
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
ticarcillin/clavulanic acid pharmacokinetics in children and young adults with cystic fibrosis.the single-dose pharmacokinetics of ticarcillin and clavulanic acid (timentin) were evaluated in children and young adults with cystic fibrosis after a 0.5-hour intravenous infusion of both a 3.1 and a 3.2 gm formulation (representing 3.0 gm ticarcillin combined with 100 mg and 200 mg clavulanic acid, respectively) in a crossover design. a 75 mg/kg dose of the ticarcillin component was used. model-dependent and noncompartmental pharmacokinetic parameters were congruous. the disposition of ticarc ...20143998937
antagonism of phase ii succinylcholine block by neostigmine.the neuromuscular effect of neostigmine, 1.25 mg/70 kg, was assessed in 40 adult patients 10 min after cessation of a succinylcholine infusion. the patients had received a thiopental-nitrous oxide anesthetic supplemented by halothane or fentanyl during which they were given at least 5 mg/kg succinylcholine over more than 90 min. train-of-four monitoring was used. neostigmine accelerated recovery of neuromuscular function in all patients. the degree of recovery was directly related to the train-o ...20144014742
a case of ocular toxicity to ethambutol--an idiosyncratic reaction?optic neuritis, a well known adverse effect of ethambutol, is related to the dose and duration of the therapy. the patient described here developed rapidly progressive deterioration of vision after only 3 days of treatment with ethambutol. such a case has not been reported before and it is suspected that this was an idiosyncratic reaction.20144059141
adnexal torsion.a series of 128 cases of adnexal torsion and an additional 97 cases where the preoperative diagnosis of torsion was incorrect are reviewed. the diagnosis is uncertain and surgical intervention is likely to be delayed. the adnexa are seldom salvaged despite the fact that torsion infrequently involves a malignant neoplasm. laparoscopy is an effective means of reducing the number of necessary laparotomies when a diagnosis of torsion is uncertain.20144014339
water-soluble radiocontrast material in the treatment of postoperative ileus.reviewed was a series of 47 obstetric, gynecologic, and general surgical patients with apparent postoperative ileus who had received an oral administration of water-soluble radiocontrast material. forty of these patients were found to have an ileus, and seven to have a mechanical small bowel obstruction. in the 40 patients with ileus, prompt resolution of the ileus was obtained, no complications were noted, and the method provided rapid differentiation between ileus and obstruction. this modalit ...20144014338
[preoperative and postoperative nursing of cataract patients]. 20144140940
intracranial meningioma with abnormal localization of bone-seeking radiopharmaceutical: correlation with gross and microscopic pathology.meningioma is one of the neoplasms in which there may be extraosseous localization of bone-seeking radiopharmaceuticals. tumor calcification, calvarial erosion, and the formation of reactive bone have been proposed as the cause of this abnormal tracer localization. we present a patient with a frontal meningioma that was evaluated using 99mtc-methylene-diphosphonate bone scintigraphy, head computed tomography, and skull radiography; the homogeneous density seen in the radiographic studies corresp ...20144043112
creatine kinase bb in blood as index of prognosis and effect of treatment after severe head injury.high concentrations of creatine kinase bb (ck-bb) were found in all blood samples drawn within 6 hours of accident from 45 patients with brain contusion. the highest concentrations of more than 100 microg/l were measured in blood samples taken shortly after the accident from patients with a glasgow coma score (gcs) of 6 or less. the ck-bb concentrations decreased rapidly to normal within 36 hours of accident in the patients given intensive care guided by intracranial pressure (icp) monitoring. i ...20144025019
hepatic estrogen receptors and plasma estrogen-binding activity in the atlantic salmon.livers of male and female immature atlantic salmon (salmo salar) contain specific high-affinity [3h]estradiol binding sites in cytosol (kd 2-4 nm, concentration about 0.6 pmol/g liver). low levels of high-affinity binding are detectable in salt extracts of nuclei of untreated fish, but injections of estradiol result in transient depletion of the cytosol binder and in accumulation of high levels of binding sites in nuclear salt extracts (kd 5-6 nm; concentration about 6 pmol/g liver). both the cy ...20143979805
the arms race and children in fiscal year 1985.the current arms race harms all americans. children are most adversely affected by federal cutbacks in time-honored programs. by fueling an everexpanding arms race, we are mortgaging the nation's future. health care professionals have a moral responsibility to alert the public regarding the consequences of recent federal policies for our most vulnerable citizens.20144000791
blood transfusion and athletics. games people play. 20143974666
