
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
immunosuppressive activity of an extract of listeria monocytogenes.the effects of treatment of mice with an aqueous extract of listeria monocytogenes on lymphoid populations and on immune responsiveness were studied. thymus weight was decreased to a third of the control, whereas spleen weight was proportionally increased as the number of treatments was increased. the total numbers of cells in the thymus and bone marrow were diminished, whereas the number in the spleen was increased. serum hemolysin production and plaque-forming cell response to sheep erythrocyt ...1976818028
disparity in origin of mononuclear phagocyte populations. 1976818376
occurrence of listeria monocytogenes in feces of pregnant women with and without direct animal contact.women under policlinic control during their pregnancy were divided into 3 groups, viz. women living on farms with animals, women having pet-animals in their home and women without any direct contact with living animsla. 5-7 feces samples were controlled for l. monocytogenes during pregnancy and puerperium, together with one sample of meconium of the neonate. of women from farms, with pet-animals and women without living animal contact, respectively 32%, 39% and 34% of the samples were positive. ...1976818853
[the listeria monocytogenes carrier state of the staff of maternity centres in non epidemic periods (author's transl)].9 of 177 examined healthy adults working in maternity centers were found to be listeria monocytogenes carriers, every examined person worked by profession in maternity departments in areas free of human epidemic. after one year (4 degrees c), the bacterium was cultivated from their faeces in culture media containing either rivanol or trypaflavin.1976818854
listeria-encefalitis in cows through litter from a a loose-housed herd four cows are emergency-slaughtered, within some weeks, because of symptoms of encefalitis. from the brains of these cows, as well as from the litter, coming from broilers, that had been put in the cow-stables before, listeria monocytogenes type 4b has been isolated. at the same time an investigation was made from faeces/intestinal contents of broilers. out of the contents of 2.373 intestines, 1% of about 2.300.000 broilers ready for use, coming from 146 farms, 4.1% l.mono ...1976818856
effects of listeria monocytogenes and its components on adenosine triphosphate concentrations in mice.the effects of listeria monocytogenes and its components on adenosine triphosphate (atp) concentrations in mice were examined by in vitro and in vivo techniques. white female mice were intraperitoneally injected with l monocytogenes strain 9-125 and its components, and certain tissues of mice were exposed to the various listerial components in vitro, and the atp concentrations in these tissues were measured. results of in vivo experiments indicated that live listerial cells and certain component ...1976818928
[listeria monocytogenes infection].the authors report two newborn infants, one with sepsis and the other one with meningitis, discussing clinical and epidemiological aspects of this infection.1976819020
letter: endocarditis of aortic valvular prosthesis due to listeria monocytogenes. 1976819225
cell-mediated immune response to salmonella typhimurium infection in mice: development of nonspecific bactericidal activity against listeria monocytogenes.generation of the cell-mediated immune response of cba/h mice against salmonella typhimurium (c5s) was monitored by measuring the nonspecifically increased bactericidal activity of macrophages against listeria monocytogenes. the appearance of detectable levels of macrophage activation was inversely related to the initiating infectious dose. with 3 x 10(3) infecting c5s organisms, significant activity was demonstrable after day 3. immunity controlled a challenge with a streptomycin-resistant stra ...1976819372
polymorphonuclear leukocyte, monocyte, and macrophage bactericidal function in patients with hodgkin's determine if the susceptibility of patients with lymphoma, particularly hodgkin's lymphoma, is related to an abnormality in leukocyte function, the serum, neutrophils, and monocytes from a group of 29 patients with all stages of untreated hodgkin's disease were studied simultaneously with a group of normal subjects. the patients' neutrophils and serum functioned normally in the killing of e. coli, s. aureus, l. monocytogenes, and s. typhimurium. the killing of e. coli and listeria by their mo ...1976819604
in vitro effects of listerial hemolysin on rat brain mitochondria.crude hemolysin derived from listeria monocytogenes, strains 9-125 and 1122-3, reduced phosphate utilization of rat brain mitochondria in a succinate system. oxidation rates were not altered by addition of hemolysin to a concentration of 42 hemolytic units/ml, with a mitochondrial protein concentration of 2.3 mg/ml. at a mitochondrial protein concentration of 1.8 mg/ml, 42 hemolytic units/ml of hemolysin increased the inhibition of phosphate utilization and also reduced the oxygen uptake. an age ...1976820225
cerebral abscess due to listeria monocytogenes.a case of cerebral abscess due to listeria monocytogenes in a patient receiving immunosuppressive treatment is reported. early diagnosis was facilitated by a cerebral scan.1976817114
