
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
proceedings: stability and residual moisture content of dried vaccinia virus. 19734762032
proceedings: protectants in the freeze-drying and the preservation of vaccinia virus. 19734762033
fluorinated pyrimidines. xliv. interaction of 5-trifluoromethyl-2'-deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate with deoxyribonucleic acid polymerases. 19734762636
characterization and mixed infections of three strains of vaccinia virus: wild type, ibt-resistant and ibt-dependent mutants. 19734763970
an isatin beta-thiosemicarbazone (ibt)-dependent mutant of vaccinia virus: the nature of the ibt-dependent step. 19734763971
[combined effect of distamycin a and rifampicin on vaccinia virus in tissue culture cells]. 19734767279
water extracts of fungi as interference inducers. 19734769556
the effect of isatin beta-thiosemicarbazone derivatives on vaccinia virus multiplication in l-132 cell line (human embryonic lung). 19734769558
effect of methotrexate on cells chronically infected with vaccinia virus. 19734769560
[immune response after intramuscular administration of vaccinia virus]. 19734769664
purification of an antivariola vaccine by a combination of two methods. 19734775623
protein kinase activity from vaccinia virions: solubilization and separation into heat-labile and heat-stable components.a protein kinase was solubilized from whole vaccinia virions by using a solution containing deoxycholate, dithiothreitol, and sodium or potassium chloride. the released enzyme was completely dependent on mg(2+) and was greatly stimulated by added basic proteins such as protamine or histones. dithiothreitol was also stimulatory, whereas gtp, ctp, utp, and p(i) at concentrations equimolar with atp had little or no effect. attempts to purify the protein kinase were initially unsuccessful, leading u ...19734776967
production and defensive role of interferon. 19734782620
effect of 1-beta-d-ribofuranosyl1-1,2,4-triazole-3-carboxamide (virazole, icn 1229) on herpes and vaccinia keratitis and encephalitis in laboratory animals.topical application of 1-beta-d-ribofuranosyl-1,2,4-triazole-3-carboxamide (virazole) significantly inhibited the development of herpetic keratitis in the eyes of rabbits, as determined by both infectivity and draize scoring parameters. significant inhibition of the infection was demonstrated with 10% concentrations of virazole; a 1% solution had a moderate effect, whereas doses of 0.1 and 0.01% had little activity in this system. a 5% concentration of virazole similarly inhibited vaccinia kerat ...19734790589
antiviral activity and induction of interferon-like substance by quinacrine and acranil.several drugs with certain structural similarities (tricyclic ring system with dialkylaminoalkyl side chains) to tilorone, a potent interferon inducer, were screened for antiviral activity in vivo. two acridine drugs, acranil and quinacrine, were found to be effective, the former being almost as protective as tilorone and the latter less so. both agents induced an interferon-like substance which could be detected in the serum of treated mice. the concentration of the inhibitory factor in the ser ...19734790609
bl-20803, a new, low-molecular-weight interferon induced interferon in mice when administered via oral or parenteral routes. during multiple dosing with the drug at 48-h intervals, animals exhibited a hyporesponsive state to the third treatment. inhibition of vaccinia virus infection was correlated with interferon induction.19734790625
synthesis of vaccinia virus polypeptides in the presence of isatin-beta-thiosemicarbazone.isatin-beta-thiosemicarbazone (ibt) at a concentration of 14 mum inhibited the multiplication of vaccinia virus in hela cells. for the first 3 h after infection, viral deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) was synthesized in the presence of ibt at the same rate as in the control culture; the replication rate declined at a later stage. the dna failed to be coated with proteins and to become resistant to deoxyribonuclease unless ibt was removed. "early" and "late" viral polypeptides were formed in the prese ...19734791481
sedimentation changes of l cells in a density gradient early after infection with vaccinia 2 h postinfection, lm cells infected with vaccinia virus show a shift in their distribution when separated on a ficoll density gradient. this shift is dependent on both time and the multiplicity of infection and is due, at least in part, to an increase in cell size. those cells which do shift in position in the gradient represent infected members of the population. physical changes induced in virus-infected cells can be utilized for studying early events in virus replication.19734795833