brain functioning and addiction: what neuropsychologic studies reveal. 20143973516
pulmonary arterial muscularity and right ventricular hypertrophy in chronic bronchitis and emphysema. 20144281662
body composition in elderly people. ii. comparison of measured and predicted body composition in healthy elderly subjects.the predictive values of the equations of moore et al. and hume and weyers and the measured values of body composition were compared in healthy, carefully selected aged and young subjects of both sexes. in the case of young subjects, these prediction equations seem to be adequate, even if this could not be affirmed with certainty by our results. the equations of moore et al. were found not to be adequate for elderly males, while they were only suitable for the determination of intracellular comp ...20144018587
perceptual processing modes in the functional visual field. 20143993412
propyl ether. ii. pulmonary irritation and anaesthesia.after cessation of the sensory irritation response, described in part one (nielsen et al. 1985), a mixed response due to pulmonary irritation and anaesthesia appeared, resulting a decrease in respiratory rate and tidal volume. the corresponding thresholds were 1490 p.p.m. and 1280 p.p.m., respectively, obtained from the last half hour of a four hours exposure period. as the decrease in respiratory rate and tidal volume was found to be correlated, the per cent decrease in respiratory minute volum ...20143993385
accidents in childhood: from epidemiology to prevention.the overwhelming importance of accidental injuries, deaths and disabilities in children and adolescents is no longer a "privilege" of the industrialized world: many developing countries are now facing a tremendous increase in accidents in the young. a sound epidemiological knowledge of accidents is a prerequisite for any preventive programme: it is based on hospital or community surveys, in which the epidemiological approach seems more meaningful than the clinical one. the conditions to be fulfi ...20143993361
psychiatric reactions complicating intracapsular cataract surgery. a 5 years follow-up.this follow-up study describes the 47 patients out of 1506 intracapsularly extracted cataracts (1505 patients) who presented with a psychotic reaction post-operatively. matched non-psychotic cataract patients served as a control group. the mean age of both groups of patients was 78 years at time of surgery, female/male ratio was 39/8, and the mode of anaesthesia was local analgesia/general anaesthesia 16/31. the surgery had been performed in 1977-1979 and this follow-up examination in autumn 198 ...20143993345
higher cardol homologues (5-alkenylresorcinols) from rye affect the red cell membrane-water transport.the influence of 5-heptadecenylresorcinol and total rye 5-alkenylresorcinols isolated from rye grains on the red blood cell water permeability was studied using osmotic shrinkage experiments performed in 300 mm sucrose. the studied compounds induced significant increase of erythrocyte water permeability. the threshold concentration needed for the increase of water permeability was in an order of 10(-6) mol/l. the temperature dependence of the observed process showed the discontinuity which was r ...20143993182
[significance of precordial st segment depressions in acute inferior infarct--correlation with coronary angiography and ventriculography findings in the acute infarct phase].thirty-two patients presenting with acute transmural inferior wall myocardial infarction underwent cardiac catheterization and angiography within 12 hours of onset of symptoms. twelve lead electrocardiograms performed within 11/2 hours of catheterization revealed the following: seventeen patients exhibited st-segment depression in the anterior precordial leads in addition to inferior wall changes (group a). fifteen patients did not manifest any st-segment changes in the anterior precordial leads ...20143993156
[mucopolysacchariduria in genetic dermatoses: hereditary epidermolysis bullosa, congenital ichthyosis and ectodermal dysplasia].4 patients suffering from epidermolysis bullosa, 11 persons with genetically determined ichthyosis, as well as 3 cases of x-linked recessive ectodermal dysplasia were investigated with regard to glycosaminoglycane(gag)uria; the gag fractions were analysed by means of gag thin-layer chromatography. all three groups of patients showed increased gag-uria. the gag fractions proved to be chondroitin-6-sulphate, chondroitin-4-sulphate, and heparan-sulphate. the pathomechanism of the increased gag-uria ...20143993142
[significance of the inducing situation and conflict content of the current life status in females with neurotic-functional disorders]. 20143993100
carbohydrate metabolism in transforming lymphocytes from the aged.there is an age-related decline in immune capacity which has been linked to a decreased response of lymphocytes to mitogens in vitro. during transformation, lymphocytes require a marked increase in energy production and biosynthesis which is supplied primarily by glycolysis. in the elderly, the glycolytic enzymes increase significantly in transforming lymphocytes at least 24 hr later than in the young and then at significantly reduced levels. glucose utilization is also impaired in stimulated ly ...20143988814
