Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
response of the somali donkey to dehydration: hematological changes. | 1971 | 5555812 | |
red blood cell and plasma volumes in the burro, equus asinus: desert and mountain. | 1971 | 5558249 | |
[use of antilymphocytic immunoglobulin from donkeys in kidney allotransplantation to dogs]. | 1971 | 4946088 | |
induction of ovulation in immature goats with pregnant donkey serum. | 1971 | 5092742 | |
evidence for selective differences between cells with an active horse x chromosome and cells with an active donkey x chromosome in the female mule. | 1971 | 5094847 | |
streptothricosis in the domestic donkey (equus asinus asinus). i. clinical observations and clinical pathology. | 1971 | 5145204 | |
cytological and biochemical correlation of late x-chromosome replication and gene inactivation in the mule. | the correlation between late x-chromosome replication and the quantitation of different x-linked glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase electrophoretic forms was studied in a natural hybrid, the female mule. in all four animals examined, a significant deviation from the expected 1: 1 ratio of random x-chromosome inactivation was observed, with the donkey x-chromosome the more frequently late-replicating one. the relative amounts of horse and donkey enzymes activities in lysates of mule skin fibroblas ... | 1971 | 5276759 |
a case of lymphosarcoma in a donkey. | 1971 | 5289117 | |
isolation of immunoglobulin and fragment from donkey anti-russell's viper serum. | 1972 | 4625720 | |
experimental infection of horses with an attenuated venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis vaccine (strain tc-83). | ten horses (equus caballus) were vaccinated with strain tc-83 venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (vee) virus vaccine. febrile responses and leukopenia due to a reduction of lymphocytes and neutrophils were observed in all animals. viremias were demonstrable in eight horses, with a maximum of 10(3.5) median tissue culture infectious dose units per ml of serum in two horses. clinical illness with depression and anorexia were observed in five horses. neutralizing (n), hemagglutination-inhibiting, ... | 1972 | 4637604 |
variable starch gel electrophoretic pattern of the enzyme 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase in a family of donkeys (equus asinus l.). | 1972 | 4680625 | |
the problem of buridan's ass: psychotherapy for choice. | 1972 | 5032904 | |
energetic cost of grade walking in man and burro, equus asinus: desert and mountain. | 1972 | 5056207 | |
the use of etorphine-acepromazine in the horse and donkey. | 1972 | 5072625 | |
patent ductus arteriosus in a donkey foal. | 1972 | 16030605 | |
optical properties of a new nonlinear optical material: ti(3)asse(3). | we report on the synthesis and the measurement of the properties of large single crystals of a new synthetic nonlinear optical material of the sulfosalt type, tl(3)asse(3). the crystal space group is r3m; the refractive indices range from 3.14 to 3.44 with n(0) - n(e) = 0.18 (negative uniaxial), and the material is transparent from 1.26 microm to beyond 17 microm. the nonlinear optical susceptibilities are of the order of three times those of ag(3)ass(3) (proustite), in reasonable agreement with ... | 1972 | 20119089 |
theory of thermal imaging using infrared to visible image up-conversion. | a novel method of thermal imaging based on the up-conversion of infrared radiation in nonlinear optical crystals is analyzed. an equation is derived giving the temperature resolution in terms of the pump laser energy e(p). for a proustite-ruby system based on the 8-13-micro band, a temperature resolution of better than 1 degrees c is predicted when the number of resolvable spots is 100 x 100 and e(p) = 10 j. numerical results are also provided for eighteen possible systems having different combi ... | 1972 | 20119434 |
the examination of donkeys. | 1972 | 5039478 | |
[study under certain african conditions of the antiparasitic effects of thiabendazole and other present anthelmintics. iv. digestive helminthiasis and gasterophiloses in donkeys]. | 1972 | 5066269 | |
studies on lachrymal histoplasmosis in donkeys in egypt. | 1973 | 4770094 | |
production of antibodies against hepatitis-associated antigen in donkeys. | 1973 | 4201743 | |