[ultrastructure of l forms. report 5. localization of dehydrogenase activity in l form cells].a study was made of deposition of diformazan tnbt and tcnbt in the presence of succinate and without it in stable l-forms of str. pyogenes group a, st. aureus and l. monocytogenes. diformazan proved to deposit on the cytoplasmic membrane, in the lamellar mesosomes and myelin-like structures and also on individual intracellulor membranes not forming special membrane organoids. diformazan was localized on the membranes mostly asymmetrically, on the cytoplasmic membrane-on its internal side, and on ...1976817550
listeriosis.four patients with listeria monocytogenes infection are presented; three of whom had associated lymphoproliferative disorders. two of the four patients had listeria meningitis. meningitis is the most common manifestation of listeriosis in humans. specific diagnosis depends on demonstrating listeria monocytogenes in the cerebral spinal fluid; differentiation from other forms of acute meningitis cannot be made clinically. although listeriosis is recognized as a major global problem in both human a ...1976817600
listeria cell wall fraction: a b cell adjuvant.a crude cell wall-rich fraction of listeria monocytogenes (lcwf) has previously been shown to induce resistance to listeria infection in mice, to be a murine b cell mitogen, and to be an immunologic adjuvant. data reported here show that lcwf stimulates immune responses by three different murine b cell populations that respond poorly or not at all to thymus-dependent antigens when t cells are severely depleted or absent. these b cell populations include nude mouse spleen cells, anti-theta serum- ...1976815429
[bacteriological and pathohistological studies of sheep experimentally infected with listeria].a total of forty gimmers (eight of which spleen-ectomized) were i/v, orally, intratracheally, and along the branching of n. infraorbitalis infected with a 24-hour broth culture of listeria monocytogenes. the meningoencephalite form of listeriosis was induced in two of the animals infected intraveneously, in one animal of those infected orally, and in one of those infected in the branching of nervus infraorbitalis. the most typical microscopic changes were established in the case of infection thr ...1976816052
listeria sepsis immediately preceding renal transplant rejection. 1976814260
enhanced mononuclear phagocytic activity during trypanosoma cruzi infection in has been shown that trypanosoma cruzi-infected mice develop a nonspecific resistance to challenge with an unrelated microorganism, namely, listeria monocytogenes. this increased resistance to listeria was observed on the 4th day of trypanosoma infection and persisted for at least 25 days. it was associated with an increased mononuclear phagocytic activity, as revealed by carbon clearance experiments. the possibility that macrophages of the infected host become activated by a process which app ...1976812831
neonatal listeriosis: distribution of serotypes in relation to age at onset of disease. 1976812974
synthesis of the second component of complement by long-term primary cultures of human monocytes.a method has been developed for preparation of confluent monolayers of human monocytes from small volumes of blood and for maintenance of these pure monocyte cultures for up to 16 wk in vitro. these cells phagocytosed 5.7 mum diameter latex beads, rosetted with erythrocytes coated with igg or with c3, killed listeria monocytogenes, and synthesized both lysozyme and the second component of complement. lysozyme was secreted at a rate of approximately 50,000 mol/min per cell for at least 12 wk in c ...1976811751
regulation of the t-cell response to ectromelia virus infection. i. feedback suppression by effector t cells.spleen cells and serum from mice immunized with ectromelia virus suppressed the immune response to infectious virus when transferred intravenously into recipient mice given an immunizing virus dose. the suppression was reflected in decreased cytotoxic t-cell activity directed against h-2 compatible virus-infected target cells in the spleens of recipients. suppression was observed when immune cells or serum were transferred 1-2 h or 1 day after immunization of recipients, but not 2 days after, an ...1976175126
[meningo-encephalic complications caused by rare microorganisms in renal transplanted patients: cryptococcosis and listeriosis with favourable course]. 1976183277
functional properties of t and b cells isolated by affinity chromatography from rat thoracic duct lymph. 19766153
the mediator of cellular immunity. xii. inhibition of activated t cells by newcastle disease virus.newcastle disease virus (ndv) can interact in at least two ways with rat t cells. by adsorbing to circulating lymphocytes, the virus can transiently deflect the cells from lymph nodes and inflammatory exudates induced in the peritoneal cavity. t cells are affected regardless of age, state of activation, or position in the mitotic cycle. the effect is reversible and is mediated not only by infectious (i)-ndv, but also by uv-ndv which cannot achieve a complete replication cycle in eggs. but i-ndv ...19768579
