
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
[frequency of dysentery caused by sh. sonnei in the period from year 1962 to 1967]. 19694908171
[new data on the mechanism of disinfection of drinking water with chlorine and gamma irradiation]. 19694908283
[the distribution of a shigella dysenteriae exotoxin in the experimental animal]. 19694908405
[prescription of antimicrobials in the practice of medicine]. 19694909122
calcium sensitive and other mutants of bacteriophage p2. 19694898650
[enteropathies and intestinal flora]. 19694898670
recognition of altered deoxyribonucleic acid in recombination.kinetics of inactivation of transduction by phage p1bt which had been treated with ultraviolet light (uv) or nitrous acid (na) was examined. with escherichia coli b/r (radiation-resistant), low doses of uv increased transduction frequency, but the frequency was exponentially inactivated by higher doses. little initial stimulus was observed in strain b(s-1) (radiation-sensitive). the final rate of decay was the same as in b/r. the initial stimulus of transduction in b/r was probably a consequence ...19694898988
restriction in genetic crosses between escherichia coli and shigella flexneri.shigella flexneri restricts escherichia coli deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) and can modify phage dna so that it is restricted in e. coli.19694899007
the prevalence and pattern of enteropathogenic e. coli, shigella and salmonella among infants and young children in the etimesğut rural area. a study of cases between march and june, 1968. 19694899281
[clinical significance of some methods of rapid diagnosis of dysentery and intestinal coli-infections in children]. 19694899429
[use of indirect hemagglutination reaction with some standard erythrocyte diagnostic agent in children with dysentery]. 19694899430
[the antagonistic activity of escherichia coli strain m-17-p]. 19694899551
[prospects for using methods of colicin typing and colicinogeny typing of pathogenic enterobacteriaceae in epidemiologic practice (review)]. 19694899558
investigations on the sensitivity of isolated strains of shigella flexneri 2a from mass outbreaks of dysentery to colicins of the shigella sonnei. 19694899703
genetic and molecular properties of an infectious antibiotic resistance (r) factor isolated from klebsiella.a klebsiella strain of human origin that was resistant to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, kanamycin, neomycin, streptomycin, and tetracycline was found to have all of these resistances associated with a r factor and a satellite molecular species of deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) with an average buoyant density of 1.710 in cesium chloride gradients. there was no evidence of the existence of dna with other buoyant densities. the strain bears two separable mutations for chloramphenicol resistance, both o ...19694901355
circular deoxyribonucleic acid from shigella dysenteriae y6r.circular deoxyribonucleic acid was isolated from shigella dysenteriae y6r and was found to consist of six species having molecular weights of 10(6), 1.3 x 10(6), 2.6 x 10(6), 3.8 x 10(6), 20 x 10(6), and 24 x 10(6) daltons. these size classes were partially resolved by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. the minicircles (10(6) and 1.3 x 10(6)) were found to have a buoyant density in cscl of 1.710 g/ml. the 3.8 x 10(6) dalton class had a density of 1.707 g/ml. the two largest species had a d ...19694901361
enteropathogenic bacteria associated with diarrhea among infants in panama. 19694901415
housing and certain socioenvironmental factors and prevalence of enteropathogenic bacteria among infants with diarrheal disease in panama. 19694901416
aetiological aspects of diarrhoea in infants and children under 5 years. 19694901435
[shigellosis in children with hepatitis]. 19694901591
bacteriology of diarrhoea in sudanese children. 19694901862
[on use of the indirect hemagglutination test in epidemiologic practice with regard to dysentery]. 19694901965
observations on the decreasing frequency of multiply resistant strains of shigella sonnei. 19694902107
[determination localized (subcutaneous) resistance to salmonella infection in mice (capillary-tube insertion method)]. 19694902127
an attempt to establish experimental dysenteric bacilli cystitis. 19694902130
[structural proteins of bacteriophage ddvi]. 19694902181
