
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
molecular and functional properties of cytochrome c from adult ascaris suum muscle.mitochondrial cytochrome c was isolated at high purity from adult ascaris suum muscle and its molecular properties were investigated. the molecular weight of a. suum cytochrome c was determined to be 13,119 by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. the oxidation-reduction potential of nematode cytochrome c was measured to be +248 mv; this value is comparable to those for cytochrome c from mammalian sources. the a. suum cytochrome c, like bovine heart cytochrome c, showed biphasic kinetics ag ...19968844672
ascaris suum: ultrastructural effect of in vitro albendazole therapy.the effect of albendazole therapy on adult ascaris suum was examined using transmission electron microscopy. the drug induced prominent ultrastructural changes which included the presence of necrotic dense bodies, myelin whorls which appeared to represent various stages of lysosomal formation and autolysis, disruption and erosion of the microvilli. the effects were mainly confined to the central region of the intestinal epithelial cells.19968756057
effects of ph on a high conductance ca-dependent chloride channel: a patch-clamp study in ascaris suum.plasma membrane vesicles prepared from the bag region of the somatic muscle cells of the parasitic nematode ascaris suum contain high conductance, voltage sensitive, ca-dependent chloride channels, suggested to be involved in the excretion of carboxylic acids produced by the anaerobic respiration of glucose (valkanov, martin & dixon, 1994). the effect of altered ph on this channel was investigated using the patch-clamp technique and isolated inside-out membrane patches. changes in ph had little ...19968760318
cloning of a cdna encoding the small subunit of cytochrome b558 (cybs) of mitochondrial fumarate reductase (complex ii) from adult ascaris suum.complex ii in the mitochondria of the adult parasitic nematode, ascaris suum, exhibits high fumarate reductase activity in addition to succinate dehydrogenase activity and plays a key role in the anaerobic energy metabolism of the worm. in this study, the amino acid sequence of the small subunit of cytochrome b558 (cybs) in adult complex ii was deduced from the cdna isolated by immunoscreening an a. suum muscle cdna library. histidine residues, which are possible heme axial ligands in cytochrome ...19968764887
structural characterization of a novel glycoinositolphospholipid from the parasitic nematode, ascaris suum.a novel glycosphingolipid containing inositol phosphate as an acidic group has been demonstrated in whole tissues of the porcine roundworm, ascaris suum. the thin layer chromatographic pattern of the total acidic glycolipid revealed the presence of several components, of which a major component (named agl) with positive reactions toward both orcinol-sulfuric acid (sugar) and molybdate (phosphate) spray reagents was isolated and purified by the use of successive column chromatography on deae-seph ...19968765138
production of a monoclonal dinitrophenyl-specific rat ige and establishment of an ige capture elisa for estimating the concentration of rat ige antibodies to dinitrophenyl-ascaris suum.a hybridoma producing monoclonal rat ige antibodies of antidinitrophenyl (anti-dnp) specificity was generated by fusion of sp2/0-ag 14 (sp2) mouse myeloma cells and spleen cells from a dnp-ascaris-sensitized brown-norway rat. subsequently, the supernatant of the hybridoma (fe-3) was applied to an affinity column of dnp-bovine serum albumin-sepharose 4b. the adsorbed protein fraction was pooled, concentrated, and further purified using sephadex g-200. the molecular weight of the isolated protein ...19968768805
purification and characterization of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase from ascaris suum.gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, which is of central importance in the degradation of glutathione, was purified from ascaris suum to apparent homogeneity. the enzyme was found to be a predominantly membrane-bound protein and was solubilized by triton x-100. the purified enzyme, which exhibits a specific activity of 1009 u (mg protein)-1, showed a molecular mass of 70 kda and was found to be composed of two non-identical subunits of molecular mass 43 and 30 kda. concerning the kinetic properties of ...19968784770
free and bound biotin molecules in helminths: a source of artifacts for avidin biotin-based immunoassays.the avidin-biotin molecular recognition system is widely used in parasite immunology. however, the presence of biotin and/or biotin-containing molecules (bcms) in samples may lead to erroneous results. in the work reported herein we investigated the extent to which biotin and bcms present in helminth extracts may interfere in avidin/biotin-based immunoassays and developed an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for quantification of these components. in avidin-based elisa using antinematode ...19968875569
the interaction of alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor and tissue kallikrein in controlling allergic ovine airway hyperresponsiveness.we reported previously that the development of airway hyperresponsiveness (ahr) 24 h after antigen challenge in allergic sheep was associated with increased tissue kallikrein activity (tk) and decreased alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor (alpha 1-pi) activity in bronchoalveolar fluid (bal). the inverse correlation between tk and alpha 1-pi in these experiments suggested that administration of alpha 1-pi might reduce tk activity and block ahr. to test this hypothesis, airway responsiveness, as determin ...19968680696
anthelmintic properties of alpha-sanshool from zanthoxylum liebmannianum.the decoction of the stem bark of zanthoxylum liebmannianum (engelm.) p. wilson (rutaceae) decreased the count of intestinal nematode eggs in naturally infected sheep. in addition, the chloroformic extract was toxic to ascaris suum. fractionation of the organic extract guided by the ascaris suum lethality test led to the isolation of alpha-sanshool (lc50 = 83.4 x 10(-5)m) as the only active compound. on the other hand, alpha-sanshool induced tonic-clonic seizures when it was injected intraperito ...19968693039
survival of model bacterial strains and helminth eggs in the course of mesophilic anaerobic digestion of pig slurry.the effect of methanogenesis on the survival of model bacterial strains (escherichia coli ec 5, staphylococcus aureus sa 11, enterococcus faecium ccm 4231) and non-embryonated helminth eggs (ascaris suum) was investigated in pig slurry. two pilot-plant experiments were carried out in two anaerobic digesters (800 and 1,000 litre) in a mesophilic thermal range (35-37 degrees c). the mean hydraulic retention time of the digesters was 20 days. the methanogenesis process was monitored by determining ...19968693668
neuronal localization of serotonin in the nematode ascaris suum.we have used immunocytochemical techniques to investigate the distribution of serotonin-like immunoreactivity in the nematode ascaris suum. antisera raised against serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-ht) conjugated to bovine serum albumin (bsa) labelled a pair of neurons in the pharynx of both sexes and five cells in the ventral cord of the male tail. the labelling was blocked by 5-ht or by 5-ht conjugated to bsa. the 5-ht-immunoreactive cells in the pharynx resemble neurosecretory cells and are p ...19968698897
