Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
detection of blastocystis hominis by direct microscopy and culture. | 1990 | 2351150 | |
association of blastocystis hominis with human disease? | 1990 | 2351728 | |
blastocystis hominis. | 1990 | 2353482 | |
blastocystis hominis: epidemiology and natural history. | to study the demographic profile of blastocystis hominis carriers from hamilton, canada, the regional parasitology laboratory records for 1988 were reviewed, and a prospective study on carriers was conducted to clarify the natural history of the infection and ascertain the role of b. hominis as an intestinal pathogen. retrospective analysis revealed that 8% of stool samples harbored b. hominis. the median age of the carriers was 37 years; 55% were female. prospective analysis of 139 patients sho ... | 1990 | 2401797 |
[importance of the diagnosis of blastocystis hominis in the parasitological examination of feces]. | feces of 798 male and female patients who attended the parasitology laboratory of the "facultad de ciencias bioquímicas y farmacéuticas de la universidad nacional de rosario (república argentina)" were examined. out of the total number of samples, 281 were collected after a purgative, and 517 by serial collection. the samples were examined applying the routine parasitological analysis. those which presented blastocysts hominis were processed for their quantification and classification in differe ... | 1991 | 1670481 |
blastocystis hominis: commensal or pathogen? | 1991 | 1671894 | |
clinical significance of blastocystis hominis. | 1991 | 1671956 | |
longitudinal study of young children in kenya: intestinal parasitic infection with special reference to giardia lamblia, its prevalence, incidence and duration, and its association with diarrhoea and with other parasites. | 84 young children from a rural community, nderu, in kenya, were each followed for up to 10 months, from january to november 1987. their ages ranged from 10 to 28 months over the period of study. stools were obtained once a week, as were reports from the mothers about presence of abdominal complaints, including diarrhoea. a total of 2258 stools and 1873 reports were collected. 9 parasites were commonly encountered of which giardia lamblia was the most frequent at 44.7%. the overall estimated numb ... | 1991 | 1686143 |
a cyst-like stage of blastocystis hominis. | a cyst-like form of blastocystis hominis is described in stools and in culture. this form is more common in stored stools than fresh material. a cyst wall is secreted under the surface coat of the cell, and the surface coat and cell debris subsequently separate from the cyst. whether this stage can withstand adverse environmental conditions and is infective to a new host remain to be determined. | 1991 | 1743860 |
blastocystis hominis complicating ulcerative colitis. | 1991 | 1744851 | |
ultrastructure of blastocystis hominis in human stool samples. | a study of the ultrastructure of blastocystis hominis in human stools found morphological differences between the organisms seen and those present in laboratory cultures. b. hominis found in stool samples showed little morphological variation with storage time before fixation, but were consistently smaller (approximately 5 microns in diameter), with a thicker surface coat than the cultured organisms. the large central vacuole, characteristic of the cultured organisms, and accepted as standard mo ... | 1991 | 1774117 |
pathogenicity of blastocystis hominis. | 1991 | 1774343 | |
results of testing for intestinal parasites by state diagnostic laboratories, united states, 1987. | we analyzed results of 216,275 stool specimens examined by the state diagnostic laboratories in 1987; parasites were found in 20.1%. percentages were highest for protozoans: giardia lamblia (7.2%), entamoeba coli and endolimax nana (4.2% each), blastocystis hominis (2.6%), entamoeba histolytica (0.9%), and cryptosporidium species (0.2%). identifications of giardia lamblia increased broadly from the 4.0% average found in 1979, with 40 states reporting increases and seven decreases. most states th ... | 1991 | 1779956 |
ultrastructural evidence for a possible differentiation way in the life-cycle of blastocystis hominis. | the present paper is reporting the characteristic ultrastructural aspects of an amoeboid b. hominis population obtained from a child having giardiasis and dysentery in history. the particular features of smooth endothelial reticulum are postulated as being the expression of functional changes of this organelle in the differentiation process, the protozoon passing from the amoeba to the vacuolar form. | 1991 | 1821165 |
occurrence of blastocystis sp. in pigs. | the occurrence of blastocystis sp. was monitored in pigs of various age from 5 pig farms in southern bohemia. prevalence was determined especially via cultivation in modified nutrient broth les. in sucking pigs up to 2 days old blastocystis sp. was not found; from 3 days blastocystis sp. persists throughout the pig life. in droppings and in cultures there both vacuolar and granular forms were observed. ameboid forms were not found. in culture ultrastructure was observed by transmission electron ... | 1991 | 1822462 |
