
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
blood culture negative endocarditis: analysis of 63 cases presenting over 25 analyse cases of blood culture negative endocarditis (bcne) seen at st thomas' hospital, london, between 1975 and 2000.200312591823
hemin binding, functional expression, and complementation analysis of pap 31 from bartonella henselae.growth of bartonella henselae is strongly heme dependent, and b. henselae is unable to synthesize heme itself. at least five outer membrane-associated proteins from b. henselae bind hemin, including the 31-kda protein designated pap31. the gene of this protein was heterologously expressed in escherichia coli m15(prep4) and detected with monoclonal antibodies in the outer membrane fraction. complementation of the hema-deficient mutant e. coli k-12 eb53 (arob tsx malt hema) with pap31 demonstrated ...200312591895
diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging abnormalities in bartonella encephalopathy.the authors describe 2 patients with new-onset, refractory status epilepticus and serological evidence for bartonella infection. brain magnetic resonance imaging (mri) in patient 1 showed transient diffusion abnormalities in the posterior (pulvinar) thalami. in patient 2, brain mri showed several enhancing cortical lesions, of which one lesion was bright on diffusion-weighted imaging (dwi). in patients with unexplained, refractory seizures, the presence of dwi abnormalities warrants a search for ...200312593136
clinical quiz: cat scratch disease. 200312593397
unusual presentation of cat scratch disease in hiv+ patient. 200312598467
bartonella quintana bacteremia and overproduction of interleukin-10: model of bacterial persistence in homeless people.chronic asymptomatic bacteremia caused by bartonella quintana occurs in homeless people, but its pathophysiology is unknown. we investigated homeless people with bacteremia to determine whether the persistence of b. quintana is associated with a specific immune profile. homeless people without b. quintana infection exhibited an inflammatory profile--levels of circulating markers of leukocyte activation (soluble interleukin [il]-2 receptor and neopterin) and cytokines released by mononuclear cell ...200312599058
[hepatosplenic localization of cat scratch disease in immunocompetent adults. two cases].the infective agent responsible for cat scratch disease, bartonella henselae, is a rare cause of hepatic granulomatosis in immunocompetent adults. clinical features include a prolonged fever or more typical symptoms such as lymphadenopathy associated with painful hepatomegaly and a fever following a cat scratch or bite. images of micronodular hepatosplenic lesions on abdominal ultrasonography or computed tomography scan along with epithelioid granulomas in a liver biopsy can suggest this diagnos ...200312658133
chlamydia pneumoniae, but not bartonella quintana, is associated with coronary heart disease: results of a french case-control study.serologic cross-reactivity has been demonstrated between bartonella quintana and chlamydia pneumoniae. therefore, the association between antibodies to c. pneumoniae and coronary heart disease (chd) as described in the literature may be due to antibodies cross-reacting with b. quintana. to investigate this hypothesis, we evaluated, in a case-control study, the prevalence of c. pneumoniae and b. quintana antibodies among 296 cases with angiographically significant artery lesions and 170 controls ...200312667243
cure of bartonella endocarditis of a prosthetic aortic valve without surgery: value of serologic follow-up.bartonella species are emerging as an important cause of blood culture-negative endocarditis, but the optimal management of this disease has not been fully defined. we describe a case of subacute bartonella henselae endocarditis of a prosthetic aortic valve in an immunocompetent woman that was cured with long-term antibiotic therapy alone. in addition, we demonstrate that follow-up of serologic titers against b. henselae was helpful in assessing definitive cure of the infection.200312667258
differential expression of the invasion-associated locus b (ialb) gene of bartonella bacilliformis in response to environmental cues.bartonella bacilliformis is the causative agent of the biphasic human disease, oroya fever. during the primary disease phase, up to 100% of the circulating erythrocytes can be parasitized and 80% lysed. during the secondary phase of this disease, bacterial invasion shifts to endothelial cells lining the vasculature. b. bacilliformis is transferred between human hosts by the sandfly, lutzomyia verrucarum. to investigate the regulation of ialb by environmental cues signaling vector-to-host transmi ...200312668141
primary lesion of cat-scratch disease and inguinal cat-scratch disease. 200312674683
[bartonellosis].in the last years the number of bartonella species significantly raised, often with an epidemiological profile of emergent disease. b. bacilliformis is the etiological agent of carrion's disease. b. clarridgeiae has been associated, together with b. henselae, to cat-scratch disease (csd), whereas b. elizabethae to endocarditis and b. grahamii to neuroretinitis. b. henselae has been associated to csd and, in patients with immunodeficiency, together with b. quintana, to bacillary angiomatosis, to ...200312677790
prevalence of bartonella henselae in young, healthy cats in sweden. 200312678262
