
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
trace elements in farmed fish (cyprinus carpio, ctenopharyngodon idella and oncorhynchus mykiss) from beijing: implication from feed.concentrations of 30 trace elements, li, v, cr, mn, fe, ni, cu, mo, zn, se, sr, co, al, ti, as, cs, sc, te, ba, ga, pb, sn, cd, sb, ag, tm, ti, be, hg and u in major cultured freshwater fish species (common carp-cyprinus carpio, grass carp-ctenopharyngodon idella and rainbow trout-oncorhynchus mykiss) with the corresponding feed from 23 fish farms in beijing, china, were investigated. the results revealed that fe, zn, cu, mn, sr, se were the major accumulated essential elements and al, ti were t ...201626892032
sequence and expression analysis of interferon regulatory factor 10 (irf10) in three diverse teleost fish reveals its role in antiviral defense.interferon regulatory factor (irf) 10 was first found in birds and is present in the genome of other tetrapods (but not humans and mice), as well as in teleost fish. the functional role of irf10 in vertebrate immunity is relatively unknown compared to irf1-9. the target of this research was to clone and characterize the irf10 genes in three economically important fish species that will facilitate future evaluation of this molecule in fish innate and adaptive immunity.201626783745
potassium ions in extender differentially influence the post-thaw sperm motility of salmonid fish.potassium ions are known to have an inhibitory effect on the sperm motility of salmonids. for this reason, the addition of k(+) to the extender is frequently applied. however, the effect of the addition of k(+) to the extender has not yet been tested. the aim of this study was to test the influence of potassium ion supplementation of the extender on the sperm motility parameters from five salmonidae species (rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), sex-reversed female rainbow trout, whitefish (coreg ...201627404573
muscle wound healing in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).we followed the progression of healing of deep excisional biopsy punch wounds over the course of 365 days in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) by monitoring visual wound healing and gene expression in the healing muscle at regular intervals (1, 3, 7, 14, 38 and 100 days post-wounding). in addition, we performed muscle texture analysis one year after wound infliction. the selected genes have all previously been investigated in relation to vertebrate wound healing, but only few specifically in f ...201626702558
silver nanoparticles inhibit fish gill cell proliferation in protein-free culture medium.while short-term exposures of vertebrate cells, such as from fish, can be performed in defined, serum-free media, long-term cultures generally require addition of growth factors and proteins, normally supplied with a serum supplement. however, proteins are known to alter nanoparticle properties by binding to nanoparticles. therefore, in order to be able to study nanoparticle-cell interactions for extended periods, the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) gill cell line, rtgill-w1, was adapted to ...201627030289
comparative environmental impact assessment of herbicides used on genetically modified and non-genetically modified herbicide-tolerant canola crops using two risk indicators.canola (brassica napus l.) is the third largest field crop in australia by area sown. genetically modified (gm) and non-gm canola varieties released or being developed in australia include clearfield® (imidazolinone tolerant), tt (triazine tolerant), invigor® (glufosinate-ammonium tolerant), roundup ready® - rr® (glyphosate tolerant) and hyola® rt® (tolerant to both glyphosate and triazine). we used two risk assessment approaches - the environmental impact quotient (eiq) and the pesticide impact ...201627039064
occurrence of intersex in wild freshwater fish in slovenian rivers: a histological evaluation.the aim of this preliminary research was to establish if there are intersex occurrences in wild freshwater fish in slovenian rivers and streams. in the first study we evaluated all fish species of both sexes obtained from the river ljubljanica from its source to mouth. in the second study we focused on the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and brown trout (salmo trutta m. fario) males from 30 rivers and streams in different parts of slovenia. the male gonads were histologically assessed for th ...201627749265
an interlaboratory comparison of nanosilver characterisation and hazard identification: harmonising techniques for high quality data.within the fp7 eu project nanovalid a consortium of six partners jointly investigated the hazard of silver nanoparticles (agnps) paying special attention to methodical aspects that are important for providing high-quality ecotoxicity data. laboratories were supplied with the same original stock dispersion of agnps. all partners applied a harmonised procedure for storage and preparation of toxicity test suspensions. altogether ten different toxicity assays with a range of environmentally relevant ...201626638016
