
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
antiangiogenic, antitumoural and antimetastatic effects of two distamycin a derivatives with anti-hiv-1 tat activity in a kaposi's sarcoma-like murine model.the antiangiogenic, antitumoural and antimetastatic effects of two novel sulphonic derivatives of distamycin a, pnu145156e and pnu153429, were studied in a kaposi's sarcoma-like tumour model obtained by injecting nude mice with cells releasing extracellular hiv-tat protein, derived from a tumour which developed in a bk virus/tat transgenic mouse. both pnu145156e and pnu153429 were administered intraperitoneally every fourth day for three weeks at doses of 100 or 50 mg/kg of body weight respectiv ...199910845556
human herpes virus 8 and kaposi's sarcoma: a review.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) was first described one century ago as a disease occurring in elderly men manifested as an indolent cutaneous form. after the onset of human immunodeficiency virus type i (hiv-1) infection, ks became epidemic which, in association with hiv, presented as an aggressive, systemic disease. recently, the recognition that a novel human herpes virus-8 (hhv-8) was highly prevalent among ks patients provided strong evidence to indicate that hhv-8 was the etiology of ks. the pathogen ...199911084663
auto-activation of the rta gene of human herpesvirus-8/kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus.rta, mainly encoded by open reading frame 50 (orf50), is the product of an immediate-early gene of human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8)/kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus. rta is a transcriptional activator that is both necessary and sufficient to disrupt viral latency and activate the expression of downstream viral lytic genes. we report that ectopically expressed rta protein could also activate the rta promoter on a reporter plasmid up to 144-fold, both in latently infected b cells and in uninfect ...200011086135
rhadinoviruses (gamma2-herpesviruses) of old world primates: models for kshv/hhv8-associated disease? 200011086845
herpesvirus saimiri vflip provides an antiapoptotic function but is not essential for viral replication, transformation, or pathogenicity.apoptosis of infected cells is an important host defense mechanism, and many viruses have exploited antiapoptotic proteins that interfere with crucial cellular pathways. viral flice inhibitory proteins (vflips) are encoded by rhadinoviruses like herpesvirus saimiri, the related kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-human herpesvirus 8 (kshv/hhv8), and the poxvirus responsible for molluscum contagiosum. the vflips can block the interaction of the death receptor-adapter complex with the cellular ...200011090192
the k-bzip protein from kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus interacts with p53 and represses its transcriptional activity.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) is a gammaherpesvirus that has been implicated in the pathogenesis of kaposi's sarcoma. kshv encodes k-bzip (open reading frame k8), a protein that belongs to the basic region-leucine zipper (bzip) family of transcription factors. here we show that k-bzip associates with the cellular transcription factor p53 directly in vitro and in vivo. this interaction requires the bzip domain of k-bzip and the carboxy-terminal region (amino acids 300 to 393) of ...200011090200
simian homologues of human gamma-2 and betaherpesviruses in mandrill and drill monkeys.recent serological and molecular surveys of different primate species allowed the characterization of several kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) homologues in macaques, african green monkeys, chimpanzees, and gorillas. identification of these new primate rhadinoviruses revealed the existence of two distinct genogroups, called rv1 and rv2. using a degenerate consensus primer pcr method for the herpesvirus dna polymerase gene, the presence of kshv homologues has been investigated in tw ...200011090203
latent class analysis of human herpesvirus 8 assay performance and infection prevalence in sub-saharan africa and malta.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) is thought to be highly prevalent in mediterranean countries and sub-saharan africa, where it causes kaposi's sarcoma in a small proportion of infected immunocompetent persons. however, the lack of serological tests with established accuracy has hindered our understanding of the prevalence, risk factors and natural history of hhv-8 infection. we tested 837 subjects from congo, botswana (mostly young adults) and malta (elderly adults), using an immunofluorescence assay ...200011093828
kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus open reading frame 50/rta protein activates the entire viral lytic cycle in the hh-b2 primary effusion lymphoma cell line.rta, the gene product of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) encoded mainly in open reading frame 50 (orf50), is capable of activating expression of viral lytic cycle genes. what was not demonstrated in previous studies was whether kshv rta was competent to initiate the entire viral lytic life cycle including lytic viral dna replication, late-gene expression with appropriate kinetics, and virus release. in hh-b2, a newly established primary effusion lymphoma (pel) cell line, kshv orf5 ...200010846108
multinucleate cell angiohistiocytoma: report of two cases with no evidence of human herpesvirus-8 infection.multinucleate cell angiohistiocytoma (mca) is a vascular tumor of unknown pathogenesis. possible misinterpretation of this disorder with kaposi's sarcoma (ks), a human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8)-associated tumor, prompted us to look for this virus in two women with mca. none of the multiple skin specimens obtained from both our patients produced amplified hhv-8 dna. using a cell culture methodology similar to that used for ks, we established cell cultures from mca lesions. while ks spindle cells are ...200010847552
absence of herpesvirus dna sequences in the 5t murine model of human multiple myeloma.kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv, also known as hhv-8) has been found in patients with multiple myeloma (mm) and postulated to be aetiologically associated with the development of this common plasma cell malignancy. a murine model of mm was previously established in which intravenous transfer of 5t myeloma cells into c57bl/kalwrij mice resulted in characteristic features of human mm. in the present study, we sought to identify herpesvirus dna sequences in this murine model of mm thr ...200010848833
