
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
potential for dengue in south africa: mosquito ecology with particular reference to aedes aegypti.observations on prevalence, geographical distribution, utilization of artificial larval habitats and anthropophilism were made on diurnal mosquitoes at selected localities along the coast of natal and inland in the transvaal to identify potential vectors of dengue in south africa. larval collections made in artificial containers on the ground, the exposure of bamboo pots as ovitraps in trees and collection of mosquitoes biting man showed the following species as the most likely candidates for ve ...19911787403
seasonal incidence and vertical distribution patterns of oviposition by aedes aegypti in an urban environment in trinidad, w. i.the oviposition patterns of aedes aegypti were investigated using modified ovitraps placed along 4 vertical transects and monitored weekly for 52 wk in st. augustine, trinidad, w.i. from the 832 ovitraps exposed at ground level, 1.2, 3.0 and 4.6-m elevations, 43% (361) were found containing 20,114 ae. aegypti eggs. during the wet season, 52.7% of the eggs were collected whereas during the dry season only 47.3% were collected. egg populations were highest at the 1.2-m elevation. the implications ...19911791447
aedes aegypti infestation characteristics in several caribbean countries and implications for integrated community-based control.periodic larval surveys for aedes aegypti were conducted in 11 caribbean countries between 1983 and 1989. on average, there were 24 potential larval habitats per house including 4.9 which held water at the time of examination. breteau indices for the various islands ranged from 34.7 to 121.6. in descending order of importance, water storage drums, house plants, buckets, used tires and miscellaneous small discarded containers accounted for 84% of all foci. highest rates of infestation were found ...19911791448
efficacy assessment of quwenling, a mosquito repellent from china.quwenling, an insect repellent product of china derived from extracts of the lemon eucalyptus plant (eucalyptus maculata citriodon), was evaluated. laboratory tests compared quwenling with deet against anopheles albimanus, an. quadrimaculatus, aedes aegypti, ae. albopictus and field tests with ae. taeniorhynchus. cloth treated with quwenling at greater than 2x the dosage of deet was effective against 2 of 4 species tested (ae. albopictus 29 days, an. quadrimaculatus 28 days). on the skin of volu ...19911791453
controlled release repellent formulations on human volunteers under three climatic regimens.two controlled-release repellent formulations containing 33% (3m) and 42% (biotek) deet and an army repellent containing 75% deet were evaluated in 3 different climatic regimens (tropical forested, tropical open and basic hot environments). the 3 repellents provided similar protection for different time periods after application under all 3 climates against aedes aegypti, ae. taeniorhynchus and anopheles stephensi whereas there was no difference in protection period against an. albimanus.19911791462
the fate of plasmodium gallinaceum in anopheles stephensi liston and possible barriers to transmission.plasmodium gallinaceum develops up to the ookinete stage in the non-compatible mosquito, anopheles stephensi, this development occurring over the same time period and with the same success as in the compatible vector, aedes aegypti. the slower digestive rate in an. stephensi, smaller blood-meal and lower enzyme activity than in aedes, and an acceleration of the formation of the peritrophic membrane (pm) do not inhibit the development of the parasite. however, the ookinetes are not able to penetr ...19911793266
effect of selected chemicals on mosquito larval orientation behaviour using a new apparatus was designed and fabricated for studying the effects of aromatic chemicals on the iv instar larvae of aedes aegypti (l.). the test chemicals (essential oils and monoterpenoids) were incorporated in agar along with yeast and dog biscuits which formed an attractant food source (bait). a fairly rapid decrease in the migration of larvae towards the bait cum chemical source was observed during the first hour after which a steady state was observed. minimum migration (9.67%) was seen with ...19911794875
long-term effects of bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis on aedes aegypti.immediate (24 hours exposure) and long-term (until the emergence of the adults) effects of different doses of a primary powder of bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (b.t.i.) against first and second instar aedes aegypti larvae were monitored. the long-term effect was dose-dependent and was materialized by a prolongation of the preimaginal development and continuous cumulative mortality until the emergence of the adults. mortality values were higher during the fourth larval instar and the ...19911802053
the aedes aegypti genome: complexity and organization.we describe the use of dna reassociation kinetics to determine the total genome size and complexity together with the individual complexity and copy number of the single copy, middle repetitive and highly repeated dna fractions of cell line and larval dna from the mosquito, aedes aegypti. the genome of ae. aegypti is both large and complex, being one third the size of the human genome, and exhibits a short period interspersed repeat pattern. the implications of patterns of sequence arrangement a ...19911802804
susceptibility of adult aedes aegypti (l.) and culex quinquefasciatus say (diptera; culicidae) to ddt in kampuchea.the susceptibility to 4% ddt was tested in adult aedes aegypti and culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes collected in houses in phnom penh (kampuchea). it was found that in spite of the fact that insecticide treatment had not been performed for many years, the populations of both species as a whole remained resistant. however, there were some differences in the susceptibility between males and females and between engorged and hungry females. possible causes of these differences are discussed in the ...19911808035
laboratory evaluation of bacillus thuringiensis h-14 against aedes aegypti larvae in the northeast region of thailand.laboratory bioassays using a preparation of bacillus thuringiensis h-14 (bt.h-14), namely skeetal were conducted to determine their effectiveness against late 3rd/early 4th instar larvae of aedes aegypti. the larvae were collected from municipal areas in 7 provinces, namely burirum, roi-et, khon kaen, ubol ratchatani, nakorn phanom, surin and nakorn ratchasima, in the northeast of thailand. it was found that for skeetal, lc50 ranged from 128 to 151 nl/l (average 143) and lc90 ranged from 254 to ...19911818396
global climate change and infectious diseases.the effects of global climate change on infectious diseases are hypothetical until more is known about the degree of change in temperature and humidity that will occur. diseases most likely to increase in their distribution and severity have three-factor (agent, vector, and human being) and four-factor (plus vertebrate reservoir host) ecology. aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus mosquitoes may move northward and have more rapid metamorphosis with global warming. these mosquitoes transmit dengue v ...19911820262