ecotoxicity interspecies qaar models from daphnia toxicity of pharmaceuticals and personal care products.pharmaceutical and personal care products (ppcps) became a class of contaminants of emerging concern because are ubiquitously detected in surface water and soil, where they can affect wildlife. ecotoxicological data are only available for a few ppcps, thus modelling approaches are essential tools to maximize the information contained in the existing data. in silico methods may be helpful in filling data gaps for the toxicity of ppcps towards various ecological indicator organisms. the good corre ...201627775436
ecotoxicological analysis during the removal of carbofuran in fungal bioaugmented matrices.biomixtures are used for the removal of pesticides from agricultural wastewater. as biomixtures employ high content of lignocellulosic substrates, their bioaugmentation with ligninolytic fungi represents a novel approach for their enhancement. nonetheless, the decrease in the concentration of the pesticide may result in sublethal concentrations that still affect ecosystems. two matrices, a microcosm of rice husk (lignocellulosic substrate) bioaugmented with the fungus trametes versicolor and a b ...201626421626
assessing variability in chemical acute toxicity of unionid mussels: influence of intra- and interlaboratory testing, life stage, and species.the authors developed a toxicity database for unionid mussels to examine the extent of intra- and interlaboratory variability in acute toxicity tests with mussel larvae (glochidia) and juveniles; the extent of differential sensitivity of the 2 life stages; and the variation in sensitivity among commonly tested mussels (lampsilis siliquoidea, utterbackia imbecillis, and villosa iris), commonly tested cladocerans (daphnia magna and ceriodaphnia dubia), and fish (oncorhynchus mykiss, pimephales pro ...201626369904
isolation, characterization and virulence potential of tenacibaculum dicentrarchi in salmonid cultures in this study, we isolated, identified and characterized isolates of tenacibaculum dicentrarchi in atlantic salmon (salmo salar) farmed in chile for the first time. in 2010 and 2014, mortalities were observed in atlantic salmon (average weight 25-30 and 480-520 g, respectively) at an aquaculture centre in puerto montt, chile. severe tail rots, frayed fins and, in some cases, damaged gills were detected. wet smear analyses of these lesions revealed a high occurrence of gram-negative, filamentous ...201626749435
cardiovascular effects of adrenomedullin in teleost fishes.adrenomedullin is a fifty-two-amino acid polypeptide that was first discovered in pheochromocytoma cells, and later in the normal adrenal medullae, lungs, kidneys, and blood. in mammals, adrenomedullin has vasodepressive effects, mainly by decreasing peripheral vascular resistance. i investigated the effects of adrenomedullin in fish to see if this novel neuropeptide would have an effect in lower vertebrates, or if its actions were limited to the higher vertebrates. bolus injections of adrenomed ...20168728851
infected donor biomass and active feeding increase waterborne transmission of ichthyophonus sp. to rainbow trout sentinels.the precise nature of ichthyophonus sp. transmission among wild fishes has eluded description for over a century. transmission among piscivores is direct, via ingestion of infected prey, but there is also evidence for waterborne transmission between infected and uninfected individuals. transmission among planktivores is believed to be via a waterborne infectious cell, but definitive proof of this mechanism has not been forthcoming. to explore possible mechanisms of transmission we used rainbow t ...201627195430
new species of plagioporus stafford, 1904 (digenea: opecoelidae) from california, with an amendment of the genus and a phylogeny of freshwater plagioporines of the holarctic.plagioporus hageli n. sp. is described from the intestine of oncorhynchus mykiss (walbaum) collected from the river yuba, california, usa. of the accepted, nominal species of plagioporus stafford, 1904 from the nearctic, the new species is morphologically similar to three intestinal species from the western usa parasitising diadromous fishes, including plagioporus shawi (mcintosh, 1939), plagioporus kolipinskii tracey, choudhury, cheng & ghosh, 2009 and plagioporus siliculus sinitsin, 1931, and ...201627638729
environmental indicators in effluent assessment of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) reared in raceway system through phosphorus and nitrogen.the phosphorus and nitrogen discharge via effluent of intensive trout farming system was quantified through the use of environmental indicators. the nutrient loads, the mass balance, the estimated amount of nutrients in feed and the amount of nutrients converted in fish biomass were calculated based on the concentrations of phosphorus (p) and nitrogen (n) in the feed and in the water. of the offered feed, 24.75 kg were available as p and 99.00 kg as n, of these, 9.32 kg p (38%) and 29.12 kg n (2 ...201727224731
pathogenicity of mexican isolates of aeromonas sp. in immersion experimentally-infected rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss, walbaum 1792).ten species of aeromonas have been previously identified in farmed rainbow trout from mexico. the aim of the current study was to investigate the pathogenicity of 10 aeromonas isolates belonging to 10 different aeromonas species in immersion experimentally-infected rainbow trout fry. isolates of a. bestiarum, a. hydrophila, a. salmonicida, and a. veronii produced significant mortality (8.8%, 12.2%, 18.8%, and 8.8%, respectively). isolates of a. caviae and a. sobria produced no significantly mort ...201728209550
