
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
comparative mapping of a gorilla-derived alpha satellite dna clone on great ape and human chromosomes.we have isolated an alpha satellite dna clone, pg3.9, from gorilla dna. fluorescence in situ hybridization on banded chromosomes under high stringency conditions revealed that pg3.9 identifies homologous sequences at the centromeric region of ten gorilla chromosomes, and, with few exceptions, also recognizes the homologous chromosomes in human. a pg3.9-like alphoid dna is present on a larger number of orangutan chromosomes, but, in contrast, is present on only two chromosomes in the chimpanzee. ...19911769275
a review of ethical issues in aids research.much of the past research in aids concentrated in the epidemiology, virology, immunology and pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. however, current research activities incorporates aspects intended to modify human behaviour with a view to slowing down the spread. but a more comprehensive control of the aids epidemic can only be affected when a vaccine and, or effective anti hiv drugs are developed. perspectives into aids research will therefore involve more vaccine and dr ...19911797537
tissue culture system for infection with human hepatitis delta in vitro culture system was developed for assaying the infectivity of the human hepatitis delta virus (hdv). hepatocytes were isolated from chimpanzee liver and grown in a serum-free medium. cells were shown to be infectible by hdv and to remain susceptible to infection for at least 3 weeks in culture, as evidenced by the appearance of rna species characteristic of hdv replication as early as 6 days postinfection. when repeated experiments were carried out on cells derived from an animal free ...19912041075
organ specificity of the antigens reacting with the 48-1 and s-1 antibodies in chimpanzees infected with hepatitis c virus.48-1 and s-1 antibodies produced by lymphoblastoid cells transformed with epstein-barr virus were reported to be associated with infection by not only the hepatitis non-a, non-b (nanb) virus but also hepatitis delta virus. appearance of the antigens reacting with these antibodies in the liver of chimpanzees was recently found to be a host response to alpha-interferon induced by infections of both viruses. to investigate organ specificity of these antigens, various organs obtained from chimpanzee ...19911660298
tooth crown heights, tooth wear, sexual dimorphism and jaw growth in hominoids.the aim of this review is to bring together data that link tooth morphology with tooth function and tooth growth: we aim to show how the microanatomy of hominoid teeth is providing evidence about rates of tooth growth that are likely to be a consequence of both masticatory strategy and social behaviour. first, we present data about incisor and molar tooth wear in wild short chimpanzees that demonstrate how crown heights are likely to be related to relative tooth use in a broad sense. following t ...19911887667
[the behavioral and cardiovascular reactions of the young chimpanzee in the 1st month of life].the analysis of behavioral reactions and cardiac rhythm of 9-30 days old chimpanzees is given. it has been found that the active emotionally negative reaction with signs of avoidance and the passive defensive reaction of fading appear first. this behavioral reactions are reflected in the mechanisms of the cardiovascular system regulation. the active defensive reaction is accompanied by tachycardia growing from the beginning up to realization, and the passive defensive reaction is accompanied by ...19911854893
reassessing 'hereditary' interethnic differences in anemia status.the widely accepted hypothesis that significant differences in hemoglobin levels exist between african americans and european americans is critically evaluated. most studies implying hereditary interethnic differences are derived from analyses of national cross-sectional surveys or smaller nonprobability samples. yet those studies give inadequate consideration to the important nutritional and genetic variables that must be controlled for in acceptable comparative assessments of the heritable com ...19911842518
hominoid dietary evolution.during the later palaeocene and early miocene, catarrhine primates and the evolving hominoids had adaptations for frugivorous diets, with the emphasis on soft foods. early in the middle miocene the hominoids underwent a major shift, both in morphology and in habitat, with the morphology characterized by thickened enamel on the molars, enlarged incisors and massive jaws. the diet indicated by this morphology is interpreted as still mainly frugivorous but with changed emphasis, possibly towards ha ...19911685578
free speech, chimpanzees, and libel law. 19911960758
relevance of the habenular complex to neuropsychiatry: a review and hypothesis.since the initial observation by brown (1914) that electrical stimulation applied to the habenular efferent bundle in the chimpanzee evoked a pattern of respiration which closely resembled the act of laughter, the habenular complex has remained a mysterious structure. the anatomy of the habenular complex is well delineated (jones, 1985) forming a major component of the dorsal diencephalic conduction system. data derived mainly from animal experimentation over the past decade point to the fact th ...19911824382
mechanical implications of chimpanzee positional behavior.mechanical hypotheses concerning the function of chimpanzee anatomical specializations are examined in light of recent positional behavior data. arm-hanging was the only common chimpanzee positional behavior that required full abduction of the humerus, and vertical climbing was the only distinctive chimpanzee positional behavior that required forceful retraction of the humerus and flexion of the elbow. some elements of the chimpanzee anatomy, including an abductible humerus, a broad thorax, a co ...19911776659
mhc class ii genes of a marsupial, the red-necked wallaby (macropus rufogriseus): identification of new gene placental mammals, the class ii region of the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) consists of several gene families which show orthologous relationships in the different species. as these families are not orthologous with the mhc class ii beta-chain-encoding gene families of birds, the different mammalian families must have diverged after the separation of birds and mammals approximately 250 mya but before the radiation of placental mammals (60-80 mya). to obtain further information about ...19911775063
spontaneous leprosy in a chimpanzee (pan troglodytes). 19911771747
