
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
the photochemical determination of an oxidase of the photoheterotroph, rhodospirillum rubrum, and the action spectrum of the inhibition of respiration by light. 196514285523
the biosynthesis of ubiquinone and rhodoquinone from p-hydroxybenzoate and p-hydroxybenzaldehyde in rhodospirillum rubrum. 196514285535
reactivity of photosynthetic bacterial c cytochromes with two cytochrome oxidases. 196514298836
nitrogen fixation: hydrosulfite as electron donor with cell-free preparations of azotobacter vinelandii and rhodospirillum rubrum. 196514338231
an intermediate in the conversion of p-hydroxybenzoate-u-c-14 to ubiquinone in rhodospirillum rubrum. 196514338239
thin-layer countercurrent distribution. 196514328632
lysis of bacterial cell walls by an enzyme isolated from a myxobacter.ensign, j. c. (university of illinois, urbana), and r. s. wolfe. lysis of bacterial cell walls by an enzyme isolated from a myxobacter. j. bacteriol. 90:395-402. 1965.-an exoenzyme which lyses intact cells, heat-killed cells, and cell walls of arthrobacter crystallopoietes was purified 60-fold from the growth liquor obtained from a myxobacter (strain al-1). the lytic enzyme was produced during growth of the organism in a number of complex media, the maximal amount of enzyme being produced in yea ...196514330733
studies on the amoeba-to-flagellate transformation of tetramitus rostratus. 196514346118
effect of oxygen on growth and the synthesis of bacteriochlorophyll in rhodospirillum molischianum.sistrom, w. r. (university of oregon, eugene). effect of oxygen on growth and the synthesis of bacteriochlorophyll in rhodospirillum molischianum. j. bacteriol. 89:403-408. 1965.-the basis of the strict anaerobiosis of the nonsulfur purple bacterium rhodospirillum molischianum was investigated. the bacterium is unable to grow aerobically in the dark. in the light, the only immediate effect of oxygen is to inhibit the biosynthesis of bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoid pigments. growth and protein ...196514255707
morphological changes in poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate granules associated with decreased susceptibility to enzymatic hydrolysis.merrick, j. m. (state university of new york, buffalo), d. g. lundgren, and r. m. pfister. morphological changes in poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate granules associated with decreased susceptibility to enzymatic hydrolysis. j. bacteriol. 89:234-239. 1965.-a complex enzyme system obtained from extracts of rhodospirillum rubrum cells hydrolyzes poly-beta-hydroxybutyric acid (phb) contained in native phb granules isolated from bacillus megaterium. a labile factor associated with the granules and necessary ...196514255669
the photoassimilation of succinate to hexose by rhodospirillum rubrum.1. a pathway for the synthesis of hexose from succinate by rhodospirillum rubrum is proposed. 2. with 2,3-(14)c(2)-labelled succinate and fumarate as substrates in experiments with chromatophores and a soluble enzyme fraction of r. rubrum it was found that the products of succinate metabolism by the extracts were the same as in whole cells. it was also found that the light-dependent oxidation of succinate was catalysed by the chromatophores, but that all the other enzymes involved were in the so ...196514342501
location of chlorophyll in rhodospirillum rubrum.holt, stanley c. (university of california, davis), and allen g. marr. location of chlorophyll in rhodospirillum rubrum. j. bacteriol. 89:1402-1412. 1965.-if cells of rhodospirillum rubrum are broken by sonic and ballistic disruption, the chlorophyll is not found in discrete cytoplasmic structures, but is located in a more extensive structure of the cell, the intracytoplasmic membrane. direct electron microscopy of sonically disrupted cells of r. rubrum and stereo-electron microscopy of osmotica ...196514293014
observations on the structure of rhodospirillum molischianum.the lamellae of the bacterium rhodospirillum molischianum originate as extensions of the cytoplasmic membrane into the cytoplasm of the cell. initially, these extensions are narrow folds and occur independently of one another. the first lamellae to appear average about 80 a in width, representing one side of the infolded cytoplasmic membrane, or 160 a when the two sides of the fold are closely appressed. the 160-a lamellae increase in number and may associate to form larger lamellae, which repre ...196514287179
