
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
density distribution, characterization, and comparative aspects of the major serum lipoproteins in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus), a new world primate with potential use in lipoprotein research.qualitative, quantitative, and comparative aspects of the serum lipoprotein profile in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus), a new world primate, are described. density gradient ultracentrifugation was used to evaluate lipoprotein distribution and to establish criteria for isolation of discrete molecular fractions. the major lipoprotein classes banded isopycnically on the gradient with the following hydrated densities: vldl, d less than 1.017 g/ml; ldl, d = 1.027--1.055 g/ml; hdl fraction i, ...1979227447
argentine hemorrhagic fever: a primate model.experimental junin virus infection of a new world primate, callithrix jacchus, was evaluated. the virus produced anorexia, loss of weight, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, and hemorrhagic and neurological symptoms and terminated in death. virus was recovered from urine, blood samples and all tissues taken at autopsy. these preliminary observations show that several aspects of the experimental disease in c. jacchus are quite similar to severe natural argentine hemorrhagic fever of man.1979227811
peripheral plasma levels of progesterone, oestradiol-17 beta, oestrone, testosterone, androstenedione and chorionic gonadotrophin during pregnancy in the marmoset monkey, callithrix jacchus.concentrations of lh/cg, androstenedione and testosterone rose in early pregnancy to maximum values at 6--10 weeks. thereafter lh/cg levels declined and androstenedione and testosterone levels remained at plateau values or declined until term. progesterone, oestradiol-17 beta and oestrone increased after ovulation and remained high throughout pregnancy. at 12 weeks, when lh/cg levels were falling, progesterone and oestradiol rose well above the luteal-phase levels which were maintained for the f ...1979112249
the effects of gonadectomy and oestradiol-17 beta on pituitary responsiveness to lh-rh in the adult male marmoset (callithrix jacchus).exogenous luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (lh-rh) administered in a wide range of doses (0.2-25 micrograms) to intact male marmoset monkeys induced a marked increased in plasma luteinizing hormone (lh) concentrations. maximum lh concentrations achieved after injection of lh-rh occurred progressively later as the dosage increased. bilateral orchidectomy sigificantly enhanced pituitary responsiveness to a standard dose (2.0 microgram) of lh-rh, whereas the introduction of oestradiol-17 beta ...1979116001
ureaplasmas in the marmoset (callithrix jacchus): transmission and elimination.all adult marmosets tested had ureaplasmas in their throats but not in the lower respiratory tract, and rarely in the genital tract. ureaplasmas persisted in the throat of a marmoset separated from the colony for 44 days. they could not be recovered from the animals for at least nine weeks after a course of minocycline. airborne reinfection did not occur when these animals were surrounded by, but separate from, infected marmosets. it occurred when the minocycline-treated animals were caged with ...1979119862
pregnancy diagnosis in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus jacchus).abdominal palpation of the uterus was carried out on 25 pregnant and 29 non-pregnant marmosets (callithrix jacchus jacchus). 195 complete 24-hour urine specimens, collected between the first week of gestation and term (21 weeks), were tested with the sub-human primate tube (shpt) test. no significant differences between the two methods in their ability to diagnose pregnancy were obtained between the first and 13th week of gestation. the shpt test was seldom positive after the 13th week of pregna ...1979120302
plasmodium knowlesi in the marmoset (callithrix jacchus).common marmosets were shown to be susceptible to plasmodium knowlesi malaria. the morphology of the parasite was indistinguishable from the observed in the natural host (macaca fascicularis) and the common laboratory model (macaca mulatta). a differential susceptibility to p. knowlesi was observed in the 8 marmosets studied. multiplication rates of parasites were variable over 24 h periods. five animals died of a fulminating infection within 12--17 days after challenge. three animals recovered s ...197933359
hepatitis a and b: serologic survey of human and nonhuman primate sera.sera of humans and seven species of nonhuman primates were tested by radioimmunoassay and enzyme immunoassay for the presence of hepatitis a antibody, hepatitis b surface antigen and antibody to hepatitis b surface antigen. the outcome of testing a total of 276 serum or plasma specimens was as follows: with the exception of squirrel monkeys (0%) and cotton-top marmosets (0%), a considerable percentage of all other species tested had detectable antibodies to hepatitis a virus: humans 45.9%, chimp ...19806253744
[infection of new world primates by junin virus. ii callithrix jacchus]. 19806253762
herpesvirus saimiri: protective effect of attenuated strain against lymphoma attenuated strain of herpesvirus saimiri (a-hvs) induced a persistent, latent infection in common marmosets. virus was recovered from circulating lymphocytes of infected animals and antibody response to virus-specified antigens was demonstrated over 3-12 months pi. a-hvs-infected common marmosets and animals without previous a-hvs exposure were challenged with oncogenic hvs (125-825 pfu); marmosets without a-hvs infection developed malignant lymphoproliferative disease and died 3 weeks pi whe ...19806265382
natural antibodies to ebv-vca antigens in common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) and response after ebv inoculation.healthy common marmosets from two separate colonies, one in england and one in france, were found to have antibodies cross-reacting with epstein-barr virus structural antigens (ebv-vca). all seropositive animals were at least 2 years old. experimental ebv infection of marmosets of different ages led to seroconversion of inoculated weanlings. adult animals either developed antibody for the first time or showed an increase in their existing titers. both control and infected animals developed a pro ...19806265400
a stereotaxic x-ray map of the hypothalamus of the marmoset monkey callithrix jacchus.precise hypothalamic surgery in the marmoset monkey callithrix jacchus cannot be performed by means of the horsley-clarke stereotaxic procedure. thus, a simple stereotaxic x-ray technique was developed. technical requirements are a stereotaxic frame for small animals and a dental x-ray source. a sagittal map shows hypothalamic structures in relation to surrounding bony landmarks. corresponding coronal plates allow target determination in that plane. intracerebral coordinates based on the positio ...19806766871
