
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
lipid metabolism and other metabolic changes in vervet monkeys experimentally infected with trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense.background  human african trypanosomiasis is associated with metabolic changes which have not been well characterized. methods  chlorocebus aethiops were experimentally infected with trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and late-stage disease induced at 28 days post-infection. ear prick blood for glucose determination and blood samples were obtained at weekly intervals for 56 days. analysis was carried out using dry chemistry analysis. results  in early infection, there was a significant increase in c ...201122070162
the multi-basic cleavage site of the hemagglutinin of the highly pathogenic a/vietnam/1203/2004 (h5n1) avian influenza virus acts as a virulence factor in a host-specific manner in mammals.highly pathogenic avian influenza (hpai) viruses of the h5 and h7 subtypes typically possess multiple basic amino acids around the cleavage site (mbs) of their hemagglutinin (ha) protein, a recognized virulence motif in poultry. to determine the importance of the h5 ha mbs as a virulence factor in mammals, recombinant wild-type hpai a/vietnam/1203/2004 (h5n1) viruses that possessed (h5n1) or lacked (δh5n1) the h5 ha mbs were generated and evaluated for their virulence in balb/c mice, ferrets, an ...201122205751
inhibition of mir-33a/b in non-human primates raises plasma hdl and lowers vldl triglycerides.cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of mortality in westernized countries, despite optimum medical therapy to reduce the levels of low-density lipoprotein (ldl)-associated cholesterol. the pursuit of novel therapies to target the residual risk has focused on raising the levels of high-density lipoprotein (hdl)-associated cholesterol in order to exploit its atheroprotective effects. micrornas (mirnas) have emerged as important post-transcriptional regulators of lipid metabolism and a ...201122012398
sendai virus-based rsv vaccine protects african green monkeys from rsv infection.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) is a serious disease of children, responsible for an estimated 160,000 deaths per year worldwide. despite the ongoing need for global prevention of rsv and decades of research, there remains no licensed vaccine. sendai virus (sev) is a mouse parainfluenza virus-type 1 which has been previously shown to confer protection against its human cousin, human parainfluenza virus-type 1 in african green monkeys (agm). here is described the study of a rsv vaccine (sevrsv) ...201122119594
Diversity and host specificity of Blastocystis in syntopic primates on Rubondo Island, Tanzania.The isolated ecosystem of Rubondo Island National Park, Tanzania is an interesting model site, inhabited by an assembly of primate species with various histories: two introduced primate species, Pantroglodytes (chimpanzee) and Colobus guereza (colobus), and a single indigenous species Chlorocebus aethiops pygerythrus (vervet monkey). Apart from important lessons for future introduction/re-introduction projects, Rubondo National Park offers a unique place to study the patterns of transmission of ...201121854778
ultrafast spectroscopic study on caffeine mediated dissociation of mutagenic ethidium from synthetic dna and various cell nuclei.we report a systematic investigation of caffeine-induced dissociation of ethidium (et) cation, a potential mutagen. time-resolved fluorescence studies are consistent with a mechanism where caffeine-et complex formation in bulk solution drives the dissociation of dna-bound et. temperature-dependent picosecond-resolved studies show the caffeine-et complex to be stable over a wide range of temperature, within and beyond the normal physiological limit. a combination of nmr spectroscopy and dynamic l ...201122029826
Containing the contagion: treating the virus that inspired the film.Postexposure passive immunotherapy protects African green monkeys from lethal challenge with Contagion-related Hendra virus.201122013121
mutations in the genome of the highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus potentially related to attenuation.a live-attenuated highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (hp-prrs) virus (hp-prrsv) tjm vaccine strain was derived from the hp-prrsv tj strain by passage 92 times in the african green monkey kidney epithelial cell line marc-145. we found that the virulence of the tj strain to piglets was decreased greatly from passage 19. to identify mutations associated with attenuation of the tjm vaccine strain, we determined the nucleotide changes that arose during marc-145 passage of ...201122245402
a comparative study of growth patterns in crested langurs and vervet monkeys.the physical growth patterns of crested langurs and vervet monkeys are investigated for several unilinear dimensions. long bone lengths, trunk height, foot length, epiphyseal fusion of the long bones and the pelvis, and cranial capacity are compared through six dental growth stages in male trachypithecus cristatus (crested langurs) and cercopithecus aethiops (vervet monkeys). results show that the body elements of crested langurs mature differently than those of vervets. in some dimensions, lang ...201122567303
the release of a troop of rehabilitated vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) in kwazulu-natal, south africa: outcomes and assessment.rehabilitation and release have become central to the management and welfare of primate species in south africa such as the vervet monkey (chlorocebus aethiops). however, limited research means that it is unknown whether rehabilitation is a successful management strategy for this species. this study describes the release of a troop of rehabilitated vervet monkeys and evaluates the results of 1 year of post-release monitoring. the released animals exhibited wild behaviours and established a home ...201122516926
acoustic detection of cell adhesion on a quartz crystal acoustic quartz crystal microbalance (qcm) was used to signal and follow the cell‑adhesion process of epithelial cells [human embryonic kidney(hek) 293t and cervical cancer (hela) and fibroblasts [african green monkey kidney cells (cos-7)] onto gold surfaces. cells were applied on the sensor and grown under serum-free and serum-supplemented culture media. the sensor resonance frequency (δf) and motional resistance (δr) variations were measured during cell growth to monitor cell adhesion proce ...201223586949
red-green color vision in three catarrhine primates.the evolution of the red-green visual subsystem in trichromatic primates has been linked to foraging advantages, specifically the detection of either ripe fruits or young leaves amid mature foliage, and to the intraspecific socio-sexual communication, namely the signal of the male rank, the mate choice and the reproductive strategies in females. new data should be added to the debate regarding the evolution of trichromatic color vision. three catarrhine primates were observed to achieve this goa ...201223336029
natural history of inhalation melioidosis in rhesus macaques (macaca mulatta) and african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative agent of melioidosis, is recognized as a serious health threat due to its involvement in septic and pulmonary infections in areas of endemicity and is recognized by the centers for disease control and prevention as a category b biothreat agent. an animal model is desirable to evaluate the pathogenesis of melioidosis and medical countermeasures. a model system that represents human melioidosis infections is essential in this process. a group of 10 rhesus m ...201222778104