[sampling study for larval density quantification of aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus in the state of são paulo, brazil].the yellow fever and dengue vector control program developed by the superintendency for the control of endemic diseases in the state of s. paulo recommends aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus larval density monitoring in cities with domiciliar infestation. the sampling plan which has been applied in the countries of the presidente prudente region (sp- brazil) since 1987 is described. the infestation is measured by using the breteau index. a sample of buildings is drawn, monthly and independently, ...19911820612
isolation and laboratory evaluation of an indigenous strain of bacillus sphaericus (9001).an indigenous strain of bacillus sphaericus h5a (9001), possessing high insecticidal properties, was isolated from diseased larvae of culex species. this strain in comparison with the known strains of b. sphaericus, i.e., 1593 and 2362, was found to be promising against the fourth instar larvae of anopheles culicifacies, an. stephensi, an. subpictus, aedes aegypti and culex quinquefasciatus. b. sphaericus 9001 is highly stable and virulent through 25 successive transfers and thus can be effectiv ...19911822451
effects of medium alterations on in vitro development of brugia malayi larvae in cultured mosquito thoraces.a recent study showed that 1-day-old, intracellularly lodged larvae of brugia species develop in vitro to the infective third-stage larvae (l3) in excised thoraces of susceptible mosquitoes in the diphasic insect tissue culture medium containing a nutrient agar base overlaid with a 1:1 mixture of schneider's drosophila medium and grace's insect cell culture medium supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum (fbs) and antimicrobial agents. in the present investigation, the diphasic culture medium wa ...19911865265
infection of aedes albopictus and aedes aegypti mosquitoes with dengue parent and progeny candidate vaccine viruses: a possible marker of human attenuation.dengue (den-1) and den-4 parent (p) and progeny candidate vaccine (cv) viruses were compared in their abilities to infect and to replicate in aedes aegypti and aedes albopictus mosquitoes. the den cv clones were temperature sensitive (ts) and had small plaque morphology. the den-1 and den-4 cv viruses differed in their ability to infect, to replicate in, and to be transmitted by mosquitoes. the den-1 cv virus was not attenuated for the vector mosquitoes; oral infection rates with the cv virus we ...19911877715
mosquito host influences on development of filariae.a brief review is presented of the literature relating to factors which limit the capacity of filariae to develop in mosquitoes, with particular emphasis on immune mechanisms. most insects respond to bacterial infection by the production of potent antibacterial proteins, but little is known of this aspect of the immune response in mosquitoes or of the possible influence of immune proteins on the fate of filarial infections in mosquitoes. a summary account is given of recent experiments with the ...19911888212
occurrence of aedes aegypti (l.) and culex quinquefasciatus say (diptera, culicidae) in houses of different constructions in phnom penh, kampuchea.the relation between the number of mosquito specimens of the most abundant species aedes aegypti (l.) and culex quinquefasciatus say and the construction of houses which they inhabited was studied. the effect of the building materials and of the height at which the floor was situated above the ground were assessed in five and four localities, respectively. it was found that in the localities having the character of a town the mosquitoes were most abundant in houses constructed from corrugated pl ...19911916534
a single amino acid change in the e2 glycoprotein of venezuelan equine encephalitis virus affects replication and dissemination in aedes aegypti mosquitoes.four monoclonal antibody-resistant variants (marvs) of venezuelan equine encephalitis (vee) virus were used to study mosquito-virus interactions. in vitro experiments using an aedes albopictus cell line, c6/36, demonstrated that an amino acid change in the glycoprotein e2h epitope (marv 1a3b-7) decreased virus growth when compared with the wild-type, trinidad donkey virus, and its vaccine derivative, tc-83. the marvs replicated as efficiently as the parent virus when inoculated into aedes aegypt ...19911919525
binding of vitellogenin to membranes isolated from mosquito ovaries.the presence of specific receptors for vitellogenin (vg) in ovary membranes of the mosquito, aedes aegypti, was demonstrated by an in vitro binding assay. the binding reaction, which is dependent on ph and ca2+, uses 4 micrograms membrane protein, 35s-vg labeled metabolically by fat body culture in vitro, and unlabeled vitellin (vn) for competition. at ph 7.0 and in the presence of 5 mm ca2+, the binding of vg to its receptor reaches equilibrium within 60-90 min at both 4 and 25 degrees c. the b ...19911932779
entomological investigations during outbreaks of dengue fever in certain villages in maharashtra state.outbreaks of dengue (den) fever are reported from 22 villages in five districts in the state of maharashtra. den viral antigen was detected by indirect immunofluorescence test in 34 of 375 female aedes aegypti mosquitoes collected from 8 villages. den types 2 and 3 were identified among the 16 strains that were isolated. none of the 64 male mosquitoes showed the presence of viral antigen; 281 males and 323 females reared from field collected larvae were also found negative. indoor spraying of dd ...19911937596
effects of ivermectin (mk-933) on the reproductive rate of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae).aedes aegypti (l.) females were blood fed a single time on rabbits previously injected subcutaneously with ivermectin at 10 or 50 times the labeled dose recommended for cattle (0.2 mg [ai]/kg body weight). although adult mosquito survival was unchanged by the low dose, fecundity and hatch were depressed slightly. females fed on rabbits at the high dose exhibited reduced survival and egg production compared with females fed on control rabbits. eggs from these females also were less likely to hatc ...19911941909
analysis of inheritance of oral susceptibility of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) to dengue-2 virus using isofemale lines.isofemale lines were compared to determine possible genetic variation in oral susceptibility within the fare strain of aedes aegypti (l.) to dengue-2 (den-2) virus. three groups of 12 isofemale lines each were tested statistically using the sas catmod procedure of analysis of variance. the "isofemale line" effect was highly significant, demonstrating genetic variability in oral susceptibility among females. the length of time eggs were stored before hatching influenced the oral susceptibility of ...19911941912
flp-mediated recombination in the vector mosquito, aedes aegypti.the activity of a yeast recombinase, flp, on specific target dna sequences, frt, has been demonstrated in embryos of the vector mosquito, aedes aegypti. in a series of experiments, plasmids containing the flp recombinase under control of a heterologous heat-shock gene promoter were co-injected with target plasmids containing frt sites into preblastoderm stage mosquito embryos. flp-mediated recombination was detected between (i) tandem repeats of frt sites leading to the excision of specific dna ...19911945877