interaction of listeria monocytogenes and influenza in an animal model.this study was designed to investigate the effects of viruses in the pathogenesis of listeria monocytogenes. the organisms used in this study were: listeria monocytogenes type 1 isolated from a local fatal case; mouse adapted influenza a/pr8/34 (honi); streptococcus pneumoniae group b (u.m. med. ctr.) and poliovirus type 2 mef--g3m2. balb-c mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with one ld50 of listeria monocytogenes. ten days later, the survivors were challenged intransally with 10 ld50 of inf ...197610263
resistance to tumor growth mediated by listeria monocytogenes. destruction of experimental malignant melanoma by lm-activated peritoneal and lymphoid cells.a murine experimental model of nonspecific tumor destruction mediated by cells activated by listeria monocytogenes (lm) is described. b16 melanoma growth is prevented or suppressed in the syngeneic host when tumor cells are inoculated in contact with viable lm. in vitro, cultured b16 cells are destroyed by lm immune peritoneal or splenic cells in the presence of the bacterial antigen(s). activation of lm immune cells in vitro is immunologically specific. replacement of lm by sheep red blood cell ...197656396
shared antigens between bacteria and guinea pig line 10 hepatocarcinoma cells.this study was undertaken to investigate the possibility that listeria monocytogenes, brucella abortus, and salmonella typhimurium share antigenic components with guinea pig line 10 hepatocarcinoma cells. rabbits were immunized with sonicates of these bacteria or line 10 tumor cells. other rabbits were immunized with line 1 cells, a tumor with antigenic characteristics different from those of line 10. the binding of antibodies to radiolabeled antigens prepared from extracts of bacteria and line ...197657823
shared antigens between human malignant melanoma cells and mycobacterium bovis (bcg).this study was undertaken to investigate the antigenic relationships between human malignant melanoma cells and mycobacterium bovis (bcg). rabbits were immunized with sonicates of bcg or with malignant melanoma cells from different patients and the resulting antisera were tested for their capacity to bind radiolabeled soluble extracts prepared from bcg and melanoma cells. the binding of antibodies to radiolabeled antigens was studied by precipitation of radiolabeled antigen-antibody complexes by ...197658033
non-specific antimicrobial cellular resistance in sensitized guinea pigs.specific delayed-type hypersensitivity was induced in guinea pigs with bovine albumin + complete freund adjuvant, bovine gamma globulin + complete freund adjuvant and bcg vaccine. the animals were subsequently tested for nonspecific antimicrobial resistance. sensitized and control groups were challenged intraperitoneally with listeria monocytogenes 2 hr after reinjection with the sensitizing antigen. the listeria content of the spleens was determined 1 or 5 days after the infection. the number o ...197659519
[characterization of flagella and flagellin of listeria monocytogenes. i. immunological investigations (author's transl)]. 197660251
generation of macrophage chemotactic activity in situ in listeria-immune rats. 197771948
relation of concentrations of bacteria and bacterial antigen in cerebrospinal fluid to prognosis in patients with bacterial meningitis. 197713301
a method for the rapid isolation of listeria monocytogenes from infected material. 197720438
depression of protective mechanisms against microörganisms in tumor-bearing mice and its restoration by adjuvants.bacterial growth within 72 hr after an intravenous inoculation with listeria monocytogenes was enhanced strikingly in the liver of mice, when viable cells of sarcoma-180 were injected subcutaneously into ddn, c3h/he, and balb/c mice 5 hr before the inoculation. such an enhanced bacterial growth appears to be attributable to a depressed ability of macrophages to digest engulfed bacteria. pretreatments with zymosan, killed bcg, or viable bcg prevented such depression in tumor-bearing mice and incr ...197799344
antibodies to bacterial and tumor-derived antigens in sera from normal guinea pigs.antibodies that react with radiolabeled antigens derived from guinea pig line-10 tumor cells and mycobacterium bovis (bcg) were detected in sera from normal tumor-free strain-2 guinea pigs (ngps). binding by ngps to the two antigens was inhibited by extracts of either line-10 cells or bcg. binding by ngps to the line-10 antigen was inhibited by a number of other bacterial extracts. ngps was tested after absorption with a variety of cells including line-10, line-1, normal guinea pig spleen, norma ...1977197169
marrow-dependent cell function in early stages of infection with listeria monocytogenes. 1977198147
[cellular immunity in two experimental infections : listeriosis and ectromelia. experimental approach and recent developments (author's transl)]. 1977199880
[neuro-meningeal listerioses in adults. value of blood culture]. 1977204037
[listeria monocytogenes isolation at work places in the meat industry (author's transl)]. 1977137775
