
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
disease vectors in the era of next generation sequencing.almost 20 % of all infectious human diseases are vector borne and, together, are responsible for over one million deaths per annum. over the past decade, the decreasing costs of massively parallel sequencing technologies have facilitated the agnostic interrogation of insect vector genomes, giving medical entomologists access to an ever-expanding volume of high-quality genomic and transcriptomic data. in this review, we highlight how genomics resources have provided new insights into the physiolo ...201627154554
factors associated with high heterogeneity of malaria at fine spatial scale in the western kenyan highlands.the east african highlands are fringe regions between stable and unstable malaria transmission. what factors contribute to the heterogeneity of malaria exposure on different spatial scales within larger foci has not been extensively studied. in a comprehensive, community-based cross-sectional survey an attempt was made to identify factors that drive the macro- and micro epidemiology of malaria in a fringe region using parasitological and serological outcomes.201627259286
crowdsourcing vector surveillance: using community knowledge and experiences to predict densities and distribution of outdoor-biting mosquitoes in rural tanzania.lack of reliable techniques for large-scale monitoring of disease-transmitting mosquitoes is a major public health challenge, especially where advanced geo-information systems are not regularly applicable. we tested an innovative crowd-sourcing approach, which relies simply on knowledge and experiences of residents to rapidly predict areas where disease-transmitting mosquitoes are most abundant. guided by community-based resource persons, we mapped boundaries and major physical features in three ...201627253869
application of serological tools and spatial analysis to investigate malaria transmission dynamics in highland areas of southwest uganda.serological markers, combined with spatial analysis, offer a comparatively more sensitive means by which to measure and detect foci of malaria transmission in highland areas than traditional malariometric indicators. plasmodium falciparum parasite prevalence, seroprevalence, and seroconversion rate to p. falciparum merozoite surface protein-119 (msp-119) were measured in a cross-sectional survey to determine differences in transmission between altitudinal strata. clusters of p. falciparum parasi ...201627022156
olfactory channels associated with the drosophila maxillary palp mediate short- and long-range attraction.the vinegar fly drosophila melanogaster is equipped with two peripheral olfactory organs, antenna and maxillary palp. the antenna is involved in finding food, oviposition sites and mates. however, the functional significance of the maxillary palp remained unknown. here, we screened the olfactory sensory neurons of the maxillary palp (mp-osns) using a large number of natural odor extracts to identify novel ligands for each mp-osn type. we found that each type is the sole or the primary detector f ...201627213519
the epidemiology of residual plasmodium falciparum malaria transmission and infection burden in an african city with high coverage of multiple vector control the tanzanian city of dar es salaam, high coverage of long-lasting insecticidal nets (llins), larvicide application (la) and mosquito-proofed housing, was complemented with improved access to artemisinin-based combination therapy and rapid diagnostic tests by the end of 2012.201627216734
knowledge and awareness of malaria and mosquito biting behaviour in selected sites within morogoro and dodoma regions tanzania there has been a downward trend in malaria prevalence partly due to use of insecticide-treated bed nets for protection against anopheles mosquitoes. however, residual malaria transmission attributed to early biting behaviour of malaria vectors is being reported. knowledge of mosquito feeding behaviour is key to improvements in control approaches. the present study aimed to assess knowledge and awareness on malaria and malaria vectors in-morogoro and dodoma regions of tanzania.201627216605
an evolutionary approach to identify potentially protective b cell epitopes involved in naturally acquired immunity to malaria and the role of eba-175 in protection amongst denizens of bolifamba, cameroon.the search for a vaccine against malaria caused by plasmodium falciparum has lasted for more than 100 years, with considerable progress in the identification of a number of vaccine candidates. the post-genomic era offers new opportunities for an expedited search using rational vaccine design and prioritization of key b-cell epitopes involved in natural acquired immunity.201627207101
field evaluation of two novel sampling devices for collecting wild oviposition site seeking malaria vector mosquitoes: oviart gravid traps and squares of electrocuting sampling tools are needed for collecting exophilic malaria mosquitoes in sub-saharan africa to monitor the impact of vector control interventions. the oviart gravid trap and squares of electrocuting nets (e-nets) were recently developed under semi-field conditions for collecting oviposition site seeking anopheles gambiae (sensu stricto) (s.s.). this study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of these traps for sampling malaria vectors under field conditions.201627165292
benchmarking vector arthropod culture: an example using the african malaria mosquito, anopheles gambiae (diptera: culicidae).numerous important characteristics of adult arthropods are related to their size; this is influenced by conditions experienced as immatures. arthropods cultured in the laboratory for research, or mass-reared for novel control methods, must therefore be of a standard size range and known quality so that results are reproducible.201627160438
plasmodium falciparum malaria parasitaemia among indigenous batwa and non-indigenous communities of kanungu district, uganda.the indigenous batwa of southwestern uganda are among the most highly impoverished populations in uganda, yet there is negligible research on the prevalence of malaria in this population. plasmodium falciparum malaria parasitaemia prevalence was estimated in an indigenous batwa and a non-indigenous neighbouring population, and an exploration of modifiable risk factors was carried out to identify potential entry points for intervention. additionally, evidence of zooprophylaxis was assessed, hypot ...201627146298
insecticide resistance status of the anopheles funestus population in central african republic: a challenge in the the central african republic, malaria is a major public health problem and the leading cause of death among children. this disease appears to be hyperendemic but no substantial entomological data, including data on anopheles spp. susceptibility to insecticides, is available. this study evaluates, for the first time in the car, the status of insecticide resistance in the anopheles funestus population, the second major vector of malaria in africa.201627113956