[controversial aspects of blastocystis hominis: taxonomy and emerging concepts of pathogenicity]. | 1991 | 1822720 | |
[blastocystis hominis: frequency of infection in ambulatory patients from the northern section of santiago, chile]. | in july 1989-july 1990 period, a coproparasitological study of 6,162 ambulatory patients from the northern section of santiago, was undertaken. out of the total number of the studied individual, 88.6% were children, (51.4% females and 48.6% males). the global frequency of infection by b. hominis was 30.4%. in relation to age. blastocystis hominis was found in: 13.1% of the group of children (1 month-2 years); 34.1% of the pre-school children, 45.4% in the school-children and 43.0% in the adults. ... | 1991 | 1843860 |
[blastocystis hominis in canavese: a retrospective study of samples received for fecal parasitological examination at the ivrea- castellamonte hospital over 42 months]. | in the last ten years the interest in the controversial blastocystis hominis microorganism of the intestine has greatly increased. the authors conducted a retrospective study of feces for parasitology investigations at the ivrea-castellamonte hospital. these investigations lasted 42 months (1/1/1988-31/6/1991) and the authors focused their attention on samples with 5 or more blastocystis hominis at the microscopically examination with a 40x phase objective. during the study 2,138 samples of fece ... | 1991 | 1844921 |
the in-vitro activity of drugs against blastocystis hominis. | the development of an assay to measure the sensitivity of drugs against blastocystis hominis using the incorporation of 3h-hypoxanthine is described. the activity of 42 compounds have been measured. four of the 5-nitroimidazoles tested (satranidazole, s75 0400 a, flunidazole and ronidazole) were found to be more active than metronidazole, the drug commonly used to treat infections caused by b. hominis in humans. other potentially useful compounds include emetine, furazolidone and quinacrine. ket ... | 1991 | 1856129 |
blastocystis hominis may be a potential cause of intestinal disease. | blastocystis hominis is a common inhabitant of the human bowel. it is now increasingly recognized as a potential cause of diarrhea. this article presents 12 cases of prolonged or recurrent diarrhea associated with b. hominis found in a large number. no other intestinal parasites were recognized. all patients responded to metronidazole. this report confirms that b. hominis may be a cause of intestinal disease. | 1991 | 1882204 |
pathogenicity of blastocystis hominis. | 1991 | 1889876 | |
sds-page and immunological analysis of different axenic blastocystis hominis strains. | consistent major differences were detected by sds-page, western blotting and ouchterlony immunodiffusion in four axenic and microscopically indistinguishable strains of the anaerobic human parasite blastocystis hominis from different sources. it is concluded that at least two variants with different polypeptide patterns and antigens exist and the biological significance of these findings is discussed. | 1991 | 1906543 |
reactive arthritis from blastocystis hominis. | 1991 | 1994931 | |
blastocystis hominis--past and future. | the history of b. hominis is unique. few infectious agents have provoked the many misconceptions that plague this enigmatic parasitic ameba. conflicting descriptions of its nature and pathogenesis have continued throughout the 20th century. as seen by the greatly expanded number of reports in recent years, b. hominis is now a major subject of study, particularly for evidence of disease causation. physicians are treating patients with intestinal disease caused by b. hominis. many mild cases resol ... | 1991 | 2004348 |
clinical report of blastocystis hominis infection in children. | during a 9-month hospital-based survey, the intestinal parasite blastocystis hominis was detected in high numbers (five or more organisms per oil immersion field) in faecal specimens from 39 (2%) of 1960 children under 13 years old. abdominal pain or discomfort with or without diarrhoea was present in 32 children categorized as acute (14), subacute (7) or chronic (11) cases with respective mean ages of 6.4, 7.3 and 8.7 years. they included three with other enteropathogens (giardia lamblia, crypt ... | 1991 | 2023289 |
use of electron microscopy in examination of faeces and rectal and jejunal biopsy specimens. | the stools and rectal biopsy specimens of 44 patients with aids and diarrhoea were examined by culture, light microscopy, and electron microscopy. in 13 patients examination of rectal biopsy material and faecal samples showed no pathogen, but in two of these, microsporidiosis was found by electron microscopical examination of jejunal biopsy specimens. this organism was also identified electron microscopically in one of the further five jejunal biopsy samples taken from patients with a known caus ... | 1991 | 2030151 |
pathogenicity of blastocystis hominis. | 1991 | 2037690 | |
[blastocystis hominis in an hiv-positive homosexual patient]. | 1991 | 2041894 | |
