
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
bartonella and rickettsia in fleas and lice from mammals in south carolina, u.s.a.species in the genera bartonella and rickettsia are vector-borne pathogens of humans and domestic animals. the natural reservoirs and enzootic transmission cycles of these bacteria are poorly known in south carolina. thirteen species of lice and fleas were collected from urban animals and screened for the presence of bartonella and rickettsia by pcr amplification using genus-specific primers. bartonella henselae was present in cat fleas (ctenocephalides felis) from virginia opossums (didelphis v ...200516599169
molecular evidence for novel bartonella species in trichobius major (diptera: streblidae) and cimex adjunctus (hemiptera: cimicidae) from two southeastern bat caves, u.s.a. 200516599175
bartonella species in rodents and shrews in the greater jakarta february 2004, we captured 221 rodents and shrews in the greater jakarta area as part of a study to determine the prevalence of rodent-associated vector-borne infections. microscopic examination of blood smears revealed 6% (13/218) to be positive for bartonella spp. the corresponding dna samples, either from blood blots or frozen spleen pieces and from fleas collected on these animals, were tested for evidence of bartonella infection by pcr, targeting the portions: 378bp and 930bp of the citr ...200516610656
[study on bartonella species in rodents in western yunnan, china].to study the infection status of bartonella spp. in rodents in western part of yunnan province.200516676607
bacillary angiomatosis in an hiv-positive man with multiple risk factors: a clinical and epidemiological puzzle.a 36-year-old man with advanced aids presented with skin lesions, fever and weight loss. physical examination revealed skin lesions suggestive of bacillary angiomatosis. diagnostic imaging identified bone lesions, soft tissue masses and a single hepatic lesion. his clinical presentation was most consistent with bartonella quintana; however, his risk for infection with b quintana was limited to a remote, brief period of homelessness. in contrast, his frequent contact with cats presented substanti ...200518159553
detection of the bartonella henselae gene sequence in lymph nodes of children with kikuchi's disease. 200515805408
bartonella seropositivity in children with henoch-schonlein association between henoch-schonlein purpura (hsp) and seropositivity for bartonella henselae (bh) has been described. the objective of this study was to see if such an association exists in northern alberta.200515807903
prevalence of bartonella henselae in cats in catalonia, spain.bartonella henselae, an emerging pathogen bacterium, is the main causative agent of the cat scratch disease. while the first clinical descriptions were associated with immunosupressed patients, it is now more frequently observed in patients with normal immune status (endocarditis and bacteremia). cats were found to be the only known reservoir of b. henselae. in this paper, we report the results obtained in the first study made to investigate the prevalence of b. henselae bacteremia and antibodie ...200515827285
factors associated with the rapid emergence of zoonotic bartonella infections.within the last 15 years, several bacteria of the genus bartonella were recognized as zoonotic agents in humans and isolated from various mammalian reservoirs. based on either isolation of the bacterium or pcr testing, eight bartonella species or subspecies have been recognized as zoonotic agents, including b. henselae, b. elizabethae, b. grahamii, b. vinsonii subsp. arupensis, b. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii, b. grahamii, b. washoensis and more recently b. koehlerae. the present manuscript review ...200515845231
the bartonella vinsonii subsp. arupensis immunodominant surface antigen brpa gene, encoding a 382-kilodalton protein composed of repetitive sequences, is a member of a multigene family conserved among bartonella species.bartonella proteins that elicit an antibody response during an infection are poorly defined; therefore, to characterize antigens recognized by the host, a bartonella genomic expression library was screened with serum from an infected mouse. this process led to the discovery of a bartonella vinsonii subsp. arupensis gene encoding a 382-kda protein, part of a gene family encoding large proteins, each containing multiple regions of repetitive segments. the genes were termed brpa to -c (bartonella r ...200515845521
infection of human cd34+ progenitor cells with bartonella henselae results in intraerythrocytic presence of b. henselae.although there is evidence that endothelial cells are important targets for human pathogenic bartonella species, the primary niche of infection is unknown. here we elucidated whether human cd34+ hematopoietic progenitor cells (hpcs) internalize b. henselae and may serve as a potential niche of the pathogen. we showed that b. henselae does not adhere to or invade human erythrocytes. in contrast, b. henselae invades and persists in hpcs as shown by gentamicin protection assays, confocal laser scan ...200515860668
bartonella species as a potential cause of epistaxis in dogs.infection with a bartonella species was implicated in three cases of epistaxis in dogs, based upon isolation, serology, or pcr amplification. these cases, in conjunction with previously published reports, support a potential role for bartonella spp. as a cause of epistaxis in dogs and potentially in other animals, including humans.200515872304