a field trial on the comparative effectiveness of malathion and resigen by ulv application on aedes aegypti.field trials were conducted in two residential areas of petaling jaya municipality to test the adulticidal and larvicidal effects of malathion 96% tg and resigen on aedes aegypti. malathion is the currently used insecticide in malaysia for the control of dengue. the leco hd ulv machine was used throught the trials. for malathion the flow rate was 90 ml/minute at a vehicle speed of 8kph and for resigen the flow rate was 200 ml/minute at the same vechicle speed. malathion was more effective giving ...19911948249
[dengue in the americas. a problem of regional health].the aedes aegypti was almost eradicate from the americas in the early sixties but reinfested the region a few years later, and dengue transmission has become a major health problem. the americas have been affected by dengue epidemics since the 1970s and hemorrhagic fever is becoming a threat for millions of people living in the tropical and subtropical areas of the continent. resources to cope with the increasing transmission of different serotypes in the region are scarce. therefore a regional ...19911948410
formulation of a flowable liquid concentrate of bacillus thuringiensis serotype h-14 spores and crystals as mosquito larvicide.bacillus thuringiensis serotype h-14 spores and crystals, produced in 51 fermenters, were centrifuged and resuspended in emulsified palm olein to give 3.2 x 10(11) colony forming units (cfu)/ml. the suspension was mixed with a cassava-molasses-palm olein-charcoal (cmpc-2) mixture which served as the carrier, adhesive, dispersant and protectant. the final concentration of the formulation was 3.2 x 10(9) cfu/ml. the lethal concentrations capable of killing 50% of the test population (lc50) of cmpc ...19911955414
aedes aegypti: characterization of hemocyte polypeptide synthesis during wound healing and immune response to inoculated microfilariae.hemocytes from adult, female aedes aegypti, intrathoracically inoculated with microfilariae (mf) of the nematode dirofilaria immitis, were compared to saline-inoculated and uninoculated controls using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page), 125i-labeling, and wheat germ agglutinin (wga) binding techniques. activation of wound healing and/or melanotic encapsulation responses by the inoculation of saline or mf into the host hemocoel induced alterations in the hemocyte ...19911959574
the peritrophic membrane as a barrier: its penetration by plasmodium gallinaceum and the effect of a monoclonal antibody to ookinetes.we studied the point at which a monoclonal antibody (mab c5) to a surface protein (pgs25) on plasmodium gallinaceum ookinetes blocked the infection of aedes aegypti mosquitoes. the antibody did not block the development of zygotes to ookinetes in vitro. development of ookinetes to oocysts in the mosquito was blocked to the same extent whether zygotes grew to ookinetes in the presence of mab c5 or the antibody was added after the ookinetes had reached full development. when ookinetes developed in ...19912009919
outbreak of dengue fever in rural areas of parbhani district of maharashtra (india).outbreak of dengue fever in chikalthana, pimpalgaon and waloor villages in parbhani district of maharashtra (india) were investigated. clinically, the illness was typical of dengue fever except for the absence of maculopapular rash. a total of 42 acute, 14 late acute, 73 convalescent and 19 sera from contacts were collected. of the 15 virus isolates, 12 were identified as dengue virus type 2 and 1 as dengue virus type 1. serological tests confirmed the etiological role of dengue virus in the out ...19912022403
transmission of viable mycobacterium leprae by aedes aegypti from lepromatous leprosy patients to the skin of mice through interrupted feeding.female aedes aegypti which took partial blood meals from the skin lesions of untreated lepromatous leprosy (ll) patients were then allowed to continue feeding on 72-96-hr-old swiss albino suckling mice (rockefeller strain). the bitten portion of skin was removed, divided into two parts and processed for the extraction of bacilli by two different methods using chloroform and petroleum ether. the proboscis of some of the fed mosquitoes was dissected out and examined for viable bacilli (stained by ...19912034021
the first epidemic of dengue hemorrhagic fever in the people's republic of china.the first epidemic of dengue in china associated with significant severe and fatal hemorrhagic disease which met the world health organization case definition occurred on hainan island in 1985-1986. the epidemic began in zhan county in september 1985, spread throughout the coastal areas, and ultimately involved 13 counties and cities of the island in 1986. the mosquito vector was aedes aegypti. the morbidity associated with dengue infection on hainan island was 1,913 per 100,000 residents, with ...19912042704
spiroplasma (mollicutes: spiroplasmataceae) pathogenic for aedes aegypti and anopheles stephensi (diptera: culicidae).intrathoracic inoculation with the mosquito spiroplasma, spiroplasma taïwanense abalain-colloc et al., was found to reduce significantly the survival of adult male and female aedes aegypti (l.) and anopheles stephensi liston. this spiroplasma also reduced significantly the flight capacity of adult female ae. aegypti 5-8 d after inoculation and adult female an. stephensi 4 d after inoculation. adult female an. stephensi were incapable of flight 5 d after inoculation. as such, s. taïwanense joins ...19912056503
nutritional factors and antimicrobials on development of infective larvae of subperiodic brugia malayi (nematoda: filarioidea) in anopheles quadrimaculatus and aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae).the effects of nutritional factors and antimicrobials on the development of infective larvae of subperiodic brugia malayi in susceptible anopheles quadrimaculatus say and aedes aegypti (l.) were investigated. larvae of both species of mosquitoes were reared on brewers yeast or a 1:1 brewers yeast-liver powder mixture. after emergence, one-half of the adults from each rearing condition were maintained on a 10% sucrose solution and the other half on a 10% sucrose solution containing 0.1% p-aminobe ...19912056511
characterization of mosquitocidal activity of bacillus thuringiensis subsp. fukuokaensis crystal proteins.the mosquitocidal crystals of bacillus thuringiensis subsp. fukuokaensis were isolated and bioassayed against fourth-instar larvae of two mosquito species. the 50% lethal concentration values of the crystals to aedes aegypti and culex quinquefasciatus were 4.1 and 2.9 micrograms/ml, respectively. in addition, the solubilized crystals had hemolytic activity; 50 micrograms/ml was the lowest detectable level. sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis revealed that the cryst ...19912059032
structural diversity of trypsin from different mosquito species feeding on vertebrate blood.mosquito trypsin was purified using a combination of ion exchange and affinity chromatography with the ligand soybean trypsin inhibitor. three aedes and three anopheles species were tested, all of which are specialized in the digestion of vertebrate blood. amino-terminal sequences of hplc-purified trypsins from aedes aegypti and anopheles quadrimaculatus revealed homologies of 30-40% with vertebrate and other invertebrate proteases previously identified as serine-proteases. the purified mosquito ...19912065758
