Title | Abstract | Year(sorted ascending) Filter | PMID Filter |
organelles of protein transport in giardia lamblia. | giardia occupies a unique evolutionary position since it is considered to belong to the earliest known lineage to diverge from the eukaryotic line of descent. although organelles of protein transport are thought to have evolved with the nuclear membrane, g. lamblia is reported to have no golgi apparatus. therefore, frances gillin, david reiner and michael mccaffery have investigated how it exports glycoproteins to the cyst wall during encystation and whether a golgi might become evident during a ... | 1991 | 15463461 |
cytopathogenic effect of giardia intestinalis, in vitro. | 1991 | 15463473 | |
persistent diarrhoea syndrome. | persistent diarrhea (pd) is 3 or more stools/day which lasts nonstop for 14 days. some small intestine disorders impede its diagnosis. pd follows 3-20% of acute diarrhea cases. it is more difficult to treat than acute diarrhea and often brings about nutritional and metabolic complications, e.g., growth failure. skin infection, systemic infection, and micronutrient deficiency often accompany pd so it is often referred to pd syndrome (pds). pds patients often have more frequent recurre ... | 1991 | 12316913 |
a study of medico social profile of under five children suffering from diarrhoeal diseases. | in india, 76 of 290 children (26.2%) under five admitted to the pediatric wards of command hospital pune during april-october 1986 suffered from various diarrheal diseases. boys were more likely to be afflicted with a diarrheal disease than girls (63.16% vs. 36.84%). health workers made home visits after hospital discharge. diarrheal illness was more frequent among the lower socioeconomic classes than the upper classes (65.81% for social class iii and 22.37% for social class iv vs. 3.94-7.88 for ... | 1991 | 12288790 |
[prevalence of protozoans in children with acute diarrheal disease]. | a cross-sectional study was conducted in june-september 1991 in the oral rehydration unit of a children's hospital in santo domingo to determine the prevalence of enteric protozoa as a cause of diarrhea. the 100 randomly selected children were aged 3-35 months and had light to moderate dehydration and diarrhea of less than 15 days' duration. the relationship between the presence of protozoans and various risk factors was assessed following the model of a case control study, with children havin ... | 1991 | 12290552 |
[fasciola hepatica antigens. use in the diagnosis of human fascioliasis]. | the elisa technique was standardized for detecting antibodies against fasciola in 25 serum samples from patients-infected with fasciola hepatica using excretion-secretion antigens (esa), tegument antigen and somatic antigen. a study was made of serum samples from 46 patients with other parasites such as ascaris lumbricoides, trichuris trichiura, entamoeba histolytica, schistosoma mansoni and giardia lamblia. the cohort value for each trial was established after studying 100 serum samples from he ... | 1991 | 9768179 |
[marked hematic hypereosinophilia caused by giardia lamblia infestation in a subject with churg-strauss syndrome]. | we report a churg-strauss syndrome case complicated by giardia lamblia infection which increased markedly the number of blood eosinophils with appearance of eosinophils able to form rosettes with unsensitized sheep red blood cells. metronidazolo therapy reduces markedly the blood hypereosinophilia. the strong relationship between blood hypereosinophilia and giardia lamblia in this patient, suggests that there is an interaction between different eosinophilopoietic stimuli. | 1991 | 1745382 |
parasitic infections in young jamaicans in different ecological zones of the island. | data are presented for the first country wide prospective study on gastrointestinal tract parasitic infections done in jamaica. samples from 2,947 young jamaicans drawn from all ecological zones and from all parochial divisions of the island were analyzed. pica was practised by 8.6%. generally, prevalence of organisms was as follows: trichuris trichiura (12.3%), ascaris lumbricoides (9.5%), hookworm (2.2%), strongyloides stercoralis (0.3%), giardia lamblia (6.3%) and entamoeba coli (7.7%). sever ... | 1991 | 1750103 |
detection of variable dna repeats in diverse eukaryotic microorganisms by a single set of polymerase chain reaction primers. | we cloned and sequenced a variable dna repeat from trichomonas vaginalis, a flagellated protozoan parasite. targeting of this repeat in the polymerase chain reaction resulted in complex and intense product patterns for a wide variety of eukaryotic microorganisms, including the pathogenic protozoan parasites t. vaginalis, giardia lamblia, leishmania donovani, three species of trypanosoma, and four species of acanthamoeba; the nonpathogenic protozoans, paramecium tetraurelia and tetrahymena thermo ... | 1991 | 1757544 |
gastrointestinal parasitic infection in healthy jamaican carriers of htlv-i. | a subsample (1.6%; n = 13,260) of a healthy jamaican population of food-handlers, studied by murphy et al. (1991), who were serologically positive (n = 99) or negative (n = 113) for htlv-i was investigated for intestinal parasitic infection using coprological methods. helminth infection included ascaris lumbricoides (2.8%), trichuris trichiura (7.1%) and hookworms (6.1%). entamoeba coli was found in 21.8% of samples, while e. hartmanni, giardia lamblia, endolimax nana, iodamoeba bütschlii and ch ... | 1991 | 1758014 |
use of pooled formalin-preserved fecal specimens to detect giardia lamblia. | three formalin-preserved fecal specimens from the same child attending a child-care center were pooled and compared with the three separate individual specimens by a single microscopic examination of concentration sediment for giardia lamblia. the sensitivity of the pooled system was 100% when two or more individual specimens were positive and 88% when only one individual specimen was positive. the organism density in a single specimen was not a factor of whether the pool of specimens was positi ... | 1991 | 1761696 |
characteristics of thymidine transport in giardia intestinalis trophozoites. | the transport of thymidine by the protozoan parasite giardia intestinalis was examined at 0 degrees c. this temperature prevented attachment of the cells to vessel walls, so that a rapid sampling technique could be used. thymidine influx (distinguished from gross uptake) was readily measurable at 0 degrees c and was specific and saturable. the transporter appears to be a facilitative carrier, exhibiting a high affinity for thymidine (km = 50 microm). thymine and uracil were the most effective in ... | 1991 | 1762628 |
[eosinophilia and giardia lamblia intestinal parasitism]. | 1991 | 1763217 | |
