
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
motor changes in presymptomatic huntington disease gene determine whether changes in motor function and reaction time are present in presymptomatic individuals carrying the huntington disease (hd) allele.19968660148
pregnancy outcome at age 40 and examine pregnancy outcome among women age 40 years and older.19968649698
intratumoral blood flow in uterine myoma correlated with a lower tumor size and volume, but not correlated with cell proliferation or investigate the correlation of intratumoral blood flow in uterine myoma with cell proliferation, angiogenesis, tumor size, and tumor volume.19968649683
reduced trabecular meshwork height in juvenile primary open-angle compare trabecular meshwork height in a series of patients with juvenile primary open-angle glaucoma (jpoag) with that in normal control patients.19968639075
cytotoxic effects of kainate ligands on hek cell lines expressing recombinant kainate receptors.exposure of neurons either for prolonged periods of time or to high concentrations of excitatory amino acids (eaa), such as glutamate, results in neuronal death. kainate also causes cell toxicity through the glutamate receptors. however, it is unclear whether the kainate receptor itself mediates any of the toxic responses. in the present study, hek cells expressing the glur6 +/- ka2 receptor subunit(s) were studied for their susceptibility to toxicity through the kainate receptor by kainate liga ...19968782898
[a case of relapsing guillain-barré syndrome following miller fisher syndrome].miller fisher syndrome (fs) is thought to be a variant of gullain-barré syndrome (gbs), both of which rarely relapse. we report a rare case of gbs that followed fs. a 38-year-old woman had ophthalmoplegia, ataxia and areflexia following an upper respiratory tract infection with a diagnosis of fs. serum anti-gq1b igg antibody was found to be increased, but decreased through immunoadsorption as the neurological symptoms of the patient improved. she became completely asymptomatic three months after ...19968905988
mixreg: a computer program for mixed-effects regression analysis with autocorrelated errors.mixreg is a program that provides estimates for a mixed-effects regression model (mrm) for normally-distributed response data including autocorrelated errors. this model can be used for analysis of unbalanced longitudinal data, where individuals may be measured at a different number of timepoints, or even at different timepoints. autocorrelated errors of a general form or following an ar(1), ma(1), or arma(1,1) form are allowable. this model can also be used for analysis of clustered data, where ...19968800609
celiac disease with cerebral calcium and silica deposits: x-ray spectroscopic findings, an autopsy increased incidence of seizures and cerebral calcifications, usually bilateral and located in the occipital cortex, has been reported in celiac patients. the histology of cerebral lesions is not well defined, and their pathogenesis is only speculative. we report the autopsy results of a patient with celiac disease, seizures, and cerebral calcifications who died following a cerebral hemorrhage caused by fisher-evans syndrome. calcifications were restricted to the cortical gray matter and compo ...19968780097
[recurrent idiopathic facial paralysis and other cranial nerve involvements in 2 members of a family].we report 2 cases of the same family who presented with alternating recurrent episodes of peripheral facial palsy, associated in one case with ipsilateral trigeminal neuropathy and preceded in the other case by incomplet miller-fisher syndrom. all laboratory and radiological investigations were normal except the electrodiagnostic tests. the etiopathogenetic mecanisms implied and the distinction between familial recurrent bell's palsies and recurrent cranial nerve palsies are discussed.19968763660
serial mri, vep, sep and biotesiometry in acute optic neuritis: value of baseline results to predict the development of new lesions at one year follow an attempt to establish the value of mri, vep, sep, and biotesiometry in monitoring disease evolution we undertook a one year follow up study of 70 untreated patients with acute optic neuritis (on).19968739433
attitudes of older adults' on being told the diagnosis of alzheimer's disease.controversy exists as to whether alzheimer's disease (ad) patients should be told their diagnosis, yet no research has been done examining older patients' attitudes on this topic. this study examines patient's attitudes toward this topic.19968636584
locally advanced cervical adenocarcinoma: is there a place for chemo-surgical treatment?the increased frequency and poor prognosis of cervical adenocarcinoma call for new therapeutic strategies, especially in locally advanced disease. combined neoadjuvant chemotherapy (nact)-radical surgery (rs) has been investigated to assess its feasibility and the possible impact on disease outcome. data were pooled from three consecutive trials on a total of 42 patients with figo stage ib-iia >4 cm (9), iib (19), and iiib (14) cervical adenocarcinomas. nact regimens consisted of cisplatin (p), ...19968626116
homicide in homosexual victims: a study of 67 cases from the broward county, florida, medical examiner's office (1982-1992), with special emphasis on "overkill".forensic pathologists often state that homosexual homicides are more violent than those with heterosexual victims. overkill or wounding far beyond that required to cause death is a frequently used descriptor of these deaths. we quantified the number and extent of injuries between homosexual and heterosexual homicide victims to determine whether one group suffered more violence than the other. this case-control study involved 67 homosexual homicide victims and 195 age, race, and gender-matched he ...19968838474
laser-evoked cerebral potentials and sensory function in patients with central pain.central pain syndromes (cps) could be caused by disinhibition of spinothalamic excitability or by other central nervous system (cns) changes caused by reduced spinothalamic function. to examine these possibilities, we studied 11 patients (ages 51-82 years) with unilateral central pain and with reproducible cerebral evoked vertex potentials in response to cutaneous stimulation of the normal side with pulses from an infra-red co2 laser. all patients had normal tactile and kinesthetic sensation; on ...19968783313