malaria parasitaemia and the use of insecticide-treated nets (ints) for malaria control amongst under-5 year old children in calabar, nigeria.malaria remains a major cause of febrile illness in nigeria and interventions to reduce malaria burden in nigeria focus on the use of insecticide-treated nets. this study determined the prevalence of malaria parasitaemia and the use of insecticide-treated nets (itns) for the control of malaria amongst under-five year old children in calabar, nigeria.201627080122
malaria hotspots defined by clinical malaria, asymptomatic carriage, pcr and vector numbers in a low transmission area on the kenyan coast.targeted malaria control interventions are expected to be cost-effective. clinical, parasitological and serological markers of malaria transmission have been used to detect malaria transmission hotspots, but few studies have examined the relationship between the different potential markers in low transmission areas. the present study reports on the relationships between clinical, parasitological, serological and entomological markers of malaria transmission in an area of low transmission intensi ...201627075879
cuticle thickening in a pyrethroid-resistant strain of the common bed bug, cimex lectularius l. (hemiptera: cimicidae).thickening of the integument as a mechanism of resistance to insecticides is a well recognised phenomenon in the insect world and, in recent times, has been found in insects exhibiting pyrethroid-resistance. resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in the common bed bug, cimex lectularius l., is widespread and has been frequently inferred as a reason for the pest's resurgence. overexpression of cuticle depositing proteins has been demonstrated in pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs although, to date, no ...201627073871
correlations between household occupancy and malaria vector biting risk in rural tanzanian villages: implications for high-resolution spatial targeting of control interventions.fine-scale targeting of interventions is increasingly important where epidemiological disease profiles depict high geographical stratifications. this study verified correlations between household biomass and mosquito house-entry using experimental hut studies, and then demonstrated how geographical foci of mosquito biting risk can be readily identified based on spatial distributions of household occupancies in villages.201627067147
key traveller groups of relevance to spatial malaria transmission: a survey of movement patterns in four sub-saharan african malaria prevalence declines in many parts of the world due to widescale control efforts and as drug-resistant parasites begin to emerge, a quantitative understanding of human movement is becoming increasingly relevant to malaria control. however, despite its importance, significant knowledge gaps remain regarding human movement, particularly in sub-saharan africa.201627068686
reduction in malaria incidence following indoor residual spraying with actellic 300 cs in a setting with pyrethroid resistance: mutasa district, zimbabwe.more than half of malaria cases in zimbabwe are concentrated in manicaland province, where seasonal malaria epidemics occur despite intensified control strategies. recently, high levels of pyrethroid and carbamate resistance were detected in anopheles funestus, the major malaria vector in eastern zimbabwe. in response, a single round of indoor residual spraying (irs) using pirimiphos-methyl (an organophosphate) was implemented in four high burden districts of manicaland province from november 1, ...201627018893
silencing of the olfactory co-receptor gene in dendroctonus armandi leads to eag response declining to major host this study, a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) based on homology genes of orco was utilized to identify darmorco, which is essential for olfaction in d. armandi. the results showed that darmorco shares significant sequence homology with orco proteins had known in other insects. quantitative real-time pcr (qrt-pcr) analysis suggested that darmorco was abundantly expressed in adult d. armandi; by contrast, darmorco showed trace amounts of expression level in other stages. of different tissues, d ...201626979566
comparative performance of three experimental hut designs for measuring malaria vector responses to insecticides in tanzania.experimental huts are simplified, standardized representations of human habitations that provide model systems to evaluate insecticides used in indoor residual spray (irs) and long-lasting insecticidal nets (llins) to kill disease vectors. hut volume, construction materials and size of entry points impact mosquito entry and exposure to insecticides. the performance of three standard experimental hut designs was compared to evaluate insecticide used in llins.201626979404
the role of oxidative stress in the longevity and insecticide resistance phenotype of the major malaria vectors anopheles arabiensis and anopheles funestus.oxidative stress plays numerous biological roles, both functional and pathological. the role of oxidative stress in various epidemiologically relevant biological traits in anopheles mosquitoes is not well established. in this study, the effects of oxidative stress on the longevity and insecticide resistance phenotype in the major malaria vector species an. arabiensis and an. funestus were examined. responses to dietary copper sulphate and hydrogen peroxide were used as proxies for the oxidative ...201626964046
evaluation of discovar de novo using a mosquito sample for cost-effective short-read genome novo reference assemblies that are affordable, practical to produce, and of sufficient quality for most downstream applications, remain an unattained goal for many taxa. insects, which may yield too little dna from individual specimens for long-read sequencing library construction and often have highly heterozygous genomes, can be particularly hard to assemble using inexpensive short-read sequencing data. the large number of insect species with medical or economic importance makes this a crit ...201626944054
increase in cases of malaria in mozambique, 2014: epidemic or new endemic pattern?to describe the increase in cases of malaria in mozambique.201626982961
spatially aggregated clusters and scattered smaller loci of elevated malaria vector density and human infection prevalence in urban dar es salaam, tanzania.malaria transmission, primarily mediated by anopheles gambiae, persists in dar es salaam (dsm) despite high coverage with bed nets, mosquito-proofed housing and larviciding. new or improved vector control strategies are required to eliminate malaria from dsm, but these will only succeed if they are delivered to the minority of locations where residual transmission actually persists. hotspots of spatially clustered locations with elevated malaria infection prevalence or vector densities were, the ...201626931372
contact bioassays with phenoxybenzyl and tetrafluorobenzyl pyrethroids against target-site and metabolic resistant mosquitoes.mosquito strains that exhibit increased tolerance to the chemical class of compounds with a sodium channel modulator mode of action (pyrethroids and pyrethrins) are typically described as "pyrethroid resistant". resistance to pyrethroids is an increasingly important challenge in the control of mosquito-borne diseases, such as malaria or dengue, because one of the main interventions (the distribution of large numbers of long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets) currently relies entirely on long- ...201626930058