application of passive sampling to characterise the fish exometabolome.the endogenous metabolites excreted by organisms into their surrounding environment, termed the exometabolome, are important for many processes including chemical communication. in fish biology, such metabolites are also known to be informative markers of physiological status. while metabolomics is increasingly used to investigate the endogenous biochemistry of organisms, no non-targeted studies of the metabolic complexity of fish exometabolomes have been reported to date. in environmental chemi ...201728216558
towards the development of a sustainable soya bean-based feedstock for aquaculture.soya bean (glycine max (l.) merr.) is sought after for both its oil and protein components. genetic approaches to add value to either component are ongoing efforts in soya bean breeding and molecular biology programmes. the former is the primary vegetable oil consumed in the world. hence, its primary usage is in direct human consumption. as a means to increase its utility in feed applications, thereby expanding the market of soya bean coproducts, we investigated the simultaneous displacement of ...201727496594
invitromatics, invitrome, and invitroomics: introduction of three new terms for in vitro biology and illustration of their use with the cell lines from rainbow trout.the literature on cell lines that have been developed from rainbow trout (rt) (oncorhynchus mykiss) is reviewed to illustrate three new terms: invitromatics, invitrome, and invitroomics. invitromatics is defined as the history, development, characterization, engineering, storage, and sharing of cell lines. rt invitromatics differs from invitromatics for humans and other mammals in several ways. nearly all the rt cell lines have developed through spontaneous immortalization. no rt cell line under ...201728374170
consecutive emamectin benzoate and deltamethrin treatments affect the expressions and activities of detoxification enzymes in the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) subjected to three consecutive, alternating treatments with emamectin benzoate (emb) and deltamethrin (dm) during outbreaks of caligus rogercresseyi in a farm located in southern chile (hornopiren, chiloé), were studied to determine the effects of these treatments on the protein and enzymatic activity levels of cytochrome p450 1a (cyp1a), flavin-containing monooxygenase (fmo) and glutathione s-transferase (gst) in different tissues. consecutive and alternating ...201727765649
hypothermic storage of isolated spermatogonia and oogonia from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).a growing number of fish species are endangered due to human activities. a short- or long-time preservation of gametes could conserve genetic resources of threatened fish species. the aim of this study was to evaluate a hypothermic condition for short-term preservation of spermatogonia and oogonia cells isolated from immature transgenic rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss, and to determine the maximum time point for further transplantation. viability rate of germ cells was investigated after isol ...201728302378
gyrodactylus salmonis infection impairs the olfactory system of rainbow trout.monogenean worms are ectoparasites that are known to be infectious to a wide variety of fish. few species of monogenean parasites have been reported in the olfactory chamber of fish in current peer-reviewed literature. however, the impacts of these parasites on the olfactory system are not well understood. in this study, the effects of gyrodactylus salmonis on the olfactory system structure and performance were investigated in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss). the olfactory performance of the ...201728105714
analytical validation of a reverse transcriptase droplet digital pcr (rt-ddpcr) for quantitative detection of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus.infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (ihnv) is an important pathogen of salmonid fishes. a validated universal reverse transcriptase quantitative pcr (rt-qpcr) assay that can quantify levels of ihnv in fish tissues has been previously reported. in the present study, we adapted the published set of ihnv primers and probe for use in a reverse-transcriptase droplet digital pcr (rt-ddpcr) assay for quantification of the virus in fish tissue samples. the rt-ddpcr and rt-qpcr assays detected 13 phy ...201728347708
replication and shedding kinetics of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus in juvenile rainbow trout.viral replication and shedding are key components of transmission and fitness, the kinetics of which are heavily dependent on virus, host, and environmental factors. to date, no studies have quantified the shedding kinetics of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (ihnv) in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), or how they are associated with replication, making it difficult to ascertain the transmission dynamics of this pathogen of high agricultural and conservation importance. here, the repli ...201727771253