[reservoirs and wild vectors of trypanosoma cruzi. lxxv: natural t. cruzi infection of the monkey callithrix jacchus (linnaeus, 1758)]. 19806773112
regulation of oestrogen-induced lh release in male and female marmoset monkeys (callithrix jacchus).the positive-feedback action of oestradiol-17 beta on lh release was studied in gonadectomized male and female and intact male marmoset monkeys. positive feedback was observed in normal intact males in response to a single subcutaneous injection of 35 micrograms oestradiol benzoate. the sustained elevation in oestradiol-17 beta levels achieved by the injections resulted in a marked suppression of circulating testosterone concentrations. subcutaneous injections (0.5 mg/injection) of testosterone ...19806776280
influence of season on birth distribution in marmosets and tamarins.the cotton-topped tamarin in captivity exhibits a seasonal influence on birth distribution, while the captive silvery marmoset, common marmoset, goeldi's monkey and red-mantled tamarin are not significantly affected.19806780724
the effects of phenobarbitone on urinary 6 beta-hydroxycortisol excretion and hepatic enzyme activity in the marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus). 19806971098
[ontogenesis of facial muscles in primates].1. the development of facial muscles is studied in embryos of tupaia belangeri, tupaia javanica, nycticebus coucang, galago dimidovii, tarsius bancanus, callithrix jacchus, colobus badius, colobus verus, nasalis larvatus, and homo sapiens. 2. the facial muscles derive from a superficial blastema (anlage of platysma myoides) and another blastema laying beneath the first one (anlage of sphincter colli muscle). both blastemas grow out from mesenchymal cells of the head after the anlagen of all othe ...19807215749
some pathways of xenobiotic metabolism in the adult and neonatal marmoset (callithrix jacchus).1. an oral dose of [carboxyl-14c]benzoic acid was excreted as hippuric acid or benzoylglucuronide by the adult marmoset callithrix jacchus, and the relative proportions of the metabolites were dose-dependent over the range 1-100mg/kg body weight, the proportion of glucuronideincreasing with increasing dose level. 2. [14c]aspirin was rapidly absorbed by the marmoset, giving peak blood levels within 1 h of dosing. unchanged aspirin (trace to 5% dose) was excreted up to 3 h after dosage. salicylic ...19807415222
a histological and histochemical study of normal and diseased skeletal muscle in marmosets callithrix jacchus. 19806793646
[histoenzymologic data on the epithelial cells of the gastric mucosa of marmosets (callithrix jacchus & callithrix penicillata)].the gastric mucosa of marmosets is devoid of udpg-gt; phosphorylases; g-6-pa; f-1,6-pa; alanyl aminopeptidase and leucine aminopeptidase. only the acid phosphatase was seen with a stronger reactivity in the chief cells. the other enzymes (ldh; g-6-pdh; 6-pgdh; nadph2-tr; cis-aconitase; icdh; sdh; mdh; cytochrome oxidase; nadh2-tr; a-gpdh; b-ohbdh and nonspecific esterase) showed a stronger reactivity in the parietal cells.19806774386
cemented annulation as an age criterion in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).teeth from 18 marmosets, seven months to 5.8 years of age, were studied histologically. a minimum of one dark and one light band comprised one cemental annulation. age was estimated by counting the number of annulations and adding four months to premolar and eight months to canine teeth for tooth development. cemental annulations were most consistent near the gingival border on the labial aspect of the tooth. the method will be valuable in estimating the ages of marmosets and other nonhuman prim ...19806777495
organ weight data in juvenile and adult marmosets (callithrix jacchus). 19816804710
plasma prolactin concentrations during the ovarian cycle and lactation and their relationship to return of fertility post partum in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).a heterologous double-antibody radioimmunoassay was used to measure plasma prolactin concentrations in 27 marmosets. the assay was valid for the marmoset because plasma levels of prolactin were increased in response to trh and metoclopramide and suppressed in response to bromocriptine treatment. during the cycle there were no consistent changes in plasma prolactin concentrations. during lactation mothers suckling single or twin infants had higher prolactin levels than did non-suckling females an ...19816788944
a new approach to the role of noradrenaline in learning: problem-solving in the marmoset after alpha-noradrenergic receptor blockade.nine marmosets (callithrix jacchus) were tested on a variety of visual discrimination learning tasks in a wisconsin general test apparatus with or without alpha-noradrenergic receptor blockade achieved by the administration of aceperone. after aceperone, animals were found to be severely and consistently impaired at learning the first task of each test session and to be impaired on new and repeated reversal learning. they were, however, unimpaired on learning another similar task in each test se ...19816114497
chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis and wasting disease in marmosets (callithrix jacchus).six marmosets (callithrix jacchus), 20 months to 16 years old, died from a disease characterized by weakness and paralysis of the hind legs, weight lose, anemia and transient diarrhea. the lesions most prominent at necropsy were subacute to chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis, subacute to chronic pancreatitis, and generalized hemosiderosis. chronic protein deficiency is believed to be the underlying pathogenic mechanism, since the diet contained no more than 15% animal protein during the last t ...19816806966
supplemental feeding of marmoset (callithrix jacchus) a colony of marmosets (callithrix jacchus), all fifteen infants from five sets of triplet births were successfully reared with their parents. two supplemental feedings were given each infant daily. as an alternative to hand-rearing or foster rearing, the supplemental feeding method eliminated the time-consuming process of hand caring for an infant on a 24-hour per day basis.19816787328
demonstration of ocular dominance columns in a new world primate by means of monocular deprivation.we investigated the pattern transneuronally transported [3h]proline to the visual cortex of normal and deprived marmosets (callithrix jacchus). in the normal marmoset a continuous band of label was evident within layer iv of striate cortex. following injection of the closed eye of deprived marmosets, distinct fluctuations of label were apparent over the base of layer iv in both hemispheres. these results support the hypothesis that the presence of ocular separation of geniculo-striate afferents ...19816162527
