
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
dominant mutations affecting both sporulation and sterigmatocystin biosynthesis in aspergillus nidulans.the initiation of conidiophore development in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans is a complex process requiring the activities of several genes including flug, flba, flbb, flbc, flbd, and flbe. recessive mutations in any one of these genes result in greatly reduced expression of the brla developmental regulatory gene and a colony morphology described as fluffy. these fluffy mutants have somewhat diverse phenotypes but generally grow as undifferentiated masses of vegetative hyphae to for ...19979339347
inducible expression of yeast mitochondrial citrate synthase in aspergillus nidulans.the coding region of the mitochondrial citrate synthase gene (cit1) from saccharomyces cerevisiae was amplified by pcr and cloned into an expression vector (pal4) downstream of the alcohol dehydrogenase (alca) promoter of aspergillus nidulans to yield palcs1. transformation of a. nidulans a773 with this construct gave stable transformants, ayc#1 and ayc#2, that were phenotypically stable for several mitotic divisions. southern blot analysis showed that the cit1 gene was successfully integrated i ...19979339892
trichoderma reesei sequences that bind to the nuclear matrix enhance transformation frequency.three dna fragments, trs1, 2 and 3, were isolated from the trichoderma reesei genome on the basis of their ability to promote autonomous replication of plasmids in saccharomyces cerevisiae. each trs element bound specifically to the isolated t. reesei nuclear matrix in vitro, and two of them bound in vivo, indicating that they are matrix attachment regions (mars). a similar sequence previously isolated from aspergillus nidulans (ans1) was also shown to bind specifically to the t. reesei nuclear ...19979341675
molecular genetics of sulfur assimilation in filamentous fungi and yeast.the filamentous fungi aspergillus nidulans and neurospora crassa and the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae each possess a global regulatory circuit that controls the expression of permeases and enzymes that function both in the acquisition of sulfur from the environment and in its assimilation. control of the structural genes that specify an array of enzymes that catalyze reactions of sulfur metabolism occurs at the transcriptional level and involves both positive-acting and negative-acting regulat ...19979343344
the duplication cycle in aspergillus nidulans.the duplication cycle encompasses the spectrum of events required for the growth and division of individual cells within a fungal hyphae. recent advances in understanding the mechanisms which underlie nuclear division and cellular morphogenesis in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans have shown that in many respects, the duplication cycle differs significantly from the cell cycles of both budding and fission yeast. the purpose of this review is to summarize these advances and to highlight ...19979344627
null alleles of crea, the regulator of carbon catabolite repression in aspergillus nidulans.crea is the major regulatory protein involved in carbon catabolite repression in aspergillus nidulans. previously we have reported the molecular characterization of a number of in vivo selected mutant alleles and showed that they were unlikely to represent total loss of function alleles (shroff et al., 1996) and that a deletion of the crea gene and surrounding dna has an extremely severe effect on morphology under both carbon catabolite repressing and carbon catabolite nonrepressing conditions ( ...19979344629
chromosome rearrangements in neurospora and other filamentous fungi.knowledge of fungal chromosome rearrangements comes primarily from n. crassa, but important information has also been obtained from a. nidulans and s. macrospora. rearrangements have been identified in other sordaria species and in cochliobolus, coprinus, magnaporthe, podospora, and ustilago. in neurospora, heterozygosity for most chromosome rearrangements is signaled by the appearance of unpigmented deficiency ascospores, with frequencies and ascus types that are characteristic of the type of r ...19979348657
cloning of the phytases from emericella nidulans and the thermophilic fungus talaromyces thermophilus.phytases (ec belong to the family of histidine acid phosphatases. we have cloned the phytases of the fungi emericella nidulans and talaromyces thermophilus. the putative enzyme encoded by the e. nidulans sequence consists of 463 amino acids and has a mr of 51785. the protein deduced from the t. thermophilus sequence consists of 466 amino acids corresponding to a mr of 51450. both predicted amino acid sequences exhibited high identity (48% to 67%) to known phytases. this high level of id ...19979349716
deletion of the n-terminal region of the area protein is correlated with a derepressed phenotype with respect to nitrogen metabolite repression.the entire area gene and a truncated version lacking the sequence encoding the n-terminal 389 amino acids were expressed from the qute promoter and terminator in an aspergillus nidulans strain with the endogenous area gene deleted. this expression system was used to decouple the effects of transcription regulation and mrna stability mediated by the native promoter and terminator from any posttranslational modulation of area activity. both the full-length area protein and the truncated form were ...19979352912
the aspergillus nidulans cnxabc locus is a single gene encoding two catalytic domains required for synthesis of precursor z, an intermediate in molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis.the aspergillus nidulans complex locus, cnxabc, has been shown to be required for the synthesis of precursor z, an intermediate in the molybdopterin cofactor pathway. the locus was isolated by chromosome walking a physical distance of 65-kilobase pairs from the brla gene and defines a single transcript that encodes, most likely, a difunctional protein with two catalytic domains, cnxa and cnxc. mutations (cnxa) affecting the cnxa domain, mutants (cnxc) in the cnxc domain, and frameshift (cnxb) mu ...19979353296
crystal structure of dna photolyase from anacystis nidulans.the crystal structure at 1.8 a resolution of 8-hdf type photolyase from a. nidulans shows a backbone structure similar to that of mthf type e. coli photolyase but reveals a completely different binding site for the light-harvesting cofactor.19979360600
molecular characterization of mutants of the acetate regulatory gene facb of aspergillus nidulans.the facb gene of aspergillus nidulans encodes a dna binding transcriptional activator required for growth on acetate as a sole carbon source. facb contains n-terminal gal4-like zn(ii)2cys6 (or c6 zinc) binuclear cluster dna binding and leucine zipper-like heptad repeat motifs and central and c-terminal acidic alpha-helical regions. facb recessive loss of function mutants are deficient in acetate induction of acetyl-coa synthase, isocitrate lyase, malate synthase, acetamidase, and nadp-isocitrate ...19979367656
6-n-hydroxylaminopurine (hap)-induced accumulation of variability in haploid and diploid strains of aspergillus nidulans.haploid and diploid strains of aspergillus nidulans have been repeatedly treated with the strong mutagen 6-n-hydroxylaminopurine (hap) which causes only base substitutions. an enormous amount of variability may be rapidly accumulated in haploid or diploid strains of a. nidulans. in particular, in the diploids the analysis of the results shows that after 12 cycles of treatment the conidia differ from each other for about ten recessive lethals and therefore probably for several hundreds of mutatio ...19979371884
