
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
xenopus laevis fgf16 activates the expression of genes coding for the transcription factors sp5 and sp5l.fibroblast growth factors (fgfs) comprise a family of signalling molecules with essential roles in early embryonic development across animal species. the role of fgfs in mesoderm formation and patterning in xenopus has been particularly well studied. however, little is known about fgf16 in xenopus. using in situ hybridisation, we uncover the expression pattern of fgf16 during early xenopus laevis development, which has not been previously described. we show that the zygotic expression of fgf16 i ...201932149373
microsampling capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry enables single-cell proteomics in complex tissues: developing cell clones in live xenopus laevis and zebrafish embryos.label-free single-cell proteomics by mass spectrometry (ms) is currently incompatible with complex tissues without requiring cell culturing, single-cell dissection, or tissue dissociation. we here report the first example of label-free single-cell ms-based proteomics directly in single cells in live vertebrate embryos. our approach integrates optically guided in situ subcellular capillary microsampling, one-pot extraction-digestion of the collected proteins, peptide separation by capillary elect ...201930827088
conditional demyelination and remyelination in a transgenic xenopus laevis.multiple sclerosis (ms) is the first cause of acquired disability progression in the young adult. pathology of ms associates inflammation, demyelination, and neurodegeneration. the development of immunotherapies, by reducing the relapse rate, has profoundly impacted short-term prognosis and patients' quality of life. these anti-inflammatory medications, however, have not proven to be sufficient to prevent long-term disability progression, resulting from axonal transection and neuronal damage, co ...201930820903
the c-terminus of the retinal homeobox (rax) gene product modulates transcription in a context-dependent manner.the evolutionarily conserved retinal homeobox (rax) transcription factor is essential for normal eye development in all vertebrates. despite rax's biologic significance, the molecular mechanisms underlying rax molecular function as a transcriptional regulator are poorly defined. the rax gene encodes a conserved octapeptide motif (op) near the n-terminus and several conserved regions in the c-terminus of unknown function, including the orthopedia, aristaless, rax (oar) domain and the rx domain. t ...201930820152
more than just a bandage: closing the gap between injury and appendage regeneration.the remarkable regenerative capabilities of amphibians have captured the attention of biologists for centuries. the frogs xenopus laevis and xenopus tropicalis undergo temporally restricted regenerative healing of appendage amputations and spinal cord truncations, injuries that are both devastating and relatively common in human patients. rapidly expanding technological innovations have led to a resurgence of interest in defining the factors that enable regenerative healing, and in coupling thes ...201930800076
the wnt inhibitor dkk1 is required for maintaining the normal cardiac differentiation program in xenopus laevis.wnt proteins can activate different intracellular signaling pathways. these pathways need to be tightly regulated for proper cardiogenesis. the canonical wnt/β-catenin inhibitor dkk1 has been shown to be sufficient to trigger cardiogenesis in gain-of-function experiments performed in multiple model systems. loss-of-function studies however did not reveal any fundamental function for dkk1 during cardiogenesis. using xenopus laevis as a model we here show for the first time that dkk1 is required f ...201930797757
fluorescent analogues of bekm-1 with high and specific activity against the herg channel.peptidic toxins that target specifically mammalian channels and receptors can be found in the venom of animals. these toxins are rarely used directly as tools for biochemical experiments, and need to be modified via the attachment of chemical groups (e.g., radioactive or fluorescent moieties). ideally, such modifications should maintain the toxin specificity and affinity for its target. with the goal of obtaining fluorescent derivatives of bekm-1, a toxin from the scorpion species buthus eupeus ...201932550567
rho flares repair local tight junction leaks.tight junctions contribute to epithelial barrier function by selectively regulating the quantity and type of molecules that cross the paracellular barrier. experimental approaches to evaluate the effectiveness of tight junctions are typically global, tissue-scale measures. here, we introduce zinc-based ultrasensitive microscopic barrier assay (znumba), which we used in xenopus laevis embryos to visualize short-lived, local breaches in epithelial barrier function. these breaches, or leaks, occur ...201930773490
activity and intracellular localization of senescence-associated β-galactosidase in aging xenopus oocytes and eggs.senescence-associated β-galactosidase (sa-β-gal) serves as a marker of senescence in aging somatic cells. however, little is known about sa-β-gal dynamics in aging gamete cells. to address this issue, here we investigated activity and intracellular localization of sa-β-gal in freshly obtained and aging oocytes and eggs of the african clawed frog xenopus laevis. data base mining revealed the presence of several homologous β-galactosidase sequences in the annotated xenopus genome. some of them wer ...201930769028
on the mechanism of the electrophysiological changes and membrane lesions induced by asbestos fiber exposure in xenopus laevis oocytes.the so-called amphibole asbestos fibers are enriched with mineral iron ions, able to stimulate ros production. we recently reported that crocidolite asbestos was able to interact with the cell membranes of xenopus laevis oocytes, to alter their electrical membrane properties. here, we found that applied iron ions (fe3+) or h2o2 (for ros generation) mimicked these effects, suggesting that at least one effect of iron-containing asbestos fiber exposure was mediated by ros production. furthermore, c ...201930765791
wgddetector: a pipeline for detecting whole genome duplication events using the genome or transcriptome annotations.with the availability of well-assembled genomes of a growing number of organisms, identifying the bioinformatic basis of whole genome duplication (wgd) is a growing field of genomics. the most extant software for detecting footprints of wgds has been restricted to a well-assembled genome. however, the massive poor quality genomes and the more accessible transcriptomes have been largely ignored, and in theoretically they are also likely to contribute to detect wgd using ds based method. here, to ...201930760221
various nuclear reprogramming systems using egg and oocyte materials.maternal factors stored in eggs and oocytes are necessary for reprogramming sperm for embryonic development. this reprogramming activity of maternal factors also works towards somatic cells, including terminally differentiated cells. several different experimental systems utilizing egg and oocyte materials have been applied to study nuclear reprogramming by maternal factors. among these systems, the most widely used is the transfer of a somatic cell nucleus to an oocyte arrested at the metaphase ...201930745498