mixor: a computer program for mixed-effects ordinal regression analysis.mixor provides maximum marginal likelihood estimates for mixed-effects ordinal probit, logistic, and complementary log-log regression models. these models can be used for analysis of dichotomous and ordinal outcomes from either a clustered or longitudinal design. for clustered data, the mixed-effects model assumes that data within clusters are dependent. the degree of dependency is jointly estimated with the usual model parameters, thus adjusting for dependence resulting from clustering of the d ...19968735023
dr c. miller fisher and the history of carotid artery disease.our aim was to analyze the role that c. miller fisher (c.m.f.) had in promoting an understanding of carotid artery disease (cad). although chiari in 1905 and later hunt, moniz, and hultquist, among others, described the association of cad and stroke, this received little attention until c.m.f. published his clinicoanatomic correlations in "occlusion of the carotid arteries." until then, some 55% of strokes were attributed to "vasospasm."19968610329
diagnosing gestational diabetes mellitus: use of a glucose screen without administering the glucose tolerance determine if a 1-hour glucose screen value could be identified, above which gestational diabetes mellitus could be diagnosed without the 3-hour oral glucose tolerance test (gtt).19968598962
preterm delivery after selective termination in twin determine the effect of selective termination of an abnormal twin on the rate of preterm delivery.19968598956
[case of fisher syndrome with pemphigus treated by immuno-adsorption plasmapheresis]. 19968708457
funeral home settles.the fisher funeral home of portsmouth, va reached an agreement with the u.s. department of justice to end a practice of charging additional fees for embalming the bodies of people who died of aids-related complications. the funeral home will pay reimbursements and damages to nine families who were overcharged between july 1992 and november 1993. because morticians and funeral home employees are legally required to treat all bodies as if they were infected, there is no legal basis for charging mo ...199611363159
upper extremity deep venous thrombosis in cancer patients with venous access devices--prophylaxis with a low molecular weight heparin (fragmin).central venous access devices are often essential for the administration of chemotherapy to patients with malignancy, but its use has been associated with a number of complications, mainly thrombosis. the true incidence of upper extremity deep vein thrombosis (dvt) in this setting is difficult to estimate since there are very few studies in which dvt diagnosis was based on objective tests, but its sequelae include septic thrombophlebitis, loss of central venous access and pulmonary embolism. we ...19968815570
[removal ability of igg anti-gq1b antibody in immunoadsorption therapy for fisher syndrome--comparison of the removal ability between tryptophane column and phenylalanine column].anti-gq1b antibody seems to be a pathogenetic factor in the development of fisher syndrome (fs). although several patients received immunoadsorption therapy (iat), whether it can remove the autoantibody has not yet been clarified. we treated two patients with fs by iat using tryptophane column (tr-c) and phenylalanine column (ph-c) (tr-c; 9 times altogether in 2 patients, ph-c: twice altogether in 2 patients), and compared the removal ability of igg anti-gq1b antibody and immunoglobulin between ...19968752688
timing of the thermographic assessment of burns.the thermographic assessment of burns using infrared imaging has previously been shown to be a useful aid in the estimation of burn depth. in this study, thermographic images of burns, obtained from 65 patients over a 4-year period, were reviewed. an infrared transparent, water-impermeable membrane was used as a wound cover to abolish evaporative cooling artefacts. single images were obtained from patients with burns to various parts of the body, excluding the hands. a significant change in the ...19968719312
wilson disease: findings at mr imaging and ct of the brain with clinical describe the spectrum of brain abnormalities in wilson disease (hepatolenticular degeneration) as depicted at magnetic resonance (mr) imaging and computed tomography (ct) and to relate these findings to neurologic and hepatologic abnormalities.19968596862
pregnancy in sickle cell disease: experience of the cooperative study of sickle cell determine the maternal and fetal outcomes of pregnancy in women with sickle cell disease.19968559523
should choice be a component in occupational therapy assessments?this paper addresses the issue of allowing clients the choice of activities to perform for evaluative purposes. studies demonstrating that choice or control may improve performance in both occupational therapy and psychology literature are reviewed. it offers a description of the assessment of motor and process skills (fisher, 1995) as an assessment that considers choice a critical component of the assessment process and describes a study that demonstrates client choice improves performance duri ...199623944187
dental workers, musculoskeletal cumulativetrauma, and carpal tunnel syndrome: who is at risk? a pilot study.a pilot study was conducted at a dental clinic to identify (a) the prevalence of musculoskeletal cumulative trauma disorders (mctd), (b) associated symptoms (with special attention paid to carpal tunnel syndrome [cts]), and (c) practitioners at risk. videotapes, two questionnaires, a medical record review, and interviews were used. forty-five dental workers participated and were classified into three categories: (a) dentists, (b) dental assistants and special assistants (da/sa), and (c) dental h ...199610602587
[intubation conditions: importance of the rate of repetition of the train-of-four].to assess that neuromuscular relaxation onset of the adductor pollicis (ap) is related to neuromuscular stimulation rate. to assess that train-of-four (tof) at 0.05 hz is a more accurate indicator of optimal tracheal intubation time and conditions, than tof at 0.08 hz.19969180980
[a case of atypical miller-fisher syndrome treated with intravenous immunoglobulins]. 19969092352
finite element stress analysis of a new design of synthetic leaflet heart valve.this paper presents a parametric finite element analysis of the stresses in the leaflets of a new design of polyurethane heart valve in the closed position. the alpharabola geometry of the valve has previously been reported by leat and fisher (1) and has been shown to demonstrate good opening characteristics. the effects of variations in leaflet offset parameter, g, length, h, and local thickening have been determined for a valve where the frame is assumed rigid. a spherical leaflet geometry has ...19969046187
proceedings of the 6th fisher winternational symposium of the canadian society of biochemistry and molecular and cellular biology. signal transduction: from the membrane to the nucleus. banff, alberta, canada. march 21-24, 1996. 19969044566