injury prevention in the community: a systems approach.injury prevention requires a coordinated political, medical, individual, and community effort. comprehensive strategies for planning, implementing, and evaluating injury prevention programs are set forth by the authors.20143975094
western norway: a high-risk area for ms. 20144022391
[unusual forms of chronic inflammatory diseases of the large intestine]. 20143961340
[use of lid sutures in the course of cataract extraction]. 20144916490
[types of error and error propagation in morphometry].it is in morphometry, too, that errors of measurement are liable to occur. this paper shows the types of error involved and how they may propagate when the primary measuring data are used for the calculation of further quantities of interest. finally, there is shown the relation of inaccuracies due to measuring errors to the uncertainties of a particular result which have their origin in biological variability. the examples furnished have been taken from histological volumetry using the target m ...20144007453
spectrum of benign intracranial hypertension in children and adolescents.a review of the most recent 23 cases of benign intracranial hypertension (bih), admitted to the war memorial children's hospital in london, ontario, provided a compendium of the clinical manifestations of this disorder in children and adolescents. although ct scanning lets one feel more secure in making such a diagnosis, pitfalls still exist. the sex ratio was 11 males to 12 females. age groupings were: 0-6 years (2 patients); 7-12 years (10); 13-17 years (11). no postviral etiologies were encou ...20144005888
mathematical modeling of immobilized enzyme systems.we model the interaction of reaction and diffusion in immobilized enzyme systems by p.d.e.s or simpler equations. we present models with only one steady state, others with multiple steady states (in particular one related to morphogenesis) and some with periodic solutions. the usefulness of continuation methods to resolve this complexity of behaviors is pointed out.20144038294
vasopressin peptide (ddavp) may narrow the focus of attention in normal elderly.administration of ddavp (1 desamino-8-d-arginine vasopressin), a form of vasopressin with little pressor action, has been shown to improve cognitive performance in the elderly. it remains unclear whether memory processes are specifically influenced or more general processes are altered. fifteen elderly subjects performed a central mental arithmetic task and a peripheral choice reaction time task in ddavp and control conditions. ddavp slowed reaction times to peripheral lights but did not alter a ...20143945698
pitfalls in percutaneous filling of the tissue expander. 20143945697
locus of control and effects of perceptual tasks on heart rate.the hypothesis was tested that the relationship found in prior research between heart rate changes produced in biofeedback settings and locus of control scores derives from the heart-brain relationship described by the laceys in 1967, as well as from "expectancies for control." 48 subjects were tested on two perceptual tasks known to elicit changes in heart rate. significant heart rate changes were observed in response to both tasks, but those changes did not correlate with locus of control as m ...20143982939
diflunisal interference with determination of salicylate by the trinder, abbott tdx, and du pont aca methods. 20143940724
routine admission chest x-ray in the management of hospitalized patients. 20143957607
invasion of privacy. 20143969230
cervical diastematomyelia. 20143935949
a heart transplantation. 1. clinical features. 20144238840
[case of olfactory groove meningioma with 6-year psychiatric anamnesis]. 20143983011
late resistance to corticosteroids in nephrotic syndrome.corticosteroid resistance appeared late in the course of relapsing nephrotic syndrome in 12 patients who previously had steroid-sensitive relapses for 0.8 to 13 years. in 11 patients, renal histology performed earlier in the course of the disease showed minimal change in eight, mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis (mespgn) in two, and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (fsgs) in one. renal biopsy in another patient and a repeat procedure in four of eight patients who initially showed minim ...20143944696
oral malignant melanoma (a case report and review of literature).oral malignant melanoma is rare and has a poor prognosis. we report a case of melanoma of the lower alveolus with rapid spread to the cervical lymph nodes and breast. metastasis was diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology. the literature on oral melanoma is also reviewed.20143950509
reflex sympathetic dystrophy. 20143977580
38 years' experience in scoliosis treatment. 20143916310
separation of two receptor sites in a single labellar sugar receptor of the flesh-fly by treatment with p-chloromercuribenzoate. 20144819575
levels and patterns of intellectual functioning among ld college students: clinical and educational implications. 20143950517