comparison of the substrate specificities of camp-dependent protein kinase from bovine heart and ascaris suum muscle.the catalytic subunits of camp-dependent protein kinases (protein kinase a) from bovine heart and ascaris suum muscle exhibit only 48% sequence identity and show quantitative differences in substrate specificity. these differences were not obvious at the level of short synthetic substrate peptides but were distinct for some protein substrates. phosphofructokinase from ascaris, a physiological substrate, was a better substrate for the protein kinase from the nematode in comparison to the mammalia ...19968722322
structure-activity relationships of knefirfamide (af1), a nematode fmrfamide-related peptide, on ascaris suum muscle.analogues of knefirfamide (lys-asn-glu-phe-ile-arg-phe-nh2; af1), an fmrfamide-related peptide (farp) originally isolated from ascaris suum, were characterized in an a. suum muscle tension assay. af1 had biphasic effects on this preparation, inducing a brief relaxation followed by excitation and spastic paralysis. activity of af1 in this assay was eliminated by n-terminal deletions and by deamidation of the carboxy-terminus. the potency of af1 was greatly reduced by alanine substitution for any ...19968735963
the in vivo pharmacology of cp-80, 633, a selective inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 4.the following studies were conducted to characterize the bron-chodilatory and antiinflammatory activity of the novel, selective phosphodiesterase-iv inhibitor, cp-80,633 (2's)5-[3-(2'-exobicyclo[2.2.1]heptyloxy-4-methoxy-phenyl]te trahydro- 2(1h)-pyrimidone, a compound in clinical development for atopic disease. in igg1 passively sensitized guinea pigs, aerosolized ovalbumin challenge increases both pulmonary eosinophil peroxidase levels and airway obstruction. cp-80,633, administered before ova ...19968819522
inhibition of glutathione synthesis of ascaris suum by buthionine sulfoximine.we investigated the effect of dl-buthionine-s,r-sulfoximine (bso), a selective glutathione (gsh)-depleting agent, on the gsh synthesis of ascaris suum. the gsh concentrations of the reproductive and muscle tissues of a. suum were determined to be 8.5 +/- 0.3 and 14.3 +/- 1.3 (n = 3) nmol/mg protein, respectively. after treatment of the parasites with 10 microm bso for 24 h, the gsh content of the reproductive tissue of a. suum was totally depleted as compared with that of untreated controls. how ...19968740556
study on a new egg count technique for macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus and ascaris suum.this paper deals with a new egg count technique for macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus and ascaris suum. the making of the new counter and the operation are described. the eggs of m. hirudinaceus in the upper, the middle and the lower levels of the sediment from swine feces were counted by the new egg count technique and the numbers of the eggs in the sedimentary liquids diluted two, four, six, eight and ten times were nearly similar. this indicates that the eggs dispersed evenly in the sediment a ...19968750688
non-t cell-derived il-4 plays an important role in ige production induced by antigen resensitization and is resistant to fk506.the present study investigates the role of non-t cell-derived il-4 in ige production. it is well known that il-4 is generally produced by t cells and induces ige production. we have demonstrated that non-t cells also produce il-4 in vivo by injection with ag following passive sensitization of mice with ige. in contrast to its known potent immunosuppressive effects on t cells, fk506 only partially inhibited il-4 produced by non-t cells; therefore, fk506 was found to be a useful tool for identifyi ...19968752921
identification and sequence comparison of a cuticular collagen of brugia pahangi.the cuticle of filarial nematodes is a specialized extracellular matrix that covers the parasite and protects it from adverse conditions of the environment. as a surface structure it is in direct contact with the host defence mechanisms and therefore plays an important role in the molecular host-parasite relationship. using polyclonal antisera raised against the insoluble components of the cuticle of the adult filarial parasite brugia pahangi, we have isolated cdna clones encoding collagen molec ...19968760314
behavioral and cellular effects of serotonin on locomotion and male mating posture in ascaris suum (nematoda).the site and mode of action of serotonin on locomotion were investigated in the parasitic nematode ascaris suum. injection of serotonin into ascaris immediately caused paralysis in animals that were generating locomotory waveforms. injected serotonin also increased body length and decreased the number of propagating body waves. similar injections into the male tail produced a ventral tail curl. injection of n-acetyl-serotonin had no effect on the generation of locomotory waveforms, but increased ...19968618217
[the effect of copper on immune responses in guinea pigs with experimental ascariasis].a subchronic effect of copper on selected immunological parameters was studied in guinea pigs with experimental ascariosis (ascaris suum). cuso4 given orally for 28 days moderately increased t and b cells in the animal lymphoid organs. ch50 and ah50 complement levels remained unchanged during cuso4 administration. a subsequent infection of subchronically intoxicated guinea pigs caused a repeated insignificant stimulation of b cell values while the percentage of t cells was not increased. on the ...19968619277
plasma thrombospondin levels in sheep with allergic search of a better universal marker of tissue inflammation in allergic reactions, we studied platelet activation and its relation to allergic asthma in sheep.19968769519
identification of a novel dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase-binding protein in the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex of the anaerobic parasitic nematode, ascaris suum.a novel dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase-binding protein (e3bp) which lacks an amino-terminal lipoyl domain, p45, has been identified in the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (pdc) of the adult parasitic nematode, ascaris suum. sequence at the amino terminus of p45 exhibited significant similarity with internal e3-binding domains of dihydrolipoyl transacetylase (e2) and e3bp. dissociation and resolution of a pyruvate dehydrogenase-depleted adult a. suum pdc in guanidine hydrochloride resulted in two e3- ...19968621401
protective effect of heparin on immunologically induced tracheal smooth muscle contraction in vitro.our previous studies have shown that heparin, a competitive inhibitor of inositol triphosphate receptors, inhibits airway anaphylaxis in vivo. in the present study, we tested the hypothesis that heparin blocks immunologically induced tracheal smooth muscle (tsm) contraction in vitro. tsm was obtained from sheep allergic to ascaris suum antigen, and was suspended in an organ bath containing oxygenated (95% o2, 5% co2) krebs-henseleit buffer at 39 degrees c. after an equilibration period, the tiss ...19968645983
