
TitleAbstractYear(sorted ascending)
nitrogen-treatment effects on rearrangement-induction patterns in drosophila melanogaster. 196213891446
[influence of the physiological condition of parents on the characteristics of their descendants. study in drosophila melanogaster meig]. 196213883752
timing of spermatogenesis in drosophila melanogaster using tritiated thymidine. 196213878048
genetic variation in the nutrition of drosophila melanogaster--some general inferences. 196214492817
cytodifferentiation in the rosy mutant of drosophila the rosy mutant of drosophila melanogaster, two types of autofluorescent cytoplasmic inclusions are found in the cells of the posterior region of the fatbody at the prepupal stage. bright yellow autofluorescent granules accumulating within larger inclusions clearly demarcate this area of the fatbody which also contains cobalt blue fluorescent globular material. such inclusions were not noted in the normal ore-r strain at this stage nor in the series of mutant strains examined other than the r ...196214492629
[behavior of drosophila melanogaster during the course of radiation effects]. 196214455715
a mutant affecting pteridine metabolism in drosophila melanogaster. 196214449616
[difference between the nutritional needs of the larva and imago in drosophila melanogaster meig]. 196214025303
the effects of tandem duplications on crossing over in drosophila melanogaster. 196213950102
[the influence of 2,4-dinitrophenol on radiation-induced dominant lethal factors in drosophila melanogaster]. 196213916564
a genetically controlled head abnormality in drosophila melanogaster. ii. temperature sensitive periods during the development of notch-deformed. 196213907464
analysis of the base composition of the dna from drosophila melanogaster. 196314013737
arsenates: effect on fecundity in some diptera.four species of adult diptera, rhagoletis pomonella (walsh), drosophila melanogaster mg., drosophila hydei sturt., and musca domestica l. showed varying degrees of reduced fecundity when sublethal doses of arsenic were included in their food. the possible influence of the frequent use of arsenicals on arthropod populations is discussed.196317829544
electron microscopic studies on the indirect flight muscles of drosophila melanogaster. ii. differentiation of myofibrils.the differentiation of the indirect flight muscles was studied in the various pupal stages of drosophila. fibrillar material originates in the young basophilic myoblasts in the form of short myofilamants distributed irregularly near the cell membranes. the filaments later become grouped into bundles (fibrils). certain "z bodies" appear to be important during this process. the "z bodies" may possibly be centriolar derivatives and are the precursors of the z bands. the first formed fibrils (having ...196313988340
electron microscopic studies on the indirect flight muscles of drosophila melanogaster. i. structure of the myofibrils.the myofibrils in drosophila have thick and thin types of myofilaments arranged in the hexagonal pattern described for calliphora by huxley and hanson (15). the thick filaments, along most of their length in the a band, seem to be binary in structure, consisting of a dense cortex and a lighter medulla. in the h zone, however, they show more uniform density; lateral projections (bridges) also appear to be absent in this region. the m band has a varying number of granules (probably of glycogen) di ...196313988339
centric pairing and crossing-over in drosophila melanogaster. 196313981194
an influence of maternal nutrition upon the gross chromosomal mutation frequency recovered from x-rayed sperm of drosophila melanogaster. 196313954141
an inducible enzyme system in the larval cells of drosophila adaptive increase in tryptophan pyrrolase activity was obtained in the cell-free extracts of drosophila melanogaster larvae which were given a dietary supplement of l-tryptophan. this activity was detectable in the extracts prepared from larval fatbodies when these were isolated from the remaining body tissues, but the present methods did not reveal any activity in extracts from the latter. these experiments confirm previous observations on the cellular distribution of kynurenine after feedin ...196313974166