prevalence of giardia lamblia antibodies in serum and milk in lactating women from different social classes in egypt. | prevalence and levels of systemic and milk antibodies to g. lamblia in the different social classes of the population were studied using the ifat and nor-partigen immunoglobulin plates. blood and milk samples were collected simultaneously from lactating women in urban (cairo) and rural (benha) areas. serum igg was present in 90% of rural low standard mothers, 58% of urban moderate standard mothers, and 25% or urban high standard mothers (p less than 0.01, p less than 0.001 and p less than 0.01). ... | 1991 | 1765672 |
age-related rate of seropositivity of antibody to giardia lamblia in different age groups in cairo. | two hundred and twenty normal individuals were subjected to giardia lamblia antibody igg analysis. all subjects were of low socioeconomic standard using indirect immunofluorescent antibody test (ifat). according to age the study persons were divided into 4 groups : group i with age in between 6 to 35 months, group ii with age in between 3 years and less than 6 years, group iii with age group ranged between 6 years and 16 years old and group iv with age above 16 years. the seropositivity to giard ... | 1991 | 1765682 |
haematological values and parasitic infections in school children in riyadh, saudi arabia. | a total of 1426 apparently healthy saudi children, were subjected to clinical and laboratory investigations of blood, urine and stools. lower means were observed for hb concentration, hot ratio, rbc and wbc counts. the mcv was in the range of western levels. of 1343 stool specimens 156 (11.6%) were positive for intestinal parasites (5.4% pathogenic and 6.3% commensals). the higher infection rate of commensals strongly suggests the presence of potentially infectious environmental sources and a pu ... | 1991 | 1765697 |
[reactive arthritis from giardia intestinalis]. | 1991 | 1766288 | |
giardia lamblia and cryptosporidium infections in child day-care centers in fulton county, georgia. | risk factors for the introduction, spread and persistence of cryptosporidium and giardia lamblia infections in child day-care centers are not well understood. in 1989 and 1990 stool specimens were obtained from 292 diapered children attending 17 randomly selected day-care centers in fulton county, ga; 8 (2.7%) children in 2 centers were infected with cryptosporidium and 21 (7.2%) children in 7 centers were infected with giardia. in 1986 the prevalence of cryptosporidium and giardia in these same ... | 1991 | 1766706 |
determination of giardia lamblia cyst infective dose for the mongolian gerbil (meriones unguiculatus). | the purpose of this study was to determine the 50% infective dose for giardia lamblia (cdc:0284:1) cysts in mongolian gerbils (meriones unguiculatus). the log10 50% infective dose results calculated by probit analysis and the spearman-karber method were 2.45 and 2.50, respectively. | 1991 | 1768111 |
waterborne-disease outbreaks, 1989-1990. | for the 2-year period 1989-1990, 16 states reported 26 outbreaks due to water intended for drinking; an estimated total of 4,288 persons became ill in these outbreaks. giardia lamblia was implicated as the etiologic agent for seven of the 12 outbreaks in which an agent was identified. the outbreaks of giardiasis were all associated with ingestion of unfiltered surface water or surface-influenced groundwater. an outbreak with four deaths was attributed to escherichia coli o157:h7, the only bacter ... | 1991 | 1770924 |
carboxy-terminal sequence conservation among variant-specific surface proteins of giardia lamblia. | antigenic variation in the parasitic protozoan giardia lamblia was studied by characterizing the expression and genomic organization of a variant-specific surface protein (vsp) gene. transcripts from this gene, vsp1267, were abundant in the cloned variant wb/1267, but undetectable in the parental clone from which wb/1267 was derived or in variant progeny of wb/1267. two identical copies of vsp1267 exist in the wb/1267 genome, separated by 3 kb and arranged as convergent transcription units. prim ... | 1991 | 1775165 |
intrinsic factor secretion and cobalamin absorption. physiology and pathophysiology in the gastrointestinal tract. | intrinsic factor is produced by the gastric parietal cell. its secretion is stimulated via all pathways known to stimulate gastric acid secretion: histamine, gastrin, and acetylcholine. there is, however, a different mode of secretion for both substances: atropine, vagotomy, and h2 receptor antagonists inhibit both intrinsic factor and acid secretion, but secretin and the hydrogen-potassium atpase antagonist omeprazole have no effect on intrinsic factor while substantially reducing acid secretio ... | 1991 | 1775933 |
in vitro encystation of giardia lamblia: large-scale production of in vitro cysts and strain and clone differences in encystation efficiency. | a method for obtaining large numbers of giardia lamblia cysts in vitro was developed based on modification of earlier methods of in vitro encystation. maximal numbers of cysts were obtained by growing trophozoites to confluence in tyi-s-33 growth medium containing 0.5 mg/ml of bovine bile, followed by incubation in medium containing 10 mg/ml of bovine bile, at ph 7.8 for 96 h at 37 c. up to 4 x 10(5) cysts were obtained per milliliter of encystation medium. cysts thus obtained were similar in st ... | 1991 | 1779302 |
results of testing for intestinal parasites by state diagnostic laboratories, united states, 1987. | we analyzed results of 216,275 stool specimens examined by the state diagnostic laboratories in 1987; parasites were found in 20.1%. percentages were highest for protozoans: giardia lamblia (7.2%), entamoeba coli and endolimax nana (4.2% each), blastocystis hominis (2.6%), entamoeba histolytica (0.9%), and cryptosporidium species (0.2%). identifications of giardia lamblia increased broadly from the 4.0% average found in 1979, with 40 states reporting increases and seven decreases. most states th ... | 1991 | 1779956 |
effect of human milk and infant milk formulae on adherence of giardia intestinalis. | human milk was shown to inhibit adherence of giardia at concentrations as low as 0.5%. unsaturated fatty acids were also found to cause significant inhibitory effects on adherence, with ed50 values less than 1 microm for arachidonic, linoleic and palmitic acids. a variety of infant feeding formulae derived from cow's milk and soy bean had suppressive effects on adherence. these observations may explain in part the low prevalence of giardiasis in young infants. | 1991 | 1780990 |
diarrhoeal disease in children less than one year of age at a children's hospital in guangzhou, people's republic of china. | we performed a case-control study of diarrhoea to determine its causes in children less than 1 year old in guangzhou, people's republic of china, in april to september 1989. stools were cultured for salmonella, shigella, campylobacter and vibrios by standard techniques; rotavirus (rv) was identified by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; and specific deoxyribonucleic acid probes were used to identify escherichia coli containing genes coding for shiga-like toxin i and ii, enteropathogenic e. coli ... | 1991 | 1781004 |
gtp activates two enzymes of pyrimidine salvage from the human intestinal parasite giardia intestinalis. | 1991 | 1781377 | |