a three-dimensional comparison of tick-borne flavivirus infection in mammalian and tick cell lines.tick-borne flaviviruses (tbfv) are sustained in nature through cycling between mammalian and tick hosts. in this study, we used african green monkey kidney cells (vero) and ixodes scapularis tick cells (ise6) to compare virus-induced changes in mammalian and arthropod cells. using confocal microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (tem), and electron tomography (et), we examined viral protein distribution and the ultrastructural changes that occur during tbfv infection. within host cells, fla ...201223112871
testing of novel dengue virus 2 vaccines in african green monkeys: safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy.the immunogenicity and safety of three novel host-range vaccines containing deletions in the transmembrane domain of dengue virus serotype 2 (dv2) e glycoprotein were evaluated in african green monkeys. the shorter transmembrane domains are capable of functionally spanning an insect but not a mammalian cell membrane, resulting in production of viral mutants that have reduced infectivity in mammalian hosts but efficient growth in insect cells. groups of four monkeys received one dose each of test ...201222890035
identification of a novel subtype of south river virus (family bunyaviridae).we previously reported the isolation of south river virus (sorv) from a pool of mosquitoes collected in the yucatan peninsula of mexico (farfan-ale et al. in vector borne zoonotic dis 10:777-783, 5). the isolate (designated sorv-252) was identified as sorv after a 197-nucleotide region of its small rna genome segment was sequenced. in the present study, the complete small and medium rna genome segments and part of the large rna genome segment of sorv-252 were sequenced and shown to have 92%, 85% ...201222411100
the human respiratory syncytial virus nonstructural protein 1 regulates type i and type ii interferon pathways.respiratory syncytial viruses encode a nonstructural protein (ns1) that interferes with type i and iii interferon and other antiviral responses. proteomic studies were conducted on human a549 type ii alveolar epithelial cells and type i interferon-deficient vero cells (african green monkey kidney cells) infected with wild-type and ns1-deficient clones of human respiratory syncytial virus to identify other potential pathway and molecular targets of ns1 interference. these analyses included two-di ...201222322095
synthesis, cytotoxicity and apoptosis of cyclotriphosphazene compounds as anti-cancer the present study, a number of new dispirobino and dispiroansa spermine derivatives of cyclotriphosphazene (8-10, 13) were synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, mass spectrometry, (1)h and (31)p nmr spectroscopy. at first, in vitro cytotoxic activity of cyclotriphosphazene compounds (1-14) against ht-29 (human colon adenocarcinoma), hep2 (human epidermoid larynx carcinoma), and vero (african green monkey kidney) cell lines was investigated. our study showed that most of these c ...201222483088
parasitology of five primates in mahale mountains national park, tanzania.parasitological surveillance in primates has been performed using coprological observation and identification of specimens from chimpanzees (pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in mahale mountains national park, tanzania (mahale). in this study, we conducted coprological surveillance to identify the fauna of parasite infection in five primate species in mahale: red colobus (procolobus badius tephrosceles), red-tailed monkeys (cercopithecus ascanius schmidti), vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops p ...201222661394
species specificity of protein kinase r antagonism by cytomegalovirus trs1 genes.the host antiviral protein kinase r (pkr) has rapidly evolved during primate evolution, likely in response to challenges posed by many different viral antagonists, such as the trs1 gene of cytomegaloviruses (cmvs). in turn, viral antagonists have adapted to changes in pkr. as a result of this "arms race," modern trs1 alleles in cmvs may function differently in cells derived from alternative species. we have previously shown that human cmv trs1 (hutrs1) blocks the pkr pathway and rescues replicat ...201222278235
evaluation of replication, immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a live attenuated cold-adapted pandemic h1n1 influenza virus vaccine in non-human primates.we studied the replication of influenza a/california/07/09 (h1n1) wild type (ca09wt) virus in two non-human primate species and used one of these models to evaluate the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a live attenuated cold-adapted vaccine, which contains the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase from the h1n1 wild type (wt) virus and six internal protein gene segments of the a/ann arbor/6/60 cold-adapted (ca) master donor virus. we infected african green monkeys (agms) and rhesus macaques w ...201222789506
isolation of hokkaido virus, genus hantavirus, using a newly established cell line derived from the kidney of the grey red-backed vole (myodes rufocanus bedfordiae).hantaviruses belong to the family bunyaviridae and are maintained in wild rodents. although vero e6 cells, which originate from african green monkey kidney, are used widely in hantavirus research, isolation of hantaviruses from this cell line is difficult. to develop an efficient method of propagation and isolation of hantaviruses we established a novel cell line, mrk101, derived from the kidney of the grey red-backed vole (myodes rufocanus bedfordiae), the natural host of hokkaido virus (hokv). ...201222791608
a hendra virus g glycoprotein subunit vaccine protects african green monkeys from nipah virus the 1990s, hendra virus and nipah virus (niv), two closely related and previously unrecognized paramyxoviruses that cause severe disease and death in humans and a variety of animals, were discovered in australia and malaysia, respectively. outbreaks of disease have occurred nearly every year since niv was first discovered, with case fatality ranging from 10 to 100%. in the african green monkey (agm), niv causes a severe lethal respiratory and/or neurological disease that essentially mirrors f ...201222875827
animal challenge models of henipavirus infection and pathogenesis.the henipaviruses, hendra virus (hev), and nipah virus (niv), are enigmatic emerging pathogens that causes severe and often fatal neurologic and/or respiratory disease in both animals and humans. amongst people, case fatality rates range between 40 and 75% and there are no vaccines or treatments approved for human use. a number of species of animals including guinea pigs, hamsters, cats, ferrets, pigs, and african green monkeys have been employed as animal models of human henipavirus infection. ...201222476556
insights into the dual activity of sivmac239 vif against human and african green monkey apobec3g.human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) vif is essential for viral evasion of the host antiviral protein apobec3g (apo3g). the vif protein from a distantly related african green monkey (agm) simian immunodeficiency virus (sivagm) is unable to suppress the antiviral activity of human apo3g but is active against agm apo3g. sivmac vif on the other hand, possesses antiviral activity against both human and agm apo3g. in this study, we were interested in mapping domains in sivmac vif that are resp ...201223189135