competition for a desired food in family groups of the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) and the cotton-top tamarin (saguinus oedipus).four captive groups of common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) and three groups of cotton-top tamarins (saguinus oedipus) were each presented with a desired food and their consumption was monitored. inequalities in consumption between individuals were found for each group of each species. generally, adult females consumed most of the desired food, followed by juveniles, and finally adult males. high consumption levels by all individuals during isolated feedings indicated that consumption inequalit ...19816789003
a micro-method for the evaluation of pha-responsive t cells in callithrix jacchus and macaca fascicularis. 19816802978
husbandry and breeding of a newly-established colony of cotton-topped tamarins (saguinus oedipus oedipus).from november 1976 to february 1979 a total of 8 litters were born to 6 females. of the 14 infants, 10 were successfully reared by their parents. housing, nutrition, a balance between environmental stability and stimulation, and female multiparity are seen as factors contributing to the breeding success of this colony. a controlled male and female pairing programme provided information on mating behavior and gestation length. one gestation of at least 166 days was observed, longer than that of t ...19816790834
pharmacologic manipulations of brain catecholamines and the behavior of callithrix jacchus (marmoset).in experiment 1, groups of marmosets were injected with 50 - 200 mg/kg l-dopa, 0.5 - 2.0 mg/kg apomorphine (ap), or 0.5 - 5.0 mg/kg methamphetamine. the number of head movements, number of body movements, number of times the tongue was extended, and the time the animal remained in an upright posture were scored during a 90-min period after the injections. l-dopa and ap induced large dose-dependent increases in body movements and time in upright posture. furthermore, the smallest dose of ap induc ...19816787644
an assessment of the fertilizing ability of spermatozoa in the epididymis of the marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus).the fertilizing ability of spermatozoa from differ regions of the epididymis of the marmoset monkey, callithrix jacchus, was assessed by determining their rate of fusion with zonaless hamster ova in vitro. this technique tests for functional competence and was validated using epididymal spermatozoa of the hamster whose fertility have been measured previously by in vivo fertilization experiments. the results suggest that some marmoset spermatozoa first acquire the ability to fertilize in the dist ...19817263089
immunological characterization of hemopoietic cells in the common marmoset, rhesus monkey, and man. in search of a model for human marrow transplantation.bone marrow, lymphoid, and peripheral blood cells from the common marmoset and rhesus monkey have been tested with a panel of heterologous and monoclonal antibodies, and their reactivity pattern has been compared with that of blood and bone marrow cells from human donors. conventional antibodies reveal extensive cross-reactivity within the b cell, t cell, and granulocytic systems in all three species, however, some important differences have been exposed. only the monoclonal antibodies to hla-a, ...19816784292
the effect of 3-methylcholanthrene on urinary 6 beta-hydroxycortisol excretion and hepatic enzyme activity in the marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus). 19816794571
inhibition of ovarian function in subordinate female marmoset monkeys (callithrix jacchus jacchus).plasma concentrations of progesterone, cortisol, lh and prolactin were measured in dominant and subordinate female marmosets in 10 well-established peer groups. subordinate females never ovulated, had a reduced lh response to lh-rh and showed no positive feedback lh surge after oestrogen administration. there was no evidence of elevated plasma cortisol levels or hyperprolactinaemia in subordinates and all showed a similar prolactin response to trh in comparison with dominants. however, subordina ...19816795346
experimental leishmania chagasi infections in the marmoset callithrix jacchus jacchus. 19816795773
cytoarchitecture of the oculomotor nuclear complex and of the trochlear nucleus in the marmoset (callithrix jacchus).the cytoarchitecture of the oculomotor nuclear complex (onc) and of the trochlear nucleus (tn) was studied in the encephalon of 10 adult marmosets (callithrix jacchus). all the encephala were fixed with bouin, embedded in paraffin and submitted to 20-mum serial sections in the transversal, frontal and horizontal directions. the following staining methods were employed: nissl, kluver-barrera, and pal-weigert, modified by erhart [1951]. morphologically we delimited four cell columns in the onc of ...19816798814
vaccination of callithrix jacchus (linné, 1758) marmosets with the pf strain of trypanosoma cruzi. 19816817024
acute gastric dilatation in common marmosets (callithrix jacchus). 19816281555
syncytium-forming virus of common marmosets (callithrix jacchus jacchus).this communication describes the isolation and characterization of a new syncytium-forming virus of common marmosets (callithrix jacchus jacchus). the virus, isolated from skin explants and peripheral leukocytes of healthy animals, induced syncytia and subsequent cytolysis of several human, simian, and rodent fibroblastic cultures and induced a carrier state in mixed fibroblastic-epithelial or epithelial cell lines. cytoplasmic and nuclear viral antigen was demonstrated in infected cells by indi ...19816164648
the comparative ultrastructure of the epididymis in monkeys and man: a search for a suitable animal model for studying epididymal physiology in assess both the need and potential of different primates for studying human epididymal function, the ultrastructure of the epididymis in several new and old world monkeys has been compared with that of man. sexually mature monkeys of six species were used; three talapoin monkeys, two pig-tail macaques, one patas monkey, one capuchin, one spider monkey, and four common marmosets. samples of human epididymis were obtained from men undergoing vasectomy. tissue was examined by light and electron ...198131995940
