Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
demonstration of a heavy projection of midline thalamic neurons upon the lateral nucleus of the amygdala of the rat. | using a horizontal approach horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was microiontophoretically applied in the lateral posterior nucleus (alp) of the amygdala. retrograde labeled neurons were found in various midline and intralaminar thalamic nuclei and particularly in the inter-antero-medial nucleus (iam) of the thalamus. the number of labeled neurons found in iam amounted to more than 30% of the total brain hrp positive cells. | 1978 | 19605209 |
demonstration of horseradish peroxidase and fluorescent catecholamines in the same neuron. | the demonstration of the presence of catecholamines and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in the same neuron has been achieved by submitting vibratome sections to a modified glyoxylic acid fluorescence method followed by the usual procedure to reveal hrp. after hrp injection into the striatum or into the nucleus accumbens of the rat, both fluorescent dopaminergic neurons labelled with hrp and non-fluorescent neurons labelled with hrp were observed in the substantia nigra or in the ventral tegmental a ... | 1978 | 19605235 |
identification of afferent connections to cortical area 6abeta of the cat by means of retrograde horseradish peroxidase transport. | ten cats were injected in cortical area 6abeta with hrp. the distribution of the cortico-cortical and thalamo-cortical afferent neurones were analysed. in the ipsilateral cortex, labelled cells were found in the following gyri: sigmoid, coronal, anterior ectosylvian, anterior suprasylvian, and orbital. in the contralateral cortex, hrp-positive neurones were found only in zones homotopic to the injection site. in the thalamus, the most heavily labelled nuclei were ventralis lateralis and ventrali ... | 1978 | 19605236 |
localization of catecholamine fluorescence and retrogradely transported horseradish peroxidase within the same nerve cell. | a technique that enables both catecholamines (ca) and horseradish peroxidase (hrp) to be localized in the same cell is described. hpr was injected into the spinal cord and three days later rabbits were perfused with a mixture of 4% formaldehyde and 0.5% glutaraldehyde to produce a fluorescence reaction in ca-containing cells. subsequently, hrp was localized in the same neurons using tetramethylbenzidine. | 1978 | 19605237 |
the basolateral amygdaloid projections to the neocortex in the cat. | retrogradely labeled cells have been found in the ipsilateral basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (bl) following injections of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) in various neocortical areas in the cat. the number of labeled neurons was small in the majority of the cases; however the amygdaloid projections to the prefrontal, anterior cingulate, insular and posterior sylvian cortices appeared heavier. hrp injections in the parietal associative and visual areas did not result in labeled cells in the amy ... | 1978 | 19605244 |
afferent projections to a10 dopaminergic neurones in the rat as shown by the retrograde transport of horseradisd peroxidase. | following the microiontophoresis of horseradish peroxidase to the ventral tegmental area of tsai, neurones labelled by retrograde transport of the enzyme were observed in a large number of sites throughout the brain. in addition to confirming previously described afferents, these studies suggest so far unknown systems projecting to the area from cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, amygdala, thalamus, superior colliculus, substantia nigra, parabrachial nuclei and medulla oblongata. | 1978 | 19605245 |
identification of thalamic projection cells in the rat cuneate nucleus: a light and electron microscopic study using horseradish peroxidase. | cuneo-thalamic projection cells in the rat were identified after injection of horseradish peroxidase into the contralateral thalamic nucleus ventralis posterolateralis. by light microscopy, labelled cells were 16-20 microm in diameter, round or oval in shape, distributed throughout the cuneate nucleus and concentrated in the region of the obex. by electron microscopy, reaction products were found in two different types of neuronal profile. most were 16-19 microm in diameter, round or slightly ov ... | 1978 | 19605250 |
location of lumbar preganglionic sympathetic neurones in the cat. | in the cat the distribution and projection of lumbar (l1-l4) preganglionic sympathetic neurones (psns) has been investigated with the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) technique. following an hrp-injection into a lumbar sympathetic trunk ganglion, psns were found in the ipsilateral spinal cord in lamina vii, specially in its lateral and intermediate parts. in the medial region hrp positive cells were more frequently observed when the central, cut end of the ramus communicans albus was placed into hrp ... | 1978 | 19605255 |
retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase in the rat's brain during halothane anesthesia. | the horseradish peroxidase (hrp) method was used to study the effect of halothane anesthesia on retrograde transport in the central nervous system. rats received neostriatal injections of 30% hrp (0.3 microl) and were placed in inhalation chambers perfused with air or air containing 1% halothane for up to 24 h. subsequently, the brain were examined at rostro-caudal levels of the presence and distribution of hrp-containing cells. the number and distribution of hrp-labelled cells appearing at each ... | 1978 | 19605263 |
anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase isoenzymes in the retino-tectal fibres of xenopus larvae. | commercial horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was separated into basic and acidic isoenzyme fractions. the ability of each of these two fractions to be taken up and transported by nerve vells was tested in the retino-tectal tract of xenopus laevis at midlarval stages. hrp isoenzymes were injected with a glass micropipette into the eye, while scratching the optic disc to break the axons of ganglion cells leaving the retina. both basic and acidic hrp were taken up by broken optic fibres and transported ... | 1978 | 19605265 |