hiv pathogenesis: the host.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) pathogenesis has proven to be quite complex and dynamic with most of the critical events (e.g., transmission, cd4(+) t-cell destruction) occurring in mucosal tissues. in addition, although the resulting disease can progress over years, it is clear that many critical events happen within the first few weeks of infection when most patients are unaware that they are infected. these events occur predominantly in tissues other than the peripheral blood, particularly ...201222951442
role of human trim5α in intrinsic immunity.human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) has a very narrow host range. hiv type 1 (hiv-1) does not infect old world monkeys, such as the rhesus monkey (rh). rh trim5α was identified as a factor that confers resistance, intrinsic immunity, to hiv-1 infection. unfortunately, human trim5α is almost powerless to restrict hiv-1. however, human trim5α potently restricts n-tropic murine leukemia viruses (mlv) but not b-tropic mlv, indicating that human trim5α represents the restriction factor previously desi ...201222435067
the host restriction factor apobec3g and retroviral vif protein coevolve due to ongoing genetic conflict.apobec3g (a3g) is a host cytidine deaminase that inhibits retroviruses. hiv and related primate lentiviruses encode vif, which counteracts a3g by inducing its degradation. this vif-mediated a3g inhibition is species specific, suggesting that the a3g-vif interaction has evolved as primate lentiviruses have adapted to their hosts. we examined the evolutionary dynamics of the a3g-vif interaction within four african green monkey (agm) subspecies, which are each naturally infected with a distinct sim ...201222264516
evaluation of pneumonia virus of mice as a possible human pathogen.pneumonia virus of mice (pvm), a relative of human respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), causes respiratory disease in mice. there is serologic evidence suggesting widespread exposure of humans to pvm. to investigate replication in primates, african green monkeys (agm) and rhesus macaques (n = 4) were inoculated with pvm by the respiratory route. virus was shed intermittently at low levels by a subset of animals, suggesting poor permissiveness. pvm efficiently replicated in cultured human cells and ...201222438539
evaluation of different embryonating bird eggs and cell cultures for isolation efficiency of avian influenza a virus and avian paramyxovirus serotype 1 from real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction-positive wild bird surveillance samples.virus isolation rates for influenza a virus (fluav) and avian paramyxovirus serotype 1 (apmv-1) from wild bird surveillance samples are lower than molecular detection rates for the specific viral genomes. the current study was conducted to examine the possibility of increased virus isolation rates from real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (real-time rt-pcr) using alternative virus isolation substrates such as embryonating duck eggs (edes), embryonating turkey eggs (etes), ma ...201222529126
phenotypic and genotypic characterization of klebsiella pneumoniae isolates recovered from nonhuman primates.klebsiella pneumoniae is a zoonotic, gram-negative member of the family enterobacteriaceae and is the causative agent of nosocomial septicemic, pneumonic, and urinary tract infections. recently, pathogenic strains of k. pneumoniae sharing a hypermucoviscosity (hmv) phenotype have been attributed to multisystemic abscessation in both human and nonhuman primates. although k. pneumoniae is a well-recognized zoonotic agent, there is a lack of general information including adequate diagnostic methods ...201222740526
immunization with leishmania vaccine-alum-bcg and montanide isa 720 adjuvants induces low-grade type 2 cytokines and high levels of igg2 subclass antibodies in the vervet monkey (chlorocebus aethiops) model.the availability of hundreds of adjuvants has prompted a need for identifying rational standards for the selection of adjuvant formulation based on sound immunological principles for human vaccines. as cytokines elaborated by activated t cells are required for the regulation of isotype switch during b-cell development, a study of th2 cytokines and subclass distribution of the antibodies may shed new light on the processes involved in the polarization of the immune responses during vaccination st ...201222862788
leishmania donovani whole cell antigen delivered with adjuvants protects against visceral leishmaniasis in vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops).in a previous immunogenicity and efficacy study in mice, montanide isa 720 (misa) was indicated to be a better adjuvant than bacillus calmette guerin vaccine (bcg) for a leishmania vaccine. in the present study, we report the safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of leishmania donovani (l. donovani) sonicated antigen delivered with alum-bcg (albcg), misa or monophosphoryl lipid a (mpla) in vervet monkeys following intradermal inoculums. vaccinated and control animals were challenged with virulent ...201223554725
combination and monotherapy of leishmania major infection in balb/c mice using plant extracts and herbicides.leishmaniasis is a growing health problem in many parts of the world. efforts to find new chemotherapeutics for leishmaniasis remain a priority. this study was carried out to determine the effect of combination and monotherapies using plant extracts and herbicides on leishmania major infection in balb/c mice.201223135005
human telomerase reverse transcriptase-immortalized porcine monomyeloid cell lines for the production of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus.porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (prrsv) shows highly restricted cell tropism and targets subpopulations of differentiated macrophages such as porcine alveolar macrophages (pam) in the natural host. although primary pam cells would be ideal for in vitro virus production, they are not only difficult and expensive for establishment but cannot be frozen reliably for long-term storage and use. apart from pam cells, african green monkey kidney derived marc-145 cells are used common ...201221889956
seroprevalence of the human polyomavirus 9 (hpyv9) and cross-reactivity to the african green monkey-derived lymphotropic polyomavirus (lpv).human polyomavirus 9 (hpyv9) was recently discovered in immunocompromised patients and shown to be genetically closely related to the b-lymphotropic polyomavirus (lpyv). no serological data are available for hpyv9, but human antibodies against lpyv have been reported previously. to investigate the seroepidemiology of hpyv9 and the sero-crossreactivity between hpyv9 and lpyv, a capsomer-based igg elisa was established using the major capsid proteins vp1 of hpyv9 and lpyv. vp1 of an avian polyomav ...201222218677
monocyte tissue factor-dependent activation of coagulation in hypercholesterolemic mice and monkeys is inhibited by simvastatin.hypercholesterolemia is a major risk factor for atherosclerosis. it also is associated with platelet hyperactivity, which increases morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease. however, the mechanisms by which hypercholesterolemia produces a procoagulant state remain undefined. atherosclerosis is associated with accumulation of oxidized lipoproteins within atherosclerotic lesions. small quantities of oxidized lipoproteins are also present in the circulation of patients with coronary arte ...201222214850
