
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
studies on beta-glucanases. some properties of a bacterial endo-beta-(1 leads to 3)-glucanase system.a commercial enzyme preparation, originally obtained from a flavobacterium(cytophaga), was fractionated by continuous electrophoresis, giving a protein fraction which hydrolysed laminarin, carboxymethylpachyman, barley beta-glucan, lichenin and cellodextrin in random fashion. this enzymic activity was not very stable. ion-exchange chromatography and molecular-sieve chromatography on bio-gel p-60 showed that this activity was due to two specific beta-glucanases, an endo-beta-(1-->3)-glucanase and ...19734776863
genetic and phenetic classification of bacteria. 19734584677
surface structure of gliding bacteria after freeze-etching.ultrastructural studies of gliding bacteria demonstrate 10- to 11-nm beads on the inner surface of the outer bilayer of cytophaga columnaris. these were not found in myxococcus xanthus. on treatment with glutaraldehyde and ethanol, the beads appear in linear arrays.19734197273
fatty acids of myxococcus xanthus.fatty acids were extracted from saponified vegetative cells and myxospores of myxococcus xanthus and examined as the methyl esters by gas-liquid chromatography. the acids consisted mainly of c(14) to c(17) species. branched acids predominated, and iso-pentadecanoic acid constituted half or more of the mixture. the other leading component (11-28%) was found to be 11-n-hexadecenoic acid. among the unsaturated acids were two diunsaturated ones, an n-hexadecadienoic acid and an iso-heptadecadienoic ...19734197903
gliding motility in some non-spreading flexibacteria. 19734201179
flexibacteria. 19734206273
variation of type-b dna x-ray fiber diagrams with base composition.eight natural dnas of widely differing base composition have been studied by x-ray diffraction in fibers at high relative humidity. the resulting type b diffraction diagrams showed that all of the dnas had a 34-a pitch and 3.4-a interbase pair separation. however, the intensity distribution on the inner three layer lines was a strong function of the base content. in diffraction diagrams of very at-rich dna, the intensity of the first and third layer line was 2- or 3-times stronger than in the pa ...19734352977
direct evidence of the c-like form of sodium deoxyribonucleate.from infrared linear dichroism studies, direct evidence is given for a new na dna form, which is similar to the c form of li dna. this c-like form in na dna occurs under conditions of very low nacl content (at high relative humidity), high nacl content (at low relative humidity), and low g + c content of the dna (at low relative humitiy). the c form of li dna was originally discovered by x-ray diffraction, but has not previously been characterized by infrared spectroscopy. the c form is primaril ...19734357868
isolation and characterization of gliding motility mutants of cytophaga columnaris. 19734130440
conformation and reactivity of dna. vi. circular dichroism studies of salt-induced conformational changes of dnas of different base composition. 19744376422
[ecophysiology of some aquatic bacteria from the flavobacterium-cytophaga group]. 19744154647
flexibacter elegans and myxococcus fulvus: aerobic gram-negative bacteria containing menaquinones as the only isoprenoid quinones. 19744216336
the pigments of flexibacter elegans: novel and chemosystematically useful compounds. 19744217145
effect of amendments on the microbial utilization of oil applied to soil.replicate field plots comprising a control, plus oil, plus oil and bacteria, plus oil and fertilizer (urea-phosphate; 27:27:0), and plus oil, bacteria, and fertilizer were monitored over a 308-day period for changes in bacterial and mold numbers. changes in the chemical composition of the oil applied to the plots was followed by using chromatographic techniques. application of fertilizer resulted in a stimulation of bacterial numbers and in the rate of utilization of n-alkane components of the s ...19744589125
a new approach to the description of colony color of cytophagas and their allies. 19744600728
biodegradability and crude oil composition. 19744601045
isolation and characterization of cytophaga flevensis sp. nov., a new agarolytic flexibacterium. 19744604642
the hereditary symbionts of paramecium aurelia. 1975785658
the role of the 1,6 alpha-glucosidic bond in the synthesis of alpha-glucans. 1975805067
production and characterization of the agarase of cytoplaga flevensis.cytophaga flevensis produced an inducible agarase which was extracellular under most conditions tested. the effect of cultural conditions on the production of enzyme was studied in batch and continuous culture. in batch culture, production was optimal when cytophaga flevensis was incubated at 20 c in a mineral medium with agar as the sole carbon source and ammonium nitrate as the nitrogen source at an initial ph of 6.6-7.0. the enzyme appeared to be subject to catabolite repression, since its sy ...19751083206
microbiological characteristics of dungeness crab (cancer magister).aerobic, heterotropic microorganisms of dungeness crab (cancer magister) were isolated from raw crab, cooked crab, crab meats obtained during commercial processing, and from retail crab meat samples. each microbial isolate was then identified to the genus level employing the revised replica plating procedure. microbial groups most commonly isolated from crab meat were, in the order of predominance, moraxella, pseudomonas, acinetobacter, arthrobacter, micrococcus, flavobacterium-cytophaga, and ba ...19751096824
a cluster analysis of some bacteria in the water column of green lake, washington.mass inoculation and computer clustering techniques were used in an abbreviated procedure to group similar bacteria isolated from four depths in the water column of green lake, washington. four groups of bacteria were differentiable and were catagorized as orange-yellow flavobacterium-cytophaga, yellow flavobacterium-cytophaga, vibrio-aeromonas-, and pseudomonas-like. some of the groups were most prevalent in certain sample depths in the water column.19751116047