[the possibility of using a mass of aedes aegypti pupae and imagoes for determining the amount of blood they consume].a close correlation between the mass of mosquito chrysa1ises, imago and the amount of the consumed blood makes it possible to determine the latter parameter using any other one according to the formulas presented in the article, the accuracy of determination depending on the accuracy of the weighing technique. the method can be used with mosquitos of any age and warm-blooded donors. the use of an indirect method determining the amount of the consumed blood (by the mass of mosquitos or chrysalise ...19912067464
susceptibility of four species of mosquitoes to chandipura virus and its detection by immunofluorescence.susceptibility of culex tritaeniorhynchus, cx. bitaeniorhynchus, cx. quinquefasciatus, and aedes aegypti to chandipura (chp) virus was compared after parental inoculation of the mosquitoes. virus detection was done by indirect immunofluorescence (if). chp antigen in head squashes of all the four species was seen at 24 hr post infection (p.i.). the mosquitoes supported the virus growth and transmission by bite to 2 days old suckling swiss albino mice. ae. aegypti which was found the most suscepti ...19911683113
studies on bacillus thuringiensis h-14 strains isolated in egypt-v. composition and toxicity of the mosquitocidal parasporal inclusions.parasporal inclusions of bacillus thuringlensis h-14 strains m1 and s128 were characterized by solubilization, electron microscopy, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, amino acid analysis and insecticidal activity. inclusions of both strains are composed largely of protein with 8 to 9% carbohydrate. amino acid analysis of the purlfied inclusions revealed that the two strains produce inclusions that are closely related to each other but significantly different from lepidopteran-toxic b. thuringie ...199124424938
permethrin and dimethyl phthalate as tent fabric treatments against aedes aegypti.tests were conducted to determine the persistence of compounds applied to tents to protect against mosquitoes. interiors of 2 camping tents were treated by the manufacturer--one with the repellent dimethyl phthalate (dmp) and one with the insecticide permethrin. a third tent was untreated. tents were set up outdoors and exposed to weathering for one year. weekly tests were conducted by releasing aedes aegypti into the tents, then recording knockdown (kd) and biting behavior during a 3-h period. ...19911787396
organization of a cloned repetitive dna fragment in mosquito genomes (diptera: culicidae).the structure and genomic organization of a cloned 5.2-kb repetitive dna fragment, h-85, isolated from the aedes albopictus genome have been examined. in situ hybridization of the 3h-labeled h-85 dna to the meiotic and mitotic chromosome preparations of ae. albopictus shows that the sequences homologous to h-85 dna are dispersed throughout the length of all three pairs of chromosomes. a similar pattern of in situ hybridization appears in aedes seatoi, aedes flavopictus, and aedes aegypti. the st ...19911685722
effect of ivermectin on the ovarian development of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae).the effect of ivermectin (0.1 microgram/ml) on blood digestion, ovarian development, and ovipositional attributes of aedes aegypti was studied using standard morphological and histological techniques. uncoordinated movements and paralysis were observed in most ivermectin-treated females within 1 h after ingestion of blood containing the chemical. eight days after the blood meal, 23.5% of the treated females had died, whereas no mortality occurred in controls. formation of the peritrophic membran ...19911941939
ribosomal dna structure in aedes mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) and their cell lines.the molecular organization of the ribosomal dna repeat unit in laboratory colonies of aedes albopictus (skuse) and aedes aegypti (l.) and in continuous cell lines derived from these species was examined using restriction enzyme mapping and southern blotting techniques. in the rrna coding regions, restriction enzyme sites were conserved in ae. aegypti and ae. albopictus. in particular, sites that had been mapped in rdna cloned from the mauritius strain of ae. albopictus mosquitoes were confirmed ...19911941931
evaluation of australian mesocyclops (cyclopoida: cyclopidae) for mosquito control.six of seven species of mesocyclops copepods, collected from northeastern australia, showed potential as biological control agents of aedes mosquitoes. methods of laboratory evaluation included predation trials at different larval mosquito densities, population growth rates at different temperatures, and laboratory cage simulations. the predation efficacy of mesocyclops aspericornis, m. australiensis, and m. mb1 from southern queensland, and m. darwini, m. mb2, m. notius and m. mb3 from northern ...19911941928
replacement of aedes aegypti by aedes albopictus in mobile, alabama.aedes albopictus was first detected in mobile, al, in 1987 during a cdc sponsored ovitrap survey in the historic district. a comparison of ovitrap and larval surveys, done in 1957, 1984, 1987 and 1990, indicates that ae. albopictus had replaced aedes aegypti in urban mobile. possible explanations of this replacement, including displacement, are discussed.19911791461
emergency control of aedes aegypti as a disease vector in urban areas.techniques for the emergency control of adult aedes aegypti populations and their development are reviewed. larviciding and environmental measures provide only delayed control of adult populations. large-scale field trials of the ultra-low volume application of insecticide concentrates in southeast asia, south america and africa, using aerial, ground, vehicle-mounted and hand-carried equipment, have, in most cases, resulted in satisfactory levels of control of adult populations. sequential or in ...19911791444
tralomethrin (oms-3048), a new synthetic pyrethroid against vector mosquitoes.tralomethrin (oms-3048) a synthetic pyrethroid, was tested for its insecticidal properties in the laboratory against normal strains of culex quinquefasciatus, cx. tritaeniorhynchus, cx. sitiens, anopheles stephensi, an. culicifacies, aedes aegypti and armigeres subalbatus and against strains of cx. quinquefasciatus resistant to fenthion and malathion. tralomethrin showed good larvicidal activity against all the species tested. lc50 ranged between 7.00 x 10(-6) and 9.10 x 10(-3) mg (ai)/l. resist ...19911688021
pathogenicity, host range and temperature tolerance of crypticola clavulifera (oomycetes: lagenidiales) in the laboratory.the oomycete fungus crypticola clavulifera was pathogenic for laboratory-reared and field-collected larval diptera, including the mosquitoes aedes aegypti, ae. notoscriptus, anopheles farauti no. 1 and 3, culex annulirostris, cx. quinquefasciatus and the chironomid midge chironomus tepperi. zoospores were produced in water held at 15, 20 and 25 degrees c and were pathogenic for ae. aegypti larvae, but at 30 and 35 degrees c zoospores were not produced.19911686451
dibutyryl camp activates bumetanide-sensitive electrolyte transport in malpighian tubules.the effects of dibutyryl adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (dbcamp) and bumetanide (both 10(-4) m) on transepithelial na+, k+, cl-, and fluid secretion and on tubule electrophysiology were studied in isolated malpighian tubules of the yellow fever mosquito aedes aegypti. peritubular dbcamp significantly increased na+, cl-, and fluid secretion but decreased k+ secretion. in dbcamp-stimulated tubules, bumetanide caused na+, cl-, and fluid secretion to return to pre-camp control rates and k+ sec ...19911653525
