
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
method of modeling protein structure by the two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy data; application to the proteinase inhibitor busi iia from bull seminal plasma.a new approach is suggested to model the spatial structure of protein molecules in solution based on combined use of the methods of theoretical conformational analysis and nmr spectroscopy data. at the first stage, special means are used to convert d connectivity information into the most probable values of dihedral angles. this allows search for possible spatial structures in the limited regions of the conformational space at further stages using the methods of the theoretical conformational an ...19883271489
localization of avian lhrh-immunoreactive neurons in the hypothalamus of the domestic fowl, gallus domesticus, and the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix.the localization of lhrh-containing perikarya and nerve fibers in the hypothalami of the domestic fowl and japanese quail was investigated by means of the specific immunoperoxidase abc method, using antisera against chicken lhrh-i ([gln8]-lhrh), chicken gnrh-ii ([his5-trp7-tyr8]-lhrh[2-10]) and mammalian lhrh ([arg8]-lhrh). chicken lhrh-i-immunoreactive perikarya were sparsely scattered in the nucleus preopticus periventricularis (pop), nucleus filiformis (fil) and nucleus septalis medialis (sm) ...19883277716
epithelial and neuronal calbindin in avian intestine. an immunohistochemical is well known that calbindin immunoreactivity is highly concentrated in the duodenal absorptive cells of young birds. we have shown that in the adult intestine of three avian species, calbindin content is much more variable. in addition to absorptive cells, we have detected throughout the gut of both sexes of the domestic fowl and in the large intestine of the japanese quail a second type of calbindin-positive epithelial cell which has the shape of a typical endocrine cell. these cells were p ...19883284652
experimental aspergillosis in japanese quails (coturnix coturnix japonica). clinical signs and haematological changes.intratracheal inoculation of 2-week-old quail chicks with aspergillus fumigatus resulted in the development of clinical signs within 24 h of infection. these were characterized by anorexia, depression, accelerated respiration and gasping followed by death. the acute course of the disease lasted for 7-10 days followed by recovery in the surviving chicks. the overall mortality during a 6-week observation period was 20%. although the mean body weight of a. fumigatus infected quail chicks continued ...19883050527
changes in pituitary responsiveness during the ovulatory cycle of the japanese quail, in vitro.anterior pituitary glands from ovulating japanese quail (coturnix coturnix) were used to investigate variation in sensitivity to chicken luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (clhrh i; gln8-lhrh). grouping the pituitaries by ovulatory stage provided preliminary evidence of changes in sensitivity to lhrh during the ovulatory cycle. pituitaries taken from quail before the preovulatory lh surge were responsive to clhrh i, while pituitaries from the other times of the cycle showed minimal response t ...19883053965
sequential pathological studies in japanese quails infected experimentally with aspergillus fumigatus.intratracheal inoculation of young quail chicks with aspergillus fumigatus spores resulted in the development of characteristic gross and microscopic lesions. the lesions were restricted to respiratory tract and there was no dissemination of infection to other tissues of the body. gross changes in lungs and air sacs were observed within 24 hours and continued up to 20 days while in trachea these were noticed from the 3rd to the 9th day post-infection. the lesions, in general, included congestion ...19883057379
[avian celo adenovirus as a possible contaminant in cell cultures of japanese quail embryos].avian adenovirus celo was found to replicate poorly in japanese quail embryos (jqe) and cell cultures of them. the infectious process in these systems was latent. the antigen of adenovirus celo in jqe cell culture was detectable by the fluorescent antibody method (fam) within the first 24-72 hours after inoculation as fluorescent cytoplasmic granules. subsequently, fluorescence of nuclei and macrophage cytoplasm was observed. the results indicate that jqe and their cell cultures are not contamin ...19882854677
chicken embryo cell line exhibits japanese quail markers. 19882903854
embryonic vascular development: immunohistochemical identification of the origin and subsequent morphogenesis of the major vessel primordia in quail embryos.the development of the embryonic vasculature is examined here using a monoclonal antibody, qh-1, capable of labelling the presumptive endothelial cells of japanese quail embryos. antibody labelling is first seen within the embryo proper at the 1-somite stage. scattered labelling of single cells appears ventral to the somites and at the lateral edges of the anterior intestinal portal. the dorsal aorta soon forms a continuous cord at the ventrolateral edge of the somites and continues into the hea ...19883048971
the dose-dependent deposition of cadmium into organs of japanese quail following oral administration.the accumulation and disposition of cd2+ as cdcl2 administered orally to japanese quail (coturnix coturnix) was investigated. birds received 0.01, 0.10, 1.0, 50, 500, 5000, or 50,000 micrograms cd/kg/day for 4 consecutive days by gastric tube, and were killed 4 days after the final dose. the percentage of the total administered dose recovered in liver + kidneys + duodenum was 0.7% or less in all but the highest dose, for which recovery was approximately 2%. only at the highest dose did the hepat ...19883413792
effect of lead ingestion on vitamin d3 metabolism in japanese quail.immature female japanese quail were given either lead acetate or sodium acetate in the drinking water for 15 days. in vitro kidney production of 1, 25- and 24-25- dihydroxyvitamin d3 from tritiated 25-hydroxyvitamin d3 was measured. at all 3 dose levels of lead acetate (0.32, 3.2 and 32 mg pb/ml), in vitro kidney production of 1,25-(oh)2d3 was increased significantly compared to control levels treated with sodium acetate. lead treatment had no significant effect on plasma calcium and inorganic p ...1988211567
ontogeny of architectural complexity in embryonic quail visceral arch muscles.understanding the mechanisms of muscle pattern formation requires that the complete sequence of ontogenetic events be defined, particularly in the emergence of architectural complexity and in the spatial relations between muscles and skeletal elements. this analysis of visceral arch myogenesis in quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) embryos identifies the location of premuscle condensations and subsequent segregation of individual muscles, documents the initial orientation of myofibers and changes ...19883218618
juvenile body weight and gonad development in a diallel cross among lines of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).the influence of growth on the extent of heterosis for juvenile body weight and gonad development was studied in a diallel cross among two lines of japanese quail differing in adult body size. a total of 1,096 birds (563 males and 533 females) was slaughtered between 25 and 49 days of age. reciprocal cross differences were non-significant. heterosis showed a curvilinear course with age peaking during early growth (body weight) and during sexual maturity (gonad percentage). overall advanced physi ...198824232357