isolation and purification of the intracytoplasmic membranes of rhodospirillum rubrum.holt, stanley c. (university of california, davis), and allen g. marr. isolation and purification of the intracytoplasmic membranes of rhodospirillum rubrum. j. bacteriol. 89:1413-1420. 1965.-when rhodospirillum rubrum was disrupted in a french pressure cell, two colored bands were observed after density-gradient centrifugation: an upper band containing chromatophores and a lower band containing cell envelopes. a similar analysis of the pigmented components after disruption by osmotic shock reve ...196514293015
effect of light intensity on the formation of intracytoplasmic membrane in rhodospirillum rubrum.holt, stanley c. (university of california, davis), and allen g. marr. effect of light intensity on the formation of intracytoplasmic membrane in rhodospirillum rubrum. j. bacteriol. 89:1421-1429. 1965.-cells of rhodospirillum rubrum grown at low light intensity were found to contain much more internal membrane than cells grown at high light intensity. highly purified membranes (chromatophores) from cells grown at low to moderate light intensity had a constant content of chlorophyll. thus, the r ...196514293016
possible partial reactions of the photophosphorylation process in chromatophores from rhodospirillum rubrum. 196514314346
fluorescence decline in purple bacteria resulting from carotenoid absorption. 196514314376
observations on the structure of rhodospirillum rubum.sections of rhodospirillum rubrum cells from cultures of different ages have been examined to obtain information on the development of chromatophores in this organism. cells from the 12-hour cultures studied contain neither distinct invaginations of the cytoplasmic membrane nor distinct chromatophores. the first structures that can be related to chromatophore development occur peripherally in the cells, are relatively few in number, relatively high in density, and have an indistinct membrane. in ...196514287180
the oxidase system of heterotrophically-grown rhodospirillum rubrum. 196514314381
homoserine dehydrogenase of rhodospirillum rubrum. purification, properties, and feedback control of activity. 196514342328
the photo-oxidation of succinate by chromatophores of rhodospirillum rubrum.1. the stoicheiometry of the photo-oxidation of succinate by chromatophores has been investigated with [2,3-(14)c(2)]succinate. it was found that there is a stoicheiometric relationship between the amount of succinate oxidized and the nad reduced, and that fumarate is the only product of succinate oxidation. 2. the possibility of a direct hydrogen transfer from succinate to nad in this reaction was investigated with tritiated substrates. with tritiated succinate less than 3% of the activity expe ...196514342500
characterization of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate extracted from different bacteria.lundgren, d. g. (syracuse university, syracuse, n.y.), r. alper, c. schnaitman and r. h. marchessault. characterization of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate extracted from different bacteria. j. bacteriol. 89:245-251. 1965.-poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (phb) from different bacterial genera was studied with regard to its crystal structure, infrared absorption, intrinsic viscosity, and electron microscopy. all phb samples precipitated from dilute chloroform solution gave identical x-ray diffractograms confir ...196514255672
haemoproteins and haem synthesis in facultative photosynthetic and denitrifying bacteria.1. a simple spectrophotometric method is described for the measurement of various haemoproteins in extracts of photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic bacteria. the method is based on measurements of difference spectra at the soret maxima. 2. in photosynthetic bacteria of the athiorhodaceae group the concentration of carbon monoxide-binding haemoprotein and of cytochromes of the b and c types is two to three times as high in anaerobically grown cells as in those grown aerobically. 3. during the ad ...196514342218
regulation of l-isoleucine biosynthesis in the photosynthetic bacterium rhodospirillum rubrum. 196616591426
fatty acid composition of bacterial membrane and wall lipids. 19665328938
primary oxidation-reduction changes during photosynthesis in rhodospirillum rubrum. 19664287373
