
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
studies on the epidemiology of colitis due to clostridium difficile in hamsters.hamsters treated with vancomycin developed enterocolitis significantly more often in a conventional animal room than in a room designed to prevent cross-infection with clostridium difficile. in the conventional room c. difficile was isolated from cages, food racks, floors, buckets, the hands of caretakers, and the stools of animals with enterocolitis but not from untreated hamsters, air, or food from freshly opened bags. c. difficile was not isolated from environmental sources in the clean room. ...19817217712
recurrent pseudomembranous colitis unassociated with prior antibiotic therapy.fulminant and recurring pseudomembranous colitis developed in an elderly woman without prior antibiotic administration within the previous year. stool culture yielded clostridium difficile, and tissue cultures showed c difficile cytotoxin. treatment with vancomycin hydrochloride was initially successful, but a serious relapse after its discontinuation necessitated low-dose long-term prophylaxis. clostridium difficile may be responsible for pseudomembranous colitis unassociated with antibiotic th ...19817224749
[mild spontaneous course of a case of pseudomembranous colitis. case report and literature review].pseudomembranous colitis (pmc) caused by a toxin produced by clostridium difficile is described in the literature as a severe diarrheal disease with a high mortality rate. a case which tends to absolve pmc from this reputation is reported involving an outpatient who developed well documented pmc subsequent to ampicillin therapy but required no treatment. the number of unreported cases of antibiotic-associated colitis with and without pseudomembrane formation is probably very high, since only sev ...19817194502
association of clostridium difficile toxin with symptomatic relapse of chronic inflammatory bowel disease. 19817202941
occurrence of clostridium difficile toxin during the course of inflammatory bowel disease.clostridium difficile toxin, the presumed mechanism of antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis, has been suggested as a contributory factor to mucosal injury in inflammatory bowel disease. we evaluated its incidence and apparent role in 65 consecutive patients with diarrheal and inflammatory bowel diseases. toxin was demonstrated in 3 of 18 patients with ulcerative colitis (17%), 1 of 26 with crohn's colitis (4%), and 5 of 21 with a variety of diarrheal illnesses (24%). toxin appeared onl ...19817202942
clostridium difficile and inflammatory bowel disease. 19817202955
case report. clindamycin associated pseudomembranous colitis.pseudomembranous colitis is rare in children. we describe a case associated with clindamycin in which clostridium difficile and its enterotoxin were isolated from the stool. treatment with oral vancomycin brought about a prompt and complete recovery.19817211374
epidemiology of antibiotic-associated colitis; isolation of clostridium difficile from the hospital environment.clostridium difficile is the most important cause of antibiotic-associated colitis. using selective media, it was found that contamination with this organism was common in the environment of patients in the hospital with the disease. it was often found on floors, hoppers, toilets, bedding, mops, scales and furniture. this organism was also present on these items, but less often, in areas in which patients known to carry this hardy spore-forming organism had not been detected. air, food and walls ...19817211925
bacteria newly recognized as nosocomial pathogens.bacteria recently recognized as nosocomial pathogens generally fall into three categories: those that grow slowly, those that are fastidious in their nutritional or atmospheric requirements and those that resemble commensals. each characteristic has contributed to the delay in perceiving their importance. mycobacterium chelonei and myco. fortuitum--which grow slowly, although characterized as "rapid-growing" mycobacteria--cause sternal osteomyelitis, pericarditis and endocarditis after cardiac s ...19817008590
evaluation of eight cephalosporins in hamster colitis model.eight commonly used cephalosporins were evaluated in the hamster colitis mode. they were all found to cause hemorrhagic cecitis and death within 10 days of being given as subcutaneous or oral challenges. necropsy findings were indistinguishable from clindamycin-induced cecitis. bacteria-free cecal filtrate obtained from hamsters dying of cephalosporin-induced cecitis contained toxin similar or identical to hat produced by clostridium difficile isolated from the cecum of a hamster. daily oral adm ...19816973951