a radioisotope scanner for rectilinear, arc, transverse section and longitudinal section scanning: (ass--the aberdeen section scanner). | 1973 | 4720740 | |
equine piroplasmosis (babesia equi): therapeutic trials of imidocarb dihydrochloride in horses and donkeys. | 1973 | 4748680 | |
[kidney and lung transplantation in conditions of immunosuppressive therapy with donkey antilymphocyte immunoglobulin]. | 1973 | 4585259 | |
[on the 65th birthday of michail jakovlevic ass--with special appreciation of his work on the fuhrmann's rule published 35 years ago]. | 1973 | 4590653 | |
[observations on the tractus spinocerebellaris in the donkey (asinus asinus)]. | 1974 | 4820610 | |
[study of the phylogeny of related species--horse, donkey and mule--by a labeling technic]. | 1974 | 4217225 | |
the "doctoress" on a donkey: women health officers in nineteenth century egypt. | 1974 | 4138093 | |
[the omotransversarius and sternocleidomastoideus muscles in the donkey]. | 1974 | 4417253 | |
gonadotrophic activity in pregnant donkey serum at various stages of pregnancy. | 1974 | 4426656 | |
meiosis in interspecific equine hybrids. i. the male mule (equus asinus x e. caballus) and hinny (e. caballus x e. asinus). | 1974 | 4430187 | |
automated gamma radiation detector for the donkey lung. | 1974 | 4436047 | |
testicular and epididymal sperm reserves in the ass (equus asinus) and stallion (equus caballus). | 1974 | 4478855 | |
effects of cigarette smoke components on bronchial clearance in the donkey. | 1974 | 4365924 | |
proceedings: metabolism of carbamyl phosphate in donkey liver. | 1974 | 4374454 | |
are carrots and sticks for donkeys, or for doctors? | 1974 | 18747347 | |
epidural anaesthesia in donkeys. | epidural anaesthesia was tested on 40 donkeys. the second intercoccygeal space was found suitable for satisfactory induction and a dose of 8 to 10 ml of 1 per cent procaine hydrochloride was recommended for inducing posterior epidural anaesthesia and 30 ml of 2 per cent for anterior epidural anaesthesia. | 1975 | 1216437 |
effects of fluorocarbons 11 and 12 on tracheobronchial particle deposition and clearance in donkeys. | donkeys were exposed to trichlorofluoromethane (fc11), dichlorodifluoromethane (fc12) and an equivolume mixture of the two to determine their effects on tracheobronchial particle deposition and mucociliary clearance. there was no statistically significant evidence of changes beyond those variations observed in corresponding air control tests. | 1975 | 1211361 |
the contribution of the mule to scientific thought. | the infertility of the mule has proved a continuing challenge to scientific thought. since the chromosomal differences between the two parental species are so great as to render normal meiosis impossible, it is postulated that all mules and hinnies are sterile. the problem now is to explain how mules and hinnies can occasionally produce spermatozoa or ova. the appearance of the mule was sufficient to persuade the ancients that both parents, not just the male, must contribute to the make-up of th ... | 1975 | 1107543 |
grimms' the table, the ass, and the stick. a drama of the phallic stage. | 1975 | 49907 | |
antigen-binding t cells as helper cells. separation of helper cells by immune rosette formation. | the spleen t cells from mice immunized 6 days earlier with either chicken gamma globulin (cgg) or with donkey erythrocytes (drc) were rosetted with cgg-coated sheep erythrocytes or with drc. the immune rosettes (rfc) (antigen-binding cells) were separated from the bulk of nonrosette-forming cells (non-rfc) by 1-g velocity sedimentation and the rfc and non-rfc tested for helper activity in cooperative antihapten responses in vitro. rfc or non-rfc were mixed with normal or hapten-primed spleen cel ... | 1975 | 51900 |
factors affecting tracheobronchial mucociliary transport. | in vivo mucus transport rates were studied in humans and donkeys by external measurement of the rate of clearance of insoluble monodisperse gamma-tagged aerosols. the influence of temperature, environmental toxicants and drugs which affect the autonomic nervous system were studied by determining the changes in clearance produced by them in individual subjects. in donkeys, increased pretest ambient temperature accelerated clearance by greater than 1.7%/ degrees c. smoking 2-7 cigarettes reduced t ... | 1975 | 197002 |