pymetrozine activates trpv channels of brown planthopper nilaparvata lugens.the commercial insecticide pymetrozine has been extensively used for brown planthopper control in east asia. the transient receptor potential vanilloid (trpv) channel, which consists of two proteins, nanchung (nan) and inactive (iav), has recently been shown to be the molecular target of pymetrozine in the fruit fly (drosophila melanogaster) and pea aphid (acyrthosiphon pisum). in this study, we characterized the nan and iav trpv channel subunits of n. lugens and measured the action of pymetrozi ...201930744899
jaburetox, a natural insecticide derived from jack bean urease, activates voltage-gated sodium channels to modulate insect behavior.jaburetox (jbtx) is an insecticidal peptide derived from canavalia ensiformis urease, whose mechanism of action is not completely elucidated. we employed behavioral, electromyographical and electrophysiological protocols to identify the cellular and molecular targets involved in the jbtx entomotoxicity in cockroaches and locusts. in nauphoeta cinerea, jbtx (32 μg/g) altered the locomotory behaviour inducing a significative decrease in the distance travelled followed by a significant increase in ...201930744898
gene expression program underlying tail resorption during thyroid hormone-dependent metamorphosis of the ornamented pygmy frog microhyla fissipes.thyroid hormone (t3) is essential for vertebrate development, especially during the so-called postembryonic development, a period around birth in mammals when plasma t3 level peaks and many organs mature into their adult form. compared to embryogenesis, postembryonic development is poorly studied in mammals largely because of the difficulty to manipulate the uterus-enclosed embryos and neonates. amphibian metamorphosis is independent of maternal influence and can be easily manipulated for molecu ...201930740088
generation of xenopus haploid, triploid, and hybrid embryos.frog species of the genus xenopus are widely used for studies of cell and developmental biology, and recent genome sequencing has revealed interesting phylogenetic relationships. here we describe methods to generate haploid, triploid, and hybrid species starting from eggs and sperm of xenopus laevis and xenopus tropicalis that enable investigation of how genome size and content affect physiology at the organismal, cellular, and subcellular levels.201930737699
methods for isolating the balbiani body/germplasm from xenopus laevis oocytes.the balbiani body (bb) is a large membrane-less organelle, densely packed with mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, proteins, and rna. the bb is present in many vertebrate female gametes. in frogs, the bb is established early during oogenesis and operates as a maternal inherited embryonic determinant that specifies germline identity through the formation of germplasm. we describe here two techniques to isolate the bb/germplasm from xenopus laevis primary oocytes.201930737696
membrane microdomains as platform to study membrane-associated events during oogenesis, meiotic maturation, and fertilization in xenopus laevis.studies on the egg plasma membrane-associated tyrosine kinase src have shed light on the identity of the molecular machinery that is responsible for gamete interaction and possibly fusion in african clawed frog xenopus laevis. here we describe our protocol for identifying and analyzing molecular and cellular machinery that contributes to a variety of biological processes in the course of oogenesis, oocyte maturation, egg fertilization, and early embryogenesis in xenopus. our current special inte ...201930737686
reconstitution of intracellular calcium signaling in xenopus egg extracts.generation of calcium signal in the cytoplasm of fertilized or parthenogenetically activated eggs has been extensively studied in the intact eggs of several biological species. calcium transient was found to elicit a plethora of biochemical and cellular events in these cells. remarkably, intracellular calcium signaling can also be reconstituted in cell-free environment. in this chapter, we describe the methods that allow reconstitution, detection, and quantification of the calcium signal in cell ...201930737685
imatinib uptake into cells is not mediated by organic cation transporters oct1, oct2, or oct3, but is influenced by extracellular ph.cancer cells undergo genetic and environmental changes that can alter cellular disposition of drugs, notably by alterations of transmembrane drug transporters expression. whether the influx organic cation transporter 1 (oct1) encoded by the gene slc221a1 is implicated in the cellular uptake of imatinib is still controversial. besides, imatinib ionization state may be modulated by the hypoxic acidic surrounding extracellular microenvironment.201930734690
comparison the sensitivity of amphibian metamorphosis assays with nf 48 stage and nf 51 stage xenopus laevis tadpoles.the amphibian metamorphosis assay (ama) was proposed by the organization for economic cooperation and development (oecd) to screen thyroid disruptors of vertebrate species. the general experimental design of the ama exposes nieuwkoop and faber (nf) stage 51 xenopus laevis tadpoles to test chemical concentrations for 21 d. however, recent studies demonstrated that thyroid gland began to function after nf stage 45 in x. laevis. thus, in this study, we initiated exposure with nf stage 48 tadpoles w ...201930732517
using xenopus laevis oocytes to functionally characterize plant transporters.functionally characterizing plant membrane transport proteins is challenging. typically, heterologous systems are used to study them. immature eggs (oocytes) of the south african clawed frog xenopus laevis are considered an ideal expression system for such studies. these large oocytes have a low number of endogenous transport systems in their plasma membranes and highly express foreign mrna; the oocyte plasma membrane is the default destination of integral membrane proteins that lack recognized ...201930707001
anillin regulates epithelial cell mechanics by structuring the medial-apical actomyosin network.cellular forces sculpt organisms during development, while misregulation of cellular mechanics can promote disease. here, we investigate how the actomyosin scaffold protein anillin contributes to epithelial mechanics in xenopus laevis embryos. increased mechanosensitive recruitment of vinculin to cell-cell junctions when anillin is overexpressed suggested that anillin promotes junctional tension. however, junctional laser ablation unexpectedly showed that junctions recoil faster when anillin is ...201930702429
identification of lysine histidine transporter 2 as an 1-aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid transporter in arabidopsis thaliana by transgenic complementation approach.1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (acc), a biosynthetic precursor of ethylene, has long been proposed to act as a mobile messenger in higher plants. however, little is known about the transport system of acc. recently, our genetic characterization of an acc-resistant mutant with normal ethylene sensitivity revealed that lysine histidine transporter 1 (lht1) functions as a transporter of acc. as amino acid transporters might have broad substrate specificity, we hypothesized that other amino a ...201931572413
electrophysiological studies revealed cam1-mediated regulation of the arabidopsis calcium channel cngc12.the arabidopsis cyclic nucleotide-gated channel (cngc) family consists of 20 members, which have been reported to participate in various physiological processes, such as pathogen defense, development, and thermotolerance. although cngc11 and cngc12 have been identified a decade ago and their role in programmed cell death is well studied, their precise channel regulation has not been studied electrophysiologically. here, we determined the channel activities of cngc11 and cngc12 utilizing the two- ...201931572412