paraventricular nucleus connections to spinal cord and pituitary. | in rats anesthetized with pentobarbital or a mixture of urethane and chloralose, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into the intermediolateral column of the spinal cord (th7 and th9) or the posterior pituitary lobe. hrp positive cells were found mainly in the dorsomedial part of the paraventricular nuclease (pvn) of the spinal injected animals. these cells are large in size and are bipolar or multipolar. on the other hand, those in the pituitary injected animals were predominantly localiz ... | 1978 | 19605270 |
proteolytic and peroxidatic reactions of commercial horseradish peroxidase with myelin basic protein. | degradation of myelin basic protein during incubations with high concentrations of horseradish peroxidase has been demonstrated [johnson & cammer (1977) j. histochem. cytochem.25, 329-336]. possible mechanisms for the interaction of the basic protein with peroxidase were investigated in the present study. because the peroxidase samples previously observed to degrade basic protein were mixtures of isoenzymes, commercial preparations of the separated isoenzymes were tested, and all three degraded ... | 1978 | 77159 |
interaction of the hemin 2 and 4 substituents with apo horseradish peroxidase. | 1978 | 637861 | |
calcium-related properties of horseradish peroxidase. | 1978 | 416823 | |
localization of rabbit's flocculus purkinje cells projecting to the cerebellar lateral nucleus and the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi investigated by means of the horseradish peroxidase retrograde axonal transport. | 1978 | 19605112 | |
neural spread of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 in mice after corneal or subcutaneous (footpad) inoculation. | twelve herpes simplex virus (hsv) strains, 6 of each type, were inoculated subcutaneously into the left hind foot and into the cornea of the right eye of 12-day-old swiss albino mice. the neural spread of virus to trigeminal and spinal ganglia and to brain and spinal cord was studied by demonstration of infective virus, histology and electron microscopy. type 1 and type 2 infections seemed to spread equally well by intra-axonal transport. using a protein tracer (horseradish peroxidase) injected ... | 1978 | 632838 |
ionic strength dependence of the oxidation of iodide and ferrocyanide by compound i of horseradish peroxidase. | the kinetics of the oxidation of iodide and ferrocyanide by compound i of horseradish peroxidase have been studied at 25 degrees c as a function of ionic strength and ph. the ionic strength dependencies of the second-order rate constants are tested with an extended form of the debye-hückel equation for the activity coefficients of the reacting species. for the reaction of iodide with compound i it is shown that the ph variation of the rate constant at zero ionic strength is caused mainly by titr ... | 1978 | 624287 |
lignin synthesis: the generation of hydrogen peroxide and superoxide by horseradish peroxidase and its stimulation by manganese (ii) and phenols. | the enzyme horseradish peroxidase (ec catalyses oxidation of nadh. nadh oxidation is prevented by addition of the enzyme superoxide dismutase (ec to the reaction mixture before adding peroxidase but addition of dismutase after peroxidase has little inhibitory effect. catalase (ec inhibits peroxidase-catalysed nadh oxidation when added at any time during the reaction. apparently the peroxidase uses hydrogen peroxide (h2o2) generated by non-enzymic breakdown of nadh t ... | 1978 | 24414365 |
the bound auxins: protection of indole-3-acetic acid from peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation. | indole-3-acetic acid (iaa) was oxidized by horseradish peroxidase, but ester and amide conjugates of iaa were not degraded. addition of indoleacetyl-myo-inositol, indoleacetyl-l-aspartate, indoleacetylglycine, indoleacetyl-l-alanine, indoleacetyl-d-alanine, or indoleacetyl-β-alanine did not affect the rate of oxidation of iaa by horseradish peroxidase. peroxidase preparations from pisum sativum l. and zea mays l. behaved similarly in that they rapidly oxidized iaa, but not conjugates found in th ... | 1978 | 24414261 |
cytochemical localization of exogenous peroxidase in adrenal medullary cells of hamster. | the endocytosis in hamster adrenal medullary cells has been studied by intravenously administered horseradish peroxidase, which was then detected with the graham-karnovsky method. the protein uptake was investigated 30, 60, and 120 min after the peroxidase injection. the exogenous protein was accumulated mostly in the lumen of the sinusoids, around the capillaries as well as at the apical pode of chromaffin reaction product was detectable also in the chromaffin cells. the protein uptake was very ... | 1978 | 754419 |
efferent connections of the septal area in the pigeon. | the efferent connections of the septum in the pigeon were studied with the use of anterograde (3h-leucine autoradiography) and retrograde (horseradish peroxidase histochemistry) transport methods. it was observed that the dorsal septum projects to the lateral hypothalamus, portions of the periventricular hypothalamus, dorsomedial thalamus and midbrain reticular formation. fibers from the ventral half of the septum (i.e., nucleus of the diagonal band) project to medial and lateral sectors of the ... | 1978 | 737528 |
equilibria between horseradish peroxidase and aromatic donors. | equilibria between horseradish peroxidase and aromatic hydrogen donors have been analyzed spectrophotometrically and potentiometrically. the donors alter the peroxidase spectrum slightly but reproducibly with changes of two types. donors of the two groups compete for the same binding site with no systematic difference in affinity for the enzyme. donors with one aromatic ring are fairly loosely ligated, kd3-25 mm, but enlargement, or extension of the pi-electron system, increases the affinity. a ... | 1978 | 706949 |
the influence of taipoxin on cholinergic synapses in the electric organ of torpedo marmorata. | the influences of the snake venom taipoxin on the cholinergic synapses of the electric organ of torpedo mamorata were investigated. 1. in ultrathin sections presynaptic membrane indentations are noted under the influence of taipoxin/nacl. 2. the presynaptic membranes often show small interruptions. 3. in taipoxin/horseradish peroxidase incubated organ pieces typical omega-shaped indentations are found, but on the postsynaptic side. 4. the vesicle density decreased under the influence of the taip ... | 1978 | 681922 |
[anomalously high pkapp shifts in protoporphyrin ix protonization during its solubilization on the apoperoxidase from horseradish and on surfactant micelles. the effect of a nonpolar environment on the pkaff shift]. | 1978 | 679814 | |
