
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
seasonal variations in aldrin epoxidase (mfo) activity of yellow-legged herring gulls: the relationship to breeding and pcb residues. 19883146357
long term monitoring of pollutants in eggs of yellow-legged herring gull from capraia island (tuscan archipelago).chlorinated hydrocarbons (hexachlorobenzene, lindane, pp'dde, polychlorinated biphenyls) and trace elements (hg, se, cd, pb) were determined in eggs of yellow-legged herring gull (larus cachinnans) collected in an island of the tyrrhenian sea during the period 1981-1986. pcbs levels vary on the average between 30.4μg g(-1) d.w. in 1981 to 56.1 μg g(-1) d.w. in 1983. the capillary chromatograms revealed the presence of about 30 somers of pcbs without significant variations in the eggs of the same ...198824248526
skull deformity in a herring gull chick (larus argentatus).a skull deformity resulting in death of a herring gull chick (larus argentatus) is described in detail. the bones of the skull and upper jaw were twisted, asymmetrical and of unusual size or absent. the lower jaw had an almost "spoon-like" external appearance and lacked normal articular surfaces.19883352082
measurement of growth rates: the effect of sampling time on weight in a most field studies on growth rates of birds, chicks are weighed in the "morning" or whenever it is convenient. i found that weight of laboratory-reared young herring gulls (larus argentatus) varied significantly depending on the time of day it was measured. chicks were always lighter at daybreak before they had eaten. however, mean weight at other times of the day was less variable. these results suggest that it is important to always weigh chicks at the same time each day, and to appreciate ...19883203978
effects of lead on growth in young herring gulls (larus argentatus).one-day-old herring gulls (larus argentatus) were injected intraperitoneally with lead nitrate solution (0.1 or 0.2 mg pb/g) or sterile saline to examine differences in growth rates. despite the low levels of lead exposure, by d 8 there were significant differences in growth rates as a function of treatment. there were also, by d 8, significant differences in bill length, tarsus length, and wing bone length. except for bill length, these differences persisted for the duration of the study. devel ...19883172274
organochlorines and heavy metals in herring gull (larus argentatus) eggs and chicks from the same clutch. 19892743002
[circulation of the influenza a virus of h13 serosubtype among seagulls in the northern caspian (1979-1985)].the results of seven-year ecologo-virological studies (1979-1985) of laridae colonies on the island zhemchuzhnyi, northern kaspian sea, showed annual isolation of influenza a viruses. altogether, 95 hemagglutinating agent have been isolated. strains with 4 different combinations of surface antigens were identified: h5n2, h13n2, h13n3, h13n6. the possibility of transovarial transmission is confirmed by the fact of isolation of an influenza virus strain a/black-headed herring gull/astrakhan/458/85 ...19892531497
erve virus, a probable member of bunyaviridae family isolated from shrews (crocidura russula) in apparently new agent, provisionally named erve virus, was isolated in 1982 from tissues of three white toothed shrews, crocidura russula, trapped near saulges village in western france. results of virological and ultrastructural studies suggest that this virus belongs to the bunyaviridae family and is a bunyavirus-like agent. serosurveys indicate that erve virus had apparently a large geographical distribution in france and infects rodents, insectivores, wild boars (sus scrofa), red deer (cer ...19892570514
[cestode egg production dynamics and fertility in diphyllobothrium dendriticum (cestoda, pseudophyllidea)].dynamics of egg production of the tapeworm diphyllobothrium dendriticum has been estimated experimentally in nestlings of the herring gull larus argentatus per day and per reproductive period. the number of eggs in strobiles has been estimated for the maturation period. mean egg production of the tapeworm per day (10.43 +/- 2.72 mln) is two orders of magnitude as high as the maximum number of eggs in a mature strobile (0.206 +/- 0.007). it is proposed to estimate coefficient of reproduction inte ...19892748199
[the occurrence and characterization of campylobacter spp. in silver gulls (larus argentatus), three-toed gulls (rissa tridactyla) and house sparrows (passer domesticus)].altogether 16 campylobacter (c.) isolates could be recovered from 65 herring gulls: 5 x c. laridis, 2 x c. jejuni biovar 1, 4 x c. jejuni biovar 2 and 5 x c. coli. campylobacter spp. were isolated from 15 out of 51 samples from kittiwakes: 2 x c. jejuni biovar 1 and 13 x c. laridis. all c. coli isolates grew on agar containing 1.5% nacl. two campylobacter isolates from 50 house sparrows differed from all other isolates by a distinct beta-hemolysis and other phenotypic characteristics and could n ...19892750361
[the "diseased" or "dead" guillemots (uria aalge), three-toed gulls (rissa tridactyla), silver gulls (larus argentatus) and laughing gulls (larus ridibundus) found in the area of the german bay, 1982-1985].between 1982 and 1985 the cadavers of 50 guillemots (uria aalge), 41 kittiwakes (rissa tridactyla), 26 herring gulls (larus argentatus) and 34 black-headed gulls (larus ridibundus) were examined pathological, bacteriological and virological. the probable cause of death was established. parasitosis were particularly prevalent in herring gulls (49%), where the main infection--as in black-headed gulls--was with cestoides. in kittiwakes and guillemots mainly spiruroideae were recorded. the commonest ...19892752934
dynamics of egg production of the cestode diphyllobothrium dendriticum (nitzsch, 1824) (cestoda: pseudophyllidea) and the concept of fecundity in helminths.the dynamics of egg production of the tapeworm d. dendriticum has been estimated experimentally in nestlings of the herring gull larus argentatus per day and per reproductive period. numbers of eggs in strobilae have been estimated for the maturation period. mean egg production, of one tapeworm per day (10.42 +/- 2.72 mln) is two orders of magnitude as high as the maximal number of eggs in a mature strobila (0.206 +/- 0.007). it is proposed to estimate the coefficient of reproduction intensity a ...19892767550
[hematologic and hematochemical characteristics of the herring gull (larus argentatus) and the buzzard (buteo buteo)].some hematological and hematochemical parameters in eight herring gulls (larus argentatus) and in six buzzards (buteo buteo) were checked. the buzzards were fed with ovine meat exclusively, while the herring gulls were fed with fish and ovine meat. considerable differences between the two species were noted, particularly as far as the hematological and lipidic parameters are concerned. these differences are probably related to the aquatic life of the herring gull.19892627341
organochlorine contaminants in eggs of common terns from the canadian great lakes, determine if contaminant levels in common terns had changed over the last decade, we collected and analyzed eggs from four nesting colonies on the three lower great lakes during 1981. dde and pcbs were detected in every egg from the four colonies. dieldrin, mirex and trans-nonachlor were detected in more than 45% of the eggs. seven other organochlorine contaminants (ddd, ddt, hexachlorobenzene, oxychlordane, cis-chlordane, cis-nonachlor and toxaphene) were detected in less than 25% of the egg ...198915092410
