
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
[effect of adrenalin on the uterine cornu of the virgin guinea-pig]. 195213031287
the absorption of monosaccharides from the gastrointestinal tract of the guinea-pig. 195213041660
[effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate on tissue glycogen in guina pig]. 195213043670
experimental study on the infection of guinea-pigs to japanese b encephalitis. i. reactions of the virus inoculated animals and the correlation between the fate of inoculated virus and the serological antibody response. 195213097705
[investigations on new principles in active immunization against swine erysipelas with special reference to concentrated adsorption vaccine]. 195213211069
the effects of thyroxine and thiouracil on the tuberculin reactions of guinea-pigs. 195214946304
an experimental study of post-partum endometrial repair in the guinea-pig and rat. 195214946310
the riboflavin requirement of the baby pig. i. at an environmental temperature of 85 f. and 70% relative humidity. 195214946606
vitamin b12 requirement of weanling pigs. ii. performance on low levels of vitamin b12 and requirement for optimum growth. 195214946610
[dystrophic liver disease in swine suggesting acute yellow atrophy]. 195214948093
[attempts of artificial infection of the swine louse haematopinus suis l. with rickettsia prowazeki and rickettsia quintana]. 195214950154
[migration of the ovicell in swine]. 195214952005
an experimental study of the effects of preservation on the fate of aortic and vena-caval homografts in the growing pig. 195214953175
an improved swine erysipelas vaccine: a review of recent developments by european investigators. 195214936440
biotin deficiency in suckling pigs. 195214939093
the effect of calcium and potassium on the action of histamine on guinea-pig ileum. 195214939205
vitamin b12 deficiency in swine. 195214941527
modification of acute irradiation injury in mice and guinea-pigs by bone marrow injections. 195214941986
the difference between insulin from cattle and from pigs. 195214934744
the fecal excretion of aureomycin by the pig. 195214934271
[further studies on the localization of the antianemic factor (intrinsic factor) in the stomach. viii. the antianemic activity of the mucosa and muscle fibers of the swine pylorus]. 195214931632
growth of pigs given skim milk soured with nisin-producing streptococci. 195214910726
experimental avitaminosis a in young pigs. 195214917613
effect on lyxoflavin on growth of baby pigs fed a synthetic diet. 195214920518
manometric and histochemical demonstration of tyrosinase in foetal guinea-pig skin. 195214920544
immunization of turkeys and pigs with an erysipelas bacterin. 195214926335
anatomic and endocrine causes of sterility in female swine. 195214926737
transmissible gastroenteritis in swine-field herd studies. 195214927492
hemocultures as a diagnostic aid in swine erysipelas. 195214927494
that cholera vaccination conundrum. 195214927502
further report on survey of the new hog cholera vaccines. 195214927532
observations with the electron microscope on cells of the chick chorio-allantoic membrane infected with influenza virus.preparations of influenza-infected chick chorio-allantoic membrane made by two types of tissue culture and by sectioning, have been studied in the electron microscope. comparisons have been made of influenza a' (fm1), influenza a (pr8), and swine influenza (v15), three strains which produce different relative numbers of filaments. normal surface projections which may be confused with influenza filaments are described. extruded products of degenerating cells, usually bleb-shaped, may also be foun ...195214927791
failure of pyromen to affect the development of an eczematous sensitization in the giunea pig. 195214927978
acoustic and vestibular function in guinea-pigs after removal of the membranous external semicircular canal. 195214928029
cholinesterase content of normal and denervated skeletal muscle in the guinea-pig. 195214928230
swineherd's disease in new zealand; infection with leptospira pomona in man, calves and pigs. 195214929421
pig face fetus, a teratological study. 195214923720
studies in swine brucellosis. i. the pathogenesis of artificial brucella melitensis infection. 195214924113
porcine leptospirosis. 195214924132
studies on baby pig mortality. viii. chemical observations on the newborn pig, with special reference to hypoglycemia. 195214924134
studies on baby pigs mortality. ix. some morphological observations on the newborn pig, with special reference to hypoglycemia. 195214924135
toxoplasmosis. i. toxoplasma isolated from swine. 195214924136
effect of aureomycin on diarrhea the vitamin b12 and methionine needs of the pig. 195214924137
experimental arthritis in swine following multiple injections with erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. 195214924138
histology of the scent gland of the peccaries. 195214924263
the composition of the depot fats of a pig fed on a diet rich in whale oil. 195214925128
mortality in swine and dose distribution studies in phantoms exposed to supervoltage roentgen radiation. 195214914939
the application of electrophoresis-convection in the purification of enzymes; purification of the alkaline phosphatase of swine kidneys. 195214913195
[modification in muscle tissue in cross breeding]. 195214906221
porcine ileitis. 195214906634
studies on swine brucellosis. ii. control in farn herds. 195214907539