influence of enteral parasites on the blood vitamin a levels in preschool children orally supplemented with retinol and/or zinc. | a sample of 471 pre-school children who frequented schools and crêches in a poor district of manaus (amazonas), brazil, were randomly submitted to faecal parasitological tests. two-hundred-and-forty children from both sexes between the ages of 3 and 7 years with ascaris lumbricoides and/or giardia lamblia were selected. the objective of the study was to determine the possible influence of these two intestinal parasites and vitamin a and/or zinc supplementation on the serum retinol levels of prim ... | 1991 | 1782925 |
purification and substrate specificity of two cysteine proteinases of giardia lamblia. | the proteinase activity present in homogenates of trophozoites of giardia lamblia, active on azocasein and urea-denaturated hemoglobin, was separated into two different enzymes by a series of purification procedures. these procedures included gel filtration on fractogel tsk hw-55 (f), organomercurial agarose affinity chromatography, and ion exchange chromatography on deae-cellulose. by chromatography on sephadex g-100, two purified enzymes exhibited relative molecular weights of mr = 95,000 and ... | 1991 | 1787424 |
a possible role of crows in the spread of diarrhoeal diseases in aden. | the indian house crow (corvus splendens) has increased dramatically in number in aden. these birds pollute the environment by dropping their faecal material all over the city. they may accordingly be related to important public health problems. the present work aimed at investigating the possibility that they play a role in the spread of diarrheal diseases. one hundred and fifty crows were collected and their liver, intestine and cloaca examined bacteriologically for enterobacteriaceae and vibri ... | 1991 | 1791416 |
single-dose ornidazole versus seven-day metronidazole therapy of giardiasis in kibbutzim children in israel. | the efficacy of single-dose ornidazole versus seven days metronidazole in the treatment of giardiasis was tested in a randomized study of 75 kibbutzim children in israel. all the children treated were clinically cured, and the parasites disappeared from stool examinations after the first follow-up. by the end of the study (21 days after the beginning of treatment), all the patients remained free of symptoms, but cysts of giardia lamblia were found in the stools of three children from the ornidaz ... | 1991 | 1794369 |
[intestinal parasites in primary school students]. | five hundred thirty-one stool samples obtained from primary schools. the age range was between 7 and 13 years, 49% of the patients were females an 51% of the patients males. in our study it has been observed that the parasite incidence was 36.9% the predominant parasite was ascaris lumbricoides (12%), giardia intestinalis (9%), hymenolepis nana (7.1%) entamoeba histolytica (6%) and trichuris trichiura (2.6%) respectively, we detected six different parasites in the primary school students because ... | 1991 | 1795661 |
in vitro effects of berberine sulphate on the growth and structure of entamoeba histolytica, giardia lamblia and trichomonas vaginalis. | the plant alkaloid, berberine sulphate, inhibited the growth of entamoeba histolytica, giardia lamblia and trichomonas vaginalis in bi-s-33 medium, and induced morphological changes in the parasites. exposure of e. histolytica to berberine caused a clumping of chromatin in the nucleus, and the formation of autophagic vacuoles and aggregates of small vacuoles in the cytoplasm. in berberine-treated g. lamblia, an irregularly-shaped vacuole appeared in the cytoplasm and gradually enlarged during cu ... | 1991 | 1796883 |
a simple method for excystation of giardia lamblia cysts. | fresh giardia lamblia trophozoites were isolated by in vitro excystation of purified cysts from the faeces of saudi patients. the method consisted of mixing one part of the cyst suspension with nine parts of 1 n hydrochloric acid, at ph 2, then culturing the excysted trophozoites in modified tyi-s-33 medium in sealed glass vials. during the excystation process most cysts developed a space between the trophozoite and the cyst wall, and after several steps of enlargement the trophozoite emerged at ... | 1991 | 1796884 |
[immunotherapy using giardia lamblia extract in recurrent chronic sensitized urticaria]. | a study of 100 patients with chronic urticaria by giardia lamblia parasitic infection were reviewed. the urticaria had been resistant to antihistamine, corticosteroid and antiparasitic therapy. an urticaria evaluation included cbc, immunoglobulins m, g, a and e determinations, and stool examination, bile drainage and duodenal smear for ova and parasites. a prick test with giardia's allergen 1, 10 and 100 unp dilutions were realized. we found a 93% improvement in clinical symptoms using allergy i ... | 1991 | 1798904 |
[giardia intestinalis: transmission electron microscopy study of in vitro excystation]. | the in vitro excystation process in giardia intestinalis was studied by transmission electron microscopy (tem). untreated cysts served as controls. the excystation process was monitored by examination of organisms after the in vitro induction and at several times during the incubation phase. the control cyts had a thick wall, made of microfibrils, that appeared not to contain any weak areas. the peritrophic space extended between the cyst wall and the organism peripherally, the space was delimit ... | 1991 | 1799884 |
a study of the bacterial and parasitic causes of acute diarrhoea in northern jordan. | the prevalence of bacterial and parasitic diarrhoeagenic agents in 200 patients suffering from acute diarrhoea and reporting to hospitals and health centres in northern jordan, and in controls was determined. one or more bacterial or parasitic enteropathogens was isolated from 79 patients (39.5%). prevalence rates for these pathogens was as follows: enterotoxigenic escherichia coli, 9%; enteropathogenic e. coli, 9%; salmonella spp. 7%; campylobacter spp, 5.5%; yersinia enterocolitica, 4.5%; shig ... | 1991 | 1800560 |
evaluation of specific serum anti-giardia igm antibody response in diagnosis of giardiasis in children. | diagnosis of giardia intestinalis infection is usually made by examination of stool specimens and/or by more invasive methods such as microscopy of duodenal juice or small bowel mucosal biopsies. serological diagnostic methods have been developed but have not been evaluated in children. in this study specific anti-giardia immunoglobulin (ig) m, igg and iga antibody titres were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. giardia parasites were sought in jejunal mucosal biopsies and in faeces f ... | 1991 | 1801344 |
enhanced antiparasitic activity of lipophilic tetracyclines: role of uptake. | it was previously noted that the inhibitory activities of lipophilic tetracyclines against the growth of giardia lamblia in vitro were up to 40-fold greater than those of nonlipophilic tetracyclines (50% inhibitory concentration [ic50] = 1.8 to 71 micrograms/ml) (t. d. edlind, antimicrob. agents chemother. 33:2144-2145, 1989). we have now extended this observation to trichomonas vaginalis (ic50 = 2.9 to 200 micrograms/ml), entaoeba histolytica (ic50 = 3.8 to 36 micrograms/ml), and leishmania maj ... | 1991 | 1803991 |