in vitro reconstruction of xenopus oocyte ovulation.progesterone is widely used to induce maturation of isolated fully grown oocytes of the african clawed frog, xenopus laevis. however, the hormone fails to release oocytes from the layer of surrounding follicle cells. here, we report that maturation and follicle rupture can be recapitulated in vitro by treating isolated follicular oocytes with progesterone and low doses of the matrix metalloproteinase (mmp), collagenase, which are ineffective in the absence of the steroid. using this in vitro ovu ...201931561408
bap1 regulates epigenetic switch from pluripotency to differentiation in developmental lineages giving rise to bap1-mutant cancers.the bap1 tumor suppressor is mutated in many human cancers such as uveal melanoma, leading to poor patient outcome. it remains unclear how bap1 functions in normal biology or how its loss promotes cancer progression. here, we show that bap1 is critical for commitment to ectoderm, mesoderm, and neural crest lineages during xenopus laevis development. bap1 loss causes transcriptional silencing and failure of h3k27ac to accumulate at promoters of key genes regulating pluripotency-to-commitment tran ...201931555735
structural determinants underlying permeant discrimination of the cx43 hemichannel.connexin (cx) gap junction channels comprise two hemichannels in neighboring cells, and their permeability is well-described, but permeabilities of the single cx hemichannel remain largely unresolved. moreover, determination of isoform-specific cx hemichannel permeability is challenging because of concurrent expression of other channels with similar permeability profiles and inhibitor sensitivities. the mammalian cx hemichannels cx30 and cx43 are gated by extracellular divalent cations, removal ...201931554662
emodepside has sex-dependent immobilizing effects on adult brugia malayi due to a differentially spliced binding pocket in the rck1 region of the slo-1 k channel.filariae are parasitic nematodes that are transmitted to their definitive host as third-stage larvae by arthropod vectors like mosquitoes. filariae cause diseases including: lymphatic filariasis with distressing and disturbing symptoms like elephantiasis; and river blindness. filarial diseases affect millions of people in 73 countries throughout the topics and sub-tropics. the drugs available for mass drug administration, (ivermectin, albendazole and diethylcarbamazine), are ineffective against ...201931553770
exposure to graphene oxide at environmental concentrations induces thyroid endocrine disruption and lipid metabolic disturbance in xenopus laevis.graphene oxide (go) has become a topic of increasing concern for its environmental and health risks. however, the potential toxic effects of go on wildlife remain limited. the present study chose the xenopus laevis tadpole as a model to assess the thyroid endocrine disruption as well as the lipid metabolic disturbance of go. tadpoles at the 51 stage were exposed to go (0, 0.01, 0.1, and 1 mg/l) for 21 days, when tadpoles were undergoing an extremely complicated phase of morphological changes and ...201931549672
microinjection of dna into eyebuds in xenopus laevis embryos and imaging of gfp expressing optic axonal arbors in intact, living xenopus tadpoles.the primary visual projection of tadpoles of the aquatic frog xenopus laevis serves as an excellent model system for studying mechanisms that regulate the development of neuronal connectivity. during establishment of the retino-tectal projection, optic axons extend from the eye and navigate through distinct regions of the brain to reach their target tissue, the optic tectum. once optic axons enter the tectum, they elaborate terminal arbors that function to increase the number of synaptic connect ...201931545319
characteristics of in vivo model systems for ovarian cancer understanding of the molecular pathogenesis and heterogeneity of ovarian cancer holds promise for the development of early detection strategies and novel, efficient therapies. in this review, we discuss the advantages and limitations of animal models available for basic and preclinical studies. the fruit fly model is suitable mainly for basic research on cellular migration, invasiveness, adhesion, and the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. higher-animal models allow to recapitulate the arc ...201931540126
colony-stimulating factor-1- and interleukin-34-derived macrophages differ in their susceptibility to mycobacterium marinum.mycobacterium tuberculosis (mtb), the causative agent of tuberculosis (tb), remains the leading global cause of death from an infectious agent. mycobacteria thrive within their host mϕs and presently, there is no animal model that permits combined in vitro and in vivo study of mycobacteria-host mϕ interactions. mycobacterium marinum (mm), which causes tb in aquatic vertebrates, has become a promising model for tb research, owing to its close genetic relatedness to mtb and the availability of alt ...201931535730
structure-function elucidation of a new α-conotoxin, milia, from conus milneedwardsi.the a-conotoxins are peptide toxins that are found in the venom of marine cone snails and they are potent antagonists of various subtypes of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nachrs). because nachrs have an important role in regulating transmitter release, cell excitability, and neuronal integration, nachr dysfunctions have been implicated in a variety of severe pathologies. we describe the isolation and characterization of α-conotoxin milia, the first conopeptide from the venom of conus milnee ...201931527432
enrichment of aurora b kinase at the inner kinetochore controls outer kinetochore assembly.outer kinetochore assembly enables chromosome attachment to microtubules and spindle assembly checkpoint (sac) signaling in mitosis. aurora b kinase controls kinetochore assembly by phosphorylating the mis12 complex (mis12c) subunit dsn1. current models propose dsn1 phosphorylation relieves autoinhibition, allowing mis12c binding to inner kinetochore component cenp-c. using xenopus laevis egg extracts and biochemical reconstitution, we found that autoinhibition of the mis12c by dsn1 impedes its ...201931527147
identification of shaker k+ channel family members in rosaceae and a functional exploration of pbrkat1.pbrkat1, which is inhibited by external na+ in xenopus laevis oocytes, is characterized as encoding a typical inward rectifying channel that is mainly expressed in guard cells. potassium (k+) is the most abundant cation in plant cells necessary for plant growth and development. the uptake and transport of k+ are mainly completed through transporters and channels, and the shaker family genes are the most studied k+ channels in plants. however, there is far less information about this family in ro ...201931523779
spatiotemporal expression profile of embryonic and adult ankyrin repeat and ef-hand domain containing protein 1-encoding genes ankef1a and ankef1b in zebrafish.recent human next-generation sequencing (ngs) studies indicate a correlation between ankef1 (ankyrin repeat and ef-hand domain containing protein 1) expression and cilia formation or function. additionally, a single study conducted in the african clawed frog (xenopus laevis) showed ankef1 is down-regulated after pharmacological fibroblast growth factor (fgf) inhibition and plays a role in protocadherin-mediated cell protrusion and adhesion. that study also revealed a critical role for ankef1 in ...201931520739