comparative anatomy of brain monoaminergic neurons in new world and old world monkeys.a comparison of the distribution of brain monoamine neurons in several new world and old world monkeys was undertaken using the falck-hillarp formaldehyde histofluorescence technique. the overall organization of the monoamine neurons was very similar in all species, although subtle variations were found. catecholamine (noradrenaline and dopamine) and indoleamine (serotonin) cell bodies corresponding to groups a1-a7, a8-a10, and b1-b9, respectively were found throughout the brainstem. a few catec ...198232197559
clinical hematology of the common marmoset callithrix jacchus.hematological studies have been carried out on a group of 96 common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) on which full clinical histories were available. the group included both healthy and sick animals. reference values for red-cell, white-cell, and platelet counts; hemoglobin levels; packed cell volumes; red- and white-cell absolute values; reticulocyte counts; and fibrinogen levels were calculated from results obtained in 43 clinically normal individuals. these reference values have been used to id ...198231991976
skin reaction in callithrix jacchus penicillata to phytohemagglutinin.sixty marmosets (callithrix jacchus penicillata) were intradermally tested with phytohemagglutinin. it was possible to classify this population into three groups on the basis of the reactions: 1. negatives, 2. those which showed just local hemorrhage, and finally 3. a group which developed a wheal as well as hemorrhage. the biopsy at the site of the reaction demonstrated several microscopic foci. this finding contrasted with the homogeneous cellular infiltration found in the human controls.19826187198
junin virus infection of calithrix jacchus: haematological findings.haematological changes produced by experimental junin virus infection of a platyrrhine monkey, callithrix jacchus were studied. normocytic and normochromic anaemia appeared after 7 days post infection (p. i.), and increased steadily until day 21 p. i. reticulocytes and circulating erythroblasts were elevated during the anaemia, reached a peak on day 7 p. i., and disappeared later. platelets and leukocytes showed a significant decrease from days 14 and 18 p. i., respectively. these alterations co ...19826127935
poxvirus infection in a colony of common marmosets (callithrix jacchus).an epizootic poxvirus infection occurred in a colony of 80 common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) recently introduced to a laboratory facility. over an 18-week period, 29 of the monkeys exhibited skin lesions that persisted for 4-6 weeks. although eight marmosets died during the outbreak, their deaths were not attributed directly to the poxvirus infection. the skin lesions developed over the entire body surface including the soles and palms. initially characterized as erythematous papules, they q ...19826281571
analysis of dr-like molecules on a marmoset epstein-barr virus-induced cell line using a monomorphic anti-human hla-dr monoclonal antibody.mouse anti-hla d region-related (dr) monoclonal antibodies have been found to cross-react with peripheral blood leukocytes from one primate species, the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus). immunoprecipitates of radioactively labeled cells extracted from a marmoset epstein-barr virus-induced cell line were analyzed by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and compared with the dr antigens of a human lymphoblastoid b cell line. two chains of estimated molecular weights of 34 000 (alpha) a ...19826284521
cross-protection in nonhuman primates against argentine hemorrhagic fever.the susceptibility of the marmoset callithrix jacchus to tacaribe virus infection was investigated to perform cross-protection studies between junin and tacaribe viruses. five marmosets inoculated with tacaribe virus failed to show any signs of disease, any alterations in erythrocyte, leukocyte, reticulocyte, and platelet counts or any changes in hematocrit or hemoglobin values. no tacaribe virus could be recovered from blood at any time postinfection. anti-tacaribe neutralizing antibodies appea ...19826276301
development of a marmoset colony in australia.a breeding nucleus of 15 pairs of callithrix jacchus jacchus was imported from an established colony in the united kingdom in 1978, and these have now multiplied to 137 animals. good reproductive efficiency and growth rates have occurred in this colony, with minimal problems from diseases of nutritional or infectious origin. one episode of cessation of breeding and abortions was attributed to excessive noise and disturbance of the normal routine.19826819408
2-hydroxystilbamidine isethionate: a new fluorochrome for use in general pathology. ii. the selective demonstration of fungi.paraffin sections of kidney, lung and oesophagus containing aspergillus sp., cryptococcus neoformans and candida sp. were taken from human post mortem material and from the marmoset callithrix jacchus. sections were stained for 1-5 min in buffered 2-hydroxystilbamidine isethionate containing sodium metabisulphite after pre-oxidation in 1 per cent aqueous periodic acid. sections were dehydrated, cleared and mounted in polymount. when excited with uv light hyphae and fungal bodies fluoresced white ...19826897222
the postnatal development of the temporomandibular joint of the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).the temporomandibular joints (tmj) of 55 male and 50 female common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) with an age range of 1 day- to < 12-yr-old have been studied to extend the knowledge on the craniomandibular articulation of this primate. details of changes in the bone structure, gross and functional anatomy, and histologic appearance of the marmoset tmj during the neonatal period, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood are compared with those which occur in the tmj of man. it is concluded ...19826153018
rapid regression of fetal adrenal zone and absence of adrenal reticular zone in the marmoset.developmental changes in plasma dehydropiandrosterone (dha) and in adrenal histology were studied in several marmoset species (callithrix jacchus and saguinus labiatus, nigricollis, and fuscicollis) to evaluate these primates as experimental models for the study of fetal adrenal zone regression. newborn marmosets had a prominent fetal adrenal zone, plasma dha levels above 1000 ng/dl, and plasma dha sulfate (dhas) levels of 140 micrograms/dl. the fetal zone regressed dramatically during the first ...19826216097
long-term experiments with a newly-developed standardized diet for the new world primates callithrix jacchus jacchus and callithrix jacchus penicillata (marmosets). 19826804711