examination of fimbriation of some gram-negative rods with and without twitching and gliding motility.negatively stained preparations of 30 different strains of gram-negative rods representing 20 different taxa were examined in the electron microscope. thirteen of the strains studied exhibited twitching and six of the strains exhibited motility. additionally, non-twitching substrains of two of the twitching strains and a non-gliding substrain of one of the gliding strains were examined. a variety of cultural media, preparations for negative straining and negative strains were used. it was found ...19751155114
phage and defective phage of strains of myxococcus.1. phage-like particles were found in the supernatants of cultures of strains of myxococcus xanthus, m. virescens and m. fulvus. the largest number of such particles was associated with m. virescens v2. most of the particles were similar in morphology to the virulent myxococcus phage, mx-1. 2. several new phages were isolated from soil and animal droppings. a new phage was isolated from cultures of m. virescens v2. all resembled phage mx-1 in morphology and were related to phage mx-1 serological ...1976821449
the thermal denaturation of partly purified bacterial deoxyribonucleic acid and its taxonomic applications. 1976791916
characterization of the neoagarotetra-ase and neoagarobiase of cytophaga flevensis.the degradation of neoagarotetraose and neoagarobiose by cytophaga flevensis was investigated. the organism possesses an enzyme that hydrolyzes the tetramer by cleavage of its central beta-galactosidic linkage. the product of this reaction, neoagarobiose, is further hydrolyzed enzymatically to d-galactose and 3,6-anhydro-l-galactose. both enzyme activities were localized in the cytoplasm. attempts were made to partially purify the respective enzymes and although a 30-40 fold-purification was ach ...19768001
the regulation of agarase production by resting cells of cytophaga flevenis.the regulation of the synthesis of extracellular agarase by cytophaga flevensis was studied in resting-cell suspensions. enzyme synthesis was strictly dependent on the presence of a suitable inducer. enzyme production was maximal at 20 c in phosphate buffer ph 6.9 in the presence of 1.3 mm calcium chloride, 0.03% casamino acids and inducer. enzyme production was virtually the same at 15 and 20 c, reduced to 50% at 25 c and was not detectable at 30 c. it was highly stimulated by the presence of 0 ...197610834
classification of micrococci on the basis of deoxyribonucleic acid homology.the dna homology relationships of 25 micrococci (15 strains of micrococcus, eight strains of sarcina and two strains of staphylococcus) were studied by the deoxyribonucleic acid hybridization method using nuclease s1, an endonuclease specific for single-stranded dna molecules. nineteen of the strains were classified into three groups. group i contained micrococcus lysodeikticus iami056, m. luteus iami1010, m. flavus iami2005 and iami2006, sarcina flava iami2007 and iami1006. s. subflava iami2009 ...1976180238
conformations of a,t-rich dnas.dnas from the genomes of clostridium perfringens and cytophaga johnsonii display orthodox a-dna and b-dna structures despite their high (a+l) nucleotide content. unique structures, such as those found for synthetic dnas having specific special sequences, do therefore not necessarily occur for dnas having more random base sequence even if these have unusual base compositions. clostridium perfringens dna exhibits unusual structural properties only prior to purification by gel filtration.1976186759
bacteria within ovules and seeds.surface-sterilized ovules and seeds of 27 species of plants were cultured in the water of syneresis of a nutrient medium low in agar content. bacteria were obtained from 30% of the ovules, 15% of the seeds of herbaceous plants, 16% of the seeds of woody plants, 5.4% of the overwintered noncereal seeds, and 13.5% of overwintered cereal seeds. in no instance did every ovule or seed of a plant species contain bacteria. no bacteria were obtained from the hard, waxy seeds of mimosa or yellowwood. the ...1976984839
isolation of a small rod with lytic activity against vibrio parahaemolyticus from fresh sea water.a small rod, capable of formine crater-like plaques on lawns of vibrio parahaemolyticus, was isolated from a marine environment. the isolate was a gram-negative straight rod with round ends and was small in size, equal to that of halophilic bdellovibrio strain 5501. the isolate appeared to have close taxonomic relationships to cytophaga, since this bacterium moved slowly in a gliding manner on a solid agar surface, hydrolyzed agar and starch, contained yellow pigment and was halophilic. the isol ...19761018344
changes in the cell surface of the dimorphic forms of candida albicans by treatment with hydrolytic enzymes.the release of acid phosphatase and polysaccharide-peptide complexes by hydrolytic enzymes from the surface of the blastospore and mycelial forms of candida albicans has been examined in cells from 4 h and 18 h cultures and the results correlated with the appearance of the treated cells in the electron microscope. treatment with dithiothreitol was necessary for the degradative action of the enzymes to occur. material released by all the treatments used had a similar qualitative composition, but ...1976784907
fimbriation in gliding bacteria.of twenty-two strains of gliding prokaryotes examined, all but three were found to possess polar fimbriae. fimbriae were not observed on two gliders, while chloroflexus aurantiacus bore abundant peritrichous fimbriae. in some gliding bacteria, fimbriae were associated with 'holes' surrounded by an electron-transparent collar bearing 12 spike-like projections.1977407994
the history, biology, and taxonomy of the cytophaga group.the first section of this review covers the important characteristics of the genera cytophaga and sporocytophaga. the topics discussed include vegetative cell structure, the spreading habit, and degradation of macromolecules. a historical account of these two genera follows, together with a discussion on the definition of, and species differentiation with the genus cytophaga, and on the taxonomy of sporocytophaga. the third section deals with the relationships of the cytophagas with the flavobac ...1977413616