isolation and characterization of porcine cationic eosinophil granule proteins.the allergic pig can be used as a large-animal model for studies of allergic reactions in the airways and the role of eosinophils in such reactions. to measure the activation of eosinophils, the release of eosinophil-derived cationic proteins can be used. the purpose of this study was to isolate and characterize cationic proteins derived from porcine eosinophils. pigs were infested with live ascaris suum eggs to induce eosinophilia (greater than or = 40% of leukocytes). blood was collected and l ...19968645990
enhanced immunity to hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum ticks in cross-bred (bos indicus x bos taurus) calves using ascaris extract immunomodulator with the tick salivary gland extract antigens.development of acquired immunity in cross-bred (bos indicus x bos taurus) calves against hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum, a tick vector of bovine tropical theileriosis was studied using ascaris extract (ae), an immunomodulator of ige responses, along with the tick salivary gland extract (sge) antigens in freund's incomplete adjuvant (fia) emulsion. calves immunised with sge + fia showed significant rejection (47.4 +/- 2.8%) of larvae, whereas only marginal rejection (12.47 +/- 1.5%) of nymphs was ...19968792570
nadph diaphorase activity in peptidergic neurones of the parasitic nematode, ascaris suum.the histochemical marker for nitric oxide synthase, nadph diaphorase, is known to co-localize in mammalian neurones with various classical neurotransmitters and neuropeptides. the nervous system of the parasitic nematode ascaris suum has previously been shown to contain both nadph diaphorase activity and neuropeptide immunoreactivity. this study examined the possibility that nadph diaphorase and neuropeptide immunoreactivity may co-exist in the same neurones. two antisera were used, one raised t ...19968587795
preparation of biologically active ascaris suum mitochondrial trnamet with a tv-replacement loop by ligation of chemically synthesized rna fragments.ascaris suum mitochondrial trna met lacking the entire t stem was prepared by enzymatic ligation of two chemically synthesized rna fragments. the synthetic trna could be charged with methionine by a.suum mitochondrial extract, although the charging activity was considerably low compared with that of the native trna, probably due to lack of modification. enzymatic probing of the synthetic trna showed a very similar digestion pattern to that of the native trna met, which has already been concluded ...19968604307
isotope partitioning with ascaris suum phosphofructokinase is consistent with an ordered kinetic mechanism.isotope partitioning and initial velocity studies have been used to study the kinetic mechanism of ascaris suum phosphofructokinase (pfk) at ph 8.0 for the native enzyme (npfk), and at ph 6.8 for a form of enzyme desensitized (dpfk) to hysteresis in the reaction time course, to atp allosteric inhibition, and to f6p homotropic cooperativity. complete trapping (p*max approximately equal to 100%) of the e:mgatp* complex as fructose (1-32p)-1, 6-bisophosphate for both enzyme forms is consistent with ...19968611535
comparison of two methods for recovering migrating ascaris suum larvae from the liver and lungs of pigs.nine groups of 5 pigs were inoculated with ascaris suum eggs on day 0. groups 1, 2, and 3 were inoculated with 100 eggs, groups 4, 5, and 6 with 1,000 eggs, and groups 7, 8, and 9 with 10,000 eggs. on day 3, groups 1, 4, and 7 were slaughtered, on day 7 groups 2, 5, and 8, and on day 10 groups 3, 6, and 9. the liver (days 3 and 7) and lungs (days 3, 7, and 10) were removed and 2, 25% samples of both organs were collected. larvae were recovered from 1 sample by the baermann method and from the ot ...19968691369
an outbreak of visceral larva migrans due to ascaris suum in kyushu, japan. 19968656926
a newly formed telomere in ascaris suum does not exert a telomere position effect on a nearby gene.during the process of chromatin diminution in ascaris suum (formerly named ascaris lumbricoides var. suum), developmentally regulated chromosomal fragmentation and new telomere addition occur within specific chromosomal breakage regions (cbrs). the dna sequences flanking one of these cbrs (cbr-1) were analyzed, and two protein-encoding genes were found on either side. the noneliminated gene, agp-1, whose aug start codon is located within approximately 2 kb of the boundary of cbr-1, encodes a put ...19968524289
electrophysiology of ascaris muscle and anti-nematodal drug action.three groups of anthelmintic drugs act directly and selectively on muscle membrane receptors of parasitic nematodes. these groups of anthelmintics are: (1) the nicotinic agonists (levamisole, pyrantel, morantel and oxantel) that act on acetylcholine receptors of nematode somatic muscle; (2) the gaba agonist, piperazine, that acts on nematode muscle gaba receptors; and (3) the avermectins that open glutamate gated cl- channels on nematode pharyngeal muscle. the electrophysiology and pharmacology ...19969051932
immunisation regimes used to elevate serum ige in sheep.six different immunisation regimes were used in an attempt to elevate the concentration of ovine ige. the response was measured by a passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (pca) test. these regimes included infection with ascaris suum and the combination of infection and parenteral administration of ascaris antigens and ovalbumin in adjuvants. the regime producing the highest titre of ige was the combination of ascaris infection with parenteral administration of ascaris extract in bordetella pertussis. t ...19969014313
[development of an igy-based assay for the detection of ascaris-suum-antigens]the presented paper describes the development of a coproantigen-test for the detection of ascariosis in pigs using vitelline chicken antibodies. the method used for these investigations was an indirect two-sided-enzyme-immuno-assay (eia), which was set up as follows: affinity-purified rabbit antibody was bound to the microtiter-plate as the catching antibody. after the faeces extract to be tested followed the primary antibody, which was a roughly purified avian antibody (igy). this again could b ...199611178475
microevolutionary patterns and molecular markers: the genetics of geographic variation in ascaris suum.molecular markers have been used only rarely to characterize the population genetic structure of nematodes. published studies have suggested that different taxa may show distinct genetic architectures. isoenzyme and rapd markers have been used to investigate geographic variation of ascaris suum at the level of infrapopulations (nematodes within individual hosts), within localities, and among geographic regions. independent estimates of genetic differentiation among population samples based on is ...199619277145
maintenance of dispersed reproductive cells from male and female ascaris vitro cultivation of tissues and cells provides an experimental methodology to define and manipulate physiological mechanisms that are not possible with in vivo techniques. tissues from the germinative-growth zones of adult ascaris suum gonads were excised and minced, and then enzymatically dispersed and transferred to an artificial, perienteric fluid-fetal calf-serum-medium complex. cells were maintained in a viable state for 8 days, with medium replacement every 48 hours. during this period ...199719274146