organophosphate poisoning in marmosets.due to faulty use of a chlorpyriphos-diazinon combination as a pesticide within a laboratory animal house, 19 marmosets of 2 species (saguinus fuscicollis and callithrix jacchus) of 98 at risk died from organophosphorous poisoning (19%) mortality). the clinical signs were those of cholinesterase inhibitors. the morphological lesions consisted predominantly of haemorrhages in several organs, particularly the cns, and of bone marrow necroses.19826176756
distribution of catecholamine and indoleamine neurons in the brain of the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).the distribution of monoamine neurons in the brains of ten common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) was examined by means of the falck-hillarp formaldehyde histofluorescence technique. large populations of catecholamine and indoleamine neurons were found throughout the brain stem. catecholamine cell bodies corresponded essentially to th noradrenaline and dopamine groups defined as a1-a7 and a8-a14, respectively. in contrast to old world primate species, however, the noradrenaline cell populations ( ...19826804424
[ovarian cycle of the common marmoset]. 19826818835
plasma progesterone levels throughout the ovarian cycle of the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).radioimmunoassay of progesterone in marmoset plasma has been used to determine ovarian cycle length. total cycle length was 30.1 +/- 3.8 days (mean +/- sd, n = 30, range 24-41 days, median 29.5 days). the pre-ovulatory (follicular) phase, during which progesterone levels were below 10 ng/ml, lasted for 8.8 +/- 3.7 days (mean +/- sd, n = 30, range 3-20 days, median 8.5 days). the post-ovulatory (luteal) phase, during which progesterone levels were greater than 10 ng/ml, lasted for 21.5 +/- 2.2 da ...19826811748
the first weeks of cohabitation of newly-formed heterosexual pairs of common marmosets (callithrix jacchus).16 pairs of common marmosets were formed, six of which were observed for 7 weeks, and ten for 4 weeks. a variety of behaviours was recorded, including sexual mounting, male tongue-smacking, female slit-eyed tongue-flicking, scent marks, huddling, allogrooming and autogrooming. behaviours associated with sexual encounters occurred initially at high levels but declined during the study period. the incidence of sexual mounting was closely related to that of male tongue-smacking and female slit-eyed ...19826804341
failure of lactation to have a consistent effect on interbirth interval in the common marmoset, callithrix jacchus jacchus. 19826802732
reproduction, infant survival and productivity of a colony of common marmosets (callithrix jacchus jacchus).starting with 4 pairs of marmosets, 204 young were successfully reared during 6 years. they were kept in family groups of 2- 10. litter size varied from 1-4; singletons (2%), twins (35%), triplets (55%), and quadruplets (8%). the mean annual increase of weaned young was 3.24 per pair. the median interbirth interval was 154 days. of 46 pairs of marmosets, 8 failed to produce young. approximately 11% of young born were stillborn and a further 32% of all young born died within 3 weeks; perinatal mo ...19826801393
craniofacial growth in young marmosets (callithrix jacchus).a cross-sectional study of craniofacial growth in young marmosets was performed. selected linear craniofacial measurements were obtained from groups of 5 animals of each sex at 3 monthly intervals from birth to 1 year. these data provide a baseline for comparison with other colonies and in the assessment of teratogens on craniofacial development.19836431179
follicular growth & induction of ovulation by gonadotrophins in the common marmoset callithrix jacchus. 19836425207
timing of ovulation and implantation in the common marmoset, callithrix jacchus, by monitoring of estrogens and 6 beta-hydroxypregnanolone in urine.urinary estrogen and 6 beta-hydroxypregnanolone excretions have been determined in female marmosets by means of hptlc. the levels observed in cycling females during implantation and abortion are reported. hormone analysis revealed a characteristic pattern showing cyclic fluctuations of estrogens and progesterone. estrogen metabolites increase during the follicular phase up to 1 microgram/ml, the progesterone metabolite level rises to 1.2 micrograms/ml urine during the luteal phase. maximum value ...19836416225
the effect of the ovarian cycle on the sexual behaviour of the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).the sexual behaviour of 7 pairs of marmosets was observed during 30 minute tests for 44-68 days and blood samples were collected from females for measurement of plasma progesterone, testosterone and oestrone. copulations occurred throughout the ovarian cycle of 24-30 days. females used a "tongue-flicking" display both as an invitational behaviour (proceptive tongue-flicks) and during copulation (receptive tongue-flicks) most frequently during the peri-ovulatory period. frequencies of proceptivit ...19836683847
further consideration of the learning impairment after aceperone in the marmoset: effects of the drug on shape and colour discrimination and on an alternation task.ten marmosets (callithrix jacchus) learned to discriminate between pairs of small grey objects differing only in shape or small plain plaques differing only in colour, in a wisconsin general test apparatus. each day, each animal was presented with three consecutive visual discrimination problems in the order shape-colour-shape or colour-shape-colour. after aceperone, an alpha-noradrenergic antagonist, animals were impaired at learning the first but not the subsequent tasks of each trio. these re ...19836222386
body weight changes throughout pregnancy in the common marmoset callithrix female common marmosets were weighed weekly for periods of 6-30 months. of 27 animals, 25 were pregnant at some stage of the investigation. patterns of body weight change throughout singleton, twin and triplet pregnancies were obtained and compared. maternal weight increase was dependent on the number of young in utero; however, little or no change in weight was observed during the first 13 weeks of gestation, irrespective of the number of offspring delivered subsequently. the overall mate ...19836423468
an investigation of the effects of intracerebral injection in the marmoset of cytopathic cerebrospinal fluid from patients with schizophrenia or neurological experiments designed to investigate transmission, cerebrospinal fluid (csf) from patients with schizophrenia and neurological disease (huntington's chorea and multiple sclerosis) which had been found to induce cytopathic effects in human embryonic fibroblast cell culture was injected intracerebrally into mice, hamsters and marmosets (small new world primates). no evidence was obtained of transmission to mice or hamsters. a total of 15 marmosets (callithrix jacchus) was injected intracerebrall ...19836226054