the therapy of blastocystosis. | during the period 1985-1989 i observed 35 patients of both sexes and of all ages, who were suffering from signs and symptoms of clear blastocystosis, such as prevailingly watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, tenesmus, eosinophilia and fever. 5 of them showed concomitant diseases, like acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) or aids related complex (arc), diabetes mellitus and nephrocarcinoma. by means of the administration of metronidazole 2 g/die for 5 days on average, i obtained the dis ... | 1991 | 12041778 |
gastroenteritis outbreak at an industrial camp--british columbia. | 1992 | 1291017 | |
intestinal protozoan infections in malaysia. | intestinal protozoa are found in all communities in malaysia and among all ethnic groups. prevalence of intestinal protozoa is not affected by ethnicity but by living conditions. communities with both basic amenities of safe water supply and proper toilets have lower prevalence than those with one or none of the amenity. cryptosporidium is an important intestinal protozoon in malaysia and should be included in future field and laboratory studies and also in laboratory diagnosis for pathogens. mu ... | 1992 | 1298065 |
persistent diarrhoea and blastocystis hominis. | 1992 | 1321538 | |
[blastocystosis and other intestinal protozoan infections in human riverside communities of the valdivia river basin, chile]. | between march and october 1987, the prevalence of infection by blastocystis hominis and other intestinal protozoan, their relationship with the age and sex of the hosts, and the percentage of infected persons in family groups were determined in riverside communities of valdivia river basin, chile. one or more intestinal protozoan species were determined in 72.5% of the examined persons. the prevalence was greater for b. hominis (61.8%). the prevalences of b. hominis, endolimax nana and entamoeba ... | 1992 | 1342125 |
effect of co-trimoxazole on stool recovery of blastocystis hominis. | 1992 | 1346686 | |
absence of an association between enteric parasites in the manifestations and pathogenesis of hiv enteropathy in gay men. the gi/hiv study group. | 49 gay men confirmed to be infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and 9 hiv seronegative gay men participated in a pilot study comparing clinical status and enteric parasite load with gastrointestinal structure, function and symptomatology. cases included 16/49 (33%) men who were cdc stage ii, 7/49 (14%) who were cdc stage iii, and 26/49 (53%) who were cdc stage iv. the mean cd4-lymphocyte count was 476 +/- 199 (sd)/microliter. the prevalence of enteric parasitic flora was similar ... | 1992 | 1361241 |
comparative aetiology of childhood diarrhoea in kakamega and kiambu districts, kenya. | two hundred diarrhoea specimens collected during january to february 1988, from rural children aged 0 to 60 months in kakamega district were examined for bacteria, parasites and rotavirus. the results were compared with a sample of 184 diarrhoea specimens matched for month of collection, taken from data collected in the same manner from children in kiambu district. the mean ages of children in the 2 samples did not differ significantly. there were significant differences in the prevalence of spe ... | 1992 | 1396210 |
epidemiology and clinical significance of blastocystis hominis in different population groups in salamanca (spain). | a prospective study was carried out to investigate the epidemiology and clinical significance of blastocystis hominis in the following groups of the population of the city of salamanca (spain): in children attending 11 day care centres and 7 primary schools, two fecal samples were obtained from each child, and in 1231 patients attending the clinical hospital. a b. hominis incidence of 5.3-10.3% was found in the day care centres and an incidence rate of 13.4-19.4% was found in the primary schools ... | 1992 | 1397225 |
epidemiology of blastocystis hominis infection in papua new guinea: age-prevalence and associations with other parasites. | a community-based study of blastocystis and other intestinal parasites in the asaro valley, papua new guinea showed an extraordinary high prevalence and variety of protozoan infections. apart from infants, nearly everybody had at least one infection, and the mean number of infections per person was around 2.7. the graph of age-specific prevalence for blastocystis is similar in shape to those for entamoeba coli and endolimax nana, indicating probable similarity in transmission patterns and host r ... | 1992 | 1417203 |
[a survey of intestinal parasites of the foreign laborers (indonesians and filipinos) in ishikawa prefecture]. | a survey of intestinal parasites was conducted on 198 foreign workers aged 19-27 from inodonesia and philippines. they work for a private company in ishikawa prefecture as technical trainee. on the base of stool examination, 94 (71%) out of 133 indonesians and 48 (74%) of 65 filipinos had intestinal helminths and/or protozoan infections. the prevalence of ascaris lumbricoides, trichuris trichura and hookworm was 4.5, 64.1, 10.6%, respectively. in addition, the positive rate of the cyst of entamo ... | 1992 | 1431385 |
[blastocystis infection and aids]. | 1992 | 1435582 | |
