and transferred to superfusion chambers. ...19853917249
effects of thalidomide and pentobarbital on neuronal activity in the preoptic area during sleep and wakefulness in the test the hypothesis that sleep produced by thalidomide, unlike that of pentobarbital, is associated with increased neuronal activity in the preoptic area (poa), the spontaneous activity of 96 poa neurons was recorded in chronically prepared cats during alert wakefulness (w), deep slow-wave sleep (sws), and rem sleep in a drug-free preparation and after administration of thalidomide (4 mg/kg) and pentobarbital (4 or 8 mg/kg). thalidomide, unlike pentobarbital, at a dose that significantly incr ...19853920698
differential effects of the perinatal steroid environment on three sexually dimorphic parameters of the rat brain.gonadectomy of male rats was performed at 0, 6-7 (6h), 12-13 (12h), or 24 h postnatally in order to examine the influence of testosterone exposure on sexual differentiation of the brain. the indices examined were: the volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (sdn-poa) and luteinizing hormone (lh) and follicle-stimulating hormone (fsh) titers following estradiol benzoate (eb) and progesterone (p) administration. control animals were sham-operated at 0 h and gonadectomized at ...19853924134
correlation of luteinizing hormone surges with estrogen nuclear and progestin cytosol receptors in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. i. estradiol dose response effects.the present studies were designed to answer three questions: (1) how will a progressive increase in serum estradiol (e2) in ovariectomized (ovx) rats affect progesterone (p4)-induced luteinizing hormone (lh) surge concentrations? (2) can steroid-induced lh surges be correlated with estrogen nuclear receptor (e2rn) and progestin cytosol receptor (prc) levels in brain regions known to regulate lh secretion, and (3) do differences in pituitary responsiveness to lhrh in e2- or e2p4-treated ovx rats ...19853969198
androgen aromatization and 5 alpha-reduction in ferret brain during perinatal development: effects of sex and testosterone manipulation.ferrets of both sexes were killed 8 or 5 days before expected parturition as well as 7, 15, 30, or 51 days after birth, and the activities of aromatase (using 19-[3h]hydroxyandrostenedione as substrate) and of 5 alpha-reductase (using [3h] testosterone as substrate) were assayed in whole homogenates of preoptic area plus anterior hypothalamus (poa), mediobasal hypothalamus (mbh), temporal lobe (tl), and cerebral cortex. aromatase and testosterone 5 alpha-reductase activities were also measured i ...19853987621
effects of prenatal stress on differentiation of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (sdn-poa) of the rat brain.the present study was designed to determine the effects of prenatal malnutrition or environmental stress on the development of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (sdn-poa). pregnant rats were divided into a control group and two treatment groups (immobilization-illumination-heat or environmental stress, and nutritional stress). the two forms of stress were administered during the third trimester of gestation (days 14-20). male and female offspring were sacrificed at birth, 20, a ...19853995257
the differential projection of two cytoarchitectonic subregions of the inferior parietal lobule of macaque upon the deep layers of the superior colliculus.parietotectal projections were studied in the macaque monkey in experiments designed to compare the distribution of fibers originating in two cytoarchitecturally distinct regions within the inferior parietal lobule: the inferior bank of the intraparietal sulcus (area poa of seltzer and pandya, '80) and the adjoining part of area pg (von bonin and bailey, '47) on the convexity of the hemisphere, here called pgc. a dense fiber projection from poa to the intermediate and deep layers of the superior ...19853998211
role of the anterior hypothalamus-preoptic area in the regulation of courtship behavior in the male canadian red-sided garter snake (thamnophis sirtalis parietalis): intracranial implantation experiments.testosterone (t) was administered intracranially to intact adult male canadian red-sided garter snakes (thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) in the fall and in the summer. implants in the anterior hypothalamus-preoptic area (ah-poa) as well as other regions of the brain, including the medial and basal hypothalamus, thalamus, medial cortex, and third ventricle, failed to elicit courtship behavior. the spermatogenic stage was more advanced, and the circulating level of androgens was significantly highe ...19854007796
