
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
[seroprevalence of bartonella henselae and bartonella quintana infections in poland in 1998-2001].bartonella henselae and bartonella quintana infections result in illnesses with symptoms of severity ranging from mild lymphadenopathy (csd) to systemic disease. the aim of the study was to estimate a prevalence of b. henselae and b. quintana infections in human in poland. serum samples collected from 265 patients in 1998-2001 were tested for the presence of antibodies specific to b. henselae and b. quintana. levels of serum igm and igg antibodies to bartonella henselae and bartonella quintana w ...200212608089
submacular exudates with serous retinal detachment caused by cat scratch present submacular exudates as a manifestation of cat scratch disease.200212778351
guidelines for preventing opportunistic infections among hiv-infected persons--2002. recommendations of the u.s. public health service and the infectious diseases society of 1995, the u.s. public health service (usphs) and the infectious diseases society of america (idsa) developed guidelines for preventing opportunistic infections (ois) among persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv); these guidelines were updated in 1997 and 1999. this fourth edition of the guidelines, made available on the internet in 2001, is intended for clinicians and other health-care providers who care for hiv-infected persons. the goal of these guidelines is to provide evi ...200212081007
lack of correlation between bartonella dna detection within fleas, serological results, and results of blood culture in a bartonella-infected stray cat correlate the presence of different bartonella species in the blood of a stray cat population trapped on a french military base with specific antibodies and species detected in cat fleas.200212084102
gross hematuria in a young child with axillary lymphadenopathy. 200212086202
do plant and human pathogens have a common pathogenicity strategy?recently, a novel 'two-step' model of pathogenicity has been described that suggests host-cell-derived vasculoproliferative factors play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of bacillary angiomatosis, a disease caused by the human pathogenic bacterium bartonella henselae. the resulting proliferation of endothelial cells could be interpreted as bacterial pathogens triggering the promotion of their own habitat: the host cell. similar disease mechanisms are well known in the plant pathogen agrobacter ...200212088662
how bacteria could cause cancer: one step at a time.helicobacter pylori highlighted the potential for bacteria to cause cancer. it is becoming clear that chronic infection with other bacteria, notably salmonella typhi, can also facilitate tumour development. infections caused by several bacteria (e.g. bartonella spp., lawsonia intracellularis and citrobacter rodentium) can induce cellular proliferation that can be reversed by antibiotic treatment. other chronic bacterial infections have the effect of blocking apoptosis. however, the underlying ce ...200212088666
vertebral osteomyelitis in 2 children. 200212462322
urban trench fever in a healthy man from the southeastern united states. 200212471587
vertebral osteomyelitis due to bartonella henselae in adults: a report of 2 cases.we describe 2 adult patients (1 of whom was infected with human immunodeficiency virus) with osteomyelitis due to bartonella henselae. diagnosis was established on the basis of direct identification of the microorganism in one case and seroconversion in the other. both patients recovered completely within 3 months.200212471592
high rate of bartonella henselae infection in hiv-positive outpatients in johannesburg, south africa.the emerging opportunistic pathogen bartonella henselae has a wide range of clinical presentation, which includes, particularly, bacillary angiomatosis. this non-random pilot survey of outpatients attending hiv clinics in johannesburg, south africa, sampled 188 patients, in whom there was a 10% prevalence of bartonella bacteraemia, as determined by nested polymerase chain reaction.200212474487
studies on the growth of bartonella henselae in the cat flea (siphonaptera: pulicidae).two out of three pools of cat fleas, ctenocephalides felis (bouche), that were fed bartonella henselae-positive cat blood for 3 d and then bovine blood for 3 d, were polymerase chain reaction (pcr) positive for b. henselae. in a second experiment, three cats were inoculated with a streptomycin-resistant strain of b. henselae. after the cats were inoculated, caged cat fleas were fed on the cats during three different periods, and then pooled and transferred to noninfected recipient cats. in the f ...200212495192
experimental infection of specific pathogen free (spf) cats with two different strains of bartonella henselae type i: a comparative study.domestic cats are the reservoir of bartonella henselae, the main causative agent of cat scratch disease. we compared b. henselae type i infection characteristics in 6 spf cats infected with a feline strain (4.8 x 10(7) colony-forming units (cfu)/ml) and in 6 spf cats infected with the reference houston i strain (6.6 x 10(6) cfu/ml to 9.6 x 10(7) /ml). all the cats inoculated with the feline strain, but none of the cats inoculated with b. henselae houston i, developed a fever within 2-12 days (me ...200212498568
human pathogens in body and head lice.using polymerase chain reaction and sequencing, we investigated the prevalence of rickettsia prowazekii, bartonella quintana, and borrelia recurrentis in 841 body lice collected from various countries. we detected r. prowazekii in body lice from burundi in 1997 and in lice from burundi and rwanda in 2001; b. quintana infections of body lice were widespread. we did not detect b. recurrentis in any lice.200212498677