isolation rates and toxigenic potential of clostridium difficile isolates from various patient populations.stool specimens in various patient populations were examined to determine isolation rates of clostridium difficile and the frequency with which this organism produces a cytopathic toxin in vitro. clostridium difficile was isolated from 13 of 45 healthy neonates who had never received antimicrobials and the cytotoxin was detected in 12. with 23 healthy children aged 4 to 24 mo the organism was recovered from 2 children and the cytotoxin was detected in 1. neither the organism nor the cytotoxin wa ...19817239125
antitoxin production in antibiotic-associated colitis?the production of antitoxin after clostridium difficile-induced diarrhoea has not been reported previously. the stool of a patient with prolonged antibiotic-associated diarrhoea contained c. difficile toxin, and the serum neutralised the cytopathic effect of c. difficile toxin in tissue culture.19817240430
clostridium difficile antitoxin neutralization of cecal toxin(s) from guinea pigs with penicillin-associated colitis. 19817242013
antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis in children.ten cases of antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis in children are reviewed. the ages ranged from 4 years to 17 years; the most frequently implicated antimicrobial agents were penicillins in six children and clindamycin in two. stool assays showed specimens from all ten patients yielded a cytopathic toxin which was neutralized by clostridium sordellii antitoxin with titers ranging from 1:40 to 1:40,000. bacterial cultures of nine specimens uniformly yielded clostridium difficile with a ...19817243476
recovery of clostridium difficile from children.the occurrence of clostridium difficile in faecal specimens of 218 children, aged 2 weeks to 15 years, was studied. the organism was recovered from 43 (20%) of the children (range 2 weeks to 10 years). the isolation frequency was significantly correlated to age. thus, in children 1 to 8 months of age the organism occurred in 64%, while in children below and above that age c. difficile could only be recovered in 4%. no significant difference in the recovery frequency could be demonstrated between ...19817244558
the biological and clinical significance of clostridium difficile. 19817249664
aetiology of acute diarrhoea in adults.we have studied 73 adults with acute diarrhoea and identified a micro-organism or toxin likely to be the cause in 58%. in addition to routinely cultured bacteria, campylobacter coli/jejuni and clostridium difficile were important pathogens in the community. patients who developed diarrhoea after antibiotic use had a distinctive clinical syndrome and comprised the third largest group of cases. clinical, epidemiological, and histological features in an additional group with negative cultures and n ...19817250751
faecal toxin and severity of antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis.the relationship between faecal toxin titre, histological evidence of pseudomembrane in the rectum, and severity of antibiotic-associated colitis has been analysed from data on 62 patients whose faeces contained clostridium difficile toxin. there was a significant correlation between a toxin titre of 6400 or more and the presence of pseudomembrane (p less than 005). there was no correlation between toxin titre, duration of diarrhoea, total white cell count, temperature, serum albumin or serum or ...19817251895
antimicrobial agents implicated in clostridium difficile toxin-associated diarrhea of colitis.records were reviewed for 329 patients who had antibiotic-associated diarrhea or colitis with stools showing a cytopathic toxin which is neutralized by clostridium sordellii antitoxin. previous studies indicate that the detection of this toxin implicate clostridium difficile as the responsible pathogen. a spectrum of anatomical results in the colonic mucosa were found ranging from pseudomembranous colitis in 136 patients to an entirely normal endoscopic condition in 36 patients. the most frequen ...19817253364
isolation of clostridium difficile from the feces and the antibody in sera of young and elderly adults.attempts were made to isolate clostridium difficile from a total of 431 fecal specimens from 149 young and 213 elderly healthy adults, and 69 elderly adults with cerebrovascular disease but no gastrointestinal disease. c difficile was isolated from 49 specimens, and the frequency of isolation was 15.4% in healthy young adults, 7.0% in healthy elderly adults, and 15.9% in elderly adults with cerebrovascular disease. thirty-four (about 70%) of the 49 c. difficile strains isolated produced cytotoxi ...19817253967