pathology of bartonella endocarditis in six a 5-year retrospective study of dogs presenting to the veterinary medical teaching hospital at the university of california, davis, there were 31 histologic diagnoses of valvular endocarditis. by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) amplification of embedded valvular tissue, bartonella organisms were exclusively associated with 6 out of 31 cases (19%). confirmed bartonella cases involved the aortic valve alone (five out of six) or in combination with the mitral valve (one of six). microscopic feat ...200515872387
[new etiologies responsible for infective endocarditis with negative blood cultures].the prevalence of infective endocarditis with negative blood cultures varies in the different series from 5 to 25%. there are certain explanations of negative blood culture endocarditis: previous incorrect antibiotic therapy before obtaining blood samples (antibiotic treatment inhibits the growth of germs, and therefore bacteremia, without sterilizing the vegetations); infective endocarditis due to fastidious microorganism, that is of difficult cultivation and identification; infective endocardi ...200515875498
multifocal bone marrow involvement in cat-scratch disease.we describe 2 children with prolonged fever of unknown origin and prominent skeletal pain who had multifocal bone disease caused by bartonella infection. initial radiologic studies, including plain films, radionuclide scintigraphy and computed tomography, yielded negative results. in both cases, magnetic resonance imaging revealed multiple enhancing bone marrow lesions consistent with clinical symptoms. microbiologic diagnoses were established serologically.200515876956
blood culture-negative endocarditis in a reference center: etiologic diagnosis of 348 identify the current etiologies of blood culture-negative infective endocarditis and to describe the epidemiologic, clinical, laboratory, and echocardiographic characteristics associated with each etiology, as well as with unexplained cases, we tested samples from 348 patients suspected of having blood culture-negative infective endocarditis in our diagnostic center, the french national reference center for rickettsial diseases, between 1983 and 2001. serology tests for coxiella burnettii, ba ...200515879906
high prevalence of bartonella quintana endocarditis in sfax, tunisia.bartonella quintana is a fastidious microorganism associated with blood culture negative endocarditis. in this study, 40 sera with cross-reactivity between chlamydia species from patients from sfax, tunisia, were serologically tested for bartonella. thirteen sera were positive for bartonella with igg titers >/=1:800. western blot and cross-absorption confirmed the diagnosis of bartonella quintana endocarditis in 12 cases and bartonella henselae endocarditis in 1 case. these sera were also positi ...200515891120
autochthonous epidemic typhus associated with bartonella quintana bacteremia in a homeless person.trench fever, a louse-borne disease caused by bartonella quintana, is reemerging in homeless persons. epidemic typhus is another life-threatening louse-borne disease caused by rickettsia prowazekii and known to occur in conditions of war, famine, refugee camps, cold weather, poverty, or lapses in public health. we report the first case of seroconversion to r. prowazekii in a homeless person of marseilles, france. this was associated with b. quintana bacteremia. although no outbreaks of typhus ha ...200515891141
[diseases produced by bartonella].the genus bartonella is cause of a broad number of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. clinical manifestations depend on the implicated bartonella sp. and the immunity of the host. because there is not a universal therapy for this infection, treatment should be chosen individually. bartonella sp. is responsible of potentially serious clinical pictures (endocarditis, chronic bacteremia, bacillary angiomatosis, carrion's disease, etc.), so clinical suspicion, a quick diagnosis and an ear ...200515899181
seroprevalence of antibodies against bartonella species and evaluation of risk factors and clinical signs associated with seropositivity in determine the seroprevalence of antibodies against bartonella spp in a population of sick dogs from northern california and identify potential risk factors and clinical signs associated with seropositivity.200515900951
[lice and lice-borne diseases in humans].among the three lice which parasite the human being, the human body louse, pediculus humanus humanus, is a vector of infectious diseases. it lives and multiplies in clothes and human infestation is associated with cold weather and a lack of hygiene. three pathogenic bacteria are transmitted by the body louse: 1) rickettsia prowazekii, the agent of epidemic typhus of which the most recent outbreak (and the largest since world war ii) was observed during the civil war in burundi; 2) borrelia recur ...200515903070
case 5-2005: a man with depression and shortness of breath. 200515917395
lyme disease: point/counterpoint.lyme disease represents a growing public health threat. the controversial science and politics of lyme disease have created barriers to reliable diagnosis and effective treatment of this protean illness. two major clinical hurdles are the absence of a therapeutic end point in treating borrelia burgdorferi, the spirochetal agent of lyme disease, and the presence of tickborne coinfections with organisms such as babesia, anaplasma, ehrlichia and bartonella that may complicate the course of the dise ...200515918774