human herpes virus 8 interleukin-6 homologue triggers gp130 on neuronal and hematopoietic cells.human herpes virus-8 (hhv8) encodes a cytokine named viral interleukin-6 (vil-6) that shares 25% amino-acid identity with its human homologue. human il-6 is known to be a growth and differentiation factor of lymphatic cells and plays a potential role in the pathophysiology of various lymphoproliferative diseases. vil-6 is expressed in hhv8-associated-diseases including kaposi's sarcoma, body-cavity-based-lymphoma and castleman's disease, suggesting a pathogenetic involvement in the malignant gro ...200010848977
spontaneously regressed kaposi's sarcoma and human herpesvirus 8 infection in a human immunodeficiency virus-negative patient.kaposi's sarcoma occurring in a 78-year-old woman, with the absence of the human immunodeficiency virus infection, was correctly diagnosed by immunohistochemistry using anti-human herpesvirus 8 (hhv8) antibody (pa1-73n) for the first time. the patient suffered from chronic respiratory failure and was treated with a low dose of steroids for 2.5 years. after her medication dosage was increased for the exacerbation of the respiratory failure, multiple skin tumors in her feet and legs suddenly devel ...200010849322
human herpesvirus 8 is not associated with sarcoidosis in japanese patients.the etiology of sarcoidosis remains unknown, but recently it was reported that human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) may be detected in sarcoid tissue in a high proportion of patients. this study was performed to determine whether hhv-8 is implicated in sarcoidosis in japan.200011035657
latency-associated nuclear antigen of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (human herpesvirus-8) binds atf4/creb2 and inhibits its transcriptional activation activity.latency-associated nuclear antigen (lana), encoded by orf 73 of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv; human herpesvirus-8), may play an important role in the persistence of the viral episome by tethering it to host chromosomes during mitosis. it also has been suggested from its amino acid sequence features that lana may have transcription-regulatory activity. here, it is reported that lana interacts with activating transcription factor (atf) 4/camp response element-binding protein (creb ...200011038375
characterization of the herpesvirus saimiri orf73 gene product.the herpesvirus saimiri (hvs) gene product encoded by orf73 shares a limited homology with the orf73 encoded protein of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv). it has recently been shown that the kshv orf73 protein is expressed during a latent infection and co-localizes with host cell chromosomes, suggesting that it plays a role in episomal maintenance by tethering viral genomes to host cell chromosomes. at present the role of the hvs orf73 gene product is unknown. however, the expressio ...200011038376
[activated c protein resistance manifested by cutaneous necrosis after interferon alpha injection: case report].cutaneous necrosis occurring in the course of treatment by alpha interferon is an uncommon side-effect. its physiopathologic mechanism remains obscure. a local thrombotic action of interferon has been suggested to explain its occurrence.200011039175
functional consequences of the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus protease structure: regulation of activity and dimerization by conserved structural elements.the structure of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus protease (kshv pr), at 2.2 a resolution, reveals the active-site geometry and defines multiple possible target sites for drug design against a human cancer-producing virus. the catalytic triad of kshv pr, (ser114, his46, and his157) and transition-state stabilization site are arranged as in other structurally characterized herpesviral proteases. the distal histidine-histidine hydrogen bond is solvent accessible, unlike the situation in oth ...200011041844
comparison of the structure of vmip-ii with eotaxin-1, rantes, and mcp-3 suggests a unique mechanism for ccr3 activation.herpesvirus-8 macrophage inflammatory protein-ii (vmip-ii) binds a uniquely wide spectrum of chemokine receptors. we report the x-ray structure of vmip-ii determined to 2.1 a resolution. like rantes, vmip-ii crystallizes as a dimer and displays the conventional chemokine tertiary fold. we have compared the surface topology and electrostatic potential of vmip-ii to those of eotaxin-1, rantes, and mcp-3, three ccr3 physiological agonists with known three-dimensional structures. surface epitopes id ...200011041848
molecular evidence of organ-related transmission of kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus or human herpesvirus-8 in transplant transplant patients, kaposi sarcoma (ks)-associated herpesvirus or human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8) infection is associated with the development of ks, primary effusion lymphoma and castleman disease. whether hhv-8 is either reactivated in the recipient or transmitted by the donor has been investigated so far only by serologic studies. thus, we addressed the issue of hhv-8 transmission in the transplantation setting by molecular methods. we exploited the high level variability of the orf-k1 gene a ...200011050015
durable remission after aggressive chemotherapy for very late post-kidney transplant lymphoproliferation: a report of 16 cases observed in a single center.posttransplant lymphoproliferative diseases (ptlds) represent a group of potentially lethal lymphoid proliferations that may complicate the course of solid organ transplantation. although early-onset ptlds frequently have a favorable outcome, late-onset ptlds behave more alike aggressive lymphoma. we report a monocentric retrospective study that focused on ptlds occurring later than 1 year after kidney transplantation (very late-onset ptlds) to define their incidence, clinical presentation, path ...200011054435
the spectrum of hiv-1 related cancers in south africa.despite the high prevalence of infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) in south africa, information on its association with cancer is sparse. our study was carried out to examine the relationship between hiv and a number of cancer types or sites that are common in south africa. a total of 4,883 subjects, presenting with a cancer or cardiovascular disease at the 3 tertiary referral hospitals in johannesburg, were interviewed and had blood tested for hiv. odds ratios associated with hi ...200011054682
