
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
the economic impact of viral hepatitis in the united states. 1976181777
hepatitis a antigen isolated from liver and stool: immunologic comparison of antisera prepared in guinea pigs.morphologically similar hepatitis a antigen particles (ha ag)3 have been detected in the stools of patients with type a hepatitis and in the livers of marmosets experimentally infected with hepatitis a virus. to investigate the humoral antibody responses to these antigens and to compare the immunologic properties of ha ag from these two sources, we immunized guinea pigs with either marmoset liver-derived ha ag or with human stool-derived ha ag in complete freund's adjuvant and measured their ant ...1976182882
distribution of antibody to hepatitis a antigen in urban adult investigate the prevalence and distribution of antibody to hepatitis a antigen we tested 947 randomly selected people in the greater new york city area; 45 per cent were antigen positive, as determined by the immune adherence method. antibody was detected two to three times more frequently in lower social classes (72 to 80 per cent) than in middle and upper-middle classes (18 to 30 per cent). the rate of antibody detection was strongly correlated with age; the prevalence gradually increased t ...1976183113
[development of cellular immunity in patients with viral hepatitis].the development of cell-mediated immunity (cmi) to the surface antigen of hepatitis b virus (hbsag) and botevgrad antigen (ba) was traced in 50 hepatitis patients. migration inhibition test (mit) was performed with purified hbsg and ab. blood samples from every hepatitis patient were obtained at the beginning of the icteric phase, 10 days later and during convalescence. there was correlation between the two types of viral hepatitis and the type of cellular immune response. the development of cmi ...1976185810
[pathogenic and therapeutic concepts in viral hepatitis]. 1976175890
the seroepidemiology of reovirus, coxsackievirus infections among panamanian indian children.rates of hepatitis b virus infection varied significantly among panamanian indian tribes. chocó and mainland cuna indians had a greater prevalence of antibody to hepatitis b surface antigen than guaymi and island cuna indians. the village water supply appeared to be the major environmental difference that distinguished the tribes from one another. since contaminated water plays a role in the transmission of enterovirus, an attempt was made to assess relative exposure to contaminated water by det ...1976176278
[laboratory diagnostic differences between hepatitis a and hepatitis b]. 1976177254
[hospital-acquired hepatitis type b. report of 6 cases (author's transl)].seroconversion was observed in 6 patients, indicating an infection with hepatitis virus b. all of these patients had been hospitalized with hbag-positive persons a few weeks before, 5 of them because of acute hepatitis type a. while seroconversion was followed by acute hepatitis in 4 cases, the infection remained clinically silent in the other two patients. the second periods of illness were no attacks of relapsing hepatitis type a, as was indicated by hbag. vice versa superinfection of hepatiti ...1976177849
viral infections that affect the fetus.several viral infections besides rubella are known to cause fetal anomalies and disease. cytomegalovirus, for example, may adversely affect the fetus in a number of ways. either herpesvirus or hepatitis b virus is transmissible from mother to offspring. viruses whose potential for fetal harm is less clear are those of varicella, mumps, and influenza.1976177962
hepatitis b virus, cirrhosis and primary carcinoma of the liver. an electron microscopic study.the core and coat of hepatitis b virus were found by electron microscopy in parenchymal cells of a liver biopsy from a 61 year old man with chronic active hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. laparoscopy, 35 days after liver biopsy, and autopsy 42 days later confirmed the cirrhosis and showed in addition a well differentiated hepatoma. the possibility of a viral aetiology for the cirrhosis and primary carcinoma of the liver is considered.1976188267
tropical cirrhosis and hepatoma. 1976173844
acute viral hepatitis. 1976173971
hepatitis: two elusive viruses. 1976174064
viral hepatitis--a primer: 1. epidem.iology.hepatitis a is most often transmitted by the fecal-oral route under conditions of crowding, poor hygiene, and prolonged exposure to infected persons. direct spread of hepatitis b via person-to person contact has only recently been proved. hepatitis b is usually transmitted indirectly proved. hepatitis b is usually transmitted indirectly by percutaneous routes, and the increase in drug abuse has brought about a change in its epidemiologic pattern.1976174067