seroprevalence of bartonella henselae, toxoplasma gondii, fiv and felv infections in domestic cats in japan.seroprevalence of bartonella henselae, toxoplasma gondii, feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv) and feline leukemia virus (felv) infections was investigated in 1,447 domestic cats derived from the north (hokkaido) to the south (okinawa) prefectures in japan. of the cats investigated, 8.8% (128/1,447) were seropositive to b. henselae, 5.4% (78/1,447) to t. gondii, 9.8% (107/1,088) to fiv, and 2.9% (32/1,088) to felv, respectively. for b. henselae infection, the positive rate varied from 11.5% in ca ...200312680718
[transverse myelitis associated with cat-scratch disease]. 200312681227
blood agar and mycobacterium tuberculosis: the end of a dogma.incidental blood agar-based recovery of mycobacterium tuberculosis led us to further investigate this routine medium for primary isolation and culture of m. tuberculosis. fifteen respiratory tract and eight lymph node ziehl-neelsen-positive specimens were inoculated in parallel into tubes containing egg-based medium and 5% sheep blood agar. colonies appeared sooner on this medium than on the egg-based medium, but this difference was not significant (p = 0.11, analysis of variance [anova] test). ...200312682165
characterization of the human autoimmune response to the major c-terminal epitope of the ribosomal p proteins.autoantibodies to the ribosomal phospho (-p) proteins p0, p1, and p2, collectively referred to as rib-p, are specifically found in 10-40% of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (sle). these antibodies are believed to be correlated with lupus nephritis, hepatitis, and central nervous system involvement. the major immunoreactive epitope of these ribosomal antigens has been localized to the carboxy terminus, which is a highly conserved domain of all three proteins and contains two phosphoryl ...200312682728
urban trench fever and cat scratch disease. 200312684929
bartonella henselae: association with the development of transient lupus anticoagulant and asymptomatic prolongation of activated partial thromboplastin time. 200312693573
detection and characterization of feline bartonella henselae in the czech republic.the aims of the study were to characterize isolates of bartonella henselae and to determine the prevalence of bacteremic domestic cats in urban and suburban parts of prague, czech republic. five (18%) gram-negative fastidious bacterial single-cat isolates were recovered from 27 hemocultures incubated without previous freezing. four of these isolates originated from flea infested stray cats (n=6) and one from a shelter cat without any ectoparasites (n=21). none of the 34 previously frozen specime ...200312695049
[systematics of the lutzomyia species of the verrucarum theodor group, 1965 (diptera: psychodiadae)].the verrucarum group of phlebotomine sand flies includes vectors of leishmania spp. and bartonella bacilliformis, and from the perspective of public health is considered as one of the most important groups of neotropical phlebotomine sand flies. due to marked morphological similarity among species constituting this group, the identification based on conventional taxonomic characters can be difficult. consequently, the verrucarum group has been the focus of numerous taxonomic comparisons which ha ...200312696402
[kinetics of bartonella spp. igg antibodies in cat-scratch disease and in asymptomatic hiv-infected patients].our goal was to investigate the kinetics of serum igg antibodies against bartonella spp. in patients with cat-scratch disease and in hiv-infected indiviuals.200312716542
[non henselae bartonella neuroretinitis]. 200312716551
[possible bacterial etiologies for diseases of unknown origin]. 200312717985
[cat scratch disease]. 200312722263
immune responses of immunocompetent and immunocompromised mice experimentally infected with bartonella henselae.the aim of this study is to understand host immune responses in immunocompetent and immunocompromised mice against bartonella henselae infection. balb/c and nude (balb/c nu/nu) mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with 10(8) colony forming units of b. henselae (houston-1 strain). blood, brain, liver, spleen, kidney and bone marrow samples were collected 0, 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after infection and submitted to bacteriological, serological and genetical examinations. b. henselae was isolated ...200312736430
comparative molecular and microbiologic diagnosis of bacterial endocarditis.sequencing of 16s rdna, and of sodaint and rpobint in some cases, was applied to dna from heart valves of 46 patients (36 with definite and 10 with possible endocarditis). sequence-based identifications were compared with those obtained with conventional methods. among the 36 definite cases, 30 had positive blood cultures and 6 had negative cultures. among the 30 positive cases, sequencing of 16s rdna permitted identification of species (18), genus (8), or neither (4); sodaint and rpobint sequen ...200314720393
causes of febrile illnesses after a tick bite in slovenian establish the etiology in slovenian children with febrile illnesses occurring after a tick bite.200314688569
nationalism, carrión's disease and medical geography in the peruvian andes.during the turn of the 20th century medical geography in peru concentrated in the study of a native disease (bartonellosis, also known as carrión's disease and verruga peruana) and reinforced the relationship between the country's 'natural' regions (coast, highlands and amazon) and different patterns of disease. expert knowledge on these themes was portrayed as important not only for the practice of medicine but also for the development of the country. this knowledge was instrumental for an emer ...200315584200
[cutaneous infections in the homeless]. 200315008208