comparative analyses within gyrodactylus (platyhelminthes: monogenea) mitochondrial genomes and conserved polymerase chain reaction primers for gyrodactylid mitochondrial this study, we describe the complete mitochondrial genomes of gyrodactylus brachymystacis and gyrodactylus parvae infecting rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and the invasive topmouth gudgeon (pseudorasbora parva), respectively. the two circular genomes have a common genome organization found in other gyrodactylus species. comparative analyses of mitochondrial genomes from six gyrodactylus species were carried out to determine base composition, codon usage, transfer rna and ribosomal rna ge ...201727502106
dna vaccination partially protects muskellunge against viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (vhsv-ivb).a dna vaccine containing the glycoprotein (g) gene of the north american viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (vhsv) genotype ivb was developed to evaluate the immune response of fish following vaccination and evaluate its efficacy in protecting a susceptible species, the muskellunge esox masquinongy, against vhsv-ivb challenge. seven weeks (539 degree-days) following vaccination with 10 μg of either pvhsivb-g or a control plasmid, muskellunge were challenged by immersion with 10(5) plaque-forming ...201728225652
complete genomic sequence of an infectious pancreatic necrosis virus isolated from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) in china.infectious pancreatic necrosis (ipn) is a significant disease of farmed salmonids resulting in direct economic losses due to high mortality in china. however, no gene sequence of any chinese infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (ipnv) isolates was available. in the study, moribund rainbow trout fry samples were collected during an outbreak of ipn in yunnan province of southwest china in 2013. an ipnv was isolated and tentatively named chrtm213. we determined the full genome sequence of the ipnv ...201727858313
comparison of selected nonlethal samples from adult steelhead for detection of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus using cell culture.nonlethal sampling techniques have previously been evaluated for detection of a variety of viral salmonid pathogens. however, many of these studies have used molecular assays in lieu of widely accepted cell culture techniques to evaluate the sampled tissues. samples were collected from female steelhead oncorhynchus mykiss broodstock using three potential nonlethal sampling methods (mucus/skin scrape, pectoral fin clip, and gill tissue biopsy) and evaluated for the presence of infectious hematopo ...201728324676
preliminary study of an oral vaccine against infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus using improved yeast surface display technology.infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (ihnv) is a common pathogen that causes severe disease in the salmonid aquaculture industry. because oral vaccines induce more efficient mucosal immunity than parenteral immunization, an oral vaccine was developed with an improved yeast cell surface display technology to induce an immune response to ihnv. the oral yeast vaccine, designated eby100/pyd1-bi-g, was delivered orally to rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) on days 1 and 32, and the nonspecific an ...201728285182
outbreak of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (ipnv) in farmed rainbow trout in china.infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (ipnv) is a member of the aquabirnavirus genus, which caused mass mortality (nearly 100%) in farmed rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) in aquaculture farms in 2016, china. major clinical signs included decreased appetite, mucous-like stools, and darkened pigmentation. pathological changes in moribund fish were observed, such as marked vacuolar degeneration of the pancreatic cells with pyknotic nucleus and decreased zymogen granules, severe hemorrhage in the ...201728232067
microbiome dynamic modulation through functional diets based on pre- and probiotics (mannan-oligosaccharides and saccharomyces cerevisiae) in juvenile rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).this study used high-throughput sequencing to evaluate the intestinal microbiome dynamics in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) fed commercial diets supplemented with either pre- or probiotics (0·6% mannan-oligosaccharides and 0·5% saccharomyces cerevisiae respectively) or the mixture of both.201728256031
effects of dietary yeast inclusion and acute stress on post-prandial whole blood profiles of dorsal aorta-cannulated rainbow trout.yeast is a potential alternative to fish meal in diets for farmed fish, yet replacing more than 50 % of fish meal results in reduced fish growth. in a 4-week experiment, 15 rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) were cannulated and fed three diets each week: 30 % fish meal as a control (fm); 60 % replacement of fish meal protein, on a digestible basis, with saccharomyces cerevisiae (sc); and 60 % replacement with wickerhamomyces anomalus and s. cerevisiae mix (wa). blood was collected at 0, 3, 6, 1 ...201727677483
