
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
letter: printing error in the pdr. 20144420032
[social security: general aspects. industrial accidents and occupational diseases]. 20144254016
the vulnerable oesophagus. 20144175420
effects of postural changes upon urinary excretion of protein in renal disease. 20144179152
drugs: development and use. 20144097608
effects of some drugs applied topically to the nasal mucosa before nasal provocation tests with allergen. 20144154695
[isolation of an "ochre" mutant after hydroxylamine treatment of an "amber" mutant of the lambda bacteriophage]. 20144169949
patterns of intravenous glucose tolerance and insulin response before and after treatment with streptozotocin (nsc-85998) in patients with cancer. 20144260577
malaria in africa. changes in continuity. international colloquium. 14-15 december 1984, antwerpen, belgium. 20144073975
a first report of isospora infection in singapore. 20144234364
[the public and legal tasks of public psychiatric hospitals (regional hospitals)]. 20144262677
[resins for restoration of injured incisors. a preliminary report]. 20144615391
[resins for restoration of injured incisors. a preliminary report]. 20144615391
psychology aids treatment of child dental patients. 20144274738
t and b lymphocytes in systemic lupus erythematosus. 20144138198
inaccuracy of test strips with reflectance meter in determination of high blood-sugars. 20144111578
synthesis of phospholipid in the blood of patients with essential hypertension. 20144223522
ischaemic cranial neuropathies. 20144102551
composition and function of pulmonary surfactant. 20144522548
composition and function of pulmonary surfactant. 20144522548
nurses in general practice. 20144098917
achilles tendon rupture. 20144119184
synthesis of the allylic gonadal steroids, 3 alpha-hydroxy-4-pregnen-20-one and 3 alpha-hydroxy-4-androsten-17-one, and of 3 alpha-hydroxy-5 alpha-pregnan-20-one.a method for the convenient synthesis of the recently isolated allylic gonadal steroids, 3 alpha-hydroxy-4-pregnen-20-one (3 alpha-dihydroprogesterone; 3 alpha-dhp) and 3 alpha-hydroxy-4-androsten-17-one (3 alpha-ha), was developed using 4-pregnene-3,20-dione (progesterone) and 4-androstene-3,17-dione as substrates and potassium trisiamylborohydride (ks-selectride) as reducing agent. similar reactions were also used for the reduction of 5 alpha-pregnane-3,20-dione to 3 alpha-hydroxy-5 alpha-preg ...20144089911
[theory of symbolism. 3. genesis of symbolism]. 20144115515
the "developmentally high risk" infant: early identification outside metropolitan areas. 20144125527
physiological stress and performance changes in response to beginning level orienteering. 20144068683
gangrene of the buttock: a devastating complication of the infusion of hyperosmolar solutions in the umbilical artery at birth.this paper describes two cases of gangrene in the buttock secondary to infusion of a hyperosmolar solution into the umbilical artery at birth. because of the frequent dilatation of the umbilical arteries in asphyxiated infants, needle puncture should not be used to infuse fluids into the umbilical vein. moreover, hypertonic solutions that can produce vascular thrombosis should be avoided in metabolic resuscitation in the delivery room.20144054165
[use of adhesive cellophane tape in the diagnosis of demodicosis]. 20144072051
[control of dna synthesis in neoplastic tissue using bleomycin]. 20144119464
[change in the spectrum of lipids and apoproteins a1 and b as affected by hypothiazide and pratsiol in patients with hypertension].a comparative study of changes in plasma lipids, apo-a1 and apo-b under the effect of 2-week, 2-month and 6-month treatments with hydrochlorothiazide and pratsiol was conducted in 48 patients with arterial hypertension. hydrochlorothiazide caused a significant increase in total cholesterol (ch), ldl cholesterol, apo-a1 and apo-b, and a decrease in cholesterol load of hdl particles as compared to placebo effects. increased levels of hdl cholesterol were only noted in the early days of hydrochloro ...20144068453
idiopathic bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis.a patient with dyspnoea was found to have a complete diaphragmatic paralysis due to a bilateral phrenic nerve lesion, without evidence of a generalized neuromuscular disease. the functional sequelae of breathing with intercostal and auxiliary inspiratory muscles were studied in the patient both while awake and asleep. this we believe is the second case of idiopathic bilateral paralysis of the diaphragm described in the literature.20144054258
immunosuppression and fatal measles. 20144187841
[at the meeting point of lipidosis and hereditary neuropathies: refsum's disease]. 20144187679
letter: a fashionable boot syndrome? 20144136100