presence of clostridium difficile toxin in guinea pigs with penicillin-associated colitis.cecal filtrates from guinea pigs treated with penicillin contained a toxin which produced cytotoxic changes in hela cell cultures and was lethal to guinea pigs when administered intracecally. the cytotoxicity could be neutralized by clostridium difficile and c. sordellii antitoxins, but not by other clostridial antitoxins. rabbit immunization with toxic cecal extracts produced antibody which neutralized the cytotoxicity of guinea pig cecal extracts, of stool extracts from humans with antibiotic- ...19817254132
survival after necrotizing enterocolitis of leukemia treated with oral vancomycin.a 56-yr-old female with chronic lymphocytic leukemia developed hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia. prednisone therapy was instituted, but her disease was further complicated by the development of necrotizing enterocolitis. no specific enteropathogens were identified, and the stools were consistently negative for clostridium difficile toxin. treatment with vancomycin was instituted and resulted in complete recovery. in view of the high mortality and poor results of treatment in necrotizing ent ...19817262524
relative frequency of clostridium difficile in patients with diarrheal disease.we have studied 161 patients with diarrheal disease to determine the frequency with which clostridium difficile occurs in such patients. c. difficile or its toxin or both were detected in stools from 19 patients (11.9%), 17 of whom had previously received antimicrobial agents. enteric pathogens other than c. difficile were recovered less frequently, with salmonella sp., giardia lamblia, and campylobacter fetus being recovered from 4.1, 2.5, and 1.3%, respectively, of the patients studied. these ...19817263852
role of clostridium difficile in ulcerative colitis. 19817270555
transferable tetracycline resistance in clostridium difficile.the transfer of tetracycline resistance among strains of clostridium difficile is described. transfer occurred by a conjugation-like event that was insensitive to deoxyribonuclease, could not be mediated by donor culture filtrates or chloroform-treated donor cultures, and required cell-to-cell contact. tetracycline-resistant progeny recovered from matings displayed a resistance phenotype identical to that of the donor in level of resistance, constitutive expression, and transmissibility. althoug ...19817271279
[isolation of clostridium difficile toxin from the feces of a patient with ulcerative colitis (author's transl)]. 19817277815
clostridium difficile toxin. 19817280010
clostridium difficile associated with pseudomembranous colitis. occurrence in a 12-week-old infant without prior antibiotic a previously healthy 12-week-old male infant with a two-week history of poor feeding, colic, and bloody stools, pseudomembranous colitis developed. no prior antibiotics were administered although the child had received dicyclomine hydrochloride. clostridium difficile and its toxin were detected in the child's stool. severe disseminated intravascular coagulopathy developed; the patient required total colectomy but eventually recovered. clostridium difficile colonization has not, to our knowled ...19817282658
detection of clostridium difficile toxin by counterimmunoelectrophoresis: a note of caution.recent methods for detection of clostridium difficile toxin by counterimmunoelectrophoresis might lead to errors. false-positives may be attributable to soluble cell surface antigens reacting with impure antitoxin.19817287891
pseudomembranous enterocolitis and the aetiological role of clostridium difficile. an overview of the recent literature. 19817292202
nonantibiotic-associated enterocolitis caused by clostridium difficile in an infant. 19817299553
occurrence of toxin-producing clostridium difficile in antibiotic-associated diarrhea in sweden.from 1324 patients with antibiotic-associated diarrhea (aad) 1643 stool samples were analyzed by a cell test for clostridium difficile toxin in stool filtrates and cultivation for occurrence of c. difficile strains. in patients with no detectable toxin in their stool strains of c. difficile were isolated in 2.2% whereas when toxin was detectable, the isolation rate varied from 17% to 36%. furthermore, there was a correlation between toxin titre in stool filtrate and production of cytotoxin in vi ...19817300801