the gonotrophic status of female aedes aegypti (l.) overnight at the oviposition site (diptera: culicidae).experimental observations made outdoors in trinidad provide additional support for the assumption that some gravid female aedes aegypti rest overnight close to the container in which each has laid part of her current complement of eggs the previous afternoon, and in which she may lay part or the rest of that complement the next morning. some females evidently take more than one blood-meal while developing a single batch of eggs.19911796890
influence of larval and adult nutrition on biting persistence in aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae).biting persistence was measured for aedes aegypti (l.) mosquitoes given different levels of larval and adult nutrition. persistence was measured as the total number of times during a 60-min trial that a mosquito returned to land on a defensive host after being disturbed and dislocated from the host, and as the rate of decline of landings over the 60 min test (pattern of persistence). large females were significantly more persistent than smaller females, regardless of whether the females were pro ...19911941913
larvicidal activity of tagetes minuta (marigold) toward aedes aegypti.the steam distilled oils of 3 species of marigold, tagetes patula, t. erecta and t. minuta, were tested for larvicidal activity toward third instar aedes aegypti; activity at 10 ppm was demonstrated only for t. minuta. the larvicidal property of the whole oil dispersed in water persisted for at least 9 days. the terpene, ocimenone, which is a part of the whole oil, was found to be larvicidal only at a higher concentration than the whole oil and to lose its activity within 24 h after dispersal in ...19911895085
residual concentration and efficacy of three temephos formulations for control of larval aedes aegypti.the residual concentration and efficacy of abate 5cg (impregnated in celatom granules) and plaster pellets impregnated with either abate 4e or technical temephos were compared against late 3rd-instar aedes aegypti larvae. both plaster pellet formulations resulted in 100% larval mortality during the 6-wk test, compared with 2 wk for a similar level of mortality for the celatom formulation. the maximum temephos concentration in water treated with the celatom formulation occurred 30 min after treat ...19911716660
involvement of mono-oxygenases as a major mechanism of deltamethrin-resistance in larvae of three species of mosquitoes.role of mono-oxygenases as a mechanism of resistance to the synthetic pyrethroid, deltamethrin in the larvae of culex quinquefasciatus say, aedes aegypti l. and anopheles stephensi liston developed by laboratory selections with deltamethrin, ddt or deltamethrin and the synergist, piperonyl butoxide (pbo) in the ratio of 1:5, was investigated. there was a significant correlation with mono-oxygenase activity and larval lc50 to deltamethrin in various strains of all the three species. in addition, ...19911678732
enhancement of the cdc ovitrap with hay infusions for daily monitoring of aedes aegypti ovitrap containing hay infusion and a second ovitrap adjacent to it containing a 10% dilution of the infusion in tap water together yielded 8 times more aedes aegypti eggs than single cdc ovitraps containing tap water. these "enhanced pairs" were significantly more attractive than pairs with other combinations of infusion, water or methyl propionate, and have proven useful for daily monitoring of ae. aegypti populations. our results shed light on the oviposition behavior of ae. aegypti in the ...19912045808
effects of single introduction of toxorhynchites moctezuma upon aedes aegypti on a caribbean march 1989, first instar toxorhynchites moctezuma larvae were introduced into all potential aedes aegypti oviposition sites (n = 214) that contained water in the village of clifton on union island in st. vincent and the grenadines. one month after this introduction, the mean number of adult ae. aegypti collected with a backpack aspirator in houses in clifton dropped significantly. sixty-four percent fewer males and 80% fewer females were collected after introduction of the predator. in the un ...19911675259
compounds affecting mosquito oviposition: structure-activity relationships and concentration effects.evidence is reviewed for a dose-dependent reversal of response in mosquito oviposition, in which a compound that attracts or stimulates oviposition may repel or deter oviposition at a higher concentration. on the basis of a review of structure-activity relationships in compounds affecting mosquito oviposition, 5 hexanoic acid derivatives were selected for field tests with aedes aegypti ssp. formosus in kenya. egg counts were increased most by methyl hexanoic acid and 5-methyl-2-hexanone, and the ...19911675257
isolation and characterization of the gene expressing the major salivary gland protein of the female mosquito, aedes aegypti.we have undertaken a molecular analysis of the salivary glands of hematophagous insects in order to better understand their role in blood feeding and in the transmission of infectious diseases. to that end, genomic and cdna clones of a gene designated d7, expressed abundantly in the adult female salivary glands of the vector mosquito aegypti, have been isolated and characterized. this gene encodes a mrna shown by northern analysis and in situ hybridization to tissue sections to be specifically t ...19912052024
plagiorchis noblei (plagiorchiidae) in aedes aegypti: parasite acquisition and host mortality in trickle infections.the prevalence and intensity of experimental infections of aedes aegypti with the digenean plagiorchis noblei increased significantly with the level of trickle exposure to cercariae. daily exposure to doses of 16 cercariae/day yielded a mean infection intensity of 13.0 metacercariae; doses of 1 cercaria/day resulted in only 2.4 metacercariae per infected mosquito larva. the prevalence of infection rose from 46% at an exposure of 1 cercaria/day to 99% at 16 cercariae/day. host mortality rose conc ...19911992081
toxicity and igr effect of two new neem products against aedes aegypti (pcsir strain).crude extract and isolated compounds from neem, azadirachta indica and melia azedarach (meliaceae) are being tested in various countries. the present study deals with the effect of two new compounds and their parent fraction from the fresh winter neem leaves, isolated by siddiqui et. al., 1986. the lc50 of nfd is 0.58 ppm, nimocinolide 0.625 ppm and isonimocinolide 0.47 ppm. abnormal larvae, pupae and intermediates were also found.199116414684
control of follicular epithelium development and vitelline envelope formation in the mosquito; role of juvenile hormone and 20-hydroxyecdysone.using microsurgical manipulations, hormone applications, and transmission electron microscopy we have investigated the regulation of differentiation of the follicular epithelium and formation of the vitelline envelope (ve) in primary follicles in the ovary of the mosquito, aedes aegypti. during the first 3 days after eclosion, the primary follicle grows, and cells of the follicular epithelium differentiate, their content of mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and golgi complexes increases ...19911926140
