
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
[production, purification and concentration of bacteriophage d-vii]. 19664292046
[shigella mucinase. ii. the influence of some physical and chemical factors on its activity]. 19664223728
the properties of shigella flexneri 1b strain carrying a lethal factor. 19664161857
[application of media with synthomycine and ribanol to increase the inoculation capacity of dysentery bacteria]. 19664169196
[growth peculiarities of some strains of newcaslte dysentery bacteria on russel's medium]. 19664169199
[assessment of various methods for testing water pollution by causative agents of dysentery]. 19664170789
[on the question of the role of guanidine groups of dihydrostreptomycin molecules in the manifestation of biological activity and neurotoxic action]. 19664172490
[identification of the salmonellosis-dysentery group of microbes by means of fluorescent antibodies against ovine globulins]. 19664168823
[the monosaccharide content of shigella dysenteriae and shigella boydii]. 19664861728
[stimulation of antidysentery immunity with acetoxan]. 19664861976
[antagonistic action of actinomycetes on pathogenic bacteria in the soil]. 19664861994
[the action of deoxyribonucleic acid extracted from lysogenic bacteria on the lysogenization process of lysosensitive bacteria]. 19664862267
[comparative studies on phage sensitivity and bacteriocin synthesis in sh. sonnei]. 19664862269
[study of phages isolated from shigella sonnei]. 19664862270
[on the conditions of bacteriocin-typing of shigella sonnei]. 19664862764
[a local epidemic of dysentery caused by shigella sonnei]. 19664862793
[studies on the interaction of free flexner phages with shigella flexneri 170 cells]. 19664863291
[on the chemical basis of double antigenic specificity of the sexual recombinants of escherichia coli hfrh and shigella flexneri]. 19664865886
[an indicator coliphage]. 19664865889
[the ultrafine structure of radiation resistant flexner bacilli]. 19664865892
multiple drug resistant shigellae. 19664865957
[type i shigella sonnei infection with unusual hyper-acute course in a patient with dolichosigmoid]. 19664866426
[butter as a possible source of infection in a shigella epidemic]. 19664867190
results obtained by means of the beta-galactosidase test used in the routine identification of enterobacteriaceae. 19664870055
[induction of colicin synthesis by gentian violet]. 19664871256
[comparative dissemination of the causative agent of dysentery on the ploskirev medium and ploskirev medium combined with levomycetin]. 19664871262
[effect of some antibiotics on the 1st stage of protein biosynthesis in the cell-free system]. 19664872317
[results of bacteriological examination of patients with a history of some intestinal diseases]. 19664878087
immunological tolerance to microbial antigens i. absence of specific antibody-containing cells in lymphoid tissue of mice injected at birth with shigella soluble antigen.friedman, herman (albert einstein medical center, philadelphia, pa.). immunological tolerance to microbial antigens. i. absence of specific antibody-containing cells in lymphoid tissue of mice injected at birth with shigella soluble antigen. j. bacteriol. 92:390-397. 1966.-injection of a relatively large concentration of shigella soluble antigen (ssa) into newborn mice results in specific immunological tolerance (paralysis) characterized by inability of the animals to form normal levels of anti- ...196616562126
[ultrastructure of bacterial fimbriae in e. coli and sh. flexneri]. 19669190153
quantitative analyses of certain enteric bacteria and bacterial extracts: i. standardization and sonic disruption of eight enteric bacterial species, each at five population levels.standardized individual preparations of five population levels of eight enteric organisms [escherichia coli (o4:h3), e. coli (o111:b4:h12), salmonella enteritidis, s. paratyphi b, s. typhimurium, shigella boydii, s. dysenteriae, and s. sonnei) were prepared. dry weights, calculated mean cell weight, and nitrogen content of bacterial suspensions before, and of supernatant fluids after, ultrasonic disruption are tabulated. percentages of disruption, estimated from nitrogen concentration ratios of ...196716349752
multiplication in serratia of a bacteriophage originating from escherichia coli: lysogenization and host-controlled variation.temperate bacteriophage p2, originally obtained from escherichia coli strain lisbonne, and usually grown on e. coli or shigella strains, is also able to multiply in some serratia strains. one of these has been shown to give stable lysogenic derivatives upon p2 infection. in passing from e. coli to serratia and vice versa, p2 undergoes host-controlled variation. the base ratio in the dna of the serratia strain used is typical of serratia strains (59% gc content) whereas that of p2 dna (50% gc con ...196718614062