cryptosporidiosis among patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in zulia state, venezuela. | we studied the prevalence of cryptosporidium in 29 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (aids) from zulia state, venezuela. they ranged in age from five months to 46 years. two were children and 27 were adults, of which six were women. of the 21 men, 66.6% reported homosexual behavior. three stool samples from each patient were examined, and modified ziehl-neelsen carbolfuchsin staining of formalinether stool concentrates was used to identify cryptosporidium oocysts. to detect the pr ... | 1992 | 1449198 |
[blastocystis hominis]. | 1992 | 1450262 | |
[blastocystis hominis: in search of a disease, a misunderstood organism]. | blastocystis hominis is a micro-organism which remains somewhat mysterious. having defined its present position in the classification of protozoa, the authors describe its ultrastructure and morphology. its epidemiology and pathogenicity are discussed in the light of experimental studies and human clinical data, especially in aids patients. metronidazole seems to be the most active drug against this organism, but extreme caution must be exerted when the possible pathogenic property of b. hominis ... | 1992 | 1480568 |
comparative analysis of lipid composition in axenic strains of blastocystis hominis. | 1. six axenic strains of blastocystis hominis varied in content of lipids from 12 to 43 pg total lipid/cell. with all strains, phospholipid content was about 39% of total lipids. 2. neutral lipid fractions of b. hominis were resolved into nine constituents, of which seven were identified tentatively. sterol esters, principally esters of cholesterol, were the major neutral lipid constituent, accounting for 49-63% of the neutral lipids, and at least 30% of the total lipids. 3. polar lipids were re ... | 1992 | 1499298 |
varying incidence of blastocystis hominis in cultures from faeces of patients with diarrhoea and from healthy persons. | a study was performed on the frequency of blastocystis hominis in the faeces from 100 patients suffering from diarrhoea and from 100 healthy persons. surprisingly, an increased detection rate was observed in samples from healthy persons after anaerobic cultivation. this increased frequency is obviously not dependent on the kind of serum used as a culture supplement and raises the question whether the protozoa morphologically described as b. hominis represent a homogenous species. when rabbit and ... | 1992 | 1520961 |
identification of blastocystis hominis by colonic brush cytology. a case report. | blastocystis hominis is a unicellular organism the pathogenic potential of which in humans remains unclear. it may be identified during a workup for gastrointestinal symptoms, usually in stool examined for ova and parasites. we describe a case in which b hominis was identified by cytologic examination in a patient with crohn's disease who underwent colonoscopy and brushing of a transverse colon stricture. the morphologic features of this organism are described and contrasted with those of the un ... | 1992 | 1523938 |
blastocystis hominis: a controversial enteric protozoon. | 1992 | 1556417 | |
protein and dna evidence for two demes of blastocystis hominis from humans. | analysis of 10 stocks of blastocystis hominis isolated from human stools revealed two discrete groups of organisms. proteins of the two groups were immunologically distinct and hybridization with random probes generated from the dna of one stock showed that the dna content of the two groups was different. further studies are required to determine whether these should be classified as discrete species or whether these groups are epidemiologically significant. | 1992 | 1563920 |
blastocystis hominis in hospital employees. | several reports have appeared that either support or deny the importance of the protozoan blastocystis hominis as an intestinal pathogen in humans. in this report, we describe the clinical characteristics of b. hominis and its response to therapy in hospital employees found to have the parasite on routine screening of stools. during the study, 49 patients with b. hominis were identified, and 413 stools were examined from these patients. twenty-nine patients were asymptomatic (59%), and 20 had sy ... | 1992 | 1590309 |
endoscopy of blastocystosis (zierdt-garavelli disease). | 1992 | 1600197 | |
diagnostic methods for intestinal parasites in southern iraq with reference to strongyloides stercoralis. | three hundred and thirty-two stool samples were examined for the presence of intestinal parasites including strongyloides stercoralis. each sample was processed and examined by direct smear, formalin-ether and harada and mori culture methods. nine parasites were recovered from patients attending basrah teaching hospital, southern iraq during 1989. the prevalence rate of infection was 64.2%. it was higher in rural (74.2%) than in urban (57.5%) region (p < 0.01). sex distribution was 120 (36.1%) m ... | 1993 | 7939941 |
morphology of blastocystis sp. isolated from circus animals. | blastocystis sp. is reported for the first time from faecal samples collected from a camel, a llama, a highland bull and a lion in a travelling circus. fresh faecal specimens were examined by light and electron microscopy, and vacuolar and cyst forms of similar morphology were present in all three ungulates. these cells were smaller than cultured vacuolar cells of blastocystis hominis isolated from humans and contained only a single vacuole in comparison to the multivacuolar cell found in fresh ... | 1993 | 8225774 |