exopolysaccharide colanic acid and its occurrence in the enterobacteriaceae.a study of strains from the genera salmonella, escherichia, and aerobacter has shown that under appropriate conditions many strains produce an exopolysaccharide slime of identical composition, which has been identified as colanic acid on the basis of its chemical composition and its sensitivity to certain bacteriophage-induced depolymerase enzymes. chemical analysis shows that the polysaccharide contains o-acetyl groups in addition to the sugars glucose, galactose, fucose, and glucuronic acid. m ...19694902806
[formation and nature of streptomycin resistance in the strain sh. sonnei resistant to tetracycline, chloramphenicol and norsulfasol]. 19694902975
[sensitivity of shigellae to antibiotics]. 19694902977
[colicin production by shigella sonnei. i. basic requirements for production of colicin]. 19694904116
[colicin production by shigella sonnei. ii. re-evaluation of the abbott and shannon method by quantitation]. 19694904117
[the etiological structure of dysentery]. 19694904354
[enteropathy and intestinal microbial flora]. 19694904397
complementation experiments between conditional lethal mutants of bacteriophage psix 174. 19694904514
isolation of salmonellae and shigellae from an artificial mixture of fecal bacteria.numerous selective media, available commercially, act by suppressing "normal" bacterial inhabitants of the intestine while permitting the growth of so-called pathogenic representatives of the family enterobacteriaceae. this investigation attempts to evaluate the action of salmonella-shigella (ss) agar, xylose lysine desoxycholate (xld) agar, and hektoen enteric (he) agar. salmonellae and shigellae, isolated from clinical material, were mixed in various ratios with escherichiae, klebsiella-entero ...19694905039
transfer of fimbriation from escherichia coli to shigella flexneri bacilli as the result of genetic recombination. 19694905496
isolation of strains of the mannitol negative variety of shigella flexneri, subserotype 4a. 19694905526
[data on the study of strains of escherichia coli with antigenic fractions of shigella flexneri var. x isolated from infants with acute diarrhea]. 19694905680
[antibiotic resistance of shigella, isolated during 1966-1967, in some populated areas of central povolozh'e and their comparative characteristics at a 10 year interval]. 19694905939
sonne dysentery in new zealand. 19694898234
extrachromosomal inheritance in bacteria. 19694896350
taxonomic investigations on expressed and cryptic phospho-beta-glucosidases in the enterobacteriaceae, beta-glucosides are catabolized by a complex system formed of three permeases, with partly overlapping substrate specificities, and two hydrolytic enzymes, phospho-beta-glucosidase a and b, which hydrolyze only phosphorylated beta-glucosides. some enterobacteriaceae such as klebsiella-aerobacter (enterobacter) possess the complete system; others possess only parts of it or may have a cryptic phospho-beta-glucosidase activity without permease activity. a screening test ...19694897109
timely topics in microbiology: enterics 1967-1968. 19694897327
abortive infection of shigella dysenteriae p2 by t2 bacteriophage.we have investigated some of the biochemical events that accompany the abortive infection by t2 of shigella dysenteriae lysogenized with the temperate phage p2. after infection with t2, protein and rna synthesis continued for 3 to 5 min. the virus-induced enzyme, deoxycytidylate hydroxymethylase was produced in reduced amounts (15% of normal), and the extent of deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) synthesis was 0.1% of that found with a nonlysogenic strain. measurements of the production of acid-soluble ...19694896823
the influence of the autonomic nervous system on phagocytosis. vii. changes caused by chronic administration of cobefrin. 19694896889
the influence of the autonomic nervous system on phagocytosis. 8. changes caused by chronic administration of carbaminocholine. 19694896890
restriction of nonglucosylated t-even bacteriophages by prophage p1. 19694897044
[transmission of colicinogenic factor e1 to s. typhimurium cells bearing episomes col 1 and f-lac]. 19694895170
[immunochemistry of shigella. i. immunologic relationships between isolated shigella proteins and the proteins of e. coli and salmonella]. 19694895225