[value of the systematic uterine doppler in the primiparous woman. a series of 315 cases].this retrospective study was designed to assess the screening of pre-eclampsia (pe) and intra-uterine growth retardation (iugr) by uteroplacental doppler scan in a population of primiparous, selected in a hospital having 700 deliveries each year.19969026510
morbidity of medical therapy for ulcerative colitis: what are we really saving?the true morbidity, cost and disability of medical therapy for ulcerative colitis are seldom delineated and are even less frequently compared to analogous parameters associated with surgical therapy. therefore, we sought to assess and contrast medical versus surgical therapy for patients hospitalized due to severe ulcerative colitis.19969007625
fisher symposium: strategies for the prevention of alzheimer disease--overview of research planning meeting iii.even though the prospect for preventing alzheimer disease seems remote now, a plan must be developed to reach this goal in order to avoid a fiscal crisis in the health care system. the goals of delaying alzheimer disease and eventually preventing it will become possible as more is learned about the brain mechanisms and risk factors involved. in response to a 1994 congressional report, the national institute on aging in cooperation with the zachary and elizabeth m. fisher medical foundation spons ...19968876779
predictive value of signs and symptoms in the diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage among stroke patients.clinical diagnosis of subarachnoid hemorrhage (sah) is frequently misdiagnosed with intracerebral hemorrhage (ich) or cerebral infarction (ci), which delays appropriate referral. this study was undertaken to create a clinical index to select, among stroke patients, those with the highest probability of having a sah. clinical data of patients with acute stroke were evaluated with the x2 and the fisher exact test; a p value < 0.05 was considered significant. significant variables were included in ...19968854395
first person account: a voice from another closet.the article that follows is part of the schizophrenia bulletin's ongoing first person accounts series. we hope that mental health professionals--the bulletin's primary audience--will take this opportunity to learn about the issues and difficulties confronted by consumers of mental health care. in addition, we hope that these accounts will give patients and families a better sense of not being alone in confronting the problems that can be anticipated by persons with serious emotional difficulties ...19968782294
classification of veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder using visual brain evoked p3s to traumatic stress disorder (ptsd) typically involves a re-experiencing of traumatic events. in a previous p3 study it was found that ptsd patients react both selectively and involuntarily to combat-related pictures, exhibiting augmented p3 event-related potentials and thus providing a brain activity measure. the clinical application of these findings in differentiating ptsd patients from controls was tested.19968770439
i/d polymorphism at the locus for ace and apo a-i gene promoter polymorphism as risk factors for coronary artery disease in patients with familial our study we searched for an association between the insertion/deletion (i/d) polymorphism at the ace locus as well as apo a-i promoter polymorphism and coronary artery disease (cad) in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (fh). 34 fh patients over 40 years were ascertained; 16 patients with cad were compared with 18 patients without cad. there was an excess of dd or id genotype in fh patients with cad (or = 4.9, ci = 1.17-22.17; fisher exact p = 0.012), however, no association between ...19968739332
vocational outcome of aphasic patients following severe traumatic brain injury.the incidence and course of aphasia, and its impact on vocational outcome, were determined in a group of 351 patients with severe traumatic brain injury (tbi). aphasia was found in 11.1%, the common forms being amnestic (56%, 22/39), expressive (10.3%, 4/39) and receptive (10.5%, 8/39), as found on the first language assessment. no age difference was found between the aphasic and non-aphasic patients. coma was more common in the aphasics than the non-aphasics (95% and 82%, respectively), althoug ...19968680391
dr. pader replies to dr. fisher (winter 1996) 19968668713
changes in rat plasma-free fatty acid composition under oxidative stress induced by carbon tetrachloride: decrease of polyunsaturated fatty acids and increase of palmitoleic order to measure the changes in antioxidant levels and the composition of plasma-free fatty acids resulting from oxidative stress, male fisher rats were given a twice weekly subcutaneous injection of a 50% solution of carbon tetrachloride (ccl4) in corn oil for a period of 2 to 13 weeks. the dosage was 1.3 ml/kg of body weight. this treatment significantly suppressed the gain of body weight compared with control rats receiving the same dosage of corn oil. liver weight of the two groups was si ...199627405950
pancreatic inclusions and its relation to boric acid poisoning: review of the literature and report of a is known among forensic and pediatric pathologists that the demonstration of pancreatic inclusions is considered to have diagnostic significance in cases of boric acid poisoning. fisher was the first to suggest a causal relationship between the inclusions and boric acid toxicity. valdes-dapena and arey paid particular attention to the pancreatic inclusions in reviewing the literature of cases of boric acid poisoning. they found the inclusions in 6 of the 55 autopsies. this paper describes the ...1996178584
rat hepatocyte morphology and function on lactose-derivatized polystyrene surfaces.hepatocytes isolated from male fisher 344vf rats were cultured on two substrates, collagen i and a lactose-derivatized polystyrene (ps-lactose), to compare morphological and functional differences. hepatocyte morphology changed dramatically depending upon the substrate, shown through actin cytoskeletal staining and scanning electron microscopy. functional assays performed included albumin secretion, reduced glutathione content, udp-glucuronosyl transferase, and cytochrome p4501a1 activity. the p ...199618623576
leeds undergraduate medical education conference, 7-8 july 1995.the leeds undergraduate medical education conference (lumec) was held on 7-8 july 1995. this conference, devoted entirely to undergraduate medical education, was unique in that it was organized entirely by four medical students. it attracted a wide and enthusiastic audience and excellent speakers. professor charles george (chairman, education committee, general medical council) spoke about tomorrow's doctors, dr mark bailey (part-chairman, medical students' committee of the british medical assoc ...19968736251