the use of the african green monkey as a preclinical model for ocular pharmacokinetic studies.abstract purpose: this investigation evaluated the ocular and systemic pharmacokinetics of besifloxacin in african green monkeys compared with cynomolgus monkeys following topical ocular dosing. methods: a suspension formulation containing 0.6% besifloxacin was administered to african green and cynomolgus monkeys. animals were euthanized at predetermined time intervals, and ocular tissue and systemic blood samples were collected and analyzed by lc/ms/ms. results: in both african green and ...201222235843
infectivity study of streptococcus phocae to seven fish and mammalian cell lines by confocal microscopy.streptococcus phocae is a beta-haemolytic bacterium that causes systemic infections in atlantic salmon, salmo salar l., cultured in southern chile and also in seals. in this study, the host-pathogen interaction between s. phocae and seven types of cell lines (fish and mammalian) was examined using an indirect fluorescent antibody and confocal microscopy (cm). chinook salmon embryo (chse-214), epithelioma papulosum cyprini (epc), salmon head kidney (shk-1) and atlantic salmon kidney were used as ...201222524521
a characterization of aerosolized sudan virus infection in african green monkeys, cynomolgus macaques, and rhesus macaques.filoviruses are members of the genera ebolavirus, marburgvirus, and "cuevavirus". because they cause human disease with high lethality and could potentially be used as a bioweapon, these viruses are classified as cdc category a bioterrorism agents. filoviruses are relatively stable in aerosols, retain virulence after lyophilization, and can be present on contaminated surfaces for extended periods of time. this study explores the characteristics of aerosolized sudan virus (sudv) boniface in non-h ...201223202456
memory cd4(+) t lymphocytes in the gastrointestinal tract are a major source of cell-associated simian immunodeficiency virus in chronic nonpathogenic infection of african green monkeys.simian immunodeficiency virus (siv) infection of natural hosts is characterized by nonpathogenic chronic viremia, maintenance of gastrointestinal epithelial barrier integrity, and low numbers of target cells. assessment of cell-associated virus load in t cell subsets in multiple anatomic compartments of chronically siv-infected sabeus african green monkeys (agms) revealed that gastrointestinal memory cd4(+) t lymphocytes are a major source of cell-associated virus and a significant contributor t ...201222896600
expression sequence tag library derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of the chlorocebus sabaeus.african green monkeys (agm) are amongst the most frequently used nonhuman primate models in clinical and biomedical research, nevertheless only few genomic resources exist for this species. such information would be essential for the development of dedicated new generation technologies in fundamental and pre-clinical research using this model, and would deliver new insights into primate evolution.201222726727
mucosal simian immunodeficiency virus transmission in african green monkeys: susceptibility to infection is proportional to target cell availability at mucosal sites.african green monkeys (agms) are naturally infected with a simian immunodeficiency virus (sivagm) that is nonpathogenic in its host. although sivagm is common and widespread, little is known about the mechanisms that govern its transmission. since the earliest virus-host interactions may provide key insights into the nonpathogenic phenotype of sivagm, we developed a mucosal transmission model for this virus. using plasma from an acutely infected agm as the virus inoculum, we exposed adult and ju ...201222318138
nonpathogenic simian immunodeficiency virus infections.the simian immunodeficiency viruses (sivs) are a diverse group of viruses that naturally infect a wide range of african primates, including african green monkeys (agms) and sooty mangabey monkeys (sms). although natural infection is widespread in feral populations of agms and sms, this infection generally does not result in immunodeficiency. however, experimental inoculation of asian macaques results in an immunodeficiency syndrome remarkably similar to human aids. thus, natural nonprogressive s ...201222315718
extracts of four plant species used traditionally to treat myiasis influence pupation rate, pupal mass and adult blowfly emergence of lucilia cuprina and chrysomya marginalis (diptera: calliphoridae).aloe zebrina, clausena anisata, erythrina lysistemon and spirostachys africana are used traditionally in southern africa to combat and/or treat myiasis, the infestation of the skin of mammals by larvae of a variety of fly species belonging to the arthropod order diptera.the objective of the study was to establish the in vitro effect of extracts of these plant species on blowfly larvae to ascertain the potential use of these extracts and validate the traditional use.201222902486
anticancer activity of certain herbs and spices on the cervical epithelial carcinoma (hela) cell line.acetone extracts of selected plant species were evaluated for their in vitro cytotoxicity against a noncancerous african green monkey kidney (vero) cell line and an adenocarcinoma cervical cancer (hela) cell line. the plants studied were origanum vulgare l. (oregano), rosmarinus officinalis l. (upright and ground cove rosemary), lavandula spica l. (lavender), laurus nobilis l. (bay leaf), thymus vulgaris l. (thyme), lavandula x intermedia l. (margaret roberts lavender), petroselinum crispum mill ...201222649474
buccal dental microwear analyses support greater specialization in consumption of hard foodstuffs for australopithecus anamensis.molar occlusal microwear texture and anisotropy analyses of 3 australopithecus anamensis fossil specimens have shown complexity values similar to those of au. afarensis, indicating that neither of these hominin species had a diet dominated by hard food. however, many researchers have suggested that these were some of the earliest hominins to have such diets. here we examine buccal microwear patterns of 5 au. anamensis, 26 au. afarensis, 48 hominoidea and 80 cercopithecoidea primate specimens for ...201222781583
bilateral ovarian cysts originating from rete ovarii in an african green monkey (cercopithecus aethiops).ovarian cyst is common incidental finding in humans and many animals and includes follicular cysts, cystic rete ovarii and mesonephric duct cysts. ovarian cyst is often associated with reproductive disorders in humans and animals. we found accidentally bilateral cystic masses in ovaries in an african green monkey. grossly, the left and right ovarian cystic masses were single unilocular cystic structures measuring 0.6 and 1.8 cm in diameter, respectively. histologically, both cysts were thin-wall ...201222673701
aging does not reduce heat shock protein 70 in the absence of chronic insulin resistance.heat shock protein (hsp)70 decreases with age. often aging is associated with coincident insulin resistance and higher blood glucose levels, which also associate with lower hsp70. we aimed to understand how these factors interrelate through a series of experiments using vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeous). monkeys (n = 284, 4-25 years) fed low-fat diets showed no association of muscle hsp70 with age (r = .04, p = .53), but levels were highly heritable. insulin resistance was induced i ...201222403054