[significance of the presence of free dysenteric phage in the water]. 19694895707
[intracellular parasitization of shigella and mixed infection of tissue cultures by shigella and viruses]. 19694895914
[on some peculiarities of the epidemiology of dysentery]. 19694895917
[control of bacterial dysentery after abolishment of mandatory hospitalization in the light of the studies of the outpatient clinic for infectious intestinal diseases in warsaw]. 19694895972
an appraisal of sewage pollution along a section of the natal coast. 19694894754
sonne dysentery. some observations on a food-poisoning incident during an epidemic and on the development of resistance to nalidixic acid. 19694895079
skin lesions and shigellosis. 19694894002
[conjugation between e. coli hfr c and s. flexneri 2a. i. yield of conjugation]. 19694892692
a comparison of a single dose and a five-day course of tetracycline therapy in bacillary dysentery. 19694894190
acquisition of the k-12 f+ male state and the f+ antigen by shigella flexneri strains. 19694894270
polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of cell proteins of enterobacteriaceae. a possible taxonomic aid. 19694894301
recombination between escherichia coli and rough forms of shigella flexneri. 19694894352
the influence of the autonomic nervous system on phagocytosis. v. changes caused by chronic administration of methylatropine nitrate. 19694894355
the influence of the autonomic nervous system on phagocytosis. vi. changes caused by chronic administration of dihydroergotamine. 19694894356
appendicitis associated with shigella sonnei infection. 19694894485
polynucleotide sequence relationships among members of enterobacteriaceae.polynucleotide relationships were examined among many representatives of the enterobacteriaceae by means of agar, membrane filter, and hydroxyapatite procedures. the amount of deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) that reassociated was dependent, especially in interspecific reactions, on the annealing temperature. in only three cases: escherichia coli-shigella flexneri, salmonella typhimurium-s. typhi, and proteus mirabilis-p. vulgaris, was relative interspecific duplex formation 80% or higher. in most ca ...19694891264
effect of vibriocins on members of the enterobacteriaceae.certain vibriocin producers exhibited antibacterial activity throughout the enterobacteriaceae. to examine this phenomenon, an effective technique for demonstrating vibriocin production was developed.19694891272
[study of sensitivity of antibiotics of microbes from the genus shigella]. 19694891715
[transmission of episomal resistance to chloramphenicol and tetracycline to strains of sh. flexneri and e. coli isolated in an infectious disease clinic]. 19694892765
[features of the geographic distribution of shigellae. iv. changes in the etiologic structure of dysentery in the countries of central and south america, africa and asia]. 19694892767
[antagonism between colicinogenic dysentery bacteria and escherichia coli isolated from dysentery patients]. 19694892768
[an epidemiologic evaluation of a card record of persons from whom pathogenic bacteria of the intestinal group have been isolated]. 19694893222
[the importance of colicin typing in the epidemiologic analysis of illnesses with colenteritis and sonne dysentery]. 19694893223
salmonellas, shigellas and enteropathogenic escherichia coli in uncooked food. 19694893606
[use of the immunofluorescent method in the diagnosis of sonne dysentery]. 19694893803
[diagnosis of acute dysentery and enterocolitis caused by salmonella and enteropathogenic escherichia coli o124]. 19694893804
[biological activity of antibiotics in experimental dysenteric infection of tissue culture]. 19694889837
common sense in chemotherapy. 19694888479
[current aspects of sterilization of carriers of shigella]. 19694888809
brain uptake of 3h noradrenaline in normal and shigella dysenteriae exotoxin treated mice. 19694889259
further studies on the dialyzability of bacteria. 19694890233
[on a case of alimentary toxinfection caused by shigella sonnei]. 19694890614
infection by bacteriophage p1 and development of host-controlled restriction and modification and of lysogenic immunity.shigella dysenteriae cells were infected with phage p1 or p1cl. the outcome of superinfection of these cells with phage or or p1cl was studied as a function of time after the initial infection. cells undergoing either a lytic response or a lysogenic response to the primary infection develop the ability to specifically restrict between 30 and 45 min. between 15 and 30 min, the cells seem to develop the ability to produce after infection by however, reasons a ...19694890618