treatment of clostridium difficile colitis and diarrhea with vancomycin.toxigenic clostridium difficle is the major cause of antibiotic-associated colitis and is susceptible to vancomycin at fecal concentrations achieved with oral therapy. the effect of oral vancomycin was studied in 16 patients with c. difficile-related diarrhea or colitis, 12 of whom had colitis documented by endoscopy, biopsy, and/or barium enema. four patients had antibiotic-associated diarrhea and possibly antibiotic-associated colitis, because sigmoidoscopy either showed normal results (two pa ...19817304654
suppression of clostridium difficile by normal hamster cecal flora and prevention of antibiotic-associated cecitis.administration of normal cecal homogenates decreased numbers of viable clostridium difficile and prevented cecitis in antibiotic-challenged hamsters. cecal anaerobes appeared to suppress c. difficile.19817309245
agglutination, toxigenicity and sorbitol fermentation of clostridium difficile.a total of 79 clostridium difficile strains from different sources (50 strains from the fecal specimens of healthy adults, 13 from patients receiving antibiotics without gastrointestinal complications, 13 from antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis (pmc) or diarrhea patients, and three strains from atcc) were investigated for agglutinability, using formol-treated cells as antigen, in relation to toxigenicity. c. difficile strains tested were divided into four serovars, i, ii, iii, and iv ...19817311886
[the role of clostridium difficile in diarrhea appearing after antibiotic treatment: a study of 87 cases]. 19817315125
[the absorption, excretion and influence on bowel flora of oral paromomycin sulfate (author's transl)].the absorption, excretion and influence on bowel flora of oral paromomycin sulfate (aminosidine, prm) were studied in ten normal volunteers taking a normal diet, and the following results were obtained. 1. serum levels of prm were observed 0.46 micrograms/ml at a half hour, 1.14 micrograms/ml at 1 hour, 1.48 micrograms/ml at 2 hours, 0.70 micrograms/ml at 4 hours, 0.29 micrograms at 6 hours and were almost faded out at 12 hours after 4 grams of oral administration. 2. during 0 approximately 2 ho ...19817321186
[clostridium difficile colitis without previous antibiotic therapy]. 19817321698
comparative in vitro activity of new beta-lactam antibiotics against anaerobic bacteria.several new beta-lactam antimicrobial agents have been introduced in the last few years. in this investigation, the in vitro activities of several recently introduced cephalosporins (cefoperazone, cefotaxime, ceftazidime, and ceftizoxime), moxalactam, and n-formimidoyl thienamycin were compared with those of cefoxitin, clindamycin, and metronidazole against 203 strains of anaerobic bacteria. at achievable serum levels, all of the antimicrobial agents were active against essentially 100% of the s ...19817325628
clostridium difficile colitis in a rabbit following antibiotic therapy for pasteurellosis. 19817332710
comparison of two toxins produced by clostridium difficile.clostridium difficile was shown to produce a toxin which could be biochemically separated from the previously described cytotoxin of the same organism. the two proteins differ in biological activity and physical properties. antiserum prepared to the second toxin does not neutralize the biological activity of the cytotoxin, and immunological cross-reactivity could not be demonstrated. however, some relationship may exist between the two toxins, since the newly described toxin degrades on polyacry ...19817333662
clostridium difficile--a toxigenic pathogen. 19817334919
clostridium difficile isolated from a goat. 19817336534
[clostridium difficile in antibiotics induced colitis (author's transl)]. 19817342624
simplified procedure for the routine isolation of clostridium difficile from faeces.the use of alcohol, at a final concentration of 50%, as a selective procedure for the isolation of clostridium difficile was compared to a selective medium containing 250 microgram /ml of cycloserine and 10 microgram /ml of cefoxitin. of 266 faecal samples 82 were shown to be positive by one or other method. seventy-seven (94%) of these were detected by the selective agar (sa) and 72 (88%) by the alcohol procedure (ap). ten samples (12%) were positive only by sa and five samples (6%) by ap only ...19817031097
simple method for isolation and presumptive identification of clostridium difficile.clostridium difficile can be isolated from stools and presumptively identified by inoculating the stools onto cccba and the culture looked at under ultra violet light where the golden-yellow fluorescent colonies show up against a dark background. the colonies are then identified by testing them using the api zym system and the results further confirmed by testing the culture for toxin production using the tissue culture technique employing cl. sordellii antitoxin.19817032146