urticaria by blastocystis hominis. successful treatment with paromomycin. | urticaria and angioedema are easily recognized disorders, but in at least 70 percent of individuals, chronic episodes of urticaria are of unknown causes. we present 10 cases of chronic urticaria associated parasitation by blastocystis hominis. this parasite has not been previously related with urticaria. both intestinal parasitation as well as urticaria responded successfully to paromomycin sulfate. | 1993 | 8237719 |
evidence of an epidemic of blastocystis hominis infections in preschool children in northern jordan. | blastocystis hominis is now gaining acceptance as an agent of human intestinal disease. a case-control study of the cause of gastroenteritis in children less than 6 years old was conducted. a total of 500 stool specimens were examined by wet mount preparation, formalin-ether concentration, sheather's sugar flotation technique, and permanent stains when necessary. b. hominis was found in 63 (25%) of 250 stool specimens of the cases examined; 38 (15%) of these specimens contained this parasite alo ... | 1993 | 8253970 |
amebiasis and "nonpathogenic" intestinal protozoa. | infection with single or multiple species of intestinal protozoa is common in humans and can result in either asymptomatic colonization or symptoms of intestinal disease. entamoeba histolytica serves as a paradigm for invasive colonic protozoal infection. the key to diagnosis and treatment of amebiasis is knowledge of the epidemiologic risk factors and clinical manifestations, a rational approach to diagnosis, and an understanding of the sites of action and uses of anti-amebic drugs. this knowle ... | 1993 | 8254155 |
intestinal parasitic infections in campalagian district, south sulawesi, indonesia. | intestinal parasitic infections were surveyed in the inhabitants of 3 coastal and 2 inland villages of campalagian district, south sulawesi, indonesia, in july 1992. a total of 398 fecal samples were examined by using kato-katz thick smear, harada-mori culture and agar-plate culture techniques. protozoan cysts were examined by formalin ether concentration technique on 380 fecal samples. soil-transmitted helminth infections were highly prevalent with the overall positive rates as follows: ascaris ... | 1993 | 8266235 |
axenic culture of blastocystis hominis in iscove's modified dulbecco's medium. | 1993 | 8278347 | |
diagnosis by faecal culture of dientamoeba fragilis infections in australian patients with diarrhoea. | this paper reports the first survey in australia to use faecal culture to detect dientamoeba fragilis in patients with diarrhoea. of 3 different protozoal culture media evaluated on a case of known infection, modified boeck & drbohlav's medium was the most suitable. the organism could be grown from faeces stored for up to 24 h at room temperature, but for only 10 h at 4 degrees c. culture was then used, in combination with microscopy of smears fixed with polyvinyl alcohol and trichrome-stained, ... | 1993 | 8337717 |
prevalence of intestinal protozoans in french patients infected with hiv. | to assess the prevalence of intestinal protozoans in french hiv-infected patients, stool samples, duodenojejunal biopsies, and/or colorectal biopsies from 81 patients were studied for parasites, viruses, and bacteria. pathogens were found in 70.6% of aids patients with diarrhea or malabsorption. the respective prevalence of protozoa in aids patients with diarrhea was cryptosporidium sp.: 37.3%, blastocystis hominis: 13.7%, giardia intestinalis: 5.8%, isospora belli: 2%, enterocytozoon bieneusi: ... | 1993 | 8340892 |
in vitro encystment and experimental infections of blastocystis hominis. | cultures of blastocystis hominis were induced to encyst using three encystation media: (a) an encystation medium (em) comprising yeast extract in buffered saline containing 50% horse serum, (b) an encystation medium (cem) comprising em conditioned with bacterial soluble products and (c) an encystation medium (tem) containing 0.5% trypticase in em. two isolates of b. hominis were studied, an axenized isolate c and a non-axenized isolate ms. in em, isolate c did not encyst, whereas 6.1% of isolate ... | 1993 | 8415557 |
blastocystis hominis and blastocystosis (zierdt-garavelli disease). | 1993 | 8428021 | |
prevalence and characteristics of blastocystis hominis infection in children. | blastocystis hominis, a protozoan whose pathogenicity has been questioned, is sometimes found in the human gastrointestinal tract. we sought to determine the prevalence of blastocystis in stool and to characterize clinical features of infection with blastocystis in children. forty-six (3%) of 1,736 patients undergoing fecal microscopy at children's hospital of pittsburgh between january 1, 1985, and december 31, 1988, harbored blastocystis. of these 46 children, 75% had exposure to well water or ... | 1993 | 8432086 |