luteinizing hormone sensitivity to naloxone in maturing male chimpanzees.we have systematically investigated the involvement of endogenous opioids in gonadotropin secretion during primate sexual maturation by examining lh/fsh responses to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh) and changes in lh secretion during infusions of saline or naloxone, an opiate antagonist, in ten male chimpanzees between one and nine years of age. animals were anesthetized with ketamine (10 mg/kg) and injected or infused iv with gnrh, naloxone or saline. circulating levels of serum lh were el ...19911742612
a very cultured chimpanzee. 199111656079
[effect of ecdysteroids on the neuroendocrine system of primates: injection of 20-hydroxyecdysone in the chimpanzee]. 19911929600
gene mapping in chimpanzees. a basic prerequisite for the understanding of hereditary deafness at the genome level. 19911952605
puberty in the male chimpanzee: time-related variations in luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and testosterone.the onset of pubertal testicular growth (po) occurred in 12 out of 20 male chimpanzees surveyed monthly for at least 3.7 yr. when animals were synchronized according to po, the mean weight gain was found to be higher before than after po, and testicular volume started to rise immediately after po. the earlier significant hormonal events were a rapid rise in lh and a slight testosterone increase occurring 6 mo before po. thereafter, the levels of lh remained elevated while testosterone continued ...19911901740
emergence of symmetry in a visual conditional discrimination by chimpanzees (pan troglodytes).in exp. 1, three young chimpanzees were trained to match red to a cross and green to a circle in an arbitrary matching-to-sample task. after acquisition of this task, they were tested for the emergence of associative symmetry of these conditional relations using the trials on which shapes were presented as samples and colors as comparisons. one of the three chimpanzees showed statistically significant accuracy on these test trials. this successful subject served in exp. 2, in which an auditory-v ...19912034778
direct assay of a alpha(1-21), a pmn elastase-specific cleavage product of fibrinogen, in the chimpanzee. 19912064218
evaluation of a chimpanzee enrichment enclosure.a large, three-part playground for captive chimpanzees was constructed and evaluated in terms of area use and behavior changes. comparative behavioral samples were obtained on 38 subjects in the existing indoor-outdoor run and in the enclosure. the chimpanzees used the inside run, connective chute, concrete slab, and grass areas most. activity and environmental manipulation increased in the enclosure while abnormal and self-directed behaviors decreased.19912051468
construction of playgrounds for chimpanzees in biomedical outdoor 9,000 sq. ft. playground connected to the indoor-outdoor runs of the breeding facility at southwest foundation for biomedical research was constructed to simulate a near natural environment for chimpanzees in biomedical research. it is divided into three 75 x 40 ft. compounds to allow several groups of animals to utilize the area simultaneously. environmental enrichment devices have been added to improve physical and psychological well-being.19912051465
emg of serratus anterior and trapezius in the chimpanzee: scapular rotators revisited.the importance of arm-raising has been a major consideration in the functional interpretation of differences in shoulder morphology among species of nonhuman primates. among the characters that have been associated with enhancement of the arm-raising mechanism in hominoid primates are the relative enlargement of cranial trapezius and caudal serratus anterior, as the main scapular rotators, as well as changes in scapular morphology associated with their improved leverage for scapular rotation. ye ...19911853945
deciduous dentition eruption sequence of the laboratory-reared chimpanzee (pan troglodytes).eruption sequence and age ranges for the maxillary and mandibular deciduous dentition were generated from serial dental study models from 28 laboratory-reared chimpanzees (pan troglodytes). these data can serve as additional normative, baseline information for the evaluation of fetal insults on neonatal growth and development in the laboratory-reared chimpanzee.19911895334
puberty in the male chimpanzee: progressive maturation of semen characteristics.cellular and biochemical characteristics of semen obtained by masturbation were studied in 5 pubertal chimpanzees during 1.5 yr. the dental age corresponding to the beginning of the pubertal testicular growth (po) ranged from 5.0 to 8.3 years (mean = 6.7 +/- 1.2 yr). time-related variations of all studied parameters were analyzed according to po and, therefore, independently of the dental age. the emission of first ejaculates, and therefore the onset of activity of the accessory sex gland, was e ...19912015363
elimination of pyridoxylated polyhemoglobin after partial exchange transfusion in chimpanzees.partial exchange transfusion with 8.5% pyridoxylated polyhemoglobin solution [polyhb-ppa] was performed in five male chimpanzees weighing 22-30 kg. serial blood and urine samples were obtained for 3 days. percutaneous liver biopsies were performed on the 3rd to 4th, and the 9th to 11th days after polyhb-ppa administration. mean exchange volume was 42.5 +/- 10.7 ml/kg bw (26.8-54.6 ml/kg), mean hb dose 3.7 +/- 0.9 g polyhb-ppa/kg bw (2.4-4.8 g/kg), mean exchange rate 56.7 +/- 7.1% (48.2-67.4%). a ...19911810404
social relationships between immigrant and resident bonobo (pan paniscus) females at relations and behaviours of adolescent female pygmy chimpanzees (pan paniscus) that migrated between unit groups were studied at wamba, zaïre. each immigrant female selected one particular resident female, a 'specific senior female' (ssf) and frequently approached and followed her. affinitive behaviours (e.g. grooming, genitogenital rubbing) were frequently performed between the immigrant and her ssf. most affinitive behaviours were more likely to be initiated by the immigrant than by her ...19911786910
vitamin-d-binding protein or group-specific component in chimpanzees (pan troglodytes and pan paniscus). 19911804769
the use of medicinal plants by primates: a missing link?there is growing evidence that some species of wild nonhuman primate, especially chimpanzees, take herbal and clay medicines to treat and prevent disease. such a primate pharmacopoeia may be a missing link in our understanding of the relationship between primate foraging and ranging strategies and plant chemistry; not all plant secondary compounds may be deleterious to the consumer. just as study of traditional herbal medicines has yielded powerful drugs, so primate medicines may hint at drugs u ...199121232486