giardia duodenalis: a freeze-fracture, fracture-flip and cytochemistry study. | the freeze-fracture technique was used to study the structural organization of the membranes of trophozoites of the protozoon giardia duodenalis. no special array of intramembranous particles was observed in the membrane lining the protozoon body or the flagella. a large globular protuberance located in the ventral region displayed several small circular indentations similar to those seen in the dorsal region. these also occurred on the parasite surface as revealed in fracture-flip replicas. a l ... | 1991 | 1805207 |
role of cytoskeleton and surface lectins in giardia duodenalis attachment to caco2 cells. | an in vitro model of giardia duodenalis and the caco2 cell line enable the study of parameters that could play a part in trophozoite attachment. we explored the role of membranous lectins of g. duodenalis in attachment-inhibition studies using carbohydrates in solution. attachment rates were reduced by 14% and 23% in the presence of 100 mmol/l mannose-6-phosphate and glucose, respectively, as compared with control values. no significant modification was observed after trophozoite trypsinization ... | 1991 | 1805208 |
[reactive arthritis and infestation by giardia lamblia]. | the association between reactive arthritis and giardia lamblia infestation, although it has been previously described, is not very common. we present a 32 year-old woman who had oligo-arthritis and erythema nodosum after giardia lamblia infestation. we think that a giardiasis should be more frequently considered in patients with arthritis after an episode of diarrhea. | 1991 | 1805894 |
detection of cryptosporidium oocysts in acute diarrheal stools. | three hundred and fifty stool samples from patients with acute diarrhea and 30 samples from normal healthy controls were examined for the presence of various parasitic and bacterial enteropathogens by conventional techniques. cryptosporidium oocysts were detected in 15 out of 350 (4.3%) fecal samples. in 10 cases (2.9%) it was identified as a sole pathogen while in 5 cases (1.4%) it was isolated in association with cysts of e. histolytica, giardia lamblia and with salmonella typhimurium. ten out ... | 1991 | 1808080 |
secretory defenses against giardia lamblia. | 1991 | 1809002 | |
giardia lamblia: phospholipid analysis of human isolates. | thin layer chromatograms for phospholipids obtained from 11 human giardia lamblia isolates and their culture media have shown that phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin are the predominant phospholipid classes in all samples. a decrease in the relative percentage of the different classes, especially of phosphatidylcholine, was noticed in the medium after giardia growth. fatty acid analysis of the parasite phosphatidylcholine demonstrated that while oleate and palmitate were the major fatty acids ... | 1991 | 1811436 |
clinical profile of giardiasis and comparison of its therapeutic response to metronidazole and tinidazole. | seventy five cases (50 males, 25 females; mean age 20.2 +/- 5.8 years), whose stools were positive for cysts and/or trophozoites of giardia lamblia, were studied for their clinical profile and therapeutic response to metronidazole and tinidazole. maximum frequency of cases (41.2%) was noted upto 20 years of age, and it declined with advancing age. a majority of them (41.3%) presented with non-specific symptoms while 38.6% were asymptomatic parasite carriers. features of malabsorption were observ ... | 1991 | 1814877 |
human cellular immune response to giardia lamblia. | human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (pbmc) from two individuals experimentally and one naturally infected with giardia lamblia responded strongly (in an in vitro lymphocyte proliferation assay) to both heterologous and homologous (parasite origin) g. lamblia antigen stimuli. proliferative responses to specific antigens as determined by t-cell blotting were due to giardia t-cell epitopes mostly present in antigens lower than mr 85,000 and 31,000 in isolates pm and gs/m-h7, respectively. addi ... | 1991 | 1816113 |
isolation and axenization of giardia lamblia isolates from symptomatic and asymptomatic patients in mexico. | infection of the small intestine of humans with the parasitic protozoan giardia lamblia may have an asymptomatic course, or else, may produce acute or chronic diarrhea. in order to establish if the different clinical outcome of giardiasis in children could be due, at least partially, to strain differences, isolates from asymptomatic and symptomatic cases studied in mexico city during 1986 and 1987 were cultured under axenic conditions. with modifications of available methods for the isolation of ... | 1991 | 1819980 |
[role of giardiasis in non-ulcer dyspepsia]. | in 1987 and 1988, 340 consecutive patients attended the endoscopy centre of cochin hospital, paris, and underwent oesophago-gastroduodenal endoscopy in a search for giardia lamblia parasitology and histology. two-hundred and eight of these patients presented with non-ulcer dyspepsia and entered a prospective study aimed at determining the advisability of a systematic search for giardia lamblia in this population. six biopsies were positive for giardiasis, including 3 in patients with acquired im ... | 1991 | 1829198 |
identification of heterogeneity in human isolates of giardia lamblia by isoenzyme studies. | electrophoretic mobility patterns of six enzymes, viz. alkaline phosphatase e.c., acid phosphatase e.c., malic enzyme e.c., phosphoglucomutase e.c., isocitrate dehydrogenase e.c., glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase e.c. of two axenically cultured human giardia lamblia isolated from india (pd-1 and pd-2) and one strain from portland, oregon, usa (p-1) were compared using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (page). based on the difference in th ... | 1991 | 1830742 |
dna fingerprinting of the human intestinal parasite giardia intestinalis with hypervariable minisatellite sequences. | individual isolates of the giardia duodenalis group of protozoan intestinal parasites were identified by dna fingerprinting with hypervariable minisatellite sequences. a morphologically identical parasite is found in some forty different animal species. although the species name intestinalis is reserved for the human isolates, electrophoretic karyotyping suggests that most duodenalis isolates fall into the same species grouping. distinction based upon morphology, restriction endonuclease cleavag ... | 1991 | 1831167 |