[control of acetylsalicylic-acid (ass) therapy using the collagen-induced platelet aggregation]. | 1975 | 813083 | |
specific cleavage analysis of mammalian mitochondrial dna. | mitochondrial dna from several mammalian species has been digested with a site-specific restriction endonuclease (haeiii) from haemophilus aegyptius. a quantitative analysis of the resulting specific fragments indicates that the mtdna of any individual mammal is predominantly a single molecular clone. gel analysis of specific cleavage products has proven quite sensitive in detecting differences in mtdna: mtdnas from the more distantly related mammals studied (e.g., donkey and dog) are found to h ... | 1975 | 1060130 |
the influence of fetal genotype upon endometrial cup development and pmsg and progestagen production in equids. | the influence of fetal genotype upon gonadotrophin (pmsg) and progestagen production in mares and donkeys during the first half of pregnancy was examined. the production of pmsg was greatly reduced in mares carrying mule conceptuses and greatly increased in donkeys carrying hinny conceptuses. fetal genotype had no obvious influence upon progestagen production in mares, but donkeys carrying hinny conceptuses showed extremely high peripheral plasma progestagen concentrations when serum pmsg levels ... | 1975 | 1060815 |
subpopulations of mouse spleen lymphocytes. ii. immunological reactivity of spleen cells fractionated on bsa density gradients. | we found in previous experiments that fractionation of non-immune mouse spleen cells on bovine serum albumin density gradients yields two subpopulations of t cells, one of high, the other of low density. both subopopulations could be stimulated in corporate thymidine by the t cell-specific mitogen concanavalin a (con a). in the present investigation, spleen cells of mice immunized to sheep red cells (src) were similarly fractionated and the fractions recovered were assayed for: (a) reactivity to ... | 1975 | 1079200 |
[anatomical basis for the irrigation of the lacrimal ducts of donkeys (equus africanus f. asinus - macedonian dwarf donkey]. | 1975 | 1098898 | |
studies on equine immunoglobulins. iv. immunoglobulins of the donkey. | donkey igga was isolated in purified form from normal and immune donkey sera by column chromatography on deae-cellulose. isolated donkey igga and mixtures of (igga+iggb) were used as antigens to prepare rabbit reagents specific for equine igga or iggb. antibodies present in sera obtained from a single donkey at various times during the course of hyperimmunization with bsa were isolated by immuno-adsorption. the class or subclass of immunoglobulins present among isolated, donkey anti-bsa antibodi ... | 1975 | 1116869 |
[preparation and comparative evaluation of experimental anthrax diagnostic sera in experiments on animals]. | the authors present the results of studies on obtaining and comparative assessment of experimental anthrax diagnostic sera in experiments on various animals. donkeys, sheep, horses, rabbits and monkeys (papio hamadryas) were immunized with the sti-i vaccine by a single scheme. the activity of the obtained sera was tested in the diffuse precipitation reaction by the amount of the detected antibodies and the titre. the most active sera were obtained from donkeys and sheep: their titre was 5.5 and ... | 1975 | 1124613 |
streptothricosis in the domestic donkey (equus asinus asinus). ii. bacteriological and immunological relationships of the strains of dermatophilus congolensis isolated. | 1975 | 1125751 | |
streptothricosis in the domestic donkey (equus asinus asinus). ii. prevalence in aaria, north-central state of nigeria. | 1975 | 1125752 | |
evaluation in donkeys on an inactivated venezuelan equine encephalitis vaccine. | 1975 | 1130149 | |
[preliminary studies on the incidence of filaziae in equidae in the netherlands (author's transl)]. | biopsies of the skin of the umbilical area were taken from ninety-nine horses and one donkey, all reared in the netherlands. the biopsy specimens were examined for the presence of microfilariae by a recovery procedure. microfilariae were identified in eight horses. these were microfilariae of the species onchocerca cervicalis in each case. | 1975 | 1154357 |