insect-eating by sympatric lowland gorillas (gorilla g. gorilla) and chimpanzees (pan t. troglodytes) in the lopé reserve, gabon.sympatric populations of lowland gorillas (gorilla gorilla gorilla) and chimpanzees (pan troglodytes troglodytes) in the lopé reserve in central gabon consumed insects at similar average frequencies over a 7-year period (30% versus 31% feces contained insect remains). data came mostly from fecal analysis supplemented by observation and trail evidence. the weaver ant (oecophylla longinoda) was the species eaten most frequently by both gorillas and chimpanzees. other species of insects wore eaten ...199231941221
abnormal behaviors, with a special focus on rocking, and reproductive competence in a large sample of captive chimpanzees (pan troglodytes).chimpanzees (pan troglodytes) are endangered in the wild and may no longer be imported into the united states. of those animals presently in captivity, candidates for breeding programs must be identified to insure a self-sustaining captive population. some have suggested that poor reproductive performance might be linked to the performance of abnormal behaviors. in study 1, three institutions housing breeding colonies of chimpanzees (86 males, 103 females) surveyed their animals for abnormal beh ...199231948132
chimpanzee genital swelling and its role in the pattern of sociosexual behavior.behavioral observations were made on thirteen female and seven male adult group-living chimpanzees (pan troglodytes). the behavioral data were analyzed as a function of the day of the females' menstrual cycles to explore the possible interrelationship between genital swelling and sociosexual behavior of female chimpanzees. copulatory behavior was confined almost entirely to the period of genital swelling and the occurrence of male-to-female genital inspection (both female- and male-initiated) wa ...199231941218
male chimpanzee behavior in relation to female ano-genital swelling.this study examined the relationships between male agonistic, affiliative, and sexual behaviors and female estrus condition in captive adolescent and young-adult chimpanzees (pan troglodytes). data on agonistic, affiliative, and sexual behaviors of 11 males living in three social groups were collected during daily 45 minute observations over a 5 month period. female estrus condition was assessed daily using the relative size of the female's ano-genital swelling. it was hypothesized that the pres ...199231948163
oral papillomavirus infection in a pygmy chimpanzee (pan paniscus). 19921313306
highly repetitive dna patterns in humans and selected catarrhine primates (pan troglodytes, cercopithecus aethiops, macaca fascicularis). 19921330856
the question of animal this paper i consider whether traditional behaviors of animals, like traditions of humans, are transmitted by imitation learning. review of the literature on problem solving by captive primates, and detailed consideration of two widely cited instances of purported learning by imitation and of culture in free-living primates (sweet-potato washing by japanese macaques and termite fishing by chimpanzees), suggests that nonhuman primates do not learn to solve problems by imitation. it may, theref ...199224222403
mirrors as enrichment for captive chimpanzees (pan troglodytes).at many facilities, limitations of the physical environment have reduced the opportunity for captive chimpanzees to live in large, naturalistic social groups. convex mirrors used to increase visual access of neighboring groups may improve the social environment. this was tested in a study of 28 chimpanzees (pan troglodytes) group-housed in conventional indoor/outdoor runs. a total of 47.8 hours of behavioral observations were conducted and comparisons made across three conditions: no mirror pres ...19921320156
spontaneous inclusion body hepatitis in young tamarins: i. morphological study.over a period of 4 years approximately 60% of the new born and juvenile animals in a breeding colony of tamarins (saguinus fuscicollis) died a sudden death. histological examination at necropsy revealed interstitial hepatitis in 22 of the 30 young animals of the present study. the hepatocytes contained intranuclear inclusion bodies in 12 of the 22 cases. upon ultrastructural examination, tubulovesicular structures and amorphous material were found in the nuclei. the endoplasmic reticulum had pro ...19921518281
symbolic association between individuals and objects by a chimpanzee as an initiation of ownership.a chimpanzee, named ai, received feeding training with two other apes. ai was always fed with the green bowl; the other two apes were fed with different colored bowls. after this training, ai could make symbolic associations between objects and individuals by using an artificial visual language, based only on her observation of bowls used in feeding without specific training.19921375998
chimpanzees in trees do it. 19921359268
orbital bar pressing. a historical note on skinner and the chimpanzees in space. 19921482011
probit and survival analysis of tooth emergence ages in a mixed-longitudinal sample of chimpanzees (pan troglodytes).tooth emergence data from a mixed-longitudinal sample of 58 chimpanzees of known age were analyzed using probit and survival techniques to produce median emergence ages, ranges of variability, and emergence sequences for primary and permanent teeth. between-group comparisons were made to test for statistically significant differences in emergence ages. no such differences were found between right and left sides, or between maxilla and mandible, for any primary or permanent teeth. male-female com ...19921485644
relationship of squamosal suture to asterion in pongids (pan): relevance to early hominid brain evolution.based on 244 measurements of the relationship of the squamosal suture to the landmark asterion in 49 chimpanzee skulls, it is shown that in the normal lateral view the squamosal suture is very rarely inferior to asterion. in hominid crania, the squamosal suture is always well superior to asterion. even in pan, that part of the squamosal suture most homologous with the remnant found on the hadar al 162-28 australopithecus afarensis hominid cranial fragment is very rarely inferior to asterion. suc ...19921485636
[methods of variable selection after discriminate analysis: application to 4 series of chimpanzee mandibles]. 19921341753
