
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
tube and slide technic in the hemagglutination of vibrio comma. 195514361911
cholera studies. 3. bacteriology.the morphological characteristics, biochemical properties, and cultural characteristics of v. cholerae are described in great detail in this study. the author also discusses the resistance of the organism to temperature, humidity, sunlight, and various chemicals, as well as the viability of v. cholerae outside the body (in faeces, contaminated material, food, beverages, water, etc.).195514379012
[chick embryo as a medium for evaluation of therapeutic effects of antibiotics in experimental cholera]. 195513257787
cholera studies. v. bacteriophage investigations.this study is devoted to a general discussion of the role of bacteriophagy in cholera. the author examines early and late observations, indicating that a new epoch in the history of the subject began in 1927, when large-scale investigations on cholera bacteriophagy were started in india. the main results are set out under the following headings: fixation and inhibition of choleraphages; action of choleraphages on el tor vibrios; bacteriophage-produced vibrio variations; and the use of cholerapha ...195513260880
an influenza epidemic in egypt, 1952-3, with special reference to haemagglutination influenza epidemic occurred during the winter of 1952-3 in the sindbis health district, 30 kilometres north of cairo, which appears to have been due largely to type a (fm1) influenza virus. this conclusion is based on the isolation of virus and the development of hi (haemagglutination-inhibiting) antibodies in children.the development of hi antibodies to type c virus as well implies that a lower rate of infection was occurring with this virus at about the same period. whether this virus was r ...195513260888
use of guinea-pig serum for identification of rough strains of vibrio cholerae. 195513262844
the serologic character of cholera vibrio mucinase. 195513286479
the effect of vibrio comma mucinase upon the permeability of mouse intestine. 195513286483
neuropathic effect of newcastle disease virus in mice and modification of host response by receptor destroying enzyme, viral interference, and xerosin. 195613295600
nutritional requirements of a streptomycin-dependent vibrio comma (ogawa) and its use for the quantitative determination of streptomycin in urine and serum. 195613314554
[chemical and biological properties of antigens of vibrio comma]. 195613325943
a semisynthetic medium for cultivation of salmonella typhi and vibrio cholerae. 195613339328
antigenic relationships and toxicity of mucinolytic preparations from vibrio comma and related vibrios. 195613345761
[cleavage of n-acetyl-neuraminic acid from mucins by the receptor destroying enzyme from vibrio cholerae; short publication]. 195613357123
experimental enteric shigella and vibrio infections in mice and guinea pigs.a method has been devised for inhibiting the normal enteric flora, permitting long term asymptomatic enteric infections of mice and guinea pigs with streptomycin-resistant strains of shigella flexneri or vibrio cholerae. introduction of a streptomycin-resistant strain of e. coli into the intestinal tract of experimental animals resulted in a rapid elimination of the enteric pathogens studied. no in vitro production of antibiotic substances by this coli strain could be demonstrated. active and or ...195613357693
studies on immunity to asiatic cholera. viii. the virulence of strains of vibrio cholerae for the mouse. 195613357778
antibiotic sensitiveness of strains of cholera vibrio isolated during recent epidemic in calcutta. 195613366410
antibacterial effects of some synthetic compounds on v. cholerae and other organisms. 195613367437
nutritional studies on vibrio cholerae. 195613376884
two different toxic fractions extracted from vibrio cholerae. 195613376915
[nitrogen constituents of vibrio comma phosphatides]. 195613383315
effect of blood on the viability of dried cultures of cholera vibrios. 195613387712
[titration of anti-plague serum with specific polysaccharide of vibrio comma]. 195613393688
effect of sodium chloride on adenosine deaminase, serine deaminase and tryptophanase of vibrio cholerae. 195613397517
adaptation of the membrane filter technique to the recovery of vibrio comma from water samples. 195613398380
electron-microscopic study on the flagella of vibrio comma. 195713405866
a bacteriotoxic substance in autoclaved culture media containing glucose and phosphate. 195713425521
neuraminidase: the specific enzyme of influenza virus and vibrio cholerae. 195713426178
agglutinating efficiency and combining capacity of shigella and vibrio antisera from rabbits at different stages of immunization.studies of the relative combining capacities of different antisera to vibrio cholerae and shigella flexneri were carried out using the talmage test. in this test the absorption of an i(131) labelled antibody preparation by antigen is blocked by the addition of unlabelled unknown serum. sera from rabbits in the early stages of immunization ("early antisera") had a high agglutinin titer, but low combining capacity. sera from hyperimmune rabbits ("late antisera") had higher combining capacities tha ...195713428929
a study of antigenic variation in vibrio cholerae. 195713439157
[cleavage of n-acetylnueraminic acid from mucins by the receptor-destroying enzyme from vibrio cholerae]. 195713448636
[cleavage of n-glycolylneuraminic acid (p-sialic acid) from porcine submaxillary mucin by the receptor-destroying enzyme]. 195713448656
[the nature of cell receptors for the influenza virus]. 195713448658
[cleavage of n-acetylneuraminic acid from serum by the receptor-destroying enzyme from vibrio cholerae]. 195713448659
lysis of vibrio cholerae by thymol. 195713451640
studies on immunity to asiatic cholera. ix. electrophoretic fractions of cell wall and intracellular substance of vibrio cholerae and their occurrence in successive isolates during the course of the disease. 195713463386
[chemical and biological properties of o-antigens in vibrio comma]. 195713468317
preliminary twin data on the salivary excretion of a receptor-destroying enzyme. 195713469143