the epidemiology of hepatitis b in a residential institution for the mentally retarded.a longitudinal study carried out over 43 months in a residential home for the mentally retarded confirmed the marked propensity of individuals with down's syndrome (ds) to develop chronic hb antigenaemia. this could not be accounted for by environmental factors, and a genetic basis is postulated. in addition, ds subjects appeared innately more susceptible to hepatitis b virus (hbv) infection, requiring one-third the patient-months of exposure of non-down's subjects (nd) before showing evidence o ...1976139881
[the core antigen of hepatitis b virus]. 197664022
viral hepatitis research leading towards control by vaccination. 197664239
epidemiology of hepatitis b virus in an institution for mentally retarded persons.sera from patients and employees of the lynchburg training school and hospital were tested for hepatitis b surface antigen by complement fixation test and antibody against hepatitis b surface antigen by radioimmunoprecipitation test. hepatitis b surface antigen was detected in 20% of the down's syndrome patients and 7 percent of the matched other retarded patients. antibody against hepatitis b surface antigen was detected in 40% of the down's syndrome and 57% of the matched other retarded patien ...1976129004
a clinical and laboratory evaluation of immune serum globulin from donors with a history of hepatitis: attempted prevention of post-transfusion hepatitis.a controlled trial of passive immunization for prevention of post-transfusion viral hepatitis was carried out in order to determine whether effective levels of antibody were present in the "convalescent" immune serum globulin used in the study. this globulin was prepared selectively from plasma of donors giving a history of overt viral hepatitis two or more years earlier. the proportion of contributors to the globulin who had b hepatitis was unknown but the final product contained a low titer of ...197665126
[can therapeutic measures cause a hepatitis virus infection to become chronic? (author's transl)].the question whether a hepatitis b virus infection can become chronic as a result of prophylactic or therapeutic measures is investigated. experience with standard or hepatitis b gamma-globulin has shown no negative influence on the development of chronic hepatitis b virus infections. on the other hand it cannot be excluded that a hepatitis b virus infection may be so modified by steroid therapy, by immunosuppressive or cytostatic treatment that the disease runs a milder course and then tends to ...197658376
viral hepatitis. 197658754
detection of surface and core antigens of hepatitis b virus in the liver of 164 human subjects. a study by immunoperoxidase and orcein staining.the surface (hbsag) and core (hbcag) antigens of hepatitis b virus (hbv) have been searched by optic microscopy in the liver specimens from patients hospitalized for various conditions and from 38 hgsag chronic carriers. the study was done blindly using shikata et al.'s orcein staining on fixed and frozen material and direct immunoperoxidase on frozen material with antisera specific for surface (anti-hbs) and core (anti-hbc) antigens of hbv. no liver staining could be found in the 98 hbsag seron ...197658802
hepatitis-b vaccine. safety criteria and non-b infection. 197659027
behaviour of e antigen and antibody during chronic active liver disease. relation to hb antigen-antibody system and prognosis.serial determinations of e antigen and e antibody were made in 20 patients with chronic active liver disease and hepatitis-b surface antigen (hbsag) or antibody (anti-hbs). the presence of e antigen was associated with failure to clear hbsag, produce anti-hbs, or respond to treatment with steroids. it is proposed that the presence of the e antigen is associated with impaired host immune responses to hepatitis-b virus infection and a poor prognosis.197659188
differential distribution of hepatitis b surface antigen and hepatitis b core antigen in the liver of hepatitis b hundred liver biopsies from 100 patients with clinical presumptive diagnosis of hepatitis were examined by immunofluorescence for the presence of hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag) and hepatitis b core antigen (hbcag). of the 60 hbsag-positive livers, 51 were diagnosed as chronic hepatitis on histological grounds, 6 as acute hepatitis, and 3 as "near-normal liver." from the 60 tissue-positive cases, 3 subjects were hbsag seronegative. hbcag was detected in 44 livers, all of which also had h ...197659675