virulence-associated type iv secretion systems of bartonella.type iv secretion systems (t4sss) are transport machineries of gram-negative bacteria that mediate interbacterial dna-transfer, and secretion of virulence factors into eukaryotic target cells. a growing number of human pathogenic bacteria use t4sss for intercellular delivery of effector molecules that modify host cellular functions in favour of the pathogen. recent advances in studying the molecular mechanisms of bartonella pathogenesis have provided evidence for the central roles of two distinc ...200515935675
cat scratch disease: an unusual cause of facial palsy and partial ptosis: case report. 200515944991
a man with chest pain and glomerulonephritis. 200515950721
unusual trafficking pattern of bartonella henselae -containing vacuoles in macrophages and endothelial cells.bartonella henselae, the agent of cat-scratch disease and vasculoproliferative disorders in humans, is a fastidious facultative intracellular pathogen, whose interaction with macrophages and endothelial cells (ecs) is crucial in the pathogenesis of these diseases. however, little is known about the subcellular compartment in which b. henselae resides. two hours after infection of murine macrophages and human ecs, the majority of b. henselae-containing vacuoles (bcvs) lack typical endocytic marke ...200515953033
evasion of toll-like receptor 5 by flagellated bacteria.toll-like receptor 5 (tlr5) recognizes an evolutionarily conserved site on bacterial flagellin that is required for flagellar filament assembly and motility. the alpha and epsilon proteobacteria, including the important human pathogens campylobacter jejuni, helicobacter pylori, and bartonella bacilliformis, require flagellar motility to efficiently infect mammalian hosts. in this study, we demonstrate that these bacteria make flagellin molecules that are not recognized by tlr5. we map the site r ...200515956202
novel chemically modified liquid medium that will support the growth of seven bartonella species.bacteria of the genus bartonella, a member of the alphaproteobacteria, are fastidious, gram-negative, aerobic bacilli that comprise numerous species, subspecies, and subtypes. in human and veterinary medicine, species isolation remains a vital component of the diagnostic and therapeutic management of bartonella infection. we describe a novel, chemically modified, insect-based liquid culture medium that supports the growth of at least seven bartonella species. this medium will also support cocult ...200515956379
signature proteins that are distinctive of alpha proteobacteria.the alpha (alpha) proteobacteria, a very large and diverse group, are presently characterized solely on the basis of 16s rrna trees, with no known molecular characteristic that is unique to this group. the genomes of three alpha-proteobacteria, rickettsia prowazekii (rp), caulobacter crescentus (cc) and bartonella quintana (bq), were analyzed in order to search for proteins that are unique to this group.200515960851
detection of rickettsia, borrelia, and bartonella in carios kelleyi (acari: argasidae).carios kelleyi (colley & kohls 1941), a tick associated with bats and bat habitats, has been reported to feed on humans, but there is little published data regarding the presence of vector-borne pathogens in these ticks. c. kelleyi nymphs and adults were collected from residential and community buildings in jackson county, iowa, and tested by polymerase chain reaction for rickettsia, borrelia, bartonella, coxiella, and anaplasma. rickettsia dna was detected in 28 of 31 live ticks. sequences of t ...200515962801
identification, cloning, and expression of the camp-like factor autotransporter gene (cfa) of bartonella henselae.the camp reaction was first described by christie et al. (r. christie, n. e. atkins, and e. munch-petersen, aust. j. exp. biol. 22:197-200, 1944) as the synergistic lysis of sheep red blood cells by staphylococcus aureus sphingomyelinase and camp factor (cohemolysin), a secreted protein from group b streptococci. we observed a camp-like reaction when bartonella henselae was grown in close proximity to s. aureus on 5% sheep blood agar. this study describes the cloning, sequencing, and characteriz ...200515972511
disruption of a host-parasite system following the introduction of an exotic host species.the potential of biological invasions to threaten native ecosystems is well recognized. here we describe how an introduced species impacts on native host-parasite dynamics by acting as an alternative host. by sampling sites across an invasion front in ireland, we quantified the influence of the introduced bank vole (clethrionomys glareolus) on the epidemiology of infections caused by flea-transmitted haemoparasites of the genus bartonella in native wood mice (apodemus sylvaticus). bartonella inf ...200515977903
[bartonellosis and a possible role of ixodes ticks (family ixodidae, order parasitiformes) in the transmission of pathogenic bartonella bacteria].the papers reviews the literature on bartonellosis and a role of ixodes ticks, including the representatives of the genus ixodes, in the circulation and transmission of bartonella bacteria. it shows that man can be infected with pathogenic bartonella bacteria by the bite of ticks. the paper also presents data on tick-transmitted human and animal mixed infections, including bartonellosis.200515984622
environmental factors associated with bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii seropositivity in free-ranging coyotes from northern california.bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii is a newly recognized pathogen of domestic dogs and humans. coyotes (canis latrans) are considered an important reservoir of this bacterium in the western united states, but its vectors are still unknown. our objective was to identify environmental factors associated with bartonella antibody prevalence in 239 coyotes from northern california, using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. in addition, associations were evaluated between b. v. berkhoffii and two ...200516011426