analysis of esterase enzyme activity in adults of the major malaria vector anopheles funestus.anopheles funestus is a major vector of malaria in sub-saharan africa. in order to apply effective control measures against this vector, it is necessary to understand the underlying physiological factors that play a critical role in its development, reproduction, fertility and susceptibility to insecticides. one enzyme family involved in the above mentioned biological pathways is the esterases. the aim of this study was to analyse esterase activity levels at different ages during the life-span o ...201626920365
small-scale land-use variability affects anopheles spp. distribution and concomitant plasmodium infection in humans and mosquito vectors in southeastern madagascar.deforestation and land-use change have the potential to alter human exposure to malaria. a large percentage of madagascar's original forest cover has been lost to slash-and-burn agriculture, and malaria is one of the top causes of mortality on the island. in this study, the influence of land-use on the distribution of plasmodium vectors and concomitant plasmodium infection in humans and mosquito vectors was examined in the southeastern rainforests of madagascar.201626944051
incremental impact upon malaria transmission of supplementing pyrethroid-impregnated long-lasting insecticidal nets with indoor residual spraying using pyrethroids or the organophosphate, pirimiphos methyl.long-lasting, insecticidal nets (llins) and indoor residual spraying (irs) are the most widely accepted and applied malaria vector control methods. however, evidence that incremental impact is achieved when they are combined remains limited and inconsistent.201626893012
identification of blood meal sources in the main african malaria mosquito vector by maldi-tof ms.the identification of blood meal sources in malaria vectors is critical to better understanding host/vector interactions and malaria epidemiology and control. currently, the identification of mosquito blood meal origins is based on time-consuming and costly techniques such as precipitin tests, elisa and molecular tools. although these tools have been validated to identify the blood meal and trophic preferences of female anopheles mosquitoes, they present several limitations. recently, matrix-ass ...201626872451
evolution of the levels of human leukocyte antigen g (hla-g) in beninese infant during the first year of life in a malaria endemic area: using latent class analysis.hla-g, a non-classical hla class i antigen, is of crucial interest during pregnancy by inhibiting maternal immune response. its role during infections is discussed, and it has been described that high levels of soluble hla-g during childhood increase the risk of malaria. to explore more precisely interactions between soluble hla-g and malaria, latent class analysis was used to test whether distinct sub-populations of children, each with distinctive soluble hla-g evolutions may suggest the existe ...201626862036
malaria vectors and their blood-meal sources in an area of high bed net ownership in the western kenya highlands.blood-meal sources of malaria vectors affect their capacity to transmit the disease. most efficient malaria vectors prefer human hosts. however, with increasing personal protection measures it becomes more difficult for them to find human hosts. here recent malaria vector blood-meal sources in western kenya highlands were investigated.201626857915
partitioning the contributions of alternative malaria vector many locations malaria is transmitted by more than one vector species. some vector control interventions, in particular those using genetic approaches, are likely to be targeted against a single species or species complex, at least initially, and it would therefore be useful to be able to predict the epidemiological impact of controlling a single species when multiple vector species are present.201626847084
the risk of malaria in ghanaian infants born to women managed in pregnancy with intermittent screening and treatment for malaria or intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine.several studies have reported an association between malaria infection of the placenta and the risk of malaria in young children in the first year of life, but it is not known if this is causal, or influenced by malaria control measures during pregnancy. this paper compares the incidence of malaria in infants born to mothers who received either intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine (iptp-sp) or screening with a rapid diagnostic test and treatment with artemether-lumefa ...201626821532
detectmite: a novel approach to detect miniature inverted repeat transposable elements in genomes.miniature inverted repeat transposable elements (mites) are prevalent in eukaryotic genomes, including plants and animals. classified as a type of non-autonomous dna transposable elements, they play important roles in genome organization and evolution. comprehensive and accurate genome-wide detection of mites in various eukaryotic genomes can improve our understanding of their origins, transposition processes, regulatory mechanisms, and biological relevance with regard to gene structures, expres ...201626795595
combining synthetic human odours and low-cost electrocuting grids to attract and kill outdoor-biting mosquitoes: field and semi-field evaluation of an improved mosquito landing box.on-going malaria transmission is increasingly mediated by outdoor-biting vectors, especially where indoor insecticidal interventions such as long-lasting insecticide treated nets (llins) are widespread. often, the vectors are also physiologically resistant to insecticides, presenting major obstacles for elimination. we tested a combination of electrocuting grids with synthetic odours as an alternative killing mechanism against outdoor-biting mosquitoes.201626789733
the effect of indoor residual spraying on the prevalence of malaria parasite infection, clinical malaria and anemia in an area of perennial transmission and moderate coverage of insecticide treated nets in western kenya.insecticide treated nets (itns) and indoor residual spraying (irs) have been scaled up for malaria prevention in sub-saharan africa. however, there are few studies on the benefit of implementing irs in areas with moderate to high coverage of itns. we evaluated the impact of an irs program on malaria related outcomes in western kenya, an area of intense perennial malaria transmission and moderate itn coverage (55-65% use of any net the previous night).201626731524
spatially variable risk factors for malaria in a geographically heterogeneous landscape, western kenya: an explorative study.large reductions in malaria transmission and mortality have been achieved over the last decade, and this has mainly been attributed to the scale-up of long-lasting insecticidal bed nets and indoor residual spraying with insecticides. despite these gains considerable residual, spatially heterogeneous, transmission remains. to reduce transmission in these foci, researchers need to consider the local demographical, environmental and social context, and design an appropriate set of interventions. ex ...201626729363