evidence for scent marking in vervet monkeys?we used data from two troops of free-ranging vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) to assess the proposition that the conspicuous chest rubbing observed in this species constitutes scent-marking behavior. our data indicate that chest-rubbing behavior is associated with higher-ranking males who are more likely to do so during the breeding season in areas where territorial encounters occur. we found no indication that chest rubbing was triggered directly by encounters between troops. we conclude t ...201222402771
the expression of calcitonin receptor detected in malignant cells of the brain tumour glioblastoma multiforme and functional properties in the cell line a172.previous studies have indicated that expression of calcitonin receptor (ctr) could be induced in a proinflammatory environment. in the present study, ctr-immunoreactivity (ctr-ir) was investigated in brain tissue from patients with glioblastoma multiforme (gbm).201222335784
newly discovered bale monkey populations in forest fragments in southern ethiopia: evidence of crop raiding, hybridization with grivets, and other conservation threats.until recently, the bale monkey (chlorocebus djamdjamensis), an arboreal primate endemic to the southern ethiopian highlands, remained virtually unstudied, and its distribution pattern inadequately documented. to broaden our knowledge of the species' distribution and abundance, we carried out interviews with local people and total count surveys for bale monkeys across 67 fragmented forest sites in human-dominated landscapes in the oromia and southern nations, nationalities, and people's regions, ...201222311711
assessment of the release of rehabilitated vervet monkeys into the ntendeka wilderness area, kwazulu-natal, south africa: a case south africa, vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops) are frequently persecuted, resulting in large numbers of injured and/or orphaned animals. rehabilitation centres aim to care for these monkeys and ultimately return them to the wild whenever possible. however, it is unknown whether rehabilitation is successful in its goal of creating wild-living, independent, self-sustaining troops due to limited published research in this area. this study describes the release and subsequent fate of a troop ...201222258755
dental eruption sequence and eruption times in erythrocebus patas.erythrocebus patas has a short inter-birth interval, juveniles become independent from their mother early, females are young at first birth, and adult females have a high mortality rate. according to schultz's rule, the molars of fast-growing and shorter-lived primate species erupt early relative to the replacement teeth. based on the life history of e. patas, we hypothesized that the molars would erupt before the replacement teeth and/or that the eruption time of its molars would be early. the ...201222134419
phorbol esters isolated from jatropha meal induced apoptosis-mediated inhibition in proliferation of chang and vero cell lines.the direct feeding of jatropha meal containing phorbol esters (pes) indicated mild to severe toxicity symptoms in various organs of different animals. however, limited information is available on cellular and molecular mechanism of toxicity caused by pes present in jatropha meal. thus, the present study was conducted to determine the cytotoxic and mode of action of pes isolated from jatropha meal using human hepatocyte (chang) and african green monkey kidney (vero) cell lines. the results showed ...201223203036
long-term expression and safety of administration of aavrh.10hcln2 to the brain of rats and nonhuman primates for the treatment of late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis.late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (lincl), a fatal, lysosomal storage disorder caused by mutations in the cln2 gene, results in a deficiency of tripeptidyl-peptidase i (tpp-i) activity in neurons. our prior studies showed that delivery of the human cln2 cdna directly to the cns, using an adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (aav2) vector, is safe in children with lincl. as a second-generation strategy, we have demonstrated that aavrh.10hcln2, a rhesus-derived aav vector, mediates wide d ...201223131032
interaction between submicron cod crystals and renal epithelial cells.this study aims to investigate the adhesion characteristics between submicron calcium oxalate dihydrate (cod) with a size of 150 ± 50 nm and african green monkey kidney epithelial cells (vero cells) before and after damage, and to discuss the mechanism of kidney stone formation.201222973095
differential effects of nicotine treatment and ethanol self-administration on cyp2a6, cyp2b6 and nicotine pharmacokinetics in african green primates, nicotine is metabolically inactivated in the liver by cyp2a6 and possibly cyp2b6. changes in the levels of these two enzymes may affect nicotine pharmacokinetics and influence smoking behaviors. this study investigated the independent and combined effects of ethanol self-administration and nicotine treatment (0.5 mg/kg b.i.d. s.c.) on hepatic cyp2a6 and cyp2b6 levels (mrna, protein, and enzymatic activity), in vitro nicotine metabolism, and in vivo nicotine pharmacokinetics in monke ...201222935730
inhibition on calcium oxalate crystallization and repair on injured renal epithelial cells of degraded soybean polysaccharide.this paper investigated the inhibitory effect of degraded soybean polysaccharide (dps) on the growth of calcium oxalate (caoxa) crystals. the results were compared with that of soybean polysaccharide without degradation (sps). the data showed that dps exhibited a much higher efficiency to inhibit caoxa growth and stabilize calcium oxalate dihydrate (cod) compared with sps. as dps concentration increased, the soluble ca(2+) ions significantly increased, the aggregation degree of calcium oxalate m ...201224751057
25(oh)d3 and cardiovascular risk factors in female nonhuman determine if interindividual differences in plasma concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin d(3) (25(oh)d(3)) have pathophysiologic significance, we evaluated a cohort of female monkeys, seeking to identify associations with clinically relevant cardiovascular risk factors, including age, abdominal obesity (waist circumference), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (hdl-c).201222876774
culture systems: embryo co-culture.during the 1970s, domestic animal biotechnology, i.e., embryo transfer in farm animals, was confronted with the problem of embryonic developmental arrest observed in vitro, especially during the cycle in which maternal to zygotic transition (mzt) cycle takes place. in farm animals, obtaining blastocysts is mandatory, as transfer at earlier stages results in expulsion of the embryo from the vagina. in humans, the first attempts to obtain blastocysts with classical culture media were disappointing ...201222829378
intron retention and te exonization events in zranb2.the zinc finger, ran-binding domain-containing protein 2 (zranb2), contains arginine/serine-rich (rs) domains that mediate its function in the regulation of alternative splicing. the zranb2 gene contains 2 line elements (l3b, plat_l3) between the 9th and 10th exons. we identified the exonization event of a line element (plat_l3). using genomic pcr, rt-pcr amplification, and sequencing of primate dna and rna samples, we analyzed the evolutionary features of zranb2 transcripts. the results indicat ...201222778693