[role of clostridium and its toxin in pseudo-membranous colitis (author's transl)].at present many authors consider that pseudo-membranous colitis is of bacterial origin. the main pathogenic agent is clostridium difficile. it is not easy to isolate this organism in the stool, selective media are under study. it liberates a lipo-glycoprotein exotoxin during lysis. it is only partially purified, its structure is not fully elucidated. its molecular weight is not yet precisely determined. it consists of several polymerised polypeptide fragments of molecular weight 50 000. it is a ...19817011118
[detection of "clostridium difficile" on minimal and selective medium and by immunofluorescence antibody staining (author's transl)].a minimal and selective medium containing 5 aminoacids, 3 vitamins, a low sugar concentration and 2 antibiotics (cefoxitin at 16 microgram/ml and streptomycin at 500 microgram/ml) is described for isolation of clostridium difficile from the gut. comparable results were obtained with this medium and using spore isolation by the sodium thioglycolate-lysozyme technique. an antiserum specific to c. difficile was prepared and used for detection by immunofluorescent antibody staining. this is a very s ...19817015956
pseudomembranous (antibiotic-associated) colitis.we have come to understand the cause of antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis (pmc) only in the last decade. clostridium difficile produces the intestinal dysfunction and the characteristic finding of exudative plaques on the mucosa by elaborating a toxin in the colon. this report reviews the development of our knowledge of this disease and the rapid adoption of a rational therapy once the cause was specified. c. difficile or its toxin can be cultured or isolated from the stools of 90% ...19817016935
rapid detection and presumptive identification of clostridium difficile by p-cresol production on a selective medium.a modification of a selective medium for clostridium difficile is described. the ability of cl difficile to produce p-cresol from p-hydroxy phenyl acetic acid provides a means for the rapid, sensitive detection and presumptive identification of this species in faecal cultures.19817019263
enzyme immunoassay for the detection of clostridium difficile antigen. 19817026694
pseudomembranous colitis in renal transplant recipients; plain film findings.the plain abdominal film findings in nine renal transplant patients with pseudomembranous colitis were characteristic of but not specific for this entity and most commonly showed "thumb-printing" reflecting submucosal edema (five patients) and a persisting localized segmental ileus in the colon (five patients). based on the plain film findings, the differential diagnosis will include the acute stages of ulcerative colitis, granulomatous colitis, ischemic colitis and other inflammatory colitides, ...19817028758
in vitro susceptibility of anaerobic bacteria to nitroimidazoles.the in vitro susceptibility of 355 swedish clinical isolates of anaerobic bacteria to three nitroimidazole drugs was determined by the agar dilution method. the drugs were metronidazole, tinidazole and ornidazole. in addition the in vitro susceptibility of 32 strains of clostridium difficile to metronidazole was determined. gram-negative rods and clostridia were inhibited by 4 microgram/ml or less of all three compounds except one strain of c. difficile, which was not inhibited by 16 microgram/m ...19816941455
the role of anaerobes in human infections.anaerobic bacteria have been shown to play a role in infection of all types in humans. certain infections are notable for the prominent role played by anaerobes; included are brain abscess, chronic sinusitis and otitis media, oral and dental infections, neck space infections, bite infections, lung abscess, aspiration pneumonia, empyema, intra-abdominal infections of all types (notably peritonitis, intra-abdominal abscess, and liver abscess), abdominal surgical wound infections, female genital tr ...19816941463
fatal pseudomembranous colitis despite eradication of clostridium difficile. 19816779895
bacterial interference between clostridium difficile and normal fecal flora.clostridium difficile has been shown to be the cause of virtually all cases of pseudomembranous colitis related to the administration of antimicrobial agents. it is possible that some antimicrobial agents alter the normal bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract so as to permit colonization and/or proliferation by c. difficile. the inhibitory activity of representative fecal bacteria from 23 anaerobic and aerobic genera against c. difficile was examined using two in vitro procedures. strain ...19816785366