persistent abdominal pain. 200516015406
survey of tickborne infections in denmark.we conducted a study of the distribution and prevalence of tickborne infections in denmark by using roe deer as sentinels. blood samples from 237 roe deer were collected during the 2002-2003 hunting season. overall, 36.6% of deer were borrelia seropositive, while 95.6% were anaplasma phagocytophilum positive; all animals were negative for bartonella quintana and b. henselae by indirect immunofluorescence assay. when a hemagglutination-inhibition test was used, 8.7% of deer were found positive fo ...200516022780
[carrión disease: two centuries later]. 200516022842
[bartonella and bartonellosis--emerging and re-emerging infections: epidemiology, clinical course, diagnosis].information on the epidemiology, clinic and diagnostics of bartonellosis is updated. the importance of bartonellosis lies in the fact that its main risk group embraces patients with immunodeficiencies of different origin, the number of such patients constantly growing. the diagnostics of bartonellosis is insufficiently developed and the research on bartonella organisms, except for the trunch (volynia) fever causative agent, is insufficient in our country.200515773411
[non infectious endocarditis: retrospective study (6 cases)].if there is cardiac valve vegetation and the blood cultures are negatives we need to look for slow growing bacteria, fungi, legionella pneumophilia, bartonella henselae and quintana, brucella melitensis and abortus, coxiella burneti, chlamydiae pneumoniae by serologic tests. the diagnosis of non- infectious endocarditis could be considered only if these results were negative. the main purpose of this study was to describe the clinical and echocardiographic signs of non-infectious endocarditis ca ...200515777581
[bartonella hensalae encephalopathy].bartonella hensalae is a poorly known cause of encephalopathy in young subjects.200515798550
a bipartite signal mediates the transfer of type iv secretion substrates of bartonella henselae into human cells.bacterial type iv secretion (t4s) systems mediate the transfer of macromolecular substrates into various target cells, e.g., the conjugative transfer of dna into bacteria or the transfer of virulence proteins into eukaryotic host cells. the t4s apparatus virb of the vascular tumor-inducing pathogen bartonella henselae causes subversion of human endothelial cell (hec) function. here we report the identification of multiple protein substrates of virb, which, upon translocation into hec, mediate al ...200515642951
ectoparasitism and vector-borne diseases in 930 homeless people from marseilles.homeless people are particularly exposed to ectoparasites, but their exposure to arthropod-borne diseases has not been evaluated systematically. a medical team of 27 persons (7 nurses, 6 infectious disease residents or fellows, 2 dermatologists, and 12 infectious disease specialists) visited the 2 shelters in marseilles, france, for 4 consecutive years. homeless volunteers were interviewed, examined, and received care; and blood was sampled for cell counts and detection of bacteremia, antibodies ...200515643300
cat-scratch disease (ocular bartonellosis) presenting as bilateral recurrent otherwise healthy 9-year-old girl presented with bilateral recurrent anterior uveitis. thirteen months later, the diagnosis of cat-scratch disease (ocular bartonellosis) was suspected when neuroretinitis appeared. confirmation was based on serological test results positive for bartonella henselae. antibiotic treatment completely cured the disease, and there have been no further manifestations during a follow-up period of 6 years.200515714406
bartonellosis: light and shadows in diagnostic and therapeutic disease involves a prolonged and/or complicated course, and lymph node drainage is usually required. culture and molecular techniques often yield negative results, but immunofluorescence assays may give early information, and elevated antibodies may persist for months. cat-scratch disease should be suspected in patients with prominent swelling of lymph nodes draining from the upper limbs, limited systemic involvement, and typical epidemiological-clinical features. the temporal antibo ...200515715712
case records of the massachusetts general hospital. weekly clinicopathological exercises. case 5-2005. a 53-year-old man with depression and sudden shortness of breath. 200515716566
activation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 in bacillary angiomatosis: evidence for a role of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 in bacterial infections.bartonella species are the only known bacterial pathogens causing vasculoproliferative disorders in humans (bacillary angiomatosis [ba]). cellular and bacterial pathogenetic mechanisms underlying the induction of ba are largely unknown.200515723970
crusted plaques in an immunocompromised host. 200515724025
[erythema nodosum and adenopathy in a 15-year-old boy: uncommon signs of cat scratch disease].erythema nodosum rarely occurs in childhood and can be caused by cat scratch disease, as a result of agent bartonella henselae. we report the case of a teenager who presented erythema nodosum and bilateral inguinal adenitis. cat scratch disease diagnosis was confirmed by anti-bartonella henselae serologies. despite an appropriate antibiotic therapy, evolution was unfavourable with adenitis abcédation requiring surgical drainage. conclusion: erythema nodosum in children must let think to cat scra ...200515734128