sensitivity of cellulolytic bacteria to antibiotics.the sensitivity of eight cellulolytic bacterial strains to eight antibiotics was tested. the results showed that, in general, the strains belonging to cytophaga, cellvibrio, and cellfalcicula are more sensitive to antibiotics than those strains that belong to sporocytophaga and cellulomonas. the inhibitory activity of the tested antibiotics, though differing with different strains, showed the following categories: tetracycline, erythromycin, and chloromycetin were most active, kanamycin, strepto ...1977414477
the cellulase system of a cytophaga species.cellulases (ec of a cytophaga species wthc 2421 (atcc 29474) were found in the soluble portion of the cell (the periplasm and the cytoplasm) and on the membrane. cell-free cellulases were not found. most of the carboxymethylcellulase activity associated with reduction of viscosity was membrane bound, whereas most of the carboxymethylcellulose (cmc) saccharifying activity was soluble. the cmc-saccharifying activity was increased 534 x by purification procedures which included ammonium su ...197720217
microbiological characteristics of pacific shrimp (pandalus jordani).microorganisms associated with pacific shrimp (pandalus jordani) were isolated and identified. those on the iced raw shrimp, which yielded an average count of 1.6 x 10(6), were predominantly moraxella, pseudomonas, acinetobacter, arthrobacter, and flavobacterium-cytophaga spp. the blanching and peeling reduced the microbial level to 3.3 x 10(4) and also selectively eliminated moraxella spp. the microbial flora changed after each processing sequence, and the heat sensitivity and growth characteri ...1977869532
studies on the cell-free biosynthesis of beta-lactam antibiotics.cell walls of cephalosporium acremonium mycelia were lysed by enzyme preparations from either helix pomatia (snail) digestive juice or cytophaga. the yield of protoplasts depended on the lytic-enzyme preparation and the age of the culture, and it increased after the mycelia were pretreated with dithiothreitol. a cell-free preparation, obtained by osmotic lysis of protoplasts, synthesized labelled penicillin n from l-[14c]valine. approx. 0.03-0.06% of the amino acid was incorporated into penicill ...1977559491
increased extracellular production of a cholinesterase-solubilising factor by cytophaga ncmb 1314 during magnesium starvation.a cytophaga sp. with the property of liberating a cholinesterase which is found in body muscle of plaice was studied. the liberation was caused by a factor of which more than 90% was found outside the bacterial cell and might possibly be associated within the slime material surrounding the bacteria. magnesium limitation during growth of cytophaga sp. in batch cultures resulted in an about 10-fold increase in extracellular factor activity. the increase could be immediately stopped by addition of ...1978638892
investigations of the pigments from cytophaga johnsonae cy jl. new flexirubin-type pigments.besides carotenoids a complex of flexirubin-type pigments was isolated from the gliding bacterium cytophaga johnsonae cy jl and separated into 6 components, which partly containe chlorine. in spite of the fact that these components still consist of pigment mixtures, the gross structures of 18 new flexirubin-type pigments could be deduced by spectroscopic and chemical investigations. the results open insights into biosynthesis and structural variety of the flexirubins, the novel non-isoprenoid pi ...1978697500
g1499-2, a new quinoline compound isolated from the fermentation broth of cytophaga johnsonii.a new quinoline compound, g1499-2[c18h21no(i)] is produced by cytophaga johnsonii. g1499-2 has an unusual structure containing a cyclopropylidene radical. the compound has limited antibiotic activity against a few bacteria. it is not toxic to mice.1978711619
antibiotic resistance patterns of gram-negative bacteria isolated from environmental sources.a total of 2,445 gram-negative bacteria belonging to fecal coliform, pseudomonas, moraxella, acinetobacter, and flavobacterium-cytophaga groups were isolated from the rivers and bay of tillamook, oregon, and their resistances to chloramphenicol (25 microgram/ml), streptomycin (10 microgram/ml), ampicillin (10 microgram/ml), tetracycline (25 microgram/ml), chlortetracycline (25 microgram/ml), oxytetracycline (25 microgram/ml), neomycin (50 microgram/ml), nitrofurazone (12.5 microgram/ml), nalidix ...1978727777
iso-branched 2- and 3-hydroxy fatty acids as characteristic lipid constituents of some gliding bacteria.the fatty acids present in the total hydrolysates of several gliding bacteria (myxococcus fulvus, stigmatella aurantiaca, cytophaga johnsonae, cytophaga sp. strain samoa and flexibacter elegans) were analyzed by combined gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. in addition to 13-methyl-tetradecanoic acid, 15-methyl-hexadecanoic acid, hexadecanoic acid, and hexadecenoic acid, 2- and 3-hydroxy fatty acids comprised up to 50% of the total fatty acids. the majority was odd-numbered and iso-b ...1979118159
sorption and desorption of atrazine by three bacterial species isolated from aquatic systems.the isolates acinetobacter spec., cytophaga spec. and pseudomonas fluorescens represent different morphological and physiological types of bacteria. they accumulate atrazine (2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-5-triazine) to different levels. accumulation expressed by the ratio of atrazine sorbed per volume of bacteria to atrazine per the same volume of water amounted to 11 for acinetobacter spec., 8.6 for cytophaga spec. and 6.2 for pseudomonas fluorescens. accumulation ratios were prop ...1979119497