hormone levels and anogenital swelling of female chimpanzees as a function of estrogen dosage in a combined oral contraceptive.a combined oral contraceptive consisting of ethinyl estradiol (ee2) in three dosages (50, 100, and 400 micrograms) and norethindrone (0.5 mg) was given to female chimpanzees to determine the effect on endogenous sex hormone levels and anogenital swelling. serum levels of ee2 increased with increasing dosages of ee2, estradiol decreased, and luteinizing hormone, progesterone and testosterone were maintained at approximately midfollicular phase levels. urinary levels of ee2 glucuronide increased w ...19921528911
identification of chimpanzee subspecies with dna from hair and allele-specific probes.we describe a non-invasive method of determining the subspecies identity of common chimpanzees (pan troglodytes), based on subspecies-specific sequence differences in the mitochondrial genome. this procedure involves the extraction of dna from hair, the amplification of a short (410 base pair (b.p.)) segment of the non-coding displacement loop (d-loop) by the polymerase chain reaction (pcr), and subspecies identification based on rapid allele-specific oligonucleotide (aso) probe dot-blot typing. ...19921359560
phylogenies from restriction sites: a maximum-likelihood approach.restriction sites data can be analyzed by maximum likelihood to obtain estimates of phylogenies. the likelihood methods of smouse and li, who were able to compute likelihoods for up to four species under a simplified model of base change, can be extended numerically to deal with any number of species. the computational methods for doing so are outlined. the resulting algorithms are slow but take multiple gains and losses of restriction sites fully into account, unlike parsimony methods. they all ...199228564959
[balanced translocation t(17p--; 23p+) in the chimpanzee].a chimpanzee family was studied, in which the father had a balanced translocation t(17p--; 23p+). the mother showed the normal female chromosome complement. their daughter had also the normal female karyotype, but with heteromorphic chromosomes 23. a cytogenetic analysis was made using g- and q-banding techniques and in addition an alkaline silver method for nor staining. a mechanism of the translocation inheritance is discussed.19921641910
comparison of instantaneous and locomotor bout sampling methods: a case study of adult male chimpanzee locomotor behavior and substrate use.currently two methods, instantaneous and locomotor bout sampling, are used most commonly in studies of locomotor behavior. to date, no study has addressed how comparable the results of the two methods are. this paper considers whether different sampling methods of locomotor behavior produce different results. continuous locomotor bout and instantaneous sampling were carried out simultaneously on each focal animal during a seven month study of chimpanzee positional behavior in the tai forest of t ...19921530064
plantigrady and foot adaptation in african apes: implications for hominid living primates, except the great apes and humans, the foot is placed in a heel-elevated or semi-plantigrade position when these animals move upon arboreal or terrestrial substrates. heel placement and bone positions in the non-great ape primate foot are designed to increase mobility and flexibility in the arboreal environment. orangutans have further enhanced foot mobility by adapting their feet for suspension and thus similarly utilize foot positions where the heel does not touch the substr ...19921530061
apes and apomorphies: the anterior nasal spine as a projection of cladistic conceptions.projections, tubercles, or spines of bone at the anterior margin of the piriform aperture occur in widely varying forms among catarrhine primates. this paper describes, illustrates, and tabulates the frequencies of such structures by age and sex in a large collection of pan troglodytes verus skulls. in the overall sample of 263 skulls where the region could be observed, these protuberances of bone occur bilaterally in 10.7% of specimens and unilaterally in an additional 3.4%. they increase in fr ...19921441726
determination of the time of ovulation in chimpanzees by measurement of lh, estrone sulfate, and pregnanediol 3 alpha-glucuronide in urine: comparison with serum hormone patterns.the concentrations of lh, total estrogens, and pregnanediol 3 alpha-glucuronide (pdg) were determined by specific radioimmunoassays on daily overnight urine samples obtained in 13 menstrual cycles of six adult female chimpanzees during the periods of increasing, maximal, and decreasing tumescence of the perineal sex skin. the peaks of estrogens and lh and the rise in pdg in urine accurately reflected the peaks of estradiol-17 beta and lh and the subsequent rise in progesterone in the serum of th ...19921404332
hemispheric priming by meaningful and nonmeaningful symbols in language-trained chimpanzees (pan troglodytes): further evidence of a left hemisphere advantage.hemispheric priming was examined in 3 language-trained chimpanzees (pan troglodytes) using a simple reaction time paradigm. subjects were required to hold down a response button until the occurrence of a response cue. a warning stimulus was presented to either the left visual field (lvf) or the right visual field (rvf) before the response cue occurred. no warning stimulus was presented on control trials. the warning stimuli were geometric communicative symbols from two semantic categories: foods ...19921616621
detection of hepatitis delta virus rna by a nonradioactive in situ hybridization procedure.a digoxigenin-tailed, synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide was used to detect genomic hepatitis delta virus (hdv) rna in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded liver sections by a nonisotopic in situ hybridization (nish) procedure. twenty-three liver samples from chronically hdv-infected patients were studied. eight liver specimens from humans and chimpanzees without markers of active hdv infection served as negative controls. in three samples, the nish findings were compared with characteristic nuclear fe ...19921568750
major-histocompatibility-complex drb genes of a new-world monkey, the cottontop tamarin (saguinus oedipus).the drb region of the human and great-ape major histocompatibility complex displays not only gene but also haplotype polymorphism. the number of genes in the human drb region can vary from one to four, and even greater variability exists among the drb haplotypes of chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans. accumulating evidence indicates that, like gene polymorphism, part of the haplotype polymorphism predates speciation. in an effort to determine when the gene haplotype polymorphisms emerged in th ...19921584011