a survey of the pathology of marmosets (callithrix jacchus) derived from a marmoset breeding unit.the results of a survey of the major pathological conditions encountered in an established breeding colony of common cotton-eared marmosets (callithrix jacchus) is presented. 265 home-bred and 70 imported wild-caught marmosets were examined. a heinz body haemolytic anaemia and skeletal muscle myopathy were the most common pathological findings and were considered to be a result of a complex nutritional deficiency involving vitamin e, selenium and protein. inflammatory disease of the intestinal t ...19836431178
an outbreak of bordetella bronchiseptica pneumonia in a colony of common marmosets (callithrix jacchus).an outbreak of bordetella bronchiseptica pneumonia occurred in a breeding colony of common marmosets (callithrix jacchus). 16 animals, all except one under 12 months of age, died suddenly. extensive lesions of pneumonia and pleurisy were found at necropsy and b. bronchiseptica was isolated from the nasopharynx, trachea and lungs. older animals had only a mild rhinitis. colonization of the nasal mucosa occurred in 71 of 156 marmosets.19836431182
radiographic evaluation of appendicular skeletal maturation in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).the thoracic appendicular skeletal development of five common marmosets was monitored radiographically at weekly intervals from 1 day to 94 weeks of age and the times of appearance and fusion of 47 ossification centers were recorded. a range and average age for the appearance and fusion of each ossification center were calculated and compared to data available for the rhesus monkey and man.19836438328
a comparison of craniofacial growth between two colonies of marmosets (callithrix jacchus).general and craniofacial measurements from young marmosets in a recently established australian colony are presented and compared with similar data published for a long-established colony in the united kingdom. statistically significant differences between the colonies were those associated with large error variances, suggesting difficulties in locating certain landmarks rather than real differences in growth. thus, direct comparison can be made between craniofacial growth studies conducted at t ...19836438332
investigations into the induction of chronic experimental arthritis in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).in an attempt to produce a superior model of rheumatoid arthritis, experiments have been performed to investigate the ease of induction of experimental arthritis in marmosets by immunological means. marmosets were sensitised with the following combinations of antigen and adjuvant: ovalbumin in freund's complete adjuvant (fca), ovalbumin in fca + bordetella pertussis, methylated-bsa in fca + b. pertussis or human fibrin in fca + b. pertussis, and subsequently injected with the corresponding antig ...19836622924
junin virus infection of callithrix jacchus: pathologic features.infection of callithrix jacchus, a new world primate, with the prototype strain of junin virus produced a severe disease. the animals developed multifocal hemorrhages and characteristic microscopic lesions such as meningoencephalitis, interstitial pneumonia, lymphocytic depletion of lymphatic tissue, hepatocytic necrosis, and a variable decrease in bone marrow cellularity. high virus concentrations correlated with lesions, and with the presence of viral antigenic determinants as revealed by immu ...19836301303
fatal lymphoproliferative disease in a common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) following inoculation of ag876 strain of epstein-barr virus and a tumor-promoting agent: preliminary report.we report here the development of a fatal lymphoproliferative disease in a common marmoset (callithrix jacchus) following inoculation of the ag876 strain of epstein-barr virus (ebv) and of the tumor promoting agent 12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (tpa). the marmoset showed antibodies against ebv capsid and early antigens (vca, ea) but not against nuclear antigen (ebna). ebna was detected in impression smears from lymph nodes and liver, and the presence of the ebv genome was detected from th ...19836303683
respiratory disease associated with parainfluenza type i (sendai) virus in a colony of marmosets (callithrix jacchus).an outbreak of acute respiratory disease was observed in a colony of marmosets (callithrix jacchus). parainfluenza type i (sendai) virus was isolated from the lungs and from throat swabs of 2 animals which showed clinical signs of disease. a rising titre of serum neutralizing antibody to the virus isolated was detected in several affected animals. approximately 50% of the colony showed clinical signs of disease, and 3 animals died. the duration of illness ranged from 3 to 16 days.19836306336
levels of circulating and urinary oestrogens during pregnancy in the marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus).the levels of immunoreactive oestrone, oestradiol-17 beta and oestriol in plasma and urine were measured during early, mid- and late pregnancy in the marmoset monkey. in plasma, unconjugated oestrone remained less than 2% of total (conjugated plus unconjugated) oestrone throughout gestation, whereas unconjugated oestradiol-17 beta increased from 3% of the total value in early and mid-pregnancy to 35% in late pregnancy. the reversal in the unconjugated oestrone: oestradiol-17 beta concentration r ...19836401813
sex steroids and their relationship to binding proteins in the serum of the marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus).a sex hormone binding globulin (shbg) similar to human shbg was identified in marmoset serum based on its gel electrophoretic mobility, isoelectric point and steroid binding properties. levels of serum shbg were measured in immature and mature males, immature females and females during the luteal phase and pregnancy; serum progesterone, 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5 alpha-dht), testosterone, oestradiol-17 beta and oestrone were also measured. mean (+/- s.e.m.) concentrations of shbg in immature ...19836403644
plasma testosterone response to hcg stimulation in the male marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus jacchus).in adult animals the intramuscular injection of hcg was followed by a rapid rise in plasma testosterone levels within 2-3 h and at doses of 40 and 80 i.u. hcg this primary response was followed by a second peak of testosterone at 48 h. prepubertal marmosets also responded to hcg stimulation with a rapid increase in plasma testosterone levels within 3 h, but the magnitude of this peak was lower than that observed in adult animals and no biphasic pattern was observed. in adult and prepubertal anim ...19836403699