the apoptotic v-cyclin-cdk6 complex phosphorylates and inactivates bcl-2.v-cyclin encoded by kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus/human herpesvirus 8 (kshv or hhv8) associates with cellular cyclin-dependent kinase 6 (cdk6) to form a kinase complex that promotes cell-cycle progression, but can also induce apoptosis in cells with high levels of cdk6. here we show that whereas hhv8-encoded v-bcl-2 protects against this apoptosis, cellular bcl-2 has lost its anti-apoptotic potential as a result of an inactivating phosphorylation in its unstructured loop region. moreover, we iden ...200011056537
cyclin' on the viral path to destruction. 200011056549
human herpesvirus 8 virology, epidemiology and related diseases.human herpesvirus 8 ([hhv-8], kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus [kshv]) is a novel human oncovirus classified as a gamma-herpesvirus. hhv-8 is associated with kaposi's sarcoma (ks), primary effusion lymphoma (pel) and some cases of multicentric castleman's disease (mcd). antibodies against hhv-8 are detected in the sera of almost all ks patients, about 30% of hiv-infected homosexual males in the world and 1.4% of the japanese population. in hhv-8-associated malignancies such as ks and pel, ...200011056556
highly active antiretroviral therapy for the treatment of kaposi's sarcoma associated with primary human immunodeficiency virus type-1 infection. 200011056560
regional differences in presentation of aids in were collected on 6578 patients diagnosed with aids at 52 clinical centres in 17 european countries during an 1-year period from 1979 to 1989. the centres were divided into four regions, north, central, southeast, and southwest. differences in the incidence of most aids-defining opportunistic infections and malignancies were found. after adjusting for known possible confounders, statistically significant differences between regions remained. pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp) was more com ...200011057969
relationship of human herpesvirus 8 peripheral blood virus load and kaposi's sarcoma clinical determine the relationship between human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8 or kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus) peripheral blood virus load and kaposi's sarcoma (ks) clinical stage.200011061651
patterns of lymphotropic herpesvirus viraemia in hiv-infected patients with kaposi's sarcoma treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy and liposomal daunorubicin. 200011061671
immunosuppression, timing of human herpesvirus 8 infection, and risk of kaposi's sarcoma among human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected persons and transplant recipients. 200011069261
human herpesvirus-8 infection among heterosexual partners of patients with classical kaposi's sarcoma.dna sequences of human herpesvirus-8 (hhv8) are found in lesions of kaposi's sarcoma (ks).200011069513
characterization of human herpesvirus 8 orf59 protein (pf-8) and mapping of the processivity and viral dna polymerase-interacting domains.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) or kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) orf59 protein (pf-8) is a processivity factor for hhv-8 dna polymerase (pol-8) and is homologous to processivity factors expressed by other herpesviruses, such as herpes simplex virus type 1 ul42 and epstein-barr virus bmrf1. the interaction of ul42 and bmrf1 with their corresponding dna polymerases is essential for viral dna replication and the subsequent production of infectious virus. using hhv-8-specific monoclonal ...200011069986
mucosal shedding of human herpesvirus 8 in men.epidemiologic studies suggest that human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) is sexually transmitted among men who have sex with men; however, the mode of transmission is unclear.200011070101
bone marrow failure associated with human herpesvirus 8 infection after transplantation.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) infection has been linked to the development of kaposi's sarcoma and to rare lymphoproliferative disorders.200011070102
the emergence of kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (human herpesvirus 8). 200011070109
morphogenesis of hhv8 in primary human dermal microvascular endothelium and primary effusion lymphomas.this study elucidates the morphology of hhv8 replication in human dermal endothelial cells and primary effusion lymphomas (pel) and compares it to that seen in kaposi sarcoma. primary human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (dmvec) exposed to the cell-filtered supernatant of the pel jsc1 and pel cell lines (ks-1, bcbl-1, bc-1, bc-3) were cultured in the presence or absence of 12-o-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (tpa) or butyrate. cells were fixed in neutral-buffered glutaraldehyde, gelled ...200011071567
lytic growth of human herpesvirus 8: morphological aspects.the human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8), also known as kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, is a gamma herpesvirus associated with aids-related body cavity-based lymphomas (bcbl), also called primary effusion lymphomas (pel). these are a rare form of non-hodgkin lymphomas in which hhv-8 is present, often associated with epstein-barr virus (ebv) infection. hhv-8 is also present in a latent state or in a state of low-level persistence in different primary effusion lymphoma-derived cell lines, such bcb ...200011071568
prevalence of antibodies to human herpesvirus 8 in children from sardinia and croatia. 200011073147
effect of human immunodeficiency virus-1 protease inhibitors on the clearance of human herpesvirus 8 from blood of human immunodeficiency virus-1-infected patients.the effect of human immunodeficiency virus-1 protease inhibitors on the frequency of human herpesvirus 8 dna detection from peripheral blood of human immunodeficiency virus-positive persons was evaluated. thirty-three human immunodeficiency virus-seropositive male patients were studied longitudinally. dna from open reading frame 26 of the human herpesvirus 8 genome was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction from the cd45+ fraction of peripheral blood before and after the introduction of prot ...200011074468