the effects of the peptide kpnfirfamide (pf4) on the somatic muscle cells of the parasitic nematode ascaris suum.1. commonly used anthelmintic agents act on the muscle cells of parasitic nematodes to cause paralysis of the parasite and its expulsion from the host. 2. the motonervous system of nematodes contains neuropeptides, many of which are myoactive and elicit prolonged worm paralysis. here we describe the actions of a novel peptide, kpnfirfamide (lys-pro-asn-phe-ileu-arg-phe-amide; pf4), which mediates relaxation of the somatic muscle of the parasitic nematode ascaris suum. its mechanism of action is ...19979031739
the time course of the specific antibody response by various elisas in pigs experimentally infected with toxoplasma gondii.with the aim of developing routine serological tests for monitoring the toxoplasma infection status of danish swine herds, four elisas based on tachyzoite antigen were set up: (1) an indirect elisa for igg-antibody; (2) a blocking elisa for antibody to the membrane antigen, p30; (3) an indirect elisa for igm; (4) a reverse, antibody-catching igm-elisa. groups of pigs (number between 6 and 10) were inoculated with tachyzoites of the rh-strain, tissue cysts of two complete strains, or oocysts in t ...19979231984
afp-1: a gene encoding multiple transcripts of a new class of fmrfamide-like neuropeptides in the nematode ascaris suum.we have identified a gene, afp-1, that encodes a new subfamily of six fmrfamide-like neuropeptides in the nematode ascaris suum. the predicted peptides share the c-terminal sequence pgvlrf-nh2 but have different n-terminal extensions. we discuss possible functional roles of these different peptides based upon experiments with ascaris as well as results from other organisms. three of the peptides were previously isolated from extracts of a. suum (4) and three other are novel sequences. the transl ...19979357048
altered phosphorylation/inactivation of a novel pyruvate dehydrogenase in adult ascaris suum muscle. 19979497054
cloning and characterization of a putative testis-specific pyruvate dehydrogenase beta subunit from the parasitic nematode, ascaris suum. 19979497067
in vitro anthelmintic activity of root-tuber extract of flemingia vestita, an indigenous plant in shillong, india.the in vitro activity of root-tuber-peel extract of flemingia vestita, an indigenous plant consumed by the natives in northeast india, was tested against helminth parasites. live parasites (nematode: ascaris suum from pigs, a. lumbricoides from humans, ascaridia galli and heterakis gallinarum from domestic fowl; cestode: raillietina echinobothrida from domestic fowl; trematode: paramphistomum sp. from cattle) were collected in 0.9 % physiological buffered saline (pbs) and maintained at 37 +/- 1 ...19979197399
a trichuris specific diagnostic antigen from culture fluids of trichuris suis adult worms.trichuris suis is a nematode parasite of swine which can cause serious pathology in infected pigs, such as anorexia, diarrhea, anemia, and death in heavy infections, especially in young animals. infection with trichuris suis is difficult to diagnose because much of the pathology occurs when only larval stages are present, and because of sporadic egg production by adult female worms. we have isolated a 20 kda excretory/secretory (e/s) glycoprotein from culture fluids of adult worms by column chro ...19979066055
isolation and partial characterization of a fatty-acid-binding protein from ascaris suum reproductive tissue.a 12-kda fatty-acid-binding protein was purified to homogeneity from ascaris suum reproductive tissue as confirmed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. n-terminal amino-acid-sequence analysis of the protein revealed its identity with the aba-1 allergen protein isolated from a. suum pseudocoelomic fluid. fatty-acid binding by the protein from a. suum reproductive tissue was investigated using the lipidex 1000 assay, which revealed the presence of a single class of fatty-a ...19979197404
onchocerca volvulus: immunohistochemical and immunoelectron microscopical distribution of a polyamine oxidizing enzyme.we studied the distribution of a polyamine oxidizing enzyme (pao) in onchocerca volvulus and other nematode parasites by immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy with immunogold technique using a polyclonal antiserum raised against purified pao from ascaris suum. in adult o. volvulus the protein was localized in the outer zone and the area of the basal labyrinth of the hypodermis and occasionally in the outer zone of the uterine epithelium. further, the fluid in the body cavity was strongly ...19979217703
evidence for increased hydroxylation of pyrrolidone amino acid residues in the cuticle of mature onchocerca determine whether morphologic changes are accompanied by variations in the biochemical and antigenic properties of the cuticle of onchocerca volvulus during development, we isolated and compared the 2-mercaptoethanol soluble cuticular proteins and the insoluble cuticlin from the predominant life-cycle stages occurring in man. sds-page analysis, before and after digestion with collagenase from achromobacter iophagus, revealed that the polypeptide composition of the 2-mercaptoethanol-solubilise ...19979197461
effect of tyb-2285 on antigen-induced accumulation of eosinophils into the peritoneal cavity of rats sensitized with ascaris suum extract.1. the present study was carried out to investigate the effect of 3,5-bis-(acetoxyacetylamino)-4-chloro-benzonitrile (tyb-2285) on the accumulation of eosinophils in the peritoneal cavity of wistar rats sensitized with ascaris suum extract (asc). 2. rats were sensitized by ip injection of asc on day 0 and were challenged by ip injection of asc on day 7. antigen challenge caused a specific, delayed infiltration of eosinophils into the peritoneal cavity that was inhibited by po administration of t ...19979068982
apeaspfirfamide, a novel fmrfamide-related decapeptide from caenorhabditis elegans: structure and date, 9 fmrfamide-related peptides (farps) have been identified in caenorhabditis elegans. eight of these peptides are encoded on the flp-1 gene. however, af2 (kheylrfamide) which was not co-encoded was the most abundant farp identified in ethanolic extracts. further radioimmunometrical screening of acidified ethanol extracts of c. elegans has revealed the presence of other novel farps, which are not encoded on the flp-1 gene. one of these peptides has been isolated by sequential rphplc and s ...19979070852
secretion of a novel, developmentally regulated fatty acid-binding protein into the perivitelline fluid of the parasitic nematode, ascaris suum.early development of the parasitic nematode, ascaris suum, occurs inside a highly resistant eggshell, and the developing larva is bathed in perivitelline fluid. two-dimensional gel analysis of perivitelline fluid from infective larvae reveals seven major proteins; a cdna encoding one of these, as-p18, has been cloned, sequenced, and protein expressed in escherichia coli. the predicted amino acid sequence of as-p18 exhibits similarities to the intracellular lipid-binding protein (ilbp) family inc ...19979092532
the basis of ige responses to specific antigenic determinants in helminthiasis. 19979103663