pancreatic oncofetal antigen in the detection of experimental cancer of the pancreas.a hamster serum protein which reacted with anti-human pancreatic oncofetal antigen (poa) was identified in sera from hamsters with varying types of pancreatic pathology. hamsters were treated with n-nitrobis-(2-hydroxypropyl)-amine, and histological findings in the pancreas were correlated with hamster poa. the cross reactivity of anti-human poa with hamster poa was poor. as a result, the sensitivity of this assay was too low to permit its use in serologically discriminating carcinogen-induced p ...19854023561
glutathione changes occurring after s-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase inhibition.freshly isolated rat hepatocytes, which metabolize methionine through the cystathionine pathway, and cultured l5178y cells, which do not, were compared for their response to the inhibition of s-adenosylhomocysteine (sah) hydrolase (ec when cells were incubated in fischer's medium lacking cystine but containing 0.67 mm methionine and 10% serum, the addition of periodate-oxidized adenosine (poa), an inhibitor of sah hydrolase, increased the level of sah approximately 4-fold in l5178y cel ...19854026297
formation of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area: neuronal growth, migration and changes in cell number.the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (sdn-poa) appears to be a morphological marker of the process of sexual differentiation of the rat brain. a portion of the presumptive sdn-poa neurons can be specifically identified utilizing autoradiography following the administration of [3h]thymidine on day 18 of gestation. in the present study we have utilized this fact in order to describe the general pattern of formation of the sdn-poa during the perinatal period. following the administra ...19854027683
effects of neural stimuli on paraventricular nucleus neurones.the electrical activity of 122 neurones mostly located within the parvocellular components of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (pvn) was recorded in urethane-anaesthetized male rats. spontaneous activity and responses to single-shock stimulation of the following sites were recorded: median eminence (me), neurohypophysis (pit), preoptic area (poa), nucleus accumbens (acb), subiculum (sub), sciatic nerve (scn), and photic (ph) stimulation. stimulation of me antidromically invaded 14% of th ...19854027687
divergent action of verapamil perfused in two hypothalamic areas on body temperature of the cannulae for push-pull perfusion were bilaterally implanted stereotaxically within the anterior hypothalamic, preoptic area (ah/poa) and posterior hypothalamus (ph) of the cat. catecholamine-reactive sites were identified within ah/poa in which a microinjection of norepinephrine (ne) (5.0 micrograms) evoked a characteristic, transient hypothermia. similarly the cation-reactive region within the ph was identified in which excess ca2+ (25 mm) also evoked a hypothermic response. when verapami ...19854034099
involvement of the anterior insular gustatory neocortex in taste-potentiated odor aversion learning.when an odor conditioned stimulus (cs) precedes illness (unconditioned stimulus; ucs), rats acquire relatively weak odor aversions. conversely, when a compound odor-taste (flavor) cs precedes illness, rats acquire robust aversions both to the odor and to the taste components of a compound flavor cs. thus, tastes potentiate odor-illness aversions during toxiphobic conditioning. such conditioning effects have been referred to as taste-potentiated odor aversion learning (poa). previous neurobehavio ...19854034697
muscarinic receptors in the preoptic area are sensitive to 17 beta-estradiol during the critical period.the relationship between the steroid hormone 17 beta-estradiol and the muscarinic cholinergic receptors present in the preoptic area (poa), median hypothalamus and posterior hypothalamus of female rats was examined in vitro at various stages of the estrous cycle. muscarinic receptors varied in a cyclic manner, specifically in the poa, as shown by an increase in the proportion of high-affinity agonist binding sites (rh) to 60% during the proestrus, as compared to rh proportion observed during die ...19854040220
choline acetyltransferase activity in the pars distalis, preoptic area and striatum during the rat estrous cycle.choline acetyltransferase (cat) activity of the striatum, preoptic area (poa), and pars distalis (pd) of the anterior pituitary gland was measured on each day of the 4-day estrous cycle of adult wistar rats. only in the pd did cat activity vary significantly during the cycle, with the activity being lower during estrus than at other stages of the cycle. the cat activity of the pd was extremely low, approximately 500 nmol/h/g protein, and, therefore, the specificity of the cat activity of the pd ...19854040221