beta-alanine utilization of ebony and non-ebony drosophila melanogaster.carbon-14-labeled beta-alanine was injected into newly formed drosophila melanogaster female pupae. homozygous ebony deposited less c(14) in pupal sheaths, deposited more c(14) in adult body extracts and wings, and decarboxylated and oxidized beta-alanine to excrete c(14)o(2) faster than did non-ebony homozygotes. heterozygotes were intermediate in all these activities.196317757059
correlation between the number of scutellar and abdominal bristles in drosophila melanogaster. 196317248156
genetic control of cytodifferentiation.the cells of the anterior region of the larval fatbody of drosophila melanogaster accumulate kynurenine at the end of the third larval instar, whereas the cells of the posterior region are involved in pteridine metabolism. through a series of transplantation experiments it has been demonstrated that the anterior fat cells synthesize kynurenine. the mutant vermilion lacks kynurenine, and the anterior fat cells of this mutant strain lack the autofluorescence characteristic of kynurenine. when the ...196313974165
increased incidence of melanotic tumors in two strains of drosophila melanogaster following treatment with sodium fluoride. 196317248154
developmental effects of x-ray induced euploid and near-euploid mutants in heterozygous condition in drosophila melanogaster. i. delay in egg hatching and larval delay and death prior to pupation. 196317248151
physiological genetics of melanotic tumors in drosophila melanogaster. i. the effects of nutrient balance on tumor penetrance in the tu strain. 196317248150
ovary transplantation in the study of a maternal effect in drosophila melanogaster. 196313952588
[the factor eug in drosophila melanogaster: localization, frequency changes in mass cultures and biologic performances of its carriers compared with a wild strain]. 196314065172
[on the physiological and mutagenic action of d2-o on drosophila melanogaster]. 196313994756
genic control of chromosome loss and non-disjunction in drosophila melanogaster. 196313990107
the effect of cyanide and azide on the mutagenic activity of the pyrrolizidine alkaloid heliotrine in drosophila melanogaster. 196314123301
studies on the chemical nature of crossing over in drosophila melanogaster. i. preliminary results on the effects of actinomycin d. 196314133928
ontogenesis of lymph proteins in drosophila melanogaster. 196314109760
environmental modification of the eyeless phenotype in drosophila melanogaster. 196314105101
a homologous gene-enzyme system, esterase 6, in drosophila melanogaster and d. simulans. 196314102808
interchromosomal effects on crossing over in drosophila melanogaster. ii.a reexamination of x chromosome inversion effects. 196314102803
genotype x environment interaction with isogenic lines of drosophila melanogaster. 196314102802
on the replicative organization of dna in the polytene chromosome of drosophila melanogaster. 196314102194
electron microscopy of the formation of the cellular blastoderm in drosophila melanogaster. 196314099817
[experimental studies on the principles of sterility of transformer (tra) males in drosophila melanogaster]. 196314100627
effects of storing x-rayed spermatozoa on the frequency of translocations and sex-linked lethals in drosophila melanogaster. 196314095091
non-autonomous pteridine formation induced by implantation of wild-type malpighian tubules in two different lines of the mutant maroon-like (ma-l) of drosophila melanogaster. of drosophila melanogaster. 196314095087
cytochrome oxidase activity in chromsome interchange stocks of the oslo and iso-amherst strains of drosophila melanogaster. 196314087543
the meiotic behavior of tandem acrocentric compound x chromosomes in drosophila melanogaster. 196314083048
[growth to extensive size of larval salivary gland chromosomes of drosophila melanogaster in adult milieu]. 196314094060
genotypical differences between stocks of drosophila melanogaster revealed from culturing in vitro. 196314094058
xanthine dehydrogenase in drosophila; detection of isozymes.two or possibly three isozymes of the enzyme, xanthine dehydrogenase, have been detected in wildtype drosophila melanogaster. by starchgel electrophoresis. two genes, rosy and maroon-like, may control these isozymes by producing two different polypeptides that assemble in groups of three or four.196314057366
the linear dose-dependence of radiation-induced translocation frequency in drosophila melanogaster at relatively low x-radiation doses. 196314112207
effects of x-rays on female germ-cells of drosophila melanogaster. i. dominant lethal mutation and oviposition in relation to treated stage. 196314112206