[attempts to enhance the toxicity of vibrio cholerae. ii. by r-s-dissociation in vitro]. 195713470476
specific release of heterogenetic mononucleosis receptor by influenza viruses, receptor destroying enzyme and plant proteases. 195713485030
[classification of vibrio comma]. 195713497171
[metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids in vibrio comma cultures]. 195713497172
[cultivation of vibrio comma in chick embryo]. 195713497193
metabolism of dihydro streptomycin sensitive resistant and dependent vibrio comma. 195713505832
production of receptor-destroying enzyme by vibro comma in synthetic medium. 195813513556
studies on immunity to asiatic cholera. x. heat stable cell wall and intracellular antigens of vibrio cholerae independent of agglutinogens and demonstrable by passive hemagglutination. 195813514125
phage absorbed on paper disks in the rapid identification of vibrio comma. 195813533737
effect of receptor-destroying enzyme on the growth of emc virus in tissue culture. 195813563882
an alkaline tellurite lauryl sulfate-salt plate for the isolation of vibrio comma. 195813569699
[pathogenesis and diagnosis of latent carriage of vibrio comma in convalescents]. 195813570360
[effect of roentgen rays on virulent and immunogenic properties of vibrio comma]. 195813570394
[effect of anti-plague serum on vibrio comma in vitro and in vivo. ii. effect of anti-plague serum on phagocytosis of vibrio comma in the animal organism]. 195813570411
genetic recombination in vibrio cholerae. 195813575755
studies on the antigenic structure of vibrio cholerae. i. the effects of heat on the agglutinating antigens. 195813575863
studies on several inhibitors against influenza viruses. i. production and purification of receptor destroying enzyme (rde). 195813581055
studies on several inhibitor against influenza viruses. 4. optimum conditions for the action of receptor destroying enzyme on red cells and ovomucin. 195813581060
[utilization of bacteriophage titer increase for rapid detection of vibrio comma]. 195813582151
survival of v. cholerae and other intestinal pathogens in water. 195813588015
a selective medium for isolating cholera vibrios. 195813594443
[enzymatic cleavage of lactamin acid and inactivation of chorionic gonadotropins]. 195813599443
[rapid method of detection of vibrio comma in water and in washings of objects in external environment with the utilization of luminescence microscopy]. 195813626071
[studies on a combined vaccine prepared from killed vibrio comma and pasteurella pestis]. 195813626099
[cultivation of vibrio comma in the small intestine in guinea pigs]. 195813626136
[serological relationship between vibrio comma and brucella]. 195813626147
investigation on streptomycin inhibitors with the aid of a streptomycin-dependent vibrio comma. 195913631182
unmasking of mouse polyoma virus hemagglutinin by heat and rde. 195913636073
[chick embryo as an object for the determination of vibrio septicus virulence]. 195913636345
[cholera bacteriophage]. 195913636348
[comparative tests for destruction of specific inhibitors of hemagglutination due to influenza virus by treatment of sera with filtrate from cultures of vibrio cholerae, potassium periodate and trypsin]. 195913638373
effect of excess nitrite on tests for indole and the cholera red reaction. 195913641192
toxin production and virulence of inaba and ogawa vibrios. 195913641672
studies on the hemolysin of vibrio cholerae. 195913654813
observations of the nature of genetic recombination in vibrio cholerae. 195913664325
enterotoxicity of bacteria-free culture-filtrate of vibrio cholerae. 195913666809
purification of neuraminidase from vibrio cholerae. 195913666854
purification of bacterial neuraminidase (receptor-destroying enzyme). 195913666887
[adsorption and elution of an active protein in vibrio septicus anatoxin]. 195913671024
localization of succinic oxidase in vibrio cholerae. 195913672179
enzymes in vibrio cholerae; a review. 195913672647
stimulation of the production of neuraminidase in vibrio cholerae cultures by n-acetyl-mannosamine. 195913791704
stimulation of the production of neuraminidase in vibrio cholerae cultures by n-acetylneuraminic acid and sialyl-lactose. 195913824857
mercaptosuccinic acid and homoserine in the reversal of a norleucine inhibition of vibrio comma. 195913825137
[comparative effectiveness of carbon dioxide, vibrio comma filtrate and potassium periodate methods of serum treatment in the elimination of non-specific influenza virus a2 hemagglutination inhibitors]. 195913851137
toxic proteins from vibrio cholerae and water vibrios which are lethal for mice. 195914407054
the immunological relationship of a protein toxin from vibrio cholerae to its 'o' somatic antigen. 195914407055
action of streptomycin on vibrio cholerae. 196014412035
[isolation of diaminopimelic acid from vibrio comma]. 196014435377
further observations on lysis of vibrio cholerae. 196013831073
factors of virulence of vibrio cholerae. 196013758923
serologic studies of the neuraminidases of vibrio cholerae, diplococcus pneumoniae and influenza virus. 196013765078
recombination of characters between mutant stocks of vibrio cholerae, strain 162. 196013800348
[on the problem of accelerated identification of vibrio cholera]. 196013809831
activities of bacteria-free preparations from vibrio cholerae. 196013815058
virulence of a nutritional mutant of vibrio comma. 196013823967
amino-acid composition of phagetypes of vibrio cholerae. 196013709549
minimum nutritional requirements for mucinase synthesis by vibrio cholerae. 196013716230
[lysogenic, phagetyping, serological and biochemical study (cholera-red reaction and search for lysine decarboxylase) of a collection of vibrio cholerae and vibrio el-tor]. 196013728880
neutralization of cholera bacteriophages by extracts of vibrio cholerae. 196013704958
studies on antigens of vibrio cholerae by gel diffusion technique. iii. antigenic make-up of phage types. 196113704959
studies on antigens of vibrio cholerae by gel diffusion technique. iv. antigenic relationship between non-agglutinating and agglutinating vibrios. 196113704960
Displaying items 101 - 200 of 24874