[electrophysiologic and anatomic demonstration of inhibitory commisural vestibular neurons in the tench (tinca tinca)]. | horseradish peroxydase was injected intracellularly in some of the medullary neurons which, in fish, exhibit a passive hyperpolarizing potential after spinal cord stimulation (this indicates that such neurons both electrical and chemical inhibitions of the mauthner cells). with positive staining, commissural vestibular neurons were identified; their axons cross the midline and they establish connexions with the mauthner cell and with vestibular neurons of both sides. thus the existence of a cros ... | 1978 | 417859 |
distribution of neurons projecting to the retina of caiman crocodilus. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into the vitreous of the eye, the orbital cavity, or the optic tectum of caiman crocodilus. following intravitreal injections, retrograde transport of the enzyme was observed bilaterally, but predominantly contralaterally, in a large oblong field of cells at the isthmic level of the midbrain, bounded medially by the trochlear nucleus and laterally by the nucleus isthmi. control injections of hrp into the orbital cavity and eye muscles labelled motoneuron ... | 1978 | 81087 |
analysis of acid-base properties of peroxidase and myoglobin. | two heme-linked groups of horseradish peroxidases, characterized by pka = 5.8 (isoenzyme a) and 7.3 (isoenzyme c), are believed to be distal amino acid residues and, judging by their acid-base properties in various derivatives, influence the functions of these isoenzymes. in contrast, in myoglobin ionization of the distal histidine does not influence its reactivity. accordingly, we conclude that the interaction of the distal base with a 6th ligand is weak in myoglobin but very strong in peroxida ... | 1978 | 27955 |
nuclear magnetic resonance studies of high-spin ferric hemoproteins. | 220 mhz proton fourier transform (ft) nmr with quadrature phase detection (qpd) technique is applied to observe largely hyperfine-shifted signals of various hemoproteins and hemoenzymes in ferric high-spin state. the binding of f-, ocn-, scn-, and ch3oh to the ferric heme iron in high-spin state in various hemoproteins has been studied by the use of ft/qpd technique at 220 mhz. the binding of formate ion to metmyoglobin (metmb) has also been studied. the spectrum of the formate complex was compa ... | 1978 | 27954 |
[effect of n-alkylimidazoles on oxidation of o-dianizidine catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase]. | effect of a number of n-alkylimidazoles (from n-methyl to n-octylimidazole) on peroxidase oxidation of o-dianizidine at ph 8.0 is studied. alkylimidazoles studied are found to activate the reaction under given conditions, the activation type being non-competitive ka and (alpha) values are similar for all the activators, which suggests a similar mechanism of their action. similar ka values suppose an insignificant role of hydrophobic interactions in the binding of n-alkylimidazoles with the enzym ... | 1978 | 26428 |
development of the blood-brain barrier to horseradish peroxidase in the chick embryo. | one to 20 mg of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into the allantoic vein of chick embryos between the 7th to 21st day of incubation and its penetration from blood into the interstitium of cerebellum and spinal cord (upper thoracic) was examined by light and electron microscopy in order to study development of the blood-brain barrier. until the 12th day of incubation (stage 38) the reaction products, indicating the presence of peroxidase, were distributed in every region of the intercell ... | 1978 | 737715 |
cell lineage analysis by intracellular injection of a tracer enzyme. | cell lineages during development of leeches can be ascertained by injection of horseradish peroxidase as a tracer into identified cells at early stages of embryogenesis. the injected embryos continue their normal development, in the course of which horseradish peroxidase is passed on in catalytically active form to the descendants of the injected cell. the distribution of the tracer enzyme and hence of the progeny of the injected cell can then be observed at a later stage of development by stain ... | 1978 | 725606 |
membrane recycling in the cone cell endings of the turtle retina. | the ultrastructural effects of dark, light, and low temperature were investigated in the cone cell endings of the red-eared turtle (pseudemys scripta elegans). thin sections revealed that in dark-adapted retinas maintained at 22 degrees c, the neural processes which contact the cone cells at the invaginating synapses penetrated deeply into the photoreceptor endings. when dark-adapted retinas were illuminated for 1 h at 22 degrees c, the invaginating processes were apparently extruded from the sy ... | 1978 | 730768 |
termination of electroreceptor and mechanical lateral line afferents in the mormyrid acousticolateral area. | the projection regions of electroreceptor and mechanical lateral line afferents in electric fish of the mormyridae family are described. electroreceptor afferents from the posterior dorsal skin run in the dorsal branch of the posterior lateral line nerve. electroreceptor afferents from ventral skin and mechanical lateral line afferents and efferents run in the ventral branch of the nerve. horseradish peroxidase (hrp) injections into each branch resulted in filling of its central terminals with t ... | 1978 | 721966 |
contacts between receptors and electrophysiologically identified neurones in the retina of the larval tiger salamander. | 1. following the intracellular recording of bipolar and horizontal cell responses, each unit was injected with horseradish peroxidase and a histochemical staining used to identify it at the level of the light and electron microscopes.2. centre-depolarizing bipolar cells made contact with rods and cones at basal and ribbon junctions, the latter being fewer. centre-hyperpolarizing bipolar cells made the same types of contacts with the receptors, but ribbon junctions predominated.3. it appears, the ... | 1978 | 217992 |
the use of rhodamin b for the identification of injected horseradish peroxidase in the brain. | horseradish peroxidase injected into the brain of the marmoset, callithrix jacchus, is demonstrated by fluorescence microscopy following histochemical reaction with homovanillic acid and rhodamin b. usefulness and efficiency of the method are discussed in comparison with other procedures for the demonstration of hrp. | 1978 | 103870 |