infectious angiogenesis: bartonella bacilliformis infection results in endothelial production of angiopoetin-2 and epidermal production of vascular endothelial growth factor.pathological angiogenesis, the development of a microvasculature by neoplastic processes, is a critical component of the development of tumors. the role of oncogenes in the induction of angiogenesis has been extensively studied in benign and malignant tumors. however, the role of infection in inducing angiogenesis is not well understood. verruga peruana is a clinical syndrome caused by the bacterium bartonella bacilliformis, and is characterized by the development of hemangioma-like lesions, in ...200314507641
cloning and expression of bartonella henselae sucb gene encoding an immunogenic dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase homologous protein.immunoscreening of a zap genomic library of bartonella henselae strain houston-1 expressed in escherichia coli resulted in the isolation of a clone containing 3.5 kb bamhi genomic dna fragment. this 3.5 kb dna fragment was found to contain a sequence of a gene encoding a protein with significant homology to the dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase of brucella melitensis (sucb). subsequent cloning and dna sequence analysis revealed that the deduced amino acid sequence from the cloned gene showed ...200314524617
long-term serological analysis and clinical follow-up of patients with cat scratch disease.a highly specific enzyme immunoassay (eia) was recently described for use in the diagnosis of cat scratch disease (csd). however, data regarding eia antibody kinetics or its correlation with long-term clinical follow-up data are lacking. the association between antibody kinetics, clinical spectrum, and disease duration were studied in 98 patients with csd. the median duration of follow-up was 35.3 weeks (range, 2-211.3 weeks). results of eia testing for detection of anti-bartonella henselae immu ...200314557957
conjunctival cat-scratch disease simulating rhabdomyosarcoma. 200314560840
vector-borne illnesses and the safety of the blood supply.the protection of patients from diseases carried in blood transfusions is an ongoing effort. the viruses that cause long-term human infection and death have received much of the attention in the united states and testing has significantly diminished the risk of infection from a transfusion. as the risk of these diseases has decreased, other transfusion-transmitted organisms with a lower incidence in the community or newer diseases with rapidly expanding endemic areas are receiving additional att ...200314561396
characterization of the natural population of bartonella henselae by multilocus sequence typing.investigations of the population genetics of bartonella henselae have demonstrated a high level of diversity among strains, and the delineation of isolates into one of two subtypes, type i (houston) and type ii (marseille), represented by specific 16s ribosomal dna (rdna) sequences, has long been considered the most significant genotypic division within the species. this belief is challenged by recent work suggesting a role for horizontal gene exchange in generating intraspecies diversity. we at ...200314605141
pericardial effusion in a homeless man due to bartonella quintana.bartonella quintana may cause trench fever, endocarditis, bacillary angiomatosis, and chronic bacteremia, and a reemergence among homeless populations in cities has been noted. pericarditis from rickettsia conorii and coxiella burnetii infection has been described, but there have been no reports of pericarditis due to bartonella spp. we report a case of pericardial effusion due to bartonella quintana in a homeless man, diagnosed on the basis of pcr detection of bartonella quintana in a pericardi ...200314605187
isolation of bartonella washoensis from a dog with mitral valve endocarditis.we report the first documented case of bartonella washoensis bacteremia in a dog with mitral valve endocarditis. b. washoensis was isolated in 1995 from a human patient with cardiac disease. the main reservoir species appears to be ground squirrels (spermophilus beecheyi) in the western united states. based on echocardiographic findings, a diagnosis of infective vegetative valvular mitral endocarditis was made in a spayed 12-year-old female doberman pinscher. a year prior to presentation, the re ...200314605197
fatal case of endocarditis associated with bartonella henselae type i infection in a domestic cat.we report the first feline case of bartonella henselae endocarditis. despite negative blood cultures, the cat had high bartonella antibody titers and b. henselae type i dna was detected in the damaged aortic valve. microscopic examination of the valve revealed endocarditis with small silver positive coccoid structures in endothelial cells.200314605199
bartonella and coxiella antibodies in 334 prospectively studied episodes of infective endocarditis in sweden.bartonella spp. have been identified as aetiological agents in culture-negative infective endocarditis (ie). coxiella burnetii may cause chronic q-fever with endocarditis, 334 blood samples collected from 329 patients (334 episodes) with ie diagnosed between 1984 and 1996 in göteborg, sweden, were investigated for antibodies to bartonella spp. and c. burnetii. 71 of the episodes (21%) were blood culture negative. a microimmunofluorescence assay revealed immunoglobulin g (igg) antibodies to barto ...200314606611
simplified serological diagnosis of endocarditis due to coxiella burnetii and bartonella.we tested a single-step serological assay against coxiella burnetii and bartonella species and found a sensitivity of 100%, and a positive predictive value of 98% for the diagnosis of blood culture-negative endocarditis (bcne). this assay should be considered as a possible commercial test for the diagnosis of bcne.200314607881