colonization of the cementum surface of teeth by oral gram-negative using in vitro assays, a group of related, filamentous gram-negative bacteria isolated from subgingival plaque deposits of patients with periodontal disease were found to colonize intact teeth. tentatively identified as members of the genus cytophaga, these isolates exhibited a preference for colonizing the cementum surface of the root. examination of intact teeth after several weeks of colonization revealed that the root substructure had been extensively demineralized.1979500200
partial purification and properties of a bacterial isoamylase.isoamylase has been prepared by affinity chromatography of a commercial enzyme-preparation from a strain of cytophaga (also known as a flavobacterium or polyangium). the enzyme was not very stable, but the stability could be improved by calcium ions. the enzyme had a very low but significant activity on pullulan and on alpha-dextrins having maltosyl side-chains. this observation, which is contrary to previous reports, has been related to the specificity of isoamylase and other bacterial debranch ...1979526954
bacteria associated with the surface and gut of marine copepods.little is known about the nature of bacteria associated with the surface and gut of marine copepods, either in laboratory-reared animals or in the natural environment. nor is it known whether such animals possess a gut flora. the present report deals with studies of microorganisms isolated from healthy, laboratory-reared copepods of the species acartia tonsa dana, from several species of wild copepods collected from a marine or estuarine environment, and from laboratory dishes containing moribun ...197916345368
occurrence of cytophagas in sewage plants.with the application of plate count methods and of the koh-flexirubin test, bacteria belonging to the cytophaga group were proved to occur regularly in samples from biological sewage treatment facilities. generally, the percentage of cytophaga colonies of the total heterotrophic colonies was lowest in the inflow sewage water as compared with the values found in activated sludge, trickling filter, and effluent samples. during an observation period of 16 months, the highest percentages of cytophag ...198016345539
capnocytophaga sepsis: a newly recognised clinical entity in granulocytopenic patients.10 episodes of capnocytophaga sepsis occurred in 6 patients with granulocytopenia, malignancy, and oral mucosal ulcerations. capnyocytophaga is a newly described genus of gliding gram-negative bacilli which is physiologically and genetically identical to bacteroides ochraceus and biogroup df-1 of the united states center for disease control and is commonly responsible for periodontal infections.19806102287
attachment of oral cytophaga species to hydroxyapatite-containing surfaces.model systems simulating the cementum portion of teeth were used to characterize the attachment process by which certain species of oral cytophaga initiate the colonization of the tooth root surface in vitro. the adsorption of these bacteria to spheroidal hydroxyapatite beads and mechanically powdered root material followed langmuir isotherm kinetics. from such data, the number of binding sites per 20 mg of substrate and the affinity constants were evaluated for two strains of cytophaga sp. rest ...19807216436
capnocytophaga septicemia. 19807360185
deoxyribonucleic acid relatedness of some menaquinone-producing flavobacterium and cytophaga strains.nine menaquinone-forming strains of the flavobacterium--cytophaga complex with dna base compositions between 35 and 45 moles percent guanine-plus-cytosine were investigated for genome sizes and dna relatedness by dna:dna hybridization in vitro, using the optically recorded initial reassociation kinetics. two strains representing c. hutchinsonii and c. marinoflava proved to be related on the 50 percent binding level, i.e. on a level of dna relatedness commonly found within well-classified convent ...19807396480
studies on psychrophilic bacteria in two lakes of different trophy.the number of bacteria capable of growth at low temperatures in two lakes was found to be subject to considerable variation throughout the year although the changes were not correlated with changes in ambient temperature. a correlation was, however, observed between temperature and ratio of number of psychrophiles to "total" count. all of the psychrophilic bacteria isolated from the studied lakes were able to grow at temperatures below 0 degrees c. microorganisms isolated from eutrophic lakes we ...19816174030
studies on pectolytic bacteria in water and bottom sediments of two lakes of different trophy.pectolytic bacteria were found in greater numbers in the eutrophic than in the mesotrophic lake. however, higher pectolytic activity was exhibited by the bacteria derived from the mesotrophic lake. in the eutrophic lake higher endo- and exo-pg activity was found in the benthic than in the panktonic bacteria, whereas in the mesotrophic one higher endo-pg activity was exhibited by the planktonic and higher exo-pg activity by the benthic bacteria. the polygalacturonases synthesized by the bacteria ...19826189379
trail following by gliding bacteria.slime trails, which are deposited on surfaces by gliding bacteria and which serve as preferential pathways for gliding motility, were tested for the species specificity of their support of movement. among the pairs of bacteria tested, a variety of gliding bacteria and a flagellated bacterium moved along trails of unrelated species. thus, the trails did not serve as pheromones. rather, they may have guided gliding elasticotactically. some biological implications of this finding are considered.19826811562
gliding motility of cytophaga sp. strain techniques were used to analyze the motion of the gliding bacterium cytophaga sp. strain u67. cells moved singly on glass along the long axis at a speed of about 2 micrometers/s, advancing, retreating, stopping, pivoting about a pole, or flipping over. they did not flex or roll. cells of different lengths moved at about the same speed. cells sometimes spun continuously about a pole at a frequency of about 2 hz, the body moving in a plane parallel to that of the glass or on the surface of a ...19827085564