primary carcinoma of the liver.primary carcinoma of the liver is rare in western countries but it is a common malignant tumour in many parts of the tropics. much has been learnt in recent years about its pathology, manifestations, and aetiology that is relevant to the whole field of oncology. the important distinction between carcinomas of liver-cell and bile-duct origin, the phenomenon of alpha-fetoprotein production, and the role of cirrhosis are discussed in the context of newly discovered aetiological factors such as gona ...197660075
hepatitis-b: a review.the recent literature on various aspects of hepatitis-b is reviewed with emphasis on the interrelationships of viral structure, antigenic components, and host immune response in acute, chronic, and asymptomatic carrier states of the infection. the mode of replication and mechanisms of transmission are discussed. special attention is paid to potential non-parenteral routes of spread. the role of hepatitis-b in associated immune complex diseases and in hepatoma is outlined. a guide to the interpre ...197660200
administration of human fibroblast interferon in chronic hepatitis-b patient with hepatitis-b surface antigen (hbsag)-positive chronic aggressive hepatitis, and two chimpanzee carriers of hbsag, were each given seven doses of 10(7) i.u. of human fibroblast interferon over two weeks. the main differnce observed after treatment was a depression of the nucleocapsid hepatitis-0 core antigen in the liver, indicating that hepatitis-b virus infection is sensitive to interferon. except for a short febrile reaction, no undesirable effects were seen after the administr ...197660513
predicting progression of acute type-b hepatitis to chronicity. 197660583
host responses to hepatitis-b infection in patients with primary hepatic carcinoma and their families. a case/control study in senegal, west africa.a case/control study of patients with primary hepatic carcinoma (p.h.c.) and their families was carried out in dakar, senegal. 28 p.h.c. cases were matched by age,sex, and ethnic group with 28 controls. serum was collected from cases, controls, parents (28 mothers, 27 fathers) of cases, parents of controls, 71 siblings of cases, and 58 siblings of controls. assays of their sera for hepatitis-b surface antigen (hbsag), antibody to hbsag (anti-hbs) and antibody to hepatitis-b core antigen (anti-hb ...197660621
letter: decreasing frequency of e antigen with age in serum of symptom-free carriers of hepatitis b antigen. 197660656
[hepatitis: an international problem (author's transl)].three kinds of virus hepatitis are recognized today: hepatitis a, b, and "non a-nonb". hepatitis a is transmitted mainly by the anal-oral route, hepatitis b and probably also the third form of hepatitis principally by direct inoculation or close physical contact. normal human immune serum globulin protects against hepatitis a, but only gives limited protection against hepatitis b and "non a-non b" hepatitis. special immune serum globulin provides better protection but it is only available in sma ...197660698
intrahepatic localization of the surface (hbsag) and core (hbcag) antigenic determinants associated with hepatitis b virus in biopsy samples from patients with liver disease.109 biopsy samples from 35 hbag serologically positive and 74 negative patients were examined by ifl for the presence of the surface and core antigenic determinants associated with the dane particle. in no serologically negative case was specific ifl detected. different patterns were observed in serologically positive patients: negative in acute hepatitis, strongly positive cytoplasmic hbs fluorescence in chronic hbag carriers with normal liver, and discrete hbsag parenchymal and mesenchymal sta ...197660776
passive immunization against exposure to hepatitis b virus in the military: potential and possibilities. 197660830
detection of e antigen and antibody: correlations with hapatitis b surface and hepatitis b core antigens, liver disease, and outcome in hepatitis b infections.testing for e antigen and antibody (anti-e) was performed by immunodiffusion and counterelectrophoresis in patients with polyarteritis nodosa fulminant hepatitis, and chronic active hepatitis (cah), in 59 asymptomatic carriers of hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag) who underwent liver biopsy, and in 150 carriers followed with sequential sgpt determinations. counterelectrophoresis was more sensitive that immunodiffusion. neither e antigen nor anti-e was found in the absence of hbsag. among hcsag- ...197661146
modification of chronic hepatitis-b virus infection in chimpanzees by administration of an interferon inducer.chimpanzees chronically infected with hepatitis-b virus showed transient changes in several markers of infection when treated with the interferon inducer polyriboinosinic-polyribocytidylic acid-poly-l-lysine carboxymethyl cellulose. serum dane-particle-associated d.n.a. polymerase, e antigen and hepatitis-b surface antigen, and intrahepatic hepatitis-b surface and core antigens diminished during treatment. defective (d.n.a.-polymerase-negative) dane particles increased in titre transiently durin ...197661440