kinetics of intraepithelium and lamina propria lymphocyte responses during giardia lamblia infection in mice. | the responses of intestinal t-cell subsets and immunoglobulin containing cells were assessed during the course of experimental giardia lamblia infection in inbred nmri mice. quantitation of t-cell subsets in intraepithelium (iel) and lamina propria (lpl) revealed increased influx of lyt 2.2+ (suppressor/cytotoxic) t cells and thy 1.2+ t cells during the establishment (3-5 days post-inoculation) and peak (9-11 days post-inoculation) phases of infection. the influx of these cells reduced as the pa ... | 1991 | 1836523 |
[prevalence of intestinal parasitoses in a sample of italian and immigrant workers employed in the food sector of turin]. | we studied the prevalence of intestinal parasites in a random sample of immigrants and italians employed in the food industry. prevalence ranged from 20.8% among immigrants to 5.6% among italians. where helminths are widespread among indochinese, protozoa are more common among africans. three cases of entamoeba histolytica in asymptomatic subjects were identified and successfully treated. we observed high levels of giardia intestinalis both in italians (2.2%) and immigrants (3.9%). prevalence of ... | 1991 | 1838507 |
analysis of a giardia lamblia rrna encoding telomere with [taggg]n as the telomere repeat. | 1991 | 1840670 | |
ultrastructure of giardia duodenalis trophozoites group from hamster: some relevant aspects. | trophozoites of giardia duodenalis group obtained from fragments or scratched of hamster's mucosa were examined by transmission electron microscopy. the fine structure of the trophozoites are presented and compared with those described for other animals. some of the trophozoites present the cytoplasm full of glycogen, rough endoplasmic reticulum-like structures and homogeneous inclusions not enclosed by membranes, recognized as lipid drops, which had not been observed in giardia from other anima ... | 1991 | 1842435 |
[giardia lamblia: comparison of two diagnostic methods and evaluation of response to treatment with metronidazole]. | during the period from march through november 1989, 70 children who were attended at the pediatric department at central hospital in valencia, were enrolled in the study, it was thought that giardia lamblia infection might be present. giardia l. were identified using two different diagnostic procedures: from stool samples and duodenal aspirates for cysts or trophozoites examination. these children were treated with metronidazole three dosage of 15, 30 and 50 mg/kg per day for a ten day period. o ... | 1991 | 1843930 |
[giardiasis in nurseries supported by the são paulo municipal prefecture, 1982/1983]. | parasitological analysis was carried out during 1982 and 1983 in 3,076 children aged under 7 years, who were enrolled in 52 day nurseries supported by municipal prefecture of são paulo and 50 food handlers (cooking employees) working at 18 day nurseries. the prevalence of giardia lamblia infection was studied according to sex, age group and seasonal variations, and attained 32.80% among children and 4.0% among adult population. the occurrence of giardiasis was most frequent in age group correspo ... | 1991 | 1844383 |
[blastocystis hominis in canavese: a retrospective study of samples received for fecal parasitological examination at the ivrea- castellamonte hospital over 42 months]. | in the last ten years the interest in the controversial blastocystis hominis microorganism of the intestine has greatly increased. the authors conducted a retrospective study of feces for parasitology investigations at the ivrea-castellamonte hospital. these investigations lasted 42 months (1/1/1988-31/6/1991) and the authors focused their attention on samples with 5 or more blastocystis hominis at the microscopically examination with a 40x phase objective. during the study 2,138 samples of fece ... | 1991 | 1844921 |
[long term observation of children with giardia intestinalis invasion treated with metronidazole and furazolidone]. | the results of a long-term (3-year) follow-up of children infected with g. intestinalis treated with metronidazole and furazolidone are presented. therapy was effective in 84-95% of cases, depending of the duration or the follow-up. repetition of therapy with tinidazole was indicated in 5% of children after 6 months and in 15% of children after 1 and 2 years of observation because of persisting symptoms of the infection or recurrence. more frequent the treatment was necessary in children under 3 ... | 1991 | 1845738 |
serum antibody response in children with giardia lamblia infection and identification of an immunodominant 57-kilodalton antigen. | giardia lamblia antigens which react with sera from children with g. lamblia infection were investigated by sodium-dodecyl polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting. serum igg, igm and iga response to the antigens were immunochemically characterized. serum antibodies from all giardiasis patients, but none of the controls, was found to react with a 57-kilodalton antigen. the 57 kda antigen elicited igg and iga but not igm antibodies. the protein nature of the 57 kda antigen was demons ... | 1991 | 1852478 |
giardia infection in pigs: detection and in vitro isolation of trophozoites of the giardia intestinalis group. | giardia infections were detected in 14 out of 32 weaned, 1 to 2-month-old pigs, used in experiments with coccidia. giardia trophozoites were present in the small intestine from the duodenum to the ileum with maximum numbers in the cranial part of the upper jejunum. they were localized mainly on the surface of intestinal crypts. no histological changes accompanied the infection and the infected animals were asymptomatic. giardia trophozoites obtained from the intestines of necropsied pigs were is ... | 1991 | 1852483 |
immunohistochemical labeling of giardia trophozoites spp. in formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissues. | an immunoperoxidase method using rabbit anti human giardia lamblia serum for the demonstration of giardia in paraffin embedded intestinal animal tissue is described. specificity was tested against other protozoal parasites. | 1991 | 1853670 |
controlled trial of giardia lamblia: control strategies in day care centers. | strategies for control of giardia lamblia in day care differ in numbers of children treated and in costs to parents and day care operators. the effectiveness of these strategies has not been systematically evaluated. | 1991 | 1853990 |
immunofluorescence and morphology of giardia lamblia cysts exposed to chlorine. | giardia cyst-like objects detected by immunofluorescence in chlorinated water samples often cannot be positively identified by their morphological appearance. to determine the effect of chlorine on cyst immunofluorescence and morphology, giardia lamblia cysts were exposed to chlorine for 48 h. the majority of cysts exposed to chlorine concentrations of 1 to 11 mg/liter at 5 and 15 degrees c lost their internal morphological characteristics necessary for identification, but most of them were stil ... | 1991 | 1854208 |