laboratory diagnosis of bartonella infections.bartonella species are pathogens of emerging and reemerging significance, causing a wide array of clinical syndromes. in north america and europe, they are increasingly recognized as a cause of culture negative endocarditis, neuroretinitis, and disease among homeless, hiv-infected, and other immunosuppressed individuals. in south america, bartonellosis continues to plague those in endemic regions and poses a significant threat to travelers in these areas. as the clinician is increasingly faced w ...200212489289
cutaneous bacillary angiomatosis.bacillary angiomatosis is characterized by unique vascular lesions caused by infection with a small gram staining bacillus of the genus bartonella. it usually occurs in immunocompromised persons but can also occur in immunocompetent persons. we report a case of cutaneous bacillary angiomatosis in a 5-year-old immunocompetent child. he had infected lesions on the lips, after an injury, which was followed by lesions over the knees, buttocks, near the ankles and the elbows. diagnosis was proved on ...200212503674
[bartonella quintana infective endocarditis in an immunocompetent senegalese man]. 200212504245
investigation of the phylogenetic relationships within the genus bartonella based on comparative sequence analysis of the rnpb gene, 16s rdna and 23s rdna.a variety of genes and analytical methods have been applied to the study of phylogenetic relationships within the genus bartonella, but so far the results have been inconsistent. while previous studies analysed single protein-encoding genes, we have analysed an alignment containing the sequences of three important phylogenetic markers, rnase p rna, 16s rrna and 23s rrna, merged by catenation, to determine the phylogenetic relationships within the genus bartonella. the dataset described here comp ...200212508871
clinical microbiological case: severe relapsing septal panniculitis in a healthy man from the south-eastern usa. 200212519353
cat scratch disease in japan. 200212525891
cat scratch disease: analysis of 130 seropositive clarify the clinical manifestations of cat scratch disease (csd), we evaluated a total of 130 seropositive patients with csd. the patients' ages ranged from 1 to 68 years; 103 (79.2%) were under 18 years of age. csd occurred predominantly in the fall and winter months. regional lymphadenopathy was noted in 110 (84.6%) of the cases, and the most common sites were the neck (33%), axillary (27%), and inguinal (18%) regions. one hundred of the patients (77%) had general symptoms, such as fever, h ...200212525897
a prospective study of cat-scratch disease in disease (csd) is a benign lymphadenitis that may progress to severe or recurrent forms, and it is occasionally associated with morbidity. between january of 1998 and march of 1999, forty-three suspected csd patients were assessed in the hospital cayetano heredia and the instituto de salud del niño, in lima, peru. twelve patients had a confirmed diagnosis, 8 of whom were women, and the mean age was 10 years old. the majority (53%) of the cases were encountered in the summer. all patie ...200212532216
[three cases of bartonellosis (cat scratch disease)].in the last years the number of bartonella species has conspicuously increased, with better clinical and diagnostic definitions of the different related illnesses. we report, in the present article, 3 cases of cat-scratch disease, a particular bartonellosis mainly caused by bartonella henselae which is transmitted by the cat. after an incubation period, cat-scratch disease clinically manifests as a regional lymphoadenitis, with the appearance of a small cutaneous lesion at the site of inoculatio ...200212532565
aids presenting with cutaneous kaposi's sarcoma and bacillary angiomatosis in the bone marrow mimicking kaposi's sarcoma.kaposi's sarcoma (ks) and bacillary angiomatosis (ba) may be histologically similar. a precise diagnosis is required because of the different management of these diseases. ks or ba involving bone marrow is rare in patients with and without acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). we report the case of a 40-year-old human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-positive homosexual male who presented with small ks lesions in the skin and ba in the bone marrow that histologically were similar. laboratory e ...200212542930
new world origins for haemoparasites infecting united kingdom grey squirrels (sciurus carolinensis), as revealed by phylogenetic analysis of bartonella infecting squirrel populations in england and the united states.phylogenetic analyses of bartonella have suggested divergence between bartonellae that infect mammals native to the old and new worlds. we characterized bartonella isolated from eastern grey squirrels (sciurius carolinensis) in the united states and from grey and red squirrels (sciurus vulgaris) in the united kingdom by nucleotide sequence comparison (glta and groel). isolates from grey squirrels in the united states and the united kingdom were identical, and most similar to bartonella vinsonii, ...200212558350
cat scratch disease (csd) in patients with stellate neuroretinitis: 3 cases.this case series describes three patients with a similar clinical picture: unilateral abrupt visual loss, optic nerve edema, and a macular star exudate. in all cases we found significant antibody titers to bartonella henselae, the causative agent of cat scratch disease. cat scratch disease seems to be the most common cause of stellate neuroretinitis, formerly known as leber's idiopathic stellate retinopathy. a review of the pertinent literature shows that serologic evidence of b. henselae is suf ...200212564316