an assessment of pollutants in eggs of audouin's gull (larus audouinii), a rare species of the mediterranean sea.audouin's gull (larus audouinii) is a very rare species endemic to the mediterranean basin. a sub-population of an estimated 130 pairs is breeding in the tuscan archipelago, an area heavily polluted by mercury and chlorinated hydrocarbons. here we present the data from 5 years spent monitoring the contaminant levels in the eggs of this species. mercury, selenium, polychlorobiphenyls (pcbs) and dde concentrations are two to five times higher than in similar species, such as the yellow-legged herr ...19892497516
geographical distribution of contaminants and productivity measures of herring gulls in the great lakes: lake erie and connecting channels 1978/79.the distribution and size of colonies, residue levels of dde, ddt, hcb, dieldrin, mirex and pcbs in eggs, productivity and eggshell thickness were determined for herring gulls at 14 sites in lake erie and connecting channels. the centre of distribution for breeding herring gulls was the western basin where approximately 90% of the 6200 nests in the study area were located. seven of 22 colonies showed an average annual population increase of 48.3%. most of the increase in breeding herring gulls o ...19902108495
the laboratory maintenance of diphyllobothrium dendriticum (nitzsch, 1824).a protocol for the routine laboratory maintenance of the life-cycle of diphyllobothrium dendriticum, using herring gulls (larus argentatus), cyclops abyssorum and rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss ( = salmo gairdneri) as the definitive, first and second intermediate hosts respectively, is described.19902235071
behavioral effects of early postnatal lead exposure in herring gull (larus argentatus) chicks.lead exposure early in life affects behavioral and intellectual development in humans. in this paper, i use the herring gull, larus argentatus, as an animal model to examine effects of lead exposure on early development. like humans, birds rely mainly on visual and vocal, rather than olfactory, modes of communication. each of 24 one-day-old herring gull chicks was randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups to receive a lead nitrate solution at a concentration of 0.0, 0.1 and 0.2 mg/g. th ...19902315373
tissue levels of lead in experimentally exposed herring gull (larus argentatus) chicks.two-day-old herring gull (larus argentatus) chicks were injected with either 0.1 or 0.2 mg lead/g body mass and were sacrificed at 45 d of age. control birds were injected with sterile water. we examined lead and cadmium levels in blood, kidney, liver, muscle, salt glands, breast feathers, and bone. in control birds lead levels were highest in bone, feathers, salt gland, and kidney, and lowest in blood, muscle, and brain. in experimental birds lead levels were highest in bone, liver, kidney, and ...19902299695
configuration of the medial and lateral segments of duck (anas platyrhynchos) salt glands.salt glands of the domestic duck anas platyrhynchos differ from those of the herring gull larus argentatus and other birds. in ducks, each salt gland consists of distinct medial and lateral segments. centrally located drainage ducts that extend along the entire length of these medial and lateral segments collect hypertonic fluid secreted by an array of lobules. each lobule is formed by a single mass of branched tubules in which the direction of capillary blood flow is opposite to that of the sec ...199129865521
[the occurrence of campylobacter spp. and salmonella spp. in gulls in northern germany].out of a total of 207 gulls--20 black headed gulls, 185 herring gulls and 2 common gulls--128 (62%) and 23 (11%) birds, respectively, were infected with campylobacter spp. (c.) and salmonella spp. c. jejuni was predominant in gulls less than two years old (89%) and c. coli in older birds (75%). furthermore, the infection rate with campylobacters was depending on the habitats of the birds. the rate for c. jejuni and c. coli, respectively, was in gulls from regional garbage dumps 78% and 4%, from ...19912065612
productivity, diet, and environmental contaminants in bald eagles nesting near the wisconsin shoreline of lake superior.bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) nesting in the apostle islands national lakeshore and along the wisconsin shoreline of lake superior produced an average of 0.8 young/occupied nest and had an average nest success of 57% during 1983-1988, compared to 1.3 young/occupied nest and 77% nest success in inland wisconsin. contaminant levels in nestling bald eagle carcasses collected from nests near lake superior were higher than those collected inland, suggesting local contamination. prey remains ...19911996910
great lakes embryo mortality, edema, and deformities syndrome (glemeds) in colonial fish-eating birds: similarity to chick-edema disease.several species of colonial fish-eating birds nesting in the great lakes basin, including herring gulls, common terns and double-crested cormorants, have exhibited chronic impairment of reproduction. in addition to eggshell thinning caused by high levels of ddt and metabolites, the reproductive impairment is characterized by high embryonic and chick mortality, edema, growth retardation, and deformities, hence the name great lakes embryo mortality, edema, and deformities syndrome (glemeds). the h ...19911875430
why do distress calls evoke interspecific responses? an experimental study applied to some species of birds.distress calls of birds are well-known to elicit interspecific responses when they are broadcast to different species. we suggest that the interspecificity phenomenon results from the use of similar laws of decoding by all species. to support this hypothesis, we broadcast a simplified synthetic call to five species of birds (larus argentatus, l. ridibundus, vanellus vanellus, corvus frugilegus and sturnus vulgaris). this synthetic call was built by keeping all the parameters involved in the proc ...199124897723
heavy metal and metallothionein concentrations in atlantic canadian seabirds.seabird tissues, collected during the 1988 breeding season from colonies on the atlantic coast of canada, were analyzed for toxic metals--cd, hg and pb--and 18 other trace elements. metallothionein (mt) was measured in kidney, and kidneys and livers underwent histopathological examination. levels of most essential trace elements appear to be closely regulated in seabird tissues; values were in good agreement with those previously reported in the published literature. liver-se concentrations in l ...19921554255
occurrence of campylobacter spp. in young gulls, duration of campylobacter infection and reinfection by contact.two groups of three week old herring gulls (larus argentatus) were held to observe the carrier state with campylobacter. all 27 birds of group i excreted campylobacter jejuni biotype iii when they were caught from their colony. four weeks later all but one were negative, indicating that the carrier state lasts until about the seventh week of life, with self-elimination if infection with another campylobacter species is prevented by housing in a closed environment as in this study. only one bird ...19921621473