[hygienic bacteriological study on frozen vegetables. ii. results of a plant control]. 19674877231
identification of shigellae on the basis of selective sensitivity. 19674877866
[activities of the senegalese center for enterobacteria (pasteur institute of dakar) in 1966]. 19674877958
[successful use of a bacteriophage in a dysentery epidemic in a children home]. 19674878032
[remarks on the phagotyping technique of shigella sonnei]. 19674874863
identification of shigellae on the basis of selective sensitivity. 19674870932
bacteriology of diarrhoea in infants and children with special reference to enteropathogenic coli. 19674875767
[contribution to the standardization of shigella sonnei on the basis of colicin production]. 19674876183
transfer of tetracycline resistance from escherichia coli to other enterobacteriaceae in vitro. 19674876865
[study of the strains of dysenterial bacteria resistant to neomycin (colimycin, mycerin) and monomycin]. 19674876897
antigenic structure of shigella sonnei. i. serologic characterization of factors which confer antigenic specificity to phase i and phase ii of shigella sonnei. 19674872033
gel filtration of the specific fragment of shigella sonnei phase i on sephadex columns. 19674872034
typing of shigella sonnei by colicin production. 19674872035
new typing scheme of shigella sonnei by colicin production. 19674872036
s-r dissociation in shigella flexneri populations. i. the genetic mechanism of development of rough forms. 19674872037
s-r dissociation in shigella flexneri populations. ii. selection of r forms under certain environmental conditions. 19674872038
[on the current salmonellosis situation]. 19674869745
[dynamics of the etiologic structure of bacillary dysentery morbidity and its influence on the epidemic process]. 19674872641
[experimental studies on phosphorus metabolism in the toxic syndrome]. 19674872734
biopolymeric associations in bacterial subcellular fractions. 19674867294
[detection of shigella sonnei from a water supply causing a disease outbreak]. 19674867765
colicine typing of shigella sonnei. ii. the relation between colicine typing methods of abbott and shannon and of the authors. 19674866599
colicine types and antibiotic sensitivity of shigella sonnei in bradford during 1962-64. 19674867142
endemic shigellosis: a study of fifty households. 19674866285
unusual neurological manifestation of sonnei dysentery. 19674863935
the mechanism of radiation action in leukaemogenesis. isolation of a leukaemogenic filtrable agent from tissues of irradiated and normal c57bl mice. 19674864487
two quick methods for voges-proskauer test.two previously described methods for rapidly performing a voges-proskauer (vp) test were modified so that results could be obtained even more quickly. on macconkey agar, colonies of lactose-fermenting, vp-positive organisms usually contain enough acetoin to give a positive reaction when a dense suspension is prepared in creatine and tested directly with barritt reagents. with this direct-screening test, no "false" positive results were seen, but 29 of 429 lactose-fermenting strains of enterobact ...19674865027
[contribution to the study of phage-bacteria relationships in dysentery bacilli of the flexner subgroup]. 19674865287
shigella flexneri antibody levels in healthy subjects from various regions of the united states. 19674862966
studies on inactivation of kanamycin and resistances of e. coli. 19674863031
isolation and structure of kanamycin inactivated by a cell free system of kanamycin-resistant e. coli. 19674863032
a study of schigella dysenteriae toxins by radio-immunoelectrophoretic method. incorporation of p32 and s35 into the cell by the metabolic route. 19674863050
chemistry and structure of nucleic acids of bacteriophages. many forms of nucleic acids of bacteriophages show the ways that information is stored and reproduced.the nucleic acids of bacteriophages are characterized by a surprising multiformity. rna and dna may occur, the latter in single- or double-stranded form, circular or linear, with or without breaks or single-strand ends. terminal redundancy may exist and the populations of linear phages may be uniform or randomly permuted. a double-stranded circular dna does not occur in extracellular bacteriophage, but is often if not always formed after infection of the bacterial host. phage dna may be glucosyl ...19674863095
tranferable antibiotic resistance associated with an outbreak of shigellosis. 19674863109