ecological risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in the receiving environment of pharmaceutical wastewater in pakistan.the pharmaceutical industry of pakistan is growing with an annual growth rate of 10%. besides this growth, this industry is not complying with environmental standards, and discharging its effluent into domestic wastewater network. only limited information is available about the occurrence of pharmaceutical compounds (pcs) in the environmental matrices of pakistan that has motivated us to aim at the occurrence and ecological risk assessment of 11 pcs of different therapeutic classes in the wastew ...201727810578
characterisation of arginase paralogues in salmonids and their modulation by immune stimulation/ this study we show that four arginase isoforms (arg1a, arg1b, arg2a, arg2b) exist in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and atlantic salmon (salmo salar). we have characterised these molecules in terms of a) sequence analysis, b) constitutive expression in different tissues, and modulated expression following c) stimulation of head kidney macrophages in vitro, or d) vaccination/infection with yersinia ruckeri and e) parasite infection (agd caused by paramoeba perurans and pkd caused by tetra ...201728025160
lhx8 interacts with a novel germ cell-specific nuclear factor containing an nbl1 domain in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).lhx8 is an important transcription factor that is preferentially expressed in germ cells. lhx8 null mice are infertile due to lack of oocytes and impairment of the transition from primordial follicles to primary follicles. lhx8 deficiency also affects the expression of many important oocyte-specific genes. in this study, we report the characterization of rainbow trout lhx8 genes and identification of a novel germ cell-specific nuclear factor that interacts with lhx8. two lhx8 genes, lhx8a and lh ...201728151980
molecular characterization of a novel orthomyxovirus from rainbow and steelhead trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).a novel virus, rainbow trout orthomyxovirus (rbtov), was isolated in 1997 and again in 2000 from commercially-reared rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) in idaho, usa. the virus grew optimally in the chse-214 cell line at 15°c producing a diffuse cytopathic effect; however, juvenile rainbow trout exposed to cell culture-grown virus showed no mortality or gross pathology. electron microscopy of preparations from infected cell cultures revealed the presence of typical orthomyxovirus particles. the ...201728088362
genetic and serological diversity of flavobacterium psychrophilum isolates from salmonids in united kingdom.flavobacterium psychrophilum is one of the most important bacterial pathogens affecting cultured rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and is increasingly causing problems in atlantic salmon (salmo salar l.) hatcheries. little is known about the heterogeneity of f. psychrophilum isolates on uk salmonid farms. a total of 315 f. psychrophilum isolates, 293 of which were collected from 27 sites within the uk, were characterised using four genotyping methods and a serotyping scheme. a high strain dive ...201728284613
different phenotypes of mature biofilm in flavobacterium psychrophilum share a potential for virulence that differs from planktonic state.flavobacterium psychrophilum is the etiological agent of bacterial coldwater disease and the rainbow trout fry syndrome in salmonid aquaculture worldwide. however, there have been few studies into the capacity of f. psychrophilum to form biofilms and how these cellular accretions differ from planktonic cells or how they affect potential virulence. we evaluated the biofilm formation by three chilean isolates of f. psychrophilum (lm-02-fp, lm-06-fp, and lm-13-fp) and two non-chilean strains (jip02 ...201728361040
expansion and differentiation of igm(+) b cells in the rainbow trout peritoneal cavity in response to different date, intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection seems to be the most effective vaccination route in aquaculture, as many i.p. administered fish vaccines are capable of conferring strong and long-lasting immune responses. despite this, how peritoneal leukocytes are regulated upon antigen encounter has only been scarcely studied in fish. although, in the past, myeloid cells were thought to be the main responders to peritoneal inflammation, a recent study revealed that igm(+) b cells are one of the main ...201728088353
molecular characterization of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus strains isolated from the three types of salmonids farmed in chile.the infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (ipnv) causes significant economic losses in chilean salmon farming. for effective sanitary management, the ipnv strains present in chile need to be fully studied, characterized, and constantly updated at the molecular level.201728143585