superoxide dismutase in the anal gills of the mosquito larvae of aedes aegypti: its inhibition by alpha-terthienyl.the anal gills of the mosquito larvae of aedes aegypti were shown to possess superoxide dismutase (ec activity, which increased with the maturation of the larvae from instar 1 to instar 4. this enzyme was highly inhibited upon treatment of the larvae with alpha-terthienyl (2,2':5,2"-terthiophene) and subsequent exposure to long-wave ultraviolet light. inhibition also occurred with treatment of the crude enzyme extract in a similar fashion. exposure of the enzyme to the ultraviolet ligh ...19911799676
vector immunity to filariasis: new potential for disease control?these experiments describe investigations into the mode of microfilarial killing in the haemocoel of immune aedes aegypti and simulium ornatum. antibody blocking experiments indicate that sarcotoxin iia-like and sarcolectin-like molecules maybe involved. the use of carbohydrate in the infecting blood meal indicates that gut lectins may be involved in preventing migration of brugia microfilariae into the haemocoel. this appears to be a strain factor linked to innate susceptibility. these physiolo ...19911793268
n,n-diethylphenylacetamide in treated fabrics as a repellent against aedes aegypti and culex quinquefasciatus (diptera: culicidae).the efficacy of fabrics impregnated with n,n-diethylphenylacetamide (depa), a new repellent, was studied in the laboratory and field against aedes aegypti (l.) and culex quinquefasciatus say. depa-treated polyester cotton and cotton fabrics provided repellency for 30 and 36 d and had a half-life of 11 and 5 d, respectively. the repellent could not be applied at a rate of greater than 15% of fabric weight. depa-treated fabric patches were found to be a practical and novel approach and were effect ...19911674544
evaluation of emd vaporizers and bioallethrin vaporizing mats against mosquito vectors.different electric-mat-device (emd) vaporizers and bioallethrin impregnated mats were evaluated for the knockdown and mortality in the adults of culex quinquefasciatus, anopheles stephensi and aedes aegypti. percentage knockdown of 80-100 was recorded throughout the test period of 11 hours. however, the percentage mortality observed was not appreciable in all types of emd vaporizers. device "a" was found to be effective only against ae. aegypti. devices "c" and "d" showed moderate effects agains ...19921488702
synthesis of the orally macrofilaricidal and stable glycerolipidic prodrug of melphalan, 1,3-dipalmitoyl-2-(4'(bis(2''-chloroethyl)amino)phenylalaninoyl)gl ycerol.a new strategy is presented to develop macrofilaricidal compounds orally administered and able to concentrate in the lymphatic system. a diglyceride derivative of melphalan, 1,3-dipalmitoyl-2-(4'(bis(2''-chloroethyl)amino)phenylalaninoyl)gl y cerol, was synthesized. the esterification of melphalan by 1,3-dipalmitin allowed chemical stabilization of the alkylating agent in aqueous dispersion. no degradation of this prodrug was observed after a 3-month storage of an aqueous dispersion at 4 degrees ...19921445485
unique electrophysiological effects of dinitrophenol in malpighian the course of electrophysiological studies of malpighian tubules of the mosquito aedes aegypti, we have found unusual effects of 2,4-dinitrophenol (dnp) that offer new insights into the electrogenic and conductive properties of the tubule. dnp (10(-4)m) depolarized the basolateral membrane voltage from -58.0 to -3.3 mv, and it depolarized the apical membrane voltage from 110.6 to 8.9 mv. in parallel the transepithelial electrical resistance increased from 11.4 to 16.8 k, and the frac ...19921415649
differences in male mating response and female flight sounds in aedes aegypti and ae. albopictus (diptera: culicidae).aedes aegypti (l.) and ae. albopictus (skuse) showed similar rates and timing of insemination in the laboratory. laboratory attempts at interspecific mating were unsuccessful. because ae. aegypti males are known to locate females by flight sounds, male response to sound was compared in the two species. ae. aegypti males responded to female flight sounds with stereotypical orientation and mating behavior, whereas ae. albopictus males seldom responded. recorded flight sounds of females were sample ...19921404257
aedes albopictus and other mosquitoes imported in tires into durban, south africa.the results of surveillance for immature stages of mosquitoes in samples of wet tires in 5 consignments imported into durban from japan is reported. three of these consignments contained tires with immatures of aedes aegypti, ae. albopictus and uranotaenia n. novobscura. the proportions of all the wet tires calculated to contain mosquitoes were 189/1,488 (13%), 20/813 (2.5%) and 13/1,032 (1.3%) which emphasizes the need for effective mosquito control measures to prevent ae. albopictus escaping f ...19921402872
sublethal effects of larval methoprene exposure on adult mosquito longevity.larvae of aedes aegypti were exposed to sublethal concentrations of the insect growth regulator, methoprene, and the glycogen content of pupae and surviving adults was compared and effects on adult longevity determined. the glycogen reserves in both male and female ae. aegypti pupae were significantly reduced as a result of methoprene exposure. the longevity of adult females was also significantly reduced, but exposure affected neither the longevity nor the glycogen content of adult males. adult ...19921402867
comparative efficacy of aphid extracts and some juvenoids against the development of mosquitoes.comparative efficacy of natural juvenile hormones extracted from aphis craccivora and a. gosypii and 5 juvenoids, i.e., methoprene, neporex, oms 3007, oms 3019 and dpe-28 on the development of aedes aegypti, anopheles stephensi and culex quinquefasciatus have been evaluated. oms 3007, oms 3019, dpe-28 and neporex show species specific related activities, while methoprene and aphid extracts do not show such activity against these mosquito species. treatment of mosquito eggs with an ec50 dose of t ...19921402861
relationship of hemolymph phenol oxidase and mosquito age in aedes aegypti.monophenol oxidase (mpo) and diphenol oxidase (dpo) activity in hemocytes and cell-free plasma perfused from 7-, 14-, 21-, and 28-day-old aedes aegypti mosquitoes were compared. a progressive decrease of enzyme activity was detected as mosquito age increased, and this decrease was significant in both hemocytes and cell-free plasma when mosquitoes were 28 days old as compared with that found in 7-day-old mosquitoes. there was no significant difference in total hemolymph protein as mosquito age in ...19921401989
[susceptibility of thirty-one species of mosquitoes to romanomermis yunanensis].a new species of mermithidae was found parasitizing the larvae of culex tritaeniorhynchus and culex fatigans in henan, china and then named romanomermis yunanensis. thirty-one species of mosquitoes involving six genera have been tested for susceptibility to r. yunanensis and culicinae mosquito have consistently been highly susceptible. at a 1:5 ratio of mosquito larvae to nematode juveniles, the parasitisms of aedes aegypti, ae. albopictus, culex fatigans, culex tritaeniorhynchus, anopheles sine ...19921363920