daily rhythms in mosquitoes and their consequences for malaria transmission.the 24-h day involves cycles in environmental factors that impact organismal fitness. this is thought to select for organisms to regulate their temporal biology accordingly, through circadian and diel rhythms. in addition to rhythms in abiotic factors (such as light and temperature), biotic factors, including ecological interactions, also follow daily cycles. how daily rhythms shape, and are shaped by, interactions between organisms is poorly understood. here, we review an emerging area, namely ...201627089370
impact of mosquito gene drive on malaria elimination in a computational model with explicit spatial and temporal dynamics.the renewed effort to eliminate malaria and permanently remove its tremendous burden highlights questions of what combination of tools would be sufficient in various settings and what new tools need to be developed. gene drive mosquitoes constitute a promising set of tools, with multiple different possible approaches including population replacement with introduced genes limiting malaria transmission, driving-y chromosomes to collapse a mosquito population, and gene drive disrupting a fertility ...201628028208
patterns and determinants of malaria risk in urban and peri-urban areas of blantyre, malawi.although malaria disease in urban and peri-urban areas of sub-saharan africa is a growing concern, the epidemiologic patterns and drivers of transmission in these settings remain poorly understood. factors associated with variation in malaria risk in urban and peri-urban areas were evaluated in this study.201627931234
rnai-mediated mortality of the whitefly through transgenic expression of double-stranded rna homologous to acetylcholinesterase and ecdysone receptor in tobacco plants.the whitefly bemisia tabaci (genn.) is a pest and vector of plant viruses to crop and ornamental plants worldwide. using rna interference (rnai) to down regulate whitefly genes by expressing their homologous double stranded rnas in plants has great potential for management of whiteflies to reduce plant virus disease spread. using a tobacco rattle virus-derived plasmid for in planta transient expression of double stranded rna (dsrna) homologous to the acetylcholinesterase (ache) and ecdysone rece ...201627929123
susceptibility of anopheles gambiae to insecticides used for malaria vector control in rwanda.the widespread emergence of resistance to pyrethroids is a major threat to the gains made in malaria control. to monitor the presence and possible emergence of resistance against a variety of insecticides used for malaria control in rwanda, nationwide insecticide resistance surveys were conducted in 2011 and 2013.201627905919
a bibliometric analysis of literature on malaria vector resistance: (1996 - 2015).emergence of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors is a real threat to future goals of elimination and control of malaria. therefore, the objective of this study was to assess research trend on insecticide resistance of anopheles mosquito. in specific, number of publications, countries, institutions, and authors' research profile, citation analysis, international collaborations, and impact of journals publishing documents on insecticide resistance will be presented. it was conducted via scop ...201627884199
malaria elimination campaigns in the lake kariba region of zambia: a spatial dynamical more regions approach malaria elimination, understanding how different interventions interact to reduce transmission becomes critical. the lake kariba area of southern province, zambia, is part of a multi-country elimination effort and presents a particular challenge as it is an interconnected region of variable transmission intensities. in 2012-13, six rounds of mass test-and-treat drug campaigns were carried out in the lake kariba region. a spatial dynamical model of malaria transmission in ...201627880764
evidence of a multiple insecticide resistance in the malaria vector anopheles funestus in south west nigeria.knowing the extent and spread of insecticide resistance in malaria vectors is vital to successfully manage insecticide resistance in africa. this information in the main malaria vector, anopheles funestus sensu stricto, is completely lacking in the most populous country in africa, nigeria. this study reports the insecticide susceptibility status and the molecular basis of resistance of an. funestus as well as its involvement in malaria transmission in akaka-remo, a farm settlement village in sou ...201627876039
increasing insecticide resistance in anopheles funestus and anopheles arabiensis in malawi, 2011-2015.susceptibility of principal anopheles malaria vectors to common insecticides was monitored over a 5-year period across malawi to inform and guide the national malaria control programme.201627876046
studies on mosquito biting risk among migratory rice farmers in rural south-eastern tanzania and development of a portable mosquito-proof hut.subsistence rice farmers in south-eastern tanzania are often migratory, spending weeks or months tending to crops in distant fields along the river valleys and living in improvised structures known as shamba huts, not fully protected from mosquitoes. these farmers also experience poor access to organized preventive and curative services due to long distances. mosquito biting exposure in these rice fields, relative to main village residences was assessed, then a portable mosquito-proof hut was de ...201627876050
phylosymbiosis: relationships and functional effects of microbial communities across host evolutionary history.phylosymbiosis was recently proposed to describe the eco-evolutionary pattern, whereby the ecological relatedness of host-associated microbial communities parallels the phylogeny of related host species. here, we test the prevalence of phylosymbiosis and its functional significance under highly controlled conditions by characterizing the microbiota of 24 animal species from four different groups (peromyscus deer mice, drosophila flies, mosquitoes, and nasonia wasps), and we reevaluate the phylos ...201627861590
genome of the asian longhorned beetle (anoplophora glabripennis), a globally significant invasive species, reveals key functional and evolutionary innovations at the beetle-plant interface.relatively little is known about the genomic basis and evolution of wood-feeding in beetles. we undertook genome sequencing and annotation, gene expression assays, studies of plant cell wall degrading enzymes, and other functional and comparative studies of the asian longhorned beetle, anoplophora glabripennis, a globally significant invasive species capable of inflicting severe feeding damage on many important tree species. complementary studies of genes encoding enzymes involved in digestion o ...201627832824
high prevalence of plasmodium falciparum gametocyte infections in school-age children using molecular detection: patterns and predictors of risk from a cross-sectional study in southern endemic areas, many people experience asymptomatic plasmodium infections, particularly older children and adults, but their transmission contribution is unknown. though not the exclusive determinant of infectiousness, transmission from humans to mosquitoes requires blood meals containing gametocytes. gametocytes often occur at submicroscopic densities, challenging measurement in human populations. more sensitive molecular techniques allow better characterization of gametocyte epidemiologic pa ...201627809907