the effect of temperature during irradiation on the brood-pattern of dominant lethals induced in drosophila melanogaster sperm. 196314112204
[on the effect of aminoethylisothiuronium (aet) on the radiation-induced mutation rate in drosophila melanogaster]. 196314095615
fine-structural localization of atpase activity in mature sperm of drosophila melanogaster. 196314094025
linkage of autosomal lethals from a laboratory population of drosophila melanogaster. 196314071757
the effect of x-irradiation on somatic crossing over in drosophila melanogaster. 196314071755
overlap of the birefringent component of adjacent a regions during the induced shortening of fibrils teased from drosophila muscle.fibrils from the indirect flight muscle of drosophila melanogaster which have been teased into a solution containing 0.1 m kcl, 2 mm edta, 4 mm mgcl(2), and 2.5 mm atp at ph 7.0 can be made to shorten to 10 per cent of their initial length by reducing the level of atp at a ph of about 8 or by briefly treating the fibrils with trypsin before lowering the level of atp. fibrils shortened in either of these ways, when dehydrated and immersed in nitrobenzene, display a strong positively birefringent ...196314069790
ultrastructural differentiations during formation of the blastoderm in the drosophila melanogaster embryo. 196314069673
distributive pairing of compound chromosomes in females of drosophila melanogaster. 196317248182
contents of dna and rna in the salivary glands of normal and lethal larvae of the mutant "lethal-meander" of drosophila melanogaster. 196314066304
comparison of lethal + semilethal frequencies in second and third chromosomes from a natural population of drosophila melanogaster. 196314060161
the effects of natural selection on linkage disequilibrium and relative fitness in experimental populations of drosophila melanogaster. 196314018328
mutations: incidence in drosophila melanogaster reared on irradiated increase in the rate of mutation has been found in drosophila melanogaster reared on a basic medium that was irradiated with a sterilizing dose (150,000 rads) of cobalt-60 gamma rays. in muller-5 tests, sex-linked recessive lethals occurred only in the f(2) progenies of the male test flies obtained from breeding the parent flies on irradiated medium, while visible changes occurred in experimental cultures from both the control and irradiated media. the frequency of sex-linked recessive lethal ...196317781759
the effects of chloramphenicol, streptomycin and penicillin on the induction of mutations by x-rays in drosophila melanogaster. 196314065772
the genetic basis of somatic damage produced by radiation in third instar larvae of drosophila melanogaster. i. death before maturity. 196314060750
induced mutation rates in sperm transmitted to sons and daughters in drosophila melanogaster. 196317248178
nonreciprocal events at the garnet locus in drosophila melanogaster. 196314060659
patterns of spontaneous and radiation induced mutation rates during spermatogenesis in drosophila melanogaster. 196314050806
the effects of heterozygosity and recombination on the relative fitness of experimental populations of drosophila melanogaster. 196314050803
the "brown spots" (bsp) character of drosophila melanogaster and its relation to copulation. 196314067769
[comparison of the number of descendants generated by male homozygotes and male heterozygotes of drosophila melanogaster]. 196314014172
on the mechanism of some temperature effects on drosophila.the results of detailed kinetic studies on temperature adaptation and on crossvein deformation in drosophila melanogaster pupae are presented. a scheme which unifies most of these effects is offered, suggesting that the basic events are a series of changes in the tertiary structure of a protein. implications of the findings and the scheme are discussed with particular respect to temperature adaptation and to development.196314042997
protein differences in drosophila. i. drosophila melanogaster. 196317248176
the genetics of an esterase in drosophila melanogaster. 196317248171
studies on the comparative physiology of aging. iii. effects of x-radiation dosage on age-specific mortality rates of drosophila melanogaster and campanularia flexuosa. 196414105263
interchromosomal control of karyotype fitness in the tumorous-head strain of drosophila melanogaster. 196414105107
exchange and nondisjunction of the x chromosomes in female drosophila melanogaster. 196414105104