antibodies to human herpesvirus 8 latent and lytic antigens in blood donors and potential high-risk groups in sweden: variable frequencies found in a multicenter serological study.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) is a herpesvirus associated with kaposi's sarcoma (ks). an immunofluorescence assay was used for detection of igg, igm, and iga antibodies against lytic and latent hhv-8 antigens to analyse samples from ks patients (n = 8), healthy blood donors (n = 162), individuals with a high risk sexual behaviour (n = 114), and bone marrow transplant patients (with high risk for bloodborne infections) (n = 34) in sweden. of the ks patients, 88% had igg antibodies to both lytic and ...200011074479
clinicopathological characterization of an hiv-2-infected individual with two clonally unrelated primary lymphomas.human immunodeficiency virus 2 (hiv-2) is endemic in west africa and is a causative agent of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. only a small number of hiv-2-infected patients have been described in detail. non-hodgkin's lymphoma (nhl) is the second most common neoplasm occurring in hiv-1-infected patients, but its incidence seems to be lower in hiv-2-infected individuals. we report an hiv-2-infected patient from cape verde (west africa) with separate and distinct systemic and primary centra ...200011074559
manifestations of three hhv-8-related diseases in an hiv-negative patient: immunoblastic variant multicentric castleman's disease, primary effusion lymphoma, and kaposi's sarcoma.we describe a 73-year-old hiv negative patient who presented with symptomatic hypoglycemia. over the course of several months she was diagnosed with three human herpesvirus-8 related diseases: multicentric castleman's disease, primary effusion lymphoma and kaposi's sarcoma. no improvement was observed following cytotoxic therapy and she died 16 months after her initial presentation. the etiology of the hypoglycemia remained obscure over the course of this patient's disease. this case is the firs ...200011074561
a case series of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients with initial neoplastic diagnoses of intraoral kaposi's sarcoma.oral kaposi's sarcoma (ks) may represent the initial clinical manifestation of immunosuppression in human immunodeficiency virus disease. this article reviews the treatment provided to these patients and the outcome of the disease and provides the opportunity to assess the impact of improvements in the medical therapy of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome on disease outcome.200011077385
highly active antiretroviral therapy and incidence of cancer in human immunodeficiency virus-infected adults.the risk of kaposi's sarcoma and non-hodgkin's lymphoma is increased in people infected with the human immunodeficiency virus-1 (hiv). highly active antiretroviral therapy (haart) has been widely used by hiv-infected people in north america, europe, and australia since about 1997. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) incidence and mortality rates have fallen markedly in association with the use of haart, but its impact on the incidence of cancer in hiv-infected people is less clear.200011078759
unusual presentation of "extracavitary" primary effusion lymphoma in previously unknown hiv disease.human herpes virus, type 8, also called kaposi's sarcoma-associated virus, is associated with primary effusion lymphoma, an uncommon and unusual subset of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related lymphomas mostly confined to body cavities, which primarily affects human immunodeficiency virus-positive men. we report the case of a 40-year-old male with primary effusion lymphoma that presented initially with generalized lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly, followed by pericardial effusion and ...200011100630
cytokine-mediated growth promotion of kaposi's sarcoma and primary effusion lymphoma.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is an angioproliferative disease particularly frequent and aggressive in patients with aids but occurring also in post-transplant patients or in immunocompetent individuals of certain geographic areas. at least in its early stages, ks behaves as a reactive hyperplastic process mediated by inflammatory cytokines and angiogenic factors triggered or exacerbated by human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8) infection. the hiv tat protein appears to be responsible for the highly aggressive nat ...200011100885
the role of human and viral cytokines in the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma.multiple myeloma (mm) is characterized by the accumulation of monoclonal plasma cells, a terminally differentiated form of b lymphocyte, in the bone marrow. this disease is most often associated with bone destruction, anemia and renal failure. besides the malignant plasma cells, it has become clear that nonmalignant cells in the bone marrow also contribute to the development of this malignancy by the release of cytokines. further support for the importance of the supporting cells comes from our ...200011100886
paraproteinaemias: pathophysiology.paraproteinaemias may be associated with benign or malignant proliferations of lymphocytes or plasma cells, including multiple myeloma, monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (mgus) and waldenström's macroglobulinaemia. primary amyloidosis may be associated with multiple myeloma and rarely with lymphoid malignancies, but most cases can be considered as a particular form of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, where the paraprotein causes damage by virtue of its amyloid ...200011103434
molecular aspects of multiple myeloma.multiple myeloma (mm) is a b-cell neoplasm characterized by bone marrow infiltration with malignant plasma cells, which synthesize and secrete monoclonal immunoglobulin (ig) fragments. despite the considerable progress in the understanding of mm biology, the molecular basis of the disease remains elusive. the initial transformation is thought to occur in a postgerminal center b-lineage cell, carrying a somatically hypermutated ig heavy chain (igh) gene. this plasmablastic precursor cell colonize ...200011106109
human herpesvirus 8 open reading frame 26 and open reading frame 65 sequences from multiple myeloma patients: a shared pattern not found in kaposi's sarcoma or primary effusion lymphoma.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8), also known as kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of kaposi's sarcoma (ks), primary effusion lymphoma (pel), multicentric castleman's disease, and recently multiple myeloma (mm). dna sequence analyses of hhv-8 suggest that multiple hhv-8 strains exist. we extracted dna from 24 patients with mm and 3 patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and compared hhv-8 open reading frames (orfs) 26 and 65 sequ ...200011106236