transcriptome analysis of green peach aphid (myzus persicae): insight into developmental regulation and inter-species peach aphid (myzus persicae) and pea aphid (acyrthosiphon pisum) are two phylogenetically closely related agricultural pests. while pea aphid is restricted to fabaceae, green peach aphid feeds on hundreds of plant species from more than 40 families. transcriptome comparison could shed light on the genetic factors underlying the difference in host range between the two species. furthermore, a large scale study contrasting gene expression between immature nymphs and fully developed adult aph ...201627812361
communication for behavioural impact in enhancing utilization of insecticide-treated bed nets among mothers of under-five children in rural north sudan: an experimental study.malaria is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in sudan. the entire population is at risk of contracting malaria to different levels. this study aimed to assess the effectiveness of communication for behavioural impact (combi) strategy in enhancing the utilization of long-lasting insecticidal nets (llins) among mothers of under-five children in rural areas.201627756314
impact of highland topography changes on exposure to malaria vectors and immunity in western is almost an axiom that in the african highlands (above 1,500 m) transmission of plasmodium falciparum is limited primarily by low ambient temperature and that small changes in temperature could result in temporary favorable conditions for unstable transmission within populations that have acquired little functional immunity. the pattern of malaria transmission in the highland plateau ecosystems is less distinct due to the flat topography and diffuse hydrology resulting from numerous streams. ...201627790610
spatio-temporal heterogeneity of malaria vectors in northern zambia: implications for vector control.despite large reductions in malaria burden across zambia, some regions continue to experience extremely high malaria transmission. in nchelenge district, luapula province, northern zambia, almost half the human population carries parasites. intervention coverage has increased substantially over the past decade, but comprehensive district-wide entomological studies to guide delivery of vector control measures are lacking. this study describes the bionomics and spatio-temporal patterns of malaria ...201627655231
multiple insecticide resistance in the major malaria vector anopheles funestus in southern ghana: implications for malaria control.understanding the dynamics of insecticide resistance in african malaria vectors is crucial for successful implementation of resistance management strategies in the continent. this study reports a high and multiple insecticide resistance in anopheles funestus from southern ghana which could compromise the malaria operational plan in this country, if not tackled. adult anopheles mosquitoes were collected in obuasi and adawukwa, in southern ghana. plasmodium infection rates, susceptibility to the m ...201627628765
malaria and large dams in sub-saharan africa: future impacts in a changing climate.sub-saharan africa (ssa) has embarked on a new era of dam building to improve food security and promote economic development. nonetheless, the future impacts of dams on malaria transmission are poorly understood and seldom investigated in the context of climate and demographic change.201627592590
eave tubes for malaria control in africa: initial development and semi-field evaluations in tanzania.presented here are a series of preliminary experiments evaluating "eave tubes"-a technology that combines house screening with a novel method of delivering insecticides for control of malaria mosquitoes.201627586055
a prospective cohort study to assess the micro-epidemiology of plasmodium falciparum clinical malaria in ilha josina machel (manhiça, mozambique).after the decrease in clinical malaria incidence observed in mozambique until 2009, a steady resurgence of cases per year has been reported nationally, reaching alarming levels in 2014. however, little is known about the clinical profile of the cases presented, or the possible epidemiological factors contributing to the resurgence of cases.201627577880
reviewing south africa's malaria elimination strategy (2012-2018): progress, challenges and priorities.with a sustained national malaria incidence of fewer than one case per 1000 population at risk, in 2012 south africa officially transitioned from controlling malaria to the ambitious goal of eliminating malaria within its borders by 2018. this review assesses the progress made in the 3 years since programme re-orientation while highlighting challenges and suggesting priorities for moving the malaria programme towards elimination.201627567642
synergistic and compensatory effects of two point mutations conferring target-site resistance to fipronil in the insect gaba receptor rdl.insecticide resistance can arise from a variety of mechanisms, including changes to the target site, but is often associated with substantial fitness costs to insects. here we describe two resistance-associated target-site mutations that have synergistic and compensatory effects that combine to produce high and persistent levels of resistance to fipronil, an insecticide targeting on γ-aminobytyric acid (gaba) receptors. in nilaparvata lugens, a major pest of rice crops in many parts of asia, we ...201627557781
influence of the agrochemicals used for rice and vegetable cultivation on insecticide resistance in malaria vectors in southern côte d'ivoire.vector control can contribute to the development of resistance to insecticides in malaria vectors. as the swamps and wetlands used for some agricultural activities constitute productive breeding sites for many mosquito species, agricultural pest control may increase the selection pressure for insecticide resistance in mosquitoes. understanding the use of agrochemicals by farmers is important to plan and initiate effective integrated pest and vector management interventions.201627553959
the impact of pyrethroid resistance on the efficacy and effectiveness of bednets for malaria control in africa.long lasting pyrethroid treated bednets are the most important tool for preventing malaria. pyrethroid resistant anopheline mosquitoes are now ubiquitous in africa, though the public health impact remains unclear, impeding the deployment of more expensive nets. meta-analyses of bioassay studies and experimental hut trials are used to characterise how pyrethroid resistance changes the efficacy of standard bednets, and those containing the synergist piperonyl butoxide (pbo), and assess its impact ...201627547988
towards malaria elimination in the mosaswa (mozambique, south africa and swaziland) region.the substantial impact of cross-border collaborative control efforts on the burden of malaria in southern africa has previously been demonstrated through the successes of the lubombo spatial development initiative. increases in malaria cases recorded in the three partner countries (mozambique, south africa, swaziland) since termination of that programme in 2011 have provided impetus for the resuscitation of cooperation in the form of the mosaswa malaria initiative. mosaswa, launched in 2015, see ...201627538990