current management of renal calculi. 20144058006
serum alpha fetoprotein concentration and tumor growth dissociation in a patient with ovarian teratocarcinoma. 20144122361
[improvement of the method of determining hemoglobin dissolved in blood plasma]. 20144176233
modifications of circular dna by photoalkylation.the effects of photoalkylation on superhelical pm2 dna were examined. the chief product was 8-(2-hydroxy-2-propyl)guanine, formed exclusively in sequences of alternating purines and pyrimidines. other purine damages included 8-(2-hydroxy-2-propyl)adenine and smaller quantities of two uncharacterized adenine products. dna strand breaks were formed with increasing irradiation. a small quantity of thymine-containing photodimers was formed. photoalkylation of poly(dg-dc):poly(dg-dc) reduced the conc ...20144070556
the use of written simulations and trained patients to evaluate a course in rheumatology. 20144020848
[treatment of hormonal sterility in the family]. 20144014592
[lumbago with changes of the spinal colum caused by defective posture in sedentary work]. 20144238805
[disaster planning at the university hospital center]. 20144059750
proposed guidelines for protocol studies. ii. plasma cell myeloma. prepared by a committee of the chronic leukemia--myeloma task force, national cancer institute. 20144195760
hepatitis b markers in patients with and without ascites in haiti. 20144035769
treatment of an aggressive, compulsive adolescent with sultopride. 20144014512
[uncharacteristic "basic" symptoms in the frankfurt complaint questionnaire and their relation to psychopathologic syndromes]. 20144010829
the rhys-davies exsanguinator.a simple device for limb exsanguination is described. it is quick and easy to use, effective and safe, and appropriate to a wide range of circumstances. strain-gauge plethysmography has been used to measure its efficacy and shows that it is better than limb elevation alone and comparable to use of the esmarch bandage.20144004053
[epithelial tumors of the ovary. therapeutic results apropos of 165 cases of stage ii and iii tumors].a report on the treatment of 165 epithelial tumours of the ovary (60 of which were stage ii and 105 were stage iii) by medical means after surgery. the results are far better in stage ii cases for the length of survival without disease and the 5 year survival rate when surgical excision was complete (40 months and 43%) as compared with the disease-free interval and survival when surgical excision was incomplete (14 months and 27%) (p less than 0.05). there was a significant difference (p less th ...20144067218
verbal asymmetries and levels of processing in an interactive dual-task paradigm.this study examined how the dual-task laterality paradigm produces patterns of cerebral asymmetry different from those obtained in studies of comparable single-laterality tasks. we systematically examined at what level of processing a concurrent verbal memory-load influences accuracy of recognition of laterally presented nouns relative to that in a control condition. four groups of 20 subjects each were tested in an interactive dual-task paradigm requiring them to compare lateralized nouns direc ...20144000849
[alpha-1-antitrypsin defect and pulmonary emphysema]. 20144104627
[periodicity of foot clonus and afferent discharges of the muscle spindle]. 20144249723
[systemic spontaneous panniculitis]. 20144049835
hypertension and the kidney. proceedings of a symposium. new york, new york, march 30-31, 1984. 20143993643
[body image of young girls and females in comparison with anorectic patients: evaluation of a measuring instrument]. 20144010831
conformational polymorphism vi: the crystal and molecular structures of form ii, form iii, and form v of 4-amino-n-2-pyridinylbenzenesulfonamide (sulfapyridine).the crystal structures of three crystalline forms of 4-amino-n-pyridinylbenzenesulfonamide (sulfapyridine) have been determined by x-ray single crystal structure analysis. form ii crystallizes in space group p2(1)/c with four molecules in the unit cell: a = 0.6722(1) nm, b = 2.0593(5) nm, c = 0.8505(1) nm, beta = 101.14(1) degrees; form iii crystallizes in space group c2/c with eight molecules in the unit cell: a = 1.2830(2) nm, b = 1.1714(3) nm, c = 1.5400(3) nm, beta = 94.12(1) degrees; form v ...20144009431
a retrospective mortality study of workers in three major u.s. refineries and chemical plants. part 1: comparisons with u.s. population.a dynamic retrospective cohort study was performed to examine the mortality experience of 21,698 workers at exxon's refineries and chemical plants in baton rouge, la.; baytown, tex.; and bayway/bayonne, n.j. included were 15,437 regular employees who worked at least one month during the period jan. 1, 1970, through dec. 31, 1977, and 6,261 retirees who were alive as of jan. 1, 1970. there were 137,702 person-years of observation. mortality in this total study population was generally lower than ...20143998881