polyamine biosynthesis in xenopus laevis: the xlazin2/xlodc2 gene encodes a lysine/ornithine decarboxylase.ornithine decarboxylase (odc) is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of polyamines, organic cations that are implicated in many cellular processes. the enzyme is regulated at the post-translational level by an unusual system that includes antizymes (azs) and antizyme inhibitors (azins). most studies on this complex regulatory mechanism have been focused on human and rodent cells, showing that azins (azin1 and azin2) are homologues of odc but devoid of enzymatic activity. little is known about xenop ...201931509528
a herbivore-induced plant volatile of the host plant acts as a collective foraging signal to the larvae of the meadow moth, loxostege sticticalis (lepidoptera: pyralidae).the meadow moth loxostege sticticalis is a serious agricultural pest that feeds on the leaves of many economic crops, such as sugar beet, soybean, sunflower, and potato. in addition to the rapid migration of adult moths, the collective foraging behavior of the larvae is also thought to be involved in the search for new food sources and substantially contributes to the expansion of the infested area. however, whether and how the chemical signals take part in this process remains unknown. in this ...201931499032
inferring the "primordial immune complex": origins of mhc class i and antigen receptors revealed by comparative genomics.comparative analyses suggest that the mhc was derived from a prevertebrate "primordial immune complex" (pic). pic duplicated twice in the well-studied two rounds of genome-wide duplications (2r) early in vertebrate evolution, generating four mhc paralogous regions (predominantly on human chromosomes [chr] 1, 6, 9, 19). examining chiefly the amphibian xenopus laevis, but also other vertebrates, we identified their mhc paralogues and mapped mhc class i, agr, and "framework" genes. most class i gen ...201931492741
pharmacological characterization of a homomeric nicotinic acetylcholine receptor formed by ancylostoma caninum acr-16.parasitic nematode infections are treated using anthelmintic drugs, some of which target nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nachrs) located in different parasite tissues. the limited arsenal of anthelmintic agents and the prevalence of drug resistance imply that future defense against parasitic infections will depend on the discovery of novel targets and therapeutics. previous studies have suggested that ascaris suum acr-16 nachrs are a suitable target for the development of antinematodal drugs. ...201931486912
disruptive effects of two organotin pesticides on the thyroid signaling pathway in xenopus laevis during metamorphosis.organotin compounds are the ubiquitous environmental pollutants due to their wide industrial and agricultural applications and unexpected releasing into the environment, which show characteristic of endocrine disruptors to interfere with the synthesis, receptor binding or action of endogenous-hormones. organotin pesticides (otps) are used in agriculture and may impact endocrine functions on organisms. thyroid hormones (ths) play fundamental roles in regulating the basal metabolism and energy bal ...201931476497
disruption of the lotus japonicus transporter ljnpf2.9 increases shoot biomass and nitrate content without affecting symbiotic performances.after uptake from soil into the root tissue, distribution and allocation of nitrate throughout the whole plant body, is a critical step of nitrogen use efficiency (nue) and for modulation of plant growth in response to various environmental conditions. in legume plants nitrate distribution is also important for the regulation of the nodulation process that allows to fix atmospheric n (n2) through the symbiotic interaction with rhizobia (symbiotic nitrogen fixation, snf).201931470797
comparative analysis of the developmental toxicity in xenopus laevis and danio rerio induced by al2 o3 nanoparticle exposure.engineered aluminum oxide nanoparticles (al2 o3 nps) having high-grade thermal stability and water-dispersion properties are extensively used in different industries and personal care products. toxicological response evaluation of these nps is indispensable in assessing the health risks and exposure limits because of their industrial disposal into the aquatic environment. we assessed and compared the developmental toxicity of al2 o3 nps in xenopus laevis and danio rerio over a period of 96 h usi ...201931470468
divergent roles of the wnt/pcp formin daam1 in renal ciliogenesis.kidneys are composed of numerous ciliated epithelial tubules called nephrons. each nephron functions to reabsorb nutrients and concentrate waste products into urine. defects in primary cilia are associated with abnormal formation of nephrons and cyst formation in a wide range of kidney disorders. previous work in xenopus laevis and zebrafish embryos established that loss of components that make up the wnt/pcp pathway, daam1 and arhgef19 (wgef) perturb kidney tubulogenesis. dishevelled, which act ...201931469868
in cell nmr spectroscopy: investigation of g-quadruplex structures inside living xenopus laevis oocytes.g-quadruplexes are inherently polymorphic nucleic acid structures. their folding topology depends on the nucleic acid primary sequence and on physical-chemical environmental factors. hence, it remains unclear if a g-quadruplex topology determined in the test tube (in vitro) will also form in vivo. characterization of g-quadruplexes in their native environment has been proposed as an efficient strategy to tackle this issue. so far, characterization of g-quadruplex structures in living cells has r ...201931444765
characterization and proteomic-transcriptomic investigation of monocarboxylate transporter 6 knockout mice: evidence of a potential role in glucose and lipid metabolism.monocarboxylate transporter 6 [(mct6), slc16a5] is an orphan transporter with no known endogenous substrates or physiological role. previous in vitro and in vivo experiments investigated mct6 substrate/inhibitor specificity in xenopus laevis oocytes; however, these data remain limited. transcriptomic changes in the livers of mice undergoing different dieting schemes have suggested that mct6 plays a role in glucose and lipid metabolism. the objectives of this study were 1) to develop a novel knoc ...201931436537
xenopus laevis as a bioindicator of endocrine disruptors in the region of central of the direct causes of biodiversity loss is environmental pollution resulting from the use of chemicals. different kinds of chemicals, such as persistent organic pollutants and some heavy metals, can be endocrine disruptors, which act at low doses over a long period of time and have a negative effect on the reproductive and thyroid system in vertebrates worldwide. research on the effects of endocrine disruptors and the use of bioindicators in neotropical ecosystems where pressure on biodive ...201931422435
changes in ca2+ removal can mask the effects of geometry during ip3r mediated ca2+ signals.calcium (ca2+) signals are ubiquitous. most intracellular ca2+ signals involve the release of ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum (er) through inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (ip3rs). the non-uniform spatial organization of ip3rs and the fact that their individual openings are coupled via cytosolic ca2+ are key factors for the variety of spatio-temporal distributions of the cytosolic [ca2+] and the versatility of the signals. in this paper we combine experiments performed in untreated and ...201931417423