in vivo adherence of flavobacterium psychrophilum to mucosal external surfaces of rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) fry.the adherence of flavobacterium psychrophilum to surfaces of epithelial tissues has been inconclusively suggested as a mechanism, which enables the bacterium to invade the host. hence, the present study aimed to examine the adherence of the cells of two colony phenotypes, smooth and rough, of f. psychrophilum to mucosal tissues of rainbow trout fry and to test the skin mucus as a nutrient for the growth of f. psychrophilum. fish were immersed in water containing 10(6 ) cfu( ) ml(-1) f. psychroph ...201728188658
dataset of proinflammatory cytokine and cytokine receptor gene expression in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) measured using a novel gexp multiplex, rt-pcr assay.a gexp multiplex, rt-pcr assay was developed and optimized that simultaneously measures expression of a suite of immune-relevant genes in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), concentrating on tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-1 ligand/receptor systems and acute phase response genes. the dataset includes expression values for drpt, il11a, il1b1, il1b2, il1b3, il1r-like-1(e3-5), il1r-like-1(e9-11), il1r1-like-a, il1r1-like-b, il1r2, saa, tnfa1, tnfa2, tnfa3, tnfrsf1a, tnfrsf1a-like-a, tnfrsf1a ...201728239633
the flagellar master operon flhdc is a pleiotropic regulator involved in motility and virulence of the fish pathogen yersinia investigate the function of the master flagellar operon flhdc in the fish pathogen yersinia ruckeri and compare the effect of a constructed flhd mutation to a naturally occurring flir mutation causing loss-of-motility in emergent biotype 2 (bt2) strains.201727981729
antimicrobial peptide cap18 and its effect on yersinia ruckeri infections in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss (walbaum): comparing administration by injection and oral routes.the antimicrobial peptide cap18 has been demonstrated to have a strong in vitro bactericidal effect on yersinia ruckeri, but its activity in vivo has not been described. in this work, we investigated whether cap18 protects rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss (walbaum) against enteric red mouth disease caused by this pathogen either following i.p. injection or by oral administration (in feed). it was found that injection of cap18 into juvenile rainbow trout before exposure to y. ruckeri was associa ...201727334068
rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) secretory component binds to commensal bacteria and pathogens.commensal bacteria co-exist on the mucosal surfaces of all vertebrates. the host's mucosal immune system must tolerate commensals while fighting pathogens. one of the mechanisms used by the mucosal immune system to maintain homeostasis is the secretion of immunoglobulins (igs) across epithelial barriers, which is achieved via the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pigr). rainbow trout pigr is known to transport igt and igm across epithelia. however, other biological functions for trout pigr or t ...201728150752
subunit vaccine candidates against aeromonas salmonicida in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss.aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida is the etiological agent of furunculosis and a major fish health problem in salmonid aquaculture worldwide. injection vaccination with commercial mineral oil-adjuvanted bacterin vaccines has been partly successful in preventing the disease but in danish rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss, walbaum) aquaculture furunculosis outbreaks still occur. in this study we tested the efficacy of experimental subunit vaccines against a. salmonicida infection in rainbo ...201728182704
antimicrobial effect of the biotronic® top3 supplement and efficacy in protecting rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) from infection by aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida.demand for more environmentally friendly practices have led to the adoption of several feed supplements by the fish farming industry. in the present study, we investigated a commercially available formula that includes a mixture of three compounds: organic acids, a phytochemical and biomin® permeabilizing complex. this mixture demonstrated antimicrobial properties in vitro and was able to inhibit growth of multiple species of aquatic bacterial pathogens, including aeromonas salmonicida. bacteria ...201728343146
positive correlation between aeromonas salmonicida vaccine antigen concentration and protection in vaccinated rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss evaluated by a tail fin infection model.rainbow trout, oncorhynchus mykiss (walbaum), are able to raise a protective immune response against aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida (as) following injection vaccination with commercial vaccines containing formalin-killed bacteria, but the protection is often suboptimal under danish mariculture conditions. we elucidated whether protection can be improved by increasing the concentration of antigen (formalin-killed bacteria) in the vaccine. rainbow trout juveniles were vaccinated by intra ...201727593619