prevention of hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis in japanese quail by high intake of soy protein.this study was undertaken to determine the influence of levels of soy protein on cholesterol metabolism and the development of atherosclerosis in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). quail were fed purified diets containing one of four levels (10, 20, 40 or 60%) of soy protein either with (atherogenic) or without (control) 0.5% cholesterol. results showed that higher proportions of protein (40 and 60%) in atherogenic diets had a preventive effect on the development of atherosclerosis in ...19883214472
steroid secretion by ovarian cells of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).mixed cell preparations (theca plus granulosa) prepared from the hierarchy of follicles of quails ovaries were incubated under defined conditions with or without the addition of ovine luteinizing hormone (olh), ovine follicle stimulating hormone (ofsh), theophylline, cycloheximide, or dibutyryl cyclic adenine monophosphate (db camp); or in the presence of androstenedione or testosterone as aromatizable substrate. steroids secreted into the medium during the 4-hr incubation period were assayed by ...19882848745
the claude bernard lecture, 1987. embryonic chimeras: a tool for studying the development of the nervous and immune systems.chimeras have been constructed in the avian embryo following the observation of the particular structure of the interphase nucleus in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). in all embryonic and adult cell types of this species a large amount of heterochromatin is associated with the nucleolus, making quail cells readily distinguishable from those of the chick where the constitutive heterochromatin is evenly dispersed in the nucleus. these structural differences have been used to devise ...19882907137
[acute reversible cataract due to nitrocompounds in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica)].the present study was designed to examine the usefulness of the japanese quail as an experimental model of cataractogenic activity. chemicals, 2, 6-dibromo-4-nitro-phenol (2, 6-d), 2, 4-dinitroanisole (2, 4-da), and 2, 4-dinitrophenol (2, 4-d; for the positive control), were administered singly through an oral route to 2-week old male japanese quails to investigate the reversibility of cataracts. a single administration of 2, 4-d (36 and 43 mg/kg) produced reversible cataract in 14 of 16 animals ...19883416932
changes in serum concentrations of steroids during embryonic and post-hatching development of male and female japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).serum concentrations of testosterone, 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone, oestradiol and progesterone were measured by radioimmunoassay combined with celite chromatography in male and female japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) during the second half of embryonic life (days 9-17 of incubation) and during the first 5 weeks after hatching. the mean level of each of the four steroids was significantly affected by the age of the birds. an overall effect of sex was detected by analysis of variance on ...19883411279
hepatic uroporphyrin accumulation and uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase activity in cultured chick-embryo hepatocytes and in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and mice treated with polyhalogenated aromatic compounds.the relationship between hepatic uroporphyrin accumulation and uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (ec activity was investigated in cultured chick-embryo hepatocytes, japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) and mice that had been treated with polyhalogenated aromatic compounds. chick-embryo hepatocytes treated with 3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl accumulated uroporphyrin in a dose-dependent fashion without a detectable decrease in uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase activity when either pentac ...19883138981
ultrastructure of the testis and epididymis of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) administered gossypol.when japanese quail were given gossypol acetic acid intramuscularly at 25 mg/kg body weight per day for 9 days, testis/body weights were reduced to 63% of those of controls. lumina of the seminiferous tubules became smaller but were packed with tails of spermatids. mitochondria of spermatids changed in shape from elongated to round. after administration of gossypol for 21 days, testis/body weights were 14% of those of controls. lumina of seminiferous tubules were completely collapsed, germinal e ...19883413024
effect of hyaluronic acid on the emergence of neural crest cells from the neural tube of the quail, coturnix coturnix japonica.hyaluronic acid (ha) added to the medium of quail neural tubes explanted in vitro influences the number of migratory neural crest cells that emerge, compared with controls. neural crest cells were counted with an ocular grid after 20 h of migration into 0.1 mm wide areas or 'bins' lying parallel to the neural tube, and the results were analyzed by linear regression. a low concentration of ha (5 micrograms/ml) significantly decreased the total number of neural crest cells in all bins adjacent to ...19883396055
carbon-14-ochratoxin a distribution in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) monitored by whole body autoradiography.tissue distribution of the nephrotoxic mycotoxin ochratoxin a was characterized in laying japanese quail by whole body autoradiography and scintillation counting using 14c-labelled toxin. periodically for 8 days after one intravenous injection of 14 microci/bird, corresponding to 70 ng/g body weight, birds were killed, frozen, and sagittal sections of the whole body were placed on x-ray film. in general, the ochratoxin disappeared from the avian body rapidly. specific retention of radioactivity ...19883136448
mechanism controlling photostimulated luteinizing hormone secretion is different from preovulatory luteinizing hormone surge in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).a so-called "night-interruption" experiment with a 15-min light pulse showed that a sensitive phase for the photoperiodic lh secretion in male japanese quail extended over a period of 2 hr from 12.5 to 14.5 hr after dawn. exposure of a 1-hr light pulse at this photosensitive phase to male quail kept under 8l:16d induced the increase of plasma lh concentrations just the same as quail transferred to 16l:8d. in the first few days of photostimulation either by night interruption or by long days, lh ...19883371646
profiles of plasma androgens in quail following testosterone injection at two different times of castrated male japanese quail (coturnix japonica) housed on an 8l:16d light-dark cycle (lights on at 0700 hr) were given a single injection of either 100 or 500 micrograms testosterone (t) at either 0800 or 1430 hr. blood samples were taken 1, 3, 5, 7, or 24 hr after injection and assayed for androgens. additional samples were taken from intact males housed on a 16l:8d light-dark cycle and from castrated males housed on 8l:16d and injected with the oil vehicle. with the 100-micrograms dosa ...19883366357
changes in plasma concentrations of reproductive steroids in female japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) raised on long or short photoperiods.plasma concentrations of progesterone, testosterone, estradiol, and estrone were measured by radioimmunoassay in female japanese quail 22 to 70 days of age. the birds were raised on long (16 hr light per day) or short (8 hr light per day) photoperiods. only the birds raised on the long photoperiod layed eggs, starting between 42 and 49 days of age. the concentration of each reproductive steroid increased between 28 and 35 days of age, but the increases were more substantial in the birds raised o ...19883366353
expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms in myogenic clones obtained from developing quail breast muscle.monoclonal antibodies specifically recognizing cardiac and extraocular muscle myosin heavy chains of the quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were used to determine the patterns of expression of these isoforms in clonal cultures of embryonic quail myoblasts. myoblasts prepared from 9 day embryonic pectoralis are virtually homogeneous in their ability to form clones expressing both cardiac and extraocular isoforms. the majority of myoblasts obtained from day 5 embryos also formed clones which co-ex ...198828305476
selection of japanese quail for contrasting blood corticosterone response to immobilization.japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) were divergently selected for 12 generations for increased (high stress, hs) and decreased (low stress, ls) blood corticosterone (b) response to unfamiliar environments. response lines were selected initially on the basis of wild-type quail b response to albino (alb) quail intrusion (s1 to s3) and subsequently on b response to immobilization (imb) (s4 to s12). using alb intruders as stressors proved unsuccessful, therefore the practice was abandoned in ...19883375175
the effects of estrogen, insulin and dexamethasone on the synthesis and secretion of egg white proteins in primary cultured oviduct cells of laying japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).1. the effects of estrogen, insulin and dexamethasone on the synthesis of egg white proteins were investigated by employing primary cultured oviduct cells of laying japanese quails. 2. it was demonstrated that oviduct cells require insulin and dexamethasone, besides estrogen, to synthesize and secrete egg white proteins maximally.19883281790
water intake induced by water deprivation in the quail, coturnix coturnix japonica.mechanisms inducing drinking after water deprivation, and mechanisms terminating drinking after rehydration, were investigated in the quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. 1. water intake was induced after 4 h of water deprivation, and the amount of water drunk increased in proportion to the period of water deprivation. drinking occurred immediately after deprivation. drinking occurred immediately after deprived birds were given access to water, and continued for periods proportional to the period ...19883249018
rapid adjustment of the pineal n-acetyltransferase rhythm to change from long to short photoperiod in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).the dynamics of adjusting the pineal n-acetyltransferase rhythm from long to short photoperiod was assessed in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). the transition from ld 16:8 to ld 8:16 was accomplished by symmetrical prolongation of the dark period. in ld 16:8, the period of elevated nocturnal activity lasted approximately 7 hours. during the first prolonged night, the evening n-acetyltransferase rise advanced by almost 3 hours relative to the rise in ld 16:8 and occurred at the sa ...19883225739
drinking induced by cellular dehydration in the quail, coturnix coturnix japonica.1. drinking was induced in water-replete quail 5-10 min after intravenous injection of hypertonic nacl (0.69 osmol/l) or sucrose (1.06 osmol/l), but hypertonic urea (2.78 osmol/l) failed to induce drinking. 2. the birds drank approximately the amount required to dilute the injected solutes to isotonicity for each given dose of nacl or sucrose. 3. the plasma angiotensin ii level decreased after injection of 7% nacl (2.5 osmol/l), but it increased after injection of an equi-osmolar solution of suc ...19882900120
the dynamics of progesterone output in perifused granulosa layer of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica): response to adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate and aminoglutethimide.a perifusion system has been developed in which the rates of progesterone output of quail granulosa layer in response to steroidogenic stimuli, can be measured under dynamic condition. in response to a continuous perifusion for 8 h with dibutyryl cyclic amp (dbcamp), there was a gradual increase in the rate of progesterone output, which reached a plateau at 4-5 h of perifusion. when progesterone output was inhibited by aminoglutethimide, a reversible inhibitor of the cholesterol side chain cleav ...19892559251
an autoradiographic study of alpha 1-adrenergic receptors in the brain of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).the neuroanatomical distribution of alpha 1-adrenergic receptors was studied in japanese quail by quantitative in vitro autoradiography using the specific antagonist [3h]prazosin as the ligand. the presence of saturable (bmax less than 200 fmol/mg protein) high affinity (kd less than 0.12 nm) binding sites was detected by saturation analysis. high concentrations of [3h]prazosin binding sites were detected in the archistriatum/pars ventralis, the hippocampus, the cortex piriformis, the area corti ...19892558805
sex and storage affect cholinesterase activity in blood plasma of japanese quail.blood plasma cholinesterase (che) activity is a sensitive indicator of exposure to organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides. effects of sex and storage of samples were studied as sources of variability by treating breeding japanese quail (coturnix japonica) with 3 mg of dicrotophos or carbofuran per kg of body weight and comparing blood plasma che activities for samples collected at 1 hr postdosage and assayed fresh, after 1 and 2 days of refrigeration (4 c), and after 1, 7 and 28 days of fre ...19892810558
lead influences on physiological and growth responses in coturnix coturnix japonica selected for large body weights.coturnix coturnix japonica, selected for large adult weight (fatty), were 40% heavier than random-bred controls (rb). given dietary lead (50 or 500 mg/kg) from hatching, fatty (10%) showed a smaller decrease in body weight than did rb (22%) at 6 weeks. egg production was lower in fatty, and lead (500 mg/kg) caused a greater suppression in fatty. lead added to the diet of fatty and rb control diets at 7 weeks into egg production caused a 15% decrease in rb production but only a transitory decreas ...19892792056
variation among lines selected for body size in the fractional rate of degradation of protein and acid protease activity in the muscle of quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).fractional rates (%/day) of degradation of muscle protein were determined by measuring the output of nt-methylhistidine (nt-mh) in the excreta at 2 and 10 weeks of age in three lines of quail, a random-bred line and two lines selected for body size, one for increased and the other for decreased size. in all lines, fractional rates of degradation of muscle protein at 2 weeks of age were higher than those at 10 weeks of age. the fractional rate of degradation at 2 weeks of age was highest for the ...19892695061
mitogen stimulation affects contractile protein mrna abundance and translation in embryonic quail cultures of differentiated, fusion-blocked muscle cells obtained from embryonic japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica), mitogen stimulation leads to an immediate reduction in the rates of synthesis of skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain (mhc) and alpha-actin. the molecular mechanisms responsible for this downregulation were examined. the cellular abundances of the alpha-actin and mhc mrnas were affected differently by mitogen stimulation; alpha-actin mrna abundance declined by an amount w ...19892796987