cannibalism and carnivory in toxorhynchites splendens (diptera: culicidae).laboratory reared larvae of toxorhynchites splendens, which were previously starved for 24 hours, cannibalized eggs of their own kind or preyed upon the eggs of other species (aedes aegypti and anopheles stephensi) present on the surface of water in small containers. second and third instars consumed eggs faster than first and fourth instars. the first instar consumed larvae of its own kind faster than the other instars, in the absence of other prey. however, when prey larvae were provided, ther ...19921362626
diel sugar-feeding and host-seeking rhythms in mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) under laboratory conditions.mosquito sugar-feeding and host-seeking rhythms were recorded in the laboratory using remote sensors. in all five species studied, the two rhythms were nearly synchronous. in anopheles quadrimaculatus say, culex quinquefasciatus say, and aedes triseriatus (say), host-seeking activity increased slightly earlier than sugar feeding in the evening. the evening sugar-feeding period was longer than the evening host-seeking period in aedes aegypti (l.), but the two periods were of similar duration in a ...19921357175
genetic and molecular evidence for a trans-acting regulatory locus controlling glutathione s-transferase-2 expression in aedes aegypti.the amount of glutathione s-transferase-2 (gst-2) protein and enzyme activity in a mutant strain (strain gg) of the yellow fever mosquito (aedes aegypti) is approximately 25-fold higher than in the wild-type (++) strain. the mode of inheritance of the gg phenotype was studied in f1 and backcross progeny using gst enzyme assays, isozyme-specific antisera, and northern blot analysis. enzyme assay of parental and f1 progeny showed that the ++ phenotype was dominant to the gg phenotype. this was tru ...19921508145
biochemical and electrophoretical studies of the effect of some chemosterilants on theenzymes of aedes aegypti (l.) vivo effect of standard and prospective chemosterilants on some enzymes is reported. colorimetric and histochemical findings indicate that alkaline phosphatase is inhibited by shikonin, hempa, tepa and shikonin angelate. cholinesterase is inhibited by all the compounds while diphenol oxidase is not inhibited. these findings have been discussed in the light of the earlier observations.199216414718
effect of the repellent deet on the antennal chemoreceptors for oviposition in aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae).the insect repellent, n,n-diethyl-m-toluamide (deet), interferes with detection of the host attractant, lactic acid (la), by la-excited neurons on the antennae of female aedes aegypti (l.) mosquitoes. in the current laboratory behavioral experiment, the attraction of gravid female mosquitoes to a source of ethyl propionate, an oviposition attractant, was reduced by a factor of two when deet was present. similarly, when deet was presented together with ethyl propionate in electrophysiological exp ...19921495074
in vivo and in vitro biosynthesis and metabolism of methyl farnesoate, juvenile hormone iii, and juvenile hormone iii acid in the mosquito aedes aegypti.biosynthesis and metabolism of juvenile hormone (jh) iii in vivo and in vitro were studied in female aedes aegypti (l.). [12-3h]methyl farnesoate was used to follow the synthesis and [12-3h]-(10r)-jh iii to study metabolism. the rate of biosynthesis of [12-3h]jh iii in vivo after adult eclosion increased from 9 fmol/h per female at 1 h to 22 fmol/h per female at day 6. the rate of biosynthesis by exposed corpora allata (ca) in vitro was 23 fmol/h per ca during the 1st d after adult eclosion, the ...19921495071
mosquito repellent activity of oils from vitex negundo linn. leaves.oil obtained from stream distillate of v. negundo leaves was fractionated by column chromatography. mosquito repellence activity, as evaluated against aedes aegypti was mainly confined to the most polar fractions. the protection period against mosquito bites by polar fractions ranged between 1-3 h. however, the mean protection period values of these fractions did not show significant increase in the subsequent subfractions.19921398810
effects of toxorhynchites moctezuma larval predation on aedes aegypti populations: experimental evaluation.predatory larvae of the mosquito toxorhynchites moctezuma were used experimentally to control a standing crop of larvae of the dengue vector mosquito ae.aegypti. each week, fifty ae.aegypti first instar larvae were introduced to each of five water-filled drums (220 litres) of the type commonly used for domestic water storage in caribbean dwellings. at the beginning of the fourth week, a certain number (0, 1, 2, 5 or 10) of first instar tx.moctezuma larvae were introduced to each drum and the dai ...19921358268
use of genetic polymorphisms detected by the random-amplified polymorphic dna polymerase chain reaction (rapd-pcr) for differentiation and identification of aedes aegypti subspecies and populations.amplification of random regions of genomic dna using 10-base primers in the random-amplified polymorphic dna polymerase chain reaction (rapd-pcr) was used to differentiate and identify mosquito populations based on genetic variation. genomic dna was extracted from individual mosquitoes from 11 geographic populations of aedes aegypti and amplified in pcr reactions using single primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequence. discriminant analysis of the population frequencies of rapd fragments produced ...19921471745
reduced mosquito production in cemetery vases with copper liners.water-holding stone vases were sampled in 4 central florida cemeteries to compare the prevalence of mosquitoes in containers with and without metallic liners. overall, immature mosquitoes were found in more than 60% of the vases lacking liners and in more than 50% of the vases with aluminum liners. significantly fewer vases with copper liners were positive for mosquitoes. high mortality and a lack of development were observed in a field test involving the introduction of aedes aegypti larvae int ...19921361942
a simple method for cultivating freshwater copepods used in biological control of aedes aegypti.a simple method for indoor and outdoor cultivation of mesocyclops aspericornis, macrocyclops albidus and mesocyclops n. sp. copepods is presented. this method utilizes chilomonas sp., paramecium caudatum and fresh lettuce as food sources for copepod cultures. steps for initiating and maintaining copepod cultures are provided.19921474389
sequence and secondary structure comparisons of its rdna in mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae).sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (its1 and its2) of the mosquito aedes aegypti, and the its2 of six related species, a. simpsoni, a. albopictus, a. vexans, a. triseriatus, haemagogus mesodentatus, and psorophora ferox are reported. intraspecific variation in a. aegypti its1 is 1.07% among four clones from three individuals, and in the its2 is 1.17% among 15 clones from four individuals. in a. simpsoni, intraspecific its2 variation is 0.46% among 10 clones from a single individual. a ...19921364170
importance of ecology in aedes aegypti control.aedes aegypti is one of the world's most widely distributed mosquitos and is of considerable medical importance as a vector of dengue and yellow fever. not surprisingly therefore there has been more written on its biology than any other mosquito. the present paper summarizes ecological studies undertaken on this vector, including those on pre-adult mortalities, life-tables, adult dispersal and survival rates. in discussing surveillance techniques it is pointed out there are still no reliable met ...19921298074