gaining insights in the nutritional metabolism of amphibians: analyzing body nutrient profiles of the african clawed frog, xenopus laevis.whole bodies of xenopus laevis (n = 19) were analysed for chemical composition and morphometrics. the nutrient profile (macronutrients, amino acids, fatty acids and minerals) was evaluated by sex; interactions among variables with body weights and lengths, and comparisons made with different species of marine and fresh water fish. significant differences were found in morphometric measurements, water content, several minerals and fatty acids between sexes of x. laevis. amino acid profiles differ ...201931410305
novel vectors for functional interrogation of xenopus orfeome coding sequences.the current xenopus orfeome contains ~10,250 validated, full-length cdna sequences without stop codons from xenopus laevis and ~3,970 from xenopus tropicalis cloned into gateway-compatible entry vectors. to increase the utility of the orfeome, we have constructed the gateway-compatible destination vectors pdxtp and pdxtr, which in combination can control the spatial and temporal expression of any open reading frame (orf). pdxtp receives a promoter/enhancer of interest, which controls the spatial ...201931403250
comparative embryonic spatio-temporal expression profile map of the xenopus p2x receptor family.p2x receptors are atp-gated cations channels formed by the homo or hetero-trimeric association from the seven cloned subunits (p2x1-7). p2x receptors are widely distributed in different organs and cell types throughout the body including the nervous system and are involved in a large variety of physiological but also pathological processes in adult mammals. however, their expression and function during embryogenesis remain poorly understood. here, we report the cloning and the comparative expres ...201931402854
radiographic and ultrasonographic appearance of pneumonia in a frog.a 12-year-old female african clawed frog (xenopus laevis) displayed lethargy and anorexia for 1 week. radiographs detected a moderately reduced volume of aerated lung with lobulated margins with the left lung predominantly affected. transcelomic ultrasound revealed marked consolidation of the left lung. postmortem examination confirmed suppurative and histiocytic pneumonia, worse in the left lung, caused by mycobacterium chelonae. given that amphibian pulmonary consolidation and celomic effusion ...201931392794
evolution of cis-regulatory modules for the head organizer gene goosecoid in chordates: comparisons between branchiostoma and cephalochordates (amphioxus), the notochord runs along the dorsal to the anterior tip of the body. in contrast, the vertebrate head is formed anterior to the notochord, as a result of head organizer formation in anterior mesoderm during early development. a key gene for the vertebrate head organizer, goosecoid (gsc), is broadly expressed in the dorsal mesoderm of amphioxus gastrula. amphioxus gsc expression subsequently becomes restricted to the posterior notochord from the early neurula. thi ...201931388442
stereoselective anti-cancer activities of ginsenoside rg3 on triple negative breast cancer cell models.ginsenoside rg3 (rg3) has two epimers, 20(s)-ginsenoside rg3 (srg3) and 20(r)-ginsenoside rg3 (rrg3), and while rg3 itself has been reported to have anti-cancer properties, few studies have been reported on the anti-cancer effects of the different epimers. the aim was to investigate the stereoselective effects of the rg3 epimers on triple negative breast cancer (tnbc) cell lines, tested using cell-based assays for proliferation, apoptosis, cell cycle arrest, migration and invasion. molecular doc ...201931374984
allocation trade-offs impact organ size and muscle architecture in an invasive population of xenopus laevis in western france.invasive species are a global scourge and often negatively impact native species. understanding the expansion and dispersal limits of these species is essential. as previous studies have demonstrated increased locomotor performance for populations at the edge of the range of expanding populations, studies of locomotion including the anatomical and physiological traits underlying dispersal capacity are of interest. we focus here on an invasive population of xenopus laevis introduced in france nea ...201931373390
bile acids inhibit human purinergic receptor p2x4 in a heterologous expression system.we recently demonstrated that bile acids, especially tauro-deoxycholic acid (t-dca), modify the function of the acid-sensing ion channel asic1a and other members of the epithelial sodium channel (enac)/degenerin (deg) ion channel family. surprisingly, asic1 shares a high degree of structural similarity with the purinergic receptor p2x4, a nonselective cation channel transiently activated by atp. p2x4 is abundantly expressed in the apical membrane of bile duct epithelial cells and is therefore ex ...201930988062
pacap-38 and pacap(6-38) degranulate rat meningeal mast cells via the orphan mrgb3-receptor.infusion of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide-38 (pacap-38) provokes migraine attacks in migraineurs and headache in non-migraineurs. adverse events like long-lasting flushing and heat sensation can be terminated with oral antihistamine treatment, indicating the involvement of mast cell activation after pacap-infusion. degranulation of rat peritoneal mast cells was provoked by several isoforms of pacap via previously unknown receptor pharmacology. the effect might thus be mediated e ...201930983973
molecular markers for corneal epithelial cells in larval vs. adult xenopus frogs.corneal epithelial stem cells (cescs) and their proliferative progeny, the transit amplifying cells (tacs), are responsible for maintaining the integrity and transparency of the cornea. these stem cells (scs) are widely used in corneal transplants and ocular surface reconstruction. molecular markers are essential to identify, isolate and enrich for these cells, yet no definitive cesc marker has been established. an extensive literature survey shows variability in the expression of putative cesc ...201930981716
molecular and functional characterization of a short-type peptidoglycan recognition protein, pgrp-s in the amphibian xenopus laevis.peptidoglycan recognition proteins (pgrps) are a family of pattern recognition receptors (prrs) involved in host antibacterial responses, and their functions have been characterized in most invertebrate and vertebrate animals. however, little information is available regarding the function of frog pgrps. in this study, a short-type pgrp (termed xl-pgrp-s) gene was identified in the african clawed frog, xenopus laevis. the predicted protein of xl-pgrp-s contains several structural features known ...201930980872
loss of function of kmt2d, a gene mutated in kabuki syndrome, affects heart development in xenopus laevis.kabuki syndrome is a haploinsufficient congenital multi-organ malformation syndrome, which frequently includes severe heart defects. mutations in the histone h3k4 methyltransferase kmt2d have been identified as the main cause of kabuki syndrome, however, the role of kmt2d in heart development remains to be characterized.201930980591
antimicrobial peptides of multicellular organisms: my perspective.antimicrobial peptides of multicellular organisms were first characterized in the 1980s by investigators who felt that known systems of immunity could not explain what they observed: the resistance to bacterial infection of a cecropia moth pupa lacking antibodies or lymphocytes (cecropins (steiner 1981)), the potent microbicidal activity of neutrophils from a rabbit (defensins (selsted et al. 1985)), and the healing of a wound on the skin of the african clawed frog without infection in a non-ste ...201930980349