recombinant granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor after autologous bone marrow transplantation for relapsed non-hodgkin's lymphoma: blood and bone marrow progenitor growth studies. a phase ii eastern cooperative oncology group trial. | sixteen patients with relapsed non-hodgkin's lymphoma underwent autologous bone marrow transplantation and infusion of recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rhgm-csf). treatment consisted of involved-field radiotherapy, cyclophosphamide 60 mg/kg/d intravenously (iv) for 2 days, and fractionated total body irradiation (1,200 cgy). autologous bone marrow was thawed and infused iv, followed 3 hours later by the first infusion of iv rhgm-csf 11 micrograms/kg/d over 4 ho ... | 1991 | 1859894 |
giardia lamblia in patients undergoing upper g.i. endoscopy. | to determine the frequency of giardiasis in patients undergoing upper g.i. endoscopy for dyspepsia and other upper g.i. disorders, duodenal aspirates were collected in 200 patients and simultaneous duodenal biopsies in 163 patients. nine percent aspirates and 1.8% duodenal biopsies showed giardia lamblia trophozoites. giardia as a cause of dyspepsia should be considered in patients with negative endoscopy and in those who remain symptomatic inspite of adequate treatment for known upper g.i. diso ... | 1991 | 1861341 |
evaluation of a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for giardia lamblia antigen in stool. | the lack of a quick, simple, and inexpensive diagnostic test has limited the ability of public health officials to rapidly assess and control outbreaks of giardia lamblia in child day-care centers. we evaluated the performance of a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for the detection of a g. lamblia-associated antigen in stool. stool specimens were collected from the diapers of 426 children attending 20 day-care centers, fixed in 10% formalin and polyvinyl alcohol, ... | 1991 | 1864930 |
a simple method for cloning giardia duodenalis from cultures and fecal samples. | using a novel method for cloning giardia duodenalis from cultures and fecal samples, 47 clones from 7 isolates were established in vitro. average colony-forming efficiency in established cultures was 43.2% compared to 11.2% when cloning directly from excystation. the highest success rate of cloning was found with the portland (p1, atcc no. 30888) isolate, with a colony-forming efficiency of 92.7%. cloned and parent populations were compared over a range of 13 enzymes using starch gel electrophor ... | 1991 | 1865272 |
impaired intestinal function in symptomatic hiv infection. | a longitudinal (10-22 month) evaluation of intestinal symptoms and function was performed in five children with symptomatic human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. all received cotrimoxazole, ketoconazole, and immunoglobulins. a search for enteric pathogens and intestinal function tests were repeatedly performed in all patients. mild episodes of diarrhea were observed in two children. one had cow's milk protein intolerance. giardia lamblia was found in an asymptomatic carrier. evidence for ... | 1991 | 1865278 |
in vivo efficacy of albendazole against giardia duodenalis in mice. | the antigiardial effects of albendazole were demonstrated in vivo using experimental infections of giardia duodenalis in mice. these results complement previous in vivo studies in which albendazole was shown to have more potent antigiardial action than the currently applied antigiardial drugs. in mice, 2-4 doses (greater than 100 mg/kg twice daily) were required for complete inhibition of cyst excretion and full elimination of trophozoites from the small intestine. the high doses necessary in mi ... | 1991 | 1866421 |
herpes zoster and controlateral hemiplegia in an african patient infected with hiv-1. | one of the neurologic complications of human immunodeficiency virus infection are cerebrovascular accidents. in hiv infected patients, ischemic strokes have been reported secondary to nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis and cerebral arteritis. we describe an unusual cause of stroke in hiv-1 infection: herpes zoster ophtalmicus with contralateral hemiplegia. | 1991 | 1867123 |
on the clinical importance of dientamoeba fragilis infections in childhood. | clinical and laboratory findings among 123 paediatric patients infected by intestinal protozoa were analysed. dientamoeba fragilis (d. f) was found in 102 cases. the other patients proved to be carriers of giardia lamblia or of mixed infections with several protozoa. acute and recurrent diarrhoea have been found to be the most common symptoms, whereas abdominal pain was most common in children with chronic infections. peripheral blood eosinophilia was seen in a third of the children with dientam ... | 1991 | 1880405 |
[intestinal parasites in primary schools of different socioeconomic status and environmental conditions]. | two hundred ninety-four stool sample obtained from primary schools of different social status and environmental conditions were examined for intestinal parasite. the age range was between seven and 13 years, 43% of the patients were females and 57% of the patients were males. in our study it has been observed that the parasite incidence was 29.3%. the predominant parasite was giardia intestinalis (15.7%). enterobius vermicularis (10.5%) and ascaris lumbricoides (2.3%) have been followed respecti ... | 1991 | 1881360 |
molecular probe for identification of trichomonas vaginalis dna. | trichomoniasis is one of the most widespread sexually transmitted diseases in the world. diagnosis can be achieved by several methods, such as direct microscopic observation of vaginal discharge, cell culture, and immunological techniques. a 2.3-kb trichomonas vaginalis dna fragment present in strains from diverse geographic areas was cloned and used as a probe to detect t. vaginalis dna in vaginal discharge by a dot blot hybridization technique. this probe was specific for t. vaginalis dna. it ... | 1991 | 1890171 |
in vitro model of attachment of giardia intestinalis trophozoites to iec-6 cells, an intestinal cell line. | attachment of giardias to intestinal cells has been difficult to study because of a lack of a convenient in vitro model. we developed an assay for attachment of radiolabeled trophozoites to iec-6 cells that can be done in microtiter trays. attachment was confirmed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. trophozoites remained attached to the iec-6 cells for 24 h with little evidence of damage to the iec-6 cells. preincubation of trophozoites with cytochalasins a, b, and d reduced attach ... | 1991 | 1901700 |
enzyme immunoassay for detection of immunoglobulin m antibodies to giardia lamblia. | 1991 | 1915396 | |
intestinal parasites: a study of human appendices. | histological sections of 414 appendices were examined parasitologically. enterobius vermicularis was found in 8.7%, eggs of ascaris lumbricoides in 0.5%, trophozites of dientamoeba fragilis in 4.8%, endolimax nana in 2.2%, entamoeba coli in 1% and cysts of giardia intestinalis in 1.9% of cases. appendicopathies associated with enterobius were most frequent in the age group from 6 to 10 years (24.3%) and from 21 to 25 years (12.2%). patients older than 15 years were practically women only. dienta ... | 1991 | 1916531 |