[inhibition of platelet aggregation under estrogen-treatment in patients with carcinoma of the prostate (author's transl)]. | in patients with carcinoma of the prostate treated with estrogens platelet aggregation is increased. patients with increased platelet aggregation have a high incidence of cardio-vascular and thrombo-embolic diseases. platelet aggregation was measured by the platelet-aggregation test (pat). platelet aggregation was inhibited by administration of acetyl-salicylic acid (ass) 2 times 500 mg daily. an aggregation inhibiting effect was found in all 38 patients. to reduce the cardio-vascular complicati ... | 1975 | 1154559 |
enrichment of memory cells carrying receptors for a protein antigen (hsa). ii. improved enrichment technique, using bsa density gradient separation. | mice primed to human serum albumin (hsa) by means of an hsa--sheep red cell conjugate, developed a high level of memory to hsa, with little concomitant antibody production ('pure priming'). the proportion of hsa-specific antigen-binding cells was determined in the spleens of the primed mice by means of a rosette technique, using an hsa-donkey red cell conjugate. the specificity of the rosette-forming cells (rfc) was confirmed by the ability of soluble hsa to inhibit rosette formation. highly enr ... | 1975 | 1165105 |
sweat gland function in isolated perfused skin. | 1. a technique for perfusion of skin has been used to investigate a possible neurochemical basis for the different patterns of sweating in domestic animals. evaporative water loss was measured from excised trunk skin, ears or tails perfused with a nutrient krebs solution, to which drugs were added as required. perfused skin was observed to sweat in response to administration of sudorific drugs, and some features of the patterns of sweating were similar to those which could be induced by heating ... | 1975 | 1177153 |
letter: cardiac myopathy in a donkey foal. | 1975 | 1179628 | |
trigeminothalamic fibre connections in the donkey (equus asinus) studied by means of the retrograde cell degeneration method. | in this study the left thalamus of seven very young donkeys was transected and the trigeminothalamic fibre connections were investigated by means of the retrograde cell degeneration method. the animals were allowed to survive for a period of 15-45 days and the paraffin sections of the brain stem were stained according to the klüver-barrera and the thionine methods. it was found that the principal sensory trigeminal nucleus exhibited retrograde cell changes and cell losses, in its dorsal part, on ... | 1975 | 1189893 |
gastrin activity along the gastrointestinal tracts of some ruminants and the donkey. | 1975 | 1193363 | |
calf blood extract in treatment of equine foot lesions. | a deproteinized calf blood extract (solcoseryl: solco basle, ltd, switzerland) enhanced healing of induced and naturally-occurring lesions in the feet of 30 horses and donkeys. | 1975 | 1196296 |
morphology of epididymal spermatozoa in the ass (equus asinus) and stallion (equus caballus). | 1975 | 1199484 | |
[micromethod for the ha and hi tests in ornithosis]. | the possibility of using the ha and hi tests in micromethod modifications in ornithosis was studied. the hemagglutinating activity of various antigens was tested. by the employment of the micromethod antihemagglutinins were found in sera from patients, immunized animals (donkey and guinea pigs) as well as from pigeons and ducks. no antibody was found in control sera and sera from tortoises. the results of the ha and hi tests performed by macro- and micromethod were similar. the micromethod is as ... | 1975 | 1216842 |
some distributions associated with bose-einstein statistics. | this paper examines a stochastic process for bose-einstein statistics that is based on gibrat's law (roughly: the probability of a new occurrence of an event is proportional to the number of times it has occurred previously). from the necessary conditions for the steady state of the process are derived, under two slightly different sets of boundary conditions, the geometric distribution and the yule distribution, respectively. the latter derivation provides a simpler method than the one earlier ... | 1975 | 16578724 |
relation of antigen-binding cells to immunological memory. | priming of mice with a conjugate of hsa with sheep red cells induced a high level of memory to hsa, with very little antibody production ("pure priming"). hsa specific antigen binding cells in the spleens of the primed mice were assayed by means of a rosette technique, using hsa conjugated to donkey red cells. rosette formation was almost completely inhibited by soluble hsa, thus confirming that the rfc were specific for this antigen. spleens of primed mice contained up to 0.6% rfc, as compared ... | 1976 | 1266674 |