placental transfer of hexachlorophene (hcp) in the marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus).autoradiography was used to study the distribution of 2,2'-14c-methylene-bis-(3,4,6-trichlorophenol) (hcp) in pregnant marmoset monkeys in early (day 30-50) and late (around day 120) gestation and in a newborn (11 days old) pup. radioactivity was present in the conceptus at all stages of gestation, although the foetal concentration was lower than the maternal. in the embryo an accumulation was observed in the neural tube and in the embryonic membranes. in the late foetus and newborn monkey the h ...19836408890
relationship between ovarian and placental steroid production during early pregnancy in the marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus).concentrations of progesterone, 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, oestrone and oestradiol-17 beta in peripheral and utero-ovarian vein blood were measured during the first 60 days of pregnancy. the same hormones were also measured in peripheral blood samples from non-fertile cycles. peripheral levels of 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, oestrone and oestradiol increased gradually during early pregnancy whereas concentrations of progesterone declined. the patterns of secretion of progesterone, 17 alpha-h ...19836415278
isolation, characterization and comparative aspects of the major serum apolipoproteins, b-100 and ai, in the common marmoset, callithrix jacchus.the two major apolipoproteins of marmoset serum have been isolated and characterized, and on the basis of physicochemical and immunological criteria are homologous with the human ai and b-100 proteins. marmoset apolipoprotein ai was the principal protein of high-density lipoproteins (hdl) and was purified by gel filtration chromatography and electrophoresis in alkaline-urea polyacrylamide gel followed by electrophoretic elution. purified marmoset apolipoprotein ai displayed an mr of approx. 2700 ...19836418212
transplacental and direct exposure of mouse and marmoset to ethylnitrosourea: analysis of chromosome aberrations.the effect of ethylnitrosourea (enu) on chromosomes of mouse bone marrow cells and transplacentally exposed embryonic liver cells was investigated. chromosome aberrations were found to be dose- and time-dependent. the maximum damage was seen 6 h after the exposure. chromosome aberrations were also induced in bone marrow cells and lymphocytes of marmosets (callithrix jacchus) directly exposed to enu. aberrations did not, however, occur in offspring whose mothers were treated with enu before conce ...19836137079
inhibition of renin in the primate callithrix jacchus (common marmoset).the effects of an antiserum against human kidney renin and of h-142, a peptide inhibitor of human renin, were studied in the primate callithrix jacchus (common marmoset). in severely volume-depleted (low-salt diet and repetitive injections of furosemide), conscious marmosets, the antiserum reduced blood pressure to the same extent as the converting enzyme inhibitor teprotide (-31 +/- 7 sem mmhg and -30 +/- 5 mmhg). in mildly volume-depleted (normal salt diet and single injection of furosemide), ...19836196144
alteration of blood coagulation and complement system in neotropical primates infected with junin virus.the neotropical primate callithrix jacchus infected with junin virus presented an acute disease with hematological and neurological manifestations and died 17 to 24 days after infection. this picture is similar to that of human argentine hemorrhagic fever (ahf). blood coagulation and complement studies were performed in ten c jacchus animals inoculated with 10(3) tcid50 of junin virus, the prototype pathogenic xj strain. four monkeys were used as normal controls. infected monkeys and normal cont ...19836197506
red-bellied tamarins (saguinus labiatus): hematologic reference values and hemopathologic responses.hematologic reference values have been established for captive adult red-bellied tamarins (saguinus labiatus) by carrying out full blood counts and fibrinogen estimations on 25 clinically normal animals. the only significant sex difference detected was in the reticulocyte count which was higher in females than in males. the reference values were used to identify abnormal changes in the blood of nine clinical cases. hypochromic anemia, neutrophilia, and raised fibrinogen levels were found in anim ...198331991968
effects of sibling-rearing experience on future reproductive success in two species of callitrichidae.the survival rate for offspring of mothers who either had or did not have previous experience rearing younger siblings was compared in two callitrichid species, callithrix jacchus and saguinus oedipus. offspring of mothers with sibling-rearing experience had a higher survival percentage than offspring of inexperienced mothers in both species. while 50-60% of offspring of inexperienced c. jacchus mothers survived, no offspring of inexperienced s. oedipus mothers survived. the results suggest that ...198432160724
field notes and geographic distribution of callithrix aurita in eastern brazil.callithrix aurita, an endangered marmoset endemic to eastern brazil, was observed from june to october 1982. preliminary observations suggest that behavioral and morphological differences exist which distinguish c. aurita from the common marmoset, c. jacchus. new data are provided on the geographic distribution of c. aurita, extending it northward within the known ranges of c. penicillata in the states of sao paulo and minas gerais and c. flaviceps in eastern minas gerais.198432106636
behavioral and physiological suppression of fertility in subordinate marmoset laboratory groups of common marmosets (callithrix jacchus jacchus), socially induced reproductive suppression among subordinates and offspring effectively maintained a monogamous breeding system. male subordinates or male offspring were inhibited or restrained from showing sexual behavior, while similarly placed females could also suffer from complete ovarian failure. in well-established families, a familiarity or inbreeding taboo restricted reproduction among otherwise fertile offspring. how ...198431986838
monitoring ovarian function in marmosets and tamarins by the measurement of urinary estrogen metabolites.practical aspects of urinary estrogen analysis were considered with regard to establishing simple and reliable methods for monitoring ovarian function in marmosets and tamarins. changes in the hormone:creatinine ratio in small volumes of urine from the common marmoset were significantly correlated with changes in 24-h excretion. comparison of the metabolism and excretion of estrogens during the ovarian cycle in the common marmoset and cottontop tamarin revealed interesting species differences. h ...198431986836