a modelling strategy for recovery data from birds ringed as this paper we propose a strategy for analysing recovery data from birds ringed as nestlings. the approach advocated starts with a global model, involving calendar year dependence of both reporting and first-year survival rates, and age-dependence of survival rates for older birds. likelihood ratio tests are then used to choose between a range of submodels. the strategy is illustrated through application to three data sets, on mallards, herring gulls, and blue-winged teal. the effect of age-de ...19921581486
comparison of lead levels in bone, feathers, and liver of herring gull chicks (larus argentatus).bone, feathers, and liver were analyzed for lead in herring gull chicks (larus argentatus) of two different ages. the highest levels were found in the bone, evidence of chronic exposure. no differences were found within the bones. differences occurred between different bones, with the ribs having twice the amount of lead than any other bone. these studies indicate that type of bone affects lead levels; thus researchers should clearly state which parts of which bones are examined. it is also sugg ...19921574517
haematology and blood chemistry of healthy and clinically abnormal great black-backed gulls (larus marinus) and herring gulls (larus argentatus).normal haematological values and cholesterol values (total, hdl-cholesterol, ldl-cholesterol) were determined in free-living herring and great black-backed gulls, taking into account species, age and sex. these figures were then used as a basis of comparison with findings on birds with apparent clinical abnormalities (the birds were either oiled, emaciated, extensively infested with endoparasites, had external injuries or organic abnormalities). species-specific differences were found only in ch ...199218670934
mercury levels in eggs, tissues, and feathers of herring gulls larus argentatus from the german wadden sea coast.the relationships between mercury levels in eggs, tissues, and feathers of male and female herring gulls caught at their nests at a colony on the german wadden sea coast were investigated, and an assessment of mercury intake and excretion of these birds was made. samples of the liver, ovary, pectoral muscle, and body feathers, as well as the primary feather (in some cases), and eggs were taken from 37 adult herring gulls. analysis of total mercury in all samples showed that body-feather and tiss ...199315091850
herring gull eggs as bioindicators for chlorinated hydrocarbons (contribution to the german federal environmental specimen bank).from its position in the marine food chain, the herring gull (larus argentatus) is a suitable indicator for the level of contamination of its habitats with lipophilic chemicals, especially the chlorinated hydrocarbons. the gull's utility as an indicator is demonstrated by investigations performed at trischen island in the elbe estuary and alte mellum island situated in the weser estuary, when judged by their ability to reflect variations in pollution levels. the use of the analysis technique dev ...19938272843
lead and behavioral development in young herring gulls: effects of timing of exposure on individual recognition.lead exposure early in life affects behavioral, physiological, and intellectual development in humans and other animals. recognition of parents or other caregivers and eventual bonding are essential aspects of behavioral development. in this paper young herring gulls, larus argentatus, were used to examine the effect of timing of lead exposure on individual recognition behavior and development. each of 60 1-day-old herring gull chicks was randomly assigned to a control group or to one of three t ...19938405781
occurrence of oocysts of cryptosporidium sp. in larus spp. gulls.between november 1990 and february 1991 101 gull faecal samples, collected in central scotland, and 50 cloacal lavages, from gulls captured at two refuse tips near durham, england were examined for the presence of cryptosporidium sp. oocysts. five of 101 (c 5%) of faecal samples and 11 of 50 (22%) of cloacal lavages contained oocysts, of which 64% and 83%, respectively were considered viable when examined with propidium iodide and 4'-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. since there is insufficient eviden ...19938432317
the value of chick feathers to assess spatial and interspecific variation in the mercury contamination of 1991 we compared eggs, down and body feathers of chicks of common terns, herring gulls and black-headed gulls in their utility to assess contamination with mercury. like eggs feathers distinctly show interspecific and intersite differences in contamination. highest levels were found in common terns, lowest in black-headed gulls. chicks hatched at the elbe had much higher mercury levels than those in other areas of the german north sea coast. conversion ratios between tissues have to be used w ...199324221187
differences in mercury contamination and elimination during feather development in gull and tern broods.eggs, feathers (down, body feathers from side/shoulder and back) and some dead chicks (liver) from broods of three species, herring full (larus argentatus), black-headed gull (larus ridibundus), and common tern (sterna hirundo) from the german north sea coast were collected to study intersibling differences in mercury contamination and elimination into the growing feathers. the mercury contamination in eggs, feathers, and liver of the terns was about four times that of the gulls; black-headed gu ...19948060159
isolation and structural characterisation of herring gull (larus argentatus) pancreatic polypeptide.pancreatic polypeptide (pp) has been isolated from pancreatic extracts of the herring gull (larus argentatus) using a radioimmunoassay employing an antiserum (pp 221), generated to the conserved c-terminal hexapeptide amide of mammalian pp. gel permeation and reverse-phase hplc fractionation of crude pancreatic extracts resolved a single molecular form of gull pp in each case. purification of gull pp to homogeneity indicated that the mammalian pp antiserum employed was only 4% cross-reactive wit ...19948174930
behavioral impairments of lead-injected young herring gulls in nature.lead is ubiquitous in the environment, and trace amounts enter the food chain and bioaccumulate in organisms high on the food chain. although lead levels have been examined in a variety of wild species, effects data are usually from laboratory studies. thus the relevance of effects to survival and fitness are not directly determined. in the field we compared the behavior of lead-injected young herring gulls (larus argentatus) to the behavior of their control siblings who received an injection wi ...19947867907
temporal trends and sources of pcdds and pcdfs in the great lakes: herring gull egg monitoring, 1981-1991. 199422176318
geographical distribution of organochlorine contaminants and reproductive parameters in herring gulls on lake superior in part of the great lakes international surveillance plan, 1978-83, egg contaminant levels and reproductive output were determined for herring gull colonies on lake superior in 1983. since 1974, the herring gull has been widely used in the great lakes as a spatial and temporal monitor of organochlorine (oc) contaminant levels and associated biological effects. most eggs contained a wide range of ocs, the main compounds being dde, polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs), dieldrin, heptachlor epoxide, o ...199424221346