nonrandom distribution of lethals induced by tritiated thymidine in drosophila melanogaster. 196414156928
x-ray induced sex-linked lethal and detrimental mutations and their effect on the viability of drosophila melanogaster. 196414156927
a third locus (lxd) affecting xanthine dehydrogenase in drosophila melanogaster. 196414156926
factors affecting the intracellular synthesis of kynurenine.near the time of pupation, autofluorescent kynurenine globules appear in the cells in the anterior region of the fatbody of drosophila melanogaster. it has been reported previously that kynurenine synthesis may be induced in an additional group of fat cells by feeding the precursor tryptophan to drosophila larvae, and that this induction of kynurenine production viewed within the fat cells is correlated with an increase in tryptophan pyrrolase activity. in the present report, conditions are outl ...196414154493
population size and genetic load in irradiated populations of drosophila melanogaster. 196414135411
the formation of dumpy vortices in mosaics of drosophila melanogaster. 196414135404
genetic effects of gamma-irradiation on egg production and adult emergence of drosophila melanogaster. 196414135402
studies on the events resulting in the formation of an egg chamber in drosophila melanogaster. 196414130566
toxic residues in soil 9 years after treatment with aldrin and silt loam soil heavily infested with european wireworm, a single treatment with aldrin or hepta chlor prevented reinfestation for 9 years, even when the soil was under continuous cultivation. toxic residues were determined by bioassay with drosophila melanogaster meig. by gasliquid chromatographic analysis, the residues were found to be mainly dieldrin and heptachlor epoxide.196417772621
negatively correlated cross-resistance in drosophila melanogaster. 196414172316
a deoxyribonucleic acid-associated ribonucleic acid from drosophila melanogaster. 196414169157
environment and selection in drosophila melanogaster. 196414127543
regional association of crossing over in nonhomologous chromosomes in drosophila melanogaster and its variation with age. 196414124947
the structure of intralocus duplication and deficiency chromosomes produced by recombination in drosophila melanogaster, with evidence for polarized pairing. 196414124943
physiological genetics of melanotic tumors in drosophila melanogaster. ii. 196414124941
epigenetics of the promorphology of the egg in drosophila melanogaster. 196414118843
genetic variations of phosphatases in larvae of drosophila melanogaster. 196414110474
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in drosophila: x-linked electrophoretic variants.three electrophoretic patterns of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase have been found in wild-type strains of drosophila melanogaster. genetical control of the variants in enzyme mobility (fast or slow) is x-linked; strains possessing both bands (fast and slow) appear to be heterogeneous, having individuals of three types (fast, slow, and double).196414075724
genetic effects of cosmic radiation in drosophila melanogaster. 196414085589
xanthine dehydrogenase: differences in activity among drosophila drosophila melanogaster, mutants at two loci are known to lack detectable amounts of xanthine dehydrogenase activity. these are the maroon-like eye-color locus on the x chromosome and the rosy-eye-color locus on the third chromosome (52+/-). a survey was made of the xanthine dehydrogenase content of 98 wild-type strains of d. melanogaster. one strain with 25 percent of the xanthine dehydrogenase activity found in normal flies is described. strains with high xanthine dehydrogenase activity hav ...196414075707
[influence of a folic acid inhibitor on the morphogenesis of the wing of vestigial heterozygotes in drosophila melanogaster]. 196414252605
[comparative study of biometric characteristics as a function of the geographic origin of various strains of drosophila melanogaster]. 196414249000
the influence of temperature changes on sex formation in drosophila melanogaster l. 196414246387
a heritable aberrant sex-ratio in drosophila melanogaster reducing the number of females. 196414236167
egg lengths in drosophila melanogaster and correlated responses to selection. 196414236166
[euheterosis and luxuriance in drosophila melanogaster]. 196414202162
[division of x-chromosomes under the influence of ionizing radiations during spermatogenesis in drosophila melanogaster]. 196414189221
Displaying items 901 - 1000 of 33295