diagnostic methods current best practices and guidelines for identification of difficult-to-culture pathogens in infective endocarditis.culture-negative endocarditis currently represents a diagnostic challenge for physicians. traditional methods such as histology, serology, and culture have been improved and new molecular techniques have been developed to improve the detection of difficult-to-culture agents. serologic tests for the two most frequent etiologic agents, coxiella burnetii and bartonella spp, should be performed first because they can usually be identified easily in this way. the sensitivity of culture for intracellu ...200212092478
value of microimmunofluorescence for diagnosis and follow-up of bartonella endocarditis.bartonella endocarditis is a disease of emerging importance that causes serious complications and high rates of mortality. due to the fastidious nature of bartonella species and their high degrees of antibiotic susceptibility, cultures of clinical samples most often remain sterile and valvular biopsy specimens, the best specimens for pcr amplification, are seldom available. therefore, serology appears to be the easiest diagnostic tool. in order to determine the best cutoff value for serology and ...200212093675
induction of a potential paracrine angiogenic loop between human thp-1 macrophages and human microvascular endothelial cells during bartonella henselae infection.bartonella henselae is responsible for various disease syndromes that loosely correlate with the immune status of the host. in the immunocompromised individual, b. henselae-induced angiogenesis, or bacillary angiomatosis, is characterized by vascular proliferative lesions similar to those in kaposi's sarcoma. we hypothesize that b. henselae-mediated interaction with immune cells, namely, macrophages, induces potential angiogenic growth factors and cytokines which contribute in a paracrine manner ...200212117969
positive polymerase chain reaction and histology with borderline serology in parinaud's oculoglandular report a case of parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome (pos) in which, despite a borderline serology, polymerase chain reaction (pcr) testing for a conjunctival biopsy was positive for bartonella henselae, a source of cat-scratch disease. a steiner silver stain demonstrated the organism.200212131048
bacillary splenitis (bartonella henselae) during immune restoration in an hiv-infected patient. 200212131223
bartonella quintana in human erythrocytes.bartonella quintana is transmitted by body lice among homeless people. infection with this organism leads to chronic bacteraemia with few symptoms. we looked for b quintana in erythrocytes in a population of homeless people in marseille, france. in this report we show the intraerythrocytic presence of b quintana in people with symptomless bacteraemia, by use of a specific monoclonal antibody and laser confocal microscopy. presence of at least 5 x 10(4) colony-forming units per ml was predictive ...200212133660
characterization of the first bartonella henselae strain isolated from a cat in italy.bartonella henselae has been identified and characterized for the first time in italy. a strain, designed pavia-1, was isolated from the blood of a cat whose owner developed cat scratch disease (csd). pavia-1 and two american b. henselae strains (houston-1, atcc 49882, type i and strain 269608, uc davis, type ii) were compared by whole-cell fatty analysis (cfa), sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page) for protein profiles, western immunoblotting (wb) for reactivity w ...200212135236
investigation of bartonella infection in ixodid ticks from california.a total of 1253 ixodid ticks (254 tick pools) collected between the end of 1995 and the spring of 1997 from six california counties (el dorado, los angeles, orange, santa cruz, shasta and sonoma) were examined for the presence of bartonella dna by pcr of the citrate synthase gene. of 1,119 adult ixodes pacificus ticks tested, 26 (11.6%) of 224 pools, each containing five ticks, were positive (minimum percentage of ticks harboring detectable bartonella dna, 2.3%). bartonella pcr-positive ticks we ...200212135237
fourteen-year seroepidemiological study of zoonoses in a greek village.a seroepidemiological study carried out in a high-risk village in crete in 1985-1987 and 1998 showed that although the awareness of the people concerning zoonoses had increased during this period, the situation did not improve: there was a significant increase of the spread of seroprevalence in time and space of coxiella burnetii, rickettsia typhi, brucella sp., and entamoeba histolytica. toxoplasma gondii, rickettsia conorii, borrelia burgdorferi, echinococcus granulosus, leishmania sp., and fa ...200212135274
serological investigation of bartonella henselae infections in clinically cat-scratch disease-suspected patients, patients with cardiovascular diseases, and healthy veterinary students in japan.seroprevalence of bartonella henselae was investigated in japan in 48 individuals clinically suspected of having cat-scratch disease (csd), 159 patients with cardiovascular diseases, and 129 healthy veterinary students. of 48 csd-suspected patients examined, 19 (39.6%) were positive for b. henselae-igg and 4 (8.3%) for b. henselae-igm. of 159 patients with cardiovascular diseases, 5 (3.1%) were positive for b. henselae-igg. in healthy veterinary students, 14 of 129 (10.9%) were positive for b. h ...200212139390
[bacillary angiomatosis].bacillary angiomatosis is a bacterial disease which affects mainly immunosuppressed patients. it may compromise any tissue, especially the skin, presenting papules, nodules or angiomatous tumors. we studied three young men with aids, all of them with 1-2 papules, nodules or subcutaneous tumors suggesting telangiectatic granuloma, sarcoma and lipoma. microscopically, they were misdiagnosed as telangiectatic granuloma, kaposi's sarcoma and "angioma with secondary inflammation". after reviewing the ...200212152480