the effect of splenectomy and reticuloendothelial blockade upon the anaemia of lead poisoning in guinea-pigs. 195214908802
investigations on a virus pneumonia of long duration prevalent in pigs. 195214908809
an attempt to alter the characteristics of brucella abortus by serial passage through swine. 195214905880
depression of tuberculin sensitivity in guinea-pigs by certain antituberculous surface-active agents. 195214905031
the persistence of resistance following the disappearance of hypersensitivity in guinea-pigs after vaccination with vole bacillus and bcg. 195214954113
[distribution of aluminum in the blood of the horse, cattle and pig]. 195214955227
the effect of hypothyroidism on the guinea-pig. 195214955553
relaxation of the pelvis in guinea-pigs following implantation of pituitary glands. 195214955559
reticuloendothelial cells in the uterine horns of the guinea-pig; an endometrial cycle independent of the ovaries. 195214955722
repeatable micro-shocks of constant strength in guinea-pig anaphylaxis. 195214955814
[swin pest; a note on variability of the virus]. 195214956123
lepine and sautter's disease in great britain. 195214957062
[swine fever or erysipeloid of rosenbach]. 195214957826
[fertility of hogs in relation to certain conditions of intrauterine fetal development]. 195214902072
autoradiographic studies of calcium, phosphorus and strontium distribution in the bones of the growing pig. 195214902690
a study of the incidence of trichinosis in swine in the maritime provinces. 195217648549
studies of swine erysipelas. i. literature review and survey of erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae infection in canada. 195217648552
studies of swine erysipelas. ii. cultural characteristics and virulence of strains of erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae isolated in canada. 195217648553
control of anaemia in pigs. 195217648562
a report on the experimental feeding of a.p.f. supplement to pigs. 195217648565
studies of swine erysipelas. iii. antigenic characteristics of strains of erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae isolated in different areas in canada. 195217648567
studies of swine erysipelas. iv. serological diagnosis in swine. 195217648571
newer problems in swine diseases control and treatment. 195217648586
rhinitis of swine. vi. topical application of streptomycin in artificially infected pigs. 195217648595
avian tuberculosis infection in swine. 195217648599
immunization of turkeys against swine erysipelas with several types of bacterins. 195217648605
[diagnosis of virus pneumonia in epizootic disease of pigs in morocco; outline of variants and parentage of the virus]. 195313184779
[antibiotics and digestive phenomena in the pig; effect of aureomycin]. 195313190694
international standard for tetanus analysis of results of assays obtained at the laboratory of hygiene, department of national health and welfare, ottawa, canada, shows that the problem of assaying tetanus toxoids differs with the two test-animals used, the mouse and the guinea-pig. in the mouse, the slopes of dosage-response curves of plain and adsorbed toxoids are clearly not similar, so that separate standards are required for their assay. in the guinea-pig, the slopes of immunization curves for these two types are similar, ...195313141135
[effect of r.p. 4560 on peptone shock in the dog and the pig]. 195313141597
[storage of estrogens in animal body. ii. hormone-fattened pigs]. 195313141949
the incidence and typing of tuberculosis in swine in egypt. 195313143158
chemistry and biology of lipids. xiv. group lipoid of pig stomach mucosa. 195313146680
biochemical studies on carbohydrates. clxii. high-molecular components of pig kidney-cortex, particularly a carbohydrate or carbohydrates containing hexosamine. 195313146681
fractionation of pig gastric mucosa and the properties particularly antigenicity of the high-molecular components separated. i. 195313146692
fractionation of pig gastric mucosa and the properties particularly antigenicity of the high-molecular components separated. ii. 195313146693
resistance to adrenaline during pregnancy; an electrocardiographic study of the toxicity of adrenaline in guinea-pigs. 195313171692
the role of vitamin c in the mucopolysaccharide metabolism of the skin; studies on free mucopolysaccharides and mast cells in the intact skin and during wound healing in normal and scorbutic guinea-pigs. 195313171709
experimental study on the infection of guinea-pigs to japanese b encephalitis. iii. histopathology of the experimentally infected animals. 195313175378
[leptospirosis in swine]. 195313132454
[immunology in encephalomyelitis enzootica suis]. 195313209621
haematological studies in normal and scorbutic guinea-pigs. 195313210954
[diagnostic value of rapid agglutination test in swine erysipelas]. 195313232824
experimental study on the infection of guinea-pigs to japanese b encephalitis. iv. on the cerebral local immunity. 195313286894
on a nutritive liver disease in pigs; so-called toxic liver dystrophy. 195313101749
[cytochemical observations on newborn cavia cobaya]. 195313106117
tubercle bacilli resistant to isoniazid: virulence and response to treatment with isoniazid in guinea-pigs and mice. 195313106225
antibiotics in the diet of the fattening pig. 195313106237
the relation of adrenocortical function to scurvy in guinea-pigs; the effect of exogenous acth and adrenalectomy. 195313118034
Displaying items 1701 - 1800 of 264670