characterization of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene from venturia inaequalis.a new class of agricultural fungicides derived from the group of antifungal strobilurins acts as specific respiration inhibitors by binding to mitochondrial cytochrome b. the cytochrome b gene was cloned and sequenced from the mitochondrial genome of venturia inaequalis, the causal agent of apple scab. the gene was 10.65 kbp in size and contained seven exons and six introns. the exons encoded a protein of 393 amino acids. comparison of the deduced amino-acid sequence with cytochrome b proteins f ...19979371888
a zinc finger protein required for stationary phase viability in fission yeast.yeast cells exit the cell cycle and enter a metabolically inert stationary phase when starved for nutrients essential for normal proliferation. we have cloned a novel gene named rsv1+ (required for stationary phase viability) that is essential for fission yeast cell viability in a stationary phase induced by glucose starvation. rsv1+ encodes a 47 kda protein with two zinc finger motifs that are partially homologous with aspergillus nidulans crea, saccharomyces cerevisiae mig1 and mammalian egr-1 ...19979372444
characterization of dnudc, the drosophila homolog of an aspergillus gene that functions in nuclear motility.nuclear migration plays a prominent role in a broad range of developmental processes. we have cloned a drosophila gene, dnudc, encoding a protein that is evolutionarily conserved between humans and fungi. the aspergillus homolog, nudc, is one of a group of genes required for nuclear migration. dnudc encodes a 38.5-kda protein, and the carboxy terminal half of the protein shares 52% amino acid identity with aspergillus nudc. we show that the structural homology between dnudc and nudc extends to t ...19979376324
nuclear traffic in fungal hyphae: in vivo study of nuclear migration and positioning in aspergillus nidulans.nuclear migration and nuclear positioning are fundamental processes in all eukaryotic cells. they are easily monitored during hyphal growth of filamentous fungi. we expressed the green fluorescent protein (gfp) as a fusion protein with the putative nuclear localization domain of the transcriptional activator stua in nuclei of aspergillus nidulans and visualized these organelles in living cells. nuclear staining was observed in interphase nuclei but not during mitosis. nuclear division, nuclear m ...19979379904
a rapid method for chromatin structure analysis in the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans.a rapid method for nuclease digestion of aspergillus nidulans chromatin is described. it overcomes the need for nuclear purification or protoplast preparation. the method is valid for the analysis of the nucleosomal repeat length in bulk chromatin, and allows the analysis of nucleosome phasing at a specific locus.19979380523
characterization of oleate-nonutilizing mutants of aspergillus nidulans isolated by the 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole positive selection method.conidia of aspergillus nidulans were mutagenized with ultraviolet light and were incubated on a special selective medium containing the catalase inhibitor 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole. from approximately 5 x 10(7) viable uv-irradiated conidia tested, 423 stable mutants resistant to 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole were recovered, of which 40 were unable to grow on minimal medium with oleic acid as the sole carbon source. these oleate-nonutilizing (ole-) mutants did not grow on medium with carbon sources requiri ...19979385142
self-splicing activity of the mitochondrial group-i introns from aspergillus nidulans and related introns from other species.the mitochondrial genome of aspergillus nidulans contains several group-i introns. each one has been assayed for its ability to self-splice in vitro in the absence of proteins. the intron from the apocytochrome b gene is unusual among subgroup ib4 introns in being able to self-splice, unlike a similar intron from saccharomyces cerevisiae. the first intron in the cytochrome oxidase subunit-1 gene self-splices but only correctly completes the first step of splicing; cryptic 3' splice-sites are rec ...19979388295
cloning and characterisation of the adenosyl phosphosulphate kinase gene from aspergillus nidulans.the sd gene of aspergillus nidulans has been cloned by heterologous screening of rationally selected cosmids. co-transformation of the sd50 mutant jmp1 confirmed the presence of a functional gene. sequence analysis determined this gene to be 680 bp in length, containing a 59-bp intron and encoding a protein of 206 amino acids. a protein-sequence comparison revealed a similarity to the c-terminal region of atp sulphurylase, the sc gene product. further sequence comparison revealed differences in ...19979388296
expression of wild-type and mutated drosophila melanogaster xanthine dehydrogenases in aspergillus nidulans. 19979388736
g protein alpha subunit genes control growth, development, and pathogenicity of magnaporthe grisea.three g protein alpha subunit genes have been cloned and characterized from magnaporthe grisea: maga is very similar to cpg-2 of cryphonectria parasitica; magb is virtually identical to cpg-1 of cryphonectria parasitica, to gna1 of neurospora crassa, and to fada of emericella nidulans; and magc is most similar to gna2 of neurospora crassa. homologous recombination resulting in targeted deletion of maga had no effect on vegetative growth, conidiation, or appressorium formation. deletion of magc r ...19979390422
structure and physiological function of calpains.for a long time now, two ubiquitously expressed mammalian calpain isoenzymes have been used to explore the structure and function of calpain. although these two calpains, mu- and m-calpains, still attract intensive interest because of their unique characteristics, various distinct homologues to the protease domain of mu- and m-calpains have been identified in a variety of organisms. some of these 'novel' calpain homologues are involved in important biological functions. for example, p94 (also ca ...19979396712
in vitro reconstruction of the aspergillus (= emericella) nidulans genome.a physical map of the 31-megabase aspergillus nidulans genome is reported, in which 94% of 5,134 cosmids are assigned to 49 contiguous segments. the physical map is the result of a two-way ordering process, in which clones and probes were ordered simultaneously on a binary dna/dna hybridization matrix. compression by elimination of redundant clones resulted in a minimal map, which is a chromosome walk. repetitive dna is nonrandomly dispersed in the a. nidulans genome, reminiscent of heterochroma ...19979405653
relationship of actin, microtubules, and crosswall synthesis during septation in aspergillus nidulans.studies of cytokinesis in animal cells demonstrate that microtubules play an important role in signaling the position of the actin-containing contractile ring and subsequent formation of the cleavage furrow. septation in several fungi closely resembles animal cell cytokinesis in that a circumferential ring of actin is visible at the incipient division site. however, this does not necessarily mean that division is contractile since actin may also serve to localize septal wall synthesis. in additi ...19979415379