the isolation of bioactive flavonoids from jacaranda obtusifolia h. b. k. ssp. rhombifolia (g. f. w. meijer) gentry.the paper describes the bioassay-guided isolation, structure elucidation and anticancer evaluation of five flavonoids (-)-liquiritigenin (1), (-)-neoliquiritin (2), isoliquiritigenin (3), isoliquiritin (4) and formononetin (5) from the twigs of jacaranda obtusifolia h. b. k. ssp. rhombifolia (g. f. w. meijer) gentry. the structures were elucidated based on ¹h, ¹³c nmr, comprehensive 2d nmr, ms analyses and comparison with previously reported spectral data. compounds 1 and 3 were demonstrated to ...201222750816
withaferin a-related steroids from withania aristata exhibit potent antiproliferative activity by inducing apoptosis in human tumor cells.six new withanolides (1-6) along with eleven known ones (7-17) were isolated from the leaves of withania aristata. their structures were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic analysis, including 1d and 2d nmr techniques. semisynthesis of the minority metabolites 7 and 15 from compounds 6 and 9, respectively, as starting material, was performed. the isolated compounds as well as three derivatives (7a, 9a and 9b) of withaferin a were evaluated for cytotoxicity against hela (carcinoma of the cer ...201222705001
morphine produces immunosuppressive effects in nonhuman primates at the proteomic and cellular levels.morphine has long been known to have immunosuppressive properties in vivo, but the molecular and immunologic changes induced by it are incompletely understood. to explore how these changes interact with lentiviral infections in vivo, animals from two nonhuman primate species (african green monkeys and pigtailed macaques) were provided morphine and studied using a systems biology approach. biological specimens were obtained from multiple sources (e.g. lymph node, colon, cerebrospinal fluid, and p ...201222580588
genetic nanomedicine: gene delivery by targeted lipoplexes.cationic liposome-dna complexes (lipoplexes) are used for the delivery of plasmid dna to cultured cells and various tissues in vivo. in this chapter, we describe the preparation and evaluation of plain and targeted lipoplexes, using targeting ligands, including epidermal growth factor and transferrin. ligand-associated lipoplexes may be used to target dna or other nucleic acid drugs to specific cells, particularly cancer cells that overexpress the receptors for the ligands. we provide examples o ...201222568915
a non-human primate system for large-scale genetic studies of complex traits.non-human primates provide genetic model systems biologically intermediate between humans and other mammalian model organisms. populations of caribbean vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) are genetically homogeneous and large enough to permit well-powered genetic mapping studies of quantitative traits relevant to human health, including expression quantitative trait loci (eqtl). previous transcriptome-wide investigation in an extended vervet pedigree identified 29 heritable transcripts ...201222556363
[culture, isolation and identification of new bunyavirus in african green monkey kidney(vero) cells].to culture, isolate and identify new bunyavirus in vero cell line.201222490202
the agony of choice: how to find a suitable cpp for cargo delivery.successful and effective cellular delivery remains a main obstacles in the medical field. the use of cell-penetrating peptides (cpps) has become one of the most important tools for the internalisation of a wide range of molecules including pharmaceuticals. it is still difficult to choose one cpp for one biological application because there is no ubiquitous cpp meeting the diverse requirements. in our case, we are looking for a suitable cpp to deliver the pro-apoptotic kla peptide (klaklakklaklak ...201222447759
antiangiogenic activity of aganirsen in nonhuman primate and rodent models of retinal neovascular disease after topical administration.aganirsen, an antisense oligonucleotide inhibiting insulin receptor substrate (irs)-1 expression, has been shown to promote the regression of pathologic corneal neovascularization in patients. in this study, the authors aimed to demonstrate the antiangiogenic activity of aganirsen in animal models of retinal neovascularization.201222323484
cystathionine gamma-lyase expression is regulated by exogenous hydrogen peroxide in the mammalian cells.hydrogen sulfide (h2s), as an endogenous signaling molecule in mammals, shows a variety of biological effects. cystathionine gamma-lyase (cse)/h2s pathway has been implicated in scavenging reactive oxygen species (ros) in the mammalian cells. therefore, we first investigated the regulatory effects of exogenously applied hydrogen peroxide (h2o2) on cse expression in the mammalian cells. african green monkey kidney fibroblastlike cells (cos-7 cells) or human embryonic kidney 293 cells (hek 293 cel ...201223539901
coagulation biomarkers predict disease progression in siv-infected nonhuman infection is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular complications, the underlying mechanism of which remains unclear. plasma levels of the coagulation biomarker d-dimer (dd) correlate with increased mortality and cardiovascular events in hiv-infected patients. we compared the incidence of cardiovascular lesions and the levels of the coagulation markers dd and thrombin antithrombin in pathogenic siv infections of rhesus and pigtailed macaques (ptms) and in nonpathogenic siv infectio ...201222653975
primary severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection limits replication but not lung inflammation upon homologous rechallenge.our knowledge regarding immune-protective and immunopathogenic events in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (sars-cov) infection is limited, and little is known about the dynamics of the immune response at the primary site of disease. here, an african green monkey (agm) model was used to elucidate immune mechanisms that facilitate viral clearance but may also contribute to persistent lung inflammation following sars-cov infection. during primary infection, sars-cov replicated in the a ...201222345460
nonreplicating vaccines can protect african green monkeys from the memphis 37 strain of respiratory syncytial virus.we evaluated the immunological responses of african green monkeys immunized with multiple f and g protein-based vaccines and assessed protection against the memphis 37 strain of respiratory syncytial virus (rsv).201323596321
design flexibility influencing the in vitro behavior of cationic sln as a nonviral gene vector.several advanced in vitro and in vivo studies have proved the broad potential of cationic solid lipid nanoparticles (sln) as nonviral vectors. however, a few data are available about the correlation between lipid component of the sln structure and in vitro performance in terms of cell tolerance and transfection efficiency on different cell lines. in this paper sln were prepared using stearic acid as main lipid component, stearylamine as cationic agent and protamine as transfection promoter and a ...201322982257