[the clinical importance of magnesium during neonatal life (author's transl)]. | by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (ass) the magnesium levels in the serum of 50 mothers, their mature healthy infants and the umbilical vein and the umbilical artery were determined. the differences between maternal and neonatal levels and between umbilical vein and umbilical arteries are statistically significant. the results were as follows: antecubital venous blood of the mother 1.41 +/- 0.38 mval/1, umbilical vein serum 1.59 +/- 0.35 mval/1, umbilical artery 1.65 +/- 0.36 mval/1, neonat ... | 1976 | 1269892 |
antigen-non-specific t-cell factor in b-cell activation. origin, biological properties and failure to show a relationship to h-2. | a population of t cells sensitive to als treatment release a non-specific factor (nsf) capable of replacing t cells in the response of nude spleen cells to erythrocyte antigens. this factor cannot be removed by immunoadsorbents with specificities directed towards products of the h2 complex, nor by lentil lectin, unlike certain specific t-cell factors. furthermore, it functions across histocompatibility differences between mouse strains. it has been directly demonstrated that this factor can infl ... | 1976 | 58834 |
[preparative isolation of alpha 2-macroglobulin, transferrin, albumin and study of their nonspecific gamma-inhibitory activity]. | profiles of distribution of non-specific gamma-inhibitors of influenza a2/victoria/35/72 in donkey and horse sera were established by gel chromatography in sephadex g-200. high and low molecular inhibitors were found in 19s and 4s serum fractions. highly purified preparations of a2-macroglobulin, transferrine and albumin were isolated by a combination of methods of salt precipitation, gel chromatography on sephadex g-100, g-200 and ion exchange on deae-sephadex a-50. heating sera resulted in a c ... | 1976 | 64024 |
carbamylphosphate hydrolysis in donkey liver. | mitochondria, microsomes, and cytosol all hydrolyze carbamylphosphate. microsomes show the greatest specific activity. the mitochondrial enzyme is localized in the inner membranes, has optimum ph 5.5 and is heat-stable; the cytosol enzyme has optimum ph 5.0 and is heat-labile. km for carbamylphosphate is 1.1 to 1.2 x 10(-2 m for both the cytosol and the mitochondrial enzyme. both enzymes are inhibited by high substrate concentrations. | 1976 | 8406 |
changes in (na+ + k+)-atpase activity of ehrlich ascites tumor cells produced by alteration of membrane fatty acid composition. | the fatty acid composition of plasma membrane derived from ehrlich ascites tumor cells was altered in vivo by changing the dietary lipid of the tumor-bearing mice. the activity of (sodium + potassium)-adenosinetriphosphatase ((na+ + k+atpase), in partially purified plasma membranes, was measured ass a function of temperature. arrhenius plots of the data were biphasic. striking differences, dependent on the membrane fatty acid composition, were observed in the transition temperature and in the en ... | 1976 | 129155 |
lungworm infection (dictyocaulus arnfieldi) of horses and donkeys. | dictyocaulus arnfieldi (cobbold 1884) infects the respiratory tract of horses, donkeys, mules, hinnies and zebra. a review of the literature has been given by round (1972). in the western hemisphere it is popularly believed that donkeys are the natural host and that horses become infected by association with infected donkeys. there is scant documentary evidence for this and, in the soviet union, patent infections may reach 70 per cent without mention of donkey association (koulikov 1935, borovko ... | 1976 | 136786 |
venezuelan equine encephalitis virus: comparison of infectivity and virulence of strains v-38 and p676 in donkeys. | two strains of venezuelan equine encephalitis (vee) virus were examined for the ability to replicate in, as well as to produce death among donkeys. one, a low passage strain known as strain p676 was originally isolated from mosquitos in venezuela. the other, strain v-38 was isolated from a horse brain in 1938 and had undergone an unknown number of laboratory passages; it is used extensively for the preparation of inactivated vee vaccine. both strains were found to be approximately equal in their ... | 1976 | 937636 |
