
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
[antidysenteric vaccination. xiv. immunizing action on the guinea pig conjunctiva of various toxic extracts of pathogenic shigella flexneri 2a ti, as compared with that of live cultures of two non-pathogenic strains of shigella flexneri 2a]. 19665973711
[study of the absorption of shigella endotoxin using autoradiography]. 19665975673
[a new serotype of shigella boydii]. 19665976374
composite media to differentiate salmonella and shigella from other enterobacteriaceae. 19665977051
factors influencing the survival of shigella in wastewater and irrigation water. 19665979389
[lysotyping of shigella flexneri strains 2a and 3a isolated from several epidemic foci in rumania]. 19665981233
[ways to improve the detection of pathogenic intestinal bacteria]. 19665982037
[types of r factor present in shigella strains isolated in rumania]. 19665983322
in vitro and in vivo synergism of mixtures of penicillins. 19665985256
[contribution to the study of bacteriophage typing of group c dysentery bacilli (sh. boydii)]. 19665985360
[studies on the distribution of serotypes and lysotypes of shigella boydii in moldavia. considerations on the epidemiologic meaning of the type determination]. 19665985361
[antidysenteric vaccination. xv. immunogenicity of various strains of shigella schmitzi shigella flexneri 1b, 2b, 3a, 4, 6, shigella boydii and shigella sonnei "s" in relation to the immunogenicity of a keratoconjunctivitis positive enterobacterium lacking shigella antigens (agglutinogens) (strain "well 3")]. 19665985458
[correlation between diarrhea and shigella positive cases]. 19665991311
[studies on the antigen structure of shigellae. 1. studies on the chemical composition of lipopolysaccharides of a shigella flexneri s and r form and comparison with a salmonella r form]. 19665994748
[effect of small doses of levomycetin on the course of experimental dysenterial infection]. 19665996872
[pathomorphology of experimental shigella keratoconjunctivitis in relation to the use of levomycetin and pentoxyl]. 19665997608
a pancytopenic type of dysentery? 19666001355
[some observations in connection with diarrheal (dysentery and dysentary-like) diseases]. 19666003246
[on the question of the etiologic structure of intestinal infections in adults]. 19666003703
[on the serologic differentiation of flexner bacteria by means of the hemagglutination method]. 19666003876
[ploskirev's medium with synthomycin in the laboratory diagnosis of dysentery]. 19666004760
[double-sugar bile-glycerine agar with mohr salt and lugol's solution for differentiation of salmonellae]. 19666004835
[on the effect of immunization with typhoid vaccine on various non-specific factors of immunity]. 19666004836
[the serologic properties of bacteria of the subspecies flexner isolated in the ussr]. 19666004908
[polysaccharides of bacillus mucilaginosus as a means of protecting microorganisms from ultraviolet radiation]. 19666004942
[lysogeny and colicinogeny in enterobacteria]. 19666004974
[lysogenicity of typhoid bacteria]. 19666005078
[transmission, by conjugation, of multiple drug-resistance from shigella to aeromonas and non-agglutinable vibrio]. 19666005865
[activity of the senegal salmonella and shigella center (institut pasteur de kakar) in 1965]. 19666014275
diarrhoea among infants in a crowded area of djakarta, indonesia. a longitudinal study from birth to two years.diarrhoeal diseases are common in djakarta, indonesia, especially among infants and young children. a study has been made of possible bacterial and parasitic causes of outbreaks in a group of 156 infants in a crowded area of the city. before the study was complete, 60 infants had left the area and 30 had died; diarrhoea was probably the direct or indirect cause of 13 of the deaths.diarrhoea was associated with pathogenic escherichia coli in about 20% of the cases studied; other causes of diarrho ...19665296127
stimulant effect of yeast on antibody production, resistance and plasmoblastic reaction in animals. 19665215787
investigations on the carriage of salmonella and shigella bacilli among ship crews. 19665227030
experimental shigellosis in mice. 19665324690
male specific bacteriophage in shigella flexneri. ii. growth characteristics of phage in f'+ shigella. 19665297025
"7-in" medium, a simple medium for the rapid presumptive identification of both salmonella and shigella. 19665297394
[incidence and pathogenic role of shigella isolated by coproculture]. 19665323698
report on an epidemic due to shigella dysenteriae, type 1, in the somali interior. 19665322530
some studies on the epidemiology of sonne dysentery. changes in colicine type and antibiotic resistance between 1956 and 1965. 19665331409