conformations of myosin subfragment 1 atpase intermediates from neutron and x-ray order to elucidate the structural changes that occur during the hydrolysis of atp by myosin, low-angle neutron and x-ray scattering have been used to investigate the shape of the myosin head (s1) with various bound nucleotides and nucleotide analogs. it was found that the radius of gyration (rg) of s1.mgadp.alf4 and of were similar and significantly smaller (approximately 3%) than the similar rg values of nucleotide-free s1, s1.mgadp and s1.mgadp.befx. in addition, s1 in the presen ...19968609603
x-ray structure of the magnesium(ii).adp.vanadate complex of the dictyostelium discoideum myosin motor domain to 1.9 a resolution.the structure of the vanadate-trapped adp complex of a truncated head of dictyostelium myosin ii consisting of residues asp 2-asn 762 has been determined by molecular replacement at 1.9 a resolution and refined to a crystallographic r-factor of 19.4%. the crystals belong to the orthorhombic space group c2221 where a = 84.50 a, b = 145.4 a, and c = 152.8 a. the conformation of the protein is similar to that of mgadp.alf4.sldc [fisher, a.j., et al. (1995) biochemistry 34, 8960-8972]. the nucleotid ...19968611530
[general surgery in the octogenarian patient. one year's clinical experience].as the number of people over the age of 80 years is rapidly increasing, it may be expected that demand for surgical care for the elderly will also rise during the next decade thus contributing to a change in surgeon attitude.19968992384
functional analysis and treatment of cigarette pica.a series of analyses was conducted to assess and treat the pica of cigarette butts by a young man with mental retardation and autism. first, we demonstrated that pica was maintained in a condition with no social consequences when the available cigarettes contained nicotine but not when the cigarettes contained herbs without nicotine. second, a choice assessment (fisher et al., 1992) confirmed that tobacco was preferred over the other components of the cigarette (e.g., paper, filter, etc.). third ...19968995829
[a case report of a distal posterior cerebral artery (p3) aneurysm, not accessible through a subtemporal approach].a case of a ruptured aneurysm located in the p3 portion of the posterior cerebral artery (pca), which was not accessible through a subtemporal approach, was reported. in addition to the case presented here, alternative operative approaches to the distal p3 portion or higher ambient cistern were reviewed and discussed. a 64-year-old man was admitted because of sudden onset of headache. ct scan disclosed sah which was recognized mainly in the left ambient cistern with intraventricular bleeding (fi ...19968934469
[a case of chronic bromvalerylurea intoxication with episodic neurological manifestations such as optic neuropathy ophthalmoplegia and ataxia].a 28-year-old man presented with a bilateral visual loss of acute onset, and was diagnosed as having optic neuropathy by an ophthalmologist. it disappeared spontaneously within 2 months. a visual loss at the left side relapsed ten months later, followed by a dysarthria, horizontal defective saccade, ataxia, and mild weakness of four extremities, which also subsided within one month only by multi-vitamin therapy. these signs recurred episodically with characteristic clinical features of dysarthri ...19968937204
creatine depletion elicits structural, biochemical, and physiological adaptations in rat costal elucidate adaptations elicited by creatine (cr) depletion in the costal diaphragm (dia), 16 12-wk-old male fisher 344 rats had 2% beta-guanidinopropionic acid (beta-gpa), a competitive inhibitor of cr transport into muscle, added to their food; a control group (con) of 16 rats ate normal rat chow. after 18 wk, beta-gpa and con dia did not differ histochemically with respect to fiber-type distribution; however, the cross-sectional area of type ii(b + x) fibers was 33% less in beta-gpa than con ...19968944630
mechanical responses of tracheal tissue in vitro: dependence on the tissue preparation employed and relationship to smooth muscle content.we examined the relationship between the quantity of smooth muscle in isolated tracheal preparations and their responses to contractile agonists. the responses of two different tracheal preparations, rings and tubes, to carbachol and serotonin were compared both intra-species (fisher vs. lewis strain rats) and inter-species (rat vs. guinea-pig). the rank order for carbachol-induced maximal isometric tensions was fisher > lewis > guinea-pig and for serotonin fisher > guinea-pig > lewis for trache ...19968948512
comparative effects of exercise training on transcription of antioxidant enzyme and the activity in old rat increase in antioxidant enzyme activity after acute exercise and exercise training have been reported by many investigators including our laboratory. this study was undertaken in order to determine whether an increase in activity of superoxide dismutase (mnsod and cuznsod), catalase (cat) and glutathione peroxidase (gsh-px) during exercise training was associated with the increased levels of respective mrnas. male fisher-344 rats (age 77 weeks) were given exercise training for 9 weeks on the ...19968950134
a procedure to study unscheduled dna synthesis in rat spermatogenic cells in vivo: strain differences between fisher-344 and sprague-dawley rats.a liquid scintillation counting (lsc) procedure was used to study unscheduled dna synthesis (uds) in pachytene spermatocytes and spermatids from fisher-344 (f344) and sprague-dawley (spd) rats treated with methyl methanesulfonate (mms). mms induced a large, dose-dependent, uds response in pachytene spermatocytes from both rat strains. on average, f344 pachytene spermatocytes showed a larger uds response than those of spd rats. the lowest dose of mms that elicited a significant uds response was 1 ...19968952715
cold thyroid nodule reduction with l-thyroxine can be predicted by initial nodule volume and cytological a previous study we demonstrated that a 1-yr treatment with l-t4 induces substantial nodule volume reduction (> or = 50%) in approximately 40% of patients with a benign solitary cold thyroid nodule. the present prospective study investigated whether it is possible to identify, before starting l-t4 treatment, nodules with a high probability to shrink in response to l-t4. we recorded several clinical and cytological features in a continuous series of 42 patients with a cold nodule and related t ...19968954046