[detection and prognostic significance of ag "e" and its antibody in the course of hb virus infections[].a new antigen antibody system the e ag and ab has been investigated by immunodiffusion and counterelectrophoresis in the serum of 509 subjects. those included 242 patients with polyarteritis, acute chronic or fulminant hepatitis; 85 hemodialysis hbs ag carriers and 182 asymptomatic hbs ag carrier blood donors. neither e ag nor anti- e were detected in any of the non hepatitis b virus associated cases. counterelectrophoresis was found to be more sensitive than immunodiffusion and detected either ...197661579
the virus of hepatitis, type b (first of two parts). 197662280
structure and nature of hepatitis b antigen. 197662373
induction of antibody to the "y" determinant of hbsag in a chimpanzee carrier of hbsag subtype "adw".antibody to the y determinant of hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag) was induced in a chimpanzee chronically infected with hepatitis b virus and circulating hbsag subtype adw. the chimpanzee was immunized with purified preparations of hbsag subtypes adw and ayw. six weeks after immunization, antibody to hbsag (anti-hbs) specific for the y determinant, appeared. no change occurred in titers of hbsag or antibody to hepatitis b core antigen (anti-hbc) and "e" antigen remained detectable. the circul ...197662804
current status of post-transfusion hepatitis. 197663244
the prevention of viral hepatitis.studies with heat-inactivated ms-2 serum have indicated that active immunization against hepatitis b infection can be achieved even though the virus has not been cultivated in tissue culture. the development of new biophysical, biochemical and immunological techniques has increased knowledge of the hepatitis b virus and its associated antigens. in the wake of these recent developments the accumulating evidence indicates that active immunization could be achieved by the use of purified hepatitis ...197663266
letter: detection of e antigen by immunofluorescence in cytoplasm of hepatocytes of hbsag carriers. 197655751
efficacy of prophylactic gamma-globulin in preventing non-a, non-b post-transfusion hepatitis.of 279 cardiac-surgery patients receiving a mean of twelve transfusions, 47 had significantly increased transaminase concentrations 14 to 180 days postoperatively and 10 were icteric. preoperatively, each patient randomly received high-titre hbsab gamma-globulin, normal gamma-globulin, or placebo and was followed at intervals for 9 months. only 3 patients had serological evidence of hepatitis-b infection. 3 additional patients had serological evidence of cytomegalovirus infection, while none had ...197655838
relation of e antigen to hepatitis b virus infection in an area of hyperendemicity.a study of the e determinant of hepatitis b surface antigen in an area of hepatitis b hyperendemicity revealed that the presence of e antigen or of antibody to e in the sera of individuals was specifically related to evidence of past or present infection with hepatitis b virus. among asymptomatic long-term carriers of hepatitis b surface antigen, presence of the e antigen was associated with elevated levels of aspartate and alanine aminotransferases in serum; this observation suggested that the ...197656411
identification of additional antigenic sites on dane particles and the tubular forms of hepatitis b surface antigen.additional antigenic sites, distinct from those present on spherical 20 nm diam. particles of hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag), are exposed on the surface of dane particles and tubular forms of hbsag. the immunological relationship of these sites to e-antigen, an antigen detected earlier in hbsag-positive sera from patients with chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis or acute hepatitis but not in healthy hbsag-carriers, was established by immune electron microscopy and affinity chromatography. these fi ...197656422
an epidemic of infantile papular acrodermatitis (gianotti's disease) in japan associated with hepatitis-b surface antigen subtype epidemic of infantile papular acrodermatitis (i.p.a.) (gianotti's disease) occurred in matsuyama city, in south-east japan in 1974-75. patients ages ranged from less than one year to eight years. hepatitis-b surface antigen (hbsag) was detected by an immune adherence haemagglutination method in the serum samples of 48 of the 54 patients tested. hbsag subtypes were determined by a haemagglutination-inhibition method. ayw antigens were identified in 42 patients and adr antigens in 3; it was not ...197656530