[blastocystis hominis and abdominal pain in childhood]. | we report the clinical features observed in 10 children, ranging from 5 1/12 to 13 7/12 years of age, with intestinal infections caused by blastocystis hominis. a parasitological study of the stools was made by using the ethyl-acetate formol concentration technique and a count of the number of b. hominis per field was performed. in 8 of the cases, no other enteropathogens (viruses, bacteria or other parasites) were found, whereas in 2 cases giardia lamblia was also isolated. nine out of ten of t ... | 1993 | 8439071 |
blastocystis hominis in inflammatory bowel disease. | we retrospectively examined the hospital course of 12 patients with exacerbated inflammatory bowel disease (ibd), who also had stool specimens positive for blastocystis hominis to determine the effect of b. hominis on their disease. bloody bowel movements were common with ulcerative colitis patients and watery diarrhea with crohn's disease; other findings included abdominal pain, fever, nausea, and vomiting. all patients responded favorably to medical therapy. three responded to treatment with c ... | 1993 | 8463612 |
intestinal parasites and hiv infection in tanzanian children with chronic diarrhea. | to determine whether specific intestinal parasites are associated with hiv infection in tanzanian children with chronic diarrhea. | 1993 | 8466683 |
blastocystis hominis: an old organism with a new significance. | 1993 | 8477496 | |
neonatal blastocystis hominis diarrhea. | 1993 | 8483630 | |
antibody response to blastocystis hominis infections. | 1993 | 8489119 | |
blastocystis hominis: prevalence in asymptomatic versus symptomatic hosts. | blastocystis hominis, other protozoans, and fecal leukocytes were tabulated on trichrome-stained fecal smears from 182 asymptomatic and 125 symptomatic control patients. no statistically significant difference in prevalence of b. hominis was found between the asymptomatic study group and the symptomatic control group; the clinical profile of subjects with b. hominis and those not infected was similar, and no correlation was found between the presence of b. hominis and that of fecal leukocytes. h ... | 1993 | 8515120 |
blastocystis hominis: occurrence in children and staff members of municipal day-care centers from botucatu, sáo paulo state, brazil. | to study the frequency of blastocystis hominis among healthy individuals, feces were collected from 153 children and 20 staff members of some municipal day-care centers. three separate stool specimens of each individual were processed by lutz and faust methods. from 173 studied individuals, 60 (34.7%) showed b. hominis, frequently in association with other intestinal parasites and/or commensals. b. hominis was found mainly in adults and children between 36 and 72 months old. all positive cases w ... | 1993 | 8107605 |
[blastocystis infection in symptomatic patients at the regional hospital of temuco, chile]. | at the regional hospital of temuco, 670 adult and children patients, with intestinal complaints, were studied to determine the prevalence of infection by enteroparasites or commensals in a general way, and by blastocystis hominis in a particular attempt. a coproparasitological study was carried out using a modified telemann method. infection by parasites and/or commensals was demonstrated in 446 (66.6%) patients. the most frequent agent was b. hominis (35.8%) followed by giardia intestinalis (22 ... | 1993 | 8110370 |
[intestinal parasite infections in rural students of chiloé archipelago, x region, chile]. | in order to contribute to the knowledge of intestinal parasite infection a survey was performed in 462 primary school children from eight rural localities sited in two islands of the chiloe archipelago. stool samples and perianal scotch tape scrapings for intestinal protozoa and helminths were microscopically examined. the prevalence rates of the main species found were: ascaris lumbricoides 43.3%, trichuris trichiura 26.8%, enterobius vernicularis 20.1%, entamoeba histolytica 5.6%, giardia inte ... | 1993 | 8110371 |
coccidian/cyanobacterium-like bodies as a cause of diarrhea in australia. | coccidian/cyanobacterium-like bodies (clbs) were detected in the stool specimens of 5 australian patients over a 6 mth period from july to december, 1992. four of the 5 patients had recent travel history to a neighbouring overseas destination, including papua new guinea and bali, indonesia. these 4 patients had clinical presentations of acute onset, recurrent diarrhea which was prolonged and accompanied by weight loss, anorexia and lethargy. these symptoms are consistent with reports from other ... | 1993 | 8165002 |
taxonomic status of blastocystis hominis. | 1993 | 15463653 | |
taxonomic status of blastocystis hominis: reply. | 1993 | 15463657 | |
the current status of blastocystis hominis. | 1993 | 15463770 | |
four serologically different groups within the species blastocystis hominis. | 61 strains of blastocystis hominis were isolated from 340 stool specimens coming from 140 patients with intestinal symptoms and from 200 healthy persons. the overall female to male ratio was 1.9 to 1. classification of the 61 isolates of b. hominis was determined with the aid of the immunodiffusion assay. four serologically different groups could be identified. their frequency ratio in the population studied was 39.5%:39.5%:18%:3%. group 3 was found more often than the other three groups in stoo ... | 1994 | 8167435 |