[sonographic detection of thromboses of the renal veins and vena cava in adenocarcinoma of the kidney].renal cell carcinoma invades the renal vein and the inferior vena cava in 5-33% and 5-10% of the cases, respectively. the ultrasonic findings of 102 consecutive patients with renal tubular carcinoma were compared with the intraoperative and pathohistological results. with ultrasonography the renal vein could be visualized in 81% on the right and in 54% on the left side. 20 patients showed a thrombosis of the renal vein. the main renal vein could be demonstrated in 10 of 13 cases, with a malignan ...20143911403
[the veterinary medicine family anker of ins]. 20143911389
[alcohol, alcoholism and drugs].abuse of alcohol (ethanol) and abuse of an increasing number of drugs (e.g. analgesics and sedatives) are among the outstanding social and medical problems of many industrialized countries including switzerland. since alcohol consumption has profound effects on both the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic actions of a variety of drugs, the rational use of drugs in alcoholics is an increasingly difficult task and requires a thorough understanding of the physiologic, biochemical, pharmacologic and ...20143911383
[clinical applications of autologous bone marrow transplants. results in non-hodgkin lymphoma]. 20143911351
a multi-attachment approach to partial dentures. 20143911349
[difference between altered-cast impressions and dentists' impressions in distal extension removable partial dentures]. 20143911065
pathophysiology of low density lipoprotein and high density lipoprotein glucosylation. 20143911060
[use of rocefin with urological patients]. 20143910942
[application of microassay to laboratory medicine--immunoassay in laboratory tests]. 20143903286
factors influencing prognosis in carcinoma of the stomach.prognostic factors were prospectively sought in a consecutive group of 223 patients with carcinoma of the stomach observed for a minimum of seven years. age, race and mode of presentation did not influence survival time. statistically improved seven year survival rates were observed in females (p less than 0.01) and patients with several features: symptoms lasting more than six months (p less than 0.01); absence of an abdominal mass (p less than 0.01); t1 versus t3 stage of disease (p less than ...20143961656
the effects of acupuncture versus placebo in the treatment of headache.forty-eight patients were entered into a placebo (mock tns) versus acupuncture study to assess the effect of these therapies on headache. treatment was evaluated by the use of patient diaries; each patient completed a daily diary for 4 weeks prior to treatment during 6 weeks of therapy and for 24 weeks of follow-up. thirty-nine patients completed treatment and follow-up. at most acupuncture appears to be approximately 20% more effective than a placebo in alleviating headache but no statistically ...20143982837
obsessions and compulsions in three kinds of headache sufferers: analysis of the maudsley questionnaire. 20143964178
[changes in serum concentrations of some electrolytes during pregnancy]. 20144732278
a vectorcardiograph for assessing implanted cardiac pacemakers. 20144465581
the clinical significance of disturbed sleep and the use of hypnotics.this article discusses the causes of sleeplessness and its long-term management. sleep may be repeatedly disturbed by pain, dyspnoea, micturition, or restlessness. the sleep patterns of the diseases which produce these symptoms are given, with an explanation in physiological terms of why they disturb sleep. a knowledge of these sleep patterns provides a valuable aid to diagnosis. it is concluded that there is only one condition, senility leading to senile dementia, for which long-term night seda ...20144377278
[nikolaĭ ivanovich pirogov (on the 175th anniversary of his birth)]. 20143910925
[n.i. pirogov's work at military hospitals in simferopol (1854-1855)]. 20143910924
the significance of crevicular fluid. 20143905246
an adolescent inpatient program. guidelines and ethics. 20144323283
an adolescent inpatient program. guidelines and ethics. 20144323283
angiotensin blood levels in hypertensive and non-hypertensive diseases. 20144288058
angiotensin blood levels in hypertensive and non-hypertensive diseases. 20144288058
achalasia with suppurative pericarditis. a case report. 20144447104
achalasia with suppurative pericarditis. a case report. 20144447104
thermal behaviour of silica and its application to dental investments. 1. a study of the polymorphic changes of silica. 20144289334
colchicine-sensitive microtubules. 20144267164
ultrastructural observations on epidermal cells in paget's disease of the breast. 20144310578
ultrastructural observations on epidermal cells in paget's disease of the breast. 20144310578
[renal artery hypertension complicating neurofibromatosis]. 20144204609
[type ii proximal spinal muscular atrophy. clinical, electrophysiological, histopathological and histochemical studies]. 20144276719
[type ii proximal spinal muscular atrophy. clinical, electrophysiological, histopathological and histochemical studies]. 20144276719