seroepidemiological study of hbv infections in athens, greece.a seroepidemiological survey of a sample-roughly representative by age and sex - of 2744 persons of the greater athens area revealed that hepatitis b virus (hbv) infections are highly endemic in greece. hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag) was detected in 72(2-6%) of them. the subtype was identified in 70 of the 72 carriers, and 69 were ay; the other was ad. determinant w was present in all 61 that were capable of being typed further, and a23y(w) was twice as common as a11y(w). antibody to hbsag ...197657193
letter: infectivity of serum containing hbsag and antibody to e antigen. 197657433
recent advances in viral hepatitis: part i. 197657645
vasculitis with hepatitis b antigenemia: long-term observation in nine patients.the development of generalized necrotizing vasculitis in association with hepatitis b antigenemia is the first example in man of a chronic rheumatic disease presumably caused by a viral infection. this report reviews the experience in nine biopsy-proven cases of hepatitis b-associated necrotizing vasculitis followed for up to six years. the natural history of the disease is emphasized and the manifestations of patients with vasculitis who carry hepatitis b antigen are compared with those of vasc ...19761628
experimental studies on the transmission of hepatitis b by mosquitoes.culex tarsalis and aedes aegypti mosquitoes were fed on chimpanzees carrying hepatitis b surface antigen (hbs ag) of known infectivity and pools were tested by radioimmunoassay daily for the presence of hbs ag. hbs ag continued to be detected at low levels in mosquito tissue after digestion of the blood meal. inoculation of susceptible chimpanzees with macerated pools of a. aegypti mosquitoes at two intervals after digestion of the blood meal did not produce hepatitis or serologic evidence of he ...19769000
polyarteritis nodosa with hb antigens. 197610558
hepatitis b virus and associated pathology. 197610617
a new hepatitis b virus surface antigen.a new determinant of hepatitis b surface antigen (hbs ag), g, which is distinct from the previously identified determinants a, d, y, w, and r, was studied. this new antigen tended to be associated with the d antigen; it was found in 97% of ad specimens and in 15% of ay specimens. with few exceptions, the atypical subtypes, adg- and ayg+, were identified in sera from blood donors, but not in sera from patients with acute viral hepatitis; this finding possibly reflects a reduced tendency of these ...197654396
approaching the control of viral hepatitis type b. 197654398
letter: hepatitis-b antibody in polymyalgia rheumatica. 197654548
two immunologic reactions in the pathogenesis of hepatitis? 197654877
hepatitis b surface antigenaemia in kenyans with chronic liver disease.fifty kenyan patients with chronic liver disease or hepatocellular carcinoma were tested for hepatitis b surface antigenaemia by radioimmunoassay. the hepatitis b surface antigen was detected in 77% of the patients with chronic persistent or chronic aggressive hepatitis, or cirrhosis confirmed by liver biopsy, compared with 15% in a control group. all six patients with hepatocellular carcinoma had detectable hepatitis b surface antigen or antibody. 50% of the controls had hepatitis b surface ant ...1976841649
the prevalence of hepatitis-b antigen (hb s ag) and its antibody (anti-hb s) among london hemophiliacs and blood donors from london and two tropical areas.the prevalence of hepatitis-b antigen (hb s ag) and its antibody (anti-hbs) among 49 london hemophiliacs was compared with that among women attending an antenatal clinic and healthy blood donors from london and from two parts of the tropics (mauritius and zambia). the prevalence of hbsag and anti-hbs was low in antenatal patients, london blood donors and blood donors from mauritius. however, a high proportion of hemophiliacs (59%) were anti-hbs positive, this being comparable with zambian blood ...1976936273
[immune complexes of the surface antigen of hepatitis b (hbs ag)]. 1976937159
[histocompatibility-(hla) antigens in patients with hbsag positive and negative hepatitis and healthy carriers of hbsag and anti-hbs. (author's transl)].new own data and a survey of published data concerning the frequencies of 23 hla antigens in patients with hbsag positive and negative chronic active hepatitis (cah) and healthy carriers of hepatitis-surface antigen (hbsag) and high titers of antibodies to hbaag (anti-hbs) allow to conclude as follows: 1. patients with cah and persistence of hbsag show a normal frequency of hla-b8. 2. there is no increased frequency of hla-b8 in hbsag negative cah without autoimmune antibodies. 3. only in patien ...1976940293
[epidemiology of hepatitis b virus (hbv) in an antituberculosis sanatorium]. 1976942554