lipid biosynthesis by axenic strains of blastocystis hominis. | axenic strains of blastocystis hominis incorporated 32p, added to the medium as orthophosphate, into a number of phospholipids, including sphingomyelin, cardiolipin, phosphatidic acid, the phosphoglycerides of choline, ethanolamine, serine, and inositol and some other minor phospholipids. radioactive palmitate and glycerol provided in the growth medium introduced radiolabel into diacylglycerols, triacylglycerols, and all major phosphoglycerides found in the organism. palmitate is a major fatty a ... | 1994 | 8205379 |
a concentration technique for obtaining viable cysts of blastocystis hominis from faeces. | 1994 | 7799511 | |
a multiple fission-like mode of asexual reproduction in blastocystis hominis. | a non-axenic and an axenic isolate of blastocystis hominis have been induced to form cysts in vitro using an encystation medium. the morphology of the parasite at different time points was observed by scanning electron microscopy. in day-2 cultures the cysts were spherical and had a non-uniform, coarse outer surface around the body. a deep, pore-like opening was seen in some of the parasites. most of the cysts from day-4 and day-6 cultures ruptured, revealing small, uniformly sized spherical bod ... | 1994 | 7809004 |
isolation of blastocystis hominis from sewage. | 1994 | 7825017 | |
intestinal colonization of symptomatic and asymptomatic schoolchildren with blastocystis hominis. | a study of single stool specimens was done to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites among 1,000 primary school children. a questionnaire was completed by each child's parents. specimens were examined by using wet-mount preparation, formaline-ether concentration, and sheather's flotation technique. trichrome and acid-fast stains were done. blastocystis hominis was observed in 203 (20.3%) of the specimens examined, and 175 specimens contained this organism in the absence of other pathog ... | 1994 | 7852590 |
a study of the karyotypic patterns of blastocystis hominis by pulsed-field gradient electrophoresis. | 1994 | 7855129 | |
[comparison of intestinal parasite infestation indexes among hiv positive and negative populations]. | this study was carried out on two groups of patients treated at the josé de san martín clinical hospital. one group was composed of 82 hiv-seropositive patients with no signs of diarrhea, and another one of 300 patients, not suspected of hiv infection, was considered as "control population". stool samples were collected from each patient and examined for intestinal parasites. these determinations were carried out at the department of clinical biochemistry, in the same hospital. three specimens w ... | 1994 | 7715428 |
blastocystis hominis infection, a cause of human diarrhea. | blastocystis hominis has long been described as a non pathogenic protozoan parasite until recently when claims have been made that it can result in pathogenic conditions. of the 729 stool samples (614 from survey and 115 from pediatric wards) examined, 18.1% of them were found to be positive for one or more intestinal protozoan cyst. the commonest was giardia intestinalis (8.4%) followed by entamoeba coli (7.1%) and entamoeba histolytica (5.1%) in the normal children without symptoms of diarrhea ... | 1994 | 7777913 |
touch cytology. a quick, simple, sensitive screening test in the diagnosis of infections of the gastrointestinal mucosa. | to assess the role of touch cytology (imprint from endoscopic biopsy specimens) in the diagnosis of mucosal infections of the gastrointestinal tract, we reviewed all records and specimens of patients seen during a 30-month period. touch cytology was performed by rolling biopsy specimens on glass slides. after air fixation, a rapid staining method similar to may-grünwald-giemsa was used. the following infections and pathogens were diagnosed (in decreasing order of frequency): helicobacter pylori ... | 1994 | 7979897 |
[blastocystis hominis as a rare arthritogenic pathogen. a case report]. | blastocysts hominis, a protozoon considered to be a nonpathogen intestinal commensal, is now discussed to be a cause of intestinal infection under certain circumstances, e.g., immunosuppression. there are two published cases of blastocysts infection complicated by arthritis which was classified as "reactive" in one case, "infectious" in the other. we report a third case: a 46-year-old female patient developed a chronic diarrhea and oligoarthritis some days after returning from a trip to senegal. ... | 1994 | 8023590 |
intestinal parasitism in the united states: update on a continuing problem. | to document patterns of intestinal parasitism in the united states, we analyzed results of 216,275 stool specimens examined by the state diagnostic laboratories in 1987; parasites were found in 20.0%. percentages were highest for protozoans: giardia lamblia (7.2%), entamoeba coli and endolimax nana (4.2% each), blastocystis hominis (2.6%), and entamoeba histolytica (0.9%). the most commonly identified helminths were nematodes: hookworm (1.5%), trichuris trichiura (1.2%), and ascaris lumbricoides ... | 1994 | 8024063 |