ascaris suum: a revision of its early migratory path and implications for human ascariasis.during the course of carrying out studies on the role of intestinal immunity in blocking the migration of larval ascaris suum in the pig, it was discovered that the prevailing understanding of larval penetration sites was at variance with our observations. therefore, a detailed investigation of the migration of a. suum 1.2 larvae through the intestine was initiated. the results demonstrate that the 1.2 larvae invade almost exclusively the wall of the pig cecum and colon and not the small intesti ...19979105307
acetyl-coa hydrolase activity and function in ascaris suum muscle mitochondria.acyl-coa compounds are stable in adult ascaris suum mitochondrial preparations. however, when incubated in the presence of 5,5'-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (dtnb), acetyl-coa or propionyl-coa are hydrolyzed to form free coenzyme a. this acetyl-coa hydrolase activity has been partially purified and found to be specific for the above coa derivatives. gel filtration indicates an apparent molecular weight of 232,000. the hydrolase activity has been purified free from acyl-coa transferase activit ...19979114498
bone marrow progenitors in allergic airways diseases: studies in canine and human a canine model of ascaris suum-inducible bronchial hyperresponsiveness, we previously demonstrated that bone marrow-derived myeloid progenitors rise within 24 h of allergen inhalation; this effect is abolished by pretreatment with inhaled budesonide. we now report that this allergen-induced bone marrow response is observable in human asthmatics, and involves increases in both neutrophil-macrophage and eosinophil-basophil progenitors, within 6 h of allergen inhalation, as measured either by he ...19979130516
isolation and structural analysis of three neutral glycosphingolipids from a mixed population of caenorhabditis elegans (nematoda:rhabditida).the free-living nematode, caenorhabditis elegans, has been proposed and analyzed as a prototypic model for parasitic nematodes. in order to study whether there is a structural basis for the proposed analogy with respect to nematode glycoconjugates, we have analyzed caenorhabditis elegans glycosphingolipids. three, simple neutral glycosphingolipid components of the neutral glycolipid fraction were isolated by high-performance liquid chromatography. structural analysis was performed by methylation ...19979134433
role of circulating blood components and thromboxane in anaphylactic vasoconstriction in isolated canine lungs.we determined the roles of circulating blood components and chemical mediators in anaphylactic vasoconstriction and microvascular permeability during ascaris suum antigen-induced anaphylaxis in isolated canine lungs. either the right or left lower lobe served as the control lung, which was perfused with autologous blood, and the contralateral lobe from the same dog was examined for the effect of albumin krebs-henseleit solution (krebs) or of blockers of various vasoconstrictors with blood perfus ...19979375313
secretion of an aminopeptidase during transition of third- to fourth-stage larvae of ascaris suum.protease activity was identified in culture fluids collected during in vitro development of l3 to l4 larval stages of ascaris suum. fluorogenic peptide substrates with unblocked n-termini were specifically hydrolyzed indicating aminopeptidase activity; a terminal arginyl residue was preferred. culture fluids did not hydrolyze fluorogenic peptide substrates with blocked n-termini (endopeptidase substrates). the aminopeptidase activity was inhibited by 1,10-phenanthroline (metalloprotease inhibito ...19979379278
tachykinins contribute to the acute airways response to allergen in sheep actively sensitized to ascaris suum.tachykinins, found in sensory nerves, have effects in the airways which suggest that they may contribute to the pathogenesis of asthma. we aimed to find evidence for tachykinin involvement in the immediate airway response to allergen in a sheep model of experimental asthma. twenty-four sheep were actively sensitized to ascaris suum, then challenged with nebulized ascaris extract in a dose-response fashion. change in lung resistance (rl) in response to challenge was measured. responder sheep (tho ...19979400681
use of an agar-gel technique for large scale application to recover ascaris suum larvae from intestinal contents of pigs.four groups each of 3 pigs were inoculated with ascaris suum eggs. pigs in groups 1 and 3 were inoculated with 1000 eggs, and pigs in groups 2 and 4 with 10,000 eggs. on day 10 and 21 post-inoculation (p.i.), respectively, groups 1 + 2 and 3 + 4 were slaughtered, and the contents from the small intestines collected. the contents were mixed with agar to a final concentration of 1% agar and allowed to sediment. the larvae were allowed to migrate from the agar-gel into 38 degrees c 0.9% saline over ...19979444774
effects of environmental pollutants on the porcine and bovine immune systems.immunological examinations were done in 30 fattening pigs from three swine farms (d., m., t.) and 20 dairy cows from one cattle farm (n.) in the district of hodonín in 1994. at the same time, samples of stable dust deposits collected in the four farms were analysed for the contents of mercury, cadmium, lead, gamma-hch (lindane), and total ddt and polychlorinated biphenyls (pcb). decreased blood level of lysozyme (0.92 mg/l) was found in the swine herd d. ten percent of the pigs in the herd were ...19979446971
survival of model helminth eggs and larvae (ascaris suum, oesophagostomum sp.) in the ensilaging process.ascaris suum nonembryonated eggs remained viable for the most part even after 42 days of ensilaging. at the end of the anaerobic fermentation, mean of damaged eggs was 15.2 +/- 4.02 (min. 11, max. 21), 32.9%. conversely, the viability of oesophagostomum sp. nonembryonated eggs and infective l3 larvae was reduced-eggs: mean number 23.6 +/- 3.64 (min. 20. max. 28) specimens (93.3%), l3 larvae: mean number 24.2 +/- 4.38 (min. 19, max. 28) specimens (96.7%), during the period of study (42 days). con ...19979269126
helminthosis in local and cross-bred pigs in the morogoro region of tanzania.we investigated the prevalence, burden and types of gastro-intestinal helminths in 424 local and cross-bred pigs kept under different management systems in two climatic zones in the morogoro region of tanzania. coprological examination revealed that 53% of the pigs excreted helminth eggs in their faeces. the median eggs per gram of faeces (epg) was 500 (range 100-22,000). local breeds in the mgeta location with tropical highland climate showed significantly higher prevalence (p < 0.001) and medi ...19979361319
use of polymerase chain reaction in the diagnosis of toxocariasis: an experimental this paper we report the usefulness of polymerase chain reaction technique in the diagnosis of visceral larva migrans in a mouse model. liver samples obtained from two set of experimentally infected mice (10, 100, 1,000 and 10,000 embryonated toxocara canis eggs per mouse) along with the eggs of t. canis, t. cati and ascaris suum were included in this study. polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was performed using toxocara primers (sb12). the first pcr product electrophoresis revealed very thin po ...19979561605