[colicine typing and colicinogeny of shigella sonnei]. 19674862507
[some observations on enterobacteriaceae similar to shigella, groups called intermediate]. 19674862101
the interdependence of oxygen enhancement ratios for 250kvp x rays and fast neutrons. 19674862178
segregation of r factor in shigella after acridine orange treatment. 19674860402
[comparative chemical analysis of the lipopolysaccharide antigens of shigella sonnei mutants phase i and ii as well as r]. 19674860404
electron microscopical studies on the localisation of the different components of cell walls of gram-negative bacteria. 19674860441
citrate mannitol agar medium for separating escherichia coli paracolons from shigella.a culture medium is described which not only differentiates shigella from escherichia coli but also serves as the basis for an extremely simple test which specifically identifies e. coli. a test that will identify an organism as e. coli is more useful than one that merely groups this species with other non-shigella organisms. the theoretical basis for specificity of the test for e. coli and other uses for the medium are discussed.19674860525
further evaluation of immunofluorescence techniques for detection of shigellae in fecal specimens.the fluorescent antibody (fa) tests for group b and group d shigella were reevaluated. duplicate swab specimens from patients suspected of having shigellosis were cultured shortly after collection and after transport in a soft-agar holding medium. smears for fa examination were made at the same time. results obtained for the group d shigella agree closely with those obtained in previous studies. the percentage of isolations of group b shigella from transported specimens which were positive by fa ...19674860533
chemical studies on the specific fragment of shigella sonnei phase i. 19674860559
infectious drug resistance in shigellae in cape town. 19674860815
studies on the mechanism of bacteriophage t4 interference with host metabolism. 19674860987
the use of young mouse vagina as a model for experimental shigellosis. 19674861252
reduction in immunity to its own colicin associated with antigen segregation from phase i to phase ii in a wild strain of shigella sonnei. 19674861253
[treatment of bacillary dysentery with hetacillin (bl-p 804). preliminary report]. 19674861541
[therapeutic results in infantile diarrhea with a dihydrostreptomycin-sulfa drug preparation (kectil syrup)]. 19674861545
nalidixic acid. 19674390397
[the distribution of resistance factors in sh. sonnei in germany]. 19674175786
[fermentative types of shigella sonnei]. 19674184714
[antibiograms of shigella]. 19674184726
[glycerin conservant with rivanol]. 19674184732
[on detection of dysentery bacilli and their antigens in material from patients]. 19674172599
[the use of ploskirev's medium with rivanol for isolation of shigellae]. 19674172617
[the antifibrinolytic effect of p-aminomethylbenzoic acid in bacterial and tissue cultures]. 19674173872
antibacterial activity of human prostatic fluid. 19674169341
evaluation of polyvinyl alcohols as semipermanent mountants for fluorescent-antibody studies. 19674164053
multiple transmissible drug resistance in an outbreak of shigella flexneri infection. 19674167515
[a study of the specificity and sensitivity of the sonne and flexner erythrocyte diagnosticum in dysentery]. 19674181390
[methods of determining the pathogenicity of shigella in interaction with tissue cultures]. 19674181391
[indicator method of continous control of ph of feces in glycerin conservant]. 19674183501
[exchange of conservant by selenite enriched medium in examination of feces for shigella and salmonella]. 19674183849
[on the evaluation of the method of indication of shigella by means of media, containing antibiotics]. 19674183857
[on the problem of treatment of shigelloses. i. observation of sensitivity of isolated shigella strains and of the levels of various antibiotics in the blood and feces]. 19674229468
clostridium perfringens and other bacterial species as possible causes of foodborne disease outbreaks of undetermined etiology. 19674294019
release of surface enzymes in enterobacteriaceae by osmotic shock.the process of osmotic shock, which has been used to release degradative enzymes from escherichia coli, can be applied successfully to other members of the enterobacteriaceae. cyclic phosphodiesterase (3'-nucleotidase), 5'-nucleotidase (diphosphate sugar hydrolase), acid hexose phosphatase, and acid phenyl phosphatase are released from shigella, enterobacter, citrobacter, and serratia strains. some strains of salmonella also release these enzymes. members of proteus and providencia groups fail t ...19674294595
Displaying items 2201 - 2300 of 13650