multiple insecticide resistance in an infected population of the malaria vector anopheles funestus in benin.knowledge on the spread and distribution of insecticide resistance in major malaria vectors such as anopheles funestus is key to implement successful resistance management strategies across africa. here, by assessing the susceptibility status of an inland population of an. funestus giles (kpome) and investigating molecular basis of resistance, we show that multiple resistance and consistent plasmodium infection rate are present in anopheles funestus populations from kpome.201627531125
prevalence of crt and mdr-1 mutations in plasmodium falciparum isolates from grande comore island after withdrawal of comoros, the widespread of chloroquine (cq)-resistant plasmodium falciparum populations was a major obstacle to malaria control, which led to the official withdrawal of cq in 2004. continuous monitoring of cq-resistant markers of the p. falciparum cq resistant transporter (pfcrt) and the p. falciparum multiple drug resistance 1 (pfmdr-1) is necessary inder to obtain first-hand information on cq susceptibility of parasite populations in the field. the objective of this study is to assess the p ...201627527604
insecticide-treated net campaign and malaria transmission in western kenya: 2003-2015.insecticide-treated nets (itns) are among the three major intervention measures that have reduced malaria transmission in the past decade. however, increased insecticide resistance in vectors, together with outdoor transmission, has limited the efficacy of the itn scaling-up efforts. observations on longitudinal changes in itn coverage and its impact on malaria transmission allow policy makers to make informed adjustments to control strategies. we analyzed field surveys on itn ownership, malaria ...201627574601
investigating molecular basis of lambda-cyhalothrin resistance in an anopheles funestus population from senegal.anopheles funestus is one of the major malaria vectors in tropical africa, notably in senegal. the highly anthropophilic and endophilic behaviours of this mosquito make it a good target for vector control operations through the use of insecticide treated nets, long-lasting insecticide nets and indoor residual spraying. however, little is known about patterns of resistance to insecticides and the underlying resistance mechanisms in field populations of this vector in senegal.201627519696
tafenoquine and its potential in the treatment and relapse prevention of plasmodium vivax malaria: the evidence to date.despite declining global malaria incidence, the disease continues to be a threat to people living in endemic regions. in 2015, an estimated 214 million new malaria cases and 438,000 deaths due to malaria were recorded. plasmodium vivax is the second most common cause of malaria next to plasmodium falciparum. vivax malaria is prevalent especially in southeast asia and the horn of africa, with enormous challenges in controlling the disease. some of the challenges faced by vivax malaria-endemic cou ...201627528800
mass mosquito trapping for malaria control in western kenya: study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster-randomised trial.increasing levels of insecticide resistance as well as outdoor, residual transmission of malaria threaten the efficacy of existing vector control tools used against malaria mosquitoes. the development of odour-baited mosquito traps has led to the possibility of controlling malaria through mass trapping of malaria vectors. through daily removal trapping against a background of continued bed net use it is anticipated that vector populations could be suppressed to a level where continued transmissi ...201627460054
genetic structure of water chestnut beetle: providing evidence for origin of water chestnut.water chestnut beetle (galerucella birmanica jacoby) is a pest of the water chestnut (trapa natans l.). to analyze the phylogeny and biogeography of the beetle and provide evidence for the origin of t. natans in china, we conducted this by using three mitochondrial genes (coi, coii and cytb) and nuclear its2 ribosomal dna of g. birmanica. as for mtdna genes, the beetle could be subdivided into three groups: northeastern china (nec), central-northern-southern china (cc-nc-sc) and southwestern chi ...201627459279
modelling the influence of temperature and rainfall on the population dynamics of anopheles arabiensis.malaria continues to be one of the most devastating diseases in the world, killing more humans than any other infectious disease. malaria parasites are entirely dependent on anopheles mosquitoes for transmission. for this reason, vector population dynamics is a crucial determinant of malaria risk. consequently, it is important to understand the biology of malaria vector mosquitoes in the study of malaria transmission. temperature and precipitation also play a significant role in both aquatic and ...201627421769
the p450 cyp6z1 confers carbamate/pyrethroid cross-resistance in a major african malaria vector beside a novel carbamate-insensitive n485i acetylcholinesterase-1 mutation.carbamates are increasingly used for vector control notably in areas with pyrethroid resistance. however, a cross-resistance between these insecticides in major malaria vectors such as anopheles funestus could severely limit available resistance management options. unfortunately, the molecular basis of such cross-resistance remains uncharacterized in an. funestus, preventing effective resistance management. here, using a genomewide transcription profiling, we revealed that metabolic resistance t ...201627135886
high susceptibility of wild anopheles funestus to infection with natural plasmodium falciparum gametocytes using membrane feeding assays.anopheles funestus is a major vector of malaria in sub-saharan africa. however, because it is difficult to colonize, research on this mosquito species has lagged behind other vectors, particularly the understanding of its susceptibility and interactions with the plasmodium parasite. the present study reports one of the first experimental infections of progeny from wild-caught an. funestus with the p. falciparum parasite providing a realistic avenue for the characterisation of immune responses as ...201627301693
identification and characterization of micrornas expressed in the african malaria vector anopheles funestus life stages using high throughput sequencing.over the past several years, thousands of micrornas (mirnas) have been identified in the genomes of various insects through cloning and sequencing or even by computational prediction. however, the number of mirnas identified in anopheline species is low and little is known about their role. the mosquito anopheles funestus is one of the dominant malaria vectors in africa, which infects and kills millions of people every year. therefore, small rna molecules isolated from the four life stages (eggs ...201627825380
insect transformation with piggybac: getting the number of injections just right.the insertion of exogenous genetic cargo into insects using transposable elements is a powerful research tool with potential applications in meeting food security and public health challenges facing humanity. piggybac is the transposable element most commonly utilized for insect germline transformation. the described efficiency of this process is variable in the published literature, and a comprehensive review of transformation efficiency in insects is lacking. this study compared and contrasted ...201627027400