changes in anterior pituitary hormone secretion and hypothalamic catecholamine metabolism during morphine withdrawal in the female rat.studies were undertaken to evaluate the acute responses of hypothalamic noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurons and anterior pituitary hormones to naloxone (nal)-precipitated morphine (mor) withdrawal in the rat. ovariectomized female rats were rendered mor-dependent and injected with nal (1 mg/kg b.w., s.c.). during precipitated mor withdrawal, a decline in norepinephrine (ne) concentrations was preceded by an increase in the level of its metabolite normetanephrine (nme) in the medial basal hypo ...19854052762
specificity and neural sites of action of anisomycin in the reduction or facilitation of female sexual behavior in rats.these experiments were designed to investigate the role of neuronal protein synthesis in the hormonal activation of female sexual behavior using intracranial implants of the protein synthesis inhibitor, anisomycin. in the first experiment, female rats receiving bilateral cannulae implants in the medial preoptic area (poa), septal region (sept), ventromedial hypothalamus (vmh), or midbrain central gray (cg) were injected with 2.5 micrograms estradiol benzoate (eb), followed 48 hr later by 500 mic ...19854054850
release of norepinephrine from the rat's hypothalamus perfused with alcohol: relation to body temperature.the activity of norepinephrine (ne) within the thermosensitive region of the anterior hypothalamic, pre-optic area (ah/poa) of the rat was examined in relation to changes in core temperature produced by ethyl alcohol. following stereotaxic implantation of push-pull guide tubes, a specific site in the ah/poa, reactive or non-reactive to ne, was labeled with 1.0 microliter of [3h]-ne. alcohol in a concentration of 2.75% or 5.5% was then perfused locally at the same site by push-pull cannulae or ad ...19854063063
neural projections of the preoptic-suprachiasmatic region to the median eminence in the rat: a quantitative autoradiographic study.the possibility of a preferential distribution of projections from the preoptic-suprachiasmatic region (poa-sch) to the median eminence in the male rat was studied using autoradiographic and computer procedures. a cocktail of [3h]leucine-[3h]proline was injected into the poa-sch. animals were killed after either 1, 4, or 24 h of incorporation time (it). the number of silver grains per 25-micron square was counted throughout the median eminence. squares with silver grain densities at or above the ...19854065269
changes in catecholamine concentrations in the hypothalamus and region of the midbrain raphe in male and female rats during postnatal investigate possible sex differences in central catecholaminergic systems, the concentrations of dopamine (da) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (dopac) were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection in the hypothalamus-preoptic area (h-poa) and midbrain raphe (mr) region of male and female rats throughout postnatal development. other than a small but significant sex difference in da concentration in the mr at 36 h (higher in females), the results show ...19854069456
the short-term effects of testosterone on brain protein synthesis in 4-day-old rats: an electrophoretic study of proteins following intraventricular injection of [35s]methionine.the short-term effects of administering testosterone propionate (tp) to 4-day female rats (androgenized females) on the synthesis of specific brain proteins were investigated. at various times after the intraperitoneal injection of tp or arachis oil, [35s]methionine was injected into the third ventricle and 1 h later proteins were extracted from the hypothalamus-preoptic area (h-poa) and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. changes in synthesis of two 13,000-14 ...19854075117
changes in photoperiod alter the daily rhythms of pineal melatonin content and hypothalamic beta-endorphin content and the luteinizing hormone response to naloxone in the male syrian hamster.this study examines the possible involvement of beta-endorphin in the photoperiodic control of reproduction in the syrian hamster. beta-endorphin and lhrh concentrations in the medial basal hypothalamus (mbh), anterior hypothalamus (aha), and the preoptic area (poa) as well as pineal melatonin content were determined by ria in male syrian hamsters exposed to either a long day [(ld) 16-h light; 8-h dark; lights on 0700-2300] or short day [(sd) 8-h light, 16-h dark; lights on 0700-1500] for 8 week ...19853159563