the filamentous fungus aspergillus niger contains two "differentially regulated" trehalose-6-phosphate synthase-encoding genes, tpsa and tpsb.two genes encoding trehalose-6-phosphate synthase were cloned from aspergillus niger. tpsa was cloned using the saccharomyces cerevisiae ggs1/tps1 gene as a probe. it encodes a 517-amino acid polypeptide with 64-70% similarity to trehalose-6-phosphate synthase of s. cerevisiae, kluyveromyces lactis, and schizosaccharomyces pombe. its transcription occurs constitutively and is enhanced on carbon-derepressing carbon sources, coinciding with the presence of a crea-binding nucleotide motif in the 5' ...19979006911
aspergillus nidulans stcl encodes a putative cytochrome p-450 monooxygenase required for bisfuran desaturation during aflatoxin/sterigmatocystin biosynthesis.the aspergillus nidulans stcl gene is predicted to encode a cytochrome p-450 monooxygenase and is located within a cluster of other genes that are required for synthesis of sterigmatocystin. inactivation of stcl resulted in strains that accumulate dihydrosterigmatocystin, a tetrahydrobisfuran containing molecule that is very similar to the unsaturated product of the wild-type pathway, sterigmatocystin. this observation led us to hypothesize that the a. nidulans sterigmatocystin biosynthetic path ...19978999832
emericella nidulans as an agent of guttural pouch mycosis in a horse.a case is reported in a 9-year-old anglo-arab horse with guttural pouch mycosis caused by emericella nidulans. acute death occurred by exsanguination following erosion of the external carotid artery. histopathological examination of the mycotic plaque demonstrated septate hyphae, conidial heads, hülle cells and mature cleistothecia containing characteristic ascospores. specific identification was confirmed by culture. in accordance with previous reports, emericella nidulans should be considered ...19979467112
the ynt1 gene encoding the nitrate transporter in the yeast hansenula polymorpha is clustered with genes yni1 and ynr1 encoding nitrite reductase and nitrate reductase, and its disruption causes inability to grow in nitrate.dna sequencing in the phage lambda ja13 isolated from a lambda embl3 hansenula polymorpha genomic dna library containing the nitrate reductase-(ynr1) and nitrite reductase-(yni1) encoding genes revealed an open reading frame (ynt1) of 1524 nucleotides encoding a putative protein of 508 amino acids with great similarity to the nitrate transporters from aspergillus nidulans and chlamydomonas reinhardtii. disruption of the chromosomal ynt1 copy resulted in incapacity to grow in nitrate and a signif ...19979020872
the g2/m dna damage checkpoint inhibits mitosis through tyr15 phosphorylation of p34cdc2 in aspergillus is possible to cause g2 arrest in aspergillus nidulans by inactivating either p34cdc2 or nima. we therefore investigated the negative control of these two mitosis-promoting kinases after dna damage. dna damage caused rapid tyr15 phosphorylation of p34cdc2 and transient cell cycle arrest but had little effect on the activity of nima. dividing cells deficient in tyr15 phosphorylation of p34cdc2 were sensitive to both mms and uv irradiation and entered lethal premature mitosis with damaged dna. ...19979009279
expression of a constitutively active ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase in aspergillus nidulans spores prevents germination and entry into the cell cycle.the unique gene for ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (camk) has been shown to be essential in aspergillus nidulans. disruption of the gene prevents entry of spores into the nuclear division cycle. here we show that expression of a constitutively active form of camk also prevents spores from entering the first s phase in response to a germinating stimulus. expression of the constitutively active kinase induces premature activation of nimecyclin b/nimxcdc2 in g0/g1. as nimxcdc2 is present ...19979013558
a prolactin-inducible t cell gene product is structurally similar to the aspergillus nidulans nuclear movement protein nudc.clone 15 (c15) was originally identified as a prl-inducible gene in activated t cells. sequence analysis of c15 revealed that the last 94 amino acids of c15 are 68% identical and 78% similar to the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans nuclear movement protein nudc. the identification of the mammalian (rat) c15 protein suggests that the carboxy-terminal nudc-like region has been conserved over evolution for an important structure and/or function. to determine whether c15 is functionally analog ...19979013770
proteolytic activation of rim1p, a positive regulator of yeast sporulation and invasive the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae, rim1, 8, 9, or 13 mutations cause four phenotypes: poor growth at low temperature, altered colony morphology, inefficient sporulation due to reduced expression of the meiotic activator ime1, and, as shown here, defective invasive growth. in this report, we have determined the relationship between rim1 and the other genes, rim8, 9, and 13, in this group. we have analyzed production of epitope-tagged rim1p derivatives with ha epitopes at the n-terminus or in ...19979017390
specific dna recognition by the aspergillus nidulans three zinc finger transcription factor pacc.the three zinc fingers of pacc, the transcription factor mediating ph regulation in aspergillus nidulans, are necessary and sufficient to recognise specifically the target ipna2 site. missing nucleoside footprints confirmed the core target (double-stranded) hexanucleotide 5'-gccaag-3'. any base substitution resulted in substantial or complete loss of binding, excepting a5 (partially replaceable by g). a t preceding the hexanucleotide enhanced binding. interference footprinting indicates that the ...19979417928
expression of the cefg gene is limiting for cephalosporin biosynthesis in acremonium chrysogenum.the conversion of deacetylcephalosporin c to cephalosporin c is inefficient in most acremonium chrysogenum strains. the cefg gene, which encodes deacetylcephalosporin c acetyltransferase, is expressed very poorly in a. chrysogenum as compared to other genes of the cephalosporin pathway. introduction of additional copies of the cefg gene with its native promoter (in two different constructions with upstream regions of 1056 bp and 538 bp respectively) did not produce a significant increase of the ...19979421924
cloning and characterization of the aspergillus nidulans dna topoisomerase i gene.the topoisomerase i (top1) gene was cloned and sequenced from aspergillus nidulans using the polymerase chain reaction (pcr). genomic dna was used as a template to obtain a 2987-bp gene containing five small introns. pcr from a cdna library yielded a 2613-bp sequence which codes for an 871 amino acid protein. comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with other dna topoisomerase i (topo i) protein sequences shows a somewhat higher degree of identity with other fungal amino acid sequences tha ...19979426247