[oculo-oscillodynamography, a new procedure for the determination of ophthalmic artery blood pressure and ocular pulse curve analysis].oodg is a diagnostic method permitting assessment of ocular pulse curves and objective determination of blood pressures in the ophthalmic circulatory system (retinal and ciliary arterial blood pressures) simultaneously for both eyes, without dilatation of the pupils. calibrated scleral suction cups pneumatically connected to a sensitive transducer are used to provide well reproducible ocular pulse recordings. the systolic retinal and ciliary arterial blood pressures and the diastolic ocular bloo ...20144021431
advantages and disadvantages of nephelometric measurement of serum lipids. 20144361902
abstracts of symposium organised by the cardiac muscle research group. bath, 16 april 1985. 20144042118
british medical association attacks cigarette smoking. 20143978493
[unusual echocardiographic pattern of left endoventricular thrombosis disappearing after anticoagulant therapy]. 20144047419
clinicians' knowledge about the families of their patients.this study was designed to determine what doctors and nurses in family medicine actually know about the families of their patients; to assess the accuracy of the professed knowledge; and to relate this knowledge to the patient's level of satisfaction and compliance. clinicians completed questionnaires dealing with their knowledge of personal and family information about patients. these patients completed a mirror-image questionnaire--to assess the accuracy of the clinician's responses--and a que ...20143988012
pneumococcal meningitis in a husband and wife. 20144031518
time-dependent interfacial charging effects of electrical fields applied to biological important aspect of the interaction of a biological system with an externally produced electric field is that of charge separation and interfacial charging. this aspect has been ignored in some recent experimental and theoretical work. in the case of small regions of lower electrical resistivity imbedded in a higher resistivity medium, charge separation across the lower resistivity regions will result in charging of the interfaces between the lower and higher resistivity regions. the field pr ...20144033161
[clinical evaluation of management of breech presentation]. 20144054669
posterior communicating artery giant aneurysm as a cause of seizures. 20143982666
[case of temporal arteritis with platelet hyperfunction]. 20144094090
[a noninvasive method of studying myocardial contraction]. 20144023598
maximal cardiac output during exercise in patients with coronary artery disease. 20144202449
[determination of free serum phenol by gas-liquid chromatography in hemosorption].a modified procedure is developed for estimation of free phenol in blood serum by means of gas-liquid chromatography, appropriate in clinico-biochemical assays. the method enabled to evacuate the blood serum free phenol in healthy persons as well as in various pathologies of abdominal cavity before and after hemosorption. after hemosorption a distinct decrease of the free phenol content was observed in blood, correlating with improved clinico-biochemical patterns of the patients, with a decrease ...20143984277
tension pneumocephalus after evacuation of chronic subdural hematoma and subsequent treatment with continuous lumbar subarachnoid infusion and craniostomy drainage.we present a case of tension pneumocephalus after burr hole evacuation of bilateral chronic subdural hematomas. subsequent treatment was effected with combined twist drill closed system drainage and continuous intrathecal infusion of a physiological solution. the clinical entity, tension pneumocephalus, and the use of continuous subarachnoid infusion and drainage as a method of cerebral reexpansion are discussed.20143974807
[harmonic structure and factors influencing judgement of pitch]. 20144243445
radionuclide angiography in pulmonary sequestration.we report a case diagnosed as pulmonary sequestration by radionuclide angiography prior to operation which showed anomalous arteries. radionuclide angiography clearly revealed the condition of both the pulmonary artery and aorta, and is considered to be extremely useful in the diagnosis of pulmonary sequestration. it will probably be applied to more patients in the future.20144032044
the effects of noise on the naming of colours and reading of colour names. 20143993413
[effect of hormonal contraceptives on the activity of various enzymes in blood serum]. 20143993167