bacteriological and histopathological evaluation of guinea pigs after infection with listeria monocytogenes.randomly bred guinea pigs were infected with listeria monocytogenes using the intracardial, intravenous and intraperitoneal routes of infection. doses of listeria ranged from 5 to 1,000 x the 50% lethal dose based on the 50% lethal dose for intracardially injected listeria. a complete necropsy was performed on all animals that died after infection. gross and microscopic examination of tissues revealed major pathological features which include myocarditis, edema and congestion with interstitial p ...1977140150
[ultrastructure of listeria monocytogenes bacteriophages].no morphological differences were found among the 10 listeria phages suspensions examined. the polyhedric head appears to be about 62-66 nm in diameter, the tail devoided of contractile sheath measures 260-280 x 10 nm. the phage adsorption is observed on the cell-wall of listeria.1977142575
comparison of t cell-mediated immune responsiveness of nzb, (nzb x &nzw)f1 hybrid and other murine strains.the age-dependent capacity of nzb and (nzb x nzw)f1 hybrid, balb/c, dba/2, c57bl/6 and c3h mice to generate t cell-mediated immune responses was assessed qualitatively and quantitatively by measuring the following effector functions: (a) the time course of alloreactive cytotoxic t-cell activity triggered in vitro was comparable for nz and other mouse strains; cell reactivity generated in vivo against el4 tumour cells was low in young (nzb x nzw)f1 mice and in dba/2 mice but was comparable for ol ...1977142594
effect of sensitization with propionibacterium acnes on the growth of listeria monocytogenes and treponema pallidum in rabbits.sensitization of rabbits with propionibacterium acnes, a nonspecific stimulant of the reticuloendothelial system, was investigated as a means of enhancing resistance to treponema pallidum. a single i.v. dose of p. acnes given 3 or 7 days before challenge with listeria monocytogenes was capable of suppressing the growth of the heterologous organism, whereas a single i.v. dose 24 hr or 14 days before challenge was not. reactivation via i.v. elicitation with p. acnes 14 days after sensitization (1 ...1977401511
effect of amniotic fluid on bacterial growth.the bacteriostatic effect of amniotic fluid was studied using four pathogenic organisms which are encountered in the perinatal period, e. coli, s. aureus, l. monocytogenes, and group b beta hemolytic streptococci. amniotic fluid inhibited the growth of all four organisms, with a wide degree of individual variation among specimens. the greatest degree of inhibition was noted for l. monocytogenes and the least for e. coli. the time in gestation in which the amniotic fluid sample was obtained did n ...1977401535
destruction of experimental malignant melanoma by mediators of cellular immunity.listeria monocytogenes (lm) in admixture with b-16 melanoma suppresses local tumor development in syngeneic c57bl/6 mice. in vitro, lm-immune peritoneal and splenic cells are cytotoxic to b-16. induction of cell-mediated immunity to lm antigens are required for the killing effect, since effector cells from lm-"immune" athymic nude mice are unable to kill tumor cells in vitro. further, elimination of macrophages by a specific antiserum plus complement abrogates the cytotoxic effect of peritoneal ...1977401681
activation of guinea pig macrophages by q fever rickettsiae. 1977401688
synergism of penicillin and gentamicin against listeria monocytogenes in ex vivo hemodialysis culture.a new technique of ex vivo hemodialysis culture was used to study the effects against listeria monocytogenes of penicillin g and gentamicin administered intra-muscular, singly and in combination, in the goat. bactericidal synergism of the combination was detected despite rapidly diminishing concentrations of the drugs in the blood plasma and dialysate.1977401852
t-cell-mediated concomitant immunity to syngeneic tumors. i. activated macrophages as the expressors of nonspecific immunity to unrelated tumors and bacterial growth of the sa1 sarcoma was shown to result in the generation of a state of concomitant resistance to growth of a second implant of the same tumor. the responding lymph nodes of concomitantly immune mice were shown to contain theta-positive t cells that could specifically neutralize the growth of tumor cells in a normal test recipient. nevertheless, the concomitantly immune host itself was capable to a limited extent of suppressing the growth of unrelated tumors. the generation of ...1977401860
requirement for magnesium influx in activation of alveolar macrophages mediated by ionophore a23187. 1977401955
infectious keratoconjunctivitis in cattle associated with listeria monocytocytogenes. 1977402729
determination of the bacteriostatic capacity of neutrophils and monocytes in mixed cell populations.cline [1, 2] described a method of determining the phagocytic and bacteriostatic activity of individual types of leukocytes within mixed cell populations. we tried to improve the applicability of this method for the investigation of clinical problems.--bacteria in the log-phase of growth were incubated in test tubes with leukocytes separated from venous blood. after a short period of phagocytosis 3h-thymidine was added to label dna-synthesizing organisms. smears were prepared and processed by au ...1977402962