human milk containing specific secretory iga inhibits binding of giardia lamblia to nylon and glass surfaces. | the effects of human milk, containing specific secretory iga, on the adherence of giardia lamblia trophozoites in the presence and in the absence of intestinal mucus in vitro were studied. it was found that the trophozoites treated with breast milk, containing specific secretory iga to g. lamblia, showed a significant decrease (p less than 0.01) in adherence to nylon fibre columns and glass surfaces than did trophozoites treated with milk containing no siga antibodies. the adherence to glass sur ... | 1991 | 1918831 |
role of calcium and calmodulin in giardia lamblia-induced diarrhoea in mice. | the unidirectional fluxes of na+, cl- and ca2+ across the small intestinal epithelium of normal and giardia lamblia-infected mice were studied in vitro in short-circuited tissue. net secretion of na+ and cl- was observed in infected animals, whereas in non-infected (control) animals there was net absorption of na+ ions and marginal secretion of cl- ions. in infected animals, net absorption of ca2+ was observed as compared to little secretion observed in control animals. although the presence of ... | 1991 | 1918833 |
cloning and restriction enzyme mapping of ribosomal dna of giardia duodenalis, giardia ardeae and giardia muris. | in an attempt to study giardia at the dna sequence level, the rrna genes of three species, giardia duodenalis, giardia ardeae and giardia muris were cloned and restriction enzyme maps were constructed. the rdna repeats of these giardia show completely different restriction enzyme recognition patterns. the size of the rdna repeat ranges from approximately 5.6 kb in g. duodenalis to 7.6 kb in both g. muris and g. ardeae. these size differences are mainly attributable to the variation in length of ... | 1991 | 1922199 |
incidence of intestinal parasitic disease in an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome day-care center. | in june, 1986, the bronx municipal hospital center opened an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome day-care center to provide a quality educational experience for children infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. a major concern was the possibility of increasing secondary infections among these immunocompromised children by placing them in a group environment. one particular worry was intestinal parasitic disease, a serious public health problem in day-care centers throughout the united stat ... | 1991 | 1923677 |
[combined oral and endoscopic mepacrine therapy in therapy-resistant symptomatic giardiasis]. | a case of extremely refractory infection with giardia lamblia is described. a 28-year-old male patient with a 7-year history of mushy diarrhea and epigastric pain was repeatedly treated orally and intravenously, without success, with metronidazole, tinidazole, ornidazole, and mepacrine. the rate of success for these drugs is generally more than 90%. only therapy with mepacrine orally in combination with intraduodenal administration, was successful. therapeutic failure of 5-nitroimidazole derivat ... | 1991 | 1925468 |
structure-activity relationships of pentamidine analogs against giardia lamblia and correlation of antigiardial activity with dna-binding affinity. | 1,5-di(4-amidinophenoxy)pentane (pentamidine) and 38 analogs of pentamidine were screened for in vitro activity against the enteric protozoan giardia lamblia wb (atcc 30957). all compounds were active against g. lamblia as measured by a [methyl-3h]thymidine incorporation assay. antigiardial activity varied widely, with 50% inhibitory concentrations (ic50s) ranging from 0.51 +/- 0.13 microm (mean +/- standard deviation) for the most active compound to over 100.0 microm for the least active compou ... | 1991 | 1929249 |
variant surface antigens of giardia lamblia are associated with the presence of a thick cell coat: thin section and label fracture immunocytochemistry survey. | giardia lamblia undergoes surface antigenic variation. the ultrastructural location of antigens on four different variants was studied by label fracture and immunocytochemistry with four monoclonal antibodies (mabs), each of which recognized the predominant variant in a particular clone. each giardia clone and its reacting mab showed similar findings. the entire surface of the organism was covered by a surface coat which contained the variant surface protein. the surface coat was densely and uni ... | 1991 | 1937758 |
the effect of giardia lamblia trophozoites on lipolysis in vitro. | infection with giardia lamblia often causes only minor mucosal changes to the small intestine yet frank fat malabsorption may still occur. some evidence suggests abnormal pancreatic exocrine function in subjects with giardiasis although the mechanism and significance of this is unclear. studies were conducted in vitro to determine the effect of g. lamblia trophozoites or culture filtrates from the organism on lipolysis of triglyceride by porcine pancreatic lipase. live trophozoites significantly ... | 1991 | 1945523 |
albendazole and infections with trichuris trichiura and giardia intestinalis. | one hundred and twenty-eight children aged 4 to 11 years old in dhaka, bangladesh were treated for infections with trichuris trichiura and other intestinal parasites using a single dose of 400 mg of albendazole. only one trichuris infection was apparently cured although egg counts fell by about 50%. a larger single dosage is recommended to treat trichuris. eleven out of 46 infections with giardia intestinalis were not detected after treatment (p less than 0.001). | 1991 | 1948266 |
inhibition of adherence of giardia intestinalis by human neutrophils and monocytes. | human neutrophils and monocytes were found to be capable of interfering with the in vitro adherence of giardia intestinalis. significantly greater inhibition of adherence was shown by stimulated phagocytic cells than by unstimulated cells. both azurophil and specific granules extracted from the cytoplasm of neutrophils were equally potent in their adherence inhibitory activity. dose-dependent effects on adherence were observed with granular enzymes and reactive oxygen species. lower concentratio ... | 1991 | 1949142 |
giardiasis--a simple diagnosis that is often delayed. | in a retrospective study performed on 125 patients with histologically diagnosed giardiasis, it is shown that this disease can lead to a variegated picture involving numerous gastroenterological symptoms. the main symptoms noted were epigastralgia (41%), diarrhoea (32%), nausea and vomiting (23%), and loss of weight (20%). the material for histological diagnosis was obtained in hospitals in 49% of the cases, in the doctor's office in 32%, and in two gastroenterological rehabilitation centres in ... | 1991 | 1950049 |