experience with a specific request form for antidepressant drug monitoring.with the introduction of an antidepressant drug monitoring service in this hospital, it became necessary to have a completed request form prior to analysis. the importance of ordering these tests selectively and of basic pharmacokinetics for antidepressants was stressed through special lectures and a newsletter. this study was undertaken to assess whether the use of this form assisted in optimizing drug monitoring of antidepressants. information provided on the form was used to assist in interpr ...20144049467
effects of peripheral vasoconstriction on the measurement of blood pressure in a finger.using noninvasive techniques only, the fall in mean pressure and the pulse amplification between brachial and finger arterial pressure were measured in six anaesthetised female subjects during surgery. brachial pressure was measured every 2 min with an oscillometric technique. finger pressure was measured continuously using an arterial volume clamp method. in addition changes in the degree of peripheral vasoconstriction were established on an adjacent finger with a photo reflection plethysmograp ...20143986857
ventricular shunt survival in children with neural tube defects.ventricular shunting has dramatically improved the care of children with hydrocephalus. yet shunt malfunctions are extremely common and cause significant morbidity. to document shunt problems in children with a neural tube defect and hydrocephalus, 67 children born since 1973 were studied via life-table analysis. 28% of the shunts failed within the first 6 months after insertion, 37% failed within the first year and 50% failed by 4 1/2 years after insertion. shunt survival was similar in childre ...20143984790
stress, coping and children's health. 20144034267
pre-placement health screening needs problem-oriented approach. 20144000578
influence of gentle birth delivery procedures and other perinatal circumstances on infant temperament: developmental and social implications. 20143944678
hb m iwate [alpha (2)87his----tyr beta 2]: de novo mutation in an irish family. 20143957697
influence of benzodiazepine (diazepam) by single and repeated treatment on the growth of tetrahymena.diazepam at 10(-7) m stimulated considerably the growth of tetrahymena. the growth rate increase was still demonstrable after 3 days (after about 15 generations) and was even greater than initially. a second treatment with diazepam did not furthermore increase the growth rate.20143937525
[determination of the severity of aortic stenosis using a one-dimensional ultrasonic method]. 20143955612
differentiation of volume averaging and mass on magnetic resonance images of the mediastinum.volume averaging of high intensity mediastinal fat and low intensity flowing blood in mediastinal vessels can mimic a mediastinal mass on magnetic resonance (mr) images of the chest. however, when different repetition times (tr) are used to perform two imaging sequences, volume averaging can be distinguished from true disease, since the ratio of intensities of mediastinal fat, which is volume averaged, to nonvolume-averaged fat will remain relatively constant on a pair of images obtained using d ...20143983392
reconciling standards and individual differences. 20143950515
competencies for mainstreaming secondary level learning disabled students. 20143950520
[chronic bronchopathies in children]. 20144794269
differential scattering of circularly polarized light by chromatin modeled as a helical array of dielectric ellipsoids within the born approximation. 20144027346
[centenary of the birth of the swiss dental pulp researcher walter hess (1885-1980)]. 20143911388
[evaluation of the in vitro activity of cefotetan on bacterial strains of recent hospital isolation].the in vitro activity of cefotetan, a new cephamycin antibiotic, was tested against 296 bacterial strains, recently clinically isolated, by measuring the minimum inhibitory concentrations. comparisons were made with other drugs (cefoxitin, cefotaxime, piperacillin, rifampicin, clindamycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol) widely utilized for the treatment of nosocomial infections. cefotetan showed the highest activity against all the tested strains, with a geometrical mean of mics (mg) of 0.32 and ...20143870426
nurse management: the last supper. 20143911176
[socio-ecologic concepts in the epidemiology of infectious and parasitic diseases]. 20143911039
biochemical and cellular pharmacology of cytosine arabinoside. 20143925560
[dr. gábor petri (1914-1985)]. 20143900857
johannes maagaard nielsen 1890-1969. 20144936413
[rupture of large intestine by compressed air]. 20143904158
isotope dilution assay for biotin. 20143893282
hilde bruch, m.d. 1904-1984. 20143893167
abstracts. 1st national congress of the italian society of pediatric nephrology. may 14-15, 1985, naples, italy. 20144030226
Displaying items 22101 - 22200 of 24874