cooperation of immune lymphoid and reticuloendothelial cells during listeria monocytogenes-mediated tumor immunity.listeria monocytogenes (lm) in admixture with cells from a murine, chemically induced tumor retarded local tumor development in the syngeneic host. intra-footpad growth of 10(4) tumor cells was equally inhibited by 4 x 10(4) admixed lm in normal or lm-immune mice indicating that concomitant or prior immunity to lm was equally effective in suppressing tumor growth. development of cellular immunity to viable lm was required for tumor rejection. mice prevented from developing anti-lm immunity by in ...1977403003
suppression of in vitro antibody responses by listeria primed spleen cells. 1977403012
cell-mediated resistance to infection with listeria monocytogenes in nude mice.congenitally dysthymic nude (nu/nu) nmri mice showed increased resistance to viable listeria monocytogenes cells during the initial phase of infection as compared with euthymic control mice. the intravenous mean lethal dose (ld50), as determined for euthymic mice after an observation time of 7 and 14 days, amounted consistently to 6 x 10(4) listeria. the corresponding values determined in nude mice were found to be increased by either 20-fold (1.2 x 10(6) listeria after an observation time of 7 ...1977403135
purification of a monocytosis-producing activity from listeria monocytogenes.the monocytosis-producing activity (mpa) from listeria monocytogenes is shown to be associated with the cell envelope. both mpa and immunosuppressive activity were readily extracted with aqueous solvents and separated as two independent activities by gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography. as little as 10 microng of the resulting mpa-containing fraction caused a ninefold elevation in the level of circulating monocytes. the molecular weight of the fraction was approximately 22,000, and it ...1977403137
listeria monocytogenes: another look at the "cinderella among pathogenic bacteria". 1977403404
[electronenmicroscopic studies on cells of listeria monocytogenes treated with enterocin (author's transl)].purified enterocin e1a, a bacteriocin produced by streptococcus faecium e1, had a strong bactericidal activity on susceptible cells of listeria monocytogenes. electronmicroscopic observation of thin sections of l. monocytogenes, treated with enterocin e1a at a concentration that gave 0.1% survivors, revealed that the predominant features of morphological alterations concern the partial dissolution of the cell content and the damage of the cell envelope which enabled an efflux of cell-material. n ...1977403713
listeria revisited. 1977403758
partial purification and properties of an antibacterial product of peritoneal exudate cell cultures from bcg-infected guinea pigs.peritoneal exudates elicited in bcg-infected guinea pigs with caseinate yield cell cultures that have been shown to produce soluble material capable of sterilizing certain bacteria if the cultures are incubated with the specific antigen purified protein derivative or the lectin phytohemagglutinin. this material is now shown to have the following properties: (i) strongly adsorbable to glass; (ii) strongly adsorbable to cation- and not to anion-exchange resins but not elutable with mineral acid or ...1977404243
chromatographic study of mycolic acid-like substances in lipids of listeria monocytogenes. 1977404306
evaluation of the rapid hippurate hydrolysis test with enterococcal group d streptococci.the rapid hippurate hydrolysis test was evaluated with the conventional test, using 17 group a streptococci, 9 non-enterococcal group d streptococci, 108 enterococcal group d streptococci, and 2 strains of listeria monocytogenes. there was complete correlation between the rapid and conventional tests with all organisms except enterococcal group d. the rapid hippurate hydrolysis method was more sensitive with the enterococci; 95.4% were positive with the rapid method, and 9.3% were positive with ...1977404312
enhancement of carrier-mediated transport after immunologic activation of peritoneal macrophages.immunologically activated peritoneal macrophages from inbred mice and hartley strain guinea pigs demonstrate a markedly greater than normal transport of 2-deoxy-d-glucose and l-leucine. the degree of nutrilite transport enhancement was greatest when animals were injected with the appropriate eliciting antigens before harvesting and also, if antigen was included in the tissue culture medium during the initial hours of in vitro culture. enhanced hexose and amino acid uptake could also be achieved ...1977404359
enhancement of nonspecific immunity to bacterial infection by cord factor (6,6'-trehalose dimycolate).the capacity of mycobacteria to enhance the nonspecific resistance of mice to bacterial infections was related to the presence of cord factor. after enzymatic digestion and delipidation, cell walls lost their immunopotentiating activity, which was restored, however, by the addition of cord factor. cord factor administered alone protected mice effectively against virulent organisms unrelated to mycobacteria. moreover, although this glycolipid is usually injected as a solution in mineral oil, our ...1977404368