isolation and identification of hepatitis e virus in xinjiang, china.this paper describes isolation and identification of a virus (termed strain 87a) which has the cytopathic effect and haemagglutination properties of hepatitis e virus (hev). this virus was isolated by tissue culture from the faeces of a patient with acute non-a, non-b enteric hepatitis in xinjiang, china. the isolated virus was neutralized by acute phase sera obtained from other patients with acute non-a, non-b enteric hepatitis. the virus particles also could be specifically aggregated with acu ...19921588318
experimental onchocerciasis in chimpanzees. antibody response and antigen recognition after primary infection with onchocerca volvulus.nine of 18 chimpanzees inoculated with 250 infective third-stage larvae (l3) each developed patent (i.e., positive for microfilariae) onchocerca volvulus infection. four of 6 infected chimpanzees that received 200 micrograms/kg ivermectin at 28 days postinfection (pi) became patent, whereas, when ivermectin was given concurrently with l3 challenge only 1 of 6 infected animals developed patent infection. the antibody response to o. volvulus adult worm-derived antigens (ovag) showed clear differen ...19921592090
chimpanzees immunized with recombinant soluble cd4 develop anti-self cd4 antibody responses with anti-human immunodeficiency virus view of the efficiency with which human immunodeficiency virus replication can be blocked in vitro with anti-cd4 antibodies, the elicitation of an anti-cd4 antibody response through active immunization might represent a useful therapeutic strategy for aids. here we demonstrate that immunization of chimpanzees with recombinant soluble human cd4 elicited an anti-cd4 antibody response. the elicited antibody bound self cd4 on digitonin-treated but not freshly isolated lymphocytes. nevertheless, t ...19921594618
serum concentrations of relaxin, chorionic gonadotropin, estradiol-17 beta, and progesterone during the reproductive cycle of the chimpanzee (pan troglodytes).levels of serum relaxin were measured by a specific ria and correlated with serum patterns of estradiol-17 beta, progesterone, lh, or ccg during a single menstrual cycle in each of 10 female chimpanzees, and throughout 24 pregnancies in 21 chimpanzees. significant concentrations of relaxin, higher than those reported for the human being, were detected in serum of nonpregnant chimpanzees during the late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. during pregnancy in the chimpanzee, serum relaxin concent ...19921597157
development of a polymorphic strain of plasmodium vivax in monkeys.a strain of plasmodium vivax from thailand with a polymorphic repeat unit of the circumsporozoite protein was established in saimiri sciureus boliviensis and 3 species of aotus monkeys. all 11 attempts to transmit infection via sporozoite inoculation, 4 times to splenectomized s. sciureus boliviensis, 2 times to splenectomized aotus nancymai, and 5 times to intact saimiri monkeys, were successful. anopheles freeborni, anopheles stephensi, anopheles dirus, and anopheles gambiae mosquitoes were in ...19921597793
primate responses to a vaccinia-rabies glycoprotein recombinant virus vaccine.over the past decade, a vaccinia-rabies glycoprotein (v-rg) recombinant vaccine virus has been developed for the potential control of wildlife rabies through oral immunization via baits. prior to widespread field applications in varying ecological settings, extensive laboratory safety testing is necessary in a number of target and non-target species to quantify real or perceived risks and to monitor potential adverse health effects. moreover, in order to mitigate concerns over inadvertent human ...19921598786
spondyloarthropathy as an old world phenomenon.the presence of spine and sacroiliac involvement and the nature and distribution of erosive lesions allowed definitive diagnosis of spondyloarthropathy in the great apes (gorilla and pan [chimpanzee]), the lesser ape (hylobates), and old world monkeys (theropithecus, papio, cercopithecus, macaca, colobus, presbytis, and erythrocebus). analysis of lesional character, distribution, radiological appearance, and sex ratios showed a picture indistinguishable from human spondyloarthropathy. this contr ...19921604326
functional classification of simian immunodeficiency virus isolated from a chimpanzee by reporter-based transient expression systems, we characterized simian immunodeficiency virus from a chimpanzee (sivcpz), with special reference to the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1). sivcpz was not equally activated by tat and rev transactivators derived from representative primate lentiviruses. hiv-1 alone activated sivcpz to the full extent in both tat and rev assays. the tat and rev gene products of sivcpz, as well as those of hiv-1, efficiently transactivated the other viruses ...19921604820
categorical replies to categorical questions by cross-fostered chimpanzees.the chimpanzees washoe, moja, tatu, and dar were reared under human cross-fostering conditions that included the use of american sign language (asl) as the medium of two-way communication. in the course of everyday conversation they were asked, in signs, the wh-questions that are typically asked of young children. in earlier studies, extensive samples showed a pattern of replies, most significantly a developmental sequence, that closely matched the pattern found in the replies of young children. ...19921605324
metabolism of [14c]benzene by cynomolgus monkeys and chimpanzees.rodent bioassays indicate that b6c3f1 mice are more sensitive to the carcinogenicity of benzene than are rats. the urinary profile of benzene metabolites is different in rats vs mice. mice produce higher proportions of hydroquinone conjugates and muconic acid, indicators of metabolism via pathways leading to putative toxic metabolites, than do rats. in both species, metabolism to hydroquinone and muconic acid is favored at low concentrations of benzene, indicating that these pathways are easily ...19921609420
a human moderately repeated y-specific dna sequence is evolutionarily conserved in the y chromosome of the great apes.evolutionary conservation of the human-derived moderately repeated y-specific dna sequence y-190 (dyz5) was investigated in the chimpanzee, orangutan, and gorilla. southern blot analysis showed the presence of the sequence in the y chromosome of all great apes. pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and in situ hybridization revealed that the repeat is organized in one major block and confined to a small region of the y chromosome of the three species. dyz5 was assigned to the proximal short arm of th ...19921612595