cat-scratch disease: otolaryngologic manifestations and management.the bacteria bartonella henselae has been known as the principal causative agent of cat-scratch disease (csd) since 1992. it is an important cause of infectious lymphadenopathies in the head and neck. nevertheless, csd often remains unrecognized in cases of cervicofacial lymph node enlargement.200515746844
potential limitations of the 16s-23s rrna intergenic region for molecular detection of bartonella species.pcr targeting the 16s-23s rrna gene intergenic transcribed spacer (its) region has been proposed as a rapid and reliable method for the detection of bartonella species dna in clinical samples. because of variation in its sequences among bartonella species, a single pcr amplification can be used to detect different species within this genus. therefore, by targeting the its region, multiple pcrs or additional sample-processing steps beyond the primary amplification can be avoided when attempting t ...200515750079
bacterial zoonoses and infective endocarditis, algeria.blood culture-negative endocarditis is common in algeria. we describe the etiology of infective endocarditis in this country. samples from 110 cases in 108 patients were collected in algiers. blood cultures were performed in algeria. serologic and molecular analysis of valves was performed in france. infective endocarditis was classified as definite in 77 cases and possible in 33. causative agents were detected by blood cultures in 48 cases. all 62 blood culture-negative endocarditis cases were ...200515752438
impact of a molecular approach to improve the microbiological diagnosis of infective heart valve endocarditis.even today, infective endocarditis (ie) remains a severe and potentially fatal disease demanding sophisticated diagnostic strategies for detection of the causative microorganisms. despite the use of appropriate laboratory techniques, classic microbiological diagnostics are characterized by a high rate of negative results.200515753218
bartonella henselae and domestic cats, jamaica. 200516032793
macular hole in cat scratch report the development of a macular hole as a complication of cat scratch disease.200516038666
a 16-year-old adolescent boy with unilateral cervical lymphadenopathy suspicious for malignancy. 200516048405
rapid identification of bartonella henselae by real-time polymerase chain reaction in a patient with cat scratch disease.we report a localized submandibular lymph node infection in a patient with cat scratch disease. directly performing real-time polymerase chain reaction assay on the biopsy sample, bartonella henselae dna was simultaneously detected and identified.200516054323
bartonella-host-cell interactions and vascular tumour formation.bartonellae are arthropod-borne bacterial pathogens that typically cause persistent infection of erythrocytes and endothelial cells in their mammalian hosts. in human infection, these host-cell interactions result in a broad range of clinical manifestations. most remarkably, bartonellae can trigger massive proliferation of endothelial cells, leading to vascular tumour formation. the recent availability of infection models and bacterial molecular genetic techniques has fostered research on the pa ...200516064054
bartonella species-induced prosthetic valve endocarditis associated with rapid progression of valvular stenosis. 200516077432
experimental infection of white-tailed deer with anaplasma phagocytophilum, etiologic agent of human granulocytic anaplasmosis.serologic and molecular evidence of anaplasma phagocytophilum has been demonstrated in white-tailed deer (wtd; odocoileus virginianus), and deer are an important host for the tick vector ixodes scapularis. in this study, we describe experimental infection of wtd with a. phagocytophilum. we inoculated four wtd with a human isolate of a. phagocytophilum propagated in tick cells. two additional deer served as negative controls. all inoculated deer developed antibodies (titers, > or =64) to a. phago ...200516081884
diagnosis of cat scratch disease with detection of bartonella henselae by pcr: a study of patients with lymph node scratch disease (csd) is mostly due to bartonella henselae after inoculation of the organism through a skin injury. since the causative bacteria cannot be easily cultured from human lymph node samples, the diagnosis usually relies on epidemiological, clinical, histological, and serological criteria (classical criteria). a study was performed to determine the diagnostic value of pcr analysis for the detection of b. henselae for the diagnosis of csd and its place in the diagnostic strategy alo ...200516081914
epidemiology of cat-scratch disease hospitalizations among children in the united disease (csd), caused by infection with bartonella henselae, affects both children and adults but is principally a pediatric disease. typical csd is generally benign and self-limited and is characterized by regional lymphadenopathy with fever. infections can, however, be accompanied by focal or diffuse inflammatory responses (atypical csd) involving neurologic, organ (liver/spleen), lymphatic or skeletal systems.200516094224
a nested-pcr with an internal amplification control for the detection and differentiation of bartonella henselae and b. clarridgeiae: an examination of cats in trinidad.bartonella species are bacterial blood parasites of animals capable of causing disease in both animals and man. cat-scratch disease (csd) in humans is caused mainly by bartonella henselae and is acquired from the cat, which serves as a reservoir for the bacteria. a second species, b. clarridgeiae is also implicated in the disease. diagnosis of bartonellosis by culture requires a week or more of incubation on enriched media containing blood, and recovery is often complicated by faster growing con ...200516098227