subversion of host defense mechanisms by malignant tumors: an established tumor as a privileged site for bacterial growth.mice carrying any one of three murine tumors in their right hind foot pad were incapable of eliminating an inoculum of the bacterial parasite listeria monocytogenes from the progressive tumor. in contrast, they were as capable as control mice in efficiently eliminating the organism from their contralateral tumor-free foot pad, and from their lymph nodes and livers. the results serve to show, therefore, that conditions within an established tumor are not only antagonistic to the expression of con ...1977404387
differential diagnosis between streptococcus agalactiae and listeria monocytogenes in the clinical laboratory.streptococci of the group b (s. agalactiae) and listeria monocytogenes resemble each other in many morphological and biochemical characteristics. ten beta-hemolytic strains of each species were subjected to 26 tests commonly and easily performed in the clinical laboratory. macroscopic and microscopic morphology on solid media showed differences only in the size of the colonies and in the length of the individual organisms. among many other tests, hippurate hydrolysis and the camp reaction were p ...1977404952
listeria monocytogenes endophthalmitis in an immune-suppressed host. 1977405090
listericidal activity of non-stimulated and stimulated human macrophages in in vitro biological assay system has been described to quantify the listericidal activity of human macrophages grown from peripheral blood monocytes. within 15 min after in vitro infection, the activated macrophages showed a faster and higher degree in killing capacity as compared to the nonactivated ones; the killing process early and was of short duration.1977405167
age-related decline in the resistance of mice to infection with intracellular pathogens.resistance to infection with toxoplasma gondii and listeria monocytogenes in balb/c female mice decreased with increasing age. the decrease was apparent as early as 9 months of age and was more marked as the animals aged further. this age-related decline in resistance was not restricted to balb/c female mice, as male and female mice of the c57bl/6 strain exhibited similar responses. with both pathogens, aged mice showed a more marked susceptibility to the strain of lesser virulence. transfer of ...1977405325
bacterial endocarditis caused by listeria monocytogenes. 1977405800
[frequency and distribution of various serotypes of listeria monocytogenes in hungary]. 1977405810
[submicroscopic organization of listeriae during l-transformation].a study was made of the ultrastructural organization of listeria at the early stages of l-transformation, beginning from the first passage of the bacterial culture on solid nutrient medium with pencillin. the use of potassium benzylpenicillin salt in the capacity of an l-transforming agent permitted to observe the cells at various stages of l-transformation, beginning from the bacterial forms and ending with the typical l-colonies. it was shown that at the earliest stage of l-transformation ther ...1977405828
listeria monocytogenes endocarditis: report of a case and review of the literature.endocarditis due to listeria monocytogenes is rare with only 13 cases cited in the world's literature. we report an additional case with a review of the previously reported patients. in contrast to other clinical forms of listeriosis, endocarditis does not tend to occur in patients with severe underlying disorders or those on immunosuppressive regimens. listeric endocarditis has a predilection for left-sided cardiac involvement (100 percent), and systemic embolization is a major clinical feature ...1977405865
listeria monocytogenes endophthalmitis.listeria monocytogenes and a staphylococcus organism caused a catastrophic endophthalmitis in a patient despite appropriate local and systemic antimicrobial chemotherapy. although l monocytogenes is widespread in nature and has produced a variety of clinical illnesses, it has only one previously been reported to cause endophthalmitis. if appropriate microbiologic techniques are not employed, the organism may go unrecognized as an ocular pathogen.1977405962
differential effects of concanavalin a and phytohemagglutinin on murine immunity. suppression and enhancement of cell-mediated immunity. 1977406049
stimulation of macrophages by cord factor and by heat-killed and living bcg.trehalose-6,6'-dimycolate (cord factor; cf) injected into the peritoneal cavity of mice induced stimulation of the peritoneal macrophages, evidenced both by increased activity of the lysosomal enzyme, acid phosphatase, and by increased phagocytosis of listeria monocytogenes. the increase in enzyme activity and phagocytosis was similar to that induced by killed or living bcg. when administered intravenously, cf or bcg did not induce stimulation of peritoneal macrophages. cf when added to tissue c ...1977406198
an outbreak of caprine listeriosis in the western cape.listerial meningo-encephalitis (circling disease) is reported for the first time in ruminants in south africa. an account is given of the clinical signs, pathology and bacteriological confirmation of the disease.1977406392