heavy metals in avian eggshells: another excretion method.birds can rid their bodies of heavy metals through both excretion and deposition in feathers, and females can also eliminate heavy metals in the contents of their eggs. in this paper the levels of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury, selenium, manganese, chromium) in the contents and shells of eggs of roseate terns (sterna dougallii) and herring gulls (larus argentatus) nesting at cedar beach, long island, are reported. for both species, metal concentrations were significantly higher in the con ...19948301699
an integrated analytical method for determination of polychlorinated aryl methyl sulfone metabolites and polychlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants in biological matrices.a simple column chromatography method was developed for separation and cleanup in the determination of chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants and their methyl sulfone (meso2-) metabolites in biological tissues. the method was validated for determination of 11 polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs), 15 tetra- to heptachloro 3- and 4-meso2-pcbs, 3-meso2-dde, and tris(4-chlorophenyl)-methanol spiked to herring gull egg, smelt, and polar bear liver and adipose tissue using gas chromatography with electron-c ...19958633767
great lakes herring gull egg pcb concentrations indicate approximate steady-state conditions. 199522206540
effects of varying temporal exposure to lead on behavioral development in herring gull (larus argentatus) humans and other animals, lead exposure in infants and young animals affects anatomic, physiologic, behavioral, and intellectual development. yet it is largely unknown whether the effects occur gradually or are more pronounced if exposure occurs at particular stages. in this article we examine the effects of temporal differences in lead exposure on early behavioral development in herring gulls (larus argentatus). we randomly assigned 64 1-2-day-old gull chicks to one of four treatment groups ...19958545481
heavy metal and selenium levels in feathers of herring gulls (larus argentatus): differences due to year, gender, and age at captree, long island.the concentrations of heavy metals (mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium, manganese) and selenium in the feathers of herring gulls (larus argentatus) from a nesting colony at captree, long island, new york were examined from 1989 to 1993 to determine if there were differences from year to year, and between males and females, adult and young, and dead versus live gulls. variation in metal levels in regression models was explained by age (all metals), year (all except manganese), and whether the feath ...199524197911
heavy metal and selenium concentrations in eggs of herring gulls (larus argentatus): temporal differences from 1989 to 1994.concentrations of five metals and selenium in the eggs of herring gulls (larus argentatus) were examined at a breeding colony on western long island, new york from 1989 to 1994. there were significant yearly differences in lead, cadmium, mercury, selenium, chromium, and manganese. chromium and cadmium were significantly higher in 1993 compared to the other years. lead levels were highest in 1989, and were uniformly lower in the succeeding four years. manganese showed no clear pattern. selenium c ...19957661629
growth and behavioral effects of early postnatal chromium and manganese exposure in herring gull (larus argentatus) chicks.organisms in marine environments are exposed to chromium and manganese, yet little is known of the effects of these metals on physiology and behavior. in this article we examine the effects of chromium and manganese on early neurobehavioral development in herring gulls, larus argentatus. each of 36 2-day-old herring gull chicks was randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups to receive either chromium nitrate (25 mg/kg), manganese acetate (50 mg/kg), or a control dose of sterile saline so ...19957617708
synchronous response of hydrophobic chemicals in herring gull eggs from the great lakes. 199522200284
behavior effects of lead exposure on different days for gull (larus argentatus) chicks.lead exposure early in life affects behavioral, physiologic, and intellectual development in humans and other animals. in this article, we examine the effects of temporal differences in lead exposure on early development in herring gulls (larus argentatus). each of 72 1-day-old herring gull chicks was randomly assigned to one of six treatment groups to receive a lead nitrate concentration of 100 micrograms/g at age 2 or at age 6, a similar cumulative dose evenly divided on days 2, 4, and 6, or m ...19957700961
investigation of the life cycle and adult morphology of the avian blood fluke austrobilharzia variglandis (trematoda: schistosomatidae) from connecticut.this study was undertaken to expand the current knowledge of the life cycle and adult morphology of the avian schistosome austrobilharzia variglandis, which causes a marine cercarial dermatitis in new england. the specific objectives were to: (1) investigate the seasonality of the infection in the molluscan intermediate host, ilyanassa obsoleta; (2) determine which bird species are acting as natural definitive hosts for the parasite; and (3) characterize the morphology of the parasite using scan ...19957623201
residues of chlorinated pesticides in the eggs of karelian birds, 1989-90.eggs (n = 52) of four aquatic bird species (larus canus, larus argentatus, larus ridibundus, sterna hirundo) and crow (corvus cornix), collected in southern karelia in 1989 and 1990, contained dde and lindane. the highest mean levels of these pollutants were in herring gull eggs and in common tern eggs. the lowest mean levels of pesticides were in crow eggs. in all eggs, dde concentrations were lower than the critical threshold and it seems, cannot influence reproductive success.199515091609
interspecies differences in mixed function oxidase activity in birds: relationship between feeding habits, detoxication activities and organochlorine accumulation.the relationship between feeding habits and interspecies differences in the detoxication ability of the mixed function oxidase (mfo) system was investigated in birds. the role of mfo (particularly aldrin epoxidase activity) in the detoxication/bioaccumulation of organochlorines was also investigated. euriphagic (yellow-legged herring gull (larus cachinnans), black-headed gull (larus ridibundus), jackdaw (corvus monedula), magpie (pica pica) and stenophagic (cormorant (phalacrocorax carbo), coot ...199515091496
temporal and geographic variation of organochlorine residues in eggs of the common snapping turtle (chelydra serpentina serpentina) (1981-1991) and comparisons to trends in the herring gull (larus argentatus) in the great lakes basin in ontario, canada.common snapping turtle (chelydra serpentina serpentina) eggs from five sites within the great lakes basin, and from a reference site in north-central ontario were collected during 1981-1991 and analyzed for four organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) including six non-ortho pcbs, polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (pcdds), and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (pcdfs). the pattern of geographic variation was consistent over time in eggs with cootes paradise/ hamilton harbour and lyn ...19968975824