spread of clostridium difficile among patients receiving non-absorbable antibiotics for gut decontamination. 19816789988
isolation of clostridium difficile from the small bowel. 19816789993
diet as a coadjuvant for development of antibiotic-associated diarrhea in hamsters (mesocricetus auratus).during a study of the effects of nutrition on experimental tumors in hamsters, fatal diarrhea developed. to determine the role of diet in this condition and the relationship between diet and antibiotics, two diets were used, ground commercial diet and a purified diet. two antibiotics were used, neomycin sulfate and vancomycin. diarrhea was evident soon after the animals were given the combination of purified diet and neomycin sulfate. vancomycin initially acted as a suppressor of diarrhea, but h ...19816790835
effects of clostridium difficile, lactobacillus casei, bacillus subtilis and lactobacillus sp. on anomalous lower bowel function on germfree mice. 19816793297
non-clostridium difficile pseudomembranous colitis responding to both vancomycin and metronidazole. ? 19816794714
acute arthritis associated with clostridium difficile colitis. 19816794747
immunological analysis of the edta-soluble antigens of clostridium difficile and related species.antigens were extracted with edta from 32 strains representing 10 species of clostridium. when these antigens were examined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, marked cross-reactions were observed between c. difficile, c. sordellii and c. bifermentans. the cross-reactive antigen, visualized by crossed immunoelectrophoresis, was carbohydrate.19816798159
pseudomembranous colitis after topical application of clindamycin.abdominal cramping and diarrhea developed in a 24-year-old woman with facial acne vulgaris five days after she started topical therapy with 1% clindamycin hydrochloride. a stool specimen contained a significant titer of a toxin produced by clostridium difficile. findings from sigmoidoscopy and a colonic biopsy specimen were consistent with pseudomembranous colitis. the patient became asymptomatic after ten days of supportive care and oral vancomycin hydrochloride therapy. this case is presented ...19816452096
is pseudomembranous colitis infectious?a cluster of eight patients in two adjacent hospital wards acquired acute diarrhoea within a period of 11 days. all their stool samples contained clostridium difficile toxin and c. difficile was isolated in every case. three patients had rectal biopsy findings compatible with pseudomembranous colitis (pmc). all the patients responded to treatment with oral vancomycin. until the possibility of pmc being acquired by cross-infection is clarified such patients should be nursed in isolation with stri ...19816109999
enterotoxin(s) of clostridium difficile. 19816114310
purified clostridium difficile cytotoxin stimulates guanylate cyclase activity and inhibits adenylate cyclase activity.antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis has been linked with clostridium difficile toxin. we examined the effect of toxins from four strains of c. difficile isolated from patients with pseudomembranous colitis on colonic adenylate (ec and guanylate cyclase (ec activities. partially purified toxins had a cytotoxic effect on hamster fibroblasts in culture at a concentration of 10 ng/ml. likewise, these toxins enhanced colonic guanylate cyclase activity two- to threefold, w ...19816114928
gas-liquid chromatography as screening test for clostridium difficile. 19816118541
gas-liquid chromatography and clostridium difficile. 19816118692
pseudomembranous colitis. a complication of sulfasalazine therapy in a patient with crohn's colitis.pseudomembranous colitis is a potentially life-threatening acute medical problem usually associated with a history of previous antibiotic exposure. presented here is a case of sulfasalazine associated pseudomembranous colitis in a patient with known crohn's colitis. the diagnosis was confirmed by identifying clostridium difficile toxin in the stool. this a newly reported complication of sulfasalazine therapy.19816119900
[influence of cefotiam (sce-963, ctm) on bowel flora (author's transl)].the influence on bowel flora of ctm was studied in 5 children who were taking normal diet. 1) in the cases following no diarrhea, administration of ctm caused no significant changes in bowel flora. in the cases following diarrhea, administration of ctm caused a fall in coliform, bep group, lactobacillus and peptostreptococcus. however, after the administration was discontinued, the reduced bowel flora was returned to the normal range within a few days. 2) no overgrowth of bowel flora by pseudomo ...19816270414