[fulminat courses of sepsis in newborn infants and infants]. 1977406522
the influence of listeria monocytogenes cells on the primary immunologic response in irradiated mice.the influence of killed listeria monocytogenes cells on the primary immunologic response in mice irradiated with 300 or 500 r was studied. the immunologic response of the mice to sheep red blood cells used as antigen was assessed at the cellular level (by counting pfc) and humoral level. injection of killed listeria monocytogenes cells before irradiation of the mice diminished the immunosuppressive effect of roentgen radiation. injection of the cells after irradiation accelerated regeneration of ...1977406878
serological study of listeriosis in domestic animals in são paulo-brazil.a serological examination was carried out for l. monocytogenes antibodies on 9,318 domestic animal--7,809 bovine, 838 horses and 671 swine--in são paulo, brazil. serum agglutination in tubes was the method used. only somatic antigens from serotypes 1, 2, 3, 4a and 4b were employed. it was considered reagent all sera reacting in a titer 1/20 while as positive only sera with 1/320 or above. according this criteria the results showed showed that in cattle 17.8% were reagent but only 8 sera were pos ...1977407169
separation of pathogenic from apathogenic listeria monocytogenes by three in vitro isolants of listeria monocytogenes cultured from clinical and nonclinical sources were examined for hemolytic activity by means of the camp phenomenon and tested for acidification of xylose and rhamnose. the reactions of the isolants were noted and correlated with the pathogenicity of the organisms. all of the camp-negative (nonhemolytic) isolants were apathogenic, and all but one of the camp-positive (hemolytic) isolants were pathogenic. all xylose-acidifying isolating isolan ...1977407244
[listeria monocytogenes antibodies in human sera in poland in the years 1970-1974]. 1977407630
[experimental studies on bacteria transmission via chicken egg]. 1977407900
[transfer of pathogenic activity of a virulent strain of listeria to an avirulent strain].the pathogenicity of a virulent strain of listeria monocytogenes was transfered to an avirulent strain by mixing the filtered culture of the pathogenic strain with an exponentially growing avirulent strain.1977408037
kinetics and maintenance of acquired resistance in mice to listeria the mouse system, acquired resistance to listeria monocytogenes can only be demonstrated after immunization with viable microorganisms. a successful state of immunity cannot be elicited with formalin-killed organisms or bacterial cell-derived products. viable, serologically cross-reactive organisms (not mouse pathogenic) do not induce a state of immunity as measured by acquired resistance. the duration of immunity, once established, is dose independent, and the absolute interval of its existe ...1977408273
cell-mediated immune response to lymphocytic choriomeningitis and vaccinia virus in rats.the parameters of cell-mediated immune responses of rats to infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus or vaccinia virus were assessed by measuring primary footpad swelling, increased weights of the local lymph nodes, increased numbers of lymphocytes per lymph node, and the course of virus-specific cytolytic activity by these lymphocytes. except for lack of a defined swelling caused by vaccinia virus injected into the hind footpads of rats, the kinetics of all these responses correlated a ...1977408419
inhibition of different serotypes of listeria monocytogenes by enterocins in solid and liquid media.twenty-one enterocinogenic strains of enterococci were examined for their ability to inhibit 51 strains of listeria monocytogenes belonging to eight different serotypes; 50 strains of l. monocytogenes were uniformly inhibited on solid media and in broth cultures by strains of streptococcus faecium. however, only four strains of l. monocytogenes were inhibited by strains of streptococcus faecalis, s. faecalis v. zymogenes or s. faecalis v. liquefaciens. enterocin e1a prepared from the supernant f ...1977408493
[applicability of culture medium containing acriflavine for the isolation of listeria monocytogenes]. 1977408568
in vitro immunisation against human tumour cells with bacterial extracts. 1977408706
in vitro studies on normal, stimulated and immunologically activated mouse macrophages. iii. intracellular multiplication of listeria monocytogenes.the intracellular generation time of listeria monocytogenes is increased in monolayers of pe macrophages from mice immunized with bcg, listeria and t.a.b. vaccine as compared with monolayers of pe macrophages from normal mice stimulated intraperitoneally with proteosepeptone. thus non-specifically stimulated and immunologically activated macrophages, although sharing several other characteristics, differ in their capacity to control intracellular bacterial infection.1977409099
[meningitis due to "listeria monocytogenes": small postnatal outbreak (author's transl)].four cases of "listeria monocytogenes" serotype 4 neonatal meningitis are reported. in all, the study of maternal antecedents and the circumstances of their outcome as small epidemy suggest a raisonable evidence that postnatal contamination within the early twenty-four hours of life happened. a proper treatment succeded in complete healing without sequelae in all cases.1977409322