orofacial viral infections in the immunocompromised host.orofacial viral infections are common in immunocompromised patients. herpes simplex virus (hsv) infections are the most common. varicella-zoster virus (vzv) infections are less common, but usually more severe. epstein-barr virus (ebv) may produce ulcers, lymphoproliferative syndromes or oral hairy leukoplakia (hl). human herpes virus 6 (hhv 6) may be the etiology of recurrent aphthous stomatitis, while human herpes virus 7 (hhv 7) has an unclear role. human herpes virus 8 (hhv 8) is the etiologi ...200011032950
[association of kaposi sarcoma--multiple myeloma. a new case].kaposi's disease is an angiogenic multifocal cancer process that has several forms, namely mediterranean, african, hiv-associated, and secondary to a preexisting immunodepressive state (hematological disorder, corticosteroid therapy, immunodepressive treatment). whatever its form, kaposi's sarcoma is probably associated with a chronic viral human herpes type 8 infection (hhv8).200011109598
hhv8 in renal transplant recipients.human herpevirus 8 (hhv8) dna sequences have been found in lesions from patients with kaposi's sarcoma (ks) in several forms including immunosuppressed transplant patients. we wanted to study the transmission of hhv8 in kidney transplant recipients and to assess the risk of development of ks related to the viral infection in this group of patients. we tested sera of 120 renal transplant recipients with serological assay for antibodies to hhv8 antigens before transplantation and then we tested se ...200011112044
molecular epidemiology of human herpesvirus 8 in africa: both b and a5 k1 genotypes, as well as the m and p genotypes of k14.1/k15 loci, are frequent and widespread.we have studied 52 new hhv8 strains by sequencing the complete hypervariable k1 gene and genotyping the k14.1/k15 loci located at both sides, respectively, of the viral genome. the samples originated from 49 patients with kaposi's sarcoma (ks; 32 patients), multicentric castleman's disease (mcd; 12 patients), or primary effusion lymphoma (pel; 5 patients). among these patients, 32 were of african origin (west and central african countries and creoles from french guiana) and the 17 others were mo ...200011112482
human herpesvirus 8 and oral health care: an update.the purpose of this report was to review the current literature on human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) with particular attention to the aspects of interest for dental health care workers.200011113813
proliferation and apoptosis in the evolution of endemic and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related kaposi's sarcoma.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) is a multifocal lesion that occurs predominantly in the skin, most frequently in people infected with hiv-1, and that evolves through early stages (patch and plaque) to a tumor-like late stage (nodular). both, endemic african (eks) and aids-associated (aks) ks expressed human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) as shown by pcr. by immunohistochemistry the expression of cellular bcl-2 and c-myc was confined in early stages of both eks and aks to relatively few endothelial cells (ec) where ...200011114713
clinical features and contribution of virological findings to the management of kaposi sarcoma in organ-allograft describe the clinical features of kaposi sarcoma (ks) in organ-allograft recipients and to determine the contribution of human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) investigations to the management of ks.200011115155
kaposi's sarcoma-like lesions and other nodules as cutaneous involvement in aids-related visceral leishmaniasis.a 40-year-old human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-positive man had three relapses of visceral leishmaniasis (vl). in the third he developed nodular skin lesions of three types, some reminiscent of kaposi's sarcoma. biopsy of each type disclosed abundant dermal macrophages with a huge number of intracellular and extracellular leishman-donovan bodies. rapid improvement of lesions was achieved after antiparasitic treatment. aids leads to atypical forms of leishmaniasis. leishmania has been detected ...200011122042
emerging viral infections relevant to transfusion medicine.the development of new technologies leads to the discovery of new viruses. for each of these new infectious agents relevance to transfusion needs to be assessed. the questions to be answered are transmissibility by transfusion, pathogenicity, prevalence in blood donors, persistence and the availability of screening assays. since 1995, three new viruses have been identified and extensively studied. gb virus-c/hepatitis g virus (gbv-c/hgv), a relatively rare virus with some homology with and epide ...200011124105
a chimpanzee rhadinovirus sequence related to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus/human herpesvirus 8: increased detection after hiv-1 infection in the absence of look for a virus related to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv) or human herpesvirus 8 (hhv8) in chimpanzees and to investigate phylogenetic and biological similarities to kshv.200011125908
oral lesions in hiv/aids patients undergoing highly active antiretroviral treatment including protease inhibitors: a new face of oral aids?the objective of this work was to assess the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus-related oral lesions (hiv-rol) in hiv-positive/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (haart) including hiv-protease inhibitors. one hundred fifty-five (154) aids patients (69 intravenous drug users [idu], 53 heterosexuals, 29 males who have sex with males, 1 transfused, and 2 of unknown contagious source) receiving haart, were examined. we found the ...200011119429
co-receptor use by hiv and inhibition of hiv infection by chemokine receptor ligands.human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (hiv and siv) require a seven transmembrane chemokine (7tm) receptor in addition to cd4 for efficient entry into cells. ccr5 and cxcr4 act as major co-receptors for non-syncytium-inducing and syncytium-inducing strains respectively. we have examined the co-receptor requirement for hiv-1 infection of cells of macrophage lineage. both ccr5 and cxcr4 can operate as functional co-receptors for infection in these cell types. other co-receptors utilised by mul ...200011138769