inorganic pyrophosphate: formation in bacterial photophosphorylation.inorganic pyrophosphate is identified as the major product of photophosphorylation by isolated chromatophores from rhodospirillum rubrum in the absence of added nucleotides.19664288237
properties of rhodospirillum rubrum subchromatophore particles obtained by treatment with triton x-100. 19664289584
light-induced energy conversion and the inorganic pyrophosphatase reaction in chromatophores from rhodospirillum rubrum . 19664226095
[on the regulation of tetrapyrrole synthesis in rhodospirillum rubrum]. 19664384219
studies on an energy-lined pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase in photosynthetic bacteria. i. demonstration of the reaction in rhodospirillum rubrum. 19664381765
the synthesis of phosphoendolpyruvate from pyruvate and atp by extracts of photosynthetic bacteria. 19665911083
the possible role of quinone methines in phosphorylation reactions in rhodospirillum rubrum and liver mitochondria. 19665911279
light-induced dark [32p]adenosine triphosphate formation by rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores. adenosine triphosphate-inorganic phosphate exchange activity. 19665938951
a procedure for the preparation of extracts from rhodospirillum rubrum catalyzing n2 reduction and atp-dependent h2 evolution. 19665941206
bacterial photophosphorylation in the absence of added nucleotide. a second intermediate stage of energy transfer in light-induced formation of atp. 19665944772
kinetic analysis of the reaction of cytochrome cc' with carbon monoxide. 19665946624
kinetics of light-induced absorbance changes in rhodospirillum rubrum extracts. 19665961081
early chemical events in photosynthesis: kinetics of oxidation of cytochromes of types c or f in cells, chloroplasts, and chromatophores. 19665966902
chlorophyll-chlorophyll interactions. 19665966912
the photosynthetic apparatus in chloroplasts of higher plants. 19665966916
absorption characteristics of bacteriochlorophyll types in purple bacteria and efficiency of energy transfer between them. 19665966925
the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center. 19665966926
primary photosynthetic reactions in relation to transfer of excitation energy. 19665966927
kinetics of p-870 absorbance changes induced in rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores by laser flashes. 19665966930
pteridine content of some photosynthetic bacteria. 19665339537
photophosphorylation in presence and absence of added adenosine diphosphate in chromatophores from rhodospirillum rubrum. 19665933524
biosynthesis of glutamate in photosynthetic bacteria. 19665947892
kinetic studies on the oxidase systems of photosynthetic bacteria. 19665947895
inhibition studies of photophosphorylation by rhodospilillum rubrum chromatophores with particular concerns to antimycin-resistant photophosphorylation in the presence of artificial electron carriers. 19665947901
satellite dna in photosynthetic bacteria. 19665967242
complete fractionation of bacteriochlorophyll and its degradation products. 19665912015
2-multiprenylphenols and 2-decaprenyl-6-methoxyphenol, biosynthetic precursors of ubiquinones. 19665980878
spherical subunits in photosynthetic membranes of two cyanophyceae and the bacterium rhodospirillum rubrum. 19665998094
thiosulphate metabolism and rhodanese in chromatium sp. strain d. 19665915368
synthesis and possible character of a high-energy intermediate in bacterial photophosphorylation.1. in photophosphorylation with chromatophores from rhodospirillum rubrum, evidence is presented for the synthesis of activated precursors of atp in the energy-conversion system coupled to photosynthetic electron transport. 2. a significant amount of atp is synthesized when a reaction mixture containing chromatophores and adp is illuminated and then incubated with p(i) in the dark. atp is not synthesized to an appreciable extent, either when a reaction mixture containing chromatophores and p(i) ...19665938657
effect of diqiuat (1,1'-ethylene-2,2'-dipyridylium dibromide) on the formation and photoreactions of chromatophores from rhodospirillum rubrum. 19665971848
absorption bands of bacteriochlorophyll types in purple bacteria and their response to illumination. 19665971850
purification and properties of a d(--)-beta-hydroxybutyric dimer hydrolase from rhodospirillum rubrum. 19665972339