mitotic replisome disassembly depends on traip ubiquitin ligase activity.we have shown previously that the process of replication machinery (replisome) disassembly at the termination of dna replication forks in the s-phase is driven through polyubiquitylation of one of the replicative helicase subunits (mcm7) by cul2lrr1 ubiquitin ligase. interestingly, upon inhibition of this pathway in caenorhabditis elegans embryos, the replisomes retained on chromatin were unloaded in the subsequent mitosis. here, we show that this mitotic replisome disassembly pathway exists in ...201930979826
evaluation of cyclic luciferin as a substrate for luminescence measurements in in vitro and in vivo applications.bioluminescence imaging (bli) is a powerful tool for cell tracking, monitoring of gene delivery and expression in small laboratory animals. an alternative luciferase (luc) substrate cyclic luciferin (cycluc) was recently advanced for bli applications as providing a stronger, more stable signal at significantly lower doses than the classical substrate d-luciferin (d-luc) increasing sensitivity of luc detection 10 to 100 times. we evaluated benefits of using cycluc in in vivo studies in mice injec ...201930979501
in vivo and in vitro quantitative analysis of neural crest cell migration.the neural crest is an embryonic cell population induced at the border of the neural plate from where it delaminates and migrates long distances across the embryo. due to its extraordinary migratory capabilities, the neural crest has become a powerful system to study cellular and molecular aspects of collective and single cell migration both in vivo and in vitro. here we provide detailed protocols used to perform quantitative analysis of molecular and cellular aspects of xenopus laevis neural cr ...201930977071
hybrid-type and two-tetrad antiparallel telomere dna g-quadruplex structures in living human cells.although the telomeric sequence has been reported to form various g-quadruplex topologies in vitro and in xenopus laevis oocytes, in living human cells, the topology of telomeric dna g-quadruplex remains a challenge. to investigate the human telomeric dna g-quadruplex in a more realistic human cell environment, in the present study, we demonstrated that the telomeric dna sequence can form two hybrid-type and two-tetrad antiparallel g-quadruplex structures by in-cell 19f nmr in living human cells ...201930976813
autophagy in xenopus laevis rod photoreceptors is independently regulated by phototransduction and misfolded rhop23h.we previously reported autophagic structures in rod photoreceptors expressing a misfolding rho (rhodopsin) mutant (rhop23h), suggesting that autophagy may play a role in degrading the mutant rho and/or be involved in photoreceptor cell death. to further examine autophagy in normal and diseased rods, we generated transgenic xenopus laevis tadpoles expressing the dually fluorescent autophagy marker mrfp-egfp-lc3 in rods, which changes from green to yellow and finally red as autophagic structures d ...201930975014
optoelectronic control of single cells using organic photocapacitors.optical control of the electrophysiology of single cells can be a powerful tool for biomedical research and technology. here, we report organic electrolytic photocapacitors (oepcs), devices that function as extracellular capacitive electrodes for stimulating cells. oepcs consist of transparent conductor layers covered with a donor-acceptor bilayer of organic photoconductors. this device produces an open-circuit voltage in a physiological solution of 330 mv upon illumination using light in a tiss ...201930972364
thermal reduction of graphene oxide mitigates its in vivo genotoxicity toward xenopus laevis tadpoles.the worldwide increase of graphene family materials raises the question of the potential consequences resulting from their release in the environment and future consequences on ecosystem health, especially in the aquatic environment in which they are likely to accumulate. thus, there is a need to evaluate the biological and ecological risk but also to find innovative solutions leading to the production of safer materials. this work focuses on the evaluation of functional group-safety relationshi ...201930970633
n-glycosylation-dependent regulation of hk2p17.1 currents.two pore-domain potassium (k2p) channels mediate potassium background currents that stabilize the resting membrane potential and facilitate action potential repolarization. in the human heart, hk2p17.1 channels are predominantly expressed in the atria and purkinje cells. reduced atrial hk2p17.1 protein levels were described in patients with atrial fibrillation or heart failure. genetic alterations in hk2p17.1 were associated with cardiac conduction disorders. little is known about posttranslatio ...201930969900
modeling congenital kidney diseases in xenopus laevis.congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (cakut) occur in ∼1/500 live births and are a leading cause of pediatric kidney failure. with an average wait time of 3-5 years for a kidney transplant, the need is high for the development of new strategies aimed at reducing the incidence of cakut and preserving renal function. next-generation sequencing has uncovered a significant number of putative causal genes, but a simple and efficient model system to examine the function of cakut genes ...201930967415
critical role of an mhc class i-like/innate-like t cell immune surveillance system in host defense against ranavirus (frog virus 3) infection.besides the central role of classical major histocompatibility complex (mhc) class ia-restricted conventional cluster of differentiation 8 (cd8) t cells in antiviral host immune response, the amphibian xenopuslaevis critically rely on mhc class i-like (mhc1b10.1.l or xnc10)-restricted innate-like (i)t cells (ivα6 t cells) to control infection by the ranavirus frog virus 3 (fv3). to complement and extend our previous reverse genetic studies showing that ivα6 t cells are required for tadpole survi ...201930959883
is normalized hindlimb length measurement in assessment of thyroid disruption in the amphibian metamorphosis assay relevant?the amphibian metamorphosis assay represents an oecd level 3 and edsp tier 1 ecotoxicity test assessing thyroid activity of chemicals in african clawed frog (xenopus laevis). to evaluate the effectiveness of snout-vent length (svl) normalization of hindlimb length (hll), correlation between the hll and svl or body weight was evaluated in the control groups of 10 individual studies from three laboratories. two studies required separate analysis of the nieuwkoop-faber (nf) stage ≤60 and >60 animal ...201930957914
nacl-induced csrci2e and csrci2f interact with aquaporin cspip2;1 to reduce water transport in camelina sativa l.rare cold-inducible 2 (rci2) proteins are small hydrophobic proteins that are known to be localized in cellular membranes. the function of rci2 proteins has been reported to be associated with low-temperature, salt, and drought stress tolerances as a membrane potential regulator; however, the specific functions are still unknown. the pip2 (plasma membrane intrinsic protein 2) aquaporins are proteins that transport water and small solutes into the cell. the expression and activity of pip2 protein ...201930954220
functional and structural analysis of rare slc2a2 variants associated with fanconi-bickel syndrome and metabolic traits.deleterious variants in slc2a2 cause fanconi-bickel syndrome (fbs), a glycogen storage disorder, whereas less common variants in slc2a2 associate with numerous metabolic diseases. phenotypic heterogeneity in fbs has been observed, but its causes remain unknown. our goal was to functionally characterize rare slc2a2 variants found in fbs and metabolic disease-associated variants to understand the impact of these variants on glut2 activity and expression and establish genotype-phenotype correlation ...201930950137