intoxication of cultured human lung fibroblasts with clostridium difficile toxin.the cytopathogenic effect of partially purified toxin from clostridium difficile on cultured human lung fibroblasts was studied. conditions for determination of 50% tissue culture dose were standardized. the cytopathogenic effect of the toxin was dependent on toxin concentration, exposure time, and density of the cells. transfer of the cells to 0 degrees c did not inhibit binding of toxin to the fibroblast surface, but prevented the development of the cytopathogenic effect. both binding of toxin ...19816167521
production of antitoxins to two toxins of clostridium difficile and immunological comparison of the toxins by cross-neutralization studies.we prepared antitoxins specific for each of two toxins of clostridium difficile and used these to demonstrate that the toxins are immunologically distinct.19826172384
piperacillin sodium: antibacterial spectrum, pharmacokinetics, clinical efficacy, and adverse reactions.piperacillin sodium is a beta lactam antibiotic with a broad range of antibacterial activity that includes gram-negative bacilli, gram-positive cocci (except penicillinase-producing s. aureus) and anaerobic pathogens such as clostridium difficile, and bacteroides fragilis. piperacillin inhibits many of the members of the enterobacteriaceae, including klebsiella sp and pseudomonas, at lower concentrations than required for carbenicillin and ticarcillin. piperacillin sodium is administered by intr ...19826220262
clostridium difficile, enterocolitis, and hirschsprung's disease. 19826121250
clostridium difficile in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis. 19826122916
clostridium difficile from stools of normal children. 19826122967
atypical clostridium difficile colitis in neutropenic patients. 19826123878
cross-infection and clostridium difficile. 19826125644
cross infection and clostridium difficile. 19826125795
enteropathogenicity: recent developments.recent studies have added important new information to our understanding of the pathogenesis and ethiology of diarrheal disease. vibrio cholerae produces a heat-labile enterotoxin, affecting cyclic amp. a very similar heat-labile enterotoxin is produced also by certain strains of escherichia coli, as well as by citrobacter, klebsiella, and aeromonas. e. coli may also produce a heat-stable enterotoxin, stimulating guanylate cyclase activity. in order to produce the pathologic effects, e. coli fir ...19826126611
necrotizing enterocolitis during agranulocytosis and clostridium difficile colitis. 19826126653
toxin a (enterotoxin) from clostridium difficile in antibiotic-associated colitis. 19826128576
peritonitis in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. laboratory and clinical studies.during a three year period, 1979-81, 82 patients were treated by continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (capd). the incidence of peritonitis was reduced significantly during the three years from one episode per 20 patient-weeks to one episode every 37 patient-weeks. 83% of the 136 episodes of peritonitis were treated successfully by antibiotic therapy alone. 62% of the total episodes were managed successfully with intraperitoneal cefuroxime. in 13 (16%) patients, capd failed because of perito ...19826129474
association between clostridium difficile and enterocolitis in hirschsprung's disease. 19826119496
implication of clostridium difficile and clostridium perfringens iota toxins in experimental lincomycin-associated colitis of rabbits.following oral administration of lincomycin, over 50% of two groups of 12 rabbits each died between 4 and 56 days with distended, non-hemorrhagic, fluid-filled ceca. bacteria-free cecal filtrates from the rabbits that died were lethal for mice, cytopathic in y-1 tissue culture monolayers, and caused increased vascular permeability in rabbit skin. although the cecal filtrates of both groups had similar biological activity, the filtrate activity of one group was neutralized by clostridium perfring ...19826285077
in vitro susceptibility of clostridium difficile isolates to cefotaxime, moxalactam, and cefoperazone.the in vitro susceptibility of 20 isolates of clostridium difficile to cefotaxime, moxalactam, and cefoperazone was determined by a standard agar dilution method. the median minimal inhibitory concentrations were 64, 32, and 32 mug/ml for cefotaxime, moxalactam, and cefoperazone, respectively.19826285817