a new colicine type (type 15) of shigella sonnei. 19665331410
hybrids of escherichia coli and shigella flexneri 1b. 19665331420
opsonizing properties of horse sera. ii. factors stimulating phagocytosis of shigella sonnei (phase ii) bacilli. 19665331460
shigellosis in the adult. 19665332041
opsonizing properties of the serum of the domestic pig. ii. stimulation of phagocytosis of shigella sonnei phase ii by antibodies and inhibition by complement. 19665332328
two school epidemics. 19665332524
immunity to experimental keratoconjunctivitis shigellosa in guinea pigs. 19665332601
shigellemia without shigella diarrhea. report of a case. 19665330320
thirty years of clinical research and confirmation of the intestinal nosode dysentery co. 19665330578
studies on opsonins of bovine sera. i. phagocytosis of staphylococcus aureus (oxford) as an outcome of the opsonizing activity of specific antibodies and inhibition by complement. 19665330640
bacillary dysentery. an institutional outbreak of shigella sonnei: treatment of 36 cases with nalidixic acid. 19665330682
microscopic stool-gazing, a guide to the cause and cure of chronic and recurrent diarrhoea in children. 19665326181
antibody production by 'cloned' cell populations. 19665326875
[epidemiologic importance of shigella sonnei biotype and lysotype]. 19665326966
a school outbreak of sonne dysentery controlled by hygienic measures. 19665327023
diarrheal disease studies in costa rica. ii. the prevalence of certain enteric organisms and their relationship to diarrhea. 19665325757
properties and regulation of the beta-d-galactosidase in shigella dysenteriae and in escherichia coli-shigella dysenteriae hybrids.sarkar, s. (massachusetts institute of technology, cambridge). properties and regulation of the beta-d-galactosidase in shigella dysenteriae and in escherichia coli-shigella dysenteriae hybrids. j. bacteriol. 91:1477-1488. 1966.-shigella dysenteriae strain 60 has a beta-d-galactosidase related to that of escherichia coli but more heat-sensitive and with a turnover number about 10 times lower. hybridization by transduction produces strains with enzymes of intermediate properties by recombination ...19665326112
comparison of the tryptophan synthetase alpha-subunits of several species of enterobacteriaceae.creighton, t. e. (stanford university, stanford), d. r. helinski, r. l. somerville, and c. yanofsky. comparison of the tryptophan synthetase alpha subunits of several species of enterobacteriaceae. j. bacteriol. 91:1819-1826. 1966.-the tryptophan synthetase alpha subunits of escherichia coli k-12, e. coli b, shigella dysenteriae, salmonella typhimurium, and aerobacter aerogenes have been purified and their structures compared. each of these alpha subunits exhibits a sedimentation coefficient of ...19665327908
colicine k. vii. the transfer to type k colicinogeny to shigella sonnei.1. the transfer of type k. colicinogeny to shigella sonnei phase ii has been described. 2. the colicine elaborated by this microorganism is a lipopolysaccharide-protein complex which resembles the somatic antigen of the noncolicinogenic parent. 3. although the colicine k of escherichia coli k235 and of sh. sonnei differ both chemically and serologically, they resemble each other in that both elicit type k colicine-neutralizing antibodies and both have the same bactericidal specificity. 4. the na ...19665328216
[geographic distribution of "shigella sonnei" biotypes in belgium. preliminary note]. 19665334217
[search for a simple criterion of evaluation of the efficacy of antidiarrheal drugs (cases of use of (5-chloro-8-acetoxy)quinolines)]. 19665333677
[methodical and technical simplification of e dysentary lysotype procedures]. 19665333682
the bacteriostatic activity of sulphonamides in the presence and absence of protein. 19665333686
[behavior of shigella in the selenite enrichment medium]. 19665333740
[bacterial enteritis with special reference to dysentery. (1). basic aspects]. 19665333464
studies of diarrheal disease in central america. ix. shigella carriers among young children of a heavily seeded guatemalan convalescent home. 19665328734
development of h-sh and p1kcvir phages in shigella flexneri f6s studied by fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy. 19665333382
ultraviolet-induced colicines of escherichia coli from the normal human intestine. 19665337104