incidence of blastocystis hominis in patients with diarrhoea. | we studied the occurrence of the parasite blastocystis hominis in 1066 stool specimens from patients with diarrhoea, and investigated the relationship between the presence of b. hominis in the faeces and the age of patients. the parasite was recovered from 3.7% samples, but as the sole species of micro-organism in the stool it was recovered from 1% samples. there was no statistically significant difference in the number of b. hominis-positive stools between the younger and the older patients (p ... | 1994 | 8034994 |
blastocystis hominis infection and intestinal injury. | blastocystis hominis is an enteric protozoan associated with clinical illness. to determine the prevalence of intestinal injury in patients with b. hominis infection, the authors prospectively evaluated 18 patients with b. hominis infection by endoscopy and a test of intestinal permeability. seventeen patients had gastrointestinal symptoms. colonic mucosa appeared normal by lower endoscopy in 12 of 13 patients, and was friable slightly in 1. duodenal mucosa was normal by upper endoscopy in nine ... | 1994 | 8042662 |
invasive blastocystis hominis infection in a child. | 1994 | 8044274 | |
[intestinal parasitosis in the 90s: new microorganisms in new patients]. | 1994 | 8059032 | |
ultrastructural changes during in vitro encystment of blastocystis hominis. | the morphological changes occurring in blastocystis hominis at different time points following in vitro encystment were studied by electron microscopy. the following stages of the parasite were sequentially seen: (a) the amoebic form, which was irregular in shape, with a majority of the organelles being concentrated at the condensed cytoplasmic region; (b) the pre-cystic form, which was rounded and had an electron-dense material forming a homogeneous wall around the central body; and (c) the cys ... | 1994 | 8073021 |
[morphology of blastocystis hominis in feces and evaluation of parasitological methods]. | a study of the morphology of blastocystis hominis in stool in ninety-four cases humans is described as central body, ameba and granular form were found as previously described. in addition a "globulose" form as a variation of granular form is first described. the central body form (96.8%) was the most abundant form. three parasitological methods as direct microscopical examination sample with saline solution 0.85%, lugol, sudan iii, stained with quensel, iron hematoxylin and culture are evaluate ... | 1994 | 7557277 |
[prevalence of infection by intestinal helminths and protozoa in school children from a coastal locality in the province of valdivia, chile]. | during july-august 1989, 219 coprological samples from primary school children from niebla and los molinos localities (39 degrees 52's, 73 degrees 26'w) in the coast of province of valdivia, chile, were analysed. prevalence % (in parentheses) of infection by intestinal protozoa and helminths were the followings: entamoeba histolytica: (18.0), entamoeba coli (34.0), endolimax nana (34.4), iodamoeba buetschlii (7.4), blastocystis hominis (64.3), giardia intestinalis (27.9) chilomastix mesnili (0.8 ... | 1994 | 7654292 |
morphology of the cyst of blastocystis hominis. | 1994 | 7667736 | |
a comparison of direct microscopy with culture for the diagnosis of blastocystis hominis. | 1994 | 7667737 | |
morphological diversity of blastocystis hominis in sodium acetate-acetic acid-formalin-preserved stool samples stained with iron hematoxylin. | the objective of this investigation was to study the morphological characteristics of blastocystis hominis in sodium acetate-acetic acid-formalin-preserved stool samples. routinely processed samples were examined for morphological detail, including size, shape, nuclear detail, and central body characteristics. morphological findings revealing the importance of recognizing b. hominis in the diagnostic laboratory are described. | 1994 | 7510311 |
differentiation of the various stages of blastocystis hominis by acridine orange staining. | acridine orange staining differentiates the cystic and the central body forms of blastocystis hominis and offers a very convenient and easy method to observe the internal structure of the parasite. acridine orange stains the nuclei and the central body of the rounded vacuolar forms of the parasite bright and dull green, respectively. the colour changes to yellow and then to flaming red-orange when the rounded central body forms of the parasite become cystic. | 1994 | 7521862 |
histochemical detection of carbohydrates of blastocystis hominis. | the carbohydrates of blastocystis hominis were detected by histochemical techniques using light and electron microscopy. b. hominis, fixed with various fixatives, followed by treatment with detergents, were stained with periodic acid-schiff (pas) or alcian blue (ab). intense pas reactions were observed in cells fixed with glutaraldehyde or 1/2 karnovsky fixative. the cells fixed with other fixatives showed weak or no reactions with pas staining. similar results were seen in the case of ab stain. ... | 1995 | 7537145 |