first experimental evidence of a zinc binuclear cluster in alcr protein, mutational and x-ray absorption studies.alcr is the transcriptional activator of the ethanol utilization pathway in aspergillus nidulans. the zinc dna-binding domain contains ligands of zinc, six cysteines (zn2cys6) or five cysteines and one histidine (zn2cys5his). the utilisation of complementary approaches such as x-ray absorption spectroscopy, mutational analysis, zinc content evaluation, determination of specific binding connecting structural and biological data, have allowed to determine zinc environment and to analyse the involv ...19979434111
the in vivo expression pattern of mouse nek2, a nima-related kinase, indicates a role in both mitosis and meiosis.the human protein kinase nek2 is related to the nima cell cycle regulatory kinase of aspergillus nidulans. whereas nima has been shown to be essential for cell cycle progression into mitosis in this fungus, the function of mammalian nek2 remains to be elucidated. in this study, we isolated a cdna coding for a mouse ortholog of human nek2 and analyzed the expression of this kinase in different organs. rnase protection assays performed on rnas from mouse adult organs showed very high expression of ...19979434622
dehydroquinate synthase binds divalent and trivalent cations: role of metal binding in catalysis. 19979450037
malic enzyme: a lipogenic enzyme in fungi. 19979450097
atp: citrate lyase from aspergillus nidulans. 19979450098
microbial models of soil metabolism: biotransformations of danofloxacin.danofloxacin is a new synthetic fluoroquinolone antibacterial agent under development for exclusive use in veterinary medicine. such use could lead to deposition of low levels of danofloxacin residues in the environment in manure from treated livestock. this study was conducted to evaluate the potential for indigenous soil microorganisms to metabolize danofloxacin. cultures of 72 soil microorganisms representing a diverse panel of bacteria, fungi and yeast were incubated with danofloxacin mesyla ...19979451835
umchs5, a gene coding for a class iv chitin synthase in ustilago maydis.a fragment corresponding to a conserved region of a fifth gene coding for chitin synthase in the plant pathogenic fungus ustilago maydis was amplified by means of the polymerase chain reaction (pcr). the amplified fragment was utilized as a probe for the identification of the whole gene in a genomic library of the fungus. the predicted gene product of umchs5 has highest similarity with class iv chitin synthases encoded by the chs3 genes from saccharomyces cerevisiae and candida albicans, chs-4 f ...19979454647
detection of aspergillus ribosomal rna using biotinylated oligonucleotide probes.aspergillosis continues to be a devastating disease entity that results in significant mortality in immunosuppressed patients. rapid diagnosis is often required to initiate appropriate therapy. although the histopathologist may be able to visualize fungal organisms in tissue specimens, the histology of aspergillus species may overlap with a variety of fungi, so diagnosis often relies on fungal cultures that can take weeks to complete. recently, an in situ hybridization assay targeting aspergillu ...19979458383
identification of new regulatory genes controlling synthesis of folate-dependent enzymes in aspergillus nidulans.prototrophic revertants of a meth2 strain of aspergillus nidulans which is impaired in the regulation of synthesis of folate-dependent enzymes were isolated and six of them analysed. in three of the isolates reversion was the result of an intragenic suppressor mutation in the meth locus. in the remaining strains suppressor mutations occurred in independent genes. these genes, designated fola, folb and folc, are linked and located in chromosome vi. mutations in these genes render synthesis of som ...19979462964
regulation of p34cdc2/cyclinb h1 and nima kinases during the g2/m transition and checkpoint responses in aspergillus a. nidulans, activation of both p34cdc2/cyclinb h1 and nima kinases is required to initiate mitosis. these two kinases are regulated at several levels during interphase and are activated independently as protein kinases during g2. they are also targeted for negative regulation, to prevent mitosis by mitotic entry checkpoint controls, when dna is not replicated or is damaged. then, to initiate mitosis, they promote each other's mitotic functions to coordinately promote mitosis upon completion ...19979552417
genetic and molecular characterization of murine gata-1 in aspergillus defines a critical role for the n-terminal finger.we have utilized aspergillus nidulans as a model system for the characterization of the major vertebrate transcription factor gata-1. this has been achieved both by analysing the function of murine gata-1 directly and by using direct gene replacement to introduce chimaeric area::gata-1 derivatives at the area locus, which encodes a gata factor involved in regulating nitrogen metabolism in a. nidulans. although gata-1 shows only limited function when expressed in a. nidulans, the c-terminal gata ...19979680327
ph regulation of sterigmatocystin and aflatoxin biosynthesis in aspergillus spp.abstract aflatoxin (af) and sterigmatocystin (st) are toxic secondary metabolites produced by the same biochemical pathway found in several aspergillus spp. the expression of the homologous st/af structural gene, stcu in a. nidulans and ver-1 in a. parasiticus, was affected by external ph of liquid growth media. both stcu and ver-1 mrnas appeared earlier and were expressed at higher levels in cultures grown in acidic media (ph 4 to 6) versus neutral (ph 7) and alkali (ph 8) media. transcript lev ...199718945083
isocitrate lyase from aspergillus nidulans: crystallization and x-ray analysis of a glyoxylate cycle enzyme.isocitrate lyase (icl) from the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans catalyzes the first committed step of the carbon-conserving glyoxylate bypass. this enzyme has been crystallized by the hanging-drop method of vapour diffusion using polyethylene glycol 2000 as the precipitant. diffraction patterns show that the crystals diffract to beyond 2.5 a and are probably in space group p4(2)2(1)2 with unit-cell dimensions of a = b = 91.9 and c = 152.7 a, with one molecule in the asymmetric unit. the ...199715299923
genetics and physiology of aflatoxin biosynthesis.aflatoxins are the most thoroughly studied mycotoxins. elegant early research on the biosynthetic scheme of the pathway has allowed a molecular characterization of aflatoxin biosynthesis and its regulation. genetic studies on aflatoxin biosynthesis in aspergillus flavus and a. parasiticus, and sterigmatocystin biosynthesis in a. nidulans, led to the cloning of 17 genes responsible for 12 enzymatic conversions in the af/st pathways. pathway-specific regulation is by a zn(ii)2cys6 dna-binding prot ...199815012504
[research on the regulation of glucoamylase gene(glaa) expression in a. niger. ii. analysis of the function of 5'-regulatory region of a. niger t21 and 3.795 glaa gene].two plasmid vectors pxh2 and pgh1 were constructed through the fusion of e. coli hph gene, the report gene and the 5' upstream regions of a. niger t21 and 3.795 respectively, as well as the terminator of a. nidulans trpc gene. the plasmid vectors were than used to transform a. niger t21 to functionally identify those different basic groups between the two 5' upstream regions responsible for high-level expression of the glaa gene. southern analysis of two transformants xh2c and gh1c revealed that ...199812549385