horseradish peroxidase. xxxii. ph dependence of the oxidation of l-(-)-tyrosine by compound i. | the rate of oxidation of l-(-)-tyrosine by horseradish peroxidase compound 1 has been studied as a function of ph at 25 degrees c and ionic strength 0.11. over the ph range of 3.20--11.23 major effects of three ionizations were observed. the pka values of the phenolic (pka = 10.10) and amino (pka = 9.21) dissociations of tyrosine and a single enzyme ionization (pka = 5.42) were determined from nonlinear least squares analysis of the log rate versus ph profile. it was noted that the less acidic f ... | 1978 | 35272 |
origin of the retina from both sides of the embryonic brain: a contribution to the problem of crossing at the optic chiasma. | cells originating from one of the first two blastomeres of the frog embryo were labeled either by injecting them with horseradish peroxidase or by changing the ploidy of one blastomere. both methods show the labeled cells confined to the same side of the brain as the labeled blastomere except for cells that have moved from the opposite side into the ventral diencephalon and ventral part of the retina. reciprocal movement of cells from each side of the prospective forebrain into the prospective r ... | 1978 | 705349 |
the hypothalamic neurosecretory systems of the japanese quail as revealed by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. | within 24-48 h after injection of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into the neural lobe or into the median eminence of adult japanese quail dense accumulations of its reaction product (hrp-rp) can be demonstrated in axons of the hypothalamo-hypophysial tract and in the magnocellular neurosecretory perikarya of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei as well as in scattered neurons of the accessory hypothalamic neurosecretory nuclei. the hrp-rp-containing nerve fibers, which are beaded in appearanc ... | 1978 | 82485 |
horseradish peroxidase tracing of visceral efferent and primary afferent pathways in the cat's sacral spinal cord using benzidine processing. | sacral afferent and preganglionic efferent neurons were labelled by applying horseradish peroxidase (hrp) to the central end of the transected pelvic nerve. preganglionic cells were evident as a narrow band of cells extending from the intermediolateral region dorsomedially beneath the dorsal horn. their dendrites were located primarily within the nucleus but also projected into the dorsolateral funiculus, along the lateral edge of the dorsal horn and to dorsal commissure. labelled primary affere ... | 1978 | 19605264 |
peripheral innervation by migrating neuroblasts in the chick embryo. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into the mandibular process of the first visceral arch in chick embryos of 3-6 days of incubation. on days 3 1 2 , 4 and 4 1 2 of incubation, this procedure resulted in granular reaction product in neuroblasts of the lateral trigeminal nucleus and in soma and processes of neuroblasts in the process of migrating from the medial column to form the lateral nucleus. on days 5 and 6 of incubation, similar labeling was found in cells migrating from the lateral ... | 1978 | 19605256 |
simultaneous separation of acidic and basic isoperoxidases in wounded potato tissue by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. | preparation and use of a newly developed ph 4.3 horizontal thin layer acrylamide gel which permits the simultaneous separation of acidic and basic isoperoxidases in up to 30 samples is described. use of cytochrome c, horseradish peroxidase, and a purified potato isoperoxidase as internal standards for a range in isoelectric points of peroxidases from ph 3 to 11 is introduced to facilitate comparison of results obtained with different materials and different methods. distribution of tissue-specif ... | 1978 | 16660608 |
the development of motor projection patterns in the chick hind limb. | 1. retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase was used to map the initial projection patterns of lumbosacral motoneurones to the embryonic chick hind limb. 2. the stage 28 segmental projection pattern to each of the four primary muscle masses was characteristic and indistinguishable from the stage 36 projection pattern to the sum of the muscles derived from that mass. in addition, the adductor motoneurone pool was found to be similar in position (both rostro-caudal and mediolateral) at stage ... | 1978 | 731552 |
development of functional motor innervation in supernumerary hindlimbs of the chick embryo. | 1. the development of functional motor innervation in supernumerary chick hindlimbs transplated to host embryos at stages 16--18, was studied throughout the embryonic period from stage 27 when peripheral synapses were first formed. 2. the innervation pattern, defined as the number and sequential order of spinal nerves innervating individual muscles, were determined for supernumerary hindlimbs innervated by thoracic, lumbosacral-thoracic, or wholly lumbosacral spinal cord segments. spinal nerves ... | 1978 | 731285 |
oxidation of 2-nitropropane by horseradish peroxidase. involvement of hydrogen peroxide and of superoxide in the reaction mechanism. | incubation of aqueous solutions of 2-nitropropane in air causes a slow oxidation reaction that generates h(2)o(2). purified horseradish peroxidase catalyses the oxidation of such preincubated 2-nitropropane solutions according to the equation: [formula: see text] the ph optimum is 4.5 and k(m) for 2-nitropropane is 16mm. other nitroalkanes or nitro-aromatics tested are not oxidized at significant rates by peroxidase. h(2)o(2) or 2,4-dichlorophenol increases the rate of 2-nitropropane oxidation b ... | 1978 | 217346 |
uptake and retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase in botulinum-intoxicated mice. | 1978 | 80253 | |
avian efferent vestibular neurons identified by axonal transport of [3h]adenosine and horseradish peroxidase. | 1978 | 80252 | |
extravascular transfer within the anuran pars intermedia. | to study the transport of protein from the blood into and throughout the sparsely vascularized pars intermedia of anurans, the electrondense tracer, horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was injected into the vascular system of adult frogs. a strong reaction product was localized in small vesicles in the cytoplasm of that portion of the stellate cells immediately beneath the vascular spaces. also, within two minutes after an injection of hrp, which was given during a period of one minute, the reaction pr ... | 1978 | 309794 |
retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase from the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic region to retinal ganglion cells in quail. | horseradish peroxidase was injected in the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic area of intact male quail and reacted with 3,3'-diaminobenzidine and hydrogen peroxide in eye sections. cells labelled with peroxidase reaction product were found in the ganglion layer of the retina. one possible function of such retinal-hypothalamic connections might be to participate in the photosexual reflex. | 1978 | 19605234 |
cells of origin of propriospinal and ascending supraspinal fibers in a lizard (lacerta galloti). | the location of cells of origin of propriospinal and ascending supraspinal fibers has been determined by injecting horseradish peroxidase (hrp) unilaterally into various parts of the spinal cord of the lizard lacerta galloti. the distribution of retrogradely labeled cells after unilateral high spinal cord injections suggests that ascending supraspinal fibers are derived from neurons in the following areas: in the cervical intumescence in most areas of the spinal gray, particularly ipsilaterally, ... | 1978 | 19605233 |
neuronal cell cultures as toxicologic test systems. | neuronal cell cultures now represent well-characterized systems with which acute and chronic toxicologic effects of a variety of agents can be evaluated. extensive synapse formation occurs over a period of days and weeks in these cell cultures and can be assayed semiquantitatively by morphological and electrophysiological means. detailed morphophysiologic correlations can be made using a technique for injecting an intracellular marker protein, horseradish peroxidase. a variety of neurochemical i ... | 1978 | 720311 |
hardening of the sea urchin fertilization envelope by peroxidase-catalyzed phenolic coupling of tyrosines. | within minutes after its elevation from the egg surface, the sea urchin fertilization envelope (fe) becomes "hardened" by a reaction that renders it resistant to agents that solubilize, denature or degrade most proteins. peroxidase activity is released into the surrounding seawater from stronglyocentrotus purpuratus eggs during fertilization. evidence from several sources indicate that the catalytic action of the peroxidase is responsible for hardening the fe through the phenolic coupling of tyr ... | 1978 | 569021 |
a sensitive manual enzyme immunoassay for thyroxine. | we describe an immunoassay for thyroxine in serum. in the assay specific antibody covalently bonded to latex particles is used, along with horseradish peroxidase as the label, and o-phenylenediamine as the chromogen. the flexible protocol is designed for manual execution. performance is similar to that of the highest-sensitivity thyroxine radioimmunoassays. results correlate well with radioimmunoassay (r = 0.99, slope = 0.93, y-intercept = 2.4 microgram/liter for 201 samples) and an automated en ... | 1978 | 359195 |
[structure and function of horseradish peroxidase]. | 1978 | 31196 | |
structural correlates of recurrent collateral interneurons producing both electrical and chemical inhibitions of the mauthner cell. | intracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase provided a basis for morphological identification of inhibitory interneurons belonging to the recurrent collateral network of the mauthner cell. their axons dilate to form unusually large bulbs surrounding the axon cap. the morphological appearance of these bulbs as well as intracellular recordings at their level indicate that they behave as nodes and serve as a final source of current for electrical inhibition of the mauthner cell. the axon of ... | 1978 | 30093 |
observations on the development of brainstem-spinal systems in the north american oppossum. | the north american oppossum is born 12 to 13 days after conception and and is available for 90 days or more in an external pouch where it can be observed and experimentally manipulated. it is of particular interest that the hindlimbs of the newborn opossum are very immature and remain immobile for a week or more after birth. degeneration techniques reveal that immature brainstem axons are present within the marginal zone of the lumbosacral cord before hindlimb movements begin (our state i) and m ... | 1978 | 690268 |
displaced ganglion cells in carp retina revealed by the horseradish peroxidase technique. | displaced ganglion cells were identified in the carp retina by the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase injected into the optic tectum. cells in the ganglion cell layer were all labelled, while in the amacrine cell layer only 1/4000 cells were labelled. because of such low population, it is unlikely to penetrate displaced ganglion cells by microelectrodes. the present finding suggests that the spiking cells frequently recorded in the inner nuclear layer are genuine amacrine cell ... | 1978 | 19605210 |
improvements in the benzidine dihydrochloride horseradish peroxidase method. | 1978 | 751293 | |
destruction of a single cell in the central nervous system of the leech as a means of analysing its connexions and functional role. | a method has been devised for killing an individual neurone in the c.n.s. of the leech by injecting it with pronase. the technique has been used to examine the role of individual sensory and motor cells involved in producing reflex movements.1. after a neurone was injected with pronase, either in an intact animal or an isolated ganglion, its cell body lost its resting and action potentials. some hours later the injected cell's axons in the periphery failed to conduct impulses. in the intact anim ... | 1978 | 722515 |
cerebellar afferents in teleost catfish (ictaluridae). | the cerebellar afferents in the bullhead catfish (teleostei) were labeled by relying on the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). retrogradely labeled neurons were seen in: spinal cord, lateral cuneate nucleus, inferior olive, reticular nuclei, vestibular nuclei, nucleus subeminentialis, n. lateralis valvulae, locus coeruleus, n. mesencephalicus dorsalis, the basal optic nuclei, and a nucleus at the isthmic level which may be equivalent to the pontine nuclei of birds and mammals. ... | 1978 | 79576 |
leghemoglobin. low temperature optical spectra of acid and alkaline forms of leghemoglobin(iv). configuration of the heme. | leghemoglobin(iv), the derivative of leghemoglobin at the formal oxidation state iv, when cooled to liquid nitrogen temperature exhibits radically different spectra at acid and alkaline ph. the acid and alkaline forms are freely interconvertible. the optical spectrum of the acid form is closely similar to optical spectra of the red higher oxidation states of horseradish and cytochrome c peroxidases, showing that the configuration of the heme iron is the same throughout this family of compounds. ... | 1978 | 27520 |