fluoride exposure and selected characteristics of eggs and bones of the herring gull (larus argentatus) and the common gull (larus canus).fluorine concentrations were determined in the shell of 285 herring gull eggs (larus argentatus) and 120 common gull eggs (larus canus), collected may 1991 to 1993, from breeding colonies exposed to emissions from two norwegian primary aluminum smelters located at karmøy and sunndal, and from unexposed reference localities in eigersund, sola, and stavanger. volume-index, shell thickness, thickness-index, and fertilization of the eggs also were monitored. in both species, the shell fluorine conce ...19968722255
organochlorine-associated immunosuppression in prefledgling caspian terns and herring gulls from the great lakes: an ecoepidemiological study.the objectives of study were to determine whether contaminant-associated immunosuppression occurs in prefledgling herring gulls and caspian terns from the great lakes and to evaluate immunological biomarkers for monitoring health effects in wild birds. during 1992 to 1994, immunological responses and related variables were measured in prefledgling chicks at colonies distributed across a broad gradient of organochlorine contamination (primarily polychlorinated biphenyls), which was measured in eg ...19968880006
cytochrome p4501a induction in avian hepatocyte cultures: a promising approach for predicting the sensitivity of avian species to toxic effects of halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons.concentration-dependent effects of halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (hahs) on cytochrome p4501a (cyp1a) induction in primary hepatocyte cultures prepared from embryos of chickens (four breeds), pheasants, turkeys, ducks (three breeds), and herring gulls were determined. cyp1a activity was estimated by measuring ethoxyresorufin o-deethylase (erod) activity and the concentration of immunodetectable cyp1a was estimated using mouse monoclonal antibody 1-12-3 that was prepared against scup (stenotom ...19968917694
cytochrome p450 and its interactions with the heme biosynthetic important factor in disruption of hepatic heme biosynthesis by porphyrinogenic drugs appears to be interaction with one or several cytochrome p450 isozymes. clarification of the nature of the interaction between porphyrinogenic drugs and cytochrome p450 isozymes, as well as identification of the isozymes involved, will be helpful in extrapolating the results of animal experimentation to humans. administration of griseofulvin to mice results in accumulation in the liver of two n-alkylated prot ...19968963944
lead and behavioral development: parental compensation for behaviorally impaired chicks.lead is ubiquitous in nature, and can affect behavioral, physiological, and intellectual development in humans and other animals. we used lead-induced behavioral deficits to examine the behavior of parents and young herring gulls in the captree, ny, gull colony. our objectives were to determine: a) if there were differences in the behavior, weight, and survival of chicks as a function of treatment; b) if parental behavior varied as a function of treatment; and 3) if there were differences in sib ...19968951975
multilocus dna fingerprinting reveals high rate of heritable genetic mutation in herring gulls nesting in an industrialized urban site.genotoxins, such as polycyclic aromatic compounds, are ubiquitous in urban and industrial environments. our understanding of the role that these chemicals play in generating dna sequence mutations is predominantly derived from laboratory studies with specific genotoxins or extracts of contaminants from environmental media. most assays are not indicative of the germinal effects of exposure in situ to complex mixtures of common environmental mutagens. using multilocus dna fingerprinting, we found ...19968901546
mercury levels in great lakes herring gull (larus argentatus) eggs, 1972-1992.since 1971, the herring gull (larus argentatus) has been used as a sentinel species for monitoring the levels of persistent contaminants in the great lakes ecosystem. in this study, 21 herring gull colonies in the great lakes and connecting channels were sampled during 1972-1976, 1981-1983, 1985 and 1992. for each year, 10 eggs (usually) were collected from each colony site and analyzed for total mercury (microg/g, wet wt). results indicated that eggs from lake ontario displayed the highest lake ...199615093525
metal accumulation in tissues of seabirds from chaun, northeast siberia, russia.concentrations of four essential elements (fe, mn, zn, and cu) and two toxic metals (cd and hg) were determined in selected tissues of 11 seabird species collected in chaun, northeast siberia. in oldsquaw, arctic tern and herring gull, zinc concentrations were correlated with cd concentrations. cadmium concentrations in all the species were highest in kidney and hg in liver. cd levels in the liver and kidney of herring gulls were higher than those observed from other breeding areas. similarly, h ...199615091375
lead and neurobehavioral development in gulls: a model for understanding effects in the laboratory and the field.animals, including humans, are increasingly exposed to a variety of environmental chemicals that can cause adverse developmental neurobehavioral effects. most studies either examine effects in the laboratory, or report levels in wild animals, but the relationship between dose, tissue levels and effects are seldom examined in one system. establishing this relationship is particularly important for endocrine disruptors because of the current controversies regarding impacts on both humans and wildl ...19979291497
growth and behavioral effects of early postnatal chromium and manganese exposure in herring gull (larus argentatus) chicks. 19978981624
aquatic pollution-induced immunotoxicity in wildlife species.the potential for chemicals to adversely affect human immunologic health has traditionally been evaluated in rodents, under laboratory conditions. these laboratory studies have generated valuable hazard identification and immunotoxicologic mechanism data; however, genetically diverse populations exposed in the wild may better reflect both human exposure conditions and may provide insight into potential immunotoxic effects in humans. in addition, comparative studies of species occupying reference ...19979193919
age differences in metals in the blood of herring (larus argentatus) and franklin's (larus pipixcan) gulls.concentrations of heavy metals and selenium were measured in the blood of adult and young herring (larus argentatus) and franklin's (larus pipixcan) gulls collected during the same breeding season in colonies in the new york bight and in northwestern minnesota, respectively. concentrations were expected to be higher in young herring gulls collected in an urban, industrialized area, compared to young franklin's gulls collected in a relatively pristine prairie marsh. exposure is similar for the fl ...19979419263