[is reduction of intraoperative heat loss and management of hypothermic patients with anesthetic gas climate control advisable? heat and humidity exchangers vs. active humidifiers ina functional lung model].heated humidifiers (hh) as well as heat and moisture exchangers (hme) are commonly used in intubated patients as air-conditioning devices to raise the moisture content of the air, thus preventing mucosal damage and heat loss resulting from ventilation with dry inspired gases. in contrary to hme, hh are able to add heat and moisture to the inspired air in surplus, which is often stressed as an advantage in warming hypothermic patients or reducing major heat losses, e.g., during long operations. t ...19968967598
effects of vesnarinone, a novel orally active inotropic agent with an immunosuppressive action, on experimental cardiac transplantation in rats.vesnarinone (ves) has been used for treatment of patients with congestive heart failure. in addition to inotropic effects, it seems to have immunosuppressive action. we tested the hypothesis that ves suppresses graft rejection, inotropic dysfunction caused by early rejection, and chronic coronary obstruction in a heterotopic rat cardiac transplantation model.19968970604
analysis of the antibody response in humans with a new inactivated hepatitis a vaccine.sera from subjects vaccinated with the pasteur merieux (pm) inactivated hepatitis a vaccine (avaxim) have been analysed in order: (1) to assess comparability of the results provided by a modified radio-immunoassay (mria) in the different laboratories involved in testings of sera during clinical trials and by enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (elisa) used during development of other inactivated hepatitis a vaccines; (2) to describe the igm responses elicited by this vaccine compared with one co ...19968978923
[microbiological studies of a nasal positive pressure respirator with and without a humidifier system].13 patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome treated with cpap-therapy and complicating affections of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa were enrolled in a randomized cross-over study comparing therapy with a heated humidifier (hc 100, company fisher & paykel) and treatment with a heat and moisture exchanger (typ i, company dahlhausen). we assessed the bacterial and fungal colonisation of the nasal masks of all patients. samples of mask rinses were taken after the two treatment periods (2 week ...19969012182
[antiganglioside antibodies in neuropathies and motor neuronopathies].the presence of antiganglioside antibodies is associated with several neurologic disorders. these antibodies recognize several epitopes, generally saccharides present in these glucolipids. the presence of antigm antibodies has been described in certain clinical syndromes, the main one being multifocal motor neuropathy with and without conduction blocks. the frequency of antigm1 class igm antibody falls between 20 and 80% in this disease. axon predominant guillain-barré syndrome is also associate ...19969044577
bile duct injury as a major cause of stenosis and occlusion in transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts: comparative histopathologic analysis in humans and swine.a comparative histologic analysis of human and swine transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts (tips) was performed to investigate factors limiting tips patency and to further develop an animal model for tips.19968855524
exposure to methylmercury results in serum autoantibodies to neurotypic and gliotypic proteins.environmental exposure to methylmercury (mehg) continues to pose a threat to humans, making early detection of neurotoxic effects a pressing concern. an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) to measure serum autoantibodies (lg) to neurotypic and gliotypic proteins [neurofilament triplet (nf68; nf160; nf200), myelin basic protein (mbp) and glial fibrillary acid protein (gfap)] as markers of subclinical neurotoxicity was developed and tested in fisher 344 rats exposed orally to 16 or 32 ppm me ...19968856747
transfection with the cdna of the human thyrotropin receptor of a poorly differentiated rat thyroid cell line (frt).a cell line derived from the fisher rat thyroid (frt), that does not have functional tsh receptor, was stably transfected with the cdna of the human tsh receptor (h tsh-r). in wild frt cells tsh (1-1000 mu/l) was unable to increase camp production, while 10-10000 nmol/l forskolin elicited a 10-30 fold camp stimulation. two of the transfected clones were responsive to tsh in terms of camp production. in particular, the frt-r3 transfected clone showed the highest sensitivity to the hormone with a ...19968862503
toxicity to alveolar macrophages in rats following parenteral injection of mercuric chloride.alveolar macrophages collected by pulmonary lavage from male fisher-344 rats at intervals (24-72 h) after hgcl2 injection (1-5 mg/kg, s.c.) were analyzed by several techniques. within 24-72 h, the macrophages showed morphological signs of activation (hypertrophy and ruffled plasma membrane). lipid peroxidation (increased malondialdehyde concentration) was not detected until 48 h. dose- and time-related effects of hgcl2 on malondialdehyde concentration and mercury content of alveolar macrophages ...19968862756
lipid peroxidation in liver of rats administrated with methyl mercuric chloride.parenteral administration of methyl mercuric chloride (mmc, ch3hgcl) to rats enhanced lipid peroxidation in liver of rats, as measured by the thiobarbituric acid reaction for malondialdehyde (mda) in fresh tissue homogenates. after sc injection of ch3hgcl (5 mg/kg body wt), mda concentration in liver became significantly increased at 24 h and further increased at 48 h. dose-response studies were carried out with male albino rats of the fisher-344 strain (body wt 170-280 g) injected with 3 or 5 m ...19968862759
immunosuppression by anti-icam-1 and anti-lfa-1 monoclonal antibodies of free and vascularized skin allograft rejection.immunosuppression by anti-adhesion molecule antibody of free or vascularized skin allograft rejection was investigated in rats. lewis (lew, rt11) rats were used as donors and fisher (f344, rt11v1) rats as the recipients. when f344 rats were treated intraperitoneally (i.p.) with anti-intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (icam-1) mab (1a29) (3 mg/kg/day) and anti-leukocyte function-associated antigen-1 (lfa-1) mab (wt.1) (3 mg/kg/day) one day prior to grafting and daily after grafting for nine days, ...19968877393