the essential aspergillus nidulans gene pmaa encodes an homologue of fungal plasma membrane h(+)-atpases.pmaa, an aspergillus nidulans gene encoding a p-atpase, has been cloned by heterologous hybridization with the yeast pma1 gene. the putative 990-residue pmaa polypeptide shows 50% identity to saccharomyces cerevisiae and neurospora crassa plasma membrane h(+)-atpases and weak (19-26%) identity to other yeast p-type cation-translocating atpases. pmaa contains all catalytic domains characterizing h(+)-atpases. pmaa transcript levels are not regulated by pacc, the transcription factor mediating ph ...19989680959
sensitization to different species of aspergillus in bakery workers and general atopic population.six species of aspergillus predominant in the bakery environment--aspergillus flavus, a. fumigatus, a. nidulans, a. ochraceous, a. sydowi and a. versicolor--were studied for their role in causing type 1 hypersensitivity among bakery workers and atopic patients from the general population (pgp). antigenic extracts from the above species were prepared for in vivo and in vitro studies. the ief, sds-page, skin test, elisa and immunoblot techniques were performed to detect the biochemical- and clinic ...19989681123
purification and characterization of laccase ii of aspergillus nidulans.sexual development in aspergillus nidulans is a morphogenetic differentiation process triggered by internal and environmental signals. as a first step in analyzing the developmental pathway at the molecular level, laccase ii (ec, which is specifically expressed in early stages of fruitbodies, was isolated. the enzyme was purified to apparent homogeneity from a mutant strain (sms1) in which the sexual cycle dominates and the number of cleistothecia is increased tenfold. laccase ii was e ...19989683643
biochemical properties of the products of cytochrome p450 genes (pda) encoding pisatin demethylase activity in nectria haematococcapea plants produce the antibiotic (+)pisatin in response to infection by the fungus nectria haematococca, which can detoxify pisatin utilizing a cytochrome p450 monooxygenase called pisatin demethylase. genes (pda) have been identified that encode different whole-cell pda phenotypes that can be distinguished by the length of the lag period and the resulting amount of enzyme activity produced: pdash = short lag, high activity; pdasm = short lag, moderate activity; and pdall = long lag, low activi ...19989683653
characterization and nitrogen-source regulation at the transcriptional level of the gdha gene of aspergillus awamori encoding an nadp-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase.a 28.7-kb dna region containing the gdha gene of aspergillus awamori was cloned from a genomic dna library. a fragment of 2570 nucleotides was sequenced that contained orf1, of 1380 bp, encoding a protein of 460 amino acids (mr 49.4 kda). the encoded protein showed high similarity to the nadp-dependent glutamate dehydrogenases of different organisms. the cloned gene was functional since it complemented two different aspergillus nidulans gdha mutants, restoring high levels of nadp-dependent gluta ...19989683675
structure of dehydroquinate synthase reveals an active site capable of multistep catalysis.dehydroquinate synthase (dhqs) has long been regarded as a catalytic marvel because of its ability to perform several consecutive chemical reactions in one active site. there has been considerable debate as to whether dhqs is actively involved in all these steps, or whether several steps occur spontaneously, making dhqs a spectator in its own mechanism. dhqs performs the second step in the shikimate pathway, which is required for the synthesis of aromatic compounds in bacteria, microbial eukaryo ...19989685163
in situ detection of protein-dna interactions in filamentous fungi by in vivo footprinting.the method described here allows the detection of protein-dna interactions in vivo in filamentous fungi. we outline culture conditions and conditions of in vivo methylation that permit uniform modification of all cells in an apically growing, non-uniform organism, and subsequent visualization of protected areas by ligation-mediated pcr.19989685506
genotoxicity of an extract of calendula officinalis l.a fluid extract of calendula officinalis l. displayed genotoxic properties when assayed for mitotic segregation in the heterozygous diploid d-30 of aspergillus nidulans. the extract of calendula exhibited dose-dependent toxicity and genotoxicity (both mitotic crossing-over and chromosome malsegregation being observed) to aspergillus in the range of five plate concentrations from 0.1 to 1.0 mg of solids/ml assayed. mutagenicity testing with the salmonella/microsome assay in strains ta 1535, ta 15 ...19989687081
analysis of flug mutations that affect light-dependent conidiation in aspergillus nidulans.conidiation in aspergillus nidulans is induced by exposure to red light but can also be induced by blue light in certain mutant strains. we have isolated a mutation in the flug gene that abolishes responsiveness to red light but does not affect the response to blue light. it has been shown that the vea1 (velvet) mutation allows conidiation to occur in the absence of light. we have identified three other flug mutations that suppress the vea1 phenotype; these double mutants do not conidiate in the ...19989691036
molecular cloning and cell-cycle-dependent expression of a novel nima (never-in-mitosis in aspergillus nidulans)-related protein kinase (tpnrk) in tetrahymena cells.with the intention of investigating the signal-transduction pathway that mediates the cold-stress response in tetrahymena, we isolated a gene that encodes a novel protein kinase of 561 amino acids, termed tetrahymena pyriformis nima (never-in-mitosis in aspergillus nidulans)-related protein kinase (tpnrk), by differential display from tetrahymena cells exposed to temperature shift-down. tpnrk possesses an n-terminal protein kinase domain that is highly homologous with other nima-related protein ...19989693120
isolation of mutants deficient in acetyl-coa synthetase and a possible regulator of acetate induction in aspergillus niger.acetate-non-utilizing mutants in aspergillus niger were selected by resistance to 1.2% propionate in the presence of 0.1% glucose. mutants showing normal morphology fell into two complementation groups. one class of mutant lacked acetyl-coa synthetase but had high levels of isocitrate lyase, while the second class showed reduced levels of both acetyl-coa synthetase and isocitrate lyase compared to the wild-type strain. by analogy with mutants selected by resistance to 1.2% propionate in aspergil ...19989695922
catalytic activity in cephalosporium acremonium isopenicillin n synthase does not involve glutamine-234.the catalytic activity of isopenicillin n synthase (ipns), a crucial enzyme which converts delta-(l-alpha-aminoadipyl)-l-cysteinyl-d-valine to isopenicillin n in the beta-lactam antibiotic biosynthetic pathway, is known to be dependent upon the ligation of two histidines and an aspartate to the iron active centre. recent studies have ruled out the suggested requirement of the penultimate glutamine, q330 and q328 in aspergillus nidulans and streptomyces jumonjinensis ipns respectively, for cataly ...19989703965
regulation of gmnrt2 expression and nitrate transport activity in roots of soybean (glycine max).a full-length cdna, gmnrt2, encoding a putative high-affinity nitrate transporter was isolated from a glycine max (l.) root cdna library and sequenced. the deduced gmnrt2 protein is 530 amino acids in length and contains 12 putative membrane-spanning domains and a long, hydrophilic c-terminal domain. gmnrt2 is related to high-affinity nitrate transporters in the eukaryotes chlamydomonas reinhardtii and aspergillus nidulans, and to putative high-affinity nitrate transporters in barley and tobacco ...19989715532