multiparametric tumor marker (ca 19-9, cea, afp, poa) analyses of pancreatic juices and sera in pancreatic diseases.with respect to their diagnostic utility ca 19-9, cea, afp and poa were determined in pancreatic secretions and serum of patients suffering from pancreatic cancer (n = 76/55) or chronic pancreatitis (n = 79/45) and of controls (n = 81/42), respectively. while the determination of afp and poa both in pancreatic secretions and serum does not permit a differential diagnosis, serum cea (greater than 10 ng/ml) and ca 19-9 (greater than 50 u/ml) levels were indicative of pancreatic cancer in 30% and 8 ...19852410346
long-term reorganization of afferents to the mediobasal hypothalamus following retrochiasmatic knife cuts. a study using horseradish peroxidase.retrochiasmatic knife cuts produce a series of dynamic changes across time in the luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone and catecholamine content of the mediobasal hypothalamus (mbh). we have examined the sources of afferents projecting to the mediobasal hypothalamus of female rats at 7, 60 and 90 days following retrochiasmatic frontal cut (fc) surgery using the intra-axonal retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in order to better define the functional plasticity demonstrated by t ...19852415217
effect of delta 9-thc on brain and plasma catecholamine levels as measured by hplc.the effects of chronic administration of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta 9-thc) on the plasma and brain catecholamine (ca) levels were measured using high performance liquid chromatography-electrochemical detection (lc-ec) system. intact male rats were injected daily with vehicle (50 microliter oil) or with delta 9-thc (3 mg/kg body wt) over a period of 25 days. trunk plasma and tissue from preoptic area (poa) and mediobasal hypothalamus (mbh) were collected and catecholamine levels were det ...19852985210
pituitary and gonadal function in hypogonadotrophic hypogonadal (hpg) mice bearing hypothalamic implants.gnrh receptor values are 30-50% of normal in pituitaries of hpg male mice, and testicular lh receptors only 8% of normal (160.4 +/- 17.6 and 2013 +/- 208.1 fmol/testis respectively). in male hpg mice bearing fetal preoptic area (poa) hypothalamic implants for 10 days there was no change in pituitary gnrh receptors, pituitary gonadotrophin content, or seminal vesicle weight. however, testicular weights and lh receptors were doubled in 4/10 mice and 2 had increased serum fsh levels. between 26 and ...19852991511
synaptogenesis in the neonatal preoptic area grafted into the aged brain.the medial preoptic area (poa) of newborn female rats was transplanted into the third ventricle of young adult (2 months of age) and aged (27 months of age) female rats. the grafted poa tissues were examined ultrastructurally 2 months after transplantation. the mean numbers of axodendritic shaft and spine synapses in the poa transplants in both young adult and aged female rats were much greater than those in the medial poa of newborn female rats. these results suggest that the neuronal substrate ...19852998555
the sex hormone-dependent development of opiate receptors in the rat medial preoptic area.the opiate receptor content of the sexually dimorphic medial preoptic area (mpoa) was examined in newborn and 5-day old (d6) male and female rats. a significant increase of [3h]naloxone binding was observed in and around the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (sdn-poa) in d6 female rats, relative to newborn females. opiate receptor labeling did not increase over this period in males, nor was labeling different between males and females at birth. this dramatic alteration of mpoa opia ...19853000537
experimental dissociation of hypothalamic functions: an analysis of neural structural components for prolactin release control in the male rat.a review of the research work done in male rats regarding the possible anatomical substrate underlying the control of prolactin release is presented. also, a basis for the experimental dissociation of prolactin and lh release responses from a single brain locus is offered. it is proposed that the preoptic suprachiasmatic region (poa-sch) encompasses neural elements involved in the facilitation and inhibition of prolactin release: the dorsal aspect of this region seems to encompass predominantly ...19852938413