e antigen and anti-e in the serum of asymptomatic carrier mothers as indicators of positive and negative transmission of hepatitis b virus to their infants.testing of serum samples of 23 pregnant women who were asymptomatic carriers of hepatitis b surface antigen for e antigen and antibody to e with an immunodiffusion technic identified 10 mothers with e antigen and seven with e antibody. their babies were tested for hepatitis b surface antigen in serum at intervals for more than 12 months. in all 10 babies born to e-antigen-positive mothers hepatitis b surface antigen developed and persisted through the observation period, and all 10 elder sibling ...1976943694
hepatitis b surface antigen and antibody in asymptomatic blood donors.seventy-two volunteer blood donors who had hepatitis b surface antibody (anti-hbs) were studied and compared with 115 carriers of hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag). anti-bhs-positive donors gave a history of greater possible exposure to hepatitis b virus, there was a lower male-female ratio, and they had a much lower frequency of abnormal hepatic function test results. those who were positive by counterimmunoelectrophoresis (ciep), which indicated a high titer of antibody (greater than 1:2,000 ...1976946183
effect of human leukocyte interferon on hepatitis b virus infection in patients with chronic active hepatitis.four patients with chronic hepatitis b infection and chronic active hepatitis were treated with human leukocyte interferon. three of them had consistently elevated levels of circulating dane-particle markers, including dane-particle-associated dna polymerase activity, hepatitis b core antigen and dane-particle-associated dna. parenteral interferon administration at a dosage between 6.0 x 10(3) and 17 x 10(4) u per kilogram per day was associated with a rapid and reproducible fall in all dane-par ...1976950957
editorial: interferon and hepatitis b virus. 1976950963
[significance of hepatitis virus b in glomerulonephritis in children]. 1976951225
viral hepatitis: problems of incidence and control in military personnel. 1976960730
hepatitis b virus infection in dental surgical practice.sixty-one dental surgeons at king's college hospital were interviewed to establish the incidence of attacks of viral hepatitis and to relate this to environmental risk factors. six (10%) had a history of hepatitis, in one case due to infection with the hepatitis b virus. screening blood for hbsag by radioimmunoassay showed no carriers of the antigen, but transient antigenaemia was observed in one dentist. antibody to hbsag, tested by radioimmunoassay, was detected in four dentists (7%), only one ...1976963431
venereal transmission of hepatitis b virus. the possible role of vaginal secretions.the presence of type b viral (australia antigen related serum) hepatitis in vaginal specimens was investigated and compared with that in saliva specimens in a group of patients during the acute phase of their illness. hepatitis b surface antigen was detectable in most vaginal and salivary secretions during the phase of antigenemia and not in hepatitis b surface antigen-negative controls. despite care in collection, occult blood was detected in the majority of specimens, but the positivity for he ...1976967376
[detection of antibodies against mucleocapsids of hepatitis b virus (anti-hbc) by the immunoperoxidase inhibition technic: study of 225 subjects]. 1976969040
absence of complete homologous immunity in hepatitis b infection after massive exposure.evidence from prospective studies of human cases of posttransfusion hepatitis observed among 299 cardiac surgery patients, and from each of three experimentally challenged chimpanzees, indicates that immunity to hepatitis b infection can be overcome by massive challenge doses. however, all cases of hepatitis in patients with prior immunity have been subclinical. chimpanzees developed hepatitis and hbs antigenemia when challenged with hepatitis b virus that had an antigenic subtype identical to t ...1976970767
distribution of hepatitis b virus subtypes in romania.the higher incidence of hb8ag/ayw (71%) in sera collected from acute viral hepatitis cases, as well as from patients with chronic active hepatitis, healthy carriers and blood donors of 20 romanian counties emphasizes the local prevalence of the ayw determinant in our country.1976973342
radioimmunoassay for antibody to hepatitis b surface antigen shows transmission of hepatitis b virus among household contacts.the epidemiology of infections with hepatitis b virus was studied by measurement of serum antibodies to hepatitis b surface antigen (hbs ag) with the radioimmuno-precipitation test. prospective studies of household contacts of hbs ag-positive patients with acute hepatitis demonstrated that four of 41 children and one of 60 adults experienced anicteric seroconversions. two of the 60 adults also had mild icteric hepatitis and became chronically antigenemic. neither hbs ag nor antibody to hbs ag wa ...1976977993