inhibition of early vaccinia virus protein synthesis in interferon-treated chicken embryo fibroblasts. 19734796279
enhanced utilization of citrulline in rabbitpox virus-infected mouse sarcoma 180 cells. 19734797023
effect of adenovirus soluble antigens on virus synthesis and transformation in diploid cells. 19734797026
replicate titrations of a vaccinia virus batch by two different titration methods. 19734797318
phage dna as interferon inducer. 19734797704
activity of isatin-beta-thiosemicarbazone derivatives against vaccinia virus studied in chick cells by the methyl-cellulose assay. 19734797705
activity of some isatin-beta-thiosemicarbazone and hydrazine dimethylxanthine derivatives against vaccinia virus in chick cells by agar diffusion method. 19734797706
study of the kinetics of neutralization of the vaccina virus by means of titration of the homologous antiserum. 19734798236
isolation and characterization of an ibt-dependent mutant of vaccinia virus. 19734798497
the adsorption kinetics of vaccinia virus: demonstration of reversible adsorption (elution). 19734799060
endogenous protein kinase and phosphate acceptor proteins in vaccinia virus. 19734803391
the significance of the challenge strain in the potency assay of the anti-vaccinia immunoglobulin preparations. 19734805815
biological activity of poly ri:poly rc: effect on poxvirus-specific functions. 19734807815
isolation and characterization of intermediates in vaccinia virus morphogenesis. 19734807816
standardization of smallpox vaccines and human anti-vaccinia immunoglobulin. 19734808349
protection of mice against vaccinia virus by bacterial infection and sustained stimulation with specific bacterial these experiments, mice which have a strong delayed-type hypersensitivity to mycobacteria were found, when elicited with old tuberculin, to be more resistant to intravenous vaccinia virus challenge than controls. this was manifest as protection from killing when large amounts of virus were injected, or as significantly less tail swelling and damage as well as lower titers of infectious virus when a lesser inoculum was used. preliminary experiments indicate that animals sensitized with staphyl ...19734632135
[increased immunogenicity of plasma membranes of bhk-cells infected by vaccinia virus]. 19734571171
progressive vaccinia in an indonesian boy (case report). 19734601940
lipids in viruses. 19734607849
buffalopox virus. (preliminary report). brief report. 19734633584
[interactions among animal viruses of the dna type]. 19734634149
purification of vaccinia haemagglutinin. 19734525070
consequences of smallpox vaccination in leprosy patients.this study illustrates the consequences of smallpox revaccination in 45 lepromatous, 28 tuberculoid, and 47 normal individuals. results obtained with intradermal inoculations indicated that the patients with leprosy were associated with a relative anergy against the vaccinia virus, the anergy being minimal in the tuberculoid leprosy but marked in the cases with lepromatous leprosy. major vaccinial reactions were observed more often in patients with lepromatous leprosy than in the controls or pat ...19734199714
[oral and nasal immunization with poxvirus vacciniae. iv. studies of oral immunization in monkeys]. 19734200193
early virus protein synthesis in vaccinia virus-infected cells. 19734268458
5-iodo-2-deoxyuridine resistance of vaccinia viruses in cells endowed with thymidine kinase activity. 19734268858
[reproduction of vaccinia virus in the culture of human diploid cells]. 19734269833
argininosuccinate synthetase-lyase activity in vaccinia virus-infected hela and mouse l cells. 19734271656
fluorinated pyrimidines. xlii. effect of 5-trifluoromethyl-1-2'-deoxyuridine on transcription of vaccinia viral messenger ribonucleic acid. 19734267954
antiviral compounds. xv. p-substituted phenylglyoxal-n-acylamido-hemiacetals. 19734268069
studies on different strains of vaccinia virus with particular reference to their quality regarding immunogenicity and reactogenicity. 3. studies in rabbits and monkeys (macaca mulatta). 19734205143
[preparation of immunosorbents for viruses and rickettsia using glutaraldehyde (ga) and ethylchlorformate (ec)]. 19734205256
vaccinia virus morphogenesis: a comparison of virus-induced antigens and polypeptides. 19734205277
serological characterization of buffalopox virus. 19734207285