cat or dog ownership and seroprevalence of ehrlichiosis, q fever, and cat-scratch disease. 200314609477
bacterial diversity in worker adults of apis mellifera capensis and apis mellifera scutellata (insecta: hymenoptera) assessed using 16s rrna sequences.high-fidelity pcr of 16s rrna sequences was used to identify bacteria associated with worker adults of the honeybee subspecies apis mellifera capensis and apis mellifera scutellata. an expected approximately 1.5-kb dna band, representing almost the entire length of the 16s rrna gene, was amplified from both subspecies and cloned. ten unique sequences were obtained: one sequence each clustered with bifidobacterium (gram-positive eubacteria), lactobacillus (gram-positive eubacteria), and gluconace ...200314615218
an unusual case of cat-scratch disease from bartonella quintana mimicking inflammatory breast cancer in a 50-year-old disease of the breast has been previously reported. this report describes a very unusual case of cat-scratch disease of the breast caused by bartonella quintana in which the clinical and radiographic presentation mimicked that of inflammatory breast cancer.200314616946
concurrent bartonellosis and babesiosis in a dog with persistent thrombocytopenia.a 12-year-old castrated male west highland white terrier was referred because of recurrent episodes of collapsing. the dog was mildly anemic and severely thrombocytopenic and had high serum alanine aminotransferase activity. infection with bartonella vinsonii (berkhoffii) was initially diagnosed on the basis of serologic testing. despite treatment with a series of antimicrobials and prolonged use of immunosuppressive drugs, thrombocytopenia persisted. after 5 months of treatment, babesia canis o ...200314621218
mitogenic effect of bartonella bacilliformis on human vascular endothelial cells and involvement of groel.bartonellae are bacterial pathogens for a wide variety of mammals. in humans, bartonellosis can result in angioproliferative lesions that are potentially life threatening to the patient, including bacillary angiomatosis, bacillary peliosis, and verruga peruana. the results of this study show that bartonella bacilliformis, the agent of oroya fever and verruga peruana, produces a proteinaceous mitogen for human vascular endothelial cells (huvecs) that acts in a dose-dependent fashion in vitro with ...200314638782
neuroretinitis associated with cat-scratch disease in japanese clarify the prevalence and clinical profile of neuroretinitis associated with cat-scratch disease (csd) in japan.200314641271
bartonella vinsonii subspecies berkhoffi as a possible cause of anterior uveitis and choroiditis in a dog.a 2-year old, neutered, female spaniel mixed breed was referred to the north carolina state university veterinary teaching hospital for evaluation of bilateral anterior uveitis. the dog was febrile and, in addition to anterior uveitis, multifocal hyporeflective lesions were present in the tapetal fundus of both eyes. the antibody titer for bartonella vinsonii subspecies berkhoffi was positive (1 : 512). aqueous paracentesis was performed for pcr in an attempt to detect b. vinsonii in the eye but ...200314641826
from trench fever to endocarditis.the case of a 44 year old woman with infective endocarditis due to bartonella quintana, an organism long recognised to cause a condition known as trench fever, is reported. this case illustrates the lengthy differential diagnosis of "culture negative" endocarditis. in addition the presence of serological cross reactivity of bartonella spp and chlamydia spp demonstrates the potential for misdiagnosis in these circumstances.200314654579
carrión's disease: an altitude-associated infectious disease. 200314656265
identification and characterization of the ddlb, ftsq and ftsa genes upstream of ftsz in bartonella bacilliformis and bartonella henselae.homologues of the cell division protein ftsz were previously identified in bartonella bacilliformis and bartonella henselae. we report herein that ftsz is located at the distal end of an operon that includes ddlb, ftsq, and ftsa. these genes code for homologues of d-alanine d-alanine ligase, an enzyme involved in cell wall biosynthesis, and ftsq, and ftsa, which are involved in cell division. the ddlb, ftsq, and ftsa proteins from bartonella species are most homologous to proteins in closely rel ...200314659047
the x-linked hyper-igm syndrome: clinical and immunologic features of 79 patients.the x-linked hyper-igm (xhigm) syndrome is an uncommon primary immunodeficiency disease caused by mutations in the gene for cd40 ligand and characterized by normal or elevated serum igm, reduced levels of igg and iga, and defective t-cell function. because of its rarity, it has been difficult for any single investigator or institution to develop a comprehensive clinical picture of this disorder. accordingly, a national registry was developed in the united states to provide demographic, genetic, ...200314663287
etiologic diagnosis of 204 pericardial effusions.the etiologic evaluation of pericardial effusion is frequently unsuccessful when noninvasive methods are used. to determine the cause of the current episode, all patients with echographically identified pericardial effusion from may 1998 to december 2002 underwent noninvasive diagnostic testing of blood, throat, and stool samples. patients with postpericardiotomy syndrome were excluded. to analyze the value of our tests, we tested randomly selected blood donors as negative controls. among 204 in ...200314663288