correlation between the regulation of sterigmatocystin biosynthesis and asexual and sexual sporulation in emericella nidulans.we analyzed the regulation of sterigmatocystin biosynthesis in wild type and mutant strains of emericella nidulans (= aspergillus nidulans). a positive correlation between both asexual and sexual sporulation and synthesis of the mycotoxin was observed. those conditions which favored sporulation stimulated sterigmatocystin formation, and vice versa. both processes were stimulated by light in a vea+ genetic background. in contrast, they were inhibited by diaminobutanone, an inhibitor of ornithine ...19989717578
role of endoproteolytic dibasic proprotein processing in maturation of secretory proteins in trichoderma reesei.cell extracts of trichoderma reesei exhibited dibasic endopeptidase activity toward the carboxylic side of kr, rr, and pr sequences. this activity was stimulated by the presence of ca2+ ions and localized in vesicles of low bouyant density; it therefore exhibited some similarity to yeast kex2. analytical chromatofocusing revealed a single peak of activity. the dibasic endopeptidase activity was strongly and irreversibly inhibited in vitro as well as in vivo by 1 mm p-amidinophenylmethylsulfonyl ...19989726860
role of the regulatory gene area of aspergillus oryzae in nitrogen metabolism.the area gene of aspergillus oryzae was cloned by cross-hybridization with the aspergillus nidulans area gene and was found to encode an 866-amino-acid protein that is very similar to other fungal nitrogen regulatory proteins. the a. oryzae area gene can complement a. nidulans area loss-of-function mutations. functional analyses indicated that the n-terminal region of the a. oryzae area protein was dispensable for function and revealed a probable acidic activation domain in the protein. c-termin ...19989726865
molecular regulation of beta-lactam biosynthesis in filamentous fungi.the most commonly used beta-lactam antibiotics for the therapy of infectious diseases are penicillin and cephalosporin. penicillin is produced as an end product by some fungi, most notably by aspergillus (emericella) nidulans and penicillium chrysogenum. cephalosporins are synthesized by both bacteria and fungi, e.g., by the fungus acremonium chrysogenum (cephalosporium acremonium). the biosynthetic pathways leading to both secondary metabolites start from the same three amino acid precursors an ...19989729600
mutational analysis of area, a transcriptional activator mediating nitrogen metabolite repression in aspergillus nidulans and a member of the "streetwise" gata family of transcription factors.the transcriptional activator area is a member of the gata family of transcription factors and mediates nitrogen metabolite repression in the fungus aspergillus nidulans. the nutritional versatility of a. nidulans and its amenability to classical and reverse genetic manipulations make the area dna binding domain (dbd) a useful model for analyzing gata family dbds, particularly as structures of two area-dna complexes have been determined. the 109 extant mutant forms of the area dbd surveyed here ...19989729601
molecular probes for the detection of pathogenic fungi in the presence of human tissue.four primer systems, amplifying fragments of the gene coding for the small ribosomal subunit (18s rrna) were characterised with pure cultures of 65 medically relevant fungal species plus two mushrooms. a primer cocktail (tr1/ca1-tr2/af2) amplified 59 of 67 fungal species; the universal fungal primer 1 (uf1) in combination with the eukaryotic primers s3 or eu1 amplified 64 and 65 of 67 fungal species, respectively. the design of an additional primer (rzy1) enabled the amplification of the missing ...19989736163
the uvsc and uvse genes of aspergillus nidulans are not required for the mutagenic repair of uv damage.the uvsc gene of aspergillus nidulans is a homolog of the rad51 gene of saccharomyces cerevisiae. however, with respect to its effects on uv mutagenesis, it differs from the yeast gene, since it seems to be required for uv mutagenesis; however, this conclusion is based only on data from resting conidia. to further clarify the functional role of the uvsc gene, we tested the uv mutability of strains bearing a uvsc mutation in resting as well as in germinating conidia, by the p-fluorophenyl-alanine ...19989738889
mitosis in wild-type and beta-tubulin mutant strains of aspergillus nidulans.we review and illustrate the wild-type mitotic cycle of aspergillus nidulans and report the sequence alterations in six mutant alleles of the a. nidulans bena, beta-tubulin, gene. these alleles confer heat sensitivity and resistance to the antifungal, antimicrotubule compound benomyl, and they have been very important in the study of mitosis and microtubule function in a. nidulans. the mutations are novel and fall at amino acids 50, 134, and 257. we have examined the phenotypes conferred by the ...19989742199
in vivo addition of telomeric repeats to foreign dna generates extrachromosomal dnas in the taxol-producing fungus pestalotiopsis microspora.transformation of the taxol-producing filamentous fungus pestalotiopsis microspora with a plasmid containing the bacterial hygromycin resistance gene fused to aspergillus regulatory sequences resulted in the in vivo formation of extrachromosomal dnas with telomeric repeats in the majority of transformants. repeats of the telomeric sequence 5'-ttaggg-3' were appended to nontelomeric transforming dna termini. no fungal sequences other than telomeric repeats were detected in extrachromosomal dnas. ...19989756714
in vitro activity of the echinocandin antifungal agent ly303,366 in comparison with itraconazole and amphotericin b against aspergillus spp.ly303,366 (ly) is a novel derivative of the echinocandin class of antifungal agents. the in vitro activities of ly, itraconazole (itz), and amphotericin b (amb) were assessed against 60 aspergillus isolates, including 35 isolates of a. fumigatus, eight isolates of a. terreus, eight isolates of a. flavus, eight isolates of a. niger and one isolate of a. nidulans. four a. fumigatus isolates were resistant to itz. susceptibility testing for all drugs was performed with a broth microdilution procedu ...19989756785
structural requirements for in vivo myosin i function in aspergillus nidulans.we have investigated the minimal requirements of the tail region for myosin i function in vivo using the filamentous fungus aspergillus nidulans. the cl3 strain (mcgoldrick, c. a., gruver, c., and may, g. s. (1995) j. cell biol. 128, 577-587) was transformed with a variety of myoa constructs containing mutations in the iq, th-1-like, sh3, and proline-rich domains by frameshift or in-frame deletions of the tail domains. the resulting strains contained wild type myoa driven by the alca promoter an ...19989756952
the area(r) mutation of aspergillus nidulans confers low ph sensitivity in the presence of ammonium as the only nitrogen source.the utilization of nitrogen sources by the fungus aspergillus nidulans is controlled by a mechanism mediated by area, a wide domain regulatory gene. it has been verified that the strains carrying the mutant allele arear are inhibited when growing at low ph in the presence of ammonium as the only nitrogen source. the genetic analysis of this marker showed that it apparently maps at the area locus.19989758458