influence of temperature adaptation on glucose metabolism in a psychrotrophic strain of cytophaga johnsonae.selective enrichment of yellow-orange-pigmented, gram-negative bacteria related to cytophaga johnsonae from lake sediment was dependent on low temperatures (ca. 5 degrees c). however, this temperature effect was abolished when excessive amounts of dissolved organic carbon (10 mm n-acetylglucosamine) were added. a psychrotrophic freshwater isolate of c. johnsonae was used to study the physiological versatility of this group. exponential growth rates were found to be dependent on the temperature t ...198216346146
long-term changes in chemostat cultures of cytophaga johnsonae.long-term studies with a gliding, heterotrophic bacterium, cytophaga johnsonae, were conducted in a glucose-limited chemostat at a high and a low dilution rate. to test the stability of the steady state during long-term experiments the following parameters were monitored: optical density, glucose concentration, glucose uptake potential, atp content of the cells, and plate counts on two different agar media. biomass remained relatively constant, although the observed changes could have been possi ...198316346411
unusual sulfonolipids are characteristic of the cytophaga-flexibacter group.capnocytophaga spp. contain a group of unusual sulfonolipids, called capnoids (w. godchaux iii and e. r. leadbetter, j. bacteriol. 144:592-602, 1980). one of these lipids, capnine, is 2-amino-3-hydroxy-15-methylhexadecane-1-sulfonic acid; the others are, apparently, n-acylated versions of capnine. the lipids were found, in amounts ranging from 2.5 to 16 mumol of capnoid sulfur per g of cells (wet weight), in two cytophaga spp. and also in several closely related organisms: several capnocytophaga ...19836298180
special bacterial polysaccharides and polysaccharases.alcaligenes faecalis var. myxogenes 10c3, which we isolated from soil, produces a water-soluble and an insoluble extracellular polysaccharide. the former (succinoglycan) is composed of glucose, galactose, pyruvic acid and succinic acid (molar proportions 7:1:1:1) with (beta 1-3)-, (beta 1-4)- and (beta 1-6)-glucosidic linkages. the latter (curdlan) is composed entirely of (beta 1-3)-linked d-glucose and forms a resilient firm gel when heated in suspension. the organism also produces extracellula ...19836400487
coaggregation of human oral cytophaga species and actinomyces israelii.a total of 19 strains of oral cytophaga sp. obtained from subgingival plaque deposits were tested for their ability to coaggregate with strains of actinomyces israelii, a. viscosus, a. naeslundii, streptococcus sanguis, s. mutans, s. salivarius, and s. mitis. coaggregation was observed only with a. israelii. based on their coaggregation patterns with eight a. israelii strains, the cytophaga strains were distributed among three distinct groups: those that coaggregated with a. israelii pk16 but no ...19836133836
[isolation and regeneration of micromonospora olivoasterospora protoplasts].the conditions for preparation and regeneration of the protoplasts of m. olivoasterospora were developed. it was found that effective formation of the protoplasts required preliminary cultivation of m. olivoasterospora in the medium containing glycine in a concentration inhibiting its growth at least by 60-80 per cent. the strains studied markedly differed in their sensitivity to glycine and were highly sensitive to it. the efficacy of the protoplast formation depended on the culture age and inc ...19846486752
identification and evolution of the cellulolytic microflora present during composting of cattle manure: on the role of actinomycetes sp.population changes in cellulolytic microflora were studied during composting of cattle manure. six bacterial and nine actinomycetes species were isolated. among the isolates, two actinomycetes, micromonospora chalcae and pseudonocardia thermophila, were cellulolytic strains which were numerically dominant and might therefore play a notable role in the degradation of cellulose in cattle manure. fungi were practically absent during the process, but two cellulose-degrading bacterial species, sporoc ...19846508072
isolation and characterization of a new cytophaga species implicated in a work-related lung disease.a yellow-pigmented, gram-negative, gliding bacterium isolated from an industrial water spray air humidification system was implicated as a causative agent in several occurrences of lung disease with hypersensitivity pneumonitis-like symptoms. the bacterium, designated wf-164, lacked microcysts or fruiting bodies and had a dna base composition of 34.8 mol% of guanine plus cytosine. gliding, flexing, nonflagellated cells measuring 0.3 by 3.5 to 8.9 micron were observed by using light and electron ...19846508308
evidence for the participation of n-acetylated amino sugars in the coaggregation between cytophaga species strain dr2001 and actinomyces israelii pk16.coaggregation between cytophaga sp. strain dr2001 and actinomyces israelii pk16 was partially inhibited by certain n-acetylated amino sugars (n-acetylneuraminic acid, n-acetylgalactosamine, and n-acetylglucosamine) and was completely inhibited by the trisaccharide neuraminin-lactose. the monosaccharides exerted their effect at concentrations between 30 to 100 mm, whereas the trisaccharide was an effective inhibitor at significantly lower concentrations. outer membrane preparations caused a. isra ...19846715035
isolation and characterization of nonspreading mutants of the gliding bacterium cytophaga johnsonae.three approaches were taken to isolate a total of 153 nonspreading mutants derived from our laboratory strain of cytophaga johnsonae, uw101, or from its auxotrophic derivative, uw10538. characterization of 109 of these mutants led to their placement in five general categories: (i) motile, nonspreading (mns) mutants whose cells are motile to various degrees but whose colonies fail to spread on agar gels under any conditions of incubation; (ii) conditional nonspreading (cns) mutants with motile ce ...19846735983