distribution of alpha 2-adrenergic receptors in the brain of the japanese quail as determined by quantitative autoradiography: implications for the control of sexually dimorphic reproductive processes.with the use of [3h]p-aminoclonidine (pac), alpha 2-adrenergic binding sites were mapped in the brain of the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). the sites were labeled with the use of in vitro quantitative autoradiography. special attention was given to areas implicated in the control of sexually dimorphic reproductive processes including sexual behavior. preliminary competition experiments found that [3h]pac binding on tissue sections exhibited a pharmacology appropriate to the alpha 2 ...19892569910
a dorsomedial subdivision within the nucleus intercollicularis identified in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) by means of alpha 2-adrenergic receptor autoradiography and estrogen receptor immunohistochemistry.the nucleus intercollicularis is an important site in the control of vocalization in birds. in oscines, a subregion of the nucleus intercollicularis called the dorso-medial intercollicular nucleus appears to play a key role in this process because it receives the majority of the projections from the nucleus robustus archistriatalis and sends most of the projections to the motor nucleus of the hypoglossal nerve. in this paper, we present neurochemical studies of the nucleus intercollicularis in t ...19892546669
[cellular specificity of lectin binding in the kidney of the quail (coturnix coturnix japonica)].the goal of this study was to demonstrate the distribution of glycoproteins in the various segments of the japanese quail nephron, using lectins labeled with hrp or fitc. each one of the six labeled lectins had a characteristic distribution pattern along the nephron. the study shows that lectins are useful markers for certain nephron segments or for cell types in certain segments of the renal tubules. pna marks the thin portion of the medullary loop, dba marks the thick portion; it is thus possi ...19892757236
effects of brefeldin a on the synthesis and secretion of egg white proteins in primary cultured oviduct cells of laying japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).we investigated the effect of brefeldin a (bfa) and monensin on the secretion of egg white proteins in primary cultured oviduct cells. monensin inhibited the secretion of egg white proteins, but this drug also caused morphological changes of the cells and inhibited their protein synthesis. bfa inhibited protein secretion without any remarkable morphological changes of the cells and without significant inhibition of protein synthesis. in the presence of bfa at 1 microgram/ml, only 10% of synthesi ...19892713420
localization of aromatase in synaptosomal and microsomal subfractions of quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) brain.the subcellular distribution patterns of aromatase, 5 alpha- and 5 beta-reductase in the hypothalamus/preoptic area of japanese quail were studied using standard methods of centrifugation, and fractional constituents were identified by marker enzymes. aromatase was concentrated 8-fold in the 100,000 g pellet (p3) along with a 3-fold enrichment in the microsomal marker nadph-cytochrome c reductase (ncr) a result consistent with glandular tissues. in addition, aromatase was enriched 2-fold in the ...19892716959
estrogen receptors in quail brain: a functional relationship to aromatase and aggressiveness.estradiol (e2) mediates many of the activational effects of testosterone (t) on masculine reproductive and aggressive behaviors. using japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) as an animal model, together with a newly devised procedure for quantifying aggressiveness, we recently showed that aggression is e2-dependent and that individual differences in behavioral intensity are correlated with aromatase in the hypothalamus/preoptic area (hpoa). in this study we characterized estrogen receptors ...19892720027
preliminary observations on the fine structure of the medial preoptic nucleus in coturnix japonica.the organization of the sexually dimorphic medial preoptic nucleus of the japanese quail was studied at ultrastructural level. the region was characterized by clusters of parvocellular neurons showing a rich supply of axo-somatic synapses and a peculiar distribution of synthetic (rough endoplasmic reticulum) and secretory (golgi complexes) structures. further analyses are required to relate these features with sex, hormonal status and sexual behaviour of quail.19892757823
neuroanatomical localization of sex steroid-concentrating cells in the japanese quail (coturnix japonica): autoradiography with [3h]-testosterone, [3h]-estradiol, and [3h]-dihydrotestosterone.steroid autoradiography was undertaken to determine the neuroanatomical loci which might be involved in the activation of steroid-sensitive behaviors in the japanese quail (coturnix japonica). male and female quail were either surgically gonadectomized or photically regressed and implanted with androgen or estrogen to restore normal sexual and courtship behavior. after gonadectomy or implant removal, each quail was injected with 250 microci of [3h]-testosterone (3h-t), [3h]-estradiol (3h-e2), or ...19892716950
genetic variants of phosvitin in egg yolk of the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica.phosvitin polymorphism in egg yolk of the japanese quail was found by horizontal polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis. six phenotypes of yolk phosvitin designated a, b, c, ab, ac, and bc were observed in a population of 281 birds. analysis of family data revealed that the phenotypic variation of quail yolk phosvitins was controlled by an autosomal pv locus with three codominant alleles, pva, pvb and pvc. the gene frequencies of pva, pvb and pvc were 0.064, 0.824 and 0.112, respectively.19892610404
effect of cecectomy on water and nutrient absorption of birds.the effect of the removal of the avian digestive ceca on osmoregulation and on absorption of certain nutrients is reviewed. while data indicate that the ceca have the potential for absorption of a significant quantity of water, several studies have demonstrated that effects of cecectomy on water intake and output are transitory and that compensatory adjustments made within 2 to 3 weeks postsurgery allow cecectomized birds to eat and gain weight normally. however, cecectomized great horned owls e ...19892575133
pesticide-induced changes in hepatic microsomal enzyme systems: further studies on the effects of 1,1,-di(p-chlorophenyl)-2-chloroethylene (ddmu) in the japanese quail.changes in the liver resulting from the low level dietary administration of 1,1-di(p-chlorophenyl)-2-chloroethylene (ddmu),p,p'-ddt, o,p'-ddt, p,p'-ddd and p,p'-dde to japanese quail have been monitored. ddmu was exceptional in causing substantial increases in relative liver wt. and hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase after feeding at 100 ppm for 28 days. the time course of liver enzyme induction by ddmu has also been studied in japanese quail after periods of dietary administration ranging from 1--28 ...1989209904