dosage compensation in the african malaria mosquito anopheles gambiae.dosage compensation is the fundamental process by which gene expression from the male monosomic x chromosome and from the diploid set of autosomes is equalized. various molecular mechanisms have evolved in different organisms to achieve this task. in drosophila, genes on the male x chromosome are upregulated to the levels of expression from the two x chromosomes in females. to test whether a similar mechanism is operating in immature stages of anopheles mosquitoes, we analyzed global gene expres ...201626782933
a crossover study to evaluate the diversion of malaria vectors in a community with incomplete coverage of spatial repellents in the kilombero valley, tanzania.malaria elimination is unlikely to occur if vector control efforts focus entirely on transmission occurring indoors without addressing vectors that bite outdoors and outside sleeping hours. additional control tools such as spatial repellents may provide the personal protection required to fill this gap. however, since repellents do not kill mosquitoes it is unclear if vectors will be diverted from households that use spatial repellents to those that do not.201627527601
human-biting activities of anopheles species in south-central ethiopia.indoor residual spraying (irs) and long-lasting insecticidal nets (llins) are the key malaria vector control interventions in ethiopia. the success of these interventions rely on their efficacy to repel or kill indoor feeding and resting mosquitoes. this study was undertaken to monitor human-biting patterns of anopheles species in south-central ethiopia.201627716416
is nigeria winning the battle against malaria? prevalence, risk factors and kap assessment among hausa communities in kano state.malaria is one of the most severe global public health problems worldwide, particularly in africa, where nigeria has the greatest number of malaria cases. this community-based study was designed to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of malaria and to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (kap) regarding malaria among rural hausa communities in kano state, nigeria.201627392040
an improved mosquito electrocuting trap that safely reproduces epidemiologically relevant metrics of mosquito human-feeding behaviours as determined by human landing catch.reliable quantification of mosquito host-seeking behaviours is required to determine the efficacy of vector control methods. for malaria, the gold standard approach remains the risky human landing catch (hlc). here compare the performance of an improved prototype of the mosquito electrocuting grid trap (met) as a safer alternative with hlc for measuring malaria vector behaviour in dar es salaam, tanzania.201627618941
a crispr-cas9 sex-ratio distortion system for genetic control.genetic control aims to reduce the ability of insect pest populations to cause harm via the release of modified insects. one strategy is to bias the reproductive sex ratio towards males so that a population decreases in size or is eliminated altogether due to a lack of females. we have shown previously that sex ratio distortion can be generated synthetically in the main human malaria vector anopheles gambiae, by selectively destroying the x-chromosome during spermatogenesis, through the activity ...201627484623
genomic signatures of population decline in the malaria mosquito anopheles gambiae.population genomic features such as nucleotide diversity and linkage disequilibrium are expected to be strongly shaped by changes in population size, and might therefore be useful for monitoring the success of a control campaign. in the kilifi district of kenya, there has been a marked decline in the abundance of the malaria vector anopheles gambiae subsequent to the rollout of insecticide-treated bed nets.201627013475
mevalonate-farnesal biosynthesis in ticks: comparative synganglion transcriptomics and a new perspective.juvenile hormone (jh) controls the growth, development, metamorphosis, and reproduction of insects. for many years, the general assumption has been that jh regulates tick and other acarine development and reproduction the same as in insects. although researchers have not been able to find the common insect jhs in hard and soft tick species and jh applications appear to have no effect on tick development, it is difficult to prove the negative or to determine whether precursors to jh are made in t ...201626959814
rickettsia felis, an emerging flea-borne rickettsiosis.rickettsia felis is an emerging insect-borne rickettsial pathogen and the causative agent of flea-borne spotted fever. first described as a human pathogen from the usa in 1991, r. felis is now identified throughout the world and considered a common cause of fever in africa. the cosmopolitan distribution of this pathogen is credited to the equally widespread occurrence of cat fleas (ctenocephalides felis), the primary vector and reservoir of r. felis. although r. felis is a relatively new member ...201627340613
discovery of point mutations in the voltage-gated sodium channel from african aedes aegypti populations: potential phylogenetic reasons for gene introgression.yellow fever is endemic in some countries in africa, and aedes aegpyti is one of the most important vectors implicated in the outbreak. the mapping of the nation-wide distribution and the detection of insecticide resistance of vector mosquitoes will provide the beneficial information for forecasting of dengue and yellow fever outbreaks and effective control measures.201627304430
malaria, helminths, co-infection and anaemia in a cohort of children from mutengene, south western cameroon.malaria and helminthiases frequently co-infect the same individuals in endemic zones. plasmodium falciparum and helminth infections have long been recognized as major contributors to anaemia in endemic countries. several studies have explored the influence of helminth infections on the course of malaria in humans but how these parasites interact within co-infected individuals remains controversial.201626852392
a review of new challenges and prospects for malaria elimination in mutare and mutasa districts, zimbabwe.this review outlines and discusses the new challenges in malaria control and prospects for its elimination in mutare and mutasa districts, zimbabwe. the burden of malaria has declined significantly over the past 5 years in most regions in zimbabwe, including mutare and mutasa districts. the nationwide malaria reduction has been primarily linked to scaled-up vector control interventions and early diagnosis and treatment with effective anti-malarial medicines. the successes recorded have prompted ...201627411705
multiple insecticide resistance in the malaria vector anopheles funestus from northern cameroon is mediated by metabolic resistance alongside potential target site insensitivity mutations.despite the recent progress in establishing the patterns of insecticide resistance in the major malaria vector anopheles funestus, central african populations of this species remain largely uncharacterised. to bridge this important gap and facilitate the implementation of suitable control strategies against this vector, we characterised the resistance patterns of an. funestus population from northern cameroon.201627723825