organization of c4 and cyp21 loci in gorilla and orangutan.the standard human haplotype contains two c4 and two cyp21 loci arranged in the order c4a ... cyp21p ... c4b ... cyp21 and intercalated between the class i and class ii loci of the hla complex. the c4a gene is 22 kilobases (kb) long; the c4b gene is either 22 kb or 16 kb long. the cyp21p is a pseudogene characterized by an eight base pair (bp) deletion in exon 3 and other defects; the cyp21 is a functional gene. the standard chimpanzee haplotype is arranged in the same way as the standard human ...19921618655
higher rate of evolution of x chromosome alpha-repeat dna in human than in the great apes.the rate of introduction of neutral mutations is lower in man than in other primates, including the chimpanzee. this species is generally regarded as our closest relative among the great apes. we present here an analysis of sequences of x chromosomal alphoid repetitive dna from man and the great apes, which supports the closer relationship between man and chimpanzee and indicates a considerably increased rate of recombination in the human repeat dna. these results indicate that the 'molecular cl ...19921628610
gibbon and marmoset c-myc nucleotide sequences.the nucleotide sequences of the gibbon and marmoset myc loci have been determined by the dideoxy ribomethod. the number of mutations which occurred during evolution and the branches affected were deduced according to the principle of maximum parsimony, from a comparison with known mammal sequences. as previously observed for the human and chimpanzee myc genes, an alu repeat belonging to subclass iii was observed in the second intron of the gibbon myc gene. in contrast, no such element was found ...19921634119
hepatitis c virus antibody detection by a line immunoassay and (near) full length genomic rna detection by a new rna-capture polymerase chain reaction.a rapid and simple rna-capture polymerase chain reaction assay (rcpa) for detection of hepatitis c virus (hcv) is described. the assay detects specifically the presence of (near) full length genomic rna of hcv by capturing hcv-rna at the 3' terminal end on magnetic beads, followed by cdna synthesis and pcr with 5' end specific primers. sera were obtained from 30 chimpanzees inoculated with non-a, non-b hepatitis material from various sources, 28-122 months after infection. the sera were tested f ...19921282148
quantitation of hepatitis c virus rna by competitive polymerase chain reaction.since the amount of hepatitis c virus (hcv) rna might be correlated with the degree of severity of hepatitis and response to treatment, quantitation of hcv rna in serum was established using competitive polymerase chain reaction (pcr). known amounts of a plasmid containing hcv-cdna were co-amplified with a standard dilution series of a competitive template which shared the primers' sequences but differed from the wild type cdna in having a deletion. accurate quantitation was obtained by comparin ...19921328502
cold-passaged human parainfluenza type 3 viruses contain ts and non-ts mutations leading to attenuation in rhesus monkeys.cold-passaged (cp) mutants derived from the js strain of wild type wt parainfluenza type 3 virus (piv3) are being evaluated as candidate live virus vaccines. the wt virus was serially passaged 45 times at low temperature and mutant clones with the cold-adapted (ca), temperature-sensitive (ts), and attenuation (att) phenotypes were selected following passage levels 12, 18 and 45 (cp12, cp18, and cp45). the cp45 virus was more ts than the cp12 or cp18 mutants, although all 3 mutant viruses were cl ...19921320790
hepatitis c virus replication during acute infection in the chimpanzee.the events following experimental infection of 2 chimpanzees with the h strain of hepatitis c virus (hcv) were studied by quantitating the levels of hcv rna in liver and serum. serum and liver samples were tested every 1-3 weeks for up to 32 weeks. the genomic and antigenomic strands of hcv rna were individually detected in liver and serum by strand-specific reverse transcription followed by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) using nested primers specific for the 5' noncoding region of the hcv geno ...19921321863
t-cell receptor gamma/delta: comparison of gene configurations and function between humans and chimpanzees.the human and chimpanzee t-cell receptor gamma-delta (tcr gamma delta) bearing cells represent a minor subset (3-8%) of t lymphocytes. in the periphery, the tcr gamma delta population has a restricted combinatorial repertoire. the tcrd-v1 and -v2 gene products are expressed in a mutually exclusive fashion, whereas, the tcrd-v2 and the tcrg-v9 encoded proteins show, in general, a coordinated expression. restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis showed conservation of the restriction sites ...19921322863
scrapie-associated tubulofilamentous particles in scrapie hamsters.examination of thin sections from the cerebral cortex of scrapie-infected hamster brains revealed characteristic circular 26-30 nm diameter tubulofilamentous particles, identical to those previously described in both experimentally induced scrapie in mice, hamsters and natural scrapie of sheep, bovine spongiform encephalopathy and human creutzfeldt-jakob disease and mice and chimpanzees infected with creutzfeldt-jakob disease. longitudinal forms of tubulofilamentous particles were also observed ...19921338060
examination of the buoyant density of hepatitis c virus by the polymerase chain reaction.sucrose and cesium chloride density gradients were used to fractionate hepatitis c virus (hcv) infectious chimpanzee plasma. the fractionated plasma was then evaluated for hcv rna sequences using cdna synthesis and the polymerase chain reaction (cdna/pcr). cdna/pcr detectable hcv rna was identified repeatedly in two regions. one region was at the top of the gradients with a buoyant density of < or = 1.03 g/cm3, the other at a density of approximately 1.18-1.21 g/cm3.19921331152
dual tropism of hiv-1 iiib for chimpanzee lymphocytes and humans, macrophages serve as a major reservoir of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv-1) in the infected host and may play a role in the pathogenesis of the disease. in hiv-1-infected chimpanzees, however, virus could not be recovered from cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage, leaving the question of macrophage tropism of hiv-1 in this species unresolved. the data reported that hiv-1 iiib shows dual tropism and is infectious for both chimpanzee monocytes and lymphocytes in vitro. viral repl ...19921346568