distribution and characteristics of hepatitis b surface antigen in body fluids of institutionalized children and adults.specimens of blood, feces, urine, and nasopharyngeal washings collected at regular intervals from subjects in an institutionalized population were tested for the presence of hepatitis b surface (hbs ag) and antibody by passive hemagglutination, radioimmunoassay, and immune electron microscopy. hbs ag, confirmed by radioimmunoassay and immune electron microscopy, was frequently detected in nasal washings, urine, and feces of chronic carriers of hbs ag and occasionally in subjects with recent sero ...1976978002
problems of protection against virus b hepatitis. 1976981104
antiviral effects of virazole in chronic hepatitis b surface antigen-seropositive chimpanzees.virazole (ribavirin, icn 1229), a broad-spectrum, antiviral chemotherapeutic agent was used to treat two adult chronically hepatitis b surface antigen (hb(s) ag)-seropositive chimpanzees. no significant change in serum hepatitis b surface antigen was noted and no adverse reactions were observed. the role of viral replication in the chronic carrier state of hepatitis b is discussed.1976984798
antibody against the hepatitis type b core antigen. a new tool for epidemiologic studies.four random samples representing populations at low (volunteer blood donors), intermediate, (vd clinic patients), high (family contacts of chronic antigen carriers) and very high (male homosexuals) risk of exposure to hbv were surveyed. among hbsag and anti-hbs negative individuals an average of 3.3% were found to be anti-hbc positive, and among those with anti-hbs, 19.4% were anti-hbc positive. anti-hbc, with concurrent anti-hbs and without, was detected more frequently in the high risk samples ...1976989260
sexually-transmitted diseases. 1976989591
interim guidelines for the use of immune serum globulin for protection against viral hepatitis type b. 1976990138
complement fixing hepatitis b core antigen immune complexes in the liver of patients with hbs antigen positive chronic hundred and fifty-two biopsies from serologically hbsag positive and negative patients with liver disease were studied in immunofluorescence: for the presence of the surface (hbs) and the core (hbc) antigenic determinants foeterminants of the hepatitis b virus, of immunoglobulins and complement (c) deposits, and for the capacity to fix human c. circumstantial evidence is presented suggesting that hbc immune-complexes are a relevant feature in the establishment and progression of chronic hbsa ...19761001973
prevalence of hepatitis b surface antigen and antibody in white and black patients with diabetes mellitus.the prevalence of hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag) and antibody (anti-hbs) was determined in 531 white and 519 black diabetic outpatients and in appropriate white and black control populations. there was no difference between the prevalence of either hbsag or anti-hbs in either the white or black diabetics and that in the white and black controls. these findings make it unlikely that the vast majority of patients with diabetes mellitus have either an increased susceptibility to infection by t ...19761002826
automated complement fixation test for the detection of antibodies against the core of hepatitis b virus (hbc).the automated complement fixation system presented in this paper differs from those described by studievic et al. (1971) and vargues and henley (1974). in the one developed here only one sampler is used with a wheel presenting a double row of cups. this system can assay 60 samples per h and can be modified to double this number. our unit requires an incubation period of 15 min at 37 degrees c and we have nerver observed any contamination of the samples during the assay run.19761003000
transmission of hepatitis b associated with hemodialysis: role of malfunction (blood leaks) in dialysis the first 10 months of 1974, 26 of 60 susceptible patients in a commercial hemodialysis unit developed asymptomatic infection with hepatitis b virus; 17 (65%) of the 26 cases occurred in 14 weeks from july to october. in a case-control study, 15 of 16 cases for whom records were available were found to be associated with malfunctions of dialysis machines (primarily leaks or ruptures in dialysis membranes) that had occurred before patients converted to hepatitis b surface antigen (hbs ag) posi ...19761003012
[hepatitis b in a hemodialysis unit]. 19761005822
[liver lesions in asymptomatic carriers of superficial antigen of hepatitis b virus (ags hb)]. 19761010262