the light-induced, reversible ph change in chromatophores from rhodospirillum rubrum. 19665972824
light-induced intravesicular ph changes in rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores. 19665971736
photosynthesis in rhodospirillum rubrum. 3. metabolic control of reductive pentose phosphate and tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes.enzymes of the reductive pentose phosphate cycle including ribulose-diphosphate carboxylase, ribulose-5-phosphate kinase, ribose-5-phosphate isomerase, aldolase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and alkaline fructose-1,6-diphos-phatase were shown to be present in autotrophically grown rhodospirillum rubrum. enzyme levels were measured in this organism grown photo- and dark heterotrophically as well. several, but not all, of these enzymes appeared to be under metabolic control, mediated b ...19676042359
light-induced electron transfer reactions and adenosine triphosphate formation by rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores. 19676052446
carotenoid biosynthesis in rhodospirillum rubrum: effect of pteridine inhibitor.a known inhibitor of pteridine utilization (4-phenoxy,2,6-diamino pyridine) blocks the synthesis of colored carotenoids in the photosynthetic bacterium rhodospirillum rubrum. in many ways the effect is similar to the inhibition of the synthesis of colored carotenoids by diphenylamine. this inhibition is probably independent of other effects of pteridine on photosynthetic electron transport since it is not as readily reversible as the total inhibition of photosynthetic activity by pteridine analo ...19676054162
new multiprenylquinones in the biosynthesis of ubiquinone. 19676055159
an electrophoretic study of the heme proteins of some photosynthetic bacteria. 19676058130
observations on the biosynthesis of phytoterpenoid quinone and chromanol nuclei.1. p-hydroxy[u-(14)c]benzoic acid, except for loss of the carboxyl group, is effectively incorporated into the nucleus of ubiquinone and an unidentified prenylphenol by maize roots, maize shoots, french-bean leaves, french-bean cotyledons and ochromonas danica. plastoquinone, alpha-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol and alpha-tocopherolquinone are all unlabelled from this substrate. the high radioactivity of the prenylphenol and its behaviour in a pulse-labelling experiment with maize shoots suggested ...19676060446
new epoxyubiquinones. 19676073044
isolation and characterization of glycolipids from some photosynthetic bacteria.glycosyl glycerides have been found in substantial amounts in chloropseudomonas ethylicum but could not be detected in two strains of rhodopseudomonas palustris. rhodospirillum molischianum possibly contains small amounts of monoglycosyl diglyceride. the glycolipids of c. ethylicum have been separated into two components. one of these, glycolipid i, is a monogalactosyl diglyceride. glycolipid ii, upon acid hydrolysis, yields galactose, rhamnose, and a third, unidentified sugar. the glycolipids o ...19676025299
light-induced interactions of rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores with bromothymol blue. 19676025556
biosynthesis of phenylalanine from phenylacetate by chromatium and rhodospirillum rubrum.cultures of chromatium strain d and rhodospirillum rubrum incorporated (14)c from phenylacetate-1-(14)c during anaerobic growth. the radioactivity in the protein fraction of cells was mainly in phenylalanine. phenylalanine from chromatium cells grown in phenylacetate-1-(14)c was labeled at carbon 2. incorporation of phenylacetate by chromatium was decreased in the presence of exogenous phenylalanine, and de novo synthesis of phenylalanine from bicarbonate was less in medium containing either phe ...19676032506
light-induced rapid absorption changes during photosynthesis. 8. cytochrome and bacteriochlorophyll reactions in rhodospirillum rubrum cells. 19676049953
decline in bacteriochlorophyll fluorescence induced by carotenoid absorption. 19676049957
basal organelles of bacterial flagella.liberated by enzymatic lysis of the cells, the flagella of rhodospirillum rubrum, r. molischianum, and r. fulvum all have a similar structure. the hook at the base of the flagellum is connected by a short, narrow collar to a paired disc in the basal organelle. this paired disc is in turn connected to a second paired disc. the disposition of flagella to which fragments of the cell membrane still adhere suggests that the narrow collar at the base of the hook traverses both the wall and the membran ...19676039362