sodium chloride and water transport in the thin descending limb of henle of the quail.birds and mammals can produce hyperosmotic urine, but their renal morphology and urine-concentrating mechanisms differ. to elucidate the countercurrent urine concentration mechanism in birds, we examined the structure and transport properties of the descending limb (dl) of henle of mammalian-type nephrons in japanese quail, coturnix coturnix. in the avian renal medulla, a prominent ring of collecting ducts and scattered thick limbs surrounds a core of capillaries and dls. epithelial cells in the ...19892603965
immunological-chromatographic analysis of lysozyme variants.immunological-chromatographic analysis (ica) was used to evaluate the cross-reactivities of eight lysozyme variants with five different immobilized monoclonal anti-hen-egg-white lysozyme antibodies. ica is a dual-column high-performance liquid chromatography-based method in which an immunoaffinity and a conventional analytical column are coupled with a switching valve. antigens are first captured on the affinity column and then desorbed and concentrated on the second column, where they are separ ...19892777977
effects of fish oil on arteriosclerosis in the japanese quail.the effects of fish oil on the development of arteriosclerosis were assessed using a special susceptible strain (sea) of japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica). sixty four quail were randomly divided into two groups and placed on isocaloric and approximately isocholesterolic (2% by weight) diets. group a (control) was supplemented with 10% beef tallow oil, while group b received 10% menhaden fish oil. the birds were sacrificed at 10 weeks (early) and 15-16 weeks (late). based on semiquantit ...19892598217
noninvasive heart rate monitoring system for avian embryos based on the ballistocardiogram.a noninvasive heart rate (hr) monitoring system for avian embryos has been developed based on the ballistocardiogram (bcg). the bcg was detected using a phonograph cartridge as a record of the velocity of the minute ballistic movements of the eggshell, which are generated by recoil and impact of heart contraction and blood ejection. the autocorrelation coefficients (accs) of the detected signal were computed to confirm whether the detected signal contained ballistic movement. an envelope of acc ...19892601467
pasteurella multocida infection in japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).three flocks of japanese quail, approximately 75,000 birds each, experienced acute high mortality beginning at 24 to 28 days of age. gross lesions were absent or were composed of either multifocal small pale areas on livers and spleens or lungs slightly darker in color than normal. histopathology revealed multifocal splenic and hepatic necrosis and interstitial pneumonia. pasteurella multocida, serotype 3,4, was isolated from affected tissues. the quail were successfully treated with chlortetrac ...19892619671
radioiodination of chicken luteinizing hormone without affecting receptor binding improving the currently used lactoperoxidase method, we were able to obtain radioiodinated chicken luteinizing hormone (lh) that shows high specific binding and low nonspecific binding to a crude plasma membrane fraction of testicular cells of the domestic fowl and the japanese quail, and to the ovarian granulosa cells of the japanese quail. the change we made from the original method consisted of 1) using chicken lh for radioiodination that was not only highly purified but also retained a hi ...19892624865
chromosome banding and dna replication patterns in bird karyotypes.the karyotypes of the domestic chicken (gallus domesticus), japanese quail (coturnix coturnix), and griffon vulture (gyps fulvus) were studied with a variety of banding techniques. the dna replication patterns of bird chromosomes, analyzed by incorporation of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (brdu) and deoxythymidine (dt), are presented here for the first time. in particular, the time sequence of replication of the zz/zw sex chromosomes throughout the s-phase was meticulously analyzed. brdu and dt incorporat ...19892630186
lipid peroxides, glutathione peroxidase, prostacyclin and cell cycle stages in normal and atherosclerotic japanese quail arteries.we have previously shown a negative correlation between lipid peroxide levels and prostacyclin synthesis in plasma and artery of the atherosclerotic rabbit. here we compare the arterial lipid peroxide content, glutathione peroxidase activity, and prostacyclin and thromboxane production in response to exogenous arachidonic acid stimulation, and the cell cycle stages in normal and atherogenic diet-fed quail. lipid peroxides were higher in arteries of the atherosclerotic quail, while glutathione pe ...19892653327
cloning of japanese quail ovalbumin cdna in e. coli.japanese quail oviduct total cdna was synthesized from total mrna by the classical method, using amv reverse transcriptase, the klenow fragment of dna polymerase i and s1 nuclease. the results of the synthesis of total ss-cdna partially differed from those published for the synthesis of chicken total ss-cdna. the presumed causes of the differences in the complete reverse transcription of mrnacon and incomplete reverse transcription of mrnalys and a large part of mrnaov in our case are discussed. ...19892659390
sexual differentiation of neuroendocrine systems and behavior.differentiation of the reproductive system occurs in stages, with early development of the gonads and later differentiation of the brain. the physiological mechanisms that are involved in the sequence of events during sexual differentiation have not been clearly understood. however, recent technological advances have made understanding these mechanisms much more accessible. many of these techniques have been used to elucidate the nature of steroid-induced effects on target tissues, hormonal and ...19892674926
immunohistochemical study of ontogeny and phylogeny of a terminal n-acetylglucosamine cluster this work an immunohistochemical method was used to study the ontogeny and phylogeny of a terminal n-acetylglucosamine (glcnac) cluster antigen which is an epitope(s) of highly branched n-linked oligosaccharides terminating in glcnac residues. the ontogenic studies demonstrated that expression of the antigen is developmentally regulated in lymphocytes, epithelial cells of endodermal origin and kidney mesangial cells of the chicken. the antigen was found in several other avian species studied, ...19892715042
activation of sexual behavior by implantation of testosterone propionate and estradiol benzoate into the preoptic area of the male japanese quail (coturnix japonica).intracranial implantation of minute pellets of gonadal steroids was performed to determine neuroanatomical loci at which steroids activate sexual behavior in the japanese quail (coturnix japonica). in this species, systemic treatment of castrated males with either testosterone propionate (tp) or estradiol benzoate (eb) restores male-typical copulatory behavior (head grabbing, mounting, and cloacal contact movements). in addition, eb activates female-typical receptive behavior (crouching). adult ...19892744741
developmental and muscle-specific regulation of avian fast skeletal troponin t isoform expression by mrna splicing.we have investigated the developmental regulation of the avian fast skeletal muscle troponin t (tntf) gene of the japanese quail. sequence analysis of troponin t mrna, cdna clones, and a genomic dna segment demonstrate that the avian, fast skeletal tntf protein isoforms are produced from a single gene. this tntf gene is expressed in skeletal muscle, but not in adult cardiac muscles or in non-muscle tissues. in addition to known tnt isoforms, three new isoforms of tnt are described. these isoform ...19892745456