gpcr-independent activation of g proteins promotes apical cell constriction in vivo.heterotrimeric g proteins are signaling switches that control organismal morphogenesis across metazoans. in invertebrates, specific gpcrs instruct g proteins to promote collective apical cell constriction in the context of epithelial tissue morphogenesis. in contrast, tissue-specific factors that instruct g proteins during analogous processes in vertebrates are largely unknown. here, we show that daple, a non-gpcr protein linked to human neurodevelopmental disorders, is expressed specifically in ...201930948426
pyrophosphate stimulates the phosphate-sodium symporter of trypanosoma brucei acidocalcisomes and saccharomyces cerevisiae vacuoles.inorganic pyrophosphate (ppi) is a by-product of biosynthetic reactions and has bioenergetic and regulatory roles in a variety of cells. here we show that ppi and other pyrophosphate-containing compounds, including polyphosphate (polyp), can stimulate sodium-dependent depolarization of the membrane potential and pi conductance in xenopus oocytes expressing a saccharomyces cerevisiae or trypanosoma brucei na+/pi symporter. ppi is not taken up by xenopus oocytes, and deletion of the tbpho91 spx do ...201930944211
new roles for wnt and bmp signaling in neural anteroposterior patterning.during amphibian development, neural patterning occurs via a two-step process. spemann's organizer secretes bmp antagonists that induce anterior neural tissue. a subsequent caudalizing step re-specifies anterior fated cells to posterior fates such as hindbrain and spinal cord. the neural patterning paradigm suggests that a canonical wnt-signaling gradient acts along the anteroposterior axis to pattern the nervous system. wnt activity is highest in the posterior, inducing spinal cord, at intermed ...201930936121
desmoplakin is required for epidermal integrity and morphogenesis in the xenopus laevis embryo.desmoplakin (dsp) is a unique and critical desmosomal protein, that is integral to epidermal development. however, it is unclear whether this protein is required specifically for epidermal morphogenesis. using morpholinos or crispr/cas9 mutagenesis we decreased the function of dsp in frog embryos to better understand its role during epidermal development. dsp morphant and mutant embryos had developmental defects such as epidermal fragility that mimicked what has been reported in mammals. most im ...201930935896
identification and functional characterization of the chloride channel gene, gsclc-c2 from wild soybean.the anionic toxicity of plants under salt stress is mainly caused by chloride (cl-). thus cl- influx, transport and their regulatory mechanisms should be one of the most important aspects of plant salt tolerance studies, but are often sidelined by the focus on sodium (na+) toxicity and its associated adaptations. plant chloride channels (clcs) are transport proteins for anions including cl- and nitrate (no3-), and are critical for nutrition uptake and transport, adjustment of cellular turgor, st ...201930935372
induction of a spindle-assembly-competent m phase in xenopus egg extracts.normal mitotic spindle assembly is a prerequisite for faithful chromosome segregation and unperturbed cell-cycle progression. precise functioning of the spindle machinery relies on conserved architectural features, such as focused poles, chromosome alignment at the metaphase plate, and proper spindle length. these morphological requirements can be achieved only within a compositionally distinct cytoplasm that results from cell-cycle-dependent regulation of specific protein levels and specific po ...201930930041
trace, machine learning of signal images for trace-sensitive mass spectrometry: a case study from single-cell metabolomics.recent developments in high-resolution mass spectrometry (hrms) technology enabled ultrasensitive detection of proteins, peptides, and metabolites in limited amounts of samples, even single cells. however, extraction of trace-abundance signals from complex data sets ( m/ z value, separation time, signal abundance) that result from ultrasensitive studies requires improved data processing algorithms. to bridge this gap, we here developed "trace", a software framework that incorporates machine lear ...201930929422
recovery of the xenopus laevis heart from ros-induced stress utilizes conserved pathways of cardiac regeneration.urodele amphibians and some fish are capable of regenerating up to a quarter of their heart tissue after cardiac injury. while many anuran amphibians like xenopus laevis are not capable of such feats, they are able to repair lesser levels of cardiac damage, such as that caused by oxidative stress, to a far greater degree than mammals. using an optogenetic stress induction model that utilizes the protein killerred, we have investigated the extent to which mechanisms of cardiac regeneration are co ...201930924142
ursodeoxycholic acid inhibits uptake and vasoconstrictor effects of taurocholate in human placenta.intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (icp) causes increased transfer of maternal bile acids to the fetus and an increased incidence of sudden fetal death. treatment includes ursodeoxycholic acid (udca), but it is not clear if udca protects the fetus. this study explores the placental transport of the bile acid taurocholate (tc) by the organic anion-transporting polypeptide, (oatp)4a1, its effects on the placental proteome and vascular function, and how these are modified by udca. various method ...201930922127
latrophilin2 is involved in neural crest cell migration and placode patterning in xenopus laevis.latrophilin2 (lphn2) is an adhesion-class of g protein-coupled receptor with an unknown function in development. here, we show that xenopus laevis lphn2 (xlphn2) is involved in the migration and differentiation of neural crest (nc) cells and placode patterning in xenopus laevis embryos. although xlphn2 mrna was detected throughout embryogenesis, it was expressed more abundantly in the placode region. morpholino antisense oligonucleotide-mediated knockdown of xlphn2 caused abnormal migration of n ...201930919913
regulation of na+-k+-cl- cotransporter type 2 by the with no lysine kinase-dependent signaling cotransporter type 2 (nkcc2) is confined to the apical membrane of the thick ascending limb of henle, where it reabsorbs a substantial fraction of the ultrafiltered nacl load. it is expressed along this nephron segment as three main splice variants (called nkcc2a, nkcc2b, and nkcc2f) that differ in residue composition along their second transmembrane domain and first intracellular cytosolic connecting segment (cs2). nkcc2 is known to be activated by cell shrinkage and intracellular [c ...201930917032
agr2-interacting prod1-like protein tfp4 from xenopus laevis is necessary for early forebrain and eye development as well as for the tadpole appendage regeneration.the agr family genes, ag1, agr2, and agr3, encode for the thioredoxin domain containing secreted proteins and are specific only for vertebrates. these proteins are attracting increasing attention due to their involvement in many physiological and pathological processes, including exocrine secretion, cancer, regeneration of the body appendages, and the early brain development. at the same time, the mode by which agrs regulate intracellular processes are poorly understood. despite that the recepto ...201930912273