sulfonolipids of gliding bacteria. structure of the n-acylaminosulfonates.earlier (godchaux, w., and leadbetter, e. r. (1980) j. bacteriol. 144, 592-602; (1983) j. bacteriol. 153, 1238-1246) we demonstrated that an unusual class of sulfonolipids are major components of the cell envelope of gliding bacteria of the genus cytophaga and of closely related genera. one of these lipids, to which we have assigned the trivial name capnine, was purified and was shown to be 2-amino-3-hydroxy-15-methylhexadecane-1-sulfonic acid (which might also be named as 1-deoxy-15-methylhexad ...19846321489
biosynthesis of the sulfonolipid 2-amino-3-hydroxy-15-methylhexadecane-1-sulfonic acid in the gliding bacterium cytophaga johnsonae.the biosynthesis of the sulfonolipid 2-amino-3-hydroxy-15-methylhexadecane-1-sulfonic acid (capnine) was studied by measuring the incorporation of possible precursors into the lipid by cells grown in the presence of precursors which were labeled with stable isotopes. cells grown on yeast extract in the presence of dl-[3,3-2h2]serine contained 40.1 mol% of the protein-bound serine and 5.0 mol% of the protein-bound cysteine derived from the labeled serine. cells grown in the presence of dl-[3,3-2h ...19846330048
a cytophaga species endotoxin as a putative agent of occupation-related lung disease.a previous study suggested that a biologically active bacterial endotoxin was a putative agent of lung disease in a textile-producing facility. the endotoxin was isolated from the biomass growing in a chilled-water spray air humidification system. the bacterial flora of the air humidification system were isolated and taxonomically identified to the genus level. by using indirect immunofluorescence assays, a serologically reactive cytophaga species was identified. a serologically reactive, biolog ...19846360896
transient responses of glucose-limited cultures of cytophaga johnsonae to nutrient excess and starvation.cells from glucose-limited chemostat cultures of cytophaga johnsonae were subjected to a sudden relaxation of substrate limitation by injecting the cells into fresh batch cultures. starvation experiments were carried out by injecting glucose-limited cells into batch cultures lacking glucose. transient responses of biomass, glucose uptake and mineralization, atp content, and viability on different agar media were monitored during these nutrient-shift experiments. cells reacted differently dependi ...198416346475
chitynolytic bacteria in water and bottom sediments of two lakes of different trophy.chitynolytic bacteria were found in greater numbers in the eutrophic lake jeziorak than in the mesotrophic lake jasne. in both lakes higher chitynolytic activity was found in the planktonic than in the benthic bacteria. the capacity of chitin hydrolysis was found in bacteria of the genera achromobacter, bacillus, nocardia, pseudomonas, of the flavobacterium-cytophaga group and of the enterobacteriaceae family. the chitinases synthesized by the studied bacteria were active in the ph range 5.0--8. ...19846209933
biosynthesis of a sulfonolipid in gliding bacteria.gliding bacteria of the genus cytophaga synthesize sulfonolipids (1,2) that contain capnine (1-deoxy-15-methylhexadecasphinganine-1-sulfonic acid). studies of the incorporation of radiolabeled compounds by c. johnsonae show that cysteate is utilized preferentially to both cystine and inorganic sulfate as a precursor of capnine sulfur and to both cystine and serine as a precursor of carbons 1 and 2 of capnine. the results are consistent with a pathway in which capnine is formed by condensation of ...19852992489
guidance of cytophaga sp. strain u67 gliding on the sheaths of oscillatoria princeps.individual cells of cytophaga sp. strain u67 glided in helical patterns on the surface of sheaths deposited by the cyanobacterium oscillatoria princeps. possible bases for the helical substructure of the sheath are discussed.19853921528
growth of bacteria on chitin, fungal cell walls and fungal biomass, and the effect of extracellular enzymes produced by these cultures on the antifungal activity of amphotericin b.vibrio alginolyticus, streptomyces griseus, arthrobacter g12, bacillus sp. and cytophaga sp. were grown on solid and liquid media containing soluble and insoluble carbon sources. arthrobacter g12, bacillus sp. and cytophaga sp. grew well on media which contained fungal cell walls or fungal biomass as the main carbon source. all bacteria produced extracellular proteases and all bacteria except arthrobacter g12 produced extracellular chitinases. growth of cytophaga sp. on colloidal chitin was para ...19853929028
distribution of multicopy single-stranded dna among myxobacteria and related species.multicopy single-stranded dna (msdna) is a short single-stranded linear dna originally discovered in myxococcus xanthus and subsequently found in stigmatella aurantiaca. it exists at an estimated 500 to 700 copies per chromosome (t. yee, t. furuichi, s. inouye, and m. inouye, cell 38:203-209, 1984). we found msdna in other myxobacteria, including myxococcus coralloides, cystobacter violaceus, cystobacter ferrugineus (cbfe17), nannocystis exedens, and nine independently isolated strains of m. xan ...19853932332
gliding motility in cytophaga.gliding motility in cytophaga depends on a motility machinery that keeps surfaces of cells in motion and on a surface slime that allows motile cells to translocate over a substratum. the unusual nature of the moving cell surfaces appears to be responsible for several cell-surface properties being motility dependent.19853939983
actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans strains y4 and n27 adhere to hydroxyapatite by distinctive mechanisms.actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans strains y4 and n27 absorb to spheroidal hydroxyapatite in roughly the same numbers per milligram of substrate and with the same tenacity as two previously tested cytophaga species. although the two strains of a. actinomycetemcomitans exhibited similar affinities and number of binding sites for sha, their response to enzyme treatment and heating were very different. the capacity of strain y4 to attach to spheroidal hydroxyapatite was diminished by treatment wi ...19853972445