effect of heat-labile factors on the neutralization of vaccinia virus by human.the effect of unheated guinea pig and human prevaccination serum on the neutralization of vaccinia virus was studied. enhancement of neutralization was found in all sera containing antibody and was more marked (20- to 150-fold) in sera obtained in the first weeks after primary vaccination than in sera from immune adults or cord sera (4- to 25-fold). the enhancing factor was thought to be complement because it was destroyed by heating and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid treatment. the fresh serum ...19734200542
fetal infection of the baboon (papio cynocephalus) with vaccinia virus. 19734200608
terminal riboadenylate transferase: a poly a polymerase in purified vaccinia virus.purified vaccinia virus treated with triton x-100 catalyzes the incorporation of atp into an acid-insoluble product. the enzymatic activity responsible for the atp polymerization is demonstrated to be different from vaccinia rna polymerase in its preferential use of atp as substrate and on the basis of heat stability, ph optima, and metal ion requirement. the atp polymerization reaction is stimulated 10-fold by the addition of ra(pa)(5.) in accordance with our earlier terminology, we call this m ...19734201186
the effect of trypsin on the formation of virus-specific surface antigen in cowpox virus-infected cells. 19734202786
detection of vaccinia antigen and antibody by counterelectrophoresis. 19734196961
transfection in b. subtilis. 19734208299
interferon induced by tumoral dna in a homologous system. 19734144279
on the "neuropathogenicity" mechanism of vaccinia virus. 19734144285
[characterization of viremia in rabbits infected with a neurotropic strain of vaccinia virus]. 19734146818
[isolation of vaccina virus from dermovaccine. a comparative study of modern preparative methods for vaccine production. i. column chromatography on agarose gels and controlled pore glass (cp-glass)]. 19734147397
[clinico-immunologic characteristics of different forms of complications following smallpox vaccination in children]. 19734149961
[vaccinia in humans caused by generalized infection of a circus elephant (author's transl)]. 19734150109
antiviral activity of tobacco smoke condensate on encephalomyocarditis infection in mice.a water-soluble nontumorigenic acidic fraction of tobacco smoke condensate of cigarettes has been found to have antiviral activity against encephalomyocarditis (emc) virus infection in mice. the portion of lower molecular weight was inhibitory to the growth of emc virus, vesicular stomatitis virus, reovirus type 2, vaccinia virus, and poliovirus type 2, but not against adenovirus type 12, in kb cell cultures. the cigarette smoke agent did not induce serum interferon although it protected mice fr ...19734364177
inhibition of virus multiplication by partially hydrolysed rna: a possible membrane-effect. 19734359670
studies on a heat-labile variola virus inhibitor in normal sera. i. detection by the variola focus reduction assay and its general characteristics. 19734359697
[experimental study on the effect of fusidin on vaccine poxvirus]. 19734359863
effect of interferon on tumor forming ability of walker carcinosarcoma 256 cells and secretion of exo-toxin by the bacillus, clostridium welchii (type c). 19734361113
new isothiazole derivatives. ii. cytotoxicity and antiviral activity in tissue cultures. 19734361627
herpes simplex and herpes genitalis viruses in etiology of some human cancers.the results of complement fixation tests on 202 sera from people without cancer and from patients with cancer in 29 different areas of the body indicated that only those with nine varieties of advanced cancer (lip, mouth, oropharynx, nasopharynx, kidney, urinary bladder, prostate, cervix uteri, and vulva-all of 56 tested) gave positive specific reactions with nonvirion antigens induced by the dna herpes simplex (hsv 1) and herpes genitalis (hsv 2) viruses. none of 57 people without cancer (inclu ...19734361685
viral teratology. 19734369438
humoral and cellular immune responses of mice to rabies and smallpox vaccines. 19734512409
biogenesis of poxviruses: inactivation of host dna polymerase by a component of the invading inoculum particle.inhibition of nuclear dna polymerase activity in cells infected with vaccinia virus parallels the development of a nuclease activity similar to one associated with the virus particles. both phenomena occur in the absence of protein synthesis, implying that incoming particles are responsible for the effects observed. experimental evidence is presented indicating that the nuclear dna polymerase activity is inhibited coincidentally with, and perhaps as a consequence of, the hydrolysis of nascent, s ...19734515931