heritable susceptibility to environmentally induced glaucoma in several mutants of japanese quail.we compared albino (ai), dilute (aid), and wild-type (ai+) quail in their ocular responses to continuous light, the rearing condition that brings on light-induced avian glaucoma (liag) in domestic chickens. at age 3 months, all quail kept under 24l/od showed the retarded corneal growth and corneal flattening characteristic of liag. unlike chickens, quail did not suffer pathological eye enlargement during the early growing period. however, by 6 months of age, 24l/od albinos showed an almost 20% i ...19892754233
metabolism of decoquinate in chickens and japanese quail.thirty mature chicken hens and 40 mature japanese quail hens were used in an experiment to compare pathways of decoquinate (dq) excretion. labelled dq was injected into chickens (.5 microci via wing vein puncture) and quail (.25 microci via cardiac puncture) on day 0. blood was sampled at 0, 1.5, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, and 48 h postinjection. eggs and excreta of chickens and quail were collected for 28 and 14 days, respectively, and analyzed for 14c. six chickens and eight quail were sacrificed prior ...19892755893
studies on the fate of flocoumafen in the japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).1. 14c-flocoumafen, administered to japanese quail as a single oral or i.p. dose, was rapidly and extensively eliminated in excreta; most was eliminated within 24 h. extensive metabolism of the rodenticide was seen, with at least 8 metabolites detected; unchanged flocoumafen comprised 9% dose. the elimination kinetics and metabolic profiles were qualitatively similar after oral and i.p. dosing. 2. the major metabolites (60% dose) were labile to beta-glucuronidase, liberating aglycones with ident ...19892756717
growth factor activity in luminal fluids from the male reproductive tract of the ram, rat, tammar wallaby (macropus eugenii) and japanese quail (coturnix coturnix japonica).growth factor activity in luminal fluids from the male reproductive tract was assayed by measuring the stimulation of [3h]thymidine incorporation into balb/c 3t3 fibroblasts. the potency of fluids from the rete testis of the rat, ram, tammar wallaby and japanese quail was much the same. however, about 90% of the activity in fluid from the rete testis of the rat and tammar was lost during its passage through the epididymis.19892760881
testosterone implanted in the preoptic area of male japanese quail must be aromatized to activate copulation.intracranial implantation of minute pellets of gonadal steroids was combined with aromatase inhibitor treatment to determine if aromatization within the preoptic area (poa) is necessary for androgens to activate sexual behavior in the japanese quail (coturnix japonica). in this species, implantation of pellets of testosterone propionate (tp) or estradiol benzoate (eb) in the poa of castrated males restores male-typical copulatory behavior. in experiment 1, adult male castrated quail were implant ...19892793083
[specific immunoglobulins from egg yolks of japanese quail immunized with influenza and hiv-1 viruses]. 19892806062
quail (coturnix japonica) protamine, full-length cdna sequence, and the function and evolution of vertebrate protamines.using the chicken protamine gene as a probe, we have isolated and sequenced several positive clones from a quail testis cdna library which reveal the complete sequence for the quail protamine cdna. the predicted amino acid sequence for the quail protamine contains the n-terminal tetrapeptide aryr present in the n-terminal region of the mammalian protamines as well as several conserved motifs and arginine clusters. in addition the size of the quail protamine (56 amino acids) is closer to that of ...19892808336
distribution of estrogen receptors in the brain of the japanese quail: an immunocytochemical study.the distribution of estrogen receptors in the quail brain was investigated by immunocytochemistry using the monoclonal antibody h222spy raised against estrogen receptors that had been isolated from a human mammary tumor. nuclei which contained cells labeled for estrogen receptor were identified in the telencephalon, diencephalon and mesencephalon. in particular, a high percentage of labeled cells was observed in the lateral septum, the nucleus accumbens, the preoptic medial nucleus, the supraopt ...19892819436
molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence analysis of the putative cdna for the precursor molecule of the chicken lh-beta subunit.a cdna expression library was constructed from poly(a)+ rna of broiler chicken adenohypophyses using lambda gt11 as a vector. after screening with a rabbit antiserum against chicken lh, a cdna clone (l12) containing a 436 bp insert was obtained. using a subclone of l12 in puc19 (pl12) as the hybridization probe, another cdna clone (lf127) with a 533 bp insert was isolated. the lf127 contained the full-length cdna encoding the putative chicken lh-beta subunit precursor molecule. hybridization of ...19892476156
demethylation of the gene expressing a yolk protein precursor in quail.japanese quail produce more egg-yolk protein per gram of body weight than chickens do. because cytosine phosphoguanine (cpg) methylation has been reported to correlate inversely with gene activity, the demethylation of cytosine residues in the quail vitellogenin 2 (vg2) gene was assessed as a possible contributing factor. vitellogenin genes are normally transcribed in the liver of female japanese quail that are sexually mature. changes in the methylation pattern of ccgg sites of the quail vg2 ge ...19892482967
mature 98,000-dalton acid alpha-glucosidase is deficient in japanese quails with acid maltase deficiency.we compared acid alpha-glucosidase of acid maltase-deficient japanese quails, an animal model of human late-onset glycogenosis type ii, with that of normal controls. antibody produced in a rabbit against acid alpha-glucosidase purified from chicken pectoral muscle cross-reacted with that of japanese quails. the presence of a 110k and 98k form of acid alpha-glucosidase was confirmed in normal controls by immunoblotting. however the 98k form was absent in the affected quails. subcellular distribut ...19892506448
[utilization of free and protein-bound lysine in the japanese quail].the utilization of dietary lysine for protein synthesis is affected by the digestibility of protein-bound lysine, by its intestinal resorption and by its oxidative catabolism. the approach chosen in this paper enables a comparison of the cumulative effect of these processes on the utilization of free and protein-bound lysine, respectively. the principle of the approach is based on a quantification of the expiration of 14c-labelled carbon dioxide after an oral administration of a diet, which cont ...19892514480
discovery of noninfectious viral genes complementary to marek's disease herpes virus in quail susceptible to cholesterol-induced atherosclerosis.japanese quail genetically selected on the basis of atherosclerosis susceptibility were tested for infection by marek's disease herpesvirus (mdv). viral dna was detected in the atherosclerotic aortas of susceptible (sus) quail by the technique of dna hybridization. southern blot analysis demonstrated that restriction mapping of aortic dna was specific and different from that of mdv. screening of quail embryos by dot-blot hybridization detected that mdv dna existed in 100% of sus quail tested. re ...19892537395