[parapox in a pigmy chimpanzee].parapoxvirus was found using electron microscopy in skin scrapings from a pygmy chimpanzee with a pustular skin disease. clinical findings are described and possible ways of transmission are discussed. it seems remarkable that this is the first time parapoxvirus has been diagnosed in a nonhuman primate.19921324536
phylogenetic evidence for multiple alu source genes.a member of the young pv alu subfamily is detected in chimpanzee dna showing that the pv subfamily is not specific to human dna. this particular alu is absent from the orthologous loci in both human and gorilla dnas, indicating that pv subfamily members transposed within the chimpanzee lineage following the divergence of chimpanzee from both gorilla and human. these findings and previous reports describing the transpositional activity of other alu sequences within the human, gorilla, and chimpan ...19921325566
hiv-1 expression in chimpanzees can be activated by cd8+ cell depletion or cmv infection.cd8+ cell antiviral activity and cytomegalovirus (cmv) were investigated in vivo as possible cofactors influencing the outcome of hiv-1 infection. the role of cd8+ cell suppression of hiv replication was evaluated by depleting cd8+ cells in two infected chimpanzees by inoculation with monoclonal anti-cd8 antibodies. two other infected animals were injected with chimpanzee cmv (ccmv)-infected human fibroblasts to determine if exposure to this virus would induce hiv replication. treatment with ant ...19921333378
scrapie-associated tubulofilamentous particles in human creutzfeldt-jakob disease.scrapie-associated fibrils (saf) were demonstrated by a simple negative staining method for electron microscopy from fresh and frozen brains with naturally occurring human creutzfeldt-jakob disease (cjd). the findings confirm that saf occur as an internal part of a larger three-layer particle. the two outer coats of saf can be disrupted by detergent alone or can be digested in two stages by a combination of proteolytic enzymes and subsequent treatment with dnase and mung bean nuclease. examinati ...19921363619
human papillomavirus type 13 and pygmy chimpanzee papillomavirus type 1: comparison of the genome organizations.human papillomavirus type 13(hpv-13) is associated with oral focal epithelial hyperplasia (feh) in humans. a recent epidemic of a feh-like disease in a pygmy chimpanzee (pan paniscus) colony allowed us to clone a novel papillomavirus genome. to assess the homology between hpv-13 and the pygmy chimpanzee papillomavirus type 1 (pcpv-1), the complete nucleotide sequences of both feh-related viruses were determined. in both viruses, all eight major open reading frames were located on one strand and ...19921325697
antischistosomal activities of sesquiterpene lactones and steroid glucosides from vernonia amygdalina, possibly used by wild chimpanzees against parasite-related diseases. 19921368347
genetic drift of hepatitis c virus during an 8.2-year infection in a chimpanzee: variability and stability.extensive variability in genomic sequence, especially at "hypervariable regions" within the ns1/e2 region of the long open reading frame, has been reported for rna cloned from hepatitis c virus (hcv)-infected humans and chimpanzees. however, genetic changes of hcv occurring during the course of chronic infections in humans and animals have been evaluated only for partial sequences of the hcv genome. we compared two full-length cdna sequences of hcv obtained from a chimpanzee that was experimenta ...19921325713
primary chimpanzee skin fibroblast cells are fully permissive for human cytomegalovirus replication.cytomegaloviruses generally display a host range restricted to differentiated cell types from the species they infect. for human cytomegalovirus (hcmv) this has meant that with few exceptions tissue culture systems have relied on the use of primary foreskin fibroblast (hf) cells or primary human embryonic lung cells to study gene expression and virus replication functions. we have observed that primary skin fibroblast (cf) cells derived from the chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) support the replicati ...19921335029
structural features in tar rna of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses: a phylogenetic analysis.a comparative analysis of tar rna structures in human and simian immunodeficiency viruses reveals the conservation of certain structural features despite the divergence in sequence. both the tar elements of hiv-1 and siv-chimpanzee can be folded into relatively simple one-stem hairpin structures. chemical and rnaase probes were used to analyze the more complex structure of hiv-2 tar rna, which folds into a branched hairpin structure. a surprisingly similar rna conformation can be proposed for si ...19921738599
erosive arthritis and spondyloarthropathy in old world primates.presence of spine and sacroiliac involvement and the nature and distribution of the erosive lesions allow definitive diagnosis of spondyloarthropathy. thus, spondyloarthropathy was identified in theropithecus, papio, cercopithecus, macaca, colobus, presbytis, and hylobates. only monarticular erosive disease was present in prosimians, precluding a diagnosis of spondyloarthropathy for that group. the distribution of erosive disease and axial joint involvement in 1,349 non-prosimian old world prima ...19921642323
lack of protective immunity against reinfection with hepatitis c virus.some individuals infected with hepatitis c virus (hcv) experience multiple episodes of acute hepatitis. it is unclear whether these episodes are due to reinfection with hcv or to reactivation of the original virus infection. markers of viral replication and host immunity were studied in five chimpanzees sequentially inoculated over a period of 3 years with different hcv strains of proven infectivity. each rechallenge of a convalescent chimpanzee with the same or a different hcv strain resulted i ...19921279801
development of a vaccine for the prevention of aids, a critical appraisal.the pathogenesis and clinical expression of hiv-1 infection in humans is considered in terms of classical pathogenetic studies of viral infections for which successful vaccines have been produced. the unique features of hiv pathogenesis are defined, and gaps in knowledge identified as a framework for considering designs for immune intervention. envelope-derived candidate vaccines have been used in immunization and challenge experiments in siv/macaque or hiv/chimpanzee models, presented either as ...19921281948