bacteria in bivalve shellfish with special reference to the oyster.the bacterial flora of the pacific oyster crassostrea gigas, the sea mussel perna viridis and the arkshell clam scapharca cornea differed considerably from that of seawater in both numbers and generic composition. the numbers of heterotrophic bacteria in the bivalve shellfish, including the anaerobes and spore-forming bacteria, were greater than that in the surrounding water. pseudomonas spp. were the dominant organisms, comprising over one third of the 321 strains characterized after isolation ...19854030530
potentiality of artificial sea water salts for the production of carrageenase by a marine cytophaga sp.production of an extracellular enzyme complex (carrageenase) was studied by examining cell-free fluids from cultures of a marine cytophaga, 1k-c783, growing on different media. among artificial sea water salts, only nacl and mgcl2 were utilized by the organism to produce carrageenase. the minimal concentrations of suitable combinations of nacl and mgcl2 were found to be 0.05 m nacl plus 0.25 m mgcl2, and 0.15 m nacl plus 0.15 m mgcl2. kcl and cacl2 did not have any role in carrageenase productio ...19854033467
a numerical taxonomic study of flavobacterium-cytophaga strains from dairy sources.phenotypic data on 203 gram-negative non-fermentative bacteria of the flavobacterium-cytophaga group isolated from milk and butter were analyzed by numerical taxonomic techniques. twenty reference strains including species of flavobacterium, cytophaga and strains of pseudomonas paucimobilis were included in the study. using the matching coefficient of sokal & michener with antibiotic susceptibility data included, 189 isolates were recovered in nine clusters. six of these clusters were linked at ...19854066550
growth regulation of the b lymphoma cell line wehi-231 by anti-immunoglobulin, lipopolysaccharide, and other bacterial products.the growth of wehi-231, a murine immature b lymphoma cell line, was inhibited by anti-igm antibodies. the inhibition of proliferation, as measured by [3h]thymidine incorporation, occurred between 16 and 28 hr after addition of anti-igm. moreover, the growth arrest was irreversible: cells that were cultured with anti-igm for 18 hr and then recultured without it failed to recover the ability to proliferate, even though cells treated for up to 30 hr with anti-igm remained viable, as measured by try ...19863489760
phenotypic and genetic relationships of so-called moraxella (pasteurella) anatipestifer to the flavobacterium/cytophaga moraxella (or pasteurella) anatipestifer and members of the flavobacterium/cytophaga group exhibit remarkable common features: lack of flagellation, low guanine + cytosine content of the chromosomal dna, production of menaquinones and branched-chain fatty acids, absence of carbohydrate fermentation, and similar patterns of hydrolytic enzymes. using the renaturation method of dna:dna hybridization two urease-negative european isolates and the urease-positive type strain (which was isola ...19863739211
isolation and characterization of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria from natural spring waters in the lanjaron area (spain).aerobic, heterotrophic bacteria were isolated from nine natural mineral water springs in the lanjaron area of spain over the period july 1980 to may 1981. the mineral waters contained few bacteria (mean counts 26-5275 cfu per 100 ml) and the bacterial flora of all nine springs was very similar. most of the isolates were gram-negative rods (90%), and among these pseudomonas spp. and members of the flavobacterium-cytophaga-flexibacter group were numerically dominant. aeromonas-vibrio and enterobac ...19863781942
properties of cytophaga johnsonae strains causing spoilage of fresh produce at food markets.two strains of gliding, orange-pigmented bacteria, isolated from fresh bell pepper and watermelon, respectively, showing soft-rot lesions, were identified as cytophaga johnsonae. they differed from seven type strains of c. johnsonae deposited at the american type culture collection (atcc) in some properties, such as the ability to utilize glucose, xylose, trehalose, rhamnose, and sucrose. spherical bodies resembling microcysts of sporocytophaga sp. in addition to short rods and long filaments we ...19863789718
the identification of gram-negative, nonfermentative bacteria from water: problems and alternative approaches to identification. 19862424280
decomposition studies in two central ontario lakes having surficial phs of 4.6 and 6.6.the rates of cellulose breakdown, composition of detrital microflora, and density of bacterial populations were determined in the epilimnetic sediments and water columns of two poorly buffered, oligotrophic, canadian shield lakes having mean surficial phs of 4.6 (bat lake) and 6.6 (harp lake). the decomposition rate was significantly lower in oxic sediment of the acidified lake than of the circumneutral lake, but water column rates were almost identical in the two lakes. these results are explai ...198616347147
alteration of a salt marsh bacterial community by fertilization with sewage sludge.the effects of long-term fertilization with sewage sludge on the aerobic, chemoheterotrophic portion of a salt marsh bacterial community were examined. the study site in the great sippewissett marsh, cape cod, mass., consisted of experimental plots that were treated with different amounts of commercial sewage sludge fertilizer or with urea and phosphate. the number of cfus, percentage of mercury- and cadmium-resistant bacteria, and percentage of antibiotic-resistant bacteria were all increased i ...198616347183
synthesis and regulation of extracellular beta (1-3) glucanase and protease by cytophaga sp. in batch and continuous culture.lytic enzyme systems with the ability to break whole cells of yeast are a mixture of several enzymes and virtually all contain beta(1-3)glucanases and some protease. it appears that the presence of these two enzyme activities is necessary to break the two layers of the rigid cell wall. the enzyme system of cytophaga ncib 9497 has a high activity towards the walls of yeast and also of bacteria. this article describes the production of this extracellular lytic enzyme system in batch and continuous ...198618561226