the trophodynamics of pcbs, including mono- and non-ortho congeners, in the food web of north-central lake ontario.the distribution of polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) in the food-web of lake ontario was studied to determine the parameters that control the trophodynamics of pcb congeners; including toxic non-ortho and mono-ortho pcbs. 'biomagnification' of pcbs was evident in the food-web as total pcbs increased through trophic levels when concentrations were calculated on both a wet wt. and lipid weight basis; although there was no evidence of biomagnification between forage fish and piscivorous fish. bioma ...19979241874
spatial patterns in a bioindicator: heavy metal and selenium concentration in eggs of herring gulls (larus argentatus) in the new york bight.concentrations of selenium and five heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium, and manganese) in the eggs of herring gulls (larus argentatus) were studied at six breeding colonies in the new york bight to detect locational differences and to explore their use as a bioindicator of point source or nonpoint source pollution. the herring gull is widespread in north america, europe, and asia, and has urban-adapted counterparts in the southern hemisphere as well. we anticipated that the chromium ...19979216872
pcdd/f and other chlorinated hydrocarbons in matrices of the federal environmental specimen bank.minimisation of pcdd/f emissions leads to a decreasing burden of the bioindicator herring gull egg in the last few years. unfortunately, the river elbe sediment is highly polluted with pcdd/f. the temporal burden of the sediment is fluctuating. due to the different intake and type of feed differences of the pcdd/f burden of herring gull eggs and pigeon eggs can be explained. constant ratios between fat related tissue data of liver and muscle are found and can be used for predictive purposes.19979159911
phenotypic characteristics of riemerella anatipestifer and similar micro-organisms from various hosts.a total of 199 riemerella anatipestifer (ra) and ra-like field strains isolated culturally from birds of 12 different species and from pigs were characterized using classical phenotypic and chemotaxonomic tests. the ra reference strain atcc 11845 was included in the study. on the basis of the classical phenotypic characteristics studied and the numerical analysis of the whole-cell fatty acid patterns, the ra reference strain and 123 field isolates were assigned to the indole negative (in) varian ...199818483963
effects of lead on sibling recognition in young herring gulls.lead exposure early in life affects physiology, behavior, and cognitive development in humans and other animals. in gulls, lead also disrupts parental recognition, leading to potential decreases in survival in wild populations. in this paper, young herring gulls, larus argentatus, were used to examine the effect of lead on sibling recognition. each of 80 one-day-old herring gull chicks was randomly assigned to either a control group or a lead treatment group that received a single dose of lead a ...19989710957
apparent paralytic shellfish poisoning in captive herring gulls fed commercial scallops.this report describes an acute poisoning event observed in captive herring gull (larus argentatus) chicks fed a batch of store-bought scallops. they developed a characteristic acute syndrome, that has not hitherto been reported in birds and the cause of which remains to be identified. we suggest that it is a variant of paralytic shellfish poisoning (psp) insofar as it was paralytic and caused by shellfish. however, analyses by the u.s. food and drug administration to identify known toxins (saxit ...19989620589
relationships between environmental organochlorine contaminant residues, plasma corticosterone concentrations, and intermediary metabolic enzyme activities in great lakes herring gull embryos.experiments were conducted to survey and detect differences in plasma corticosterone concentrations and intermediary metabolic enzyme activities in herring gull (larus argentatus) embryos environmentally exposed to organochlorine contaminants in ovo. unincubated fertile herring gull eggs were collected from an atlantic coast control site and various great lakes sites in 1997 and artificially incubated in the laboratory. liver and/or kidney tissues from approximately half of the late-stage embryo ...199910064546
pesticide and pcb of common eider, herring gull and great black-backed gull eggs. 2000111743
3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl oxidation in fish, bird and reptile species: relationship to cytochrome p450 1a inactivation and reactive oxygen production.previously we showed that the polychlorinated biphenyl 3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (tcb) caused a release of reactive oxygen species (ros) from cytochrome p450 1a (cyp1a) of the fish scup (stenotomus chrysops), and from rat and human cyp1a1. this was linked to a tcb- and nadph-dependent oxidative inactivation of the enzyme, which in scup and rat was inversely related to the rates of tcb oxidation. we examined the relationship between rates of tcb oxidation, cyp1a inactivation and ros productio ...200011790349
developmental lead exposure disturbs expression of synaptic neural cell adhesion molecules in herring gull brains.neurobehavioral testing of herring gull chicks (larus argentatus) in both laboratory and field studies indicates that lead exposure during critical periods of development causes neurological deficits that may compromise survival in the wild. accumulating evidence suggests that lead impairs neurodevelopment, in part, by altering the expression of cell adhesion molecules (cams) responsible for the proper formation and maintenance of neural structure and synaptic function. we examined the adhesion ...200010814846
geographic variation in hematological variables in adult and prefledgling herring gulls (larus argentatus) and possible associations with organochlorine exposure.the objectives of this study were (1) to describe variation in hematological values found in adult and prefledgling herring gulls (larus argentatus) over a large geographic area, (2) to investigate relationships between hematological variables and other physiological indices, and (3) to examine potential associations between exposure to organochlorines and hematological variables. during 1991-93, we sampled 160 breeding adult gulls from 13 colonies and 101 4-week-old gulls from 11 colonies. all ...200010629288
organochlorines and possible biochemical effects in glaucous gulls (larus hyperboreus) from bjørnøya, the barents study possible biochemical effects of organochlorine contaminants (ocs) in glaucous gulls (larus hyperboreus), 40 adult individuals were collected from colonies on bjornoya in the barents sea. ocs (four pesticides and nine pcb congeners), microsomal 7-ethoxyresorufin o-deethylase (erod) activity, microsomal testosterone hydroxylation, highly carboxylated porphyrins (hcps), retinol, and retinyl palmitate were quantified in liver samples. the hepatic vitamin a stores in glaucous gulls were larg ...200010629287