serological approaches to distinguish immune response to hepatitis a vaccine and natural infection.currently, the immune status of an individual exposed to hepatitis a virus (hav) is determined by assays which measure antibodies against the capsid proteins. these assays indicate exposure to the viral capsid that could result from either infection or from vaccination. recent data indicate that proteins from the non-structural genome region of the virus (p2 or p3), which are only produced during active virus replication, generate antibodies after clinical disease. a sub-genomic cdna segment of ...19921335637
antibodies are produced to the variable regions of the external envelope glycoprotein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in chimpanzees infected with the virus and baboons immunized with a candidate recombinant vaccine.chimpanzees infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 produce antibodies against the variable regions of the external envelope glycoprotein gp120. all five variable regions contain an epitope which is recognized by at least one of five chimpanzee sera. each of the sera recognized a different pattern of epitopes. it is suggested that this varying response contributes to the emergence of variant viruses in the host. in contrast with the variability of the chimpanzees' response to replicati ...19921375277
functional characterization of non-human primate erythrocyte immune adherence receptors: implications for the uptake of immune complexes by the cells of the mononuclear phagocytic system.erythrocytes from primates express an immune adherence (ia) receptor that binds complement-opsonized immune complexes (ic) both in vivo and in vitro. we have analyzed the immunochemical and functional properties of the ia receptor from erythrocytes from species that have been used for in vivo ic clearance studies and have compared these properties to the human ia receptor (which is called complement receptor type 1, cr1). erythrocytes from all species (chimpanzee, baboon, rhesus and cynomolgus m ...19921376254
molecular isolation and characterization of an expressed gene from the human y chromosome.using a positional cloning approach, we have isolated an expressed gene from a flow-sorted y chromosome cosmid library. the isolation of this gene was based on the identification of the y-231 cosmid that contains cpg rich sequences (htf islands) in its human insert. the y-231 cosmid was capable of detecting a 1.3 kb transcript in poly (a)+ rna samples from human testis. several cdna clones were isolated from a human testis cdna library constructed in lambda gt10. in addition, dna-mediated gene t ...19921284595
[decreasing the risk of post-transfusion non-a, non-b hepatitis by anti-hcv screening].in may 1990 a specific enzyme immunoassay (eia) for nanbh was developed by recombinant dna technology which detects antibodies to a virus called hepatitis c virus (hcv). the anti-hcv eia was manufactured by ortho diagnostic systems with recombinant antigens from chiron corp. based on extraction from high infectious titer chimpanzee plasma rna after transcription into cdna. we tested the anti-hcv prevalence of blood donors and hemodialysis patients. the anti-hcv prevalence with the first generati ...19921284760
[study of the degree of pneumatization of the viscerocranium in man and pongidae].the volumes of the paranasal sinuses of 41 adult skulls of humans, gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans, were examined with use of a computertomograph type somatom dr. the percentage distribution of the volumes of the different paranasal sinuses showed that the maxillary sinus always had the greatest volume. the maxillary sinus of the humans showed the smallest volume percentage in comparison with the pongids. the typical differences between humans and pongids were observed in the ethmoidal cell ...19921296429
[an ethological approach in the study of nonverbal communication in man and chimpanzee].the nonverbal communication of man and chimpanzee has been studied. sexual dimorphism of nonverbal communication patterns, which is connected with the definite contexts of behavior are revealed. possible ways of evolution in communication systems i shown. this analysis will permit to apply the data of ethological investigation of nonverbal behavior as sexual marker in diagnosis of different groups of mentally ill patients.19921302523
importance of primer selection for the detection of hepatitis c virus rna with the polymerase chain reaction assay.we compared four primer sets from conserved regions of the hepatitis c virus (hcv) genome for their ability to detect hcv rna in a "nested" cdna polymerase chain reaction assay on sera from 114 anti-hcv antibody-positive individuals from around the world. the different primer sets had equivalent sensitivity, detecting less than 1 chimpanzee id50 (dose that infects 50%) when tested against reference strain h of hcv. we tested equal amounts of rna extracted from the serum of each individual with t ...19921309604
host antibody response to viral structural and nonstructural proteins after hepatitis a virus infection.subgenomic hepatitis a virus (hav) rna sequences were translated in vitro to produce proteins representing the structural (p1) and nonstructural (p2 and p3) domains of the viral polyprotein. these proteins were used as antigens to detect the presence of antibodies in sera from acute and convalescent humans and an experimentally infected chimpanzee. all infected individuals tested had antibodies that recognized uncleaved p1 proteins as well as nonstructural proteins. antibodies in sera from infec ...19921309847
detection of intrahepatic replication of hepatitis c virus rna by in situ hybridization and comparison with histopathology.a nonisotopic in situ hybridization (nish) assay was used to detect hepatitis c virus (hcv) rna. a synthetic oligonucleotide complementary to bases 252-301 of the highly conserved 5' noncoding region of the hcv genome was end-labeled by terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase using digoxigenin-conjugated dutp. the hybridized oligomer was revealed by an immunohistochemical reaction after incubation with an alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-digoxigenin antibody and subsequent amplification with a ...19921312716
three different patterns of hepatitis c virus infection in chimpanzees.the relationship between hepatitis c virus rna and hepatitis c virus-associated antibodies (antibody against the putative capsid protein and c-100 antibody) was determined by nested polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in serial serum samples obtained from eight chimpanzees experimentally infected with hepatitis c virus. three different patterns emerged from the polymerase chain reaction data: the first (group 1) was acute resolving hepatitis with transient appearance ...19921312987
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