characterization and mechanism of anti-aeromonas salmonicida activity of a marine probiotic strain, bacillus velezensis v4.the bacterium aeromonas salmonicida is the causative agent of furunculosis, a systemic, ubiquitous disease of fish in the salmon family, characterized by high mortality and morbidity. probiotics are a promising approach for prevention of furunculosis in aquaculture. a bacterial strain with anti-a. salmonicida properties, bacillus velezensis v4, was isolated and the mechanisms underlying these properties were investigated. anti-a. salmonicida compounds present in cell-free supernatant of v4 were ...201728074223
aeromonas salmonicida type iii secretion system-effectors-mediated immune suppression in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, the etiologic agent of furunculosis, is a major pathogen in aquaculture. together with other pathogens, it is characterized by the presence of a type 3 secretion system (t3ss). the t3ss is the main virulence mechanism of a. salmonicida. it is used by the bacterium to secrete and translocate several toxins and effector proteins into the host cell. some of these factors have a detrimental impact on the integrity of the cell cytoskeleton, likely contributin ...201727923746
st2 from rainbow trout quenches tlr signalling, localises at the nuclear membrane and allows the nuclear translocation of myd88.the mammalian interleukin 1 receptor-like 1 receptor (il1rl1), commonly known as st2, is thought to downregulate tlr signalling by sequestering the signalling adapter myd88 (myeloid differentiation primary response protein 88). st2 sequences are known in several fish species, but none of them have functionally been examined. we characterised st2 from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) and the structure of its encoding gene. the primary sequence of st2 is only weakly conserved from fish to human ...201727776995
effect of dietary β-glucan on growth, survival and regulation of immune processes in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) infected by aeromonas salmonicida.the present study evaluated the effects of dietary β-glucan (0, 0.05%, 0.1%, and 0.2%) on growth performance after 42 days of feeding. thereafter, rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) were infected with aeromonas salmonicida, and survival rates as well as the regulating processes of stress- and immune-related factors were analyzed. in general, higher dietary β-glucan levels obviously improved specific growth rate (sgr), weight gain (wg) and feed efficiency (fe) (p ≤ 0.05). survival rates in β-glu ...201728286256
multiple gene and transcript variants encoding trout c-polysaccharide binding proteins are differentially but strongly induced after infection with aeromonas salmonicida.two 'trout c-polysaccharide-binding proteins,' tcbp1 and -2, with relevance to early inflammatory events have been discovered in the last century. the present study characterises the respective cdna sequences from rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss), including multiple tcbp1 transcript variants. these variants are generated either by the use of alternative splice sites or the exclusion of exons. the longest mrna isoform, tcbp1-1, encodes a 245-aa protein with a large signal peptide and a complem ...201727836722
dietary myrtle (myrtus communis l.) improved non-specific immune parameters and bactericidal activity of skin mucus in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) fingerlings.the present study examined the effects of dietary myrtle (myrtus communis l.) on non-specific immune parameters and bactericidal activity of skin mucus in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) fingerlings. three hundred and sixty fingerlings (6.50 ± 0.55 g (were distributed in twelve cages (65 × 65 × 65 cm) with a metal framework. the study included four treatments repeated in triplicates. the treatments were feeding trouts with experimental diets containing different levels (0, 0.5, 1 and 1.5%) o ...201728330807
dietary β-glucans differentially modulate immune and stress-related gene expression in lymphoid organs from healthy and aeromonas hydrophila-infected rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss).although β-glucans stimulating effects have already been demonstrated on the immune system of numerous animal species, available data remain relatively variable and more research should be done regarding the complexity of underlying mechanisms. in this context, the present study aimed to evaluate the stress and immune-related effects of dietary β-glucans (i.e. macrogard(®)) by considering a number of influencing factors such as the dose (0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5% in food), feeding duration (15 versus ...201728232282
effect of ammonia-n and pathogen challenge on complement component 8α and 8β expression in the darkbarbel catfish pelteobagrus vachellii.the complement components c8α and c8β mediate the formation of the membrane attack complex (mac) to resist pathogenic bacteria and play important roles in innate immunity. full-length complement c8α (pv-c8α) and c8β (pv-c8β) cdna were identified in the darkbarbel catfish pelteobagrus vachellii, and their mrna expression levels were analyzed after ammonia-n and pathogen treatment. the pv-c8α gene contained 1983 bp, including a 1794-bp open reading frame (orf) encoding 598 amino acids. the pv-c8β ...201728027983
Displaying items 1901 - 1957 of 1957