pathogenicity and antigenic components of excysted giardia lamblia isolated from patients in riyadh, saudi arabia. | giardia lamblia cysts were isolated from patients in riyadh, saudi arabia. cysts and trophozoites (from axenically excysted cysts) were given orally by gavage to mice to establish the pathogenicity of the riyadh isolate. there was no effect of varying the dose of administered parasite on parasite excretion or morbidity. a typical pathologic pattern of giardiasis was demonstrated by histologic methods and electron microscopy. antigenic components of the riyadh isolate were compared with the portl ... | 1991 | 1951852 |
intestinal parasitic infestation in pediatric gastroenterology outpatient clinic dr. pirngadi hospital medan. | a retrospective study had been done at the outpatient clinic sub division of pediatric gastroenterology, dr. pirngcdi hospital medan, comprising patients from 1 january 1985-31 december 1987. there were 874 patients. three hundred seventy eight (43.25%) patients consisting of 210 (55.56%) males and 168 (44.44%) females had intestinal parasitic infestations. the youngest patient was 5 months and the oldest was 14 years and 3 months. ascaris lumbricoides was found in 215 patients (24.60%) while tr ... | 1991 | 1956691 |
factors associated with the detection of entamoeba histolytica in homosexual men. | in a study of bowel parasites in 128 australian homosexual men attending a sexually transmitted diseases (std) clinic, entamoeba histolytica was detected in 37%, giardia intestinalis in 3% and at least one protozoan in 81% of the group. there was no evidence of pathogenicity of e. histolytica, nor was there any association between the detection of e. histolytica and sexual practices, gastrointestinal symptoms, proctitis, human immunodeficiency virus antibody result or t-cell subset values. howev ... | 1991 | 1958719 |
the course of giardiavirus infection in the giardia lamblia trophozoites. | the subcellular distribution of giardia lamblia virus rna in infected g. lamblia trophozoites was examined by in situ hybridization using biotinylated dna probe and riboprobe. in g. lamblia portland i strain, which is chronically infected by g. lamblia viruses, the viral rna was detected in the cytoplasm as well as in the twin nuclei. when riboprobe was used to examine the course of virus infection in wb strain, accumulation of viral rna was detected only in the cytoplasm prior to the first 72 h ... | 1991 | 1959569 |
giardiasis and amoebiasis infections in three saudi closed communities. | two hundred and eighteen residents (131 healthy and 87 mentally or physically retarded) of a children's nursery, a foster house and a rehabilitation centre for the handicapped in abha, southwestern saudi arabia, were examined for intestinal parasitism. about 30% of the population of the three communities were found to harbour asymptomatic infections with either giardia lamblia and/or entamoeba spp. giardia cysts were identified in 19.3% of those examined. entamoeba histolytica was found in 18.4% ... | 1991 | 1995937 |
isoenzyme profiles of four strains of giardia lamblia and their infectivity to jirds. | the infectivity to jirds (meriones unguiculatus) and the cyst excretion pattern of a recently isolated strain of giardia lamblia from egypt, strain cdc:1088:1 (egy), were compared to those of three well-established strains. all five jirds inoculated orally with strain uno:0487:1 (uno) became infected and began excreting cysts 3-6 days post-infection (dpi); no cysts were detected between 8-12 dpi after which time cysts were produced through day 19. four of the five jirds infected with strain atcc ... | 1991 | 1996742 |
cryptosporidium infection in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: not always a poor prognosis. | chronic diarrhea and malabsorption accompanied by simultaneous infection with the protozoa giardia lamblia and cryptosporidium occurred in a 22-year-old homosexual man with antibody to human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). small bowel biopsy demonstrated total villous atrophy and marked mononuclear infiltration in the lamina propria simulating celiac disease. treatment with metronidazole resulted in resolution of diarrhea, clearance of parasites, and marked improvement in small bowel histology. al ... | 1991 | 2007756 |
sexually transmitted parasitic diseases. | sexual activity is the primary method of transmission for several important parasitic diseases and has resulted in a significant prevalence of enteric parasitic infection among male homosexuals. the majority of parasitic sexually transmitted diseases involve protozoan pathogens; however, nematode and arthropod illnesses are also included in this group. trichomoniasis, caused by trichomonas vaginalis, is the most common parasitic std. infection with this organism typically results in the signs an ... | 1991 | 2011632 |
an immunoenzymatic dot-elisa for the detection of giardia lamblia antigen in stool eluates of clinical cases of giardiasis. | a dot-elisa technique for the detection of g. lamblia specific antigen in stool eluates of clinical cases of giardiasis was developed and evaluated employing monospecific antibodies to a g. lamblia specific coproantigen with a molecular mass of 66 kda. the assay detected 22 (91.7%) of the 24 microscopically confirmed cases of giardiasis while none of the stool eluates from 20 patients with gastrointestinal parasites other than g. lamblia and 20 apparently healthy subjects had any detectable leve ... | 1991 | 2013700 |
characterization of surface associated antigens of axenic giardia lamblia trophozoites & their recognition by human sera. | two surface associated antigens (glsa-82 and glsa-56) of axenically grown g. lamblia trophozoites (pi strain) were affinity purified from its sonic extract. both glsa-82 and glsa-56 were heat labile, sensitive to treatment with pronase, trypsin and were also sodium metaperiodate modifiable as assessed by micro elisa. lectin binding studies revealed that glsa-82 specifically bound concanavalin a and pokeweed mitogen, and had alpha-methyl mannoside and n-acetyl-b-d-glucosamine sugar moieties. howe ... | 1991 | 2022401 |
epidemiological study of parasitic infestations in lower socio-economic group in chandigarh (north india). | when stool samples from 970 subjects belonging to lower socio-economic groups were examined for parasites, a total of 121 subjects (12.5%) i.e., 57 (12.1%) males and 64 (12.9%) females showed positive results. the overall prevalence of parasitic infestation did not correlate with sex, caste or religion and living conditions. however, the prevalence was higher in hospital employees residing in well sanitated area. giardia lamblia (69.5%), entamoeba, histolytica (15.7%), hymenolepis nana (12.4%), ... | 1991 | 2022402 |
clinical report of blastocystis hominis infection in children. | during a 9-month hospital-based survey, the intestinal parasite blastocystis hominis was detected in high numbers (five or more organisms per oil immersion field) in faecal specimens from 39 (2%) of 1960 children under 13 years old. abdominal pain or discomfort with or without diarrhoea was present in 32 children categorized as acute (14), subacute (7) or chronic (11) cases with respective mean ages of 6.4, 7.3 and 8.7 years. they included three with other enteropathogens (giardia lamblia, crypt ... | 1991 | 2023289 |