high prevalence of antibodies to bartonella henselae among italian children without evidence of cat scratch disease.few data are available on the seroprevalence of antibodies to bartonella henselae among children. we retrospectively evaluated the presence of immunoglobulin g and m class antibodies to b. henselae in 508 children living in central italy who were apparently free of any features suggesting b. henselae infection. we found that b. henselae infection is common among children in central italy, occurs early in life, is in most cases asymptomatic, and resolves spontaneously.200414679462
mr signal changes in a child with cat scratch disease encephalopathy and status epilepticus. 200414963382
the influence of climate on the epidemiology of bartonellosis in ancash, peru.the aim of this study was to evaluate the association between bartonellosis and selected climatic factors during the time periods 1983-1988 and 1995-99, which included two events of the el niño phenomenon (1986-88, 1997-98), and to identify a reliable climate parameter to be used as an alert indicator for bartonellosis outbreaks in ancash. the study site was ancash and its province carhuaz, peru. time-series cross-correlation analysis was used to assess the association between bartonellosis and ...200414964812
first isolation of bartonella henselae type i from a cat-scratch disease patient in japan and its molecular analysis.we isolated bartonella henselae from an inguinal lymph node of a 36-year-old male patient with cat-scratch disease. the patient had many areas of erythema on his body, swelling of the left inguinal lymph nodes with pain and slight fever. the diagnosis was made on the basis of polymerase chain reaction for b. henselae dna from the lymph node biopsies and blood sample, and isolation of the organism, histology of the lymph node and serology with an indirect immunofluorescent antibody test. we also ...200414978335
[carrión-disease--history of a long-forgotten malady]. 200414978887
clinicopathological abnormalities and treatment response in 24 dogs seroreactive to bartonella vinsonii (berkhoffii) antigens.bartonella vinsonii (b. vinsonii) subspecies berkhoffii is a recently recognized cause of endocarditis, myocarditis, and granulomatous disease in dogs. in an effort to elucidate other potential disease manifestations, the case records of 24 dogs that were seroreactive to b. vinsonii (berkhoffii) antigens were studied retrospectively. diagnoses included immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, neutrophilic or granulomatous meningoencephalitis, neutrophilic polyarthritis, cutaneous vasculitis, and uveiti ...200415007043
seroprevalence of bartonella infection in american free-ranging and captive pumas (felis concolor) and bobcats (lynx rufus).bartonella henselae is the main agent of cat scratch disease in humans and domestic cats are the main reservoir of this bacterium. we conducted a serosurvey to investigate the role of american wild felids as a potential reservoir of bartonella species. a total of 479 samples (439 serum samples and 40 nobuto strips) collected between 1984 and 1999 from pumas (felis concolor) and 91 samples (58 serum samples and 33 nobuto strips) collected from bobcats (lynx rufus) in north america, central americ ...200415099499
prevalence and diversity of bartonella in rodents of northern thailand: a comparison with bartonella in rodents from southern china.we report results of the first study to investigate the distribution and diversity of bartonella in rodents from thailand. whole blood from 195 rodents, representing six species, was tested for the presence of bartonella species using standard culture techniques. isolates were obtained from 17 (8.7%) of the samples, and 14 of those isolates represented distinct strains, based upon partial sequencing of the citrate synthase (glta) gene. phylogenetic analysis of the isolates and other bartonella s ...200415100459
[a case of bartonella henselae infection from a dog].a 50-year-old male with left cervical lymphadenopathy visited our hospital. infectious and lymphomatous diseases were suspected in the patient. since the patient owned a dog, which often licked the patient's face, bartonella infection was also suspected. histopathological examination in the lymph node biopsy revealed the epithelioid granuloma, but b. henselae was not detected from the culture of the lymphnode. b. henselae dna also was not detected from the lymph node. since the antibody titer (l ...200415103910
cat scratch disease and other zoonotic bartonella infections. 200415112775
clinical problem-solving. index of suspicion. 200415128900
chronic canine ehrlichiosis (ehrlichia canis): a retrospective study of 19 natural cases.nineteen dogs from greece with chronic ehrlichiosis were studied. the dogs exhibited bicytopenia or pancytopenia, bone marrow hypoplasia, seroreactivity to ehrlichia canis (e. canis) antigens, and had no history of drug or radiation exposure. anorexia, depression, severe bleeding tendencies, hypoalbuminemia, and increased serum alanine aminotransferase activity were also hallmarks of the disease. all these animals eventually died, irrespective of the treatment applied. some dogs were also serolo ...200415131097
prevalence of bartonella infection in wild african lions (panthera leo) and cheetahs (acinonyx jubatus).bartonella species are emerging pathogens that have been isolated worldwide from humans and other mammals. our objective was to estimate the prevalence of bartonella infection in free-ranging african lions (panthera leo) and cheetahs (acinonyx jubatus). blood and/or serum samples were collected from a convenience sample of 113 lions and 74 cheetahs captured in africa between 1982 and 2002. whole blood samples available from 58 of the lions and 17 of the cheetahs were cultured for evidence of bar ...200415135511