mechanistic study on the cytostatic and tumor cell differentiation-inducing properties of 9-(2-phosphonylmethoxyethyl)adenine (pmea, adefovir)-collected publications.the therapeutic potential of the antiretroviral drug 9-(2-phosphonylmethoxyethyl)adenine (pmea, adefovir) for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)- and human hepatitis b virus (hbv) infections is currently being explored in advanced clinical trials. in the present study, we investigated the impact of pmea on cellular functioning (cell cycle, nucleotide metabolism, nucleic acid synthesis, ...). moreover, we have unraveled the molecular/biochemical basis underlying the marked differ ...200011144686
[mono- and oligoclonal immunoglobulin anomalies in kidney transplant patients].serum from 115 hiv negative renal transplant recipients having more than 6 months follow-up was tested for the presence of mono- or oligoclonal immunoglobulins (moig) by immunoelectrophoresis or immunofixation. mono/oligoclonal gammapathy was detected in 16 patients (13.9%). eight of these patients had only one monoclonal band, whereas the other eight had two or more bands. thirteen of the 16 patients (81.3%) were igg kappa positive, nine (56.3%) were igg lambda positive, four (25.0%) were igm l ...200011144723
hiv-associated multinucleated giant cells in lymphoid tissue of the waldeyer's ring: a detailed study.hyperplastic lymphoid tissues of the waldeyer's ring in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected patients may occasionally contain multinucleated giant cells (mgcs). these cells, which are unrelated to any opportunistic infection, previously have been demonstrated to harbor significant amounts of hiv. studies undertaken to characterize these mgcs have generated conflicting results: some reports suggested a macrophage origin, whereas others supported a dendritic cell lineage. this study was pe ...200011144925
mucocutaneous manifestations in japanese hiv-positive hemophiliacs.although various mucocutaneous manifestations have been reported in patients infected with hiv by sexual transmission or intravenous drug use, the prevalence and characteristics of skin disorders in hiv-positive hemophiliacs coinfected with hepatitis c virus (hcv) have rarely been described.200011146342
regression of aids-related kaposi's sarcoma following combined antiretroviral treatment.the aim of the study was to assess regression of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) in aids patients in argentina. eighteen male aids patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-associated kaposi's sarcoma at different clinical stages received ks specific treatment and/or anti-retroviral therapy. triple anti-retroviral therapy was given to most of the patients with the exception of four who received zidovudine (zdv) in combination with another nucleoside analogue but no protease inhibitors. plasma viral ...200011149154
kaposi's sarcoma following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for chronic myelogenous leukemia.unlike solid organ transplantation, kaposi's sarcoma (ks) occurs rarely following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (hsct). in fact, only 5 cases of ks have been reported after allogeneic or autologous hsct. the usual treatment combines a substantial decrease in, or elimination of, immunosuppressive therapy along with local measures such as surgical excision, cryotherapy or radiation therapy. a 46-year-old woman with chronic myelogenous leukemia who had received an allogeneic hsct previous ...200011154986
herpesviruses in periodontal pocket and gingival tissue specimens.human cytomegalovirus (hcmv) and epstein-barr virus type 1 (ebv-1) are frequently detected in crevicular fluid of deep periodontal pockets, but little or no information is available on occurrence of herpesviruses in gingival tissue. this investigation studied the presence of herpesviruses in periodontal pockets and the corresponding gingival tissues from 11 periodontally healthy and 14 periodontitis sites. a nested-polymerase chain reaction was employed to identify the presence of hcmv, ebv-1, e ...200011155159
detection of lymphotropic herpesvirus dna by polymerase chain reaction in cerebrospinal fluid of aids patients with neurological disease.cerebrospinal fluid (csf) samples from 49 acquired immunodefficiency disease syndrome (aids) patients with a central nervous system (cns) disease were examined by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) to evaluate the association between the positivity for cytomegalovirus (cmv) and epstein-barr virus (ebv), and clinical diagnosis of a cns disease. frequency and clinical relevance of detection of dna of human herpesviruses 6 (hhv-6), 7 (hhv-7) and 8 (hhv-8) were also determined. dna of one or more of th ...200011155355
how human immunodeficiency viruses and herpesviruses affect apoptosis.eighty to hundred percent of patients positive for human immunodefficiency viruses 1 or 2 (hiv) may develop opportunistic viral infections. according to the national institute of health data, only in the usa the hiv patients are positive also for human cytomegalovirus (hcmv) in 25-40%, varicella-zoster virus (vzv) in 10%, herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2 (hsv-1 and hsv-2), and kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (human herpesvirus 8, kshv, hhv-8) in 20%. hiv and herpesviruses express numerous ...200011155367
hepatic leiomyomatous neoplasm associated with epstein barr virus infection in an adult with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.focal lesions in the liver in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) pose an important clinical problem. hepatic smooth-muscle tumor is rare in aids patients and has been reported mostly in children. we describe a 32-year-old male aids patient, with previous disseminated tuberculosis, who developed a small tumor in the liver. liver biopsy disclosed an unusual hepatic leiomyomatous neoplasm that was associated with epstein barr virus infection. it differed from the more common ka ...200011155782
human herpesviruses-6, -7 and -8 in organ transplant recipients.the newer herpesviruses are being increasingly recognized as significant opportunistic pathogens in organ transplant recipients. published data support the role of human herpesvirus-6 as a potential cause of encephalitis and bone marrow suppression in transplant setting. an association of human herpesvirus-6 with fungal infections and cytomegalovirus infection has also been documented. human herpesvirus-7 also appears to be an immunomodulatory agent and may facilitate the pathogenicity of cytome ...200011168178