unilateral neuroretinitis and periparillary serous retinal detachment in cat-scratch disease is a self-limited infection characterized by subacute regional lymphadenitis, which is usually preceded by a history of being scratched by a cat infected with the bartonella species. neuroretinitis, retinochoroiditis, isolated papillitis and peripapillary angiomatosis are features of posterior segment involvement. however, vision loss is very rare. we report a patient with cat-scratch disease associated with unilateral neuroretinitis and peripapillary serous retinal detachmen ...200212162517
acute disseminated encephalomyelitis in describe the epidemiologic, clinical, neuroimaging, and laboratory features; treatment; and outcome in a cohort of children with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (adem).200212165620
a new type iv secretion system promotes conjugal transfer in agrobacterium tumefaciens.two dna transfer systems encoded by the tumor-inducing (ti) plasmid have been previously identified in agrobacterium tumefaciens. the virb operon is required for the transfer of transferred dna to the plant host, and the trb system encodes functions required for the conjugal transfer of the ti plasmid between cells of agrobacterium. recent availability of the genome sequence of agrobacterium allowed us to identify a third system that is most similar to the virb type iv secretion system of barton ...200212169609
cat scratch disease. survey on the presence of bartonella henselae among cats of verify the presence of bartonella henselae-infection in cats living in tuscany (central italy) serological and bacteriological surveys were carried out. the blood serum samples of 427 cats, 254 living in private houses and gardens and 173 in public or private catteries, were tested for anti-b. henselae antibodies by indirect immunofluorescence assay (ifa). among these samples, 35 were examined by ifa to detect antibodies against bartonella quintana. bacteriological examinations were performed ...200212173772
ultrastructural changes in a standard strain of bartonella henselae after passages through balb/can mice.human bartonelloses are a group of illnesses of poorly understood pathogenesis. bartonella henselae is one of the most studied bacterium of its genus. the objective of this study was to observe whether passages of these bacteria, in vivo, would determine ultrastructural changes in them. for this purpose, isogenic mice were inoculated with a standard strain of b. henselae (i). these were initially retrieved from genetically immunodeficient animals (ii) and then inoculated in immunocompetent ones. ...200212184374
an uncommon presentation of bartonella-associated neuroretinitis.this article documents a case of neuroretinitis initially presenting with ocular pain, 20/20 visual acuities, optic disc edema, and macular serous detachment without macular star formation in the absence of a history of exposure to pets or cats or symptoms suggestive of bartonella infection. this initial clinical presentation appeared unilateral, but later became bilateral.200212199539
genetic and ecologic characteristics of bartonella communities in rodents in southern china.ecologic and bacteriologic observations of small mammals captured in yunnan province in the people's republic of china indicated that bartonella infections occurred at a high prevalence among some rodent species. sequence analyses of the citrate synthase genes of these bartonella demonstrated that rodents in this region harbored a diverse assemblage of strains. the bartonella isolates obtained from apodemus, eothenomys, and rattus typically clustered separately by genus of rodent host. cultures ...200212201602
role of cat-scratch disease in lymphadenopathy in the head and neck.bartonella henselae is the causative agent of cat-scratch disease (csd), which usually manifests as acute regional lymphadenopathy. the causes of cervical lymphadenopathy, with special regard to csd, were investigated in a study of 454 patients who presented with unclear masses in the head and neck from january 1997 through january 2001. sixty-one patients (13.4%) experienced csd; 54 (11.9%) had primary lymphadenopathy due to other infectious agents, and 41 (9.0%) had lymphadenopathy that occurr ...200212203159
bartonella quintana bacteremia among homeless people.bartonella quintana infections have recently reemerged, predominantly among the homeless populations in cities in both europe and the united states. b. quintana can cause trench fever, endocarditis, and chronic bacteremia; the human body louse is the only known vector. homeless people who presented to the emergency departments of university hospital in marseilles, france, were studied, as were those who had been admitted to other medical facilities in the city since 1 january 1997. samples of bl ...200212203165
comparison of in-house and commercial slides for detection by immunofluorescence of immunoglobulins g and m against bartonella henselae and bartonella quintana.we compared the sensitivities and specificities of indirect fluorescent antibody tests developed in our laboratory and commercially available from focus technologies (ft; formerly mrl diagnostic) for detection of serum antibodies to bartonella spp. serum samples tested were from patients with culture- or pcr-confirmed bartonella quintana or b. henselae infections causing cat scratch disease (csd), chronic bacteremia, or endocarditis. at a cutoff titer of 64, the ft test had higher sensitivity th ...200212204950
skin manifestations of bartonella infections. 200212207759
bacillary angiomatosis of the anterior orbit, eyelid, and report a case of bacillary angiomatosis of the lower eyelid, conjunctiva, and anterior orbit.200212208256