induction of p1 prophage and superinfection by bacteriophage t1.induction of the resident prophage did not permit restricted phage t1 to replicate freely in p1-lysogenic hosts. a few induced cells did become infectible.19694890620
mutation in gal u gene of e. coli blocks phage p1 infection. 19694891220
how far to go with enterobacteriaceae? 19694887303
immunochemical and enzymatic comparisons of the tryptophan synthase alpha subunits from five species of enterobacteriaceae.the reactive surface structures of alpha subunits of tryptophan synthase from escherichia coli, shigella dysenteriae, salmonella typhimurium, aerobacter aerogenes, and serratia marcescens were compared by measuring (i) their reactivities in micro-complement-fixation assays with antibodies directed specifically to e. coli wild-type alpha subunit, (ii) their reactivities in enzyme neutralization assays with the same antibodies, and (iii) their binding affinities for tryptophan synthase beta(2) sub ...19694887511
inhibition of shigella flexneri by the normal intestinal flora. ii. mechanisms of inhibition by coliform organisms.of 15 strains of coliform bacteria, all isolated from human feces, 14 inhibited the growth of shigella flexneri in mixed culture. in every case, when inhibition occurred, exponential growth of shigella was interrupted in the mixed culture and the organisms entered into either a stationary or a death phase. none of the test coliform strains produced colicines active against shigella. an analysis of mixed-culture environments at the time shigella inhibition occurred revealed that the inhibition wa ...19694886281
decreased 19s antibody response to bacterial antigens in systemic lupus erythematosus.the antibody response to immunization with brucella and the levels of natural antibody to escherichia coli and shigella were compared in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and control groups. after brucella immunization, sle patients showed a significantly lower antibody response in whole serum and in the macroglobulin antibody fraction separated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. sucrose gradient fractionation of natural antibodies to e. coli and a polyvalent shigella antigen s ...19694886647
the r factors. 19694885251
response due to o somatic antigen of shigella dysenteriae in rabbits. 19694885799
production of tetrathionate reductase by salmonella. 19694884795
comparison of the action of colicins e1 and k on escherichia coli with the effects of abortive infection by virulent bacteriophages.abortive infection of certain strains of escherichia coli or shigella dysenteriae with phages of the t-even group or with phage t5 resembles the action of colicin e1 or k on sensitive bacteria, especially in the effects on biosynthetic processes. tests on transport systems and on adenosine triphosphate levels suggest, however, that different mechanisms are involved in the two cases. abortive infection appears to cause damage to the permeability barrier of the cell, whereas the colicins interfere ...19694884825
[treatment of bacillary dysentery with dihydroxy-methyl-furatrizine (panfran-s)]. 19694976477
[comparative microbiological study of some polysynthetic penicillins]. 19694976742
[inhibiting effect of ammonium sulfate on the antibiotic action of streptomycin with regard to bacteria belonging to different families]. 19694977060
[study on experimental shigellosis: relationship between the proliferation of shigella bacilli in the intestine and the intestinal flora in mice]. 19694977192
[in vitro penimepicycline sensitivity of various bacteria isolated from patients]. 19694977338
actinomycin d sensitivity of bacteria with simple and complex cell surfaces.the sensitivity of different bacteria to actinimycin d was not related to their cell surface morphology. bacteria with simple and complex surfaces were both extremely susceptible.19694977487
a foodborne outbreak of shigellosis on an indian reservation. 19694977539
experience with gentamicin and specialty use of gentamicin. gentamicin: laboratory and clinical experience in mexico. 19694977997
Displaying items 2801 - 2900 of 13650