avian erythroblastosis virus transforms a novel mast cell-basophil precursor target in the japanese quail.hematopoietic cells of the japanese quail were transformed by avian erythroblastosis virus in vivo and in vitro. in both circumstances, the infected hematopoietic tissues exhibited a dual oncogenic response of erythroid and mast cell-basophil elements. the erythroid transformants escaped the avian erythroblastosis virus block in differentiation and progressed to hemoglobinization. resulting basophilic cells were morphologically, biochemically, and ultrastructurally identical to mast cell-basophi ...19892539521
melatonin reduction by lithium and albinism in quail and hamsters.melatonin was measured by radioimmunoassay in several genetic strains of japanese quail. plasma melatonin (pm), measured at the nighttime peak, was highest in wild type quail reared on a diurnal lighting schedule; this pm peak was suppressed in continuous light. albino quail had low melatonin levels, whether reared under diurnal conditions or in continuous light. ocular melatonin was also suppressed in albinos and in dilute mutants. at midday sampling, melatonin was only half as high in albinos ...19892555249
fh3, a v-myc avian retrovirus with limited transforming ability.we have isolated a new acute avian transforming virus which contains the oncogene myc. this virus, designated fh3, was isolated after injection of a 10-day-old chick embryo with avian leukosis virus. while fh3 shares many properties with other v-myc-containing avian retroviruses, it also has several unique properties. the primary target for transformation in vitro is chicken macrophages; infection of chicken fibroblasts does not lead to complete morphological transformation. fh3 also exhibits a ...19892555545
distribution of glucocorticoid receptor-like immunoreactivity in the brain, and its relation to crf and acth immunoreactivity in the hypothalamus of the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica.monoclonal antibody (mab49) against the rat liver glucocorticoid receptor was used to evaluate glucocorticoid receptor (gr) immunoreactive structures in the brain of the japanese quail, coturnix coturnix japonica. using the avidin-biotin technique, the immunoreaction was present in the nerve cell nuclei in intact male birds. high density of glucocorticoid receptor-like immunoreactivity was found in the tubero-infundibular area, nucleus paraventricularis, posteromedialis and lateralis hypothalami ...19892557133
ultradian and circadian co2 emission variations in nocturnal and diurnal animals exposed to a light stimulus.1. carbon dioxide emission (vco2) has been continuously recorded in three laboratory animal species (sprague-dawley rats, japanese quail, hartley guinea-pigs) which differ by their nocturnal and diurnal activities. a 100 lux stimulus has been delivered at various time intervals. 2. a regular alternation of 12, 3 or 1.5 hr light (l) and darkness (d) gives vco2 circadian and ultradian rhythms of 24, 6 or 3 hr periods, respectively, in quail and rats. 3. such circadian and ultradian ld rhythms are ...19892574093
influence of selection for increased body weight on the incidence of leiomyomas and leiomyosarcomas in japanese quail.leiomyomas and leiomyosarcomas were observed in adult laying hens from lines of japanese quail selected solely (hw) or partly (hw-hp; hw-lp) for increased 4-wk bw and the corresponding randombred control (r1). no neoplasms were observed in a line (lw) selected for decreased 4-wk bw based on observations in one generation. line r1 served as the base population for lines hw and lw and was maintained without conscious selection for any trait, lines hw-hp and hw-lp were sublines of line hw in which ...19892608612
[the characteristics of the morphofunctional organization of the lampbrush chromosomes from the oocytes of the rock dove].nuclei and chromosomes isolated from growing oocytes of the pigeon c. livia have been studied by light microscope techniques. the pigeon chromosomes in diplotene assume a lampbrush form with a well expressed chromomere-loop organization. the lampbrush chromosomes (lc) with most extended lateral loops were observed in the oocytes 0.5-1.5 mm in diameter. a mean loop contour length on the preparations from oocytes of such a diameter varied within 11-16 mkm. a comparison of the pigeon lc with those ...19892617670
aging and sex-related changes in the outer retina of japanese quail.age-related changes in the outer retina of japanese quail 3 months to 3 years of age have been assessed with light and electron microscopy. a major difference was observed between males and females in the accumulation of lipofuscin in retinal pigment epithelial (rpe) cells. females showed greater densities of lipofuscin granules, larger granules, and more lipofuscin per rpe cell than did males of comparable ages. in addition, a small but significant decrease (14-16%) in photoreceptor nuclear den ...19892612195
genetic studies on pancreatic proteinase in japanese quail.a genetic variation was found in pancreatic proteinase of japanese quail. in eight bands of proteinase isozymes, the variation of band 5 (presence or absence) was detected among quails. band 5 was identified as a chymotrypsin. the presence and absence of band 5 are controlled by a pair of allelic genes (prt-5a and prt-5a) on an autosomal locus, and gene prt-5a, causing expression of band 5, is dominant to gene prt-5a, a null allele for band 5. zymograms of proteinases and their zymogens were als ...19892695059
[heterochromatin regions of the chromosomes of the hen and japanese quail in mitosis and at the lampbrush stage].the mitotic and lampbrush chromosomes of the domestic fowl and japanese quail were analysed by fluorochrome staining technique. the lampbrush chromosomes of both the subjects displayed a typical "loop-chromomere" structure. three distinct kinds of loops were distinguished in gallus g. domesticus--normal, telomeric bows, and lumps. the former are distributed along the whole chromosome length. the latter and the bows were observed in subtelomeric and telomeric regions. by dna/rna specific acridine ...19892480013
effects of the noradrenergic neurotoxin dsp-4 on luteinizing hormone levels, catecholamine concentrations, alpha 2-adrenergic receptor binding, and aromatase activity in the brain of the japanese quail.previous investigations have established that dsp-4 reliably enhances the activating effects of testosterone on copulatory behavior in adult male quail. in the present study, we wanted to clarify the neurochemical changes that parallel these behavioral effects and to determine whether dsp-4 also affects non-behavioral steroid-dependent sexually dimorphic reproductive processes. we first showed using the palkovits microdissection technique combined with assay by high-performance liquid chromatogr ...19892568873
exposure of japanese quail embryos to o,p'-ddt has long-term effects on reproductive behaviors, hematology, and feather morphology.japanese quail eggs were injected with 1-(2-chlorophenyl)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trichloroethane o,p'-ddt(1-10 mg),1,1-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trichloroethane p,p'-ddt (1-10 mg), or, in one study, 0.5 mg chlordecone dissolved in 50 microliters of corn oil on day 1 of incubation. hatchability was not decreased by o,p'-ddt or p,p'-ddt, as compared to corn-oil-injected controls, but was reduced in progeny of parents injected in ovo with either isomer. tremor was observed for up to 4 days postha ...19892475919
a role of melatonin in the initial stage of photoperiodism in the japanese estimate whether melatonin is involved in gonadal activity in the male quail, the dynamics of plasma melatonin at an early stage of the photoperiodic response were investigated. nocturnal levels of melatonin were manipulated by treatment with anti-melatonin (anti-m). by means of 4 additional hours of photic stimulation of the brain (provided by a red light-emitting diode inserted through the back of the head) after the environmental lights (8l:16d, lights-on, 1000 h) were turned off, the elev ...19892765617