prevalence of bartonella species causing bacteraemia in domesticated and companion animals in the united kingdom.between october 1999 and february 2000, 691 blood samples examined routinely for either haematological or virological assessment were screened by culture for the presence of bartonella species. they came from 615 animals: 360 cats, 211 dogs, 27 horses, 16 cattle and a gorilla. the samples were incubated for long periods on 10 per cent horse blood agar at 37 degrees c in an atmosphere containing 5 per cent carbon dioxide. isolates were obtained from 35 samples from 34 (9.4 per cent) of the cats, ...200212219899
epidemiology of endemic bartonella bacilliformis: a prospective cohort study in a peruvian mountain valley community.bartonella bacilliformis has caused debilitating illness since pre-incan times, but relatively little is known about its epidemiology. a population-based, prospective cohort investigation was conducted in a peruvian community with endemic bartonellosis. by use of house-to-house and hospital surveillance methods, cohort participants were monitored for evidence of bartonellosis. of 690 participants, 0.5% had asymptomatic bacteremia at study initiation. after 2 years of follow-up, the incidence of ...200212232839
cat scratch disease and acute rejection after pediatric renal scratch disease (csd) can lead to unexplained fever, generalized lymphadenopathy and organomegaly in immunocompetent individuals. csd has rarely been reported in immunocompromised transplant recipients, where its clinical features would mimic the more common post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (ptld). we report three cases of csd seen recently in children who had received prior kidney transplants. the three children were between 7 and 9 yr old, and had received kidney transplants 2-4 ...200212234274
genomic variations among bartonella henselae isolates derived from naturally infected cats.the purpose of this study was to understand the mechanisms of persistent infection with bartonella henselae in cats. blood samples were collected from three naturally infected cats for 24 months. these cats were confirmed to be persistently infected with b. henselae by serological and bacteriological examination. relapsing bacteremia was found in all three cats with intervals of 3-19 months. following the peaks of bacteremia, increases of specific antibody titer were observed in these cats. to e ...200212243898
identification of bartonella bacilliformis genotypes and their relevance to epidemiological investigations of human bartonellosis.genotypic diversity among 26 isolates of bartonella bacilliformis obtained from different areas of peru, and at different times, was assessed by comparison of dna sequences derived from 16s-23s ribosomal dna intergenic spacer regions (isr) and a citrate synthase gene (glta) fragment and by amplified fragment length polymorphism (aflp) analysis. glta comparison divided the isolates into two groups, whereas isr comparison revealed six sequences. aflp analysis using a selective primer delineated fi ...200212354853
improved culture from lymph nodes of patients with cat scratch disease and genotypic characterization of bartonella henselae isolates in australia.over a 4-year period we detected bartonella henselae isolates in 104 of 297 specimens (35.1%) from australian patients clinically suspected of having cat scratch disease by amplification of a fragment of the htra gene. we isolated 17 b. henselae strains (20.5%) from the 83 pcr-positive human specimens available for culture. our culture method was based on prolonged incubation in a moist atmosphere of blood agar to which hemin was added. we obtained more b. henselae isolates than the number of al ...200212354855
genetic classification and differentiation of bartonella species based on comparison of partial ftsz gene sequences.currently, 19 species are recognized in the genus bartonella, 7 of which are involved in an increasing variety of human diseases. development of molecular tools for detection, identification, and subtyping of strains and isolates has promoted research on bartonella spp. we amplified and sequenced the portion of the ftsz gene encoding the n-terminal region of the cell division protein for 13 bartonella species: bartonella alsatica, b. birtlesii, b. doshiae, b. elizabethae, b. grahami, b. koehlera ...200212354859
cases from the osler medical service at johns hopkins university. bartonella henselae infection of the liver and spleen. 200212361825
[endocarditis due to bartonella henselae on a native valve. a new case with some notable aspects]. 200212372243
comparative genomics of microbial pathogens and symbionts.we are interested in quantifying the contribution of gene acquisition, loss, expansion and rearrangements to the evolution of microbial genomes. here, we discuss factors influencing microbial genome divergence based on pair-wise genome comparisons of closely related strains and species with different lifestyles. a particular focus is on intracellular pathogens and symbionts of the genera rickettsia, bartonella and buchnera: extensive gene loss and restricted access to phage and plasmid pools may ...200212385978
co-infection with esptein-barr virus and bartonella henselae resulting in systemic bartonellosis. 200212387781
first molecular evidence of new bartonella spp. in fleas and a tick from peru.fleas, lice, and ticks collected in peru in a suburban area of cusco in november 1998 were tested by polymerase chain reaction for the presence of bartonella dna using primers amplifying a fragment of the intergenic spacer region (its) gene. three new bartonella genotypes were detected in pulex fleas self-collected from the beds and clothes of schoolchildren and adults. a fourth new genotype was also detected from a tick found on a sheep in the same area. one of the genotypes is closely related ...200212389935