pre- and postnatal influence of an estrogen antagonist and an androgen antagonist on differentiation of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area in male and female rats.the volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus in the preoptic area (sdn-poa) of the rat brain is severalfold larger in adult male rats than in adult females. this sex difference in brain structure was previously shown to develop under the influence of androgenic and estrogenic hormones during the perinatal period. we tried to clarify the differential role played by androgens and estrogens during development and differentiation of the sdn-poa by treating male and female rats during an extended pre ...19862939360
photoaffinity labelling of a thromboxane a2/prostaglandin h2 antagonist binding site in human platelets.the diazonium salt of 9,11-dimethylmethano-11,12-methano-16-(4-aminophenoxy)13,14- dihydro-13-aza-15 alpha beta-omega-tetranor txa2 (pta-poa) was synthesized and used as a photoaffinity ligand for the putative human platelet txa2/pgh2 receptor. incubation of human platelet membranes with the diazonium salt of pta-poa followed by photolysis at 290 nm(hv) resulted in a 40% decrease in the specific binding of [125i]pta-oh as measured in the radioligand binding assay. co-incubation with a txa2/pgh2 ...19862946292
para osteo arthropathy--ectopic ossification of healing tendon about the rodent ankle joint: histologic and type v collagen changes.ectopic bone formation, or para osteo arthropathy (poa), is commonly seen in humans following lesions to the central nervous system. the condition also occurs after severe trauma, burns, or tetanus, and, rarely, after poliomyelitis or cauda equina lesions. the lack of a suitable laboratory animal model has hampered study of its etiology and treatment. the lesion occurs just above the rodent ankle joint 7 weeks after repair of the severed achilles tendon. tendon repair using a single silk suture ...19863094020
diagnostic significance of cancer antigen 125, pancreatic oncofetal antigen, and carcinoembryonic antigen in malignant and tuberculous pleural effusions.pleural fluid levels of cancer antigen 125 (ca 125), pancreatic oncofetal antigen (poa), and carcinoembryonic antigen (cea) were determined in 56 patients with malignant pleural effusion and in 35 patients with tuberculous effusion. malignant effusions had significantly higher pleural fluid ca 125 and cea levels than those of tuberculous origin (p less than 0.005). no significant difference in poa titers was found between the two kinds of effusion. assays of ca 125 and cea in pleural fluid may b ...19863009919
dietary prevention of stroke and its mechanisms in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats--preventive effect of dietary fibre and palmitoleic acid.previously it was reported that dietary protein, some amino acids and potassium are effective in preventing stroke in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (shrsp). the present study revealed that other dietary factors could also prevent cerebral lesions, and the mechanism of this effect was studied. in shrsp given 1% nacl in their drinking water, a diet containing 10% active fibre (powdered brown seaweed converted to k+ form) significantly lowered blood pressure (bp) and markedly reduced ...19863023589
effects of sleep-promoting substance on rat hypothalamic neuron activity.the effects of electrophoretically applied sleep-promoting substance (sps) on neuronal activity of the preoptic area (poa) and sps interactions with some neurotransmitters were examined in the rat. in the poa, 14% of the tested neurons were excited and 13% were inhibited by sps. neurons that were excited by sps were also excited by glutamate (glu). the excitatory effect of glu was blocked or attenuated by concurrent application of sps in 35% of the neurons, and this modulatory effect was long-la ...19862871909
dissociation of locomotor impairment from mydriasis evoked by clonidine injected into cat's rostral hypothalamus.the anterior hypothalamic preoptic area (ah/poa) was examined as a possible site of action of clonidine and other alpha noradrenergic receptor agonists which evoke motor and autonomic changes. chronically indwelling guide cannulae were implanted stereotaxically in the diencephalon of the cat. following post-operative recovery, a micro-injection into ah/poa was made in a volume of 1.0 microliter of one of the following compounds: 5.0-50.0 micrograms clonidine, 5.0-50.0 micrograms norepinephrine, ...19862876757