[influence of highly active antiretroviral therapy on the evolution of aids-associated kaposi's sarcoma].to evaluate the highly active antiretroviral therapy (haart) in the kaposi's sarcoma evolution.200011141440
novel association of haemophagocytic syndrome with kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-related primary effusion lymphoma.haemophagocytic syndrome (hps) is a fulminant, often fatal, systemic illness that occurs in association with infection and malignancy. we provide the first report of hps that heralded a primary effusion lymphoma (pel), a rare neoplasm linked to kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus. the patient was a 38-year-old man with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome who presented with fever, sweats, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly and refractory anaemia. examination of the spleen demonstrated haemophagocyt ...200011167749
[crosstalking between hiv and hhv-8 via il-6 in aids]. 200011210749
secondary infections of aids autopsy cases in japan with special emphasis on mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex order to study the frequency of secondary infections of aids autopsy cases in japan, especially the frequency of mycobacterium aviumintracellulare complex (mac) infection, retrospective autopsy study was conducted between 1986 and 1997 at the affiliated hospital of institute of medical sciences, university of tokyo. secondary infections of various organs from 43 aids autopsy cases were examined using histopathology, genetic diagnosis of tuberculosis, ziehl-neelsen stain for acid-fast bacilli ...200011211316
predictive value of quantitative pcr-based viral burden analysis for eight human herpesviruses in pediatric solid organ transplant patients.human herpesviruses can cause significant morbidity and mortality in pediatric solid organ transplant recipients. it was hypothesized that viral burden quantification by polymerase chain reaction using an internal calibration standard could aid in distinguishing between viral disease and latency. here we report the results of a 2-year prospective study of 27 pediatric solid organ (liver, kidney, or heart) transplant recipients in which multiple samples were analyzed for levels of all eight human ...200011232109
[primary effusion lymphoma associated with type-8 human herpes virus infection].primary effusion lymphoma is an unusual entity and it has been described as a subset associated with human herpes virus 8 infection in homosexual males with aids. its inclusion as a new entity in the revised european-american lymphoma classification has been recommended. the case in which it is presented is a 47-year-old man, diagnosed with aids two years ago, who came with kaposi's sarcoma. nowadays, he has a right pleural effusion and a thoracentesis has been carried out. we obtain 10 ml of ha ...200010981334
incidence of kaposi's sarcoma and hhv-8 seroprevalence among homosexual men with known dates of hiv seroconversion. italian seroconversion evaluate temporal trends of kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and of the ks-related human herpesvirus (hhv-8) among homosexual men who seroconverted for hiv between 1984 and 1997.200010983652
clinicopathologic study of castleman's disease in korea.castleman's disease represents an atypical lymphoproliferative disorder, infrequently associated with various immunologic abnormalities or subsequent development of malignancy such as kaposi sarcoma, malignant lymphoma and plasmacytoma. its clinicopathologic features depend on various etiologic factors such as kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (kshv), oversecretion of il-6, adhesion molecule and follicular dendritic cell dysplasia, etc. to investigate the relationship of castleman's disease (cd) and th ...200010983686
detection of human herpesvirus 8 dna in pemphigus and chronic blistering skin diseases.increased incidences of kaposi's sarcoma and lymphoid malignancies have been observed in patients with pemphigus, and the human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) is very strongly associated with these tumors. because the virus may be one of the triggering factors of pemphigus, we undertook this study to screen for the presence of hhv-8 in chronic blistering skin diseases including pemphigus. a total of 45 paraffin-embedded specimens were studied using nested polymerase chain reaction (pcr) with primers to a ...200010983694
nonlymphoid reservoirs of hiv replication in children with chronic-progressive disease.autopsy tissues from 2 cohorts of age-matched hiv-infected children with similar plasma viral load (>10(5) hiv rna copies/ml), but with distinct aids-associated disease manifestations, were examined for sites of persistent hiv replication. one group consisted of 3 children with severe lymphoid atrophy and peripheral blood cd4+ t cell counts of < 10/mm . another group was composed of 6 children with extensive hyperplasia of mucosal-associated lymphoid tissues and blood cd4+ t cell counts >500/mm3 ...200010985251
rheumatic manifestations of hiv-aids.infection by human immunodeficiency virus is characterized by a myriad of clinical manifestations affecting almost every organ system in the body. if untreated, it follows an inexorable course, leading to a profound state of immunosuppression and eventually death from opportunistic infection and/or development of lymphoproliferative malignancy and kaposi's sarcoma. rheumatic manifestations may develop at any time of the clinical spectrum, but usually are more often seen in late stages. a variety ...200010985987
the kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus g protein-coupled receptor up-regulates vascular endothelial growth factor expression and secretion through mitogen-activated protein kinase and p38 pathways acting on hypoxia-inducible factor 1alpha.the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms governing the transition from a nonangiogenic to an angiogenic phenotype is central for understanding and controlling malignancies. viral oncogenes represent powerful tools for disclosing transforming mechanisms, and they may also afford the possibility of investigating the relationship between transforming pathways and angiogenesis. in this regard, we have recently observed that a constitutively active g protein-coupled receptor (gpcr) encoded by the ...200010987301
seroprevalence of human herpesvirus 8 and its association with kaposi sarcoma in brazil.epidemiologic studies have indicated that human herpesvirus 8 is implicated in the development of kaposi sarcoma in different geographic areas worldwide.200010987454