sex-manipulated ascaris suum infections in pigs: implications for spite of the vast distribution and considerable impact on human and animal health of ascaris suum and a. lumbricoides, little is known of the sexual biology and reproductive capacity of these intestinal nematodes. by oral transfer of adult female worms to previously parasite-naive pigs we show that in the absence of males the egg production ceases after 2-3 weeks. such females readily resume egg production a few days after oral transfer of male worms. these observations throw light on an impo ...19979364571
experimental ascaris suum infection in the pig: worm population kinetics following single inoculations with three doses of infective study population kinetics during primary ascaris suum infections, 3 groups of 52 pigs each were inoculated with 100, 1000, or 10,000 infective eggs. in all groups, the majority of larvae was found in the liver on day 3 post inoculation (p.i.) and in the lungs on day 7 p.i. liver white spots, caused by migrating larvae, were most numerous at day 7 p.i., whereafter they gradually healed, and only low numbers of granulation-tissue type white spots and lymphonodular white spots persisted at days ...19979364572
actions of the anthelmintic ivermectin on the pharyngeal muscle of the parasitic nematode, ascaris suum.the anthelmintic invermectin has a number of effects on nematodes which result in changes in behaviour, particularly locomotion, including paralysis and an inhibition of feeding. this paper describes the application of an in vitro pharmacological approach to further delineate the action of ivermectin on feeding behaviour. contraction of ascaris suum pharyngeal muscle was monitored using a modified pressure transducer system which detects changes in intrapharyngeal pressure and therefore contract ...19979368907
serological assays for the identification of oesophagostomum dentatum infections in pigs.oesophagostomum dentatum antigen preparations of third (l3) or fourth (l4) stage larvae were characterised by western blotting. panels of sera obtained from pigs infected with o dentatum and ascaris suum, respectively, reacted with the same bands of l3 antigen. in contrast high specificity against a characteristic band, was observed when l4 extract was employed as antigen. to establish an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa), a panel of homologous and heterologous sera was tested against o ...19979368949
seroepidemiology of abdominal angiostrongyliasis: the standardization of an immunoenzymatic assay and prevalence of antibodies in two localities in southern brazil.abdominal angiostrongyliasis is a nematode disease produced by angiostrongylus costaricensis, a metastrongylid parasite of wild rodents. accidental human infection occurs through ingestion of food or water contaminated with third-stage larvae present in the mucous secretion of terrestrial molluscs. an elisa test was standardized for detection of igg antibodies recognizing a surface antigen prepared from female worms. competitive absorption of sera with ascaris suum crude antigen resulted in a te ...19979491104
an outbreak of ascariasis with marked eosinophilia in the southern part of kyushu district, japan, caused by infection with swine ascaris.ascariasis has been a representative soil-transmitted intestinal parasitic disease in warm climates. in japan, this disease was a major and serious public health problem only a few decades ago. however, the incidence of the disease nowadays is reportedly less than 0.01%. recently in 1994 through 1995, we experienced a total of 14 cases who were suspected as having ascariasis. they were characterized by peripheral blood eosinophilia (30-70%), high serum titers against ascaris antigen, and most no ...19979656376
cross-reactions between toxocara canis and ascaris suum in the diagnosis of visceral larva migrans by western blotting technique.visceral larva migrans (vlm) is a clinical syndrome caused by infection of man by toxocara spp, the common roundworm of dogs and cats. tissue migration of larval stages causes illness specially in children. because larvae are difficult to detect in tissues, diagnosis is mostly based on serology. after the introduction of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) using the larval excretory-secretory antigen of t. canis (tes), the diagnosis specificity was greatly improved although cross-react ...19979661302
myogenic and neurogenic mechanisms and arachidonate metabolites in bronchial muscle response to allergen.we investigated allergen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness (ah) in bronchial tissues obtained from dogs that inhaled ascaris suum leading to ah (resp) in vivo or that exhibited no change (non-resp) as well as from dogs that inhaled saline (sham). resp tissues were not hyperresponsive to kcl or to carbachol, whereas contractions to electrical field stimulation (efs) were reduced. this reduction was reversed partially by indomethacin and completely by replacement of the bathing fluid. radioimmuno ...19979435565
effects of concurrently administered copper and mercury on phagocytic cell activity and antibody levels in guinea pigs with experimental ascariasis.the subchronic effect of copper and mercury on selected immunological parameters in guinea pigs with experimental ascariasis was studied. cupric sulphate and mercuric chloride administered for 28 days did not suppress the levels of specific circulating antibody in a subsequent ascaris suum infection. intoxication of animals significantly inhibited the phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages throughout the experiment. ascaris suum infection elevated macrophage phagocytic activity but values ...19979443953
helminth surveillance as a prerequisite for anthelmintic treatment in intensive sow herds.helminth prevalences in pigs in intensive production systems are often very low due to housing and management factors, and the present study was carried out to examine whether routine anthelmintic treatment in such herds can be replaced by coprological surveillance of the helminth status combined with anthelmintic treatment when necessary. after an initial examination, 25 out of 28 large herds of danish sows (> or = 50 sows, production of fatteners) were found to have such light helminth infecti ...19979477500
the effects of the peptides af3 (avpgvlrfamide) and af4 (gdvpgvlrfamide) on the somatic muscle of the parasitic nematodes ascaris suum and ascaridia galli.af3 (avpgvlrfamide) and af4 (gdvpgvlrfamide) are endogenous rfamide-like peptides isolated from the parasitic nematode ascaris suum. here the actions of these peptides on the somatic musculature of ascaris have been investigated and compared to the action of acetylcholine (ach), the excitatory transmitter at the neuromuscular junction. ach, af3 and af4 contracted muscle with ec50s of 13 +/- 1 microm, 24 +/- 6 nm and 37 +/- 2 nm, respectively (n = 6). the muscle cells were depolarized by ach (3 m ...199710190177
ascaris suum prevalence and intensity: an abattoir survey of market hogs in saskatchewan.two surveys examining the prevalence and intensity of ascaris suum were conducted at a saskatchewan abattoir. in the first, 2500 livers from market weight animals were examined and scored for lesions consistent with ascarid migration. forty-four percent displayed some degree of scarring with approximately 8% being severely damaged. in the second, both livers and intestinal contents from 500 market weight animals were examined. seventeen percent were infected with intestinal a. suum (mean of 2.5 ...19979477517