induced minisatellite germline mutations in herring gulls (larus argentatus) living near steel mills.despite widespread industrial release of genotoxic contaminants, little is understood of their role in inducing germline mutations in natural populations. we used multilocus dna fingerprinting to quantify germline minisatellite mutations in families of herring gulls (larus argentatus) in three nesting categories: (a) near cities with large steel mills operating coking ovens; (b) near cities without steel mills; and (c) in rural locations removed from point sources of contamination. gulls nesting ...200011024480
a transmissible trematode affects the direction and rhythm of movement in a marine gastropod.microphallus piriformes (trematoda) is unusual in having only two hosts and no motile free-living stages. the intermediate host, the rough periwinkle, littorina saxatilis, is present year-round on rocky shores and has a high parasite prevalence near breeding colonies of the definitive host, the herring gull, larus argentatus, which is present in numbers at these sites for only 4 months per year. given the seasonal availability of gulls for infection and a low incidence of periwinkles in the norm ...200010877895
reduced oxygen diffusion across the shell of gray gull (larus modestus) eggs.gray gulls, larus modestus, nest 1500 m above sea level in northern chile's atacama desert, one of the driest in the world. their eggshell gas permeability, one third of that found in other larus species, is an adaptation that reduces water loss, but at the expense of oxygen diffusion into the air cell with resultant hypoxia and reduced metabolic rate. this contrasts with characteristics found in birds nesting at very high altitudes where oxygen diffusion across the egg shell is maximized at the ...200015696681
chlorinated hydrocarbon concentrations in plasma of the lake erie water snake (nerodia sipedon insularum) and northern water snake (nerodia sipedon sipedon) from the great lakes basin in 1998.from the great lakes basin, concentrations of 59 congener-specific polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) and 14 organochlorine pesticides were measured in blood plasma of northern water snake (nerodia sipedon sipedon) and lake erie water snake (nerodia sipedon insularum), which is endangered in canada. in 1998, four male adult lake erie water snakes were sampled from pelee island, western lake erie; four male northern water snakes were sampled at little lake, about 20 km north of parry sound in centr ...200011031311
polychlorinated biphenyls in diseased lesser black-backed gull (larus fuscus fuscus) chicks from the gulf of finland.diseases due to the degeneration of the liver and various other internal organs were the major cause of the exceedingly high chick mortality in lesser black-backed gulls (larus fuscus fuscus) in the central gulf of finland, baltic sea, during 1991-1993. the same symptoms were found in chicks of common gulls (larus canus) and herring gulls (larus argentatus) from the same focal area, although at a much lower frequency. we found disproportionately high concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls ( ...200015093008
geographic variation in blood plasma protein concentrations of young herring gulls (larus argentatus) and caspian terns (sterna caspia) from the great lakes and lake winnipeg.relative and total amounts of plasma protein fractions are affected by infections, inflammation, and nutritional and physiological status, and are therefore important health indicators in free-living animals. our objectives were: (1) to examine intercolony differences in plasma protein fractions in prefledgling gulls and terns; (2) to investigate relationships between plasma proteins and other physiological measures such as weight loss, growth, and immune function; and (3) to examine potential a ...200011790357
genetic affinities within the herring gull larus argentatus assemblage revealed by aflp date, the taxonomic status of circumpolar breeding populations of the herring gull larus argentatus, the lesser black-backed gull larus fuscus, and the closely related yellow-legged gull larus cachinnans has been based on differences or similarities in phenotype, morphology, and feeding and premating behavior. to shed some new light on the many taxonomic uncertainties surrounding these taxa, we describe the results of a large dna study based on comparing the distribution of 209 biallelic mark ...200111139298
genetic differentiation and phylogeography of gulls in the larus cachinnans-fuscus group (aves: charadriiformes).we studied mitochondrial genetic differentiation among nine taxa of large gulls of the larus cachinnans-fuscus group, which form part of the circumpolar herring gull complex. our primary interest was to see if there were unrecognized gene flow barriers, to what extent mitochondrial genetic population structure conformed to current taxonomic boundaries, and what it might reveal about possible differences in population history. sequences (430 nucleotides) of the hypervariable control region i (hvr ...200111742547
polychlorinated naphthalenes, -biphenyls, -dibenzo-p-dioxins, and -dibenzofurans in double-crested cormorants and herring gulls from michigan waters of the great lakes.concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (pcdds), dibenzofurans (pcdfs), naphthalenes (pcns), and biphenyls (pcbs) were measured in eggs of double-crested cormorants and herring gulls collected from michigan waters of the great lakes. concentrations of pcns in eggs of double-crested cormorants and herring gulls were in the ranges of 380-2400 and 83-1300 pg/g, wet wt, respectively. concentrations of 2,3,7,8-substituted pcdds and pcdfs were 10-200 times less than those of pcns in eggs w ...200111351712
effects of pcb 126 on thymocyte surface marker expression and immune organ development in chicken embryos.previous studies have shown that chicken (gallus domesticus) embryos are sensitive to the immunotoxic effects of ah receptor agonists. these chemicals cause atrophy of the thymus gland and bursa of fabricius, the sites of t- and b-lymphocyte maturation, respectively. the objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate the effects of 3,3,4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl (pcb 126) on thymocyte phenotypes (cd4-cd8-, cd4+cd8+, cd4+cd8-, cd4-cd8+, tcralphabeta+, and tcrgammadelta) in chicken embryos, and (2) ...200111212945
effects of trematode parasitism on the behaviour and ecology of a common marine snail (littorina littorea (l.)).cryptocotyle lingua (creplin) is a digenean trematode parasite of the littoral prosobranch gastropod littorina littorea (l.). the literature suggests the snails become infected by grazing guano of the final host, the herring gull, larus argentatus pontoppidan. the parasite emerges from the snail as free-swimming cercariae. interactions between the snail and the parasite at cellular and life-history levels are well established, but little is known of the influences the interaction has on the beha ...200111358576
catalytic and immunochemical properties of hepatic cytochrome p450 1a in three avian species treated with beta-naphthoflavone or isosafrole.induction of cytochrome p450 1a (cyp1a) can be used as a biomarker of exposure to planar halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (phahs). our objective was to characterize the induction of cyp1a activity and protein in three avian species following in vivo treatment with beta-naphthoflavone (bnf) and/or isosafrole. alkoxyresorufin-o-dealkylase (alk-rod) activities of hepatic microsomes from herring gulls (larus argentatus) (hgs), double-crested cormorants (phalacrocorax auritus) (dccs) and chickens (g ...200111544144