exposure to feline and canine pathogens in bobcats and gray foxes in urban and rural zones of a national park in california.exposure of bobcats (lynx rufus) and gray foxes (urocyon cinereoargenteus) to a range of common canine and feline pathogens was assessed in urban and rural zones of golden gate national recreation area, a national park in the san francisco bay area, (california, usa) from 1992 to 1995. testing included serology for canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus (cpv), canine adenovirus, leptospira interrogans, feline calicivirus (fcv), feline panleukopenia virus, feline herpesvirus, feline enteric co ...200415137484
host cell modulation by human, animal and plant pathogens.members of the alpha-proteobacteria display a broad range of interactions with higher eukaryotes. some are pathogens of humans, such as rickettsia and bartonella that are associated with diseases like epidemic typhus, trench fever, cat scratch disease and bacillary angiomatosis. others like the brucella cause abortions in pregnant animals. yet other species have evolved elaborate interactions with plants; in this group we find both plant symbionts and parasites. despite radically different host ...200415149019
[microbial diagnosis with pcr will become clinically beneficial with a faster analysis].pcr was introduced in 1985 by mullis and was immediately recognized as a valuable tool in biomedical research and was awarded the nobel prize in 1993. two culture-negative meningitis cases are described where haemophilus influenzae and neisseria meningitidis were found by 16srna-pcr. the modern real time pcr technology using fluorescent probes (hybridization probes, lightup probes, molecular beacons etc) for detection of the pcr-product or on dna microarray chips, is under development for routin ...200415150950
recommendations for treatment of human infections caused by bartonella species. 200415155180
predominant outer membrane antigens of bartonella henselae.a hallmark of bartonella henselae is persistent bacteremia in cats despite the presence of a vigorous host immune response. to understand better the long-term survival of b. henselae in cats, we examined the feline humoral immune response to b. henselae outer membrane (om) proteins in naturally and experimentally infected cats. initially, a panel of sera (n = 42) collected throughout north america from naturally infected cats was used to probe b. henselae total membranes to detect commonly recog ...200415155610
legionella dumoffii djla, a member of the dnaj family, is required for intracellular growth.legionella dumoffii is one of the common causes of legionnaires' disease and is capable of replicating in macrophages. to understand the mechanism of survival within macrophages, transposon mutagenesis was employed to isolate the genes necessary for intracellular growth. we identified four defective mutants after screening 790 transposon insertion mutants. two transposon insertions were in genes homologous to icmb or dotc, within dot/icm loci, required for intracellular multiplication of l. pneu ...200415155669
[bacteria of bartonella genus: characteristics, pathogenicity factors and methods of molecular-genetic investigation].bartonella bacteria are an agent of a variety of human and animal diseases whose etiology used to be unknown. the survey contains a description of the above bacteria with the established pathogenicity factors and with the molecular and genetic approaches to studies of genes' functions and of their regulation being in the focus of attention. modern methods related with the genus-specific and species-specific determination and identification of bartonella bacteria are discussed.200415164714
cat scratch disease in two brothers. 200415179075
infection and blood transfusion: a guide to donor recent years, blood-component therapy has become more accessible in veterinary practice. as with human medicine, care must be taken to minimize the risk of disease transmission from donor to recipient. determining the appropriate diseases to screen for is complicated by regional variations in disease incidence, the existence of chronic carrier states for some diseases, the difficulty in screening-test selection, and testing cost. the feline diseases considered include retroviral infections, f ...200415179926
prevalence of borrelia burgdorferi, bartonella spp., babesia microti, and anaplasma phagocytophila in ixodes scapularis ticks collected in northern new jersey.pcr analysis of ixodes scapularis ticks collected in new jersey identified infections with borrelia burgdorferi (33.6%), babesia microti (8.4%), anaplasma phagocytophila (1.9%), and bartonella spp. (34.5%). the i. scapularis tick is a potential pathogen vector that can cause coinfection and contribute to the variety of clinical responses noted in some tick-borne disease patients.200415184475
lack of bartonella sp. in 167 ixodes ricinus ticks collected in central sweden.sudden death in swedish orienteers was demonstrated to be significantly associated with antibodies to bartonella sp. to test if these antibodies could be related with tick exposure, we searched bartonella sp. in ixodes ricinus ticks using specific pcr amplification and culture. no bartonella sp. was detected in 167 ticks tested.200415198190
bartonella henselae causing severe and protracted illness in an otherwise healthy person.bartonella henselae is an emerging pathogen capable of causing severe disease. we report a case of severe protracted illness in an otherwise healthy police dog handler. the patient recovered slowly after antibiotic treatment. this case report emphasizes the importance of considering b. henselae infections in patients with fever of unknown origin.200415198195