tyrosine-phosphorylated bacterial effector proteins: the enemies within.the tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins has a central role during signal transduction in eukaryotes. recent progress shows that tyrosine phosphorylation is also a common feature of several effector proteins translocated by bacterial type iii and type iv secretion systems. the involvement of these secretion systems in disease development is exemplified by a variety of pathogenic processes: pedestal formation (tir of epec and citrobacter), cell scattering (caga of helicobacter), invasion (tarp of ...200516099656
genome reduction in the alpha-proteobacteria.more than 20 alpha-proteobacterial genomes are currently available. these range in size from 1-9 mb and represent excellent model systems for evolutionary studies of the organizational features of bacterial genomes. computational inferences have shown that genome reductions have occurred independently in lineages such as rickettsia and bartonella that are associated with intracellular lifestyles. analyses of these reduced genomes have provided insights into the evolution of vector-borne transmis ...200516099701
abstracts for the 4th international conference on bartonella as emerging pathogens, 26-28 august 2005, uppsala, sweden. 200516100842
bartonella quintana in domestic cat.we recovered bartonella quintana dna from dental pulp of a domestic cat. this study, the first to detect b. quintana in a nonhuman mammal, changes our understanding of the epidemiology of this infection and proposes that cats may be an emerging source of human infection.200516102321
the expanded spectrum of bartonellosis in children.bartonella spp cause various clinical syndromes immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts. domestic cats are the natural reservoir, and vectors of b henselae. b henselae infection usually occurs early in childhood, is generally asymptomatic, and in most cases revolves spontaneously. it may, however, produce a wide spectrum of clinical symptoms, the most frequent feature being cat-scratch disease. disseminated atypical b. henselae infection may follow cat-scratch disease alter a symptom-free pe ...200516102656
diagnosis of cat scratch disease with bartonella henselae infection in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues by two different pcr scratch disease (csd) is commonly caused by bartonella henselae infection. clinical history and histologic findings are often insufficient to establish a definitive diagnosis of csd. we retrospectively studied formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (ffpe) lymph nodes from 35 patients with histologically suspected csd by 2 different pcr assays and immunohistochemistry (ihc). the first primer pair amplified a 163-bp fragment of the 16s rrna gene in 19 of the 35 cases (54%). the second primer pair a ...200516106195
characterization of the genome composition of bartonella koehlerae by microarray comparative genomic hybridization profiling.bartonella henselae is present in a wide range of wild and domestic feline hosts and causes cat-scratch disease and bacillary angiomatosis in humans. we have estimated here the gene content of bartonella koehlerae, a novel species isolated from cats that was recently identified as an agent of human endocarditis. the investigation was accomplished by comparative genomic hybridization (cgh) to a microarray constructed from the sequenced 1.93-mb genome of b. henselae. control hybridizations of labe ...200516109957
[diagnostic tests: cat-scratch disease]. 200516111236
interaction of bartonella henselae with endothelial cells promotes monocyte/macrophage chemoattractant protein 1 gene expression and protein production and triggers monocyte migration.bacillary angiomatosis (ba), one of the many clinical manifestations resulting from infection with the facultative intracellular bacterium bartonella henselae, is characterized by angiogenic lesions. macrophages have been identified as important effector cells contributing to the angiogenic process during b. henselae infection by infiltrating ba lesions and secreting vascular endothelial growth factor. monocyte-macrophage chemoattractant protein 1 (mcp-1) recruits macrophages to sites of inflamm ...200516113290
the transcriptional response of human endothelial cells to infection with bartonella henselae is dominated by genes controlling innate immune responses, cell cycle, and vascular remodelling.the bacterial pathogen bartonella henselae (bh) is responsible for a broad range of clinical manifestations, including the formation of vascular tumours as the result of pathogen-triggered vasoproliferation. in vitro, the interaction of bh with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (huvec) involves (i) cytoskeletal rearrangements in conjunction with bacterial internalization, (ii) nuclear factor kappab (nfkappab)-dependent proinflammatory activation, (iii) the inhibition of apoptosis, and (iv) ...200516113825
characterization and expression analysis of the groesl operon of bartonella bacilliformis.the groesl operon of bartonella bacilliformis, a facultative intracellular, gram-negative bacterium and etiologic agent of oroya fever, was characterized. sequence analysis revealed an operon containing two genes of 294 (groes) and 1632 nucleotides (groel) separated by a 55-nt intergenic spacer. the operon is preceded by a 72-nt orf (orf1) that encodes a hypothetical protein with homology to a portion of the hrca repressor for groesl. a divergent fumarate hydratase c (fumc) gene lies further ups ...200516126349