photosynthesis in rhodospirillum rubrum. i. autotrophic carbon dioxide fixation.the incorporation and distribution of activity from (14)co(2) was investigated under autotrophic conditions in the facultative photoautotroph, rhodospirillum rubrum, with cells cultured on hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and ammonium sulfate. in 1 second (14)co(2) fixation experiments essentially all of the activity was found in 3-phosphoglyceric acid: plotted against time percent incorporation into phosphate esters has a strikingly negative slope. these results suggest that under autotrophic conditio ...19676042357
photosynthesis in rhodospirillum rubrum. ii. photoheterotrophic carbon dioxide fixation.the contribution of the reductive pentose phosphate cycle to the photometabolism of carbon dioxide and to carbon metabolism in rhodospirillum rubrum grown photoheterotrophically with l-malate as the carbon source is nil, unlike autotrophically grown r. rubrum. glycolic acid appears to be the first stable product of co(2) fixation in r. rubrum cultured photoheterotrophically on l-malate. the results obtained in (14)co(2) fixation experiments suggest that the photometabolism of co(2) through glyco ...19676042358
correlation of light-induced absorbance changes with photo-phosphorylation in rhodospirillum rubrum extracts. 19676016332
pigment-protein complexes derived from rhondospirillum rubrum chromatophores by enzymatic digestion. 19676048851
a factor from spinach leaves interacting with chlorophylls. 19676048856
observations on the changes in ultraviolet absorbance caused by succinate and light in rhodospirillum rubrum. 19676048858
bacilliform mutants of rhodospirillum rubrum. 19676049520
identification of pteridines produced by three species of photosynthetic bacteria. 19676049523
ferredoxin-dependent carbon assimilation in rhodospirillum rubrum. 19675602471
regulation of glutamine synthetase. ii. patterns of feedback inhibition in microorganisms.the feedback inhibition of glutamine synthetase was investigated by use of partially purified enzyme preparations from salmonella typhimurium, micrococcus sodonensis, pseudomonas fluorescens, bacillus cereus, bacillus licheniformis, clostridium pasteurianum, rhodospirillum rubrum, neurospora crassa, candida utilis, and chlorella pyrenoidosa. inhibition analyses indicated that the enzyme of each organism can be effectively regulated with mixtures of end products from the diverse pathways of gluta ...19676025412
the use of spectrophotometry in an ecological investigation of the facultatively anaerobic purple photosynthetic bacteria. 19676054684
the use of sephadex for the concentration of pteridines. 19675585267
ornithine-containing lipid in rhodospirillum rubrum. 19676055208
p-phenylenediamines as electron donors for photosynthetic pyridine nucleotide reduction in chromatophores from rhodospirillum rubrum. 19674383018
copper replacement of magnesium in the chlorophylls and bacteriochlorophyll. 19674385822
inhibition of the energy conservation reactions of rhodospirillum rubrum by dio-9. 19674229637
[the influence of the partial pressure of oxygen and of the antibiotics actinomycin and puromycin on the growth, the bacteriochlorophyll synthesis, and the morphogenesis of thylakoids in dark cultures of rhodospirillum rubrum]. 19674173527
the interaction of the free radical of 5-methylphenazinium methyl sulfate with the light-induced free radical of rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores. 19674291921
inorganic pyrophosphate as an energy donor in photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport phosphorylation systems. 19674291991
magnetic susceptibility measurements on hemoproteins down to 4.2 degrees k. 19674292723
energy-linked reactions in photosynthetic bacteria. i. succinatelinked atp-driven nad reduction by rhodospirillum rubrum chromatophores. 19674293589
inorganic pyrophosphate and atp as energy donors in chromatophores from rhodospirillum rubrum. 19674293681
tritium incorporation studies in photosynthetic bacteria. 19675237890
discovery of ubiquinones-1,-2,-3, and -4 and the nature of biosynthetic isoprenylation. 19674861596
[inorganic polyphosphate glucokinase in various microorganisms]. 19675628592
sedimentation coefficients of rna from 70s and 80s ribosomes. 19674963253
Displaying items 201 - 300 of 2252