flea-borne bartonella grahamii and bartonella taylorii in bank voles.bartonella species are increasingly associated with a range of human and animal diseases. despite this, we have a poor understanding of the ecology and epidemiology of many species, especially those circulating in wild populations. previous studies have demonstrated that a diverse range of bartonella species are abundant in wild rodent populations; little is known regarding their modes of transmission, although both direct and indirect routes have been suggested. in this study, with bank voles ( ...200415200860
emerging issues in infective endocarditis.infective endocarditis, a serious infection of the endocardium of the heart, particularly the heart valves, is associated with a high degree of illness and death. it generally occurs in patients with altered and abnormal heart architecture, in combination with exposure to bacteria through trauma and other potentially high-risk activities involving transient bacteremia. knowledge about the origins of endocarditis stems from the work of fernel in the early 1500s, and yet this infection still prese ...200415207065
the louse-borne human pathogen bartonella quintana is a genomic derivative of the zoonotic agent bartonella henselae.we present the complete genomes of two human pathogens, bartonella quintana (1,581,384 bp) and bartonella henselae (1,931,047 bp). the two pathogens maintain several similarities in being transmitted by insect vectors, using mammalian reservoirs, infecting similar cell types (endothelial cells and erythrocytes) and causing vasculoproliferative changes in immunocompromised hosts. a primary difference between the two pathogens is their reservoir ecology. whereas b. quintana is a specialist, using ...200415210978
bartonella species isolated from rodents, greece. 200415216849
rickettsia felis, bartonella henselae, and b. clarridgeiae, new zealand. 200415216855
seroprevalence of and risk factors for bartonella henselae and bartonella quintana infections among pet cats in determine the seroprevalences of bartonella henselae and bartonella quintana antibodies in jordanian pet cats, serum samples from 153 cats from three geographical regions were analyzed. seroprevalences were determined by indirect immunofluorescence. the true seroprevalences to b. henselae and b. quintana were 32 and 1.5%, respectively. the seroprevalence of b. henselae-specific antibodies in cats from northern jordan was significantly higher than in cats from the central or southern parts of ...200415219970
interaction between protein subunits of the type iv secretion system of bartonella this study we used the yeast two-hybrid system to identify interactions between protein subunits of the virb type iv secretion system of bartonella henselae. we report interactions between inner membrane and periplasmic proteins, the pilus polypeptide, and the core complex and a novel interaction between virb3 and virb5.200415231811
report of an unusual case of persistent bacteremia by bartonella bacilliformis in a splenectomized patient.we report a case of a 56-year-old man with a history of splenectomy for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura who developed persistent bacteremia in the acute phase of human bartonellosis. this patient did not develop hemolytic anemia. only after several courses of antibiotic treatment was the infection eradicated. this is an unusual case of overwhelming post-splenectomy infection by bartonella bacilliformis, which provides clinical evidence that the spleen is a critical effector organ of clearanc ...200415238689
frontal and stealth attack strategies in microbial pathogenesis.interactions between microbes and human hosts can range from a benign, even symbiotic collaboration to a competition that may turn fatal--resulting in death of the host, the microbe or both. despite advances that have been made over the past decades in understanding microbial pathogens, more people worldwide still die every year from infectious disease than from any other cause. this highlights the relevance of continuing to probe the mechanisms used by microorganisms to cause disease, and empha ...200415241423
multiplex real-time pcr for detection of anaplasma phagocytophilum and borrelia burgdorferi.a multiplex real-time pcr assay was developed for the simultaneous detection of anaplasma phagocytophilum and borrelia burgdorferi. the assay was tested on various anaplasma, borrelia, erhlichia, and rickettsia species, as well as on bartonella henselae and escherichia coli, and the assay was found to be highly specific for a. phagocytophilum and the borrelia species tested (b. burgdorferi, b. parkeri, b. andersonii, and b. bissettii). the analytical sensitivity of the assay is comparable to tha ...200415243077
evaluation of indirect fluorescence antibody assay for detection of bartonella clarridgeiae and seroprevalence of b. clarridgeiae among patients with suspected cat scratch disease.the possibility of bartonella clarridgeiae being a causative agent of cat scratch disease (csd) was investigated by using indirect fluorescence antibody assays with 288 suspected csd patients. immunoglobulin g antibody to noncocultivated b. clarridgeiae was suitable only for detection of b. clarridgeiae antibody. significant cross-reactivity between bartonella henselae and b. clarridgeiae was noted, and no csd case caused by b. clarridgeiae was detected.200415243113