a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction bioassay for avian vitellogenin mrna.a bioassay based on the measurement of vitellogenin (vtg) mrna in avian embryo hepatocyte cultures by semiquantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) was developed. to allow sequence comparison and design of suitable pcr primers, a short region of vtg cdna was cloned and sequenced for seven species of birds. cell cultures were prepared from both chicken and herring gull embryos and treated with the estradiol analogue moxestrol or the organochlorine insecticide o,p'-ddt. ...200111714249
wildlife as sentinels of human health effects in the great lakes--st. lawrence basin.there is no existing formal, long-term program for gathering evidence of the incidence and severity of the health effects of toxic substances in wildlife. however, research-based studies of bald eagles, herring gulls, night herons, tree swallows, snapping turtles, mink, and beluga over the past 30 years have revealed a broad spectrum of health effects in the great lakes-st. lawrence basin including thyroid and other endocrine disorders, metabolic diseases, altered immune function, reproductive i ...200111744503
herring gulls and great black-backed gulls as indicators of contaminants in bald eagles in lake ontario, 2000, a pair of bald eagles (haliaeetus leucocephalus) nested successfully along the shorelines of lake ontario in north america for the first time since 1957. however, it is a continuing question whether bald eagles will be able to reproduce successfully as they return to nest on lake ontario. great black-backed gulls (larus marinus) and herring gulls (l. argentatus) were selected as surrogate species to predict contaminant levels in eggs of bald eagles nesting on lake ontario. because of th ...200212013123
influence of trophic position on organochlorine concentrations and compositional patterns in a marine food web.the accumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs), ddts (p,p'-ddt [1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane], o,p'-ddt [1,1,1-trichloro-2-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethane], p,p'-ddd [1,1,-dichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane], o.p'-ddd [1,1-dichloro-2-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-(4-chlorophenyl)ethane], and p,p'-dde [1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethene]), chlordanes (trans-chlordane, cis-chlordane, trans-nonachlor, cis-nonachlor and oxychlordane), hexachlorocyclohexanes (alpha-, ...200212389914
air pollution induces heritable dna mutations.hundreds of thousands of people worldwide live or work in close proximity to steel mills. integrated steel production generates chemical pollution containing compounds that can induce genetic damage (1, 2). previous investigations of herring gulls in the great lakes demonstrated elevated dna mutation rates near steel mills (3, 4) but could not determine the importance of airborne or aquatic routes of contaminant exposure, or eliminate possible confounding factors such as nutritional status and d ...200212473746
geographical distribution (2000) and temporal trends (1981-2000) of brominated diphenyl ethers in great lakes hewing gull eggs.geographical distribution of brominated diphenyl ether (bde) flame retardants in the north american great lakes ecosystem in 2000 was determined by analysis of herring gull eggs (13 egg pools) from a network of 15 monitoring colonies scattered throughout the lakes and connecting channels. sigmabdes were found at concentrations ranging from 192 to 1,400 microg/kg, mean of 662 +/- 368 microg/kg (wet weight of egg contents). highest concentrations were found in northern lake michigan and toronto ha ...200212487300
extinction risk to herring gull populations from ddt exposure.the impact of toxic chemicals on wild animals and plants can be quantified in terms of the enhanced risk of population extinction. to illustrate the method, we estimated it for herring gull (larus argentatus) populations in long island (ny, usa) exposed to ddt (p,p'-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) and its metabolites (abbreviated as ddts) with a strong biomagnification effect. the method is based on a formula of the mean time to population extinction derived for a stochastic differential equati ...200211804054
factors influencing activities of biotransformation enzymes, concentrations and compositional patterns of organochlorine contaminants in members of a marine food web.the accumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs; 34 congeners), sigmaddt (p,p'-ddt, o,p'-ddt, p,p'-ddd, o,p'-ddd and p,p'-dde), chlordanes (sigmachl; trans-chlordane, cis-chlordane, trans-nonachlor, cis-nonachlor and oxychlordane), hexachlorocyclohexanes (sigmahch; alpha-, beta- and gamma-isomers), hexachlorobenzene (hcb) and mirex was investigated in members of a marine food web from the hvaler and torbjørnskaer archipelago, south-eastern norway. the species studied were bullrout (myoxoceph ...200212297372
cadmium, zinc, copper, arsenic, selenium and mercury in seabirds from the barents sea: levels, inter-specific and geographical differences.trace elements cd, zn, cu, as, se and hg were analysed in muscle and liver of brünnich's guillemot, common guillemot, puffin, black guillemot, little auk, razorbill, common eider, king eider, glaucous gull, herring gull, black-legged kittiwake, northern fulmar and arctic tern collected in 1991-1992 at the main breeding colonies in the barents sea. the highest levels of the most toxic elements cd and hg were found in birds nesting north of spitsbergen. extremely high levels of as were detected in ...200312699923
[study of microphallidae travassos, 1920 (trematoda). evolutive cycle of microphallus bittii n. sp. parasite of the herring gull larus argentatus michaellis naumann]. 20034661615
persistent organochlorine pollutants in liver of birds of different trophic levels from coastal areas of campania, italy.liver samples of 12 species of birds of different trophic levels, collected during the period 1998-2000 from coastal areas of the campania region, southern italy, were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides (ocs), such as dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (ddt) and its metabolites, hexachlorobenzene (hcb), gamma-hexachlorocycloexane (gamma-hch), aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, and the seven pcb "target" congeners, iupac nos. 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180. p,p'-dde was present in all the samples ana ...200314674594
lead in young herring gulls: paradoxical effects of exercise on tissue concentrations.exposure to lead prenatally and early in life affects physiological, behavioral, and intellectual development in humans and other animals. the movement and storage of lead within tissues and organs and its elimination from the body influence the amounts reaching sensitive target organs such as the developing brain. in this study, young herring gulls, larus argentatus, were used to examine the effect of mild exercise on the deposition of lead in bone, to clarify possible differences between free- ...200312653022
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 446