the natural history of liver disease in former drug users.three hundred and twenty drug-free former narcotic addicts were studied with regard to persistence of abnormalities of liver function and morphology, and their relation to hepatitis b infection. hepatitis b antibody was present in 52.4 per cent, while hbs antigen was detected in only 6 per cent. transaminase abnormalities, initially present in 39 per cent, were found in 22 per cent six months after cessation of drug abuse. abnormalities tended to persist thereafter, although there was some conti ...19761015510
[infection due to hepatitis b virus and host immune response].cell-mediated immunity (cmi) to hepatitis b surface antigen (hbsag) was investigated in patients who recovered from acute hepatitis b and in chronic carriers of the antigen, either with or without liver disease. the study was performed using leucocyte migration inhibition test and purified hbsag. in antigen-negative post-hepatitis patients the frequency of cellular immunity to hbsag (63.6%) showed a significant difference to controls. on the other hand, only one out of 5 antigen-positive post-he ...19761016586
[liver-specific proteins and autoimmunity in inflammatory liver diseases].cell-mediated immunity to a liver specific membrane protein (lp1) has been studied in patients with different types of liver diseases, using the leucocyte migration inhibition test. a high frequency of cellular sensitization to lp1 was detected in untreated chronic active hepatitis, with no significant differences between hbsag-positive and negative cases. inhibition of migration is a long-lasting reaction in the spontaneous evolution of the disease, while immunosuppressive treatment normalizes ...19761016592
[behavior of hbs ag and hbs ab in chronic hepatitis].the preliminary results of the hb, ag and hbs ab assay, performed with radioimmunological techniques in 31 cases of chronic hepatitis, 13 of whom carriers of chronic aggressive hepatitis (c.a.h.), 9 of chronic persistent hepatitis (c.p.h.) and 9 of cryptogenetic hepatic cirrhosis (c.h.c.) of both sexes, are reported. the highest number of hbs ag positive cases was observed both in c.a.h. (69%) and c.h.c. (55%); very lower the hbs ag positivity both in c.a.h. (33%) and c.h.c. (33%). no correlatio ...19761023884
new approach, facts and hypothesis on b virus hepatitis epidemiology and pathogenesis. 19761027957
evidence against the postulated identity of e-antigen with dna polymerase associated with the hepatitis b candidate virus.partially purified preparations of e-antigen, obtained from sera of hepatitis b antigen carriers, were chromatographed on columns of immobilized single- or double-stranded dna or on pyran-sepharose. e-antigen did not adsorb to any of these columns under conditions appropriate for the retention of various nucleic acid polymerases. therefore, e-antigen and the dna polymerase associated with dane particles can be regarded as distinct proteins.19761030694
detection of core antibody in hepatitis b infection.hepatitis b core antigen (hbcag) is found on the decoated dane particle and on a morphologically similar particle detected mainly in the nucleus of hepatocytes of patients with hepatitis b. hbcag prepared from the liver of a chimpanzee infected with hepatitis b virus was used to test human serum for core antibody (anti-hbc) by complement fixation. anti-hbc was found in serum collected from patients with hepatitis b in both the acute and convalescent stages, from carriers of hepatitis b surface a ...19761032591
[comparative study of antigens specific for hepatitis b in transfected cell cultures].a comparative study of antigens detected in the livers of patients with hepatitis b. in the mesonephros of the human tissue--chick embryo system infected with the agents isolated from the blood of hepatitis patients, as well as antigens detectable in cell cultures transfected by the dna isolated from these tissues was carried out. the results are in favour of the hypothesis on the integrational nature of serum hepatitis.19761034374
[significance of hepatitis b virus (hbv) infection in chronic hepatitis with special reference to cellular immunity]. 19761034803
[hepatitis b: infective agent, infection transmission, infection recipient]. 19761051035
[significance of australia antigen in the differential diagnosis and prognosis of hepatitis].the australia-antigen (hbsag) is a simple detectable marker of an infection with hepatitis b virus. by demonstration of hbsag an acute hepatitis b can be differentiated from other forms. likewise the detection of hbsag in chronic active hepatitis can differentiate the viral induced type from the autoimmune type. hbsag is important with respect to the prognosis of an acute hepatitis b, because persistence for some months points at a transition to chronic hepatitis.1977844784
[infant death caused by neonatal hepatitis b virus infection]. 1977846600
[prevention of neontal hepatitis b]. 1977846603
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