activation of rac, cdc42 and other downstream signalling molecules by bartonella bacilliformis during entry into human endothelial cells.bartonella bacilliformis is an intracellular bacterial pathogen of human endothelial cells. in vitro incubation of b. bacilliformis with human endothelial cells leads to the formation of filamentous actin extensions (filopodia) within 30 min, followed by formation of membrane rufflings or lamellipodia within 1 h of incubation. by immunofluorescence, f-actin phalloidin staining and anti-rac antibodies were shown to co-localize in the membrane rufflings, indicating the recruitment of activated rac ...200212390349
joint and bone infections due to anaerobic bacteria in children.the current review describes the microbiology, diagnosis and management of septic arthritis and osteomyelitis due to anaerobic bacteria in children. staphylococcus aureus, haemophilus influenzae type-b, and group a streptococcus, streptococcus pneumoniae, kingela kingae, neisseria meningiditis and salmonella spp are the predominant aerobic bacteria that cause arthritis in children. gonococcal arthritis can occur in sexually active adolescents. the predominant aerobes causing osteomyelitis in chi ...200212396847
cat scratch disease. transmission and treatment. answers still unfolding. 200212400315
antigenic and genotypic relationships between bartonella henselae strains. 200212409443
regulation of brucella virulence by the two-component system bvrr/bvrs.the brucella bvrr/bvrs two-component regulatory system is highly similar to the regulatory and sensory proteins of sinorhizobium and agrobacterium necessary for endosymbiosis and pathogenicity in plants, and very similar to a putative system present in the animal pathogen bartonella. mutations in the bvrr or bvrs genes hamper the penetration of b. abortus in non-phagocytic cells and impairs intracellular trafficking and virulence. in contrast to virulent brucella, bvrr/bvrs mutants do not recrui ...200212414153
the virb/vird4 type iv secretion system of bartonella is essential for establishing intraerythrocytic infection.bartonellae are pathogenic bacteria uniquely adapted to cause intraerythrocytic infection in their human or animal reservoir host(s). experimental infection of rats by bartonella tribocorum revealed the initial colonization of a yet unidentified niche outside of circulating blood. this primary niche periodically seeds bacteria into the bloodstream, resulting in the invasion and persistent intracellular colonisation of erythrocytes. here, this animal model was used for a genetic analysis of the v ...200212421311
[prevalence of bartonella spp. seropositivity in human immunodeficiency virus-infected and non infected intravenous drug abusers].serology is an useful tool in the diagnosis of bartonella spp. infections in human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) seronegative patients. the value of this technique in hiv co-infected individuals is unknown. the aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of bartonella spp. seropositivity among intravenous drugs abusers (ida), both hiv-infected and non-infected.200212421507
[vertebral osteomyelitis associated with cat scratch disease]. 200212433360
activation and apoptosis of macrophages in cat scratch scratch disease is an infectious disease usually caused by bartonella henselae. within 1-3 weeks after inoculation, patients typically develop regional self-limited lymphadenopathy. lymph nodes reveal granulomas consisting of central necrosis, an inner rim of palisading macrophages, and an outer rim of lymphocytes and non-palisading macrophages. in animals, cat-scratch disease leads to an interferon-gamma (ifngamma)-mediated t-helper 1 immune response, resulting in macrophage recruitment, st ...200212434424
molecular and microscopical evidence of ehrlichia spp. and borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in patients, animals and ticks in the czech republic.we report moderately severe cases of human ehrlichiosis and a lethal one caused by human granulocytic ehrlichia, the hge agent, closely related to ehrlichia phagocytophila and ehrlichia equi. their vector is the ixodes ricinus tick, which also transmits borrelia burgorferi sensu lato in central, west and east regions of the czech republic. the diagnosis was established by pcr with sequence analysis of the genes encoding 16s rrna of ehrlichia and with reverse hybridization by using enzyme linked ...200212437223
prevalence study of antibody to ratborne pathogens and other agents among patients using a free clinic in downtown los angeles.norway rats (rattus norvegicus) are hosts for various microbes. homeless people who have contact with rats may be at risk of infection by them. the los angeles county department of health services initiated a seroepidemiologic study among patients who used a free clinic in downtown los angeles; 200 serum specimens obtained for other routine assays were tested for antibodies to ratborne pathogens and other agents. the seroprevalence of antibody to hepatitis e virus in this population was 13.6%; t ...200212447746
molecular epidemiology of bartonella henselae infection in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients and their cat contacts, using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and genotyping.bartonella henselae causes severe disease in immunocompromised individuals. b. henselae was isolated from 12 human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-infected individuals with bacillary angiomatosis and/or peliosis hepatis and from their 15 cat contacts. specific associations between the 2 b. henselae genotypes, individual pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) patterns, and different clinical syndromes and pathogenicity were investigated. the role of cat contacts as the source of human infection was ...200212447758
bartonella: new explanations for old diseases. 200212448674
[achievement by hideyo noguchi]. 200212451642