polyadenylate polymerase from vaccinia virions. 19734517048
breakdown of hela cell dna mediated by vaccinia virus.breakdown of hela cell dna begins within 90 min after infection with vaccinia virus at a multiplicity of infection of 2-plaque-forming units per cell, and ends about 7.5 hr after infection. hela cell dna is degraded to a uniform size of 1 to 2 x 10(7) daltons, as judged by alkaline sucrose sedimentation analysis. the rate of host-cell dna degradation by vaccinia virus increased directly with the multiplicity of infection. sedimentation patterns in neutral and alkaline sucrose gradients of viral ...19734522298
anti-dna virus activity of the 5'-nucleotide and 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide of 9-beta-d-arabinofuranosyladenine. 19734367867
iron-binding catechols and virulence in escherichia coli.a comparison of viral-induced unresponsiveness of phytohemagglutinin (pha)-induced deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) synthesis of mouse lymphocytes was made by culturing the cells under identical conditions in the presence of hepes buffer in a humid-air atmosphere. the degree of pha-induced dna synthesis was found to vary, depending upon the type of ribonucleic acid or dna virus treatment. myxovirus, paramyxoviruses, mengo virus, leukemic viruses, herpesvirus, and vaccinia virus caused a depression in ...19734576680
vaccinia virus implicated in diffuse demyelinating disease. 19734578256
a comparison of ultraviolet action spectra for vaccinia virus and t2 bacteriophage. 19734578975
the peritoneal cavity as a site for studying cell-cell and cell-virus interactions. 19734587147
abortive replication of cv1 strain of vaccinia virus in human embryo kidney cells. 19734587882
vaccinia-infected rabbit cornea: a transmission electron microscopic study. 19734593731
in vitro proliferation of rabbit bone marrow-derived and thymus-derived lymphocytes in response to vaccinia virus. 19734541630
[the intracellular and resorptive toxic action of viruses]. 19734363589
[the effect of nucleases on the reproduction of rna- and dna-containing viruses]. 19734363590
delayed hypersensitivity in vaccinia-infected mice. ii. resistance of peritoneal macrophages against vaccinia infection. 19734405395
virus antigens on the surface of infected cells: binding and elution of ( 125 i)-labelled antivirus antibody. 19734348852
comparison of direct and indirect solid-phase microradioimmunoassays for the detection of viral antigens and antiviral antibody.viral antigens were fixed to the surface of microtiter wells, and serial dilutions of antiviral antibody were added. the amount of antiviral antibody bound to viral antigens was determined by measuring the extent to which the antiviral antibody either inhibited the specific binding of (125)i-labeled antiviral immunoglobulin g (igg) (direct technique) or enhanced the specific binding of (125)i-labeled anti-igg (indirect technique). immune complexes composed of viral antigens and antiviral antibod ...19734349247
experience with an image-analyzing computer in virus plaque measurements.due to the extremely fast and reliable plaque-number determinations, the image-analyzing computer is most useful for large screening programs involving plaque-reduction tests.19734349251
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of fowlpox and vaccinia virus proteins. 19734348307
dna virus inhibitory activity of 1- -d-arabinofuranosylcytosine-3',5'-cyclic phosphate. 19734349901
the influence of polymyxin b on virus-induced cytopathogenic effect. 19734358742
antiviral activity of isoprinosine in vitro and in vivo. 19734350802
[synthesis and antiviral effects of adamantan derivatives]. 19734351043
isolation and identification of trachoma and inclusion conjunctivitis agents in melbourne, 1966 to 1972. 19734351871
further studies of viral antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with multiple sclerosis: vaccinia and parainfluenza type 1. 19734352535
virus-specific immunoglobulins in multiple sclerosis. 19734353489
immunosuppression and virus infections. 19734353947
relation between the time at which cytopathic endpoint occurs in infected cultures and the initial infective virus dose, with application to the study of inhibitors of cytopathic effect. 19734354236
Displaying items 1801 - 1900 of 12370