regulation of aflr and its product, aflr, associated with aflatoxin biosynthesis.we studied the role of the regulatory gene aflr and its product, aflr, in the biosynthesis of aflatoxin in aspergillus. western blot and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay analyses revealed that aflatoxin b1 accumulation was directly related to aflr expression and was regulated by various environmental and nutritional conditions, including temperature, air supply, carbon source, nitrogen source, and zinc availability. expression of an aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway structural gene, omta, was regu ...19989758790
a novel atp-binding cassette transporter involved in multidrug resistance in the phytopathogenic fungus penicillium digitatum.demethylation inhibitor (dmi)-resistant strains of the plant pathogenic fungus penicillium digitatum were shown to be simultaneously resistant to cycloheximide, 4-nitroquinoline-n-oxide (4nqo), and acriflavine. a pmr1 (penicillium multidrug resistance) gene encoding an atp-binding cassette (abc) transporter (p-glycoprotein) was cloned from a genomic dna library of a dmi-resistant strain (lc2) of penicillium digitatum by heterologous hybridization with a dna fragment containing an abc-encoding re ...19989758830
successful treatment of invasive aspergillosis in chronic granulomatous disease by bone marrow transplantation, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor-mobilized granulocytes, and liposomal amphotericin-b.x-linked chronic granulomatous disease (x-cgd) is a primary immunodeficiency with complete absence or malfunction of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (nadph) oxidase in the phagocytic cells. life-threatening infections especially with aspergillus are common despite optimal antimicrobial therapy. bone marrow transplantation (bmt) is contraindicated during invasive aspergillosis in any disease setting. we report an 8-year-old patient with cgd who underwent hla-genoidentical bmt duri ...19989763555
aspergillus nidulans infection in chronic granulomatous disease.chronic granulomatous disease (cgd) is a rare inherited disorder of the nadph oxidase complex in which phagocytes are defective in generating reactive oxidants. as a result, patients with cgd suffer from recurrent bacterial and fungal infections. the most common fungal infections are caused by aspergillus species. aspergillus nidulans is a rare pathogen in most patient populations with quantitative or qualitative neutrophil defects. we have reviewed all cases in which a. nidulans was isolated fr ...19989772923
sequencing of a gene encoding a member of the mitochondrial carrier family of transport proteins from aspergillus nidulans.mitochondrial carrier proteins comprise a superfamily of evolutionarily conserved proteins that regulate the specific transport of essential metabolites across the mitochondrial membranes. in this report we describe the cloning and sequencing of a gene from aspergillus nidulans, amc-1, that encodes the first reported example of a mitochondrial carrier protein in aspergillus species. the amc-1 gene is located on chromosome 7, and is transcribed as a 1.6 kb unspliced polyadenylated rna. the predic ...19989773270
characterization of an aspergillus nidulans mutant with abnormal distribution of nuclei in hyphae, metulae, phialides and conidia.the v10 deteriorated variant of aspergillus nidulans has hyphae, metulae, phialides and conidia with abnormal nuclear distributions. the alterations observed were: increase in the number of nuclei in hyphae, metulae and phialides, presence of anucleate, uninucleate and multinucleate conidia, abnormal vegetative growth and defection conidiation. when 0.5 m nacl was added to the medium, an increase in the number of conidia was observed but their morphology and number of nuclei were not modified. t ...19989776635
polar lipids of aspergillus fumigatus, a. niger, a. nidulans, a. flavus and a. terreus.little is known of the phospholipid composition of aspergillus species. the aim of this study was to determine individual phospholipid analogues in aspergillus. twenty-nine clinical and environmental isolates from five aspergillus species were analysed. fast atom bombardment mass spectrometric data were considered in two ranges, m/z 190-500 and m/z 500-1000, to facilitate the recognition of major fatty acyl groups and phospholipids. quantitative comparison of major anions in both m/z ranges was ...19989776825
the identification and phylogenetic relationship of pathogenic species of aspergillus based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b study the identification and phylogeny of pathogenic isolates of aspergillus, we designed primers from known cytochrome b amino acid sequences. using these primers, 426 bp fragments of a mitochondrial (mt) cytochrome b gene were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (pcr), directly sequenced, and compared among aspergillus fumigatus, a. flavus, a. niger, a. terreus and emericella nidulans. except for e. nidulans, all strains produced the 426 bp fragment by pcr. the e. nidulans strains demons ...19989776828
immunological characterization of asp f 2, a major allergen from aspergillus fumigatus associated with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.the 37-kda recombinant protein asp f 2, encoding an allergen of aspergillus fumigatus, was expressed in a prokaryotic expression system and immunologically evaluated for its functional and structural properties. the open reading frame for a 310-amino-acid-long protein was shown to encode a signal peptide of 31 amino acids. a native 37-kda culture filtrate protein and a 55-kda mycelial glycoprotein (gp55) exhibited complete n-terminal sequence homology to asp f 2. a genbank search for homologous ...19989784519
posttranscriptional control mediates cell type-specific localization of catalase a during aspergillus nidulans development.two differentially regulated catalase genes have been identified in the fungus aspergillus nidulans. the cata gene belongs to a class whose transcripts are specifically induced during asexual sporulation (conidiation) and encodes a catalase accumulated in conidia. using a developmental mutant affected in the brla gene, which is unable to form conidia but capable of producing sexual spores (ascospores), we demonstrated that the cata mrna accumulated during induction of conidiation but did not pro ...19989791126
deletion of the 389 n-terminal residues of the transcriptional activator area does not result in nitrogen metabolite derepression in aspergillus nidulans.utilizing a homologous gene replacement in order to retain the native promoter and 5' and 3' untranslated messenger regions (and thereby ensure physiological validity), we have shown that deletion of the n-terminal 389 amino acids of the transcriptional activator area does not result in nitrogen metabolite derepression in aspergillus nidulans. our results provide no evidence for a modulating interaction involving the n terminus of area and contrast with those of h. k. lamb, a. l. dodds, d. r. sw ...19989791130