efficacy of doramectin against intestinal nematodes and sarcoptic manage mites in naturally infected swine.endectocidal efficacy of doramectin administered intramuscularly at a dosage of 300 micrograms/kg was evaluated in 464 pigs naturally infected with intestinal nematodes or mange mites on 14 commercial farms in japan. by doramectin treatment, fecal egg counts were reduced > 99% for ascaris suum, strongyloides ransomi, oesophagostomum dentatum, and trichuris suis; worm counts of t. suis and mite counts of sarcoptes scabiei reduced 90.1% on day 21 and 99.5% on day 28 following treatment, respective ...19979070986
the role of trehalose in the physiology of nematodes.the sugar trehalose, an alpha-1-linked non-reducing disaccharide of glucose, is important in the physiology of many micro-organisms as well as in some groups of metazoan organisms, including insects and nematodes. trehalose is a stress protectant in biological systems as it interacts with and directly protects lipid membranes and proteins from the damage caused by environmental stresses such as desiccation and freezing. trehalose is present in many nematode species where its concentration often ...19979088992
primary sequence of mitochondrial trna(arg) of a nematode ascaris suum: occurrence of unmodified adenosine at the first position of the anticodon.mitochondrial trna(arg) from a nematode, ascaris suum, was purified and sequenced at the rna level. an unmodified adenosine was found to exist at the anticodon first position, suggesting that, contrary to the conventional wobble rule, the anticodon acg of the trna can translate all the cgn codons.19979048878
evolution of the at-rich mitochondrial dna of the root knot nematode, meloidogyne hapla.mitochondrial dna of the root knot nematode meloidogyne hapla was investigated for intraspecific diversity and divergence from other parthenogenetic root knot nematodes. a 1,900-bp fragment containing coii, trnahis, 16s rrna, nd3 and cyt b genes has been cloned and sequenced from one individual and an 1,188-bp region within this region was sequenced from four other australian isolates. m. hapla mtdna is more than 80% at-rich, like other meloidogyne spp. nucleotide diversity within m. hapla is so ...19979000752
the effect of fasting on ascaris suum and oesophagostomum spp. in growing pigs.experiments were conducted to study the possible influence of fasting on ascaris suum and oesophagostomum spp. in growing pigs. forty young crossbred pigs naturally infected with a. suum and oesophagostomum spp. were used. in one experiment 10 pigs were fasted and offered water ad libitum for 6 days, in another experiment for 10 days. subsequently, these pigs, together with 10 non-fasted control pigs per experiment were slaughtered, and worm numbers, worm location, sex, developmental stage and f ...19979184936
improved method for the recovery of ascarus suum larvae from pig intestinal the course of a comprehensive study on the population biology of ascaris suum, it became necessary to determine quantitatively the migration of the larvae (l2) through the pig intestine. because no satisfactory methods for recovering these larvae from the intestinal mucosa were apparently available in the literature, we undertook the development of such a procedure. direct baermannization of the intestine proved inadequate, so a series of studies was undertaken to find a method to solubilize ...19979105321
effect of tyb-2285 on passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in rats.1. tyb-2285 (1-30 mg/kg p.o.) inhibited ovalbumin (oa)- and dinitrophenyl-ascaris (dnpas)-induced passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (pca) in a dose-dependent manner. 2. the ed50 of tyb-2285 and ketotifen fumarate on oa-induced pca were 0.5 and 3.9 mg/kg, respectively. the ed50 of typ-2285 and amlexanox on dnp-as-induced pca were 3.5 and 0.9 mg/ kg, respectively. 3. tyb-2285 (3-30 mg/kg p.o.) inhibited histamine consumption at the pca site. 4. unlike cyproheptadine or amlexanox, tyb-2285 (30 mg/kg p. ...19979013210
case report: eosinophilic colitis with high antibody titre against ascaris suum.eosinophilic gastroenteritis (ege) is an inflammatory disease characterized by eosinophilic infiltration of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by varying abdominal symptoms and usually by peripheral blood eosinophilia. although the precise aetiology of ege remains to be determined, contribution of allergic process to certain allergens, such as foods, drugs and parasites, has been repeatedly proposed as the pathogenesis of the disease. here we report on a rare case of a woman who had extensiv ...19979142635
structural analysis of neutral glycosphingolipids from ascaris suum adults (nematoda:ascaridida).the neutral glycosphingolipid fraction from adults of the pig parasitic nematode, ascaris suum, was resolved into four components on thin-layer chromatography. the high-performance liquid chromatography-isolated components were structurally analysed by: methylation analysis; exoglycosidase cleavage; gas-liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry; liquid secondary-ion mass spectrometry; and, in particular, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. their chemical s ...19979147062
a bradykinin antagonist inhibits both bradykinin- and the allergen-induced airway response in primates.bradykinin is a mediator of bronchoconstriction and may play a role in the development of the asthmatic response after antigen challenge. our objective was to study the effectiveness of npc 17731 as a specific bradykinin beta 2-receptor antagonist and as an antagonist of the allergen-induced early phase of asthma. a primate model was used for all studies. intracutaneous end-point titrations were performed with bradykinin. a shift of the bradykinin end-point titer was seen when npc 17731 was inje ...19979154643
elastase contributes to antigen-induced mucociliary dysfunction in ovine airways.antigen-induced bronchoconstriction is associated with impairment of mucociliary clearance with a time course that is consistent with the initial influx of neutrophils into the airway. in this study we tested the hypothesis that elastase released from activated neutrophils contributes to the acute (0 to 6-hr) antigen-induced mucociliary dysfunction. tracheal mucous velocity ctmv), an index of mucociliary function, was measured with a roentgenographic technique before and serially after airway ch ...19979154852
expression of ascaris suum malic enzyme in a mutant escherichia coli allows production of succinic acid from glucose.the malic enzyme gene of ascaris suum, was cloned into the vector ptrc99a in two forms encoding alternative amino-termini. the resulting plasmids, pmea1 and pmea2, were introduced into escherichia coli nzn111, a strain that is unable to grow fermentatively because of inactivation of the genes encoding pyruvate dissimilation. induction of pmea1, which encodes the native animoterminus, gave better overexpression of malic enzyme, approx 12-fold compared to uninduced cells. under the appropriate cul ...19979170244