[guillain-barré syndrome: development of concepts].the features initially described by guillain et barré have been updated through the proposal of precise criteria even if a number of questions remain. hundred of works have contributed to the evolution of these concepts. this paper is a summary of several opinions: 1. from nerve inflammation (lesions have been progressively analysed) to dysimmunity (with a combination of humoral and cellular dysimmunity), 2. the most frequent initial factors seems campylobacter jejuni with particular clinical co ...19968881425
endothelial cell-based cytokine gene delivery inhibits 9l glioma growth in vivo.malignant brain neoplasms present great therapeutic challenges due to their extremely aggressive behavior and relative isolation by the blood-brain and blood-tumor barriers. endothelial cells may be versatile platforms for delivering genes to solid tumors by virtue of their location at blood-tissue interfaces and their proliferation in response to endothelial mitogens produced by tumors. immortalized rat brain endothelial cells that express the e. coli lacz reporter gene and the gene for murine ...19968883866
prospective serological study of leptospirosis in southern spain.this article reports data concerning a serosurvey carried out in southern spain to assess the current epidemiological status of a population exposed to risk of leptospirosis. microagglutination and igm-eia tests were carried out on sera from a sample of workers in agriculture-related occupations, exposed to marsh waters. a cohort of 197 workers were followed for a year in an active surveillance program to evaluate seroconversion (laboratory confirmed leptospirosis). the results have shown for th ...19968884193
group b streptococcus and preterm premature rupture of membranes: a randomized, double-blind clinical trial of antepartum ampicillin.our purpose was to determine whether ampicillin prolongs the latency period after preterm premature rupture of membranes in patients colonized with group b streptococcus.19968885772
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in pregnant intravenous drug users infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1.the purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency and natural history of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (cin) during pregnancy in past or current intravenous drug users infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1).19968886703
density, survival and dispersal of anopheles gambiae complex mosquitoes in a west african sudan savanna obtain information on adult populations of afrotropical malaria vector mosquitoes, mark-release-recapture experiments were performed with anopheles females collected from indoor resting-sites in a savanna area near ouagadougou, burkina faso, during september 1991 and 1992. results were used to estimate the absolute population densities, daily survival rates, and dispersal parameters of malaria vectors in that area. in 1991 a total of 7260 female anopheles were marked and released, of which 10 ...19968887330
estimating the age of the common ancestor of a dna sample using the number of segregating sites.the number of segregating sites in a sample of dna sequences and the age of the most recent common ancestor (mrca) of the sequences in the sample are positively correlated. the value of the former can be used to estimate the value of the latter. using the coalescent approach, we derive in this paper the joint probability distribution of the number of segregating sites and the age of the mrca of a sample under the neutral wright-fisher model. from this distribution, we are able to compute the lik ...19968889543
reduced anesthetic requirements in aged rats: association with altered brain synaptic plasma membrane ca(2+)-atpase pump and phospholipid methyltransferase i activities.aging is associated with a decrease in anesthetic requirements. animal models of aging manifest alteration of brain ca2+ homeostasis and increased methyltransferase i (plmti) activity. in this study we evaluated concurrently anesthetic requirements and brain plasma membrane ca(2+)-atpase (pmca) and plmti activities in young and aged rats. halothane, desflurane, isoflurane and xenon meds (lowest partial pressures that suppress a pain response) were measured in 2 and 25 month old, male fisher-344 ...19968890927
a screening test for subclinical liver disease in horses affected by pyrrolizidine alkaloid evaluate various biochemical tests as indicators of subclinical liver disease in horses exposed to pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicosis.19968894041
the immunopathology of guillain-barré syndrome.identification of new antigens in different patterns of guillain-barré syndrome has led to new pathophysiological concepts of guillain-barré syndrome and the related miller-fisher syndrome. patients with guillain-barré syndrome occurring after campylobacter jejuni infection have been found to develop more frequently axonal and motor forms of the syndrome. anti-gm1 antibodies decreased na+ current in the presence of complement. in acute axonal guillain-barré syndrome, macrophages were found in th ...19968894406
evaluation of the bystander effect in experimental brain tumors bearing herpes simplex virus-thymidine kinase gene by serial magnetic resonance imaging.antitumor effects of herpes simplex virus-thymidine kinase (hsv-tk) gene transfer followed by ganciclovir (gcv) administration were studied by serial magnetic resonance imaging (mri) with reference to the bystander effect. mixed populations of 9l-gliosarcoma cells transduced with the hsv-tk gene (tk cells) and wild-type 9l cells were implanted into the brain of syngeneic fisher rats at various ratios (total cell number, 10(5) cells; percentage of tk cells, 100%, 25%, 10%, or 0%). rats were treat ...19968894676
the peroxisome-proliferator ciprofibrate induces hypergastrinemia without raising gastric ph.the ecl-cell hyperplasia and ecl-cell carcinoids occurring during long-term treatment with ciprofibrate, have been attributed to hypergastrinemia secondary to an inhibitory effect on acid secretion. however, nobody has given any explanation of the mechanism by which ciprofibrate and related phenoxyisobutyrate derivates inhibit acid secretion. moreover, the reported inhibition of acid secretion has only been moderate, in contrast to the profound inhibition of acid secretion needed to induce simil ...19968895482
measurement of virulence of aeromonads using a suckling mouse model of infection.virulent and avirulent strains of aeromonas spp. were identified and virulence quantified using an animal model. virulence was measured by determining a 50% lethal dose (ld50) 43 h after oral administration of live bacteria. the ld50 of virulent aeromonas isolates ranged from log10 7.53 (mean) organisms to log10 8.88 (mean). some isolates were avirulent in this model. detection of cytotoxic activity in culture supernatants correlated with virulence (fisher exact test, p = 0.0029). there was no c ...19968908484