putative membrane components of signal transduction pathways for ambient ph regulation in aspergillus and meiosis in saccharomyces are homologous.the zinc finger regions of the aspergillus nidulans pacc transcription factor, mediating regulation of gene expression by ambient ph, and the saccharomyces cerevisiae rim1p transcription factor, mediating control of meiosis and invasiveness, are homologous and both transcription factors undergo proteolytic processing of the c-terminus for conversion to the functional form. in both cases, functioning of a signal transduction pathway involving several gene products is a necessary prerequisite for ...19989791171
regulation of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome by bimaapc3 and proteolysis of nima.surprisingly, although highly temperature-sensitive, the bima1(apc3) anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (apc/c) mutation does not cause arrest of mitotic exit. instead, rapid inactivation of bima1(apc3) is shown to promote repeating oscillations of chromosome condensation and decondensation, activation and inactivation of nima and p34(cdc2) kinases, and accumulation and degradation of nima, which all coordinately cycle multiple times without causing nuclear division. these bima1(apc3)-induced ...19989802893
characterization of aspergillus nidulans peroxisomes by immunoelectron previous work, we have demonstrated that oleate induces a massive proliferation of microbodies (peroxisomes) in aspergillus nidulans. although at a lower level, proliferation of peroxisomes also occurs in cells growing under conditions that induce penicillin biosynthesis. here, microbodies in oleate-grown a. nidulans cells were characterized by using several antibodies that recognize peroxisomal enzymes and peroxins in a broad spectrum of eukaryotic organisms such as yeast, and plant, and mam ...19989818356
analysis of glutamines in catalysis in cephalosporium acremonium isopenicillin n synthase by site-directed mutagenesis.isopenicillin n synthase (ipns), an important enzyme in the beta-lactam antibiotic biosynthetic pathway, is responsible for the catalytic conversion of delta-(l-alpha-aminoadipyl)-l-cysteinyl-d-valine to isopenicillin n. three catalytic ligands essential for ipns activity have already been determined. based on an aspergillus nidulans ipns crystal structure, the probable involvement of a fourth amino acid as a catalytic ligand was previously revealed. to continue the search for the fourth catalyt ...19989826554
isolation and characterization of alpha-tubulin genes from septoria tritici and rhynchosporium secalis, and comparative analysis of fungal alpha-tubulin sequences.the alpha-tubulin genes from septoria tritici and rhynchosporium secalis have been cloned and sequenced. the predicted amino acid sequence and intron structure showed strong homology with other known filamentous fungal alpha-tubulins. comparison of sixteen fungal alpha-tubulin sequences based on amino acid sequence homology and intron structure identified five groups of proteins. group 1 consists of filamentous fungi, including s. tritici and r. secalis, the dimorphic fungus histoplasma capsulat ...19989829778
the facc gene of aspergillus nidulans encodes an acetate-inducible carnitine acetyltransferase.mutations in the facc gene of aspergillus nidulans result in an inability to use acetate as a sole carbon source. this gene has been cloned by complementation. the proposed translation product of the facc gene has significant similarity to carnitine acetyltransferases (cat) from other organisms. total cat activity was found to be inducible by acetate and fatty acids and repressed by glucose. acetate-inducible activity was found to be absent in facc mutants, while fatty acid-inducible activity wa ...19989829933
the optimization of penicillin biosynthesis in fungi.penicillin production by penicillium chrysogenum is not only commercially important but arguably the most intensively investigated secondary-metabolic pathway in fungi. isolation of the structural genes encoding the three main penicillin-biosynthetic enzymes has stimulated the use of molecular approaches to optimize yield and permitted genetic analysis of current production strains, which are themselves the products of 50 years of strain and process improvement. parallel studies on the penicilli ...19989830157
identification of a polyketide synthase gene (pksp) of aspergillus fumigatus involved in conidial pigment biosynthesis and virulence.aspergillus fumigatus is an important pathogen of the immunocompromised host causing pneumonia and invasive disseminated disease with high mortality. previously, we identified a mutant strain (white, w) lacking conidial pigmentation and, in addition, the conidia showed a smooth surface morphology, whereas wild-type (wt) conidia are grey-green and have a typical ornamentation. w conidia appeared to be less protected against killing by the host defence, e.g., were more susceptible to oxidants in v ...19989832321
the "8-kd" cytoplasmic dynein light chain is required for nuclear migration and for dynein heavy chain localization in aspergillus nidulans.the heavy chain of cytoplasmic dynein is required for nuclear migration in aspergillus nidulans and other fungi. here we report on a new gene required for nuclear migration, nudg, which encodes a homologue of the "8-kd" cytoplasmic dynein light chain (cdlc). we demonstrate that the temperature sensitive nudg8 mutation inhibits nuclear migration and growth at restrictive temperature. this mutation also inhibits asexual and sexual sporulation, decreases the intracellular concentration of the nudg ...19989832552
mutational evidence for the role of serine-283 in cephalosporium acremonium isopenicillin n synthase.creation of isopenicillin n from delta-(l-alpha-aminodipyl)-l-cysteinyl-d-valine (acv) in the penicillin and cephalosporin biosynthetic pathway is catalysed by isopenicillin n synthase (ipns), a non-heme iron-containing dioxygenase. a tripeptide r-x-s motif which consists of arginine-281 and serine-283 (cephalosporium acremonium ipns numbering) was found to be conserved in ipns and other related proteins. these two amino acids mentioned were proposed to have a role in acv substrate binding by th ...19989841222
cloning and biochemical characterisation of aspergillus niger hexokinase--the enzyme is strongly inhibited by physiological concentrations of trehalose 6-phosphate.the aspergillus niger hexokinase gene hxka has been cloned by heterologous hybridisation using the aspergillus nidulans hexokinase gene as a probe. the dna sequence of the gene was determined, and the deduced amino acid sequence showed significant similarity to other eukaryotic hexokinase and glucokinase proteins, in particular to those of the budding yeasts. the encoded protein was purified from a multicopy hxka transformant, and extensively characterised. the hexokinase protein has a molecular ...19989851713
two adjacent protein binding motifs in the cbh2 (cellobiohydrolase ii-encoding) promoter of the fungus hypocrea jecorina (trichoderma reesei) cooperate in the induction by cellulose.the cellulase system of the filamentous fungus hypocrea jecorina (trichoderma reesei) consists of several cellobiohydrolases, endoglucanases, and beta-glucosidases, encoded by separate genes, which are coordinately expressed in the presence of cellulose or the disaccharide sophorose. using cell-free extracts from sophorose-induced and noninduced mycelia and various fragments of the cbh2 promoter of h. jecorina in electrophoretic mobility shift assay (emsa) analysis and performing in vitro and in ...19989852114
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