proton nuclear magnetic resonance studies of compounds i and ii of horseradish peroxidase. | 1978 | 30456 | |
club endings of primary afferent fibres identified by anterograde horseradish peroxidase labelling. an em study. | 1978 | 19605186 | |
the role of the cell surface in the migration of primordial germ cells in early chick embryos: effects of concanavalin a. | effects of concanavalin a (con a) on the morphology and migration of primordial germ cells (pgcs) in stage-6 to -12 chick embryos were investigated. con a, at a sublethal dose (10 microgram/ml), inhibited migration of pgcs from the germinal crescent area to other parts of the embryo. affected pgcs were more rounded without the usual cytoplasmic extensions, but the integrity of other structures was unaffected. nearly identical results were obtained with another lectin, wheat germ agglutinin (10 m ... | 1978 | 702035 |
the organization of neocortical projections from the ventroposterior thalamic complex in the marsupial brush-tailed possum, trichosurus vulpecula: a horseradish peroxidase study. | retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used to determine the extent and some of the organizational details of the cortical projection of the ventroposterior thalamic complex (vp) in the marsupial brush-tailed possum, trichosurus vulpecula. the cortical projection field of vp is coincident with si as determined by electrophysiological methods, and would appear not to overlap fully the primary motor cortex. thus, in trichosurus it appears that the motor and somatic sensory cortic ... | 1978 | 689987 |
localization of concanavalin a binding sites on the cell membrane of herpetomonas samuelpessoai: influence of growth conditions. | herpetomonas samuelpessoai agglutinates when incubated with concanavalin a (con a). agglutination involved binding of con a to specific receptors as it was inhibited by alpha-methyl-d-mannoside. the pattern and the intensity of the agglutination as well as the localization of con a-binding sites were influenced by the composition of the growth medium, growth temperature and time of incubation. con a-binding sites were detected by using the con a-horseradish peroxidase-diaminobenzidine technique. | 1978 | 567601 |
use of horseradish peroxidase to block nonspecific enzyme uptake in immunoperoxidase microscopy. | intrinsic tissue peroxidase activity can be more or less successfully destroyed by methanol-h2o2 treatment. it has been found, however, in our laboratory that horseradish peroxidase (hrp) coupled to antibody will bind to some tissue components on a nonspecific basis and remain to take part in the histochemical stain. this contributes considerably to the background. this difficulty can be largely overcome if the tissues are pretreated with a solution of horseradish peroxidase which binds with non ... | 1978 | 357648 |
[chemical modification of lysine epsilon-nh2-groups in horseradish peroxidase. its effect on enzyme stability. temperature dependence of thermo-inactivation constants for native and modified peroxidase]. | thermostability of horseradish peroxidase modified by acetic, propionic, butyric, valeric and succinic anhydrides and trinitrobenzolsulfonic acid (tnbs) is studied within the temperature range of 56-80 degrees c. acylation of 4 amino groups and arylation of 3 amino groups with tnbs are found to stabilize the enzyme, while modification of 6 groups decreases the enzyme stability. chemical modification of peroxidase does not change its ph-dependence with respect to enzyme thermostability. thermodyn ... | 1978 | 32926 |
unusually fast ligand exchange rate in horseradish peroxidase as studied by temperature-jump method. | 1978 | 697854 | |
retinotectal compression in the hamster: a quantitative study with horseradish peroxidase [proceedings]. | 1978 | 690904 | |
a sensitive method for histochemical demonstration of horseradish peroxidase in neurons following retrograde axonal transport. | a study was made on the effects of various fixatives and some other histochemical parameters used in the procedure for demonstrating labeled neurons following retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (hrp). the enzyme was injected into the tongue of adult mice and the results were obtained by counting labeled hypoglossal neurons following certain variations in the procedure. paraformaldehyde in the fixative should be avoided since it reduces the number of labeled neurons as compared ... | 1978 | 77707 |
extraocular muscle representation in the brainstem of the carp. | the representation of the extraocular muscles in the oculomotor nuclei in the brainstem of the carp was studied with the horseradish peroxidase technique. some normal anatomical features of the various oculomotor nuclei are described. following intramuscular hrp injections in the eye muscles and applying survival times of up to 25 days labeled perikarya were found in the various nuclei of the oculomotor complex. rectus inferior, rectus internus, and obliquus inferior are represented in the ipsil ... | 1978 | 641230 |
topographic projections between the nucleus isthmi and the tectum of the frog rana pipiens. | the connections between the nucleus isthmi and the tectum in the frog have been determined by several anatomical techniques: iontophoresis of horseradish peroxidase into the tectum, iontophoresis of 3h-porline into the nucleus isthmi and the tectum, and fink-heimer degeneration staining after lesions of the nucleus isthmi. the results show that the nucleus isthmi projects bilaterally to the tectal lobes. the ipsilateral isthmio-tectal fibers are distributed in the superficial layers of the tectu ... | 1978 | 305927 |
[kinetics and mechanism of nucleophilic effect on the oxidation of o-dianisidine catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase]. | the effects of benzimidazole and 4-nitroimidazole on the reaction of o-dianisidine peroxidase oxidation within the ph range of 3.7--9.0 were studied. both substituted imidazoles activate the reaction at less than 0.6. in the presence of 4-nitroimidazole the activation is non-competitive, whereas in the presence of benzimidazole it is of a mixed type, which is close to the non-competitive one. the kinetic parameters (kacat, alpha, ka) for the reaction activated by both imidazoles were determined. ... | 1978 | 27245 |