ectoparasites of gray squirrels in two different habitats and screening of selected ectoparasites for bartonellae.gray squirrels, sciurus carolinensis, were livetrapped in 2 different habitat types, woodland (67 squirrels) and parkland (53 squirrels), in southeastern georgia. ectoparasites were recovered from anesthetized squirrels and compared between hosts from the 2 habitats. because of the absence of low vegetation in parkland habitats, it was hypothesized that the ectoparasite fauna, especially ticks and chiggers, would be more diverse on woodland squirrels. the results were generally in agreement with ...200415270090
carrion's disease (bartonellosis bacilliformis) confirmed by histopathology in the high forest of peru.bartonellosis or carrion's disease is endemic in some regions of peru, classically found in the inter-andean valleys located between 500 and 3200 meters above sea level. we report the case of a 43 year-old male patient, farmer, who was born in the pichanaki district (chanchamayo, junin), located in the high forest of peru. he presented with disseminated, raised, erythematous cutaneous lesions, some of which bled. the distribution of these lesions included the nasal mucosa and penile region. addi ...200415286824
rapid detection and differentiation of bartonella spp. by a single-run real-time pcr.a real-time pcr for the identification and differentiation of bartonella spp. based on the detection of mutations in an internal region of the glta gene by thermal analysis was developed. the assay included a simultaneous detection of the amplicons by direct hybridization of lcred and fluorescein-labelled probes coupled with melting curve analysis by the use of fluorescence resonance energy transfer technology. the protocol allowed establishing genospecie identity in less than 1 h without a need ...200415294318
bartonella koehlerae, a new cat-associated agent of culture-negative human endocarditis.bartonella koehlerae is reported for the first time to be a human pathogen that causes culture-negative endocarditis. it is also shown that this species, isolated twice before from domestic cats, can be recovered as well from a stray cat population in israel. this work follows a recent report of the same case in which the causative agent was misidentified as b. henselae, based on serology and pcr-restriction fragment length polymorphism (rflp) analysis (a. schattner, o. zimhony, b. avidor, and m ...200415297484
population genetic analysis of bartonella bacilliformis isolates from areas of peru where carrion's disease is endemic and epidemic.carrion's disease is caused by infection with the alpha-proteobacterium bartonella bacilliformis. distribution of the disease is considered coincident with the distribution of its known vector, the sand fly lutzomyia verrucarum. recent epidemics of b. bacilliformis infections associated with atypical symptomatology in nonendemic regions have raised questions regarding the historic and present distribution of this bacterium and the scope of disease that infection causes. phylogenetic relationship ...200415297516
isolation of bartonella rattimassiliensis sp. nov. and bartonella phoceensis sp. nov. from european rattus norvegicus.thirty-three isolates of bartonella spp., including 11 isolates not belonging to previously known species, were isolated from 66 rattus norvegicus subjects trapped in the city of marseille, france. based on seven different gene sequences, the 11 isolates were assigned to bartonella rattimassiliensis sp. nov. and bartonella phoceensis sp. nov.200415297537
cat-scratch disease: historic, clinical, and pathologic disease (csd) initially was described in 1931, but the etiologic agent (bartonella henselae) was not elucidated until decades later. this disease is the most common cause of chronic lymphadenopathy among children and adolescents, characteristically manifesting as subacute regional lymphadenitis with an associated inoculation site due to a cat scratch or bite, often accompanied by fever. the hallmark histologic lesion is granulomatous inflammation with a central stellate microabscess. ...200415298152
genomes beyond compare. 200415303267
[prevalence of bartonella henselae in stray and domestic cats in different italian areas: evaluation of the potential risk of transmission of bartonella to humans].bartonella henselae is the major etiological agent of cat scratch disease in humans. cats act as the natural reservoir of b. henselae and can transmit the infection to humans by bite or scratch. the diffusion of b. henselae was evaluated by seroprevalence and bacteremic status in different stray cat populations located in nine areas of northern italy. a total of 1585 cats were tested by blood culture and 361 (23%) resulted bacteremic; 1416 out off 1585 cats were also tested for bartonella hensel ...200415305701
disseminated infection with bartonella henselae as a cause of spontaneous splenic rupture.a 65-year-old man developed massive hemoperitoneum secondary to spontaneous splenic rupture. histopathological analysis of the spleen demonstrated necrotizing granulomas. results of serological tests indicated infection with a species of bartonella, and immunohistochemical staining established bartonella henselae as the cause of splenitis. to our knowledge, this represents the first reported case of spontaneous splenic rupture caused by infection with a species of bartonella.200415307019
cat-scratch disease presenting as a breast mass.the case of a 14-y-old girl who presented with a mass in her left breast after having contact with a guinea pig is presented. the diagnosis of cat-scratch disease was made by detection of bartonella henselae dna by pcr analysis of abscess aspirate.200415307578
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