blood pressure effects of renin inhibition by human renin antiserum in normotensive marmosets.the effects on blood pressure of an antiserum against pure human kidney renin were studied in conscious and anesthetized (pentobarbital, 24 mg x kg-1 i.p.) small new world monkeys (common marmosets). the antiserum inhibited the enzymatic activity of renin by 50% in a dilution of 1:45,000 in marmoset and 1:50,000 in human plasma. the antiserum (0.2 ml i.v.) decreased blood pressure in conscious marmosets on normal sodium intake by 15 +/- 5 (sd) mmhg and after salt depletion by 31 +/- 13 mmhg. a c ...19846199985
binding of human lymphocyte-specific monoclonal antibodies to common marmoset lymphoid cells.commercially available monoclonal antibodies which bind to human lymphocyte subsets were screened for their ability to bind to lymphoid cells from the common marmoset callithrix jacchus. anti-leu-5 and t11 were the only pan t-cell antibodies which reacted strongly. none of the antibodies which bind human lymphocytes of the helper/inducer subpopulation reacted with c. jacchus cells and only one antibody, t8, specific for the cytotoxic/suppressor subset, bound to the marmoset cells. the two antibo ...19846200238
nasal and intrathalamic inoculations of primates with tacaribe virus: protection against argentine hemorrhagic fever and absence of neurovirulence.callithrix jacchus marmosets were inoculated by different routes with two stocks of tacaribe virus, one from suckling mouse brain and another from human diploid mrc5 cells. all 12 primates inoculated by nasal route developed neutralizing serum antibodies without any clinical signs. all 6 primates receiving the mouse brain-tacaribe virus were protected against lethal challenge with pathogenic xj strain of junin virus, while protection was also conferred in 4 out of 6 primates receiving the diploi ...19846148851
the vaccine potential of cell surface glycoproteins from trypanosoma experimental trypanosoma cruzi 90 kda cell surface glycoprotein (gp90) vaccine, previously shown to be protective in mice is similarly effective in marmosets (callithrix jacchus jacchus). protection in the mouse is completely dependent on the adjuvant saponin and immunological studies confirm that gp90 is intrisically poorly immunogenic. both specific antibody and cell mediated immunity are potentiated strongly by saponin and the resulting protective immunity is long lasting (six months). it ...19846151689
ovulation in the marmoset monkey: endocrinology, prediction and detection.circulating progesterone, oestrogens and lh were measured in female marmosets (callithrix jacchus) over the periovulatory period. progesterone concentrations increased in all animals within 1 day of the estimated day of ovulation, confirming the usefulness of this hormone for retrospective detection of ovulation. oestradiol-17 beta and lh both showed a preovulatory rise, but due to the large quantity of plasma required (oestradiol: 0.2 ml) and the length of time taken for the assay (lh: 2-3 days ...19846090570
infectious mononucleosis-like response in common marmosets infected with epstein-barr virus.callithrix jacchus marmosets infected with epstein-barr virus (ebv) with or without concurrent treatment with cyclosporin a (cysa) remained healthy. five marmosets given virus alone developed lymphocytosis and heterophile antibody. antibody to ebv capsid antigens (vca) appeared and remained at titers of 1:40-1:80 from 15 weeks onward. two animals produced antibody to the r component of early antigens (ea) from six weeks onward. five cysa-treated ebv-infected marmosets showed no increase in total ...19846094675
a comparison of tooth eruption patterns between two colonies of young marmosets (callithrix jacchus).the tooth eruption patterns of two large groups of young living marmosets were compared. the eruption sequence was essentially similar and was consistent with previous studies based on smaller numbers of dead animals. at nine mo, however, one group was more advanced than the other, although their craniofacial growth patterns were similar.19846420451
ovariectomy does not abolish proceptive behaviour cyclicity in the common marmoset (callithrix jacchus).unlike in other non-human primates, ovariectomy of the female marmoset did not alter heterosexual interactions. proceptive behaviour bouts retained the same cyclicity, duration and frequency within tests as during the ovarian cycle. significant rises in plasma levels of cortisol, progesterone, oestrone and testosterone were found during these proceptive behaviour bouts and in cortisol, progesterone and oestrone at their onset. results suggest a role for adrenocortical steroids in both maintainin ...19846425446
hematologic and immunologic responses in common marmosets (callithrix jacchus) infected with plasmodium knowlesi and epstein-barr virus.the hematologic and immunologic responses to infection with either the epstein-barr virus alone or infection with epstein-barr virus and plasmodium knowlesi were studied using common marmosets (callithrix jacchus). the assays performed included complete blood cell counts, determinations of natural killer cell activity, and determinations of antibody titers to epstein-barr virus early antigen, virus capsid antigen and the nuclear antigen. while no animal showed signs of lymphoproliferative diseas ...19846328114
the myoglobin of primates: the night monkey, aotes trivirgatus (cebidae, platyrrhini, anthropoidea).the amino acid sequence of the myoglobin of the south american night monkey, aotes trivirgatus, is identical to that of the marmoset (callithrix jacchus [1]) except for residue 21 which is isoleucine in the marmoset, like in all other anthropoids, but valine in aotes. analysis of a possible pathway of the evolution of aotes myoglobin using 18 known primate myoglobin sequences [2-5] supports the classification of the night monkey within anthropoidea and platyrrhini but it indicates that this spec ...19846692912
a survey of the pathology of marmosets (callithrix jacchus) under experiment.a survey of the pathology of 567 laboratory-bred cotton-eared marmosets (callithrix jacchus) is presented. there were few significant pathological changes in animals used in studies up to 6 months in duration, suggesting that the marmoset can be a useful non-human primate species for routine toxicology. the most common pathological changes encountered were chronic colitis, chronic thyroiditis and interstitial mononuclear infiltration in the kidney. no internal parasites were encountered, nor wer ...19846439947
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