mechanism of n-demethylation of aminopyrine by hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase, metmyoglobin, and protohemin. | 1978 | 667019 | |
an autoradiographic study of midbrain-diencephalic projections to the inferior olivary nucleus in the opossum (didelphis virginiana). | techniques of intra-axonal transport were utlizied to elucidate the organization of diencephalic and midbrain projections to the inferior olivary nucleus of the virginia opossum. retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase injected into the olive suggests that terminals within it arise from the subparafascicular nucleus of the caudal thalamus, the nucleus of darkschewitsch, the fields of forel, the interstitial nucleus of cajal, the periaqueductal grey, the caudal pretectal nucleus, the tegme ... | 1978 | 641221 |
the origin of brainstem-spinal pathways in the north american opossum (didelphis virginiana). studies using the horseradish peroxidase method. | 1978 | 8980723 | |
[chemical modification of epsilon-nh2 groups of lysine residues in horseradish peroxidase. accessibility of these groups to different modifying agents]. | modification of epsilon-nh2 groups of lysine residues in horseradish peroxidase by acetic, propionic, butyric, valeric and succinic anhydrides and trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (tnbs) is carried out. all the anhydrides modify at 0 degrees c four epsilon-nh2 lysine groups, and tnbs--three groups. tnbs modifies all 6 peroxidase epsilon-nh2 groups at 40 degrees c. possible spacing of lysine epsilon-nh2 groups in the enzyme molecule is discussed. | 1978 | 656503 |
identification of the trochlear motoneurons by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. | 1978 | 648617 | |
the organization of central auditory pathways in a reptile, iguana iguana. | the present experiments were designed to trace the central auditory pathways in an extant reptile, the new worlkd lizard--iguana iguana, utilizing anterograde axonal degeneration stained by the fink-heimer ('67) method and the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (lavail and lavail, '74). beginning with the projections of the auditory portion of the viiith nerve, the ascending pathways were traced through successive relay nuclei to the telencephalon. the auditory portion of the ... | 1978 | 632382 |
abnormal transport of horseradish peroxidase from the medial gastrocnemius muscle in dystrophic mice [proceedings]. | 1978 | 650592 | |
[immunoelectron microscopy in dermatology]. | the principle of immunoelectronmicroscopic studies using horseradish perpoxidase is described. this method, especially the peroxidase-antiperoxidase multistep technique, reveals more details about the exact localization of immunophenomena in different dermatological diseases. the results of immunological investigations performed on the ultra-structural level in bullous diseases, lupus erythermatosus, vasculitis, and psoriasis are summarized and compared with the immunofluorescent and classical e ... | 1978 | 348650 |
uptake of horseradish peroxydase by the testis of locusta migratoria during the last larval instar; relation with variations of ecdysteroid levels in haemolymph. | by using horseradish peroxydase (hrp) as a tracer, it is shown that the gonial region of the locust testis is an "open" compartment which is almost always freely penetrated by the tracer. during the last larval instar, however, the penetration of hrp decreases and ceases at the time when high levels of ecdysteroids are detected in the haemolymph by radioimmunoassay. a cause and effect relationship between tracer uptake and hormonal level could not be demonstrated by the experiments carried out u ... | 1978 | 639097 |
kinetic analysis of the acid-alkaline conversion of horseradish peroxidases. | the nature of the acid-alkaline conversion of horseradish peroxidases was studied by measuring four rate constants in reactions, e + h+ (k1) in equilibrium (k2) eh+ and e + h2o (k3) in equilibrium (k4) eh+ + oh-, where eh+ and e denote the acid and alkaline forms of the enzymes. the values of k1, (k2 + k3), and k4 were obtained by measuring the relaxation rates of the acid leads to alkaline and alkaline leads to acid conversions by means of th ph jump method with a stopped-flow apparatus. the va ... | 1978 | 24465 |
quantitative studies of retinal ganglion cells in a turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. i. number and distribution of ganglion cells. | multiple pathways for the transmission of visual information from retina to brain have been described in reptiles, but little is known about their functional organization. these parallel channels begin at the retina, and we have therefore begun to study the functional organization of retinal ganglion cells in the turtle, pseudemys scripta elegans. this paper describes the numbers and distribution of cells in the ganglion cell layer. to develop criteria for the identification of ganglion cells, w ... | 1979 | 457929 |
intracellular localization of markers within injected or cut frog muscle fibers. | many experimental procedures require drastic alterations of muscle fibers, such as cutting the fiber or injecting molecular probes through microelectrodes. we report the ultrastructure of similarly altered muscle fibers and the intracellular distribution of injected horseradish peroxidase (hrp). cut fibers appear structurally normal at distances greater than 500 microm from the cut end, however, the structure deteriorates nearer to the cut. hrp diffuses longitudinally about 2,000 micrometer from ... | 1979 | 313713 |
localization of horseradish peroxidase-alpha-bungarotoxin binding in crustacean axonal membrane vesicles and intact axons. | a conjugate of alpha-bungarotoxin with horseradish peroxidase was used to visualize alpha-bungarotoxin binding sites at the fine structural level in isolated axonal membrane vesicles from lobster walking leg nerve. these plasma membrane vesicles have previously been shown to exhibit saturable binding of [3h]nicotine and [3h]acetylcholine. binding of the toxin was identified in the axon plasma membrane and could be blocked by pretreatment with excess free alpha-bungaratoxin or d-tubocurarine. bin ... | 1979 | 291022 |
horseradish peroxidase compound i: evidence for spin coupling between the heme iron and a 'free' radical. | 1979 | 223878 | |