bartonella henselae and bartonella elizabethae as potential canine pathogens.bartonella henselae or bartonella elizabethae dna from edta-anticoagulated blood samples obtained from four dogs was amplified and sequenced. the results showed that b. elizabethae should be added to the list of bartonella species (i.e., b. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii, b. henselae, and b. clarridgeiae) that are currently recognized as infectious agents in dogs. furthermore, these results may have potential zoonotic implications, particularly if dogs can serve as a previously unrecognized reservoi ...200212454170
limited diversity among human isolates of bartonella henselae.a study of 59 isolates of bartonella henselae reveals relatively limited diversity among those of human origin (n = 28). either of two distinct alleles of both glta and 16s ribosomal dna (rdna) was found in all isolates, with a high level of congruity between 16s and glta inheritance among proven human pathogens. human isolates from all over eastern australia were most commonly 16s rdna (bergmans) type i, with the same glta allele as the type strain (houston-1). comparable feline isolates were m ...200212454174
a case report of bacillary angiomatosis in a patient infected with human immunodeficiency virus.a man infected with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) presented with a few-month history of an enlarging friable growth on the medial area of the left foot and a one-week history of bilateral lower extremity edema. clinical and histologic examination led to a diagnosis of bacillary angiomatosis, and the patient responded to antibiotic therapy we provide an overview of bacillary angiomatosis, a rare disorder that affects immunocompromised patients with cd4 cell counts less than 100/microl.200211926335
bartonella bovis bermond et al. sp. nov. and bartonella capreoli sp. nov., isolated from european ruminants.two novel species of bartonella isolated from european ruminants are described. bartonella capreoli sp. nov. was isolated from the blood of roe-deer (capreolus capreolus) captured in chizé, france. the type strain is ibs 193t (= cip 106691t = ccug 43827t). it is distinct from another european ruminant isolate that originated from a cow from a french herd of 430 dairy cattle. the latter isolate belongs to a novel species named bartonella bovis bermond et al. sp. nov. the type strain is strain 91- ...200211931146
severe thrombocytopenic purpura as a complication of cat scratch disease. 200211931328
prevalence of bartonella infection in domestic cats in denmark.whole blood and serum from 93 cats (44 pets and 49 shelter/stray cats) from denmark were tested for the presence of feline bartonella species by culture and for the presence of bartonella antibodies by serology. bartonella henselae was isolated from 21 (22.6%) cats. bacteremia prevalence was not statistically different between shelter/stray cats (13/49, 26.5%) and pet cats (8/44, 18.2%), but varied widely by geographical origin of the cats, even after stratification for cat origin or age (p < 0. ...200211944808
a heat-stable component of bartonella henselae upregulates intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression on vascular endothelial cells.bartonella henselae upregulated the expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (icam-1) on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (huvecs). the induction level of icam-1 depended on the inoculation bacterial dose. icam-1 expression began increasing 4 h after infection and reached a sustained peak beginning at 12 h after b. henselae infection; this time course was similar to that of lipopolysaccharide (lps) of escherichia coli. the stimulatory effect was abolished when live b. henselae were ...200211967118
cat-scratch disease in children--texas, september 2000 to august 2001. 200211974428
the global phylogeny of glycolytic enzymes.genes encoding the glycolytic enzymes of the facultative endocellular parasite bartonella henselae have been analyzed phylogenetically within a very large cohort of homologues from bacteria and eukaryotes. we focus on this relative of rickettsia prowazekii along with homologues from other alpha-proteobacteria to determine whether there have been systematic transfers of glycolytic genes from the presumed alpha-proteobacterial ancestor of the mitochondrion to the nucleus of the early eukaryote. th ...200211983902
subgingival microbiota of brazilian subjects with untreated chronic periodontitis.different periodontopathogenic microbiota have been associated with periodontal diseases in several populations. the present investigation determined the subgingival microbiota of untreated chronic periodontitis brazilians using the checkerboard dna-dna hybridization technique.200211990436
in situ detection of bartonella henselae cells.a new in situ hybridization technique was developed for identification of bartonella henselae cells in cell suspension or in tissue sections. use of highly specific probes labeled with either fluorescein or digoxigenin allows discrimination between b. henselae and closely related b. quintana cells. no cross-hybridization with other bartonella or non-bartonella species was observed. besides its specificity it showed higher sensitivity as compared to pcr based detection methods. moreover, its appl ...200212005447
cat scratch disease. 200212016189
isolation of bartonella henselae from domestic cats in an italian urban area.bartonella henselae is the causative agent of cat scratch disease (csd) in humans. cat is considered the reservoir of the bacterium. identification of bacteriemic cats is the basic tool in the prophylaxis of csd. blood samples were collected between january 1999-december 2000 from 248 domestic cats living in an urban area (reggio emilia) in northern italy and tested for bartonella henselae bacteriemia. cultural and pcr methods were used. pcr was used directly on cat blood as well as to identify ...200212019735