killed in action: microbiologists and clinicians as victims of their occupation. part 2: yellow fever and bartonellosis. 200516128394
cat-scratch disease in elderly disease (csd) is mostly contracted by children and young adults. to our knowledge, csd in elderly patients has never been characterized, and it may be underrecognized in this age group.200516142661
potential limitations of the 16s-23s rrna intergenic region for molecular detection of bartonella species. 200516145180
[zoonotic diseases caused by bacteria of the genus bartonella genus: new reservoirs ? new vectors?].domestic animals and wildlife represent a large reservoir for bartonellae, at least eight species or subspecies of which have been reported to cause zoonotic infections. in addition, numerous orphan clinical syndromes are now being attributed to bartonella henselae infection. many mammalian species, including cats, dogs, rodents and ruminants are the main bartonellae reservoirs. cats are the main reservoir for b. henselae. it appears that domestic dogs, at least in non tropical regions, are more ...200516149211
molecular characterization of haemoparasites infecting bats (microchiroptera) in cornwall, uk.the presence of haemoparasites from the order piroplasmida and the genera bartonella and trypanosoma was assessed in the blood of 60 bats, belonging to 7 species, inhabiting sites across cornwall in southwest england. dna extracted from macerated heart tissue was incorporated into taxon-specific polymerase chain reactions (pcrs) and amplification products were sequenced as a means of identifying, or assigning an identity, to detected haemoparasites. a piroplasmida species was detected in 6 pipis ...200516174413
bartonella spp. seroprevalence in healthy swedish blood donors.serum samples were collected from healthy blood donors in 5 regions in sweden in 1999, i.e. from the local blood centres (collecting facilities) in boden, jönköping, lund, skövde, and uppsala. in total, 498 serum samples (63% males, 37% females) were received and tested by immunofluorescence assay for antibodies against b. elizabethae, b. grahamii, b. henselae (houston-1), b. henselae (marseille), b. quintana, and b. vinsonii subsp. vinsonii. an overall bartonella spp. seroprevalence of 16.1% wa ...200516191889
case records of the massachusetts general hospital. case 30-2005. a 56-year-old man with fever and axillary lymphadenopathy. 200516192484
use of shell-vial cell culture assay for isolation of bacteria from clinical specimens: 13 years of experience.the shell-vial culture assay is performed routinely in our laboratory. recently we revisited our experience of using the shell-vial culture assay for the isolation of microorganisms from various clinical samples. over a 13-year period, we have isolated 580 bacterial strains (5%) from 11,083 clinical samples tested. over the same period, 285 isolates of rickettsiae, bartonellae, or coxiella burnetii were cultured from a total of 7,102 samples tested. these isolates include 55 rickettsia sp. isola ...200516207953
contribution of systematic serological testing in diagnosis of infective endocarditis.despite progress with diagnostic criteria, the type and timing of laboratory tests used to diagnose infective endocarditis (ie) have not been standardized. this is especially true with serological testing. patients with suspected ie were evaluated by a standard diagnostic protocol. this protocol mandated an evaluation of the patients according to the modified duke criteria and used a battery of laboratory investigations, including three sets of blood cultures and systematic serological testing f ...200516207989
antibiotic therapy for nontuberculous mycobacterial cervicofacial evaluate the efficacy of antibiotic treatment of nontuberculous mycobacterial (ntm) cervicofacial lymphadenitis, both as an alternative and as adjuvant to surgical excision.200516222188
detection of bartonella henselae dna by polymerase chain reaction in a patient with cat scratch disease: a case report.we report a case of cat scratch disease caused by bartonella henselae in korea. a 25-yr-old woman developed left cervical lymphadenopathy with history of contact with a dog. the cervical lymphadenopathy persisted for 1 month and resolved gradually and spontaneously. serologic test was not done during the acute stage of the disease. immunofluorescent antibody test performed during the convalescent stage was positive for b. henselae. to confirm b. henselae infection, polymerase chain reaction (pcr ...200516224169
isolation of bacteriophages from bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii and the characterization of pap31 gene sequences from bacterial and phage dna.bacteriophages enhance bacterial survival, facilitate bacterial adaptation to new environmental conditions, assist in the adaptation to a new host species, and enhance bacterial evasion or inactivation of host defense mechanisms. we describe the detection and purification of a novel tailed bacteriophage from bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii, which was previously described as a bacteriophage-negative species. we also compare b. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffi pap31 bacteriophage gene sequences to ...200516254445
cat-scratch disease-associated characterize the articular manifestations of cat-scratch disease (csd) and to evaluate the long-term clinical outcome of those manifestations.200516255053
images in emergency medicine. parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome. 200516271667