selective staining of the cerebellar molecular layer by serum igg in miller-fisher and related syndromes.during 1 year, we used immunocytochemical staining of human cerebellum to screen 1,488 serums for igg autoantibodies to hu and yo antigens. three serums had none of the classically described patterns of igg binding but instead, selectively stained the cerebellar molecular layer. evaluation of clinical data showed that the patients had either typical miller fisher syndrome (mfs) or guillain-barré syndrome with ophthalmoplegia. further analysis by elisa, assay showed that all three serums had high ...19968909449
the effects of variable mutation rates across sites on the phylogenetic estimation of effective population size or mutation rate of dna sequences.multiple hits at some sites of human mitochondrial dna sequences suggest that the commonly assumed infinite-sites model can be violated. under the neutral wright-fisher model without recombination and population subdivision, we investigated, by computer simulations, the effect of multiple hits on the estimation of the essential parameter theta = 4nmu by fu's upblue procedure. we found that with moderate mutation rate heterogeneity, upblue performs very well in terms of unbiasness and efficiency. ...19968913767
enhanced growth response of airway smooth muscle in inbred rats with airway hyperresponsiveness.the highly inbred fisher rat strain demonstrates both hyperresponsiveness of the airways to bronchoconstrictors and increased amounts of airway smooth muscle when compared with lewis rats. we postulated that the excess airway smooth muscle in fisher was attributable to a greater sensitivity to endogenous mitogenic stimuli with signaling mechanisms common to contractile stimuli. to test this possibility we investigated differences in the growth response of cultured airway smooth muscle cells (smc ...19968918366
pulmonary immunotoxicity of inhaled ammonium metavanadate in fisher 344 rats.male fisher 344 rats were exposed to 2 mg vanadium(v)/m3 (as ammonium metavanadate nh4vo3, 0.32 micron mmd) atmospheres for 8 hr/day for 4 days in a nose-only exposure system. in exposed rats, lung v burdens increased in a time-dependent fashion. analysis of lung cells and lavage fluid 24 hr after the final exposure suggested that tissue damage and a strong inflammatory response was elicited; numbers of neutrophil and small macrophages (mø), as well as levels of lavageable protein and lactate de ...19968921344
safety assessment of a nematode-resistant tomato by a simple, short-term rat feeding study.a simple, 11-week, weanling rat feeding period was used to determine general safety of a nematode-resistant tomato cultivar. comparison of growth, mean blood hemoglobin, hematocrit, red blood cell count, and total white blood cell count of fisher rats fed a complete diet containing 40% "vfn 8" tomato (nematode-resistant) cultivar to two other groups of rats, fed either a "new yorker" tomato (nematode-susceptible) or a control diet, showed normal and similar results. although the expressed produc ...19968921540
regional age-related alterations in cholinergic and gabaergic receptors in the rat brain.the age-related changes of cholinergic and gamma-aminobutyric acid (gaba)ergic receptors were studied in 3-week- and 6-, 12-, 18- and 24-month-old fisher 344 male rat brains using receptor autoradiography. [3h]quinuclidinyl benzilate (qnb), [3h]hemicholinium-3 (hc) and [3h]muscimol were used to label acetylcholine receptors, acetylcholine reuptake sites and gabaa receptors, respectively. in immature rats (3-week-old), [3h]qnb and [3h]muscimol binding showed a significant increase in most brain a ...19968803921
evidence for dna fragmentation in the cns of aged fischer-344 rats.the aged central nervous system (cns) is characterized by a loss of neurons. apoptosis has been reported to be responsible for neuronal death during development and may also be involved in some age-related neurodegenerative diseases of the cns. no evidence is currently available as to whether apoptosis is also responsible for the loss of neurons associated with physiological aging. in this study, we have found fragmented dna, a characteristic trait of cells undergoing apoptosis, in the hippocamp ...19968804034
the systemic administration of tacrine or selegiline facilitate spatial learning in aged fisher 344 rats.when compared to young fisher 344 rats, aged fisher 344 rats were impaired in their acquisition of the water maze task as indicated by longer escape latencies and distances to find a hidden platform. in a free swim trial which was performed after the training period, young rats had a better spatial bias, since they spent more time swimming in the previous training quadrant. tacrine 3 mg/kg, an anticholinesterase, and selegiline 0.25 mg/kg, a mao-b inhibitor, partially reversed the acquisition de ...19968811506
microglial cell responses to fetal ventral mesencephalic tissue grafting and to active and adoptive immunizations.microglia express cytokines, major histocompatibility (mhc) loci, and several other immunologically important constituents. the aim of this study was to detect immunological responses of microglial cells following allogeneic dopaminergic transplantation using active and adoptive immunizations. adult inbred fisher 344 (f344 rt1) rats were unilaterally dopamine (da) depleted in striatum by injection of 6-hydroxydopamine. the degree of degeneration was assessed by recording the rotational response ...19968812150
carcinogenicity of the anticancer topoisomerase inhibitor, amsacrine, in wistar rats.amsacrine is an antineoplastic drug used in the treatment of acute adult leukemias. to assess its carcinogenic potential, groups of 50 male and 50 female rats were administered amsacrine by lateral tail vein injection at 0 (vehicle control), 0.25, 1, or 3 mg/kg once daily for 5 days, followed by a 23-day recovery period. this cycle of dosing and recovery was repeated a total of six times. the animals were then maintained without dosing for an 18-month observation period. during the dosing phase, ...19968812222