[isolation and characterization of "listeria monocytogenes" bacteriophages (author's transl)].fifteen l. monocytogenes phages are isolated from lysogenic strains without induction and are selected for phage-typing. four of these phages are produced by strains belonging to serotype 1/2a and 1/2b, eight by strains 4b and three other phages respectively by strains 4ab, 4g and 3c. electron micrographs of 5 of these phages show isometric heads with non contractile tails. they belong to morphological group b of bradley. rabbits are immunized with 7 bacteriophages and all the phages are studied ...1977409323
kinetics of phagocytosis and bacterial killing by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes and monocytes.the kinetics of phagocytosis and bacterial killing by normal human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (pmnls) and by monocytes (mns) were compared by use of [3h]thymidine-labeled staphylococcus aureus, escherichia coli, and listeria monocytogenes. the rate of phagocytosis by pmnls was approximately twice that by mns for all three bacterial species. although a marked difference was found in opsonic requirements for phagocytosis of s. aureus, e. coli, and l. monocytogenes, phagocytosis by pmnls and mns ...1977409787
secretion of mediators following t lymphocyte-macrophage interaction is regulated by the major histocompatibility this study we show that t cells from mice infected with listeria monocytogenes can interact in vitro with normal macrophages to produce a number of soluble mediators, including lymphostimulatory molecules. one of these molecules was a 15,000-dalton protein mitogenic for thymocytes. generation of mitogenic activity was essentially completed by the first 24 hr of culture and did not require the addition of listeria antigens. production of mitogenic protein required contact between the lymphocyt ...1977410022
[immunological defence mechanisms and inflammation (author's transl)].the interaction of immunological defence mechanisms and inflammation is reviewed. to begin with, those cells are discussed, which play a role in the immunological response, viz. the cells by which antigen is recognized (macrophages, b and t lymphocytes) and the effector cells (macrophages, plasma cells and sensitized t cells) and their products. then, the cells involved in an inflammatory response (neutrophilic, eosinophilic and basophilic granulocytes, mast cells) are discussed, attention also ...1977410115
spontaneous peritonitis of cirrhosis due to listeria monocytogenes. 1977410335
chemotaxigenesis and complement fixation by listeria monocytogenes cell wall reported here show that a crude cell wall fraction of listeria monocytogenes (lcwf) and its purified derivative (pf) induce chemotaxis of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the presence of normal rabbit serum. in addition, both lcwf and pf can fix rabbit and guinea pig complement. the purified cell wall preparation is more active than lcwf in both chemotaxigenesis and complement fixation, indicating that these activities are due primarily to the nonprotein portion of lcwf. complement fix ...1977410883
a rapid micro method for the simultaneous determination of phagocytic-microbiocidal activity of human peripheral blood leukocytes in vitro.a new, simple technique for simultaneously studying phagocytic and microbiocidal functions, using viable eukaryotic and prokaryotic microbes, is described. fresh human venous blood from volunteers was placed on a coverglass and incubated to allow leukocyte adhesion to the coverglass. after clot removal, viable microbes in suspension were added and the coverglass preparation was incubated to allow phagocytosis. the excess microbes (e. coli, s. aureus, l. monocytogenes, and c. albicans each have b ...1977410889
killed listeria monocytogenes vaccine becomes protective on addition of polyanions. 1977411046
[selective effect of propolis in the isolation of listeria monocytogenes (author's transl)].propolis is a substance produced by honeybees. it is inhibitory to some bacteria species, mainly gram-positive bacteria, but less inhibitory to listeria monocytogenes (l.m) than to the other gram-positive bacteria tested. in order to obtain selective growth of l.m. from contaminated samples, the effect of propolis in plating media and broths on various strains of bacteria was examined. table i shows the effect of increasing concentrations of propolis in tryptose-agar (ta). l.m. tolerated higher ...1977411111
a new selective medium for the isolation of listeria monocytogenes.a new selective medium for the isolation of listeria monocytogenes (lm), is described. the medium contained propolis, nalidixic acid, polymyxin b and rivanol as selective substances. the new medium (propolis-agar) was compared with two other selective media and one nonselective medium. no inhibitory effect was found on the 6 strains of lm tested, and lm was easily isolated from a mixture of lm and contaminating bacteria. the selective effect was better than for the two other selective media test ...1977411112
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