a novel method for mapping village-scale outdoor resting microhabitats of the primary african malaria vector, anopheles gambiae.knowledge of anopheles resting habitats is needed to advance outdoor malaria vector control. this study presents a technique to map locations of resting habitats using high-resolution satellite imagery (world view 2) and probabilistic dempster-shafer (d-s) modelling, focused on a rural village in southern mali, west africa where field sampling was conducted to determine outdoor habitat preferences of anopheles gambiae, the main vector in the study area.201627659918
investigation of mechanisms of bendiocarb resistance in anopheles gambiae populations from the city of yaoundé, cameroon.resistance to the carbamate insecticide bendiocarb is emerging in anopheles gambiae populations from the city of yaoundé in cameroon. however, the molecular basis of this resistance remains uncharacterized. the present study objective is to investigate mechanisms promoting resistance to bendiocarb in an. gambiae populations from yaoundé.201627549778
cytochrome p450 associated with insecticide resistance catalyzes cuticular hydrocarbon production in anopheles gambiae.the role of cuticle changes in insecticide resistance in the major malaria vector anopheles gambiae was assessed. the rate of internalization of (14)c deltamethrin was significantly slower in a resistant strain than in a susceptible strain. topical application of an acetone insecticide formulation to circumvent lipid-based uptake barriers decreased the resistance ratio by ∼50%. cuticle analysis by electron microscopy and characterization of lipid extracts indicated that resistant mosquitoes had ...201627439866
tyrosine hydroxylase is crucial for maintaining pupal tanning and immunity in anopheles sinensis.tyrosine hydroxylase (th), the initial enzyme in the melanin pathway, catalyzes tyrosine conversion into dopa. although expression and regulation of th have been shown to affect cuticle pigmentation in insects, no direct functional studies to date have focused on the specific physiological processes involving the enzyme during mosquito development. in the current study, silencing of asth during the time period of continuous high expression in anopheles sinensis pupae led to significant impairmen ...201627416870
decline in frequency of the 2la chromosomal inversion in anopheles gambiae (s.s.) in western kenya: correlation with increase in ownership of insecticide-treated bed nets.the 2la chromosomal inversion, a genetic polymorphism in an. gambiae (sensu stricto) (s.s.), is associated with adaptation to microclimatic differences in humidity and desiccation resistance and mosquito behaviors. ownership of insecticide-treated bed nets (itns) for malaria control has increased markedly in western kenya in the last 20 years. an increase in the frequency of itns indoors could select against house entering or indoor resting of anopheles mosquitoes. thus, the frequency of the 2la ...201627286834
desiccation tolerance in anopheles coluzzii: the effects of spiracle size and cuticular hydrocarbons.the african malaria mosquitoes anopheles gambiae and anopheles coluzzii range over forests and arid areas, where they withstand dry spells and months-long dry seasons, suggesting variation in their desiccation tolerance. we subjected a laboratory colony (g3) and wild sahelian mosquitoes during the rainy and dry seasons to desiccation assays. the thoracic spiracles and amount and composition of cuticular hydrocarbons (chcs) of individual mosquitoes were measured to determine the effects of these ...201627207644
the larvicidal effects of black pepper (piper nigrum l.) and piperine against insecticide resistant and susceptible strains of anopheles malaria vector mosquitoes.insecticide resistance carries the potential to undermine the efficacy of insecticide based malaria vector control strategies. therefore, there is an urgent need for new insecticidal compounds. black pepper (dried fruit from the vine, piper nigrum), used as a food additive and spice, and its principal alkaloid piperine, have previously been shown to have larvicidal properties. the aim of this study was to investigate the larvicidal effects of ground black pepper and piperine against third and fo ...201627117913
radical remodeling of the y chromosome in a recent radiation of malaria mosquitoes.y chromosomes control essential male functions in many species, including sex determination and fertility. however, because of obstacles posed by repeat-rich heterochromatin, knowledge of y chromosome sequences is limited to a handful of model organisms, constraining our understanding of y biology across the tree of life. here, we leverage long single-molecule sequencing to determine the content and structure of the nonrecombining y chromosome of the primary african malaria mosquito, anopheles g ...201627035980
modelling the relative abundance of the primary african vectors of malaria before and after the implementation of indoor, insecticide-based vector control.malaria remains a heavy burden across sub-saharan africa where transmission is maintained by some of the world's most efficient vectors. indoor insecticide-based control measures have significantly reduced transmission, yet elimination remains a distant target. knowing the relative abundance of the primary vector species can provide transmission models with much needed information to guide targeted control measures. moreover, understanding how existing interventions are impacting on these relati ...201626945997
characteristics of asymptomatic plasmodium spp. parasitaemia in kwahu-mpraeso, a malaria endemic mountainous district in ghana, west africa.malaria control efforts in ghana have reduced the countrywide average malaria prevalence from 71% in 2000 to about 51% in 2012; however, its main focus is on symptomatic malaria. if further progress is to be made, parasite reservoirs in asymptomatic carriers need to be moved into focus. this study profiles asymptomatic plasmodium spp. parasitaemia amongst residents of mountainous kwahu-mpraeso in the eastern region of ghana.201626801407
malaria epidemiological research in the republic of congo.reliable and comprehensive information on the burden of malaria is critical for guiding national and international efforts in malaria control. the purpose of this review is to provide an overview of published data and available information on malaria resulting from field studies/investigations conducted in the republic of congo (roc) from 1992 to 2015, as baseline for assisting public health authorities and researchers to define future research priorities as well as interventions.201628010728
effect of deforestation and land use changes on mosquito productivity and development in western kenya highlands: implication for malaria risk.african highlands were known to be free of malaria for the past 50 years. however, the ever growing human population in the highlands of africa has led to the deforestation and land coverage changes to create space for more land for cultivation, grazing, and house construction materials needs. this has lead to the creation of suitable breeding habitats, which are in open places. decrease of canopy and forest cover has led to increased temperature both in outdoors and indoors in deforested areas. ...201627833907
Displaying items 1301 - 1400 of 1528