the impact of diets varying in carbohydrates resistant to endogenous enzymes and lignin on populations of ascaris suum and oesophagostomum dentatum in pigs.the impact of diets varying in type and level of carbohydrates resistant to endogenous enzymes and lignin on the establishment and location of ascaris suum and oesophagostomum dentatum was investigated experimentally. fifty worm-free pigs, from a specific pathogen-free farm were used. the animals were assigned randomly to 5 diets and infected with 600 infective a. suum eggs and 6000 infective larvae of o. dentatum per pig. the diets consisted of a traditional ground barley plus protein feed (die ...19979172427
expression, purification, and characterization of the recombinant nad-malic enzyme from ascaris suum.the cdna encoding the 65-kda subunit of malic enzyme from ascaris suum was cloned into the bacterial expression vector pkk223-3 and overproduced in escherichia coli. a protein with a subunit molecular mass of 65,000 was expressed at a level of up to 3% of the total soluble protein in jm109, as judged by sds-page. the enzyme was purified using column chromatography on phenyl-sepharose followed by orange-a agarose. the purification procedure resulted in a 32-fold purification with an overall yield ...19979179290
purification and properties of a membrane aminopeptidase from ascaris suum muscle that degrades neuropeptides af1 and af2.we have identified on the membranes of the locomotory muscle of ascaris suum an amastatin-sensitive aminopeptidase that hydrolyses the bioactive neuropeptides af1 (knefirf-nh2) and af2 (kheylrf-nh2), by cleavage of the lys1-asn2 and lys1-his2 peptide bonds, respectively. af2 (1.2 nmol of heylrf-nh2 formed min[-1] (mg protein[-1])) was hydrolysed at a faster rate compared to af1 (0.2 nmol of nefirf-nh2 formed min[-1] (mg protein[-1])). af1 hydrolysis by the aminopeptidase was inhibited by the ama ...19979364967
structural and functional analysis of a glutathione s-transferase from ascaris suum.a recombinant glutathione s-transferase (gst) (ec from the parasitic nematode ascaris suum (asgst1) displays specific activity with a variety of model substrates and secondary products of lipid peroxidation. the asgst1 interacts with a range of model inhibitors, haematin-related compounds, bile acids and anthelminthics. the reported variations in biochemical activity correlate with structural differences observed by homology modelling. here, differences in the topography of the propose ...19979182731
muscarinic hyperresponsiveness of antigen-sensitized feline airway smooth muscle in determine the effect of in vivo antigen sensitization (ascaris suum) of cats on tracheal smooth muscle (tsm) and bronchial smooth muscle (bsm) muscarinic reactivity in vitro.19979185978
quantitative analysis of caenorhabditis elegans sperm motility and how it is affected by mutants spe11 and unc54.the sperm of caenorhabditis elegans translocate in a fashion similar to sperm of ascaris suum even though their pseudopods are longer, more plastic in shape, and form multiple expansions zones around their perimeter. mutants in spe-11 form primary spermatocytes with a defective perinuclear region, but the resulting spermatozoa can still crawl and fertilize eggs. however, the resultant zygotes die due to the absence of sperm-supplied spe-11. computer-assisted analysis of translocating spe-11 sper ...19979186007
transmission dynamics of helminth parasites of pigs on continuous pasture: ascaris suum and trichuris denmark, alternative outdoor production systems for pigs are becoming more frequent, and information on the transmission of ascaris suum and trichuris suis under continuously grazed pasture conditions is needed. a group of pigs was turned out on a pasture in may 1993 (year 1 of the study), inoculated with 200 eggs of a. suum and 1000 eggs of t. suis, and followed parasitologically. a non-experimentally infected group of pigs was similarly turned out on the same pasture the following year (yea ...19979193950
determination of airway and tissue resistances after antigen and methacholine in nonhuman primates.antigen challenge of ascaris suum-sensitive animals has been used as a model of asthma in humans. however, no reports have separated total respiratory resistance into airway (raw) and tissue (rti) components. we compared input impedance (zin) and transfer impedance (ztr) to determine raw and rti in anesthetized cynomolgus monkeys under control and bronchoconstricted conditions. zin data between 1 and 64 hz are frequency dependent during baseline conditions, and this frequency dependence shifts i ...19979375340
endectocidal efficacies of doramectin in naturally parasitized pigs.the studies reported here were conducted to investigate the effectiveness of doramectin, given intramuscularly at the rate of 300 micrograms kg-1 of bodyweight, in the treatment of naturally acquired porcine nematodosis and acariasis. twenty pigs demonstrated to be naturally infected with pulmonary and gastrointestinal nematodes were used in one control study, and 22 pigs demonstrated to be naturally parasitized with sarcoptes scabiei var. suis were used in a second study. in both studies, anima ...19979195716
evaluation of an elisa for the routine diagnosis of dictyocaulus viviparus infections in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) that detects antibodies against dictyocaulus viviparus in experimentally and naturally infected cattle was evaluated for its sensitivity, specificity, the moment of seroconversion and persistence of the anti-d. viviparus response and precision. the first three parameters were compared with those of an indirect haemagglutination assay (iha). specificity and sensitivity of both assays were assessed in sera collected from calves experimentally infected w ...19979195719
inhibition of antigen-induced acute bronchoconstriction, airway hyperresponsiveness, and mast cell degranulation by a nonanticoagulant heparin: comparison with a low molecular weight heparin.inhaled heparin prevents antigen-induced bronchoconstriction and inhibits anti-ige-mediated mast-cell degranulation. we hypothesized that the antiallergic action of heparin may be dependent on molecular weight and related to its nonanticoagulant properties. therefore, in the present investigation we studied the effects of a nonanticoagulant fraction of heparin (la-heparin) on antigen-induced bronchoconstriction, airway hyperresponsiveness (ahr), and mast-cell degranulation, and compared its anti ...19979196085
comparison of methods for recovery of ascaris suum larvae from tissues of mice.experiments were undertaken to compare procedures for isolating ascaris suum from mice. a standardised intragastric procedure for inoculation of a. suum eggs, which had a very low interdose variation (s.d. = 6.2% of mean inoculation dose), was developed. there was no significant difference in the number of larvae recovered from the large intestine 4 h post inoculation (p.i.) by using either baermannisation of washed intestinal wall or submucosal scrapings. in contrast, a significantly higher rec ...19979421715
cytochromes in the respiratory chain of helminth mitochondria.parasitic helminths exhibit greater diversity in energy metabolism than do the host animals and many have exploited unique respiratory chains as adaptations to their natural habitats. cytochromes are involved, not only in intracellular aerobic respiration found in free-living stages, but also in the reduction of relatively oxidized compounds such as fumarate during the adult stages of parasitic helminths. in addition, most helminths retain a significant capacity to produce energy via aerobic pat ...19979229245
Displaying items 1301 - 1400 of 2295