kinetics of enzymatic lysis and disruption of yeast cells: i. evaluation of two lytic systems with different properties.many microorganisms produce enzymes which lyse the walls of yeasts, fungi, and bacteria. the proportions of different enzyme activities present in the lytic system, their action patterns, synergism, and dependence on inhibitors, constitute the activity profile of the lytic system. taken together, the activity profile and process conditions for lysis determine the reaction rate and the distribution of products from lysis of any given type of cells. kinetics of glucan hydrolysis, proteolysis, and ...198718581424
kinetics of enzymatic lysis and disruption of yeast cells: ii. a simple model of lysis kinetics.a simple two-step model is proposed to describe the kinetics of the two lytic systems examined in the preceding article. the model predicts concentrations of yeast solids, soluble proteins, peptides, and carbohyrates. in the first reaction step, yeast cell mass is solubilized; in the second, the released protein can be hydrolyzed to peptides. kinetics for both yeast lysis and the subsequent protein breakdown are based on michaelis-menten expressions. terms have been included for competitive inhi ...198718581425
hydrogen bonding of sulfur ligands in blue copper and iron-sulfur proteins: detection by resonance raman spectroscopy.the resonance raman spectrum of the blue copper protein azurin from alcaligenes denitrificans exhibits nine vibrational modes between 330 and 460 cm-1, seven of which shift 0.4-3.0 cm-1 to lower energy after incubation of the protein in d2o. these deuterium-dependent shifts have been previously ascribed to exchangeable protons on imidazole ligands [nestor, l., larrabee, j. a., woolery, g., reinhammar, b., & spiro, t. g. (1984) biochemistry 23, 1084] or to exchangeable protons on amide groups whi ...19873442645
induction of human immunoglobulin synthesis (igg, iga) by the novel, t cell independent mitogen cytophaga allerginae endotoxin.cytophaga allerginae endotoxin (cae) has been purified from c. allerginae, a newly discovered bacterial species isolated from a chilled water spray humidification system. the present study was undertaken in order to determine whether cae can induce immunoglobulin synthesis by human peripheral blood lymphocytes (pbl) in culture. to this end, human pbl were purified and cultured with either pokeweed mitogen at 5 micrograms/ml, or cae (at varying concentrations) for 6 days. the levels of igg and ig ...19873497882
pb-5266 a, b and c, new monobactams. i. taxonomy, fermentation and monobactams, pb-5266 a, b and c were isolated from the culture filtrate of cytophaga johnsonae pb-5266 by various types of column chromatography and preparative reverse phase hplc. pb-5266 a, b and c exhibited weak antibacterial activity against a sensitive mutant of escherichia coli to beta-lactam antibiotics.19873570960
pb-5266 a, b and c, new monobactams. ii. physico-chemical properties and chemical structures.the chemical structures of three new monobactams, pb-5266 a, b and c, were elucidated by their physico-chemical properties and spectrometric studies. in contrast to previously described monobactams, they all possess a dehydroasparagine residue.19873570961
cell wall and lipid composition of isosphaera pallida, a budding eubacterium from hot springs.isosphaera pallida is an unusual gliding, budding eubacterium recently isolated from north american hot springs. electron micrographs of ultrathin sections revealed a cell wall atypical of eubacteria: two electrondense layers separated by an electron-transparent layer, with no evident peptidoglycan layer. growth was not inhibited by penicillin. cell walls were isolated from sheared cells by velocity sedimentation. the rigid-layer fraction, prepared from cell walls by treatment with boiling 10% s ...19873584067
purification of a kappa-carrageenase from marine cytophaga species.a mixture of extracellular carrageenases was isolated from the cell-free medium of a culture of marine cytophaga sp. 1k-c783 grown on zobell 2216 e broth with 0.1% commercial carrageenan. a single active peak of kappa-carrageenase was separated and purified from the mixture by ammonium sulfate precipitation, ion-exchange chromatography, and sephadex g-200 gel filtration chromatography. molecular weight of the purified kappa-carrageenase was estimated as 100,000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacry ...19873696007
production of enzyme systems in continuous culture for the controlled lysis of microbial cells. 19873124697
a note on the microbiology of retail packs of prepared salad vegetables.retail packs of mixed, prepared salad vegetables from two different manufacturers were stored at 7 degrees c until the end of storage-life (sell-by date plus 1 d), when the microbial flora was examined. the quality of the salads was acceptable at the end of storage life. the oxygen concentrations in packs were lower, and the carbon dioxide concentrations were higher, than those in air. high numbers of bacteria were present, with pseudomonas spp. and enterobacter agglomerans predominating in pack ...19873126172
comparison of the phosphatases of lysobacter enzymogenes with those of related bacteria.lysobacter enzymogenes atcc 29487 (uasm 495) produces an outer-membrane-associated phosphatase and an excreted phosphatase. the cell-associated enzyme was compared to phosphatases of nine other gram-negative gliding bacteria and to that of escherichia coli. the other three species of the genus lysobacter also produce a particulate, cell-associated phosphatase. antiserum prepared against the phosphatase from the outer membrane of l. enzymogenes effectively precipitated the phosphatases of two oth ...19872833562
a distributed model of enzymatic lysis of microbial cells. 19873324869
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 871