partial characterization of an antigenic site of high molecular weight basic antigen, a ryegrass pollen allergen, using a monoclonal antibody.we have previously reported on the production of murine monoclonal antibodies (mabs) to the retentate fraction of the aqueous extract of kentucky bluegrass pollen (kbg-r) [kisil et al. (1980) fedn proc. 39, 3479]. in the present study, the ability of one of these mabs (mab 12) to recognize various antigenic components present in kbg-r and the corresponding fraction of ryegrass (rye-r) was evaluated by the western and immunoblot methods. thus, kbg-r and rye-r were resolved electrophoretically int ...19862422541
relationships between sexual activity, plasma testosterone, and the volume of the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area in prenatally stressed and non-stressed rats.the sexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area (sdn-poa) has recently been shown to be reduced in cross-sectional area in prenatally stressed male rats. as masculine copulatory behavior is also reduced in prenatally stressed animals, the present study was designed to test a possible relationship between the entire volume of the sdn-poa and masculine sexual activity in both prenatally stressed and control adult male rats. we report here that prenatally stressed adult males have significantly ...19863518858
autonomic thermoregulation after separation of the preoptic area from the hypothalamus in clarify the role of the hypothalamic preoptic area in autonomic thermoregulation, the preoptic area (poa) of rats was disconnected from the rest of the brain-stem by bilateral microknife cuts which spared or included the medial forebrain bundle. the animals' metabolic responses to exogenous norepinephrine (0.5 mg/kg, im) were then measured at ambient temperatures of 25 degrees and 15 degrees c. oxygen uptake and colonic and tail skin temperatures were also measured at ambient temperatures of ...19863520477
formation of behaviorally active estrogen in the dove brain: induction of preoptic aromatase by intracranial testosterone.the preoptic area (poa) of the male ring dove is a target for specific behavioral effects of estrogen that are separable from those of androgen. activity of the aromatase system in the poa, which converts testosterone to 17 beta-estradiol (e2), is increased by systemic androgen. using crystalline steroid implants positioned stereotaxically in the brain, we examined whether aromatase induction is a result of direct steroid action on the poa, which can occur independently of the behavioral effects ...19863526169
effects of estradiol and progesterone on the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh)-immunoreactive neuronal system of the anestrous ewe.the effects of treatment with estradiol-17 beta (e2) and progesterone (p4) on the neuronal system for gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) of the ovariectomized ewe during the non-breeding season were examined using immunocytochemical and radioimmunoassay analyses. the majority of gnrh-immunoreactive cell bodies are located in the medial preoptic area (poa). clusters of labelled cell bodies also are found in the septum and anterior hypothalamus. gnrh fibers projected from the medial poa to a de ...19863530378
elevated pancreatic oncofetal antigen levels measured by enzyme immunoassay in pure pancreatic juice of patients with pancreatic cancer.pancreatic oncofetal antigen (poa) was measured by enzyme immunoassay in pancreatic juice from patients with pancreatic cancer, chronic pancreatitis, or other diseases. poa levels in pancreatic cancer were significantly higher than in other disorders, and poa was seen by immunofluorescence to be in the cancerous tissues of pancreatic cancer. assay of poa in the pancreatic juice may be more reliable than serum poa, and could contribute to the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.19863531954
[occurrence of pancreatic tumor markers and diagnosis of small pancreatic tumors. 3). poa (pancreatic oncofetal antigen)]. 19863537373
short photoperiod-induced gonadal regression: effects on the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) neuronal system of the white-footed mouse, peromyscus leucopus.the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method was used to determine quantitatively the effect of short photoperiod-induced gonadal regression on the immunoreactive gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) neuronal system of female peromyscus leucopus. in mice exposed to either long (16l:8d) or short (8l:16d) photoperiod, immunoreactive cell bodies were loosely organized into six groups: olfactory peduncle, diagonal band of broca, septum, preoptic area (poa), anterior hypothalamus (ah), and basal hypothalamu ...19863539214
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 1897