biochemical differentiation of the enterobacteriaceae with the aid of lysine-iron-agar.a procedure is described for identifying members of the family enterobacteriaceae isolated from clinical specimens. the methods are based on primary differentiation of the various groups of bacteria by the use of kligler iron agar and lysine-iron-agar. for identification of salmonella, shigella, and arizona group organisms from stools, triple sugar iron agar and lysine-iron-agar are employed. the usefulness of this schema for diagnostic bacteriology laboratories is discussed. it is not intended ...19665335386
appearance of natural antibodies in young rabbits. 19665335547
an antigen system of sh. sonnei phase ii independent of lipopolysaccharide antigens. 19665336355
in-vitro susceptibility of e. coli, shigellae and salmonellae to kanamycin and therapeutic implications. 19665336392
an indirect fluorescent antibody study of vibrio comma. 19665336437
the ampicillin resistance of shigella sonnei: its epidemiological value. 19665342933
[characteristics of the antimicrobial properties of phytoncides of some edible plants of the carpathian region]. 19664972495
[nature of the intestinal lesion in dysentery]. 19664975413
the induction of nonspecific resistance in mice by papain. 19664957315
protection of monkeys against experimental shigellosis with a living attenuated oral polyvalent dysentery vaccine.formal, samuel b. (walter reed army institute of research, washington, d.c.), t. h. kent, h. c. may, a. palmer, and e. h. labrec. protection of monkeys against experimental challenge with a living attenuated oral polyvalent dysentery vaccine. j. bacteriol. 91:17-22. 1966.-virulent strains of shigella flexneri 1b, s. flexneri 3, and s. sonnei i were mated with an hfr strain of escherichia coli k-12, and hybrids were selected for the xylose marker. one hybrid strain of each of the serotypes was ch ...19664957431
fluorescent-antibody and histological study of vaccinated and control monkeys challenged with shigella flexneri.formal, samuel b., (walter reed army institute of research, washington, d.c.), t. h. kent, s. austin, and e. h. labrec. fluorescent-antibody and histological study of vaccinated and control monkeys challenged with shigella flexneri. j. bacteriol. 91:2368-2376. 1966.-groups of monkeys were fed four doses of a living escherichia coli-shigella flexneri 2a hybrid strain, and, together with control animals, were challenged with virulent s. flexneri 2a. two experiments were carried out; in the first, ...19664957617
shigellosis in cynomolgus monkeys (macaca irus). iv. bacteriological and histopathological observations on the earlier stage of experimental infection with shigella flexneri 2 a. 19664958740
a common source epidemic of shigellosis. 19664958784
studies on phagocytosis of a strain of pasteurella pseudotuberculosis. i. in vitro phagocytosis without participation of opsonins. 19664958855
neurotoxin release from shigella dysenteriae by phage infection. 19664959281
patterns of organisms in disease and in vitro sensitivity to kanamycin in comparison with other antibiotics. 19664960371
[experimental study of furacrylin]. 19664970460
[the indirect hemadsorption reaction]. 19664882711
[dynamics of a skin test with dysenterin in children with bacterial dysentery]. 19664885887
[sensitivity of the bacteria of the enterobacteriaceae family to standard fredericq colicins]. 19664892757
[hemagglutination by intestinal bacteria]. 19664892586
[a comparative study of specific immunity in children at various periods of convalescence after acute sonne dysentery]. 19664893973
[on the sensitivity of the phage titer rise test]. 19664893980
[the etiologic structure of dysentery in one of the arctic regions]. 19664894985
[the antagonistic activity of lactobacterium casei toward the agents of gastrointestinal infections]. 19664894987
[the interaction of indicator and free dysentery phages during the reaction of a rise in their titer]. 19664897047
[comparative study of the biological activity of certain bacterial polysaccharides]. 19664912431
[immunogenicity and sensitizing properties of sexual recombinants of e. coli and sh. flexneri]. 19664914973
the in vitro activity of cephaloridine. spectrum, routine sensitivity tests, cross-resistance and inactivation. 19664381136
colicine typing of shigella sonnei. i. principle, technique, selection of indicator strains, and foundations for a typing scheme. 19664410945
influence of polymyxin b and normal rabbit serum on erythrocyte modifying capacity of common enterobacterial antigen. 19664287018
[on the resistance of shigellae to antibiotics in the course of acute dysentery in children]. 19664296821
a simple method for determination of ability of bacteria to inactivate chemotherapeutics using sensitivity disc. 19664291400
[polymyxin salt of phenoxymethylpenicillin]. 19664291641
Displaying items 2101 - 2200 of 13650