[postoperative prophylaxis of thromboembolism. present position.(author's transl)]. | only anti-coagulators and aggregation-stoppers may be said to be the medicamental prophylaxis of thromboembolism. the cumarin-indandion group is burdened with continuous laboratory controls. contraindications excluding a general prophylaxis for this group as well as for heparin and ass exist. infukoll, which is virtually always applicable, has the disadvantage that it has to be infused. heparin- and dextranspreparations however can already be used preoperatively, which means that a further decli ... | 1976 | 952105 |
interferon induction and sensitivity as correlates to virulence of venezuelan encephalitis viruses for hamsters. | venezuelan encephalitis (vee) virus strains, which differ in virulence for adult hamsters, were compared with respect to (a) sensitivity to hamster interferon (if) in vitro and in vivo and (b) induction of if in plasma and target tissues (spleen, bone marrow and brain) following subcutaneous inoculation. in vitro, in cultures of a continuous line of hamster kidney cells, hamster interferon inhibited the replication of a benign vee strain (bear 35,645) more than another benign strain (tc-83 vacci ... | 1976 | 962587 |
ligation of the bile duct and acute chloroform toxicity in the donkey. | 1976 | 993379 | |
[onchocerca raillieti n.sp. (filarioidea) from a domestic donkey in africa]. | onchocerca raillieti sp. n. (filarioidea), from the domestic donkey (equus asinus) in africa, is described. the species is compared to o. bohmi (supperer, 1953) n.comb, o. reticulata diesing, 1841, o. cervicalis railliet et henry, 1910, o. flexuosa (wedl, 1856) and o. armillata railliet et henry, 1909 and can be differentiated by numerous characters of which the most important are the anterior region of the female (which is straight and slender, 6 to 8 cm long, and bears longitudinal striae) and ... | 1976 | 1010927 |
particle deposition in the trachea: in vivo and in hollow casts. | the pattern of deposition within the respiratory tract of potentially harmful particulates is a major factor in assessing any risk from individual and community exposures. although the trachea is the most easily observed of the conductive airways, very little information concerning its particle collection characteristics is available, information which is essential for a complete and realistic description of particle deposition patterns within the entire respiratory tract. data on tracheal depos ... | 1976 | 1013939 |
[on setaria spp; (nematoda, , filarioidea, setariidae) from the peritoneal cavity of equine spp.: two new sub-species, setaria equina theilerae from wild zebra of africa, and setaria equina dafaallai from horse and donkey of southern sahara area (author's transl)]. | 1) setaria equina (abildgaard, 1789) is from the horse and donkey of eurasia (and of america and the coastal stripe of north africa). 2) setaria equina theilerae n.sub.sp. is from the zebra of africa. 3) setaria equina defaallai n.sub. sp. is from the horse and the donkey of southern sahara area of the ethiopean region of africa, from the nile valley till to the western coast. 4) crossing between s. equina and s. e. theilerae may be possible, as their host spp. does with the resultant bastard of ... | 1976 | 1020892 |
the role of wild animals in the spread of exotic diseases in australia. | the distributions of the following feral animals are given -- cattle, buffalo, pig, goat, deer, camel, horse, donkey, fox, dog and cat -- and the native dingo. the possible role these and the native rodents, marsupials and monotremes would play should an exotic disease of livestock enter australia is discussed. it is considered that feral animals would be important in creating foci from which the disease would spread. | 1976 | 1021109 |
horse, ass, and mule chromosomes. | karyotypes of the horse with 64 chromosomes, the ass with 62 chromosomes, and the mule with 63 chromosomes are presented. the chromosome complements of each species and their mule hybrid are analyzed and compared. | 1976 | 1021594 |
fatal fat embolism following severe donkey bites. | 1976 | 1022845 | |