[incidence of hepatitis-associated antigen (australia antigen) in chronic inflammatory joint disease]. 20144198190
interview: russell b. roth, m.d., president of the american medical association. 20144150318
[observations on the article by h. schulze and h. haike: "on the increase in age of onset of juvenile osteochondrosis of the hip"]. 20144227932
meiosis in xyy men. 20144191014
contribution of the trigeminal nerve to perceived odor magnitude. 20144529464
contribution of the trigeminal nerve to perceived odor magnitude. 20144529464
[extra-terrestial rays and space explorations]. 20144230088
the effect of vibration on afferent nerve conduction and spinal reflex mechanisms. 20144176601
pharmacologic control of premature labor. 20144150363
preservation of sulphacetamide eye drops. 20144144887
[immunology of collagens genetic regulation of the immune response in inbred mice]. 20144454502
letter: lymphocyte hazards to the fetus. 20144143038
the extinction of the tasmanians. 20144896761
[action of toxic substances on the product of conception]. 20144130159
chronic inflammatory demyelinating 12 cases of cidp under surveillance for 14 years, the main nerve biopsy findings were endoneural oedema and demyelination of nerve fibres. igm deposition was found in 1 patient and igg deposits in another. electron microscopy revealed proliferation of the schwann cells and mononuclear cell infiltration. the diagnostic criteria and nerve biopsy findings in cidp are listed in the tables.20144086221
[complication of ureterorenoscopy].we describe failures and complications of ureterorenoscopy based on our own experience and the literature. there is usually no consequence when perforating the ureter--which happens in 10 per cent of the cases--if a splint or a percutaneous nephrostomy is applied. ureteral rupture makes an open intervention necessary, but happens rarely. since complications of ureterorenoscopy are rare and the rate of success very high, open operations on the ureter should become less frequent.20144035829
[choice of anode voltage in x-ray studies of calcified coronary arteries]. 20144095911
dome adds high-tech touch to mri shield. 20144029938
urinary retention secondary to ovarian dysgerminoma in a girl.a thirteen-year-old girl sought medical advice because of a markedly weakened urinary stream with severe hesitancy. she was referred to the pediatric clinic because of 3 episodes of acute urinary retention during a previous month. pelvic examination showed a retrovesical tumor. an excretory urogram revealed bilateral ureterectasis and pyelocalicectasis. two weeks after left nephrostomy, surgical exploration demonstrated a right ovarian mass causing compression of the left ureter and obstruction ...20144012986
the zavanelli maneuver: a potentially revolutionary method for the resolution of shoulder dystocia.shoulder dystocia is a perilous complication for the fetus. suffocation and death are imminent. for the obstetrician, there is insufficient time for consultation. either he or she is ready with an array of manipulative remedies for sequential application or a disorganized chaos will ensue and chance will determine the outcome. worthy accoucheurs will have planned for this event and will have selected from the numerous procedures touted for its correction that group he or she intuitively feels wi ...20144014342
a case of multiple sclerosis with multi-ring-like and butterfly-like enhancement on computerized tomography.we report a case of multiple sclerosis in which ct showed multiple ring-like enhancement and butterfly-like distribution of a low density area with marginal enhancement. the latter finding is found in other demyelinating disorders but is less common in tumors or abscesses. therefore, it seems to have some diagnostic value in multiple sclerosis.20144003708
[exchange transfusion in the treatment of the hemophilic child with factor viii inhibitors]. 20143936511
aging enhances the insulin resistance in obesity through both receptor and postreceptor alterations.the association between aging and insulin resistance is well recognized. to clarify possible mechanisms, both the binding and the action of insulin were studied in abdominal sc fat cells from two groups of obese nondiabetic women matched for relative weight and fasting insulin levels. the age ranges of the two groups were 16-37 (mean, 28) and 47-77 (mean, 61) yr, respectively. insulin binding was significantly decreased in the elderly (approximately 40%; p less than 0.05), which scatchard analys ...20143941163
contribution of the adrenal gland to the production of androstenedione and testosterone during the first two years of life.androstenedione and testosterone were measured in whole adrenal glands of 56 previously healthy boys who died suddenly between birth and 2 yr of age. in each adrenal gland, the concentration of androstenedione considerably exceeded that of testosterone. the highest concentrations were found during the first week of life (median, 295 ng/g; range, 98-320 ng/g). thereafter, values decreased rapidly until the end of the first year of life (median, 10 ng/g; range, 4.4-22.7 ng/g). adrenal testosterone ...20143941161
Displaying items 22501 - 22600 of 24874