classical (hiv-negative) cutaneous kaposi's sarcoma: a case report and a short review of the literature.classical kaposi's sarcoma is a sporadic disease with a markedly higher incidence in the mediterranean area. the two original forms of this disease, the caucasian (classical) and the african, are now well-documented entities. the immunosuppression-related form is a new, recently described subset of the disease, arising from the human immune deficiency virus (hiv) infection and/or the widespread use of immunosuppressive treatments. cutaneous lesions are the most common manifestation of classical ...200010994065
presence of human beta- and gamma-herpes virus dna in hodgkin's disease.herpes viruses have been implicated in the etiology of hodgkin's disease (hd). we studied the prevalence of human cytomegalovirus (cmv), human herpes viruses type-6 (hhv-6), type-7 (hhv-7) and type 8 (hhv-8) dna in up to 88 hodgkin's disease biopsies in comparison to epstein-barr virus (ebv) dna by polymerase chain reaction (pcr). non-hodgkin lymphomas (nhl) and reactive lesions served as controls. cmv and hhv-6 were found in 8/86 (9%) and 11/88 (13%) hd cases, respectively, by nested primer pcr ...200010996205
[human herpesvirus type 8 (hhv-8)]. 200010997324
evaluation of the human herpesvirus 8 dna load in blood and kaposi's sarcoma skin lesions from aids patients on highly active antiretroviral evaluate the human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) dna load in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) and kaposi's sarcoma (ks) skin lesions of subjects with aids and to correlate these measures with the tumour load.200010997393
clinical features and risk factors of lactic acidosis following long-term antiretroviral therapy: 4 fatal cases.our objective was to describe clinical features and predisposing factors attributed to lactic acidosis in 4 hiv-infected patients on long-term nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (nrti) therapy. all patients had received at least 6-20 months of nrti-containing antiretroviral therapy: all used stavudine (d4t), in one combined with lamivudine (3tc), in the other 3 with didanosine (ddi); in one hydroxyurea was added. in all, the initial symptoms were gastrointestinal (nausea and vomiting), f ...200010997508
human herpesvirus 8 lana interacts with proteins of the msin3 corepressor complex and negatively regulates epstein-barr virus gene expression in dually infected pel cells.the human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) latency-associated nuclear antigen (lana) is expressed in all latently hhv-8 infected cells and in hhv-8-associated tumors, including primary effusion lymphoma (pel). to better understand the contribution of lana to tumorigenesis and to the pel phenotype, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screen which identified the corepressor protein sap30 as a lana binding protein. sap30 is a constituent of a large multicomponent complex that brings histone deacetylases to the pr ...200011000236
three-dimensional structure of the human herpesvirus 8 capsid.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8), or kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, is a gammaherpesvirus implicated in all forms of kaposi's sarcoma and certain lymphomas. hhv-8 has been extensively characterized, both biochemically and immunologically, since its first description in 1994. however, its three-dimensional (3d) structure remained heretofore undetermined largely due to difficulties in viral purification. we have used log-phase cultures of body cavity-based lymphoma 1 cells induced with 12-o-t ...200011000237
kshv-like herpesviruses in chimps and gorillas. 200011001045
generation of monoclonal antibodies directed against the immunogenic glycoprotein k8.1 of human herpesvirus 8.human herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) is clearly associated with kaposi's sarcoma (ks), body cavity-based lymphomas (bcbl), and certain forms of multifocal castleman's disease (mcd). it appears to be the sexually transmissible agent involved in the development of aids-associated ks. hhv-8 genomes are invariably present in bcbl-derived cell lines where lytic replication of the virus can be induced by phorbol esters (pe). first-generation hhv-8 serological assays were based on these cell lines. more recentl ...200011001401
nonmalignant disease associated with human herpesvirus 8 reactivation in patients who have undergone autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.fever, cutaneous rash, and hepatitis-for which an infectious cause was suspected-developed in an italian patient with non-hodgkin lymphoma after autologous peripheral blood stem cell (pbsc) transplantation. polymerase chain reaction (pcr) with degenerate primers for the highly conserved dna polymerase gene of herpesviruses detected herpesvirus sequences 100% identical to human herpesvirus-8 (hhv-8) in serial cell-free serum samples, collected immediately before or concomitant with the occurrence ...200011001882
inhibition of nf-kappab induces apoptosis of kshv-infected primary effusion lymphoma cells.kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (kshv), or human herpervirus 8 (hhv-8), is a gamma-herpesvirus that infects human lymphocytes and is associated with primary effusion lymphoma (pel). currently, the role of viral infection in the transformation of pel cells is unknown. one possibility is that kshv, like the lymphotropic viruses epstein-barr virus (ebv) and human t-cell leukemia virus i (htlv-i), activates the transcription factor nf-kappab to promote survival and proliferation of infected ly ...200011001908
long latency of human herpesvirus type 8 infection and the appearance of classic kaposi's sarcoma. 200011004646
herpesviruses 6, 7 and 8 in hiv- and non-hiv-associated periodontitis.human herpesviruses, especially cytomegalovirus and epstein barr virus type-1, occur with higher frequency in subgingival specimens from periodontitis lesions than from healthy/gingivitis sites. little or no information is available on the relationship between herpesvirus 6 (hhv-6), herpesvirus 7 (hhv-7) and herpesvirus 8 (hhv-8) and periodontal disease. this study determined the periodontal occurrence of hhv-6, hhv-7 and hhv-8 in 21 hiv-seropositive and 14 hiv-negative adults affected by period ...200011005155
kaposi's sarcoma-associated virus mounts novel attack on immune system. 200011006519
Displaying items 1901 - 2000 of 7010