effects of isoproterenol on the dense core and perigranular membrane of atrial specific granules. | following subcutaneous injections of isoproterenol hydrochloride (iso), atrial cells present a large number of partly degranulated or completely clear "specific granules" enclosed by an intact membrane. such profiles were never encountered in normal controls and might suggest iso-induced release of a secretory product. permeability of perigranular membrane was tested using the extracellular macromolecular tracer horseradish peroxidase (hrp). reaction product was entirely absent within granules o ... | 1979 | 383301 |
thalamic projections from the lateral reticular nucleus in the opossum as determined by horseradish peroxidase histochemistry. | 1979 | 435983 | |
midbrain projections to the trigeminal, facial and hypoglossal nuclei in the opossum. a study using axonal transport techniques. | it has been proposed (see berntson and micco for review) that circuits intrinsic to the midbrain play an important role in the elaboration and control of behaviors involving the motor nuclei of the trigeminal, facial and hypoglossal nerves (e.g. defense, threat, attack); but because of technical problems, it has been difficult to analyze their organization. using the horseradish peroxidase technique we have localized those midbrain neurons which project to each of the above nuclei and by using t ... | 1979 | 86379 |
endocytosis of cholera toxin in gerl-like structures of murine neuroblastoma cells pretreated with gm1 ganglioside. cholera toxin internalization into neuroblastoma gerl. | cholera toxin (ct), covalently attached to horseradish peroxidase (hrp), is a specific cytochemical marker for gm1 ganglioside (gm1) and retains the ability of the native toxin to raise levels of cyclic amp in avian erythrocytes. using a cytochemical stain for hrp, we found that 9% of control cultured murine neuroblastoma cells bound cholera toxin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates (ct-hrp) on their surfaces after incubations for 1 h at 4 degrees c. exogenous gm1, the natural receptor of ct, beco ... | 1979 | 457774 |
studies on the conjugation of horseradish peroxidase to immunoglobulin g via glutaraldehyde. | horseradish peroxidase was conjugated to immunoglobulin g via glutaraldehyde by a two-step procedure using an increasing excess of peroxidase in the second step reaction. the yield of conjugated monomeric igg and the amount of free igg were analyzed by sds-polyacrylamide electrophoresis and gel-filtration. the antigen binding capacity of the enzyme-antibody conjugates was evaluated by radial immunodiffusion. conjugation of peroxidase to igg with a 1:20 molar:molar excess of glutaraldehyde-activa ... | 1979 | 116093 |
chemical and enzymatic intermediates in the peroxidation of o-dianisidine by horseradish peroxidase. 1. spectral properties of the products of dianisidine oxidation. | 1979 | 221005 | |
resonance raman investigations of chloroperoxidase, horseradish peroxidase, and cytochrome c using soret band laser excitation. | resonance raman spectra of the heme protein chloroperoxidase in its native and reduced forms and complexed with various small ions are obtained by using laser excitation in the soret region (350-450 nm). additionally, raman spectra of horseradish peroxidase, cytochrome p-450cam, and cytochrome c, taken with soret excitation, are presented and discussed. the data support previous findings that indicate a strong analogy between the active site environments of chloroperoxidase and cytochrome p-450c ... | 1979 | 36129 |
mechanism of the chlorination reaction catalyzed by horseradish peroxidase with chlorite. | 1979 | 429342 | |
oxidation of horseradish peroxidase compound ii to compound i. | in the reaction between equimolar amounts of horseradish peroxidase and chlorite, the native enzyme is oxidized directly to compound ii (hewson, w.d., and hager, l.p. (1979) j. biol. chem. 254, 3175-3181). at acidic ph but not at alkaline values, this initial reaction is followed by oxidation of compound ii to compound i. the highly ph-dependent chemistry of compound ii can be readily demonstrated by the reduction of compound i, with ferrocyanide at acidic, neutral, and alkaline ph values. titra ... | 1979 | 34616 |
studies on horseradish peroxidase in dimethyl sulphoxide/water mixtures. the activation of hydrogen peroxide and the binding of fluoride. | we studied the variation in spectra and in reactivity towards h2o2 of solutions of horseradish peroxidase in dimethyl sulphoxide/water mixtures, obtained by diluting stock solutions of the enzyme in either water or dimethyl sulphoxide, and assayed the enzyme activity and studied the binding of f- by the peroxidase in 65% (v/v) dimethyl sulphoxide. a broadly similar pattern of changes is observed whether one starts from water or from dimethyl sulphoxide; the changes are essentially reversible, th ... | 1979 | 486079 |
effects of colchicine on endocytosis and cellular inactivation of horseradish peroxidase in cultured chondrocytes. | horseradish peroxidase (hrp) was used as a marker to study the effects of microtubule-disruptive drugs on uptake and cellular inactivation of exogenous material in cultures of embryonic chick chondrocytes. hrp was ingested by fluid endocytosis, and intracellular enzyme activity subsequently diminished exponentially with time. cytochemically, reaction product for hrp was found in vesicles often located close to the dictyosomes of the golgi complex. colchicine and vinblastine caused disappearance ... | 1979 | 468912 |
enzyme immunoassay of estrogen-like substances in plasma, with polyethylene glycol as precipitant. | we devised an enzyme immunoassay for plasma estrogen-like substances in pregnancy, using estriol covalently linked to horseradish peroxidase. free and bound steroid were separated by use of polyethylene glycol reagent. the assay satisfies the normal criteria of specificity and precision. results obtained by radioimmunoassay and enzyme immunoassay agreed well. our assay is particularly applicable in smaller clinical laboratories to routine determination of plasma estriol in pregnancy. | 1979 | 373925 |
some telencephalic connections in the frog, rana pipiens. | some afferent, efferent and intrinsic connections of the telencephalon of rana pipiens were studied using a horseradish peroxidase method. afferents to the telencephalon from thalamic and brain stem cell groups were demonstrated. these findings, taken together with the results of previous studies, indicate that separate thalamic cell groups project visual, auditory and somatosensory information onto the striatum. a separate thalamic cell group projects to the medial telencephalic wall and probab ... | 1979 | 311788 |