[hemorrhagic-purulent, necrotizing meningo-encephalitis in the donkey; a cerebral nematode disease?]. | 1976 | 1034343 | |
a rapid immunological procedure for the isolation of hormonally sensitive rat fat-cell plasma membrane. | 1. a rapid method for the isolation of hormonally sensitive rat fat-cell plasma membranes was developed by using immunological techniques. 2. rabbit anti-(rat erythrocyte) sera were raised and shown to cross-react with isolated rat fat-cells. 3. isolated rat fat-cells were coated with rabbit anti-(rat erythrocyte) antibodies, homogenized and the homogenate made to react with an immunoadsorbent prepared by covalently coupling donkey anti-(rabbit globulin) antibodies to aminocellulose. uptake of p ... | 1976 | 776177 |
effect of pretest temperature on aerosol penetration and clearance in donkeys. | pretest temperature and humidity were correlated with tracheobronchial particle penetration and clearance data from donkeys housed in unheated outdoor facilities and tested after spending 1-2 h in a temperature- and humidity-controlled laboratory. the animals inhaled an inert insoluble radioisotope-labeled monodisperse aerosol for several minutes. its retention was monitored continuously for 3 h by external gamma detection. aerosol deposition pattern and bronchial clearance were linearly correla ... | 1976 | 1002646 |
metabolic clearance rate, production rate, and source of progesterone in donkeys with fetuses of different genotypes. | 1977 | 592301 | |
plasma testosterone levels in donkeys in the tropics. | 1977 | 874414 | |
anaesthetising donkeys. | 1977 | 878264 | |
anaesthetising donkeys. | 1977 | 878239 | |
studies on equine immunoglobulins--v. horse antibodies to donkey igga. | 1977 | 74358 | |
transmission of the cytochrome c structural gene in horse-donkey crosses. | donkey cytochrome c was shown to differ from horse cytochrome c by having a serine in position 47 rather than a threonine. the rest of the amino acid sequences are identical. mules and hinnies, both males and females, carry equal amounts of horse and donkey cytochromes c. the same ratio is found in hinnies in preparations from heart tissue and from skeletal muscle. these results demonstrate that cytochrome c is transmitted in horse-donkey crosses as a simple mendelian character which is neither ... | 1977 | 190219 |
immunologic reactivity of purified human urinary kallikrein (urokallikrein) with antiserum directed against human pancreas. | donkey antiserum to normal human pancreas absorbed with lyophilized human plasma recognized human urokallikrein in concentrated crude urine or after an approximately 500-fold purification. the urokallikrein antigen was associated with kinin-generating and alpha-n-p-tosyl-l-arginine methyl ester (tame) cleaving activity on isoelectric focusing, with the isoelectric point being 3.8 to 4.4. both kiningenerating and esterolytic activity were removed from the purified urokallikrein by an immunoadsorb ... | 1977 | 402421 |
vascular clearance of venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis viruses as a correlate to virulence for rhesus monkeys. | the epizootic trinidad donkey strain of venezuelan equime encephalomyelitis virus (vee) was cleared slowly from the circulation of rhesus monkeys following intravenous inoculation, while the live, attenuated vaccine strain, tc-83, was cleared rapidly. the efficent clearance of tc-83 vaccine may be a factor in the lower viremia and benign course of tc-83 virus infection in rhesus monkeys. | 1977 | 411457 |
the normal electrocardiographic parameters of the domestic donkey (equus asinus). | 1977 | 412379 | |
functional aspects of blood platelets in irradiated burros. | in irradiated burros (equus asinus), a delayed clinical syndrome characterized by a depletion of megakaryocytes and platelets has been observed. to clarify the cause of this syndrome, the functional abilities of platelets in 7 irradiated and 3 control burros were studied in vitro. the irradiated burros were survivors (greater than 18 years) of total-body exposures to near-lethal doses of gamma-radiation. burro platelet aggregability induced with adenosine diphosphate and thrombin, and with a com ... | 1977 | 842918 |