inoculation with bartonella henselae followed by feline herpesvirus 1 fails to activate ocular toxoplasmosis in chronically infected cats.infection by toxoplasma gondii is very common in cats although most remain disease free. the factors that trigger development of uveitis in some cats infected with t gondii have not been elucidated, but infection by more than one organism may be contributory. in this study, cats chronically infected with t gondii were inoculated with bartonella henselae followed by fhv-1 to test the hypothesis that immune stimulation by multiple infections will reactivate ocular toxoplasmosis. anterior uveitis a ...200212027509
prevalence of antibodies to bartonella henselae, b. elizabethae and b. quintana in swedish domestic cats.sera from 292 cats were analyzed by means of indirect immunofluorescence for antibodies to bartonella henselae, b. quintana and b. elizabethae. the sera were sent to the swedish national institute of veterinary medicine for health monitoring and were tested retrospectively for antibodies to bartonella. the most prevalent antibodies (25%) reacted with the b. elizabethae antigen. cats with such antibodies were older than those without antibodies. the prevalence of antibodies to b. elizabethae was ...200212030392
from the centers for disease control and prevention. cat-scratch disease in children--texas, september 2000-august 2001. 200212035788
genotypic characteristics of two serotypes of bartonella henselae.the study of 16s rrna gene sequences of all isolates of bartonella henselae obtained in our laboratory and others from human patients or cats has revealed two genotypes according to the sequence of the 16s rrna gene. two isolates of these genotypes have previously been related to two different serotypes, and lack of cross-protection of the two serotypes has been demonstrated in cats. we investigated the grouping of eight strains of b. henselae on the basis of 16s ribosomal dna, 35-kda protein, p ...200212037055
cervical cat scratch disease lymphadenitis in a patient with immunoglobulin m antibodies to toxoplasma gondii.we report on a young patient with chronic cervical lymphadenopathy and serological and histological evidence for infection with bartonella henselae and toxoplasma gondii. serological follow-up studies, including testing for avidity of toxoplasma-specific immunoglobulin g antibodies, assisted in the determination of the cause of the acute lymphadenitis. our results suggest that the clinical symptoms were most likely due to cat scratch disease rather than to acute toxoplasmosis.200211874902
pyomyositis associated with bacillary angiomatosis in a patient with hiv infection.bacillary angiomatosis is an opportunistic infection occurring predominantly in patients with hiv infection. the manifestations of this vasculoproliferative disorder vary markedly. virtually any organ site may be involved, singly or multiply. however cutaneous involvement can be a valuable clue to its diagnosis. we report a case of bacillary angiomatosis in an hiv-infected patient presenting as isolated pyomyositis of the right leg. the rarity of such a presentation and paucity of cutaneous lesi ...200211876519
genomic variation of bartonella henselae strains detected in lymph nodes of patients with cat scratch disease.bartonella henselae is the primary agent of cat scratch disease (csd). in order to study the genetic variation of b. henselae and the correlation of the various genotypes with epidemiological and clinical findings, two seminested, groel- and pap31-based pcr assays were carried out with specimens from 273 patients. amplicons were sequenced to determine the genotype of the causative bartonella species. compared to our reference intergenic spacer region-based pcr, the groel- and pap31-based assays ...200211880432
[adult, afebrile patient with rapidly growing tumor of the upper arm: bartonella henselae as the etiology]. 200211885017
cat-scratch disease in an immunocompromised host.the main causative agents of cat-scratch disease are bartonella henselae, tiny, gram-negative bacilli. the disease usually has a benign course with the development of a papule at the inoculation site, followed by regional lymphadenopathy. in most cases, complete resolution occurs, but in immunocompromised hosts, the course of the disease can be aggravated.200211887039
bacterial persistence within erythrocytes: a unique pathogenic strategy of bartonella spp.the genus bartonella comprises human-specific and zoonotic pathogens responsible for a wide range of clinical manifestations, including carrion's disease, trench fever, cat scratch disease, bacillary angiomatosis and peliosis, endocarditis and bacteremia. these arthropod-borne pathogens typically parasitise erythrocytes in their mammalian reservoir host(s), resulting in a long-lasting haemotropic infection. we have studied the process of bartonella erythrocyte parasitism by tracking green fluore ...200211890558
prosthetic valve endocarditis caused by bartonella quintana.we describe the first case of bartonella quintana endocarditis affecting a prosthetic valve in a person with no known risk factors for this infection. bartonella should be considered as a cause of endocarditis in any clinical setting.200211897074
bartonella-associated endothelial proliferation depends on inhibition of apoptosis.bartonella is a gram-negative pathogen that is unique among bacteria in being able to induce angioproliferative lesions. cultured human endothelial cells have provided an in vitro system in which to study the basis of angioproliferation. previous studies have attributed the organism's ability to induce angioproliferative lesions to direct mitotic stimulation of endothelial cells by these bacteria. here we show that bartonella inhibits apoptosis of endothelial cells in vitro, and that its ability ...200211904386
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