clostridium difficile in association with sporadic diarrhoea.a total of 154 patients admitted to an infectious diseases unit were included in a year's prospective survey of sporadic diarrhoeal disease. stools from 19 of them yielded clostridium difficile, generally on more than one occasion. twelve of these patients were assessed as having a severe or moderately severe gastrointestinal illness: cl difficile was the only pathogen isolated from 10 of them, and two had an associated salmonella infection. seven had had a recent course of antibiotics, but five ...19826799113
chronic osteomyelitis due to clostridium difficile.osteomyelitis caused by anaerobic bacteria is rarely reported, and a case of chronic osteomyelitis of the femur may be the first in which clostridium difficile was the causative agent. the organism was isolated over several months and, although initially sensitive to penicillin, it developed resistance during this time. the organism's repeated isolation may have been due to the presence of resistant spores. although the patient had no gastrointestinal symptoms the source of the organism was prob ...19826803907
spontaneous persistent pseudomembranous colitis related to clostridium difficile in ischaemic bowel disease. 19826805624
carbohydrate fermentation by clostridium difficile.biochemical properties of clostridium difficile were reinvestigated for the practical identification of the organism in clinical laboratories. bacterial growth in 2% proteose peptone medium supplemented with 0.01% l-cysteine.hcl and 0.1% agar supported sufficient growth to read the fermentation results just as well as did pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized medium. incubation for 2 days was long enough for determining the ability to ferment fructose, glucose, mannitol, mannose, melezitose, and ...19826806571
clostridium difficile in toxic megacolon complicating acute inflammatory bowel disease. 19826809132
clostridium difficile in toxic megacolon. 19826811052
clostridium difficile in toxic megacolon. 19826814650
[clostridium difficile and klebsiella oxytoca in antibiotic-associated colitis]. 19826816862
[a case of clostridium difficile septicemia]. 19826820037
fluorescent-antibody test for detection of clostridium difficile in stool specimens.we evaluated a direct fluorescent-antibody test to detect clostridium difficile, the most frequent cause of antibiotic-associated colitis. c. difficile organisms were injected into the ear veins of new zealand white rabbits to induce antibodies, and the globulin fractions of their sera were conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate. the resulting conjugate strongly stained all 40 isolates of c. difficile tested. it also stained isolates of c. sordellii, c. bifermentans, c. chauvoei, and c. sporog ...19826752186
colitis caused by clostridium difficile: a review.recent evidence has incriminated a toxin-producing anaerobe, clostridium difficile, as the causative agent of pseudomembranous colitis, an acute inflammatory bowel disease that generally occurs in association with antimicrobial therapy. a wide variety of antimicrobial agents appear to promote c. difficile infection and thereby precipitate colitis. although the exact pathogenetic mechanisms are not known, several hypotheses, related to the ability of antibiotics to suppress competing bacteria and ...19826758571
aspects on antibacterial treatment of anaerobic infections.a review is given of current antibiotic treatment of anaerobic infections. it is emphasized that infections with bacteroides fragilis constitute the main problem, virtually all other anaerobe organisms of clinical significance are sensitive to penicillin. particularly useful antibiotics for infections with b. fragilis are cefoxitin, chloramphenicol, clindamycin and the nitroimidazoles. vancomycin is the drug of choice for pseudomembranous colitis provoked by clostridium difficile.19826762654
medical management of antimicrobial-associated diarrhea and colitis.gastrointestinal complications, including diarrhea, may occur with virtually all antimicrobial agents. such diarrhea may represent either a common, nonspecific adverse effect, or it may be one of the manifestations of antimicrobial-associated colitis (aac), a potentially fatal complication. clostridium difficile and a cytotoxin neutralized by clostridium sordellii antitoxin has been isolated from the stools of nearly all patients with antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis, many patients ...19826765392
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