functional interactions between type iv secretion systems involved in dna transfer and virulence.this paper reports an analysis of the functional interactions between type iv secretion systems (t4ss) that are part of the conjugative machinery for horizontal dna transfer (ct4ss), and t4ss involved in bacterial pathogenicity (pt4ss). the authors' previous work showed that a conjugative coupling protein (t4cp) interacts with the virb10-type component of the t4ss in order to recruit the protein-dna complex to the transporter for conjugative dna transfer. this study now shows by two-hybrid analy ...200516272374
bartonella quintana endocarditis in east africa.bartonella quintana endocarditis is characterized by sub-acute evolution and severe valvular damage, and is associated with homelessness, alcoholism, and lice infestation. we present a case of b. quintana endocarditis in an ethiopian immigrant without known risk factors for disease acquisition. this is the first case of b. quintana endocarditis reported from east africa.200516275550
evaluation of a western blot method for the detection of yersinia antibodies: evidence of serological cross-reactivity between yersinia outer membrane proteins and borrelia burgdorferi.yersinia enterocolitica and yersinia pseudotuberculosis have been identified as causative organisms of reactive arthritis in humans. we evaluated a western blot assay which uses yersinia outer membrane proteins as antigens for the detection of yersinia antibodies as a replacement for the complement fixation (cf) assay. clinical agreement, sensitivity, and specificity were determined by testing 19 positive and 21 negative serum samples by the cf assay, western blot assay, and enzyme-linked immuno ...200516275939
detection of bartonella species from ticks, mites and small mammals in korea.we investigated the prevalence of bartonella infections in ticks, mites and small mammals (rodents, insectivores and weasels) collected during 2001 through 2004, from various military installations and training sites in korea, using pcr and sequence analysis of 16s rrna, 23s rrna and groel heat shock protein genes. the prevalence of bartonella spp. was 5.2% (n = 1,305 sample pools) in ticks, 19.1% (n = 21) in mesostigmatid mites and 13.7% (n = 424 individuals) in small mammals. the prevalence wi ...200516293997
[determination of antibody titer to bartonella henselae by indirect fluorescence antibody assay using b. henselae from domestic cats as antigen]. 200516296330
codon and amino acid usage in two major human pathogens of genus bartonella--optimization between replicational-transcriptional selection, translational control and cost minimization.intra-genomic variation in synonymous codon and amino acid usage in two human pathogens bartonella henselae and b. quintana has been carried out through multivariate analysis. asymmetric mutational bias, coupled with replicational-transcriptional selection, has been identified as the prime selection force behind synonymous codon selection--a characteristic of the genus bartonella, not exhibited by any other alpha-proteobacterial genome. distinct codon usage patterns and low synonymous divergence ...200516303741
is pyogenic granuloma associated with bartonella infection?lobular capillary hemangioma and bacillary angiomatosis due to bartonella infection share several clinical and histopathologic characteristics. we sought to determine whether lobular capillary hemangioma is caused by the same agent as bacillary angiomatosis. forty-five pathology specimens with a histologic diagnosis of lobular capillary hemangioma obtained from patients with the same clinical diagnosis were tested by immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction for the presence of dna elem ...200516310070
prevalence of human pathogens in cat and dog fleas in new provide further information on the prevalence of rickettsia felis, bartonella hensela, and b. clarridgeiae in cat and dog fleas in new zealand and their distribution in the country.200516311612
cat scratch disease encephalopathy in an immunocompetent scratch disease (csd) is typically a self-limited regional lymphadenopathy in children and young adults that is caused by bartonella henselae. the majority of csd cases resolve spontaneously; however, many systemic complications have been described. we report an unusual case of csd presenting as an epitrochlear arm mass and complicated by encephalopathy. identification of b. henselae dna in the affected lymph node and cerebrospinal fluid confirmed the diagnosis of csd. systemic antibiotic th ...200516314249
polymerase chain reaction (pcr) survey for rickettsias and bartonellas in ticks from new zealand. 200516317451
tickborne pathogen detection, western siberia, russia.ixodes persulcatus (n = 125) and dermacentor reticulatus (n = 84) ticks from western siberia, russia, were tested for infection with borrelia, anaplasma/ehrlichia, bartonella, and babesia spp. by using nested polymerase chain reaction assays with subsequent sequencing. i. persulcatus ticks were infected with borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (37.6% +/- 4.3% [standard deviation]), anaplasma phagocytophilum (2.4% +/- 1.4%), ehrlichia muris (8.8% +/- 2.5%), and bartonella spp. (37.6% +/- 4.3%). d. re ...200516318722
bartonella quintana and rickettsia felis in gabon.we detected rickettsia felis dna in ctenocephalides felis and bartonella quintana dna in 3 pulex irritans fleas taken from a pet cercopithecus cephus monkey in gabon, sub-saharan africa. this is the first report of b. quintana in the human flea.200516318727
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