rat to human extrapolation of hcfc-123 kinetics deduced from halothane kinetics: a corollary approach to physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling.the goal of this study was to develop a human physiologically based pharmacokinetic (pbpk) model for the chemical hcfc-123 (2,2-dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane) and its major metabolite, trifluoroacetic acid (tfa). no human kinetic data for hcfc-123 are available, thus a corollary approach was developed. hcfc-123 is a structural analog of the common anesthetic agent halothane (2-bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane) and follows a common pathway of oxidative biotransformation, resulting in the for ...19968812223
design and evaluation of an olfactometer for the assessment of 3-methylindole-induced hyposmia.few studies objectively evaluate olfactory function in animals following exposure to chemicals that induce nasal toxicity. an olfactometer capable of generating a reproducible olfactory stimulus and measuring an odorant-cued behavioral response was developed for rats from a commercially available two-way shuttle box. the box was modified to deliver the test odorant, acetaldehyde, to either of two chambers separated by a physical barrier consisting of a downward-directed airwall sandwiched betwee ...19968812225
metallothionein induction and pulmonary responses to inhaled cadmium chloride in rats and mice.inhaled cdcl2 is a pulmonary carcinogen in rats but not in mice. we hypothesized that pulmonary metallothionein (mt) induction may be different in both species and thereby may lead to different levels of protection from cd-induced lung injury. fisher-344 rats and b6c3f1 mice were exposed for 4 weeks to cdcl2 aerosols of 0, 30, 50, and 150 micrograms/m3 air or 0, 10, 30, and 100 micrograms/m3 air, respectively. animals from each exposure group were terminated at 1, 30 and 133 days after the end o ...19968812267
development of physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for methyl tertiary-butyl ether and tertiary-butanol in male fisher-344 rats.methyl tertiary-butyl ether (mtbe) and its metabolite tertiary-butanol (tba) both cause renal tumors in chronically exposed male rats. knowledge of the kinetic behavior of mtbe and tba in rats and its comparison to the kinetics of these chemicals in humans will aid in assessing human risk. the objective of this study was to develop a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (pbpk) model for mtbe and tba in rats that will form the basis for a human model. physiological parameters such as blood flows ...19968812274
interactions of neurotrophic factors gdnf and nt-3, but not bdnf, with the immune system following fetal spinal cord transplantation.glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (gdnf) is known to stimulate survival of dopaminergic and spinal cord motor neurons. however, little is known of the possible immune sequelae of gdnf exposure, or that of other putative trophic factors. to address these questions we utilized in oculo grafts of spinal cord, wherein we could induce different levels of immune responses via allogeneic vs. syngeneic combinations. adult female sprague-dawley and fisher rats were used as hosts for allogeneic ...19968813361
antitumoral local effect and metastatic risk of focused extracorporeal pyrotherapy on dunning r-3327 tumors.we evaluated the effect of focused extracorporeal pyrotherapy on local tumor growth and metastatic potential of the dunning r-3327 tumor inoculated into male copenhagen fisher rats, using the highly metastatic mat ly lu cell line in 64 rats and the slightly metastatic g cell line in 60 rats. five million cells were inoculated subcutaneously into a lower limb and the tumor volume was determined every 48 h. the local effect, the presence of lung and/or lymph node metastases and the spontaneous sur ...19968821695
increased bcl-2 protein levels in prostatic adenocarcinomas are not associated with rearrangements in the 2.8 kb major breakpoint region or with p53 protein accumulation.bcl-2, an inhibitor of programmed cell death (apoptosis), is present in high levels in a subset of prostatic adenocarcinomas. in this study, 42 prostatic adenocarcinomas were analyzed to determine whether increased bcl-2 levels are associated with rearrangements in the 2.8-kb major breakpoint region, an association known to occur in certain follicular lymphomas featuring a t(14:18) translocation. immunostaining for bcl-2 and p53 proteins was performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumor s ...19968821955
metabolic rate, organ mass, and mitochondrial proton leak variations in lean and obese rats.the purpose of this study was to determine if differences in metabolic rate between lean and obese strains of rats were associated with differences in proton leak across the inner mitochondrial membrane. metabolic rates were determined for each of five obese zucker, sprague-dawley, and fisher 344 rats and three lean zucker rats by 24-hour indirect respiration calorimetry measurements. feed intakes were different (p < 0.05) among all strains, with the obese zucker rats having the greatest intakes ...19968829800
[a study of soluble form of l-selectin in blood of patients with neuroimmunological disorders].members of the selection family mediate the first step of leukocyte-endothelial cell interaction in inflammatory lesion. we have examined the soluble form of l-selectin (sl-selectin) in patients with neuroimmunological disorders (48 multiple sclerosis, 2 balo's sclerosis, 18 guillain-barré syndrome, 7 miller-fisher syndrome, 8 chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, and 25 human t-lymphotropic virus type-1 associated myelopathy). the levels of sl-selectin were measured by monoclonal a ...19968831172
infections and reduced functioning kidney mass induce chronic rejection in rat kidney allografts.the etiology of chronic rejection of kidney allografts is unknown, although hyperfiltration, acute rejection, viral infection and initial graft ischemia have been implicated. to test whether endothelial activation may be the link between these factors and chronic rejection, the endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide-lps), a potent activator of endothelial cells, was evaluated in an established chronic rejection model. bilaterally nephrectomized lewis recipients of orthotopically transplanted fisher 344 k ...19968832148
intermediate filament change in astrocytes following mild cortical contusion.astrocytes are known to become reactive as a result of various types of lesions. they upregulate astrocytic-specific intermediate filament glial fibrillary acidic protein (gfap) and show a positive signal for the intermediate filament vimentin, a protein primarily found in developing astrocytes. an animal model for cortical contusions has been developed that manifests many of the neuropathologies seen in human closed head injury. the model involves an electronic controlled pneumatic impact devic ...19968833197
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