in vitro assessment of thyroid hormone disrupting activities in drinking water sources along the yangtze river.the thyroid hormone disrupting activities of drinking water sources from the lower reaches of yangtze river were examined using a reporter gene assay based on african green monkey kidney fibroblast (cv-1) cells. none of the eleven tested samples showed thyroid receptor (tr) agonist activity. nine water samples exhibited tr antagonist activities with the equivalents referring to di-n-butyl phthalate (dnbp) (tr antagonist activity equivalents, atr-eq(50)s) ranging from 6.92 × 10(1) to 2.85 × 10(2) ...201323202652
assessing the pulsatility of luteinizing hormone in female vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).specific alterations in the pulsatility of luteinizing hormone (lh) are linked to obesity-related subfertility in ovulatory women. vervet monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) are an old world nonhuman primate that develops obesity and has a menstrual cycle similar to humans. we evaluated follicular-phase lh pulses in 12 adult normal-weight female vervets. serum was collected every 10 min for 4 h by using a tether device in conscious, freely moving monkeys on menstrual cycle days 2 through 5. s ...201324210020
nonhuman transferrin receptor 1 is an efficient cell entry receptor for ocozocoautla de espinosa virus.ocozocoautla de espinosa virus (ocev) is a novel, uncultured arenavirus. we found that the ocev glycoprotein mediates entry into grivet and bat cells through transferrin receptor 1 (tfr1) binding but that ocev glycoprotein precursor (gpc)-pseudotyped retroviruses poorly entered 53 human cancer cell lines. interestingly, ocev and tacaribe virus could use bat, but not human, tfr1. replacing three human tfr1 amino acids with their bat ortholog counterparts transformed human tfr1 into an efficient o ...201324109228
cytotoxic effects of eryngium kotschyi and eryngium maritimum on hep2, hepg2, vero and u138 mg cell lines.eryngium maritimum l. and the endemic eryngium kotschyi boiss. of the apiaceae family are used for antiinflammatory, antivenom, antinociceptive and diuretic purposes in folk medicine in turkey.201324028780
a method for estimating the effective number of loci affecting a quantitative character.a likelihood method is introduced that jointly estimates the number of loci and the additive effect of alleles that account for the genetic variance of a normally distributed quantitative character in a randomly mating population. the method assumes that measurements of the character are available from one or both parents and an arbitrary number of full siblings. the method uses the fact, first recognized by karl pearson in 1904, that the variance of a character among offspring depends on both t ...201323973416
effects of a western-type diet on plasma lipids and other cardiometabolic risk factors in african green monkeys (chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus).our goal was to assess a nonhuman primate diet that mimicked the western-type diet of humans with regard to palatability and the diet's effects on plasma lipid concentrations and other cardiometabolic risk factors. we evaluated male (n = 8) and female (n = 11) african green monkeys (vervets; chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus) that initially were fed a standard diet. each cohort then was divided into 2 groups, which received either standard chow or the western diet. food consumption and fecal quality ...201323849442
extracts from black carrot tissue culture as potent anticancer carrots contain anthocyanins possessing enhanced physiological activities. explants of young black carrot shoots were cultured in murashige and skoog (ms) medium for callus initiation and were transferred to new ms medium supplemented with four different combinations of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and kinetin. subsequently, the lyophilized calli and black carrot harvested from fields were subjected to ultrasound extraction with ethanol at a ratio of 1:15 (w:v). obtained extracts were ap ...201323828497
[to a question on the impact of nanoparticles of metals present in the aquatic environment, on bacteria and continuous cell lines hep-2 and bgm].promising application of nanoparticles and nanomaterials is the creation of sanitary hygienic means of new generation used for disinfection of water and indoor surfaces of mass use, furniture, sanitary technical equipment by virtue of modifying traditional materials to bring them effective biocidal properties, and for the development of methods in vitro for assessment their toxicity in this paper the possibility of the use various forms of silver, copper and aluminum as disinfectant for bacteria ...201323805702
photo-bio-synthesis of irregular shaped functionalized gold nanoparticles using edible mushroom pleurotus florida and its anticancer evaluation.a green chemistry approach to the synthesis of gold nanoparticles using edible mushroom pleurotus florida (oyster mushroom) by photo-irradiation method has been attempted. the mixture containing the aqueous gold ions and the mushroom extract was exposed to sunlight; this resulted in the formation of biofunctionalized gold nanoparticles. these nanoparticles were characterized using various techniques like uv-visible spectroscopy; x-ray diffraction studies, energy dispersive x-ray analysis, field ...201323747539
thermoresponsive cellulosic hydrogels with cell-releasing we report the preparation and characterization of thermoresponsive cellulosic hydrogels with cell-releasing behavior. hydroxypropyl cellulose (hpc) was modified with methacrylic anhydride (ma). the resultant macromonomer, hpc-ma, retains the characteristic thermoresponsive phase behavior of hpc, with an onset temperature of 36 °c and a lower critical solution temperature (lcst) of 37-38 °c, as determined by turbidity measurement. homogenous hpc-ma hydrogels were prepared by uv-cross-linking ...201323734910
expression patterns of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (kir) of nk-cell and t-cell subsets in old world monkeys.the expression of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (kir) on lymphocytes of rhesus macaques and other old world monkeys was unknown so far. we used our recently established monoclonal anti-rhesus macaque kir antibodies in multicolour flow cytometry for phenotypic characterization of kir protein expression on natural killer (nk) cells and t cell subsets of rhesus macaques, cynomolgus macaques, hamadryas baboons, and african green monkeys. similar to human kir, we found clonal expression p ...201323717676
stearidonic and γ-linolenic acids in echium oil improves glucose disposal in insulin resistant monkeys.echium oil (eo) contains stearidonic acid (18:4), a n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (pufas), and gamma-linolenic acids (18:3), a n-6 pufa that can be converted to long chain (lc)-pufas. we aimed to compare a safflower oil (so)-enriched diet to eo- and fish oil (fo)-enriched diets on circulating and tissue pufas levels and glycemic, inflammatory, and cardiovascular health biomarkers in insulin resistant african green monkeys. in a latin-square cross-over study, eight monkeys consumed matched diet ...201323664597
ethanol self-administration and nicotine treatment induce brain levels of cyp2b6 and cyp2e1 in african green monkeys.cyp2b6 and cyp2e1 are enzymes responsible for the metabolism of many centrally acting drugs, toxins and endogenous compounds. human smokers and alcoholics have elevated levels of cyp2b6 and cyp2e1 in certain brain regions, which may contribute to altered drug efficacy, neurotoxicity and metabolic tolerance. the objective of this study was to determine the effects of ethanol self-administration and nicotine treatment, alone and in combination, on brain cyp2b6 and cyp2e1 levels in monkeys. monkeys ...201323639433