xmap215 promotes microtubule-f-actin interactions to regulate growth cone microtubules during axon guidance in has long been established that neuronal growth cone navigation depends on changes in microtubule (mt) and f-actin architecture downstream of guidance cues. however, the mechanisms by which mts and f-actin are dually coordinated remain a fundamentally unresolved question. here, we report that the well-characterized mt polymerase, xmap215 (also known as ckap5), plays an important role in mediating mt-f-actin interaction within the growth cone. we demonstrate that xmap215 regulates mt-f-actin al ...201930890650
a microarray-based comparative analysis of gene expression profiles in thyroid glands in amphibian metamorphosis: differences in effects between chemical exposure and food restriction.tadpoles during metamorphosis are sensitive to chemical exposure as shown in the amphibian metamorphosis assay, which is a method to detect effects of chemicals on the functions of hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis. the present study reports existence of different modes of action between pyriproxyfen (pyr) and 6-propyl-2-thiouracil (ptu) under different feeding conditions based on gene expression profiles (transcriptomics) in the thyroid glands of tadpoles of the african clawed frog, xenopus l ...201930883854
effect of nucleosome assembly on alkylation by a dynamic electrophile.quinone methides are reactive electrophiles that are generated during metabolism of various drugs, natural products, and food additives. their chemical properties and cellular effects have been described previously, and now their response to packaging dna in a nucleosome core is described. a model bisquinone methide precursor (bisqmp) was selected based on its ability to form reversible adducts with guanine n7 that allow for their redistribution and transfer after quinone methide regeneration. a ...201930882212
myelopoiesis of the amphibian xenopus laevis is segregated to the bone marrow, away from their hematopoietic peripheral liver.across vertebrates, hematopoiesis takes place within designated tissues, wherein committed myeloid progenitors further differentiate toward cells with megakaryocyte/erythroid potential (mep) or those with granulocyte/macrophage potential (gmp). while the liver periphery (lp) of the xenopus laevis amphibian functions as a principal site of hematopoiesis and contains meps, cells with gmp potential are instead segregated to the bone marrow (bm) of this animal. presently, using gene expression and w ...201932038608
antiarrhythmic properties of ranolazine: inhibition of atrial fibrillation associated task-1 potassium channels.background: atrial fibrillation (af) is the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia and one of the major causes of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. despite good progress within the past years, safe and effective treatment of af remains an unmet clinical need. the anti-anginal agent ranolazine has been shown to exhibit antiarrhythmic properties via mainly late ina and ikr blockade. this results in prolongation of the atrial action potential duration (apd) and effective refractory period ( ...201932038227
lissamphibian limbs and the origins of tetrapod hox domains.the expression and function of hox genes have played a key role in the debate on the evolution of limbs from fins. as an early branching tetrapod lineage, lissamphibians may provide information on the origin of the limb's hox domains and particularly how the plesiomorphic tetrapod pattern compares to the hox pattern present in fish fins. here, we comparatively investigated the expression of hox genes in the developing limbs of axolotl and xenopus laevis as well as in the fins of the direct devel ...201931445923
broad applicability of a streamlined ethyl cinnamate-based clearing procedure.turbidity and opaqueness are inherent properties of tissues that limit the capacity to acquire microscopic images through large tissues. creating a uniform refractive index, known as tissue clearing, overcomes most of these issues. these methods have enabled researchers to image large and complex 3d structures with unprecedented depth and resolution. however, tissue clearing has been adopted to a limited extent due to a combination of cost, time, complexity of existing methods and potential nega ...201930665888
the peptide transporter 1a of the zebrafish danio rerio, an emerging model in nutrigenomics and nutrition research: molecular characterization, functional properties, and expression analysis.peptide transporter 1 (pept1, alias slc15a1) mediates the uptake of dietary di/tripeptides in all vertebrates. however, in teleost fish, more than one pept1-type transporter might function, due to specific whole genome duplication event(s) that occurred during their evolution leading to a more complex paralogue gene repertoire than in higher vertebrates (tetrapods).201931890051
expression and ion transport activity of rice oshkt1;1 variants.oshkt1;1 in rice, belongs to the high-affinity k+ transporter family, has been found to be involved in salt tolerance. oshkt1;1 in japonica rice (nipponbare) produces mrna variants, but their functions remain elusive. in salt tolerant rice, pokkali, eight oshkt1;1 variants (v1-v8) were identified in addition to the full-length oshkt1;1 (fl) cdna. absolute quantification by qpcr revealed that accumulation of oshkt1;1-fl mrna is minor in contrast to that of oshkt1;1-v1, -v2, -v4, and -v7 mrnas, al ...201931877741
prominin-1 and photoreceptor cadherin localization in xenopus laevis: protein-protein relationships and function.retinal degenerative diseases are genetically diverse and rare inherited disorders that cause the death of rod and cone photoreceptors, resulting in progressive vision loss and blindness. this review will focus on two retinal degeneration-causing genes: prominin-1 (prom1) and photoreceptor cadherin (prcad). we will discuss protein localization, potential roles in photoreceptor outer segment disc morphogenesis, and areas for future investigation.201931884658
autophagy induction by hdac inhibitors is unlikely to be the mechanism of efficacy in prevention of retinal degeneration caused by p23h rhodopsin.we previously found that valproic acid (vpa) and other histone deacetylase inhibitors (hdacis) ameliorate retinal degeneration (rd) caused by p23h rhodopsin in xenopus laevis larvae and hypothesized that this may be due to enhancement of autophagy. here we use x. laevis expressing an autophagy marker to assess effects of hdacis on autophagy. we also assess the effects of non-hdaci activators and inducers of autophagy on rd caused by p23h rhodopsin.201931884645
characterization of spinal cord damage based on automatic video analysis of froglet swimming.xenopus laevis frogs are a widely used organism to study aspects of modern biology ( harland and grainger, 2011). its central nervous system is particularly interesting, because in certain stages of metamorphosis the spinal cord can regenerate after injury and recover swimming. with this in mind, automatic gait analysis could help evaluate the regenerative performance by means of a method that automatically and quantitatively establishes the degree in froglets' limb movement. here, we present an ...201931852668
the chalcone lonchocarpin inhibits wnt/β-catenin signaling and suppresses colorectal cancer proliferation.the deregulation of the wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway is a central event in colorectal cancer progression, thus a promising target for drug development. many natural compounds, such as flavonoids, have been described as wnt/β-catenin inhibitors and consequently modulate important biological processes like inflammation, redox balance, cancer promotion and progress, as well as cancer cell death. in this context, we identified the chalcone lonchocarpin isolated from lonchocarpus sericeus as a wnt ...201931817828
Displaying items 16601 - 16700 of 17138