food ingestion and digestive enzymes in larval aedes aegypti and ae. albopictus (diptera: culicidae).frequency of the labral brush movements of first, second, and fourth instars of aedes aegypti (l.) and aedes albopictus (skuse) was studied comparatively in the laboratory. a frequency of 197 strokes per min for the first and second instars was observed in the former species compared to 118 strokes per min in the latter species. a faster ingestion rate of algal cells also was observed in first and second instars of ae. aegypti (mean 57.5 cells per s) compared with first and second instars of ae. ...19921460635
variation in aedes aegypti mrna populations related to strain, sex, and development.translation products were used to monitor changes in gene expression between different strains and developmental stages of aedes aegypti. total rna was isolated from fourth stadium larvae, male and female pupae, and male and female adults collected at fixed time intervals following pupation and ecdysis. differences in rna populations were assessed by in vitro translation followed by one- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography. variations in gene expression betwee ...19921449211
interspecific variation in desiccation survival time of aedes (stegomyia) mosquito eggs is correlated with habitat and egg size.survival times of eggs under three humidity conditions (42%, 68%, 88% rh) were investigated among aedes (stegomyia) mosquitoes from temperate and tropical zones (5 species and 20 geographical strains). this subgenus tends to occupy small aquatic sites as larvae, where desiccation resistance of eggs is necessary during habitat drought. interspecific comparison showed that the egg survival time was correlated with egg volume and dryness of source locality, and probably with habitat. aedes aegypti ...199228313521
beta-cyfluthrin, a synthetic pyrethroid for mosquito control.beta-cyfluthrin (oms 3051), a new synthetic pyrethroid and one of the stereoisomers of cyfluthrin, was studied for insecticidal activity against eight mosquito species. its larvicidal activity with lc50 values of 5.62 x 10(-5) and 1.19 x 10(-4) mg/l respectively for culex quinquefasciatus and aedes aegypti was comparable with that of deltamethrin. this pyrethroid was more effective against the larvae of armigeres subalbatus (lc50 - 7.76 x 10(-7)) and the adults of anopheles culicifacies lt50 - 2 ...19921359650
reproductive and metabolic differences between aedes aegypti and ae. albopictus (diptera: culicidae).aedes albopictus (skuse) females were more likely to develop eggs after they ingested small blood meals than were aedes aegypti (l.) when both species were maintained under the same suboptimal adult nutritional regimen. the longevity of adult female ae. albopictus under conditions of starvation was also significantly greater than that of ae. aegypti. analyses of total body proteins, lipids, and glycogen indicated that the increased reproductive efficiency of ae. albopictus may be a result of its ...19921625295
aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) vision: response to stimuli from the optical environment.although aedes aegypti (l.) are capable of some wavelength discrimination, behavioral experiments demonstrated that color was not a stimulus to which they responded. optical stimuli that did affect ae. aegypti behavior were luminous reflectance, vertical contrast, and movement. stationary objects of low reflectance and solid color were the most attractive to males and females.19921625292
digestibility by and pathogenicity of the protozoa tetrahymena pyriformis to larvae of aedes aegypti. 19921607672
invasion of cemeteries in florida by aedes albopictus.aedes albopictus has been found in 53 of the 67 florida counties. the initial discoveries in 11 of these counties were made in cemeteries. at several locations, ae. albopictus became well-established in cemeteries before appearing in nearby accumulations of waste tires. the recycling of plastic floral baskets may be aiding the spread of ae. albopictus. mosquitoes were commonly found in all types of flower-holding containers in cemeteries, except bronze vases. in the laboratory, most aedes aegypt ...19921583479
in vitro assay for the biosynthesis and metabolism of juvenile hormone by exposed corpora allata of aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae).a technique has been developed to study jh iii biosynthesis in vitro by removing the head and thorax of aedes aegypti (l.) and exposing the corpora allata (ca). exposed ca were incubated with [12-3h]methyl farnesoate, and the newly synthesized jh iii and jh iii metabolites were followed using c18 reversed-phase, high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc) and preparative gas chromatography. the rate of synthesis of [12-3h]jh iii by exposed ca from newly emerged adult ae. aegypti was 23 fmol/ca ...19921495050
aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) vision: spectral sensitivity and other perceptual parameters of the female eye.from measurements of the mean ommatidial diameter (17.2 microns) and mean interommatidial angle (6.2 degrees) of the eye of female ae. aegypti (l.), a minimum resolvable angle of 12.3 degrees and an eye parameter of 1.6 microns were calculated. the eye had relatively poor acuity but high overall sensitivity to light. electroretinographs revealed spectral sensitivity ranging from ultraviolet (323 nm) to orange-red (621 nm), with sensitivity peaks in the ultraviolet (lambda max323-345 nm) and gree ...19921495042
laboratory colonization and maintenance of toxorhynchites moctezuma.a colony of toxorhynchites moctezuma was established at the caribbean epidemiology centre in trinidad in 1984. toxorhynchites moctezuma was maintained in cages with high humidities. eggs were deposited most frequently in a cut bicycle tire containing water. a minimum of 42 h was required for hatching, but 94% hatched between 43 and 51 h. aedes aegypti larvae were supplied as prey. larval development times varied with the quantity of prey offered, but when fed ad lib, peak developmental time was ...19921349915
selection of the yellow fever mosquito aedes aegypti for cheap and easy maintenance without bloodmeals. 19921600234
infectivity and pathogenicity of ascogregarina culicis (eugregarinida: lecudinidae) to aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae).the susceptibility of three strains of aedes aegypti (l.) to four strains of ascogregarina culicis were studied under laboratory conditions. the parasite was found to be pathogenic to the mosquito; although pathogenicity varied among geographical strains of a. culicis and susceptibility varied among geographical strains of ae. aegypti. in addition to affecting the survival of the mosquito larvae, infection with the parasite was found to shorten larval development time. selected strains of a. cul ...19921552514
the mosquitocidal activity of conidia of tolypocladium tundrense and tolypocladium terricola.tolypocladium tundrense and t. terricola uv-irradiated conidia exhibited acute toxicity to aedes aegypti larvae in concentrations of 5 x 10(5) and 5 x 10(6) ml-1, respectively. substances deposited on the surface of conidia following sporulation appear to be responsible for rapid intoxication and killing of mosquito larvae. treatment of larvae with dried methanolic extract of the spores also induced a high level of mortality accompanied by the same histological changes, including vacuolization a ...19921505208
Displaying items 2401 - 2500 of 14974