fine structure of mule testes: light and electron microscopy study. | testes of 3 mules, 3 stallions, and 3 donkeys were studied by light and electron microscopic techniques. mule testes were firm, with an average weight less than that of stallion or donkey testes. as expected, mule seminiferous tubules had few cell elements. there were 2 cell populations within the seminiferous tubules: (a) only basal spermatogonia and sertoli's cells in 70% of the tubules and, (b) the cells in (a) plus leptotene and pachytene primary spermatocytes in 30% of the tubules. degenera ... | 1977 | 851277 |
indirect mouse model for the evaluation of potential antiviral compounds: results with venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus. | an indirect mouse model was utilized to evaluate the antiviral activity of several compounds against venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (vee) virus infection in mice. mice were given various dosages of lysine-stabilized polyriboinosinic acid-polyribocytidylic acid, a tilorone analogue, kethoxal, or mepacrine before and/or shortly after receiving one of several dose levels of attenuated strain tc-83 vee virus. twenty-one days later, the same mice were rechallenged intracranially with virulent tr ... | 1977 | 856020 |
heavy metal determination in sea water and in marine organisms with the aid of flameless ass. iv: description of a routine method for the determination of cadmium in small samples of biological material. | some important environmental poisons, e.g. the element cadmium, are rather volatile during flameless aas determination. this causes difficulties the in case of matrices consisting of large amounts of salts and organic materials. therefore, as an example in the case of cadmium, a detailed method has been developed. the following method is now used for determinations in large series of samples. its main advantages are: the sample size must not exceed the mg to microng range; the digestion takes pl ... | 1977 | 857492 |
[selecting a method of erythrocyte fixation for the passive hemagglutination test according to the nature of the sensitin]. | quantitative methods were applied to the study of the interaction of albumins, fraction i of plague bacilli, diphtheria toxoid fractions differing by mol wt, flagellin of typhoid bacilli, 19s- and 7s-fractions of normal human, cholera horse, and paratyphoid b donkey sera with erythrocytes, fixed by 10 different methods. fixation with acetaldehyde proved to be optimal for the binding of all the proteins, including flagellin, but the latter sensitized erythrocytes formalinized after vainbach bette ... | 1977 | 857516 |
influence of foetal genotype on the follicle-stimulating hormone:luteinizing hormone ratio of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin. | rat testicular radioreceptor assays specific for fsh and lh were used to determine the fsh:lh ratio of pmsg produced by horse, donkey, mule and hinny conceptuses. measurements of fsh and lh activities in pmsg produced both in vivo and in vitro by the four types of conceptuses showed that the genotype of the foetus markedly influences the fsh:lh ratio of pmsg. the fsh:lh ratio of pmsg produced by the horse conceptus was around unity whereas the ratio of pmsg produced by the donkey conceptus was a ... | 1977 | 874396 |
clinical, haematological and pathological studies in donkeys experimentally infected with trypanosoma brucei. | donkeys experimentally infected with trypanosoma brucei showed dullness, weakness, fever, inappetence, conjunctivitis, tachycardia and polydyspnoea soon after detectable parasitaemia. the parasitaemia was generally low with transient high peaks except in the terminal stage when there was sustained high parasitaemia. a moderate anaemia was present as from the second week of infection but it was not progressive. there was a marked leucopoenia within 24 h of patent parasitaemia. death occurred 2 to ... | 1977 | 906095 |
cell-mediated immune response in equine babesiosis. | an intradermal skin test, to demonstrate a delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity reaction in babesia equi infection in donkeys, was developed. a skin reaction to b. equi antigen was elicited in vaccinnated, infected and carrier intact and splenectomised donkeys. the histopathological examination of the skin biopsy revealed infiltration of mononuclear cells and accumulation of oedematous fluid in the deeper layers of the dermis. a leucocyte migration inhibition test was developed and its specificity ... | 1977 | 910301 |