development of amyloid burden in african green monkeys.the vervet is an old world monkey increasingly being used as a model for human diseases. in addition to plaques and tangles, an additional hallmark of alzheimer's disease is damage to neurons that synthesize noradrenaline (na). we characterized amyloid burden in the posterior temporal lobe of young and aged vervets, and compared that with changes in na levels and astrocyte activation. total amyloid beta (aβ)40 and aβ42 levels were increased in the aged group, as were numbers of amyloid plaques d ...201323601810
bisphenol a affects androgen receptor function via multiple mechanisms.bisphenol a (bpa), is a well-known endocrine disruptor compound (edc) that affects the normal development and function of the female and male reproductive system, however the mechanisms of action remain unclear. to investigate the molecular mechanisms of how bpa may affect ten different nuclear receptors, stable cell lines containing individual nuclear receptor ligand binding domain (lbd)-linked to the β-gal reporter were examined by a quantitative high throughput screening (qhts) format in the ...201323562765
serum biomarkers reveal long-term cardiac injury in isoproterenol-treated african green monkeys.the assessment of cardiac toxicity is a major challenge in both drug development and clinical trials, and numerous marketed pharmaceuticals have been removed from the market due to unpredicted cardiac effects. serum troponins are widely used indicators of cardiac injury; however, they are short-lived and have not been validated in preclinical animal models. in this study, we have used filter-aided sample preparation (fasp) and tandem mass tag (tmt) labeling to investigate serum protein alteratio ...201323473367
primate b-1 cells generate antigen-specific b cell responses to t cell-independent type 2 antigens.ab responses to t cell-independent type 2 (ti-2) ags, such as bacterial capsular polysaccharides, are critical for host defense. in mice, b-1b cells expressing a cd11b(+)fsc(hi)cd21(lo/-)cd19(hi) phenotype play a key role in producing abs against ti-2 ags. in primates, a distinct igm(+)cd27(+) "memory" b cell population is thought to generate ti-2 ab responses, and evidence for a b-1b-like cell population participating in these responses is lacking. in this article, we demonstrate that nonhuman ...201323455507
cellular uptake, intracellular trafficking, and antitumor efficacy of doxorubicin-loaded reduction-sensitive micelles.reduction-sensitive micelles were prepared from monomethoxy-poly(ethylene glycol)-s-s-hexadecyl (mpeg-s-s-c16), an amphiphilic poly(ethylene glycol) derivative containing a disulfide bond. the micelles were then used for the intracellular delivery of the anticancer drug doxorubicin (dox) into tumor cells, and the cellular uptake mechanisms of the micelles were determined. to serve as a control, monomethoxy-poly(ethylene glycol)-c-c-hexadecyl (mpeg-c-c-c16) with an analogous structure but without ...201323452389
application of ldh-release assay to cellular-level evaluation of the toxic potential of harmful algal species.lactate dehydrogenase (ldh)-release assay was applied to estimate the toxic potential of harmful algal species at the cellular level. african green monkey kidney (vero), yellowtail fin epithelia (mjf), and rainbow trout gill (rtgill-w1) cells were used as target cells. a live cell suspension of karenia mikimotoi (suo-1) induced the release of ldh from these cell lines, while the activity of another strain, fuk, was much lower. the cell-free culture supernatants and ruptured cell suspensions of b ...201323391929
cytosolic ca2+ shifts as early markers of cytotoxicity.the determination of the cytotoxic potential of new and so far unknown compounds as well as their metabolites is fundamental in risk assessment. a variety of strategic endpoints have been defined to describe toxin-cell interactions, leading to prediction of cell fate. they involve measurement of metabolic endpoints, bio-energetic parameters or morphological cell modifications. here, we evaluated alterations of the free cytosolic ca2+ homeostasis using the fluo-4 dye and compared results with the ...201323384168
sivagm infection in wild african green monkeys from south africa: epidemiology, natural history, and evolutionary considerations.pathogenesis studies of siv infection have not been performed to date in wild monkeys due to difficulty in collecting and storing samples on site and the lack of analytical reagents covering the extensive siv diversity. we performed a large scale study of molecular epidemiology and natural history of sivagm infection in 225 free-ranging agms from multiple locations in south africa. siv prevalence (established by sequencing pol, env, and gag) varied dramatically between infant/juvenile (7%) and a ...201323349627
preparation and characterization of an anti-inflammatory agent based on a zinc-layered hydroxide-salicylate nanohybrid and its effect on viability of vero-3 cells.a new organic-inorganic nanohybrid based on zinc-layered hydroxide intercalated with an anti-inflammatory agent was synthesized through direct reaction of salicylic acid at various concentrations with commercially available zinc oxide. the basal spacing of the pure phase nanohybrid was 15.73 å, with the salicylate anions arranged in a monolayer form and an angle of 57 degrees between the zinc-layered hydroxide interlayers. fourier transform infrared study further confirmed intercalation of salic ...201323345976
bioanalytical and instrumental analysis of estrogenic activities in drinking water sources from yangtze river delta.the estrogenic activities of source water from yangtze river, huaihe river, taihu lake and groundwater in yangtze river delta in the dry and wet season were determined by use of reporter gene assays based on african green monkey kidney (cv-1) cell lines. higher estrogenic activities were observed in the dry season, and the estrogenic potentials in water samples from taihu lake were greater than other river basins. none of the samples from groundwater showed estrogen receptor (er) agonist activit ...201323211323
conservation challenge: human-herbivore conflict in chebera churchura national park, investigation on human-herbivore conflict was carried out in ccnp between 2011 and 2012 in seven randomly selected villages (chebera, serri, yora, shita, delba, chuchra, chewda) around the park. a total of 312 household samples were identified for interview. group discussion and field observation were also carried out. among the respondents, the majority (83.9%) faced crop damage. african elephant (loxodonta africana), hippopotamus (hippopotamus amphibious), african buffalo (syncerus caffer), ...201324506044
locomotor anatomy and behavior of patas monkeys (erythrocebus patas) with comparison to vervet monkeys (cercopithecus aethiops).patas monkeys (erythrocebus patas) living in african savanna woodlands and grassland habitats have a locomotor system that allows them to run fast, presumably to avoid predators. long fore- and hindlimbs, long foot bones, short toes, and a digitigrade foot posture were proposed as anatomical correlates with speed. in addition to skeletal proportions, soft tissue and whole body proportions are important components of the locomotor system. to further distinguish patas anatomy from other old world ...201324187623
Displaying items 2601 - 2700 of 3231