contextual conditioning and the control of copulatory behavior by species-specific sign stimuli in male japanese quail.three experiments were conducted to identify species-specific sign stimuli sufficient to elicit copulatory behavior in male japanese quail and to determine how learning is involved in the control of behavior by these sign stimuli. in experiment 1, sexually experienced subjects were tested for copulatory behavior with a live female quail and with a model consisting of a female quail's head and neck mounted in front of a foam pad. comparable levels of copulatory behavior were observed in the two t ...19892708940
regionalized adaptations and muscle fiber proliferation in stretch-induced enlargement.the relative contribution of increases in fiber area to stretch-induced muscle enlargement was evaluated in the slow tonic fibers of the anterior latissimus dorsi of adult japanese quails. a weight corresponding to 10% of the bird's body mass was attached to one wing. thirty days of stretch in 34 birds averaged 171.8 +/- 13.5% increase in muscle mass and 23.5 +/- 0.8% increase in muscle fiber length. the volume density of noncontractile tissue increased in middle and distal regions of stretch-en ...19892523374
influence of experience and visual stimulation in japanese quail laying site selection under experimental condition.we raised female japanese quail until their post juvenile moult in "neutral" or simplified environments chosen according to features representative of natural habitats. at laying, we placed female quail individually in a choice situation with regard to environmental patterns. 9fiey took account of the visual factors of. their environment in selecting laying site. we found that female japanese quail preferred a structured achromatic environment over a uniform achromatic environment. they showed a ...198924897674
promotive effect of elastase on regression of aortic atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed order to test the anti-atherosclerotic function of elastase, 44 japanese quails, 40 d of age, were used in this study. an atherogenic diet contained 15% corn oil and 2% cholesterol. elaszym was orally administered at a dose of 6,000 el units per kg body weight 3 times a week for 3 months. after 3 months feeding the atherogenic diet was discontinued. moderate hypercholesterolemia and marked lipid-rich aortic lesions were noted in the group which was fed the atherogenic diet for 3 months. the t ...19892767211
genetic parameters of egg characteristics in japanese quail.heritability, phenotypic and genetic correlations of egg characteristics of japanese quail were investigated to obtain basal information on breeding, strain identification and genetic monitoring. for this study, 3230 eggs produced from 323 female were used. measurement were taken on egg weight, yolk weight, albumen weight, shell weight, egg shape index, albumen height, specific gravity, shell thickness, shell strength and yolk color. heritability estimates of egg characteristics were high and ra ...19892714378
[genetic parameters of body weight, muscle weight and skeletal characteristics in japanese quail].heritability, phenotypic and genetic correlations of body weight, muscle weight and skeletal characteristics of japanese quail males at 8 weeks of age were investigated to obtain basal information on breeding and on genetic monitoring by morphometrical methods. for this study, 221 male progenies were used. measurements were taken on body weight, muscle weight and four kind of skeletal characteristics (skeletal weight, skeletal length, skeletal width and skeletal height). heritability estimates w ...19892714377
linearity of the accumulation of various dosages of uranium in the major organs of mature male japanese quail. effect of various doses of estradiol-17 beta.1. male japanese quail were given 2.20 x 10(-4)-14.53 mg uranium/kg intravenously as uranyl ion (235u label). 2. the relationship between dosage and the 18-hr accumulation of u in leg bones, liver, kidneys and testes was linear. 3. increases in u deposition with increased dosage were approximately 1:1, except for kidneys where 10-fold increases in dosage resulted in 25-fold increases in deposition. 4. estradiol-17 beta increased u deposition in bones by 15-fold thereby providing some protection ...19892566445
structural difference of chymotrypsinogens forming chymotrypsin variants in japanese quail.a chymotrypsinogen showing the phenotype aa of chymotrypsin was purified from quail pancreas, and its chromatographic behavior, molecular weight, and electrophoretic mobility were very similar to those of another chymotrypsinogen, showing the aa phenotype of chymotrypsin. however, after activation, this chymotrypsinogen from aa showed band 5 of chymotrypsin, while the other chymotrypsinogen from aa did not. peptide mapping demonstrated that the molecular structures of the two chymotrypsinogens a ...19902085308
myosin isozyme expression in response to stretch-induced hypertrophy in the japanese quail.when skeletal muscle is subjected to stretch it undergoes a rapid increase in muscle mass. however, the effect of stretch on the native myosin isozyme content of muscle has received attention only recently. using the japanese quail to investigate stretch-induced hypertrophy, we demonstrated an increase in the expression of fast myosin in the predominantly slow anterior latissimus dorsi muscle (ald). the fast myosin content of the control quail ald is not sufficient to be quantified on native myo ...19902260780
androgen and estrogen action in the preoptic area and activation of copulatory behavior in quail.the sites of androgen and estrogen action on sexual behavior were studied in the preoptic area of castrated male japanese quail by stereotaxic implantation of hormones, antihormones and metabolism inhibitors. the first experiment demonstrated that bilateral implantation of the aromatase inhibitor, androstatrienedione (atd), in the sexually dimorphic nucleus (pom) of the preoptic area can completely suppress the behavioral activation produced by a systemic treatment with testosterone. the effects ...19902082358
effect of snake venom of agkistrodon halys on atherosclerosis and blood characteristics in japanese quail.extracts of snake venom have been widely used for the treatment of vascular thrombotic diseases, yet the therapeutic mechanism is not clear. the effect of snake venom fractions on atherosclerosis in japanese quail was studied. the venom of agkistrodon halys was fractionated by deae-cellulose chromatography and the pooled protein fractions that resulted were injected intravenously into the quail with aortic atherosclerosis induced by dietary cholesterol. after 7 weeks of injections on every other ...19902282093
the sequence of japanese quail ovalbumin cdna. 19902216734
a checkerboard pattern manifested by the oviduct epithelium of the japanese quail.the oviduct epithelium of the japanese quail is a monolayered epithelium consisting of two types of columnar cells, goblet type gland (g-) cells and ciliated (c-) cells. we found these cells to be arranged in a checkerboard pattern. three types of cell boundaries formed between the two different types of cells were examined statistically at various levels of the columnar cells. there was a tendency on the part of the cells to form boundaries between g- and c- cells rather than between two c- cel ...19901702680
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